Minecraft Tutorial – How to Build a Fantasy Steampunk House in Minecraft

Video Information

Well hello everybody and welcome back to another minecraft video this is mythical sausage how is everybody doing man i’m doing great hopefully you guys are doing amazing because today we’re going to be building this awesome minecraft fantasy steampunk style house that you see right behind me this minecraft house

Has to be one of my personal all-time favorites and we’re going to build it right now block for block let’s go and here we go with the block pallets are we going to be using some diorite some birch wood some white concrete some stone bricks don’t break stairs

Regular stone also some strip dark oak some spruce here a little bit of oak and a couple little things along the way if you don’t have more planks you can use other wood colors but this is going to be the one we’re going to use for the inside of the roots

And that is all you need to know for dimension super simple everything is all laid out in wool find yourself a nice spot and we’re going to get this started right now now if you notice this little frame over here it is a a seven by five and that’s it it’s a

Seven by five box and all the big stuff is at the top but we’re gonna have little pop outs in the edges and this is just a little indicator for pillars it is a four block space from that edge and a four block space from that is but

We’ll get to that in a second but let’s start right here in the front now let’s start right here in this corner and we’re gonna go up one two three four and five so we’re gonna do that by five we’re gonna skip three spaces go up by five here on this corner

In the middle we’re just gonna use use some stone and we’re going to take this all the way up to the top to the fifth block right there i’m going to put a stone break on every corner and then stairs on the top bits just facing inwards like

So i’m going to knock down these three here and then put an upside down stair to get in and we’re gonna put stairs facing downwards like that turning this corner pretty similar we’re just gonna go with our stone break uh and and put them in the corner so one

Two three four and five also over here up by five we’re going to put our little uh stone bricks on the corner bits and then stairs in front stairs in front and then we’re gonna cover up this whole section over here with just regular stone and we’re gonna

Do it on this side take it all the way up to the very top and we’re gonna do it on both ends now it’s all the way up to the top and then in the middle we’re just gonna go ahead and cover this part all the way down

This one all the way down with our stairs and then this one let’s leave this one open like that gonna make some windows so on this side we’re gonna knock down these two we’re gonna knock down these two on this side and then knock down these two over here so we have just

Windows on the side you can texture this more if you want now next up we’re gonna grab some spruce stairs i’m gonna place them upside down right here on the corner bits we’re gonna place them pretty much upside down all the way around like this and then once we have that in place

We’re gonna grab some of our spruce logs and we’re gonna take it up right here on this edge we’re gonna go up on every single one of these stairs right on top that we just placed then i’m gonna do a little cross right there on the top

And then i’m going to pop one out on this side and pop one out right here on this side just like this then we’re going to repeat that over here on the back end so we’re going to do a little cross right here pop these out on each side just like that

Then we’re just going to connect this bit together so from this log to that log and then we’re going to also connect from this log over here to this side now from here we’re going to pop it out one more and we’re going to pop them out from

Every other one going down like this then let’s go ahead and repeat it on this side so we’re gonna pop one out every other one going down like so now from here we’re gonna start taking logs up so right on this pop-up that we have we’re gonna go up one two

Three four and five we’re gonna do it on every other one going around like so just like this then i’m gonna be placing some upside down stairs right here on the side of that log now from here we’re gonna pick any of our white blocks either white concrete

Diorite or the birch wood i’m gonna go with white concrete for now and with texture after i’m gonna put one two and three right here on this side i’m gonna put two clear glass or right above it you can put any color glass though and then any white block of your choice

At the top like this then we’re gonna go up one more on each end and then cross right there at the top but if you want come back in give a little bit of texturing just like that it should be fine and then a little bit of detail i’m gonna put some trapdoors

Right here underneath these stairs just to add more detail to that also just for more details here i’m gonna put another stair on the bottom and some trapdoors next to it like this grab some stone buttons i’m gonna put those on the log bits that just popped out now the same

Exact thing we did there in the front we’re gonna just repeat it on the back and just like that we have this side matching the other one now jumping back over here let’s work on this section so we’re gonna go ahead and lift the log up right from this little

Pop-out going all the way up matching that side we’re gonna do the same thing over here as well we’re gonna be placing our upside down stairs right on each side gonna go with our white blocks one on each end clear glass or you can use any color go up by two

Right here any of the white uh blocks right there as well you can texture along the way if you like and then over here we’re gonna cross and cross right there now for this little middle section this is what we’re gonna do bring in the white blocks anyone going

Up one two three four and five here we’re gonna go up by five over here we’re gonna cross at the top right there we’re gonna be bringing in some strip dark coke and we’re just gonna go up right here one two three four and five go all the way up to the top

Let’s take this one all the way up to the top we’re gonna go with a cross right here this direction and then here we’re gonna go down just one we’re gonna place an upside down stair right there of our spruce and we have this little pop out area

Here we can go on the bottom and also place a couple upside downs here a couple of our trap doors on that side now from here we’re gonna work on a small balcony right from this white block we’re gonna grab some spruce and we’re gonna go out

One two three and four we’re gonna go out one two three and four and then in the middle also one two three and four right here i’m gonna place them upside down stairs on every other one and then trap doors on the gaps i’m gonna grab

Some slabs and we’re gonna go down here with spruce slabs one two three four right here one two three and four i’m gonna grab a log pop it up here and then pop one up here let’s actually go one on each side like this i’m gonna grab lectern blocks here for a

Railing but if you don’t have these available you can just go with fences that should be fine maybe just oak fences right there but the lecterns look pretty good on the top here we’re gonna grab some of our spruce trap doors and surround the top bit

Just like that so we have this balcony and let’s just leave that there for now we’re gonna add the roof and do an overhang to there so leave that there for right now jump back here on this corner and we’re going to pretty much mirror what we did on this side

So we’re going to go up all the way to the top end cross beam here go up to the top end and then cross beam right there we’re going to mirror exactly what we did on the other side with an upside down stair any white block on top and bottom and

Then here some glass and then for this one it’s gonna be a little different for right now just grab brick and we’re just gonna take it all the way up and just cover that bit up we’re gonna do a chimney that pops out there later but for right now we’re gonna mirror

Exactly this side so same thing cross beam on the top right here any of the white blocks going all the way up top to bottom like this on this side as well bringing in the dark oak right here the same strip card take it all the way to the top just like this

On both sides a little cross on this side and then take it down one only and then an upside down stair right there so we have this pop out this is going to be a little bit bigger it’s going to go crossing from this edge right here so upside down stair this

Log and then this one it’s going to go out one two three four five and then six right from here we’re gonna pop it up and then take it all the way down to the bottom just like that and do the same thing on this side so one two three four five

And on the sixth one we’re gonna pop that down and take it all the way down to the floor like this then we’re gonna go ahead and grab some compost just for added details make it a little row around this beam on this side as well go up with one more beam

On top of every one of these composters here and then stairs of our spruce on top giving it a little bit of support because this is a bigger balcony than the other one so we have this look to it and then we’re going to just cross beam at the top edge

Right there we’re also going to take another beam and take it down all the way in the middle just like so and then let’s grab our slabs of our spruce and just cover up the top layer like this from here we’re also going to take it up one on each side

More and then we’re going to bring in our left lecterns and just surround this top again you can use fences for this part and then put some trapdoors of our spruce on the top bits of each lectern jumping back here to the bottom i want to add a couple of these upside down

Stairs that we had in place and then some of those trapdoors here let’s grab another stair put one here one on this side and one on this side for extra support i’m gonna put some upside down stairs on the bottom bits here and there’s some trapdoors in front of

Each one of these stairs replaced also on this side one here and one over here on this bit for even more details let’s pop out some more logs here on the sides and then continue with these little upside down stairs all the way down like so i’m gonna grab

The same buttons and let’s place those right here on the side bits then i’m gonna grab a brick wall i’m gonna place those on the edges i’m gonna grab a fence and drop those down here and we can add some lighting later for added detail bits i’m gonna grab some of these

Oak bushes i’m gonna place them right in front of every one of those white blocks and then some oak trap doors underneath i’m gonna pretty much put these on all the little window sills except for that one uh and take it all the way around just like

So and just remember to add our little trapdoors underneath just for more details next detailed bit i’m gonna grab some gates i’m gonna be placing these up gates and opening them in front of the top bit of that glass and then grabbing some campfire blocks and take those down

Like so just make sure you extinguish them and put this in front of every one of these windows so at the end it should look somewhat like this and then down below let’s go ahead and just add that regular clear glass we have one on this side none on that

End and then two and two over here on this corner now it’s time to work on this roof let’s grab some spruce stairs and we’re gonna take this all the way down make sure that overhangs and go all the way down to the very end and make sure that overhangs this way

I’m gonna repeat it over here on this side so overhanging that bit and take it down all the way to the end overhang that bit i’m gonna pop out these logs right here on these sides and go with some upside down stairs of our spruce on each one of those

Then down below here upside down stairs every other one and our slabs in the gaps like this now right on top of this log we’re going to grab a full block then a stair upside down stair here full block stair upside down stair here full block and a

Stair this should be perfectly lined up with the middle then i’m gonna grab an oak log and pop that out right here upside down stairs there i’m gonna take that out actually by two some of these are gonna be pretty cool we’re gonna add windmills but for right now like that

Let’s go ahead and put another full block on top upside down stair here stair facing this direction a trap door closed on this side of screws and then one on this side facing downwards like that then we’re gonna just repeat it over here on this side full block

Stair upside down full block stair upside down and then a full block and a stair like so so we have this look to it and then just repeat this exact style on this end and there it is mirrored to this side so it should look like this

In the end so the next thing we’re going to do is super simple let’s grab some of our warp planks if you don’t have this available you know what dark prismarine looks awesome you don’t have that available you can just use any other of the wood types in the middle but for

Right now this one looks really the best for this style so i’m going to take these full planks of warped and full stairs going all the way down just like that and we’re going to just connect this whole thing together super simple we’re going to break a lot of this up

Later on but just to make it easier on ourselves let’s just go ahead and just connect everything together and also if you want to make your own variants of this maybe a multiple versions of this house you can just keep it like this super simple and not add

The extra pop-outs towers and details so we’re going to take it all the way up like this super simple for right now on the top we’re just going to grab the full blocks just take it all the way down for right now we’re going to make it

Simple so like that then we’re just going to repeat this exact look over here on this side and there it is super simple just cover it up with our stairs and four blocks so let’s go on the inside let’s work this out here so i’m going to grab some of the white blocks

Any combination here also if you have these if you want to use wall that’s fine too so we’re going to go right from the inside layer right here and we’re going to cover up this whole thing on this side just like this just pop out one small window so it should be

Like so one small window in the center then i’m gonna grab some oak logs i’m gonna take this up here one and two one and two then from here we’re gonna go up one two three and then one and one on each side so we have this little

Uh three by three frame from here i’m gonna grab some of our spruce stairs and let’s go up and down here up and down on this side trap doors in the corner bits so we have this cool rounded window and then the top of it here instead of using glass i’m gonna use

Some of the oak trap doors and open that up like this then we’re just gonna repeat that over here on this side and then this side repeated we’re all done with the top of this roof now it’s looking pretty simple but we’re gonna make this look even better so step number one let’s

Work on this part right here so for this section we’re gonna grab uh the oak fences and we’re gonna go up one and two on this side one and two over here on this side i’m gonna bring this stair right from where that fence is and we’re gonna take it

All the way down one two and three right here let’s knock down these three i’m gonna take this down also matching that side upside down stairs on both ends i’m gonna go with four blocks on top of those stair forward one forward grab the oak log let’s place

It right here on this side and then we can take this all the way down to the very end we can knock that bit down and take it down to here then we’re going to extend this part so we’re going to go with our warped here our warp stairs walk

Right here warp stairs on the top we’re going to go with a full block stair upside down one facing this direction trap door here open that and then trap door here then for this section i’m gonna grab some stairs and i’m gonna actually face it this direction so one

Two three four that ends perfectly right there now let’s jump back over here on this side and we’re gonna work on this bit so we’re gonna go with two of our fences again two fences over here i’m gonna grab a campfire block i’m gonna place it on top

And just take it all the way down to the end and then go ahead and cover this whole top coin from fence to fence so it should look just like this then we’re going to grab some gates i’m going to place them on the top there just go ahead and

Connect all of these together from the front to the back so it should look like this the next bit we’re going to work on a big window over here so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna actually go right from the center we should be right

Dead center where that door is go up in the middle let’s knock down this section this one here this one this one and this one so it’s a space of five right there then from here we’re gonna grab some of the spruce and just take this log off one and two

One and two over here we’re gonna grab our spruce there and then take that out right here on this edge we’re gonna take it out right here on this edge i’m gonna go with upside down stairs on both of these four blocks on top stair on top here stare on top here

Upside downs on both four blocks on top stair on top here one on top here and this should go perfectly if we knock that bit down with some oak logs going all the way down just like that then full block here upside down a stair stair this way

And just connect this bit together i’m gonna grab some trap doors one here and one there it lines up perfectly with the top right there we can even extend this if you want to go a little bit bigger just like that one is and then for this we’re just going to

Connect so we’re going to go ahead and put our warped here we can break these three off turn that four blocks here connect that bit same thing on this side so full block stair full block and stare right there and then let’s go ahead and put an upside down stair right

Underneath that log and then we’re going to do the same thing we did over here so we can actually go ahead and connect this white section together all the way down all the way down over here and let’s just cover up this whole area you can even remove that bit that’s fine

Just like that i’m gonna pop out a window same place we popped it out here but let’s go on the other side should look like this i’m gonna grab some of the oak let’s go down one on every one so one two and three right there

Giving us that same three by three then stare down upside down upside down here stare down and then surround this in our trap doors then right here uh open up the trapdoor of our oak now this is looking awesome let’s jump over here on this side and we’re gonna work out a

Tower on this end so we’re gonna grab the white blocks and this is where we’re gonna start placing them so i’m gonna go right from this edge over here we’re gonna knock this out let’s put a white block here go up one let’s take this down here let’s go up

Two on this side get rid of that bit so the same thing over here so we’re gonna do a little bit of a five long right there and we’re gonna take this up this is already a one two three right so let’s go up four five six seven

Eight and let’s stop right here we’re gonna take this down another there’s already one so two three four and five it goes over right so we’re gonna just take it down and cover up that bit take that out we’re gonna go up by three here we can actually go over there we’re

Gonna have to take out the inside part i’m gonna do this one over here and then it’s a five a wide right so let’s go up one more and it should cover up this bit right to here and then we’re just going to cross the

Top and just fill in the little gaps so it’s a little 5×5 tower frame and just make sure you cover up every section here so none of that warp shows and it should look just like this right there but we’re going to take it

Up one more just so we can have a little bit more clearance on this one and then once you do that you can actually get rid of the middle section once you have this little five by five tower here you can go ahead and add a

Little bit of texturing so you can come in here and give a little bit of diorite you can even give a little bit of the birch right there in certain spots i wouldn’t put too much birch but every once in a while kind of like a really good dirty block

And it’s up to you guys if you want a texture like this or just keep it nice and clean it’s all up to you guys but for me i like to add just a little bit on the side so it looks a little bit more weathered so something

Like that looks pretty good now next up let’s work on this tower bit so just remember we have a two block gap space from this spruce to that one we’re gonna go ahead and place some upside down stairs every other one going all the way down just like this

Once we have that in place we’re gonna grab our slabs of our spruce and place those in the little gaps we missed going all the way around then we’re gonna grab our strip dark oak log and from here we’re gonna go up one two three four and five i’m gonna go

Up five on this corner here and then we’re gonna cross here at the top like this and then cross here at the top right here i’m gonna repeat this all the way around so five up on all of these cross on the top cross at the bottom again here

Up by five on both sides cross at the top and then cross at the bottom one more time up by five here up by five on this side across at the top and at the bottom like so we’ll do that same curved window we’re gonna put some stairs

Up and down like this we’re gonna put our trap doors in the little gaps going all the way around and we’re gonna do this in every single window now that we have that in place we’re gonna go on the inside and continue lifting the white blocks we’re gonna take this one all the

Way up to here only difference is we’re gonna leave a space open for the window which should be perfectly centered just like that and again you keep mixing all the blocks so take it up all the way up to the top and now that they’re all in place we’re just gonna

Add some regular old clear glass on this you can also add trapdoors or fences or any color as well now next up we’re gonna grab some of these logs we’re gonna pop them out i’m gonna place them upside down stairs right underneath we’re gonna do it on every one of these

Sides we’ll pop out those logs upside down stairs over here as well and then we’re gonna do it one more time on this edge pop out those logs upside down stairs on each then i’m gonna grab the same stairs i’m going to pretty much just cover

And do this little l shape i’m going to do it on every single one of these corner bits like this and then once we have that in place we’re going to start working on the roof so for the roof we’re going to go with some full blocks on top i’m going to go

With a stair here stay on this side upside down stairs on both four blocks on both stairs here stair here gonna grab our oak log do the same thing pop it out right on this side and then we’re gonna go with a full block upside down stair

Stair this way and the same trapdoor trick so trap door on the side and then one above that then we’re just gonna repeat this on every single one of these uh roof bits and we’re gonna have a pretty much like a quad roof section and at the end it should look just like

This the same style repeated on all corners now the next thing we’re gonna do is we’re gonna actually add some upside down stairs let’s go with one and one over here and a slab in the middle we’re gonna do the same thing on this side so two upside down stairs

And a slab i’m gonna go with two upside down stairs on the corners and a slab in the middle and then again two upside down stairs and a slab right in the middle then we’re just gonna connect everything together with the same warped we used down below so we’re gonna go with a

Section right here of the warped we’re gonna go with our stairs down the warp is gonna pretty much go all the way around like so we can get rid of that bottom bit that should be fine but then just take it all the way down

And wrap it around take this all the way down this way and come back over on this end so it’s super simple all we’re going to be doing is just connecting all these bits together let’s put these around let’s connect this bit over here like so we don’t need

To put that one and then take this one all the way down and then connect right at the edge here i’m going to do the same thing over on this bit so going all the way around stairs wrapping this one goes all the way around this way wrap around that way

Don’t need that bit take this all the way down like so and then connect this bit and then last one over here on this side so take our warped wrap this around take it over here let’s wrap this around and take that bit out that’s fine wrapping around like so

And then connecting this bit right over here now the next section i’m going to grab some of our oak logs let’s go on the inside make it easy let’s just go ahead and cover up this bit we’re not going to put a window just cover it all

Up with oak and we can take it all the way to the top go ahead and do it over here on this part go ahead and do it over here and then once we have all these in place we’re just going to go ahead and connect

Right here in the center just going to do a little cross going this way cross going this way and we have that all sealed up on the top then last bit of detail it’s going to add some upside down stairs right underneath that pop-out log and then we can extend

Those by two on all sides but then up here i want to add one more little bit of tower action so let’s knock down the corners right here i’m gonna put a little placeholder on the bottom here of our spruce and take it up one two three

And four right there so a little placeholder down there one two three and four i’m gonna do a little placeholder down here one two three and four and then one more placeholder we’re gonna go up by four here i’m gonna do a little cross beam right here on the side like so

Let’s take it up one more on all sides and then cross beam on this level for the middle i’m just gonna grab some of our fences of our oak and this is gonna go right here in the little gap like so i’m gonna grab some of our spruce stairs

Go upside down on the corner bits like so and then we’re gonna place some slabs in the middle going all the way around like this i’m gonna place a stair in the center just like that where we put those slabs then we’re gonna go with some trapdoors or spruce in the side bits

Like this i’m gonna grab some of our warped and let’s take it down all the way around a little circle bit then let’s go ahead and put one block on top in front of the stairs and then over here we’re gonna go up by two i’m gonna grab some stairs here and this

Is the front of the building on this side right so i’m gonna grab some stairs facing this direction and up i’m gonna put one up here facing this direction and up and then one over here on this side i’m gonna grab a brick wall place it on top and then two oak fences

On top of that so we have this cool little tower bit right there now just for extra details i’m gonna grab trapdoors and kind of surround this part over here and then on this side as well we’re gonna do this all the way around it should like this

On every side then i’m also going to do it over here so we’re going to do it run on this bit on the bottom one on this bit so the same thing we’re going to do it on every one of these sections up here on the roofs

Actually i’m going to do it on this one too i know we have some stairs here so let’s just replace that really quickly and just do it over here so all of them is just pretty much consistent now i want to add some flower boxes over here

So i’m gonna add some grass i’m gonna place three on this side we’re gonna go three on every one of these bits over here just like that i’m gonna grab some of our spruce trap doors and this is around these uh flower pots just like this and

Then at the bottom as well i’m gonna add sweet berries on the top but you can add really any flour you want and i’m just gonna do this all the way around so it should look like this now next thing i want to add a wall

Over here of our brick and then one fence i’m going to add some lights to that later on but for right now it’ll look pretty good also another thing that i want to add is buttons on every single one of these exposed log pieces as well

Before we do anything else i want to add a windmill i’m going to go right from this section we can leave the bushes there that’s fine but i want to add an oak log and i’m going to take this down so it’s a one two three four five six

Seven let’s go eight on this one i’m gonna pop a log out right here on this side one on each end like this actually i’m gonna go out by two on all of these i’m gonna grab a barrel face them this direction on top like so one on

This end and then one underneath i’m gonna grab some of our stairs and we’re gonna be placing them on the sides of every one of these logs like so then i’m gonna grab some of the trapdoors i’m gonna place those on the top and bottom so bottom and top bottom and top

And then close those up like this then let’s grab the same stairs for the top bit i’m gonna place it this direction like so this one’s gonna go this direction facing this way this one is gonna come back this way that direction so they’re all pretty much run the same

Line going all the way around so then this one would be facing that direction so if you notice they’re all facing the same side then next up let’s grab some fences i’m gonna go up here by two let’s go down by two here one on each

Side i’m gonna go with a gate over here and a gate over here then i’m just gonna repeat this over here on this side so two up two down one on each side gates in the gaps like that then let’s grab the same trapdoor i’m gonna put one on the top

Bit up facing this direction and then one on the outside bit but the bottom of that stair i’m gonna do this on all the sides this goes on the out bit this goes this way open that up so it has this look to it i’m gonna do another one here this goes

At the top this goes at the bottom then one more over here this goes on this side and then one facing this direction so it should look like this so that windmill is looking awesome but you know what i want to add another one let’s do the same exact windmill

I’m gonna pop it over here on this side and there it is windmill on this side i just did it one smaller over here so instead of having the two logs we have uh one log and a barrel and the stairs so we have a smaller version of that

Windmill right there which looks pretty awesome one more last bit of detail though i want to put a little bit of a gear over here on this side so let’s go right from the center so it should be here two up from here and two down from there

Uh let’s do a little bit of a gear here super simple just uh going like this going up around like so with our logs stairs same thing we did pretty much for the windmill just around this like that i’m gonna put a little trapdoor underneath trapdoor on the side just

Where the logs go and then the same fence going all the way around like that any button in the middle so we have like a little gear there that’s really cool now to add even more details we’re gonna pop out some lights over here so i’m gonna grab some

Grindstones and let’s just go facing down it’s gonna go down one two and three like that so it’s like a little bit of a chain i’m gonna actually put an actual chain let’s go down two and then drop a light right there and make sure we add buttons to the

Exposed logs we’re gonna do it on every single one of these i’ll probably miss one here there but just make sure all those have buttons and uh we’re just gonna go ahead and add that all the way around it could be any uh length you can put some uh maybe just a

Single one with a chain and a lantern it’s really up to you guys now just to add a bunch of these detail bits and at the end buttons trapdoors hanging lights are all on these they look really really cool now another tiny little thing we haven’t added yet would be

The fireplace so let’s jump over here and continue from this side so we’re just gonna pretty much use this and make this organic uh we can break actually these two off right there let’s go out with brick one two three let’s go on the inside let’s

Break these two off let’s go out one and two there let’s actually start curving this kind of like so we’re gonna take this up from this square right here so we got one two three and four let’s go actually start going up one and two here let’s place a

Stair upside down right on this side one on this side and go up another one and two here one and two here we’re gonna go on this end is put a stair facing this direction one facing this direction like this i’m gonna place another upside down stair

Right on this bit and get our stairs again our full blocks again let’s go up one two three with full block so it should look like that put a stair over on this side stare on this side so we have this look to it going up and then that’s it put a little

Campfire on top trap doors on the sides i’m using the oak ones but you can use any one you want and on top i’m gonna put a wall like this now let’s jump on the inside and set up the interior space over here it’s gonna go with uh just stones to

Keep the stone consistent on the bottom if you want to mix in maybe a little bit of cobble that’s fine in random spots it’s okay but then from here we got to go up so right at this level i’m going to go with a cross beam

Right at the top there like so it’s also gonna do it over here on this side for this little middle section over here i’m just gonna grab some spruce planks and it’s gonna go up by two on all of those on this side and then up by two

On all of those over here on this end then for this section here we’re just going to do the same thing just cover up go up by two on all sides and then go up by two on all sides here now this is the level to get up to the next section so

Uh for this part here let’s actually knock down these corner bits because i’m gonna go with a cross beam right down the middle like this then i’m going to grab some trapdoors of our spruce and go all the way down this way and then all the way down this way and

Then from down below it should look like this now to make it easy to get up or down it’s going to go with a simple ladder here on the edge and just go ahead and go right from here front door a ladder in the corner like this and we

Have all this place to work with now from this top bit we’re gonna do a cross beam right here on this edge and we’re also gonna do it here on the opposite edge i’m gonna do another one here on this side and then another one here

Over here on this side also one more in the middle so we’re gonna be doing cross beams on the top like so then i’m gonna grab some slabs and let’s put it right down on this level here we’re gonna go down this level on this side let’s do this back in

And then for this one i’m gonna put a ladder and this one’s gonna go right here on this side and a trapdoor over here then the rest are slabs so cover up the rest and we have that layer all set up jumping back on the top here this is

Gonna be the space we have to work with we can go ahead and put a ladder to get up there as well i’m gonna put it right on this side so let’s take it all the way up we’re gonna pretty much stop it uh when

We get to the very top so it’s going to stop right here we have this cross beam so we can play around with that if you want we have a little bit of a pop-out area here we do have a glass there so i wouldn’t

Match if we go all the way to the end but if you leave it like that it’ll be kind of cool and then maybe just put a little trapdoor top and bottom like that we can even put a stair facing downwards like so and bring in this log that goes all the

Way down like this and kind of stops it right here at this point so it looks like this kind of works with the actual windmill on the other side and then this is going to be the top bit to here for this one we can put another cross beam on this side

Put a trapdoor lining going down this way and a little trapdoor lining going down this way so that we have this top floor to work with and then for this part over here i’m just going to put slabs on the corners right here and then trap doors in these little gaps right there

And then in the middle we can actually knock that bit down we can knock that bit down too so we have this up here to work with but for this one i’m just going to grab a lantern you can grab also some shroom lights anything really and

Just put that right down there on this bit i’m going to put another trapdoor i’m going to put this at the top that kind of shines through and it looks like that so we have all this space to work with now jumping back down here we

Can dress this up so i could probably put a little strip dark oak beam here no another little beam on this side put some upside down stairs on both of these like so a little trap door in the gap right there have this space to work with we can also grab some barrels

And then we can place these barrels here at the top bit and then extend these trapdoors on both sides so let’s do like that and then we can put our barrels on the inside just a little bit of decoration there on each side let me continue the trapdoor lining up here

And then add a couple extra bits maybe a lantern on one side a little flower pot maybe some sea pickles on another one so we have this little look down here and this could be a little bit of a storage area we can put more barrels over here

Drop a chest and one on each end another little lantern there you can repeat it over here as well so a bunch of these barrels and then a couple chests let’s put another lantern right there it’s a little bit of a storage area you could do a little bit of a divider here

Put a little composter and a couple bushes up top so then we have to get around to go up that ladder and then we can go back down this ladder over here we can even add a little bit of carpet over here we can put pretty much any

Carpet let’s go with some green ones why not some green carpet over here there’s a green carpet over on this side so this is a little bit of a storage area which is looking kind of cool if you want even on the way up you can have little sections uh pretty

Much anywhere just maybe a couple of trapdoors kind of surrounding it like this it could be really in any area and then just put random junk maybe some composters with some bushes uh maybe some random chests in certain spots just like a random pile of junk in certain areas will look pretty cool

Uh and then you can access it or just have it inaccessible it really depends how you guys want to do it a couple little barrel piles up right there something like that and then maybe even uh a little lantern on one side on the way up you see it

Going like that that’s pretty cool at the very top here you could do a bunch of different things maybe a little bit of a bedroom also if you want to keep it really nice just maybe one corner right there will be like a little bedroom you can add some more barrels

You can add some chests you can make it look randomized over here on this side you can even maybe on the opposite end over here we could do uh something like this get a lectern drop that down right there some bookshelves on each side drop a little oak slab

Right there a little trap door like that drop a light on one side flower part on the other throw a book in the back right there a little plant right on one side here maybe you can add some shelving maybe more chest over there a little bit of sea pickle action here

You can put a little armor stand throw your favorite gold armor in there why not a little compost with a bush that’s perfect we got this little bedroom here at the top there which looks really really awesome this part over here could be a little bit of a

Kitchen area we do have this little furnace thing that we could have set up maybe right here at the edge of that uh let’s put like a little smoker uh right over here on this side actually we just put it right here sideways it doesn’t matter we can even

Break that little bit out and take this down put a little stair right there of brick and i think that might seal the deal right there that’ll look pretty cool uh then we can go ahead and just extend this maybe a little cauldron on that side

Uh maybe some barrels over here we do a barrel lining at the top like that that should be fine actually just maybe curve that down yeah that works too uh and then maybe a little slab right underneath that we could drop this right in the bottom bit right there looks nice got some

Trapdoors let’s go with the oak ones all the way down maybe a little crafting bench here on this side like so i want to maybe make this part into a little island so what if we take this actually let’s face it the other way right about here one two and three something like

That we put a couple stairs maybe a little bar seats right here one and two just make sure this is still accessible it’s gonna be our way up and down so we have this look to it we put a lantern on that side drop a cake over there little trapdoor

On each side here it looks like you can have a higher seat grab some pressure plates maybe put one on each side drop some seed pickles back here put a little water in the inside there perfect on this side we can do a little bit of a brewing area why not let’s go

Ahead and put a couple of our soul stand right there put some nether wart on top get some trapdoors use any traffic let’s go with some dark oak why not surround this bit like this up here we can grab uh some more trapdoors let’s go one two and three right there

And put some brewing stands on top a little brewing area which is cool here grab some composters let’s put one on the side one on that side and this lift these bushes up we have this nice little corner bit area which looks nice even hang some lights here maybe in the

Middle one two and three just to light up the area there and then this is all done jumping to the first floor we can maybe hang a light there from the middle i’m thinking here we can go with storage so best way to do it i’m thinking here we just go with

Double chest going all the way to the top on this side double chest going up to the top over here on this end for the crafting bench in the center maybe a barrel right there and we can drop just a couple furnaces above maybe a blast furnace any regular

Furnace to make this very starter friendly even though everything else isn’t really starter friendly but something like that plenty of stuff right there on the side and then over here just a couple bit of shelving on this corner and maybe upside down stairs and ender chest right there on the side

And i think we’re good right here on this end maybe last but not least a little bit of carpet there on the bottom just randomly scattered in here that looks pretty good and one last bit of detail on the exterior you can add something like this check this out so a

Little bit of a crop field here on the side it looks really really cool because on the corner back here on this edge we have some storage some barrels of composters which really does the trick adding a little bit of a wall around here looks even better

Some bushes on the side some walls with lanterns and flower pots and then over here we have this whole area that we can use for an animal pen so why not just fence this up with some fences and fence gates and there’s a barrel some chests there’s some lighting

And a little bit of detail there looks really really awesome and we have some cows there on the side so you can feed yourself and the path back there looks really cool and also the path on this side looks awesome so once you’re done with your house add

These little bits of details so the terrain looks even uh just as good right there it is all done hopefully you guys enjoyed this video on this tutorial let me know if you want to see more of this steampunk fantasy style builds in the future i would love to do more

Tutorials maybe bigger ones maybe ultimate versions maybe starter versions of this thing let me know in the comments if you’d like to see something like that but right now i’m out of here thank you so much for watching hopefully you enjoyed catch you guys on the next episode [Applause] you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial – How to Build a Fantasy Steampunk House in Minecraft’, was uploaded by TheMythicalSausage on 2021-05-24 15:00:03. It has garnered 309146 views and 11547 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:12 or 2412 seconds.

Minecraft Tutorial – How to Build a Fantasy Steampunk House in Minecraft

In today’s Minecraft Tutorial I’m going to show you How To Build a Minecraft Fantasy Steampunk House block for block!!! This Minecraft House is perfect for your Minecraft Survival World!!!

Seed: 7697985781019397999 Coords: 5753 / 70 / 3941

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🡆 BSL Shaders: https://bitslablab.com/

🡆 Jerm’s Better Leaves Resource Pack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/better-leaves-add-on-2-0


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    🔥 INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Build Hacks! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft build hacks bedrock edition || viral minecraft hacks #short #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by Spidey_Gaming on 2024-02-16 02:02:50. It has garnered 3241 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. minecraft build hacks bedrock edition || minecraft hacks and tricks || viral minecraft hacks MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACKS #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS. @AnshuBisht @GamerFleet @YesSmartyPie @TechnoGamerzOfficial @ezio18rip #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS @ANSHUBISHT @GAMERFLEET @YESSMARTY PIE @TECHNOGAMERZOFFICIAL @EZIO18RIP MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACKS #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS. 1. testing viral minecraft hacks 2. minecraft hacks… Read More

  • Secret Creepypasta Map Revealed – MUST WATCH!!

    Secret Creepypasta Map Revealed - MUST WATCH!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Có Thể Bạn Chưa Biết Bí Ẩn Này Trong Minecraft Creepypasta/ Tấm Bản Bí Ẩn Hãy Xem Đến Cuối Video Nhé’, was uploaded by Mkay MC on 2024-04-10 05:03:42. It has garnered 14151 views and 345 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Hello Hello Everyone I’m Mkay Chan You May Not Know In Minecraft You May Not Know This Mystery In Minecraft Creepypasta #minecraft #creepypasta #shortsfeed #shorts #creepypastaminecraft #minecraftcreepypasta #viralvideo #gaming #nubigamer #creepypasta #mcpe #minecraftshorts #viralvideo #dotmc #gaming #bigsharkofficial #shortsfeed #subscribe #gaming #bigsharkofficial #viralminecraftshort herobrine,minecraft herobrine,herobrine minecraft,help herobrine shorts,epic herobrine,herobrine… Read More

  • Potato-Network

    Potato-NetworkWelcome to PotatoSMP – The Ultimate Minecraft Experience! PotatoSMP is not just a server; it’s a vibrant community where players come together to create, explore, and embark on epic adventures! Immerse yourself in a custom 6k map, teeming with wonders and challenges. play.potato-smp.net Read More

  • ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival NEW! Custom Fish & Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Events Optional PvP NO Whitelist/Resets 1.20-1.21+ Java+Bedrock

    ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival NEW! Custom Fish & Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Events Optional PvP NO Whitelist/Resets 1.20-1.21+ Java+BedrockServer IP: play.shaded.gg Discord: https://discord.gg/XsqPJgjTeR Hello, fellow Minecrafters! 🎉 Unforgettable Minecraft Adventure Awaits at Shaded Discover amazing features and benefits: 🐟 NEW! Fishing Log. Experience fishing with custom textures for each fish. Check it out! 🦞 NEW! Lobster Pots. Dive into lobster fishing for a bountiful catch. ⚔️ NEW! PvP Arena. Test your skills in exhilarating PvP battles. 🏰 Land Claiming and Grief Prevention. Build and protect your creations hassle-free. 🛍️ Custom Gear, Economy, and More. Immerse yourself in a thriving Minecraft economy. 🌟 Free Ranks, Kits, and Perks. Earn rewards and stand out with free ranks and perks. 🗺️… Read More

  • Furventures | 1.20.6 | Quests | Factions | Survival

    Furventures | 1.20.6 | Quests | Factions | SurvivalNew serverstill a work in progress, but feel free to join, explore, and complete the quests waiting for you!Team up with your friends or strangers using the ImprovedFactions plugin.Trade with other players using TheGoldEconomy system.Furry and LGBTQ friendly!Join our Discord server to chat with us, and access the more private vanilla survival server: discord.com/invite/2mssBcrQYT Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Pop tarts: The Minecraft Edition”

    Minecraft Memes - "Pop tarts: The Minecraft Edition"That’s just the periodic table of Mine-crafting elements! Read More

  • Crafting Iron Dreams: Minecraft’s Ultimate Farm Build

    Crafting Iron Dreams: Minecraft's Ultimate Farm Build In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Millat Gamerz is here, with iron farms to explain. Building the ultimate, with skill and with flair, Crafting a masterpiece, beyond compare. Subscribe to the channel, for more gaming delight, With Millat Gamerz, every episode takes flight. From GTA to Minecraft, the adventures unfold, With rhymes and with humor, the stories are told. So leap into the verse, where gaming meets art, With Millat Gamerz, it’s a journey to start. Join the fun, join the hype, join the game, And let the rhymes of Minecraft, ignite the flame. Read More

  • SPAWN Scary mob + ALL Memes = HILARIOUS!

    SPAWN Scary mob + ALL Memes = HILARIOUS! When you combine SPAWN with ALL memes, you get a cat taking a nap during a poopy playtime in Minecraft. Now that’s a scary sight! #catnap #poopyplaytime #scaryminecraft Read More

  • British Invasion: Niaz Takes Over Minecraft!

    British Invasion: Niaz Takes Over Minecraft! American Independence Day Celebration in Minecraft Bedwars On July 4th, Americans across the country celebrate their independence in various ways. Some enjoy fireworks, barbecues, and parades, while others take a more unconventional approach by dominating Europeans in Minecraft Bedwars! This year, join the fun and show off your patriotic spirit in the virtual world. Dominate Europeans in Minecraft Bedwars What better way to celebrate American Independence Day than by engaging in some friendly competition in Minecraft Bedwars? Gather your friends, team up, and show those Europeans who’s boss in this exciting game mode. Whether you’re building defenses, collecting resources,… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Box PVP Server on Aternos

    Ultimate Guide: Box PVP Server on Aternos Creating a Box PvP Server in Minecraft Aternos Introduction Creating a Box PvP server in Minecraft Aternos can be an exciting and engaging experience for players looking to challenge their skills in a competitive environment. With the use of various plugins and commands, players can customize their server to create a unique and thrilling gameplay experience. Plugins and Commands To set up your Box PvP server, you can utilize a variety of plugins such as GeyserMC, RealMines, World Edit, EssentialsX, EssentialsSpawn Shopkeeper, Item Edit, and WorldGuard. These plugins offer a range of features that can enhance the gameplay and… Read More

  • 🦄 Baby Unicorn Farm Witch! 🌟 Modded Minecraft Magick ✨

    🦄 Baby Unicorn Farm Witch! 🌟 Modded Minecraft Magick ✨Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m a Farm Witch ✨ – Cottage Witch Modded Minecraft Episode 4’, was uploaded by babyunicorn184 on 2024-06-14 21:00:17. It has garnered 6972 views and 423 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:38 or 2678 seconds. Babes, wake up! I have a new modded series! 💗 Come with me as I explore the magical world of Cottage Witch, a modpack filled with magic and witchcraft. This is episode 4 💜 Seed: -824306812584453536 I hope you enjoy today’s episode, please comment below to tell me what you think! *✩‧₊˚ LINKS˚₊‧✩* Modpack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/cottage-witch Added Mods: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/easy-villagers… Read More

Minecraft Tutorial – How to Build a Fantasy Steampunk House in Minecraft