Minecraft Skyblock, but it’s One Block #1 Starter house!

Video Information

Hey folks whip here and welcome to one block sitting in the middle of the sky inside of minecraft you got it that’s right we are in skyblock one block minecraft here and i am so very excited to get to work on this thing here what

We got to do to get ourselves started is a break this block right here below us this is the map by i jam minecraft it’ll be a link down in the description as well if you’re excited for the series please be sure to click that like button down below and

Subscribe if you’re brand new as you break the first block and we got a block of dirt i like dirt let’s put the dirt right here hopefully we can get some grass to spread to it and we can get infinite grass already and wood not quite dirt not quite dirt

But i’m gonna start working out this way i like this i like where we’re going and we got the wood we’re good this is all we do everybody welcome to the series we break the block right below us if you haven’t heard of this one this is

A skyblock series here that i absolutely love and i’m so very much looking forward to this one but the cool part about this series is instead of need to work on the cobblestone generator and everything like that well for example we got chest right here with two apples for ourselves

And i think i can get this chest back i’m gonna stay on this other block right next to us here and maybe we can get it perfect we can so we’ve got a little spot we can store some stuff we can put our apples in there and we can make some slabs and

Work our way all the way around this guy let me know some goals that you think we should have down in the comments below and i’m gonna give ourselves let’s go pickaxe just to be safe here but i would love to create an axe very soon i think

I would like to do a lot of the survival goodness of there’s apparently ten phases that we gotta work through inside of this world that’s gonna be super duper exciting as we start to grow our island and we basically keep breaking this block to keep moving through all of the different phases

Oh it’s a pig oh god hi pig um hi i’m worried you’re gonna fall off the side let’s use these oak logs that we got make a few more slabs and see if we can’t give him a nice little area to chill over here i know charlie it’s a lovely view isn’t

It buddy it’s really just absolutely lovely up here it’s great how we doing doing great did you know later rarer blocks spawn too i didn’t know that huh we got ourselves another chest and this time we’ve got an oak sapling that is absolutely amazing i’m gonna give ourselves a little bit

More space around this guy right over here with some more slabs we’re going to place one piece of dirt down and then from there we can start planting the trees because this is really where things start to grow i don’t get it because we’re going to

Grow a tree a lot quicker because we need that and then we can start getting our own wood instead of out of here oh wait we got gravel oh god it fell oh no goodbye gravel how do i get under there we have to get water somehow so we can build downwards

Charlie help place a block under the infinite block yeah how do i do that how do i do that buddy that’s how that’s that right there that’s how we do it okay everybody we got we got it we can make this happen water bucket going down and uh we’re

Gonna move probably everything we have down a few blocks i think that’s a better way to go all right so if we come all the way down here and build our new platform with everything we have down at this layer we can have like a ups or shrine almost

Of source that produces this infinite block for us now the real question is how do i get charlie down here i’m worried about him i’m very worried about little charlie up there all right buddy i’m trying to bring you down safely just get ready it’s gonna be a little

Bit of an abrupt drop yeah you’re safe though you’re safe okay welcome down we are really cooking with gas now everything is moved down besides the chest and the crafting table but that is a-okay i’ve realized that every time i break one of the blocks that that dude is up

On where our infinite block is spawning the things are just spawning right back up there so i think for now we might have to do a little bit of a loop around there but we can just do a little bit of a slab staircase to get ourselves up to

The top so that’ll be totally fine and the gravel just went down oh gosh that’s a lot of gravel and then it should all be down here yes and it’s auto gathering because we have this lovely little spot of slabs then we get the wooden hoe i remember out of

Skyblock i’m a professional minecrafter look at this stuff right here and then we hoe it all back down oh you can’t do the top the lower ones professional minecraft for everybody ready for an adventure no no i’m not please don’t be a creeper please don’t be a creeper

Something’s below me oh it’s a heart it’s i think this was making the sounds oak wood sapling torch i like torch torch oh it loves us it loves us everybody goodbye loving chest oh no upgrade okay i thought that was a ticking time bomb oh let’s go over here on our tree

Reached phase one the planes enough flowers and trees grow here to last a lifetime oh god what are we doing what are we doing what is going on oh my gosh we have grass yes thank you melon wait we can turn this into melon seeds farmland we can do it wait

Farmland farmland farmland for melon seeds we’re eating melons charlie we got melons buddy we got melons owing the ground right out there and then we plant the melon seeds right in there and i think we should have enough light or at least the water source will reach farther enough to get that so

That’s going to bring us back home which is great the sun is coming back up we’ve got our block of grass over there things are looking great going into day two of the hundred kidding kidding not a hundred day challenge just the skyblock series oh it’s another piggy charlie you have a friend

Charlie too we have charlie and charlie too go down there charlie too new best friends that anybody could have we’re the best friends that anyone could have nope moving on okay we got ourselves a pumpkin over here too which we can turn into even more seeds

Check that out four more seeds for us oh my gosh hi hi how are you what’s your name you shy a little shy that’s okay you can go down there with a charlie sir now we’ll introduce ourselves later it’s okay i couldn’t think of a name for the cow

Let me know ideas in the comments down below and we got another chest with a potato oh we have a potato yes and all we need to do with this here potato put it down right over here oh my gosh we got a sheep i’ll send you down here with the crew

With the rest of the animal crew welcome on in welcome aboard three saplings planted down and ready to go and i’ve got a bunch more slabs for ourselves too which is pretty sweet and no you’re headed up you guys are all climbing up to the top

And we’ve got two chickens up here oh my gosh double chicken action double the trouble okay uh everybody needs to avoid the water because that’s how we have a big problem so what i’m gonna do here nobody gets inside the water okay i just had the biggest of brain plays

That i think i’ve ever had is we can get a composter which i think i can use these melon and pumpkin slices on and we can maybe get a bone meal we got a bone meal okay okay okay where’d it go i think it went on top

We’ve got a little bit of grass over here if i bone meal that can i get a seed with the hoe no no seed seed no just a flower just a stupid little flower you just ate the grass excuse me that is exact opposite of what we want to be doing

Right now we got a seed we got our first seed oh it’s a big day it’s a big day and you my friend are going right there oh perfect back to the grind we got a third charlie hi charlie three we got a sweet berry seed and a carrot

In here which means we can do a little bit more farming stuff i feel like we’re really starting to get some things set up and we got another melon we’ve got another chest oh it’s all fantastic come to think of it we can actually plant this berry bush down here too i

Think i might plant it over by the trees so it’s just not right in the middle of all of our animals and the farmland that we have over there but it can be an extra little bonus food source so he can go right there that way nobody can die on it

This is such a big moment inside of any sky block world your first tree that you’ve grown on your little island you then get a harvest and watch the saplings fall right into the void so for that i’m gonna do another block going right around the edge

Or you get no saplings and normally that’s when you say all right time to restart the skyblock series like that right there no saplings love it all right everybody move away from the torch i’ve got some blocks to break i’ve decided to change away from breaking that stuff constantly

To i think it’s time that we get a little bit of a mob farm set up for ourselves so using all of the oak wood and a birchwood we have let’s go ahead and make a bunch of oak slabs for now get ourselves a moving off this way just

Like what 20 blocks or so at the actual slab layer and then we’re gonna build a little bit of a dark room wait oh my gosh i see a i see a sapling i see a slapling we have to fix this we have to get it ready it has to be up

Here please don’t despawn please don’t respond how could i miss that earlier i thought we didn’t get one more berry bushes too wow it’s a good day this right here seems about long enough for ourselves to build a little platform to put some scary monsters in

So on the slab layer here i’m thinking we bring ourselves just a little bit of a platform to stand on so we can go out both directions with this guy something tells me light calculates differently come minecraft 1.16 so all those like the light through these slabs can actually

Bleed in there so uh i might have just goofed this whole thing up and it won’t work at all but at least sir now when we’re standing all the way back over here at night time the only place mobs can spawn is right in there so that could help still

I’m just gonna put some fences on this one so we can send it all the way out this way put some grass in the middle and then we’ll just leave it as is if it’s dark and scary mob spawn all the way out here then that’s pretty cool too

But somehow i need to get all of the animals over to here got myself an oak fence gate right over here and we’ve got a bunch of oak fences that i think might be able to go almost all the way around this guy or at least you know most of the way nope

Not even close okay i need some more excuse me chicken just going right by you he’s in he’s in the first one’s inside you want to go inside too come on in come on in the grass is fine no okay that’s fine yeah there you go look at that lovely grass

Yes all the way over here charlie to your new friend charlie charlie meet charlie here you go charlies the parrots and the bats we have a little charlie hi little charlie upgrading in 1817 oh god oh god i feel like we’re going to start getting hostile mobs out here i’m

Nervous i’m very nervous for what is happening after that upgrade i should have waited i should have waited until i got all the animals in there oh i’m panicking many monsters roam through dark hollows ah the underground i think we hold off on that for a second

One because no i do have a pickaxe that’s good news i want to get all the animals moved over you three are making me very nervous right now please no we lost the shrimp no come on guys you had one job walk across the pathway together no food for you

You killed your friend one of you killed the other sheep too i don’t know which it was but you’re all in trouble the first hostile mobs and a bat are spawning over in a little fortress thingy over here what can we get is it safe to attack this guys what i

Really want to know looks like it is oh we’re getting please give a bone please give a bone just arrows dang it i was really hoping for a bone so all we got to do is stand underneath this guy the hostile mob should spawn in there

If the any do pop out and uh we’ll just keep breaking this stuff thankfully all the blocks just keep piling on top so it’s okay right now first call first call first call oh my gosh wait second goal okay i need those we need torches we are in the stone age

Check that out right there first thing i think we do is a furnace so we can start smelting down some charcoal which will be amazing but this right here will at least give us some torches i promise we will actually get to building a house here very soon

Just the starting phases of skyblock take forever i’m seeing some iron ore right up there which is a really good thing we got enough cobblestone to actually craft ourselves a pickaxe because otherwise would be quite awkward so we need the stone pickaxe right in here we can mine this iron

And hopefully get a super upgrade i can’t decide bucket first or a shears first ayanna mushroom oh that’s mushroom stew wait hi how are you i love you i love you you can be food a lot more mobs are spawning over here though which is really cool that this is actually

Working so that’s great we can get rid of the creeper because he’s a little bit of a danger to what we have going on here and there’s our first gun powder if we can get to it then these guys we’re kind of waiting to see if we get a zombie villager that’s

Gonna be really iffy though i’m not crossing my fingers or toes on that one do not fall in that void do not fall in that void all the way in here you go in i need to get by you push you back in oh this is iffy

Up into the hill into the pit into your little pen it’s gonna be great very spacious very spacious and he’s in okay perfect now the reason why that is big value is we can come over here with some blanks and make ourselves some bowls put these right back over here and this

Dude should give us unlimited mushroom stew yes he does oh there’s unlimited food for us we’re gonna expanding our area a little bit further over here this is kind of turning into a giant square that i just keep extending further and further for ourselves but i

Think for now this is just going to be where we do a majority of our tree chopping and placing back down i really want to make sure we’re preserving as many of the saplings as we can things are really starting to progress forward a lot here as we now have a

Bunch of stone tools for ourselves all of the crops are starting to cycle pretty well and i’ll be able to chop down a lot of trees now too and hey look we even got some more coal here perfect okay back and forth between all the tools that we’re breaking things with

We got another zombie on top but he doesn’t seem to care about us right now i think we can maybe get him from underneath um we just had an explosion of bunnies up here hi how we doing the three brown bunnies and they can get through

Oh my gosh there’s four yeah they’re all gonna jump off and kill themselves i’m not even gonna try with the bunnies i feel like i’m just babysitting a bunch of animals right now and i don’t know quite how to feel about that one oh my god they added even more bunnies all

Right i think that means that we just kill them i think that just means we just get rid of these guys yeah i’m sorry i’m sorry there’s i don’t need this many bunnies on my island a variety chest up here we got some string potatoes and another sapling for ourselves how

Lovely oh i forgot i need to get that burst sapling planted down let’s get another little area figured out for these we’ve got a lot of oak wood now so i’m okay spending on a few more slabs the iron that we smelted down is ready

Here as well and i think the first thing we got to do since we already have a bucket is i need to make some shears so that we can start shearing that sheepy boy over here hello hello one wool only your friend was here looks like we got an apple from the tree

So come on over here cows we got you and you right back there can have it the charlie’s they’re okay being the trio and back to my position of more bunnies oh god get over here i know you’re there oh he broke my axe too

Cool part is those we can use for rabbit hud to make one extra leather for us so we’re slowly working towards some books we need sugarcane though i feel like on that first and foremost shoot up everybody another time over here and we’ve got ourselves a

Bed oh i’m so excited we finally have a white bed for ourselves respawn point set i think it was already up here but you know it’s right down here now it’s great i think the plan now though is we move towards building a house back in

This area my end goal is to turn it so we have a bunch of floating looking islands and things instead of just a giant platform of wood i’m a builder after all i don’t like just leaving these things around like this but for now we’ve got to uh figure out

How the heck we’re gonna get our island over here to avoid making this too gridlike i’m gonna go off at a little bit of an angle so we have a slight bit of a curve for ourselves so we’re gonna have the farmland throughout here which will probably move in the end

But i think if we just do the house something right back over here create a big platform for ourselves then we work on it from that point might be able to work out we might be positioning ourselves a little too close to that mob farm over there but again that thing was

Real temporary i really hope i can do better than that but uh this will be a good spot for ourselves over here i’ve got a decent amount of size for the island this is gonna be a starter house after all so it doesn’t have to be absolutely massive not quite sure yet

How i’m gonna get the planks actually down below this point but we’ll figure that out in a minute for now we just need to focus on all of this i’m not too sure if this is going to work for ourselves but if we come in here and put this

Down i’m going to throw everything on the floor right over there because i feel like this might throw me through the floor and take that no it does not work at all okay never mind but that right here works okay perfect let’s do this woohoo building downwards this looks

About as day one of minecraft house as we can possibly get but i think it’s gonna serve the purpose for ourselves this one actually can stay for now i would love to build ourselves up just a few blocks and then we’re gonna bring in some stripped wood the first birch tree just grew

But unless those grow quicker i think we’re just gonna go with some oak wood instead here to help make things move a little bit faster i just now realized as well our first spruce tree grew so we could maybe use some spruce wood as a trim block for the roof i honestly

Want to use granite or andesite if we can but i don’t think we have a stone cutter quite yet we actually wait we can make one no that’s not good sleepy time burn burn yeah run away i see you trying to find shelter there’s no shelter over there uh-huh yeah mm-hmm

What are you trying to do now what are you trying to do now you coming for this water you coming for this water i will defend this water oh no he’s gonna shoot me mine i’ve decided even in order to save a little bit of time here

Is we’re gonna be using the stripped oak log instead and i guess technically we need to have a doorway right there so that’s not gonna really work and then for the windows we’re just gonna be using some of the oak fences but something right here on the front

Should be super cool and then we can have a very big archway on top of it as well so we can have a little bit more of the oakwood in there we’ll be able to serve a second floor for us but i just need to chop a bunch of trees down now

Thankfully it is really starting to ramp up the production oh no no no no oh god okay save that that was the first jump scare of this entire time holy cow he almost blew everything up up here all right well i’m really really glad i have those fences in now

Oh it’s another one no closing closer closer no you stay right up there little creeper back over at the house now we’ve got a door on the front face i probably want to put it from the other side though otherwise it’s going to look a little

Weird and there’s a gap in this okay gotta be careful of that one for now how can i get up onto here probably something right like about this point and then what i would love to do is we add some of these guys back here into

The center so we have that strip of the solid lug then stretch this stuff all the way up here and we give ourselves a nice little rounded off roof i think i can fit a tiny little second floor in that point which is some slabs on this layer

I think that’ll be totally doable we’ve got to make a campfire block at some point so we can get a nice little chimney on this thing but for now let’s just go ahead and get these walls in yeah that’s a good size i think that’s a great size for a little starter house

All we need is a storage room in there and a place to move this bed into i did get a bunch more spruce saplings over here so i think with these i can actually go ahead and grow a two by two one which should give us

A lot of spruce wood three bone meal acquired and that might be enough to grow one of the trees i also wanted to move the composter because it keeps getting everything picked up on top of it big tree please no no big tree no big tree for us

I swear anytime a mob spawns up here it is absolutely terrifying me but we got ourselves another mooshroom so that’s pretty cool i think we might keep this guy because we can also shear the mushrooms get a regular cow which is pretty sweet speaking of which

I’ve got a little bit more wheat over here so we can go breed all these cows up there we go the herd size is slowly growing and eventually there’s gonna be way too many out there but for now not a problem at all now you buddy can

We just get you out of there you want to follow me down here yeah you can just chill on this lower platform for now oh my gosh we have so many trees i was just starting to do a little work over there and they just went poof everywhere we

Even got a big spruce tree in the background now and all these things oh my gosh i’ve chopped so many trees down i need to just stop on the saplings for a second here and catch back up holy cow i must say we got one of the best double tall spruce trees we

Could have possibly gotten because leaves are literally everywhere they even went below where they the saplings were placed i don’t know how that happened but they were gonna get so many saplings off of this it’s gonna be crazy and so many of them are gonna fall off

The edge over here like that guy right down there goodbye now what i was thinking to give ourselves a much cooler feel and actually some more space on the upper layer here is if we take some guys that like in there and we take the trapdoors right across here and then everything above

That point we just bump it out a block i feel like that can be very cool then we can do the same thing right over here we can do this all the way around in all the different corners and i think it’s going to give ourselves a very cottage core feel

Now we don’t quite have any glass yet and i think we won’t be able to get that until we get librarian so i was thinking we could make a few oak trapdoors as well and now the more i’ve been looking into it the more i like the idea of having a

Little oak trapdoor window on all four of these little points up here so we can get some way to view outside from the top because the windows are a big thing that i like including inside these builds so gonna make sure we can throw a lot of

Them in now that we’ve got all those sections in what’s looking like from over here not half bad the roof is definitely gonna save this build though giving ourselves a little bit more of an overhang right here we can bring that guy all the way out and bring the stairs all

The way back in over here i’ve done this roof style quite a few times before and i’ve recently really really loved using it but i think it’s gonna help a lot with that cottage core vibe that i’m trying to go for here is actually using a slab and then a full block

On the top here instead of just having it going all the way to a point giving ourselves a slightly more rounded feel is gonna help the roof feel a lot better with it being a bit more stout and like stubby short that right there looks a million times

Better i wish i had a little lantern to throw right there we could make one but i don’t know if it’s worth the iron so i’ve been doing a little bit of work here on the house and i did get a touch carried away from the last time we spoke

I’m working right now on turning it into an actual island area instead of before just felt like we’re on a wooden platform in the sky which i wasn’t too happy about but what i am very happy about is i spent all of my iron

On a lantern and i love it it was so worth it everybody it was so worth it but check out the roof right up there i think it’s looking awesome we got the chimney on top this is a very familiar roof design for myself and i think it turned out very well

But we can give ourselves some top little windows popping out right there with the oak trap door perfect all right all four of them are in it looks like i need some more fences around here as well for the lower windows but we’ve got at least a pretty cool

Front entryway right now i know it’s all dirt but dirt right here is better than what it was feeling like before to me and also we can put our little cornflower look at the nice little flower we got we bone mealed that we grew that ourself out of nothing in the sky

And of course we have to plant some of the copious amounts of sweet berries we got around here so we can have some really cool decoration around the house too and then that that’s i’m probably going to kill myself on that trying to get inside so we should just get rid of that

One we’ve got space to move the furnace in here and everything is really starting to come together i have a tiny amount of headroom that if we put a floor at this layer and have a ladder to get ourselves up maybe about right there we can actually have a second story

Bedroom which will be pretty sweet really wishing i had another piece of iron right now wait i got an iron ore we can do it we can do it it’s all good can i craft the i think i can use slabs to smelt stuff now right

Yes perfect all right that means we can get some sheer so we could chop some leaves down and put some decorative bushes around the place oh so good just kidding i’m dumb i’ve already made shears earlier but we know to iron that’s great well for now we’ve just got our furnace

And some empty chests in here and we’ve got the bed on the second floor which is looking pretty great and i still got to add these leaves to the outside real fast but i was thinking just something right up here could be kind of fun really making it feel like it’s an

Overgrown cottage just randomly floating in the sky which is just so fun to me we’ll get the dirt and everything around there’s a backside in a future episode but this is looking absolutely fantastic for a starter outlet episode one oh this is so good there we go my

Friends as the sun is set in here we’ve got ourselves a house we’ve got ourselves a farm we’ve got ourselves a bunch of charlie’s hanging out over there with the cows and sheeps and chickens and everything we’ve got mushrooms we’ve got trees and we’ve got this mass

Magical glowing block right here that uh let’s see is it going to give a creeper again not this time perfect but that my friends is going to have to do it for episode one here of the skyblock one block let’s play any tips and suggestions you all have for this thing

Please be sure to let me know down in the comments below i’m a pretty big noob to this type of minecraft here so i would very much appreciate any and all the support you have but as the sun is setting i’m gonna be out of here for now please be sure to

Click that like button down below subscribe if you’re brand new and with that my friends i will catch you on the flip side

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Skyblock, but it’s One Block #1 Starter house!’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2021-05-20 17:15:01. It has garnered 2391959 views and 43415 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:38 or 1538 seconds.

Starting out a brand new series on the Minecraft Skyblock, but it’s one block map in Minecraft 1.16 Survival! Episode 1, we’re building up a starter house all from one single block!

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Skyblock, Oneblock MAP: https://ijaminecraft.com/map/oneblock/

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    Unveiling New Features in InWitched Mod Exciting NEW FEATURES to InWitched, a Minecraft Mod Introduction InWitched, a Minecraft mod created by 𝓜Ꮛ, has recently received an update for Neoforge 1.20.4 and Forge 1.20.1, 1.19.4, 1.19.2. This mod brings a touch of witchcraft to the Minecraft world, allowing players to explore new magical elements and features. Features InWitched introduces a variety of new features to enhance the gameplay experience. Players can delve into the world of witchcraft, with new spells, potions, and magical items to discover. The mod also includes new mobs and creatures, adding an extra layer of challenge and excitement to the game. Spellcasting… Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft War

    The Ultimate Minecraft War The Epic Tale of the Greatest War in Minecraft History Have you ever experienced betrayal in the world of Minecraft? Well, the players in the TakenHeart Minecraft SMP certainly have. This betrayal sparked a chain of events that led to what is now known as the Biggest War in Minecraft’s History. Teams were torn apart, alliances were shattered, and a full-blown war erupted in the Minecraft End… The Beginning of the Conflict It all started with a simple act of betrayal. One player, driven by greed and ambition, decided to backstab their fellow teammates, setting off a chain reaction… Read More

  • Minecraft Mastermind: Solving Your Woes in Rhyme

    Minecraft Mastermind: Solving Your Woes in Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, problems arise, But fear not, for Knarfy’s here with wise eyes. Solving issues with datapacks and mods, Creating content that truly applauds. No downloads available, just watch and see, Knarfy’s creativity, pure and free. Join the Discord, be part of the crew, For more Minecraft magic, just for you. Legendary merch, for fans to wear, Support Knarfy, show you care. Join as a member, for perks and fun, Directly support, a job well done. For business inquiries, reach out and connect, Collaborate with Knarfy, show your respect. Follow on Twitter, TikTok, and more, Stay… Read More

  • Ultimate Mutant Portal Prank – Minecraft

    Ultimate Mutant Portal Prank - Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Mutant Banban Portal Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft by creating the Mutant Banban Portal, also known as the Garten of Banban. This unique portal offers players a chance to explore a mysterious and exciting new world within the game. Creating the Portal To create the Mutant Banban Portal, players must gather specific resources and follow a set of instructions. The portal serves as a gateway to a realm filled with challenges, treasures, and surprises. Once the portal is activated, players can step through and begin their exploration. Features of the Garten of Banban Within… Read More

  • Master Minecraft Mining: Find Every Ore!

    Master Minecraft Mining: Find Every Ore! The Ultimate Minecraft Mining Guide 1.21 Embark on a mining adventure like never before with the ultimate Minecraft 1.21 mining guide! Discover the best strategies to unearth precious ores in both Bedrock and Java editions. From diamonds to netherite, iron to emerald, this guide covers it all. Get ready to delve deep into the world of Minecraft mining and uncover valuable tips and tricks along the way. Mastering the Pickaxe Before you begin your mining journey, it’s essential to understand the importance of the pickaxe. Learn how to choose the right pickaxe for the job and maximize your mining… Read More

  • Insane Hive Live Stream || Join Now for Crazy Cs’s || Minecraft Bedrock

    Insane Hive Live Stream || Join Now for Crazy Cs's || Minecraft BedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hive Live ||With Viewers!||Cs’s And More!||Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by ItzMqgicX on 2024-06-03 03:17:26. It has garnered 213 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:18 or 5718 seconds. Yo and welcome! Im Magic/Mqgic.I will be streaming HiveMC and you can join and play! enjoy your time with us.We raid a streamer after EVERY stream! We love supporting small streamers in The HIVEMC Community! Like always there are rules that i shall be going over: [Dont curse [Don’t be toxic [No racism ofc [No stream sniping [Have fun! [how to get raided]… Read More

  • Sneaky Chara Plays Minecraft! Join Now

    Sneaky Chara Plays Minecraft! Join NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chara Gabes Play Minecraft (Sub-goal: 1500) Join In Server Ip:PUBLICUTServer.aternos.me JAVA MC’, was uploaded by UT!Chara Galix YT on 2024-07-10 02:51:36. It has garnered 83 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 05:14:43 or 18883 seconds. Rules for server:No Hacking. No Being Racist. No X-Ray. No Hacking. No Exsploats. NO FUCKING LAG MACHINES Custom Comands: /Tpa (UserName) It Sends A Telport Request. /sethome (SomeName) That will Set a home. /Home (The Home) If you do /sethome with it will telport you to that home Chat Rules:Speak English Please.No NSFW. Dont Vent In… Read More

  • Beating Ender Dragon LIVE – EPIC STREAM!

    Beating Ender Dragon LIVE -  EPIC STREAM!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE STWEAMY | BEATING ENDER DRAGON’, was uploaded by Game Ed on 2024-07-20 06:08:32. It has garnered 911 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:22 or 3442 seconds. Follow my Twitter – https://twitter.com/MCShortsCollab Join my discord server – https://discord.gg/TjEYqAdHyj Donate to my paypal – https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/gameed Read More

  • Addictive Crack Action – PowerWash Madness!

    Addictive Crack Action - PowerWash Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Want Some Crack – PowerWash Simulator [03]’, was uploaded by ziggysiggy on 2024-03-05 14:35:00. It has garnered 21 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:09 or 5409 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Discord: https://discord.gg/8tb8RPaHqP Thank you for watching my Minecraft. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my video, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next video or stream!!!, Become a star streamer… Read More

  • Epic Fail in Minecraft LOL 😂 #shorts

    Epic Fail in Minecraft LOL 😂 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Failed SO Bad Lolll #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by ZYELOE on 2024-07-19 23:57:55. It has garnered 10689 views and 200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. I Failed So Bad Bro… Don’t Forget To SMASH That Like Button Pretty Plzzzzz This Server Is Called Lifeboat Survival Mode! Come Join So We Can PvP For Fun Or Team 🙂 I Do GIVEAWAYS Like REAL MONEY Or Gaming Equipment Like A PC Or A OP Headset! The More Yall Support Me The More I’ll Be Able To Support Yall! So SMASH… Read More

  • JJ & Mikey’s Terrifying Encounter with KING KONG in Minecraft!🦍

    JJ & Mikey's Terrifying Encounter with KING KONG in Minecraft!🦍Video Information This video, titled ‘How Scary KING KONG Called JJ and Mikey at Night in Minecraft! – Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey World on 2024-06-04 22:30:00. It has garnered 5228 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:05 or 1805 seconds. How Scary KING KONG Called JJ and Mikey at Night in Minecraft! – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting… Read More

  • 🚓 Snitch on Mr GreeKyyy – Find out why I’m KoN! #shorts

    🚓 Snitch on Mr GreeKyyy - Find out why I'm KoN! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ||📍Ajj Police Wale Ko🔥 Btana Padega Ki Mai 💪KoN Huu!! #shorts #youtubeshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr GreeKyyy on 2024-01-04 17:22:31. It has garnered 2785 views and 111 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Minecraft ||📍Ajj Police Wale Ko🔥 Btana Padega Ki Mai 💪KoN Huu!! #shorts #youtubeshorts #minecraft #shortsvideo #freefire #youtubeshorts #shortsvideo #freefire #lee si young #free fire status video 😭😭 #free fire old #free fire king #free fire shorts #old free fire status #free fire old status #free fire #lee tae sung #free fire max #best gameplay #aditya… Read More

  • “Unbelievable End City Loot Hacks!” | Minecraft 1.20 Guide

    "Unbelievable End City Loot Hacks!" | Minecraft 1.20 GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘Secret Tricks To MAXIMIZE End City Loot! | Minecraft 1.20 Guide’, was uploaded by wattles on 2024-04-14 17:56:08. It has garnered 32769 views and 1771 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:34 or 1414 seconds. Minecraft Guide 73 is all about Minecraft’s end game structure, the end city!! In this episode we dive into one we found previously, find the elytra, and talk fun end city tips and tricks along the way! 📷 instagram https://www.instagram.com/stonegalerie/ 💗 patreon https://www.patreon.com/wattles 🐤 twitter https://twitter.com/itiswattles 📖 reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/wattles/ 👕 my shop https://shop-wattles.creator-spring.com/ The Minecraft Guide is a tutorial… Read More

  • INSANE Bartering Farm in Minecraft!

    INSANE Bartering Farm in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building an INSANE Bartering Farm in Survival Minecraft’, was uploaded by DashPum4 on 2024-05-20 03:55:45. It has garnered 1499 views and 88 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:36 or 10416 seconds. Donate: https://streamelements.com/dashpum4-483d9/tip (please donate through here rather than through Superchat because Youtube takes a big cut, so this donation system doesn’t) Watch all my livestreams no longer live! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0A3hOMpbYdl7HxFZzN658UU_S0c5yxnl Commands: !points: Tells you how many pumpkins you have type !redeem, then a space and then one of these options: first (1): Tell everyone that you were the first to the stream. hydrate… Read More

  • The Hub Servers

    The Hub ServersWelcome to The Hub Servers, where the sky’s the limit! Immerse yourself in the ultimate Skyblock adventure with our meticulously crafted gameplay designed to push the boundaries of your imagination. Discord: https://discord.gg/ZKabdPxBre Website: https://thehub.tebex.io/ Featuring: Customized Skyblock gameplay: Experience Skyblock like never before with unique challenges, custom plugins, and exclusive features. Community-driven events: Join in on exciting events and competitions hosted by our dedicated staff team. Player economy: Trade with others, build your wealth, and establish your dominance in the market. Regular updates: We’re constantly evolving and adding new content to keep the adventure fresh and exciting. Friendly community: Forge… Read More

  • Horizon SMP – Semi-vanilla, Whitelist

    Welcome to Horizon SMP! Hello! My name is Cookie and I want to welcome you to the Horizon SMP. We are a friendly, open community of players looking to have a good time playing Minecraft together. Invite your friends to join us on JAVA 1.21, professionally hosted with long-term support for our worlds. Join our Discord using the invite code sDd5DYNmvG. We are on our newest season after nearly 4 years of operation and are looking for new players! Read More

  • RealmCraft

    RealmCraftA Minecraft Medieval Fantasy server focused on nation building, roleplay, war, diplomacy, immersive experiences and geopolitcs in a historical setting. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve crushes Goku

    Minecraft Memes - Steve crushes GokuWell, I guess Steve really is the ultimate Minecraft warrior if he can beat Goku with just a totem of undying! It’s like Rock, Paper, Scissors, but with pixels. Read More

  • Love Quest: Minecraft Animation Boy’s Heartbeat

    Love Quest: Minecraft Animation Boy's Heartbeat In the world of Minecraft, where love takes flight, Martin’s animation, shining bright. Desire for love, a tale to tell, With LGBT+ elements, breaking the spell. Join Martin on his journey, don’t be shy, Subscribe, like, and comment, reach for the sky. But if LGBT+ content isn’t your cup of tea, Kindly exit the channel, let it be. No saving or sharing, that’s the rule, Respect Martin’s work, keep it cool. For advertising, reach out by mail, Or on Telegram, without fail. So leap into the verse, with love in sight, In Martin’s world, where everything’s right. Minecraft animation,… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos!

    Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Skyblock Shenanigans: Episode 3

    Skyblock Shenanigans: Episode 3 Exploring the World of Minecraft Skyblock with Dylancoleplays Embark on an exciting journey with Dylancoleplays as he delves into the captivating world of Minecraft Skyblock. Join him as he navigates through challenges, builds impressive structures, and interacts with a vibrant community of players. Let’s dive into the action-packed episode and discover the wonders of Skyblock! Episode Highlights In this episode, Dylancoleplays takes on his first quest in the Skyblock universe. As he explores the vast expanse of his island, he encounters various obstacles and tasks that test his creativity and ingenuity. From gathering essential resources to expanding his island,… Read More

  • EPIC Nether Hub Dig BMC S5 by JustSammie!

    EPIC Nether Hub Dig BMC S5 by JustSammie!Video Information This video, titled ‘Nether hub dig! BMC S5′, was uploaded by JustSammie on 2024-06-22 03:48:17. It has garnered 98 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 03:57:18 or 14238 seconds. Lets prep this nether hub! Bedrockin’ Minecraft server is running on a Sparkedhost server by Prowl. If you are looking for your own dedicated server, use Prowls link here https://billing.sparkedhost.com/aff.php?aff=2075 to setup your new server today! Read More

  • Raspberry’s Ultimate Hardcore Finale!

    Raspberry's Ultimate Hardcore Finale!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE END? – Minecraft Hardcore Let’s Play Episode 4’, was uploaded by raspberryylive on 2024-04-21 12:30:08. It has garnered 28 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:17:08 or 4628 seconds. CAN we CONQUER the END in my first EVER Hardcore attempt?! Let’s find out! Welcome to episode 4 of my Minecraft Hardcore Let’s Play! Stay tuned for more videos coming soon! This video was captured LIVE from my streams over on twitch! Come hang out with us over at www.twitch.tv/raspberryylive Read More

  • THE TRUTH about Blue Jays in Minecraft anarchy pt2

    THE TRUTH about Blue Jays in Minecraft anarchy pt2Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft anarchy p2’, was uploaded by Blue Jay justifiers on 2024-06-02 23:55:53. It has garnered 0 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:06 or 7986 seconds. Playing servers Read More

  • Unbelievable! Surviving on a Cloud in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable! Surviving on a Cloud in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Sådan Overlevede Jeg På En Sky i Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Judex on 2024-01-14 05:15:00. It has garnered 8310 views and 363 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:51 or 1071 seconds. 👕MERCHANDISE👕 ➤ https://geekd.dk/collections/judex-merchandise 📸VLOG CHANNEL📸 ➤ https://www.youtube.com/davidj%C3%A6gervlog ✨ROBLOX GROUP✨ ➤ https://www.roblox.com/groups/14434616 💎Would you like to support the channel extra?💎 ➤ Become a Member here!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB2cINVTgw9Tv4WUgjLM21w/join 🔥SOCIAL MEDIA🔥 ➤ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/David.Jaeger ➤ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JudexGaming ➤ Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/JudexGaming ⭐️MIN DISCORD SERVER⭐️ ➤ https://discord.gg/6Zxf92D 🔑SUPPORT-A-CREATOR🔑 ➤ Use the code: “judex” in the item shop in Fortnite, it would mean a lot!💛 🎮SETUP🎮 My setup consists… Read More

  • Escape the Madness with Zai! #1 Minecraft Find the Button

    Escape the Madness with Zai! #1 Minecraft Find the ButtonVideo Information This video, titled ‘Langkah awal untuk keluar dari sini[ Minecraft find the button] #1’, was uploaded by Zai on 2024-02-03 08:37:27. It has garnered 45 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:11 or 731 seconds. Hello my friends, I’m playing with my friends again, I hope our behavior can entertain my friends, if so enjoy the video, friends, don’t forget to subscribe and like. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Social media: IG: Tiktok: Twitter: Discord: __… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Memes – Daily Dose!

    Insane Minecraft Memes - Daily Dose!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MEMES 142’, was uploaded by Daily Dose Of Memes on 2024-04-24 12:19:01. It has garnered 202706 views and 2869 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:06 or 1326 seconds. Binge watch all Daily Dose Of Memes: http://bit.ly/DailyDoseOfMemess​​​​​​​ ​ Binge watch all Dank Dose Of Memes here: https://bit.ly/DankDoseOfMemes ​Join my Discord server: https://discord.gg/dbDJBbk​​​​​​​ ​ ​Visit my Facebook page: https://fb.me/dailydoseofmemes69​​​​​​​ ​ ​Welcome to your daily dose of video memes where I try to find the best memes for the day! I hope you will enjoy the content and if you do, don’t forget to like… Read More


    ULTIMATE HEROBRINE BATTLE - MINECRAFT VIRAL SHIVAM #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE VS LONG HEROBRINE BATTLE IN MINECRAFT #shorts#viral#minecraft#shortvideo#subscribe’, was uploaded by AZ GAMER SHIVAM on 2024-04-04 04:37:24. It has garnered 3069 views and 70 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Challenge: Battle the Ender Guardian!

    EPIC Minecraft Challenge: Battle the Ender Guardian!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: ENDER GAURDIAN CHALLENGE GAMES’, was uploaded by InfernoSavage on 2024-04-22 12:30:01. It has garnered 1812 views and 92 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:18 or 1638 seconds. * Challenge games were originally created by Popularmmos!!!* – In this video, my friend and I break lucky blocks to get epic items to fight the amazing modded boss. After the battle phase begins, the last person alive is the winner. – If you wish to see more content like this, please leave a comment telling us what boss you want us to fight or… Read More

  • Unbeatable Remix Challenge in Minecraft?? #music

    Unbeatable Remix Challenge in Minecraft?? #musicVideo Information This video, titled ‘Can you beat me?? #music #remix #effect #minecraft’, was uploaded by Unknown on 2024-07-27 17:51:54. It has garnered 139 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Nates Prisons Server

    Nates Prisons ServerSmall SMP Server With Other Mini Games Small Streamer Looking To Grow His Community Small Community Looking To Grow SMP Type Server | Factions Server | Prisons Server | Skyblock Server | More To Come natesprison.modded.fun Read More

  • SwipeSMP Vanilla SMP 1.21 Whitelisted

    Join Our 1.21 Vanilla SMP! If you’re looking to join a 1.21 vanilla SMP server, look no further! Our server is online 24/7 and we are building a great community. Comment with your Discord username if you’re interested in joining us. Must be 18+. Discord: runalossariot Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Day 3: Scalding Minecraft Blocks

    Day three: which Minecraft block is the hot one? I guess we all know now that it’s the lava block, because it’s bringing the heat with that high score of 1918! Read More

  • Mace Ace: Minecraft’s Mightiest Weapon Unleashed!

    Mace Ace: Minecraft's Mightiest Weapon Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, a powerful weapon we find, The Mace, with fire, it’s one of a kind. Enchantments galore, to make it shine bright, In battles and wars, it’s a formidable sight. Facing off against the Warden, a true test of might, With the Mace in hand, we’re ready to fight. Updates and edits, we’re always in tune, In the world of Minecraft, under the moon. So subscribe and support, join us in the game, With Junior Op, Minecraft will never be the same. Crafting and building, with rhymes as our guide, In the world of Minecraft,… Read More

Minecraft Skyblock, but it’s One Block #1 Starter house!