Minecraft story mode Episode 8 live stream

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Wow we’ve made it this is so emotional this is the end of the story the Minecraft story get it Minecraft story mode okay get it get it get it oh my God I can’t even see if this Drew’s uh oh it’s the end this is the final episode guys we’ve

Gone on such a journey together wow I can’t believe it ah episode eight the Final Chapter Huh here we are episode eight let’s take a journey down memory lane so everyone can so I could fill in every one of what we missed and see if I can remember episode one uh the ivory releases the bad monster uh we choose to help Petra and not Gabriel

And the other four are trapped in the nether but then they escape and then we me and Olivia go and grab um elegard well Mac or an axel grabs Magnus uh we look for Soarin at his base yeah I’m pretty sure we look for sorenitis bass and then I’ve wore

We we then we accidentally make a three more I think so that’s uh Reuben dies R.I.P Reuben uh this gang gets teleported into the Sky City trying to stop Aiden from stealing the uh enchantment and steel but he does so it’s not good uh this is the murder mystery episode I

Didn’t get to finish it because the game got bugged but from what I can recall Dan Sparkles torque dog all died and the red hair girl was the Killer so yeah that’s all I was told um we got teleported into like this dystopian Wasteland where everyone’s a robot we meet Harper

And Petra and Lucas both get chipped we help Lucas and then we save Petra at the end and now Harper’s with us right now and now we’re going into the last port oh no we’re climbing stairs now that’s what we’re doing okay without further ado let’s start previously on Minecraft story mode

If these Builders truly existed and if you found their Tempo that means we’re once hold on Derpy’s calling what do you want what do you want Are you gonna watch are you gonna watch whoa are you gonna watch uh probably a little bit probably about the whole thing because yeah yeah okay bye bye I’m stuck in a rut go through a portal avoid dying long enough to get back to this stupid hallway gosh rinse repeat yes

Nice if whoever made these left some sort of signs guideposts you can call me Harper your bravery is an impressive quality I look forward to studying that aspect of your person I don’t have season two yet I don’t have the disc yet so I’m waiting for that to come into the mail

What is that this is the Redstone heart it can help you find your way home why didn’t you say something so it is a fun one okay oh that’s good you’d want a good finale not a boring finale Atlas they’re all right up those dares I don’t remember if season one was left

On a cliffhanger and that’s why they made a season two Adventure I don’t remember so we’re gonna wait and see but remember no spoilers because this is a like a six-year playthrough because it’s been six years since I played the game that’s a lot of stairs and all revealed by the Redstone heart

Easy yeah not bad right after you all right time to go home yes please I can’t believe we’re finally this close huh feels like just yesterday we were building this place yeah we gotta go home cool we’ve been exploring the old Builders world this whole time

I thought I’d never need to come but tell you the truth what the hell oh I’m sensing a story here I guess you could say that you don’t sound super happy about being back what’s up yeah I think you’ll figure it out once you meet the others others

You mean we’re going to meet more old Builders still don’t like it when you call us that yep but I gotta warn you they’re not as friendly as I am I’m probably the uh nicest old Builder uh huh old Builders social politics my goodness yikes if you’re the nicest old

Builder these other ones must be really terrible hey two well you’re gonna give us the atlas and then we can go home right kind of the atlas isn’t exactly mine to give it belongs to the other uh old Builders and well they might not want to give it up uh oh

Why do I get the feeling there’s a lot you’re not telling us Harper I thought that’s why we brought you to convince them to hand over the atlas you’re not going to let us down right oh we defeated Palma and now Harper is helping us get home

Kind of complicated no Harper did not play the harp honestly therapy I actually don’t know because it doesn’t say on Playstation right remember so I have no idea if anyone’s been donating and if you have been I’m very sorry because I have not been checking because it doesn’t say on here

Could have made five million dollars and I would not have known I promise I’m trying to help Lucas you just gotta go through there door like a regular door yeah you guys can donate all right time open the door let’s see a thing before you go in there I have one

More piece of advice don’t die what the hell oh come on now where are we is this sleeve what the hell What do we have here do you deserves some new competitors what what stands still too long they’re aiming for us shut up I just realized what this reminds me just leave cause then tight no it’s a game you try to knock the floor out from other people and make it what uh oh

What the oh my God oh Petra oh Ivor oh already Don’t tell me I have to save one go look let’s go oh God damn it not already oh my God I4 doesn’t have anything Jesse Ivor doesn’t have anything I don’t know thank you Jesse done without you okay Lucas got Patrick what no what the no no that’s impossible

Whoa no wait dude I got it what hey hey whoa this is a mystery no way they’re dead they’re not dead no I was down I repeat slap is down stop the match not since the days of Tim have we seen such heated play that’s totally against the rules right yeah I didn’t

Think we could throw TNT back at the Gladiators nice one bro you are what individual you just killed our company okay none of you are responding like you should be to what’s going on so are you all crazy mind controlled what whoa hang on dude I am not in charge here okay

It’s them yes we are the ones in charge here and we have never had to stop them ever it definitely is strange mavia what is going on here those are the old builders okay this is going to require some reconfiguring of the stats for sure okay you’re in charge awesome okay now can

You just explain what the heck is going on here going on here is you just ruined our round of splife competitors horrid and technically against the rules ugh lashing out just because your friends were eliminated kind of sore loser Behavior don’t you think sport it is part of the games

Oh you can’t be serious okay just tell me straight what are these games that you keep talking about I think if we all just calm down I’m so confused your friends aren’t dead okay yeah you Derpy I knew they were dead we have them go work in the mines Jesse no

Your friends are alive and well let my friends go sorry sport but they were eliminated them’s the rules called responding champ we’re not monsters in our games when people die they reappear in one of our respawn zones I hear it’s still pretty painful though well sport now that you’ve come and

Interrupted our games I’m sure our fans would love to know how you got here bill why bother they all end up in the mines we’re from another world yeah you and everyone else here pipsqueak you know what you are champ you’re just a little gate Crusher and

What do we do with gate Crashers show them and send them to them oh God Jesse’s with hell he must say this return is unexpected you’re telling me I’m here for Jesse oh really tell me champ why do you think Harper brought you here my bets aren’t pet that’d be pretty cute

Right we just want to get our friends and go home sorry Chief but this is your home now might as well what no way we’ve been lost in your stupid portal hallway long enough we’re going home meaning you need my Atlas very very well that’s all well and good but I’ve been

I’m can we give anything to Someone Like You you weren’t invited and you interrupted Spleef what if I was about to change your mind oh that’d be hard because see I could be watching slabs squash you right now which would be highly yeah the Wither storm is dead I’m better than that Slugger

I doubt you’d have anything that would interest us what do I have send them to the mine they’re cheaters what do I give them it’s miserable uh not against the rules technically they are still in the games do I give them you deserve to be here Adrian it’s

Interesting I think they could bring some excitement I’ll give the riddle I present the Redstone heart Seems Like Only Yesterday someone took off of that and vowed never to return with it oh but I didn’t bring it back Jesse did there’s no toy Slugger how about you just hand it over

Pretty dangerous if you don’t know how to use it uh Adrian you’re not getting one finger on this thing until you hand over my friend I’m not a big fan of haggling Jesse here’s the way my offer works you give me the heart you and your

Friends go back down to those portals I never look at your insignificant face again uh without the atlas we need that to get home so not my problem this is a one-time offer clearly things have been getting out of hand let’s start over and see if we can reach an agreement

Okay okay fine I can always appreciate someone trying to be reasonable well you need the atlas and I need competitors after your unexpected intrusion I seem to be short a team so how about this you playing the games if you win oh I’m playing it is yours Jesse trust me everywhere

It really does take a big person to admit when they’ve met their match right Hadrian yeah that’s right Slugger I’ll play these games Bring It On well I guess we have a deal then oh so I should have chose Petra Petra is way better than Ivor in like uh attacking

Because it doesn’t have anything Harper has to go to the mines too oh gravel Harper want to be a friend and show our new competitors to where they’ll be staying sure thing God damn it I should have picked Petra part of the plan one of Hadrian’s deals ugh

He’s not going to let other people get the upper hand you know wait but this was your plan you said you had it all worked out yeah about that Ivor is funnier yeah might have acted in haste before uh I could work out all the details make up as you go huh bold

I’m I’m sorry okay I really am let me show you where the competitor Village bro it’s so stupid Lucas never gets to be an option it’s always Petra or ivory like you can never have Lucas work with you that’s so stupid we used to have competitors from all

Over travel here to playing the games at least until the others ruined it what happened Hadrian and nevia let power go to their heads they started pitting people against each other just for sport forcing people to be here it isn’t right come on I’ll show you where you’ll be staying

Well here it is the competitor Village sort of a home away from home for all the people playing the games yep at least the ones who aren’t stuck working in the Court’s mines those poor souls are just waiting for their next shot my name is Tough work I feel bad for the

People that are too scared or weak to play in the games wow that’s just horrible I know there’s an ending episode four where Lucas isn’t your friend what I didn’t know Lucas could not be your friend that’d be interesting games and if they lose Hadrian sends them to

Toil in the mines if they’re lucky they’ll get another shot of the games but it might take a while refer with Otto we go way back and well he’s usually the most reasonable of the three hold on a moment I still haven’t found truck or Lucas I’m thinking that Hadrian must have sent

Them through the portal to the mines which is technically against the rules no one’s supposed to go there until their whole team is eliminated not no way they do not get to put my friends in their stupid Minds it’s been too long since I was part of a Prison Break

You’ve got a colorful backstory don’t you you have no idea Adrian always was one for maximizing useful uh productivity I’m gonna try and find Otto I’ve got confidence in you Jesse you might just get out of this gotta get our friends out of the mines quick I’ll see if any of these other

Competitors have any promising leads foreign there’s our nether portal um hello don’t you hello face meat wait a minute you’re the cheater that blew up my friend slab and face meat Rock cheaters don’t stand around breathing a ball of face meat air hey what do you even do around here

These meet cracked skulls and thinks about cracking more skulls when face meat has time that is I’ll just I’m gonna go now what’s her name Neil oh Nell wow it’s Leaf you were like amazing I’m now and I am so super sorry about your friend I get your problems upset

Especially since you had no idea what was going on I understand now these games are nuts man I am so glad to hear that I do not want to be on your bad side I gotta say you keep playing like that and you’ll be like tin status

Who’s Tim Tim like the legend of Tim Tim on the signs like one okay like you could people could like already be talking they’re gonna like see compare you to Tim I’m not here to him I just want to get home exactly what makes you tense that is Tim

Didn’t want to be Tim either he got his whole team home listen I still feel super bad about taking out your friend I owe you so if you ever need anything you just come and ask ciao okay uh hey you’re the one that eliminated the one decent member of my team

I’ll barely be able to get through to the next round your stupid teammate killed Lucas yeah I couldn’t believe now pulled that off either don’t forget they respond duh don’t cry about it we were doing what we had to do to win you haven’t been here long so you

Wouldn’t know unless I win which I will yeah let’s be cocky I respect that just can’t wait to see those guts on the Arena floor I feel kind of bad for you most of us got snatched against our Wills but you got tricked into coming willingly that old Builder should have told you

These games were impossible have you ever won the games yeah I won but I decided to give up the prize of going home to stay in this awesome Place longer of course I haven’t won the First Choice you ever make affects the ending of this episode what

What was the first ever thing it was Ivor and Petra was it not actually wait wood wouldn’t plank solid slab that armor is pretty sweet not as sweet as mine of course yay get out of here before I see if I can attach this sign to your head

It’s so nice when new contestants are in the village ish why is everyone so cranky around here could be that just a guess though exactly do you do here oh when I’m not in the arena of being so no one tries to sneak any have you happened to see my friends you

Know the ones that got eliminated in Spleef elimination again fine I’m out of here to kill you again bro didn’t even kill me though all right Derpy who am I supposed to look for oh I wore I wore everything going okay it could almost be fun

I admit I did have some fun in that Spleef tournament of course you’d like the place it’s all about people trying to kill each other forever I’m just saying there are some interesting ideas at play we need to keep looking for Petra and Lucas talk to this guy

Hey that’s Lucas’s Journal you say something tiny because I’m trying to read here hey where’d you get that book you’re reading oh this fished out some respawns inventory after he got some Tales of Adventure feelings and other dumb stuff hey wait a minute you’re the pipsqueak that knocked me out of my tower

Yeah and this belonged to that little blonde buddy of yours let me guess you want this back cause I’m actually enjoying myself there are some fascinating and thrilling tales in here hey don’t get too steamed maybe we can make a deal and slab the immovable

Oh we can make a deal if you do everything I say when I say it and don’t make me mad again maybe I’ll consider giving you this stupid book back can’t you see I’m trying to read jeez sorry wow hey crazy person in extremes belief decent

Not as good as Tim but decent that’s more than I can say for most but not even a third of what Tim was everybody loves Tim around here uh yeah and justifiably so he literally saved his entire team and in style his armor didn’t even get dirty

He’s a real Tim inspiration yeah it’s true he could do the Tim Possible here’s the secret we’re all just trying to be like Tim he’s perfect okay I’ll leave you to it then yo Jesse what can I help you with oh hey know where the nether portal is yeah

It’s right over that way then why did I huh yo Jesse what can I help you with yo Jesse what can I help you with okay um hello what do you know about the old Builders who run this place well one they hate being called Old Builders two their face

Meets bosses three they’re not big on hugs do you know where my friends are in the mines duh you’re not going anywhere not on Facebook staring at face meat please what can I do to get them out well now that you mention it face speed was busy slamming mad raps at the gym

And missed lunchtime you see so face me it’s hungry do something about that and face me it’ll think about getting your friends out can I come back here now help me dog yo Jesse what can I help you with no I mean seriously I mean anything at all at all well well

Um if I had some wheat I would totally give you some sadly I don’t have a secret stash and if you didn’t ask I wouldn’t loan you some wink come on quick before anybody sees us thank you Jesse x Neil or Nell step leave the seeds yeah one planting as I go

And that’s another um Sweet and that should all grow back soon nice looks like that should be enough for some Epic loafage yeah that means bread hopefully bread will be enough to get that face meat guy to help me righteous they don’t let us use crafting tables though

Wait I saw a few wood planks by the dojo thank you now catch you later yeah there that should be enough for a table aha that’s some fine crafting let’s make some food I have no idea how to make bread so we’re gonna just try it out nope there we go

Red now I should be able to get my friends back hello hey face meat got some bread for you red huh it’s so warm oh I’m full of carbs it took me a long time to make that bread so you better hold up your end of the

Deal jeez face me didn’t know you were so demanding wait here Jesse hello hey Ivor there’s been something I’ve been wanting to say it’s about how you saved me back there in that game I I really appreciate it Jesse ugh I couldn’t have done it without you is what I’m trying to say

Really not a fan of admitting that of course I saved you I more we’re friends well yes and I suppose that is very lucky for you isn’t it glad you’re in this I love ivor’s little character development it’s so sweet Jesse I really hope you’ve got our stuff

Because I’m not liking being armorless here so I guess that’s a no on my journal too I’m working on that It’s Tricky though ah give it to me straight what did Harper get us into here yeah Harper is a trickier now that you guys are out we need to be

Careful if I’ve worn eye don’t win the next round we’re gonna all be sent back through that nether portal no no way hey Jessie I need to talk who’s that it’s pretty bad in there Jesse they don’t even do anything to keep the pigment away so they just

Stare at you while you mine yeah it’s kind of the worst Lucas I’m sorry we can’t just leave we made a deal we have two more games to compete in well hopefully we can get that over with quick apparently this guy Tim did it that’s true he’s all they talk about in

The minds guess he won the games a long time ago and got all of his team home they say it was three blocks tall and that he carried his entire team across the Finish Line Tim seems According to Harper until our entire team is eliminated you’re allowed to stay here in the village that’s right your friends weren’t supposed to go to the mines yet I am so oh is he a good guy Jesse this Auto friend like I said he ‘ll help so you’re the one who’s

Supposed to help us well I’ll enforce the rules at any rate if that helps you then can’t be games without rules Harper’s been filling me in about you from the story she’s told Otto’s the only good one okay you might actually make it to the top in fact

To this place in a long time a real wild card yeah I think you might be a real Tim in the making yep a real tip really interesting you being here great as long as I get to go home that is the point but you have

To win first and my job is to make sure everybody even Hadrian plays by the rules okay disappointment can we trust him Harper who knows Otto’s been doing this forever at least he seemed interested anyway dorms are over there you got a big day tomorrow Jesse ah that sounds awesome

Can’t wait to just sit for a little while and in the morning I’m winning and getting us all out of here and what Petra doesn’t hate us though deadly hello competitors and welcome to the next day of the games it’s gonna be a hot one oh God yes it is

Adrian and how are teams looking Otto well maybe a purple green and yellow are still making a strong showing but after yesterday’s performance in sleet I’m afraid to say that the red team has been completely eliminated oh I guess it’s back to the mines for them and of course about our Plucky newcomers

For everyone else me and ivory are gonna win oh my gosh I’m so sick of these pompous jerks I can’t say I’m terribly fond of fun time to head to the starting line starting line huh great a run for my life just what I was hoping for bad news beardo

Surprise locker room visit how we doing everybody it’s Adrian and here are the newcomers that everyone’s been talking about since they’re explosive debut in Spleef tell me I should have picked Petra approach the next challenge make sure you smile when that spotlight’s on you I’m just looking

Forward to a fair contest where the best person wins well listen to this little pillar of nobility huh don’t you worry that’s what these games are all about just ask Tim my God I admire your confidence is Tim not even real is that the is that what’s going on

Don’t you think you can win so many others have been thinking is Tim real do you really big special whatever you’re throwing at us can’t be any worse than the other stuff we’ve already survived oh really because it seems like two members of your team have already been eliminated

Yeah and there’s two left more than enough to win this yes perhaps we should just get on with this what a lovely day for a game Jesse good luck out there thank you I’m sure you’ll be great but well everyone could always use a little dose of luck right thanks Sam good luck

To you too of course I saw what you could do in an enemy of my enemy is my friend am wanting to work together I’m not surprised we are very Charming so uh yeah how about we work together on this I could use an ally and you could use my help

Come on Jesse I’m trying to help you out here like a mutual agreement a bigger group has a better chance of getting past the Gladiators in the middle of the race is a part with tons of gladiators that’s when we should all team up defeat them race to the Finish is she

Lying or telling the truth unless you don’t want the help of a former Gladiator I mean that’s okay too um I’m sure you’ll be fine not a deal good I won’t let you down competitors to the starting line me check Gladiator Junction I’m glad she’ll be on our side

Yeah she’s on our side I don’t know about this Jesse cardio isn’t really my thing if I were Hadrian I’d be up to some suspicious activity come on Ivor I know you can unleash the fury out there show them what you got you’re right Jesse show those old Builders what Ivor is

Made of bips I wanted to say it’s like an honor to be working together The Walking Dead there’s a teletail Walking Dead game we can do this uh you know what thank you for telling me that Nicole because I I will I will look that up I will look

That up and I’ll see how much it is get set go okay we got this we’re gonna win we’re gonna win we got this any obstacles oh oh we’re good we’re good let’s go over come on come on oh come on Ivor come on come on over go go

Come on first try first try first try come on jump jump what what’d I do I clicked X I clicked x what did I do oh it’s because I still have to oh I have to move too ah my bad ah I didn’t realize I had to steer as well

It’s okay we got this we got this what how come wow oh my God ain’t no way no way third time’s a trap three times a charm I don’t even know how I failed but whatever this game is broken this game is broken haha whole block off what

this game this game sucks we got this we got this we got this third test shot and jump foreign This is a little treacherous for even my tastes what did we get ourselves into and you’re just getting started huh what the um come here buddy let’s go away board yeah Ivory is getting carried Ivor should be grateful oh God it’s like Armageddon out there god well that answers that question Oh my God this is like intense My God Jesse what’s up you ready for the fun part I sure hope so come on man [Applause] she’s on our side Jesse you’re mine I’ve been dreaming about this since Spleef oh yes yes just being more fun for me oh that squishy foreign are you kidding me okay you know yeah

you I was just thinking the same thing about you this so now it’s just me what The Meta targeting is crazy and now I don’t have a sword anymore Dude I am like so close I could do this sorry now I’m winning this thing foreign come on come on come on come on come on come on What the who do what do I do do I save or do I just win uh I’m gonna beat em I’m evil I’m evil I’m evil I’m an evil person call this working together yeah yeah M broke the pack first M broke the pack so no this is M’s fault and steal yeah

Oh please tell me this means I win come on come on come on come on let me go home I’m surprised that Jesse has not respawned yet me too mevia me too what yeah and in an unexpected twist and something that definitely was not planned Jesse wins Jesse wins Jesse and there appears

To be a confrontation on the field lied to me you tricked me into trusting you all the stuff you said about being friends was a lie I know you did whatever it took to win that race Jesse to know and you you were supposed to eliminate what our deals are deal s cheater

Probably think I’m scum or whatever but you know what I don’t even care you have your deal Jesse if you win you and your friends will just leave us anyway so feel free to judge all you want hard to hurt me any more than Hadrian did just now

I kidded him I might have even done the same thing in your position well I’m glad that you get it wasn’t personal at any rate I I gotta go spawning was the worst thing that’s ever happened to me to me what are you wearing it’s what I’ve been wearing an adventuring clothes huh

Well look look Adrian wants you Adrian why does he want to see me if you save Nell she would have lived but you would have lost the race before I go anywhere I want more information and I wanted to kill you but they wouldn’t let me guess that means we

Don’t always get what we want come on no in the palace just try and be safe I didn’t want to lose that race I’m I’m trying to go home bro that’s what I want I need to talk to you where the are you come here

Jesse you gonna do what I say or not Jesse over here I think you’re gonna wait for me Lackey I mean what are you gonna do kill me oh wait I forgot you can’t hi Jesse I’m Sebastian um I know you’re about to see the old Builders and I just

Wanted to say please just don’t make them mad whatever they want you to do just do it it is way worse for us when they’re mad we’re just happy you’re here I know you’re so busy I’ll keep that in mind thank you Sebastian okay good I

Don’t want to keep you but some of the miners and I well we made you something I know it’s not much but it’s all we have lapis wow thank you you didn’t have to do this Jesse come on now we’re going to be late and I’m going to get in trouble

Just the most not cool it’s super Unbecoming I am gonna enjoy squishing you at some point oh yeah that means I can enchant now wow so this is how the old Builders live totally epic right sometimes I just like to stand here and yeah I’ve seen stuff way more epic than

This oh really hmm I bet you’re just making that up snob but why am I standing around I gotta go find Adrian thanks to you we’re late and don’t touch anything slab said don’t touch anything he never said don’t look at everything hey bat hey Betsy oops

No portal Atlas a man forever voyaging by Sauron how did Hadrian get this more Sauron I’ve never seen a quartz desk before wow an all quartz wall impressive that’s actually really cool armor hey that’s that Tim guy welcome Jesse fantastic to have you here just fantastic thanks for accepting my

Invitation it seems appropriate that you’d gravitate toward Tim’s armor what would everyone calling you the new Tim down there yes I’ve heard the rumors that they’re calling you that and I can definitely see why people love an Underdog Story give it to me straight why did you

Invite me up here Hadrian why so we could continue to discuss the terms of our deal more terms you can look closer go ahead I assume by now you’ve heard all about Tim repeatedly everyone loves him and why shouldn’t they after all he’s Tim yeah it seems like he

Really gives them hope even better than that no don’t play with sweepy Derpy no Tim is in his stream one good season What do you mean it’s so much easier for a legend to stay nice and shiny when it’s a fawn memory easier to control it I’ve been watching your Legend grow but I worry that with you still in the picture it could get messy I’ve been starting to think of

People oh it is an anime it’s my fault okay you don’t belong here these games aren’t for you tell me something Adrian do you even have a point when you start talking or you just hope to find one along the way because I’m getting really tired of

Listening to you blab whoa well that’s just kind of rude champ haven’t you heard that patience is a virtue see there’s something you should know about the games no one ever wins unless we want them to not even Tim I’m not buying it Hadrian is Tim even

Real I knew you were a smart one bucko of course he’s not real I knew it I knew he wasn’t real simple but don’t you miss your friends your tree house wait what treehouse the atlas can see where people are from you know so I had maybe a go check it out

Turns out you’re pretty famous I was impressed how to breed back some things you might be interested in you’re a dick Derpy you actually Olivia really scary lady showed up and knocked us out now we’re in these smelly boxes what’s going on here that guy’s voice is the worst I can even

Hear it through the obsidian not gonna lie guys it’s bad we’re in a world where everyone is forced to compete in these crazy games there will be prisoners forever if I don’t win ah that is bad so sorry you guys got roped into this ribbon’s dead not the best wait until I

Tell the others you’re here I’ve missed you guys so much wow this is just wow such a tapestry of human trauma and emotion and we haven’t even gotten to the best part I saved that for last what oh yes your best friend what Reuben what no he’s dead

They can’t go back in time he’s dead who the I’ve heard all about him best friend your partner in crime uh hi Reuben oh what’s up nothing too much how about the chicken dude oh same this is so awkward so you use the atlas to kidnap all my best friends why yeah

Instead of Jesse incentive see even if you win and that’s a mighty big if they will be staying to work in the mines forever or until they get a shot of competing which is still basically forever no okay so what’s your deal if you lose the next match and go work in

My Minds then I’ll let your friends go all of them you’ll just have to stay behind them I hear it’s terrible in those we’re friends worth if you’re this scared of me I must have a better shot of winning than you’re letting on or maybe I’m just tired of a

Little Pip squeak interfering with my gains okay I had hoped that watching your sad reunion would entertaining but I’m done now you say sport your freedom for theirs huh do you think you’re worth more than all of the all of them do you even really think you

Can win these games wow what do I do not a chance or that’s actually kind of a good deal uh stuck here forever oh yeah no I take that back it’s a terrible deal no way Adrian I don’t make deals with cheaters five play it your way

Was saying I will I will crush you you won’t win anyway slap get this garbage out of my office sure thing boss come on idiot no Jesse you’re okay happened up there have you seen what Ivor is wearing he said shut up Adrian has Axel and Olivia

Was to snatch them from our world no are they okay other than Adrian having them trapped in obsidian prisons but he offered me a deal he said he’ll send you all home if I lose and go to the mines in your place I didn’t take the deal probably

What you thought that deal sounded good I don’t know it’s a you’re probably right Jesse was smart Adrian never would have kept that deal even if you did volunteer to throw the game he just send you all to the mines anyway probably while claiming that was the original deal so

Who’s supposed to help us then Hadrian and mevia are both clearly the worst but what about the third guy Otto how could he help he’s always stayed out of the more lever pulling sides of the games he seems like a big fan of the rules maybe we can use

That to our advantage he loves rules that’s before always plays by him if you won I know he would definitely make sure you got that Atlas that was the original deal and he’s an honorable man Harper Adrian still has my friends trapped in that obsidian prison I can

Win the atlas but I’m gonna need you to get them out I can handle it good there’s three of them they’re in Hadrian’s office wait wait wait you really think you can free everyone in this place and win the games yeah good luck with that last part do

You really think you could just beat all the other teams by yourself that is a pretty tall order even for you Jesse and on my side or get out of here I’m just being realistic if you really think you can get all the teams to not fight each other then go right ahead

Whoa looks like we’ve got a little bit of an audience here I think that’s your cue to do your thing the old builders make you all compete in the games event after event after event they build up hope but they’re still controlling everything they’ll never really let anyone win unless we work

Together Hadrian keeps twisting and changing the rules I say it’s our time yeah what’s the point Hadrian will still have all the power there’s no way he’s gonna let us just take that from him don’t you want to go home em I do more than anything but nobody beats Hadrian at his

Own games nobody did that’s the only thing I think cause if it were not for Tim I probably would have given up a long time ago that’s right Tim did beat the games and so can we yeah sure except nobody’s been able to do it since Tim so what’s the point

And it’s not like I haven’t been trying we all have so what you’re just gonna quit because it’s hard no I’m just saying that we don’t exactly stand a chance against those stupid gladiators stories didn’t exactly say what Tim did to beat them I mean well it’s like an inspiring idea

And all that but those Gladiators are like super tough and I don’t know how Tim pulled off beating them but okay look for real I don’t think I could do that like max level scariness okay boo I don’t know I mean totally op those Gladiators are a bunch of tough cookies

Definitely true no way any of you stand a chance against them she going with this that’s just because you’ve never had a leader to help you make a plan you’ve never oh I get it now now and with my help we’re gonna do this even better than Tim did we’re gonna do

It as a team you might not believe in yourselves but I believe in you and I believe that we will be free [Applause] look it was a nice speech but strength doesn’t come from speeches actions speak louder than words can’t expect you just talk your way through this Jesse I’m

Done trying to help you I’ve got all these other people to worry about you don’t know anything man some crowd think they got through to them wait so who are we fighting then reaction definitely seemed mixed we’re doomed I don’t know how we’re gonna pull this off what of course we’re gonna pull

This off you’re Jessie yeah we can still do this yeah well I guess I’d sure in the morning ah ladies and gentlemen it is my privilege today my honor to be here today kicking off another wonderful day of the day that’s right Adrian and not just any

Day but the final day of the day are our competitors ready for the final challenge the wolves so scared because it’s okay if you are no one will judge you for it hey did you stop yammering at me we’re talking about the rules or something I’m trying to

Listen yeah I should have guessed you’re one of those people who listens to the rules don’t worry huh they’re just about to get to the important part for those unfamiliar with the walls you want to walk us through how it’s played sure thing Adrian start out separated in their own

Sections divided by the high inner walls each team has a short amount of time to gather materials build defenses and craft in their section before the walls come down wait I only see dirt and gravel in my section oh I’m sorry is that gonna be a problem sections are drawn at random

Of course oh you work for the worst people did you know that yeah but that dental plan though see the walls are down it’s every team for themselves but is surviving the walls the the end media no it is not Hadrian whichever team survives the free-for-all need to step onto the Winner’s platform

In the center of the Arena winner takes off but let’s not get ahead of ourselves because that’s only if the would-be winners can defeat Gladiator so all competitors better get to Gathering materials because that clock is decade dog well hopefully oh God what am I supposed

To do oh choices are funny aren’t they Vivian what did what date Hadrian nope just dirt Y come on nothing but dirt and crap yep just dirt if I didn’t convince people to join up with that speech I’m gonna need something to work with gravel gravel that’s worse than dirt

At least they gave me a crafting table now if only I actually had anything to craft with hey seems like they’re happy you didn’t get anything yeah I think they’re making fun of you but just mine you know professional opinion oh you think yeah I do actually rhetorical question

God where do I go I don’t think there’s anything else I have to do oh do you know what time it is ask me what time it is what time this should be interesting there competitors are like wild ocelots sizing each other up on moving before they go in for the kill

Hang on now really looks like oh my Godly unarmed and unprotected Jesse this could get ugly you seemed pretty sure you’re about to kill me are you with us or not oh you have a little faith Jesse isn’t even trying to defend himself come on what

No way it’s time for me to start helping you finally has opted to not thank you you made the right decision well you could say you really inspired me oh wow that’s good but don’t what is them doing why is she doing that I have no idea w An yeah we’re all friends usually all the little teams kill each other aren’t you tired of letting the old Builders use you like this like uh like awesome people no like little pieces in their games doing whatever they say don’t you see none of us are the enemy it’s them

They are the enemies they’re behind everything oh my head hurts too many perspectives and it appears that the Gladiators being idiots right now idiots what they should be hey Adrian shut your cake oh oh and muscles lab what should we do oh I’m sure that the slaughter will commit

Itself right you should be on our side join us I don’t know Facebook finds that idea weird not going with them slab in my life I’ve done some things I’m not proud of but I won’t work for bosses who use people or manipulate them that’s considerate wow slab I’m so proud of let

Me finish you made me late when I was just trying to do my job and that was really considerate too and then you really rubbed it in my face reminding me I couldn’t kill you even though I really wanted to at this time oh

I think I need some time to be my own boss slob would join us if I was nice to him oh well it’s whatever I don’t need them stated in our rules anyone who is not eliminated May step on the victory platform and win the games it looks like

They are going to do this together right behind you fearless leader that won’t happen it can’t happen no no and they’ve done it the competitors have all stepped onto the platform together yay Which I’m sure my colleague means to say we are going to find some way to disqualify no we are not they all win Otto with me we’re ending this what we won already though emanate each other I don’t know Hadrian I heard mevia explaining the rules she explicitly said

That whoever steps onto the Winner’s platform would be declared the winner and here I am it’s over no no no Jesse’s got a point this isn’t up to you control the games shut up shut up admit the games are rigged then mevia Jesse won these games fair and square

He’s earned the atlas yay I would think very carefully about what you’re doing I have Jesse what power vested in me as an officiator of the Builder games I am proud what oh those surrender the Redstone heart now now because uh I will trap you here forever

You want it come and get it your wish is my command buckaroo useless well well to win your thought M had oh you with us or not em tisk tisk seems like classic Emily she’s always been a touchy one oh my God you could get Jesse what is mine anyway

I’ll admit your quick sport not quick enough for Mike oh my God oh my God got skilled but you’re still new let’s see about that I got this Adrian yeah wait you’re right it’s gone too far it was just supposed to be a game you expect me to believe that come on sport

Haven’t you ever had anything get away from you before let me catch you forgive me you lying son of a what what has been what lost it’s over that is um I know said you were done helping me but I hope you can give me another chance

You know cause I’m awesome and we both need to get out of this oh I knew you’d be back thanks for not doubting me I lost my inventory when I respond how am I supposed to get the atlas back without any weapons or armor or anything

Well we may have made a little stop in Hadrian’s inventory room and helped ourselves to a few things awesome yo what is this thanks everyone you’re all so nice oh do I get to wear the suit belongs to you oh that’s awesome yeah let’s go uh

Now what should we do with all those other competitors who betrayed us well maybe spending eternity doesn’t seem like punishment enough I have something special in mind for them Adrian mevia oh this game over time well isn’t that cute you found Tim’s armor time for you to be eliminated

Please not gonna happen chump oh I’m gonna enjoy crushing let’s go let’s go come on yeah yeah let’s go up there oh God damn it Harper I’m gonna owe you one time to go to work okay [Applause] it was huge come on what kind what kind of rookie move was that Let’s go come on come on come on come on come on here you mess with one member of the order of the stone you mess with all Jesse I believe they shut you up you think this is going to help you’re deluded I will personally see to it and your friends will forever

You don’t like having a live audience Adrian remember spleen got it let’s go come on come on come on come on let’s go timeout now mevia come on yeah w ing not the best and you’re not going anywhere yeah face meat wants to discuss his benefits plan oh hang on

Jesse you did it again feels like I say that a lot I couldn’t have done anything yeah yeah well done Jesse an excellent job uh thanks Otto you have truly shown my friends and I the error of our the error of our way I’m glad to put this whole

Messy business behind us correction Otto we all showed you the error of your whip uh yes I suppose you’re right you all showed us you have fairly defeated them seems only fair that you get to decide their fate and with the atlas you can send them anywhere you want hmm

You know there was this game that Olivia and I used to play back in our tree house huh number we called it which would you rather fight oh but I didn’t pick anything remember that’s not stoneheart write out remember I said huh crazy Ventures so many people trying to kill you

Is that all of them a home anyhow except you folks that is I can’t believe how many competitors actually want to stay and keep playing the games thanks to you my Intrepid new friend I can actually work on making them fun again it’ll be more challenging just by myself

But a good challenge you promise they’ll stay fun this time right oh yes I don’t intend to let the games get corrupted like they did before I’m bummed my journal never showed up had a lot of good stuff in there duh yeah I’m sorry Lucas

Well M how about you you said you wanted to go home right yes I just can’t decide if it’s what I want you get to leave and go on more Adventures do I really want to go back to farming I mean it has been ages since I’ve seen

It and I miss my friends well if you want you can come with us oh really like really yeah we could always use another awesome person and well you’re pretty awesome Jesse wonderful oh thank you so much hey Ivor oh hello what you doing I was just observing

Harper all by herself over there she seems lonely come on hey Harper oh hey Jessie Ivor I was just watching folks head on home things really worked out huh Harper was chill I guess this is goodbye I’m gonna head on back to Crown Mesa and see how the post Palma construction is

Going just hope they’ll take me back it’s not a real home but it’s the closest thing I’ve had for well a long time we’ll just go with that don’t worry I’m sure they’ll come around I sure hope you’re right you’ll be fine you’ll be fine getting over the I was a

Bad guy hump can be awkward but hopefully soon they’ll invite you right back into their lives right Jesse I will do season two when I get it in the mail so I’m just waiting for that to come in and then I’ll do season two you’re okay dude

Take care of each other all right and I’ll see you around bye Harper yes goodbye come on you’re amazing so how do we get home now well the atlas belongs to Jesse now deals a deal and all that um let’s take that uh work now you just say where you

Want and the atlas will show you the way why don’t you just go ahead and open it okay book take us home whoa spectacular yo what a nice let’s go home oh that was our home I genuinely think I genuinely think we could have kept going yeah he promised

To show me that awesome spin move it’s not so great figure it’s about time we get heading on home huh that sounds awesome home here we come let’s go we’re home Jesse look can you believe it we made it we’re home after all that time all those portals

We’re home yeah and I couldn’t have done it without you guys you’re the best team anyone could ever ask for oh that’s lovely ah you big sap I’m just so glad we’re all back together that Atlas is so cool I’m glad Otto let you keep it yeah show them Jesse

See we have all of our stuff guy said he’s precious materials whoa Wicked the mask of Cassie Rose aka the white pumpkin oh man that’s even creepier looking than I imagined pama’s Redstone heart I know that Palma was evil and everything but I still kind of wish I could have seen it

Portal Outlet I could have lost all the rest so long as we got to keep that ah I wonder what Sauron would have thought of it so much power contained within such a tiny ocean it’s easy there I wore sorry the enchanted flint and steel the one

That started the whole thing yeah could have happened if it weren’t for this foreign I can’t believe you got to do all those incredible things makes sense though you were gone a long time where do we show you all the improvements we’ve been making to town

Oh yeah I wonder how that looks hang on what is it wasn’t that where the portal Atlas was a minute ago yeah that was definitely where you put it what he’s flint and steel are missing too what where’s Ivor oh God damn it He must be headed for the portal Network is that bad what should we do I mean I guess he mostly knows what he’s doing come on guys we have to catch up with him Ivor you Sly dog you it’s over it’s over that’s awesome foreign oh my gosh

Honestly average is probably gonna go find Harper that’s probably what he’s gonna do that’s so sad I need episode two to come into the mail now I’m not sure when season twos are happening I’m using Amazon so it’ll come whenever favorite episode still has to be episode 5 episode 5 is probably my

Favorite least favorite probably episode three three wow foreign that’s so sad it’s over is there like a end credits thing or no I need episode two I need it or season two sorry I need season two badly wow well thanks guys for coming on this fun journey of watching me replay this game

I forgot how fun this game was this game was a lot of fun so thanks uh I’m gonna check to see how that uh how much that Walking Dead teletail game is from what Nicole said so we’ll uh we’ll check that out but yeah that was a lot of fun

Yeah there’s only five episodes in season two I remember that because it was like slower whatever I know I’m pretty sure the episodes were longer I think episodes were longer but there just wasn’t a lot of episodes plus if you think about it that’s uh better than the um

Season one main story because keep in mind this is the DLC so this isn’t like the main story well it is but like this came out after the first four episodes but yeah come on where’s the end credits 2015 that is crazy who would have thought

I knew there was something I I knew there would be something come on Oh it’s the chickens that’s right Adrian and it looks like we’re just gonna have to wing it Wings chicken wings you know you’re fired maybe yeah you’re fired foreign well that’s it All right well thanks for coming guys I’ll see you in the next video or stream yeah this was a lot of fun I definitely enjoyed it all right what was that okay so yeah you can see the DLC yeah all right thanks guys we’ll see you in

Season two if when I get it so

This video, titled ‘Minecraft story mode Episode 8 live stream’, was uploaded by Cole The Geek on 2023-08-21 07:36:41. It has garnered 251 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:36:23 or 5783 seconds.

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  • Ultimate Villager Trading Hall Hack!

    Ultimate Villager Trading Hall Hack! Minecraft’s Most OVERPOWERED Villager Trading Hall Introducing Lazy Trading In the vast world of Minecraft, a new method of infinite villager trading has emerged, known as Lazy Trading. This innovative approach has revolutionized the trading experience for players, offering unprecedented speed and efficiency. One of the prime examples of Lazy Trading is the Lazy Overworld Villager Exchanger, lovingly referred to as LOVE. Designed by MadMan25 for the NubTech SMP, LOVE boasts some of the fastest void trading cycles in modern Minecraft, along with a host of other useful features. Key Features of LOVE Fast Void Trading Cycles: LOVE allows… Read More

  • Explore the Uncharted in Anomali SMP #10 – Fay Kuroda

    Explore the Uncharted in Anomali SMP #10 - Fay KurodaVideo Information This video, titled ‘【🔴Minecraft】Anomali SMP #10 | Venturing to the unknown’, was uploaded by Fay Kuroda on 2024-06-10 18:26:07. It has garnered 629 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:11 or 16931 seconds. You can find me on my social media here ⚙️『Twitter』 https://x.com/FayKuroda ⚙️『Facebook』 https://www.facebook.com/KurodaFay ⚙️『Instagram』 https://www.instagram.com/faykuroda/ ⚙️ 『Treat』 https://trakteer.id/faykuroda ⚙️ 『Youtube』 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz94tYWlEnyfJDy80gKUMFA #VTuberID #minecraft #vtuber #faykuroda #anomalismp #gaming #faykurodalive Read More

  • Dream SMP Mlg Clutch: Part 7

    Dream SMP Mlg Clutch: Part 7Video Information This video, titled ‘Highest Mlg ☠️ Pt:-7 @dream #minecraft #dream #minecraft #viral #shorts #herobrinesmp #mlgclutch’, was uploaded by AkshPlayz on 2024-03-23 05:29:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Highest Mlg ☠️ Pt:-7 @dream #minecraft #dream #minecraft #viral #shorts #herobrinesmp #mlgclutch Ignore minecraft, … Read More

  • Minecraft’s EPIC CowAxe Event!

    Minecraft's EPIC CowAxe Event!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Hosted Minecraft Largest Event’, was uploaded by CowAxe on 2024-04-01 17:51:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ignore- minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft event,minecraft hardcore,minecraft mod,minecraft but,minecraft manhunt,minecraft … Read More

  • PTCGL broken! Minecraft takeover by MrDogPTCGL

    PTCGL broken! Minecraft takeover by MrDogPTCGLVideo Information [Music] hello hello okay all right then [Music] uh so we’ll get premium battle pass nice and we get we get the shk that nice got the fighting Shrek get the the grass type Shrek hey clam how’s it going we got the fire type Shrek and the water type Shrek right seven packs that’s a lot of packs hassle kind of name is hassle Milotic flis fgz I don’t know how to pronounce that walking wake Aran call him Aaron more PCO bug catching set rev room Lana’s Aid and water type Shrek finison SE King bug… Read More


    SUPERFAST BASE BUILDING on Donut SMP! 🍩🔨 #CPVP #DrDonutVideo Information I’m kelp and this is how you make a million plus a day base on the donut s SMP first you need to dig down dig up to the max height you want your base to be and clear a two high area based off the size of your base next you’re going to want to dig B holes four apart in a grid pattern fill them all up with TNT and explode with this huge area you can build any number of farms the best being sugarcane or pumpkin This video, titled ‘BUILD BASE FAST on the… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness – Epic Diamond Digging Adventure!

    Minecraft Madness - Epic Diamond Digging Adventure!Video Information hey what is going on everyone it’s me sumu we’re back again if you are new here you don’t know what’s going on this is me playing Minecraft we’ve been uh playing this quite a lot actually and this is our little Mud House little mud Shack but welcome to the stream hope you guys are having a good time good day good night and all that other good stuff if you guys like this content make sure you hit that like And subscribe and also be sure to check out the links that I have posted in… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Build Stream – You won’t believe what happens!

    EPIC Minecraft Build Stream - You won't believe what happens!Video Information what is good hey what is good y’ we are back we are so back with another flipping Minecraft building stream me uh sure we’re live make sure we’re good on all platforms here I think we’re good I think we good Y what is good y’all what is good what is good what is good how we doing Richard Sanchez what’s good airsoft kid what good B over what good Emily VR what’s good rcky what good how we the flip are we doing yo yo we are doing a Minecraft build stream guys all right y’all… Read More

  • Mega Minecraft Argument: SpongeBob, Goku, Sonic & More

    Mega Minecraft Argument: SpongeBob, Goku, Sonic & MoreVideo Information hey guys which Minecraft food item is the best it has to be the Notch Apple because it makes you nigh Invincible for a short period of time well you are technically correct Sonic however Notch apples are super rare and not easy to find Fair Point Rick maybe I should downgrade to normal golden apples since those are craftable I think steak is a really good food item because it restores a lot of hunger bars I like steak as well because I can make crabby patties with them well all this food talk reminded me about… Read More

  • “EPIC comeback: NEW series starting! 😱 #viral” | MR_CHAMAN

    "EPIC comeback: NEW series starting! 😱 #viral" | MR_CHAMANVideo Information This video, titled ‘I am Back 🥰,starting of a new series?#shorts#gaming#minecraft#viral#trending#youtubeshorts|MR_CHAMAN’, was uploaded by MR_CHAMAN on 2024-02-26 09:33:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I am Back ,starting of a new series?#shorts#gaming#minecraft#viral#trending#youtubeshorts|MR_CHAMAN #short #yt … Read More

  • WeeklySMP

    WeeklySMPA beginning Survival SMP server. Join our Discord server for more information as well We are searching for good moderators and players to have fun with. play.weeklysmp.nl Read More

  • MasterRealm Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.1 Land Claim Discord Slimefun Custom Items Crossplay

    MasterRealm | Semi-Vanilla | SMP | 1.20.1 | Land Claim | Discord | Slimefun | Custom Items | Crossplay Welcome to Master Realm! Master Realm is a Survival 1.20.1 Minecraft server with a balance between vanilla and modded gameplay. Experience new features like Coin Economy, Slimefun, Custom Items, Land Claims, Seasons, Custom World, Custom Roles, and Crossplay. Key Features: Coin Economy Slimefun Custom Items / Enchants Land Claims / No Grief Seasons Custom World Custom Roles / Ranks Crossplay Community and Discord: Join our welcoming community and Discord server to connect with players, share moments, and stay updated on events… Read More

  • Elesta

    ElestaThis server has been a project child of mine for some time now, ready to start introducing some people to the world of Elesta. Looking to build a community of people that enjoy playing minecraft and enjoy smiliar things as me to foster a bigger community. It is whitelisted momentarily as we look toward entering the next update and waiting for plugins to get updated. Feel free to add my discord to communicate with me in a more timely fashion: Rascal1001 OR you can message me here.Feel free to send me your MC username:Your total time playing MC:and a fun… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Git gud, noob – can’t craft a pickaxe!”

    Maybe because you keep trying to use feathers and dirt instead of actual materials? Read More

  • Minecraft Hangman: Lava Edition

    Minecraft Hangman: Lava Edition “Why did the creeper break up with the enderman? Because he couldn’t handle the long distance relationship!” Read More

  • DO NOT DRINK TABLE WATER in Minecraft!

    DO NOT DRINK TABLE WATER in Minecraft! Minecraft: The Quirky World of 方块轩 方块轩, a creator in the Minecraft realm, brings a unique blend of humor and creativity to the gaming community. With a focus on child-friendly content, 方块轩’s channel offers a daily dose of original videos that are sure to bring a smile to your face. Let’s dive into the whimsical world of 方块轩 and explore some of the hilarious moments and quirky elements that make his content so engaging. Unconventional Humor and Memorable Moments In the world of 方块轩, nothing is quite as it seems. From the cautionary tale of not drinking the water… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Build: Blaze Trap & Ruins Excavation!

    EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Build: Blaze Trap & Ruins Excavation! Minecraft 1.21 Preparation: Excavating Journey Ruins and Crafting a Blaze Trap Lantern Exciting Adventures in Minecraft Survival Meikyan embarks on another thrilling Minecraft survival journey in the Java edition, normal mode. With a focus on creating a stylish world, she delves into the world of exploration and survival with a touch of elegance. Catering to both newcomers and younger audiences, Meikyan aims to provide an enjoyable experience for all. Exploring Journey Ruins Venturing into the ruins of a journey, Meikyan uncovers hidden treasures and mysteries. As she digs deeper into the ruins, she encounters fascinating artifacts and structures, adding… Read More

Minecraft story mode Episode 8 live stream