Minecraft Skywars but there is secret netherite everywhere…

Video Information

Whenever i play a game of minecraft skywars i get very angry when i don’t win i didn’t want to get angry today but i hid loads of netherright all over the map and didn’t tell any of the other players about it and you know what that

Means right it means i got all sorts of never right gear armor tools weapons you name it it was mine so if you guys are ready for it let’s get right into the wait what you’re not subscribed how could you not be subscribed fix it right

Now how could you hurry up hurry up all right have you done enough few that was close now we can get into the skywars game oh almost gave me a heart attack we’re out here back in the glass box here for another skywars game obviously we’re counting down we’re gonna get into

It oh look at that i spawned i’m on one of the blue bases let’s open these yes how’s it going everybody last time i played skywars on this channel i got pretty mad i made it so every single chest in the game was overpowered it was

A bit hectic the fights lasted about 20 years i i felt like my fingers were falling off afterwards i had to click about a million times so here we are in a game today this one’s a normal one finding these diamonds because i want to

Be smart i want to make a diamond sword i only got stung one obviously you’ve seen the title you’ve seen the intro this is going to be the only game that i’m playing normally i like doing this with skywars have a little control variable oh and i’m already dead okay well that

Was amazing okay well yeah i love playing this game excel we’re into the second one oh then let’s give that another go hopefully i don’t get thrown into the void this time after the first 10 seconds of being in the game this is still a normal one i can’t have the only

Normal game in this video end like that i’m a good player no one believes me they’re definitely not going to if they see them clips in the last game i got to redeem myself what’s over in this chest but we have some more blocks that’s good region

Who are you get away stop looking at me i did not allow it i really need to learn how to break fast i used to be able to do it i’m scared now i want to throw myself into the void oh the three pairs of diamond boots got the

Drip they’re all the exact same though prop two five four cause i got some spare got some ender pearls and some speed we love speed people are dying where are the other boys seeing no one in the middleweight how do people know on the stuff here i mean

I’ll take it more for me look at that what is this roger plot three knock back four fishing rod it does see oh there is someone up here oh he’s got diamond armor i do as well though i think it is time to pvp oh where’s he going to get

This just no he didn’t 64 snowballs come there maybe i can hit someone into the void now saying wait billy i’m not waiting for you i’m waiting for no one always throwing eggs at me oh it’s the board you’ve got oh what do you spy it must have been original

You got me as well with it though oh we’re just reaching in in a pool together i don’t really like that though so oh he’s facing me is he ding i don’t know what’s on this bow is it power through i think it was power three oh

Stop hurting me while he’s using a stone sword doing i can’t land a lot for the life of me oh yeah i can oh yeah i can oh and now he’s dead all the guys are next he’s gotta be here no way oh oh he’s dead i gotta kill i did the pvp

Someone else is coming in oh wait no he’s not i’m gonna kill him though i’m on a roll i told you i’m good at normal skywars just you wait till the next game oh that’s a fire aspect sword no i’m going up the hill now that was spicy on my skin oh this

Gesture a power four that’s five isn’t it looks like this just refilled as i was in it it’s up here there more gold apples to get all this stuff old apples again the end of pose that’s what i’m after we’re yummy 20 gaps come on oh someone’s chewing at

Me are they doesn’t matter bows aren’t going to affect next game let me get this over with i want to get into the fancy skywars i’ve done it why am i still not using that fire especially from that guy i killed oh wait no i

Didn’t even kill him did i just end up pulled away what am i saying do i have a better sword darkness one that’s probably not better i don’t know i can get some more kills of the diamond axe i’ve done it before i’ll do it again we’re down to six players remaining

Let’s see let’s see zig’s over he’s about to get backstabbed don’t know he’s not he saw me oh swords down here oh he poisoned me why would he do that he’s shooting me someone’s all the way over there oh i saw him man i’m playing sick today that first game don’t

Even talk about it everyone’s forgot about it it’s old news see oh what’s he gonna do oh he’s gonna hit me oh he’s getting me low oh someone else jumped in always your fire speaks toward as well no no this was the same person oh he’s getting combos did you just got

Embarrassed let me get this i don’t know why i didn’t go after zig already throwing me more poison i’m gonna take here you can get poisoned as well boom oh wait no i completely missed that’s good in it okay he’s coming in i i need to use this

Power five boat why haven’t i been using it it’s not the best weapon i outside using a diamond axe i don’t see anything with his grass like i’m in the jungle still getting some shots he’s looking like a porcupine with my arrows in his body what’s he doing in this building

It’s coming oh he’s behind me what are you doing okay well i guess i’m fine the first way i’m going to die here no wait no wait no no i need to see your gap oh no i’m dead yeah there’s no way i’m living here no way yeah i’m

I’m dead well i gotta kill that game we we made it into the last six at least now we can get into the fun beg wars everybody they’re using this diamond armor they’re flexing it like they got the best stuff in the game they don’t you’ll see i hid something

Around the map i’ll bust open in the next game you know what let’s get into that now who cares about this game who cares who wins if it’s not me they’re obviously cheating anyway right we got one kill in the first two games that’s all right i reckon but now

It’s time for me to win it’s getting serious out here it’s not a normal skywars game anymore let me come right down here first off i’m gonna dig into my room you see up there yeah that’s ancient debris you all know what anything debris is right it’s the block

That gives you never writing goods i’m gonna block that off for now let’s start opening our chests yes i have hid netherright all over the map i’m gonna be using it to combine with my diamond stuff that i find we’re gonna be making some very overpowered armor i didn’t get diamond

Pickaxe that’s pretty annoying mind this i need to make a smithing table oh i need to make an iron pick as well bro i’m really here just caving at this point this is skywars it’s fast paced i do want to get the nether right though

So i’m going to cook the arm and put one more piece up because we do need two more iron as well to make the smithing table to be able to use the nether right people are fine it looks like oh what are you doing you can leave yeah ding

Get out of here mate why are you blocking me off like that i need to get to the middle i can’t use the nether right if i can’t use the diamonds i’m gonna give me that boom we got three now let me make a pickaxe yeah i know this is amazing content

Mining in minecraft revolutionary stuff on the shoulder we’ve got three diamonds now we can make a diamond pick yeah i’m out here my game let me mine this and we have oh wait no i forgot i was going to take cages we have one break we have hey they’re right in

Good yeah normally in the game ancient debris doesn’t drop near the right english you have to cook it and all sorts of stuff combine it with gold yada yada this time i thought that was too long and i also couldn’t be bothered because i’m lazy so i just made a drop

In the right angus we’re gonna be able to use these right off the bat and as you saw we got a diamond sword out of our desk let’s grab this let’s make our first item i’m not sure if i’m gonna get an achievement from this i really hope i

Don’t but we do in fact have another right sword and i didn’t get an achievement that’s what you love to see someone got eliminated first one of the game people are still here bro i need to leave i can’t have you minding what you’re doing you’re building a new

Base you’re not allowed where is your permission from the council oh come on i thought i was going to do them often i built upwards i’ve got eggs at least wait is this blow better than this one yeah power through let me use the power through that would make sense wouldn’t

It what is he hiding behind i’m wasting my hours what are you doing he’s toying with me he’s building all this he’s going to smack me off with a snowball though no way oh no i’m getting him i made that jump definitely not what am i saying am i mad man

Got poison can i poison him from here let’s see can i maybe yeah i can alright is he going to stop that now i need to just jump for a bro i’m not going to be able to get across otherwise let me go oh he’s running he’s why did

He do this pathway i don’t know what he’s planning here i thought i was gonna miss that oh he’s got a diamond chest plate i want that oh he’s got such a good store bro no way no way no way i’m gonna die with the dinner right i’m gonna diamond neither i know

I hate my life how am i so bad at this game i had another eye sword all right we’re back in another game i’m gonna go fast i’m doing this one properly no way i’m not winning this i have another right for christ’s sake oh that’s perfect one ender pearl a

Singular enterprise i didn’t even know you could get that out of your basement i’m gonna be pulling right to the middle right now we’re gonna get all the diamond armor then i’ll go back home i think this is the best way to do it this is the meta i’m also talking very

Quickly i’m sorry i’m panicking i’ve lost three games i’m really getting upset with myself let me get all this all this diamond stuff with the end of pearls brilliant i can’t even remember what base was mine let me put this all on for now but this one don’t have any

Leggings but we’re good three quarters diamond now we go back home is this my base i really hope so i want to be fighting anyone yeah this is mine let’s come down here i didn’t get a diamond i didn’t even get an iron pick oh i

Really have to mine iron again bro i’m getting my nether right though i don’t care nobody’s getting in the way cook this up put the wood in there put the iron in there can i do all the way look at all these potions i have i’m gonna eat this is there anything better

That i’m missing oh we’re about to have prop 4 netherite armor i got a lot of the stuff in the middle already myself i’m telling you if i don’t win this game like i can’t even upload this do you know how embarrassing that would be i haven’t told anyone else about the

Netherright yet it’s not only on my basis all on their bases as well some other people might have discovered it that’s why i’m getting a bit worried we’ve had three games for them to be able to and they probably have everyone seems to be smarter than me sadly i’m

Not winning my own game let’s grab this hopefully no one pays a visit to my base where’s my anger there we have it let’s get the other one only eight people remaining i’m sat in mining stuff oh and now there’s seven i’m gonna get out with

All this gear i’m only gonna have to fight one person and they’re probably gonna fall into the void on the way to fight me it’s all gonna be worth it as long as i look cool get the last ingot right here boom get that eye in there let’s put

This here who i know we’ve got the smithing table right now okay i don’t have a diamond sword that’s fine we do have a prop for near the right helmet though and we also have let’s see proj 3 thank you all these boots prop254 we have them in nether right now let’s put

That all on another head back to the middle i reckon i’m ready to pvp wind the pearl yeah i’m going to end the pole yes they’re probably going to refill soon oh yo yo if you want to fight you wanna be my first victim but you’re not doing

Anything to me man i’m thinking half a heart i’m still i’m only down one heart my man still only have a stone sword oh that’s rough why is he running why did i run as well here get poisoned always eating a gap i don’t know i ran from that i was

I was like destroying him oh someone else is dropping poison on us what are you doing this you’re not out to spectate you didn’t buy a ticket oh i’m getting out of it i don’t like this so we’re getting a bit messy over there what do i have i can just got them

Gapples i probably keep some pots on my bar i don’t have any speed all i got is poison like a snake or a spider oh that’s a prop 4 chest plate i don’t have a prop 4 to just play i want to turn that into another

You don’t mind me lads i’m just uh heading this way not gonna go do anything in particular just uh just want to take a break don’t look at me i don’t want to use my last enderpearl i need to keep it for an emergency we’re over and we go down we go there’s

The prop 4 there’s another right angle we’re bam we got it right there crop for another ride i wasn’t taking hearts before but i’m definitely not going to now still want to make a better sword i need to find a diamond one if i can find a diamond sword it’s good game

You might be thinking oh billy you’re out near the right no i’m not i hid more around the map i already told you this we’ll figure that out after i backed up this man though oh he didn’t like that yeah i’m gonna go get someone there right i’ll be able to

Find a sword down here as well all going well into the cave obviously cave is where you’re gonna find another right i’m gonna look in here though first any diamonds no diamonds more ender poles though and more over here i got this armor already well i’m gonna

Mine into here yeah we got another right back here let me get like one ingo i think that’s all i need oh someone’s behind me no and that means he told another right okay i’m gonna block that off now i’m gonna say wait what don’t

Worry i need to kill this man he’s a witness all the spectators probably know as well i didn’t even think about that oh yeah people are talking about it well looks like in the next round everybody’s gonna know i can’t worry about next round at the minute don’t

Worry about this one are these in the post who is that don’t do this to me oh he’s like king of the hill oh on the axe give it to me i want to turn into another ride why am i getting attacked from behind oh you’re still getting

Combo don’t care about your diamond sword yeah get down the hill be scared of me you as well down you get oh did i kill him oh i did he fell from a high place let’s go oh diamond sword nothing oh there’s a diamond axe in there though

Please back off unless you want to die of painful death don’t you go yeah that’s what are you doing there where did you come from was it on top of the flag what was that about where’s my base this one’s my base in it no my base over here maybe people

Saying he can’t be beaten i’m glad we’re all on the same page and yeah back at the base sorry i said ye that’s embarrassing i got another right axe that’s not too embarrassing is it time to do the pvps and the combos let’s send a pullback we got loads now

We’re down to three players i’ve only got one kill or two kills i’ve got to get the last two to make up for it speaking of getting kills one enemy in my sights he’s got nothing close to my loop he’s gonna give it his best famous not going to help him oh yeah

Like what’s he even doing he’s not even hitting me really oh no your sword is really hurting me stop cutting me up like that it’s doing a whole half a heart every time you’re so good at minecraft you’re so great at everything i don’t know if this axe is

Even helping me go on i’ll reach in just in case you don’t want to be dying here i’m on four hearts oh why is he just what is he doing is he giving up does he not know what to do are we just gonna

How is he not dead yet how about like is this acts bad well i don’t understand really why is he what is happening here why why is he not dying uh he’s now taking off his armor why can’t i kill this person what’s happening what he literally can’t die why can’t i

Have them powers oh and he jumped in the void well let’s just ignore that happened focus on this hey never right you fell into the void where’s the last person let’s look if any deaths got refilled come back in the cave anything lurking oh that’s exactly what i wanted and a speed

Pop let’s go dominus one fire aspect two come over here let’s find another ring let’s head back to the base let’s combine it let’s get into the final fight where is my home this one over here i’m worried that i’m not seeing bruno anywhere he’s probably going to try and

Find another right himself oh never mind he he fell into the void i win let’s go oh thanks to my nether right armor it’s not like the last two people fell into the void i’m just amazing at the game sadly though everybody now knows about the netherride let’s see how it goes when

That’s the case here we are in one final game of skywars everybody in this game is spawning with a diamond pick and smithing table i figured everybody knows at this point may as well make it easier for everybody i see though can i win this game i won

Last game easily i’m definitely going to win this one as well no i didn’t get let’s get the last one then we’re gonna head to the middle you know i think it’s probably smart if i make a diamond sword before we go and by that i mean another right sword

That’s exactly what i’m gonna do i’m gonna mine these give me them diamonds do i have any wood i don’t have any wood why do i not have wood i’m a woodless guy they’re none of my desks are you for real no there isn’t gotta cut down my

Base back down here we are easy peasy where are the sticks there are the sticks we got a diamond sword and we have a netherized sword just like that it’s time to head out where’s someone oh they mined the diamonds down there i forgot there was dumbers in our base

Okay no one’s looking at me i’m across and grab this nothing of that is really useful oh i guess it leather armor on i lied sorry iron armor didn’t mean to disrespect you you know how it is like we got never right kind of the new hot thing no one really cares

About you eye and arm and no one really did to be honest oh and someone’s chasing me right here oh he’s got another right you’re half an hour right oh no don’t hit me off oh no i cannot believe it he said good fighters oh it wasn’t a good fight you

Know it wasn’t you’re just being polite you smacked me off the edge of the map and i didn’t even do anything this game oh maybe i should just quit skywars it’s obviously not the game for me is it like i’m done i’m done it’s been 12 minutes

14 seconds that you’ve spent with me thank you for that if you want to spend some more time there’s a few more of my videos on the screen right now if you want to go watch one of them then go do it i’m not going to be saying anything

Cool here i don’t say anything cool anyway yeah that’s all before i say something embarrassing because that’s probably what’s gonna happen isn’t it goodbye farewell see you around

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Skywars but there is secret netherite everywhere…’, was uploaded by ShadowApples on 2020-12-11 22:00:06. It has garnered 470747 views and 25393 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:30 or 750 seconds.

I hid netherite all around this minecraft skywars map without telling anybody else and obviously used it to my advantage… or did i?

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#Minecraft #ShadowApples

Minecraft Skywars but there is secret netherite everywhere… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-guYh47TZ4

Shadow Apples http://www.youtube.com/ShadowApples

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    Minecraft's EPIC CowAxe Event!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Hosted Minecraft Largest Event’, was uploaded by CowAxe on 2024-04-01 17:51:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ignore- minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft event,minecraft hardcore,minecraft mod,minecraft but,minecraft manhunt,minecraft … Read More

  • PTCGL broken! Minecraft takeover by MrDogPTCGL

    PTCGL broken! Minecraft takeover by MrDogPTCGLVideo Information [Music] hello hello okay all right then [Music] uh so we’ll get premium battle pass nice and we get we get the shk that nice got the fighting Shrek get the the grass type Shrek hey clam how’s it going we got the fire type Shrek and the water type Shrek right seven packs that’s a lot of packs hassle kind of name is hassle Milotic flis fgz I don’t know how to pronounce that walking wake Aran call him Aaron more PCO bug catching set rev room Lana’s Aid and water type Shrek finison SE King bug… Read More


    SUPERFAST BASE BUILDING on Donut SMP! 🍩🔨 #CPVP #DrDonutVideo Information I’m kelp and this is how you make a million plus a day base on the donut s SMP first you need to dig down dig up to the max height you want your base to be and clear a two high area based off the size of your base next you’re going to want to dig B holes four apart in a grid pattern fill them all up with TNT and explode with this huge area you can build any number of farms the best being sugarcane or pumpkin This video, titled ‘BUILD BASE FAST on the… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness – Epic Diamond Digging Adventure!

    Minecraft Madness - Epic Diamond Digging Adventure!Video Information hey what is going on everyone it’s me sumu we’re back again if you are new here you don’t know what’s going on this is me playing Minecraft we’ve been uh playing this quite a lot actually and this is our little Mud House little mud Shack but welcome to the stream hope you guys are having a good time good day good night and all that other good stuff if you guys like this content make sure you hit that like And subscribe and also be sure to check out the links that I have posted in… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Build Stream – You won’t believe what happens!

    EPIC Minecraft Build Stream - You won't believe what happens!Video Information what is good hey what is good y’ we are back we are so back with another flipping Minecraft building stream me uh sure we’re live make sure we’re good on all platforms here I think we’re good I think we good Y what is good y’all what is good what is good what is good how we doing Richard Sanchez what’s good airsoft kid what good B over what good Emily VR what’s good rcky what good how we the flip are we doing yo yo we are doing a Minecraft build stream guys all right y’all… Read More

  • Mega Minecraft Argument: SpongeBob, Goku, Sonic & More

    Mega Minecraft Argument: SpongeBob, Goku, Sonic & MoreVideo Information hey guys which Minecraft food item is the best it has to be the Notch Apple because it makes you nigh Invincible for a short period of time well you are technically correct Sonic however Notch apples are super rare and not easy to find Fair Point Rick maybe I should downgrade to normal golden apples since those are craftable I think steak is a really good food item because it restores a lot of hunger bars I like steak as well because I can make crabby patties with them well all this food talk reminded me about… Read More

  • “EPIC comeback: NEW series starting! 😱 #viral” | MR_CHAMAN

    "EPIC comeback: NEW series starting! 😱 #viral" | MR_CHAMANVideo Information This video, titled ‘I am Back 🥰,starting of a new series?#shorts#gaming#minecraft#viral#trending#youtubeshorts|MR_CHAMAN’, was uploaded by MR_CHAMAN on 2024-02-26 09:33:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I am Back ,starting of a new series?#shorts#gaming#minecraft#viral#trending#youtubeshorts|MR_CHAMAN #short #yt … Read More

  • WeeklySMP

    WeeklySMPA beginning Survival SMP server. Join our Discord server for more information as well We are searching for good moderators and players to have fun with. play.weeklysmp.nl Read More

  • MasterRealm Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.1 Land Claim Discord Slimefun Custom Items Crossplay

    MasterRealm | Semi-Vanilla | SMP | 1.20.1 | Land Claim | Discord | Slimefun | Custom Items | Crossplay Welcome to Master Realm! Master Realm is a Survival 1.20.1 Minecraft server with a balance between vanilla and modded gameplay. Experience new features like Coin Economy, Slimefun, Custom Items, Land Claims, Seasons, Custom World, Custom Roles, and Crossplay. Key Features: Coin Economy Slimefun Custom Items / Enchants Land Claims / No Grief Seasons Custom World Custom Roles / Ranks Crossplay Community and Discord: Join our welcoming community and Discord server to connect with players, share moments, and stay updated on events… Read More

  • Elesta

    ElestaThis server has been a project child of mine for some time now, ready to start introducing some people to the world of Elesta. Looking to build a community of people that enjoy playing minecraft and enjoy smiliar things as me to foster a bigger community. It is whitelisted momentarily as we look toward entering the next update and waiting for plugins to get updated. Feel free to add my discord to communicate with me in a more timely fashion: Rascal1001 OR you can message me here.Feel free to send me your MC username:Your total time playing MC:and a fun… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Git gud, noob – can’t craft a pickaxe!”

    Maybe because you keep trying to use feathers and dirt instead of actual materials? Read More

  • Minecraft Hangman: Lava Edition

    Minecraft Hangman: Lava Edition “Why did the creeper break up with the enderman? Because he couldn’t handle the long distance relationship!” Read More

  • DO NOT DRINK TABLE WATER in Minecraft!

    DO NOT DRINK TABLE WATER in Minecraft! Minecraft: The Quirky World of 方块轩 方块轩, a creator in the Minecraft realm, brings a unique blend of humor and creativity to the gaming community. With a focus on child-friendly content, 方块轩’s channel offers a daily dose of original videos that are sure to bring a smile to your face. Let’s dive into the whimsical world of 方块轩 and explore some of the hilarious moments and quirky elements that make his content so engaging. Unconventional Humor and Memorable Moments In the world of 方块轩, nothing is quite as it seems. From the cautionary tale of not drinking the water… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Build: Blaze Trap & Ruins Excavation!

    EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Build: Blaze Trap & Ruins Excavation! Minecraft 1.21 Preparation: Excavating Journey Ruins and Crafting a Blaze Trap Lantern Exciting Adventures in Minecraft Survival Meikyan embarks on another thrilling Minecraft survival journey in the Java edition, normal mode. With a focus on creating a stylish world, she delves into the world of exploration and survival with a touch of elegance. Catering to both newcomers and younger audiences, Meikyan aims to provide an enjoyable experience for all. Exploring Journey Ruins Venturing into the ruins of a journey, Meikyan uncovers hidden treasures and mysteries. As she digs deeper into the ruins, she encounters fascinating artifacts and structures, adding… Read More

  • EPIC Hogwarts LIVE Tour Build Progress!

    EPIC Hogwarts LIVE Tour Build Progress!Video Information [Music] hello and welcome I’m Prof and Prof gaming and uh this is a live uh tour of the Hogwarts build so far uh hopefully um you’ll enjoy what you see uh so please ask away ask any questions I’m here to well I’m here to answer it okay uh so first off um uh if you’ve been watching the series you’ll be aware that the first thing we built was the boat house and uh volume down a bit there we go um and here it is uh took a bit of planning in the planning phase… Read More

  • Pennywise Titan Attacks Mikey & JJ in Minecraft

    Pennywise Titan Attacks Mikey & JJ in MinecraftVideo Information we’ve come over to our friend Jimmy’s house to play but Jimmy isn’t here let’s look for Jimmy H I hope he’s okay what if something happened well it sure is strange that Jimmy isn’t here now oh where is he I’m worried let’s find him H maybe he’s not at home H is he here H I don’t think so he’s not here let’s try searching outside let’s go H where could Jimmy be let’s go outside oh it’s raining it is raining we should still go get on your tricycle H okay all right hold up… Read More

  • Minecraft Pe Hardcore Series in Hindi – #1 MCPE 1.20! 🤩

    Minecraft Pe Hardcore Series in Hindi - #1 MCPE 1.20! 🤩Video Information फ्री गेम्स आप सभी का स्वागत करता है आज की नई वाली वीडियो में आज से हम लोग स्टार्ट करने जा रहे हैं अपनी माफ्ट की हार्डकोर सीरीज जिसमें कि मरना बहुत ही दर्दनाक होता है तो बिना किसी देरी के आज की वीडियो को स्टार्ट करते हैं तो हम लोग अपने वर्ल्ड का नाम रखने वाले हैं तो हम लोग स्पॉन हो चुके हैं जंगल बायोम के अंदर जो कि इतनी ज्यादा बहुत बढ़िया बात नहीं है क्योंकि जंगल बायोम में कुछ नहीं होता स्टार्टिंग के लिए तो चलो फिर से वही पुराना बोरिंग काम करते हैं… Read More

  • INSANE REACTION! Jenny Belle vs Kibbles in Minecraft

    INSANE REACTION! Jenny Belle vs Kibbles in MinecraftVideo Information hey Kibbles I got something to show you if it’s another horse I swear to God no it’s got nothing to do with horses are you familiar with the video game Minecraft uh yeah of course it’s Legos but on a computer yeah yeah I was on Twitter and I saw slippery T had a new animation in the works um slippery te slippery tea give me a [Music] second oh God oh God oh come on you know him he’s the Jenny guy uh ah hold on I got to call a friend um yeah Andy’s making… Read More


    ULTIMATE FIRE CANNON DEFENSE REVENGE!!Video Information welcome back to Squid Island the server in which me jelly and crina are stuck on an island with each other in Minecraft and we’ve got to be friends in reality that doesn’t happen that much anyway it’s just me on the server today and oh we have an action packed episode of things we’re going to do I also wanted to give you an update on the bco tower look at this thing it’s looking good okay we are going to make some progress on that today we’re also going to build another Factory we’re going to… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Update Reactions with Blauski & Roomies! 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft Update Reactions with Blauski & Roomies! 🔥Video Information my are you okay my feet okay well listen we’re we’re very much closely approaching that time yay the new Minecraft update tricky trials it’s about to go down can we kick squeaks from this Discord why what happened um I can’t I can’t actually we you’re going to have to RP this out Leslie’s the judge go ahead um squeaks Che in a game of One V one valerant and he also griefed Ellum in he’s a better player than you you have to accept it no he’s not he’s not he’s better than you in val… Read More

  • Join me in Minecraft while I battle illness with Remilia 🎮

    Join me in Minecraft while I battle illness with Remilia 🎮Video Information d o d hi I’m d d I’ve Got The Power of dark and white on my side hi I’m r e f i l i a [Music] [Music] I’m r e l i l i aiaia [Music] he o I’m I’ve got to power all Darkness and Light on my side hi I’m r e m i l i a [Music] [Music] hi I’m r e m i l i a [Music] I’ve got to power all Darkness and Light on my side hi I’m r e m i l i a [Music] [Music] hi I’m r… Read More

  • Unbelievable Win in Bedwars – No Idea How!

    Unbelievable Win in Bedwars - No Idea How!Video Information This video, titled ‘I won this bedwars game without knowing how to play’, was uploaded by HBU mine on 2024-03-27 19:04:31. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:59 or 419 seconds. 1. Join me on my gaming adventures as I conquer the Minecraft world! Watch my YouTube channel for epic gameplay and exciting challenges. Let’s play together! 2. Get ready for non-stop Minecraft action on my gaming YouTube channel! Join me as I explore, build, and survive in this virtual world. Subscribe now for the best gaming content! 3. Dive… Read More

Minecraft Skywars but there is secret netherite everywhere…