Minecraft Spectrum Mod – How to Guide 1.5 Magic Update. Part 2

Video Information

Welcome back for part two of my Spectrum mod magic update walkthrough now before we get started I need to make a quick addendum to the last episode I need to give a little bit of a additional background for the shooting stars according to the developer you have a

One percent chance per tick for 100 ticks every night for a shooting star to spawn it has to be clear or starry night and if you’re using a night vision potion and you’re holding an hourglass just by holding it you don’t have to be using The Hourglass you just need to be

Holding The Hourglass this is roughly 10 chance per night but with this combination of items you can more than double Your Spawn chances developer says this is roughly 40 so with this combination of things you can have four star Falls per night for every player who has unlocked the shooting star

Section in Spectrum the colors are random though there’s no way to force one color after another so with that being said let’s get on to the next bit we’ll pick up right where he left off by murdering Enderman now as you’re traveling around your world you will see

Enderman like we all do now endure men are known to pick up blocks dirt band clay and that’s really about it however if you see an Enderman ah there’s one you seen the Enderman during Cobble take note and kill it and we’re just gonna do a mass kill now that looks like Cobble

Foreign but it is not these blocks are kind of cool because what did they allow you to do is make Ender Hoppers and Ender droppers and they basically will pull anything to or from your Ender Chest regardless of where you are in the world as long as

You’re logged in you can also make Ender glass which are you know see-through and so on and so forth so um they’re they’re pretty snazzy I like them it took me a little bit to figure out um how to make this spawn because on the older version these things just started

Randomly appearing everywhere and now you have to wait for one to spawn that’s carrying a block the Enderman shouldn’t carry one of the things I forgot to mention Ender glass has got a very unique property to it if you apply a redstone signal to it it becomes transparent which is kind of fascinating

I don’t know what uses has right now but it’s something that is interesting I think there’s a way you can actually like walk through the glass oh there it is you can walk through the glass but you have to probably walk through those I don’t know maybe there’s a specific

Signal strength that needs to be I don’t quite understand this one just yet but it is something you can do and it’s something that needs to be noted oh yes structure upgrades we didn’t talk about this corporate upgrades are actually really kind of nice most of the structures have these accelerators that

You can actually put on these pedestals right here that will speed up the crafting process so there’s a few that take a really long time and by throwing the accelerators on them it cuts that time almost in half sometimes a little bit more I think and the book shows you

Where to put the different upgrades now out in the ocean if you start floating around you might actually find these earlier depending you’ll run into something called a mermaids Gem and these are very useful for a lot of different things including Alchemy there is a full-blown Alchemy Station

Which is a little bit different from vanilla with its own recipes and night vision goggles and they’re they’re dudes they’re kind of a cool little detail now if you go to the bottom of the ocean there is a a mermaid’s brush and the mermaid’s gems come from it’s

Brush they only survive in water so if you want one of these nearby you can just go over and just kind of just drop it and as it uh grows it’ll spit the gym up you can set up an auto collection system if you need to the other thing that has

Unlocked to this point is a new ore in the nether it’s called stratine or and you can get fragments and gems out of it now one of the things you can make and this is really kind of cool it’s something called semi-permeable glass that takes some

Pigment some glass and A Shard and some powder of various colors and you put it in the crafting table behind us and what that does is something very interesting it allows you to walk through it but mobs cannot if we take some blue glass here we put it around this Temple

See we can walk through this but if I was to put a zombie on the other side of this class he would come up and get stuck stuck right there he would not be able to walk through which is really kind of cool this is one of the many like Nifty

Details that they’ve added now that we have unlocked both the strateen and the Onyx we can now make something called a bottle of failing and this is hungry it’s one of the two things that is extremely dangerous in this mod and you do not want to leave it

Unattended and I’m I’m gonna give you a slight example as to why so we’re going to go over here but we’re going to take this bottle of failing I’m gonna drop it right there I like the sound this is nice deep from and we’re we’re gonna we’re gonna come back in a bit

Oh see that it’s already spreading we’re just gonna like you know drop one here you know maybe one here and we’ll put one right there put that on top of it no big deal no one no I don’t even know what’s even there my kid of course

Um this stuff is actually very dangerous and it does eat through things a lot like the The Fading does but what this wants specifically is obsidian if you put the obsidian on top of it it will convert the obsidian there it is to get something we can’t see yet and as with

The quirking into this mod there’s a few things you still have to craft even though I can pull them out of creative this apparently is one of them now that thing I picked up that I couldn’t see before is now a neolith that will need quite a few of these to

Progress there’s a few more things we actually need to take care of the next one is actually a new order that it buries underground in deep slate levels I have uh added world edit to the install because I think it’s easier just to demonstrate this stuff like this so

We’re going to take a huge chunk and we’re just going to completely wipe out all the stone and deep slate and now here we have a great big hole to bedrock I stopped it deep slate but I cleared everything else out to show you there’s been a slight change in order

Generation even from the live stream that I did a few weeks ago it used to be that shimmerstone ore specifically like to generate in the corners of chunks uh just a block or two here all the way down you can find them about every 10 layers and now it looks

Like they have changed that generation here and it is now in the very center and it looks like if you find one bit of it you’re going to find quite a bit of it all right together this is very handy and I like this a lot better

The idea of going down the corner of a trunk and always finding something was great but it was very widely dispersed in trying to find something else so if you dig at not quite straight down but straight down ish you will find a fair amount and a small cusp cluster now if

We go here down below deep slate now with the Deep slate lava and tough remove we can see the oars have opened up a little bit more and again we’re seeing the the shimmering Stone oh interesting that is very fascinating so it looks like the origination changed

For above deep State levels but below deep State levels it’s still kind of wants to generate on the very edge of chunks which is fascinating let’s see if it did okay it’s not every corner like it was before but at least on some corners it looks like it still is

That’s still good to know though that that is how that generates and again these are a lot closer together than they were before uh in the earlier versions of 1.5 so it to me this is a welcome change now down here a little bit further starting at about oh there’s our first

Piece right there where are we negative 41. that is the next or we’re looking for it is called Azurite this opens up a whole bunch of new options inside of the mod some of which were not available when I first did this and there’s a very

Good reason why I took this all the way to bedrock and you’ll see what that is here in a short bit and since we’re talking about our generation I came to the Nether and World edited at a whole chunk of terrain and I found something very interesting

The 13 still loads and and huge chunks and veins like it the rest of the words do the fascinating thing is they seem to have a higher chance to generate the closer to a fortress you wore because as I get over further away from it then it

Doesn’t really show up anymore the other thing that’s fascinating about this particular order is I thought originally that this was down in netherite levels at 15 or so but now it’s generating a between 35 and 52. so find yourself a fortress and uh in and of the waste and start digging and

You’ll you’ll probably have some pretty good luck with this however before we get to the Bedrock bit uh we need to talk about something that was included in the last update I just skipped it in the how-to because I didn’t understand how it worked and that is the potion Workshop

Now you would use this like you would use a brewing stand there’s a small difference of the differences instead of running off of blaze powder just a sec you would use this in the same way you would use a brewing stand the only difference is this runs off of mermaid gems

If you come into the magical block section of the book from here and you’ll find there’s these three categories now what’s not terribly clear at least it wasn’t to me is that in order for this to actually fully unlock I actually have to brew a standard vanilla potion first

It’s not done the way you think it is so this still uses mermaid gems for just about everything but you have to have both another word and we’re gonna do a weakness potion from it to spider eye if this doesn’t take bottles of water it takes empty bottles so additional

Reagents go in here to alter this potion there now this is fully unlocked so did you notice it makes three at a time which is fantastic so we’re going to grab we’ll still open dust gun powder and we’re just going to shift click those right into place and some redstone

Dust and now we have a four minute and 30 second weakness potion I’m not sure why these aren’t converting into the splash because I thought they should but they’re not this is one of those pieces of this mod I still find um a little bit confusing I understand

How it works in base concept and I like the implementation of it but there’s certain aspects of it such as how come this isn’t Splash Why didn’t that reagent double the triple the length of something but I just don’t quite get at least for vanilla recipes if you’re gonna use this

For anything just use it for spectrum recipes it’s nice to be able to mass produce vanilla recipes like this but for whatever reason I personally don’t understand why it’s not doing what I think it should if someone if someone someone understands why please leave me a comment and I’ll update this tutorial

The next thing on the list is to make some liquid Crystal and the recipe is as follows with two pink pigment a mermaid gem gold pigment Shimmer stone and a bucket and one of each type of powder foreign And with that progress we can now make the Spectrum enchanting table it shows up in the book as such and as usual it has its own shrine and there is the completed enchanting structure the Spectrum enchanting is a little bit different from normal chanting is the fact that not only are

There a few different and new enchantments you can make enchanting books upgrade enchanting books and duplicate enchanting books but in order to do this require something called a knowledge gem which the recipe for this is underneath magical items and this is the recipe the knowledgehammer is very unique because

The way it works is you shift right click to add XP and you center right click to pull XP out as it says the gems are about five to one for experience in and out and they’re not very efficient and not very quick however if you make two of these

And enchant them it actually speeds them up and makes them one to one right clicks the gem and put it on the table and I got a whole bunch of recipes you can see there’s standard Minecraft enchantments in there and victim-specific enchants in there you can double the speed and the

Efficiency of the knowledge Gems by putting two gems in the altar putting the efficiency or Quick Charge book in the item Bowl it’s important to note that you have to have the efficient XP in the two gems for this to work there it is now we have an enchanted

Knowledge dim that stores twice as much or 10 times as much and it’s guaranteed to one for one now with enchanting unlocked this is where the second half of this mod really opens up because what we needed more than the enchanting was the Liquid Crystal as it’s kind of important for

Almost everything else here on forward and the next step of this journey we’re going to do something called Midnight aberration and it requires back here to be at the fusion Shrine we’re going to put the liquid crystal in the pedestal then Lopez amethyst neolith Onyx Shard This particular like Bell summoning recipe I’m not sure what to call it has to take place on a clear sky in the middle of a sunny day so it’s perfect right now as it is with everything inside of the spectrum this stuff is particularly deadly and hurtful it will just kind of

Inhale and chew through everything like everything else does but this stuff is a little bit different because it is actually a liquid and it’s not as easy to get rid of as you might think sure you could put down blocks and actually stop the flow of it but the

Thing is you actually want this stuff actually from the ground as it destroys it the chips you get from enemies that are walking at it and the solution buckets will thus just a black gunky pick up in the bucket and you’ll need this for other recipes down the line

As case in point we’re going to let this put a little llama die Oh look The wondering Trader died here too and I got a chip out of it so you actually have to pick this stuff up and murderize mobs with it in order to get

The things out of it you need to press which is irritating but effective underneath like a mob spawner we get plenty of it that way unfortunately I actually had a smell a little bit of file of corruption and I lost quite a bit of footage but the next

Thing that I do have is that we have to make a bottle of Ruin which is this right here it’s why you needed the midnight chips you know what let’s make a total mess of the world and let’s put it right here I love that sound

But this is actually one of the reasons why I exposed to bedrock is what this one’s to eat is the Bedrock now granted this is like the fading or the failing or even the midnight operation stuff it’ll consume everything but there’s a specific thing you want to feed it in

This case it’s the Bedrock and see it doesn’t take long to convert either when the texture changes like this you can actually mind it in survival with a pick now you can’t actually open a hole to the void in the Overworld I don’t know if it’ll actually eat there’s another roof

Ceiling I’ve never tried what you get out of this is bedrock dust now this is actually used for weapons and armor and other couple of other recipes only one thing you can do with this you make weapons and armor out of it because of course you do I mean what else would

You realistically use it for well if curiosity killed the cat it just murdered me but it does mean you can use this to rip a hole in your nether ceiling so that makes it a lot easier if you have not already done so now is the time to make a black sapling for

Black dye and black pigment which you’re gonna need to make the rest of the armor each recipe is a little bit different but they’ll require a gold piece of armor Bedrock Onyx pattern that’s your team fragments some required gems but they all require that evil midnight solution that we made earlier so in

Order to progress we’re going to quickly pop these up and with that we have a full set of Bedrock armor I like it it’s really snazzy the model is nice honestly not gonna lie it reminds me a little bit of um one of the seasons or whatever World

Of Warcraft for the Paladin which was my favorite class to play by the way so I’m down I like this this is nice but this is where we’re gonna end this recording uh if we look there’s still quite a bit left here that we haven’t touched yet but here’s

The edge of what isn’t developed and there’s only really one or two things here that are worth noting that you won’t just kind of do on your own anyway if you want to seek them out this is the stuff that progression wise really matters especially this line

Right here and we’ll get to that in the next episode so thank you for watching if you’ve enjoyed this if this has been helpful please click like And subscribe comment down below it helps with interactions I really appreciate you being here and I will see you in the next one see you soon

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Spectrum Mod – How to Guide 1.5 Magic Update. Part 2’, was uploaded by Enki on 2022-09-16 16:00:02. It has garnered 13880 views and 86 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:58 or 1138 seconds.

Welcome to Part 2 of my Spectrum 1.5 Walkthrough.

As always if I got something wrong please let me know.

Timecodes 0:00 intro 0:08 Additional info on shooting stars 0:56 Radiating Ender 2:54 Structure upgrades 3:19 Mermaid Gems 3:48 Mermaids Brush 4:18 Semi-Permeable Glass 5:10 Bottle of Failing 6:13 Harvesting Bottle of Failing 6:22 Neolith 6:35 Distribution of Ore per chunk 6:58 Shimmering Stone Ore and it’s changes 8:40 Azurite Generation 9:06 Stratine Generation in the nether 10:06 Potion workshop 12:10 Liquid Crystal 12:30 Enchanting Table 12:44 Brief explanation of Spectrum Enchanting 12:59 Knowledge gem 13:36 increasing the efficiency of the Knowledge Gem 14:20 Midnight solution creation and explanation 15:27 Midnight Chips 16:14 Bottle of Ruin 16:22 making a mess of the world.. because why not? 16:32 Creation of Bedrock Dust 17:22 Using Ruin to rip a hole in the nether ceiling 17:30 Black Sapling 17:39 creation of Bedrock Armor and weapons 18:16

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    Insane Minecraft Shorts: BIG Sword vs BIG Creeper! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Have A Big Sword Or A Big Creeper… | Ein | Minecraft | Aphmau | Zane | Aaron | Kim #shorts’, was uploaded by Ein – Shorts on 2024-02-21 19:10:00. It has garnered 11846 views and 817 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Read More

  • Revolution SMP – Semi-Vanilla

    🌟 Revolution SMP 🌟 Join us in Revolution SMP, where every player can leave their mark on the world, forge lasting friendships, and be part of a story that continues to unfold with every new adventurer who steps into the world of Revolution SMP. Whether you’re a seasoned builder, a daring explorer, or someone looking to unwind and chill, Revolution SMP welcomes you to be a part of our exciting journey. Let the adventure begin! Features: ✨ Custom Enchants: Discover unique enchantments that enhance your gameplay experience. πŸ›‘οΈ Grief Prevention: Build and explore with peace of mind knowing your creations… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Why I made this spicy Minecraft meme

    I guess you can say this meme is a solid 7/10, just like my dating profile! Read More

  • Nether Portals of Love! ❀️πŸ”₯

    Nether Portals of Love! ❀️πŸ”₯ When you accidentally walk through the nether portal with hearts and end up in the friend zone. Read More


    100 DNI W STRASZNIEJ MODZIE MINECRAFTA The Terrifying World of Minecraft Horror Modpack Embark on a spine-chilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the Horror Modpack challenge. Our brave protagonist faces terrifying monsters, stalkers, and even the infamous Herobrine in this hair-raising journey. Join us as we delve into the depths of fear and survival in this intense Minecraft experience. A Terrifying Challenge Awaits Our fearless explorer takes on the Horror Modpack challenge, braving the horrors that lurk within. From eerie creatures to sinister foes, every corner of this modpack is filled with dread and danger. Will our hero emerge victorious, or succumb to… Read More

  • Crafting a Flamingo in Minecraft

    Crafting a Flamingo in Minecraft The Art of Building a Flamingo in Minecraft When it comes to creativity in Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, players have pushed the boundaries of what can be achieved in this virtual world. One popular trend that has emerged is the art of building unique and eye-catching structures, such as the iconic flamingo. Flamingo Fever Building a flamingo in Minecraft is not only a fun challenge but also a great way to showcase your building skills. With its long legs, vibrant pink feathers, and distinctive beak, the flamingo is a striking addition… Read More

  • SpellBound ModPack: INSANE LUCK in Minecraft! πŸ”₯ #ΠΌΠ°ΠΉΠ½ΠΊΡ€Π°Ρ„Ρ‚

    SpellBound ModPack: INSANE LUCK in Minecraft! πŸ”₯ #ΠΌΠ°ΠΉΠ½ΠΊΡ€Π°Ρ„Ρ‚Video Information This video, titled ‘SpellBound – Minecraft ModPack #ΠΌΠ°ΠΉΠ½ΠΊΡ€Π°Ρ„Ρ‚ #minecraft’, was uploaded by Π›Π°ΠΊΠΈ on 2024-07-09 19:15:01. It has garnered 427 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. You can download it from the link in tg: https://t.me/spelsbound Read More

  • Narrow escape from certain doom | Minecraft Hardcore

    Narrow escape from certain doom | Minecraft HardcoreVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cama kla casi me saca del mapa | Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by kidd sai on 2024-03-17 13:00:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Enjoy the video! Don’t forget to subscribe and leave a like! Read the full description for more info: … Read More

  • Who Will Win? Epic Anime Minecraft Music Edit!

    Who Will Win? Epic Anime Minecraft Music Edit!Video Information This video, titled ‘who will won #music #edit #song #anime #animeedit #minecraftcommunity #minecraft’, was uploaded by Risk Playz on 2024-05-09 07:26:19. It has garnered 492 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. #Minecraft #ReplayMod #PE #Gaming #Tutorial #UltimateGuide #MinecraftPE #Modding #Gameplay #MinecraftMods #MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftTips #MinecraftTricks #MinecraftCommunity #GamerLife #VideoGames #MinecraftPlayers #GamingCommunity #MinecraftAddict #GamerWorld Generated using YouTools https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.youtools.seo#Minecraft #ReplayMod #MinecraftPE #UltimateGuide #Gaming #Tutorial #YouTube #Gamers #MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftMods #MinecraftPlayers #MinecraftCommunity #VideoGames #MinecraftPocketEdition #CreativeMode #MinecraftBuilds #GamingCommunity #MinecraftGameplay #MinecraftJava #MinecraftBedrock Generated using YouTools https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.youtools.seominecraft minecraft mods minecraft mod catnap poppy playtime minecraft but poppy playtime chapter… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pool Tutorial 🀯 #viral #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Pool Tutorial 🀯 #viral #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Swimming Pool Tutorial🏊 #shorts #trending #viral’, was uploaded by TrendoPlayZ on 2024-06-09 13:14:52. It has garnered 10801 views and 656 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Minecraft Swimming Pool Tutorial🏊 #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorialSubscribe For More Videos Like This 😊πŸ”₯❀️ SUBSCRIBE OR I TAKE YOUR MINECRAFT ACCOUNT ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ β•‘β•šβ•£β•‘β•‘β•‘β•šβ•£β•šβ•£β•”β•£β•”β•£β•‘β•šβ•£β•β•£ β• β•—β•‘β•šβ•β•‘β•‘β• β•—β•‘β•šβ•£β•‘β•‘β•‘β•‘β•‘β•β•£ β•šβ•β•©β•β•β•©β•β•©β•β•©β•β•©β•β•šβ•©β•β•©β•β• #minecraft #viral #trending #minecraftpvp #pvp #boxing #bestplayer @mine @iusehuzuni @Straaight @KZA_ #straight #kza #iusehuzuni Ignore Tags:- minecraft house,minecraft shorts,minecraft house design,minecraft short,minecraft builds,minecraft spider,minecrafter,minecraft house tutorial,minecraft tips,minecraft hack,minecraft meme,minecraft build,minecraft floor,minecraft funny,minecraft parody,minecraft tricks,minecraft design,minecraft tiktok,minecraft… Read More

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  • Ultimate 1v1 Tips & Tricks for Minecraft & Free Fire

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  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour Madness! (PPL Request YT)

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  • EnderElite

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  • The Atlas Project Modded Bedrock Server – smp

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Minecraft Spectrum Mod –  How to Guide 1.5 Magic Update. Part 2