Minecraft UHC | CREEPERS DA REAL MVP | ULTRA HARDCORE | [S5 Ep 1] (Minecraft UHC)

Video Information

All right what’s going on guys log that zip here welcome to uhc season five and we’re off just like that uhc for those of you that do not know is ultra hardcore mode your health does not regenerate except for golden apples or splash potions require the nether so

Usually you can just kind of go ahead and write them off this is season five and and i’m currently solo we’re doing random teams again so at the start of episode two we’re getting ourselves a brand new teammate in addition upon killing somebody you get their head as a

Drop you put that head in a crafting two by two or in a table and that is another way to get yourself a golden apple if you combine multiple heads you get an apple that does and heals even more if you guys are loving uhc and your hype

For this season please drop a like on the video crush those ratings and my bad that uh the webcam is not here it is still kind of broken i gotta figure it out mission of course we need to try and find cows and or horses you guys gave me some trouble

Last season when i went past all those horses i forgot that horses drop leather it’s my bad it really is but we need that for books for enchanting because obviously if we want to do good we’re more than likely gonna have to get ourselves some kind of

Enchanted armor or weapon i’m gonna go ahead and get really no mutton huh oh that’s right the server is kind of like 1.7 so it doesn’t really drop mutton that well you know we could use that lava i’m tempted but really i just need to

Find i want to find some oh and i don’t want to be sprinting too much i want to find sugar cane and leather and then we can really start considering heading into the caves here but i don’t want to go up before i have those things got some animals of course of course

There’s no cows nowhere all right i think for the timing let’s at least get our essentials going here just like that place that sucker down okay sticky stick is sticky just like that all right so that’ll be that’ll do us good for the time being and honestly

We’ll just leave that there that’s fine because we’ll get a stone pickaxe real quick snooze not here oh gosh nucha has already taken damage newt is down a heart already just like that poor sucker nice all right well let’s go ahead and make ourselves some supplies real quick like

We’re gonna get ourselves a pickaxe a sword just in case and an axe for mining up the crafting table a lot faster than i normally would be able to and maybe there’s the 1.7 plugin that will give you beef when you kill oh yep i was right so you get so that it’s

Called lamb chops it’s really beef nice i like that good job good job arkham all right so we still need to find sugarcane there’s vikkstar123 i’m gonna hop right right on by him scare him real nice real good all right well i guess we should probably just get coal for the time being

Drop some of that oh yeah and the board of course shrinks at the end of every episode we’re three minutes into this one already now my only goal my only goal every episode or every season is to kill one person just one person now not sure

Who that’s gonna be all i know this season is that choco said he wanted to go solo for whatever reason choco wants to to fly solo and i think he is i think we’re going with that this time so we’ll see that what is everybody saying

Baby making going on i don’t think so now we need to be careful just in case the mobs decide to wear their ugly heads like oh i hear it i hear a little baby i hear a little baby okay well i need to get i need to get

Some of this i do hear you hear that we want this for arrows you know i could i could just quickly uh-oh hey i don’t think so man oh man that was close the the zombie children don’t burn oh jeez oh my gosh take him out take him out thank goodness

Oh man glad i saw him that could have been some serious damage oh come on are you kidding me pack pack of zombies great well so much for going that way look at that i got walloped just like that all right all right i like this spot though there’s some caves there’s some

Caves here that we can take care of could get some easy experience dude i’m i’m tempted to i’m tempted to go check it out regardless you know what let’s just head to the caves we’ll worry about where about that stuff later at this point need food that’s good

All right boys and we go this seems like a good cave watch it’s not gonna have anything as usual do i did i use up all my caller awesome awesome okay well so much for that that’s fine we just need to survive till our partner gets back as always

Until we get a partner at least now what is down here anything lava okay that’s that that’s okay i’ll take that got some torches all right need to be careful can i the map and the compass do not work for episode one well i guess the map is really just uh

Never really does much a map okay come on that should be good that’s fine grab you grab you now hopefully this leads down i’d really like to find a nice healthy cave it’s something i usually am unable to do ever ever alright well maybe we should just kill

Some sheep that we see while we still can get ourselves some meat at the very least all right let’s go up don’t want to start taking damage too quickly we’re already seven minutes deep there’s some sheep for us okay for our troubles thank you didn’t drop me anything that

Time that’s fine please something dude something nothing all right well i gotta hope that this guy gives me something otherwise we are already short on food not looking good nothing please there we go about time now that might be a cave right there i don’t think so all right a lot of sheep

Maybe we’ll find some kind of cow while we’re searching around but i am going to have to eat pretty soon here i would like to cook up oh there’s cows yes thank goodness now we need to find sugarcane and and not die on our way down or get

Hurt take any damage oh that would kill me quite literally all right hey buddy i need your leather thank you did you drop any leather i don’t think he dropped any leather some of them better we got okay good okay good let’s um mine up some stone get ourselves cooking some food here

Be on our merry way do uh some quick searching for some sort of sugar cane and then once we’ve done that we we really don’t need anything from the top any longer all right we got a coal we got that cooking man want to stay close i may as well get

Some wood while i’m waiting oh boy stressful and yes teams are random so i’m not sure who we’re gonna get but uh hopefully hopefully they’re hopefully they’re good it’s my only wish anyone else taking damage i’ve taken the most damage nice that zombie came out of nowhere

Noah’s down a uh half a heart neutral’s down one heart i’m down two hearts boy cook this up get it going and off we head just like that okay let’s look for some sugar cane nearby oh boy did preston take damage i didn’t take any damage hmm all right gathering supplies i think

We’ll just grab that furnace and be on our way you know what we have i don’t know if i should i’m gonna just bank on the fact and hope to goodness that whoever my partner is he got some uh got some sugar cane i think we should try and find a cave that

Area we were at before had a good cave it’s gonna be night pretty soon already man we’ve got five food hopefully that’s enough to last us and we don’t we don’t have too much for coal but we’ll figure it out i feel behind but that’s okay get up to the caves wow wow

Choco are you kidding me dude the creeper took revenge for jerome oh man and i’m totally lost oh i think it was over there okay okay okay okay ah this may have been a mistake can i get down still yeah i think i can oh boy just barely oh man

Choco’s already down are you kidding me all right this looks like it’s going to be our best bet let’s head on in spiders don’t like oh no we’re down a lot oh man spiders oh uh oh wow wow wow oh my gosh can’t believe that i can’t believe that just happened

That i okay take it easy take it easy is that a spawner is that a spawner that is it’s a spawner right there wow oh my gosh no way i need to disable that asap disable oh gosh is it disabled i think two more i think two minutes disabled

I can’t believe i just found a spawner i found a spawner oh oh man oh man please don’t blow up that i need to see what’s in that chest oh man what is that fire prop 3 and horse armor and lots o name tags man okay well we’re down a lot of health

We’re down a lot of health oh geez this is not good oh boy not how i wanted to do this episode boys whoever is my partner is going to be at a disadvantage that much is short on the plus though you got fire plot oh man okay so

Let’s do a little bit of exploring maybe there’s something some iron no of course not this is not good but we’ve we’ve come back from from from crazier from crazier uh losses honestly i’m hesitant to leave that spawned in and there and working but maybe we can use it for something later

No no i think we should just get experience right now ah no mistakes no mistakes no mistakes don’t think so thank you thank you thank you oh boy yeah i’m down a lot someone’s gonna be upset ryder’s right as teams are chosen someone’s gonna be like are you kidding

Me oh man and by the way i know there’s some people that were mad at me from uh from taking out lachlan last episode on the plus oh by the way here’s our teams we got acidic noah pete tazz kenny vick jerome mitch preston nooch waffles and once again a nice

Useless cave that’s awesome i can’t believe that i found a freaking oh boy well not sure what to do now that’s funny though it doesn’t look like this oh is that a cave is that part of a cave right there yes please lead to something please just lead to something like anything

Anything at all a beg man leads to the outside i mean it led this wait is that well i mean it’s partially outside something man oh man please guys i need your help i need you to root for me okay this is looking real bad i need y’all to root

Oh boy live compass tracking though it said that it said that uh the dev at arkham that set this up back he said that compasses may not be working kenny is actually pretty far from me he might be my partner who knows let’s see i think maybe we can go up here

I’d rather like to head down but maybe it’ll just lead into a separate cave no we’ve got five minutes to just try and book it before pvp starts oh boy and disabled all right let’s head on up man this is not good 42 diamonds i bet i bet

Now we got to be on the lookout for skeletons and stuff though oh boy oh boy how’s jerome doing usually he’s wow i’m i’m i’m the lowest by a significant amount that’s awesome i just want to apologize in advance to whoever is my partner did not mean for it to be this way

Sugarcane yes two which means we’re gonna have to let one grow or something nice oh boy is that a cave i think that might be our chance i think that might be our best bet oh man let’s see this might be our only chance to get something good decent no it probably

Just leads to nothing again awesome okay well let’s mine this up oh man now we’re pretty close from the border here least i can do is be equipped to give my teammate something i might you know what i could do is offer myself i could offer myself to whoever is my teammate

That would be that would be generous i could sacrifice myself you know i see a creeper over there he’s coming after me may as well eat this huh oh boy i’d really like to stay away from forests all right well i’ve already i’ve already written myself

Off for this one guys the black sheep it’s true the black sheep of ultimate luck and see he dropped food and there’s more sugarcane and look there’s a golden apple right over there see just kidding obviously but that would be nice all right well our best bet is to grab this food

Right over here and then start to try and head into a cave i am like i said i am legitimately sorry for whoever ends up being my partner all right sounds good so far okay no caves inside either starting to think uhc just isn’t my thing guys

Really start episode one is ending soon we got a minute and a half there’s some feathers that’s good how many feathers we have we have six feathers we’ve got some gravel we got enough for a bow almost daytime already and we still have no cave wow and we’re right by the border we’ve

Been heading towards the border awesome creepers are the real mvp this episode you know what well let’s check out everybody else in our last minute so he’s gathering iron he’s already decked out in full iron taz has got iron noah’s in a cave pete pete’s got iron tass iron kenny iron vic iron

Jerome iron mitch iron preston nothing which is nice at least i’m not the only person without iron nooch iron woofles iron well good luck preston i hope you can find some iron hopefully you guys enjoyed my single episode season of uhc

This video, titled ‘Minecraft UHC | CREEPERS DA REAL MVP | ULTRA HARDCORE | [S5 Ep 1] (Minecraft UHC)’, was uploaded by Logdotzip on 2015-01-12 19:30:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Minecraft UHC | CREEPERS DA REAL MVP | ULTRA HARDCORE | [S5 Ep 1] (Minecraft UHC) 1 like = 1 dead creeper!

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    "GODXPHAHORAH: My Loyal Minecraft Companion" 🐶❤️ #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Loyal Friend In Minecraft ❤️ @godxpharoah #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by 𝐆𝐎𝐃𝐗𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐇 on 2024-01-06 12:20:12. It has garnered 2634 views and 112 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. A Loyal Friend In Minecraft ❤️ @godxpharoah #shorts #youtubeshorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts created by- @godxpharoah keywords- Minecraft Minecraft tutorial minecraft builds minecraft building minecraft tutorials minecraft design minecraft interior design minecraft build tips minecraft building ideas minecraft simple tutorials minecraft easy tutorial minecraft shorts minecraft short tutorials minecraft building video top 5 minecraft builds 5 minecraft interior designs 5 minecraft designs tags-… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventures Begin Now 🔥 Mad Mads Gaming

    Insane Minecraft Adventures Begin Now 🔥 Mad Mads GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘THE START OF SOMETHING AWESOME || Minecraft ?? #1’, was uploaded by Mad Mads Gaming on 2024-05-19 18:00:06. It has garnered 11 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:19 or 919 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #minecraftvideos #coop #cooperative #gaming #coopsurvival #cooperativegameplay #minecraftsmp Channels featured in this video: @darkbeast2336 Read More

  • EPIC NEW SERVER – HyperWorld MC Day 1!

    EPIC NEW SERVER - HyperWorld MC Day 1!Video Information This video, titled ‘HyperWorld MC – Survival Multiplayer Day 1 – NEW SERVER’, was uploaded by HyperLethalNova on 2024-04-08 09:48:44. It has garnered 50 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:16 or 5716 seconds. Hello Crafters! Join us for some Sunday Fun as we play some Minecraft on HyperWorldMC! This is a fresh start so who knows what will happen! Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe. PEACE! Server Name: HyperWorld — Server IP: Discord: https://discord.gg/t5ZNc9wkpn IG: hyperlethalnova twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/hyperlethalnova twitter: @HyperLethalNova Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/HyperLethalNova Music: Inception by Karl Casey @ White… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft Squad LIVE! Join now for FREE!

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft Squad LIVE! Join now for FREE!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT LIVE || PUBLIC SMP LIVE | JAVA + PE | 24/7 | FREE TO JOIN’, was uploaded by Kraft Squad on 2024-02-20 17:36:34. It has garnered 283 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 04:08:25 or 14905 seconds. —————————————————— ★ Hi, I am KRAFT SQUAD – INSHORT – KRAFTY★ ★ I am NooOoOoOoOB ★ —————————————————– ★ Social Links ★ Discord: https://discord.gg/XN3CHRG7Y2 Instagram: raghav_13804 E-Mail: [email protected] —————————————————– ★ Edits ★ • 🟢 Highlights 😀 ★ My Potato PC ★ device specifications processor – i7 12 gen graphic card – RTX 3050 RAM… Read More

  • Minecraft Ghost Encounter: INSANE Reactions!

    Minecraft Ghost Encounter: INSANE Reactions!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft insane ghost 👻😲’, was uploaded by BSO Gaming on 2024-05-10 13:20:40. It has garnered 473 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:19 or 439 seconds. minecraft #minecraftredstone #viral #cricket #funny #gaming #minecraftanimals #minecraftserver #modpack #adventure today I give an reaction on famous Minecraft youtuber MLG || ‎@GamerFleet  ‎@YesSmartyPie #minecraft Raazit, Beastboyshub, Minecraft, Techno Gamerz, Minecraft Tips and tricks, Live insaan new minecraft part, Beastboyshub minecraft, Techno gamerz new minecraft part, yessmartypie speedrun, Himlands new video, himlands season 4, yessmartypie himlands, Techno Gamerz hardcore, loyal smp new video, loyal smp ip, mr… Read More

  • INSANE SEARCH FOR RARE AXOLOTL | Minecraft ft. Primrose

    INSANE SEARCH FOR RARE AXOLOTL | Minecraft ft. PrimroseVideo Information This video, titled ‘LOOKING FOR AXOLOTL | Minecraft w/ Primrose’, was uploaded by ChuChu on 2024-07-16 03:27:35. It has garnered 110 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 04:40:48 or 16848 seconds. I’m gonna have 0 DEATHS 🌸Donations🌸 https://streamlabs.com/chuchustreams Primrose: https://www.twitch.tv/primroseevt 🌸Join my Lovelies🌸 Discord: https://discord.gg/Wvp9z4bfuJ CREDITS: Thumbnail: Chuchu 🌸Viewer Guidelines and Rules🌸 1. Be respectful to Chuchu and the chat members. Offensive language, hate speech, bullying and excessive trolling is unacceptable. 2. No controversial topics, No spamming. 3. No backseating or spoiling unless asked by Chuchu or mods. 4. Do not mention other streamers… Read More

  • CraftMVM

    CraftMVMNajlepszy serwer MINECRAFT ip do: CRAFTMVM.pl The best MINECRAFT server ip for: CRAFTMVM.pl Owners: KapiHappy300 Wyklockowany Niewiem5 Wlasciciele: KapiHappy300 Wyklockowany Niewiem5 CraftMVM.pl:8267 Read More

  • Slapstuck SMP Vanilla+ 1.20.4 Java/Bedrock+ VoiceChat, Terralith, Dynmap, Graves, TreeCutter

    Welcome to our SMP Server! Looking for friends to join and play in our small SMP world! Both bedrock and java compatible. Features: Terralith world gen mod /home and /tpa commands Tree cutting datapack Claims system Bonus Features: Voice chat available Dynmap for online world viewing Join us: Java IP: play.slapstuck.net Website/Dynmap and Bedrock IP: https://slapstuck.net Stay Connected: Join our Discord for server announcements: https://discord.gg/K8sCPb45Sg Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Salty gamers dissing glow squids

    Why does no one give glow squids a chance? They just want to light up your life, but instead they get dragged down by all the iceologer haters. Give glow squids some love, people! #JusticeForGlowSquids Read More

  • Field of Luck: 15 Ways to Magnetize Good Fortune

    Field of Luck: 15 Ways to Magnetize Good Fortune In the realm of Minecraft, we find our delight, Crafting worlds with blocks, under the moonlight. Updates and news, all in a rhyme, Spinning tales of adventure, every time. Join us on this journey, full of fun and cheer, As we explore the depths, without any fear. Meditation and wisdom, intertwined with glee, In this world of Minecraft, we are truly free. So boost your luck, with every rhyme we share, In this world of creativity, beyond compare. Embrace the joy, let your spirit soar, In the realm of Minecraft, forevermore. Read More

  • Super Dog goes BARK BARK BARK in Minecraft

    Super Dog goes BARK BARK BARK in Minecraft “Super dog is here to save the day in Minecraft, but first, he’s gotta get his groove on with a little ‘Oi Oi Oi’ dance party! Watch out creepers, this pup’s got some bombastic moves!” Read More

  • Ceiling Surprise in Minecraft!

    Ceiling Surprise in Minecraft! Minecraft: Exploring the World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the vast and imaginative world of Minecraft with @ricplayzgamez. This channel offers a diverse range of gaming content, from classic NES games to thrilling fighting games and everything in between. Whether you enjoy the adrenaline rush of Hill Climb Racing or the challenge of hidden object games, there is something for every gamer on this channel. 🎮 Supporting the Channel If you want to show your support for @ricplayzgamez, there are several ways to do so. Consider sending a “Super Thanks,” participating in a Superchat during… Read More

Minecraft UHC | CREEPERS DA REAL MVP | ULTRA HARDCORE |  [S5 Ep 1] (Minecraft UHC)