Minecraft: WITCH BATTLE #2 – Attack of the B-Team Ep. 45 (HD)

Video Information

All right switchers Oh oh man I’m on right now pungent and schism our they’re here and they’re there they’re gonna be attacking like hardcore attacking so turn it on these machines waiting for that thunder there it goes there it goes okay now we’re gonna oh man we’re gonna

Work on some curses here real quick let’s go here let’s go okay ah oh man I can’t believe the I can’t believe that there’s another battle happening right now okay so I’ve got this set up curse of sinking so let’s oh shoot you know what nope

Nope nope nope no no no nope nope prep crab crab crab crab crab crab do this instead thank you hurry up ladies let’s go Oh No here they go get away all right come on work let’s see here that curse is active all right so boom boom boom boom boom

Wait oh not cool he knows it get him boys girls get him get him get him oh so I don’t know once again if this is going to be the best commentary ever but I’m gonna try you’re gonna try to make it it’s hard to commentate when one is is being fought

All right oh wait oh crap am I missing aha uh-huh uh-huh oh no give me that back please oh goodness and I’m bumbling and fumbling of course goodness gracious okay we’re you doing okay on the officer power come on I’m getting shaky goodness holy smokes

Come on get it get them curses yes all right boom boom boom boom I don’t think I’m gonna throw insanity on them this time I’ve got another one I want to try at home we’ll see if it works these two should do some some really annoying should do some really annoying

Things okay I think I think we’re good I think we’re good here okay so let me see if they are here yet let’s go ahead oh no uh-oh I’m getting the auto shift click glitch Oh No okay guys I’m back um yeah I had to relock there that was a bit frustrating

Do too oh here they are I can see you ha ha you fight those I can see you guys that was that’s dude it like a freaking uh really weird oh gosh where are they let’s do like a really weird block block block like what am I talking about

Oh snap there is oh man am i doing I’ll get a kill oh I’m gonna kill him I might kill him oh man I don’t know what it’s I don’t know what it’s what it’s due to what is not oh boy okay I gotta get drink a potion

Visibility hey fellas you guys want to get some potions sorry I can’t focus at all right now they don’t weigh em up this is amazing hey guys oh how did they get up here I wonder that’s what I’m really wondering I bet they died at the same color okay

Where are they oh crap are they shooting each other let’s do let’s make some bats in here Oh there’s a little bit of damage going on where are they oh snap it’s a dubstep gun haha I think I would like to drown them both with some voodoo puppets let’s see

If this works they’re killing the bats oh that’s like working out I got a head of respiration on dang thing huh let’s see here let’s see here what do I want to throw on them nope groove wasting how about one of these where’d they go oh gosh that’s bad I

Didn’t mean to throw that in here oh no there’s water everywhere dang it come here mmm-hmm I mean I’m I’m trying to give them a chance here mm-hmm suit how did their Hank the dang water get in here you know what oh gosh let’s plug this up what’s hurting me what’s hurting me

Oh snap there’s a giant dragon in here what deck no way no way right now that thing is doing it’s got to be doing a lot of damage get out of your dragon I can’t crap oh my gosh that’s stinking dragon what is exploding right now Lucy what’s exploding

Oh my gosh okay I got to get these guys out of here punches Schism I think they’re trying to kill the dragon are they trying to kill the Drake oh my god I can’t even go down there oh my gosh this seriously that’s dragon because this tension oh I can’t even I might

Have to kill this dragon I legitimately might have to kill this dang dragon oh my gosh give poison how much time I got left on this a bit four minutes all right we’re good can I go down here dang dragon oh my gosh hey pal oh that stinking dragon

Hmm what am i do what do I do all right stinking dragon I’m going to kill this dragon sorry gotta kill the dragon gotta kill it gotta kill it okay dungeon to dungeon feed tone oh shoot I morphed I morphed into the dragon oh man

Okay oh my gosh this is like I can’t even I don’t know what to do right now excuse him why don’t you go have a good time in my dungeon boy this has been bad from the start seriously been bad from the start I got all sorts of junk in my inventory gotta

Get this out of here there we go okay free up a hand here free up a hand what do I got oh my god what have I got what we got this guy I feel bad killing him but he’s in my way let’s put let’s put all uh

Let’s put all skit or a punch in the nether what do you guys say huh man I need some freaking I need some bark let’s grow some bark um oh my gosh what am i doing right now I don’t even know like I don’t even know crap okay let’s

Put let’s put you away go to the nether somebody get out of here with your stinking gun how are they always up here Whoa whoa whoa me and damn it’s under me holy tornadoes how did they make a tornado oh we blew me up here oh I can just sit up here I can just sit up here I don’t mind suffocated in a wall he’s dead he died how on earth see I did they

Leave like is ask it is abundance in the nether interesting let’s grow some bark I need some bark okay whoo come on come on baby grow let’s let’s you know what I need is a good old potion to regeneration let’s let’s just put this on just for good measure

Somehow they I would they were doing damage let’s do a little of this just a little voodoo away here he’s down there okay boy I don’t even know right now what to do there’s so many weapon that’s my biggest problem right now there are so many weapons at my disposal I just

Have absolutely no idea what to do it’s it’s it’s boggling my mind what where’s my health oh there it is oh gosh I took it away that was bad I think I’m having more fun right now just being pesky to them at any How do I get down how do I get out of here I think I need to open this tower up let’s do this Yeah let’s do that let’s just leave it like this oh boy whoo okay I need a breather first that all they broke down my front door this is the worst battle I’ve ever had in my life put these away okay always a cave spider right here for Hill

Well he probably walked in from outside okay um what do i do what do I do I I don’t know oh my gosh oh I did they count him you’re dead oh shoot I’m orphan excuse them to dead he did what oh gosh they don’t know where I am I’m invisible how about

Now guys come here come on down Where do you go where do you go did he go down yes oh crap oh crap that thing I don’t like that thing Rosie it makes great music oh my gosh I can’t draw symbols holy smokes what in the world Hmm I know what I need I know exactly what I need here pom pom pom don’t do some damage to me boy do it let’s go back to being invisible I’m gone I’m invisible what the heck this thing does perpetual damage to me oh no you you to him

Oh no you killed my guy where is he where is he come here as soon as he comes right through here you’re done I gotta put an end of here Where is he where is he where is he where is he Oh okay I know we gotta do I got put into these guys quick we’re gonna use old school potions old school potions all right so I’ve got it’s in my bag I don’t feel like getting it let’s grab a potion

Of strength too and we’re just gonna wail on him where is he Arius yeah he’s getting naked and there goes Man that gun I hate that gun I absolutely hate that gun oh crap oh man I hate that gun did I not drink that I thought I drank that okay no I drank that am i okay you’re dead you’re dead hi yes there we go hello minion

Oh my morphs I can’t fly I have morphed again dang it oh boy well that’s like that Inc they’ve died collectively three times now despite the fact that I can’t I haven’t been I have this is the worst which showing I think I’ve ever had the worst oh my goodness

Yeah I wonder if they’re still outside this has been a very interesting battle the commentary has been very lackluster to say the least well pundits laughs okay I think oh yes kids’ll came back on all right I wonder if they regrouping regrouping hey I never surrender it looks like fellas this is another

Victory for the Dark Lord another victory for the NSF why which as awful as this was as awful as it was just I had no idea I didn’t know what to do this was just a very bad showing on my part and I will be the first to admit

That excuse him and punted it’s good job yeah I just brought some interesting stuff I am gonna hopefully jump on a call with them and have a little chitchat so hopefully we’ll do that it’ll be a back all right guys so I’m on a call with abundance and schism my new

Victims some fellas yeah whatever me right now you know what I’m gonna do I’m gonna turn off the night machine and the storm machine because that way we can hear each other talk well the storm machine is kind of nice because it’s raining through a little hole right now Oh

Why just turn it off it won’t stop raining actually no what I can make a stop right hold on this is our only source of water for the rest of our lives you better drink up okay so you guys want me to come to your little little finger well you but what what’s

The problem yeah well you’ll see when you get here having trouble flying a Little bit this has been the worst 30 minutes of my entire life where are you guys by the way okay deal with the coordinates yeah for two slimes happen on a hello oh are you the slimes no I wish we were here you are here you are here yeah yeah

Here you are I’m still invisible apparently okay let me yeah I’m in here we should kill them because here let’s let’s go out cuz this is your little four operating base right well we can’t get out that’s the problem you can go out if you want what are you guys the

Base the base was not designed well take some blocks and build out yeah the base was designed for designing plans it’s rather small sleeping out of it right right and now you’re gonna live there forever now I’m I’m hearing it’s a little darker now didn’t I want to break

Those do you need help yes please already goodness help you can always just TP to schism like post battle nobody’s gonna care right alright so Oh being the resident Victor once again I will bow as the to know which undefeated mmm-hmm I want to know

What this was like for you guys I asked b-dubs and generic the same questions last time because you know obviously you’re walking into a a very friendly tower yeah of course I mean so it’s just lovely yeah so what uh how was yeah nice here that’s brother yeah alright so go ahead

Take away okay so we walk in you know we’re having a good time we think okay we’re just gonna a which no big deal let’s go before that no yeah back up I want to hear this I mean I’m gonna see your guys videos at all but I like

Hearing about this it may it pleases me before we walk in we were gonna go to the roof and just knock down in mmm you were you can do it we have the ability to just pop down in yeah what how you have the ability to do that do we reveal our

Secrets he’s gonna see it anyway yeah we got these portable and reporters oh that’s pretty smart you hit you hit right click you go up to the next available block you shift and right click down to the next available best thing you guys got into my tower

Yep it was it was easy yeah that’s smart that’s I didn’t think of that one that’s smart good job well brains original plan fly to top come in from from roof hey what happened I got head next remiel ahead of time fell a little fat couldn’t fly you shouldn’t need McDonald’s before

You fight the not-so-friendly wedge and then are you and I said I’m in the water like a fish sorry I got I gotta admit the dragon yes yeah was that intentional of course it was because that pissed me off yes dude I couldn’t do any I had to

Kill it I had to kill it it’s like I couldn’t do anything and I wasn’t really taking much damage but like well just that yeah all dude he did the dragon hits you in in like a sphere of like like 10 blocks high wide and he’s every chance

It’s insane this is oh my I would have just been so happy if we could have killed you by dropping the base and it didn’t happen did it was great though like I was bullying a bit yeah good music it reminds me of an old Zelda game

Like you’re in a boss’s tower yeah gotta go through the levels and one of them has like walking plants right and a whole lot more yeah dude that’s hysterical oh my gosh and you guys I’m sure feeling all that the blindness and everything too right yeah right now I got Sloan

So yeah we were walking in there and then your game crashed or something yeah dude I got the auto-ship quick glitch have you ever had that no it’s like it just happens to me randomly do it’s like it’s kind of frequent it’s like every time you open your inventory you click

On something if you have an open space your hotbar it’ll just automatically like go down there as if oh gosh look out as if your uh as if your shift-clicking it you know yeah and there’s some times you can get rid of it by just like tapping shift but most of

Times I literally have to relock like I have to like close my client and reopen it dude I’ve had that before yeah it is so annoying so yeah sorry about that at the beginning that was like totally bad timing and I would like my inventory would have just gotten like completely

Messed up and I’ve got hundreds of potions – did I like those bats that was a potion yeah yeah because I was so excited when I saw the bats cuz it took so long to find you and then I said oh oh oh gosh when you killed us with the

Sword I know when I died my game good and I couldn’t respawn yep oh I think that happened to be dubs – yeah yeah yeah that’s weird cuz I wondered why it cuz he had to leave the game as well if you’ll see his video he liked her my end

At least I don’t I think he cut it out but he had to like leave or something some weird happened but yeah I don’t know if that’s like a glitch with play oh it might be what’s probably in your gravestone cuz I don’t have any yeah it’s probably the grave some what to

Collect those but okay but yeah so I’m excited to see you guys perspectives yeah man it’s very fun yours it was amazing dude it the whole time literally I just I didn’t know what to do like I told I told you guys before we started recording but like I literally I think

I’m plagued by too many like weapons like I just didn’t know what to use yeah and I’m just like uh what do i what do I do it was terrible sterile whatever you did good it works it works I bow alright guys well everyone that’s watching make

Sure you check out punches and schisms perspectives I know last time we did this with GB and B dubs I watched everyone’s perspectives like multiple times just because it was fun and I encourage everyone to watch everyone’s perspectives cuz it’s gonna be a blast but uh we’ll definitely do this again

Sometime and thank you guys for trying to take me on it was a blast thanks for wrecking us you’re welcome any any time any time fellas Oh You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: WITCH BATTLE #2 – Attack of the B-Team Ep. 45 (HD)’, was uploaded by ChimneySwift11 on 2014-03-23 18:00:04. It has garnered 547410 views and 16719 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:12 or 1572 seconds.

I’m LIVE on Twitch 4 days a week now in 2021! Monday, Tuesday, Thursday @ 11am EST, Friday’s at 2pm EST – http://www.twitch.tv/ChimneySwift11 Can we get 50,000 LIKES for the Dark Lord? Pungence’s Perspective: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymYUJ5vPCYs Skyzm’s Perspective: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfI54AcqZ2A

Channels: Pungence: http://www.youtube.com/Assyrianassass1n skism: http://www.youtube.com/skyzmplays

Attack of the B-Team is a brand NEW Technic Mod Pack full of insane mods and lots to discover! Hit that LIKE button to support the series, thank you! –Subscribe TODAY: http://bit.ly/BecomeSwifter –Twitter: http://bit.ly/pNASQN –Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChimneySwift11/ –Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/PleaseStandByPhotography/ –Twitch: http://bit.ly/ChimneyLive

Server Members: Generikb: http://www.youtube.com/generikb BdoubleO100: http://www.youtube.com/BdoubleO100 Paul: http://www.youtube.com/paulsoaresjr Kerala: http://www.youtube.com/keralis Pungence: http://www.youtube.com/Assyrianassass1n skism: http://www.youtube.com/skyzmplays Woofless: http://www.youtube.com/mrwoofless Grin: http://www.youtube.com/igillez

Mod Pack: http://www.technicpack.net/attack-of-the-bteam

List of Mods: Advanced Genetics Archimedes Ships Artifice Bibliocraft Biomes O’ Plenty Better Storage Carpenter’s Blocks Chisel Dragon Mounts Enhanced Portals 2 Flan’s Mod w/ Parts Pack/Modern Warfare/Titan Pack Food Plus Fossils and Archaeology Galacticraft Hamsterrific Hamsters Forever Hats Liquid XP Map Writer Minecraft Minions Minefactory Reloaded Morph Mr. Crayfish’s Furniture Mod Natura Not Enough Items NEI Plugins Open Blocks Project Red qCraft Random Things Saintspack (Dubstep Gun) Secret Rooms Statues Sync The Necromancy Mod Thermal Expansion Tinkers Construct Trailmix Tropicraft Waila Waypoints Witchery World of Dinos

🛒 Wear your support by purchasing merch from my Official Merchandise Shop! https://shop.3blackdot.com/collections/chimneyswift11

Download the FREE ChimneySwift11 Browser Extension for Chrome and Firefox: http://bit.ly/SV9ImN

Texture Pack: http://bdcraft.net/

Music: http://www.audionautix.com

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    Welcome to the ZynnCraft Minecraft Server 1.20.6! Join the ZynnCraft Minecraft server at ZynnCraft.fr.to Server IP: ZynnCraft.fr.to Bedrock port: 25565 Version: 1.20+ Vanilla+ Factions Non-Pay-to-Win experience Join our discord: https://discord.gg/QFQDu5rdWu Server Trailer: https://youtu.be/XtN3SSTPOV8?si=lZBR6ObeDC2SgYeq Server Overview Welcome to our Vanilla+ Factions server, offering a classic Minecraft experience with unique twists. Now on version 1.20.6, supporting Bedrock players! Join us at ZynnCraft.fr.to and be part of our community today! Read More

  • Minecraft server survi.ar

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.6 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.6 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: survi.ar (GL HF) Read More

  • Zenith MC

    Zenith MC🌟 Join Zenith world/nation building Today! 🌟Looking for a unique Minecraft experience? Join Zenith MC today! We host building competitions, pvp events, and boss fights!🔹 **No Mods, Just Plugins:** Enjoy a seamless gameplay experience with custom plugins, no need to download mods!🔹 **Custom Items & Resource Pack:** Explore a world filled with exclusive items and a stunning custom resource pack!🔹 **💰 Thriving Economy System:** Trade, earn, and thrive in our dynamic economy system!🔹 **🌍 Growing Community:** Be part of a vibrant and welcoming community that’s growing every day!🔹 **🚀 Launching July 15th at 3:00pm PST:** Join us from day one… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creeper-Approved Minecraft Memes

    I guess you could say this meme is mining for laughs with that score of 70! Read More

  • Unleash Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21

    Unleash Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21Video Information how to fly in survival Minecraft a new glitch has just been found that allows you to fly up walls with wind charges and with a little practice it is very easy to do to do this glitch first get right next to a block then place your Crosshair right above the bottom of the block and hold down right click to throw wind charges while pressing W to move forward like how you should subscribe to help me move forward towards 100 subscribers by the end of the summer anyways this glitch is very hard to do… Read More

  • Java 1.21: Minecraft Duplication Dance

    Java 1.21: Minecraft Duplication Dance In the world of Minecraft, a glitch has been found, A multiplayer duplication trick, spreading around. Enchanted items, duplicated with ease, Using a trade plugin, the process is a breeze. Trade your items with a friend or alt account, Then unenchant them, creating a new amount. Stacking enchants, making items more strong, With each duplication, the power grows long. But beware, the glitch may break the game, Creating sharpness levels that are insane. So try it out, and see what you find, In the world of Minecraft, glitches unwind. Subscribe for more glitches, tutorials galore, Join our Discord community,… Read More

  • Super Dog Villager Oi Oi Oi, Hot Damn!

    Super Dog Villager Oi Oi Oi, Hot Damn! Why did the Super Dog villager say “Oi Oi Oi” in Minecraft? Because he was trying to start a bark-ic revolution! #bombastic #minecraft #memes #funny Read More

  • Future Minecraft Speed Build Shenanigans

    Future Minecraft Speed Build Shenanigans Minecraft Speed Builders 2024: A Hilarious and Fast-Paced Competition Get ready for an epic Minecraft Speed Builders showdown in 2024! Watch as players race against time to construct magnificent structures in record time. This fast-paced mini-game will test your building skills and provide endless entertainment. Join the Fun in Minecraft Speed Builders Step into the world of Minecraft Speed Builders and witness the intense competition unfold. Players go head-to-head, striving to build structures at lightning speed while the clock ticks away. The excitement is palpable as participants push their limits to achieve victory. Challenging Building Skills Building in Minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Themepark in Magic Steve’s Realm 7 @MagicSteve

    Insane Minecraft Themepark in Magic Steve's Realm 7 @MagicSteveVideo Information hi everyone um what’s going on yeah uh we are in Magic Steve adventures yes Magic Steve adventures in the magic Steve Rome um sorry if we’re a bit Rusty this video uh we haven’t recorded for the past few days but we’re back finally also sorry uh that the last video ended really abruptly um yeah it it yeah we had very little time left so anyways uh let’s get on with today for today’s video we’re going to be doing some roller coasters so we’re going to start with this roller coaster called Water’s Edge also… Read More

  • I Cheated with GIANT in Minecraft

    I Cheated with GIANT in MinecraftVideo Information I’m going to cheat in a build battle against my friends using SL slash giant I can turn this tiny dragon into a super giant dragon wo this looks so awesome are you ready oh no I can’t let my friend see this there you are are you ready to build Spongebob and beat L you guys won’t win my SpongeBob is going to be super cool wait axie I thought you were building with woodo no I’m with you in this build battle come on let’s get started on SpongeBob actually we don’t need to build Spongebob… Read More

  • Ultimate Anarchy: Entropic SMP JOIN NOW!

    Ultimate Anarchy: Entropic SMP JOIN NOW!Video Information we made a server with we’re calling entropic SMP and it’s completely vanilla and AR Anarchy the reason it’s Anarchy is because a lot of people on YouTube started making so many repetitive story lines and predictable plots and abilities have been copied and pasted so many godamn times the YouTubers that are part of it don’t even have any chemistry each other so I’m making the entropic S&P public we’re looking for members that are active and have a good personality the server and if you’re interested make a 15 a 45C application in the Discord link… Read More

  • Insane Battle: Help Herobrine Build House vs Entity vs Notch #herobrine #bones

    Insane Battle: Help Herobrine Build House vs Entity vs Notch #herobrine #bonesVideo Information This video, titled ‘HELP Herobrine Build House VS EntityVS Notch (Bones – Imagine Dragons)#herobrine #bones #shorts’, was uploaded by Fu3rey on 2023-12-27 08:45:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Credit- @LostEdge #shorts #minecraftbut #minecraft HELP Herobrine Build House VS EntityVS Notch (Bones – Imagine … Read More

  • Gaming Niham – Fix Minecraft Lag NOW! 500 Subs Special

    Gaming Niham - Fix Minecraft Lag NOW! 500 Subs SpecialVideo Information [Music] so hello and also 500 subscriber special video so thank you for supporting me SC [Music] [Music] [Music] let’s [Music] [Music] and second render clouds so [Music] beautiful obious smooth lightning lightning strike the Thunder and the most important setting [Music] FCS [Music] obviously can be altered by game play and [Music] [Music] [Music] FPS SP seriously so guys hopefully 100% [Music] fix till then take care bye-bye This video, titled ‘How To Fix Lag In Minecraft 500 Subscribers Special Video’, was uploaded by Gaming Niham on 2024-04-14 14:30:53. It has garnered 36 views and 6 likes…. Read More

  • Insane Gameplay! Alsshine’s Crazy Gaming Adventure

    Insane Gameplay! Alsshine's Crazy Gaming AdventureVideo Information e e e e yo what is up guys welcome to the stream how is y’all summer doing yo what’s up Twigs how’s it going I’m like you know what I haven’t streamed in however many months and haven’t uploaded in probably about a month now and today’s like a free day so you know what might as well stream and see what’s up also please let me know if my mic sounds okay I haven’t like done any tests so if it sounds kind of choppy or weird or if my voice sounds off just let me… Read More

  • Cody C’s Insane Minecraft Fail: I Lost Everything!

    Cody C's Insane Minecraft Fail: I Lost Everything!Video Information I have had so much fun with this I am so excited for more this is going to be exciting episode three Baby Woo all right yeah baby whoa what is up guys how the flip are we doing Slinky Slinky how you grooving how you smoing hope we’re chilling hope we’re chilling so we need a nap real quick yeah baby okay we got a lot of Brewing to do today I’m Uber excited rest up okay sick oh what a beautiful day wow our beautiful world that’s so excited to see what we get into today… Read More

  • Escape to the Digital Circus Hideout!

    Escape to the Digital Circus Hideout!Video Information welcome class it’s so nice to see you are you ready to learn yo what in the it’s literally the weekend why are we at school right now what’s going on well you guys have to go to class or else I might send you to detention okay I don’t know what to do we’re locked I think we should run Jack what do you think we should do you’re really smart at this stuff like dude what are we going to do dude I don’t want to be here I hate school let’s get out of here… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft vs Roblox Showdown! #shorts #gaming

    Epic Minecraft vs Roblox Showdown! #shorts #gamingVideo Information gjc é brabo da This video, titled ‘Minecraft vs Roblox #shorts #minecraft #roblox’, was uploaded by Gamer_We on 2024-06-01 08:24:13. It has garnered 8755 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft vs Roblox #shorts #minecraft #roblox keywords – minecraft vs roblox,roblox vs minecraft,minecraft,roblox,minecraft roblox,roblox minecraft,minecraft gamers vs roblox gamers,minecraft vs roblox rap,minecraft animation,minecraft song,roblox in minecraft,minecraft or roblox,minecraft versus roblox,minecraft vs roblox song,roblox vs minecraft rap,minecraft vs roblox rap battle,minecraft vs roblox gas gas gas,roblox vs minecraft rap battle,minecraft vs roblox which one popular Read More

  • CraftBob

    CraftBobAhoj všichni Znovu otevíráme váš oblíbený server CraftBob rádi váš tu zde uvidíme **Pařbě zdar** Nástěnka Web – www.bob-web.cz/ Steam – steamcommunity.com/groups/CeskoSlovensky_Bob Facebook – www.facebook.com/BobKomunita/ Telegram – t.me/CeskoSlovensky_Bob Read More

  • TwoBearsOneGame – Modded, Whitelist, LGBTQ+ Friendly, Mature 18+, Fabric 1.20

    Server Information Server Name: TwoBearsOneGame Server Location: United States CST Discord: Join our Discord server Access and Whitelist Info: Whitelist Access Form Version: 1.20.1 Mod pack: Better MC [FABRIC] 1.20.1 v23.5 Modpack Link: Download Modpack Description Two bears looking for mature 18+ players to join our modded server. We are a relaxed play LGBTQ+ friendly server. Fill out the short form linked above for server address and whitelist access. Server Owners: 51-year-old male who builds like a 5-year-old, focused on hunting and gathering 45-year-old creative type who has been playing since beta Rules No Griefing or Theft No advertising Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mending NOW, or I Die

    Looks like someone is getting impatient for some mending in Minecraft! Maybe they need a good book to calm down instead. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! #minecraftlovegonebad Read More

Minecraft: WITCH BATTLE #2 – Attack of the B-Team Ep. 45 (HD)