Mission For An Uchiha! IceeRamen Naruto Anime Mod Minecraft SMP

Video Information

Hey guys what’s going on welcome back to another video and if you are new to the channel welcome to the channel um today we are basically going to be continuing the story of icy ramen uh if you guys haven’t watched the first episode you could go watch that now or you could

Just stay tuned for episode two um we’re gonna kind of split these up in a weird way so it’s not gonna be completely episode based so that you guys can maybe just skip a couple episodes watch them when you want to stuff like that um but

For the core rp and like rpg stuff like that um you’re obviously gonna have to watch other episodes but you know they’re all there for you guys if you do want to watch them uh so today we’re gonna be training up um getting a little bit more jutsu’s and um you know just

Seeing what happens uh as you guys know we are on the run from the mist and the other villages right now um we have a spy in the leaf village which is actually going to come quite in handy as time goes on i would assume and

Then um also you know we uh we have kato the guy that is trying to train us up so we can unlock our sharingan and uh become some type of super powerful luchiha i guess um so if you guys are new drop a like subscribe to see more

We’re gonna hop into this one and uh if you guys do want to play the server the link is in my discord which is in the description you go to the mods and servers channel in there and you’ll be able to join the og ic ramen uh the ip

The mod pack every single thing that you guys need is there for you okay so let’s go ahead and hop into this video and uh have some fun all right i see thanks for meeting me here um you know i’ve been exploring around the rain village it still seems pretty like obviously

Abandoned there are some like stragglers here as far as like people living in the old abandoned buildings but um can’t do much about them and as long as they don’t bother us we shouldn’t bother them yeah i mean if there if there’s other refugees here i say we just leave them

Alone as long as like you said as long as they don’t bother us but um this area used to be owned by the previous amikage a long time ago oh wow okay so this is like a mini training area oh okay you got some shadow clones in here

I know you’ve gotten a lot stronger but uh the way things are going you’re gonna need to accelerate that training yeah no i agree so i’ve up i’ve upped the shadow clones um i think you need to spend today training okay and then we do have

A meeting with a certain kage in a certain village that we need to go discuss some things with with them we need more allies at this rate we’re going to get hunted down and taken care of in no time so well where did you hear

How did you get to hear that the kage wanted to speak to you because isn’t that kind of sketchy don’t we think that all the villages are kind of out to get us i don’t know quite why but apparently the kage of the leaf has talked to gypsy about meeting with us

I don’t know if he knows that see now that that seems suspicious i don’t know if he knows that we met with gypsy or not right um but we have to find more allies leaf is the biggest village and also they’re the most friendly as far as i’m concerned so right

If we get them on our side and give us resources at least we can last a little longer yeah i definitely need to do some training before we get there just in case things do go bad because i don’t think that i’m very helpful at all right

Now so let me train up and uh you know i’m gonna i’m gonna focus on health i think um and get my speed all the way to 20. so we’re gonna focus on health maybe a little bit of ninjutsu and um my speed and i’m gonna get that stuff up and uh

You know hopefully hopefully be able to fend myself off if if we do need to in the leaf okay sounds good i’m gonna go uh you know look around the rain village good luck with training yeah thank you all right so we’re basically just gonna be down here training up against some of

These shadow clones for a while um it shouldn’t be too hard like these guys are pretty easy they’ve only got five health um i’ll be able to take them out you know get some xp from them and uh it shouldn’t shouldn’t be that bad like like i said these these guys are not

That hard so basically they’re just easy xp um unfortunately these guys do not drop dna because they are just uh these regular shadow clones some we changed some of the ways that uh training works in this in the server so um unfortunately these guys will not be

Dropping dna but we do have that fire dna still that we might be able to trade with somebody um maybe from the leaf so uh that’ll come in handy as time goes but uh there are also a lot of people on i think we were at like 82 um about 15

Minutes ago so there’s there’s a lot of people playing um server’s doing great so if you guys do want to hop on you know now would be the time that would be the time while everybody is uh training up and everything but you know we’re going to make tiered grinders for you

Guys as well um so that you know the newer players can uh can have a spot to train where the og players and like more experienced players can train at different places and get a little bit better stuff just because you know they are a little bit

Higher level but um we’re trying to split stuff up for you guys um as much as possible but i’m gonna keep grinding these shadow clones and um i’ll see you guys in a bit once i’m uh somewhat about five bars of health and um you know maybe maybe a little bit more ninjutsu

As well okay though i think i’m i think i’m all good on training now uh i have five bars of health i’m up to level 71 we’re looking we’re looking pretty good we’re looking pretty good i got my speed up to 20. um so i think i think i could

Hold myself in a fight if i really really had to um i do solve that fire dna so maybe i can bribe someone there with that uh if we if we need it you know what i’m saying okay yeah while you were training i sent um a uh messenger uh crow to uh

To xtr so he’s expecting us already um so we probably should head that way so we don’t keep him waiting showing goodwill yeah um let’s be careful on the road though because i know the mess is still looking for us from the intel i’ve been getting

Yeah i know i’m i mean at least we haven’t seen any like onbu here yet at least i haven’t have you no but also the rain village isn’t yeah something that’s usually written on any map right the other problem is uh i know the mist does have a lot of a brewery so

Um you know they could literally just be watching us when we want to know well we’ll have to keep our eyes open and keep our ears to the ground yeah all right but yeah we’re gonna head to the leaf guys um once we’re there i think yeah we’re meeting with uh we’re meeting

With akage so things could go bad things could go really good we’re just gonna have to see what happens all right so i found this like little hut over here um we’re right outside the leaf village their training ground is right there it looks like this might be

Uh some sort of like watchtower that they’re building so um you know there’s some armor in here they’ve got some tools in here this is actually pretty cool but uh what do you say we head into the village and um you know see we can do i’m gonna

Probably try to stay like up on the trees because i don’t know man we probably don’t want the leaf to like the ninja i’m gonna probably understand yeah i’m kind of scared of like going in here honestly it’s like i don’t know man i just feel like this

Could go south very easily but hopefully not i guess it’s if it’s a trap we’ll at least make sure that you get out i’m just gonna run around along the uh oh wait actually i don’t know where the hidden places that we’re meeting so i

Need to follow you uh meet at the hokage building in the back okay yeah this is such a nice village too i mean it’d be nice if we could uh come in here without having to be scared to be honest with you i think this is like the one village

That has the most civilians in it too yeah they do which could be good could be bad i guess cause you know a lot of people a lot of eyes yeah a lot of eyes though that could be telling other villages where we are easy for other villagers to have spies

In here too we’re ninja we have to see be unseen that’s true all right i’m i’m right behind you too so whenever or wherever this place is i’m i’m good so i know that the base used to be in this mountain so let’s get on top of this

Mountain and take it from there okay is it like behind the stone faces or maybe like in this uh this little thing right here no there there’s a passage in the back somewhere okay find it right he told me the like area but he didn’t actually tell me like exactly let’s see here

Wait wait wait wait wait hold on i think it’s actually i know i think it’s like around here somewhere actually i remember uh i remember when um i was researching about the leaf they said that there was a uh a secret passage in the back of their mountain i found it

Um where where did you go come back up the mountain i’m back oh okay okay i see you come on i’m coming i’m surprised i didn’t see this big lever right here oh they’re literally just oh wow okay huge leather here we go oh wow okay that’s pretty nice that’s dope

All right uh what are we okay yeah i’m gonna let you go first because they know you not me this is the sleep room the hidden leaf okay i think i think this might be the office though this is so this is so scary we could easily be killed just

Right here and this is the end oh yep xtr is right there that’s akage i’ll let you uh let you do what you need to do here following you all right oh this is pretty nice it’s kind of scary that he has uh cards with him but you know

Thanks for he’s that friendly uncle thanks for thanks for having us welcome i’m gonna just take a seat i was about to take a seat too yeah that’s great so wait xtr i i know that you’re the you’re the you’re the kage right yes i am i see that you have uh the

Sharing gun i’m actually you know on the run from people that are trying to kill me because i do have that so i guess uh how are you how are you able to have that without anyone coming after you is that just like some type of pack that you have

With other other villages uh my uh private is very strong it’s like so that’s fair my gender too gotcha anytime someone tries to attack me that instantly gotcha i need to get to that point yeah i see great potential in the ic i believe you can do it all right so yeah

Kato has some uh cato has some things that we need to discuss though so obviously you know you invited us here um yes and obviously it isn’t a trap from what i can sense and you only have dead pro and bear black with you so um

You uh laid out drinks for us and everything so obviously you wanted us here um so cutting to the chase you know icy comes from a long lineage of uchiha that stemmed from the leaf village um he hasn’t unlocked a sharing on yet obviously you’re a uchiha too so you

Understand that it takes a great deal of training to even get to that point um that being said we need sanctuary xdr um the miss village has been hunting us for days on end we had to escape with our lives barely i was able to save icee before they they took him um

Now we’re hiding out in the rain currently um i won’t say exactly where obviously but uh we want to know sanctuary here in the leaf and be able to come and go as we please and at least be able to get supplies here if we need

It and train with your ninja if we need it of course i’ve heard great stories about ukdo so i’m uh very honored for you to come to me to be in fact at the leaf village of all the other villages and uh to be to be honest with you uh we’re also

Having a conflict of mist uh all in ninja in the village i’m not really fond of them because they uh they think they’re just coming to the villages as they please so we don’t like them ourselves well we can we can you know um you know

I don’t i don’t really like them because they literally said that they were gonna kill me uh when i was literally just a brand new getting that they just brought into the academy so uh you know um you know we’ll we’ll take them out eventually but um i do have something to

Offer you real quick um if you if you know where i can train um i need to unlock some more fire nature jutsu so i do have this uh this fire dna that i can give you um if you can uh you know point me in the right direction for training my fire

Uh yeah um my friend her a bad black he’s really good with the fire fire style okay one of the top uh we’ve got i mean he’s really good through it all right so i’ll train with bear black then um do you guys have a training grounds oh you do i just saw

When i was walking in okay so i guess uh i’ll go over there with him and train up some train up some fire jutsu maybe get a little bit stronger uh would you say that once i unlock my sharingan that my fire jutsu gets even better i i think

That’s how that works isn’t it yes it does okay it makes it all your juices more precise you can see the enemies movements and the way they move and to predict your fire to hit them basically gotcha okay well um cato i’m gonna go train with bear black

You and xtr can talk still if you need to um i gotta iron some things out with them but yeah i’ll catch up with you later ice all right sounds good i’ll go uh i’m gonna go unlock some fire dudes just so that i can be more of a help to you too

Be safe out there and watch your back i will i will all right so i’m gonna go train up some fire jutsu um i gotta head back to their training grounds i don’t know if i’m even gonna be able to find my way out of here but um i’m gonna

Unlock some more fire jutsu so that i can uh you know hopefully protect myself if i need to uh luckily we can uh we can get out of here maybe oh no i can’t maybe i can just sub through nope oh there we go okay i

Actually got out there we go so me and bear black are gonna go ahead to the training grounds um like i said i don’t know how many uh fire release uses all unlock right now but um hopefully we’re you’re gonna get on the right track for unlocking the shower

Gun because that’s gonna help with everything so um i’ll see you guys once i have uh some more jutsu’s and uh you know we’ll show you guys the training grounds as well all right so thanks to bear black um i’ve actually unlocked three new jutsus i have phoenix flower which i’m showing

You guys right now this is actually really good jutsu this guy over here has it as well um we’re just kind of training up with leaf ninja it’s actually been pretty cool uh just kind of vibing out with some some more regular ninja i mean you know

I wish i could do that with people from my own village but uh unfortunately you know they they want to kill me so uh it’s actually crazy how much of a difference i can tell like training here was so much different than training at the mist because training at the mist i

Feel like people were attacking me during the training as well which makes sense because they actually were trying to kill me but so we got that phoenix flower which is really really good um it has you know decent amount of damage so i actually have another jutsu though

Called great fireball jutsu and as you can see it shoots a very big fireball that sets the enemy on fire and the area around them so it’s basically like a little bit of peace control um i can kind of use these to hold down certain

Areas um like if i know that an enemy is about to be going to a certain place i can throw throw kill throw a couple great fireballs there and uh it will do a decent amount of damage and the good thing about this training grounds is as

You can see they’re dropping bronze rio but these guys also do have a chance of dropping nature releases so not only can i get um rio from these guys but i can also get like um lightning water or earth jutsu so you know eventually we’re gonna need all of

Them so this is uh this is a great place for me to be and then the last juzu that i did unlock today was um what is it called uh fire bullets so this one basically just shoots and then explodes so this is uh this is my

Highest damaging jutsu that i have right now um luckily luckily it it does a lot of damage i can one-shot training clones with this so this is gonna be um basically what i’m gonna be using a lot uh i feel really i feel a lot safer

With this jutsu um i feel like i could actually take somebody in a fight now um you know with just wind before i wasn’t really that great but now i have great fireball and then the fire bullet jutsu um and phoenix flower for just little bits of damage every now and then which

I’m feeling a lot better and thanks to bear black you know um this is just the beginning i have a lot more stuff that i can actually learn um and he’s basically just been uh here to protect me i guess in case um you know miss on boo do come for me

Um they haven’t yet which is good but uh you know they are out to get me which we did confirm with those notes um in the kage office so eventually you know our guards are gonna have a little bit of uh a little bit of duty to keep up if they

Do wanna truly keep me alive um but another good thing is xtr is a part of the uchiha clan which shows that it is possible for me to um actually become more uh more powerful with the sharingan without being absolutely destroyed and it seems like once i get to a certain

Point with it people will just leave me alone because they know that i can just absolutely take them out anytime that i need to so that being said i’m just gonna keep training up here because this training grounds is goaded and um try to get some

Dna maybe and uh you know hopefully not be attacked by miss on boo i see where you at i’m uh i’m over here training where do you go where are you i see you’re shooting oh there you are oh god someone’s bro what was that you

No it’s this leaf ninja one’s gone okay hold up no he’s good he’s good he was just training he was just training oh you can’t bro listen bro he’s just training he’s been here the whole time he’s all right cato it’s okay it’s okay trust this weakling dares attack us dude he’s

Gonna die you’re gonna kill him kato this is not good we can’t be killing people with a leaf they need on they need to understand that across us let him go i will let him go oh my cato you killed him i sent it to him oblivion dude you can’t just do that

Oh god um i didn’t i don’t i didn’t do that okay did i no i don’t i don’t think that you did i think maybe it was one of these guys now that they’re kind of scared of us we should probably get out of here what do you come here for

All right let’s go yeah wait what what did you uh what did you come here for oh um let’s move out of here yeah are you are you out of the training grounds yet is this guy hitting me no i don’t think so oh people are

Following us yeah i gotta i gotta get out of here that’s what i’m saying dude the leaf ninja they don’t they don’t really know what’s going on i feel like i feel like the leaf is more of a they kind of keep to themselves type b you know

Uh meet me in the watchtower actually so we can talk okay the one that we came in where came came from yeah okay i’m headed up there right now okay i’m up here all right i’m almost there okay it’s a big tree it is there’s a there’s

A ladder that goes up to where the uh the thing is i am ninja also kato i saw that you you do have a on boo mask i’d like to you know maybe get my own on boomesk okay yeah i’ll get one from uh xtr because actually we have a mission we

Need to do okay one mission um you know originally i was gonna do it alone but with everything going on i think some backup and then the experience for you might help um there’s apparently uh war brewing and there’s a war brewing between stone and the leaf okay like the sand is going

To be helping the leaf side so the mission the xdr gave me when we were discussing semantics was that he wants us to spy on the stone basically okay basically just just go there not not engage just spy no no engagement okay apparently they’ve been amassing an abnormal amount of uh

Of um of soldiers okay so we need to go there check out what they have see like what kind of clans they’re they’re using and stuff like that we don’t want to engage them because honestly i don’t think we’d get out of there in one piece

Uh okay yeah i know that makes sense uh so i’m definitely gonna need that on boom mask before we before we go on that mission um just so i can say a little more hidden um but i did actually learn three new fire jutsu’s i have phoenix flower great fireball and fire bullet

Fire bullet seems to be doing at least 20 damage per hit so um i think that i can actually fend off some people now if we really really do need it well that’s good because fire is the uchiha specialty so you should be better

At that than even i am yeah i hope so you know maybe as time goes i’m feeling a lot stronger i do want to say thanks again for bringing me um out of the mist because honestly it’s this is crazy man i was just beginning two days ago i

Don’t know i don’t understand how this is happening but you know don’t worry brother we’re gonna get you built up and you’re gonna be even stronger than i am all right let’s uh let’s go on this mission let’s let’s grab me a mask first though maybe i can

Pick out which one i want let’s go let’s go talk to xgr okay all right so this is where the ombre masks are right yeah yeah this is usually where they keep their gear and they sleep and stuff okay uh so we got well we got actually a couple pretty cool ones um

Kind of like this one this one looks kind of how do i look with this on let’s see oh i look i look menacing hold up that that’s that ain’t it hold on let me let me let me pick a different one hold on uh maybe this one

You don’t want to look scary oh this one i i’m vibing with it no i’m not vibing with that one hold up that doesn’t do like little over years yeah i know maybe i’ll go with uh maybe i’ll go with this you pick up the x oh yeah this is it

This is it yeah this is it okay yeah oh yeah now i’m looking good okay well this will look even better when i unlock my shower gun huh you’re going to have glowing eyes like me yeah okay well let’s uh let’s get on

The way um we just need to need to go to the stone village right yeah and you’re kind of careful going through the lane of stone too with so many soldiers i’m sure they have plenty of guards yeah i know i guarantee that this is uh this is not going to be as

Easy as we think it’s my first like actual mission you know that right i’ve never been on a mission before hey man you ran from the mist we can hide from the stone that’s true that is true all right we’ll be on our way uh

We’ll see you guys once we make it to the stone or if anyone finds us in the meantime i guess all right it seems like we’re arriving yeah yeah um you could definitely tell the difference between uh where we came from and uh this now wow this is actually pretty cool i’m just

Gonna leave my boat there if they find it they find it i don’t think we’re gonna be leaving the same way we came anyway no i think we definitely try to not go the main path right like i think we should be definitely trying to climb up some walls and stuff here

Yeah i think that’d probably be the safest route yeah no i’m i’m not trying to fight these people because don’t they have a like you said a very big uh very big ninja army they also are known for having an explosion core so there’s that oh yeah that that doesn’t sound very fun

Not gonna lie i don’t know if i’m ready for that this is literally oh bro bro this ninja it’s a miss ninja take him out i’ll try let’s see he has 400 health no no he’s going he’s going to the village he’s going in the village to even leave him

Leaving did he just not did he just not see us no he didn’t see us bro he didn’t see us at all that is crazy bro okay for a second i was like wait a minute did they did they know that we were coming it’s like a tracker team oh my gosh bruh

What is going on literally a track part of the tracker team i’m not gonna lie to you so wait why is a miss ninja at the stone though it sounds sketchy to me yeah it it actually does we actually got to be really careful he could be yeah that’s true

Find out this is a long climb their walls are no joke no wonder that they no so well defended literally their whole this entire village is just in a giant volcano basically okay all right i’m up here i’m up here what is what is that big spire they have

Over there is that a building oh god it’s getting morning now dang it we didn’t make it here in time well we could wait till it’s night and then we might have to yeah i might have to wait this out let’s find an area to camp out oh

Where’s here where we were what are you talking about where’s here who’s this who is he it’s a wear body oh he’s a miss ninja yeah let’s take this dude out let’s take him out god dude i literally five seconds into this i told you bro i told you this

Wouldn’t be good oh shoot i i knocked him way far away that’s good that’s good that’s good he’s knocked he should be knocked away far away is he no he’s not oh yeah he’s he’s a 10 health okay yeah wow um you’re you’re pretty dopey uh i

Would not want to mess with you well at least he’s gone uh we should probably hide out until until farther into the night yeah we need to we need to get out of here yeah here there’s a little cave over here there’s a little cave over here this is perfect

Yeah yeah we can just uh we can just literally hide in here for the night or until night oh my gosh dude what literally instantly all right let’s wait until night and we’ll come back in all right kato i think it’s night now uh we should be good to head back out i

Think i wonder if there’s more trackers around here i can’t believe that they’re actually no i know all the way into the lane exactly that’s what i’m saying i think that they’re they might be trying to take us out before we get in to find something out i’m telling you bro i

Think that the mist and stone are like working together somehow that’s to miss ninja literally basically trying to defend the stone it doesn’t make sense it does not make sense all right let’s see what they’re up to yeah i need i need you to um be in the be in the lead because

I’m i’m scared bro aware body was literally just right there and i was like what where who is he okay oh dude he’s wait who’s that there’s a stone engine down there does he see us he does he also leaf ninja okay how does he see us all the way up here

I don’t know how are people spawning us oh okay okay that means someone’s coming someone’s going to our left our left that’s that’s this oh that’s the him that’s him okay we’re good we’re good he’s just a leaf guy okay he’s gonna give us away joe get down from here

Okay yeah he needs to get away from us so dang i forgot that the biaku gun was a thing so this looks like yeah this looks like this is their uh their training grounds right yeah it looks pretty cluttered like that yeah okay another ninja down there there’s a yeah there’s

I’m really not trying to get seen i’m scared of people having biaku gone now let’s go around yeah okay so oh wow i saw an ice dragon i see i see another person with uh with miyaku gone unless i was uh joe again why are why is

Why is the leaf at the stone why is everybody at the stone this doesn’t make sense there might be some type of like double crossing going on here or something maybe they’re uh maybe they’re just bullying the stone ninja since they’re at war maybe yeah that would make sense

Let’s uh let’s go over and try to check out the other side i don’t i don’t really want to be on the side i feel like the the moon behind us is making us easily seen come on please make this get that we’re going to keep following us i’m going to

Take him out too joe yeah yeah we’ll have to i can’t risk us being found out are you are you with me oh god i don’t know i think i lost you where are you i’m uh i’m down here on their path i’m on the stone path

Oh i’m still in the mountains okay i jump down and then i’m uh i’m like directly north are you on the upper upper uh catwalk yeah yeah where are you at right here behind you okay yeah let’s go oh wait what’s what’s over here i don’t think i’ve no i’ve never been

I’ve never been back here in this corner of the stone you talk about the academy back there oh is that their academy yeah it looks like it okay yeah let’s see is there anyone in there oh there’s no one in there we’re good okay so they don’t have any academy uh guards

Or anything at night which is kind of weird if you think about it um i heard some explosions this way where did you go i’m back on the catwalk where you came from okay oops i’m trying to come back up okay yeah i see you yeah where are we going

I heard some explosions this way somewhere okay i know they have another training grounds over here somewhere uh so we gotta be careful i can’t believe that we actually got spotted so easily with just the biaku gun yeah that’s why i need i need genjutsu

Bro so that if that ever happens again i can just literally brainwash them yeah then we’re gone jumping pretty high oh me yeah they might see us we’re just literally in the middle of the village right now bro but there’s nobody anywhere no i know that’s what’s weird this is really weird

So how we’ve seen more we’ve seen more of other villages than than the actual stone let’s see i want to check their training grounds over here and see what they’re doing over here this big building right here this giant one what is this the one with the red top

No i’m at this other one okay there’s nothing in there i’m going over by i think this is their kage office might be i’m not too sure they’ve got a lot of big buildings over here not gonna lie okay yeah there’s people over here there’s people over here at the at the

Yeah yeah the other training grounds down your way i’m trying to climb up here so i can see there we go yeah right up right beside their uh kage office it looks like they have there’s one person here two people oh oh oh oh god what they have people with uh that’s

Either boil or scorch wait they might be fighting are they fighting each other yeah i’m gonna try to get to the the mountain behind them i’m gonna try to hide in the mountains dude that was a lot of boil whoever was using that they have to be a part of the

Explosion core like you were saying that would make sense oh there’s that’s joe again i think wait yeah maybe joe might be fighting them Yeah yeah no joe joe is fighting them he’s trying to take him out should we help or no we were told to not engage right no yeah not our mission right okay so they definitely have people with a lot of chakra um here who’s this guy what is this guy’s name

Is that a guy oh there’s curse mark yeah yeah no no that’s that’s not joe that’s another guy with the biake gun we got to move that’s not joe with the biake gun we got to get out so that if they see us they’re building over here you want to

They’re kage building entrance no this one over here to the right yeah yeah that’s it oh okay that’s not zukage building yeah this big samurai looking building yeah yeah okay jeez okay so yeah let’s uh can we sub in through here maybe nope i can’t summon whoops here we’ll just break in

No we can’t break in you’re going through the roof you said i’m gonna try to find to see if there’s like an entrance somewhere god i might get seen there’s the front entrance yeah i’m just gonna go through the front i don’t think yeah dude these zombie maps are coming in handy

Not gonna lie okay yeah what is what is this what is this building is this just like a see what’s down here what the heck wait are there people down here on the wall climb the wall yeah oh god yes there are people down here okay looks like they’re just

Oh my god there’s a lot of people here hold on i’m gonna bro i’m how many ninja like five oh my god no we yeah no no no we gotta get out of here three outside yeah yeah yeah okay so we need to report this building

To them this is this is something this is not normal they were all like in a literal circle right around uh right around that corner they were all talking okay yeah something’s not right oh no there’s a stone ninja there’s no ninja we gotta get out he definitely saw us

I’m getting out of the village go i’ll hold him go okay yeah i’m trying to get over this wall once we get over the wall we’re good they must have seen us go in the byakugan guy must have saw us go in you know what i mean

Okay i think i’m good nobody’s following me yeah i’m good did you are you getting out i’m trying to stop this guy from following us all right he’s gone okay yeah i’m out dude oh my gosh that was close bro was that the guy with curse mark no

No guy who’s using using crystal crystal okay wow so they have a lot of kk gangko users all right yeah let’s let’s regroup back up at the rain i’m i’m just trying to get back there honestly i don’t i don’t feel safe out here bro especially if there’s a of following huh

I’m still in the stone dude yeah no i’m i’m long gone i’m out of there so i’ll see you back at uh back at our headquarters all right sounds good uh yeah so kato that was that was kind of crazy that was literally my first mission uh and we almost died multiple times

Well i did dude i think you had that under control i think the the scariest thing for me wasn’t even the stone like amount of stone ninja they had it was just the fact that the mist was still on us like i know like they’re tracking us heavily like

It’s weird though because we don’t run into them in the rain at all so obviously there’s something to do we lose them at some part in the land of water so yeah that’s good yeah but anything outside of that they are they’re just on us yeah they

Have to be checking main villages or something we gotta we actually have to warn the hokage and say that like if i don’t i don’t want a war between the miss and the leaf just because we’re going through there you know what i mean yeah no definitely not so

I mean that’s up to you but on the bright side we can go ahead and let xtr know we got rid of the tracker so the tracker couldn’t report back where we were and then i took care of the one stone ninja that saw us the hobby guy he

He’s done so i mean other than two people literally just disappearing we’re good i mean yeah yeah so i mean i’m feeling pretty alright i did a decent amount of damage to uh to aware you know what i mean so i’m feeling i’m feeling okay the other guy

Scared the crap out of me i was just trying to leave so we also have sanctuary now in the leaf so now when we can go back maybe they can teach you some things that you didn’t know before maybe some clan based jutsus maybe yeah that would be definitely really cool

I’m down for it all right guys so that is going to be the end of this video it’s a really really fun one we’re making a ton of progress as you guys can see we already have some more fire jutsu we’ve got our ombu mask we completed our first real

Mission actually today so you know i’d count that as a dub did we do a good job of the mission i don’t know you guys let me know in the comments if you guys think we did it all right or maybe what you would have done differently but if

You guys are new drop a like subscribe to see more hope you guys enjoyed the video i will see you guys all in the next one peace

This video, titled ‘Mission For An Uchiha! IceeRamen Naruto Anime Mod Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by Iceeman on 2022-04-30 21:24:23. It has garnered 33400 views and 1351 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:24 or 2244 seconds.

Today i unlocked some more fire jutsu and spoke to the leaf hokage who is also an uchiha! He said my sharingan will make my jutsu even stronger! He then sent us on an anbu mission to spy on the stone village! It is said they have too many kekkei genkai and military strength.

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#MinecraftMod #minecraft #NarutoMinecraft

Music by Karl Casey @White Bat Audio

Keywords: Naruto Anime mod Naruto Anime mod plus Naruto Destiny Plus Minecraft Naruto mod minecraft naruto server iceeramen episode 1 naruto SMP Minecraft SMP Naruto Minecraft Server Minecraft naruto multiplayer

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  • SHOCKING! Matt’s Intense Minecraft Hardcore LIVE!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Iron Golem Battle – 1.21 Mob Showdown!

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  • FutureMC

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  • Atlantis SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.4 Custom Plugins

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  • Plasma Power

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Sis sends spicy Minecraft meme”

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  • Rhyme Time on Tiktok: Live Stream May 28, 2024

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  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hot Mess 😂🔥 #shorts

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  • Join Minewind: Start Your Epic Minecraft Adventure Today!

    Join Minewind: Start Your Epic Minecraft Adventure Today! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we’re excited to share with you a new journey that is just beginning in the Minecraft community. In a recent YouTube video titled “New Journey Begins 🔥 Minecraft PE One Block Survival Part-1 [HINDI],” we see a group of talented gamers taking on the challenge of Minecraft Pocket Edition’s One Block Survival. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind server, it does showcase the creativity and excitement that Minecraft has to offer. Watching these gamers, such as beatplayz, rosygamerz,… Read More

  • Surviving Uzbek Minecraft

    Surviving Uzbek Minecraft Welcome to the Majestic World of Minecraft Uzbek Let’s Play! Embark on an exciting journey through the enchanting realm of Vijivaniya Qilamiza in Minecraft with this Uzbek-language Let’s Play video. Experience the game like never before with stunning shaders that enhance the visuals and immerse you in a world of endless possibilities. Exploring Vijivaniya Qilamiza Join the adventure as you delve into the intricacies of Vijivaniya Qilamiza, a world filled with wonders waiting to be discovered. Uncover hidden treasures, encounter mysterious creatures, and build your own unique creations in this vast and captivating landscape. Discovering Shaders Immerse yourself in… Read More

  • Unbelievable Ironman Grind in Hypixel Skyblock!

    Unbelievable Ironman Grind in Hypixel Skyblock!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Hypixel Skyblock – Ironman Grind’, was uploaded by I-0fflineT1mer-I on 2024-05-05 19:40:10. It has garnered 37 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:23:40 or 15820 seconds. Read More

  • Morning Mischief on Bronytales Minecraft Server

    Morning Mischief on Bronytales Minecraft ServerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bronytales Minecraft Server | Morning Minecraf Mischief | #104’, was uploaded by PassionateAboutPonies on 2024-04-10 16:20:47. It has garnered 174 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:50 or 11450 seconds. Minecraf? Minecraf!! Whoooooo!! ============================== Server: bronytales.com Resource Pack: https://love-tolerance.com/ Shader: https://modrinth.com/shader/complementary-unbound Mods: Mine Little Pony: https://minelittlepony-mod.com/ Presence Footsteps: https://github.com/Sollace/Presence-Footsteps/releases HDSkins: https://github.com/MineLittlePony/HDSkins/releases Lamb Dynamic Lights: https://modrinth.com/mod/lambdynamiclights Lithium: https://modrinth.com/mod/lithium Sodium: https://modrinth.com/mod/sodium Phosphor: https://modrinth.com/mod/phosphor Mod Menu: https://modrinth.com/mod/modmenu Better Dropped Items: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/better-dropped-items Illuminations: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/illuminations Iris Shaders: https://modrinth.com/mod/iris Mambience: https://modrinth.com/mod/mambience Logical Zoom: https://modrinth.com/mod/logical-zoom Lazy DFU: https://modrinth.com/mod/lazydfu Xaeros Minimap (Fair Play Edition): https://modrinth.com/mod/xaeros-minimap-fair Technopig: https://modrinth.com/mod/technomodel Drip Sounds:… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Lucasd10 RETURNED to Minecraft?! 😱

    Unbelievable! Lucasd10 RETURNED to Minecraft?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴FIRST MINECRAFT STREAM BACK! (AM I WASHED?)🔴’, was uploaded by Lucasd10 on 2024-05-26 05:36:37. It has garnered 1326 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:59 or 8279 seconds. 🔴Today I Am Playing Minecraft LIVE. Don’t Forget To Like, Comment, Subscribe, And Turn On Post Notifications To Never Miss A Livestream Or Upload!🔴 ────────────────────────────────── 🤑DONATE TO ME HERE💲➔ https://streamlabs.com/lucasd10 Feel Free to Donate, It Is Optional But It Can Help Me In Many Ways. I Can Buy New Gaming/Streaming Equipment, Things In Games, And It Gives Me A Chance To Do Giveaways… Read More

Mission For An Uchiha! IceeRamen Naruto Anime Mod Minecraft SMP