Minecraft UniversIO | GENERATING TRILLIONS OF EMC PER SECOND! #9 [Modded Questing Skyblock]

Video Information

In the last stream we were working on setting up this big reactor from the bigger reactors mod to give our base a staggering amount of power this reactor is capable of producing over 11 000 Redstone flux per tick and currently we have almost 9 million redstone blocks

Backed up inside of the internal buffer of the reactor and as I mentioned in the live stream this might be extreme Overkill I have a sneaking suspicion that we might not even need to turn this reactor on again before the end of the pack that could prove to be incorrect

But I actually think we’re getting very close to the end of the pack I think it’s a fairly short mod pack in total and I think really the big challenge for us now is just generating a ton of EMC to work our way through this side of the

Quest book and try and get to the final power flower Mark 16. we did also set up a refined storage system in the last stream this is doing its job quite nicely it is using a passive 11 Redstone flux per tick which I think is going to

Last for a long time with 9 million in the bank but going forward this is going to make crafting a whole heck of a lot easier and so the plan for today is going to be to try and power through a ton of EMC so what I’m thinking here is right now we

Have one of these Cosmic dust generators pumping into a click machine that is then feeding into our energy condenser and that is working we are slowly but surely Gathering EMC we’re almost at a million but to get the first power flower here we need 2.42 million and of

Course if we want to get the final power flower Mark 16 we effectively need 31.69 quadrillion now I do think this is going to be a bit of a domino effect once we get the first power flower we can put that down we can start to accelerate it both with our pouch and

With the sleeping ability then we can make more of those put more of them down accelerate those further and I think we should hopefully quite quickly move through this once we get a large amount of EMC coming in but I do think we’re going to need a pretty big jump start to

That EMC generation and so what I think I’m going to do is basically make a ton more of these Cosmic dust generators because now that we have our transmutation tablet and now that we have our alchemistry machines I really don’t think it’s going to be difficult

At all to make a ton of these between streams I did go through to the nothingness Dimension and I did gather a bunch more of the nothingness blocks here you can see there’s a large area that has been mined out I did have to go ahead and craft a new void Harvester but

Thankfully these are pretty easy to make and going forward we can even make more of those if we need but the plan is to take those the stars are super easy these are made of course with hydrogen helium and gravitate hydrogen is one EMC helium is two EMC and so in total here

That’s six EMC plus the gravity the gravity also super easy beryllium lithium and Boron all have EMC values we can get a stack of all of those super quickly make a stack of gravity make a stack of stars and then that would allow us to make 16 of these generators and so

I think that’s based basically what we’re going to do we can also make blocks of gravity of course again those are super cheap to make what I am going to do is I’m going to temporarily break this Hopper just to allow us to start backing up on Cosmic dust here and while

Also probably give this a little bit of a tap as well because of course if we’re going to make more of these we also need a ton more blocks of cosmic dust and then once we’ve got all of that set up I think we will then look into the laser

IO mod this mod right here is going to allow us to not bother with these omnidirectional Hoppers going forward and I think it should make it quite easy for us to hook up a bunch of cosmic dust generators to one centralized area where we either have a bunch of energy

Condensers or potentially even a bunch of energy condensers Mark 2 to bring all of our EMC together without having to go around and you know collect every single set of diamonds from every single Cosmic dust generator in here we do have a ton of everything that’s blocks which we’ve

Harvested and so I’m gonna go ahead I’m gonna make a ton of stalls I’m gonna make a bunch of gravity I’m gonna make a ton of cosmic duster blocks I’m going to put down a bunch of these Cosmic duster generators probably around the perimeter of the base and then we’ll look at

Connecting all of those up with laser IO to really start to generate EMC at a large scale so we’ve got all of the base setups down I’ve built essentially 20 of these everythingness frames they don’t have the cosmic dust in and they don’t have the stars on it just yet but now

That we have the refined storage system it’s a lot easier to craft large amounts of these because all we have to do is put at least one hydrogen and helium in each of the slots required and then we should if we put our Philosopher’s Stone in which I think is actually still over

In here we should now be able to just put that in and then shift click until we run out of hydrogen and helium in the system of course this only works once we actually have gravity because the recipe for the star does need gravity in the middle not the Philosopher’s Stone

That’s fine let’s get some beryllium I’ll take two stakes of those we’ll also take two stacks of lithium and two snakes of boron and then if we throw all of those in again if we have at least one of each in the middle here and with the refined storage system the shift

Clicking actually works we are out of storage space which is not ideal I am going to take the Netherrack out for now because I think that’s using a lot of the space and I think I’ll just put that Netherrack into a storage drawer for the time being we can put that right about

Here unfortunately that’s not going to connect to the external storage but if we need another Mac we can always come back over that is going to free up space for me to put all of the lithium and beryllium back in and now we can craft up as many gravities as we like of

Course these don’t stick that is a pain in the back side but these do only count as one item in the system and so we could in theory put like 200 more gravities in here without filling up all of the space once we have gravity boom we can start

Making all of the stars and then once we’ve got a ton of stars we can start cramping those across down into the cubes thankfully the cubes do stick and so we can take all those cubes and just drop them down on top of the everything that blocks so we’re

Getting there slowly but surely I’m placing down all of the stars I’m getting all the cosmic dust we didn’t quite have enough but I have just accelerated this Cosmic dust generator quite a bit to get a bunch more Cosmic does to allow us to get more blocks of

The stuff because we have still not quite filled in all of these just yet but it is a bit of a pain putting these Stars down without access to creative flight and thankfully project e does add a ring called Swift Wolf’s rending Gale this one right here isn’t too difficult

To make it requires an iron band which is a bucket of lava with some iron lava we don’t have but of course we can go and get from our nearby lava pool and then in terms of dark matter we can very easily take four Dark Matter pieces drop

Those into the system and then other than that we need Four Feathers which we can make with keratin which we got previously when we were trying to make string and so if we just go and grab at least eight keratin out of our transmutation tablet we should then be

Able to use that in our compactor just as soon as we unlock the recipe to make feathers once those feathers are going to go and once we get our lava from our nearby pool boom there is our iron Bend we can then take the feathers and we can put those

Around the Iron Band with the dark matter to get the Swift wolves running Gale this you can use to fly if you have some fuel in your inventory I’m gonna take some eternales fuel and now if we take the ring and we right click we can fly look at that and I believe

That yes we can indeed put this in our ring slot which is uh this little button right next to the Head we can then put this in one of these ring slots over here and boom we now have creative flight so long as we keep fuel in our

Inventory if we hover over the ring you can see it slowly but surely burning through the store DMC every time it runs out of starting MC it will just take another 8 analysis fuel each ethanalis fuel has 3000 EMC and so we could use blocks of eight analysis fuel as well if

We wanted to but that is a bit more expensive but we do now have access to creative flight and that’s going to make putting down all of the stars just that little bit easier alright so now it’s just the case of putting these gravity blocks down and as soon as these are

Down we do need to put a lever on every single one and we do need to put a storage drawer on every single one but as soon as that is done we should have 20. well technically 21 but I’m probably not going to keep using this middle one

I might even tear this one here down so we’re going to have at least 20 fully functional Cosmic generators now one thing we can do if we want this to look a little bit more thematic we do have framed draws installed and so what

We could do here is if we make a frame draw which is the same recipe as a storage door but with sticks instead of chests we could then take some of the everything else block and if we craft it like this we actually get these framed draws that look like everything that’s

Blocked so we put this here and of course if we quickly grab that lever while I’m at it I might as well go ahead and try and make 20 lovers a stack of lovers is fine we can then do this and that should begin producing Cosmic dust it does and this draw has

The benefit of looking like the everything is block all right so we have 21. generators there we go now we have 21 generators all online all of them have the fire particles going all of them are generating Cosmic dust forwards and of course now we could sleep and accelerate

All of them but before we do that we should look at actually pooling all of this Cosmic dust together into one centralized location and as I mentioned earlier the planner for that is going to be less wire so to get into Las Vegas we first need to make some of these logic

Chips these are made by smelting raw logic chips which do require blocks of quartz right now we’ve only got a little bit of quartz I’m hopeful that we have enough if we don’t we can always head back through to the nether Clay on the other hand we do still have a little bit

Of and thankfully does have a chemistry recipe so if we do run out we can always just go ahead and make some more with the Keller night speaking of which just before I use all of our clay by accident and then don’t have enough to make the

Color night I’m gonna go ahead and get one kala Knight and of course add that to our what transmutation tablet so that it’s ready for use in the future bag over here though let’s make a couple of these raw logic chips 12 might be enough although I feel like we are going to

Need some more Redstone that’s fine let’s go and distribute these amongst the furnaces here and while we wait for those to smell I will quickly whip up a bit more Redstone with some more strontium carbonate and some more iron oxide boom and boom we have a bunch of

Logic chips and so what we need to do here is we need to get a laser node for every one of these actually we need 20 laser nodes if we’re going to make this work each laser node is made with four iron four glass pens and one laser connector and each laser

Connector requires Redstone iron glass and a logic chip so we are almost certainly going to have to make even more of those while also probably running a little low on iron although I did see that over here we do have a bunch more iron and a bunch more gold

Ready to go and I will go ahead though and get a bit more iron dust and get that cooking just on the off chance though we do need even more iron than what we currently have we’ve got boom boom and boom big over here though we have some of these laser connectors and

Let’s craft those into actual laser nodes we are going to do more glass pins for that thankfully glass panes are the easiest part of this recipe because of the fact that glass does have an EMC value boom and boom we are also going to need a laser

Wrench which does require yet more of these logic chips and so I think that we are probably going to have to go get some more nether quads for now we can try and squeeze by with what we have but I have a feeling a sneaking suspicion that we’re probably not going to have

Enough here once again we will smelt all of these up over in here and if we just give that a quick tap we can get our laser wrench fairly quickly and if I am not mistaken what we should be able to do with the laser range is start to

Connect these laser nodes together what I don’t know is if I need a connector between these I don’t think we do I think I can shift right click here and then right click here and yeah that’s going to connect those together so I think any node that is within I think

It’s about eight blocks or that could be wrong on that can be connected together if you see the little red line those are connected and so now these can transfer items between each other so we’re going to go ahead and put a laser node onto the top of every single one of these

Framed drawers and then we’re going to make sure that they’re all connected together using the laser range you don’t have to connect each one to each other one you just have to connect the one closest to it to the other one closest to it like that

Okay so quite a while later we have managed to gather more nether quartz from another never mining Expedition and we’ve managed to get a ton more chips so I’ve connected all of the notes together those are all now connected via their little red lines and we just need one

More nerd which we have that nerd is going to connect all of these to their own energy condensers now of course over here this energy condenser still producing the goods for us which you’ll love to see and then we can go and grab another one that you can enter and

Annoyingly the way I’ve built this there is no like Center the center is kind of off a little bit but that should be fine what we can probably do is put our energy condenser maybe right about here stick a nerd on top of that like so and then really just for aesthetic purposes

Try and connect this to both here and here it doesn’t need to connect to both of those it only needs to connect to one of them but connecting it to both gives us the Symmetry that we need now what we need to do is get a ton of item cards we

Need one item card for every single nerd item cards are fairly straightforward they do require more than ever quotes on I have just crafted all of my nether quartz into blocks despite the fact that I didn’t need it in block form and annoyingly you cannot break that back

Down oh interesting you can break quads down into a ton of silicon dioxide but you can’t actually then make the nether quartz again using chemistry which is unfortunate so real quick I’m gonna have to head to back to the nether once again to get get more nether quartz because we

Need at least 21 item cards which means we need at least 42 more never quads and another stack of nether quartz later as well as a bit more Netherrack that we can deposit into our draw we should now have what it takes if we craft some more gold nuggets here to get

21 item cards we have the Redstone we can put that here and here we have the lapis which meant that with our combiner these do not stack that is very unfortunate let me clear some inventory space I don’t want to make too many of these because I don’t want to waste

Things unintentionally uh two rows here would be 18. so let’s go ahead and just fill those in so that’s 19. we need to start putting these into our drawers let’s do 20 and 21. Okay cool so for those unfamiliar with the way that leswire works when you open this node

There are six sites so it’s up down North South East and West whichever side you open the node from it will open to that tab automatically so this side here is the East this side it’s the West this side here of course is up I have just

Come back from a different dimension so I do have to turn gravity back on there we go but essentially we need to have the down section set to insert so the item cards here if you right click them by default are set to insert you can

Change that to extract to stock or to sensor We’re Gonna Leave This to insert and we’re going to put it in the down slot like that then what we can do is actually I am realizing now that we need the clicker here right so let me go and steal this click oh And we all still going to have to use the hopper here for the collection so we’ll take that as well but what we’re going to do we’re going to move this energy condenser and we’re going to have the clicker our space I see we’re going to have the

Clicker place down right here which I think points towards you it does indeed and then we’ll have the hopper go down across right here going into the energy condenser so I’ll put the energy condenser there and then we’ll put the hopper right about here and we’ll move

The pure Daisy for the time being I don’t know if we’re gonna need that again necessarily and then if we grab some more everything that’s blocked we can put those down around here here and here to once again block those in we want to make sure that

This right here is set to 20 ticks per second and right now that’s at 10 so which is good over here what we want to do we want to once again go to down because that is where our draw is but this time we want to right click the

Item card set it to its strength and put that into the down slot that’s going to extract that Cosmic dust and send it to any insert card that has available inventory space that is connected via these red lines in our scenario that’s over here so now this is working it is

Sending the cosmic dust over and it’s dropping that Cosmic dust into the Omni directional Hopper we of course do want to make sure that every single one of our speed upgrades is in there I think yeah we have more speed upgrades dotted around here and we can put a maximum of

10 into this Hopper never mind we can put 11 into the hopper yep 11 is the maximum for the hopper I did not know that but that is fine and so now we just need to go through and put the item card into every single one of these nerds making sure that it’s

Pointing down you’ll know it’s worked when you see the little green line there at Green of course being for items and you’ll also see a little animation of the cosmic dust moving up and so we’re going to connect every single one of these to that same node here and that

Should start sending all of the cosmic dust from all of these generators around to that one Clicker so I’m being told by the twitch chat that this card holder here could make our lives a little easier it’s not something that I’ve played with before but if I put cards in here

They all stank oh and then I can change them all look at that you can set them interesting so once they’re all in there you can just right click and set them all to uh to extract at the same time that does make life a whole heck of a

Lot easier because we can just set them all to extract and then can I like use the card holder to place them into nodes or is that not possible like if I oh I can just shift like that in interesting okay so we can just right click shift

Click in that does make life a lot easier the card holder pretty nifty alright so these are all connected up I did temporarily disconnect this one like I took the um the insert card out because I think that we’re gonna run into a problem and that problem is that

I don’t yeah look at that geez that is um that is working like it’s getting the cosmic dust a lot faster now I think that our energy condenser is not gonna be fast enough and so I think we are gonna have to use our pouch to make this quicker

It’s also possible that the hopper might not be fast enough potentially which might be a little insane it is causing a little bit of lankier but um if we use our page we should be able to make that a lot faster hopefully fast enough to keep up and we

Should start to generate a lot of EMC I’m a little concerned about how much um time we have in the power which we can of course try and accelerate the hopper as well there we go all right that is working and that is generating EMC a lot faster

We probably now though do need to look and we can go ahead and take this energy condenser and drop that back into the system we uh we kind of need to look at getting the next tier of energy condenser one thing we could do here actually I’m gonna turn this off

Temporarily I’m gonna take out the um the down card we could instead utilize a bunch of regular energy condensers what I’m thinking here if we can get another laser nerd which does require another laser connector that’s fine what we could potentially do is maybe put down a chest of some persuasion unfortunately without

Very big chests the alchemical chest is quite big though actually if I do recall let me check and I assume we can bump into an out of the alchemical chest let me check the size of this thing uh this is pretty big if I was to get rid of

This and put the alchemical chest here in place of the energy condenser let’s get rid of this and let’s put the alchemical chest here and then let’s temporarily turn that back on just to make sure I’m pretty sure this will work that needs to be in the down section like that

It does cool what I’m then thinking is we can take our laser dot put that here and then utilizing item cards we can distribute the items from this alchemical chest amongst multiple energy condensers so we can have an energy condenser here here here here and on top

If we want to do as well so we got a five more energy condenses connected to this one setup and I’m pretty sure that if we go in here and set this to extract we can then change this to round robin true and that will distribute the items

Pulled from here between all of the insert cards that are connected in this laser node so if we put the extract card in there and we’re gonna make a few more item cards assuming we have enough resources to do that which of course we don’t why would we let me quickly get

Yet more Redstone from our combiner boom and we’ll take a few of these let’s take one two three and then we’ll put the lamp is in four and five so over here let’s do insert there let’s go start sending some of those items over the the downside to this is that of

Course it is not particularly fast out of the get so let’s take a few more of these let’s do this this and then we can put the one on top as well I guess like that and then let’s set all of these to insert so up down

And then we want or west and North those are all set to insert now I believe that currently the extraction card is not going to extract fast enough to pull all of those elements out it’s not a problem for the cosmic does because the cosmic dust isn’t generated

That quick so I think the default extraction rate of these item cards is fine whereas over here we need to be able to extract a ton of elements into all of these chests very quickly thankfully if we go to Adler Israel again here there are card overclockers and node overclockers

That we can use to make this whole setup a lot faster so if we take an overclocker over in here we can go to this side the side that’s extracting and if we right click this by default it transfers one item every 20 ticks which is one second

Or 20 ticks per second in Minecraft we can go ahead and change this by default to eight items every 20 ticks but if we put a card overclocker in we can change this to 16 items every 15 ticks making that fair bit faster not only that but

We can put in I believe up to four overclock cards if we do this and now we can change this to a stake of items every one tick so now we can move 64 items every 1 20th of a second effectively meaning that it can move 1280 items per second and so

That should be enough let me put the diamonds back in here to get these all working again and then we’ll try turning the click on and we’ll see if this is enough it’s quite possible that even with five energy condensers this isn’t fast enough to keep up with the number

Of elements being made but there’s only one way to find out and that is to put our item card back in the down slot there although it looks like I might have used the item cards I might have to make one more but that is fine this one

Is set to insert by default and so boom that is gonna start making the elements again and hopefully this works it looks like it’s holding pretty steady it might be filling up very slowly but surely but it does also appear on this side that even with five energy condensers it’s not fast enough

Of course at some point we could look at upgrading these to five energy condensers Mark II But for now we can just go ahead and accelerate these to hopefully bring REMC number up quite quickly okay so I’ve done some accelerating here and we’re up at 3.59 million EMC which is pretty close to the amount required to get an energy condenser Mark II I’m interested in trying the energy

Condenser Mach 2 because right now we do have to accelerate these energy condenses still to allow them to not back up on elements and I kind of want to see if the Mark II still has that problem especially if we have five of them we are slowly running out of cosmic

Dust by the way so right now the system is going a little bit faster than it will do eventually eventually these will all hit zero and the system will slow down a little bit so even with 20 of these generators were not quite generating 20 Cosmic dust per second but

Let’s dump these in here let’s grab an energy condenser Mach 1 and let’s see if we can’t make the energy condenser Mark II for that we need four Dark Matter blocks which is thankfully the easy part of the equation and then we need four red meta blocks which should actually be

Fine let’s take three dark matter and some air tonight list and then if we do this and this once again dang it says the red matter this time let’s not be foolish let’s save the red matter and then now we need to get ourselves nine red matter that’s gonna get us a red

Matter block and then we can do the exact same thing again of course here take the red matter block oh no I forget the Red Master block is just for red matter that’s actually a little bit easier we can save that as well and then one two three four of those should be

Enough for an energy condenser Mark II if the energy condenser Mark II isn’t good enough by the way we can always just put it back in and get all of our EMC back which is very nice indeed so what I’m gonna do temporarily I’ll take the insert card out and I’m just going

To accelerate this to the point that it burns to all of its elements so that I don’t have to have them spew all over the floor let’s break this and then let’s replace down the Mark II let’s put another diamond back in here this one has dedicated input and output

Slots and then let’s put the item card back in the down slot and it looks like the energy condenser Mark II is keeping up with the elements like you can see this energy condenser here is slow but surely backing up on elements but this one here is doing just fine it’s actually

Pretty good and so I think our goal here is going to be to replace our current energy condensers with the mark twos especially because right now if we sleep to accelerate time all that does is it increases the the speed at which these are going to fill up with elements which

Is not ideal as soon as we have the Mark II energy condensers on all five of these then we can just sleep and we’ll come back to a ton of diamonds without having to spend any of the time in our Temple pouch which is running out very

Quickly we’ve only got 56 minutes left in here which is not going to last us too much longer actually never mind it looks like one energy condenser Mark II is enough I’ve just taken all of the other item cards out of here so the only

Item card now is in the east side all the other item cards have been taken out so all of the items from the alchemical chest here are going directly into this energy condenser Mark II and it turns out that one energy condenser Mark II is more than fast enough so now

I think if we sleep here we’re gonna get that 7x time speed boost and hopefully when we wake up we should see a ton of diamonds in that chest and it might even be worth looking at putting in a higher EMC value item so that we don’t end up backing up on

Diamonds or we can just deposit them more easily look at that fantastic so we can take all of those diamonds we can put all of the diamonds back into the system and we’re already almost back up at 3 million EMC so now our goal is

Going to be to look at this basic power flower which we should in theory have the ability to make so we’ll leave that running for the time being let’s take a look over here the first thing we’re going to need is a net analysis fuel block which is

Incredibly easy to make it’s just nine 18 hours fuel like so I’ll put that in the transmutation table next up we need to make a basic relay the basic relay is that aforementioned it’s analysis block with obsidian and glass that seems fairly straightforward obsidian has an

EMC glass also has an EMC we don’t need that much of either of them but if we do something like this this and this that gets us in our basic relay mark one we’ll save that and then we also need a basic em ceiling this requires two transmutation tables one Edge you

Condenser and some covalence dust so we can steal one of these energy condensers there’s no need for all of these to stay over here now so I’ll take you and then back over here do we have any covalence duster we don’t that’s fine it does have an AMC value

We’ll take two of each covalence dust and of course let’s not forget those two transmutation tablets which is where the bulk of the EMC cost here comes from and boom that is our EMC link let’s of course make sure we save that to the system and that should be everything I

Think for the basic power flower it also needs some basic compressed collectors mark one which need basic collectors mark one which are made from these energy collector Mark ones that is unfortunate because we’ve made energy collector Mark threes I think over here we have that’s fine though let’s get

Some more blowstone which does have any MC energy collector never mind the chat is right we have the the tier one collectors right here and we can just take nine of those and then craft those directly into the basic collector mark one thank you chair that does save me a lot of time

Then we can do something like this of course making sure that we do this first just to save that extra step in the future that gets us the compressed mark one we can take two of those and that should be everything for our first EMC link we need five more of these relays

That is completely fine we have the EMC for it boom and boom so now this is gonna passively generate 102 EMC per second as you can see in the top left there it says plus 102 EMC per second and if we wanted to of course we could accelerate that with

The grains of time and that’s going to increase that number to 816. not that that’s massively important given of course that we have so much EMC being generated for us in this energy collector Mark II and of course we do want to make sure that we keep

Depositing that into the system to get yet more EMC and of course we can continually sleep to make both the power flower on the ground faster but also of course our energy collector Mark II fangster and at this point it’s just a lot of the Sam crafting that we just did

Oh and of course chat is completely right that we can take this power flower and teach it to the system and then we can go type in power flower oh we don’t have 2.42 million EMC that makes complete sense can we get up to 2.42 million AMC with this we totally can and

Then we can just make a second one we can put that down as well and that duplicates the amount of power that we’re generating still not a ton but now it’s just a case of doing that I don’t we need to do this so many times

Because we need to get up to the final power flower Mark 16 and so now it’s a case of trying to get up to the dark power flower which requires 3.78 million EMC that actually seems incredibly doable let me do a bit of sleeping here

And we might even go ahead and pick up one of those power flowers because that is uh it’s basically the 3 million EMC right there once we combine it with the million that we already have and we just need to go through all of the different tiers crafting the same

Parts over and over again we need to make a dark relay and then a red and then a magenta and then a pink and then a purple and then a violet and then a blue all of these matters are made in the same way we made the red matter with

The dark matter you make the magenta matter with the red matter you make the Pink Matter with the magenta Mata all the way up to the fading mantle which is made with white orange yellow lime green cyan you get the idea and they all have their Associated relays they all have

Their Associated DMC links and they all have their Associated power flyers and we just need to work all the way through that chain until we have the Mark 16 variant so let’s take these let’s do this let’s steal one of these and let’s see if we can’t make the next tier so I

Assume that the next tier of power flower is the same idea again here so we’re going to need to get the next hero vmc link which is the previous vmc link crafted up so I’m going to grab a ton of each covalence dust because we’re gonna need so many of

These and I’ll grab the previous tier EMC link and then we also need some dark matter as well at some point it would be nice to get the transmutation interface but the transmutation interface is just so expensive unfortunately it requires like 11 quadrillion EMC so it’s not really something that’s um available to

Us in in any meaningful amount of time here but we can take the relay craft that with dark matter that gets us the dark relay of course we want to make sure that we put all of these in like so we need six dark real is

Which we do not have the EMC for that’s because we’re going to dump this power flower into the system in order to get a boost that allows us to get up to six and not seven like so and then we also need the compressed Mark twos which is

Just nine compressed Mark ones uh again not enough EMC for that which I really thought we were gonna have let me uh dump that back in I guess real quick uh and that’s not right and I guess temporarily steal some more diamonds out of here as well and by

Temporarily of course mean permanently so do I craft nine of these to get one of those oh I don’t oh never mind this works out in a different way you take the basic collector and then craft that with dark matter and then compress that I see so

Let me put those Bank instead we need to take the basic collector we need nine of those I guess we need one of those so I’m pretty sure the thing we’re making has an EMC value and then we take one dark matter we craft that like this and

I guess going forward it’s gonna be the same we’ll take the red the magenta pink you know lime white all the way up we take that we give that and the MC then we take nine of those and then we take those nine craft those into a block and

Then that’s what we need two of yes we take this drop that back in and then take a second one of those and then I think that that is basically everything we do also need a basic profile mark one as well which we can steal over here we’ll

Take this guy put him into here and that’s the tier two done and so yeah now this makes 306 EMZ per second it’s about twice as much as the previous one and that pattern kinda continues all the way up we go from 306 to 1020 that’s kind of

A tripling there which is pretty nice then up to four thousand which is like a quadrupling and you can see how it kind of exponentially goes up from there it looks like we do a fair bit of quadrupling actually on the way up here but yeah we just need to do

A lot of project expansion crafting chat is right I did waste a lot of EMC there that’s my bad this recipe here is the same as this recipe but this one just needs one extra relay and not the previous tier power flower I should have used this recipe and we would have saved

For this guy approximately 2.4 million EMC that is my bad we’ll use this recipe going forward okay so I have been doing this for a little while now it has been a long time since we cut away we’ve made it to the Mark 6 power flower but we

Have had a revelation and that Revelation is that we figured out what effects the speed of the acceleration when you sleep and you’ll see now there are like 100x acceleration the speed is related to just how fast your computer is and so if you have a faster CPU you

Can make that number higher all you have to do is just turn like certain settings down so we have turned down the render distance in the simulation distance quite a bit to minimize what’s going on I’ve also turned off all of these uh Cosmic dust generators has been because

At this point in time you know we’re up at almost a billion EMC the little bit of dark matter that we were getting from that system is no longer worth it instead it’s worth just taking our pouch accelerating the power flowers that we do have and then sleeping to get that

100x boost the extra boost that you get from having the stuff turned off is just worth so much more you’ll see that we’re only getting about 83x I think 100x is the max and so it’s quite possible still that it might be worth taking the bed and taking the power flowers and either

Like going just further away from the base so that it doesn’t have to lower this in because the game is essentially trying to simulate when you sleep it’s simulating the game at 100 times speed that requires a powerful computer to do and so the more stuff you have going on

The harder it is for it to get up to that 100x speed and the slower it goes and so if we move the bed further away to an area where there’s nothing at all to be accelerated then it should go faster basically if we untrunk load all of this

And so now I’m just gonna keep going I’m going to go further up through the different tiers of power continuing to try and get to the Mark 16 but we do have a faster way of doing it so it turns out I was wrong at the start of

The stream we just made the lime power flowers we’re about to make the yellow power flowers we’re very close we’re at Mark 12 but um because we’ve done so much accelerating at 100x we’ve actually managed to burn through nine million Redstone flux by just using 11 Redstone

Flux per tick which is absolute Madness we can turn this back on of course and we’re going to get all of that power bank very quickly but that I guess just goes to show how much acceleration we’ve been doing all right a very very very long time later from when we started

Making these we have the mark 15 fading power flower which does produce 19.45 billion EMC per second and of course we can accelerate that with our pouch to make that faster and we can sleep and you’ll see at the top there we’re producing about 30 trillion EMC

Per second for a short period of time before it fades off now the only thing standing between us and the final tier here which is the the Mark 16 is oh my inventory is okay I think I pressed I there by the way to get rid of it is that right I yes

Okay if you press I while in your inventory it leaves the inventory I’m not quite sure what that’s about but if we want to get the final power flower no longer do we need a higher tier of matter so up until now we’ve just worked our way from magenta

All the way up to fading but we now need to get the final star shot the final star shot is made with a Nether Star but we don’t have access to another star and so I think we’re gonna have to leave that until the next episode because I’m

Also fairly certain that we do need another star in order to finish the pack so we might need two nether Stars potentially although I guess nether stars do have an EMC value so as soon as we get one we can get more in the future also along with another style we have to

Craft a colossal star Omega which is quite expensive in terms of EMC it’s 158 trillion per colossal star Omega here and you craft this by going all the way through all of these different stars that go all the way down all the way down until you get to this recipe here

With the Mobius fuel in the diamonds and so it’s just a case of crafting this putting it in the transportation table taking out four crafting this putting in the transportation table taking out four crafting and you get the idea you do the same thing all the way up until you get

To the Omega then we should be able to craft the final power flower and then we should be able to move on to the end of the pack for now we can leave this down and of course we can keep getting even more EMC again we’re 105 trillion but

Each one of these requires 158 trillion and so only one eighth of the way there to one of these final stars and then we need multiple of those final star shards in order to make the final power file which requires 31.69 quadrillion EMC of course we can keep sleeping to make that

Faster as we sleep we do backup on time in our pouch we get even more grains and we can take those grains if we don’t drop the pouch and use those to make this much faster and then we can accelerate via sleeping to get even more

EMC even then though it might take us a little while to get up to a quadrillion even with this uh the sleeping technique because uh one trillion per second-ish it’s gonna take a while to get up to over a thousand trillion so we might have to uh put down more of these which

Is very durable by the way we do have the ability to buy even more of these Mark 15 power flowers and of course we can put all of those down as well we can do some accelerating like that and then we can sleep and now you know we’re

Producing many many more trillions of EMC per second even without that acceleration we’re already up at 11 which is very nice indeed so next time we’ll come back we’ll look at getting the nether star now for that we are going to have to get and fight a Wither

We’ll probably get some better armor before we do that we’ve got 184 trillion EMC but we’re still using iron armor we’ll get some better armor we’ll use that armor we’ll fight a Wither and then we’ll make our way through to the end we’ll fight the End Dragon as well Alex

I believe that is required to complete the pick we’ll get the Mark 16 power flower and I think there’s a good possibility that we might in fact finish the pack in the next episode but that is a problem for future Isaac for now I’m gonna go ahead and wrap up this episode

Of universe IO there Thank you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft UniversIO | GENERATING TRILLIONS OF EMC PER SECOND! #9 [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2023-06-17 23:50:42. It has garnered 35722 views and 1165 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:06 or 2526 seconds.

Minecraft UniversIO | GENERATING TRILLIONS OF EMC PER SECOND! #9 [Modded Questing Skyblock] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Seaopolis 2 | A NEW GENERATION OF SEABLOCK! #1: https://youtu.be/mpt4tLxh7kc

★Watch Live On Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gamingoncaffeine

★Support the channel on Patreon & get access to all the GOC Patreon servers: https://www.patreon.com/GOC

★Join the GOC Discord: https://discord.gg/goc

UniversIO Mod Pack – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/universio

Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound

#Minecraft #UniversIO #Modded

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    HoneyPuu joins me in a wild Minecraft adventure!😱🔥Video Information Minecraft wir haben Minecraft Chat gehen wir gerne rein so ich war hier im Haus W geh das habe mich erstmal bedient dass ich nicht verrecke me ich komme auf den Server und sofort B be me wichtig aber ich werde ganz normal anfangen ich werde mir von von von kein irgendwas holen geh den Talk ja ich w irwohl kommen muss jetzt V drücken hallo hallo hallo B aber Luft hallo hörst du mich war hallo hört mich nicht muss in die Gruppe kommen oh kracht hallo hörst du mich ja hörst du mich gut den ist… Read More

  • Insane Mods To Boost 1.20.4 Minecraft Survival!

    Insane Mods To Boost 1.20.4 Minecraft Survival!Video Information what’s up everyone it’s JT GT here and I am back hopefully for a while school and work has been a lot but I’m here to bring you guys 10 mods because I felt like I haven’t done mods in a while and let’s just get right into the first mod so as I’m walk into the area for the first mod uh my world got corrupt I tried to fix it for 2 months and I could not get it to work so sadly I had to go through and I’m just rebuilding everything but it seems… Read More

  • Kiara conquers Minecraft in 1 day! Sheep everywhere!!! #MythOneBlock

    Kiara conquers Minecraft in 1 day! Sheep everywhere!!! #MythOneBlockVideo Information [Music] feel it rush through me [Music] we feel it R feel it through me [Music] [Music] oh honey [Music] in there you know to kind of be like yo serious [ __ ] being in Japan at that time right like people weren’t messing around you know that’s the vibe that I got wait sorry I think I need to do a quick intro cuz I just switched to the gaming uh screen go for it K you guys may have already been seeing me on on K’s stream I was just you know chilling and uh… Read More

  • Insane Game Hacks 😱 – Add Blocks in Minecraft #shorts

    Insane Game Hacks 😱 - Add Blocks in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But You Can Add blocks #shorts#herobrine #tacnogamerz #minecraft #minecraftenderdragon’, was uploaded by Unlimited Gaming 😎 on 2024-07-05 10:30:19. It has garnered 8211 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft But You Can Add blocks #shorts Cradit : @ORANGEEYT 🗿 video made by – @LEGENDDEVILS minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft but,beating minecraft,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,minecraft mod,minecraft facts,minecraft manhunt but,manhunt minecraft,minecraft op,minecraft mods,cursed minecraft,minecraft hardcore,minecraft but every block multiplies,minecraft challenges,insane minecraft,minecraft uhc but,blessed minecraft,op minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft uhc,minecraft funny,tapple minecraft,minecraft speedrun Read More


    INSANE ROBLOX GAMING: Spider Man 3 SHORTS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Marvel’s Spider Man 3 #roblox #gaming #minecraft #shortvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #gameplay #games’, was uploaded by Robokidspk on 2024-06-05 17:36:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello! Welcome to Channel ! I decided to record my gameplay. I hope you all friends will find this relaxing and enjoyable. I will try … Read More

  • LacoCraft

    LacoCraftServidor Nuevo! de 1.8 en adelante! Modalidades: SkyWars: On Practice: Off BedWars: off Proximamente mas modalidades!! Entra ya con tus amigos!! ny2.tect.host:1319 Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.6 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

    Server Information Java & Bedrock IP: play.broomstix.net Default ports Discord Join our Discord server with voice channels Online In-game Map Explore our world: https://map.broomstix.net/ Features Backwards compatibility with the latest Minecraft version Cross-play between Bedrock and Java Hard difficulty and custom enchantments Unique gameplay features like teleporting mobs and free fly on Sundays ProtectionStones for land claiming, bartering economy, and no grief Main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation in overworld and nether In-game messaging, homes, player teleportation, and Minecraft-Discord integration Responsive staff, voting ranks, rewards, server shops, public market, and tutorial warps Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – pov friend steals your diamond (ik, savage)

    Minecraft Memes - pov friend steals your diamond (ik, savage)Looks like your friend is about to learn the hard way that diamonds aren’t just a girl’s best friend, they’re a Minecraft player’s best friend too! Read More

Minecraft UniversIO | GENERATING TRILLIONS OF EMC PER SECOND! #9 [Modded Questing Skyblock]