Minecraft: TURTLE HABITAT – Hardcore Survival [41]

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Yo so what is going on guys it is your emoji squid here and welcome to another episode episode 41 of Minecraft hardcore survival hopefully my uh my mic audio my commentary is louder in this video I guarantee you it is but um because I upped it I upped it not from the Elgato

Because if I up it from the Elgato it has the annoying like ringing sound in the background but if I up it from my control panel in my actual computer if I just like configure the actual mic itself rather than the live commentary setting on the Elgato then it uh it just

Increases the the sound of my mic but without having the ring sound in the background it’s I don’t know it’s kind of confusing but bottom line is my voice should be better today the game audio is also a little bit loud especially in yesterday’s zombies video it was really

Loud because I kept it the same as I have it in Minecraft for some reason I don’t know why I did that but yeah the game audio in that video yesterday is very loud but anyways um the last episode of this series will be the card

In the top of the screen guys hold on let me hold my uh my ax out just to repair this thing with some copper nice and then one ironing it appreciate it all right and then so yeah last episode guys was the return of me to this series

Or the return of this series as a whole and look at that dude I love smelting things with mending because it repairs things so quick it really really does uh so yeah basically last time I went to mining uh as my first episode back I went mining but I went the majority of

It was uh I did go strip mining at the end of it but the majority the Supreme majority of the episode was caving I went caving way over there and it’s a bit of that was a bit of an odd thing for me to do you know first

Episode back going caving it’s not the smartest thing for me to do but hey at least I’m still alive I took like I think I took half a heart of damage from wasn’t it the baby zombie that had thorns on him I think that was the only

Damage I took yesterday so that was pretty good so yesterday um or not yesterday but last episode I didn’t record it yesterday I recorded it two days ago now but yeah uh last episode was quite successful guys it was quite a successful episode got five

Stacks of iron from it so I actually do have oh look at that wolf right there um I do have enough iron to make the rest of the Hoppers I need for my uh for my automatic egg collecting Farm basically for the chickens but uh here’s

What I want to do I want to check this egg because this egg is just Savage I can’t do I can’t figure this egg out because it’s just it just will not hatch like it’s because I’m I’m too far away from my actual house right so this won’t actually

I need to be over here for it to actually hatch but it just seems like he would think it would have hatched by now because it’s been I got this in episode 37 I believe yeah but look at how much iron I’ve got now I’ve got a good amount of iron now so

Uh what I think I’m gonna do I guess for the beginning of the episode is just stay over here for a bit and just fish for a little bit see if I can get some more enchanted books or name tags or whatever you know what I’m actually

Gonna do speaking of name tags I actually since it was since it’s been over three months since I last did this series uh last episode I couldn’t remember the name of my dog my male dog I don’t know if I ever got a name for my

Female dog I’m even if I did I’m just gonna give her a new name uh since nobody commented on the last video uh I’m just gonna name the female dog with the pink collar of course I think Sadie s-a-d-i-e I think Sadie is a good name uh

For a female dog I like that name so Sadie and then my cat is always named Angel the female cat well it’s the only cat I have I did have Gary but Gary died uh I need to get I need to get another uh male cat for sure but um

Yeah so right now I’ve got Angel Sadie and the male dog is actually named Ace right here a c e Ace like an ace up your sleeve or whatever whatever uh yeah so Ace is right here angel and then Sadie I notice Angel and Sadie actually

Have the same collar so oh I did not mean to do that hold on hold on get out of there there you go you got a little bath you got a little bath Sadie all right good thing it’s getting night time so I can go fishing without having

To deal with anything um okay so yeah like I said I’m gonna go fishing and I think yep my fishing rod is right here with luck of the C2 so I have some objectives today guys I definitely do have some objectives today quite a few things but I can’t get those things

Going until I until I do this I’m gonna just again I just want to go fishing for a little bit won’t be doing it for too long but um just make sure all these furnaces are completely oh we got this right here nice anything in the blast furnaces or

The smoker nope so you just gotta wait for the copper to get done I don’t know why I grabbed copper last time I really don’t know why but I did you know so no going back on that now so um all right and then I got this fish so

I’m gonna be able to get some more fish going right now which is uh which is beautiful okay so let me go to uh uh no let me just wait until this is done this will be done very very quickly here get all the XP I can and then I’ll I’ll

Empty out my inventory and get rid of this cop or an iron gotta wait eight seconds though for furnaces only four for blast furnaces and I got a lot of food on me geez I got 53 cooked pork chop and then 23 cooked beef dude okay so I’m gonna put some of

My iron not all my iron in there and then uh you know what that that right there should be enough to make all the Hoppers because I wanna I wanna finish the Hoppers today I want to put all the rest of the hoppers down I should need 35 more hoppers in here so

Basically what I’m trying to do is uh I did this a couple episodes ago I’m trying to put Hoppers under all this Green carpet pretty much and oh but the glowstone some of the glowstone is gonna be I can’t replace the glowstone that’s in the middle I can’t I can’t do that

Because then I could I could put the glowstone like right here but then it’d be darker in the middle and I’ve experienced in this world any little area of Darkness any little sliver of Darkness allows mobs to spawn so I can’t be dealing with that uh I could harvest the kelp as well

But first things first is I’m gonna go fishing because I really really want this egg to hatch this turtle egg and then for the future I don’t know how but for the future I definitely want to try to get Turtles closer over here like

I have to can I use a lead on Turtles I would assume I can but I don’t know I got a Wandering Trader here with uh just your garbage as usual it’s actually the only way I can get drip leaves in this world I really need to finish this

Series that way I can actually play in updated Minecraft because I’m still in 1.17 in this world it’s it’s crazy but anyways um okay I’m gonna go fishing for a bit here guys do not want to fall down there and take fall damage I do have feather falling um three though I still

Need to get feather falling four who knows maybe I’ll get it from fishing right here but yeah I’m gonna fish right next to this uh right next to the egg here that way I know for sure that it’s able to be uh hashed right now but and then the turtles that actually

Like made this egg are nowhere to be found dude they are nowhere to be found got them all right so yeah I’m gonna fish for a little bit oh no there the turtles are uh yeah so I’m gonna fish for a little bit I’m gonna go up on this

Uh this little Hill right here and I’ll probably fish for like five minutes and then I’ll be back guys and just see see if I can catch anything of course but yeah I’ll be back once if once I’m done uh once I’m done fishing here oh wow hold on a second

I just caught an insanely Good Egg or not egg what am I talking about I I caught look at this this is literally the best fishing rod that you could possibly have I guess without mending uh yeah this is way better than my current fishing rod uh

I might as well go use this right now uh yeah like this this new fishing rod is way way better hold on I need to repair it though so I need to craft a brand new fishing rod non-enchanted and then repair this uh use it to repair with an

Anvil I do actually have a mending villager so I could get mending on this right now but I’m not gonna get it just yet I don’t want to do that just yet but let me go uh that was a good catch really good catch it’s hilarious how you

Can catch a fishing rod while fishing with a fishing rod you know it’s oh my goodness dude all right yeah so this is uh this is a really good catch because again my other fishing rod I was just using has luck of the C2 this has

Luck of the C3 and then it my other one doesn’t have lure on it at all lure basically makes it so that um the fish come to you quicker so it it’s fishing is a lot faster especially with lure three I don’t usually even loot use lure

But uh because I prefer luck of the sea but lure and luck of the sea is incredible all right so let me make let me get some uh string out I think string no string is going to be in the uh I already caught a name tag too by the way

So now I have seven name tags I gotta add the name tags to all my animals as well that way I’ll never forget them no matter how long I leave this series for but this that should be the last break that I need to take from this series it

Was the first and it should be the last Um so yeah let me get the we get a fishing rod going here I need to get some sticks and there we go okay so now we get the Anvil and this fishing rod won’t be fully repaired I don’t think but oh it will be nice dude for only two levels

All right well looks like it’s a passing of the torch now time to get rid of this uh this fishing rod right here because this one this one has cursor Vanishing but it has lower three on it but yeah it’s not it’s not as good it’s not too bad but I think the

One I was using with luckily see was better than that one plus I had a lot better durability but but this one though this is an incredible incredible uh fishing rod guys I am excited to use this I should be able to catch a lot better things

With this because again that luck of the C3 is gonna be great and it’ll be a lot faster to uh to actually catch things so now I’ll be back if anyone something exciting happens or probably just after five minutes unless something really hype happens like I get fire aspect from

The uh from fishing or whatever because I do need fire aspect but I might just have to wait until I get a villager for fire aspect or a uh I might just have to enchant my own books in the enchantment table but we’ll see I need to get to

Level 30 before I can do that but yeah I’ll be back in in a couple minutes guys I just caught another fishing rod this one has mending on it dude no way no way man I could so I could combine that with the with the one I just got and get mending

And then it’ll be just an unbreakable fishing guide I don’t even know if I want to put mending on this though simply because I like getting the XP from this because I already can’t get XP when I mine things with my pickaxe so we’re with my but both my pickaxes so

Because they both have mending on them but you have got to be kidding me dude where did that go right there guys when I tell you that I have caught more fishing rods today than I ever have before I mean it I literally that was a bad fishing trip because

I was able to get back up to level 25. but uh well as you can see I caught a water bottle a piece of leather two leather boots um two Saddles which is all right I guess uh one nautilus shell I got from a drowned and then the other one from

Fishing ten puffer fish 42 Cod which is a which obviously is the Supreme majority of what I caught 15 salmon and then look at this four fishing rods so I’ve caught five fishing rods today five fishing rods that is unbelievable I feel like luck of the sea should be called just more

Fishing rods from fishing is what it should be called because that’s literally all it’s like I didn’t get a single and I can’t get out of here now I didn’t get a single um a single enchanted book today which is weird because usually I get at least one

Enchanted book from from fishing usually I get a bunch uh but dang that was not a good fishing trip guys that was not a good fishing trip you know what I think I’m gonna do though I think I’m gonna try to get the uh yeah I think I should try to do that

Right now honestly because I don’t need these fishing rods I want to try to get the Turtles closer over to my house pretty much like I I really really want them to be closer to my house that way I can just chill around my house and just do things

Around my house and stuff like that while uh while the eggs are hatching okay because the these turtle eggs right here like I know they do go faster if you don’t sleep and you just stay and defend them overnight I know they go faster but I can’t do that in this world

I just can’t unless they’re like very safe in a confined area with walls and everything in my house but the mobs will just come everywhere I don’t stay out at night in this world I just don’t do it so yeah all right well let me get rid of

This pure garment you know what I need to put a fishing or a um fishing rod I need to put a uh a chest out here I’m gonna keep this mending one just in case I want to combine uh that with my current one in the future my current

Fishing rod so uh all right what I want to do though is I want to lure the we got the drown I gotta deal with though I want to lure the turtles closer to my house like I wanted to be right next to my house so if I bring

Just some pieces of seagrass right here then I should just be able to lure them you would think right you should be able to lure them through the water just like every other mob right with weed or whatever should be able to but we’re going to

Find out real quick we’re going to find out very soon uh there’s usually two next to each other where is the second one at because we got this one the second one might actually be is he coming towards me oh he totally is uh but where is the where’s the second one at

Over here maybe this is where I was fishing for the end of it of course started out over by the turtle egg but I think it’s better to fish when you have a deeper area basically um when the water is deeper pretty much okay where’d this turtle go this Turtle

Just completely left no way did he get all the way over there already I can’t be doing this because they’re drowned that have tridents out oh wait okay there we go okay so that’s where when he would oh boy I gotta kill this drown dude these drowned with

Tridents normal drowned aren’t too bad but the ones with tridents are horrible okay I got him uh uh where are these Turtles going see this is why I gotta just get them over to my base and then I breed them and then I don’t have to deal with them

Again all right because I do need these scoots that’s the thing is I do need these for boss fights like think about how useful Turtle Master is gonna be a turtle Master potion for just the weather and the Ender Dragon and stuff like that all right if I get

That far in this series think about how useful Turtle Master potions are gonna be but where the heck is this guy at like genuinely where did he go dude um I don’t really want to bring one over at a time because it would take just such a long time I want to

Bring both over at once you know but uh but where is this other one at this is what I’m talking about dude what are turtles doing what if like like now I lost this guy ah man where did literally where did the second one go he couldn’t have went over

Here because they never go into this area all right I’m gonna have to get these uh these Turtles and then I’ll be back once I get them together like this is just like they just uh I’ll be back in a second okay I got this guy now I just need to

Get over to this one this is perfect we’re going right to him come on buddy come on got him okay he’s here oh baby here we go okay I don’t want to bring him on land I want to continue going through the water with him here this doesn’t make any sense like it

Honestly doesn’t make any sense come on guys come on I could even get a third one there’s a third one over there that would probably be a lot easier to get dude okay come on guys just I need this I need them both to be like up by the surface

That way I know where they’re at at all times and I could just get them over here because I’ll be really happy if I get these Turtles over here today oh yeah they are on top of each other they are ready let’s go guys let’s go all

Right I will uh bring him across this River here and uh yeah they’re entering on unexplored territory they’ve they’ve never been in this uh this area before there shouldn’t be drowned out here either In this River but all right I gotta bring them home this is gonna take

A little bit so I’ll be back once I get them someplace else hang on dude this is an Abomination like what I’m having to go through right now is is just terrible um I’m gonna try leads and just try to just stick them right here and keep them from

Moving because uh this is just way too hard to keep them in place okay bro let’s hope that I can do this let’s hope that I can do this okay so they’re staying in this area what I could do is just I could put fences as you can see I try to block

This uh off if I put fences there they could stay but here’s the thing um okay you know what that’s what I’ll probably do for right now hold on I just I didn’t grab any more blocks dude well when you didn’t grab any more blocks and you have an efficiency shovel

Just do this okay I just need to get blocks going because I need to just leave these guys in here for a bit because I did not expect to do this this episode by the way but it’s still early on in the episode so what I think I’m gonna do is

Because I would really like to get these Turtles out of the way that way I don’t need to deal with them for the rest of the series and I can just get as many turtle eggs as possible uh and get as many skewed as I need so

Um yeah so this guy is going over here which is not good we want I want to leave them in I want to since I don’t have too many fences I want to leave them blocked into just a tiny area right now just a tiny area so

I want to breed him right now either like come on dude get up here all right um do not turn around dude you pleb man seriously dude hold on I just gotta block him in right here I don’t know why I did it right here I guess it still works

Get over here dude okay so you see how they’re trying to get on top so that’s what I need to do now is I need to put fences around the entire place so oh my gosh dude all this grass in the way too get back down guys get back down it’s

For your own good it’s for your own good don’t worry guys you’ll have a big area to explore again in the future but for now I need you to stay in here okay there’s no way they can get out of here if I have these fences right there’s literally not a chance

So I gotta go block this part off and then I need to make sure I get like a I don’t know if I can make an artificial Beach if I just place a bunch of sand will that count as a beach like a bunch of sand next to the water

It should I don’t see why it wouldn’t but I don’t know dude okay nice drought right there too nice drowned lovely all right will I have enough spent enough fences to actually finish this uh knowing my luck I will be one fence off I much want to guarantee I’ll be about

One fence off let’s see no it’s gonna be more than one one to three I was thinking I had one to three and yeah I was right of course I was right of course I was right why wouldn’t that be right um can I possibly make enough fences right here yes I can

No I can’t you gotta be kidding me dude you actually have got to be kidding me with that I again one fence off so I was right I literally am one fence off you’ve got to be kidding me right now well you know what I’m hearing Sirens outside my house dude

That’s never that’s never good the heck’s going on over there all right yeah I put this over here because I was thinking about expanding it but no I need him to be in a confined area okay not that big of an area I need to be con they need to be confined into

This place dude like what is going on outside my house dude um drowned get out of here dude I actually do kind of want this crafting table to be around here just because it’d be helpful in the future okay so there we go they’re here they are here and

I just need to make sure that no drowned will spawn here uh because that would suck drowned cannot get in here though that’s the thing and as long as I put torches let me put torches all around this place we light this place up like a dang Christmas tree because

I need it to be all right the the mobs in this world I can’t be having these Turtles die actually mobs don’t kill turtles do they they just break the turtle eggs yeah that’d be pretty pretty vicious if they killed Turtles but yeah no nothing kills Turtles they just

Break the eggs but um I mean close enough dude close enough I still need to defend him against mobs obviously so all right we’ll go like that and then uh get rid of these seeds there we go okay and then I do want to have a fence gate over here

Just for the entrance uh all right so yeah they’re both in here got the wandering Trader next to him which he’s gonna die probably uh okay so yeah I can put a fence gate right there all right let me go get a couple things uh and then I’ll be back

Be back over there in a second I still don’t this still isn’t close enough but this is a temporary little area for him temporary area because I want to eventually have them I want to bring them on what are you come on what are these guys doing I want to bring them

Under my base and just have a water area for them next to the enchantment table room okay guys so what I’m doing right now is I am this is where I’m gonna put the turtles all right I have a plan to basically the reason it’s it doesn’t even need to

Be that tall hold on I guess I will keep it that tall just to keep it with the rest of it but it’s not gonna be as big of an expansion but it’s going to be deeper I’m gonna put it like five blocks deeper than it

Is and then I want to have enough room to build like those artificial like maybe two artificial sandy beaches like little little beaches on the side here and then the rest is just gonna be water in here for Turtles uh I might need to push it

Back I’ll probably need to push it back a little bit more but uh yeah this is my plan this is what this episode is being I guess this is what this is what the plan for this episode is is just dealing with turtles but yeah um also look on the bright side I’m

Expanding the area down here which I wanted to do anyways uh but uh just didn’t know when and uh with this silk touch pickaxe I’m getting a ton of stone so I can use these Stone these stone blocks to switch into stone bricks for later to build more stuff and

I can use them to trade for emeralds as well so and more coal right here with the fortune pickaxe so that’s always beautiful so yeah I’ll be back once this is uh once I make some more progress on this place okay so we have a problem guys we have a problem

Their mobs up top because when I’m down here I can’t tell when it’s night time so yeah it was just night time and I hear a bunch of zombies above me because again in this world you cannot stay you cannot miss your sleep you will have mobs like this

So yeah there are a lot of mobs up top and I’m just gonna assume there’s a creeper as well just gonna assume there’s creepers haven’t heard any skeletons yet but I want them to come down here I really do because yep we know they we know they all have armor

Obviously that’s not all of them okay here they come uh come on I’m gonna need more than that though I know that’s not all of them see what happens if I just stay up for just half a second literally you guys think that’s all of them making a run for it

Getting in the dang Barn trying to see if I can see anything I don’t see anyone else um but my gosh dude see what happens literally like I said you stay up I I just I gotta solve that I gotta get a clock okay I gotta just get a portable clock

To bring you know just we got an iron golem over there actually I wonder if he’s fighting anything uh yeah I gotta get a clock going though that way I just especially down there I really do actually you know what I might do that right now since I’m gonna be

Down here for quite a bit now I thought that was like an Enderman but that’s just a black horse um okay I got a lot of stone I’m gonna make a clock I I’m sorry I’m gonna make a clock I’m I already have one in the house but I’m

Gonna make a brand new one so I need gold and Redstone for that but I just can’t be dealing with this I can’t be accidentally staying up and having these mobs spawn like it’s just that’s pure death right there so uh I’m assuming it’s like five gold and then

For Redstone actually it might only be like one Redstone let’s see what is the crafting recipe for a clock okay yeah one Redstone of four gold even better A lot better than I was expecting okay yeah so clocks I love clocks clocks are actually quite useful and then I’m gonna

Get an item frame as well and I’m just gonna put it I could have it why can’t you put clocks in your off hand you should be able to put clocks in your off hand wouldn’t that be awesome seriously they need like look at this

They need to fix this in um in Bedrock Edition and allow you to actually hold more things in your offhand because it’s just terrible right now it’s terrible dude so all right uh piece of leather and I can get an item frame going here I don’t actually have too much leather

Because I think I’ve spent it all I think I’ve used it to buy um emeralds actually but all right now with this clock here this should make things a lot better because I always carry a bed with me just not a clock so I don’t know when

I have to use the bed pretty much when I’m down in a hole like this so all right make sure there’s no mobs down here what do we got what does this have on it projectile protection four I’m actually looking for I one of the things

I need to do is I need to get a uh yeah we’ll go for right there I need to get a uh for another right bed mining which I have not gotten any netherrut yet the only netherread I’ve gotten is from the Bastion loot but uh in terms of actual

Netherrite I haven’t gone netherright bed mining yet which I need to do for sure because netherright will help out a lot you know it helps out with uh with I can’t lose my gear if I well even if if I die the series is over so that doesn’t

Really matter but uh netherride’s good because it just has better durability and it uh it gives you knockback resistance which is nice knockback resistance and for netherrite like tools they’re faster and they’re you know more durability a lot better durability than diamond and also increase damage for the sword that’s

Gonna be that’s because my damage has it’s at 12 right now it could be at 13 if I get sharpness five and I gotta put fire aspect still on it and I gotta make another right so my sword can get quite a bit better still which is insane but

Yeah I can upgrade it a little bit still but it’s not going to be a while until I actually can’t upgrade it but yeah I do need to get a blast furnace or a blast protection villager with flash section three at least because I’m very nervous to go bedmining

That’s why I haven’t done it yet I would have done it already but I’m just nervous since I can’t regenerate in this world and since I take so much damage I don’t want to blow myself up with a bed in the nether that would be the most

Embarrassing way to end this series okay and actually yeah to die that sucked but all right I’ll be back though in a second uh and I’ll have more of this actually carved out all right guys time to add the water this is what I’ve got so far

So I kind of have a uh you know a little beach on each side I don’t know if I’ll even need this one I built that one first I don’t know if I’ll even need the second one though but this is a really really interesting thing uh so

Uh the problem with this though is they need to be able to climb up here I don’t think they need to though because they they can just swim up right so I don’t even think I need to have like for me I guess I need these walkways right here

Like you know like being able to jump up here in parkour up here but for the the dang Turtles they don’t need a they they shouldn’t need this you know so um yeah I basically I want to add water to every single part here and then just

Make it all flowing and everything I use Sea lanterns which I think looks really really nice I built like a little star on the bottom you can’t really tell though because I built um I built that right right hold on yeah yeah it is a star you can yeah

Every actually none of the blocks are covered up but it kind of looks weird because of the the mountain or whatever the ridge on this uh on this side the beach on this side so got an infinite water source here this is going this is going to take quite a while like let’s

Let’s just be honest here water in this game not too fun to mess around with uh like I’m gonna have to do this a lot like this is this is gonna take a while guys I should probably get more than one bucket I didn’t think I’d need more than

One but I should probably get more than one bucket uh thing is I have a ton of buckets already but yeah so let me just get this all completely flat and full of water and then I really would like to get the turtles in here by the end of this episode guys

Well the bottom is all flat here um but because of water physics the water isn’t coming over yet so now I have to do the really annoying but I gotta do it it’s uh building across like this and then putting water like in the spots that is

Missing pretty much I don’t like having to do this one but uh I have to do this like every time I deal with water water in Minecraft water physics are just it’s just it’s confusing man it’s very confusing by the way this is so much harder to do in survival than creative I

Mean that like that’s common sense but it’s way harder to do here I’ve never really done this before in survival so it’s it’s a completely new experience for me basically dude having to refill water each time like this isn’t nearly as bad in Creative dude I’ve done this a lot in Creative but

It’s pretty tough in Survival Man almost there guys almost there almost done with these water physics oh no this one’s gonna be bad oh hold on okay I need to connect it from here see this is what you have to do by the way this will not be like let me just show

You I’ll show you at the end but this will not be an infinite water source you’re gonna see this will not be an infinite water source this pool because it’s artificially made like this um yeah this is not gonna be infinite I’ll show you in a second but let me just

Finish this real quick first uh yeah let’s go for here and then yeah see pretty much what you have to do is as you can see this isn’t like you can actually go in here and it’s you know there’s no water in here it’s very very weird you know water physics and

Minecraft dude unbelievably weird I just went through those dirt blocks I need to sleep uh yeah at this point man I did these water physics are just oh my gosh dude all right well let me get out of the uh some salmon real quick I cooked all that fish and

Almost done here almost done so let’s go like this and then one of the most satisfying things about this game though is this right here what I’m doing right here I love making water just when the water turns to uh when you’re making artificial pools or

Whatever like this I love it when the water just goes still you know like it’s just flat and you know stops rushing or whatever stops slowing I love that dude I love that but let me just show you real quick so if I were to take

Something from the middle as you can see it just does not work why why it does that I don’t know it’s very annoying though uh because I won’t be able to just grab water from this I’ll have to have a different one infinite water source down here but yeah it’s uh it’s

Quite annoying you basically just have to go from the edge of things you have to go from the edge of things like this it’s pretty much the only way you can do it um maybe if I went deep down no I can’t even grab water I’m trying right now I literally can’t grab

Anything like I don’t know if you can hear me right now just pressing the trigger the left trigger but I literally can’t grab any water so it just doesn’t make any sense like it artificial water like this it’s a it’s a whole Beast of its own dude like it’s it’s something else man

All right well here we go it is about to be done I think I can put it down here maybe no oh I just was able to grab water I was able to grab some water wait no I can’t grab it it was just a fluke

It was a fluke dude all right let me finish this up uh see this isn’t easy though hold on I think I’m just gonna have to go from The Edge like I did the rest of them uh let’s just go from The Edge and just finish it up

And then I can put this one back oh it already Okay so even though this whole place is filled still not infinite water it’s still not I still can’t grab water from it not even the edges which is insane but all right well anyways that looks like

Uh that looks pretty good hold on this looks a little bit off let me go like that and then it’s a little bit more uh yeah a little bit better there okay so then I want to fill up the four blocks right here with sand hold on

Let me get this other bucket out I guess fill it up with water real quick and there we go grab the bed okay there we go guys so what I’m gonna do as well is for right here I’m gonna put fence I don’t have any fences on me right now

I only have fence gates from before so uh yeah this looks pretty good I it looks a little bit dark though because I did put more sea lanterns but it’s a little bit dark because I replaced them all right covered them up kind of with the whole

Uh with this whole thing on each side so let me go and put one honestly I should probably just put it in the middle you know that makes more sense actually let me put them side by side like this there we go and then over on this one I could do the same

Exact thing so we’ll have one right here and one right there just to again you know light this place up because I really do not want any mob spawning here any drowned or anything you know what and just because of that reason I’m gonna actually put more sea

Lanterns over here because I really do not want to deal with any mobs cannot be having any mobs down here man but yeah so I’m really interested to see if this these artificial beaches will actually work I got to clear up my inventory here but I’m really interested

To see if these artificial beaches work and if they’ll actually lay eggs on them because they’re not real beaches you know they’re just sand I don’t know I I if they don’t work then I I guess I just built a little aquarium but and I can just remove the

Beaches but I don’t know dude I don’t know uh the seagrass I’m gonna need in a second uh it’s gonna take a while by the way to get the actual Turtles over to that area like it’s gonna be a pain oh man all right uh the sand I don’t need I

Do need some more fences though so we’ll grab these is there anything else I need right now I don’t need the extra dirt okay guys well here goes nothing it’s time to go get these uh these Turtles and try to try to move them into the actual place here

I just spent how long have I’m recording for I’ve been recording for quite a while hour and 38 minutes yeah so uh that took me a while to build that but it was pretty fun you know it’s a bit of a different thing usually I don’t build

Stuff like that in this world but uh okay oh look at that nice little baby uh brown cat right there all right I do need to harvest the kelp as well I’ll probably try to do that at the end of the episode but what I need

To do is get the I need to get because they won’t be able to fit through this one block so I’m gonna need to expand this and I might as well expand it right now because you know before they actually get here because they’re going to be here soon uh

So yeah I’m gonna need to expand this a little bit two blocks should be enough if two blocks isn’t enough I’ll be very surprised you know like uh that that’d be quite weird if two blocks isn’t enough but yeah if we just go like this

Uh and then like that we should be good yeah I think I think that’s uh yeah we’ll we’ll go for that so I need to get the fences down as well already so we’ll get these going some carpet uh and yeah it’ll have to go from right there yeah and then like this

All these Moss blocks dude okay uh so again I’m gonna get this out of the way actually all these all this Tall Grass I don’t know why I put this all this vegetation down here I think it looks pretty cool but especially if I’m gonna have like animals down here and

Stuff like that like yeah I I could put fish in here as well axolotls no because they just kill everything but oh you know what I need actually I need more than one fence gate for this huh well I I technically don’t I shouldn’t need more than one fence

Gate because when we actually get down to it uh yeah I’m gonna need to remove one of these blocks though right now just so they can get in here so we’ll go like that okay guys I think it should be good uh this Moss carpet and everything I’ll put somewhere else uh

The Moss carpet can’t put carpet on carpet uh and then I guess we’ll just put it right over here and then the Azalea put it right over there man okay I really really wish this world had 1.18 though I really wish it did because I would you know I’d be exploring those

New caves and going to those Lush caves and everything you know the clay for the barn would be so would have been so much easier to get dude so much easier but then again I’d have to deal with the new terrain which I really do not I’m not

Used to the new terrain at all I’ve barely played 1.18 survival I have but barely man oh man it’s been well over a year since I played it so okay uh okay we still got the uh the turtles here that’s good news good news okay it’s gonna take a while

To get them over here isn’t it dude I bet you it’s gonna take a long time but I’m gonna try my best dude I’m gonna try my best can I use a lead a lead would be a lot easier I feel like uh you can’t lead these guys no you can’t can you

Yeah you can’t all right I guess I guess that makes sense so get ready guys because this is gonna take this is gonna take too long all right like hold on I want to time this and just see how long it takes uh yeah I gotta just see how long this

Is gonna take this is gonna take such a long time dude come on up guys come on up they can get up here right they don’t need a dang can I push them up or something hold on what if I destroyed this did they really need a stepping block to get up here

Do they really no way do they need a Blog to get up and do they need more than two blocks and it’s raining you gotta be kidding me dude what is going on okay now we got up but that’s because there wasn’t that’s because I expanded it hold on guys get over here

Why does it gotta be raining dude why this is why I hate it when it rains especially in this world because I just slept it seems like but it’s already night time and there’s probably mobs somewhere around me oh my Lord dude okay will you just fix

This water I’m literally done with water today I’m done with Minecraft water I’m so sick of it dude come on guys let’s go there should be literally zero reason you can’t get up here now well he got up no way and the second one goes back in the

Water come on dude come on guys oh you don’t they this better work because this is gonna take four ever and I mean forever guys oh my gosh this better work this this better work well yeah let me time this all right I started at an hour 45 in all right I

Gotta see how long this takes I I just gotta see you know I just gotta see I’m very interested very very interested here guys oh my gosh all right I’ll be back you don’t want to see this I’ll be back once uh once I get these guys over

To the uh to the new area I’m gonna need to expand the staircase one more block at least two because clearly they can’t get through two blocks they need three at least okay yeah it’s gonna take a little bit but they’re they’re making it they’re making it dude don’t worry guys you’re

Drying off right now but you’ll you’ll be moist again in a second you’ll be very moist with my artificial pool I just put in that took a half an hour and it took way longer than a half hour actually but all right guys let’s go okay guys avoid the campfires avoid the campfires

All right we’re making it guys I’m going hungry by the way from this because if you don’t know you always have hunger what is this garbage dude you always have hunger um too and with this world if you guys want to know what this world is this hardcore

World on Xbox because obviously I’m on Xbox right here uh the uh I did a showcase on it look up MLG squid hardcore or just go back in my Channel’s videos to like January and I did a uh I did a video basically showcasing this world

Okay will they get through here I don’t think they will yeah wait they are yes dude I was gonna say two blocks seems like it’d be enough but just barely they’re like arms or whatever uh oh geez dude came at me like a bird there looked like dude all right come on

Guys come on guys do not suffocate don’t do anything stupid let’s go I know it’s crowded down here with all this vegetation all these azaleas but let’s go guys come on your new home your new home I would actually if this works I will decorate this a lot more and put

Like quartz instead of stone for the walls and for the floors especially and stuff like that maybe like nether brick for the walls um or stone bricks for the walls and then quartz for the floor like an actual pool I think that would look sick dude okay

Guys time to uh to do the old push all right he’s in all right now for her let’s get her in here let’s see how big of a big of a problem this is gonna be shouldn’t be too bad nice they’re in they’re in now we Patch It Up

Okay now I eat because I’m about to starve to death wow um guys they’re in they’re in and yeah I could put fish in here but first we need to make sure this works okay we’ve got to make sure this works but will it that’s the question and will

They even be able to get up there because you know it was a problem for them to get up top before let’s see come on guys come on go go go get to a dang because can they just float up or do they need stairs like that

Oh man I really hope this works even if it’s hard to do even if it’s hard to pull this off I just want it to work you know I don’t think it’s gonna work guys you know what I might try to do for this hmm What if I

What if I use some of this Stone right here and make slabs uh uh I don’t know about this I don’t know if this is gonna work dude um uh hold on guys I need to see if this is even possible I need to see I gotta see

If it’s even possible to do this okay guys this should still work hang on a second okay so I’m reading up on this and uh uh basically it’s saying that I need to so the mother turtle will always try to return back to their home Beach which is where they’ve laid eggs

In the past so if they’ve already laid eggs which these turtles have of course then they won’t go to my beach they won’t they won’t go to my artificial Beach but you can actually do that that’s how you set up the turtle farm so what I need is I need my silk

Touch and I need to go silk touch the eggs the turtle egg that I have over there I didn’t even know you could do this I literally didn’t even know you could you could still touch turtle eggs but um yeah I’m gonna go do this because even

Though it’s getting to night time I’m gonna I have my bed of course um I gotta go see if this is gonna work because you can silk touch B nest with the bees in them I did that a couple episodes ago so you literally should be able to

Do these Iron Golems are getting a little bit crazy for me I’m not gonna lie like they’re going they’re going all over the place but uh yeah so these turtle eggs okay as long as if they’re not here if this turtle egg isn’t here then we have a big problem

Or if it’s hatched we have a big problem I actually don’t want it to be hatched I can’t have it be hatched because I need to have I need to silk touch it and bring it over to the uh to my actual Farm okay it’s still here

I don’t know why I was thinking to be hatched because this thing never hatches clearly all right well it’s good though because I don’t want it to be hatched I want to sleep get rid of the night time and then okay here goes nothing guys there we go wait you get multiple

You get four of them really huh sea turtle egg I actually got really nervous for a second and thought that uh that was only a feature in the newer versions but luckily I can do it guys I have sea turtle eggs this is the first time I’ve

Ever had a sea turtle egg in survival like it’s cool though it’s really really cool okay so guys if this works I will be very very happy but I still don’t know if it’s gonna work they should only need sand though that’s the thing maybe

What I should have done is used sand I think I should have just used sand as the entire thing instead of putting Stone underneath it that’s what I should have done I should I don’t know why I use Stone because I don’t like the way the stone

Looks and I don’t think it’s going to work as well but if this should work if I just put the sea turtle eggs in on one of these beaches then I don’t need both of them of course I do not need both beaches so all right

Turtles how you guys doing all right you still in here nice okay um I don’t need these slabs that I just put down so let me get rid of these slabs real quick because they’re gonna annoy the heck out of me they already make the water look weird

All right all the slabs should be gone now which I okay this is the bigger Beach so I’d prefer their Beach to be this so hang on I just don’t know how I can get them up here because they’re just they’ve just sunk down to the bottom how the heck do

I get them back up top maybe what I could try is stairs like actual stairs if I just go it’s not gonna look as good but if I go in the corner here and then just put some stairs for them to climb up of course

That way they can just get up on this beach because the beach doesn’t need to be that big they just need to be able as long as I know the turtles can just get up and down then we’ll be good Don’t Drown here so they have enough

Blocks we know two blocks is enough for them to get up and we know they do need a little staircase like this to get up here in the first place so they should be there should be no way they can’t get up here now there should be no reason

Why they’re not up here right now no reason unless they just I mean I guess they didn’t go after their eggs before they didn’t try to go out to their eggs after they after they put them down they were just like you know what screw that when they

Were fenced in in the place before of course so uh I don’t know man I don’t know exactly how this works but we’re gonna find out that’s for sure all right uh I just need to get enough uh uh enough stairs here dang it dude you gotta be kidding me

Okay they’re going up higher so that’s good so yeah I don’t think they need or did they use the stairs for that I don’t care if they use the stairs and that’s good that’s what they’re for so let’s go like this and then yeah this is going to

Be a bit of a problem huh yeah I uh did I use one block before or did I use two no I had two before over on this corner so I don’t know what I’m doing here um I guess what I’m gonna have to do is um

Oh you know what I could do actually I could do this to have two blocks I could just start it right here and then get rid of all this then have them just go up like that now I want to drown dude jeez man so these sea turtle eggs

I just want them to hatch dude I really really do want them to hatch but it just seems like it’s taking way too long for them to hatch uh that didn’t fix anything did it dude doing it like that didn’t fix anything um well no I can’t be having that I gotta have

Him yeah hold on there we go man there we go I got it okay there’s stairs on both sides now all right there’s stairs on both sides there should be no way no reason why these Turtles can’t get up there now should be literally no reason they

Should be able to get up there fine uh now I don’t actually mind the look of that it actually looks pretty cool once I remove this beach right here they’ll have a lot more room of course on this side because again you should only need

One beach I guess I could have more but uh there’s just not much room down there for him you know like if I remove this beach there’d be a lot more room down there so these turtle eggs now the thing with this is turtle eggs okay let me look up how

Turtle eggs hatch like let me know exactly how they hatch hold on uh turtle egg hatching requirements eggs crack over time and hatch after cracking three times eggs hatch significantly faster at night time so apparently I didn’t know this I thought it was just a much higher chance of the eggs hatching

During the night time but apparently and this is bad news for this world apparently turtle eggs only hatch during night time guys um yeah that is very and when I say very I mean very bad news because what am I supposed to do turtle eggs only hatch at night um

Well yeah uh that’s a problem like that’s that’s a an unbelievably massive problem actually um hang on get some dirt all I have right now is dirt that’s all I’ve got well I really don’t want to uh to do this but what else do I what else can I do you know like

No if I’m gonna be if I’m gonna do this I’m gonna not stay down there I’m gonna stay in my house so again turtle eggs hatch faster during the night time uh okay well I’m gonna try I’m gonna try guys but uh but just so you know I’m not even gonna

Look at the screen I’m not even gonna play because I don’t want to see all the mobs spawning okay I don’t it’ll freak me the heck out all right there’s way too many mobs at spawn I might die here and if I die I’m gonna be very upset doing a turtle egg okay

But uh but this has to happen I guess for the turtle egg to hatch I have to know if this is gonna work basically I have to know if this is gonna work um man there’s gonna be so many creepers and skeletons and the problem is the big

Problem with this is the mobs are not gonna die in daylight or even despawn because they have armor you know so not seeing anything because I’ve lit that up enough this would be a good idea this this is a good way to get an idea of like what I

Need to light up more as well like look at the bar and the amount of torches I have on the barn because okay you can see a skeleton over there oh I can see it right over there you see that you can see it better from this angle

They’re trying to come after my villagers dude I swear if they somehow kill my villagers if they somehow kill my villagers dude I’m gonna be just live it dude like this is just this is not what I want to be doing dude I could I do have this area up top I

Actually made this specifically for staying up at night like this but uh yeah there are mobs literally not necessarily everywhere but you can see they’re like on look at that Skeleton on top of that house that was the cat that was just walking around not a Charged Creeper right better than the cat

Um no there’s a witch on top of that house yeah this is gonna be bad when I actually have to when it does hit daytime but I do need to light this place up more of course when it comes to the outskirts of my place because I want

To make sure no mobs will spawn in for Miles all right like I did I got enough coal and wood to do that all right I’m I’m believe me I want to make sure like especially over there I need to light up those rooftops more is what I need to do

Yeah that’s actually a good idea I do need to light those rooftops up imagine if mobs could spawn on top of trees by the way but they can’t spawn on Leaf blocks so that’s that’s that’s you know that prevents that from happening all right well I’m gonna stay in here

And I’ll be back once it’s daytime because I I need these eggs to hatch but I don’t this is not a good way to do it but it’s the only way apparently apparently they only hatch it I’m gonna look that up some more and see if they

Only hatch at night hold on I’ll be back in a second okay it’s been a couple minutes when we look around and make sure I’ve just been AFK the whole time just looking up and apparently you have to be within 128 horizontal blocks of the egg for it to

Start for it to actually progress to hatching cannot look at that Enderman um now there’s a skeleton and that skeleton is not going to despawn either oh man this is gonna be bad at least we know the villagers are still alive I was gonna say like there’s no way the

Villagers could be dead there’s no way for them to get in there’s iron doors all over the place there’s even iron doors protecting the turtle so yeah um I do not see any creepers though but yeah I’m very very nervous when it does turn to Daylight dude

I’m really nervous for when it turned into daylight glow squid down there yeah there are a lot of mobs around here but hey at least I know what to light up now oh there’s a skeleton I you know what I might shoot that guy right now

Because he’s gonna he’s very close to my base and he won’t despawn and he has to die he just he’s Gotta Die um so 128 blocks horizontal I definitely within that however what about vertical oh my gosh do you see the amount of charged creepers over there dude it’s getting the daytime two

Three there’s at least three charged creepers over there gotta be kidding me dude okay let me just scout out anything else because some of these mobs will burn in daylight but a lot of them won’t there’s one over there um and these mobs do not despawn very

Often dude because of the armor they have I know this egg isn’t it said it hatches in like usually like four nights or like seven nights at most I think it said but it usually hatches within the first four nights um oh thank you Iron Golem what did that

Guy just kill though what what did he kill I don’t I didn’t see I just saw something die it was a zombie I think it was a zombie I think I see rotten’s life down there uh okay the bees are out it’s looking like it’s daytime guys sun’s coming up

Oh gosh okay do I really want to go out there well honestly that wasn’t that bad because I was inside the whole time first things first is I need to make sure there’s no creepers or anything around my house just waiting I didn’t hear anything around my house so that

Means I lit it up good that means the house is lit up pretty good as long as I didn’t hear you know considering I didn’t hear any skeletons or zombies even or anything so all right there’s zombies still over there the creepers way over there uh um

I gotta get down from here now which is going to be a bit of an issue so uh I guess I’ll just try to drop into that tree I do not like the cats honestly being around because the cat sounded like creepers when they’re just walking on the grass

That’s the only way you can hear a creeper obviously is if they’re walking on a block so so all my villagers are good though so that’s good that means that no mobs can actually get to my villagers now which is great and if I just light this place up around

The outskirts especially over there and over there then we’ll be good because I didn’t really see any mobs all the way over there and I gotta light up the um I gotta light up the rooftops of the old village houses but guys we should be good I have a lot

Of iron golems around for protection as well a lot of them so yeah villagers are all good what about mobs though where are the mobs at because uh I need to make sure there’s none and then I do need to go check the egg as well there really should not be any reason

Why the eggs don’t hatch they only hatch at night but and obviously you have to be within the distance you know within 128 blocks horizontal but what about vertical though that’s the question because the eggs are directly below my house so I should be close enough because I’m really not that far away

From the eggs when you actually think about it but all right there were mobs over here are they still here there was a creeper and a skeleton over here I’ll be very happy if they all despawned actually that’d be awesome because to get these eggs to hatch I

Could just go AFK for a while because yeah they’re resolved there was a zombie remember the amount of zombies they were trying to get kill this guy I need to harvest my Farms that I’m not gonna do that today because I am it’s been a long video but uh

I’ll do that at the beginning of next episode probably but I’m just gonna go around and just make sure that there’s no mobs okay like I’m gonna go check the forest over here and make sure there’s no creepers all right this is where all the creepers were I’m not seeing any

They’re a lot easier to see charge creepers than normal creepers of course because all the electric surrounding them uh I’m scared to go over here I really really am what do I have in my bow do I have yeah I punch to I do not see anything guys I think they

All despawned I think I think it’s crazy to say this but I think we’re good I think I literally survived a night in this world that’s like my first full night I’ve ever survived in this world pretty much dude like that’s crazy now the egg is not hatched at all but there’s no

Cracks on it but I guess I’m gonna do that every time I play this in the future okay so what I think I’m gonna do is since it’s pretty early in the day I’m gonna end it here but then next episode guys I do wanna um

Light up everything just so I don’t even have those mobs we barely had any mobs to deal with there and none of them were close to me you know and they all despawn so that was awesome that’s perfect but yeah as you can see if I

Light up the hills if I light up the rooftops and everything I gotta do that next time then we should be good because that’ll help out a ton so next episode at the beginning I gotta harvest the farms and uh yeah pretty much every Farm even the automatic ones I should be able

To harvest uh Cactus pretty much yeah all the Farms sugarcane kelp everything so we’ll be good so yeah successful episode guys I enjoyed this one a lot I actually been playing for two hours 20 minutes and um yeah I got a turtle farm going now so that’s great anyways hope you guys

Enjoyed it because I know this is getting long I gotta edit it down but I will see you all in the next one episode 42 will be out in three days so stay tuned in three days you will be getting the next episode so on the 28th right

The 20 yeah yeah the 28th yeah so stay tuned until episode 42 and I will see you I will have another video tomorrow it’ll be a zombies video so stay tuned with that if you’re interested in that guys I’ll be doing a massive nabulium or nebulon plasma opening in bo4 zombies so

Anyways I will see you all in the next one happy yesterday guys and uh peace out

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: TURTLE HABITAT – Hardcore Survival [41]’, was uploaded by MLG Squid on 2023-08-27 12:00:10. It has garnered 29 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:53 or 4373 seconds.

Luring turtles from the ocean over to a brand new habitat for them at homebase in Hardcore Survival! (Hardcore Mode marketplace map made by SNDBX)

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    Roblox vs. Minecraft Obby Showdown! Exploring the World of Roblox and Minecraft Roblox and Minecraft are two popular online platforms that offer unique gaming experiences for players of all ages. While Roblox is an online virtual playground where users can interact, create, and have fun, Minecraft is a sandbox game that allows players to build and explore virtual worlds. Recently, a player successfully completed the challenging Tower of Hell in Roblox, drawing attention to the exciting gameplay elements of both Roblox and Minecraft. Roblox Tower of Hell: A Challenging Adventure The Tower of Hell in Roblox is a series of stages that players must… Read More

  • Isso Tá Certo? Minecraft Gaming Shenanigans

    Isso Tá Certo? Minecraft Gaming Shenanigans Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers a unique blend of creativity and adventure. Players can explore vast worlds, build intricate structures, and embark on exciting quests. Let’s delve into some of the key features that make Minecraft a standout in the gaming world. Endless Possibilities with Minecraft Builds One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft is the ability to build virtually anything you can imagine. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, the only limit is your creativity. Players can express themselves through their builds, creating stunning works of… Read More

  • CityCraft: Ajax Adventures – Build, Explore, Conquer!

    CityCraft: Ajax Adventures - Build, Explore, Conquer! In Ajax City, the building never sleeps, New venues rising, profits to reap. Baines Hall Box Gens, a place to be, Grind for Shillings, money is key. Join the fun at Minefort, the adventure awaits, Explore the city, unlock the gates. Check out the blog, a work in progress, But full of info, no need to guess. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, In Ajax City, let your creativity take wing. Read More

  • Whale of a Time: Minecraft Mob Spawns Galore!

    Whale of a Time: Minecraft Mob Spawns Galore! Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where mobs roam, In this AMA, we’ll dive deep into the unknown. From creepers to zombies, and everything in between, Let’s explore the secrets of this pixelated scene. When you hit that like button, a mob may appear, A surprise for you, something to fear. But fear not, brave player, for you have the power, To conquer the mobs, hour by hour. So join us on this journey, through caves and plains, As we uncover the mysteries, and break the chains. Minecraft AMA, a world of endless delight, Where your imagination takes flight. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft with ULTRA REALISTIC Graphics!

    EPIC Minecraft with ULTRA REALISTIC Graphics! Minecraft with ULTRA REALISTIC GRAPHICS! Minecraft Full HD 4K Welcome to an exciting video where Minecraft is explored with realistic graphics in 2024! In this Short, a realistic MAP for Minecraft Bedrock will be presented, transforming your gaming experience to a whole new level. Discover how enhanced graphics can change the way you see and play Minecraft, bringing every block and landscape to life with stunning details and visual effects. Impressive Realistic Map Witness an impressive map that can be installed to achieve ultra-realistic graphics, along with tips and tricks to optimize your gameplay. Dive into a world where… Read More

  • MineCrafty Rhymes: How Bad Can I Be Vocoderized

    MineCrafty Rhymes: How Bad Can I Be Vocoderized In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Villagers trade, with emeralds they’re crowned. When one offers Mending, a book so rare, For 64 emeralds, a deal beyond compare. The music of C418, the theme of Sweden, Sets the mood, as we’re all pleadin’. For more Minecraft memes, vocoded and fun, Bringing joy to all, under the sun. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so bright, Crafting stories, with all your might. Minecraft news, in a playful spin, Engaging the crowd, let the truth take wing. Read More

  • Hot Mess Minecraft Dropper!🔥😂

    Hot Mess Minecraft Dropper!🔥😂 When you finally make it to the bottom of the dropper and realize you forgot to bring a pickaxe to mine your way out of the hole you just fell into. 😂 #minecraftproblems Read More

  • Chicken Plays Minecraft

    Chicken Plays Minecraft Minecraft Adventures: Playing as a Chicken Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey where the player takes on the role of a chicken, navigating the vast and diverse world of blocks and creatures. This unique gameplay experience offers a fresh perspective on the popular game, challenging players to think and act like a chicken to survive and thrive. The Morph Mod One of the key elements that make this gameplay possible is the Morph Mod, a modification that allows players to transform into various creatures within the Minecraft universe. By using this mod, players can seamlessly switch between their human… Read More

  • Secret Easter Eggs in Minecraft

    Secret Easter Eggs in Minecraft Minecraft Advancements – Unveiling Easter Eggs and References Throughout its 15 years of development, Minecraft has introduced numerous Advancements that hold hidden secrets, references, and Easter eggs. Each achievement in the game is more than just a milestone – it’s a doorway to a world of discovery and surprises. Exploring the Minecraft Universe From the Stone Age to the End Tab, Minecraft’s Advancements take players on a journey through various dimensions and challenges. Whether it’s crafting your first tools or defeating the Ender Dragon, each step in the game is filled with hidden gems waiting to be uncovered. Unraveling… Read More

  • Get rich fast in Minecraft Donut SMP Live – Join JohnnyLeeBoy07

    Get rich fast in Minecraft Donut SMP Live - Join JohnnyLeeBoy07Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Donut SMP Live Join now’, was uploaded by Johnnyleeboy07 on 2024-08-30 14:29:48. It has garnered 392 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:17:14 or 11834 seconds. IGN: Johnnyleeboy_07 Rating bases and giving out money Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/johnnyleeboy0762 Read More

  • Unsettling twists in Minecraft gameplay!

    Unsettling twists in Minecraft gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Just Got Terrifying…’, was uploaded by alma fay_games on 2024-08-11 17:00:41. It has garnered 868 views and 121 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:35 or 1055 seconds. Hi, I didn’t think I woud be playing Minecraft for the channel but it’s got lots of horror mods instaled, so it counts as a horror game hehe see you next time 💜💜 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ me: https://www.instagram.com/alma__fay/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTX2uZovbBzuZ_NbC41_SBQ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ my music: https://www.youtube.com/@almafaymusic/featured https://open.spotify.com/artist/6vPRpwJEDJ1ZWK4pAqfb4r?si=NsKEVm_mRwCTv3rGWWiLxA Treat for Niko? https://ko-fi.com/almafay Minecraft Just Got Terrifying… Read More

  • Ultimate Dark Hero – 100 Days Hardcore in Better End | Hindi

    Ultimate Dark Hero - 100 Days Hardcore in Better End | HindiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 100 days hardcore survival in the Better End | Hindi’, was uploaded by Dark hero 90 on 2024-05-06 08:30:12. It has garnered 693 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:02 or 1802 seconds. #minecraft #minecraft100dayssurvival #minecrafthindi #minecraft100days #minecraft100dayend #minecraft100dayssurvivalinhindi #minecraft100dayssurvivalinend #end #endcity #betterend #100dayschallenge #100dayssurvival #challenge #enderdragon #viral #trending #darkhero90 #gaming #game #gameplay #hardcore Read More

  • PippenFTS builds entire Alps in Minecraft?!

    PippenFTS builds entire Alps in Minecraft?!Video Information This video, titled ‘They Built Switzerland and Austria In Minecraft… Its Ridiculous’, was uploaded by PippenFTS on 2024-08-23 15:02:30. It has garnered 8929 views and 595 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:39 or 1239 seconds. BuildTheEarth Discord: https://discord.gg/buildtheearth-net-690908396404080650 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PippenFTS Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pippenfts/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/pippen_fts Read More

  • “SHOCKING GELT discovery in Minecraft!” #shorts

    "SHOCKING GELT discovery in Minecraft!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘O Que Aconteceu Aqui? (GELT) #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by GELT on 2024-04-29 22:11:17. It has garnered 3695 views and 146 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Follow our channel on social media to have more content like this or even better. I am very grateful to have you here in this video. Thank you for your attention: Channel Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/gelt.yt/ Canal’s TikTok:https://www.tiktok.com/@gelt1230 #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecrafter #gaming #minecraftonly #minecraftforever #minecraftdaily #minecraftbuilding #gameroom #gameaddict #letsplay #gamer4life #minecraftmemes #minecrafters #minecraftpc #minecraftbuilds #minecraftserver #minecraftlife #gamerforlife #build #videogames #gamer #games #blockworld #pixelart #survivalmode #adventuregames #sandbox… Read More

  • EPIC RAID on MASSIVE Town 🐻 Fantasy Minecraft Ep 1

    EPIC RAID on MASSIVE Town 🐻 Fantasy Minecraft Ep 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Raiding My First Town And It’s HUGE || Fantasy Minecraft Episode 1’, was uploaded by Count Grizzly on 2024-08-26 14:00:31. It has garnered 130 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:54 or 2874 seconds. Hello everyone, this is Count Grizzly, your friendly neighborhood bear speaking. Today I will be playing the Fantasty Minecraft Modpack. While I have seen some gameplay, it will be nearly blind as I know very minimal of it. If you like dragons, magic, and adventure, then this is the series for you! Feel free to check out… Read More

  • Gorilla Tag LIVE: CRAZY Banna vs. Viewers!! 🦍🔥

    Gorilla Tag LIVE: CRAZY Banna vs. Viewers!! 🦍🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 PLAYING GORILLA TAG LIVE!! (WITH VIEWERS!!)🔴’, was uploaded by Banna on 2024-06-08 09:52:49. It has garnered 198 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:35 or 2675 seconds. #gorillatag #vr #oculus #fortnite #battleroyale #live #minecraft definitely copyrighted Spiffing ,Brit , the spiffing brit live , spiffing brit live ,livestream , breaking youtube , youtube exploit , youtube member , youtube algorithm , how to , the spiffing brit , Breaking Youtube Live , youtube is broken , youtube experiment , youtube live , youtube livestream , membership , youtube , exploit… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Survival Episode 1 | Kemikpro

    INSANE Minecraft Survival Episode 1 | KemikproVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival #1’, was uploaded by Kemikpro on 2024-07-15 15:56:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Don’t Forget to Follow My Other Social Media Accounts Below Don’t Forget to Come to Discord… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Logic Remix – Epic Craftedblade Beats!

    Insane Minecraft Logic Remix - Epic Craftedblade Beats!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft logic #music #remix #beats #minecraft #gaming #memes #funny #cover #minecraftmemes #memes’, was uploaded by Craftedblade on 2024-07-18 13:01:14. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Read More

  • Paciific Network

    Paciific Network**¡Bienvenido a Paciific Network!** Estamos encantados de tenerte con nosotros. En Paciific Network, nuestro objetivo es ofrecerte las mejores horas de juego. Ya sea que estés aquí para explorar nuevas oportunidades, mejorar tu experiencia en minecraft , estamos comprometidos a brindarte un servicio de calidad y soporte excepcional. Gracias por confiar en nosotros. pay6.vyxtersv.com:35793 Read More

  • MinedHype SMP – Long-Term – GriefPrevention – Player Stats – Shopping District – BlueMap – Bedrock & Java – 1.21.1

    Connect to Server IP: play.minedhype.com Location: Las Vegas, Nevada (US WEST) Server Host: PUBCS.com Java Version: 1.21 – 1.21.1 Bedrock Version: 1.20.80 – 1.21.3 Build Gallery: View 1810 pictures of our SMP Web Map: Check out our online web map About the Server: Friendly long-term public survival server with over 16,200+ unique players, no P2W, grief protection, no whitelist, and no economy plugin! Bedrock & Java Cross-Play. Use /rtp to teleport randomly and set a /home. Grief allowed in unclaimed areas. CoreProtect used for protection. Public shopping district available for players. Server Info: IP: play.minedhype.com (Default ports for Bedrock and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Y’all serious? Looks like trash 😂”

    Well, at least the meme can console itself knowing it has a perfect score in something – being completely unappealing! 💁‍♂️😅 Read More

  • Mosquitoes excluded, all things imbued

    Mosquitoes excluded, all things imbued In the world of Minecraft, where creatures roam, Mosquitoes now have animism, making them feel at home. Delicious they say, as they buzz around, Players beware, in this new update they’re found. Better Minecraft 1.20, a mod pack to explore, Mainland YouTubers need your support, that’s for sure. Norio Junly here, bringing you the news, Like and subscribe, to chase away the blues. Bilibili channel, for more content to see, Editing and recording, all done by me. OBS Studio for recording, Premiere for edit, Arctime Pro for subtitles, the process is legit. So click, like, and subscribe, spread the… Read More

  • Minecraft Enderman BBQ🔥😂 #minecraft #cooked #meme

    Minecraft Enderman BBQ🔥😂 #minecraft #cooked #meme Why did the Enderman bring a cooked steak to the party? Because he heard it was a “well-done” meme! 🍖😂 #minecraft #cooked #meme Read More

  • Tiny Zombie vs Golem | Epic Minecraft Battle

    Tiny Zombie vs Golem | Epic Minecraft Battle Little Zombie vs Golem | Epic Battle in Minecraft😱 Have you ever seen a little zombie riding a sheep decide to become a knight and challenge a golem? In this epic clash, he showed all his bravery, but the question remains: can he defeat these huge opponents? 🤔 The Battle Unfolds Witness the thrilling moments and amazing twists in this unusual battle. What awaits the little villain in the end? Will he manage to overcome the might of the golems, or will everything go awry? 🐑💥 Stay Tuned for More Adventures Subscribe, like, and stay connected to not miss… Read More

  • Unleash Insane Power – Ultimate Minecraft Modpack Install Tutorial

    Unleash Insane Power - Ultimate Minecraft Modpack Install TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to Install the Modpack for the Minecraft Vakela SMP’, was uploaded by Akeronav on 2024-04-30 09:00:29. It has garnered 74 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:11 or 1331 seconds. The links mentioned in the video: Install Minecraft: https://minecraft.net Install Forge: https://files.minecraftforge.net/net/minecraftforge/forge/index_1.19.4.html Install Modpack: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/b1xg1jzizq8pmjpk8aesg/Modpack.zip?rlkey=2yton7agemcur1e5064how4r8&dl=0 Read More

  • Insane Build Battle Madness

    Insane Build Battle MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing Build battle Until i loose my mind’, was uploaded by switzknight on 2024-07-19 07:41:11. It has garnered 240 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:20:23 or 4823 seconds. I Didnt enjoy doing this Join the Discord https://discord.gg/QMUbKMGB #Minecraft #Hypixel #MCCI #Survival #roblox Read More

  • Top Minecraft YouTubers Revealed!

    Top Minecraft YouTubers Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘MOST Subscribed Minecraft YouTubers Right Now?’, was uploaded by Twix on 2024-07-06 15:15:52. It has garnered 505 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. craftsmp,technoblade dream smp,telling the dream smp pick up lines,the dream smp,tubbo dream smp,dream smp story,dream smp part 1,part 1 dream smp,dream smp exile,dream smp movie,dream smp finale,dream smp origin,dream smp sadist,ranboo dream smp,dream war,goodbye dream smp,hypixel,hypixel skyblock,hypixel skyblock guide,skyblock hypixel,minecraft hypixel skyblock,hypixel skyblock update,hypixel skyblock money making method,hypixel skyblock money,hypixel scams,how to make money in hypixel skyblock,hypixel skyblock money making,ragetrain hypixel,hypixel skyblock coins,hypixel skyblock… Read More

  • GMR’s EPIC Minecraft Return 🔥 Join Us NOW!

    GMR's EPIC Minecraft Return 🔥 Join Us NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘PLAYING MINECRAFT AFTER A LONG TIME WITH SUBSCRIBERS’, was uploaded by ANSHUL GMR on 2024-04-15 21:06:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. IP: subscriberop0909908.aternos.me:38740 Port: 38740 SIYARAM CHANNEL UCrjENcuPKuitfs75W3Hlf7Q minecraft is a … Read More

  • Insane Top 10 Plays Feat. Legendary Players!

    Insane Top 10 Plays Feat. Legendary Players!Video Information This video, titled ‘Top 10 All Time (Ft. Syn Hov, Lord Crse, Fenwos)’, was uploaded by griffin on 2024-06-07 01:19:00. It has garnered 666 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:47 or 167 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #pvp #combos #hive #MCPE #cosmetics #4d #minecraftbedrock syn and crse are better than me sorry I was gone for a while lmao i dont own this music, nor did i create it and i dont claim to own any of the music in this video. all credit to original creators. ignore: #hive #packfolder #skywars #treasurewars #scrims #combo #bedrock… Read More

  • “Tiny Violin Melodies in Rail Run Minecraft!” #shorts

    "Tiny Violin Melodies in Rail Run Minecraft!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Rail Run Minecraft (World’s smallest Violin) #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Mineeecraft on 2024-05-10 05:35:56. It has garnered 6698 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Rail Run Minecraft (World’s smallest Violin) #minecraft #shorts Tags:- minecraft and mikey. maizen, mikey and, and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft. and mikey roblox siren head. shorts, minecraft ghost. roblox mikey and j minecraft. sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox sakura granny, herobrine, mikey. chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choochoo-charles, and mikey minecraft 100 days. minecraft mikey and monster… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft World 14: INSANE HCAH Adventure!

    Epic Minecraft World 14: INSANE HCAH Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft World 14: HCAH Part 77’, was uploaded by Ashure on 2024-04-10 12:52:44. It has garnered 7 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:22:59 or 4979 seconds. #minecraft #hardcoreminecraft #minecraftadvancements #letsplay #live #trailsandtales #vtuber Goals: 1) DON’T DIE stupidly 2) Another day another failed attempt :.) 3) Potion Crafting 4) Last Advancement Read More

  • Epic BedWars Clash in BloBalLio’s Minecraft Adventure

    Epic BedWars Clash in BloBalLio's Minecraft AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘BedWars Unite Gaming (Minecraft) #short #shorts’, was uploaded by BloBalLio Adventures on 2024-07-15 09:15:06. It has garnered 420 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. BedWars Unite Gaming (Minecraft) #short #shorts “Welcome to the most exciting channel about minecraft in the world of annarchy! Here on the [BloBalLio Adventures] channel, we’re blowing up stereotypes and opening you up to a world of limitless possibilities and freedom in this exciting game. We’re a team of experienced minecraft players and explorers who share with you our adventures and discoveries in… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Piano Remix Memes – Sad Music Fun

    EPIC Minecraft Piano Remix Memes - Sad Music FunVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #music #piano #memes #sad #dlaciebie #muzyka #remix #dlawas #zabawa’, was uploaded by Suszarka Gaming on 2024-06-25 10:18:41. It has garnered 460 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • ₊⁺⋆★ Inter SMP ★ ⋆⁺₊ – SMP – Semi-Vanilla – Whitelist – 1.21 – Java + Bedrock – Nations – 16+

    Starting a Fresh New World and Season Tomorrow! Welcome to our new semi-vanilla nations SMP server! We prioritize community and building a strong story. Everyone has a say and place within our server. PvP is allowed with precautions to keep peaceful players safe. We welcome builders, lore makers, and historians! We are looking for new members who want to join a funny and friendly community and be part of telling an epic story. Swing by and check us out! If you’re interested, find our quick and easy application process on our Discord! Comment below for our Discord link! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: Lava Flowing Up?!

    It must be a glitch in the Matrix – even the lava can’t resist defying gravity in Minecraft! Read More

Minecraft: TURTLE HABITAT – Hardcore Survival [41]