Minecraft Volcano Block | POWER CRYSTALS & BURST SEEDS! #4 [Modded Questing Survival]

Video Information

In the last stream we were of course working on getting through the beginning of chapter two here we got ourselves the explosive furnace this guy right here allowing us to make the compressed clay which of course uh in turn gave us the nine blocks of regular clear and finally of course at

The very end of the last stream we got this solderer here which is going to allow us to progress on it down this line of quests and i think hopefully by the end of today’s stream we can get this guy right here the atomic reshaper and thus move on into chapter three here

Which gets into some really interesting looking mods we have stuff like embers we’ve got the integrated dynamics storage terminal and just integrated dynamics in general which is pretty nifty for automation we have the calculator mod and then we also have this guy right here which is uh forbidden and arcana so quite a

Few mods available and also i believe is this solace yeah we have solas as well as so quite a few mods as i tinker around with in chapter three but let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves here so you probably have noticed that between streams i have gone ahead

And done a little bit of base reworking here for the most part i have just gathered a bunch of grass of course from a bunch of wheat and placed it down kind of around this central starting area i’ve moved all of the farming out of this central area here and moved

Those up to this new level this is obviously a work in progress it looks a little bit bland and a little bit boring right now it’s mostly just a ton of cobblestone and then these four kind of 5×5 farms here and i do intend between streams to do a

Bit of work on trying to make this look just a little bit nicer right now it’s a little tricky we don’t have a ton of blocks available to us mostly we have cobblestone and grass we don’t unfortunately have a mod like chisel installed we do have zencraft which is a pretty nifty mod

That we might get into uh in the future for that we would want to get these zen saplings which thankfully you can make with the hartwell crystals here which is actually very interesting i actually wasn’t aware of this until right now so i might actually get into that

Sooner rather than later because i do really like the look of these uh zen craft blocks here but um another item or another mod i should say that we do have installed is architecture craft an architecture craft does add this guy right here the architect’s saw bench

Which is another block that i’m a big fan of but it’s also not too difficult for us to make so over here we do have a bunch of resources i did between streams gather all of our ancient stone and you’ll see right now we have just one left i made sure to

Leave one in there just so that we could see you know where it goes in its wooden crate here i took all of the ancient stone burned it all into geodes grinded all those geodes down and then crafted up all of the nuggets into ingots so now we’ve got a bunch of gold

Silver iron redstone lapis quite a few diamonds and emeralds as well and so using a couple of these iron ingots here at the start of today’s stream hopefully isn’t going to be yet too bad for us and we might have to get a couple more planks actually let me throw a few

Logs over into the older sawmill here so once we have a few more planks there we can get the uh large pulley and that should be pretty much everything uh for the saw bench itself it’s really not too difficult um of a block to make

But like i was saying if we open this up you’ll see there are a bunch of different uh kind of blocks here that you can turn other blocks into for example if we grab some cobblestone and i didn’t quite want that much cobblestone if we grabbed just a few here

We could for example make some slopes we can do with one as well of course but uh we’ll probably go with cobblestone for now just it’s a little easier to get so we can make things like slopes triangles there’s also rounded down here you can get this like full

Sphere which is really interesting there’s like pillars they have like windows and arches and railings all kinds of stuff and i do really like these these pillars here i think these look pretty nice um especially with um wood i’m a big fan of like using the logs here to make like wooden pillars

We do of course have to bear in mind that we are at the end of the day still on a giant pool of lava and so things still are likely to burn so if we are going to put any wood down we want to make sure that we put the wood down

In a location that is not going to be burned by the lava i have been kind of tinkering with wood a little bit i think they like this block here might be far enough away from the lava to where it doesn’t set on fire although i’m not entirely

Uh certain about that i’m gonna have to do some testing in fact you know let’s go ahead and put down like two planks like here and we’ll see if those uh if those burn or not but i do like this and between streams i’ll probably go ahead and

Utilize this quite a bit to make some uh some nifty blocks for us to uh kind of spruce up the base with but uh for nail chant let us press on with chapter two shall we so we got ourselves the nether crystal we got ourselves the solderer

The next two quests here are for the mutation of paste block and for the heat block so the mutation pest block here is made either by crafting a nine mutation pest or by placing down fertile soil next to a rock core with the shard of the pure

Giver so we’ve used the rock car before uh we do have to make a new rock call every time unfortunately so we are going to need some stone some gravel and some heavy ingots and thankfully between streams i have gone ahead and begun smelting up yet more heavy ingots and

I do believe that we should already have some gravel uh lying around somewhere we do perfect and of course in the last stream we did also manage to get this guy the voltropic inventory explorer workbot which is what i’m using when this pops up to search my nearby inventories

And of course i do believe that we also have stern in here as well we do perfect so that should allow us to fairly easily here get a couple of these rock calls for now i’ll grab two i i think we’re definitely going to need more than one today

But for now we do only need of course the one and we also need the shard of the pure giver which is the green shard this guy right here so let’s throw this down like so if we then right click with the shard of the pure giver

What we should then be able to do is place down next to that some fertile soil i did find out between streams that the fertile soil can be moved i did move this from where it was originally placed and we can place this down over here now it does say

In the book i believe that there is a possibility that the item will pop off so if we go to coring sometimes the catalyst box will dislodge and will have to be replaced now there is also another section of the book here called core stabilizing these useful blocks prevent the cause from breaking

Too much it’s catalyst block i’m not quite sure about the grammar there but uh just place one block beneath the block that is next to a core and not beneath the core itself and you will notice a big difference immediately so as you can see here the this is the rock call

And the block that you’re putting down next to it in our case the fertile soil if you put a stabilizer underneath that i believe that reduces uh the likelihood that the block will pop off now i do think that if we just continue to place this there is a chance

Maybe that we will get lucky and actually be able to get some of this mutation paste however it is entirely possible that uh we don’t and so it might not be a terrible idea for us to look at getting one of those core stabilizers i believe there are three tiers

Of of course stabilizers and the easiest car stabilizer doesn’t seem too difficult for us to make here so uh the light core stabilizer requires four heavy ingots one azure machine casing which is azure linguists we made these in the live stream of course with uh these guys the amplifying tubes

And let’s not let that despawn there and then two missed rods and a two gold linkers so really not too bad i will give this a couple more tries here but if this doesn’t work i think we will look at getting the core stabilizer it worked perfect okay so never mind we will

Probably end up getting a cold stabilizer uh in the future but for now we did manage to successfully get the mutation pest block here which is very nice indeed so we can claim our iron boots perfect and then after that we then have cactus green is not a creative color so

To make cactus we need two mutant paste and then oh sorry two a mutation paste and then one of basically like anything that’s grown i think i will go with seeds here as you’ll also have noticed we do have some new crates here we have one for

Seeds because we have 2808 seeds i’ve been doing so much wheat growing between streams that we just have a crazy number of these available to us and we also have 495 normally seeds and so making crates for those allows us to free up quite a bit of space in

This farming chest that we have here you might also notice that right now we don’t have any mysterious dirt or mysterious grass lying around that is something that i will change in the future i do intend to set up like a new place to uh grow mysterious powder and but for

Now though we do have 663 mysterious powder ready to go so i think that should be more than enough to get us through today’s stream at least either way for now if we grab one seat here and we do something like this get the piste and then this that gets us the

Cactus and of course if we have any sand which we do perfect for now i guess we’ll just grab two and we could of course go ahead and plant these down really wherever we like um right now we don’t actually have a place for sugarcane either and i do think that sugarcane is

Probably going to be something that we want to start growing in larger quantities going forward because you can grow it quite fast and i think it’s one of the better charcoals that you can make compared to something like you know beetroot melon or anything like that but

For now though let’s go and throw the cactus down over here can we use our shift effect here we totally can perfect so that is growing nice and quickly in the in the top left there beautiful does that go even taller or just stick a two so it looks like you can

Also kind of grow the second level but you have to be up at the level of the cactus you’ll see like right now we’re not affecting the growth over this cactus here but if we go up by one i think we will now start to affect the growth of this cactus

And well we would be able to if cactuses could grow at taller than this but for example i think if again we get rid of this here this will grow once that’s grown that second one doesn’t get the the speed boost until we get up to the

Same level at which point it then starts at that speed boost that is good to know for the future for now i’ll just leave these two growing uh over here and of course we’ll get rid of the older planks there as well perfect and uh much like with sugarcane

We’ll probably set up some kind of a larger cactus farm in the future i’m throwing away the cobblestone by the way because we have 64 stacks of cobblestone uh in this crate and it is now full on cobblestone so we can’t really store any more of it in there

We also get some lovely leggings perfect after that we have the refined circuit jei is your best friend so this is where the soldier comes in from the last stream that being this guy right here and just like all of our other machines i believe we can put that

On this line here we are still of course using the enigmatic aero heater there to power all of this and as of right now i think this might be okay although ja will be my friend i’m assuming and tell me how much power this needs ah so this

Requires a minimum temperature of 125 celsius so i think if we’re going to use this guy we’re going to have to break out our solid fuel aero heater and move this guy over to here if we throw some fuel into that which we might have lying around will hopefully bring the temperature up

To at least 125 degrees and then for the circuit we need an iron ingot which we have we need a tiny pile of gold dust which you can make by grinding a gold nugget which we don’t have but of course we can get from gold ingots perfect and i will

Grind up a few of these because i think we might need a few circuits going forward we then also need a refined circuit pattern which you make by crafting a crude circuit pattern which is made from iron and pepper so of course once again that is our good old friend peppa coming

In useful our good old friend sugarcane coming in handy beautiful iron we of course have boom and boom that’s going to get us the crude circuit pattern for now we’ll just make the one although i do feel like uh looking at these future recipes here we might need

More than one circuit although maybe not actually and then the final part is the circuit plate which is made with clear cancer screen and three paper okay that makes a lot of sense we of course do have uh the cactus here now so we can throw

That in there um i will go ahead and just keep two of these i think and get two characters green uh clear wise do we have any clay left over from before i feel like we definitely should yeah we’ve got seven blocks of the stuff which is

Perfect and then uh paper wise do we need one more pepper yes we need one more paper which is also perfectly fine so that gets us three circuit plates if we put all of those in here and this has lost its heat now so i think going forward i should make

Sure i have the items that are needed for the solder before we actually uh put any fuel into the aero heater there but if you put in the circuit plate the iron ingot the refined circuit pattern and the gold dust that should be everything for the

Circuit and i believe at that point all we need is fuel to actually uh actually run this thing and we’ll go with carrots given that we have over a stack of them and there we go we have a refined circuit perfect now the twitch chat has pointed out that

Now that we have iron we can in fact go ahead and do something like this and make a an item that i’m hoping you guys will be familiar with and if we then grab some lava we can use that as our kind of primary fuel source going forward instead of having to get

You know a bunch of carrots or beets or melons or sugarcane or anything like that we just grab the lava and then use that as our our primary fuel sauce there which is of course something that completely uh slipped my mind but it’s actually a very handy uh piece of information for

Us to have given that we do have uh infinite lava available to us either way we can now claim the final piece of our body armor there which is perfect i’m also being told actually that we can craft the bucket of lava here ah we can so you can craft the bucket of

Lava into a bitter heat and the bitter heat let me check the the burn times here so this has a burn time of 20 000 ticks and then this has a burn time of 200 ticks so 200 multiplied by 64 is 12 800 so you do lose

Some of the burn time here however these are a lot more versatile in that you can you know distribute them out for stuff like smelting here if you don’t plan on smelting a full stack of something you can of course just put the bits of heat in and it will only use however

Much is required so now that we have the refined circuit the next items on the list here are the magnetic reassembler and the incinerator these both i believe require more of the uh ceramic ingots oh we can actually make so we can make the incinerator either with the pink composite blend

Which might be easier um or with the ceramic ingots other than that the recipe is pretty much the same flint and uh dirt both of which i’m fairly certain that we do have dirt we have in there and flint we have over here so i guess the real question

Is how many of those ceramic ingots do we have we have got ten okay let’s go ahead and grab all of those uh that does mean that we do have enough you actually the perfect amount uh six for this and four for this so i think we will go with

The the ceramic ingot recipe um i will hold off on doing the incinerator just in case uh the quests are bit janky sometimes you have to like have the quest available and then craft it so we will start with the uh magnetic reassembler then gets us the magnetic reassembler

And that gets us the incinerator nice both of those were pretty easy for us to work with i will do a quick check in the older handbook here and let’s take a look so the incinerator is the simplest machine it will take any item and turn it into ash

This has a variety of uses including decoration and serving as a low power dampener for the explosion furnace items can be inserted extracted from any side except the top and bottom okay that seems simple enough you can turn any item into ash we then also have the magnetic reassembler which i don’t see

Listed on here never mind the magnetic reassembler uses strong magnets to force small particles together this makes it act as a reverse rotary grinder and is an essential component on getting started with energy on crystal farming items can be inserted extracted from any side except the top

And bottom okay so the energy on dust which i hope i’m pronouncing somewhat correctly is what we’re working towards here and hence why of course we have uh these guys the extra mutation paste there is very nice and we did also get some uncooked meat kebabs which of course can be made

Better from a food standpoint by cooking them however it does also say not eaten yet so we do get closer to those extra hearts if we eat the the uncooked variant uh people did also point out in the twitch chat and in the youtube comments that

We have yet to eat any of uh the gaming on caffeine’s flesh here and so in the interest of extra hearts we’re gonna go for it i’m actually surprised there was like no negative effect there but happy nonetheless and that puts us of course one step closer to getting those those extra hearts

From the spice of a life mod but uh over here we then have the inferno crystal the edge needed to craft this can be created by putting anything in the incinerator so we make the infernal crystal by reverse grinding inferno dust aka using the magnetic reassembler the inferno dust can be made with

Blaze powder which we can of course get from blaze rods which we can fish for as well as carbon dust which we i believe have made before yeah we can put call our charcoal into our grinder and then ash which you can make with that newly found incinerator so the incinerator

Requires a temperature of 18 meaning we can put it down over here and then we can go ahead and maybe just throw like a stack of cobble in there that should get us presumably a stack of ash and then over here the magnetic reassembler does require 125 degrees celsius and so again does

Require the aero heater and so at that point do we have any blaze you can’t put a space in a hmm i was going to say do we have any blaze rods i don’t think that we do no so we are gonna have to once again

Grab our golden rod here and see if we can’t fish for one and then it should be fine and then the other item was of course the uh the coal so let’s grab our charcoal and let’s throw that over into the uh into the old grinder that is gonna turn off the incinerator

Temporarily but as soon as this is done this should come back online now that we really need more than five ash i don’t think just yet so once again i am being informed very helpfully by the twitch chat that we do have a alternative way of getting uh blaze

Rods uh with this recipe here we can craft two bits of lava or bits or lava sands together to make one blaze rod and this can be made with sand lava and a bit measure which can be made with a ball and two glass that is a very

Handy recipe because uh if you saw the previous episode you’ll know that it took forever for us to uh to fish out our first blaze rod and i’m happy to not have to go through that again uh do we have any glass we do perfect let’s grab a two

Glass there that should allow us to make the bits measure and then at that point we need uh what was it two sand and the bucket of lava that we already have sand wise i’m assuming we don’t have any although i would be incorrect in that assumption because we totally

Do and boom and boom and we get a blaze rod nice we can also use it to make magma creams from slime and from glue which is pretty nice we can make bits of lava sand we can make fire charges and we can also make heat as well interesting much like with the

Lava bucket that is good information to uh to have but now we can put this away though and craft that down although actually we might be able to grind it for more bliss powder we totally can perfect so we’ll throw you in like so grab some of the ash out of there

And just as soon as that is done i think we should be pretty much good to go to make this uh inferno fuel here boom and boom and then we’ll throw that in of course over in the magnetic reassembler with some heat in the solid fuel aero heater

And again just as soon as that gets up to 125 degrees celsius we should get the inferno crystal and as a result we actually get some of those bits of lava sand as well while we wait for that let’s take a look one step further here and i do spy the zen

Sapling that i was talking about right at the start of the stream and this quest wants us to make the energy on error heater which requires four ceramic ingots we are gonna have to make some more and we do need a second inferno crystal there so let me also go

Ahead and get another bit of charcoal grinding because we should have basically everything else we need to make that second crystal and then the crude circuit is basically the same recipe here but without the iron and with the crude circuit pattern in crude and non-refined form

If that makes sense and then just a regular furnace so that doesn’t really seem too bad whatsoever we are going to have to take another crack at the explosion furnace and that does make me think that we should probably move the saw bench here out of the way

Just in case the explosion has uh you know negative effects on on nearby blocks perfect let’s grab the carbon dust we’ve already got the ash and we already have the blaze powder so getting another one of those should be doable and we’ll throw that in like so perfect so the ceramic was

One block of clear 16 iron and i think five gunpowder although i will once again check with the uh book here yeah so five gun powder four sand 69 for clay aka clay block and we should be good to go so sand we know we have in here one two three four

A gun powder i think we actually uh might not have and i have forgotten how we got gunpowder the first time around are of course it was the red flint which we definitely do have ready to go here we made a bunch the first time around

So uh if we do one of these perfect i will put you back there for now and that gets us the powder we have the sand at the iron we should also have let’s go with 16 and then the clay should be available over in here it is perfect

So boom and boom and there we go 16 more ceramic ingots perfect our second inferno crystal is complete and so this guy should be pretty easy for us to uh to do here let me dump a couple of these items because inventory is getting a little

Bit full so once again that gives us a crude circuit pattern at this time we can use that to replace the refined circuit pattern in here and then if we take the iron out i think that’s pretty much everything right yeah just uh three tiny gold dust one crude circuit pattern on one

Circuit plate so once again we’ll put in some more of the uh the heat fuel that we now have i should make a circuit somebody the twitch chat does ask what the ones do so i did make a new one between streams i made the diamond one here

This is the same as the i think stonewand that we had before uh this just allows you to place down a large number of blocks very quickly so uh it makes actually building the ancient cobblestone cubes which i have redone between streams much much easier so uh for example here if i get

Like a stack of cobblestone uh we can now do a lot more blocks at once so you can just use the one to place down multiple and then you can even do something like this to kind of place down the whole line and now we’re out of couple stuff if i had more

I could go up so it makes making uh cubes like that a lot easier it also made building platforms like this and like that a lot easier this is actually my second builder’s wand i went through an entire diamond wand between streams doing all the building i’ve done

But uh but yeah these are pretty nifty and really not too difficult to make this one is two sticks and a diamond so a pretty easy recipe all things considered either way this guy is pretty much done perfect and we will of course take the heat out there so as not to

Waste it and at that point i think we should have basically everything apart from a regular minecraft furnace for the energy on aero heater perfect i will clean my cheese sandwich i will also clean up my zen sapling and this guy is pretty neat i’ll actually show you how

Like show you how this works right off the bat here i don’t know if it’s going to get the growth effect from the fertile soil there i assume that it will perfect so these trees not only look pretty cool in and of themselves but also allow us to get into zen craft which

Uh to the best of my knowledge and also we might want to use the crook here i actually don’t know if the other crook is going to work on these leaves but i’ll give it a try it totally did so with these every time you harvest you get these uh

Zen crystals and i believe we can also turn the wood into zen crystals you totally can and then the zen crystals here can be used to make both the zen crafting table as well as a zen block a zen ingot and zen stone so we probably want to start

With the zen crafting table although it does require glowstone and to the best of my knowledge we actually don’t have access to glowstone just yet i have a feeling that’s probably coming sooner rather than later oh i see so actually we can use the uh the warm core

With a block of gold and a shard of the shining dawn to make closed and that’s made from another crystal and the question block we’ll come back to this as soon as we get our first bits of glowstone but needless to say allows us to get into uh the zencraft

Mod which allows us to make all of these uh you know futuristic looking blocks at the back of jei here so now that we’ve got the aero heater here the next quest is the energy on dust however in order to get to it we do have to pass through this

Section of the quest book because we need the the quartz i believe to get the energy on dust so now that we have the never crystal and i have actually neglected to rebuild the nether portal between streams i did however do a little bit more obsidian mining so we do have 16 obsidian

Should we want to build a uh a new nether portal you know somewhere in the new base but either way the heat block here requires two terracotta six bricks and one nether crystal so i do believe that we should still have at least one nether crystal apparently we made three

In the last stream as for the terracotta it’s just clay it’s melted and of course the bricks are also basically just clear some melted so let’s grab the remaining blocks of clay that we have let’s put i guess two of those in here we’re gonna spell those into terracotta

And then up here we’ll go ahead and get eight clay and then smelt six of that up into uh into bricks while we wait for all of that clay to smelt up the next block is the warm core which is obtained by right clicking a heat block

With a flint and steel that should be fine where we have the heat block that cannot be created inside of chunks claimed with ftb utilities that is fine we can always go ahead and unclaim our chunks here when the time comes these are actually almost done so i will go ahead and take

Both of those perfect so the thing that we’re after is a heat block and the only item we’re missing here is nothing so boom and boom that gets us four heat blocks i do believe that we should have um a flint and steel we do perfect let’s grab that

And then let’s for now i guess put this down over here somewhere so if we do this the book does say that we should unclaim our chunk which you can do by right clicking here and then at that point if we right click with a flint and steel

We almost lost it i was not prepared for the explosion although i should have guessed that given that the book did specify it had to be in an unclaimed chunk which is usually like one of the things that ftb utilities does is it stops explosions um and like you know griefing from going

On inside of your uh your claimed area thankfully we did not lose the heat block that would have been uh rather unfortunate and so now that we have that we can take a peek at the the next quest in the line uh which is the freezer uh see your book

Of the wells for more information uh the freezer itself though does require one more terracotta there so i will get that smelting up right away here before we take a quick peek in the book it also requires three smooth azurite which is made by smelting weathered as you’re right

Which you can get from cobblestone and charts of the living shards of the root of life okay that seems very doable do we have shards of the root of life is my first question we do perfect we then of course have a plethora of cobblestones so if we do something like this

And like this that gets what we’re after i didn’t believe that we were smelting these yeah we need three of them so we’ll do one two three and one two three perfect what else do we need here we also needed two azul ingots or yeah two azul ingots

Which we get from those is all blocks which we might still have lying around or we do perfect let’s grab you and craft you down into ingots and then the final piece is the azul machine casing which is four as well ingots and four stone uh we have the stone ready to

Go and so if we do one two three four one two three four that is pretty much good to go and yeah i think that’s basically everything although of course we also need two shard of the born might which we won’t have yet because we need to get these from

Nether crystals and this is probably where we’re going to have to get a a new nether bottle here because we only have two nether crystals and i think the odds of us getting two of the shards that we need from two nether crystals is probably very unlikely

Yeah we didn’t get any of the crystals that we need that’s fine let’s grab our obsidian and let’s rebuild this portal shall we so i have rebuilt the bottle here made it slightly wider so that it’s uh you know central with our our base here but the twitch chat has pointed out

That actually you can get these shard of the bond might crystals here from regular crystals as well so in fact we might have some lying around and we do we have eight of them ready to go so uh that should actually be everything that we need for the freezer here just

As soon as we grab those uh smooth blocks boom and boom perfect i will claim that um i will of course check out the health book here so if we go for freezing the freezer will freeze liquids around it into solids transform water into snow or ice and lava into obsidian

Consumes some energy per operation so we can use this to generate ice snow and obsidian consumes two energy per operation okay next we have the power crystal i think this might have something to do with this requiring power per operation i also do assume here yeah we can move

That so that’s fine i will put this in actually now it’s gonna put in the ground but that makes no sense because if we’re gonna put water down next to it although actually if we do have obsidian over here from before which we do this is where we you know

Place down water in the past we should be able to put this guy down maybe like right here and then we want water either side of it i guess so there is the chapter here on powering which it does have the same power crystal icon here i will check

This out before we look at the recipe so it says the power crystal item has a variable recipe this means that for each part a different item may be placed the parts are at the nucleus in the center the relays in the center top and bottom so these two blocks here and here

And the screens on the sides test out different recipes and see what is the best one for your purpose the power crystal recipe layout the power crystal has three tray its power the total power this crystal can contain this may be recharged in the charger range the range in blocks

That the power crystal can deliver power to and purity the purity will determine the amount of power wasted in air transmission when powering machines different items used in each of the three parts of the recipe will yield different traits so uh the nucleus for the nucleus we can have diamonds

Snowballs the mist shards i believe blaze rods some kind of light ball and some kind of rainbow star power relays can be made from all of these books the ones that stand out to me are like a stone redstone and lapis those are the ones that i think we can make

And then the screens can be glass ice is this mysterious powder blocks no they’re not so this page here gives us the uh options in list form which is a little easier than me trying to guess what what items are which here okay so this doesn’t seem i guess too bad

We can try a few different things here we have diamonds which is kind of where i’m thinking we might start for the old nucleus also let me uh throw a couple of blocks back in there respective chests here just to free up a little bit of

Space as for the relays so the top and bottom block i think what we’ll do here is we’ll grab some redstone and some lapis again you can press k to just craft those into block form straight away and we’ll test both of those i believe it is going to tell us what uh

Like what stats the crystal has so we can try both and see which one we like better there and then as for screens we can use glass seems like a pretty obvious one for us to try and then we can also use the uh crystal blocks as well

How many crystals do we have i’m going to assume the answer is like basically none actually never mind we have five crystal blocks over here perfect so let’s give this a try then let’s go with oh i guess we need one more crystal block right if we’re gonna make this

Happen which is uh one more mysterious mixture that should be fine so once we have one more crystal block let’s try something like this so this has a power of 598 a range of nine and a purity of 59 if we swap out the lapis for a redstone

That brings the power way down but incre and increases the purity in the range ever so slightly like a really small amount this one seems better i think there are other nucleus options that we can go for we could try like a blaze rod i guess we do have at these

Bits of lava sand right now that we could do something like this with and we could maybe try uh that that actually gives us a ton more purity it does bring down the max power a little bit and the range by a little bit more but i

Think i maybe prefer that i don’t know how good purity is uh purity is uh the amount lost right yeah purity will determine the amount of power wasted in air transmission when powering machines so i think a high purity makes sense here can you mix and match lapis and

Redstone i don’t think so but we could try no i think it does have to be the same the same block for each kind of uh component i quite like this though i think this is a pretty good-looking crystal we can’t always charge it up like this has a maximum charge of 2120.

With the diamond that does go higher and the range does go higher as well but i think the purity is probably worth more and i don’t know if we’re going to really need that big of a range um i will actually also try glass yeah for sure

The glass is in this section right yeah so that seems just definitively worse it brings the power down the range down and the purity down so the the crystal blocks are definitely seen better there and i think in general the uh kind of more expensive an item is a little more difficult

And it is to get the better it’s gonna be like i imagine these two items here are probably gonna be better than you know blaze wild or diamonds for what we’re making but i think for now we don’t need to worry about it too too much i’m pretty sure

That this having 530 power is gonna be fine because this guy says that it uses 10 power per operation so if i was to put this down i guess like right here i just right clicked by the way i was hoping to put it like here but i guess i’ll put it here

I think that should be able to give power to this guy so i don’t know if i have to connect this or anything it doesn’t mention anything about that in the uh in the book you just have the power crystal in the world to place the power

Crystal in the world simply right click with it in hand so i don’t know if this does work maybe we have to like replace the freezer potentially or maybe this is working maybe it just takes a while as a reward for that quest we do get grass we get the inertia

Makes crops around it grow up faster consumes one per operation and we also get a block setter consumes five energy per operation as well okay we’ll come back to those i think so the final we’ll wait for this but uh the final request here is uh for a block of nether quartz

It says snow can be created by using the freezer on water and then once we have the snow we can use the shards of the bond might with the warm color we just made to make the quartz much like we did earlier with the the fertile soil once again

This is one of those situations where you might need to get the the core stabilizer and i will bookmark that just in case there because this might not work on its own while we wait for this snow to transform the power is being drained so i think it is working

Um i guess we could if we wanted to try putting down like yet more water like if we put down water here and here that might increase our our chances of getting uh getting snow but i think we did start with maybe 540 power and so it has used

A little bit of the power out of the crystal so far so it’s going somewhere so i think it is working but um if we’re gonna make the energy on dust it says under no circumstances should you ever harvest energy on with anything but a crystal cutter okay the crystal cutter seems easy

Enough it is that it is some more ceramic ingots here but those are easy enough for us to get to actually make the energy on dust we need emerald dust ah diamond dust nether quartz dust and sand that all seems very doable actually so we’ll go ahead and get a quick head

Start i guess on the diamond dust and the emerald dust just as long as you put those in the white machine isaac that being this one down here once we get one block of snow that should get us one block of nether quartz which should get us

Four nether quartz stuff which will then of course get us the energy on dust and then from there we have the primordialis reactor which i will uh quickly read up on the primordialis reactor is a machine that turns plant matter like saplings or crops into primordium it requires heat that only an

Energy on aero heater can provide and will need a lot of infrastructure to work at an acceptable speed items can be exerted slash extracted from the top from all sides except the top and bottom that’s standard stuff there so the carbon plates are made from carbon dust that’s easy enough we don’t

Need four of them which means we need 36 like charcoal or carbon dust we did get our first ice there ice is nowhere after right hold on we’ll freeze nearby water into ice or snow oh i see so it could be uh it could be either i’m just really

Hopeful that we get snow before this runs out of power if it does run out of power there is a section in the book about charging right here so power power crystals get depleted sometimes to charge them again you need a charger and the related multi-block structure so you have to

Make the charger block and then the structure kind of around that block to power crystals right click them to place them in the charger then throw the items that hold charge onto the ground they will be pulled in and consumed by the charger to power the crystal inside

And then over here it gives us a list of items we can put in like mysterious dust coal mysterious walls i’m just looking at things we can make we don’t have uh you know access to things like mysterious leaves just yeah i don’t think or imprisoned light but that doesn’t seem

Too bad uh the recipe for the charger is a little uh pricey but actually nothing too crazy we haven’t got any smooth onix yet so i prefer to not have to make the chargers today but if we uh if we have to we can always pivot but

Again while we wait for this to finish let’s take a quick peek at this again here so um i think we might as well get a head start on making the reactor here as far as the plates for the reactor like i said we need 34 carbon dust so 34 coal or 34

Charcoal can we make charcoal the old-fashioned way we can perfect we can just smelt logs down that is fine because we have 21 charcoal which will start grinding i guess because it’s going to take a while actually we’ll do the one emerald first for the energy on dust and then we’ll

Start the the 21 charcoal and we will also go ahead and grab a sapling and begin uh getting some wood here we can make even more charcoal while we wait for this uh this crystal here to do its thing i have been reminded once again by the

Ever helpful twitch chat that we can do this to get charcoal there much much faster which is perfect there’s our emerald dust so let’s get uh the 30 36 for one charcoal short but uh really as soon as we get the charcoal i guess we could look at getting the

Perfected circuit as well which is basically the same as before we take the refined circuit craft that up and then put the diamond in the solderer but once we have that we’re basically still just waiting for this uh for this snow to come in which i’m hopeful isn’t going to take

Too too long so i am being told by the twitch chat that this only works during the evening and you can see right now in the top right there it is uh 3 46 day time so it might take a little while for that to uh to come around

For now but we can i was going to craft up this uh this pattern here we could craft it and get the perfected circuit that we’re after but i think it probably makes more sense for us just to go ahead and make a new pattern here that way we have all three

Patterns going forward we have the refined pattern the crude pattern and hopefully also the perfected pattern because i think we are going to need all three of those uh in the future as well and then of course the rest of this is pretty much the same we throw you in there

We throw in a diamond and then we throw in some crushed gold uh right now we have three crushed gold but presumably we do need a little more than that for this perfected one yeah we need nine for one ingots worth that is perfectly fine

I will put a temporary pause on the uh on the carbon making there so there is our perfected circuit perfect in the time it took for that to uh come around we do now have some snow which is grand and i do believe that we should have a shovel somewhere although maybe not

Maybe we uh we broke it that’s actually fine let’s go ahead and make just like a regular iron shovel for now although in fact you know let’s go ahead and make a diamond shuffle we’ve got so many diamonds i don’t see a reason not so perfect we can then grab our snow brilliant

I will replace that just in case we need more snow for for more nether quartz and then we can finally get back to this quest we kind of got a bit ahead of ourselves here we’re kind of i think ready to make the uh the reactor and the dust but

As for the block of quartz here we take the snow and we put it down next to the warm core with a shard of the born might so warm core over here we should have a shard of the born might so once again let’s do this like over here we’ll do you

With you and then if we put down the snow next to it it could pop off yeah it is likely to pop off i think but much like with the fertile soil at the beginning of the stream eventually this might transform into a block of quartz unfortunately it’s not

The snow that transforms it’s the uh the warm core so it’s actually possible we don’t need more snow but uh it is also very possible we might have to make another one call for each uh each block of nether quartz we want i’ll give this a few tries

If this doesn’t transform into into nether quartz though we will probably look at getting a stabilizer it worked perfect okay so it did take a second there for me to actually get that to work but uh with a little bit of perseverance it did get there in the end and so now

We can take the block of quartz we can grind that down into four nether quartz dust we are still waiting on the the carbon dust here that is for uh this recipe we need the carbon plates uh as for the energy on dust here uh we

Just need the nether quartz dust now we have the emerald dust and the diamond dust sand uh we should also have we do let’s grab one of those perfect and i will temporarily interrupt this to do something like that that gets us the four nether quartz perfect we’ll leave the last three

Charcoal there going so that should be everything i think it’s this way for the energy on dust we need eight [Laughter] oh no okay so we have got some work to do check we get two per recipe i didn’t even look at the uh at the recipe but we need eight

Energy on dust which means we’re gonna have to get more nether quartz dust it is being recommended to me that we maybe look at getting the uh nether quartz burst seed again i’m still not sure what the idea is with the burst seeds or how these work

But uh it does seem that maybe we could potentially use our first four blocks of quartz to make a say our first four our next four blocks of quartz uh to get that uh quartz first seed and then maybe use that to get more quartz so let’s see if i remember how this

Works we need to make another heat called the heat core is the flint and steel right yes we don’t need to unchunk again i have re-chunked so i’ll unchunk we will uh step back and eat i don’t know if there’s a better way for us to do this we could of course do

It on some lava which would be a slightly better way of doing it i guess i guess we could also maybe do it a few blocks up in the air that could also potentially help us with um with the explosion that’s going to happen here because

Otherwise we do of course run the risk of losing the the heat call that we’re about to get so if we do like this maybe that’s a bit better so once we have more warm cars here we are once again i’m gonna have to go through the uh

Kind of regular role of grabbing the shard of the bond might right clicking that on and then placing down the snow now we’re gonna have to do this quite a few times here and so i think it is almost certainly going to be within our best interest to make this stabilizer

The stabilizer really doesn’t seem these are heavy lots of fingers really doesn’t seem too difficult for us to make we have the heavy ingots we have the gold the two missed rods were made from empty rods which are just tough nuggets and glass again we have glass and we have

The uh the tough ingots here so getting uh the tough nuggets was it like this like this should be fairly easy at which point we could of course uh use our own soul fluid here to fill these up perfect and at that point we are just missing the

Machine casing which is more of those azure ingots which we’re so close we have three out of the four required which is a little a bit of a pain because it means that we are almost certainly here going to have to get the amplifying tubes back up and running

And we’re going to have to make yet more of the raw azure block which is doable but not ideal so one block of azure later again we had to get the amplifying tubes out but that should be everything for this machine block here perfect so at that point we can put this down

Over here let’s put it down like right about there and the twitch chat has pointed out that we can do like this and we can have multiple warm calls down at once around the one stabilizer with the one block of snow and that should allow us to turn all of these into

Quartz at once and we do want to get one more i guess if we’re going to get burst seeds perfect we’ll then throw you down we’ll use the shard of the bond might and at that point we should be good to go so now with the power of our core

Stabilizer hopefully this stays down longer never mind [Laughter] hopefully this will eventually transform the uh these four blocks around it into nether quads it works perfect okay i was actually surprised they all changed at once that was incredible okay so as mentioned the twitch chat is suggesting that we utilize these four

Blocks of nether quartz to make never quartz burst seeds as opposed to using them to make the energy on dust because i assume that the quartz burst seed here can get you more quartz i’m going to take a quick peek at the book this might give us information on burst seeds

Bursting burst seeds are an easy way to multiply the resources that you already have after crafting one place it on the ground the seed will slowly build up pressure with the resources inside and will eventually burst in usually 10 times more resources than the ones used to create it be

Careful though because the new resources will come out flying at high speeds in all directions ah okay so i’m thinking chat what if we like dug out a little room in here so chat has recommended a three by three room which is what we have here i’m gonna put

The uh the burst seed down and i’m hopeful that when this oh my goodness look at that we got 42 blocks of nether quartz that is insanity wow okay that is actually very good people have pointed out that we can make things like crystal burst seeds as well

To get many blocks of crystals here they do require a crystal catalyst which is like all of the crystals but that is very nice oh my goodness we have so much nether quartz and yeah we can do this with the you know dirt sand uh netherrack prismarine

And stone crystal all these ones here dirt in hindsight i spent way too much time mining harvesting wheat to get all this grass we could have used uh the the dirt bersey to get so much more dirt so much faster but now we know you know now it’s

Gonna make my life a little easier going forward so uh let us see here then so uh we do need to make six more energy on here which means we’re gonna have to get uh three more of you in there once we have the energy on we’re looking

At this guy so that is just all of our carbon dust here crafted perfect we already have at the circuit as well so that is fine and we are going to have to get i think three more diamonds and three more emeralds as well and unfortunately the uh the rotary

Grinder here is not particularly fast i have been told though that it is faster if we give it more heat so presumably if we were to do it in here our grinder would work a little quicker all right so we now have emerald dust we have diamond dust we have the another

Quartz and we should still have sand we do that should get us the remaining six energy on dust therefore completing this quest here getting us some energy on crystal seeds and some repairing paste place it on your left hand to slowly repair items on your right hand ooh

Okay we’ll have to go back to that one the next quest here for the primordial reactor again should be pretty much good to go we have i think everything that we need for it we do indeed perfect there is then the primordium so this is made in the reactor we’ve just made

Using basically any plant matter and then the final quest is the atomic reshaper so i have started making uh two more carbon plates worth of carbon dust here so we can get that going uh we do need one more perfected circuit four more ceramic and one redstone block

But all of that seems very doable the reactor here does require a minimum temperature of 250 degrees celsius which is more than the solid fuel aero heater can get but that makes sense because that’s why we have the energy on aero heater isaac you fool so if we just move you over here

Temporarily let’s do energy on aero heater and reactor so in the reactor we want to just put plant matter okay let’s go with whatever we have the most of i guess we’ll go with wheat so if we put the energy on in here and then we put the wheat in there

Is that going to work so we’re almost there at 250. i’ve just put a new energy on dust there so this oh it is going people told me i should put in different items so i will put in like some different stuff here i know if this is helpful or not

I do see that it’s going but not oh it is producing stuff oh i see you just eat a lot of uh of things like it’s eating all of these but we’re like slowly but surely working towards one one primordium right so that’s our first one okay i

I understand the uh the premise here i will put these in just in case we do get like a uh if we can get another one here i’m not entirely certain we will because we don’t have that much energy on uh left in there we could throw some potatoes in as well

Potentially and some more wheat but uh i guess what we’re gonna have to do then is that potentially between uh streams is look at getting a bunch more like all this stuff like doing a bunch of normally seed harvesting uh to try and get uh just a bunch of everything maybe

A bunch of sampling harvesting as well to get uh more of those as well we just have quite a few saplings actually though so we could throw those in and we are going to get one more primordium here which is grand i’ll take the rest now because i don’t think

That’s going to get anything for us we do have enough energy on dust to get the eight prime audience it looks like approximately if i use the variety that i did there a one-to-one ratio so that does look very doable uh unfortunately it doesn’t look like we’re

Not going to get to the atomic reshaper today but guys that is going to be where we’re going to wrap things up for today uh between streams i will go ahead and maybe do some work on base design you know using the saw bench that we made right at the start of the

Stream to try and make things look a little bit nicer with some pillars and some arches maybe something like that i’ll probably go ahead and tear down those ancient cobblestone cubes you know burn them into geos grind them down and then rebuild them again so we have more resources ready for the next

Stream and i’ll also see about doing a bunch of farming to see if we can get some carrots some beets some wheat etc uh to see if we can get more of that primordium you know jelly or whatever it is in the next stream i did also see a quest relating to

Gollums there was a quest earlier in tier 2 or in chapter 2 that mentions using straw golems as a way to automate your farming so we might have to look at that as well that might be an interesting way of automating and getting those large amounts of wheat

Beet carrot etc but for now that’s gonna be where we wrap up the volcano block portion of today’s stream You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Volcano Block | POWER CRYSTALS & BURST SEEDS! #4 [Modded Questing Survival]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2020-12-18 01:00:00. It has garnered 94867 views and 1825 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:45 or 3465 seconds.

Minecraft Volcano Block | POWER CRYSTALS & BURST SEEDS! #4 [Modded Questing Survival ]with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Levitated | STARTING IN THE END?! #1: https://youtu.be/K0RJHAgEkxw

★Watch Live On Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gamingoncaffeine

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Volcano Block Mod Pack – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/volcano-block

Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound

About Volcano Block Modpack: You’re dropped into the heart of a volcano with nothing but a knife. How will you make your escape? Volcano Block is a lightweight questing/progression modpack with a unique progression driven by a number of interesting, and under-appreciated mods including: Hearth Well, Unique Crops, Prodigy Tech, Cannibalism, Soulus, Evilcraft, Tetra, Alchemistry, Forbidden & Arcanus

#Minecraft #VolcanoBlock #Modded

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  • “UNBELIEVABLE: Trolling Viewer in Minecraft SMP!!!” #minecraftsmp #minecraftserver

    "UNBELIEVABLE: Trolling Viewer in Minecraft SMP!!!" #minecraftsmp #minecraftserverVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Trolled One Of My Viewers!!! #minecraftsmp #minecraftserver’, was uploaded by BLUBERIES on 2024-01-17 04:30:04. It has garnered 10508 views and 341 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. SUB4MORE INSANE MINECRAFT SHORTS! I Trolled One Of My Viewers!!! Kind of like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP series/ Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2. This… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft SMP Live 24/7 – Join Us and Steal Lives! [Pe+Java]

    Insane Minecraft SMP Live 24/7 - Join Us and Steal Lives! [Pe+Java]Video Information This video, titled ‘Guys Lifesteal Minecraft Smp Live 24/7 Anyone Can Join [Pe+Java]’, was uploaded by RG Playz 7 on 2024-05-14 21:21:57. It has garnered 21 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:06 or 4266 seconds. Minecraft SMP Live is a multiplayer survival server where a group of content creators, including popular YouTubers and Twitch streamers, come together to play Minecraft together in real-time. The players are constantly interacting with each other, building, exploring, and collaborating on various projects. Viewers can watch their favorite creators in action and witness the chaos and fun that… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Hack Revealed!! 🔥 #TrendingCrazyTricks

    Unbelievable Minecraft Hack Revealed!! 🔥 #TrendingCrazyTricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft hack🤯5#shorts#trending#junkeyy#mrgamerjay #trending#video#gaming#minecraft#gameshorts#yanu’, was uploaded by Yanu Ji on 2024-04-07 07:48:14. It has garnered 442 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Minecraft hack🤯2#shorts#trending#junkeyy#mrgamerjay #trending#video#gaming#minecraft#gameshorts#yanu I G N O R E T H I S T H I N G minecraft minecraft 1.20 minecraft pocket edition curseforge minecraft 1.19 optifine lego minecraft minecraft bedrock minecraft legends minecraft games minecraft dungeons minecraft free pixelmon https aka ms remoteconnect minecraft survival minecraft server minecraft classic minecraft story mode aternos server minecraft java edition minecraft java steve minecraft minecraft 1.18 enderman… Read More

  • Crazy Challenge: Beat Minecraft Without Laughing!

    Crazy Challenge: Beat Minecraft Without Laughing!Video Information This video, titled ‘Can I Beat Minecraft Without Laughing?’, was uploaded by CragDyna on 2024-04-06 14:06:25. It has garnered 38398 views and 999 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:43 or 1783 seconds. I tried to beat Minecraft, but my 3 most comedic friends @Knarfy @CringyGull , and @GarrettTheCarrot tried to make me laugh 5 times. If they succeed I will explode with laughter, but If I win, then my comedic friends will be known as the most unfunny and cheesy comedians. Mods used in this video https://modrinth.com/mod/pehkui https://essential.gg/en https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/simplehats https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/identity https://modrinth.com/plugin/simple-voice-chat/versions Join the community Discord! 👾:… Read More

  • “EPIC FAIL in Minecraft – Sevencantdrive’s Hilarious Attempt!” #clickbait

    "EPIC FAIL in Minecraft - Sevencantdrive's Hilarious Attempt!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Aimed a little high there #minecraft #minecraftshorts #twitch #twitchclips #smallstreamer #streamer’, was uploaded by Sevencantdrive clips on 2024-01-15 22:08:15. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft build battles!! ft. DJRGVideos

    Insane Minecraft build battles!! ft. DJRGVideosVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft build battles with @DJRGVideos’, was uploaded by Liam Newitt on 2024-04-14 09:26:53. It has garnered 70 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:01 or 2341 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Music Animation – Lost Assassin at Dark Studios

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Music Animation - Lost Assassin at Dark StudiosVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Drop in the Ocean” – Minecraft music Animation (Lost Assassin)’, was uploaded by Dark Animation Studios on 2024-02-16 14:00:08. It has garnered 6121 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:58 or 178 seconds. English: A group of adventurers enters an ancient ruin that was destroyed several decades ago by the mightiest creatures of the land. Suddenly, they are surprised by a black, unknown hand, and one of them is separated from the group. English: A group of adventurers enter an ancient ruin that was destroyed several decades ago by the most… Read More

  • OrbitMC – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelisted, Java, New

    Welcome to OrbitMC! We are an ever growing semi-vanilla Minecraft SMP server that has released our very 1st Season! We have an active staff team working to ensure the best experience for players. Join our fun and positive community today! If you are interested in joining our community, check out our Linktree that provides ways to get involved and join the server. Once you join, whitelist yourself to start playing on the Minecraft Server! – OrbitMC Staff Team Read More

  • SoulSyphonMC

    Soul Syphon MCis an economy based survival crystal pvp server hosted in sydney (oceanic)we offer a high quality crystal pvp experience with other fun quirks to enjoy througout. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: Imperial Nonsense

    Why did the creeper always fail his math test? Because he couldn’t grasp the concept of TNT (The Non-Translatable) conversion! Read More

  • Steve’s Reel Deal: Fishing Frenzy in Minecraft!

    Steve's Reel Deal: Fishing Frenzy in Minecraft! In the world of Minecraft, Steve goes fishing, But things don’t go well, his luck is missing. With a rod in hand, he casts his line, Hoping for a catch, something divine. The fish are elusive, they swim away, Steve’s frustration grows, in dismay. But with a grin and a spin, he tries once more, Determined to catch fish, that’s for sure. In this short episode, the humor shines, As Steve’s fishing adventure unwinds. With each failed attempt, the laughter grows, In the world of Minecraft, anything goes. So join Steve on his fishing quest, In this animated world,… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Shorts Edition

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Shorts Edition When you accidentally hit a pig in Minecraft and suddenly the whole village turns against you like you just committed a war crime. #minecraftmoment #piggyproblems 🐷🚫 Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the Minecraft universe! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video titled “マインクラフトでマイクイズ!なにがかわったかわかる?” which showcased a fun spot-the-difference quiz within the Minecraft world. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly highlights the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft offers to its players. The ever-changing landscapes and challenges presented in the video are just a glimpse of what you can experience on Minewind. If you’re looking for a server that embraces creativity, exploration, and a vibrant community, then Minewind… Read More


    EPIC ADVENTURES WITH PRINCE XD! JOIN NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘STARTING A NEW JOURNEY | WYNNCRAFT MINECRAFT MMORPG SERVER @WynncraftOfficial’, was uploaded by PRINCE XD on 2024-04-21 05:35:00. It has garnered 66 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:04 or 664 seconds. In this video I played wynncraft minecraft mmorpg server. Join My discord: DISCORD: https://discord.gg/DRVAdmKAtu SERVER IP: play.wynncraft.com fire mc @PSD1 WynnCraft is a server owned by Grian, Jumla, and Salted. Three extremely talented Developers & Builders who worked very hard to create a very unique experience playing Minecraft. In WynnCraft, you spend hours traveling, exploring, doing quests, leveling up, fighting… Read More

  • Dynamite Destroys Computer in Minecraft

    Dynamite Destroys Computer in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The last of the dynamite blew up my computer😦 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by funcraftshorts on 2024-03-24 13:14:45. It has garnered 444 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #Minecraft #Squidward #FNAF #MinecraftHistory #Gaming #Spongebob #ScaryGames #VideoGames #MinecraftBuilds #Horror #GamingCommunity #Memes #GamerLife #SurvivalGames #GamingCulture #MinecraftArt #FreddyFazbear #Creepypasta #IndieGames #SquidwardTentacles #FNAFlore #MinecraftPlayers #Spooky #FanArt #FoxythePirate #BlockyWorld #KidsGames #GamingNews #ItBurns #GameDev #SpongebobSquarepants #FNAFCommunity #MinecraftSurvival #Haunted #GamingMemes #MinecraftMods #ChicaTheChicken #Nostalgia #VirtualWorlds #AnimeGames #BuildingGames #MinecraftRedstone #Jumpscare #OfficialFNAF #LegendaryGames #MinecraftDesigns #MinecraftUpdates #HauntedHouses #GamingLegends #MinecraftCosplay #FNAFloreCommunity #GamerCommunity #PixelArt #HauntedPlaces #OnlineGames #MinecraftVersions #ScaryTales #FNAFloreTheories #InsideTheGame… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Apalatu Craft Turns CUTE GIRL into Herobrine in 60 SECONDS! #viral

    SHOCKING: Apalatu Craft Turns CUTE GIRL into Herobrine in 60 SECONDS! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘HELP Herobrine Sculpting CUTE GIRL #shorts #trending #minecraft #minecraft #viral #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by Apalatu Craft on 2024-01-16 10:03:22. It has garnered 26425 views and 1809 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #minecraftshorts #shorts #youtubeshorts #minecraft #trending #viral #fyp #helpherobrine #herobrine #like #youtube #gaming #game #fyp #imaginedragon #animation #herobrine #shorts #tiktok #viral #trending #minecraft #saitama #like #gaming #tiktokgaming #gameplay #fyp #fypシ゚viral #hero #meme #funnyvideos #minecraftmeme #challenge #aphmau #mrbeastgaming #like #sigma Subscribe For more Video! HELP Herobrine Sculpting CUTE GIRL #shorts #trending #minecraft #minecraft #viral #youtubeshorts Credit music :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIZ0QRWK0zg hensonn -… Read More

  • HIDDEN CHEST REVEALED in Minecraft! #secret #shorts

    HIDDEN CHEST REVEALED in Minecraft! #secret #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Secret bookshelf chest in Minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by FRIENDLY GAMERZ on 2024-01-10 04:50:45. It has garnered 2499 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Secret bookshelf chest in Minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #viral #minecraftshorts #viralvideo #youtube #friendlygamerz #viralvideo #viralshorts #smp #tutorial #build #gta5 #freefire #squidgame #roblox #yessmartypie #himlands #fleetsmp #technogamerz #easytutorial #trending #trendingshorts #automatic #automaticfarm #blockswapper #tutorial #redstonebuilds #herobrine #herobrinesmp #futeresticrobot #robot #balloon #ironman #car #granny #gta5 #freefire #spokey #skibiditoilet Read More

  • “Unlock Extra Hour in Cage! Join Server Now!” #minecraft #shorts

    "Unlock Extra Hour in Cage! Join Server Now!" #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘ABO = 1H Länger im Käfig SERVER JOINEN: https://discord.gg/jcdWxTmTz5 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by SOSO on 2024-01-16 12:22:24. It has garnered 6651 views and 248 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • The Shocking Moment Herobrine Kills Rayne Ames in Devil Form!

    The Shocking Moment Herobrine Kills Rayne Ames in Devil Form!Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine kill Rayne Ames in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-04-05 01:30:15. It has garnered 456 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Herobrine kill Rayne Ames in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts #virel #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #godfather #devil 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=wq2igapqk7lx&utm_content=o22km2w ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCau4Rs-tvAtE23sjFFfKkcA/join ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: https://discord.gg/crBXKxqdTJ 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barnavagr/ I hope you enjoyed the… Read More

  • 🔥 Intense Minecraft Live 24/7 SMP – Join Velle Brothers Now!

    🔥 Intense Minecraft Live 24/7 SMP - Join Velle Brothers Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live || 24/7 Minecraft Smp || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe’, was uploaded by VELLE BROTHERS on 2024-03-29 06:46:35. It has garnered 256 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 02:03:41 or 7421 seconds. server ip – ip IP: Anime_smp11.aternos.me:27334 Port: 27334 minecraft live minecraft live hindi minecraft 100 days minecraft 24/7 smp minecraft mcpe live pe live minecraft java live stream minecraft java minecraft india how to make farms in minecraft how to make wheat farm in minecraft minecraft live hindi gameplay minecrafthouse build minecraft live stream meking… Read More

  • Villager uses Anime Girls to defeat Boss!

    Villager uses Anime Girls to defeat Boss!Video Information This video, titled ‘ANIME GIRLS ARMY vs BOSS AMETHYST COLOSSUS in Mob Battle’, was uploaded by Villager on 2024-04-20 20:33:12. It has garnered 13 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:34 or 274 seconds. In this battle of mobs in Minecraft, an army of anime girls engages in battle with the boss of Amethyst Colossus. The ending is crazy, so be sure to watch it! ⚔️ Battle: 0:08 – Round 1 0:17 – Round 2 1:14 – 3rd round 2:25 – Final round 👉 Hello! Follow this link to learn more about the battle… Read More

Minecraft Volcano Block | POWER CRYSTALS & BURST SEEDS! #4 [Modded Questing Survival]