Minecraft Witchcraft and Wizardry (Harry Potter RPG) – Part 1 – Picking Our Wand

Video Information

You’re ready to begin your Harry Potter adventure let’s go dude honor if they’ve changed the intro or since we last played this privet drive once upon a time there was a boy named Harry Potter who lived in the world of mughals mughals Ben non-magical types we lived

With his Aunt Petunia and uncle what was the uncle’s name another called the Dursleys what was he what was his uncle’s first name petunia and something and then the kids called Dudley Vernon is Vernon my bad my bad all right here we go then oh this is

Feeling smooth already did we need to like it I’ve got sprint on my hockey as well nice I’m just gonna do a few bits that I did during the Alpha because I think there was some little secrets to be had weren’t there so another cool thing about this game because it is kind

Of like an open-world RPG there are things like there are things like golden snitches that are hidden about the place chances are we won’t actually find any of those until much later on but I just wanted to double check the house before we got started there we go that’s the

Other room and now nothing there it’s got ourselves downstairs I never even looked in that in our cupboard last time did I I really don’t think I did doesn’t look quite as bad as it did in the movies got tray and pancakes with a bit

Of butter like that and then that is the rest of it nice all right that’s number one right here we’ve got our letter here we go then Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry school headmaster Albus Dumbledore order of Merlin first class grand sorcerer chief warlock supreme Mugwump does that say

Mugwump am i reading that wrong international Confed Confederates of wizards but pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry please find enclosed the list of all the necessary books and equipment turn begins on September first we await your hour by no

Later than the 31st of July perfect stuff all right so we do have a quest log basically so we have our inventory which is on queue so if we press queue oh no I don’t have to go to it in them press Q oh I understand now okay cool so

I’ve got my Hogwarts playlists and I’ve got my Hogwarts Express ticket no those nice and then how do I escape again e to return to the game now what was the button to get out oh that was it shift to escape the menu now we dip them

Through the back Gardens last time but there wasn’t actually much value in doing that so I think I’m just gonna pasta down the street god that’s gonna be annoying this thing I say Potter all the time we’re gonna pass it down the street and gotta look about the place uh

$20 tip from Cameron thank you dude just happy birthday you haven’t watched the stream in so long so I’m feeling nostalgic living the beard Congrats on the wedding in the baby life’s gone so quick now nineteen and working for the government hey congrats man so I thought

I’d show my gratitude for all you did over the years love ya thank you very much my friend that’s awesome look at this bus everybody what’s with the long face man it’s the night bus let’s go hmm let’s see welcome took night bus emergency transport for the stranded witch or

Wizard my name is Stan Shunpike and I’ll be your conductor for this evening I mean it’s daytime bookshop hmm Diagon Alley that’s in London either I’ll drop you off in London outside the leaky cauldron that’s a popular wizard in pub entrance to Diagon Alley Xin the vacuum all right let’s go them hmm

Go go go it’s hot tuna thank you very much the resub dude thank you for the birthday wishes as well oh wait play-doh yeah man thanks dude much appreciate it too many facial features no dude look at them like they have like idle animations where they blink and stuff it’s so good

We’ve got this panel on the bench as well I think he’s just casually scanning a letter or a newspaper sorry what you’ll blink it’s a really unnaturally slow blink isn’t it it’s really weird now this place is really cool so this everybody is the leaky cauldron and there’s some really really nice little

Details in here things like this animated teapot that sort of floats about the place and then every so often it pours out a little copper or people look at it go it’s so good love it alright let’s have a cheer my goodness fella here then hey I mean mmm

Innkeeper Tom can you tell me how to gets down on Ali oh there’s an entrance in the back in a small Ward courtyard with the dustbin units Diagon Alley by tapping the correct brick on the wall you probably find someone there to help you a man all right thanks mate hmm see

You later so one thing that I did do last time was I had a little mooch around and there were a couple of chests I think things that you could loot like this thing here looks like a massive light chest you got butter beer cheese corn bread or and breed this actually

Feels quite magical dude you have no idea you have no idea there’s there is so much to come look at that broom just pops her in the mount the plate I just need to stop saying pottering but it’s my usual phrase but it’s gonna sound

Really corny if I say it now who cares I’m a dad I can say what I want dude I can say what I want so yeah there’s a bunch of rooms here I don’t think really very many of them have loot but some of the rooms do actually have locked doors

On them which when I get a chance later wrong because when they unlock Alohomora I can actually come in unlock the doors which is awesome but yeah if you’ve never seen this map before you’re in for a nice surprise there is expel yamas expect a patronum Lumos Alohomora when

Guardium Leviosa like all of them sorry Livio small the rule school rah install got some linen cloth I love that linen cloths just like a default item to collect in like any any RPG game ever runescape Wow any of them got to make them threads dude that room opens up

Whoa this is a bigger room you can just steal money off of people’s desks as well which is really good it’s worth doing this as well because you do it you do end up having to buy some stuff in this game for a couple of the quest

Lines because that’s the thing this is kind of like an open-world game so after a certain point you can go back and forth between like Hogwarts hogs means you can go to the leaky cauldron the rest of London you can even go ahead and go to like the Weasleys house and you

Can go to like the the love goods as well so when she get the teleports and stuff miss the chests in the big room did I oh no I’m sorry we’re gonna come back at some point anyway it doesn’t matter too much right let’s have a look

At them let’s have a little wander outside what’s that Oh any tiny chests a chocolate frog dude chocolate frogs are so expensive in real life I’ve never been to like an old-school candy shop and or even like a a nerdy store may up Hagar’s re re why

Are you doing here ah new awkward student let me introduce myself I am Rubeus Hagrid keeper of keys and grounds aquas Diagon Alley is right behind this wall you see all you have to do is in order to open it is tap that brick there perfectly easy and when you enter you

Should go to Gringotts wizarding bank and get some of that muggle money exchanged into our Wizarding currency ain’t no safer place not one except perhaps Hogwarts run by goblins speak to Griphook and he’ll help you out alright let’s open this bad boy up so I remember when this here was like a technical

Advancement when it came to like command block some redstone stuff like that and now it’s just like a throwaway part like a minecraft adventure map his bonkers do I have music on I do so I’m hoping that we get some music kickin mummy appear here war do you go this is Diagon Alley Here you can purchase supplies and solve quests for the shop owners here you can purchase supplies and solve quests for the shop owners you can also get money for your school supplies in Gringotts wizarding bank located at the end of the street nice alright there we go then let’s have

A little wandering here then I think there’s lots of stuff to be looted and all that sort of stuff so let’s have a came back with this fella we’re very busy here visit the Ministry of Magic and talk to someone there if you want anything tips on L sub look look at this

Like what kind of note nobody has you I like this in Minecraft bear in mind as well chat this is practically vanilla the only thing I’ve installed for this is Optifine but other than that this is all running on command blocks it’s so impressive so so impressive I’m pretty

Sure I’ve seen all of these golden snitches are hiding spikes are knocking about the place there’s got to be careful with them all will be fine um anybody here we’re chatting to mmm no more there’s somebody else kid all right whatever I’m just gonna steal some

Money out of your building if I can nothing there see now that I know what I’m looking for that will make this looting process so much easier than when we first played this oh is that like a mini Street entrance a wonder when if it’s like a flu Network entrance can you

Get this story on mobile no this is only a desktop game lead if you want to find it literally just Google Flu Network minecraft and the channel will come up straight away but the game literally just came out today oh it’s sorry on Sunday even I’m only

Playing it for the first time is the final version today because I played the Alpha and that was pretty good oh yeah this is like an old bookstore isn’t it we got this felling here welcome second-hand books because you don’t want the very best you want cheap and we’ve

Got Jean all right nice I’m so yeah basically what stores inside of this game as well as he can get fantastic beasts the tales of Beedle The Bard unlocking the future ancient runes made easy Gilderoy Lockhart of course but we don’t need any of those yeah basically what we

Should probably do is just probably like it straight down to Gringotts because you can’t really do anything until you’ve actually got the money from green dots from what I remember and Roberts gonna go get our first wand as well which would be nice got some threads

Here and there’s still a bit of money off your desk thank you it’s a single-player or can you co-op here I’m fairly certain it’s multiplayer I feel like I remember them saying it was multiplayer because I think all of you like the quest object ISM stuff all they all pertain to individual like

Players don’t quote me on that like double check they’ve got a discord where I’m sure they’ve got like a long list of frequently asked questions and stuff I want to say that there is that there is multiplayer yeah okay so you’re saying that there is the server options suite that’s good

Heyo main rooms are a great way to get around Hogwarts and hawked me so I’m getting one see we don’t get asked for a little while just yet I have flown a broom though this is an FYI all that empty Oh see yes that’ll be something we’ll definitely be doing soon just looking

Around see if there any golden snitches hidin to be fair I was really thorough last time that I played this and I barely found any like I think I found about three Golda snitches tops like there’s one just there we’re still you thank you very much hmm waffles bludgers bats and broomsticks

See what you got for mail yeah look at the currency cost to get a fireball is four thousand currency I’m broke as a joke and I’ve got 4500 more words get into there all right we’re off that’ll oh it’s correct today good job welcome back by the way a sky diamond too much

Appreciate it that must mean that you’ve probably sucked on my last birthday is that McGonagall I think it might be I think they use that same kind of texture for McGonagall um what else we got around here you want to see the best thing chat and this entire game ready

Watch this flock of pigeons oh my god it feels surreal it’s very impressive I don’t care what anyone says I’m pretty sure there is some loot up this of this alleyway okay there’s some just there I’ve got a dumb bomb out of that as well

And that is my lot for this one so real my motion is stayed my immersion is not broken which means it is boot happy 19th birthday thanks everyone let’s all pretend I’m nineteen today that’s good that’s good nobody nobody look me up on famous birthdays that’ll ruin the the magic of

Him and you don’t want to ruin the magic wanna play in Harry Potter because otherwise what are you doing with your life you’re just being a right little Voldemort someone look huh are you looking to buy or sell I mean what are you sending me I’ll see you’ve got more like potion

Type stuff I’ll look there’s a remember all in there nice silverware candlestick scissors mm-hmm well as we got all the sweet shop where is the Weasleys shot I think I’m actually that one just there some local here we go that’s a cake shot hello you buy some sweets mommy got

Apples there’s always that one person isn’t there Halloween is always that one person who gives out apples nobody likes them people end up throwing stuff in their house Bertie Botts every flavour beans and a pumpkin pie nice leave those as the art right what

Else we got so we just came out of that store I’m sort of doing this in a really wacky order but it’s just to have a proper look around so flourishing blocks is the the nice bookshop isn’t it it’s amazing how you can just walk in and you can immediately

Tell what it is they’re trying to recreate like I’m just literally immediately got a mental image of what’s-his-name God what’s Malfoy stout cord Lucius Lucius and Harry having their exchanges near hmm come back later all right I’ll be back in a bit it’s gonna check upstairs what we got think there are

Some secrets here I think there’s actually a quest line inside of this shop to I think it’s quite a certain number of books together hmm that’s not Hermione no you do end up seeing some of the main cast there’s one inside of this game go to the wand shop I can’t go

There just yet dude well I mean I can go into it I can’t do anything just yet my first goal is to go to Gringotts which we’ll do in a second I’m just literally running into every shop and just stealing all of the money and all the

Other little goodies that are on offer just because money will be really useful later on down the line let’s see I would never even went to this shop oh no this isn’t the one I thought it was I thought this was the back-alley one around around Diagon Alley where you

Know where Draco gets the vanishing cabinet but it’s not interesting I think one of these doors you can go through into the plant shop coin Oh No maybe you’re going from the other side do you have bear dynamics I just got them 30 minutes ago and they’re amazing

Know I’ve got all right you do yes I am sorry yeah I’ve got DT 770 pros and want to say this is just a shop of oh listen to the tranquility here this is a place you can meditate chat how chill is this is this free or for Minecraft it is yeah

It’s not a mod it’s literally it same vanilla map all you gonna do is install Optifine to be sure it runs properly and then you’re good to go but the it comes with an installer which will do all of it for you so yeah it makes it super

Easy for you you literally just make sure you’ve got the right version of Minecraft downloaded and then run the run the exe and you got to go hey thank you five dude there’s happy birthday Martin not only are you now 30 but also it’s probably been nine years since have

Been here since the days of livestream calm throwback man throw it back I remember being on livestream calm back then the only things that are on live stream comm theory is little man doing his thing rookies little shoulder flex that I don’t care I have many more coins in my

Put in my purse in my pouch oh that’s a dead end they’re mine right we’ve got one from you but yeah I remembered livestream comm used to only be all can I jump and grab that oh no do I need to try and get onto that ledge mmm how do you propose I

Do that then it’s got me something good for getting to that there’s no way is there hmm let’s see oh my got it I got it we got the witching hour a rare book I think there’s actually somebody who will collect rare books I think it might

Actually be Hawaiian in the library if I remember correctly so she’ll collect rare books off of you and you get like a little bit of a reward each time you hand one in yeah back on live stream calm it was literally only like political live streams and like university conferences and stuff like

That it was like very very newsy I didn’t realize that just in TV was like even a thing back then like to begin with and also just in TVs HUD didn’t look very good either mmm leave that be yeah we’ve been streaming for a long time deed there we go

Ah see then we’re looking in the Weasleys shop and just seeing if there’s anything for free upstairs and it’s the odd bit of money here and there oh that’s bread missing think it was bread inside sure what it was yeah just it’s so cool how like detailed it is

Isn’t it mainly but all like the same kind of cabinets and things like that helloyou it’s nice that not every single character you can speak to over hmm it’s like hmm you can have a Potter about and you can see like people just sort of idling and just enjoying their day mmm

Telescope don’t know what’s across the road I’m gonna bother asking I’ll leave you to your own pervy business and we’ll leave that one there right now stairs we go these targets here by the way we’re gonna be shooting those a little bit later on when we get the when we get

Expelliarmus as a spell so have I already been out in this backstreet like a habit talk about frog and some dollar this is a big old double dose than nothing so what’s this shot ah this is the one that I thought I was looking for this is the one where it’s like the

Backstreet like herbology store it has a really creepy basement as well don’t you think this is intended to be the basement now Harry accidentally flew networks too but it kind of has that vibe to it doesn’t it anybody asking for the link just literally go onto Google

Onto YouTube sorry and just type in a flew Network minecraft or even type in Harry Potter minecraft and I’m pretty sure this will come up but then the channel is called the flue network if that helps you verify it for one that you’re downloading more pigeons right I

Think we’ve done everything we can in this area I’ve got a bit more loot here this is all gonna be worth in check so we’re getting a quite a few coins here and there what’s this place oh it’s like a little tea shop it’s kind of cute oh I never

Went into the basement of this one before just a few bottles that’s about you a lot okay it’s mr. taken so long to design I mean this is nothing as well by the way like I’m not downplaying this but I’m just saying comparatively to how they’ve recreated Hogwarts boy oh boy

Boy oh boy oh boy oh boy just wait till you see Hogwarts chat it’s gonna blow your little minds but I don’t have little mind I have big brain my IQ is four that is more than one which most people only have only have one I have

Fun quadruple the brain size from there all right onwards now it’s roll missed at the end of the street chat promised that green dots big brain big PP that is how it work no this is just the Quidditch Store that’s fine by me I’m not gonna bother chatting to anybody in

Here just yet I’m literally just looking for money in chests that’s all nothing there oh you can use these teeny tiny cauldrons here as well this one doesn’t activate just yet but once you get potion-making you can actually portals and stuff like I found a dungeon beneath Hogwarts

Castle but to get to a certain part of it I actually need a gillyweed potion in order to hold my breath for long enough so actually like swim through the tunnel and I never got around to doing that properly so that’s definitely on my to-do list soon enough I’m looking forward to that

Hey thank you for the birthday wishes everyone keep them coming keep on coming maybe for lived what’s this mr. Howe Laurie it is yeah it’s just so cool that they have all these ambient sounds for like each little shop and like how they’re the sound of the street

Ambient sorta like faint out as you enter the shop as well the immersion immersion alright let’s go how do we get access for valor and you need to watch your streaming that has drops enabled I’m hoping that later today and that my stream has drops in

Any bored but I guess we’ll have to wait and see but that’s basically the way that you’ll go about it a mysterious coin let me check that how actually who’s that uh Sentinel welcome at dude thank you for the ten much appreciate it mysterious coin a silver coin with the

Oh Martin hello thank you very much indeed silver coin with the engraving valor Doris Valar morghulis and what does that mean chat what’s that from that’s a nice little Easter I guess yeah I like that it’s not Harry Potter related I’ll tell you that much Valar morghulis malodorous

All men must die all men must serve yep that’s the one good old gamma friends some Dothraki for you everybody wants a more Game of Thrones lingo how about as in TC as in TC is Knight or guardian in in high Valyrian because for some reason I

Decided to try our jeweling go when they put high Valyrian on it and I ended up with loads of it I couldn’t couldn’t recite any of it now but for that week I end up becoming like semi fluent when talking about manchild woman boy food nights nurses all that

Sort of stuff I was on it and there’s no dollar in here I’ve there never mind oh there we go got Ollivanders nice and close that’s you here we you my friend mmm I’m selling a few things to sound wise YC at Weiss Weiss wiseacre wiseacre

He’ll buy anything so it’s a great way to earn a quick galleon all right we’ve got pottinger’s new and used nice nothing insider here and then we’ll hit up Ollivanders afterwards cuz we’re gonna go in there pretty quickly got the scribble list as well couple more books seems there’s any

Money or chess Timmy had that’s an Elohim or a job I wonder if the mobs get like Aggie when you go there as well around this way o Knockturn alley okay here we go I don’t like that breathing sound do you hear that I didn’t go down

Here before chat I don’t even know if it was available last time I was here I’ll luck hearing this this is really traditional meat pies and then you got this plate all got this Death Eaters he ain’t gonna attack me or no oh they’re eerily still I don’t like it

Like it re why are you doing here I said diagonally I’m sorry am i walking in Berks here it is where’s the cabinet I wonder if you could get to the Room of Requirement from the cabinet here I’d be really cool cuz the game did Hogwarts

Has the Room of Requirement just as an FYI that’s a legitimate room that you can go into it’s like an entire quest line you have to do in there for I think it’s for lunar I think it’s the the Pixies have stolen a bunch of her clothing and items

And stuff which way does that come in here came in from that way it’s very easy to get lost down here chair don’t to make a wrong turn hmm hmm you shouldn’t be here I know I’m scared well we’ve got some good loot potion of magic here we got some potion materials as

Well I don’t like how still they are shady little goblins this place goes on forever look at that genuinely made me jump up with that crow yeah mmm what are you doing in here get lost all right let’s go someone don’t wander up here is the sound gonna end

No it’s still creepy as anything oh my god chat I forgot I get a wizards outfit I get like a proper full school uniform in this game you just wait til you see it it’s fantastic it’s genuinely really really good right let’s let’s get back

Out to her to Diagon Alley I don’t like this place I want to go home go go go go go go go go go I am gonna make the other turn as well though just so I’ve explored everything if I’ve got everything mapped out and I’ve seen everything at least I have a

Reference point in my head for where I might find things just sewers oh it is inch all of this 11 there as well and there’s even a chess right there so we’re obviously gonna be doing a quest here at some point in the future interest then why the vault jump on no

It’s not like it was also jumping me oh and then I’ve already been that way okay cool and pretty sure we already passed those goblets right I’m out here I don’t like it go go go go go go go there we are nice right um let’s check

Down the side of Gringotts Bank and then we’ll go in get our money and then we’ll go buy a bunch of books a wand whatever else we need see that’s locked off nothing’s doing here whoa free decks thank you very very much for the ten gifted substitute I’m just gonna

Mute the notification so it’s not spamming the audio feed congratulations to test by congratulations the Woodie axe congratulations to ELISA ma or an Alicia Alicia and Ellie Alicia yeah good a winepress now it p-funk nineteen for da Mao and pop 88 faceless snow doctor wonkin Stein Jay underscore

Orden oh yeah this is the secret isn’t it hmm it is Wednesday in my dudes it’s actually Wednesday no it’s Tuesday isn’t it ah I would have been good he was the other gifted son for I miss the last ones and Sam Malin there you go everybody say thank you to

Creed X for gifting the Serbs even if you didn’t count one just to be nice and supportive I’ll be grand right we’ve done it chat I think we’re basically checked every single place that we could this is just a regular old pub it’s spilled money on the floor a bit more

Coin in there she’s the silverware we love it right let’s go then into the bank I saw ourselves out with some dollar Gringotts Bank look at them all they were adorable in a weird raisin looking way they kind of look like my daughter right now it looks like a little old man

Can you help me hmm who do you think this might come about what how did you think this might come out what hmm I see here you go 250 coins that should be enough for your supplies now go all right there is a quest log as well chat which we can’t

Currently open we get the marauders map soon enough as well let me got the settings page over there too but we’ve got a three quest now so now the quest log is open so very much similar to the inventory finger two quests and then you

Can basically set one of them to be your tracking quest and then when you come out here you’ll notice that we’ve got a um see you next to the hot bar in the bottom left so basically just here you can see that the compass is moving around and stuff it’s very very good

Right hey uh Paula Bandar look how good he looks as well dude that’s what one thing I’m really impressed by is the is there detail in the faces of these characters they’re really really really good mm-hmm right anyway hmm you’ll need a wand oh well of course we might have

To try a few before we find on for you you see one of the or you see those of us who studied one law know that the one chooses the wizard it’s just not always clear as to why you see the best results always come when this the strongest

Affinity between the wizard and the one hmm I’ve put aside a few ones I think you might find suitable in the shop you can find those for me right you need to look for three green one boxes right one in the other tour upstairs this one on this balcony I’m pretty sure then

There’s one on souther a balcony what was that I just got definitely just picked up something special there oh that’s an Alohomora job I’m definitely coming back to Diagon Alley with me Alohomora by the way just the basically get everything oh there you go it’s resting down here nope I’ll just

Take the full damage it’s all right oh there’s a basement to Ollivanders I never knew that oh it’s too dark I have to come back here with Lumos interesting I like that okay let’s go back upstairs then let’s have a little wander over to old Ollivander hmm hmm wonderful

You see every Ollivander wand has a core of a powerful magical substance we use unicorn hairs Phoenix tail feathers and the heartstrings of dragons no to Ollivander ones are the same just as no two unicorns dragons or Phoenix’s are quite the same and of course you will

Never get such good results with another Wizards wand well here we are try this perhaps when a wonderfully nature’s flexible swishy unicorn hair core no no I reckon not oh well perhaps how about this a wonderful 13 inches flexible with dragon heartstring no no no definitely not no

No matter hmm ah yes of course a wand of Rowan soft and pliable with a Phoenix tail feather core a perfect fit go on give it away hmm and we have our wand everybody yeah there we go you recognize this character I don’t remember what her actual name is but

She’s one of the students in Harry’s here which is good and look I can double-click right click to swing my wand around and if I press Q on this menu option it would normally come up with the spells that I can change towards but obviously I don’t have any

Spells just yet so we can’t do it anything currently over then make a little bit of purple smoke so that’s fine right uh let me just create a check the quest log mister see if the other shop is closer is it II know I was F sorry I forgot

School ropes is that behind me oh I was actually right outside the shop perfect timing mm-hmm here we go need to purchase some clothing mmm let’s buy some right so I need house robes there we are how scarf house and that’s that mmm right then what we can do is we can

Actually put those on so if I quit my uniform we’ve got the robes Equipe we’ve got the scarf equipped and we’ve got the suspended trousers equipment are you ready to see me chat Look at that no Death Eaters could hurt me because there’s about another three people’s worth of material between me and the spell try getting Avada Kedavra through there right anyway I’ll try next quest quest log you you’ve tracked it and we’re off up the road to flourish and blocks thank

You for all the birthday wishes by the way everybody I love seeing them in the chat obviously can’t say thank you to like each individual person but know that I’m glancing at chat and I’m seeing them right here we go there you’ve got the books I need antastic beasts Stan a

Book of spells potion making dark forces Transfiguration that’s it hmm nice what next my next quest I don’t have any quest Connie right oh no a new quest platform ninety three quarters now this part is really cool chat so now we actually have to go out

Into London and make our way to where we’re going let’s do the spell and make it look like I’m doing the spell I’m not it just happens when you press the brick but it’s fine all right off we go then belly cauldron it’s now we’re gonna basically run across London to the Kings

Cross station these kings cross his net yeah oh man this map I’ve tried it with the vibe craft and besides little controls tweak in it was even more immersive oh my god yeah five craft if you don’t know is a virtual reality so you can play it with a HTC vive headset

Look at that you’ve got Big Ben they’ve gone to town on this it’s mad I don’t think there’s too much in the way of like internal buildings are in the London layout but over than that is really impressive there we go just real quick thank you very much to pick so

Lien for the five month research welcome back dude we got Zoe with a 33 months welcome back as well loads of people following the streams day as well thanks everyone that’s really really cool of you and also if anybody’s joining the stream late I will be uploading this stream to

The second channel as videos in the coming days keep an eye out bing-bong there we go I think I’m in the right way yeah across the bridge shap I went in I forgot to mention to some people um get ready to see the London Eye that’s quite

Impressive as well ready for it by TM oh you can’t see it I kind of mind that’s why mmm soundtrack in they really went all out with this because the music edition was very late to the earth to the map I think they wait I think it was done

Earlier but I think they were just holding it back as a nice surprise oh yes sorry put my wand away this mug goes around you’re right you’re right let’s go have a look at the London Eye before we head over to the station I mean to be

Fair we’re walking around with a wand unless I actually do a spell with it I should be alright or play it safe play it safe there we go look at that bad boy so cool isn’t it the London Eye sweet um we like him it’s hang go forward from here

I remember taking a selfie just down here actually it’s weird what kind of flashbacks it can give you when you when you go with it so how heavily model is this not an old dude literally the only thing you install is Optifine because obviously that just makes maps that have

High intensity command blocks and everything like that run smoother and obviously for the textures and the little animations but other than that it’s literally just the map just vanilla minecraft install Optifine to help it run properly and away you go it’s super easy it’s for version 113 too

As well for anybody wondering I know it’s kind of mind-blowing to think that this is all done in just vanilla it’s really impressive oh bum bum bubble bum bum bubble bum bum here it is them king’s cross station nice teas hand it in to platform 9 and 3/4 methinks Oh

More pigeons so good right I’m pretty sure 9 3/4 is over this end of the platform isn’t it have a look mmm yep Kings Cross station platform 10 which means that this one here is probably platform 9 yep and then right down there everybody red hair hand-me-down robes must be a

Weasley look at them all you got Ginny got Fred and George you got mama and papa you got Ron and you’ve got Percy I want to say let’s go straight through here we are – – here we get some ITW trains in the chapel ease everybody also

Neville Longbottom Oh No Olo my name is Neville Longbottom hmm thanks a lot I hope you can find my frog maybe you can ask around if I know what happens have seen him see the thing is I now know where the Frog is because obviously I played this previously but well we’ll

Fill the quest line properly chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga choo choo oh we’ve got loads of ITW cars you want me to actually type in a a train on ITIL W train there you go all aboard my train chat I need to see carts behind my train

I swear there was someone round here who said that or previously who could tell me where it was maybe I don’t need to bother with it maybe I can just jump up straightaway and get the Frog let’s just do it I’ll make it nice and quick what

Time are we on by the way so he’s just gone 1 o’clock ok cool And now a special presentation okay everybody the trade today we’re gonna head to Hogwarts whatever smells we’re gonna do Harry well just Harry you’re gonna be a wizard nice right let’s do a little bit of hardcore parkour chat let’s get up to here can you do it here I guess so yep

Yep don’t mess it up That’s all watches this fool tries to climb again for their 15th time here we go see manage the bacon folks he’s on the train and there’s Devils frog nice I’m a what level hmm well you found him thank you very much how do stuff all the

Time all right maybe it’s time to hop aboard the train isn’t it what do you reckon we’ll check my quest log is about to update let’s see quest log platform 9 and 3/4 speak to the train conductor where’s he at oh I think I might need to do it again

Hold on I love the owls and just randomly flying through the station as well they look so cool and is the conductor what I see there McMahon take me to school here we go am I going in find an empty compartment all right I’m Hermione Granger and you are there we are after

School we go

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Witchcraft and Wizardry (Harry Potter RPG) – Part 1 – Picking Our Wand’, was uploaded by InTheLittleWood aka Martyn on 2020-04-07 20:00:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

The Floo Network have done an UNREAL job with this! Go and see them, as well as download the map here: …

  • Cheating My Way Through Minecraft’s Top Server

    Cheating My Way Through Minecraft's Top Server Minecraft Madness: Speedrunning Hypixel’s Biggest Challenges Embark on a thrilling journey through Minecraft’s largest server, Hypixel, as our intrepid gamer takes on the ultimate challenge of conquering five different game modes in record time. Strap in for a rollercoaster ride of epic proportions! Skywars: The Battle Begins Our hero dives into the first challenge, Skywars, a fast-paced game of strategy and combat. With a unique approach of hiding and waiting for the perfect moment to strike, the unexpected unfolds, leading to a surprising victory on the first try! TNT Run: Explosive Escapades Next up is TNT Run, a heart-pounding… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! If you’re a fan of Minecraft gameplay videos like the one you just watched, then you’ll love the excitement and adventure waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a vibrant community of players from around the world as you embark on epic quests, build incredible structures, and battle formidable foes. Experience the thrill of survival gameplay, take on the Ender Dragon, and explore new realms with your friends. With a variety of game modes and endless possibilities, Minewind offers a unique and engaging Minecraft experience that will keep you coming back for more. Ready to… Read More

  • The Start of a Mighty Adventure! – Command Craft #01

    The Start of a Mighty Adventure! - Command Craft #01 O Início de uma Poderosa Aventura em Minecraft! No vídeo apresentado, o jogador inicia uma nova série de Minecraft Survival, incorporando blocos de comando para adicionar conteúdo extra à jogabilidade do modo sobrevivência. Embora pareça um desafio, os comandos seguem regras para manter o equilíbrio e a jogabilidade do modo de sobrevivência. Explorando o Novo Mundo O jogador começa criando um novo mundo, pensando em nomeá-lo como “Command Craft”. Ao explorar a região, encontra uma vila próxima, facilitando o início da jornada. A coleta de recursos básicos, como madeira e pedra, é essencial para a sobrevivência inicial. Regras do… Read More

  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 8

    Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 8 Minecraft Adventure: Exploring New Mods and Features Introduction In this episode of Minecraft, Pilot delves into a world filled with new mods and features that enhance the gameplay experience. With a plethora of mods like Additional Structures, Alex’s Mobs, and Biomes O’ Plenty, the adventure is bound to be exciting and unpredictable. Discovering New Possibilities Pilot embarks on a journey to explore various structures and encounters unique mobs like witches with sophisticated backpacks. The addition of mods like Dungeon Crawl and Dungeons and Taverns adds depth to the exploration, making each discovery a thrilling experience. Challenges and Triumphs Throughout… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Escape the Worst Start in Minecraft Hardcore!

    Join Minewind: Escape the Worst Start in Minecraft Hardcore! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “The WORST START Ever In Minecraft Hardcore! (Hindi Gameplay) #1.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server that offers a unique and thrilling Minecraft experience? Imagine embarking on a new adventure in a world like no other, where every decision you make could mean the difference between survival and defeat. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its hardcore survival mode, challenging gameplay, and vibrant community, Minewind offers an unparalleled Minecraft experience that will… Read More

  • Bee-utiful Chaos: Infinite Flower Shards in Minecraft ATM 9

    Bee-utiful Chaos: Infinite Flower Shards in Minecraft ATM 9 Exploring the World of Minecraft: All the Mods 9 – ATM 9 Minecraft 1.20.1 Minecraft’s All the Mods 9 (ATM9) is a vast world with over 400 mods, countless quests, and an integrated endgame. Players are challenged to create the ATM Star and face off against the formidable Gregstar. Dive into this immersive experience and see if you have what it takes to conquer the challenges! Unleashing the Power of Bees One of the fascinating elements in ATM9 is the intricate world of bees. Players can engage with beekeeping, creating hives, and producing honey. By attracting bees with honeyed… Read More

  • Ultimate Gamerfleet Jack Funny Moments Compilation

    Ultimate Gamerfleet Jack Funny Moments Compilation Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers a unique blend of creativity and adventure. With its endless possibilities, players can build, explore, and survive in a blocky, pixelated world. Exploring the Minecraft Universe In Minecraft, players can explore vast landscapes, mine resources, and build structures ranging from simple houses to intricate castles. The game’s open-world nature allows for limitless creativity, making it a favorite among gamers of all ages. Surviving the Night One of the key challenges in Minecraft is surviving the night. As darkness falls, dangerous creatures such as zombies… Read More

  • Games Better Than Minecraft?!

    Games Better Than Minecraft?! Exploring Minecraft-Like Games: A Review Introduction In a recent video, the gaming enthusiast showcased several games that offer a similar experience to Minecraft. Let’s delve into these Minecraft-like games and see how they stack up against the iconic sandbox game. Game 1: Craft Man Java The first game explored was Craft Man Java, which impressed with its unique textures and smooth gameplay. The world-building aspect and multiplayer options make it a must-try for Minecraft fans. Game 2: Crafting & Building Next up was Crafting & Building, featuring a cartoonish loading screen and familiar skins. The game offers a creative… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Embrace the Gen-Z Minecraft Revolution

    Join Minewind: Embrace the Gen-Z Minecraft Revolution After watching the insightful discussion on the changing work mindset of Gen Z employees, it becomes clear that the world of work is evolving rapidly. With the rise of hybrid work environments and the increasing demand for flexibility, it is essential for companies to adapt to the preferences of the new generation of workers. One way to embrace this change and create an engaging work environment is by exploring new avenues for personal connection and engagement. And what better way to experience this than by joining a vibrant community like Minewind Minecraft Server? Minewind offers a unique sandbox experience… Read More

  • Time’s Tale: SMP Episode 3 – Connections Unravel

    Time's Tale: SMP Episode 3 - Connections Unravel In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Chronological SMP takes us on a ride. From Stone Age caves to Medieval strife, Exploration Age brings new life. Ruins in Scandinavia, a mystery to solve, Punishing players for crimes, with resolve. Chile’s speech, a distraction in the mix, But building and crafting, still the main fix. Content creators, a talented crew, Each bringing something fresh and new. Advice and criticism, always welcome here, In a friendly atmosphere, let’s keep it clear. Timestamps guide us through the tale, From Xyxy’s visit to the trial’s unveil. Building roads and fishing taverns with… Read More

  • Epic Battle Royale for Dragon Egg!

    Epic Battle Royale for Dragon Egg!Video Information are we live yo what up what is up chat I think my mic works I think it works everyone saying late I’m not that late I’m like 2 minutes late I’m like 2 minutes [Music] late chat should I make a stream alerts thing for uh fresh smpp the fresh SMP Discord should I make a stream alerts I think I’ll make one for next stream so I can uh alert everyone in the Discord to join but yeah what’s going on chat today we’re doing a 500 player end fight for the dragon egg my plan… Read More

  • INSANEGaming DESTROYS Silent Thrasher in Epic Skywars Battle! 😱

    INSANEGaming DESTROYS Silent Thrasher in Epic Skywars Battle! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I didn’t give him a chance 😔 | Minecraft hive skywars’, was uploaded by Silent Thrasher on 2024-03-22 07:19:35. It has garnered 50 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. subscribe to make me feel better. #hivemc #thehive #skywars #hivebedrock #duels #combo #pvp #mcpe #bedrock #minecraft #minecraftbedrock #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftlive #challenge #viral #short #yt #hiveskywars #hiveTags #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock #hivebedrock #mcpelive #hivepvp #minecraftpvp #hivepvp hive pack folder,pack Minecraft hive skywars Minecraft hive asmr Minecraft hive skywars mobile Minecraft pe skywars Minecraft bedrock the… Read More

  • “UNBELIEVABLE! MOST OVERPOWERED ITEM EVER?!” #shorts #grasstoucher27

    "UNBELIEVABLE! MOST OVERPOWERED ITEM EVER?!" #shorts #grasstoucher27Video Information mining a block instantly is completely overpowered but compared to an iron pickax how good really is it today I’m mining out an entire chunk with a regular iron pickax and an efficien 5 netherite pickax with Hast for the iron pickax I didn’t mine an entire chunk as it would take too long so instead I mine one layer and multiply the time taken by the amount of layers meaning that if I were to actually mine the entire chunk it would take me 6 hours meanwhile with the netherite pickaxe I decided to mine the entire… Read More

  • Trapped by My Bully GF in a Hacker Bubble for 24hrs!

    Trapped by My Bully GF in a Hacker Bubble for 24hrs!Video Information [Music] today we’re trapped this out of a bubble except we have hacker Powers hacker Powers say less okay let’s be honest who’s holding my hand what you’re holding my hand let go I want to hold Cory’s what oh my we need to expand this as soon as possible so if you go ahead and press tab you can see your hacker menu pop up with a bunch of options ooh there’s a lot and let’s see why don’t we click on the kids button and click the beginner kit and check it out I just got… Read More

  • Kronii’s Insane Reaction to Missing Calli’s B’day Call-in!

    Kronii's Insane Reaction to Missing Calli's B'day Call-in!Video Information oh yeah people will never be sleeping ever again because I slept and I sat an alarm and I didn’t wake up for the calling and I’m so mad at myself see this is why I stay up all night whenever there’s something in the morning I just just stay up all night I don’t trust my alarm I just over sleep but oh boo that’s okay at least I get a day two to myself yeah exactly see it all worked out in the end there more than you can say for crony uh crony was like… Read More

  • Defeating Ender Dragon w/out Krishna?! 😱 | Minecraft Survival

    Defeating Ender Dragon w/out Krishna?! 😱 | Minecraft SurvivalVideo Information तो हेलो गाइस मेरा नाम है कृष्णा आप देख रहे हैं नट कृष्णा तो गा आज की इस वाली वीडियो में हम जाने वाले हैं एंड में और एंडर ड्रैगन को डिफीट करके आने वाले हैं जिससे हमारा वर्ल्ड बच जाएगा और सारे एंडरमैन को भी हम लोग बचा लेंगे तो चलिए जल्दी से हम सारा सामान कलेक्ट कर लेते हैं एंड में जाने के लिए तो पहले हम नेदर में चले आते हैं लेकिन उससे पहले हम अपने इन्वेंटरी खाली कर देते हैं तो गाइस अब हम जाने वाले हैं एंड में जल्दी से हम एंड में… Read More


    ULTIMATE AXE GAMER DOMINATES MINECRAFT #MLGVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best MLG In Minecraft Of All Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by AXE GAMER on 2024-04-19 14:22:00. It has garnered 660 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Best MLG In Minecraft Of All Time #shorts #minecraft Minecraft is an amazing open-world sandbox where players build, create, and explore their very unique world. Whether it is in creative, survival, or adventure mode, each experience is sure to be a blast. #minecraft #shorts Tags: minecraft, magixmc, magixmc tiktok, magix tiktok,tic toc,ticktock,gaming, build, building,minecraft buildings, short, shorts, youtubeshorts, youtube short,… Read More

  • VerixPvP | Revamped

    VerixPvP | RevampedVerixPvP is an established competitive minecraft network! Some of our features include – Premium cannoning jar – Custom F Fork Shields, Rosters, Missions, Upgrades – Free Upgradable Autosell Harvester Hoes – Printable gen buckets and Patch Buckets AND MUCH MORE! play.verixpvp.com Read More

  • The Dominion PvE RPG Dungeons Custom Items 1.20.2

    Welcome to The Dominion IP: play.thedominion.us Alternate IP: thedominion.us Embark on an epic Minecraft RPG adventure at The Dominion (est. 2013)! DUNGEONS: Conquer hand-crafted challenges, unveiling your dungeoneering prowess for exclusive loot and glory! WORLDS: Dive into a hybrid realm – an SMP haven for builders or a bespoke RPG world of dungeons and dangers! CUSTOMIZATION: Elevate your gameplay with unique items, bosses, and a leveling system tailored for immersive experiences. COMMUNITY DRIVEN: Crafted by a passionate, small team; we welcome all to aid in improving our server. CONSTANT EVOLUTION: Your feedback shapes the server as we unveil fresh content…. Read More

  • Double Helix

    Double HelixLooking for a server that puts the players first? How about we throw in… custom items.. now that sounds interesting. PvP? you betcha, there’s heaps of Arenas that you can get even with your friends.. or enemies :)Yeah, Discord seems to be the thing here’s our channel : discord.gg/2KEKQeQVhxTowny, Mini Games, Jobs ….That’s just a snippet of what we can offer you here at Double Helix! ..Got 10 minutes? .. Then don’t be shy, come on over and take a look for yourself . the only thing you have to lose is a couple of minutes, who knows, you might… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Inventory overload: Minecraft’s ancient luggage struggles

    Looks like Minecraft’s inventory is still stuck in the Stone Age! Read More

  • Crafting Cash in 2024: Mine Money with Minecraft Vids!

    Crafting Cash in 2024: Mine Money with Minecraft Vids! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Earning money without YouTube, where the story arrives. A course to guide you, with assets and clients in sight, Editing and teachers, to make your content bright. Contact for business, at [email protected], Options for courses, to help you earn a gem. DarkCity and DarkHeroes, series to explore, Challenges and entities, to keep you wanting more. Top 5 powerful entities, to test your might, Entertainment and fun, in every Minecraft night. Like and subscribe, for more content to see, In the world of Minecraft, where you can be free. Read More

  • 🔥Minecraft vs. Hot Sauce! 🌶️

    🔥Minecraft vs. Hot Sauce! 🌶️ I don’t know about you, but I think the real question is: which came first, the chicken or the creeper? 🤔 #minecraftlogic #shorts #meme #2023 Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “🥰JOJO BIZZAR ADVENTURE PIXEL ART #minecraft #viral #shorts #trending” by Fanatic Gamerz. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server where creativity knows no bounds? Imagine bringing your pixel art skills to life in a vibrant and dynamic community like Minewind. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, you can dive into a world where the possibilities are endless. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Pigs Turning into Creepers – Minecraft

    Pigs Turning into Creepers - Minecraft Exploring the World of Minecraft Welcome to a world where pigs are turning into creepers in Minecraft! Dive into the captivating universe of this sandbox game that has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. With charming pixelated graphics and endless gameplay possibilities, Minecraft offers a unique experience of building, exploring, surviving, and adventuring. Building Your Dream World From humble cabins to grand castles, Minecraft allows you to construct your ideal home in a virtual realm. Let your creativity run wild as you design and build structures that reflect your imagination. Exploring the Unknown Embark on thrilling journeys… Read More

  • INSANE Monky MODS 4 Minecraft! Unbelivable!!

    INSANE Monky MODS 4 Minecraft! Unbelivable!!Video Information hello everyone and welcome to my YouTube channel in today’s video we will be exploring some of the craziest Minecraft mods out there these mods will push the limits of Minecraft from enhancing The View distance to improving Graphics quality we will be covering everything from the most valuable mods to the most outstanding ones in their respective Fields I hope you will enjoy the video and support me by like And subscribe to the channel for more amazing content so without further Ado let’s dive into the video the video begins with the most highly rated realistic… Read More

  • Why I SWAPPED Mikey’s Body in Minecraft with a Girl’s – Maizen

    Why I SWAPPED Mikey's Body in Minecraft with a Girl's - MaizenVideo Information hey JJ are you ready for this meeting with the boss to hand over the cash absolutely Mikey handing over a pile of money always makes me anxious JJ did you see that the bridge is broken we almost went flying off I noticed Mikey what the heck happened to the bridge and why is there a police car tailing us Mikey JJ you’re under arrest you’ve been working for the mafia and you’re looking at 10 years behind bars officer you got it all wrong we’re just regular guys trying to make a living no Mafia business… Read More

  • Insane Plot Twist: I Built a Minecraft Survival School Gate 😱

    Insane Plot Twist: I Built a Minecraft Survival School Gate 😱Video Information [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] tes [Musik] tes asamikumikumam kedua ni bang halo halo asalamaikum Waalaikumsalam rizan 2030 Kika Halo Bang 226 kilan yo Halo Bang Halo R R6 ketig ketig yang benar Siapa tuh Halo channel aku sat Bang Iya halo halo Kid 517 halo channel Halo Bang Halo semuanya Selamat malam ini adalah teraw terakhirh lah Ang I guys sekarang teraw terakhir guysa terakhir ya atau takbiran ya Halo Bang Halo channel7 Halo Mar 5000 juta Bang kamu kedua Bang ini bukan R yang kami kenal lihat rambutnya diakang Bang terakhir tanggal 9 kan lah tapi kan sekarang… Read More

  • Living as a VILLAGER in Trendy Minecraft – INSANE POV! #minecraft

    Living as a VILLAGER in Trendy Minecraft - INSANE POV! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV VILLAGER LIFE IN THIS TREND OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by HardShipYT on 2024-04-05 03:41:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Assalam O Alikum! POV VILLAGER LIFE IN THIS TREND OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #shorts ▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭ [ Details] … Read More


    🔥 EPIC MINECRAFT MINI GAMES BATTLE feat. BUTCHER OF BRIX & TUXEDO STEVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI GAMES BATTLE MODE/ BUTCHER OF BRIX/TUXEDO STEVE’, was uploaded by RashuFruitzBlueBerriz on 2024-04-30 11:23:21. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:42 or 2982 seconds. Hello, my name is RashuFruitz, but my real name is Anthony, I am passionate about having insight, wisdom, charisma, loyalty, compassion, respect, and having belief in others, I am also passionate about taking care of your health and working a job and/career that you love, because think about it, we humans spend most of our lives considerably working, so, If we… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Surviving Minecraft’s Creepiest Mod

    Unbelievable! Surviving Minecraft's Creepiest ModVideo Information why is it doing thatai oh live yep ohie guys I’m live yay oh [ __ ] okay check check check okay check check check okay che check live hello hello hello hello hello yeah what’s up I’m back okay check if I’m live yeah you are live it’s fine live live live okay I’m I’m going to start my recording and we’ll do a proper intro oh [ __ ] wait wait wait hello everybody okay start it start it all right stand wait a wait stand here stand here and just do an FY you know yeah yeah yeah hello… Read More

  • EPIC ESCAPE! Bonny Craft Adventure #game

    EPIC ESCAPE! Bonny Craft Adventure #gameVideo Information вперёд к приключениям Ай не лагай не лагай А хотя Он скинет А как он это сделал тихо тихо Людвиг аристархович This video, titled ‘Чуть не закончились приключения #игры #стрим #bonny_craft #монтаж #minecraft #vtuber’, was uploaded by BONNY_CRAFT on 2024-01-09 20:44:05. It has garnered 2121 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • HOTEL Minecraft Build Challenge – Lotte builds €1 vs €10.000.000!

    HOTEL Minecraft Build Challenge - Lotte builds €1 vs €10.000.000!Video Information Alex vandaag moeten we een €1 versus 1 miljoen hotel bouwen en deze chesten gaan ons laten weten welke Wij moeten bouwen Kom op Ik wil de duurste hebben dan kan ik een mega zwembad bouwen en misschien ook een eigen butler nemen en die noem ik dan Frits wat Nee ik wil de duurste Ik kan niet wachten om een miljoen hotel gewoon te bouwen in plaats van een poep €1 hotel Maar zullen we kijken Dat is goed oké 3 2 1 Ja ik heb een miljoen Let’s Go Jee ik heb een eh Alex ik… Read More

  • Reedop’s Fortnite Anxiety Revealed – Jaw-Dropping Twist at the End! #Shocking #Minecraft

    Reedop's Fortnite Anxiety Revealed - Jaw-Dropping Twist at the End! #Shocking #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘All High level anxiety’s 💀 But ( Wait for End😂 ) #Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Reedop Gaming on 2024-02-25 12:00:57. It has garnered 38775 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Share with your friends🙏 please Instagram link 👇 / https://instagram.com/reedop_yt?igshid=ZDdkNTZiNTM= my sacond channel channel link 👇 https://youtube.com/channel/UC771DphIWx4etC2b1gmO5sg IGNORE ALL HASHTAG 🙏 !! VIDEO RELATED HASTAGS ! #trendingshort#liveinsaan#mythpat#techno_gamerz#mrbeast#total_gaming#triggered insaan#mythpat#gaming#subscribe#short#youtube#youtuber#viralshort#nurseryrhymes#littleangelnurseryrhymes#peppapigenglish#peppa#babysharkchallenge#kidssongs#youtube#youtuber#subscribe:#like#gaming#love#youtubecommunity#teaching#learning#facts#support#goals#like#youtube#youtuber#subscriber#youtubelikes#youtubevide#youtube #youtuber #instagram #music#love #follow #tiktok #spotify #like #youtubechannel#explorepage #youtubers #video#gaming#twitch#instagood#memes#hiphop#subscribe#viral#gamer#video#youtube #rap #gaming #fortnite #gamer #game#games #xbox #producer #youtuber minecraft gameplay in hindi, minecraft gameplay, minecraft in hindi gameplay, minecraft,… Read More

  • CozyCraving – Vanilla, No Whitelist, No Grief, Survival

    Join Our Unwhitelisted Survival Server! Looking for a great community to play with? Join our server with rollback plugin for griefing and looting protection. The server will never reset and will expand over time. Server IP: play.cozycraving.com Read More

  • Macho Craft ATM9

    Macho Craft ATM9Brand new community, with a fresh world and more servers on the way!We offer playtime ranks and do our best to provide an optimal gaming experience.Diverse Mod Selection: ATM9 boasts over 400 mods, ranging from well-known favorites to newer, lesser-known additions. Whether you’re a seasoned modder or a curious newcomer, there’s something here for everyone.Balanced Gameplay: The modpack strikes a balance between accessibility and depth. It includes all the basics found in other popular packs, but with a twist. Expect surprises, unique mechanics, and fresh content as you delve into the world of ATM9.Endgame Challenges: Can you craft the elusive… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Salty Easy Choice”

    When it comes to choosing between studying and playing Minecraft, it’s a no-brainer…273 points to gaming! Read More

  • Crafting Dreams: Minecraft’s Sleepy Scheme

    Crafting Dreams: Minecraft's Sleepy Scheme In the world of Minecraft, we find peace, Building, exploring, our stress release. So what if it makes us a bit sleepy, It’s a game that’s truly worth keeping. Let’s embrace the calm, the joy it brings, And let our imaginations take wings. Read More

  • Bro, Why Am I Lagging in this Hot Mess? 😂 #minecraft #meme

    Bro, Why Am I Lagging in this Hot Mess? 😂 #minecraft #meme When you’re lagging in Minecraft and your friend asks why, just blame it on the Enderman stealing all the WiFi signals in the End dimension. #minecraftproblems #blametheenderman Read More

Minecraft Witchcraft and Wizardry (Harry Potter RPG) – Part 1 – Picking Our Wand