Minecraft Survival Hard Mode With Grandpa & Friends – Episode 2 Live

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Uh greetings and happy Saturday everybody yes it’s me Steve the gaming vampire we’re back on Minecraft obviously playing it on um hard mode so it’s not on Peaceful anymore so uh we do have mob spawning and um yeah we just we just playing our way through this um experience that we’re now on

Um obviously in the last episode you remember we built a little island paradise and then we started to Branch out um I know most of people started building around a village now now you may ask why am I why am I here then in a cave so what happened was um I

Got killed obviously uh and I did not know where the village was so I made my way here which I thought was the safest place possible and made a little um Safe Haven so I basically put torches up around everywhere to try and protect myself I built a door and glass obviously to

Keep the everything out side outside outside and just it’s it’s somewhere safe now so I’ve been I’ve been exploring a little bit oh I say he’s somewhere safe that made me jump where the hell did he go from that was like a Five Nights at Freddy Roman so normally normally I don’t get

Anything spawning in here because I’ve got enough lights up so I don’t know where he came from but anyway let’s let’s continue with the um gameplay hiya Frankie a higher rbb hi Hinton and High Kings games Hello old man hi Kings welcome Kings how you doing how are you doing

Oh well I don’t know he shouldn’t they I mean I heard I I I think I keep thinking I can hear skeletons you know you know when they make that funny noise so I’m thinking are they up here baby I don’t know I’ve tried to make it as safe as I possibly can

I mean they could they they could spot they could I mean they can spot in any kind of darkness really can’t they see if there’s a ledge they could be up there maybe I don’t know oh I’m just gonna go up here though because I can see there’s some coal up there and

I really need the coal so uh let’s get it uh gaming FFC how are you doing gaming FFC how you doing Dom welcome to the stream today something a bit more I I want to say a bit more relaxing than Zelda uh I want to say that obviously we’ll see how today goes

Um so what I think I’m gonna do is I’m gonna stay here for a little while and just try and make this a little home from home so what I’m gonna do is um I’m going to uh change up a bit oh I think I have a guess do I have a guest

Yeah hinton’s here nice so hinton’s moved in with me um and axolotls here as well so what I think yeah what I think I’m gonna do is I’m gonna I’m gonna try and make it a really nice safe haven and bring in some animals from the outside as well and grow some crops

Let me just put a torch here so anyway yeah is it is it light outside yet oh Hinton why are you growing why are we growing big trees inside um I was I was gonna put my farm down there Hinton [Laughter] we need a farm area we need Farm we read

Food to survive so we need we do we do need water don’t we um so that’s that’s probably the next thing to go for is get some buckets and go and get some water I think so um Hinton do you want some iron well at least at least it’s daytime outside now again

Oh it’s raining though you’ve got some iron okay uh oh hang on let me let me Chuck you all up here have have 26. uh Dart gaming hello dark welcome to the stream how you doing oh what’s happened here I can’t remember doing that oh is that hinting okay so yeah so

Um like I said I’ve tried to create a really safe place so um it’s good doing good how’s it going dark it’s going fantastic thank you very much how are you doing Dad JJ what I’ve been playing is what I’ve been playing is fast and relaxing oh Dom what have you

Been put so I’m I I so I’m I’m guessing I’ve got two guesses dumb so um have have you been playing um Cricket today or have you been playing like a video game I’d love to know done uh Axolotl have we moved out of the village no not really Axolotl

Um I hope I’ve explained it all no I just I just felt oh I found I found some more iron I like I like I like finding iron I do I’m like a little kid when I when I have like an iron an iron or an iron section and I’m thinking

It’s exciting so I found this area anyway let’s let me show you where I found so I obviously I’ve been making my Minds really safe as well putting lots of lighting up Nothing’s Gonna nothing’s gonna get in here and get me um for some reason I lost a load of levels in Splatoon

Due to some error which took about two hours of grind to get back I would have played Cricket but our adult team was playing today so we couldn’t go on the field oh no um Java have sorry have you tried to build a KFC restaurant in Minecraft um

No dark but I know somebody that has um I can’t Dak I tend to be very um like old-fashioned if you want to call it so I tend to stick to older structures you know what I mean so I I like to build like just nut Hops and castles and stuff

Um but yeah I I know people that have built big things like that so this is so this is obviously this is where I’ve started to explore into so um I I haven’t ventured too far yet but you can see now I mean there’s a massive open area here

Um the problem I’ve oh oh that’s the Slender or end Enderman of the cold in here so the problem is what the DP going to these caves the more chances you’re going to have a finding stuff um but I feel I can I feel I can protect

Myself so I’m I’m I’m okay at the minute I’m not I’m not too scared it’s just when they when they like appear and let me jump then I do get scared um but yeah let’s get some let’s get this iron um um red and blue stuff I’m going to

Come back later okay that’s little is everything all right hope it is okay oh the only only two there I love it when you get like a really good vein of iron you get like six seven eight nine that’s really cool um okay gigi I’ve got something for you

Oh is he coming is he coming is hinting coming down to see me I think so maybe it’s quite easy to get to down here I’ll put another one there it was a little bit dark in that area weren’t it um I build medieval style mostly yeah same here Kings

I I love I love medieval style Hinton I’m here wait wait wait what is his above me Hinton where are you going I’m here and what have you got now what are you why why are you bringing why are you bringing a chicken down here

I don’t think the chicken wants to be in their minds do you Robin yeah he’s robbing yeah right so let’s let’s see I I what I am hoping to find because obviously I’m I’m at level six now and some blue stuff you oh yeah oh yeah

I’ve seen that yeah I don’t really I don’t really do a lot with the blue stuff I do I do like the red stuff uh I’m hoping I haven’t done yet I’m hoping to find some diamonds that’s that’s the plan I really want a diamond sword

So I’m I’m hoping I can find some you know hope open I’ll turn a corner and they’ll be like diamonds just glistening at glistening at me waiting for me to um oh Hinton hinten we have Hinton it’s okay I’ve got them hinted together we got them we got them we got

Them we got him we got him I hope you brought food with the intern [Applause] oh hint and be careful well oh look oh my God it’s a skeleton he’s shooting me oh my God I’m being shot I’m being shot one oh I can’t move I can’t move oh let me

Into a shot by skeleton oh no intent I nearly died then as well eat remember diamonds are found much deeper now ow uh hello Gigi hey Frankie what the hell was that my stuff okay uh I’ll try did you hear the thunder and lightning I’m I’m like I’m like 70 feet

Underground and yeah I still heard it tight spooky um get the rest of them I will do I’m gonna get the red stuff sorry Dom um absolutely exhausted because I’ve been helping my dad with this business oh nice Frankie nice am I allowed to um

Ask what you what your dad does or what you’ve been helping with today uh OTG I found very treasure nice Axolotl I would love to join but I’m using data oh nope Kings no problem where’s Hinton that’s all this stuff I don’t want it to I don’t want it to despawn it shouldn’t

Despawn should it there’s a skeleton gun come on Hinton hurry up oh he’s back he’s here oh look out hinting again I’ll get him I’ll get him again come here you zombie you zombie fiend there we go all the Hinton there’s feathers in bed there have you got everything you need now

We made it um shot it’s water spots nice wow cool the only the only kind of water spots that I enjoy doing is swimming um I’ve I’ve no I’m you know I’ve I’ve never been I’ve never been very good at surfing never um or any kind of like paddle boarding

Canoeing anything like that so um that sounds Frankie that sounds amazing uh where’s the skeleton’s diaper I don’t know Dom there’s a mystery because it said Hinton was shot by a skeleton so obviously Hinton didn’t kill the skeleton but where’s he gone oh hang on there’s an arrow there

There’s an arrow there there’s arrows okay so is that from before I don’t know where there’s I don’t know where I don’t know where this the skeleton sniper’s gotten I don’t know he’s like disappeared strange um just helping people with techniques and lifted equipment and out of the

Water as well as taken out are nice nice Frankie and send invite and I’ll join when I can oh you killed at Hinton okay King’s game this is my so this is my son’s um realm not mine um so you I I mean I I I trust you to

Join and that’s that but you you I can’t invite you you you need to add mice oh I don’t want to go down there you would need to add my son um who is might might be Ruku if you add him and then obviously he can get your added to the the realm

Um it might not be today it might be a you know uh because we’re busy today but that’s that’s the thing who are you who are you go away I’ve got I’ve got a wizard I’ve been poisoning I’ve been poisoned I’m eating I’m eating I’m eating a wizard killed me ah

Oh my God I’m down to I’m down to one hat the wizard how do I cure poisoning I don’t know do I will I just will I just get better in time oh there we go where did The Wizard come from I I think I think what I’m gonna do Hinton

Is let’s let’s get out of this place and um let’s go and get some because I’ve literally got one bit of food left um so let’s go and let’s go and get some let’s go and let’s go and get some armor made for us both and then we’ll um maybe investigate further

So let’s go let’s go back out we just put a couple of them torches up right okay at least at least at least I’ve made it a little bit safer for us when we come back I mean some of the stuff now shouldn’t spawn in here it’s quite light in it oh

Not light over the eyes well there’s a is that a spider over there yeah come on spider let’s head back yeah let me kill the spider I killed it there’s a bit of um hang on let me get this iron behind you um LOL rest in peace I know I’m I’m

Still I’m all right Luke that was closer I thought I was a gunner we went to an abandoned Hotel uh and in a cave there was a full waffle nice um Hey Jake sorry I have behind me some dreams I have school mocha please

First of all please oh God oh God oh no it’s oh no no no no oh my God they got all my stuff I think I’ve got loads of stuff Hinton guard it with your life I’m coming back it was it was the little the little terror zombies that killed me [Laughter]

Um it’s gonna be hard to miss it’s gonna be hard Optimus friends when school starts I know EX macher I totally understand that you have school and I totally understand um you know just get on whenever you can I I know I know matcha it’s fine I’m able to join today just

Come say hi and tell everyone to like the stream I’ll see you all later John stream thanks Sam and I’m I am a little bit sad you can’t join today Sam but that’s for I am fine with it Sam have a great Saturday whatever you do with mate

I hope you’re having a good one dead G I know I can’t believe that I hate the little ones the little ones are so horrible um okay now the thing is I’m trying to remember where I was was I over here oh there’s Hinton I can see his name right here

Oh there’s all my stuff thank you did you kill the little ones are they still gonna be about somewhere to everything I think so oh there well hello okay um Hinton like I said before shall we head back let’s head back and get some Amma made yeah we I need food as well

We’ll head back we’ll get some um get some animals killed and um yeah have some food you know I hate wearing ammouth this would be difficult I know okay I thank you for understanding I probably a bit John’s dreams on week yeah but I have to go for a while biting

Tea like dump hack so um how are you amazing yeah no mocha totally understand you know you you it’s it’s living in different time zones it’s gonna affect us all differently oh hang on Luke I’m trying to but me and Hinton will be sleeping very soon we’re just heading back now look

Let’s go Hinton are you are you there yeah let’s go um the little ones are a pain in real life too I know I know the funny loading up Minecraft no problem and no problem rbb um I can no longer eat meat I eat fish and crops nice

Axolotl have you turned like vegetarian on Minecraft nice I’m getting baptized today yay butcher congratulations that’s a that’s a that’s like quite a big step that much eh right do we do we do do we still need to sleep I don’t know was Luke sleeping oh oh there we go right

Um okay Hinton I’ve got plenty of food in there oh so help yourself to that first uh morning morning Hinton so let’s put let’s put half of this in there and the other half in this one okay plenty of um oh there you go I’m full now but let’s

Let’s go kill some cows oh shall we are Hinton do you wanna you wanna make a bucket and try and we’ll make um some crops I’ve got some seeds I’m gonna go kill a couple of animals oh my God I love ice cream ice cream my brother is being baptized well it’s a

Yeah baby my what is coming around the neighborhood um 1pm with an ice cream truck nice I’m excited oh nice ice cream I think everybody loves ice cream don’t they I can take them to the base ah sorry Hinton okay well what we need is wheat don’t we um

Have you got some rope Hinton did you say there’s a couple of sheep here what yesington oh thank you I haven’t I haven’t built anything though should we try and grab a couple of cows right come on come on come on Betsy come on Bessie this way Bessie this way

Bessie come on who’s a good cow who’s a good cow come on Bessie open the door come on Bessie in you come come on this way this way I know ah as if they can’t fit uh I’ve lost I’ve lost my rope somehow where’s my rope go

Have you got have you got it Hinton I don’t know I’ve done my rope I had it and it disappeared thank you Hinton uh right where should we where should we put the cows um let’s make a little area here foreign you know what it’s entirely up to you

Because at the minute I’m not in the village I’m I’m I’m building my own little um reservation here why are you poisoned Hinton what have you done to yourself if you want to if you want to do that you can do rbb you wet zombie meat okay well zombie

Meat’s not good for you Hinton oh I did I thought I had a um I thought I had a um shovel but I don’t think I have never mind I’ll find one right so um okay so let’s I don’t want the cows to be able to get out you see

But obviously I don’t want things to spot in there with them Hampton can you finish have you got some have you got some um and I suppose you’ve got a nice um it doesn’t matter I’ll get some I’ve got some in here right if we put the cows in there

And then put like a fence um you’ve got them both nice yes okay so at least our cows are somewhere at least our cows are somewhere to say uh um okay so sorry uh hey hey hi preppy hi how can I jump someone has already started building you all have they uh

Preppy so this is my son’s um server and I’m more than happy for you to join because you are somebody that I that I trust so preppy you need to add might be Ruku you know you know like you did for me as a friend you need to add him on an Xbox

Or Microsoft account and then he can add you to the realm can you tell him I’m speeder he’s watching I think he’s watching the stream I was in the chat so he’ll he’ll see that so that’s fine up Hinton I put the eye in there

We’ve got quite a we’ve got quite a bit of iron saved up now between us um right we need to get right we need to get some water now then and grow some crops down here um don’t we let me let uh I’ll get water are you

Gonna get water and then okay cool that’s fine then um um I’ve got some seeds there I’ll go and see if I can get some more seeds from outside um so I want a I want an iron let’s just have a wooden hoe I don’t

Need I don’t need to do much do I hi preppy can you tell him I’m speeder yeah he’s here is is it easier he’s here you’d have to let you’ll have to let us know when you when you join um because obviously it is uh it is on

So preppy just to warn you it’s not on Peaceful okay so at night times and in the caves there are the mobs so I just wanted to give you a heads up so if you can so if you make sure you join in the daytime and then if needs be

Mean Hinton can come and find you uh and you’re more than welcome to set up camp with us to start off with um yeah I mean you don’t spawn far away from us so we should be fine well I’ve got some uh I’ve got some seeds that we can grow

I wonder if I can get Hinton I’m gonna try and make a run for it the island base is just over here I think there it is to see the tower we’ll try and make a run for it because that had wheat um I have added uh so is the world always

Active like the other one so um no uh no rbb so the reason the reason the reason it’s not um so at the minute it’s only active when I’m streaming and sometimes my son puts um you know for an hour or two so the reason it’s not active all the time is because

Um quite quite a few of you and you’ve got every right to um there’s nothing wrong with what you were doing um but quite a few of you were getting really um established on the game so you you already had like some of you already had diamond armor I think you’ve

Already built another portal um so it just felt that to try and make it a bit fairer on me just so you so you all slow down is that does that make sense Because it it would have got to the point where oh God it’s getting dark it would have got to the point where you’ll have all been ready for like a boss fight or something oh God he’s gonna get it’s gonna get dark and that and I

Wouldn’t be ready for it I’d still be in my bloody leather arm or something so um yeah so just to try and keep it so I can hopefully stay on your kind of level that’s what we’ve decided to do um does it have Caps or not uh wait I

Spelled it wrong no problem I found an Asian City otherwise everyone would have completed the game both times had streamed again exactly that’s thanks thanks Luke yeah oh my God oh my God there’s loads of there’s loads there um I need to I need to get around them

Okay don’t mind me hinting I’ll be there in a minute I’m just trying to make my way around around and stuff I’m gonna try I’m gonna make a room for the door are you in are you in Hinton oh my God there’s a creeper outside as well well I’m wondering I’m running I’m

Running I’m running go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go get it get it get in get in get in get in get it shut it down whoa okay right did you get the water

What’s this oh thanks inton uh moo moo Meadows nice yes uh oh right sorry um uh it’s a couple that’s why I spotted one okay I’m not sure I think is it oh I think I think it does I think you can do two can’t ya think um

I haven’t got I haven’t got as many seeds as I thought there you go um shall I should we have it should we have a baby calf let’s have another baby calf come on as if by Magic one shall appear I’ll put that in there um oh where’s the where’s the meat gun

There we go mmm nice chicken okay oh nice is this how is this is this our double bed hinted Okay so we’ve got we’ve got crops growing now we’re we’re like we’re like Subs is it what’s the word I’m looking for sustainable are we is that the right is that the

Right word you can do four blocks away can you let me try and everything down over Minecraft so might be why okay uh um so let’s build hi Alan welcome to the stream Alan Hinton right let’s build let’s create some iron armor for us all we’ve got enough to fully equip

Ourselves with iron armor so let’s do that so one helmet one of them at least they at least then we’re a bit stronger so equip quit equip equip okay help yourself Hinton do you get yourself your armor okay um right shall we leave the iron here

Oh no I need that hang on honey I need that a second sorry uh right I look good hinting you look fantastic mate you’ve got no boots on where’s your shoes I said you were I it said you were added to my friends list all right me and axel

Are doing one-on-one versus one and she’s AFK so now I get three wins nice Watcher I don’t wear shoes okay okay you don’t wear shoes that’s fine Hinton right so let’s create um another pickaxe and another sword and some torches okay I think um okay Hinton should we go and

Adventure back into the mines and see if we can find anything good preppy I’m joining oh God you join you’re joining oh my God Hinton we have Invaders we have Invaders okay where have they come how are they get where are they coming from it’s all it’s all light down here

I don’t know how they’re getting past all the other oh okay so it’s it’s like it’s like there’s a little bit of Darkness I think I think like spawning above us I so there’s like a little bit of Darkness here preppy I have no idea where you are up there I don’t know

There’s nowhere else out there can spawn there right okay it should be safe now Hinton I’m joining uh me and axel are even matching avatars nice are you playing Roblox so I I’m I’m thinking what we’re gonna do without preppy is preppy on the realm yeah she’s on where where is she though

She could be anywhere part of me wants to like go and help her um don’t know where she is I don’t know um I’m hoping she might have made it to maybe the island you know the you know that’s safe at us oh we’re slain by zombie oh no

Um Hinton should we go let’s wait till morning but we can sleep till morning can’t we but how can preppy should we go rescue her let’s go Adventure let’s go let’s see if we can let’s see if we can find her and rescue her whoa whoa whoa behind your head behind you

Okay this right that’s so preppy will spawn over here the spawn points over here let’s go see if we can find her oh God all right it’s the skeletons that get me oh creeper there right see if I can fact we can find her wolf drowned uh what a wolf has drowned

Well I think it’s getting morning into it I’m on the island are you on the island are you you’ve made the island oh there you are foreign right do you want to follow us back then to our cave Welcome to our humble abode [Laughter] you get what oh she’s off

She’s off she’s off on that Adventure I think Hinton right okay where are you where are you hinted right these crops are growing nice look at that we’re like we’ll have weekly we’ll have a week soon and the cows are growing oh is it growing Hinton

It doesn’t look Clinton I hate to do this too but it doesn’t look to be growing [Laughter] I don’t think it grows inside Hinton [Laughter] ah dear me he’s determined to get it going so preppy help yourself if you want to um there’s some uh wooden iron in there

There’s some wool to make a bed I’m going to get wood okay be careful make yourself some tools right Hinton let’s go on an adventure have you got some have you got some meat on you Hinton have you got some food yes all right let’s let’s go and see if

We can find any diamonds four sheet meat okay I’ve got six chickens so we should be okay see if we can Venture a bit further in the in that in that mind bit because there’s quite a big area I I’m not sure in the distance if I saw some mines

But I probably didn’t oh what just happened oh no hang on guys looks like looks like my um capture card has just decided halfway through streaming you know what I’m gonna not gonna work for you anymore one minute guys the black screen of death foreign box data pack nice preppy

Oh that’ll be good so you just give me a minute guys there we go we’re back where is that I don’t I have no idea why that did that um uh preppy that they are I mean preppy they are great games I mean I’ve played them

I play them a lot with with my family so you know obviously obviously we stream it I stream it a lot yes but I also I also played with my my family my granddaughter so when when they come over the weekends um we’ll we’ll like have a jackbox night

Or we’ll we’ll basically play through with quite a few of the games um you know like at Christmas a New Year we’ll we’ll get it out it’s just a great way a great way of playing games right okay so I see should we go let’s keep going this way Hinton

See some lava up here I’ve got my torches ready I’ve got my um yeah let’s get let’s get this great mind think you like Hinton nice does um you know lava obviously lava in this game will lava kill the mobs as well um um yes it will thank you okay coolington

Um okay Hinton I don’t know where to go now I’m just getting this coal Hinton you can never have enough coal I love getting cold oh we’re going to oh we’re going down here yeah nice well steady whoa what’s down here oh I guess there was a quick creeper but it’s gone

Oh this is this is getting creepy down here I’ll get this I might get it oh yes I think at the minute preppy as well I could be wrong but I think at the minute they’re on sale no Hinton I hope you all remember being Where You Are

If we need to get back where oh whilst down there is there anything down there we won’t get lost yeah okay hidden we won’t get lost Hinton says yeah okay why do why do I why do I not believe him oh I don’t know I don’t know where we are now Hinton

Well we’re right at the bottom aren’t we diamonds where we found some foreign oh I tricked you I tricked you Mr skeleton [Laughter] I’m okay Hinton I’m okay I didn’t die this is looking pretty cool yeah yes as well doing I’m doing doing all right hinting I’m killing the skeletons oh

I found gold there’s no diamond oh no Stefan Stefan’s got impaled by the drowned no [Laughter] hang on hang on hang on hang on yeah oh oh yay we found the amethyst cave nice oh wow that was that was pretty good should we text me this back with us definitely

What can you what can you build with amethyst hey PTP how you doing what’s up what’s up now I don’t know what you can build with it we can we can we can make a little nice seating area or something can’t we I love amethyst do you preppy

Well you can have it all preppy and when we when we when we escape if we escape [Laughter] it’s not it’s not quite Diamonds though is it Hinton we still need to find diamonds she would leave should we leave a bit let’s leave a bit let’s not take it all right

Um okay let’s which way you did end oh nothing that way and back back this way then spider oh oh it’s behind us behind us come here you yes we got him we got him we got him we got him he must have dropped down not there maybe

Okay I’m just gonna eat some chicken oh he’s hinton’s still fighting what’s another one um hey I like that too can you get the white stuff too oh uh yeah puppy yeah yeah we’ll go back and get the all the white stuff I think hinton’s I think hinton’s has got some

Still not found any Diamonds though I found a lot of coal oh thanks Pepe up there that was a that was a bit of a risk there I know I know jumping across I could have easily felt my death I probably should have felt my death and where’s hinting gun uh okay oh

You horrible skeleton you can’t get up now anyway you’ve stayed you’ve stayed down there of that where’s hinting gun he went this way didn’t he oh oh where are we now wonder why that leads to ow what just shot me oh is it a creeper blew up

I thought I thought somebody shot me oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God whoa whoa oh excuse this is getting this is getting this is getting scary this is getting really scary hint and look down there I now look they’re planning something they are

They’re thinking what can we do next oh he’s trying to foreign have that I bet you’re scared now the light aren’t you yay you don’t stand a chance oh my God Hinton look oh oh no zombie Villages zombie villagers something Villages into zombie villages [Laughter] oh my God

I’m out of food okay Hinton you know you know what I’ve got I’ve got a really good plan I think the plan is now let’s retreat while we’re still alive and while we’ve got quite a bit of loot let’s let’s get out of here creeper preppy gamer oh can you get that

Sorry uh I know I’m I’m good you don’t have to keep randomly yeah no gaming FMC are they oh all the creepers just blew up next to me like let Hinton let’s go and let’s get this all right let’s go let’s get out of here let’s go Hinton let’s go

The cherry tree grew nice oh God I hope you know the way you did say I know the way oh keep just keep going just keep going let’s keep going there’s about three skeletons behind us Hinton go go go one oh God oh no Ah let me just can I just have a breather I’m an old man I’ve been I’ve been doing too much running let me just get this iron I’m I’m terrible I can’t leave iron like oh where’s hinting gun Hinton don’t leave me where have you gone Hinton oh hinted it’s dark

Oh no wait where are you in today okay are you sure you know the way Hinton [Laughter] which was uh I think so oh no no no I don’t I no no when you’re saying the word I think the the word think does not fill me with confidence Hinton

The the word is yes yes Steve I know the way out of here [Laughter] I know the way completely uh PTP can I join uh creeper uh PTP you can if you want to obviously it’s a completely different realm it’s a lot more as you can tell a lot more interesting foreign

I quite like it I don’t think I don’t think I could do I don’t think I could put my Realm on on normal difficulty because of all the builds we’ve got because I would be devastated if something happened to say Sam’s or preppies or Pete anybody’s ptps builds anybody’s um

We’re growing up Howie okay I can go up I can go up and I ain’t got much but I can I think I’ve yeah I’ve got I’ve got stuff I can I can go oh where’s ah I’m dying don’t die Hinton you want a chicken foreign it’s not 7 30 yet

No it’s not Jess no it’s a double it’s a double whammy tonight so we’re playing Minecraft first uh look oh God whoa what oh no was that a creeper again so yeah we’re playing Minecraft now and then I’m doing um a bit of the forest with Panzer again

Which we’re gonna meme me and pans are gonna try and finish the game and find Timmy oh this is the way out Hinton this is the way out I recognize the rock formation oh we made it Hinton you’re a superstar never doubted you for a second uh that’s not the way out though Wait so wait where’s the whale I’ve somewhere I’ve created like a little stairway oh here it is you doubt for a second now never doubted your hinting I always knew you’d get us out of here shocking Behavior I know Jess who would have thought I dare stream two streams [Laughter] Uh it’s Lucan yeah Luke Luke how’s by the way Luke how’s your base building going have you have you like how is the fletchy the fletchie is doing good have a chicken yeah Jess as always I am doing amazing thank you for asking you know Positive Vibes and all that I’m I’m enjoying

Enjoying life everything is going really well yay prep is back preppy why are you jumping on beds has has nobody ever told you that you’re not allowed to jump on beds Lisa tree grew and the crops are growing nice oh it’s all going lovely right let’s let’s get the oh why why am

I when oh no what happened did I just oh no I think I’ve just I think I just burnt all the unless somebody else took them out I think I might have just been all the arrows baxton I didn’t mean to put them in there as well oh okay so I’ve got

I’ve actually I’ve actually got a bow it’s not a very good bow I’ll leave it in there oh let’s let’s leave all that things for we’ve got some bones should we maybe try hinting what about what about getting a couple of dogs and wolves for gardeners

I think we I think we need a wolf compound has come along really nicely nice just say I helped you to get out of the cave alive yes I’m on my way over there to where you are Troy What A Savior I’m back welcome back Dom because

I went down together so I can guide him out I know hi preppy so um yeah we’re doing good should we go and kill some cows let’s go kill some cows let’s go find some meat or chickens cows chickens anything let’s just kill it all oh I wasn’t gonna kill the horse

Horses are nice horses are our friends hiya Mr Piggy pork chops for dinner anybody mmm tasty pot chops oh lamb lamb oh lots of mmm sheep plum um right we’ve got plenty of meat now um soon we will have to start counting down from 750 only 795 000 seconds to

Your birthday is it really jazz why am I getting why am I get I’m I did I do I am feeling quite excited this year I don’t know why I went to see my parents today um so my parents have said we can go out for a meal next weekend as well so

That’s good Luke Luke you’re on the stream yes Luke are you are you and Alicia free next weekend and obviously Chasey boy are you all free to go out for a meal next Saturday or Sunday you you let me know what day and we’ll we’ll do it

Right I need to go back does anyone know the quads for back home I’m sort of um it depends where you want to go Zeke I’m I mean I’ve got my little base at minus a hundred minus 150. I’m excited too oh hey Stefan hi Stefan hiya oh Stefan’s got a wolf nice

Um put that in all right I’m not sure what we’re gonna do with the um oh we do actually you know what we we need loads can I have the amethyst yes of course you can yeah take take the amethyst let me just create another box um um laughs

Well we haven’t we haven’t got a lot of food actually keep cooking it you can cook it on here can’t you oh you are doing thank you I was gonna say you can cook it on there sorry happy birthday PTP my Appliance can get as

Many wool as possible I was up to three now I’m down to one only eight days to my birthday oh PTP is does that mean that your birthday is on the 3rd of September wow why is everybody why is everybody why is everybody’s it looks like everybody’s birthday is around September

I think it’s awesome and I never realized that you all have your birthday so close to mine well I mean I mean you know you know what I mean so you’ve got yours yours is on the um PTP yours on the third preppies is on the fourth and mine’s on the fifth

How cool is that all right we’re still gonna need lots more food Hinton my birthday’s in June is it so I’ve currently got six we’ve got nine bits of food but we’re made to sleep because Phantoms okay no problem Luke we’ve all got everybody here have got beds I’m sleeping

Mine’s on the six of justice and yours isn’t on the 6th of September [Laughter] oh [Laughter] what’s this hinton’s tree of wisdom oh nice intern you have a tree you have a tree of wisdom okay nice right I’m gonna try and I’m gonna try and find some more

Animals I need to keep need to keep the food supply going I build a base on top of the mountain oh are you okay good luck with that good luck with that you’re more than welcome to preppy um yeah yeah you’re gonna build on top of there wow she’s Brave

She’s braver than I am I would never go on top of the mountain okay uh maybe I lied to you all of these years maybe you did should I message your mum IRA please can you tell me when Jess’s birthday is I’m sure it’s July but she keeps telling me September is

She having me on oh I think I’ve just I’ve just realized I’ve just killed this little Lamb’s mother oh hinton’s killed the lamb oh he has now anyway oh DMV I know I I do I felt dumb I felt a little bit bad then oh baby’s with a mother now yeah they’re in

Heaven together now in heaven together where they need to be okay at least we’re at least we’re getting hello nice um okay oh oh a couple of sheep here in tin I’ve got some I’ve got an idea this might sound a really cool idea it might sound a really foolish idea

Okay so Prep Prep is building a little house on top I’m getting preppy are you building a base um Axel and I would have infinite food by now oh don’t you dare start that again yeah you I know you’d have infinite feel you’d have a base you’d have a couple of

Castles each you know you know uh so you’ve seen here not building the village Abby B I’m just I’m just staying here at the minute just trying to get this little base established that I’ve got who’s put that there we can’t walk him now [Laughter] um actually I already have food infinite food

Right okay um uh we leave murdering babe we leave me a bit about this yes yeah no yeah yes good good Shout oh yeah sorry I was I was I was gonna just I was gonna just play something one time you know what I think we should

Build Hinton obviously we need to we need to work out where prep is building so preppy are you I think I think you’re watching the chat as well I think you are I don’t know if you watched the chat if I was hoping I could share um

Right we’ve we’ve now got quite a bit of food now Jess would probably have an endo Dragon fan by now oh PTP quite easily [Laughter] oh I did them too early I always do that I always mind them too early so Hinton sorry here’s my plan so preppy’s building up there let’s go

See how much room there is up here Hinton I’ve got a pram uh the dog the dog is um Stefan’s dog we probably need a wolf of our own our our Golem let’s get a Golem um I want to see I want to see how much space was up here

Oh God she’s built she’s building me right out are you building here preppy you’re gonna you’re gonna have like a base overlooking Pepe where are you building preppy I’ll have this little bit okay Hinton Hinton what we Hinton what I what I think we should build

Is I wonder if we start digging down now [Laughter] this is uh this is either going to end badly or end perfectly I’m hoping that I will fall straight into our base oh I’m hoping um oh I’ll be I would have had eight of them also I need to really grind out Splatoon

For the next six days I need three levels a day oh okay uh I guess rbb a BPS to PTP uh it seems like a really bad idea IBB sorry it’s just you’ve got such a it’s your issue name uh rubber band ball would you like to would you like me to

Call you with a bun ball okay I’d is this okay Hinton were you going to the cave and see I I don’t I don’t think I’m coming I don’t think I’m coming out where I want to come out yeah where’s the cat where’s the cave

I thought I thought I thought I was on top of the hill dig straight down and so the what I want to do is I want to build a big a big lookout tower on top of the hill that you can get to from the caves

So there’ll be like a big ladder up the inside of the mountain into the lookout tower so we can see all around us that’s a plan uh but I I’m I’m digging down and I I thought I would have hit the cave by now have I missed have I missed rbb am I

Missed by a lot oh there’s Stefan okay uh okay where we where we oh there you are hello [Laughter] okay hang on so I we can we can we can do it another way have I missed it by this much oh okay well this okay well this this can be our

This can be our entrance to the the thing then so that anyway there you go we can go so we can build all the way up from here so we’re gonna we’re gonna build a big tower let’s build a big tower uh out of stone

Uh I’m not sure if we’re gonna have time to how long stream for Stevie it’s dovey now so Jess I’m good I’m only gonna I’m I’ve only got about another maybe 10 15 minutes of Minecraft then I’m gonna have a a 20 minute break and then come back

With uh Panzer on um for the forest so a little bit longer on this game Jess but not a not a massive amount sorry Hinton what was you doing sorry Hinton did you want me something I beat it back okay uh roadblock Sunday I Hinton okay Hinton let’s let’s so I haven’t got

Any plans tomorrow morning um but I don’t know um preppy just to let you know it’s starting to get dark outside you might want to come in you might want to come in from the darkness about Jack box so so what’s uh preppy definitely Jack box tomorrow night don’t

Worry playing jackbox Sunday night um oh she’s she’s here um but no hint what’s Hinton on about is is we mean Hinton used to get up in the morning on a Sunday morning and play Roblox together that’s that’s what is that’s what he’s asking I can’t sleep over the ocean no Zeke you

Cannot sleep over the ocean look at that preppies jumping on beds again I love the fact she’s jumping on our beds where is your bed where’s your bed gone Pepe do you even have a bed now is your bed on this is your bed up there on the top

Uh question question of the day 2.4 has a book or film ever significantly impacted your perspective on life if so which one and why God they have made these questions of the day are like really thought provoking um has as a film impacted on my life

I don’t think a film has impacted on my life um sleep or log off oh sleep okay I can sleep Luke um Pepe if you’ve not got a bed sorry hang on hang on I’m gonna prep your bag bed one minute Luke sorry um right um

Pepe get in the bed next to you I’m Christian what’s your favorite color no no I know I like that one hi hi Matt hi hi uh Myers girl hi Kentucky girl how you doing when you do another kabutri I don’t know Jess I don’t know Ready

Player one made me think we are all doomed yeah see I like see I like films that uh see I like films that are based on true stories that get you thinking um but I also I also so um I also so I don’t know if any of you

Ever saw I don’t know if any of you have seen this because obviously it’s a it’s a fairly old film and and it’s it’s I think it’s either 15 or 18 rated films probably a lot of you haven’t seen it but it’s a film called The Green Mile about

Um this massive man-mounted of a guy who supposedly gets um um supposedly he’s caught um in a field where it he’s he’s he’s killed two two young girls um but as the story progresses you you realize that this big guy is actually some kind of Angel and he

Can actually heal things and bring people back to life um so what he was trying to do at the time was trying to bring the girls back to life and it is such a thought-provoking really heart rendering film every time I watch it I am in floods of Tears it

Really does pull up the heartstrings um you know I would recommend anybody to watch it absolutely astounding film there you go uh um like planet of the eighth planet of the apes the air Hinton felt Hinton Falls my high place um but yeah oh I’ve seen it Kentucky I love you I’m

Gonna watch it but no round to it preppy worth a watch honestly I need to set a timer hi Calvin Calvin no it’s my fault Calvin I I streamed a bit earlier again so don’t don’t worry it’s not you’re up it’s not it’s not you it’s me it’s not

You it’s me in this relationship it’s not you it’s all me it’s me uh what is your what what is your favorite color my favorite color is um purple [Laughter] I love purples purples and lilacs I don’t know why I don’t know there’s there’s not a

Reason why I I just like the color purple and lilacs I just yeah I know you know I’m you know I could you know I could I could be boring and say red or blue but no I like purples and lilacs I do uh right so should we start building

This Tower how long have I got left oh I’ve got about 10 minutes left see if we can get a couple of rows done and then we can have like a little viewing area that’d be quite nice but where was my hole oh here it is

I was gonna say do not fall down there because that that would kill me that would definitely kill me now oh preppy nice what are you building up here are you gonna build like a big house up here or something um your favorite color is the rarest but also most relaxing color really

Oh what about color qualm Coke combinations oh oh color combinations I like black you know what you know what I do like that that black and yellow I think black and yellow goes really well together I don’t know why um but I look at bumblebees

You know you look at the colors of them they’re nice out there what I’m going to do I’m just gonna put that over there because I don’t want to I don’t want to fall down it because that’s what’s gonna happen we all we all know it’s gonna happen foreign

Jordan hey Kelly and Jordan Squad welcome how are you doing today did you all know that I’ve known Kelly and Jordan squad for probably about five years I I have seen I have seen Cali and Jordan like grow up now [Laughter] over the years yeah it’s been an incredible it’s been incredible really

Cool I I love it so many people I’ve watched and um you know Logan’s another one you know Logan I’ve seen him grow up into what who he is today uh what about your favorite mod or is that overly obvious and yet and my favorite modern today oh

Oh I’m only kidding Jazz I’m only kidding I wound I wound her up yesterday so um um so for those of you that don’t know I’m I’m resetting my Island um uh on Monday a complete reset on my Animal Crossing Island and I said uh and uh we were talking about names and

Um she said what are you gonna name it are you gonna name are you gonna name it after yeah after your favorite mod and I said oh you know what Jess that’d be an excellent idea Hinton Hinton land sounds a great name [Laughter] I thought it was funny

Um sorry hi hi Zeke anyway welcome welcome um yeah I I thought it was funny I I I don’t think Jess did oh no it’s raining uh maybe one day I’ll grow it’s been at least five years I know what’s your favorite mod he’s right here exactly no here’s an interesting question not

Related to color but I know my answer so I want to see others favorite dog breed oh oh I I am a dog person I do like dogs you know what you know what I I’ve got to say mine is Labrador I do love Labradors I think they’re a beautiful looking dog dog

Um and they’re very um um you know you can train you can they’re very I Won’t Say I’m not gonna say they’re easy to train oh thank you um but yeah they’re um yeah definitely yeah definitely Labradors I mean look at the look at you know most

Guide dogs lab dogs that’s how I think they’re a beautiful they’re beautiful looking dog very faithful um thank you for subscribing it’s Doge GD I’ve got two of them you have you have uh you can name it C and Jace Squad Island yes I could

I could definitely name it the C J Squad Island Cali and Jordan jumping in now on there on the action [Laughter] I love it love it I think I think I should probably best get go back inside now anyway I need to eat some food um okay I hinted I’m gonna head back

Inside so you keep building if you want to I’m gonna head down here um I’ve got two of them I’d be I love those massive ones and you found like these cardinalabs of mine as well yeah um I just I just think they’re a nice looking dog uh oh um

Um if if I I don’t know why but I like I like like I like like working style dogs so the other one the other the other one I really like is is um Border Collies you know like you know like they have uh sheep farming in that they’re nice as well yeah

Uh you should name it honk honkland oh nice oh oh thanks thanks Zeke where did you where did you get that from I’ve just realized what he gave me bless thank you um okay um where’s ladders there it is oh ladders is just okay uh oh oh Peppy’s gone um interesting my family

Has had loves my whole life but I would personally Siberian Husky oh well I think working dog I think bought a Collier station yeah husky is coming close second for me Adam B I’m gonna head off I’m gonna head off the realm no problem thanks okay crappy puffle oh

What a cool name puffle I love it why do I why am I I’m why why when I when I see the name best gamer oh thank you I try to be [Laughter] uh but welcome puffle to the stream why do I think puffler I’m thinking of a Pokemon

There isn’t a Pokemon called puffalizzer the reason is no why what am I thinking is it what’s what’s what’s the oh Jigglypuff Jigglypuff that’s what I was gonna attack describe it you know the pink the pink round one that looks a bit like Kirby oh hit the hit the

Microphone Club Penguin oh Club Penguin puffles yes oh my God yes Club Penguins had puffles didn’t they oh back in the day can I see I bet a lot of you won’t remember Club Penguin I remember Club Penguin had its own website and you could go on everything and play games

I think I shot it down about a couple of years ago Disney didn’t they that was massive back in the day uh you’re thinking Jigglypuff I am carving exactly thank you if you’re watching for a bit longer you’ll soon never sent back Gigi again best gamer dumb that’s really hurtful dog [Laughter]

Best gamer over the age of 52. can we could we maybe go for that Dom would that maybe work would you would you let me out off with that one oh oh okay I still oh nothing cute there we go I didn’t have Club Penguin dear nice oh no

Um my dog a cockapoo is called Milo but when I’m older Ali they get a border collie as I can train it yes cavoodle kavuda cavoodle so I’m guessing I’m guessing a cavoodle is um a cross between um a poodle and a cavalier spaniel Maybe shots fired LOL I know Kelly and Jordan

How dare they how damn they they I say I’m not the greatest gamer ring-tailed lemur with puffle you’re the best thank you ringtel look thank you ringtail Lima with a puffle thank you I think we could find another Jess uh best gamer of the A52 who likes purple and especially with pop figures

Yeah I think so Jeff thanks I’ll take that what did dumb say I think we could find another Dom you are being really cruel tonight Dom have I have I upset you in some way though what about our guy gaming I reckon get him say he likes yellow and pop figures

Oh oh this is this is hurtful this is hurtful uh best gamer of the age 52 who likes purple and I love station with pop Pickers Oscar Steve another Channel called gaming Grandpa yeah yes I think I do I do will I win that one

He’s the best sub to him thank you it’s not Tim now yeah slander I know Dom slander I’m going to save this I’m going to save this stream for prosperity and when I when I’m when I’m a big Mega star [Laughter] I’m gonna say I’m gonna say back in the

Day back in the day Dom May made fun of me [Laughter] so we have a donkey now we have a donkey we have um oh sleep in the bed oh do we all need to sleep I don’t know uh why did sub to him get flagged with you I don’t know

Uh like and sub troop now yes thank you um oh my God ruler boy okay you know what they say the best artists aren’t knowing their time but hundreds of years after oh my God Calvin that doesn’t fill me with pride so maybe 100 years from now people look

Back on my channel and go you know what freeze age it wasn’t that bad at Zelda why is everybody following me right I’m gonna head off now everybody I’d love to stop longer I’m having so much fun now [Laughter] I’m loving this I’m loving this Lander

Yeah yeah but I need to go I need to go and have a quick um break get a fresh drink have a toilet break and then I’m back with the forest so please oh so yesterday just hit me sorry so please if you want to watch me

On the forest I’ll be back in literally 20 minutes uh and we’re gonna try and find Timmy Timmy Timmy let’s try and find Timmy um yeah so uh take care everybody and um I’ll see you all soon bye for now I built something for you oh quickly quickly what what have you built

Is it is it gonna take Milan to get there hang on hang on hang on Zeke’s built me something foreign okay so so I’m not going just yet oh my God as if as if they’re out oh yay sub I love it sub to sub to JJ

Thanks thanks Zeke right I’m going now I’ll see you soon bye foreign

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival Hard Mode With Grandpa & Friends – Episode 2 Live’, was uploaded by Gaming Grandpa on 2023-08-27 06:58:07. It has garnered 85 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:26 or 6326 seconds.

Greetings and welcome to my humble channel, i am the gaming grandpa.

today we are playing minecraft, and starting a new series, we are playing on survival mode but on hard difficulty

hope you enjoy the stream

#gg #gaminggrandpa #minecraft

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    Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ketakutan Yang Ada – Bakwan: Fight Back Episode 25 [ Minecraft Roleplay ]’, was uploaded by Rolfeey on 2024-08-28 02:25:38. It has garnered 12145 views and 815 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:49 or 4009 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/rolfeey ➽ Description !! Command Night bot !spec !donate !discord ➽Read Sekuyyy ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ And Dont Forget To Like, Comment, And Subscribe For More Video !! See Ya ➽Help Me Reach 100,000 subs!! : / rolfeey​ ➽Discord : / discord ➽Contact Me : Instagram: / rolfeey2 Twitter : / yourstar_2 Discord : Rolfeey 📧Business Email… Read More

  • Unlocking Herobrine’s Secret Powers! 😈 #Minecraft

    Unlocking Herobrine's Secret Powers! 😈 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine |’, was uploaded by Oprajgaming on 2024-04-24 16:56:01. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ○Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine | Tags #shorts #minecraft #herobrine #edit #minecraftshort #youtubeshort #editing #shortsvideo #minecraftshortvideo #minecraftshortsvideo #herobrine #herobrinesmp #attitudestatus #attitude #acharulipopuri #mcpe #mcpeshorts #minecraftshort #minecraftedit #minecraftedits minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

    Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by VinceyVideo Information This video, titled ‘r/TraumatizeThemBack is Wild’, was uploaded by Vincey on 2024-08-25 14:00:30. It has garnered 13654 views and 1403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:41 or 1241 seconds. Thanks for watching today’s Reddit video legends! Subscribe if you want to! My Minecraft: Shaders: BSL Shaders Texture Pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft Members Access: Become a member today for exclusive videos and Discord access! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ62eviBm92rz20hE1IIIXQ/join My Links! ⬇️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vinceyreads/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/vinceyreads TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@vinceyreads 00:00 Intro 00:33 Story 1 02:56 Story 2 06:20 Story 3 07:49 Story 4 09:53 Story 5 11:22 Story 6 12:55 Story 7… Read More

  • Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!

    Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Прохождение Платной Сборки От OxFORTPACK / День 3 – Короткий день’, was uploaded by HaYaRy&ProSha on 2024-06-21 04:25:55. It has garnered 57 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:41 or 5741 seconds. 💵Post the meme directly on the broadcast – https://memealerts.com/HaYaRy&ProSha ✅Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Walkthrough Paid Build From OxFORTPACK / Day 3 – Short day 💵DONATE MONEY – https://www.donationalerts.com/r/hayary_and_prosha 💵DONATE TO CARD – 2202201045736895 ❗❗❗IN A MESSAGE OR COMMENT, WRITE WHO DONATED, WHY❗❗❗ 💵TRADE / ProSha TRADE – https://goo.su/i7ss 💵TRADE HaYaRy – https://goo.su/XEuTm6Q ✅VK GROUP – https://vk.com/club_hayary_and_prosha ✅TWITCH – https://www.twitch.tv/hayary_and_prosha… Read More

  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

    Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice WatermelonVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-09 10:50:14. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

    INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villeger avesham song 🤣 #song #avesham #minecraft #malayalam #funny #viralshorts’, was uploaded by ZAIN GAMING on 2024-07-12 04:33:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to viral short video on youtube,shorts video viral kaise hoga,how to viral short video,shorts,shorts video,viral shorts video … Read More

  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.craftlime.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, play.coleria.com.tr adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan www.coleria.com.tr adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- https://discord.gg/crKw3X5TJw Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: paypal.me/DarkCorruptA (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: https://discord.gg/m5PKeyykCg Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More

  • Minecraft Build Hacks – EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!

    Minecraft Build Hacks - EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Build Hacks Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.20 [ Part 1 ] #minecraft #shorts #shortsvideo #mcpe #build’, was uploaded by Creyou Playz on 2024-03-23 11:30:11. It has garnered 10142 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. #minecraft #short #trending #minecraftjava #mcpehindi #minecraftshorts #youtubeshortsr #youtubeshortsr #shorts #shortvideo #shortvideo #subscribe #shortsvideo #shortsvideo #status #shortsfeed #song #share #sad #music #meme #motivational #naruto #mobilelegends #m#youtubeshortsr #makeup #asmr #anime #art #attitude #army #animals #amazing #alightmotion #alightmotion #ajjubhai #minecraft top shaders 1.19 #minecraft #roblox #cake recipe #chainsaw man #chod video #cubecraft #evident #eystreem #famous water park #football… Read More

  • play.earthside.nl

    play.earthside.nlEarthside Network Survival Server Welkom bij Earthside Network, de ultieme survival server voor avonturiers en bouwers! Op onze server beleef je een unieke Minecraft-ervaring op een prachtige, uitgestrekte wereld. Of je nu een ervaren speler bent of net begint, bij Earthside vind je een gastvrije gemeenschap en eindeloze mogelijkheden om te verkennen, bouwen en overleven. Read More

  • Master Realm now live! PvE

    Welcome to Master Realm’s New Season – “The Corrupted Chunks”! Join us on our latest adventure as we explore a realm sealed by ancient gods. Unlock chunks with blocks or items to face tougher monsters, complex structures, and new mobs and items. Season Features: Explore a Corrupted World Experience Blood Moons and enemy swarms Engage in Economy & Trading with coins and exclusive items Discover new Slimefun Enhancements Conquer 100 new Dungeons & Bosses If you’re ready for a unique challenge and a diverse community, join us at Master Realm today! IP: mr.enviromc.net:25573 Discord: https://discord.gg/bwUwd9b6BS Read More

  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – German voice actor unites Jack and Wheatley

    Minecraft Memes - German voice actor unites Jack and WheatleyLooks like Jack Block and Wheatley are bridging the language barrier in Minecraft with their shared German voice actor – now that’s what I call a block-buster performance! Read More

Minecraft Survival Hard Mode With Grandpa & Friends – Episode 2 Live