Minecraft | SO MANY JUMPSCARES!! | Doll Maker Custom Map

Video Information

Hey everyone down here from the dama Micah welcome back to Minecraft where today Wiggly playing another minecraft horror custom map oh boy the last one was pretty intense and it was so good and you guys loved it as much as I did playing it here we are

In another custom map this one just happens to be another horror one and it is called the doll maker made by Chronicle beast and I’ve seen some screenshots of this it looks super super scary but there is one good thing and that is that our hunger bar is bacon so

How awesome is that but anyway let’s um let’s get into the story so the story as you wake up in a strange office you have no memory of who you are or how you got there you must have an easier of some kind which is where you like forget what

You’re doing um you will have to find a way out and try to recover your memories oh my goodness I think we just hit this button I love the way this block looks let’s go press the load sounds this better not blast my ears off I have no

Idea how loud this is gonna be turn must have volume to what Oh quick quick quick quick oh jeez oh jeez that could have been crazy there we go down to one it’s down I did it I did it how did that happen did you see that it moved okay yeah that

They don’t sound too nice do they they don’t sound too nice at all press when you have read all the rules and settings make sure the right resource pack blah blah blah hahahaha look at this guy look at him so scare much wow much minecraft I have the right

Texture pack yes I’ve done something right okay here we go oh jeez oh it broke was was I supposed to do that I think so yes welcome to the doll maker by Chronicle beast I am actually scared dolls freaked me out anyway so this is not looking good okay

What is that that is oh that’s nasty look at him look at this guy oh geez what’s wrong with your face I’ve got like some compute to code on here all those cobwebs look real whoa this resource pack is amazing look how cool it is and we’ve also got a

Calendar it is the 12th of November no it’s the 13th of November 1987 I wasn’t even alive then probably most of you weren’t alive then either around this time a few years later I was alive so let’s oh let’s not get out of here am I

Stuck what’s going on I’ve got so much slowness right now I’m stuck in a cobweb I was like why is it so slow here but let’s let’s go watch out for doors on sides of corridors why does that mean just like look for them or be scared here we go oh

No look at this guy look at him it’s like it’s like five nights at Freddy’s but scarier like animatronic dolls but look at their faces Oh much rather have a bear just come out of me and destroy my life rather than this guy he looks incredibly scary and

His lips are incredibly red let’s go let’s go and see what’s going I feel very tall in this map actually oh geez please know if those are the jump scares I am going to be absolutely scared out of my all no look at his nose wow look

At these puppets they’re gross the doll puppets they are not nice at all and we’ve got this guy here as well how are you doing you doing good just hang in you get it this is kind of I don’t know I thought that was like a bride but this

Is a baby and a child oh my goodness look at this guy as well please weird paintings right let’s go Wow oh geez man oh no I didn’t even see you there oh my goodness can I walk past you please oh no I didn’t mean to do that

Yeah thank you oh jeez that was a little bit scary I didn’t like that oh that was even a job sky destroy his ugly face right then uh this is dark oh dear I feel like I should have gone in here Oh No hello I’m stuck oh no I need to go this

Way oh here we go hello anyone in here there’s armorstands very cool they have no hadn’t there no heads on though I like this glass this looks really cool this texture pack is amazing Oh No do these heads need to go on here look at this guy is sideways he’s been upset

We’ve got pig man oh no drawers his head has come off I’d been shrunk a little bit I’ll know and his cousin as well that’s not good and then there’s like a hero Brian skeleton what do I do here what can I do here do after I can jump

Right then that’s a see if there’s anything around here there’s nothing here so I have to put some of them on the skeletons maybe uh no right there sewing through here what’s gonna be through here I like this blue that looks really cool it’s like the side of a

Lizard or something that’s why I would imagine it to be what he’s using human heads to make his dolls are you joking that’s gross not sure if you heard that guys but the guy said using human heads to make puppets look look that is right here look Oh scary scary dolls you scary

Punks oh my goodness right in this chest here actually it’s a crafting table I know what that is like a car it looks like a car we’ve also got storage there must be some old jeez oh jeez dr. Hogan dreads laboratory I feel like I need to

Go over here for some reason let me go in here I need to look in here cuz I need to see in the restrooms oh no you don’t we were talking about in the last map where there was like a compilation of things that are really bad invention

Maps bathrooms are also one of them sort of look I just heard it not oh no the music starting hello hello this is a mirror that is cooler because mirror oh my goodness everything down there it’s a person there’s a person down there why is there

A person down there why would you sleep in a bathroom that makes no sense why would you do that look at his face that’s a scary one as well like I was okay until the music started when the music starts I’m just like no don’t does

No okay no that was that was fairly okay we’d had a bit of eerie music but now we need to move along storage now up here we go look a basement again another basement I am not liking this left alright I’m gonna go left let’s go left shall we go uh what’s down

Here squids analytics I can’t see it’s kind of dark a large chest nothing in the chest don’t make wrong turns you joking me press the what press the red button press the red button maybe I have to remember that for later I’m not sure could I not open this I can’t open it

Without a lot of that above it funny misspeak I’m nervous guys oh my goodness press the red button there’s no red button I’m confused let’s go back up and have a little bit of an explore and see what’s going on Oh No what’s here oh yeah there’s a laboratory

There there’s also this place Bobby slappy and Billy you guys are creepy Bobby slappy and Billy what kind of names are those anyway oh I don’t know where I need to go oh Jesus that scared me yeah that really scared me I’d this is kind of open world this is odd looking

In these chests though these are all like control rooms almost I feel like I need to find something anything in here I’m nervous really nervous the music is gone that makes me sometimes even more nerve than I should be because I don’t know I swear I had an extra door open maybe it

Was just me it’s just me it’s just me imagining things furnace they’re all there’s a book inside here let’s have a look doctors diary oh there’s the red button okay we just need to explore a little bit more right and let’s read this book shall we dr. Hogan dread November 5th 1987 the

Doors are coming out with great success they came out greater than expected by feel they could be more perfect per se all I need is a few more test subjects I was making with human heads remember they would have to be perfect exactly the way I wanted them to be this is

Gonna be an extremely hard to acquire it shall be named the perfect doll the procedure would be the most complex I have ever attempted to complete before if I may just one mistake the whole project would be a complete failure and I would have to abandon the whole thing

I will only get one more shot at making the perfect doll oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear what is his name again dr. Hogan dreads right let’s press this there we go the buttons gone the button has gone so the red bow well jeez

Oh my god oh I did not expect that I did not expect that right we’re back with the hair sticking on end oh my goodness I don’t know how it moved across my screen as well oh whoa oh my god well I have a feeling the doctor dr. dreads not

Very nice name as oh I did not expect to jump-scare either did you see that that was that didn’t work as well as it thought it would oh there was a puppet just opposite just opposite there Oh now the chills are starting they’ve got chest plates legs this is like a puppet

Laboratory here are the heads oh no no not with the music please not with the music stop stop stop the music stop no stop the music you’re creeping me out I can’t see anything in here I need to be I need to be thorough though so I don’t need to be

Coming back in here there’s nothing in that corner anything around here nope right there I think we’re good let’s get out of here oh geez this is scary ha ha I thought this was going to be fairly tame but you know what it’s not it’s definitely not

So we’ve got the diary we press the red button and we also so now I’m guessing we need to go we can’t go in here can we can’t go in the laboratory well this giant machine so I storage is where we need to go it says don’t make

Wrong turns either so I’m cheese don’t make wrong turns I’ve pressed the red button I hope I’ve done it right I hope I’ve done it right right then let’s go in this one the scary scary maze nope that is wrong so number one is a dead

End number two please be my lucky number two no no that is not lucky number two number three this is the only one isn’t it yeah number three it must be this one okay there’s a cobweb hello cobweb there’s others oh jeez there’s more cobwebs through

There this must be the right way yeah this is a bit longer than normal here we go please don’t let like a puppet chase me or anything I will literally die on the spot oh no this maze is huge isn’t it oh geez why does it have to be a maze why why

Does it have to be oh now I’ve turned too much I don’t know where I am now oh why does have to be amazed I am terrible at mazes as well so bad at mazes let’s carry on though Oh they call him Hugo Hugo Hugo the puppet is that

His name Hugo the puppet oh my goodness what a name what a beautiful name if you’re listening to me Hugo you are you are a beautiful specimen of puppet I think oh no dead ends right I’ve been there been there I’ve been here is this where I just came from this gonna say

Hugo isn’t it yeah so I’ve been here I need to go this way yeah let’s go this way Hugo what to say a little time can make anyone mad I guess especially if you’re in a maze I mean that’s bad ah this is a dead end as well

Why how do I get out of here oh no please don’t trap me in here Hugo please don’t do it don’t do it like this buddy oh no I’m really really lost right I need to go back here back this way and make a new oh maybe not um

Oh No oh dear I am severely lost severely severely lost still just oh oh you will never find the button I’ve got to find a button you could have told me that bro and then I would have been looking on the walls for the button it might’ve feels right here that’ll be fantastic

I’m gonna find a button now oh man if I’d have known that I’ve been looking at all the walls and I’ve gotta find a button on all these gray and dark walls that’s gonna be unreal to try and find the button around here somewhere what’s that I swear I just saw something

Move I swear I just saw something move oh yeah I can I can hear something what sister spit it’s just me being weird isn’t it button you know button please just to get me out of here this way oh I swear if I’ve already gone past the button I’ll be

Able to see it oh yes hi button how you doing oh you’re gone now what I found I found the button but now what do I do what do I do now button it’s not fair button you can’t just you can’t just pop up and leave me you can’t

Just do that to a man in a maze you can’t just do that where do I go now Preston right maybe do I need to go back to the beginning again maybe that’s why I need to do but let’s see let’s see what happens oh oh press the red button I’ve done it

All just as I open maybe opens the thing I found the exit oh thank goodness oh thank goodness right oh it does look like that we get go wait is this sir yeah it is poor it’s boarding these Oh we found the entrance in laboratory oh

Let’s go let’s do this know what’s gonna happen Peter Sam oh it’s a long long corridor am I stuck of course I am I am stuck in here right I can’t open that door oh I can’t open any doors no these are all oh jeez ah

What was that oh jeez I’ll let you through my mouse then was it you was it you I don’t know oh man Bob stop it stop that oh there’s like they’re puffing into smoke Wow oh this isn’t I don’t like this oh no I can’t be doing with this company I have

To look into each one mode remember oh do you remember it said Oh truthin broke two of them broke hello Hugo yeah bro oh I knew it was gonna happen I know it’s gonna happen it’s just scared me oh geez no it’s just a black room

It’s just a black room I can’t even see it’s so dark oh man I’ve got to go through here what’s gonna be here Hugo are we gonna have like a meeting with Hugo oh I’m scared guys guys you don’t understand that’s a wall oh okay this

Way this is the what this is like a tea party hi guys how you doing Bob of a mind of their own wonderful don’t please look we just want to chill out oh I’ll bring the tea the biscuits and we can have a little tea party stop

Staring at me guys guys come on come on don’t you don’t need to stare at me like this oh I don’t like this at all got even more slowness now okay guys you know I’m just gonna move over here see you later shipping trucks oh I like this look at

It it’s like a grandfather clock that’s amazing look at that it’s really cool don’t hurt me don’t hurt me how do I get out this room hello oh there’s something in the background there sewing in the back I’ll go through these dolls to get to the back oh dear

Excuse me excuse me I just need to squeeze past a little bit sorry just need to squeeze past and press this where am I yeah why am i back here oh oh this this is the dreads laboratory laboratory of what laboratory oh geez what does this

Say ten years of science says it all portal to nowhere we’ve just been in there we can’t even go there anymore we have to go into the lab that wasn’t even the lab that was the shipping containment oh the shivers the shivers are real this maps really cool oh my goodness hello

These these dots look quite pleasant Oh anyone in here the box Oh was I say Jack is in the box no I don’t like this oh man oh man I’m stuck in here no oh please don’t don’t do it you okay you’re right I’m just gonna I’m just

Gonna move away oh look your face look your face that’s like Dobby from Harry Potter but much scarier oh geez that was freaky I didn’t like that it’s like we’re in kind of like a toy factory but one you wouldn’t really want to buy toys from at all please don’t be

Another maze don’t do this to me not when I know things are following me and stuff like that Oh Oh couldn’t my fist so hard then please don’t be another maze don’t do this to me oh why the puppet master is still following me

Is it was a Hugo Hugo you punk how’d you do this to a man huh oh wait what’s this there’s something here a chess why do I need this how did I collect that that is weird I’ve never seen that before my life do I have to pick up all the chests maybe

Let’s have a look around here oh why there’s so many mazes I don’t know that guy’s following me okay I’ve just gone round in a circle let’s carry I’ll go around this way because we know where we’ve been Oh puppets man puppies are really really freaky well that doll is on them they’re

Not really puppets but I guess they’re they’re kind of the same thing oh no this is this is a complex maze what’s that I don’t know if I was meant to pick this chest up you know let’s go back to that shiny thing what’s the shiny thing shiny thing hello

What what are you a sea lantern I don’t think I was meant to pick these up I’m gonna do it anyway sorry sorry puppets if these were your prized possessions I’m real sorry I did not mean to ruin it can I get out of here please no libraries it’s a little bit of

Lighter in the library but um not fantastic not great let’s see if I find my way out of here yes like a pro just around the corner from where the sea lantern was this is not good look a walkway that just leads to red really I could have just like stayed in the

Library and read books until I starve to death it’s fine I don’t really I’d make me walk really slow as well I don’t like where this is going at all at all what is it what is it I can’t even zoom in I’m gonna try and sprint a little bit

Speed up the process come on let’s just take you’re way too long why you taking so long call the elevator oh geez I’ve been stuck in an elevator before guys and it’s not nice not nice at all it’s green that looks nice cool the elevator what’s gonna happen

What’s gonna be in the elevator what’s gonna be inside it what is it elevator you’re right you I that what did he do why would you do that to a man why I like how green is that’s nice a guy just followed me and disappeared I was

Confused about that for a second I was like don’t don’t do it so do we want to go up or down basements are bad let’s go up elevator music really it makes me feel a little bit nicer though I’m not gonna lie that makes me feel pretty good oh yeah of

Course yep let’s suck in the elevator stock in an elevator should have gone down one down leave me alone so you followed me into the elevator and I still went in Oh what do you want what’s gonna happen I don’t either sound can you hear that what’s gonna happen

I’m stuck can i press it again no it’s broken it’s so broken I’m just gonna cower in this corner we put the music back on please the music made me feel so much better looks like they can escape by climbing at the top of the elevator what oh oh

Okay emergency exit let’s go let’s go yeah let’s let’s get out of here I don’t really want to be here umm I can’t go this what’s this these are the train tracks how do I get out of here surely I don’t just jump oh wait maybe I just

Jumped down there let’s try it oh I can’t I’m floating I’m floating where do I go i-i’ve escaped out the top but now what can I climb these chains yes I can nice right then let’s go up here see what’s going on please don’t know that elevator is there an elevator above me

As well that’s surely bad news and I don’t like climbing up here when I know there’s a some crazy doll guy oh wait I don’t know if I’m meant to be up here you know Moe meant to be up here I have no idea there’s only one way to find out

This is chill here I am okay yeah I do need to be here okay let’s just move up here and fall nice look at that that’s like Mission Impossible stuff I’m like a secret agent right now but now the dark walk of death oh there’s only one way to

Go oh geez almost fell down alright I need to oh there we go nice right jeez oh my goodness I went oh I went to jump and I jumped past them oh jeez that was scary this map this map is scary all minecraft horror maps are scary guys

Especially of resource packs and sounds and what we going here got a mushroom oh no don’t do that here comes the music here comes lose it if this is another maze what why are you singing to me hello mushroom mushrooms that were amazing in flowerpot say that I’m gonna keep the

Music on sounds pretty cool don’t be another mayor’s book insides okay doctors diary here we go again November 12th there we go this is the last day it was alive than it all the way yeah I think so and so close to finishing my greatest creation of all time on the

Last few moments before it’s completed I’ve decided to record my legacy so I may go down in history as the man who single-handedly created the greatest doll ever made it shall be a perfect doll a perfection among faders it will be constructed of human parts and other

Dolls this is my final entry oh dear No – here we go we’re entering dr. dreads laboratory we know we know a fair few things about love laboratories and have it what oh you’re gonna meet the creation I think we’re gonna meet the creation finally not watching this place

Haha think not did you blow it out why would you blow it out oh it’s getting spooky I want to meet this creation you know let’s meet that’s best be friends let’s join your friends do we met before for a tea party huh let’s do that let’s do

That I need to not amaze it’s getting creepy though it’s getting creepy it’s getting creepy very very creepy how long is this I can’t keep this up the suspense is crazy oh here we go to the mushroom that mushroom is super mouldy some bottles we’re entering the lab guys

There could be any moment now that we meet him what is that whoa gross dude look at these guys what what are you saying Oh their face this giant test tube this is so cool how cool that is Oh am I gonna I don’t want to really give life to them do I

Look these guys oh that’s disturbing that looks like attack on Titan right there oh oh don’t have any choice I don’t I don’t want to show press a button let’s do it oh no I don’t think it’s working no it’s not working let’s get out of here actually this just press the last

Button just in case nope we’re good let’s go let’s go please don’t follow me if I just want them to stay in there and everything I’ll be fine that giant test tube was cool I like that I like that a lot okay are we here I’m liking the floor oh

Dear is this it oh is this creation is it you Steve it was you all along you feel my heart blue through my chest yeah I actually get to witness a live specimen before it gets turned into a doll yeah it is so beautiful but what

Was that hey what was that what’s going on happened to me what are you talking to me bro you’re alive yeah please doctor don’t hurt me oh no calling me doctor what no could it be no no oh stop oh oh my god did I do this I just just is that awful

I feel the blood rushing down my arms that through my body a leader takes over I feel so powerful oh my goodness alive I’m shocked I am the dollmaker ah I’m the dough maker all along how did I not see this oh man that is very very

Clever I like that the doll maker oh no don’t make me go through anything else this is scary enough as is what’s going on I cannot see I can’t say thanks Chronicle Beast here thank you for finding my map no problem dude appointing my map award you with the

Flower I got from the field ah thank you for the flower sorry about that thank you jump scare you’ll see it wasn’t too bad no no even the credits are scary why would you do this anyone – thank you for playing my map I hope you

Enjoyed I did bye thanks for the flower dudes sniff it smells good smells like victory even though actually we didn’t really wait what’s going on here Oh Cole yes look at this look at you beautiful um look at this you can have like different oh man this is cool I like

This look planet minecraft minecraft forums a YouTube block nice and his floating head of course the Chronicle beast that was amazing thank you so much for creating this map it was really really cool not massive fan of mazes but you made them really really interesting

To go around and the game kind of kept the suspense as well I just realized my software for recording was like this is way too long please I’m gonna drop your framerate so I apologize if any of the framerate in that that last bit was like dodgy but

Hopefully it was just for this bit but anyway thank you so much watching its video guys if you did enjoy them please leave a big fat thumbs up and also suggest in the comment section below which maps I should try out because as you can see minecraft adventure maps’

Are now next-level they are so so good so definitely suggest any that you’ve ever tried out or are too scared to try out or just like it doesn’t have to be horror it can be absolutely anything thank you so much watching guys if you enjoyed please leave a big fat thumbs up

And also if this happens to be the first video you see if I mean that please do subscribe for more minecraft and madness every single day so again thank you flakes minecraft me today and I will see you next time

This video, titled ‘Minecraft | SO MANY JUMPSCARES!! | Doll Maker Custom Map’, was uploaded by DanTDM on 2015-03-31 17:30:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

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    Stickman vs Zombies in Minecraft!! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT Zombie ATTACKED Stickman ( Dymon ) @_@’, was uploaded by Katoon Studio on 2024-03-15 19:45:39. It has garnered 20 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. What happened if minecraft zombie attacked the stickman ?? was stickman prepared for this or zombie will kill stickman ?? watch video to found out !! Subscribe for more fire content !! Comment if you didn’t liked the video & like if u like the video πŸ‘… More Tags: minecraft zombie,stickman,minecraft vs stickman animation,minecraft vs stickman,stickman fights,stickman fight minecraft,stickman fight animation,minecraft… Read More

  • TurboMC Modded

    TurboMC ModdedLooking for a start to a small community for anyone to play along with. -Currently running modded minecraft. The pack running is FTB Skies. -Anyone can join. Come join the discord to get whitelisted! -No banned items, friendly players, No griefing or stealing. turbo.modded.fun Read More

  • The Garden SMP – LGBTQ+ Friendly, Long Term, No Whitelist

    Welcome to The Garden Welcome to The Garden, a laid back Bedrock Edition experience powered by the Forsaken Odyssey expansion. Explore new content without the need for modding, just join and download the resource packs. No Obligations Play Minecraft on your terms with no playtime obligations or paid packages. The server expenses are covered, ensuring a place for pure enjoyment. Fresh and Unique Discover new mobs, blocks, biomes, and items with the Forsaken Odyssey expansion. Join without downloading anything, just get the resource packs when you log in. Play Your Way Whether you prefer a solitary experience or want to… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Don’t create a mini Batman in Minecraft!

    If that kid becomes Batman, you better hope he doesn’t have a creeper sidekick ready to explode your plans! Read More

  • Roblox Deathball: Robux Redemption Riot!

    Roblox Deathball: Robux Redemption Riot! In the world of Roblox, Deathball is the game, Where players compete, seeking fortune and fame. With blades and balls, they battle it out, In a virtual arena, filled with cheers and shouts. Redeeming Robux, a task so grand, Unlocking new items, at your command. Join us on our channel, for gaming delight, With Minecraft and BTD6, we’ll play through the night. Subscribe and like, to show your support, As we journey through games, of all sorts. Brother Ian and Ethan, here to entertain, With laughter and fun, we’ll never wane. Read More

  • When Iron Golem says no to death πŸ”₯

    When Iron Golem says no to death πŸ”₯ Iron Golem: “Sorry death, I have a strict ‘no entry’ policy here!” πŸ—ΏπŸ˜‚ #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #memes #meme Read More

  • Monster Truck Saves the Day, Catches Mafia!

    Monster Truck Saves the Day, Catches Mafia! The Adventures of Minecraft: Canavar Kamyon Saves the Day! Step into the world of Minecraft where anything is possible! In this exciting episode, Canavar Kamyon transforms into a giant robot to help capture the evil Mafia. Let’s dive into the action-packed adventure and see how it all unfolds. Canavar Kamyon to the Rescue! Imagine a world where a monster truck comes to life as a massive robot ready to take on any challenge. In this thrilling Minecraft episode, Canavar Kamyon lends a helping hand to our heroes in their quest to catch the notorious Mafia. With its incredible powers… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Sneaky Trials Update

    Minecraft's Sneaky Trials Update Welcome to the Minecraft Tricky Trials Update! Embark on an exciting journey into the Tricky Trials Update in Minecraft! This latest update brings a plethora of new features and challenges for players to explore and conquer. From new decorative blocks to hostile mobs, items, weapons, paintings, and the intriguing trial chambers, there is something for every player to enjoy. Discover New Content One of the highlights of the Tricky Trials Update is the introduction of new decorative blocks that allow players to unleash their creativity and build stunning structures. Additionally, players will encounter hostile mobs that will test their… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Adventure – Quest for the World!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Adventure - Quest for the World!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft Vanilla+】Where’s World Quest Here?’, was uploaded by Ursa UMi Ch. on 2024-04-25 02:20:46. It has garnered 37 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:33 or 7773 seconds. I’m stalling, I don’t want to pull on Genshin. Am scared ah ha ha :^) ._.-~==~-._=🌟=_.-~==~-._. Waiting Screen BGM: Raspberry Adventure – IchinoseSound ._.-~==~-._=🌟=_.-~==~-._. Welcome to Ursa UMi’s stream! Join me while I scream my way through life, one swear at a time~ ._.-~==~-._=🌟=_.-~==~-._. ✨Stream Rules✨ β˜… Please be respectful in chat. β˜… Avoid backseating and spoilers unless I give the okay. β˜…… Read More

  • Satisfying Sand Art in Minecraft (Among Us)

    Satisfying Sand Art in Minecraft (Among Us)Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying sand Art in Minecraft (Among Us) #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortvideos #viral #amongUs’, was uploaded by HT GAMING on 2024-01-11 20:15:02. It has garnered 2465 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. #viral #shortvideos #technogamerz #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #minecraft #viralvideo #viralshorts #tiktok #youtubeshorts Satisfying sand Art in Minecraft (Among Us) #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortvideos #viral #amongUs Airoplane Tower πŸ˜‚πŸ˜€πŸ—Ό #shorts #short #shortvideos #viral #viralvideo #shortsfeed #minecraft Lava Water Cobblestone Tower πŸ—Ό #shorts #short #shortvideos #viral #viralvideo #shortsfeed #minecraft Airoplane Tower Only Fun πŸ—ΌπŸ˜€ #shorts #short #shortvideos #viral… Read More

  • Insane House Transformation in Minecraft Survival Series! πŸ”₯

    Insane House Transformation in Minecraft Survival Series! πŸ”₯Video Information This video, titled ‘Making a normal HOUSE || Part-2 of our minecraft survival series πŸ‘Œ ||’, was uploaded by mine The aim on 2024-03-28 16:10:38. It has garnered 13 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:15 or 795 seconds. Making a normal HOUSE 🏠 || part-2 of our minecraft survival series πŸ‘Œ|| ________________ πŸ“ŒYour queries Minecraft best seed Minecraft pocket edition survival series Minecraft survival series Minecraft smp Minecraft Survival Minecraft raid Minecraft flat seed Minecraft village golem Minecraft iron farm Minecraft base Minecraft house tutorial ———————————- Tags:- #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthindi #minecraftpesurvivalseries #minecraftsurvivalep1 #minecraftpe… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge: 100 Days on One Chunk in MC Hardcore

    INSANE Challenge: 100 Days on One Chunk in MC HardcoreVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving 100 Days on a ONE CHUNK in Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by Milesy on 2024-05-10 17:00:44. It has garnered 10292 views and 269 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:16 or 3196 seconds. I Survived 100 Days ON ONE CHUNK in Minecraft Hardcore! Dare to embark on the ultimate Minecraft journey? Discover the secrets of surviving 100 days on ONE CHUNK in Hardcore mode. We must use ingenious strategies as we push the limits of survival. Can we conquer the odds? Follow My Social Media! (There is only one): ∘ Twitter – https://twitter.com/milesy_mc… Read More

  • Insane New Features in Minecraft 1.21 Update!

    Insane New Features in Minecraft 1.21 Update!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.21 Update Showcase’, was uploaded by Slimeboy228 on 2024-03-11 20:09:40. It has garnered 3337 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:23 or 683 seconds. Hey! this is my redone version of my previous showcase more PG, more editing, new recording software, and different tone. Hope you all enjoy! :). https://discord.gg/MgWepVFxBw Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bedwars gameplay 2024?! πŸ”₯

    Insane Minecraft Bedwars gameplay 2024?! πŸ”₯Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEDWARS In 2024?!’, was uploaded by Aimsey VODs on 2024-03-01 22:00:02. It has garnered 5315 views and 275 likes. The duration of the video is 02:37:12 or 9432 seconds. This was streamed LIVE at: https://twitch.tv/aimsey Stream Date: February 29, 2024 – Aimsey’s Socials: Youtube – https://youtube.com/@Aimsey Twitter – https://twitter.com/aimseytv Instagram – https://instagram.com/aimseytv TikTok – https://tiktok.com/@aimseylive Tumblr – https://aimseytv.tumblr.com/ Discord Server – https://discord.gg/aimsey – Managed by: https://twitter.com/AimseyVodsYT #aimsey Read More

  • πŸ”₯ 24/7 Minecraft Madness! Join Now! πŸ”₯

    πŸ”₯ 24/7 Minecraft Madness! Join Now! πŸ”₯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live || 24/7 || Minecraft Public SMP Hindi Java + Pe || m#inecraftlive #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Neo Playz yt on 2024-02-20 01:51:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Live || 24/7 || Minecraft Public SMP || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe || m#inecraftlive #minecraftshorts my Discord link … Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT FAIL: Exploring Nether, Tragic Death & Valuable Loot

    EPIC MINECRAFT FAIL: Exploring Nether, Tragic Death & Valuable LootVideo Information This video, titled ‘Relaxing Minecraft Longplay – no comments – Exploring the Nether and I died! Important materials’, was uploaded by RESPAWN BRAZIL on 2024-05-26 10:52:21. It has garnered 36 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:21 or 4041 seconds. Relaxing Minecraft Longplay – no comments – Exploring the Nether and I died! Important materials. A 1 HOUR GAMEPLAY TO THE SOUND OF RELAXING MUSIC WHERE I EXPLORED THE NETHER AND ENDED UP DYING TO THE PIGS THERE. Welcome, here I produce old-style gameplay from the beginning of YouTube, that is, without many memes,… Read More


    MINECRAFT PIXEL ART: SUBSCRIBE for SECRET BUILDS! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXEL ART IF YOU WANT YOUR SUBSCRIBE THAN COMMENT #minecraft #mcpc #shorts #ytshorts’, was uploaded by Ragas YT on 2024-02-13 11:15:02. It has garnered 2787 views and 155 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. MINECRAFT PIXEL ART IF YOU WANT YOUR SUBSCRIBE THAN COMMENT #minecraft #mcpc #shorts #ytshorts Read More

  • Onyxtales

    OnyxtalesOnyx Tales is a revolutionary Minecraft Survival MMORPG. Open-world, custom environments and independent player worlds. Begin your adventure now! onyxmc.net Read More

  • KidlessCraft SMP Whitelist 18+ McMMO Terralith Quests 1.20.4

    KidlessCraft KidlessCraft was founded in 2016 as a server for adults looking for a relaxing gaming experience away from kids. It has grown into a passionate community aiming to provide the best experience possible. In 2023, we acquired our own server rack and continue to grow our community with games we love. Join us and help make our world unique! Join Us: Discord: http://www.discord.gg/kidlesscraft Server IP: mc.kidlesscraft.com Server Website: http://www.kidlesscraft.com About the Server: Location: Central US Game Play Type: SMP / Survival / Hard Difficulty Version: 1.20.4 PaperMC w/ GeyserMC Server Rules: Be Respectful Be Ethical Use Common Sense Features:… Read More

  • The Vibe Zone

    THE VIBE ZONEMinecraft Version: 1.21Server ip: tvz.zapto.orgHas Plugins!Hello, We are a brand new 1.21 Minecraft Server and we are here to invite youto come play with us at The Vibe Zone!We have plugins, and are looking for staff members, helpers, etc!What are you waiting for come play with us on the new Minecraft Version 1.21!!!!!!Discord: https://discord.gg/GWx9hXWXht Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Copper Bulb Scams Squidward

    Minecraft Memes - Copper Bulb Scams SquidwardLooks like this meme is as valuable as copper in Minecraft – not much! Read More

  • Mine the Unknown: Minecraft Block Xuan Unveiled

    Mine the Unknown: Minecraft Block Xuan Unveiled Welcome to my world, where Minecraft reigns, I’m Fangkuaixuan, here to entertain. With animations funny and bright, I bring joy and laughter, day and night. No need for worry, this channel is safe, Child-friendly content, in every frame. Pirated videos, they won’t be found, Only originals, with happiness abound. So come along, join the fun, In Minecraft world, we’ll all be one. Subscribe today, don’t delay, For MC facts in rhymes, I’ll convey. Read More


    MINECRAFT PE: POPPY PLAYTIME CAPITULO 3 - HOT MESS Why play Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 in Minecraft when you can just play the actual game? Seems like someone really wanted to mix things up in the virtual world! #confusedplayer #minecraftstruggles Read More

  • Briokart’s Villager News Special

    Briokart's Villager News Special Celebrating 100 Subscribers with VILLAGER NEWS: BREAKING NEWS! Congratulations to β€Ž@briokart for reaching a significant milestone of 100 subscribers on YouTube! The journey to this achievement has been filled with dedication and creativity, and the celebration is well-deserved. Let’s dive into the details of the special video that marked this exciting moment. A Fun and Engaging Video The 100 Subscriber Special video, featuring VILLAGER NEWS: BREAKING NEWS!, was a delightful production that showcased the talent and effort put in by β€Ž@briokart. Despite the busy schedule, the video was finally released, much to the delight of the audience. The collaboration… Read More

  • Reaching New Heights: Epic Treehouse Build!

    Reaching New Heights: Epic Treehouse Build! The Highest Treehouse – A Creative Journey in Better Minecraft On Day 42 of their epic 1,000-day journey in Better Minecraft, our intrepid player embarked on a new project – constructing the highest treehouse atop a magnificent dragon tree! Let’s delve into the materials used and the exciting features of this treehouse build. Materials Used: Rubeus Slab, Stairs, and Planks: These vibrant red blocks added a pop of color to the treehouse, creating a visually striking contrast against the lush green foliage. Small Cincinnasite Lantern: Illuminating the treehouse with a warm glow, this lantern added a cozy ambiance to… Read More

  • EPIC!! Building a GIANT fortress with SECRET rooms in Minecraft!!

    EPIC!! Building a GIANT fortress with SECRET rooms in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] Cuboid Outpost 1.20.1 | Day 10’, was uploaded by MisterWiggly on 2024-06-10 10:22:15. It has garnered 231 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:48 or 11028 seconds. Archive of Twitch stream that took place on June 10th, 2024 — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/misterwiggly Read More

  • Horror Monsters invade my Minecraft world!

    Horror Monsters invade my Minecraft world!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT ME HORROR MONSTERS AA GYE 😭’, was uploaded by MINE KRISH on 2024-05-27 14:24:49. It has garnered 2512 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:30 or 450 seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror seeds minecraft horror maps 2 player minecraft horror texture pack minecraft horror shaders minecraft horror skins minecraft horror maps multiplayer minecraft horror maps 1.19 minecraft horror adventure maps minecraft horror adventure maps multiplayer minecraft horror addons minecraft horror art minecraft horror ambience mod minecraft horror apk… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Series – TrigunPlay Adventures

    Ultimate Minecraft Series - TrigunPlay AdventuresVideo Information This video, titled ‘Viajes Baratos #minecraft #trigunplay #runicraft #minecraftseries #minecraftshorts #fypγ‚·γ‚šviral #pyf’, was uploaded by TrigunPlay on 2024-03-28 15:00:48. It has garnered 380 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC FAIL: Watch me struggle in hardcore Minecraft!

    EPIC FAIL: Watch me struggle in hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I am not good at hardcore in minecraft so I went a superflat world’, was uploaded by pixelizgaming on 2024-01-11 20:07:15. It has garnered 20 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:56 or 716 seconds. I died in hardcore so I went to a superfat world Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft SURVIVAL Tips! πŸ”πŸ”₯

    ULTIMATE Minecraft SURVIVAL Tips! πŸ”πŸ”₯Video Information This video, titled ‘3 Tips on how to SURVIVE in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by CHICKENCRAFT on 2024-04-28 19:38:16. It has garnered 5408 views and 127 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #crystalpvp #pvp #viral Public Minecraft Lifesteal SMP & PVP-PRACTICE & BOXPVP (free to join!) Come join this Public Minecraft server on Java or Bedrock on any device! You can also join the minecraft server with Tlauncher. Join our active server with your friends or by yourself for completely free to play! Server Address/IP ➀ yt.chickencraft.nl Bedrock PORT ➀ 19132 SMP… Read More

Minecraft | SO MANY JUMPSCARES!! | Doll Maker Custom Map