Minecraft Xbox – Pumpkin Party [133]

Video Information

Hello this is stumpy and welcome to a extra spooky let’s play in Minecraft this is the Halloween special of stampy’s lovely Wow happy Halloween everybody yeah it’s gonna be a very scary episode today so make sure you got all of your blankets ready so you can

Hide your heads when things start to get spooky and oh yeah there’s no Lea at the beginning that’s because Lea is over in his house and I’m gonna be going and trick-or-treating him soon which means all I’ve got to eat is this cake here which has been left on this table for

Absolutely ages and as you can see it’s gone all horrible and mouldy and disgusting so right this is gonna have to be my breakfast this is gonna have to do I’m gonna hold my nose no I need to find something else tea a little bit later on unless you can see

Everything’s different everything has been decorated Halloween style instead of a bed I’ve got a coffin and look at my chest here instead of a chest it’s a horrible little monster thingy and I’ve got my costume as well I’ve got my Halloween costume I’ve decided to dress

Up as a clown and so if I go and put on the trousers my boots and they’re my chest plate there we go you can see that i now look like stampy cat the cloud I think it looks pretty awesome I think that’s a pretty good look for me

And so what I’m gonna do now is go around to where all of my friends and trick-or-treat them and hopefully I get a load of stuff actually also I should probably show you through here it’s not only the the players that have been dressing up but Henry and Hilda has as

Well Henry is always sitting in that seat for some reason but you can see he’s pretty scary as he is so all he’s done is put a scarf on but Hilda has done loads of effort and has completely dressed up as a Frankenstein likely that looks awesome good show guys good shows

I won’t trick or treat them because they never give me anything but it doesn’t matter and what gonna go and do now is their head over to the spooky version of My Love guide and then I look Fred stressed up as well Fred my friendly Enderman has

Dressed up as slender that’s a pretty awesome that’s a pretty cool costume Fred anyway right today to my love garden I am adding Matthew Chung and oh there’s a few reasons why I’m adding him he on pretty much all of my videos he’s also sent me loads of amazing fan art

AMA which you can see on screen now but the main reason is because I believe he is psychic he sent me a message on facebook i recommending what I should do for my Halloween special and he almost exactly recommended what I was already planning to do he says I I should go

Trick-or-treating with my friends have a party in my Clubhouse then go to googlies Manor and that is almost exactly what I’m going to be doing today and so for that reason and for all of the comments and pictures and videos that I wanted to say a big thank you to you Matthew herb

Matthew Chung and welcome to my love garden anyway now it’s time to go trick-or-treating and just look at my world look how weird and spooky it is look at my googly strap over that all of the larvas greed and the sky is orange with purple clouds yeah it’s certainly a

Very different compared to what it’s normally like and I believe ballistic squid is down here in his house oh I do have my little bucket ready now which will hopefully by the end of the video be filled up with all sorts of sweets and candy and so yeah let’s go and start

Trick-or-treating Trick or Treat trick or treat squid I’m sorry squid oh I guess that’s your trick I don’t mean to punch yours knocking on the door quite furiously bye what have you got you got a trick or a treat what’s it gonna be what’s it

Gonna be oh why is this why is this horrible purple water that you’ve just sprayed at me oh it’s horrible I guess you got a trick then I should have guessed I should have guessed I think he’s got a cake though is this my treat is that supposed to be my treat

Another horrible moldy cake you know I had one of those for breakfast and it’s very nice of you if I think I’m gonna pause I’m gonna stick with some of these cakes here’s the air the tasty stampy’s or hot buns branded cakes my and though I’m gonna have this a fizzy drink that

You gave me because oh yeah well hopefully allow me to get quicker over to everybody else’s house oh and look at my world look how different it all is everything just looks so odd in this new Halloween themed texture packet I love it though let’s go have a look at the

Animals shall we shall see how they’ve all changed you can see all the chickens have all dressed up as well all of my animals have gotten to costume as well you can see that what style that’s the the mooshroom and look at the cow it’s like a weird-looking devil

Looks hilarious anyway I’m also being joined in this video by Miss minecraft Xbox Live Arcade who used to be called epic big see as well of course Elfa Lee whose are over in his moose house so I think I’m gonna go and cool on Chloe fur

So I’m gonna get my bucket and hopefully I’m gonna get a treat this time and not another trick like squid gave me so Chloe Chloe are you home Trick or Treat trick or treat hello is anybody there oh my god why have you dressed up her she’s up she’s a

Ghost with a scary clown mask and she gave me a tree she gave me an Oreo and golden apples yeah you can come again thank you very much right there last person I need to go and cool on plays of course elf early so I’m gonna go down here and ring his

Doorbell Trick or Treat trick or treat anybody home I hit the target is hit the target what’s he doing here oh he’s attacking me oh wait a minute that’s not hit the target that’s elderly is that what your costume is is that what you dressed up as yeah good idea go

Change into something else that’s terrifying you can’t do that to me do you know how much trouble I’ve had we’ve hit the target that was a mean prank to flee I guess that I’ve got two tricks then and one treat from Chloe then so I suppose that is that is fair enough

Anyway Lee you ready to go and play on the pumpkin party are you ready to go and have some fun Oh what was that he’s just done me down and squid as well what was that with us there that’s the green lava is this is this more of your trick

Um I guess we got to get out of here I think there’s a lever down here squid if I pull this okay there there’s another little hole going down here oh I don’t like this place this place is scary square do you wanna do you want to go first and make sure

The place is clear I don’t even know any torches on me oh yeah I do I’ve got weird green looking tortures and this place is terrifying and look there is that there’s a ghost squid there’s a ghost next to you oh it’s a creeper it’s a creeper ghosts but take

It out what’s it doing it’s just staring into the bookcase that is a peculiar no no that looks like I blow the entire place up sorry Lee I probably your little scary room down here this is actually a really terrifying looking room can we get out of here can we go to

The pumpkin party well this is more like it this is the sort of room I wanted even though it is the horrible green sort of new Kia looking at nuclear looking cakes they yeah they’re still certainly better than the the other room anyway and let’s go and have the other pumpkin party

Oh I’ve decided to do for my Halloween special is that I’ve made up a new little minigame and it’s going to be me alien squid competing against each other and how Chloe’s gonna be the judge and yeah I’m gonna quickly explain the rules to you here they are a little bit

Confusing at first but they do sound a lot more confusing than they actually are so yeah hopefully once I’ve explained it it will all make sense basically well you’ll start here and we will have a lane each in this chest here all of the materials we need to start

Growing a pumpkin and we then have to break our way through the banished bush that we then end up here and in these pits of water I’m gonna throw some apples and we need to go down and Bob for the apples and we then throw the apples down that

Pit which will raise that block and so we can get out of the chest a tell from of a moose we then go up to the terrifying tower another tower of terror I think I called it and we’ve got to make our way up here by flapping these

Trapdoors and at the top is the pumpkin princess we’ve got to give the pumpkin princess a kiss and then we also get from a chest a bow and arrow we then drop down that hole and try to land in that very small block of water so yeah that’s there the most dangerous

Bit and we then run over here we shoot an arrow at this pumpkin prince who is evil and the sign drops off and lands down on the pressure pad that will then make a block raise their swing get over that fence we pin the tail on the moose

And whoever does that quickest wins but the one twist is if you do it with a pumpkin on your head you get bonus points so if your pumpkin back here grows in time you can put that on your head and then if you put the M the other

Tail on the Moot of a pumpkin on your head you get bonus points so yeah diverse entire you what the games gonna be so if everyone comes over here and empties out all of their stuff into one of these chests just so you got no like things they’re weighing you down as you

Go so I’m just gonna put everything just down in here and apart from free apples which I’m gonna go and throw down yeah so we can do the the Apple Bob I should probably get just some sort of block as well just so I can actually get inside

So let’s see if I can throw all of these in this is gonna be a little bit of a challenge now as well right I place that down there and hop up here let’s try and throw the apples in the hole Apple number one just about

Just about got it in Apple number two awesome and apple number three there we go we’ve all got an Apple to Bob and try and get so everybody get to the starting lines everybody pick a lane that they want to go in I think I’ll go for the

Middle one there were exactly the same so it doesn’t really matter and then when you’re ready Chloe pull the lever and start if you dare it says right pull the lever whenever you’re ready Chloe and we will begin the pumpkin party come on let’s go Abby she’s building up tension right

There we go we are up and I got my ho a bone meal and some pumpkin seeds I’m gonna put down the pumpkin seeds use the bone meal I’m gonna go and use the hoe and rule the dirt round here so hopefully they will grow quicker then

I’m gonna broke break my way through the banished bush I don’t know why this Bush was banished maybe it was evil and prickled everybody that try and walk past it or something I don’t know if I managed to get the Apple then I want to

Swim up as quick as I can and hopefully not drown if anyone dies or fails or lags out or anything at any point than they do fails you’ve got to be very careful that I jump up here when I get detail from the moose and then I start

Climbing up and look at the other two look and squid and lead go they are miles ahead right this is my chance to catch up I am normally relatively good at this but yeah apparently not when I’m under pressure I go go go go go but the

Idea is you’ve got to flap all the ones above you then you jump and flap them and if you’re really quick you’ve got to keep going up this is so close we’re all like completely naked just so much pressure I can normally do this so well

But when I can hear everyone like right next to me like squid is like directly to my side but remember if you do have the other pumpkin on your head as you crossed the finish line that takes away 30 seconds from your time so even if I am slower here if I

Manage to get the pumpkin on my head I could still definitely win but we’re all literally completely neck-and-neck we like here at the exact same time I guess Lee and squid are doing this as rubbish and slowly as I am and when you get to the top make sure you do kiss the

Pumpkin princess you can’t just grab this stuff I’m gonna be looking to make sure you kiss anyway all right at the top I’ve made it go go go go I think first right give her a big smooch mmm there we go and then from here I need to

Go get my bow and arrow and this is the dangerous bit this is where I need to be very careful to make sure I land in the ward so ryeom crouch and drop go go go go I can see me going as well I made it

I managed to go in I didn’t manage to die I think I’m completely neck-and-neck with Lee has my pumpkin grown there that’s why I need to go and check if it’s grown I can go and put it on my head and it hasn’t I haven’t got the

Pumpkin right go go go go go go right shoot the arrow I’m gonna shoot the Slenderman and is I know it failed it didn’t hand down them there I’m gonna have to try and throw something to try and make it land on there if I go and

Throw that will it land I know I can’t do it I can’t do it my paintings land and it landed in the wrong place have I got a pumpkin high I don’t think I’ve got a pumpkin I don’t know what to do now I need something to try and drive

I could maybe try and throw them the hole maybe I know I think they’ve made a cross to the end can I throw the how I look how close is is there anything else if I try and break some of these leaves I might be able to get like a sapling or

An apple I could still win if my pumpkin grows now even though they’ve crossed the line first if I put the pumpkin on my head that could still take away 30 seconds and I could still make it right if I go in front get a big now look how

Close it is it’s right on the very edge as my pumpkin grown yet oh I think I’ve failed I think I’ve failed my painting didn’t land on the pressure pads I can see Lee has already pinned the towel down there I don’t know what else I could do I could maybe try phone

Throwing my bow maybe right if I do a big fro jump and froze are gonna land no it’s not gonna happen it’s not gonna happen I believe I have failed right okay let’s go and see what the M oh what the scores are Chloe’s been up on her

Judges little boof up there and been watching over the proceedings it looks like Lee I think was first and I think squid might have been second and then I was last did anyone do over pumpkin on their head though I don’t think anyone did it with a pumpkin on the head look

None of the pumpkins have grown yet they were all really slow I write so over here we got the the first second and third place so first place gets the stand on a gold block so you can stand on that lead a second place a Zion and

Third place has to stand inside of a slippery cauldron the calamity cauldron I think I wanted to call this right here we go fir place well done mr. stampy cat to win but just the painting just landed in the wrong place that was so unlucky it doesn’t matter though I think they

Did deserve to win that was good fun though that was good fun so I think Khloe’s are just putting down the the times I don’t know what time she’s gonna put down for me seen as I never did actually finish the game at all it doesn’t matter though it was still good

Fun so I don’t if we got any prizes or anything and let me go back into my chest and grab my stuff and see if there’s anything I could give a surprise I know I could do I could give them a Golden Apple Tooley seen a z1 and then

Me and squid can have one of the Oreos we can have some of the presents that Chloe gave me at the beginning of the video so here we go elite now you can go and have a very lovely Golden Apple and if squid you can go and have yourself an

Oreo and yeah I’m gonna have my Oreo a little bit later on so let’s see what the times were squid did it in about three minutes leading it in two minutes and 13 seconds and I of course didn’t do it at all tip finish that was a good fun well done leap anyway

We are now gonna go and head over to the the fun land and I’m gonna go through googlies Manor and some of you might know not where what it is and some of you might not depending when you started watching my videos but it’s basically a haunted house which I built a really

Long time ago but in this new texture pack it looks even better and as soon as it’s Halloween this seems to be the perfect time to go and have a look at it and look how eagerly is ender pearling ahead of me to try and get in first

Hello yes this is what googlies manor looks like you can see the whole building kind of looks like a bit of a scary face with teeth there and the entrance and yeah that’s just a whole bunch of different scary rooms so if you’ve not seen this place before as I

Said make sure you’ve got a blanket ready just to hide your head under in case you get scared I can already hear a bunch of googlies growling and stuff all over the place and look at all the scary paintings and look at the door the doors haunted continually flapping open and

Close and of this is the the googlies dining room and sometimes unfortunately not today now you do have googlies coming down here and having a dinner party they fall down through the ceiling and land in the seats but I guess they’re a little bit shy today maybe

Just like we are they’re out and about trick-or-treating their other googlies friends though and none of them are inside having a googlies dinner party maybe they’re dropped down in a little bit and through hip we have the witches room where you gotta watch out because arrows fire across the room and

Us of terrifying jack-o’-lantern comes out and here is Kate corridor and if you run over here you can go and eat the cake and Wow you fall down and although there’s a googly there’s a zombie oh look at him oh he’s a friendly one though he’s not attacking us he’s just

He’s just chilling out down here deism there’s a little bit terrified to be honest it’s a really pale skinned zombie just wandering around down here and here you can see an evil snow golem and down here and there’s okay there’s not much in this world I think that

Prisoners escaped and through here is evil mr. pork chop half skeleton half pig with a beard he has been very evil in my worlds we’re trapped in down here and then we go into this cell and we go up here and this is the the evil child’s

Bedroom where you can see a big model of evil mr. pork chop there as well as some terrifying floating ghosts around the place and through here this is the creepers bedroom this is where the creeper lives you can see there’s the creeper bedspread and no no the lights

Come out as you go out as you go in it gets a horrible and dark in here and stop trying to scare Billy I know what you’re trying to do and that’s it that is a googlies manor so I know a lot of you might have seen it before if you’re

Watching my videos then but yeah I haven’t been in it in a wall and yeah it just seemed like the perfect time seeing as it’s Halloween to come down here and you can just hear the googlies all over the place you can just hear like constant growling and all sorts from

Going around like inside of all of the walls and that anyway now that’s gonna be the end of this video here hopefully you enjoyed it and hopefully are you all having a very enjoyable Halloween yourselves and if you are going trick-or-treating hopefully you get lots of sweets in handy and have a generally

Good and spooky time over that’s the end of this video I want to thank you all very much for watching and I will see you all later

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Xbox – Pumpkin Party [133]’, was uploaded by stampylonghead on 2013-10-30 19:39:51. It has garnered 37203955 views and 120966 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:21 or 1041 seconds.

Part 134 – http://youtu.be/QuJEegh7J-s

Welcome to my Let’s Play of the Xbox 360 Edition of Minecraft. These videos will showcase what I have been getting up to in Minecraft and everything I have built.

To celebrate Halloween I go trick or treating with my friends, have a pumpkin party and then visit my haunted house.

Alliya Zabala – http://youtu.be/03NepLADEks Twitter – @stampylongnose

Facebook – www.facebook.com/stampylongnose

Stampy’s Shop – http://stampy.spreadshirt.co.uk

Email – [email protected]

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  • Minecraft Hardcore: Unbelievable New Start! #shorts

    Minecraft Hardcore: Unbelievable New Start! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘A new beginning…. Minecraft Hardcore LIVE #shorts’, was uploaded by Sp00kable on 2024-04-30 03:42:30. It has garnered 116 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:20:49 or 4849 seconds. ►Donate here – https://streamelements.com/sp00kable/tip Donations are not required, but are appreciated. ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/sp00kable ►Follow me on Twitch for More Livestreams: https://twitch.tv/sp00kable ►Merch Store – https://sp00kable.com ►Business inquiries: [email protected] ***All donations must be made by someone who is above 18 years of age. While donations are appreciated, they are never asked for. If you do decide to donate, please remember that they are nonrefundable… Read More

  • Unbelievable Poseidon Dice and Watermelon Giveaway!

    Unbelievable Poseidon Dice and Watermelon Giveaway!Video Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar🎲/Karpuz🍉/!500k Çekiliş 🎁’, was uploaded by Poseidon on 2024-04-05 08:02:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. rozzy pvp rozzy titanium rozzy titanium pvp rozzy duel rozzy open space rozzy titanium duel minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, … Read More

  • MINECRAFT: Insane Honeytrap Morning Mayhem!

    MINECRAFT: Insane Honeytrap Morning Mayhem!Video Information This video, titled ‘SHORTS LIVE MINECRAFT! GUTEN MORGEN!’, was uploaded by honey on 2024-05-15 08:18:09. It has garnered 3355 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:12 or 2232 seconds. #minecraft #viral #viralshort #honigeshorts #minecrafttutorial #minecraftshorts #minecrafttutorials #fürdich #shortsfeed Become a channel member and receive exclusive benefits: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNjDJAa3lh65Hlqci6Wkwdg/join Read More

  • b253 anarchy

    b253 anarchyA super fun anarchy server that has other game modes coming along soon! there actively being worked on. The server currently features a anarchy server that is over 2 years old and has no resets. And we dont plan on doing any resets any time soon (inventories are fine upon request) btube3.com:2095 Read More

  • XMC SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.6 WHITELIST 18+ Bedrock VR Enabled

    XMC Server Howdy! Welcome to XMC XMC is a dedicated community of players who love the vanilla Minecraft experience. The server uses server-side mods to enhance gameplay while maintaining vanilla compatibility. XMC officially opened on May 24th. Apply here. Features: Proximity-based voice chat mod (optional) Webmap – Preview our world Various vanilla+ additions: Mob & Player Head Drops Renewability to select unrenewable resources Right-Click crop replanting Quick leaf decay Bedrock client support – Link accounts Experimental Features Enabled – Early access to the Crafter and Trial Chambers Server Specs and Performance: Processor: Ryzen 9 5950x RAM: 10 Gigabytes Location: New… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Cat and Fish go to war

    Minecraft Memes - Cat and Fish go to warWhy did the cat bring a fish to the Minecraft party? Because he heard it was a reel good time! Read More

  • Minecraft: MasaneMiyaPA Vs. Sigewinne

    Minecraft: MasaneMiyaPA Vs. SigewinneVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sigewinne but Minecraft’, was uploaded by MasaneMiyaPA Gaming on 2024-06-08 09:15:01. It has garnered 679 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. #genshinimpact #sigewinne #minecraft #fontaine #melusine #genshin #blockbench #YesSteveModel Purchase model here https://afdian.net/item/d60d7966256211ef9a4952540025c377 Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Shenanigans 🔥🔥🔥

    Spicy Minecraft Shenanigans 🔥🔥🔥 “Why did the Wither Storm go to therapy? Because it had some serious block issues!” 😈🖤 #minecrafttherapy #blockissues Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Horse Hunt

    Ultimate Minecraft Horse Hunt The Quest for the Rarest Horse in Minecraft Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead players to discover a plethora of unique and intriguing items. From weapons and armor to quest items and collectibles, the possibilities seem endless. One player, in particular, stumbled upon a treasure trove of interesting loot during their adventures. A Curious Collection of Loot Among the various items looted, some stood out as particularly rare or unusual. The player found a ‘Rope of Climbing,’ 13 ‘Lucky Charms’ with the intriguing flavor text “Irony exempt,” and even a quest item for a removed quest. Additionally,… Read More

  • Minecraft PE x Jujutsu Kaisen: Anime Mode #2

    Minecraft PE x Jujutsu Kaisen: Anime Mode #2 Minecraft PE x Jujutsu Kaisen: Exploring the Jujutsu Awakening Mod Golden Chakra introduces the “Jujutsu Awakening” mod in this video, showcasing the Beta version that currently features Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen. Let’s delve into the unique features of this mod and what players can expect. Gojo Satoru’s Abilities Within the “Jujutsu Awakening” mod, Gojo Satoru possesses a range of powerful abilities: 6 Eyes Technique: A signature ability of Gojo Satoru. Infinity: Reflects his limitless potential. Blue: Represents one of his unique techniques. Reverse Red: Another distinctive ability in his arsenal. Purple: Showcasing his diverse skill set. Space Expansion:… Read More

  • Dronio in Minecraft – My Damage Increases?!

    Dronio in Minecraft - My Damage Increases?!Video Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, Но Мой Урон Увеличивается ДРОНИО #shorts’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 08:30:22. It has garnered 760 views and 137 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO IN HIGH QUALITY… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft antics with Rusty Gaming 321!

    Insane Minecraft antics with Rusty Gaming 321!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live With Rusty Gaming 321!’, was uploaded by RUSTY GAMING 321 on 2024-05-28 01:02:51. It has garnered 158 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:16 or 11056 seconds. Minecraft is The Best Game Ever, And In Todays Vid you will see why… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Hardcore 100 Days in GIANT Bottle! 🍾🌍

    Unbelievable Minecraft Hardcore 100 Days in GIANT Bottle! 🍾🌍Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft HARDCORE 100 dní, ale v OBŘÍ Láhvi! 🍾🌍’, was uploaded by Afelot on 2024-01-15 17:00:08. It has garnered 1311 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:31 or 271 seconds. Today I decided on a hard challenge… Everyone knows Minecraft Hardcore 100 days, but how about making it harder? Maybe by turning the whole world into bottles?! Each bottle does something different. Which bottle is the heaviest? And which one has the BEST loot? You will find out in today’s video! ❤️ Don’t forget to subscribe and share! 📧 EMAIL: [email protected]Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft House Build!! | LavaDice Gaming Part 02 🏠

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft House Build!! | LavaDice Gaming Part 02 🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘I made a wooden house | Minecraft Part 02’, was uploaded by LavaDice Gaming on 2023-12-23 15:51:11. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:29 or 389 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Vichardopo PVP Montage – MUST WATCH! 🎃

    Insane Vichardopo PVP Montage - MUST WATCH! 🎃Video Information This video, titled ‘Montage PVP Minecraft | Beedom 🎃’, was uploaded by Vichardopo on 2024-01-16 18:08:13. It has garnered 132 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:37 or 217 seconds. ➣ Another montage for the channel! Comment if you like the PVP, the support is appreciated. ☝️ ➣ Consider subscribing if you liked the content 🫶🏻 ➣ None of the songs are mine, the copyright goes to their creator 🫡 00:00 The Weeknd – Save Your Tears ➣ Citizen blur movement 🤑 ➣ Thumbnail created by Citizen! 🤯 ➣ This video could have something… Read More

  • OMG! Jack’s Insane Encounter with a Giant Silverfish in Minecraft Stoneblock 3!

    OMG! Jack's Insane Encounter with a Giant Silverfish in Minecraft Stoneblock 3!Video Information This video, titled ‘GIANT SILVERFISH! Jack plays Minecraft: Stoneblock 3!’, was uploaded by Jack Pattillo on 2024-05-24 14:00:12. It has garnered 4724 views and 102 likes. The duration of the video is 05:41:56 or 20516 seconds. Jack finally steps up and fights a boss in Stoneblock 3 in Minecraft! Watch him as he powers through more of his Minecraft run! Chapters: 00:00:00 – Intro 00:07:20 – Gameplay Join Jack live on Twitch! http://www.twitch.tv/jackpattillo Read More

  • INSANE: BJS Live Stream WITHOUT VR in VRChat!

    INSANE: BJS Live Stream WITHOUT VR in VRChat!Video Information This video, titled ‘VRChat Live stream but with no VR’, was uploaded by BJS Live streams on 2024-01-05 18:03:15. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:37 or 6337 seconds. Hi guys and girls to day or night i fort i would play Modded 1.20.1 Minecraft so came and join the fun or just watch and have fun and good doy ro night stay gaming:) 😉 Roblox group https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=4637963 Donate https://www.paypal.me/BJSH My Game https://dodgetheblocks.weebly.com/ My Discord server: https://discord.gg/QDSax7 Vlog channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNLDoavZOXvZBnVPHVRcr7g My Channel http://bit.ly/2qno9Xd Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009543783192 TwitchTV https://www.twitch.tv/benjameshipton/profile Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/bengaming5 Instagram… Read More

  • Explosive Battle Mode with Master Steve

    Explosive Battle Mode with Master SteveVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI GAMES BATTLE MODE/ BUTCHER OF BRIX/TUXEDO STEVE’, was uploaded by RashuFruitzBlueBerriz on 2024-05-29 23:08:34. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:39 or 8739 seconds. Hello, my name is RashuFruitz, but my real name is Anthony, I am passionate about having insight, wisdom, charisma, loyalty, compassion, respect, and having belief in others, I am also passionate about taking care of your health and working a job and/career that you love, because think about it, we humans spend most of our lives considerably working, so, If we… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Glitch REVEALED!! 😱🚀 #Minecraft #Tenge

    Insane Minecraft Glitch REVEALED!! 😱🚀 #Minecraft #TengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft working 🚀 🚀 Finally Revealed🤯🤯#minecraft #tenge’, was uploaded by Trover56 on 2024-04-30 16:51:10. It has garnered 127 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. #minecraftpixelarttutorialbig #minecraftpixelarttutorialbig #minecraftpixelartsonic #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelarttutorialeasy #minecraftpixelartapp #minecraftpixelartworldtour #minecraftpixelartworldtour #minecraftpixelartapp #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelartworldtour #minecraftpixelartworldtour #minecraftpixelartworldtour #minecraftpixelarttutorialeasy #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelartsonic #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelarteasy #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelarttutorialanime #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelarteasy #minecraftpixelartsonic #minecraftpixelartpokemon #minecraftpixelarttutorial #minecraftpixelartanime #minecraftpixelart #minecraftpixelartanime #minecraftpixelarttutorialeasy@LucknowIPL #minecraftpixelart #minecraftpixelarttutorial #minecraftpixelartgenerator #minecraftpixelartanime #minecraftpixelartpokemon #minecraftpixelartmeme #minecraftpixelarteasy #minecraftpixelarttutorialanime #minecraftpixelarttutorialbig #minecraftpixelarttutorialbig #minecraftpixelartsonic #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelarttutorialeasy #minecraftpixelartapp #minecraftpixelartworldtour #minecraftpixelartworldtour #minecraftpixelartapp #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelartworldtour #minecraftpixelartworldtour #minecraftpixelartworldtour #minecraftpixelarttutorialeasy #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelartsonic #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelarteasy #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelarttutorialanime #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelarteasy #minecraftpixelartsonic #minecraftpixelartpokemon… Read More

  • Forgottenmines

    ForgottenminesLooking for thoses who would like to join a Minecraft smp open to anyone to join 24’7 server has shop gui, ah, and more forgottenmines.apexmc.co Read More


    BareBonesMP – Est. 2019 Been running since April 25th, 2019 Server Info: IP: play.barebonesmp.com Bedrock IP: play.barebonesmp.com:19132 Discord Link: https://barebonesmp.com/discord/ Dynmap: https://map.barebonesmp.com Website: https://barebonesmp.com/ Features: 24-7 Server Uptime and Over 4 Years Online! Vanilla Gameplay with QoL Enhancing Plugins Custom World Generation with Datapacks Custom Resource pack AUTOCRAFTERS ENABLED! 3D WEB MAP FOR ALL DIMENSIONS Active Discord & Community Optional Proximity Voice Chat Community Events, Giveaways, and more Every Month! Server Rules: No Griefing or Stealing No Hacking, Cheating, or using unfair advantages No Abuse of Minecraft or Server Exploits No discrimination of any kind Be Respectful and kind to… Read More

Minecraft Xbox – Pumpkin Party [133]