Modded Minecraft: Carl’s Mage Quest EP 4

Video Information

Hello are you lovely people are daya it’s the man Carl time here today feed beast may Carl’s made his quest Carl’s me Carl’s ma’am Tom each quest carnage Carl mage quest Carl’s mages quest I have an army of mages and their questing for me we’re here today look at this

Room looking pretty sweet I started doing a little bit of the decoration so I wanted to just keep you guys posted on what I was doing here so check this out what I’m doing so for the walls in here I’m just going to do an alternating birch and spruce pattern because I think

These would look so nice together especially in this texture pack and add a little bit of depth I’m going to use the the panels of spruce which are thicker than the covers which we’re using for the birch so it’s not a huge difference it’s pretty minimal but I do

Like it a lot and it’s it gives me a comfort onite it helps me sleep at night knowing that it’s there so working on the walls with that that’s gonna look pretty cool I think when it’s done got this really nice tiger up here I don’t

Remember quite what I showed you at the end of last episode it’s been a little while since I’ve been on this world as you may have guessed this area I screwed this up didn’t I one two three or six seven I did hey what do you say I

Screwed it up this area right here is going to be for the the nine by nine crafting and fusing altar so that’s that’s a extremely big part of thumb craft I really haven’t gotten around much of the research at I’ve been meaning to i just i haven’t things have

Been busy you know school and stuff wrapping up the semester good like your final projects in your classes and stuff like that but i am trying to get back on a schedule i did post a a channel announcement video recently on my channel talking about the the future

Situations of this series of my other minecraft series when i’m home for Christmas break they’re probably any episodes of this it only be a few weeks that’s just that’s just the nature of the beast haha so see how this looks the only thing I need to change is only to go higher up

Here so let me yeah I really don’t have a good spot to record at home so that’s the explanation behind that call it lame but uh yeah I’d rather not in the law it’s it because it takes a lot of time to you know like especially the minecraft stuff the minecraft stuff is

The most time consuming without a doubt that stuff always takes a while to get done and over with not that it’s a hassle or anything but it’s just it’s a lot easier to record it’s not easier to sit down and record just like five episodes of Isaac then like even like

One episode of minecraft stuff but I do like it labor love I do it for you everything I do I do for you that’s how we’re looking now there’s a little bit of very uh like an indent there that’s just because that’s the way she goes

We’ll see how it looks none of my mirror that’s on the other side ya know that that looks just fine this is gonna look really cool let me take another look from up top any topic I don’t think I’ve done anything outside yeah I I don’t

Play in this world as much as I’d like to which is I know a lot of stuff going on this is gonna look real nice I’m gonna come up with some kind of ceiling design as well we’re gonna have our huge altar right here is going to be all

These grayish black colored stones but I really like this color combination here i think it’s a it’s it’s money man it’s a it’s a game winner for sure it looks really nice simple the great wood logs the birch logs and the the Spruce about virtual planks on the Spruce planks they

All look really nice together I might still work on this over here i miss work on like that over there it’s not quite where i want it to be just yet it’s not bad but so we take a look at uh yeah i think it looks good everything i also

Wanted to do right now I don’t oh I wanted to try something with um I’m staying up way too much today get together I wanted to try something with this kind of add up like some some spikes some spikes on the outside of our altar area so can we we can make these

Smaller than can’t wait oh yes oh yes they’ll almost be like a little stalactites stalagmites slight taste like me are we gonna go all the way please go yeah we’re gonna go all the way can we go all the way we might be in the hitbox for it calm down calm down

Everybody can we do it Oh for real for real you aim your not gonna let me do that that’s a shame ah microblogs a don’t let me down oh yeah i think i’ll add a nice little cool something to it I still got to get the research done like

I said I gotta get the research done for the altar can we do something like I have an idea I’m gonna be right back they’re gonna tear these up really quick and I’ll be right back okay I did what I wanted to do but coral it looks exactly

The same yeah it does look the same but here check this out plank slab what does this mean well I wanted to try this see how this looked and I know we’re not going to get a full effect on this until we actually put in the altar but I think

This would look nice if you did a little bit of a little bit strong brick outline on the border around it had a nice little ah nice little touch to it you know nice little smooth nice and lovers touch I apologize this is a good move today I

Feel like crap my throat has killed me but I’m not good mood today I gotta stop recording my throat hurts let’s finish this up real Qui no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no what do we do wrong well I think

It was this no I think it was this there we go okay so let’s see how this a look micro box the best tool to outline anything ever that’s not what we want it to be get out of here throw them out we want the vertical slabs okay yeah you

Know I think that’ll look nice um coming from around here i think it’s looked pretty cool and we i’m a second slow down there buddy we could even go one step further and throw something like this around which i think i’m gonna do I like it already I like it already yeah I

Got already so yeah i’m not i’m not really sure exactly let’s think about the other day like where I wanted to go with this world I guess I kind of just want to explore like all the mods under dinner as many as i can at least if you

Guys have any things in particular that you want to give your familiar with this mod pack and all because i’m really not but if you’re familiar with his mom pack and all you have specific things you want me to do like specific mods or a specific things and mods that you would

Like to see let me know don’t hesitate to ask which shouldn’t be a big deal i’m pretty much up for anything be at we’re starting off heavy with Tom craft I don’t know what the future is going to hold for us but I think it’ll be fun so

Hopefully you guys are enjoying this series so far hope you’re going to stay on but I think it was pretty soon let’s take a quick look from outside this will be a nice little area down here I’m excited for this I’ll get that other wall done too

I really want to get started with i love this room oh this is gonna look so good please tell me I’m not crazy please tell me this looks good please I need your attention I need your love we r do something here too i don’t know what

Something i love the way this class sucks underwater it looks fantastic yes i love it oh god that feels good i love it I love it I love it I’m happy with this real happy how happier what’s it hey I’m really happy how happy are you

I’m so happy I don’t know man i’m so happy that i’m gonna finish up this other wall right here I want to finish up this wall and then I’ll come back with you guys when i’m done and we’ll work on something else maybe some more Thaumcraft related stuff but i gotta

Finish up this room too so basically days episodes get this room finished so we can start putting things in it may be an infernal first back here I’m crab so exciting oh yeah be right back with you guys alrighty so um I today’s episode again there’s going to be another just

Kind of building building style episode and the first episode of the series are going to be like that just because the way that I like to do FTB is I like to make things look really nice and then add function to them later I’ve got only

Plan ahead for what I want to do with them just cuz there’s so many different ways to build an F to be especially with micro box alone so I just want to take advantage of that and you know I think we’re looking pretty good here send it

The walls here I did the walls around here this is going to be an infernal furnace a three by three by three big furnace contraption I’m gonna have to add an input somewhere on top I’m not sure what I’m going to do what about that we circle the same wall design the

Birch of the Spruce planks alternating did a little bit of a great wood plank trim which I really like I’m we kind of have it going on here it’s not popping out as much over here but I really like this a lot I think these colors go so

Well together and here I mean a little platform thing because I wanted to build a tweet so I don’t have a whole ton of experience with building trees and I want it’s something i’d like to try to get better at especially when you have micro box available to work with

There’s so much that you can do so I want to just kind of start playing or I would this see what we can do I got about a stack leaves I got a roughly enough what I don’t know how much what I’m not going to sit here and count all

My supplies by somebody get sided with this I’m just going to try to work out some stuff while kind of do this little journey together we’re going to see how this goes because it’s something I’ve always liked I’ve enjoyed it when I’ve seen like custom trees made before let’s

Break this let’s break this wait no that one stays because yeah with micro box I mean you really can’t get anything like this in a regular old vanilla minecraft this is really cool I’m excited to play with this we screwed up didn’t we damn it ah let’s do this no I keep screwing

Up what are you doing hey okay here’s we wanted we cut that this way get some notches matches so how to build a tree no I’m just going to roll with it we’re going to try it’s going to be kind of low it’s going to be almost like a a bit

Like a bonsai tree almost if that’s that makes sense so kind of low to the ground really like i like a birch tree in real life if you’ve ever seen one like a little bit lower to the ground kind of branches shooting out a little bit crazy

Stuff like that but we can’t make it to huge so we’re gonna we’re restricted in that manner a little bit of a challenge presented with that see I so I want to just kind of branch it out a little bit more so probably on the front because we

Have more room for it this is looking a little too pattern eyes doesn’t it we’ll see ya know this this is this is like way to pattern eyes here let’s do this break this up just a little bit i have i have a lot of ideas running through my

Head on how to do this right now really excited to be doing this some i wanted to do for a long time we’re do something like like that even that helps a little bit and then bring it out something like this yeah so uh oh yeah so I’m gonna

Talk to guys really cool about a couple things Julie a huge counter-strike tournament going on this week so super excited about that I don’t know if you guys are into that I talk about a lot i do play it a lot but i had to take a

Break the other day not the other day but i’m up yesterday was like my break day how does this looking so far it’s good all right so we’re all gonna like cap off the height of the tree the height of the trunk rather pretty early let’s break this again I had to like

Step away from counter-strike for a little bit i don’t like take a hiatus for my cousin my god this game is it’s driving me nuts man all there’s so much we can do with like micro box especially the covers and something to add so much

Depth to this this is going to be cool yeah i had to step away from counter-strike for a little bit because it was kind of driving me insane to a point that i really didn’t want it to and it was kind of like upsetting me

That I was like all right I can’t get this like frustrated over a game I don’t want to do this look good no it’s awful oh these are the worst oh no never mind to fix that huh I remember oh it’s the great wood planks these things take like

An hour to break each I don’t know why I’m using an axe it doesn’t make sense something something’s f’d with the with the micro box but um yeah I thought like step away for you oh I need to I need to stop playing this game for a couple days

Or so just that I can like died I needed a break because I think I think one of the the best ways to get better at counter strike and like probably like any real competitive game that’s similar to that is really gonna be just like that could be interesting the best way

To get better i think is just to like um is the play like at least a game every day i think by doing that you’re going to put yourself in a decent position to at least get somewhat better at it so I was kind of trying to like at least set

Aside a little time per day that I could just like sit down and play a match or so but man it was a it was getting to me it sounds like I I need to stop playing this for a little while so right now I’m on like what is

This like day two of not playing it sounds really bad um I’m not like a digged or anything yeah I just I needed to stop playing it for a little while just take a little break because the people are get so frustrating on that

Game and I tell you want so this is good all right we’re gonna branching out quite a bit here um I think it’s like is it too early to start putting on the leaves I think it’s a pretty cool shape which I do like now this is going to be

A little odd just because of our micro box situation as to how we can put on the leaves we’re gonna need to use a lot of like interesting micro box leaves you know it’s like I said isn’t gonna be too tall we’re gonna try to keep it mostly

Lower to the ground I want to get down just like a rough base and then we’re uh we’ll start putting on that’s a bad idea and then we’ll start out putting on like the the micro Bach leaves no I kind of like be able to see back here I like

That will do so this on the leaves baby um maybe I’ll even get into some vines as well I don’t like vines I feel like it’s really easy to overdo them in this game but I think they’re a super great building tool really easy to make things

Look good with them may not they’re really easy tools if you’re like that happy with what you like the way it looks it’s easy to make things look a lot better with that even this already looks pretty cool like I like this i’m getting the little bonsai tree feel

Which is what i’m going for here let’s start doing some micro blocking the only problem with okay i was thinking i was going to happen I don’t know if it’s the same way in the regular texture pack but we micro bak leaves it’s interesting because the micro bak pieces are see

Through which could be kind of cool that could add like a little bit of something something here a little bit of Sun something a little something-something leaves oh so I sauté something that really uh rustle my jimmies yeah that’s am rustle my jimmies you know um I saw something really cool today

Yeah if you’re not really liking how the tree is looking right now trust me just wait a little bit it does take a lot of time to get a good looking tree from from the little experience that I have with doing this it takes a little bit of

Time so we’re going to keep rolling but today i saw on steam that the southpark game which I’ve wanted for a while is like super cheaper in else I might be picking that up like kind of a pricey game but it’s on sale for like 15 bucks

Right now I think I like eight I just have to take advantage of that huh when you get some love over here so this is like your basic just put leaves on a tree the next way to make things look cool after this is a let’s do a couple

Of these a couple more couple of these and then like a few of these these little cute little guys boom so easy way to make custom trees look it is to build some little dangly things like hanging down from it they just help out a little bit a little droopy leaves it is

Possible to overdo them trust me and it’s a lot easier to make them look better in your feed the beast when you got your micro box going on it just adds a little bit to it I know I’m not perfect at this you guys probably won’t

Go through sucks I don’t ever want you to do this again because they’re just bad at it I know I think this is only like the first or snow not the first me it’s like the second or third micro black tree that I’ve ever built I’m doing the best here but hopefully

Hopefully I soon in this series will be able to get out of the building and into more of the the mods and the fun and the the real nitty-gritty of this modpack I’m excited for let’s let’s bring this around bring some mobo Bahia hey it is a little bit disappointing

That we’re not going to get the see-through leaves it makes it look a little bit out of place sometimes like if there’s a lot of micro box in an area but we’ll manage you know something something end of the world or anything that’s for sure so you just wanna make

Sure we’re not all like block block ourselves in from like leaving oh yeah but I’m liking this so far don’t get a little bit of a weeping willow action going on and it’s possible over do these so you got to be careful but we’re doing our best here I think it’s turning out

Pretty sweet little dangly back there we’re like right here and do a couple of these bad boys place somebody’s uh these guys just kind of like randomly all over it adds a nice Batman not there but it adds a nice little bit of randomness a little bit about depth to it as well

It’s all about depths with me how are we looking so far you know I think it looks pretty cool when we’re going to top a little bit now but I’m digging this though I really am it looks pretty sweet and I don’t think this is going to get

Into the way of like any other plans i have for this out tops needs some work for sure just put i don’t really think i have any plans that this is going to interfere with like having this here that’s okay there i’m probably gonna do

Just like a little bit more work on the bottom of this just to try to make it look just a little bit better that looks awkward I don’t know why I did that I was like you know they look really nice if it didn’t like that no no who thinks

That who thinks that crazy people think that so this actually up here a little bit of this uh we’re just going on back here maybe even something like that yeah I do like this i do like this a lot but I think one other like last

Thing that I can do on this to really bring it home maybe I’ll bring it home but add just like a little bit more to this is just like I said a dad these kind of like in your corners easy way to make it look a lot better in my opinion

Opinion there one here I let them do what I want it to but actually that works then I come back here for sure yeah but i think its product that’s there should be it for this this little tree build I’m liking it you know I’m

Liking it adds a nice little a breath of life into our base so I think it’s pretty sweet let’s take a quick look for the outside and I think that might be it for the episode I’m gonna check on our time but I think that’s probably it yeah

I think we’re we’re just about there but let’s say we’re looking the outside next episode we should actually start getting into the mods I just need to put some more time into this to actually get started with Bob Kraft is it is a pretty time-intensive mod let’s see that

Doesn’t get a good view yeah I am liking this a lot this is going to be so cool officials to get the altar in there but yeah I think that’s it for today guys so I think I very much for watching there should be another building a series

Episode tomorrow I’m trying to get that back on the track even though my schedule is about to get a little turned upside down with the whole me going home for Christmas break from trying to keep that on tuesdays and saturdays this is gonna be every friday yeah i think eyes

Are watching I will see you again next time hopefully you enjoy to leave a like on the video and I will see you next time let me say it one more time we’ll see you next time i will see you again next time

This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft: Carl’s Mage Quest EP 4’, was uploaded by The Man Carl on 2014-12-06 03:51:29. It has garnered 44 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:55 or 1375 seconds.

Today we work some more on our Thaumcraft that will soon be put to use!

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    SHOCKING! 20 CRAZY New Features Minecraft NEEDS now!Video Information This video, titled ’20 Features Minecraft SHOULD Add To 1.21 From New Mods !’, was uploaded by LuluBelleMC on 2024-06-23 11:00:39. It has garnered 25115 views and 840 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:26 or 1346 seconds. 20 Features Minecraft SHOULD Add To 1.21 From New Mods ! Join my channel membership to get more Useful contents : It’s time to stop being overcharged for hosting! : 00:00 -TACZ: Plus (Timeless and Classics Feature Addon) 1.20.1 01:52 -Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks 1.20.1 (Forge) 03:39 -Cleann Arsenal 1.20.1 (Forge) 06:03 -Client Sort… Read More

  • Escape Insane Minecraft Trap!

    Escape Insane Minecraft Trap!Video Information This video, titled ‘Escaping an IMPOSSIBLE TRAP in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Aphmau on 2024-05-21 19:59:01. It has garnered 2962953 views and 25520 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:01 or 1261 seconds. I’m just RUNNING with it! 💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 ► Instagram: ====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .==== ★ Aaron: Jason Bravura ★ Ein: Chris Escalante ★ Kim: Corinne Sudberg ★ Pierce: Shado_Temple NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft. #Minecraft #Aphmau Read More

  • Invincible in Minecraft?! New Immunity Hack #immocraft

    Invincible in Minecraft?! New Immunity Hack #immocraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴[LIVE] lah menkrep?! #immocraft #immonity | Minecraft Indonesia’, was uploaded by ArchTemp on 2024-06-14 14:45:10. It has garnered 283 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:19 or 10339 seconds. Thank You For Stopping By! Don’t forget to Like, Comment & Subscribe and click the Bell so you don’t miss other Live & Videos! Thx Guys! ———————————————————————————————– Donate me : (Via. Gopay/Dana/LinkAja/OVO/Qris) ———————————————————————————————– Social Media Instagram : @ihsannn18_ Discord : @archtemp ———————————————————————————————– Spek PC : Asrock B550M Pro-HDV (MotherBoard) Klevv CRAS XR RGB (RAM 16GB 2x8GB) AMD Ryzen 5 5600X (Processor)… Read More

  • Unlocking Epic Powers in Minecraft! #clutch #gaming

    Unlocking Epic Powers in Minecraft! #clutch #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘I can’t step back because stepping up is my passion #shorts #clutch #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by EXCITED HUMAN on 2024-01-03 13:19:12. It has garnered 7124 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. #love #instagood #fashion #photooftheday #instagram #art #photography #nature #beautiful #picoftheday #happy #follow #travel #cute #style #instadaily #tbt #followme #repost #summer #fitness #like4like #beauty #food #instalike #photo #selfie #me #friends #fun #smile #girl #family #life #music #explore #ootd #makeup #likeforlikes #dog #model #design #likeforlike #handmade #motivation #lifestyle #sunset #dogsofinstagram #foodporn #nofilter #artist #igers #drawing #cat #beach… Read More

  • 🎮 Insane Minecraft Adventure! Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria in Minecraft!

    🎮 Insane Minecraft Adventure! Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘🧸 Aku Mengunjungi Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza (& Bertemu Animatronik-nya) di Minecraft! – #shorts’, was uploaded by 🟩 Serba-Serbi Minecraft on 2024-02-17 08:30:05. It has garnered 10320 views and 176 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. ———————————- 🙏 Credits, references, sources, etc.: Map: – Mod: – Shader: – Texture: – Musik: – Kevin MacLeod ———————————- 🏷️ Tag: minecraft, minecraft indonesia, minecraft video, minecraft game, minecraft java, minecraft pc, minecraft pe, minecraft xbox, minecraft ps4, minecraft switch, minecraft builder, minecraft community, minecraft survival, minecraft adventure, minecraft creative, minecraft mod, minecraft… Read More

  • PandaTV Minecraft #358: NO CHARCOAL = NO FUN

    PandaTV Minecraft #358: NO CHARCOAL = NO FUNVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | #358 | Ohne Holzkohle läuft ihr nichts’, was uploaded by PandaTV on 2024-05-10 13:00:18. It has garnered 68 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:25 or 625 seconds. 💭 The main focus is on exploring and discovering the game world, which is full of caves and dungeons, and building your own buildings and devices. The player can mine raw materials (“Mine”), process them into other items (“Craft”) and fight monsters. 💭 Current playlists: Minecraft: 💭 Social Media ✔️ Discord Send FA FranzPandaTV #5864 ✔️ Discord: ​ ✔️ Facebook: Franz… Read More


    "INSANE FF ARMY SECRET IN MINECRAFT | UNBELIEVABLE!" #mindblownVideo Information This video, titled ‘What Is this Mojang ? | Ye kya hai ? #ytshorts #minecraft #shortsfeed #mimecraftfacts’, was uploaded by OP FF ARMY on 2024-03-15 02:30:14. It has garnered 11840 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Hey Guy’s IF you like the video then Just Consider Subscribing To My channel And Enjoy The Journey😊 —What Is this Mojang ? | Ye kya hai ? #minecraft #shortsfeed #mcpeshorts #ytshorts #shorts #hindishorts #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock #viral #trendingshorts #mojang #minecraftofficial For Business Enquiries and Collaboration [email protected] Read More

  • Insane Iron Golem Encounter in Minecraft 😱

    Insane Iron Golem Encounter in Minecraft 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Iron Golem Ne Nikal De Worden ki Tatti 😱 #shorts #shortvideo #minecraft #viral #trending #foryou’, was uploaded by Norok666 on 2024-05-29 03:12:07. It has garnered 179 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Welcome to GamePro Enterprises, your ultimate destination for expert gaming insights, tips, and reviews! Whether you’re a casual player or a hardcore gamer, we’ve got you covered with the latest in PC, console, and mobile games. Delve into strategy guides, walkthroughs, and exclusive interviews with industry experts. Join our gaming community for updates on new… Read More

  • EPIC – IceMcFall dominating Hypixel Live Stream

    EPIC - IceMcFall dominating Hypixel Live StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hypixel Live Stream’, was uploaded by IceMcFall on 2024-04-10 15:44:27. It has garnered 44 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:21:31 or 4891 seconds. Welcome to the stream! I’m going to be playing Bedwars on the Hypixel Minecraft Server. Anyone is welcome to come and chat! Discord: Donate: Read More

  • MCPT minecraft portugal

    MCPT minecraft portugal▪ O Objetivo do servidor é conseguir com que pessoas principalmente portugueses de portugal ( mas não só ) tenham a possibilidade de jogar um servidor simples, um pouco anárquico mas mais organizado, um SMP, Survival Multiplayer Server sem formalidades fúteis. ▪ Discord –> ▪ IP –> Read More

  • Infinity Cube Server! – smp – 1.21

    Infinity Cube Server Interested in a forever server with an emphasis on builders and fresh updates? What is the Infinity Cube Server? A whitelisted vanilla server running on 1.21 Experienced builders preferred, but all player types welcomed What is the goal of the Infinity Cube Server? Have fun, enjoy the game, make friends, and keep the server running forever Updates and Mods Current version: 1.21, will update to newer versions Chunks will be reset before future updates to keep the world fresh Mods installed: TP to spawn, TP to home, TP back, and more (minimal restrictions) How to join? Join… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Git Gud: Master Portforwarding in Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Git Gud: Master Portforwarding in Minecraft"If you can’t figure out portforwarding, just blame it on the Creeper who keeps blowing up your router. Read More

  • Toycat’s Minecraft Xbox Quest: HARDEST Achievement Unlocked!

    Toycat's Minecraft Xbox Quest: HARDEST Achievement Unlocked! In Minecraft, Toycat’s skills are unmatched, Achieving the hardest feats, no challenge unattached. With editing skills improving, highlights in sight, Supporting Toycat’s stream, shining bright. Thumbnail quality assured, thanks to @livelaughseal9322, For making sure the visuals are top-notch, true. If you enjoyed this highlight, show some love, Like the video, subscribe, rise above. Thanks for reading the description, it means a lot, Stay tuned for more Minecraft facts, in rhymes we’ve got. Read More

  • Villager OI OI OI meme 🔥🔥🔥

    Villager OI OI OI meme 🔥🔥🔥 When the villager starts chanting “OI OI OI,” you know it’s about to go down in Minecraft. It’s like their way of saying, “Hold onto your pickaxes, things are about to get wild!” 🤣 #minecraftmayhem #villagerantics Read More

  • Meow-tastic Minecraft Fabric Dupe Trick

    Meow-tastic Minecraft Fabric Dupe Trick Minecraft Fabric Dupe Glitch Unveiled! Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can sometimes lead to unexpected discoveries. Recently, a player stumbled upon a fascinating glitch known as the Fabric Dupe Glitch. This glitch, showcased using mods on the Fabric client, allows players to duplicate items in the game. The Discovery It all started when the player’s game crashed, causing them to be set back in their progress. Upon returning to the game, they noticed that blocks they had previously placed were still present. This observation sparked their curiosity, leading them to experiment further. Executing the Dupe To replicate the… Read More

  • Unraveling Aether Event – TheGuill84

    Unraveling Aether Event - TheGuill84 The Aether Event in Minecraft: A Spectacular Adventure Exploring the Aether Realm The Minecraft community was recently treated to an extraordinary event known as the Aether Event, hosted by TheGuill84. This event took place in the mysterious Aether realm, a dimension filled with floating islands, mythical creatures, and unique challenges. Players were immersed in a world unlike any other, where the laws of physics seemed to bend and magic was at every corner. A Special Journey The Aether Event was a multi-part adventure, with the first part titled “CITE DES OMBRES – JOUR 5 | EVENT SPECIAL AETHER (1/3).”… Read More

  • EPIC BUILDING IN MINECRAFT! | Project Architect 2

    EPIC BUILDING IN MINECRAFT! | Project Architect 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Project Architect 2 | CREATIVE FLIGHT & INFINITE EMC | Minecraft Project E Modpack | Ep2’, was uploaded by MrPorkerson on 2024-07-25 15:15:07. It has garnered 3013 views and 62 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:44 or 4064 seconds. Today we’re diving into an all around excellent experience by journeying into the Project Architect 2 Modpack! Focusing and centering around the mod Project E, This pack emphasizes automation, magic, and exploration! Project Architect 2 is a Brand New modpack so be sure to leave loads of support and constructive criticism to help improve… Read More

  • Threatened by Minecraft Player – Must Watch!

    Threatened by Minecraft Player - Must Watch!Video Information This video, titled ‘Este USUARIO me AMENAZÓ con REPORTARME sin RAZON ALGUNA 💣 | Minecraft HCF’, was uploaded by asadito on 2024-07-24 22:00:02. It has garnered 852 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:06 or 426 seconds. If you see this, give the video a like and subscribe 🔔 🔴 LIVE: SOCIAL NETWORKS ⬇️ ► TikTok: ► Instagram: ► Facebook: – IP: 🌩️ – Cliente: Lunar Client 🌑 – Texture Pack: Pídelo en los comentarios! 📩 – Canal de Lukitz ➡️: @Lukitzz – Contactos ⬇️ Gmail: [email protected] Discord:… Read More

  • Insane SkyBlock Buying & Selling – Watch Now!

    Insane SkyBlock Buying & Selling - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘SkyBlock Buy And Sell – Trailer 1/4 (Minecraft Map)’, was uploaded by Streak’s Creation on 2024-07-14 04:54:48. It has garnered 765 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:11 or 131 seconds. SkyBlock Buy And Sell – Trailer (Minecraft Map) Map Description: You Have Spawned On An Island Connecting You To Multiple Places Which Your Main Objective Is To Create A Monopoly Of Your Business And Takeover Everyone Becoming Powerful And Top Ranked On Scoreboard Buy Lands Buy Premium Weapons. Buy Item From Store And Sell Your Goods To Markets. + Addition… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft NeoForge Installation Guide

    Ultimate Minecraft NeoForge Installation GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Install NeoForge In Minecraft – Full Guide’, was uploaded by GuideRealm on 2024-06-07 05:00:05. It has garnered 1232 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:28 or 268 seconds. Learn how to download and install neoforge in minecraft in this video. For more videos like this then please leave a like. Host your own Minecraft server: Apex has tons of features such as 24-hour hosting, modded servers, and instant setup. GuideRealm is the home of technology-based how-to’s, guides & tips Equipment & tools I use (affiliate links): Tubebuddy (YouTube… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Fighting the Best BuildUHC Player in MCPE

    Ultimate Showdown: Fighting the Best BuildUHC Player in MCPEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Fought With The Best BuildUHC Player In MCPE’, was uploaded by Hindustani Gamer 2.0 on 2024-04-09 13:10:17. It has garnered 82 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:21 or 141 seconds. Fought With The Best BuildUHC Player In MCPE ________________________ techno gamerz anshu bisht SenpaiSpider NiwayOp #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gamer #minecraftlive #shortsbeta #anshu_bisht #minecraftshorts #dream #minecraftmemes #shortsfeed #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftanimation #minecraftmeme #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuilding #minecraftpvp #minecraft1v1 #mcpe #mcpepvp #mcpebedwars #mcpepvp1v1 epic killer epic bhai epic bhai ke agai koi bol skta hai kya nethergames nethergames bedwars hive hive bedwars hive bedwars in… Read More

Modded Minecraft: Carl’s Mage Quest EP 4