Minecraft: STAR WARS All Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT) | Combat Walker Tutorial

Video Information

Hello ladies and gentlemen the scare 2f4 here bringing you another minecraft star wars vehicle tutorial in this tutorial we’re going ahead and making my redesign for the all-terrain armor transport known by its abbreviation atat this was a four-legged combat walker used by the ground forces of the galactic empire with the imperial class

Star destroyer and the tie fighter it was one of the most famous symbols of the empire’s military might the att is easily probably one of the most powerful ground units really that the empire really uh employed uh in mass numbers uh i mean it’s very iconic from

Its uh use on in the movie empire strikes back and means just overall in a very iconic vehicle for the empire um much like the atst a lot of people probably aren’t familiar with what an atat is or have at least seen pictures of it somewhere even if they’re kind of

Big fan of star wars or anything like that it’s just one of those again iconic vehicles from star wars uh and uh this is a redesign so i’m pretty you know happy about that a new redesign for the uh atat which was uh definitely much needed after uh you know my

Previous version which was done pretty much i think like two years ago something like that so it’s nice to go back revisit it and hopefully have a new design out and everything like that um this new design is definitely a lot more detailed and definitely a lot

Better in terms of shaping and accuracy so i am overall really happy with it anyways let’s go and take a look at the atat itself and um now of course we’ll go into the tutorial uh now starting off with we have of course the head right here which

Is uh pretty awesome you got the heavier blaster cams down here the side blaster cannons as well uh pretty simple there you got the viewport here where the drivers would be located um you can see it’s just a you know black wool blocks to use for just

To kind of give it more of a black effect however if you wanted to you could like use a stained glass or something behind this to kind of give it more color or something or make it actually see-through if you want to do some kind of interior for it

We have the neck which connects obviously the head to the main body and again this head has lots of little detail uh bits all around it underneath it around it everything like that i’ve tried my best uh to get that as right as possible and not drop sand there um go

Ahead and get teaming on we have the main body here which again is more detailed has a different kind of um you know texturing with uh you know different like the stone and the polished inside to kind of make different armor plating and stuff like

That kind of stand out a bit more um and then you can see right here we have where the big door will be and i’ll show you guys how to have this open if you guys want to it’s very simple we just need to break this whole section open

And you guys can have an open section for the side there but i’ll be showing you guys how to do that and again just more detail all around it in the back here again a lot more detail and everything like that and the legs themselves are also very detailed as

Well and definitely better structured um than my previous design for it uh overall i’m just really happy with this way that the way this new 18 came out i think the shaping is of it is just absolutely awesome and uh just the general look and feel of it

Really is just all really comes together so uh overall really happy with this new design for the 8018 hope you guys do enjoy it as well again this is kind of continuing our star wars uh themed month and uh yesterday we built the ats t which would be a definitely a really

Good addition to go along with this build so uh feel free to check that build out as well if you’re building some imperial stuff but uh anyways let’s go ahead and move into the tutorial we’re going to start off with our legs for this door we’re going to be building

One leg and then we’re just going to copy the leg around since the build itself does not require us to really build each leg uh really individually there it’s the same length design so i’ll just be covering how to build one leg and then show you guys how

To copy it around and spacing and everything like that to make sure it’s all correct anyways uh let’s go ahead and move into the tutorial by starting off with our uh leg all right guys so going ahead and moving on to basically the legs for the build now as i

Mentioned i’m just gonna be going ahead and building one leg on camera i’m gonna copy the air legs off off screen i’m gonna show you guys how to position them where to put them so that you guys can do it right but it’s just a big copy and

Paste work with all these legs so uh you know what’s going to take me you know maybe 20 minutes to build the one leg it may take you a little bit longer to copy it around or if you have world edit on pc you can obviously do that a little

Bit faster uh but we’ll get to that a little bit later once we get done with our leg here so uh to start off with we’re gonna go ahead and uh work on our right front leg so just kind of give you guys a you know look at where this is gonna be

Positioned on the build we’re gonna be working on this leg first um as you can see that front leg right there uh so just a general idea of how that’s gonna look again i put the dimensions on screen to be in the video so uh feel

Free to take a look at that and um all that stuff to make sure you guys are blowing this uh in the right spot that you guys want it anyways uh to go ahead and get started here we need to go and make a pretty much a big circle around

So we’re going to place down a row of three of polished insight we’re going to go ahead and go off to either side uh basically going back here with polished nano side block side diagonal on the inside we then we’re going to go to a diagonal again place down a narrow row

Of three now row three like this and then we’re going to copy just what we did over here so we have our polished inside block here go toward the inside here at an angle and then just a row of three across like that to basically create a big circle uh

Looks something like that very simple we then wanted to take a stone break slab we’re going to place tiny stone brick slab here on those two uh basically coming off the middle uh polish dance that block on these rows of three so just uh like that and these are going to

Create like these little uh little like kind of braces or whatever supports that kind of come out from the legs um like that go ahead and continuing on we’re just going to go ahead and take our polish dslr to place it down around the circle

Um just going up one more layer so we’re just going to take this go all the way around like so just like that save it too high kind of circle here uh when we get to this point here we’re going to go ahead and go to the center polish dance that block on

These rows of three we’re going to place down one polygons that block up like this all the way around we then want to go ahead and take a stone brick half side we’re going to go and go diagonal from this um we’re basically going to place nice sorry a

Snowbrick half stab next to each of these uh polished antenna flow blocks going all the way around just like that and these corner sections here we’re going to take polish dancing we’re going to place it down behind these uh stoner calf subs so just like this again going

All the way around to the build like that so you have something that looks like this from up above and from the sides here you can kind of see how it looks you can see the corners kind of down here you have the stone brick half

Step and then the full block uh so something just like that going all the way around uh go ahead and continuing on up to here at this point we’re going to go over this space right here we’re going to place down stone brick half slabs again going all the way around the foot

Like that um after we have that done we’re going to place down a three by three square here of polished standard site going all the way around here and we can fill in space in the center though we don’t really need to but we can just go and fill that in

So just like that uh with that complete here we’re just going to go ahead and take our polish dance site we’re going to basically make a cross on the top here this row of three like that followed by a cobblestone wall in the corners to create the kind of top there we then

Want to take a stone brick top side we’re going to go ahead and place down one and two stone brick top stabs come off this polished dance step block toward the front and also two stone brick top stabs going toward the back uh after we have that complete there

Should be stone brick top steps underneath this i don’t know why there isn’t uh except that i’ll probably have to actually fix here uh but just like that we want to place place it down so that looks just like this uh we then want to go ahead and grab ourselves some

Stone slabs we’re going to place down some stone slab full blocks here on both ends we’re going to place down the stone button on the on the block facing toward the front and back of the 1818 we’re then going to place down a polish dance light block after this stone sub full

Block like that uh and then in between these polished nanotech blocks we’re just going to place down a row of three of stone brick half slabs we then want to go ahead and go to this uh polished nanostate block here on both sides we’re just going to place down again a stover

Cap side on both sides after that’s complete we’re going to place down a stone brick stair like this on top of this um this stone slab full block on both sides we’re going to place down any stone brick upside down stair coming off that stone brick stair so we

Get that on both sides like that once we have that complete we want to go ahead and basically build up from this so on top of this snow brick upside down stair and place down another stone brick upside down stair like so we then want to place down another

Upside down snow brick stair coming off that stair like this fall by a stone brick top slab on both sides of that stone brick stair uh once you get once you have that all done we then want to go and place down a stone brick top slab coming off this uh stone brick

Stair like that uh we then want to go and place down a stone brick half slab coming off this stone brick top zab so this number calf slab like that and it’s going to be the same thing over here on this side as well so just a stomach half step like

That and we can delete those placeholder blocks but something that kind of looks just like that uh we then want to go and go and basically do the same thing over here so on top of this snow break ups downstairs ups and down stairs and coming off of it

Again another upside down stair like that we also want to grab ourselves some uh light gray carpet we’re gonna place down a light gray carpet on top of these two stone break stairs like that and then we also want again stone brick top stabs coming off this stone brick upside down stair

Going ahead and continuing up uh what we want to do for this section here is we want to go ahead and place down a row of three here of polished genocide across the top here so one two and three across like that we then want to go and take our stone

Slab full blocks on top of these two stone brick top slabs we’re gonna place down stone slab full blocks same thing over here on this side and then we’re gonna place down stone buttons coming off those stone slab full blocks in between these blocks we’re going to

Place down a polished anti-block on both sides like that and then coming off the stone side blocks on the other sides going out toward the front which are forever 18 which is that direction in the back that way we’re gonna place down stone break up downstairs facing off in those directions like that

Uh with that complete go ahead and continuing on we’re gonna place down a stone slab full block on top of the stone sub full blocks from the previous layer all going up like that we then want to go ahead and place down a polished inside block in between those

Stone slab full blocks like that uh like we do on the front here we’re gonna place down stone brick stairs coming off those stone slab full blocks but these time that this time they’re gonna be on the on the upside down stairs just as regular stairs and it’s

Going to be like that on both sides like that and then in between these uh stairs and this the slot the full blocks here we’re gonna place down a row five here of stone brick top steps like that so you create a little space here and this

Is where the joint kind of slides into and this kind of rail here for the uh leg to be able to pivot back and forth kind of fits into uh so just like that um once we have that done there is one thing we want to make in addition to now

Since this is the right leg uh right here it’s going to be going to be the right front the middle space is going to be pretty much in this area right here so on the inside of our leg which is in this direction here we’re going to go

Ahead and put on a little attachment now for this it’s very simple we just want to go ahead and place down a lever on coming off of this polished inside block followed by a cobblestone wall on top of it we’re going to place down a second cobblestone wall going up we then want

To go ahead and go kind of over at an angle here where to place down a cobblestone wall like that going up where they’re going to place down four so we have one two three and four cobblestone walls going up and then we just want to place down one and two

Cobblestone walls going up to kind of finish that off now again this is going to be the inside of the leg here so our other leg is going to be located kind of in this vicinity right here so you can kind of you know picture this

Here we have our other leg our left front leg um so this could be on the inside here other leg and not on the outside again you can kind of see a good example of it right here with this model right here for the att you can see

How that kind of looks right there um anyways continuing on uh we’re going to go to the this section here and place down a row of three of polished dance site across the top there in the middle that row of five of stone brick top slabs we then

Want to place down polished inside block coming off on both sides like that to kind of create a little bit of a cross shape and then over these stone slab full blocks we’re just going to place down stone brick half slabs like that now on the inside section here where

This cobblestone wall is we’re going to place down a stone brick half step on top of that cobblestone wall that’s going to do it for this kind of line that runs up here like so uh going ahead and continuing on we’re going to place down another row of three

Here of polish dance like going up we then want to place down a stone brick uh stair in the middle here in the middle here we actually want facing this direction actually since this is going to be the back here of the leg we want to facing toward the outside of the bill

Which would be off in this direction here so we’re going to place down a standby steer like that we then want to place down a polished and set block on either side of the stone brick stair go ahead and go on up or to place down again and polish the outside block on

Either side here with a cyan uh harness thank you block in the middle there with a stone button on the front and back of the block going ahead and continuing on we’re going to place down a another polished antenna block here on both sides followed by a cobblestone wall in between them

And then we just want to go in again place down a row of three of paul’s damn site going up like so um and actually we’re gonna place daddy’s science thinking block there in the middle uh so what we want to do for this point here is we’re gonna place dining stonebrick

Half stab coming off the science stain clear block followed by a upside down stone brick stair coming off of it on either side same thing over here on this side as well um just upside down stair on both sides and a stone brick half slab there in the middle

Uh going 82 up we’re going to place down a row of three of polished genocide in the middle here we want to go and go on top of these stone brick stairs we’re going to place down polished genocide full blocks as well in the middle here we want to go ahead

And grab ourselves a stone slab and we’re going to place down a stone slab full block here in the middle like that um and we’re going to place a stone button coming off like that for our first kind of like knee joint here for the leg

Uh going ahead and continuing on we want to go and then take our polished dana site we’re going to place down a uh polishing slip block here on both sides in the middle followed by a cobblestone wall in the center we want to go and just place down a stone brick

Stair on top of these uh polished stands that blocks like this with their backs facing toward each other and between the stairs we’re going to place down a stone brick top sam on both sides like that continuing on we’re going to go ahead and place down a row of two

Of uh polish dance light going up like that we then want to take our stone brick stairs and place down one stitch like this on both sides we then want to go ahead and place down an upside down stair on top of those stairs as well

So same thing again on both sides here just like that uh we also want to go ahead and grab ourselves some banners and on the uh kind of like the inside here of our legs so again this side here where we have our cobblestone walls we’re going to place down one and two

Gray banners to kind of cover that uh space up on the back there um as well and uh we also want to go ahead and go on the inside here and it is a little bit different on the inside uh we actually want to go ahead and take this

Top step here to break that we’re going to place down a cobblestone wall and we’re also going to break this top step here and also replace that with a cobblestone wall uh we’re also going to grab ourselves a light gray carpet and we’re just going to place down a light

Gray carpet on the inside again this is all on the inside part of the leg here where this um line that runs up here is located um so that’s on the inside here it’s a little bit different from what’s on the outside uh with that uh complete going ahead and

Continuing on we’re gonna take our polish dance site again we’re going to place down one and two going up we then want to place down one and two one and two science thankfully blocks on both sides like that we’re also going to go and grab ourselves stone buttons you

Want to place down one and two one and two stone buttons like this on these signs thankfully blocks and same thing over here on this side as well just like that going up uh with that done we’re going to place down a stone slab full block on top of

This polished standstill block in the center there followed by a stone brick upside down stair coming off of the stone slab full block on both sides so just like that uh we just we just want to go and then take a ladder and place down a ladder on the outside here

Of the stone slab which is going to be on this side here and then on the inside we’re just going to take our cobblestone walls and we actually want to place down a row of three here cobblestone walls across the back there like that uh with that finish go ahead and

Continuing up we’re gonna place down a polished genocide block here on both sides a science think way block there in the middle uh go ahead and continue down again the same thing so a polished answer block on both sides here and a sine stanque block there in the middle uh we’re going to

Then place down again a row three of cobblestone walls on top of this previous row three and then we want to go ahead and then place down a uh row of four of paul or cobblestone walls going back like so uh going ahead and continuing on we’re

Gonna place down a row of uh three here of polished and site just like this uh we then wanna go ahead and or some of that we’re gonna break the center block there um and place down a stone side full block and just like we did down

There we’re going to place the ladder on this one as well um for this section here uh we want to go ahead and uh go in this section we’re going to take our cobblestone walls we’re going to place down a row of three followed by a polished and side

Block coming off of it like that toward the back uh with that’s uh finished up we’re gonna go ahead and again go ahead and continue up we’re gonna place down a row three on top of this section right here of polished and site um and then we want

To go ahead and place down an air polished handset block coming up uh on this back here this back section and we’re also going to place down a row three of uh paul stanton so this is basically just gonna be a row four across just like that

With that finish go ahead and continuing up we’re going to take our science sting clay we’re going to place down uh one two and three science thinking blocks across these uh three polish dance type blocks we also want to place down uh one and two polished inside blocks going toward the

Back section so our legs gonna be our att is gonna be facing this direction so this is all going toward the back here which will be back in that direction there once we have uh that’s complete we’re gonna take our stone brick top sides we’re going to place down one two and

Three coming off those um science technical blocks on the outside of the leg we’re gonna place down a stone brick upside down stair like this on both sides of the leg going ahead and continuing on to our next kind of layer up uh we actually want to go and grab ourselves some black

Wool and uh we actually want to go ahead and take this science think we block we’re going to swap that out for black wool but a place down there black wool block that goes up like this and then another one like that we also want to take our science think

Line and place down a row under row two going up and then another row of two going up after that uh for this whole uh section right in here uh on the front we’re actually going to place that in there stone brick stair here next to this one like that

We’re gonna place down a row two of polish data site on top of these stone brick stairs after that we’re gonna place down one polished inside block going back and then in the middle section here we’re gonna place down a stone slab full block with the stone bun coming off of it we

Want to go and skip a space of one on top of this stone brick upside down stair we’re going to place down again a polished and side block and then uh for this section here again we’re just going to place down a row to a polished inside to fill in that space

Like that uh go ahead and uh continuing on we then want to go ahead and place down a uh maybe they want to go and place down a row of uh two here of stone brick stairs here on the front just like that and i kind

Of what we did for this layer down here we’re gonna do something very similar we’re gonna place down a row of two of stone brick half slabs across like that we then want to place down a uh stone brick stair on this polish dance light block here followed by a

Paul or uh polished inside full block next to the stair like that and then we’re going to place down the stone brick half step on top of this polished nail side block uh like so you can see the shape here for the leg kind of taking shape

Uh then we when we get up to this section here we just want to go and take our stone break stairs and place down a row of two across like this a narrow row two across like that and then just a row of two here of polished inside in

Between it to go ahead and kind of finish off your leg there as you can see that is pretty much the uh atats uh kind of main leg design and uh pretty much the next part really is going to be going into the kind of this whole kind of connector

Pieces this whole inside part right in here the chassis for it really and then moving on to pretty much the main body for it and everything like that uh so this is a pretty good stopping point for the leg right here as you can clearly see we have the uh leg designed

And pretty much ready to go now when it comes down to uh actually building this and you know connecting the legs because as i said i’m only going to build one leg so it’s up to you guys to copy it around this leg right here needs to be flipped over exactly

Across to this side right here so it’s very simple i’ll just kind of show you guys a little outline for the footprints and then you guys can build it up uh so we want to do is we want to go ahead and get go ahead and go one block basically

Over so we have one block space in between these legs and we’re just going to basically outline the same thing with our foot here and we’ll take this all the way around like so and we’ll have a nice footprint there and we have our little um you know

Stabilized supports that kind of come off the um you know sides like that so that’s basically your foot there as you can see very simple and uh only one block space away now if you’re going to be going ahead and uh well obviously if the back legs

Here are a little bit further back so we’re going to go and need to kind of count this out so this is a total of one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve and thirteen blocks away uh from each other so i’m gonna go back

From this half step right here and go and count back one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen after that we’re then going to place a snowbird half stab row three here and again kind of make that circular shape as we did previously and this is gonna

Go ahead and show you again the outline here for the other foot again stone brick half slab here on both sides like that and then this foot also is going to be one block over exactly um compared to the other foot so just like how the front feet are uh

These feet are gonna be one block apart as well and we’re just gonna take this all the way around again stone break half stabs like that uh so very simple and you can see they’re the outline of the feet and how they’re going to be positioned now

What you guys need to do is you need to go and copy this leg over to this side however when you copy this leg make sure that you actually have it so that it’s facing they’re facing toward each other so this inside part right here should be uh going up like this

Uh it shouldn’t be over here on this side like that it needs to be on the inside here like this a good example right here is to kind of show you guys you can see exactly what i’m talking about here how these legs kind of go up

And they’re kind of these uh parts right here kind of go down at an angle toward each other uh you want something like that and the same thing back here at these legs just like that these legs are exact replicas all you need to do is build the same build the same thing

Really uh one thing i want to quickly point out though however is that this whole section right here this whole point up here will need to be flipped over so uh when you have this leg right here it’s actually going to be flipped over and this whole part right here that’s coming toward

Kind of the middle portion here also needs to come toward the middle so this part right here is going to come in the middle like that i will go ahead and build these legs real quick and kind of show you guys exactly what i’m talking about uh but basically it’s a pretty

Simple process and pretty simple explanation but let me go ahead and just put the air legs on and i’ll show you guys in a second what i mean all right guys so as you can see i went ahead and built the legs here and i think this is a good representation of

What your legs should actually look like as you can see these legs right here these two front legs they are facing toward each other we start off with this right leg right here and you can see i just went ahead and kind of mirrored this like over here to

This side and you can see that they pretty much um you know connect up with each other pretty much just like that um and it’s the same thing pretty much with the back legs now one of the parts also is that we have this little part that

Kind of extends here from the leg and kind of wraps around here um that’s also going to be feet they’re going to be facing toward each other there in that middle space like that and you want to make sure that they are because if not then it’s going to look weird you can

Have this section here faced off in this direction toward the back and you don’t want that you want them to be facing toward each other so you got to kind of mirror the legs over a little bit uh you know may take a little bit of like

You know looking at it a little bit to actually get it perfectly right but overall it’s nothing too complex pretty simple and your legs should look something just like this once you have your legs complete we can go and pretty much start working on our layers uh

Working up uh basically our way for the chassis up into the main body of the build so with that let’s go ahead and move on to our first layer layer one all right guys so going ahead and moving on to our actual kind of layers here the

Build we’re gonna be starting off with layer one and this is all gonna incorporate everything that’s kind of in between the legs and going up into the main body we’re going to slowly start building this up layer by layer now now uh this layer here is going to be very

Simple we’re just going to be basically making some simple connections uh to the legs and kind of getting a nice little start for it as i do with most of my bigger tutorials this will be half off half on this build is completely symmetrical so whatever we do on one

Side of the vehicle you’re gonna do the same thing to the other side this is mainly just so that i can save a little bit of time in the tutorial and also make it easier for myself when i go ahead and blend this thing so whatever

We do on one side we’re going to copy over to the exact same side and you guys will get what i mean as we kind of progress through this uh so going ahead and getting started here what we want to do is we want to go ahead and of course

Take our polished inside blocks stone brick stairs and snowboard top steps we’re going to need these here we’re gonna go ahead and go to our front legs up here and zoom out both legs we’re gonna go ahead and go to this row of four here polished and side on the

Inside of the leg it’s uh pretty clear we have there’s just this pure row of of four here polished and aside we’re gonna place down the stone brick stair coming off uh the first front block like that on the back of this uh upside down stair

We’re gonna place down one two and three polish dance that blocks back followed by one and two stone brick top steps and you can see that’s gonna be the same thing here on both these legs just like that so whatever we did on this right side here you’re going to copy over to

The left side go ahead get to it i’m going to go back here to this leg right back here we’re going to place down any stone break upside down stair coming off this polished answer block like that on the back of the stair here again we’re going to place down one two and

Three polished inside blocks and then one and two stone brick top steps going toward the front as you can see here these two stone brick top stabs are basically going toward each other like that so the back legs these uh pieces are going toward these legs and the

Front legs uh these pieces here sticking out are going toward the rear legs uh but anyways with that done that’s gonna do it for layer one with that let’s go and move on to layer two all right guys so move on to layer two uh for layer two we’re gonna go ahead

And basically again kind of build upon what we already started and we do have a little bit of section here in the middle we’re actually going to work on so uh what we want to do to get started here is we’re going to take polish dancing

We’re going to place down a polish dance block on top of this stone brick stair we then want to place down one polished inside block that comes off that uh polished inside block that kind of goes out it’s equal with these two stone brick stairs here and then we’re gonna

Place down a lever coming off that polished inside block that’s gonna be kind of facing upward like so uh with that complete going back from this polish downstate block we’re gonna go ahead and place down one two oops my bad oh we’re going to take stone break or

Polish as i blocked one place down one two three four five six and seven so it sticks out two past these two stone brick tops abs we also just want to go and then place down a stone brick top stab coming off this polished and side block

Up here in the front we want to go ahead and we have our row here of uh polish nanosite we’re going to go ahead and count from our front here we have one two three and four go to our fourth polished and side block we’re gonna go

And go over one and two and in the very middle of our build here which is going to be three blocks over we’re going to place down a polished nanosite block followed by one and two polished inside blocks back so you can kind of see in

Perspective of where that is uh and the build and it’s gonna just go ahead and go back three polished inside blocks it’s three blocks from the front gear of this row right here and there’s also three blocks left coming off on this end right there um and then on either side

Here of these these polished nail side blocks we’re just gonna place down uh one and two stone brick upside down stairs followed by a stone brick top step on the end there like that for the front uh with that done we then want to go ahead and go back here to this section

It’s going to be pretty similar we’re going to place down a stone brick upside down stair coming off this stair right here uh just like that on the back of the stair i’m going to take polish dancing we’re going to place down one two three four five six seven and eight polished genset

Blocks come off the back of that stone brick stair followed by a stone brick top step coming off this polished nsa block uh in the middle section here we want to go ahead and uh go over from our stair right here we’re gonna go ahead

And go over one and two and then our third block here again in the middle as you can see we’re gonna place down a polished inside block on either side of this polished answer block you’re gonna place down one more on both sides so we go row three right here and this row

Three sticks out one past this leg right here through the toward the back we’re gonna place down a stone brick top slab coming off this uh polished handstand block on the back here and uh coming off this polish dancing block toward the middle we’re going to place down three stone brick

Top stabs coming off that polished side full block uh then on either side of these polished site full blocks we’re gonna go ahead and just take some stone brick stairs and place down one two and three upside down stone brick stairs and then we just want to place down the stone brick top

Step coming off this stone break up sound stair like that to create the back there like so and again whatever you do on the right side here in the coffee over the left side and you’re going to have this whole section starting to be built up as you can see we have

Something that looks just like this so far and with that that’s gonna do it for layer two with that let’s go ahead and move on to layer three all right so real quick before we go ahead and get the layer three i just wanna go and make one quick little uh

Addition uh on these three polished and set blocks right here we’re actually going to go ahead and add some stone buttons here uh so just like that and then it’s gonna be the same thing over here on this side as well three stone buns uh pretty simple little addition

There a little detail bit and uh that’s gonna do it for that now moving on to our next layer layer three layer three we actually have a lot going on so be sure to pay close attention to what we have going on uh to start off with we’re

Gonna go on to the front up here which is located up here in these legs we’re gonna place down a polished inside block on top of this one right here on top of the lever we’re gonna place down a cobblestone wall coming off of it after we have that done we’re gonna go

Ahead and place down two stone slab full blocks going back like that we then want to place down one two three four five six uh polished inside blocks going back like that where that we’re then going to go ahead and skip a space right here we’re going

To place down a science think way block that comes out one past this stone brick uh top sap on this side in here in this middle space we’re going to place down a stone brick upside down stair like that followed by another stone brick upside down stair coming off of this uh polish

Dance for this science thankfully block also on the science think we block we want to go and place down the stone button just like that after we have that done next to the stair here we’re gonna place down one and two stone bricks stairs over and they’re going to place down the signs

Thank you block in the middle with a stone button uh facing toward the back legs uh on the back of this uh science thank you block we’re going to place down one two three four and five and six polish dance blocks like this going toward the uh we’ll go basically going toward the

Front up here so six polished and set blocks and it should end on top of this first polished dance block right here where they’re going to place down a black wool block and this is all on our center line right here so we’re going to place down a black wool block followed

By a polished side block and then a stone brick tops that comes off that polished standard side block once you have that complete we’re going to build off the sides here so in the back we’re going to place down just a row of polished nano side across like that

We then want to go ahead and grab ourselves a polish dsi full block next to the stone brick stair here polish the inside full block right here stone brick upside down stair like that uh again going ahead and continuing on coming off this stone brick up sound

Stair replaced any stone brick top stab uh we then want to place down a polished inside block followed by a second one going toward the front once we have that done we’re going to place down a third polished inside block going toward the front again we’re going

To place down a stone brick upside down stair coming off that third polished inside block we then want to place down uh one and two more stone break up downstairs coming off this one right here uh going toward the front just like uh just pretty much just like that and we also

Want to go and place out a black wool next to this one right here on both sides to create kind of like that little front uh intake right there and uh you can see here that that’s pretty much what it looks like up in the front here

It’s gonna be the same thing here on both sides there so just copy what we did again over here on the right side over to the left side for this back section here it’s a little bit uh different but pretty much kind of like the same you know kind of process

Really and kind of the same kind of deal so what we want to do on the back here is we’re going to go ahead and start off by again going off to our legs here on top of this stone break up sound steer here we’re going to place down a

Polished standard side block we then want to go ahead and take our stone slab uh full blocks together to place down one and two back we then want to take our polish dancing and place down one two three four and five and actually six polish dance light

Blocks back we want to go and skip a space place down our science thank you block with the stone button on the outside of it again a stow brick staring this space in between the polished ante block and the science think way block and then there are still breakouts

Downstairs coming off the other side like so after we have that done we’re going to place down two more stairs coming off the stone brick stair toward the middle so one and two in the middle space right here we’re gonna place down a sign a stainless block with a stone button facing toward

The front legs on the back of this science thankfully blocker and place down one and two polished and set blocks two stone brick top stabs one two three four five six seven eight nine and ten polish dance site blocks going toward the back as you can see this polished inside block

Sticks out one past uh this previous row right here just like that and that’s how you want it going off to the sides now uh coming off this science thank you block toward the middle we’re gonna place down two science thing or two uh polish dance

Type blocks can do the same thing on both sides there going ahead and continuing on we then want to place down a stone brick upside down stair like this on both sides of this polished inside block and then the polished nails that block in this space right here next

To that stone brick stair next to these two these uh two polished inside blocks here that come after these two stone brick top stabs we want to go ahead and grab ourselves again i believe more actually stone brick stairs this time we’re gonna place down one and two

Stone brick stairs going back once you have that done after these two stone brick stairs we’re going to place down one two three four and five polished downside blocks followed by a science think way block and then just uh one and two upside down stone brick stairs on these last two polished inside

Blocks like that uh go ahead and build it off to the side here come off this uh stone brick stair off to the side we’re gonna place down a nerf stove brick stair so we have something that looks just like that uh we then want to grab ourselves uh some

Again stone brick uh upside down stairs we’re going to place down a row of three so after this stair we’re gonna place down one two and three upside down stone brick stairs fall by one two and three stone brick top steps all going toward uh this mid section right up here

Anyways once you guys have that all done that’s gonna do it for uh layer three and with that we can move on to our next layer layer four all right guys so moving on to our next layer we have layer number four for layer four what we

Wanna do to go ahead and get started is we’re gonna again go to these side pieces here for the legs we’re going to place down a polished handstand block up here on the front on top of this one right here and then a lever coming off of it um

Like so and flick downward so it connects up to this cobblestone wall right there so you have kind of like a you know similar looking design here on both sides there after we have uh that complete we want to go ahead and then take our stone or our

Stone slab blocks we’re gonna place down one and two stones that have full blocks going back followed by a stone button here on the second stone side block after that we’re going to take our polished side blocks we’re going to place down one two three four five

Six blocks back we’re going to place down a science thankfully block a stone stab full block and then another science thinkway block uh we then want to go and take some stone buttons and we’re going to put down stone buns coming off the two science thankfully blocks like so

Across these stone brick uh ups downstairs going toward the middle we’re going to place down a polished dandelite block coming off the side here of this science tankway block we then want to place down a science standpoint block with a stone button coming off of it and on the very middle

Here on top of the science thankfully block we’re going to place down a stone slab full block coming off the back of the stone slab full block we’re going to place down one two three four five and six polished nanosite blocks we then want to place down a black wool block

Followed by two uh polished dancer blocks coming off of it and a stone button on the very end this polished dance that block should be the last one right here should be located on top of this stone brick top sad with that done uh go ahead and go in

Over to our next row on the back of this science thankfully block here and place down uh one and two of these uh polish dance set import or worksheet and place that one two three four five and six polish dance type blocks followed by a black wool block a polished inside

Block and then a cobblestone wall like that go ahead and tune on for our next row across right here we’re gonna place down two polished inside blocks we’re gonna skip a space right here we’re gonna place down two cobblestone walls three polished dance type blocks all

Connecting up to the end here like that so you should get something that looks like this pretty basic and um everything like that going back here to uh this section right on in here uh for this section we’re gonna be going ahead and pretty much doing you know the same thing building

Up this uh whole section right here so to start off with uh we’re gonna go to the legs of course on the sides here we’re gonna place down a uh polished inside full block on top of this right here right next to stone brick stair uh after this uh polished and side

Blocker and place down one and two stone slabs coming back like that we then want to take our polish dance layer and place down one two three four five and six blocks going toward the middle we’re gonna place down a science think way block a stone slab full block a science

Think way block and then again on the science thank you blocks from place down stone buttons across the upside down stone brick stairs here uh to the middle we’re going to place down a polished antenna block right next to this science thinkway block followed by a science thankfully

Blocked with a stone button on it and a polished and or a stone slab full block on top of the science thinker block in the very middle like so and you’re going to copy again of course the same thing over here onto this side now uh go ahead and go back from the

Science technique block right here and place down at two polished and side blocks followed by two cobblestone walls or then place down one two three four five six seven and eight polished nano side blocks back followed by a cyan stainless block followed by a cobblestone wall uh and then we’re gonna

Have in the very middle here uh we have this uh long row here so on top of this polished nanosi block we have the science thankfully blocked we have one more back from it we have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven and twelve polish dance step

Blocks all the way going to connect up to this stone sample block right here uh then on the sides here come off the cobblestone wall here and also this uh science thank you blocker and place down two stone break ups downstairs like that we then want to place down one two three

Four five and six polished and set blocks going toward the middle here and then in this space right here we’re just gonna place down two polished inside blocks on top of those two blocks uh like that to kind of create something looks like that and from up above it looks something like this

We also have one thing we want to do is where we want to go ahead and actually add this little uh section here on the sides of which which kind of comes down for this i’m just going to go ahead and grab some some colored wool just to kind

Of show you uh you know where we’re gonna extend this from so uh obviously the front of our vehicle is gonna be facing in this direction here so we’re gonna start off with this section right here with the stone slab so it’s gonna be coming off the legs here that are the

Front legs we’re gonna place down one two and three blocks out to the side and actually my bad just only two blocks uh so just two blocks of place or a wool where they’re gonna place down a stone brick upside down stair facing that direction like so on the back of this

Stair we’re gonna place down an air stair so we have a stair like this we turn this stair right here in the corner stairs so we have a regular stair uh then we have one two two three uh four and we have four stairs going back and then we have again another

Corner stair like that after it we then just want to go and break these uh you know placeholder blocks and we have that pretty much all complete so looking at this from above we should have something that looks just like this uh these things are going to be kind of located

In the same position here on both sides there to kind of get us started and uh that’s pretty much gonna be the uh if for uh layer four and you can see from above we’re starting to get a little bit of shape going here and everything like

That anyways guys that’s gonna do it for uh layer four with that let’s go ahead and move on to layer five all right guys so moving on to our next layer we have layer five layer five we’re gonna go ahead and continue on by building up more of our uh mid sections

Here and all that kind of stuff that we’ve been working on uh so starting off with we’re gonna place nice stone brick slab here on top of this polished inside block up here in the front for the legs where they’re going to go and take our

Uh polished answer box we’re going to go back one two three four five six seven and eight polish nano side blocks back we also want to grab ourselves a stone bun we’re gonna place tiny stone button on this polished and side block right here with that uh done we then want to

Go ahead and place down a stone brake stair just like this after that polished hand side block followed by a science think way block with a stone button on it and then again another stone brick stair just like this after the stone brick stair here you place down one and

Two stairs over and on top of this stone slab full block in the middle we’re going to place down a science tankley block with a stone button coming off of it on the back of this science thankfully block we’re going to place down one two three four five six

Polished inside blocks followed by a black wool block and then the narrow polished nano side block like that after that’s uh complete we then want to go ahead and go to our sides now we’re going to place that a polished handset block on the back of the stair a stone

Brick stair stone brick half slab we then want to place down one two and three polished aside blocks and then we’re gonna place down a black wool block um just like that all going toward the front uh next thing over for our next row over we’re gonna take our polished inside

Going for the back of this stair right here and place down one and two polished and side blocks we’re gonna skip a space of i believe this is gonna be a space of uh three here so a space of three where they’re gonna place down one two

And three stone brick stairs on top of those three stone brick top zabs uh once you have that done that’s gonna do it for the front section here uh for this kind of side mid section very simply we’re going to place down a polished inside block on top of this

Corner stair where they’re going to place down a cobblestone wall a polished inside block cobblestone wall polished inside block cobblestone wall and a polished inside block very simple alternating pattern uh going back here to this section uh we’re gonna go ahead and start off again by the outside here for our legs we’re

Gonna place down uh a polished antenna block right here next to the stair followed by one two three four five six and seven going toward the mid section where they’re going to place down a stone brick stair like this followed by a science thankfully block

With a stone button coming off of it and then another stone brick stair after it after this stone brick steer we’re gonna place down one and two over like this a science thankfully block in the middle of a stone button coming off of it on the back of this science snake weight

Block we’re going to place down two polished and side blocks two stone brick half slabs uh then one two three four five six seven and eight polished nancy blocks followed by a cyan snake clay block on the end here and a cobblestone wall to uh wrap it off and and on top of

This science thankfully block on the ends uh for our next row over we’re gonna go ahead and place down a polished asset block on the back of this stair here stone brick hat uh stair like that we’re gonna skip over these cobblestone walls uh come out these two polished and

Blocks here we’re gonna place down one and two stone brick stairs we then want to place down one two three four five and six polish dance that blocks back followed by a science think way block we then want to grab ourselves a wither skeleton school and on your side this

Cobblestone wall replaced down over their skeletal skull like that uh go ahead and do now for our next row over we’re gonna place down two polished dsl blocks up here in the front we’re going to go and skip a space of four where they’re going to place down a row

Of three here stone brick half steps so one two and three stover calf stabs fall by a row of one two and three uh stone brick stairs like that fall by two stone or two polished outside blocks going toward the back just like that and once you guys have that done that’s

Gonna do it for layer five as you can see we pretty much have our chassis of the build pretty much complete uh we do have like one more layer left really for it and then we’re gonna start to uh pretty much get into uh this whole

Section up all up in here uh so we’re getting closer and closer we’re getting kind of like the more complicated part out of the way and then it kind of gets a little bit easier from there so anyways uh that’s gonna do it for layer

Five let’s go ahead and move on to layer six all right guys so move on to layer six for layer six uh we have a lot of stuff kind of going on here and uh so we’re gonna you know obviously you know have a lot to do so uh to start off with

We’re gonna go ahead and work on again our front kind of chassis piece up here so uh we’re going to go to this polished inside block and place down your stone brick stair on top of it followed by one two three and four polished inside blocks back followed by one two three

And four stone break half stabs back after we have that done we want to go ahead and go to our science thank you block here that’s kind of in this middle section here we’re going to place down a cobblestone wall on top of it followed by a polished inside block going toward

The front another cobblestone wall on the end of it and then on both sides of this polished asset block a cobblestone wall like so we then want to go ahead and skip a space and on top of this um this polished aside block that’s right here we’re going to place down any stone

Brick slab followed by a second stone brick slab and then we’re going to place down three polished inside blocks going toward the front on uh after we have that done we’re gonna go ahead and go to this first polish nancy block here and we’re gonna place nine stover slab on both sides

Followed by two stone brick stairs go into the front like that uh with that’s uh complete we then want to go ahead and go to our side side uh panels on here uh we’re gonna need to go and grab ourselves some uh cobblestone stairs and for this we just

Want to go ahead and place down uh some stone brick stairs here so we’re gonna place a snow brick stair on top of the polished inside blocks with their backs facing toward the outside and then we wanna place down a row of stone bricks sorry cobblestone stairs on top of the

Cobblestone walls i like that facing the same direction now once you have that complete coming off the back of these stairs uh we’re gonna go ahead and need to take uh some stone brake stairs we’re going to place down stone brick ups downstairs come off the back of those

Upside down stone brick stairs so just like that and then on the back here on this back section here so the back of the ata team we’re going to place down a uh upside down stone brick corner stair and then going toward this direction we’re going to place down a stone brick

Stair stone break upside down stair and then we’re going to place down one and two stone brick top stabs coming off of it so you get something that kind of looks like that on the side here uh with that’s uh complete we then want to go ahead and go to the back section

Here so for this we’re gonna go ahead and go to this uh science thankfully block so just like we did right here cobblestone wall polished inside block cobblestone wall and a cobblestone wall on either side of this polished side block we then want to go ahead and again go to

Our legs section here we’re going to place 90 stone brick stairs on top of this polished inside block followed by one two three four of these uh polished anti-full blocks followed by one two three and four stone brick half stabs going toward the mid section

In the middle space in here on top this uh cobblestone wall here we’re gonna place down a science tankway block with a stone bun coming off of it where they’re gonna place down the second science think would block behind it followed by a row of three a polished

Endocyte and then a row of two stone brick half slabs with that done we then want to go ahead and place a row of three of stone brick stairs coming off the uh three uh polished and set blocks here where they’re going to place down a science

Think way block on either side of this one right here we’re gonna grab ourselves a cobblestone wall and come off this science thank you block on both sides we’re gonna place down a cobblestone stair just like that uh coming off the blocks right here we’re going to place down one and two

Polished antennae blocks like this on both sides like so and then we just want to grab ourselves a stone brick stair and on your side here coming off this polished light block we’re going to place down a stone brick stair like that on both sides like

So uh once you have that then you can see here the chassis of your vehicle or the 18 really starting to come together and uh for our next layer we’re actually putting in the floor of it so uh the last thing we have to do

Though is we do have a little bit of the head we want to put on so uh for this we need to go ahead and count out a space um and build this head forward so uh going ahead and going from this polished inside block right here so the very

Center bit right here we’re gonna go ahead and count one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven and twelve blocks from that uh from that polished side block and this is where we’re gonna go ahead and start this uh very bottom portion here

Of our head now for this we’re gonna start off by after we have our i believe this was um i can’t believe i actually forgot the count right here uh i believe it was 12 blocks yeah we have our 12 blocks so after our 12 uh blocks right here we can

See we’re going to place down a stone brick top sam followed by a nether break upside down stair coming off the top stab followed by two polished side blocks on the back of this narrative stair a science thinkway block and then a stone brick top set

After we have that done we’re going to expand upon this by placing down another snowbrick top stab on either side of this one right here on the side here this narrow brake up sound stair to place down the stone brick stair we then want to go ahead and grab

Ourselves uh some stone brick uh stairs again we’re gonna place down any snow break upside down stair face in this direction followed by a stair like this so we create a quarter stair and then we have a stair like that upside down we’re gonna place that a second upside down stair

Like this after it and then a third as well um going toward the front uh with that complete we then want to go ahead and go to this off this stone brick stair here we’re going to place down an upside down air brick stair like this followed by another upside down stair

Right behind it of another brick we’re going to grab ourselves some cobblestone slabs we’re going to place down one two three and four cobblestone top stabs coming off of it toward the front we then want to go and grab ourselves stone brick stairs and uh stoner top

Stabs we’re going to place down a stone brick top sap coming off this first cobblestone uh top slab here and then we just want to place down one and two stone brick upside down stairs uh to the side just like that that’s going to create this kind of first bottom portion

Here of the head which will expand upon in later layers anyways once you have that done we can delete this place this row of placeholder blocks just like that going toward the back and uh with that done that’s going to do it for uh layer

Six and with that you can start to see this build really starting to come together and all that so anyways that’s gonna do for layer six with that let’s go ahead and move on to layer seven all right guys so moving on to player seven

As you guys can see we have pretty much the floor of the ata team want to start to put in place so it is going to be a little bit of a tedious layer a lot of filling in is going to go on here uh so

What we want to do to go ahead and get started with uh the best part to really go and get started is we want to go ahead and go to this polished and site block right here so it’s the one we counted off uh to you know build off to

Our um forward head there this block right here we’re going to place down a polished antenna block on top of it which will kind of stick up right there uh after you have that dimmer to place down four blocks coming from that block going toward the front so you can see uh

You have one two three and four coming off this polished dance type block right here and then going toward the back here we’re gonna go ahead and count this out and it’s gonna go all the way back it’s gonna go back a total of 24 blocks so

It’s going to go ahead and go from this block right here we have one two three four five six seven eight so on to 24 right here and it should end where this stone brick stair ends where they’re going to place down two science tinkly blocks going toward the back followed by

A upside down cobblestone stair on the very back like so uh so just like that very simple now with uh that complete we then want to go ahead and go to the front section up here so again make sure that this is four blocks from the front up here we’re

Going to go ahead and place down a total of uh one two three and four polished inside blocks going off either side from this polished stance on inside right there in the center we also want to grab ourselves stone uh blocks because we’re gonna be using

These as well we’re gonna place down a stone block on the end here on either end of this road now to polish the end of site and then we’re just gonna go ahead and place down a stone block coming off of it facing toward the front there

Once you have that done we’re going to place down one and two stone blocks back or actually my bad merchant place down three more so we have a row of three here we’re going to go to the last two stone blocks from a place down one and

Two coming off of it where they’re gonna go ahead and go back one two and three blocks we’re going to place down a cobblestone wall coming off this fifth block right here where they’re gonna place down one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

And uh ten of these stone blocks going back we then want to place down a stone brick stair like this and an air stair facing it on the opposite side like that where they’re going to place down in their stone block um like so on the back of the stair fall

Back cobblestone wall on the inside here this cobblestone we’re gonna place down a stone full block fall by one and two stone uh blocks going back where they’re gonna go ahead and go over at an angle here place down their stone block we’re gonna go back one two three

And four so we have a row of five here we’re going to again go at an angle here place down one like this one and two back so you have a nice row three right here uh coming off this uh block right here you can see it’s right diagonal from the

Stone brick stairs so if you did it right should line up perfectly right here we’re going to place down a stone brick stair next to the stone block followed by a polished endocyte block and then a science thankfully block right there come off the science think way blocker and place down the stone

Button and it should connect up with the center row we already went ahead and built uh once you have that done come out this polished dance block as well on the back here and place down a stone brick upside down stair once you have this outline

Kind of step around it like so we have a basic kind of frame here all that’s uh pretty much left for us to do uh for this mid section here is just to go ahead and pretty much fill this whole space in with paul stand aside it’s a

Bit of a tedious process but uh it does need to be done so i’m gonna go and do that off camera real quick and i’ll come back to you guys to work on the head portion so just go ahead and fill this whole space in all

Right and just like that we have our whole base uh basically built in and filled in as you can see from vault the bottom here we shouldn’t have any holes into the vehicle anything like that it should all be pretty much uh squared away and completely closed off

Now with that all uh complete the next thing we have to work on is this head section here so starting off with we’re going to go ahead and go to this stone brick top step right here with this row of three here we’re here we’re gonna go

To the center top stab we’re gonna place down a polish dance type block on top of that stone brick top step there right on the top of it we’re gonna place down a science thank you block that goes back from that polished inside block followed by a uh narrow polished dance block and

Then a stone brick stair that goes back like so if we did this right we should have a total of uh five block space in between the stone brick stair and this polished side block again this is the center line of the vehicle right here so this is the center

Of the head and everything like that so these should line up and be five blocks away from each other um once we have that done uh after we have this part we have this polystyrene side block on top of the stone brick top side we’re gonna place down one two

Three uh polished and stick blocks going toward the front followed by a science thinking block that’s gonna be right on top of this one right up here in the front and that’s gonna do it for this kind of row right here for the mid row uh once

We have that done we’re gonna place down a stone brick stair on either side of this one on the back followed by a polished standard side block on the back of that stair where they’re gonna place down one and two science thankfully blocks followed by one two three four and five polished and

Aside blocks uh with that complete we wanna go ahead and go to the back here again we’re gonna take our uh stone brick top stabs we’re gonna place down one two three on these uh polished dance site blocks and on the science thing clay where they’re going to place down a um

We’re also going to place down another brick stair like this followed by a stone brick stair on top of this so it’s going to kind of create a little bit of a circle piece here we then want to place down science thing clay so we’re gonna place down one two

Three four and five science think way blocks going toward the front we’re gonna switch to neter brick stabs we’re gonna place down one two three and four nether brick slabs like that also going toward the front on uh basically either end of this fourth uh narrow brick slab here we’re

Gonna place down some signs on both sides there we also want to go ahead and go into our inventory and we’re gonna grab ourselves some uh iron trap doors i’m gonna place down iron trap doors on the bottom of these two uh top steps or the bottom of the

Top steps as well on the end there to go ahead and make the guns uh with that complete we also want to go ahead and go in between these never break these first two narrow brick top stabs we’re gonna place down a row of three of stone brick

Top steps that go across just like that with that completed we want to go ahead and then go to our sides here we have a little bit of work to do on that uh we’re gonna place down the stone brick top sap coming off this narrow brick

Stair here we then want to place down a stone brick stair right next to the stair uh facing that direction we’re going to place down a second stair same direction right behind it a third and a fourth stair also all spaced in the same direction to kind of create this uh kind

Of rivet pitter pattern there uh with that uh done we’re going to place any stone brick upside down stair coming off the back of this stone brick stair and then we’re just going to place down a stone button on this science and clear block once you guys have that done

That’s going to kind of do it for the shaping there for your head there and as you can see we’re starting to kind of really get this thing going here and with that that’s it for uh layer seven with that let’s go ahead and move on to layer eight all right

Guys moving on to our next layer we have layer eight for this layer you can start to see that we’re actually gonna build a little bit of the connection between the head and the main body uh and start to have a little bit of our neck come into

Play so that’s pretty awesome uh but anyways uh let’s go ahead and kind of get started with the main body i feel like that’s the best place to go and get started so uh to start off with we’re gonna go ahead and give the outline around it and um everything like that so

What we wanna do is you wanna go and start by going to this uh stone slab or the sorry the stone full block right here that kind of sticks out a little bit we’re going to place down a polish dance like block on top of it uh like so

We then want to place down one and two as you know polished inside blocks back from it where they’re gonna go we’re then gonna go and go out to this uh these this stone block out here we’re gonna place down one two and three polished inside blocks uh we’re gonna go

And switch back to our stone blocks we’re gonna place down one and two stone blocks another cobblestone wall on top of this one right here where they’re gonna place down uh one two three four five six seven eight nine and ten of these uh stone blocks again on top of

These ones right here along the side uh we’re gonna place down two stone brick stairs uh facing each other on top of these two right here and then behind these stairs we’re to place down a road to a science thing play to kind of fill in the gap that these would these stairs

Would leave we then want to place down a stone block after that that second stair right there followed by again a cobblestone wall on top of this one right here we then want to place down uh one and two stone blocks on top of these ones

Right here on the inside followed by a polished nano side block we’re gonna do we’re gonna go ahead and go over to the inside here kind of over an angle place down one and two polished inside blocks where they’re gonna place down a stone block with a cobblestone wall coming off of it

We then want to place down a cobblestone wall coming off this cobblestone wall followed by one cobblestone wall coming off of this stone block right here and then the science tank way block on the inside here to fill in any gaps left by the stone or the cobblestone wall uh coming off the

The um the cobblestone wall we’re gonna place down one and two of these uh science things play full blocks we also want to grab ourselves with our skeleton schools and on the end of this road to you and place down a wheeler skeleton school and on this

First block right here next to this cobblestone wall we’re going to place that over skeleton skull as well uh we then want to grab ourselves our stone uh you know full blocks again we’re going to go on an angle here from this science thank you blocker and place down one and

Two stone blocks taking this kind to the end here uh from this uh first block here we’re gonna place down a row of seven of science think like it’s gonna go all the way across and basically connect the two to each other the two sides uh we then want to place down a

Cobblestone wall on top of this stone brick stair here followed by a polished standard side block and then a row of three here or basically just you know basically will basically be a row of three here science think way to fill in the middle space coming off this uh

Polished side block we’re going to place down the second polish dance block on top of this stone brick stair on top of this cobblestone upside down stair we’re going to place down a cyan stainless block with a stone button coming off of it and then on either side

Of this uh science think we block we’re going to place down an upside down uh stone brick stair or sorry cobblestone stair just like that for the back there and then uh going back up here to the front across this row of polished standard site on the inside here we’re just going to

Place down a row of stone blocks on top of it like that going all the way across go ahead and going off your very center a stone slab uh or stone full block we’re gonna place down one two three four and five of these stone brick top

Saps uh we wanna go and then go to our fourth stone brick top stab from the main body we’re gonna place down a stonebrick top seven ears out of that one uh we then want to place down a snow brick upside down stair coming off this

Uh fifth top stab so it should connect up with these stairs right here so you have your upside down stair just like that we then want to place down and again a stone brick upside down stair here on both sides so we have a row of three of upside down stone brick stairs

On top of this row three of stone brick stairs uh basically coming off the back of each of these stone brick stairs we’re gonna have a row of one two three four five six seven eight nine and ten uh polished nano type blocks going toward the front so it’s going to be for

On the back of each of these each through each uh basically each of these three stairs we’re gonna have ten polished and side blocks going toward the front and on the very end of these we’re just gonna place down stone brick uh you know stone brick stairs just like

That and they’re going to be right on top of these stone brick tops tabs uh with that uh finish we’re gonna go out to the sides here and place down a polished inside block on top of this stone brick top stab we’re gonna place down one two three four five six seven

Eight and nine polish dance that blocks after it giving you a row ten and then a stone brick stair up here in the front after that’s done we’re gonna go ahead and again place down a polished antenna block coming off this one right here followed by one two and three polished

Nano side blocks we then want to place down a row of four here of stone break up downstairs so we have one upside down stair two three and four they should connect up with these lower stairs here to kind of create these little slits um like that

Uh with that uh finished on top of this stone brick up sound stick here we’re gonna place down the stone brick stair uh with his back facing toward the polished inside like so also we want to go ahead and go off of this uh this stair right here so it’s

Your third stair kind of in this row from the back here we’re gonna go ahead and place down a snowbrick top step that kind of comes off uh there’s a space of one in between it and stone brick top step out to the side

Uh also on the back here we do have a little bit of stuff left to go we’re gonna grab another big stair and place down an air brick up sounds there followed by a snowbrick tops um or upside down stair and then the stone brick upside down corner stair after it

Like that once you guys have that done that’s going to do it for layer eight and with that we can move on to layer nine all right guys moving on to our next layer we have layer nine for layer nine uh we’re gonna go ahead and start

Off by going ahead and go into this uh front section up here uh basically for our main body we’re going to place down again a row of stone blocks on top of this row we have going across the middle right across here uh we then want to go ahead and switch

Over to uh some of our polished dana site blocks we’re going to place down a row four of polish dance sites so starting off on this polished inside block we’re just gonna place down a row four going back coming off this fourth uh polished and state blocker replaced any stone brick

Slab followed by two polished and side blocks followed by uh two stone blocks and then a cobblestone wall coming off this uh second stone um full block after that we’re gonna place down two stone blocks going back followed by one two three four five six seven and eight polished nanoset blocks back where

They’re gonna go ahead and again place down our two stone brick stairs facing each other and we also want to go and just place down two science tanker blocks behind those stairs after uh we have that done we’re gonna place down another uh stone full block

On the back of the stair followed by a cobblestone wall next to this cobblestone wall we’re going to place down a stone slab like this followed by a stone brick stair of its back facing toward the rear of the vehicle and a science thankfully block on the inside here where they’re going

To place down a polished inside block on the back of the stair go ahead and go into this section right here on top of this polished side block we’re going to place down any snow bricks there like this fall by one and two uh after it save a row three here and on

The inside here we’re gonna place down a row three of science think light again to kind of cover up the stairs from the inside after uh that is done we’re going to go ahead and then place down a stone brick stair like this fall by one like that to create a corner

Stair and then you have your regular stair after it uh we then want to go ahead and go and have an indent here we’re going to go to this stone this from the stone brick stair we’re going to place down a stone block add an indent like this toward the inside

Followed by a stone brick stair like that and then we’re going to turn the stair into a corner stair by placing down an air stair next to it like so so we have a corner stair and then a regular stair like that off the back of this corner stair we’re

Going to place down a row seven here of science think way that’s going to go all the way across the back we then want to go ahead and go to the science thinking block above this cobblestone wall replace down the stone button uh on top of these two polished antenna

Blocks we’re gonna place down two stone brick stairs back uh in between the first two stairs we’re gonna place down a row three of cyan stain clay stone button coming off the middle science think way block and then a stone break upside down stair coming off of

Both sides or both of the stairs on the outside there for the for the back back section uh right in here and then uh we are pretty much good to go for our main body there again pretty uh simple stuff overall for the main body just a

Lot of repetitiveness i guess uh once we get done with that we’re gonna go ahead and grab ourselves some cyan stained clay on top of the row of five of stone brick top stabs and the stone brick the first uh upside down stone brick stair we’re gonna place down a row

Of six of science thank blocks we then want to place down a second row six right next to it uh we then want to place down a stone brick top slab uh on the uh let’s see this is the third block from the main body right here

Off that side stick with block and then a stone brick stair after it like so we also want to go and grab ourselves stone buttons we’re gonna place down uh one stone button right here and then two like this going and connecting to the main body and also on the bottom here

We’re gonna place down stone buttons down here as well on the bottom here of the neck like that once you have that done next to this uh row three here we should have like basically a row of three here of um cyan stink clay uh we’re gonna place down a

Stone brick stair here on uh both sides on the back of this stone brick stair we’re gonna place down a polished side block followed by one polished plastic block out to the side we’re gonna place down a cobblestone wall followed by a second one going toward the front

Where they’re gonna place down a polished nano side block after this polished damn side block we’re going to place down one and two cobblestone walls on the inside here we’re going to place down two polished antenna blocks next to these cobblestone walls we then want to place down after these

Two polished asset blocks replace down one two and three more and then we’re gonna place down a stone brick uh upside down stair just like this on top that stone brick stair like so on the inside of the stone brick stair want to place down a polish dance side block

We then want to place 90 second polishing block going toward the front and then we’re just going to have a row three that’s going to go across here so basically make a row five across these polished and blocks in the front here uh we also want to grab ourselves a light

Gray banner on the side here on this polished answer blocker to place down a light gray banner and we also just want to place down three cobblestone walls come off the center three polished side blocks there for the front uh once we have that done we do have to

Put the guns on so for this uh it’s pretty simple uh we just wanna go ahead and go to this polished side block we’re gonna place down a stone brick upside down stair followed by a stone brick corner stair after it like that we then want to go ahead and

Grab ourselves a chiseled stone block on top of this stone brick top stab here and place down a chiseled stone block like that we then want to grab ourselves a uh stone our stone slab again we’re gonna place down a stone stop full block coming off that chiseled uh block like

That followed by a stone bun on the side here of this stone slab full block we’re also gonna go and grab ourselves narrow brick slabs again we’re gonna place down one two three and four another brick top steps coming off that stone slab full block uh with that’s complete we also want to

Go ahead and grab ourselves a um wither skeleton skull and place that wither skeleton skull on the back there that chiseled um stone block and we’re gonna grab ourselves a stair and replace down an upside down stair coming off that with our skeleton skull just like that

Uh we also want to grab ourselves a stone button and also place down one on this chisel stone block as well um once you have uh that all finished uh we also want to put one last detail putting a stone button on this polished nanosci block right here after that’s all done

That’s going to basically do it for uh layer 9 and with that we can move on to layer 10. all right guys moving on to our next layer we have layer 10. for layer 10 uh we want to go ahead and again uh start off by uh probably going

To our mid section right here for our neck we’re just going to place down again a uh almost the same kind of row we’re going to place down this type of row of seven across so we have a center point right here and this will be three uh science

Or stone blocks off in your direction uh so it’s a little bit different here but uh it’s you know nothing too major that’s for sure uh we’re gonna place down two polish dance that blocks out to the side like that coming off this uh polished nancy block

Here to place down a stone brick slab and then off of this polish dance they block a stone brick up sound stair like that on both sides so it’s a little bit different for this uh layer right here but nothing too crazy after this polish nancy block right here we’re going to go

Ahead and take our polished inside blocks and go back one two three uh and four back we then want to go and go out to the side here and place a polished handset block on top of this stone block here uh we’re also gonna place down a stone

Brick slab on top of this polished and state block right here like that after that one place down a stone full block followed by a cobblestone wall coming off of it we’re gonna place down one and two stone blocks backwards followed by one two three four five six seven and eight

Polished side blocks going toward the back again our two stone brick stairs facing each other like so and then a row of two of a row two a science thing clay right behind them with that done we’re gonna place down a stone block directly behind the stair

Followed by a cobblestone wall next to this cobblestone wall another stone block like this followed by one more going toward the back but they’re gonna place down a stone brick stair like that after it on top of this stone brick stair right here we’re going to place down a

Polished stand inside block followed by um followed by a little bit of indent here so i’m going to place down a star break slab after this polished stainless side block so stone bricks slab like this and then we’re going to grab ourselves a light gray carpet and place it down on

Top of the stair right here now uh with that done we’re going to go ahead and go next to the slab on top of the science thank you blocker to place down one and two polished inside blocks going toward the back we’re gonna grab ourselves stone slabs we’re gonna place

Down a stone slab full block uh we’re also going to need some stone buttons again we’re going to place tiny stone button coming off the stone slab full block followed by a science thinkway block after it like that again with a stone button on it

After we have that done we want to go ahead and then place down a science thinking block going in at an angle like that with again a stone button on that science thinker block followed by a polished anocyte block and then a stone break upside down stair

With its back facing toward the outside like that uh in between this polished nanostate block right here we’re gonna place down a row five here of cyan stain clay uh we’re gonna go ahead and place down a cobblestone wall coming off these two uh stone brick stairs

Uh and then we just wanna place down a row three in between the cobblestone stairs like this and then we’re also gonna place down there row three coming off the back here on top of those stone brick stairs like so uh with that’s complete we we’re gonna

Work our way back up to the head now so for this uh we’re gonna go to our roast here science thing clay we’re just going to place down another row of six on the outside row you could leave the center row open if you guys choose since this

Would be a walkway if you want to connect up to the head there or you can just fill it in either way it doesn’t really matter but we’re just going to go ahead and leave it hollow for the tutorial so we have our rows sixes on either side and the

Space left in the middle uh we’re gonna start off by going ahead and go into our first block here and place down a polished and site full block like that followed by a cobblestone wall a polished anti-full block followed by one and two cobblestone walls and then they get a polished

Outside full block after this polished answer for replacing any second one followed by one out to the side we’re then going to place down a stone slab full block fall by a second stone slab full block going toward the front um with that complete we’re going to place down a polished anodized block

Like so uh we then want to go ahead and grab ourselves some cobblestone full blocks which we’ll need so we’re going to place down one and two cobblestone full blocks with two stone buns on on them like that on the sides uh we’re gonna place down one and two

Polished nano side blocks going toward the front followed by a cobblestone wall uh once you have uh that complete on the inside here this cobblestone wall we’re going to place down a polished and set block followed by one more going out to the front uh just like that

Uh and then we just want to go ahead and place down one polishing inside block on top of this one so kind of inside here again and then we just want to go ahead and go to this row of five here of polished inside we’re gonna place down a row of

A row five of black wool across the top of it on either side of this row of five of black we’re gonna place down a light gray banner like that and then for the front here we’re gonna place down a stone brick stair like this on both

Sides in a row of three of stone brick half slabs in between those stairs like that to kind of create the front there for the guns on the sides here uh very simply we’re gonna grab ourselves some narrow brick stairs also some narrow brick half stabs and also some end rods

Uh we’re going to place down in arabic half step on top of the on top of the wither skeleton skull so narrow brick half step here where they’re going to place down one and two upside down narrow brick stairs followed by uh one and two end rods coming off that um

That another brick uh those narrow brick stairs uh we then just want to go and take a stone brick half step and place it down on top of this uh stone brick stair like that once you guys have uh that all done that’s gonna basically do

It for a layer i believe that is layer 10 uh and with that we can go and move on to our next layer layer 11. all right guys so moving on to our next layer when we go ahead and move on to layer 11. for layer 11 we’re going to go

Ahead and start off by going to our um kind of section here where our head connects up to our main body and uh going off of that so we want to go ahead and again place down a row of seven here of stone full blocks on top of the previous row set seven

Uh we’re gonna go and take our polished dana site we’re going to place down a uh full block on top of this upside down stone brick stair here followed by one two and three after it or actually we only need to place down two more blocks

After it come off this uh second block or this third block here we’re gonna place nine stone stomach slab so you have this nice kind of sloping pattern here uh after that we’re gonna place down uh after this slab one two three and four uh of these stone brick halves that are

Polished inside full blocks going back uh we’re gonna place down a stone slab uh or sorry a stone full block and then a cobblestone wall coming off of it off this cobblestone wall we’re gonna place down a stone full block like that with a stone brick stair going off to

The side like so uh we then want to go ahead and place down a uh stone full block next to this stone brick stair followed by a cobblestone wall and on the back of this cobblestone wall on toward the inside here we’re going to place down a science standpoint block

Uh we then want to take our polish dance there and place down one two three four five six and seven polished nanoset blocks followed by two stone brick stairs facing each other uh and then we’re gonna place down again science thank you blocks behind those stairs

We then want to go ahead and place down a uh stone brick stair as such on this side here so we create a corner snare like that uh behind the stair we’re gonna place down a polished inside block on top of the or come off the polishing

Outside block we’re gonna place down a cobblestone wall after uh or sorry my work you’re gonna place down a cobblestone stair so cobblestone stair facing that direction like that on the inside here of the stair we’re gonna place down a uh stone full block like this

Fall by one more after it fall by a polished anosite block continuing it on we then want to go ahead and go in at an angle angle here so we’re going to place down a polished nanoscape block like this followed by one and two followed by uh two science thankfully blocks one on

Top of the stone slab full block and one on top of the science snake plate block we’re going to go ahead and go in at an angle on top of this science thankfully blocker to place down their science think way block fall by one and two polish nanosi blocks going toward the back

Uh on top of this row five is science thing clay we’re going to place down their row of five across the top and then for this section here on top this first row three polish dance site we’re just gonna place down a row of three of stone slab full blocks followed

By a stone button on both of the end blocks sides like that for the very back once you guys have uh that all complete that’s gonna do it for the the main body section of this layer let’s go ahead and move up back up to the head section

Now uh for the head section here uh what we want to do is we want to go ahead and start off by taking our assigned stain clay we’re going to place down a row of 6 on top of the previous row six we placed in the previous layer just continuing that up

We then want to place down a stone uh brick slab on top of this um this polished and side block followed by an upside down stone brick stair come off of it like so we’re gonna go in again grab our stone buns and place it down coming off these uh science anglery

Blocks here on both sides uh after we have that done on top of this polished hand side block right here uh we just want to go and place down an air polish the inside block followed by one out to the side and again grabbing our stone slab

Stone slabs we’re gonna place down a row of three stone slabs across the side here and on this first block right here on the corner we’re gonna place down a stone button again on both sides uh with that complete we’re gonna go and grab ourselves a cobblestone stair and

Place down a cobblestone stair on top of this cobblestone full block we’re gonna need to grab ourselves cobblestone full blocks again we’re gonna place down one and two cobblestone full blocks uh on the inside of this stair here we’re gonna place down a polished anodized block followed by one and two

Going toward the front so kind of on the inside here this call these cobblestone full blocks uh after these cobblestone full box we’re gonna place down a stone brick stair facing this direction followed by uh a second stair that’s facing at a nine degree different 90

Degree angle from it so we create a corner stair we have a regular stair here and behind these two stairs we’re going to place down polished and blocks as well uh continuing on we’re going to go ahead and place down a uh narrow polished antenna block going or actually sorry

About just a stone brick stair on the end of this row of five here polished and site a polished antenna block next to this stair and then across your row here of uh black wool we’re just gonna place down a row of five of um polished and site we’re also gonna

Grab ourselves again a light gray banner and on both ends of this row five polish dance i’m gonna place down a gray banner on both sides and then we just want to go and take our stone brick slabs we’re gonna place down a row of five coming off this uh row

Five of um polished inside full blocks once you guys have that done that’s going to do it for layer 11 with that let’s go ahead and move on to layer 12. all right guys moving on to our next layer we have layer uh 12. for layer 12

We’re going to go ahead and again uh go to our section on the back here so we have this row we have this row seven of stone we’ve been building up here uh we’re gonna place down a polished side block here in the very center

Followed by a stone block to the side of it followed by a cobblestone wall to the side of that stone block and then another stone block off to the side um after we have that we’re going to place down the polishing as i block on top of this one right here followed by

One two and three back we then want to go ahead and go out to this uh polishing inside block right here we’re gonna go out in that angle we’re gonna place down one two and three polish dancing blocks back followed by a stone block like this

With a cobblestone wall coming off of it after this uh cobblestone wall we’re gonna place down one and two stone blocks after it followed by one two three four five six seven and eight polished and side blocks back on top of these two science thankfully blocks here

And place down two stone brick stairs facing each other like so uh we then want to go ahead and uh place down a row to a science thing clay behind those blocks like that after we have that done on the back of this um stone brick stair we’re gonna

Place down a stone full block with a cobblestone wall after it on the inside here on top these two stone uh full blocks we’re gonna place down an air road two stone full blocks on top of this polished airside block of polished airside blocking on top of these three

Polished instant blocks three polished inside blocks we then want to place down a science tankway block followed by a stone brick slab on the inside here of the stone brick side we’re going to place down a science thing clay block followed by a stone slab full block um

Just like that and on this sign stanquilly block right here and the stone slab football going to place down two stone buttons uh then going toward the background and place down a polished antenna block after the stone slab full block and then a stone brick stair like that to kind of

Finish it off in between these two polished and side blocks we’re gonna place down a row of uh five here of uh cyan stain clay we then want to place down a stone slab block here in the center on top of this row of three stone side full blocks followed by a snowbrick

Stair out to the side and then a polished genocide block uh as well just like that for the back there with that complete we’re gonna go back up to the head section here uh going off this polished side blocker and place down one two three four five

And six stone brick half slabs on your fourth block forward we’re going to place down a stone brick half slab here on both sides we also want to go ahead and again grab our stone buttons and on top of these science thankfully blocks we’re going to place down stone buttons

After this uh row of six here of uh stone brick half stabs we’re gonna place down a row of seven that goes across here of polish dan’s site with that done we’re gonna place down a stone brick upside down stair like this on the sides uh we’re gonna go and place down another

Upside down stone brick stair after it fall by a polished nanoside block where they’re gonna place down a stone brick upside down stair like this fall by a stone brick uh top slab after it like so where they’re gonna go and switch to some uh cobblestone slabs we’re gonna

Place down one and two cobblestone slabs going toward the front after uh we have that done for our next we’re going to go off this polished dance block here and place down one two three four and five polished anti-blocks going toward the front where they’re gonna

Place down a stone brick stair like this followed by a stone brick half slab uh with that finish we then want to go and basically make five rows that are gonna be all the same we’re gonna take polished and site place down one two three four five six and seven blocks

Forward followed by a stone brick stair and then a stone brick half slab and again we’re gonna do this repeater row a couple more times to basically fill in the space and the inside here of the head so just like that going up to the front there and you can see you have

Your row five of stone brick stairs here row five starboard calf stabs and this whole portion of the head filled in on the top there amy’s once you guys have that done that’s going to do it for layer 12 with that let’s go and move on to layer 13.

All right guys moving on to layer 13. uh for layer 13 we’re going to go ahead and start off by again focusing on our main body here we’re going to go ahead and place down a polished antenna block on top of the polished answer block we have

The previous layer up here in the front uh this time however we’re gonna take stone for cobblestone walls we’re gonna place down one and two off the side we’re gonna place down a stone full block fall by a upside down stone brick stair coming off of it with again its

Back face toward the outside there on the back of this stair here we’re gonna place down your stone brick stair like that we then want to place down one and two polished inside blocks on the back of the stone brick stair uh we’re then going to grab ourselves a stone slab

Stone slabs but basically making stones have full block um after that we’re going to go out in an angle go this polished nancy block we’re going to place down two stone slabs followed by two more stone slabs after it where they’re going to place down a polished side block fall by a

Stone full block like that after that’s uh complete we’re going to go and grab ourselves cobblestone walls replace that cobblestone wall after this stone full block next is cobblestone water place down one and two stone full blocks followed by one two three four five six seven and eight polished standard side blocks

Uh with that complete we’re gonna place down two stone brick stairs facing each other just like that followed by two science thankfully blocks behind those stone brick stairs after the this on after the stone brick stair here we’re gonna place a stone block after it fall back cobblestone wall

Um continuing on after that we’re gonna place down a row two here of stone full blocks going back polished and set block after it going toward the inside here we’re gonna place down a polishing has a block followed by a second one uh after it then a stone brick half step

Next is stone brick half side we’re going to place down a polished and side full block followed by one two three and four going down toward the back here after that’s done we’re going to go ahead and place down we’re going to go to our second polishing inside block here place

Down a row two and then a polished handstand block in the center uh come off the polishing state block and place down the cobblestone wall followed by a stone slab uh full block and then uh near side of that uh cobblestone wall and then just a

Stone slab on either side of that those full blocks um then go ahead and go up to this front here we have the head to work on so for this uh we want to go ahead and go to this row here of polished and site

We’re going to place down a row of five across the top here with the stone bricks stair on both sides and of course it’s being centered uh we don’t want to place down any second row five polish dandelsite after it stone bricks stair on both sides again we’re

Gonna place down the third row five this time they’re gonna place nine snowbreak slab on both sides we then want to place down a row of five of stonebrick half subs come off the row of five of polished ampsite where they’re gonna place down a row of five of iron trapdoors

Followed by a row of five stone brick half stabs and then a second row of stone brick half sabs once you guys have that all done that’s going to do it for layer 13 with that let’s go ahead and move on to layer 14. all right guys so go ahead and continue

On one thing i want to go go ahead and add on real quick was i want to put a stone button on this um stone full block or stone stop full block on both sides i forgot to make that little addition there it’s a very simple little detail just going for that

On you guys are good to go and continue on anyways uh we’re going to start off again by going to our uh front section here the of the main body we’re going to place down a polished inside block on top of this one right here we then want

To place down one and two cobblestone walls uh to the side where they’re gonna place down a stone uh full block on top of the previous one right there followed by a polish dance like block on top of this stone brick upside down stair after you have that done come off this

Stone full blocker and place down a polish downside block followed by one more back we then want to grab our stone slab uh stone slabs we’re gonna basically make a stone slab full block followed by a second and then third one going back and then we’re on the coming off the

Third one we’re gonna place down a stone slab coming off to the side uh after the stone slab here we’re gonna place down a polished anti-block followed by a stone uh full block uh come off the stone full block and place down a cobblestone wall like that

We then want to place down a row of one two three four and five stone uh full blocks uh once you have that done we’re gonna grab ourselves stone brick stairs we’re gonna place down a total of one and two upside down stone brick stairs followed by a cobblestone wall directly

Behind those cobbles to that cobblestone wall we’re going to go ahead and grab ourselves some uh science during stained clay we’re going to place that science thing with a block directly behind it i’m coming off the stair again or this cobblestone wall we’re going to place down two more stone brick stairs after

It we then want to place down one looks my bad we then want to place down one two and three uh stone uh full blocks going back from the stone brick stairs after that on top of this cobblestone wall here we’re gonna place down an air cobblestone wall followed by a stone

Full block next to it uh we then want to go ahead and go and place down a stone brick half slab coming off this stone full block right here on the inside here this half side we’re going to place down a stone full block followed by a polished anocyte block followed by

Two stone um full blocks like that we then want to go ahead and go to this real polish dance site here and place down in their row of five of polish dance on top of it like that going toward the back uh for this back section uh right back

Here we want to go ahead and start off by uh going to our third block so basically our center block in this row five we’re gonna place down a row of five here black wool that goes all the way across coming off of the the black wool block

On your side we’re gonna place down a science tank way block with a ladder on it like that and in between these science thankfully blocks are going to place down a row of three of iron bars like that to create some back venting uh on the vehicle

And uh that right there is going to basically do it for the main body last thing we have to do on the head is we just have to go to this last row of five of polished standard site we’re gonna place down a row of five of stone brick

Half stabs on top of it to basically go ahead and complete it and finish it off anyways once you guys have that done is gonna do it for i believe that is layer uh might be actually layer 14 maybe i actually think so that’s going to do it for layer 14 with that

Let’s move on to layer 15. all right guys moving on to layer 15 for layer 15 what we want to do is you want to go ahead and start off by going again to the front section up here we’re completely done with the head so we don’t have to worry about that any

Longer that’s completely done completely finished um so that’s it for that we’re just gonna be working on pretty much the next levels building up our main body some more uh so what we want to do is you want to go and start by going to the front up here again we’re gonna place

Down a polished dance block on top of this one right here this you know reoccurring row here we’re gonna place down two cobblestone walls out to the side from it followed by a polished anodized block uh not to the side and then one more that comes

Forward like that we also want to place down one that goes back like so with the stone brick half side coming off to the side of it we’re then going to place down a row of three here of stone slab full blocks and uh we’re also gonna

Place down a stone button on the third one like that from the front so after we have this row three here of stone slab full blocks where they’re gonna go and place down a polished side block followed by a stone full block like this where they’re going to place down a

Cobblestone wall like that followed by a stone full block coming off the cobblestone wall and then one more out to the side like so we then want to place down one two three and four stone full blocks after it like this going back followed by two polished another

Side blocks a cobblestone wall like that and a cyan hardened stinky block right behind that cobblestone wall where they’re going to place down two polished anti-blocks followed by two stone slab full blocks uh these two these stone slab full blocks are going to have levers on it so we’re going to place

Down two levers facing upward like that we then want to place down a stone full block like this followed by a cobblestone uh wall that’s going to be on top of this a stone full block right here uh behind this uh stone uh full block here we’re gonna place down a polish downstair

Block like that next this uh cobblestone wall here we’re gonna place down a cyan hardened stainless block followed by a stone full block coming off of it we’re going to place down a polished site block followed by two stone slab full blocks uh we want to place down a cobblestone

Wall on the coming off the first uh stone slab full block and we also want to grab ourselves an enrod and have this coming off the uh stone full block or the cobblestone cobblestone wall like that uh on the inside here we’re gonna go

Ahead and go to this uh row five here of polished anti-sight we’re gonna place down one two and three polished nancy blocks followed by a stone brick stair like this and then a stone brick stair like that so we can create a corner stair like so

On top of this uh row three of uh black wolf or sorry the row five black we’re gonna place down there row five going up we’re gonna take our science thankfully blocks again on both sides we’re gonna go and place down a uh you know bladder a science they could

Block the ladder on it and we’re just we’re gonna go and place down again a row three of uh iron bars going across in between those blocks uh however this time coming off the iron bars we’re gonna place down a row three of stone brick tops abs once you guys have that

Done that’s going to do it for layer 15 with that let’s go ahead and move on to layer 16. all right guys moving on to layer 16. for layer 16 what we want to do next is we want to go ahead and go to the top section right up here the

Forward section we’re going to place down the polished inside block on top of this one up here in the front followed by a row two stone full blocks over to the sides we then want to place down a polished inside block on the end of this row two

Here on top of this polished inside block here and place down each stone brick stair like that going back from this polished asset block we’re going to place down another polished and side block back we then want to take stone brick stairs and we’re going to place down two stone

Brick stairs facing this direction going back from that polished hand side block and on the inside here these stone brick stairs we’re going to place down the road to a cyan standpoint blocks coming off this stone brick stair right here the second one we’re going to place down a stone brick half sab

Followed by a polished dance type block we’re going to place down another stone brick stair like this that little gap and then fill in that gap and place down the science think we block on the inside here where they’re going to place down a stone full block after it

After that stair followed by a cobblestone wall coming off of it next to this cobblestone wall we’re going to place down a stone block followed by a stone brick stair coming off of it toward the front there uh with that complete we’re going to place down a stone full block after the

Stone brick stair we then want to place down two stone brick stairs facing this direction here again with science thank you blocks behind them where they’re going to place down a stone full block like this followed by a stone brick stair a polished inside block and again behind

This uh stone brick stair a science dangly block like so uh we’re going to place down a science think way block up on top of this one here and a cobblestone wall so basically behind the cobblestone wall uh after that we’re gonna place down after the cobblestone wall replace down one and two

Stone brick stairs again like this followed by two science snake blade blocks behind them uh we then want to place down a row of two here of stone slab full blocks uh we’re going to grab ourselves levers and place our sorry end rods and place them down on top of those levers

After that we’re going to place down a stone brick stair after those two stone slab full blocks on the back of the stair a polished anocyte block coming off the polished answer they block a stone brick uh sorry cobblestone wall on top of this cyan snake we block a

Stone full block like this followed by a stone brick stair after it with a science stance block right behind it we then want to place down one and two polished inside blocks come off the stone brick stair like that uh we then want to place down a uh stone brick stair here

Come after that road too and on the inside here after that sun brick stair we’re gonna place down a polished inside full block off that polished side full block we’re going to place down one and two stone brick stairs followed by a stone brick half slab uh

Coming out to the very end like that on the inside of these two stairs right here in a place down or on the inside the first stair we’re gonna place down a science tankley block on the inside of the second stair we’re going to place down a polished dance block followed by

One and two after it uh once you have that done we’re just gonna go and place down a row three black wool uh right here in the middle to fill that space in and then we just wanna place down a row three of polish dance site in

Between our sides here to go and fill this space in for row five that goes all the way across and then for the back section here we’re gonna place down a row three polish dance site on top of this row three of stone brick top stabs and then we just

Want to go and place down a stone brick stair like this on both sides once you guys have that done that’s going to do it for layer 16. with that let’s go and move on to layer 17. all right guys moving on to our next layer we have layer 17. for layer 17

What we want to do is you want to go ahead and start off going to the top up here uh on top of this polishing side blocking these two stone full blocks to the out to either side we’re gonna place down a row five of stone full blocks

Coming off that row of five we’re gonna place down a row of five of polished nano side blocks on either end of this row five of uh stone full box and place down a polished and side block followed by one two and three blocks after it where they’re

Gonna go and go out to the side place down one and two polished anti-blocks followed by a stone block and then a cob will still wall come off that stone block next is cobblestone wall replace down a stone block uh followed by one one two and three

And four giving you a total of five stone blocks across the side here we’re gonna place down two polished inside blocks followed by a cobblestone wall on the inside here on the back of this cobblestone wall we’re going to place down a science tankway block after the cobblestone wall we’re going to place

Down one and two polished nanosite blocks followed by two stone slab full blocks we want to go ahead and actually grab ourselves some levers we’re gonna place down levers uh coming down kind of on the side there like that uh once you have that done after the stone slab

Full blocks gonna place down a stone block followed by a cobblestone wall uh on the back of the copper on the side here this cobblestone wall we’re going to place that in there stone block like this fall by one more going toward the back polished and side block

And a stone brick stair like so uh coming off that stone brick stair we’re gonna place down a stone brick half slab like that uh after we have that done next to the stone brick stair on the half side we’re gonna place down a row two of polished andesite

Uh i coming off this polished answer block on top of the science thank you block and place down one two and three uh science thank you blocks and then we just wanna place down a row five here of stone brick stairs all the way across

The back there to kind of fill in that space anyways that right there is gonna do for layer 17 with that let’s move on to layer 18. all right guys so going ahead and continuing on we’re going to go ahead and move on to uh layer 18 for

Layer 18 what we want to do is you want to go and start off by placing down a row of seven here of stone brick half steps that’s going to go all the way across this whole section up on the top here we then want to place down a row of

Seven of stone brick stairs directly behind it after that we’re gonna place down a row of seven of polish nanosite directly behind those stairs as you can see we’re starting to get a little of our slant going on here so we’re getting pretty close to uh wrapping this thing up which is awesome

Going back from this polished dance block we’re gonna place down one more going back like this on top of these two polish champion blocks two more polished anti-blocks followed by a stone block and again a cobblestone wall coming off that stone block after that we’re gonna

Place down one two three four and five stone blocks two polished and sight blocks a cobblestone wall a science technique walk right behind the cobblestone wall again two polished dance day blocks come out the cobblestone wall one two and three stone blocks a cobblestone wall stone block on the inside here the

Cobblestone wall uh we then want to go and have a bit of an indent i’ll come off this stone brick stair we’re going to place down your stomach half slab followed by a stone block on the inside here like that coming off that stone blocker they’re going to place down one and two

And actually three polished anti-blocks we want to go ahead and go in at an angle go to this polished side block here we’re going to place actually a row of five across like that we then want to place down a row of five of stone brick stairs

Across as well come off that row five polished nano site a row five of stone brick half slabs coming off that row and then we just want to go and then fill in the space in the bottom here which i should have done the previous layer but i kind of forgot

To so that’s basic right there right there should be filled in and uh you can start to see you’re starting to get your slopes here for the armor and we’re uh definitely getting close to finish this bad boy off anyways that’s it for layer 18 let’s go ahead and move on to layer

19. all right guys moving on to layer 19 for layer 19 we want to go ahead and start off by taking our stone brick slabs we’re going to go ahead and place down a row of seven that goes across right here so it’s right after this row

Of seven here of polished inside just a row seven of stone brick uh half steps it goes all the way across like so we then want to go ahead and place down after that row seven a row of nine here of stone brick stairs again that goes all the way across

After that we’re gonna place down a row of nine of polished standard site directly behind that row going all the way across again going back from this polished and state blocker to place down one more block like back like this followed by a cobblestone wall like that coming off of

That polished s8 block where they’re going to place down one two three four five stone full blocks back followed by two polished anti blocks again a cobblestone wall and then a science thankfully block kind of you know covering up on the inside there two polished ant blocks

Two uh stone blocks like this uh where they’re gonna go ahead and place down a uh stone or actually my battery is gonna be three stone full blocks back followed by a stone block that kind of goes on the inside here where they’re gonna place down a cobblestone wall on top this

Stone full block here on the inside here of this uh cobblestone full block we’re gonna place down a stone full block followed by a second stone block after it after that we’re gonna place down a row of seven here of polished standard site all the way across we then want to place

Down a row seven of stone brick stairs all the way across and again a row seven of stone brick half subs all the way across across those stairs now there’s gonna do it for layer 19 with that let’s go ahead and move on to layer 20. all

Right guys moving on to our next layer we have layer 20. for layer 20 we’re going to go ahead and start off by going to the top section up here uh in this row that’s right after this long row of nine here polished and say we’re gonna

Go ahead and place down a long row of uh nine of stone brick half stabs all the way across after that row we’re gonna go ahead and place down a row of 11 of stone full blocks all the way across so it should connect up on both sides here to this

Stone full block like that after we have that done we’re going to go to the sides here and place down one and two stone brick stairs going back we’re going to place down a long row of 9 here of cyan stain clay in between the stone brick stairs which are going to be

On both sides there after that we’re going to place down one and two uh stone full blocks going back uh followed by a polished site block a stone brick stair like this and on the inside here we’re going to place down a science thank you block next to the

Stone brick stair after the stone brick stair we’re going to place down a cobblestone wall again a science thankfully block behind that cobblestone wall like that we then want to place down a polished side block next to this uh stone or cobblestone wall followed by two stone brick stairs

Again facing this direction like so and we want to go in again put down science thank you blocks behind them like that after we have that done we’re going to place down a stone full block on the back of this stair followed by a stone brick stair after

That stone full block on the inside here next to this stone brick stair we’re placed on a stone full block followed by a cobblestone wall on top of the previous cobblestone wall from the previous layer in between these cobblestone walls we’re going to place down a row of i believe

This is nine or some about seven of uh stone full blocks across and then we just want to place down a row of seven of stone brick half stabs coming off that row of seven of stone full blocks anyways that right there is going to be it for layer uh 20

With that we’re going to move on to our last final layer which is going to be layer uh 21 we’re going to put the top of this thing on and finish this build off anyways let’s go ahead and move on to our last file layer layer 21 already

Guys so go ahead and move on to layer 21. now for layer 21 we’re going to start off by going to the very top up here we’re going to go ahead and go to this uh row of cyan um same clay and we’re going to start off by placing down

A stone brick stair like this on top of the stone brick stair like that we’re gonna place 90 second stair after it so we turn the steering to corner stair and then we have a regular stair here we’re gonna go ahead and take our uh stone buttons we’re gonna place down one

Two and three across we’re gonna place down one stone button coming off on this um this uh stone full block like that after we have uh that done we’re going to place down a stone brick stair back like this from this corner stair uh we then want to

Place down a stone full block after that stair where they’re gonna place down one two and three stone brick top stabs across like that a stone full block behind the stone brick stair and then it’s gonna be the same thing obviously on this side as well then along the sides here we’re just

Gonna take stone brake stairs we’re gonna place down one two three four five six seven eight and nine and basically nine stairs back so we have a row ten here we’re gonna place down a corner stair on top of the stair here and just go ahead and connect it off to the other

Side here with stone brick stairs so a big long row of nine of stone brick stairs all the way across and then you just want to go ahead and lastly just go ahead and take some stone blocks and fill in the whole space on the inside here

So just go ahead and fill the whole space in just like this to create the uh roof of the main body and uh once you guys have that all done that’s gonna basically do it for the for my tutorial or my brief revised tutorial to say the least of the all terrain

Armor transport 8080 a really awesome build and a very long build to say the very least about it uh hopefully you guys do enjoy the build if you guys do not building this i do ask you guys give me proper credit for it this be anything

From us on the build tweeting to my channel or this video if this does appear any social media sites just be sure your proper crib for it it was a really big build and took a while to put together and a lot of you know time out

Of my day to record and all that stuff so you know if you do use it uh you know giving me credit is much appreciated and everything like that anyways as long as you guys give me credit for the design you’re free to use it forever projects

You guys are working on and that guys thank you guys so much for watching as always to like comment and subscribe this has been garrett 2×4 and i’ll see you guys next time

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: STAR WARS All Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT) | Combat Walker Tutorial’, was uploaded by GARRETT2BY4 on 2018-05-12 06:50:08. It has garnered 29593 views and 620 likes. The duration of the video is 01:43:51 or 6231 seconds.

HELLO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! In this tutorial I show you how to build the STAR WARS AT-AT combat walker! If you use this design be sure to credit me for it! Enjoy!

SUPPORT ME ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/GARRETT2BY4 ————————————————– WANT TO SEE VEHICLES SIMILAR TO THIS?:

STAR WARS TUTORIALS PLAYLIST: https://goo.gl/XjuX6H ————————————————– WHAT IS THE “AT-AT”?

The All Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT) was a four-legged combat walker used by the ground forces of the Galactic Empire. With the Imperial-class Star Destroyer and the TIE fighter, it was one of the most famous symbols of the Empire’s military might.

Credit: Wikipedia ————————————————– TEXTURE & SHADER PACKS:

TEXTURE PACK: Minecraft Default Pack SHADERS: Continuum 1.3 ————————————————– RECORDING PROGRAM: OBS Studio

GET IT HERE: https://obsproject.com/download ————————————————– MICROPHONE: AT 2035

GET IT HERE: https://goo.gl/CKQN6q ————————————————– MUSIC:

Track: Star Wars – The Force Theme (DJ AG Remix) Provided By: DJ AG Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeMgZPrIj3s

Track: Star Wars – The Imperial March (DJ AG Remix) Provided By: DJ AG Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WU9jdjuDA8w

Track: Star Wars – Cantina Band (DJ AG Remix) Provided by: DJ AG Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXCH09mYZTg



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    Minecraft Life Steal Survival Server Live 24/7! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIFESTEAL / SURVIVAL SMP LIVE 24/7 SERVER | JAVA + PE #minecraft #nether #girlgamer’, was uploaded by Mahzo on 2024-08-25 13:35:50. It has garnered 289 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 03:25:55 or 12355 seconds. MINECRAFT LIFESTEAL / SURVIVAL SMP LIVE 24/7 SERVER | JAVA + PE #minecraft #nether #girlgamer Radiantmc Server Ip: play.radiantmc.in & Port: 25732 Discord :- https://discord.gg/AqbBjn97e2 About me – hello my name is mahzo . i m from earth i hope u all r also on same planet .i m making parivarik videos and doing stream… Read More

  • Deadly Lava Encounters in Sky Factory 4 | Ep 15

    Deadly Lava Encounters in Sky Factory 4 | Ep 15Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Sky Factory 4 – Surrounded By Lava – Episode 15’, was uploaded by Onlydraven Gaming on 2024-03-19 03:13:41. It has garnered 291 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 03:05:02 or 11102 seconds. This is a playthrough of the Minecraft Modpack Sky Factory 4 using the Lava Factory world type. Please be sure to subscribe to see more of my videos and streams. Want to help support the channel? Donate/Tip via Paypal or Credit Card at https://streamlabs.com/onlydravengaming Or consider adding a Membership to the channel to get access to cool… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock disaster! 🚨💀

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock disaster! 🚨💀Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft moments 💀 💀 before disaster ☠#minecraft #tecnoblade #creppypastas #disaster’, was uploaded by Minecraft bedrock on 2024-08-26 06:23:05. It has garnered 940 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft moment 💀 💀 before disaster ☠#minecraft #tecnoblade #creppypastas #disaster Minecraft moment 💀 💀 before disaster ☠#minecraft #tecnoblade #creppypastas #disaster Minecraft moment 💀 💀 before disaster ☠#minecraft #tecnoblade #creppypastas #disaster minecraft moments before disaster, ah best minecraft moments, ah minecraft moments, ah minecraft funny moments, moments before disaster in minecraft, r/minecraft memes minecraft moments, minecraft moments of 2023, minecraft moments… Read More

  • SHOCKING 1st Year Party with Mr Aejis | Vtuber Teacher SPECIAL

    SHOCKING 1st Year Party with Mr Aejis | Vtuber Teacher SPECIALVideo Information This video, titled ‘STREAMAVERSARY! Teacher’s 1st year party:| Mr Aejis: Vtuber Teacher / Backyard Baseball + Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr Aejis on 2024-08-18 07:14:28. It has garnered 43 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 07:34:25 or 27265 seconds. ——– Mr Aejis – Vtuber Teacher Mr Aejis is an independent vtuber and teacher who streams first-time playthroughs and health & wellness lessons. Focused on the whole health of the person – physical, mental, and emotional – regular lessons are given in a relaxed, virtual classroom format with interaction and engagement prioritized, as well as… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Lambo Race: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker

    Insane Minecraft Lambo Race: Noob vs Pro vs HackerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noob vs pro vs hacker Lamborghini | Lambo vs Lambo #short #minecraft #shorts #viralshorts’, was uploaded by The minecle on 2024-03-04 08:30:23. It has garnered 1833 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft noob vs pro minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker vs god house minecraft short noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft new short #minecrafttoolbox#mincraft #minecraftanimation#minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut#minecrafthindi #minecraftpe1#minecraft100days #minecraftpe #minecraftpocketedition#minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly# minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmemes#minecrafters #minecraftbuilds#minecraftpocketedition… Read More

  • LittleDigPlanet – Vanilla 1.21, Whitelist, Age 25+, No Claims, Smaller Community, 10+ Year History

    Welcome to Our Vanilla Minecraft Community! If you are 25+ and looking for a small, mature community to play Minecraft with, join our Discord using the link below. We started a new map on June 9th, 2023 with the 1.20 update. No Ranks or Moderator positions No area claim plugins World border currently set at 30k blocks in every direction Small community with 8-12 players online at peak times Hard difficulty, maximum render view distance Separate Legacy Server and Creative server available Join our Discord and introduce yourself to be whitelisted. We aim to provide a truly vanilla experience with… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My Minecraft obsessions fixed my broken heart!

    This meme is like a perfectly placed block in a crumbling building – holding everything together with its comedic strength! Read More

  • Mining Mayhem: 62 Pickaxe Tests in One!

    Mining Mayhem: 62 Pickaxe Tests in One! In this video, I test pickaxes with glee, From basic to enchanted, for all to see. Stone and deepslate, they all get a try, Calculating speed, no need to be shy. Efficiency and haste, all put to the test, On iron, diamond, and netherite best. Tick speed and mining, all in the mix, Results in the end, no need for tricks. So if you have questions, just drop a line, I’ll answer them all, in rhythm and rhyme. Hope you enjoyed this test, my English may lack, But if you liked it, consider a like and subscribe back. Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” 😂 #minecraft #funny #meme Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Lapata SMP vs Loyal SMP

    Ultimate Showdown: Lapata SMP vs Loyal SMP The Ultimate Showdown: Stop Lapata SMP vs Loyal SMP Welcome to the epic clash between two powerhouse Minecraft SMPs: Stop Lapata SMP and Loyal SMP! AaryanshMC takes us on a thrilling journey through the intense rivalry, highlighting the unique features, gameplay styles, and community dynamics of each server. Get ready for a showdown like no other as we delve into the world of Minecraft! Stop Lapata SMP: Unleashing Creativity Stop Lapata SMP is a hub of creativity, where players push the boundaries of what’s possible in Minecraft. With a focus on building, redstone engineering, and exploration, Stop Lapata SMP… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Wacky Industrial Zone

    Minecraft's Wacky Industrial Zone Minecraft’s Goofiest Industrial District Seven Missions is a project that has been in the works since June 2021, showcasing the creative potential of Minecraft. The creator sees it as more than just a series within the game; it is a testament to the power of imagination and determination. With a focus on inspiring others, Seven Missions serves as a stepping stone towards a career in filmmaking and composing. Music and Artistry The series features a majority of original music composed by the creator, available for streaming on platforms like Spotify under the artist name “Cem Hagemu.” This unique blend… Read More

  • “Piggy Pag’s Ultimate Minecraft Magic Wand 🐷✨” #minecraft #shorts #gaming

    "Piggy Pag's Ultimate Minecraft Magic Wand 🐷✨" #minecraft #shorts #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘This magic wand works wonders in Minecraft ✨ #minecraft #fyp #shorts #gaming’, was uploaded by Piggy Pag on 2024-08-17 15:15:10. It has garnered 1915 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. ►Hi friends 👋 thanks for watching my videos! Did you like the video? Click like 👍 and write any good comments🗯️, it will help me a lot and I will see that my videos are interesting to you and I will be happy 🌝, I will make videos more often. Also… don’t forget to click the bell… Read More

  • Minecraft Build & Seek: Ultimate Challenge

    Minecraft Build & Seek: Ultimate ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft BUILD and SEEK!’, was uploaded by Daaash on 2024-09-22 19:00:16. It has garnered 148712 views and 2390 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:01 or 8101 seconds. Minecraft BUILD and SEEK! This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are playing build and seek in Minecraft where they each have to build a hiding spot, and who ever is last to be found wins! Who will win? Watch till the end to find out! #minecraft #minecraftmod #Dash Read More

  • Crazy Minecraft Bedwars Combo 1.9! #ShortsMadness

    Crazy Minecraft Bedwars Combo 1.9! #ShortsMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘combo 1.9 #bedwars #shorts #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #minecraft #minecraftshorts #vime’, was uploaded by P1aNo_Shorts on 2024-09-23 18:15:52. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. minecraft, minecraft pvp, pvp, combo, minecraft combo, minecraft smooth, best minecraft combos, minecraft combo lock, 1.9, minecraft combotage, sumo, mc pvp, sharpness pack, pot pvp, skypvp, minecraft sumo tournament, combos, sumo pvp minecraft, sumo god, minecraft sumo 1v1, bedwars, serb-craft, insane minecraft, sumo combos, sumo combo, minecraft 240fps, how to combo in sumo, sumo tips and tricks, minecraft hacking, minecraft sumo,… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft build with a creepy twist! 🔥👻 #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft build with a creepy twist! 🔥👻 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft game 🎯🎮 creepy build 😱😱 tick tock heck 🎯🎮 #shorts #viral #minecraft #gameplay’, was uploaded by MR GAMER 08 on 2024-02-04 11:07:00. It has garnered 2488 views and 77 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Minecraft game 🎯🎮 creepy build 😱😱 tick tock heck 🎯🎮 #shorts #viral #minecraft #gameplay Read More

  • Insane Lifesteal SMP in Minecraft! Free Server Tutorial

    Insane Lifesteal SMP in Minecraft! Free Server TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make a Lifesteal SMP in Minecraft using Aternos (Free Server Tutorial)’, was uploaded by BoltX79 on 2024-02-26 15:58:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Make your Lifesteal SMP Like Loyal SMP Using Aternos #subscribe #like #aternos #aternosminecraftserver #minecraft … Read More

  • JJ & Mikey find SCARY superheroes in Minecraft!

    JJ & Mikey find SCARY superheroes in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Family found SCARY IRON MAN, SPIDERMAN, HULK and THANOS – in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey – Life on 2024-05-04 23:00:11. It has garnered 7479 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:04 or 3604 seconds. JJ and Mikey Family found SCARY IRON MAN, SPIDERMAN, HULK and THANOS – in Minecraft Maizen! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @Maizen Like and subscribe to the channel if you love Mom! Read More


    SHIKANOKO NOKONOKO KOSHI TANTAN - MINECRAFT ANIMASIVideo Information This video, titled ‘SHIKANOKO NOKONOKO KOSHITANTAN – ANIMASI MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by DUHIN on 2024-07-21 10:00:36. It has garnered 21456 views and 1879 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Characters @KoboKanaeru @KureijiOllie @AiraniIofifteen @MoonaHoshinova @AyundaRisu @KaelaKovalskia @VestiaZeta ••••••••••••••••••••• Subscribe for more animation from duhin:) •••••••••••••••••••••• social media: Instagram :@duhingram TikTok: @duhinuwu •••••••••••••••••••••• Track: – •••••••••••••••••••••• back to video guys, dont forget to like, comment, and subscribe #Shorts Read More

  • Insane Hide-and-Seek with INSIDE OUT in Minecraft!

    Insane Hide-and-Seek with INSIDE OUT in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey HIDE from INSIDE OUT At Night in Minecraft ! (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Crazy Mikey on 2024-08-04 19:00:24. It has garnered 957 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:51 or 3831 seconds. JJ and Mikey HIDE from INSIDE OUT At Night in Minecraft ! (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen Store promotion: https://shop-maizen.myspreadshop.com/ Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Turtle Farm – 3000+ cobblestone/hr

    Insane Minecraft Turtle Farm - 3000+ cobblestone/hrVideo Information This video, titled ‘Automatic Cobblestone farm in Minecraft | 3000 + per hour’, was uploaded by Turtle Craft on 2024-04-18 11:45:01. It has garnered 21570 views and 1023 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Automatic Cobblestone farm in Minecraft | 3000 + per hour I this short video I will teach you how to buid the easiest automatic cobblestone generator in minecraft you only need few materials to build this farm make sure to subscribe the channle full video link here : https://youtu.be/PUl87Qnlcp0 Design credit bigbooty17 song credit massobeats – gift (royalty free… Read More

Minecraft: STAR WARS All Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT) | Combat Walker Tutorial