Minecraft water above head and sky below..? Survival in the world of “Heaven and Earth Upside Down” is amazing

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怎麼好像哪裡怪怪的 我知道了 天空好像沒有雲對不對 不妙啊各位 這個世界好像 所有東西都顛倒過來了 這邊的樹全部都從上面往下長 而且那邊的水還不會往下流耶 好神奇喔 只是有一個問題 那個火把是飄在天空嗎 上下顛倒火把不算就對了 那我剛剛也講到了 我們今天來到的世界就是一個 上下顛倒的世界生存 這邊好酷喔 這是什麼情況 水都不會往下流 只是裡面好像 也沒什麼生物是不是 這個世界的話 跟平常不一樣的地方就是 我這樣往下掉 應該下面就是虛空 我才會死掉 等一下 我看到那邊有怪怪的東西 那是終界的島嗎 對 那應該是終界石吧 我這樣會不會很快就玩完了 沒想到我最後要去的目標 就在旁邊而已耶 總之我今天 在這個世界要做的事情就是 擊殺一隻終界龍 至於在這個世界 要獲得一些資源的話 感覺會蠻困難的 不曉得礦物是不是要這樣子 一直往上挖才會挖到 一直往上挖會挖到什麼 基岩層嗎 另外還有這個村莊會不會有村民 也太危險了吧 為什麼這個床還是往上放的 這個箱子還打不開 搞什麼 有夠麻煩的 這樣應該就可以看一下有什麼了吧 有一些食物跟一個告示牌 這個也把他帶走好了 這樣好麻煩喔 東西還是會往下掉 只是我這樣子是不是就

我這樣子出得去嗎 好像可以耶 我先挖一些木材再說 至於這個上下顛倒的世界 我其實之前有在 另外一個頻道玩過類似的東西 那時候是一個 上下左右我都可以 自己控制的感覺 就自由控制重力 只不過那個世界玩起來 跟看起來都太暈了 所以我就把他放在另外一個頻道 沒有帶過來 這一間勒 這一間也沒村民嗎 這世界的村民都去哪裡了 這邊也是一張床 再來我想要先往上看看 我想要進到那個水裡面看看 會發生什麼事情耶 感覺很好玩耶 好酷喔連沙子都粘在上面 正常都會往下掉的說 而且 要去那個地方的話 好像蠻簡單的吧 等一下 水會往下流的話才會簡單 水是往下流嗎 沒有耶 水好像也是往上流 我要怎麼下去那裡啊 好像只能一層一層 這樣子下去對不對 連水都是逆流而上的喔 完成度比我想像中還要高耶 這個世界 只不過這個世界的草地 好像都是用苔蘚做的是吧 對耶沒有任何的 就是一般的草地的感覺 雖然也差不多就是了 上面竟然剛好藏力10 差點死掉 還好我下面剛好有一個方塊 只是我有一個問題很嚴重 現在連一個食物都沒有 我要去哪裡找動物啊 這個世界我也還沒有看到任何生物 等一下食物 我身上有一些麵包 等一下玩完水之後 我先去看一下村莊好了 剛好夏天嘛

天氣有點熱 碰到水了 進來之後什麼都看不到 如果我像這樣子放東西會怎麼樣 會往下掉耶東西 這些的 沙子還是會往下 那個 我剛剛看到什麼畫面 等一下 好lag好lag 哪邊才是那個 水外 水外面在哪裡啊 我要 我要淹死了完了 出來了 差一點 剩半格 水往下流了耶 那這樣要下去就輕鬆很多了 看來我輕輕一碰的話 這個世界就會被我用壞了 剛才上面的礫石全部都被我碰掉了 再來我先繼續看一下 這個村莊還有沒有食物好了 有好多棟房子 這邊花盆 我找到了 這邊又有個箱子了 這裡面應該也有吃的可以看吧 竟然是空的 竟然是空的 已經夠窮了 不要這樣子騙我好不好 好像晚上了耶各位 我可以從下面看到星星耶 太陽跟月亮在哪裡 我怎麼沒有看到太陽跟月亮 不曉得長在哪裡耶 而且食物真的不好收集 所以我決定要換個方式 來把這邊的農田的食物 給採一採好了 那我先做個半專用半磚 這樣鋪過去的話就會比較省 材料一點點 這個農粥我要采的話 好像只能像這樣子 全部噴掉了 我想說要一個一個拿的 而且這個是甜菜種子 我還以為是能吃的 甜菜種子也不能生吃 食物是個大問題耶

算了不管他了 應該總會有辦法的 我先把地上的甜莓都採一採好了 等一下我想要先去那個 終界的小島那邊看一下 有沒有什麼東西可以拿 有了 我找到一些食物了 這邊有好多麵包 目前這樣子就有26個麵包了 而且還有3個鐵錠 那這3個鐵錠 我就直接要來做那個東西了 做個桶子出來 這樣等一下就可以撈個水 如果有水的話 我應該就可以 自由的到處跑了吧 那剩下如果要食物的話 可能等一下就是要去 採那邊的馬鈴薯 不過我想要先去終界的小島那邊 看看長什麼樣子了 我就直接從這個地方 游上去吧 應該跳得到吧 有了有了 有點恐怖喔 我要從這邊過去對面的話要 用游得有辦法遊過去嗎 在水裡面跟在水外面的時候 可以看到的視野差太多了 應該先到那裡 然後放一桶水就可以流過去了吧 我猜了 好恐怖 等一下 有夠恐怖的啦 怎麼這麼恐怖啊 一般的世界只要這樣子 稍微走過去然後 往下疊方塊 不對 我已經開始錯亂了 往上疊方塊的話就可以到那邊了 這個世界怎麼這麼困難啊 這上面剛好沙子剛剛有往下掉 所以我可以在這邊呼吸耶 如果要打終界龍的話 至少我要有 很多的食物或者是 有基本的防禦這樣子 所以等一下應該 還要再上去挖個礦物 不然現在只這樣子

空裝真的是有夠危險的 有東西掉下來了 那什麼 剛才那是鮭魚嗎 我有看錯 好像是很多鮭魚掉下去了 而且我好像可以 從這個側邊去看一下 終界的小島那邊下面有什麼耶 這邊有一個建築物的感覺 那是終界祭壇 各位 有終界祭壇 而且好像有一些終界之眼在上面 可是我現在要過去的話 好像也沒辦法 這上面的景色看起來好酷喔 只是他沒有太陽光而已 而且我看到太陽了 太陽現在在下山嗎 太陽現在在往下對不對 越來越混亂 如果是在這樣子 顛倒的世界的話 應該是快要下山 然後要晚上了吧 但是剛才那樣子 我也沒有地方可以疊方塊 為了要確定等一下 到底要收集多少終界珍珠 所以我還是必須要 先登島看看 這邊好像可以耶 我找到一個 看起來還不錯的地方 可以吧 這樣剛好可以吧 有了有了 命重 終界的小島了 來了來了 好像幾乎全滿了是不是 我看到這邊光是 這樣子就有已經6顆了 我剛才的中文文法 怎麼全部都倒中了 我從這邊疊過去看一下好了 等一下 超危險 也太輕鬆了吧 我只要找2顆就好了 只不過烈焰桿是個問題就是了 烈焰桿我必須還要去地獄 地獄會長什麼樣子 地獄不知道有沒有改變

現在這樣目標很明確之後 我就先來準備一下我的防具吧 所以就這樣子 一直往上挖吧 而且我突然想到啊 這樣一直往上挖的話 有可能會遇到岩漿對不對 然後岩漿等一下會從上面留下來 好像有點恐怖耶 這個世界的礫石真的會殺人 我挖到了一塊岩漿塊 這岩漿塊好像是 剛好在洞窟裡面的那種水的地方 我先把他帶著好了 這樣到時候就可以呼吸了 而且我好像聽到怪物的聲音了 我先來做一把石劍好了 被我挖到鐵了 終於 我挖了好久才挖到 現在到底在主世界的第幾層 我完全感覺不出來耶 因為上下顛倒的關係 已經沒有那個概念了 那我先來做個盾牌好了 怎麼感覺哪裡怪怪的 我怎麼挖到草地啊 草地 基岩層勒 這上面是什麼東西 我怎麼看到樹的感覺 好像來到不該來的地方的感覺 下面是地獄難度 上面是簡單模式是吧 這上面到底有什麼東西 我有點好奇耶 我來往上疊看看好了 我看到安德了 那邊有一隻耶 所以這上面就是 一般的世界的感覺嗎 不過也有一點不像 因為也沒有任何的地形 就只是 看起來都是平原的樣子嗎 也沒有草根花之類的 我這樣算不算標題的 不對應該說是 主題的詐欺了 算了算了 不是我的錯 我根本沒想到有這種事情 然後把剛才這隻安德給打掉 這樣如果沒有 那種地下的深層的話

我要去哪裡找鑽石 那一類的東西 我完全不知道要怎麼辦 好痛 是殭屍 好痛喔 差點死掉 有了 剛好掉一顆終界珍珠 我找到動物了 我突然覺得有一種在作弊的感覺 算了管他了 有食物才重要喔 我現在已經收集到了 總共30塊的肉了 所以我想要先去洞窟裡面 挖一下 裝備的鐵礦了 只是我也找不到 我剛才上來的地方 我隨便找個地方挖下去好了 又挖到一個 洞窟的水坑了 有這麼剛好的事情嗎 我只是隨便找個地方往下挖 就找到鑽石了 而且有3顆耶 只是我的鐵還差一塊 剛好下面有耶 我先像這樣子 挖開一塊之後 然後把我的熔岩方塊拿出來 這樣子 我就能呼吸了 然後我在水裡面直接燒東西好了 原來熔爐可以在水裡面熔喔 來了鐵鎬 終於做出來了耶 花了好多時間 這樣我就可以來挖鑽石了 剛好3顆了 我先把剛才的東西都給 合成一下好了 先做個鐵上衣 然後再做個 一把鑽石鎬 再做個煙燻爐 這樣子 就可以燒食物燒很快了 最後再做一把 鐵劍好了 然後現在也剛好又到晚上了 所以我再來收集一下終界珍珠 只要再一顆就夠了 好痛好痛

要死了要死了 安德這麼強喔 跑去哪裡了 好像在那裡對吧 趁機吃個東西 被他打個3下我就快死了 應該不會死吧 有了 剛好掉終界珍珠 超危險的 剛才再被他摸到一下我就不見了 那這樣剩下要找的東西就只剩下 烈焰桿一根而已吧 只要找個烈焰杆一根就可以了 那我先回去地下世界 那邊看一下 因為我在想啊 有終界的話就代表 地獄堡壘之類的素材 也有可能會直接在底下對不對 如果是那樣的話 我就不用特地跑去地獄一趟了 我用挖到鑽石了 好扯喔 今天的運氣還不錯耶 我終於挖回來地底 還是應該說是地表啊 然後我已經看到鐵也不想挖了 目前這樣挖下來 我就有43塊鐵了 所以我再來燒個鐵 來升級一下我的防具 再順便看一下這個周遭 有沒有什麼東西 那個方塊看起來有點不一樣耶 我有沒有看錯啊 那好像是地獄磚嗎 是地獄磚耶 有耶 沒想到這個世界 還真的有地獄的東西 太好了 地獄堡壘的形狀的感覺 那我先把我的 防具給做出來好了 我們馬上過去那邊看一下 褲子 鞋子 跟最後一件 帽子 這樣就全部都做出來了 那我就出發吧 我想一下 直接用疊的過去好了 雖然感覺有點恐怖了

來了 這個什麼形狀啊 為什麼下面是洞窟 長在上面喔 烈焰使者生怪磚 竟然是顛倒的欸 好酷的形狀 所以我在這邊稍微等一下 應該就能打了吧 出了 有了有了 好棒喔 今天進度意外的還蠻順利的 我原本想說會很困難的 有了第一根烈焰杆 一根就夠了齁 不用第2根了 夠了我的終界之眼有2顆了 只要打一隻就夠也太爽了吧 再來就是要去到 那個終界的小島那邊 好像在那邊是吧 要繞一下路了耶 感覺不好過齁 我找到我剛才鋪的這一條水道了 好恐怖喔 有夠恐怖的 應該就是從這邊下去了 然後危險 但是應該沒事 我怎麼這麼勇敢啊 那我就從中間這邊 直接往下挖好了 有了有了 終界祭壇 對剛好2顆沒錯 那我就直接插上去 被我打開了各位 我把這個周圍圍起來好了 這樣存復活點我比較安心 然後睡一下 這樣應該就可以出發了吧 來到終界了 不過看起來跟平常的一樣的感覺 那我直接疊出去吧 我現在武器好像也 只有鐵劍可以跟他打耶 不過應該可以打得贏啊我想 就算不拆上面的終界水晶 依照我的經驗來說的話 我應該也可以直接把 這隻終界龍砍死 其實真的還蠻強的耶 有了有了 他又下來了

我剛才原本在想 要不要上去拆終界水晶 怎麼感覺好像沒什麼傷害 不過 已經來到半條血了 終界龍剩下3分之1了耶 也太快了吧 好輕鬆 然後他先繞過去之後 再繞回來 來了 我現在只有被終界龍撞倒一下 我是不是連鐵裝其實都不需要 我把鐵裝脫掉好了 讓他一點 膨脹 空中都能打終界龍 只要不要被他撞起來的話 我都不會有事喔 應該在2回合就結束了 我已經打3回合了 好快一下就下來了 最後一下 成功擊殺終界龍了 怎麼這麼弱啊 這個世界的終界龍 是顛倒之後 連實力也顛倒了嗎 不對是我太強了 再來就是我想要 掉下去了 我想要稍微看一下這個世界 到底長什麼樣子 所以我來開個作弊模式看看 如果穿到地底裡面 這個世界長什麼樣子啊 我有點好奇 其實還是蠻深的嘛 難怪我剛才挖到 最頂層的時候挖很久 這個是我剛才挖的路耶 有夠深的 原來水裡面有一個 破碎地獄門 這地獄門看起來好帥 那我就順便去看一下地獄 地獄會長什麼樣子 地獄也是顛倒的嗎 地獄看起來好像也是顛倒的 是嗎 是嗎 不是喔 原來只是一般的地獄而已

This video, titled ‘Minecraft 水在頭上,天空在底下..?『天地上下顛倒』的世界生存太神奇了’, was uploaded by 阿斯asu on 2023-08-02 09:00:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

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    Haki Exposed! Minecraft Bedwars Minecraft Bedwars Gameplay: A Hilarious Twist! Join the excitement as players dive into a thrilling Minecraft Bedwars gameplay on the Pika Network. The match is intense, with skilled opponents battling it out for victory. But just when things reach a boiling point, a hilarious blunder by one of the players changes the course of the game entirely! Key Highlights: Strategic Gameplay: Witness the players’ strategic plays and quick thinking as they navigate the challenges of Bedwars to secure a win. Unexpected Twist: Experience a surprising and funny twist towards the end of the gameplay that will leave you in… Read More

  • Hardcore Island: 100 Days of Mobs Madness

    Hardcore Island: 100 Days of Mobs Madness In the world of Minecraft, where mobs roam free, Our hero braves the dangers, for all to see. Living hardcore for a hundred days straight, On an island where survival is the ultimate fate. With skills and wit, our hero thrives, Facing challenges that test their lives. From creepers to zombies, they face them all, Crafting, building, and standing tall. Subscribe to their channel, for more to come, Witness their journey, under the sun. Minecraft adventures, in every rhyme, Join the fun, it’s gaming time! Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Speeding Up TENFOLD! | #minecraftexplore

    Minecraft Madness: Speeding Up TENFOLD! | #minecraftexplore In Minecraft, speed is key, but at ten times the rate, It’s like a whole new game, a crazy, wild state. Tick rate at 200, the world flies by, But be warned, it’s intense, like reaching for the sky. Subscribe to my channel, for more Minecraft fun, Where we explore and play, until the day is done. But remember, this speed, it’s not for the faint, So proceed with caution, or you might just paint. Your world in chaos, your mind in a whirl, But hey, it’s all in good fun, for every boy and girl. So try it… Read More

  • Seth8011’s Insane Minecraft Trial Chambers!

    Seth8011's Insane Minecraft Trial Chambers!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Trial Chambers *CHALLENGE*’, was uploaded by Seth8011 on 2024-08-04 20:40:02. It has garnered 215 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:31:28 or 9088 seconds. What happens if you did the Minecraft Trial Chambers as a TRUE CHALLENGE? Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTureWKrRr7-9kgocmIcTYw/join Discord: https://discord.gg/KYUqRsJj8p 💥Socials💥 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@seth8011?lang=en Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seth.hansonn/ #minecraft #terraria #seth8011 #live Read More

  • Nether Madness! Day 4 MYTH 1BLOCK MINECRAFT

    Nether Madness! Day 4 MYTH 1BLOCK MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘【MYTH 1BLOCK MINECRAFT】Day 4, into the Nether!!!!!! #MythOneBlock’, was uploaded by Takanashi Kiara Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-06-18 02:36:59. It has garnered 152770 views and 11665 likes. The duration of the video is 05:15:13 or 18913 seconds. all of myth will be here!! @NinomaeInanis @MoriCalliope @WatsonAmelia @GawrGura 👑 stream my new song, CHIMERA! 👑 https://cover.lnk.to/CHIMERA 👀 Takanashi Kiara 1st Album “Point of View” 👀 Streaming: https://cover.lnk.to/PointofView ========================= 🏵️[Twitter] 🏵️ https://twitter.com/takanashikiara 🏵️[Hashtags] 🏵️ #kfp #キアライブ#hololiveenglish #holomyth #takanashikiara FANART #KFPicasso ========================= [Viewer Rules] Thank you for watching my stream! To help everyone enjoy the stream more, please follow… Read More

  • Nico survives 100 DAYS on mysterious OP BLOCK!

    Nico survives 100 DAYS on mysterious OP BLOCK!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 DAYS on ONE OP BLOCK in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-09-20 03:00:17. It has garnered 290205 views and 4576 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:24 or 1284 seconds. Cash & Nico Merch! https://cashandnico.com/ Today, Nico and his friends spend 100 DAYS on ONE OP BLOCK in Minecraft! An evil wizard scams Nico and his friends! How many levels will Nico be able to complete in the wizards tests?! Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash Read More

  • DJ Waley Babu Minecraft Song – INCREDIBLE!

    DJ Waley Babu Minecraft Song - INCREDIBLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘#status #minecraft #song 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💞💞dj waley babu Mera gana chala de💃🏻💃🏻❤️💃🏻💞💞#badshah’, was uploaded by Olly2373 on 2024-07-13 03:24:46. It has garnered 240 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Virtual HQ – Semi-Vanilla Java

    Server Information: Server Name: Virtual Headquarters IP Address: vhq.falixsrv.me Welcome Minecraft Enthusiasts! Welcome to Virtual Headquarters, a community-driven Minecraft server for players of all ages. Whether you’re a builder, adventurer, or looking to hang out with friends, there’s something for everyone! Features: Survival Mode: Gather resources, build your base, and survive! Custom Plugins: Enhance your gameplay experience with unique features. Community: Join a friendly community to make friends, collaborate on builds, and go on quests together! How to Join: Have the latest Minecraft version. Add the server IP: vhq.falixsrv.me Get whitelisted when joining. We look forward to seeing you in… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mastering the Craft: Still Not Good, But Better

    Well, I guess even in the meme world, some things just barely pass as “better”! Read More

  • Undead Love: Mutant Villager Meets Zombie Girl

    Undead Love: Mutant Villager Meets Zombie Girl In the world of Minecraft, a love story unfolds, Mutant Villager and Zombie Girl, their tale foretold. With stunning builds and mods, their journey takes flight, Facing challenges and battles, their love burning bright. From heartfelt scenes to hilarious surprises, This video is packed with thrilling rises. Will they live happily ever after, or face despair? Share your thoughts in the comments, show you care. Maxi playz here, bringing chaos and fun, Gaming adventures for everyone. Subscribe, hit the bell, join the fan, In the world of Minecraft, let’s make a grand stand. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥 “When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only to realize you forgot to put a door on it. Who needs enemies when you sabotage yourself like that?” 😂 #minecraftstruggles #minecraftfail #minecraftprobs” Read More

  • Risky Business in Minecraft’s Dangerous Dunes

    Risky Business in Minecraft's Dangerous Dunes Minecraft: Rush of Kings Episode 6 – Dangerous Dunes Introduction In the sixth episode of Rush of Kings Minecraft, players are taken on a thrilling journey through the treacherous terrain of Dangerous Dunes. The episode features gameplay with ScrumpeyB0ttle, WaterB0ttle, and Thekillerkreeper as they navigate challenges and obstacles in this original board game recreated in Minecraft. Gameplay Highlights The episode kicks off with a captivating cutscene setting the stage for the adventure ahead. As the game progresses, players take turns strategically maneuvering through the game board, each facing unique challenges and opportunities. From ScrumpeyB0ttle’s decisive moves to WaterB0ttle’s calculated… Read More

  • Recreating Epic Minecraft Manhunt Moments

    Recreating Epic Minecraft Manhunt Moments The Ultimate Minecraft Skills Challenge: Learning 24 Skills in 24 Hours! Mastering God-Level Skills in Minecraft In a thrilling challenge, a Minecraft enthusiast embarked on a quest to learn 24 incredible skills in just 24 hours. From mastering the art of god bridging to executing speed telly bridging, the journey was filled with adrenaline-pumping moments. The player also delved into the intricacies of PvP combat, honing skills like timing clicks, ladder clutching, and running on lava using boats, reminiscent of Dream’s iconic moves. Pushing the Limits: 100 Impossible Minecraft Bedrock Skills Not one to shy away from a challenge,… Read More

  • 1000 DAYS as a KNIGHT in Minecraft: HARDCORE Madness!

    1000 DAYS as a KNIGHT in Minecraft: HARDCORE Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as a KNIGHT in Minecraft HARDCORE! – Mythical Adventures Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2024-10-01 01:15:00. It has garnered 7990 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 03:25:03 or 12303 seconds. I Survived 100 DAYS as a KNIGHT in Minecraft HARDCORE! Today, I’ll be trying to save the princess while trying to get to the top level of this SECRET BASE. As ZOZO, the Minecraft hero my goal is to save all the people, animals and creature I can find while defeating my enemies. During my quest,… Read More

  • Unhinged SMP Art Tuber Shenanigans

    Unhinged SMP Art Tuber ShenanigansVideo Information This video, titled ‘Art Tuber SMP Shenanigans (Live #9)’, was uploaded by Adrotic on 2024-09-14 01:37:23. It has garnered 202 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:00 or 13080 seconds. Art Tuber SMP is a Minecraft Server where everyone is an artist content creator!! #ArtTuberSMP #minecraft Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT REALM - JOIN OUR LAZY ADVENTUREVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT | NEW START | JOIN OUR BEDROCK REALM🔴’, was uploaded by Lazy on 2024-07-06 10:47:54. It has garnered 179 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:43 or 6103 seconds. Today I will be playing Minecraft! Feel free to join the bedrock realm and the discord! — JOIN THE DISCORD — Discord Server: – https://discord.gg/BGpyeV3vFR — CODE TO JOIN REALM — Realm Code: By4vxuw58BA Lets see if I can get 700 subs by the end of this livestream!!! Day 31 of Daily Livestream!!!! Read More

  • EPIC SKY ISLAND CHALLENGE – Day 100 in Minecraft!

    EPIC SKY ISLAND CHALLENGE - Day 100 in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 hari Minecraft sky island part 2’, was uploaded by DPG_78 on 2024-02-03 06:51:27. It has garnered 341 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:52 or 352 seconds. 100 days of Minecraft sky island part 2 is my struggle to survive for 100 days in Minecraft sky island with the sky island version error 422 #minecraft#skyislands#100daysinminecraft Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PvP – 金錠GT gets 10 EPIC kills

    Insane Minecraft PvP - 金錠GT gets 10 EPIC killsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PvP 10 kills’, was uploaded by 金錠GT on 2024-02-19 09:17:18. It has garnered 37 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. ║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ Server: zeqa Read More

  • “Dancing with Linkin Potato in Minecraft” #crazymonsters

    "Dancing with Linkin Potato in Minecraft" #crazymonstersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft monster ” #music #song dance”‘, was uploaded by Linkin Potato grant on 2024-09-12 03:53:59. It has garnered 3 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Read More

  • Insane transformation in VSMP server! Kawaii RPG village build!

    Insane transformation in VSMP server! Kawaii RPG village build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building RPG village in #VSMP server!【Minecraft | Production kawaii】’, was uploaded by Lethe Bonapuchi Ch. レッテボナプチ 【kawaii】 on 2024-09-18 14:14:34. It has garnered 610 views and 152 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:37 or 13477 seconds. ╔═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╗ Buy me donuts? ✦ Streamlabs: https://streamlabs.com/lethebonapuchi/tip Special alert at $6.66, $20, $50, $69, $100, $200, and $500! ╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╝ Ohapuchi! Let’s eat! ♡ Welcome to my channel, everyone! My name is Lethe Bonapuchi from Production kawaii. Thank you for checking out my videos! ╔═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╗ 🌌Ephemira Debut Merch🌌 ✦ https://productionkawaii.booth.pm/items/5541616 ✧ 🌌Ephemira… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT HACKS - AstralMC PVP & MORE! 🚀🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #astralmc #hacks #minecraftmemes #cpvp #humor #minecraftpepvp #fortnite #clips #resucting’, was uploaded by asadito on 2024-07-05 03:28:17. It has garnered 548 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Si ves esto dale like y suscribete 🔔 tags (ignorar): #minecraft​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #Hacks​ #PvP​ BEST REGEDIT EVER+ DNS✔️0 KB/OP REACH✔️+ FPS BOOST [BadLion & PvPLounge] 😋😋😈 THE BEST REGEDIT FOR PVP + DNS | NO KB AND OP REACH (TESTED) 💎GET 3 MS PING & 0 KB & OP REACH 💎🌐BEST REGEDIT REACH + .BAT 🌐1.9 ✔️1.7 ✔️ 1.8 ✔️ COMO… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Music and Epic Val Clips by Kwaixy!

    Insane Minecraft Music and Epic Val Clips by Kwaixy!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft music + val clips’, was uploaded by kwaixy on 2024-03-21 16:04:51. It has garnered 22 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:35 or 215 seconds. had no music ideas In-game Settings: Sens: 0.175 DPI: 1600 Crosshair: 1-6-2-2 inner lines white Resolution: 1440×1080 Graphics Settings: All low (ignore tags) Minecraft music, Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft music video, Minecraft building, Minecraft parodies, Minecraft funny moments, Valorant clips, Valorant funny moments, Valorant highlights, Overwatch clips, Valorant, Phoenix, Aim, gaming, fps, First Person Shooter, FPS games, movement, valorant, valorant montage, minecraft, valorant highlights, montage, montage… Read More

  • Insomnia SMP

    Insomniacs SMP – The Minecraft Server That Never Sleeps! Hey there, night owls! Looking for a Minecraft server that’s up and active 24/7, just like you? Then come join Insomniacs SMP—where creativity and adventure never rest! This is a Minecraft Bedrock server with plenty of add-ons to enhance your gameplay. Why Join Insomniacs SMP? Active and Supportive Staff Growing Community Always Active Laid-back Vibes Server Staff Owner: Billyjr(Definitely Real) Founder: Fumi/Sam Co-Founder: Deadpool Head of Admins (HOA): Cody Head of Staff (HOS): Existing Admins: Existing, Cody, Deadpool Ready to dive into chaos and adventure? Join us now and help create… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Demise of the Villager #9 🔥

    Looks like Villager #9 didn’t quite make it to level 10 in this game of life! #sorrynotsorry Read More

  • Blockageddon: Ohio’s Minecraft Mayhem

    Blockageddon: Ohio's Minecraft Mayhem In Ohio, a crisis, blocky and bold, Minecraft players, stories untold. Milad FPS, the channel to see, For all things Minecraft, come join the spree. Tutorials for beginners, tricks for the pros, Adventures and challenges, where creativity flows. Mods and plugins, reviews galore, Milad FPS, always wanting more. Subscribe and activate, don’t miss a beat, Join the FPS family, where gaming is sweet. Lenovo laptop, specs so fine, For Minecraft adventures, it’s time to shine. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Edition 🔥

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Edition 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #memes #boom #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Surviving Zombie Apocalypse in Caves with Crystals

    Surviving Zombie Apocalypse in Caves with Crystals Minecraft Shorts: Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse Are you ready to survive a zombie apocalypse? In the world of Minecraft, this is a real possibility. Zombies are known for their insatiable appetite for brains, making them a formidable threat to players. Why Would You Survive? What sets you apart in this apocalyptic scenario? Your survival skills, quick thinking, and resourcefulness. In Minecraft, players must gather resources, build shelters, and fend off hostile mobs like zombies to stay alive. Exploring Minecraft Shorts On the channel, you can find entertaining Minecraft shorts that showcase the challenges and humor of surviving in this… Read More

  • Crafting Custom Superflat Map in Minecraft Bedrock

    Crafting Custom Superflat Map in Minecraft Bedrock Minecraft: How to Create a Custom Superflat World on Bedrock Editions Are you a Minecraft player using Bedrock Editions and looking to create a custom superflat world? Look no further! Today, we’ll guide you through the process of making your very own unique superflat world on Bedrock Editions. Minecraft Versions Before diving into creating your custom superflat world, it’s essential to know the Minecraft versions you’ll be working with. For Bedrock Editions, ensure you have the latest updates to access all the features needed for this customization. Shaderpacks and Resource Pack Enhance your gaming experience by incorporating shaderpacks and… Read More

  • Minecraft LIVE Zoo Building! Hermitcraft Season 10 VOD

    Minecraft LIVE Zoo Building! Hermitcraft Season 10 VODVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Thoughts On Minecraft LIVE and Working On The Zoo – Hermitcraft Season 10 VOD Stream’, was uploaded by GoodVodsWithScar on 2024-10-03 14:00:45. It has garnered 60936 views and 690 likes. The duration of the video is 03:09:22 or 11362 seconds. I share my reaction and thoughts on Minecraft live and the new update / drop. I hope you enjoyed the Hermitcraft live stream see you in the next video. ———————————————————- My Links and stuff: * Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21298347 * Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/GTWScar * Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/goodtimeswithscar * Instagram: http://instagram.com/goodtimeswithscar *TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@goodtokswithscar *Business Inquiries Send to: [email protected] ———————————————————… Read More

  • Ultimate Goo Canoe Tutorial by BushMasterHarry

    Ultimate Goo Canoe Tutorial by BushMasterHarryVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial – Goo Canoe’, was uploaded by BushMasterHarry on 2024-01-21 01:00:15. It has garnered 73 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:29 or 149 seconds. This is a neat little flying machine that can be used for traveling long distances! Whether it’s the nether, end or overworld, you can set the control down and watch the slime do the work! Thanks for watching and leave a bushy like and/or comment! Help me hit that 7k sub mark for 2024!! Read More

  • Emotional rollercoaster in Minecraft Story Mode!

    Emotional rollercoaster in Minecraft Story Mode!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE FEELS: Minecraft Story Mode Episodes 2-5’, was uploaded by Azetlor146 on 2024-09-16 02:46:11. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 06:01:25 or 21685 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hunger Games with 100 Players!

    Insane Minecraft Hunger Games with 100 Players!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Players Simulate The HUNGER GAMES in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by AiroKun on 2024-05-19 19:00:09. It has garnered 326707 views and 7306 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:47 or 5207 seconds. Today I participated in a 100 Player Minecraft Hunger Games Event, will I win? Watch the video to find out! Special Thanks to @Sword4000 for hosting this event! Feel free to join his discord for future events like this ► https://discord.gg/sword4000 ————————————————————- 🚪 Second Channel ► @airoextra 💬 Personal Discord ► https://discord.gg/fkHNmnkfE4 💬 Events Discord ► https://discord.gg/phytor 🔴 Twitch ► https://www.twitch.tv/airokunlive 🐤… Read More

  • EPIC Bedwars Match with Subscriber NOW! #Minecraft

    EPIC Bedwars Match with Subscriber NOW! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bedwars With Subscriber join fast #minecraft #technogamerz’, was uploaded by Sudhir_Playz on 2024-04-27 04:29:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MinecraftSMP #GamingCommunity #MinecraftersUnite #MultiplayerMadness #BlockyAdventures 🛠️ #CraftAndExplore … Read More

Minecraft water above head and sky below..? Survival in the world of “Heaven and Earth Upside Down” is amazing