ModEschar Plays – Worldpainter – Season 2 Escharon Map (Part 2) – Adding Terrain/Flora [Minecraft Livesteam]

Video Information

So Do Okay so we are back and today we are going we are going to do our usual uh we’re gonna do our continuation of uh the world edit or the world world painter rather thing that we started last week so uh yeah so you missed me on thursday

I had a lot of work to catch up on wasn’t exactly sure what i was going to be doing anyway so i was like you know what i’m just going to skip thursday because i really don’t know what to build today so uh yeah today we’re going to do

Something different and we’re going to continue on with what we did on saturday i’m trying to log into my server right now and not letting me oh god i’m going to unmute ordeath while i’m out here at this so all right so what’s up dude so it’s not letting you on

Yeah it’s not letting me on the last that’s on discord it looked like you’d shut it down at one at one point yeah it looks like it probably crashed yeah it crashed yeah it it forced itself to shut down i guess that’s fine we’ll uh start it back up here in a second

So i’m gonna go ahead and pull up world painter here we can get started with this stream so i’ve gone ahead and added neon’s island here yeah i haven’t really painted anything yet this is just the gray base texture if you notice down here i have a flora uh section now Which is really cool and all of this is imported from the old map and the way i did that because i went over here to open uh what is it edit import and uh custom layers from file and i was able to either pull in a custom layer

Like these right here which are already listed or I can pull it in custom items from an existing world which is what i ended up doing i went to the escheron world here and i just imported it and now i have all the trees and all the nice little things that i had in the old map accessible to the new one

I took some liberties with the overlay uh i went ahead and redid this volcano a little bit unfortunately one of the problems uh when i do mountains like this is i’m never satisfied with how they look they always just look weird to me but i’ve gone ahead and added in the

Channels i’ve added in a lot of the uh i went in and detailed some of the coast so yeah it’s looking good so today what we’re gonna do is we’re actually gonna go ahead and start painting in the terrain and making these mountains actually look like mountains

And while i do that i’m going to go ahead and uh log in to this on the other screen i’m going to log in my minecraft server and do a download of it because you know why it’s that while it’s down i might as well do a download And hopefully it’ll let me do that [Laughter] man i think i think you’re right i think the server crashed i think it like completely crashed like it’s not even showing a server at all i can’t even access the uh the file system really yeah this is this is not good Yeah i’m just gonna have to like try to reboot the os on it see what that does oh lovely this is a lovely lovely day today fortunately i have backups of the world map so if anything gets screwed up you know no biggie anyway

So what i like to do is i like to start in the oceans and then work my way up to land so what i’m going to do is i’m going to actually Move the water i can actually see the the sea floor here it’s all gravel everything here’s gravel right now but we’re going to go ahead and change that let’s start with the bear sand and i’m going to go ahead and i think i’m gonna do this brush this brush paint it I got the sims music playing right now because i figured you know this is like this is like some sims building why not have the sims music going on No we can do the real bob ross thing here what i like to do is i like to do everything below like 66 65 something like that so there’s like 66 is probably a good beach level That’s actually going to mark off where the beach is if i put the water back on you can see this you can see the shorelines they’re starting to form so what i’m gonna do is this is gonna transition into the gravel of the seabed but i’m gonna go ahead and fill out

Where i want it first you notice there’s some islands there i think i’m gonna make the shoreline towards this northern coast a little more gravel oriented i might do that so i’m gonna leave that the way it is i’m gonna go down here the beach area clean all this in

I think i might actually make this gravel here i think that’s probably a good idea because this is this is the seaport so i think my transition into gravel there and then over here i’m going to continue with the sand this will look good this over here is where the airport is

I don’t think i’m gonna work on uh i don’t think i’m gonna do uh neon’s island yet i’m just gonna do the main island for now okay got some smoothing i gotta do here that area smooth all that out a little weird looking so i’m just going to smooth a happy little seafloor

This map this map’s gonna be pretty awesome when it’s done i can already tell i go up the coast here i’m gonna make this and as well have you already figured out from uh you know where you’re gonna put your existing neighborhoods on the map yeah i actually have already i’ll go

Ahead and pull up that overlay and uh as you can see i’ve already kind of laid them into the map this is where i’m going to put the main city obviously the water is going to be gone and i’m going to put gardena like over here

I’m i’m thinking maybe i’ll move it down here but i’m not entirely sure yet uh echelon hills is going to be up in this area then over here is gonna be like a little kind of resort village town place i think that’d be a good place for one right in here

Then over this way i’m probably gonna have uh another little like seaside beach area near the airport go ahead and remove that map and turn the water back on you can see the shoreline forming there that’s looking good um this is obviously gonna get replaced i’m going to remove this Because that’s going to end up being that’s going to end up being like that the stone like jetties i kind of want to transition this sand now so do that actually gonna get my my brush Get this pattern brush here i got some patterns that i can use down in here too some of these are custom brushes and you can actually bring in custom brushes into world painters which is pretty awesome The only thing is it sometimes becomes a pain to control it So i like to transition the sand and i’m just going to kind of do this kind of do this all over the place that’s going to transition into gravel it’s a little more like of a natural transition let’s see if i can i cannot i was hoping there’d be an easier way

Less tedious way for me to do this but i guess it’s like i guess i have to do it this way just rotate the brush around a bit a different you know different patterns different angles it doesn’t all look forced you know the key here is i want to make this look

As natural as possible and i want the transition the seabed to be as realistic as possible i mean as realistic as possible as i’m gonna get in a block game you know i’m gonna go ahead and actually add more band here because this is supposed to be like the beach area

I kind of want this sand bar to go out of ways you know go out a couple hundred blocks right back this Rotate it a bit look a little different Don’t worry we’re getting to the happy little trees but the reason i you know decided i’m gonna start doing this world painter series is because there’s not like there are youtubers that do it but they don’t really like they don’t really go really in depth with it gonna give you tutorials they

Don’t really show you what they do start to finish to build a world and i figured you know what be cool is if i kind of just documented that process too i mean we document everything else on this channel you know so why not document you know playing god

And plus you know it’ll kind of give some tips to people you know so if they want to try this themselves they can um this doesn’t have to be on a server it can actually be on uh it can actually be um on the single-player world although servers are a lot more

Fun because then you can experience share your world with other people and you know invite other people to play in it and you can actually add like custom war generation and stuff like that into this as well which we will do on some of the other islands um the main

Echelon island’s probably not going to have any ore generation on it because i mean you don’t want to encourage these people to start mining under all of your bills yeah like let’s start mining under my buildings and stuff so we got our main beach area here while

This is auto saving i’m gonna go and check actually that’d be pretty hysterical if you had someone that decided to like strip mine under downtown i think you would probably be furious yeah i would i think actually scala cube is i think it’s the bed you mean entirely yeah because i can’t

Even reboot the game server like i’m accessing the cert i don’t think any of the servers are working like it’s not even giving me stat yeah it’s giving me errors but like something is yeah something is definitely up with them great yeah wonderful well i mean even if

We wanted to do a minecraft stream today we couldn’t so whoops yeah i was going to talk to another acquaintance of mine that i’ve been playing on his um 1.17 server but i wasn’t able to get a hold of him uh yeah that would be fun i’m gonna do a series on that

Because i’ve started to build some stuff as a few other people but i don’t even though i have opt there i don’t really want to whitelist anybody without his permission Let’s see where’s where’s your where’s your support i have to put in a ticket Game server game server unreachable can’t believe i’m doing this on stream game server unreachable control panel or scala cube this is another reason when we put the new server up we’re gonna have to like just move to a better host because this is ridiculous errors out game server unreachable control panel errors out

Os will not reboot submit um good news um paper uh looks pretty good with uh 117. does it now yes that’s good something’s working all right so i’m sure we didn’t go to upgrade yeah what i’m thinking is we’ll do the upgrade when we build the new

Release the new map we’ll do it on 1.17 so we’ll do a fresh 1.17 install brush server just import the map and then you know take everything that we had on the old server import it in and have a nice day I’d be curious to see how upgrading the old server goes though I’m scared honestly because every time we’ve upgraded the server something something screwed up sure like we always kept on getting another reason i’m thinking that it would be interesting to try though is basically um for the purposes of copying stuff up as schematics oh yeah yeah well we’re gonna have to do

That anyway right but i’m saying i guess what i’m saying is that uh it would be easier to do if we didn’t have to switch versions of minecraft that’s true to take schematics and stuff you know what i mean yeah Although you can’t load with world painter you can’t load in uh you can’t load in the map and take pieces of it and put another one can you no you can do that with world you can do that with a world uh world edit and uh uh mc edit you can do

That with that you can do that but i m c edit uh does not have support for 1.17 as far as i know it doesn’t it hasn’t had support in a while honestly so uh but it’s not going to be that difficult because you know we’ll just copy the schematic

Stand where we want to put it and just make sure we’re in the right corner you know right that’s not too difficult to do at least you know I think the tedious part actually be doing some of your um of your highways yeah well you can actually do that you can actually paint we can actually paint highways on world painter we can do that because i have a whole bunch of custom brushes here

That will allow me to do just that right here so yeah you can do all of that cool so now that we have this let’s start actually painting in some of the terrain what i like to use is the combination of grass block and grass with flowers and blah blah blah blah

So we’re going to start using the regular grass uh with flowers or not grass flowers grass path because that’s what i pretty much use as the base terrain on my map so we’re going to switch this from at or below to at or above 67. and then we’re just gonna take it and Do this with it just paint it ain’t everywhere missed a few areas there with the sand that’s not a big deal we can just do this there we go fixed yay turn that back on this back on what i’m gonna do is i’m just going to paint in these areas

Up until this point because this is where this is where the biome is going to change and yes with world painter you can actually specify biomes which is really really really cool and i’m not sure if it’s updated to 1.17 just yet but i do know i do know that uh

They are updated to 1.16 i think or at least one point six fifteen let me see what the export says i think i think it’ll export it to 1.15 yeah 1.15 or later so you can do it And what we typically are going to do is we’re just going to open that map in minecraft open it up in minecraft and minecraft is gonna automatically convert it to the correct Uh correct type well we don’t even really have to worry about that i’m just gonna go ahead and just paint these because these are gonna get painted over with sand anyway so what’s the brown that you’re painting in doing there this is the grass block that i’m painting

This is actually how i get that texture that i got on the old escheron map Right now i’m doing the mountains around the edges this is all going to be desert so i’m going to make this all desert matter of fact most of this island is going to be a desert biome but i’m going to fill the flora in with chaparral which is

Like it’s like the desert plants that you find in like california or mediterranean climates like italy That stuff is referred to as chopra all this is gonna this is eventually going to be a reservoir so i want to do something different with that i’m gonna go ahead and fill in these patches here the mountain too got most of that filled in now Now in order to make it look like a mountain i use a custom terrain I’ll wait for that auto save to get done there let’s see i don’t think scala cube is going to answer my question until like monday so until then the server is like most decidedly down and then i can’t i can’t even i can’t even do a backup of it

Like it is so screwed right now when was the last back if you did anyway uh right after our last stream so okay yeah it’s still not even showing it oh geez yeah let me let’s get into the discord let me get in the discord and see what it actually

Says in the discord in the console so the server stopped on the sixth oh wow it stopped on tuesday i assumed that i assumed honestly that you were playing with um that you’re playing with upgrading it nope no i would let you guys know if that’s what i was doing

I figured but at the same time you know because he used the word stop not yeah let’s take a look here server has stopped Yeah i don’t know what’s going on with that i i guess like i’m just gonna have to wait for scala cube to you know get off their asses and fix my server unless you want to take your latest backup and put it somewhere else already

That may be an option you see when i let me see when the last backup i took was pull that up because probably the only person that’s likely to lose anything probably neon disney on yeah yeah unfortunately last backup i took was on the first so yeah it was after

It was after the last stream the last stream where we finished building So yeah like i got so i got the new bridge and everything so we are totally solid on that front all right so I go over here to the custom terrain and the way i like to do the mountains is i use the angle so i like to do above 45 or 35 or something like that so i’m going to actually do 40 above 40 degrees and i’m going to use this custom

Material that i made which is stone diorite name to site so like when you go like when you looked around the original echelon map like i can actually Go into my single player world here i think i have the original escheron map here I can show you what these terrain what these terrains are going to look like so this grass path so this is the original echelon map The one that we built the city off of so the grass paths are the ones that we’ve been using pretty much everything let me go towards one of the hills here the big mountains uh i think this will take us to one of them out This should take us that’s that little hump i think that’s where near where gardena would be And this this plays really slow on my uh on my on when it’s just running off of my machine it runs so much faster on the server okay come on come on just load it and say the chunks are really slow to pop in there yeah they are they’re really slow

So you can see like how the terrain goes up this is where the hills would be all the hill houses are up this way honestly i’m surprised that you don’t have more dead bushes in europe we can add those all right so you see this rock material here So all this rock material Right here to get the mountains to look this way i use a world painter so basically we’re gonna do this now with the mountains so let me go ahead and get back to world painter here pull that back up i’m gonna use this custom rock material here i’m gonna do it on

Above 45 degree or 40 degrees i’m just gonna paint it in there like that and i think it actually if it’ll let you add some of the new blocks you might be able to make even more interesting uh mountains yeah they don’t have those on this version now unfortunately

So here’s the hills here’s the mountains and sometimes i like to change it up a little bit sometimes i like to change it up just a bit sometimes i’ll go in i’ll do this no just to keep things kind of interesting looking That’s my rock type Let’s paint all this in Since this is getting into the desert here i actually have a separate rock type that i like to put in the desert like the deep desert So i actually have this one has granite instead of the diorite in it i’m gonna put some of that here pepper that in a little bit and we can actually do something like this there’s a little bit of it just kind of scattered around So it just makes it look interesting that way and then i’ll do these with the same same mountain type there yeah world painter makes like makes mountain building way way way easier than it would be otherwise like when these generate in oh hey neon yeah uh

We don’t know what your uh we don’t know what you’ve lost so far or if we’ve even even if we’ve even lost it we’re not even sure if we’ve even lost it really so i wouldn’t worry just yet right now i can’t i cannot access the server because

Gala cube is you know the server is down down down down but worst case scenario we can retur we can restore it to a uh a version that we had from the first so we didn’t really lose everything this i’m actually gonna make the mountains a little more Make them a little more like Rocky you know i’m gonna have more this is gonna have more of the mountain the rock exposed less of the dirt on them because these mountains are higher they’re gonna have some snow keep packs on them too Come on give me give me control all right thank you and here’s the big mountain We’ll just plop a bunch of stone on that Look at the 3d view i know this tall mountain we’re going to have to do something about that peak so what we’re going to do is everything above a certain point here we’re just going to make that stone now feel free to jump on the discord neon if you want to

Discuss it with us yeah so the irony is even if we wanted to do a like a minecraft stream today we wouldn’t have been able to because Well not on that server at any rate not on that server anyway i’m just kind of waiting for this to finish it’s auto saving Like the most irritating thing ever That takes forever to auto save I wonder if there’s a way for me to like i think i can change the number like how often it auto saves i think i’m gonna change that after it’s done so let me go back to the map here so yeah this is like the original echelon map from like well

Over a year ago this is where echelon hills would be my house would be over here matter of fact i think this is exactly where my house would be yup my house would be exactly right here so this is what the map looked like pristine before everything was built

And then ordith land was over here yeah and amusingly enough i basically just built it to be you know on the other side of the building that you had at spawn yep No biggie though we’ll eventually we’ll get the map back up we’ll get the band back together we’ll get the band back together yes [Laughter] no problem neon all right let’s see if this is uh give this done saving all right it is i’m gonna go in edit preferences

Auto set save interview interval i’m gonna change that to a thousand seconds So it stops me from like what is it by default out of curiosity 500 seconds basically every what is that like every eight minutes that’s a weird number yeah so i changed it to like every 15 minutes or so I’m just gonna make this all stone 500 500 seconds would be like every eight and a third minute yep it’s such a weird why would you pick that number it’s just such a weird arbitrary number I’ll go ahead and paint this mountain a little bit here This will this will look more like a mountain now you know you could Put it at 3600 and have it do every hour yeah i could do that All right so this is what we gotta do every 30 minutes i don’t know probably a good idea let’s do that that’s every so let’s do every 1600 seconds uh 18 or 18 yeah that’s right 30 minutes that is 18 you’re right Every 1800 seconds it’ll do the audio yay so now it won’t interrupt me constantly i know it’s like you know it’s supposed to be a feature i mean it’s really isn’t that long no it isn’t i know it’s supposed to be it seems like it if you’re like

Waiting on like something in the microwave or something yeah but when you’re actively working on something eight minutes is really nothing it’s actually quite irritating when it keeps interrupting you every eight minutes Oh it’s funny watching you getting irritated with it on the street we’re just i mean your mouth is almost predictable put that in there all right now we got our mountains there i’m gonna go ahead and put the mountains in here too Get the big block here that way it just paints as much of it as possible Go ahead and paint all these in these mountains are like right up against the coast Go ahead and do these rocks out here too because there’s like we got some rocky outcroppings that i want to add add the goodness to Let’s take a look at it now that We got this weird formation here i don’t know if i want to flatten that out or leave it um interesting looking promontory but here’s what the mountains look like so far look at that now it’s actually starting to look like an actual playable minecraft map look at that

It’s actually starting to look pretty cool now what i might want to do here though i like i like how this these rocks here i’d extend this beach out so it kind of runs along the shore there i do that might be cool I do go down here Door here i’m gonna turn the water back on I’m just gonna i’m gonna this this this shallow here they’re gonna at or below 62. grab one of my mountain brushes here i like to use this hill brush it makes a nice like natural looking kind of you know terrain formation and i’m just gonna go do my leveler tool Actually you know what Yep that’s what i thought all right get my leveler tool out here what that’s gonna do let me build that up like this this is gonna be a little beach that just runs along like these you know like in california you have like these big rocky cliffs there’s the beach underneath it

Kind of what this is gonna be i’m kind of i’m kind of about that just gonna follow the coast All the way up there we go let’s connect it to that beach right there there we go that connect it now go to 3d a little beach like right there yep there we go there’s your cliff there’s your beach little beach right there kind of cool actually i like it So you see you’re along the beach not digging on some of these areas like Along the beach here getting like stones you know like here i kind of want that to just be i don’t know like regular I don’t know like regular sand or something so i’m just gonna go ahead and grab the sand tool there’s something cathartic about just doing this uh i want to do at or below 60 Repainting this space come on let me let me paint it I repaint that that’s all beach it’s all going to be part of the beach repaint that there we go this is looking really good this is looking really good oh i got to do this little mountain area right here too forgot about that little mountainy area crush custom

Rain i want to do it at or above 67 and i want to do it up 40. There we go actually you know i’m going to actually lower that a little threshold just i kind of want some of this to be rocky i like that this actually i kind of want this what is this this is 75 the beach do okay that’s actually what i want it to do

That is that is actually accurate as to what i want it to do nice awesome that’s looking good So what this is gonna do like all this here we can ignore for now Go into part of the map add in add in some more cliffy areas Is that the technical term flippy areas yes it is indeed the technical term meanwhile a geography with modest air i’m gonna make these mountains more Rocky I’m actually gonna like make these kind of transition between the two different rock types I think they refer to this as like an aura jenny or something i think that’s the actual mountains i think i think yeah i think well not when you change mountains but like the type of rock is like referred to as an ora jenny or something like that i can’t

Can’t remember the exact term but it’s something like that back when you were studying uh geology in guatemala yes single-handedly found the lost temples All right so we got these mountains set up here you know at some point we really need to build the temple from indiana jones the last crusade oh yeah we’re gonna have it we’re gonna i’m gonna try to transfer that island that’s like the jungle island over here too

I’m gonna try to anyway a little reservoir here in the mountain this right here i’m going to go ahead and cover that up because that’s a mistake Ross would say a happy little accident All right this is looking pretty good this is looking pretty all right so this is actually supposed to be sand i think oh do my adder below yep yep yep all supposed to be sand we’re gonna go ahead paint that in very good all right so now our shore is pretty much complete

I’m gonna start putting some grass in and you get two different types of grass you get bear grass and you get the kind with the flowers and stuff so we’re gonna do time with the flowers because we wanted to generate uh like the plants since this is supposed to be like

Mediterranean style terrain like this the way i do these little grass blocks here i actually do it with a brush and i do i do like a stippling technique and this is what it’s going to turn into it’s going to turn into stuff like this with the

Like the tall grass growing in in random places now the way to get the palm trees we’re going to show i’m going to show you how to do that here in a little bit but first we got to get the terrain looking right so first things first

Go ahead and get the right brush At the right type of height so let’s see we want the mountains to kind of begin at around 100 well you know what it doesn’t matter uh we’re gonna make it only on we’re gonna make it only on uh Press where’s my grass path there it is only on grass path so this is how i get that kind of pattern in there like this i’m not gonna do it as much in the mountains I’m gonna keep doing this i’m gonna go over it with the grass path again this is how i’m kind of getting little stifled or stippled grass areas in and i like to change up the brush too i like to switch between the two different brushes that i have in here

So it doesn’t all look like homogeneous like that’s that’s a mistake we don’t want that you can’t do it too fast otherwise you get streaks like that and it just looks completely unnatural what you’re trying to do This is looking pretty good looking pretty good and at the tips of these mountains here i’m going to probably go ahead and add more grass path but for now i’m just kind of just kind of stippling in some grass i’m going to stipple in some uh Desert terrain in here as well so we get the random cactuses and dead bushes and i like to rotate the brush around so we get different angles it’s not the same thing over and over get the two different kinds of brushes Just randomly just place it around Random sizes random rotations that’s just going to make it look a lot more realistic a lot more interesting you know and then just you know just use the different types of brushes in there and if you get a little area with too much of it what i’m going to end up

Doing is i’m going to go ahead and put more grass path back in there so yeah it’s going to be it’s going to look good it’s going to look really good it’s going to look exactly well not it’s going to look like this when it’s done it’s going to have that whole

Like that whole vibe to it when it’s done it’s kind of hard to tell right now but that’s basically what it’s going to look like what i’m going to do off camera when we’re done with the stream here is i’m actually going to render this out into a map so the next time

We do this you’ll be able to see the result Let’s do this terrain all the way down here oh yeah i forgot about this little island here i’ll get to that island obviously this is where the airport’s gonna go Yeah it is looking good i got a missed area there off to that up that’s probably gonna be a big blob green That’s fine though all right so what is this what height is this 70 all right so we actually want to we want to go in and paint that as I paint that in any all right now i’m going to do the exact opposite i’m going to do only on brass do the exact opposite i’m going to erase some of this yeah we want it mostly to be this grass path it’s kind of deleting it a little bit

Making like patches in there brush out i’m gonna go ahead random rotations come on now don’t you dare freeze up on me Don’t you dare freeze up on me I think it froze up on me i figured when i turn off the autosave it freezes up on me gonna give me control back oh it is awesome worldpainter is pretty awesome when it works like like it’s locked up on me now like i can’t basically the result the end result of

What that’s going to look like is going to be it’s going to look like this basically and i the the irony here is i was actually just about to hit save so there we go okay of course you were of course i was That’s how these things are supposed to Work unfortunately when you get the design like this complex it starts it starts slowing the application down so it’s just starts dragging come on there you go thank you now it’s saving finally [Laughter] oh jeez So while that’s saving the next step once i get the grass in there the way i want it is i’m gonna start i’m actually gonna change the biome I’m gonna change i’m gonna paint in the biomes that i wanna use on the island there’s really only going to be like three biomes that i’m gonna or four there’s gonna be the beaches i mean the deserts and there’s gonna be like savannah and there’s gonna be like a little

Like tagia area waga or taiga that’s it yeah taiga area to the north that’s it yeah ikea why i call it tigia What’s wrong with me With your acai trees yes with my acai trees [Laughter] oh man i heard somebody say that it was just like what it took my brain a little too long to process that word all right oh it’s still saving okay now it’s done all right so i’m just gonna it takes forever this is why i kind of prefer doing it in slow

Small patches because it takes forever for it to render out something that you paint in if you do like huge brushes really big brush strokes it just it just does not like it i’m gonna like mountain areas i’m actually gonna more I do more of the uh the grass path on them because they’re higher so these hills up here i’m going to use less of the grass and more of the grass path this makes more sense to do it right here that needs to be

It needs to be path all this needs to be path Makes it all look more realistic Go ahead and paint in for this Happy little tree yes you can you can you can do that you can absolutely be like i’m gonna paint a little happy tree there i’m we’re actually i think yeah i think we got time enough to where i can show you how to do that

I remember showing how to do that on the original mesher on world that one we kind of half-ass because we did it in one stream you can make a world in one stream but this is gonna be our home for season two so i wanna make it extra special

I ain’t cutting any corners with this one Let me go ahead I got like a double vision thing going here with the some of this terrain Go ahead and switch over to a different come on can you let me switch brushes hello come on are you going to let me thank you you’ve done an awful thing in disrespected world painter now it’s not going to let me do my brush no brush for you brush

You do not get brush come on brushes are for closers It’s not letting me even roll now I’m just gonna paint a little bit of this in here yeah it won’t even let me scroll map now i’m just gonna save it and then i’m going to restart Probably a good idea yeah uh yeah just go back to the map here stick around on this i guess until it’s done saving So i actually have a tree world that i imported and that was the source of the schematics for the trees and i have all the trees and all the bushes in that schematic in those schematics and that’s exactly what i used to paint these trees in And it’s still going we take a look at scala cube and see if they’ve got the server back up or not manage server all right let’s see no they still there’s it’s still still screwed up i’m still unresponsive still unresponsive all right so i’m gonna let

Me see if i can scroll now no i can’t all right so i want to restart this uh i just saved it yeah you know what yeah let’s just save it let’s just save it to be on the safe side now be on the save side oh yeah and i also have little

Patches of uh sand in there as well which we’re gonna add as well Well this looks familiar it should because this is the original escheron map before we even built the city see if i can find where the original spawn would have been uh i think it was over here here it is this is where the original spawn would have been right here

This is where the spawn hole currently sits on the new on the old map Jr higgins would be over here powers will be over that way it’s so weird coming back to this map and looking at it how many was it july now right so we started that map in mar so it’s like 16 months like yeah almost 16 months later

It’s so weird coming back to this map 16 months later and looking at the origin and seeing what the original looked like before it was developed yeah it is giving me internal server errors on on scala cube they are they are screwed they are totally scattered down pretty hard yeah something melted down

No no fear though not to worry i have like 11 backups of the server at various stages all right cool so that’s all done yeah i know that i didn’t lose anything so i’m not really worried yeah neither did i um but you know neon might have lost something

But we can my my my feeling is the server is probably just shut down nothing got you know destroyed permanently and it can be recovered no that’s my feeling on it i’m i’m pretty sure it can be recovered all right now i can move stuff again awesome

We have this grass in here now got these little grass patches i’m probably going to screw around with this a little bit more uh go ahead and do this brush at or below i really need that oh yeah let’s add or above 67 and then only on

Grass path we want to make sure that we’re not doing the bare grass we want to make sure it’s regular grass because we want little plants and stuff to grow on it brushes out go ahead basically you don’t want to have to run around and bone meal the grass

Nope this will automatically do it for me back reverse of that there we go There we go perfect and now you know what let’s put some desert we got some desert terrain here this is going to grow in like dead shrubs and a cactus here and there we’re going to do with that is we’re actually going to kind of sprinkle it in just a little bit

A little sprinkle i actually do not care what type of terrain this sprinkle that in a little bit That way we get like we get in the mountains a little bit too that’s fine we we want we wanted a little bit in the mountains as well oh yeah you don’t want that that’s too that does not look natural we don’t want that i’m just just sprinkling it in

A little bit here and there And we’re going to really amp it up out here in the actual area which is going to eventually become a desert this is going to really have this stuff out here kind of naturally progresses into the desert and we’ll do it here that so it’s going over the mountains a

Little bit but we can correct that that is not a problem go over the mountains again a little bit Go ahead and do different types a little thick group there a little bundle of it here like little areas where it kind of gets concentrated a little bit and then kind of stipple in go very nice very nice like that does the blue line a canal that you’ve put in

Yes that is actually going to be a canal and you can actually tell it only dig out the dirt inside that area so that’s going to be extremely useful Here Nipple in a little more there more there a little more there that’s what that’s going to do is that’s going to spawn in cactuses and stuff those areas Occasionally and what i’m going to do is i’m actually going to go over this again a regular brush i go to my custom terrain And i’m actually going to do the above thing again here and what that’s gonna do that’s just gonna wherever i accidentally painted over i’m gonna do i’m actually gonna i’m actually gonna turn that down 30. oh wait no that’s not what i want i want to turn that up to 45.

Because i want it actually i want a little more gray area in those places and it froze again okay there we go all right so i’m just kind of going through it’s kind of getting rid of it in areas where i accidentally went over it with the brush in the mountains

That’s kind of correcting actually i’m actually get rid of that now if i zoom in you can kind of see where everything is i actually want to do i kind of want to get rid of a little bit of that sand i think i got a little too much here so i’m gonna

There’s a thing called too much sand yeah yeah turn you up you’re a little quiet oh right i’m on my new computer Very quiet compared to us yeah but i’m gonna do i’m gonna do i’m gonna do it so it’s only on Sand or desert rather only on desert uh yeah this is a new computer so everything’s still being set up i hope i get everything done by tuesday because that’s when i’ll be spinning for laser wave oh nice yeah so here i am um no i don’t have minecraft installed yet uh

So i’m just drawing on my tablet now that i’m i got it back to being worked up into use i mean i can’t talk today that’s fine well i mean we’re we’re our server’s down right now anyway so it’s not like you can really do much on

Minecraft i know i know but i can make some i can sell my crap to work on something off of things so you can add it in later i mean yeah that’s true i mean you could always get schematic locally too yup you could do that and we can import them yeah

That’s what i’ll sell that’s what i was asking in chat with what version of minecraft he will be using on season two it will be 1.17 1.17 got it yeah but i don’t know 1.17.1 now yeah um go ahead and build your stuff in 1.16 that way i know that we know that

It’ll work um i need to install minecraft first gonna look pretty Kind of Removing some of the grass and some of the sand so this is that way this looks a little more natural This main city is going to be about right here yep it is an online dance party Right that’s looking good that’s looking pretty good so far while i’ve already got my brush out i’m gonna go ahead and think this little island over here Go ahead and get that out of the way boom go here i use this brush Grass boom add a little sand I want desert add a little desert terrain go and then i’m gonna go ahead and mountain i want to do that at or above you know above 40 40 degrees this little island right here is where we’re going to put the photognome temple that’s going to be on this island right

Here already staked out a little area for it right there Go ahead and just make sure all that’s covered up good apparently i don’t have job on my computer no windows doesn’t come with it by default yeah you can just download it i mean it’s free yeah i can just i’m doing that right now right so a little

Little little little too much sand down here so i’m gonna go ahead and cover that a little bit here When it streaks like that that’s bad we don’t want that that doesn’t look natural so you’re not making happy little streaks nope we’re not not making happy little streaks no we are absolutely not when it does that see it’s doing this like freaky pattern here it does not look natural we don’t want

That that is bad I try to remove that wherever i find it Blast it now blast it there we go blast it with that Blast it with this blast it with this There we go that’s that looks better We want a little bit of the desert plants here not a whole lot all right now we pretty much got this looking good here worry about the big desert later Now we’re focusing on the main area where the city is going to be so this part right here uh i’m still going to go ahead and remove some of this Green edge Just a little bit there we go it’s a bit we don’t want we don’t want to remove too much of it remove add i’m going to add just a smidge for the main that he’s going to be i’d imagine this part of the map is going to be just a little

More mid it’s right next to the ocean we’ll add a little more and inland it’s going to be having a little more of a desert ring just just a little bit oh go ahead pull that in a little bit That looks fairly realistic let’s see what it looks like in 3d view um no i think it’s going to be i think the channel is called the channel is called laser wave i i raided into it a couple couple nights back on my other twitch channel

Okay see this is what i’m talking about laser wave pdx i think isn’t it yep so this is what i’m talking about with the streaks that does not look natural you guys are cutting out what about laser wave um we were just explaining to everybody what laser wave is brushka uh

Okay so we’re gonna go up below we’re actually i’m actually gonna go ahead and just floppily remove all of that because that is freaks need to freaks are no no streaks are bad we don’t want the street and we’re gonna go ahead and just add in this

There we go that’s better that’s way better go ahead and remove this little lobby area here because i don’t want there cool that’s looking good that’s looking really good pop down some there Plop down some grass up here looks good all right so now we’re gonna do the biomes like i said this whole thing is gonna be biome with the exception i think of maybe this little area by the shore right over here i might make that santa Maybe make this savannah over here once that’s all done it’ll look like this yeah we have like little areas of sand you have the grass patches and occasionally you get some sand yeah right like right here it grows a cactus in this is essentially what it’s going to look like

It’ll look like this terrain But we don’t have the plants in yet we don’t have these shrubs in we don’t have the palm trees in that’s coming so we’re going to get to that at the end of the stream but first we have to tell it what kind of terrain it is because if you notice

When i go here it says biome desert now in order to get it to do that i have to tell it in world painter where the desert is going to be so what i’m going to do is i’m just going to like kind of arbitrarily decide that okay let’s make everything south of

Here desert we’re just gonna make everything desert here right and then maybe add some patches of savannah and then along the shore we’re gonna make those all beach and then ocean of course Oh in order to do that we go to our biome tool here go to uh let’s do desert desert we’re gonna go to the brush settings and we’re going to tell it we only want this on land we’re only going to do it on land use

The big brush because i’m going to paint a big swath of it and we can stipple it into other into other ones later but for now what i’m gonna do is i’m gonna make everything below below 100 let’s do 110 below one we got 110 below 110

On land it’s all going to be desert and above 60 at or above 67. now if i paint this in look at that all desert Reason i’m doing it at or below is because i’m going to set a special desert type the desert highlands Above that height the reason i’m doing that is so that it doesn’t put snow on the mountains we don’t want snow on the mountains we don’t want something there’s no natural biome in the game or no what desert hills yes it is this is all desert it’s all getting turned into desert

Again i’m not painting this this is what the terrain’s gonna look like this is just telling the game make all of this desert All of this is going to be desert and i’m just gonna go ahead and why not in all this in go ahead and do a big one there boom big one there boom And this is all gonna be desert anyways at all desert Sparkle this desert this is going to be swamp over here i’m going to make all this swamp but i’m not going to do it just yet paint over that later get the airport here that desert all right and of course you know over here too i want to make all that desert

So we got everything that’s low-lying as desert now all right so i’ll worry about all this stuff up here later because we still need to paint all that later but for now got everything that is supposed to be desert as a desert i think this is supposed to be so

Let me do a correction on that brush and do our biome brush we’re gonna do our bear sand brush To below 60 at or below 66 only on land there we go paint that back in well that’s fixed we’re gonna do only on land at or below uh actually we don’t need to but we’re going to do at or above 111 and what we’re going to do now is we’re

Going to do desert highland we’re going to paint hills We’re going to do desert hills so desert hill at or above only on land there we go now this is gonna get designated as hills buy the game that’s not gonna grow any i’m going to do any snow on those I actually do this with all mountains because it prevents the snow from accumulating where you don’t want it to and ruining the look there’s actually a reason why i do that i do actually do it to all highland Areas my pc is being very difficult with minecraft today what’s going on like it just had me it just said it wouldn’t get um i couldn’t find the file on the computer and then i could open it up and it gave me an error again that’s annoying

All right looks like i missed some areas so we’re actually going to go at or below 110 and we’re going to turn off this there we go just to make sure that it gets those little bits that it forgot to add or above Desert okay oh nope nope nope that’s not we want we want hills there we go that’s important because you got to make sure you cover everything otherwise it’s going to render as planes and you’re going to get weird little areas of your map that aren’t going to match up with what you want

Like right here like i forgot to paint that in so we’ve got hills and paint those hills in There you go i’m gonna go out here this one now down here do these perfect those look really good add or below here because i forgot this little area right there there we go i think that’s actually hilly so we need better above there we go all right

So we have this little desert lake here and i’m actually going paint that in now that is a desert lake so this is looking good got our biome painted and now let’s do beaches so our beach what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna do at or below 66 at or above uh 60. Okay i think that should be everything i’d even installed called after fabric which hopefully give me some shaders to mess around with so hope for the best cruise crossed yeah we use optifine i get those really cool looking shaders now i’m going along the coast painting in the beaches all beaches here

I’m going a little bit out asked went out just a little bit past like a few a few blocks further down on the beach paint all this beat everything everything that is a certain height is gonna each Pale to launch creating empty claws what the wow It was off the fabric off the fabric was on if you’re using fab if you’re using the fabric mods then yeah you need up the fabric with optic fine yeah that’s what i’m using but it looks like it’ll work and i caused everything to crouch or above we’re gonna do 67.

Go ahead and do that a little island chunk right there you will need to at the moment though um optifabric is not working Correctly with um the new optifine it might be your problem right there You can edit it so it’ll load Yeah but you know what but it doesn’t actually work on no 1.7 17.1 i’m just going to play if you want to play on like 1.16.5 then you can use um you can use optifine and optic fabric with that and it will work 16. it’s just if you want to play with 1.17

You can’t no worries what i do is i have three different mod directories when i switch them and add the beach here is looking good That is looking very good now We can actually change the ocean biomes but we won’t do that just yet we’ll do that later okay so now we got these defined i want to make this little island here that one wrong those are supposed to be beaches i want to make this little island here i want to make that I’ll make these this little island here is savannah i think i’m just gonna you know what i’m gonna make a little savannah biome kind of hug the coast here oh everything looks so lovely stuff looks different did they add a ton of new blocks to 1.17 i’m gonna dig out of minecraft while

This happens okay let’s see how this works out The stone breaking sounds so satisfying yeah i think they’ve upgraded some of the sounds ah so good adding a little like savannah area here outside make that a savannah area Like these little islands here savannah as well Flowing flow item frame what’s this That is cool little savannah area here go ahead and do A little little one here too why not oh my god it’s glowing it’s freaking glowing what’s going on then when the new items look low item frame oh yeah they’re awesome i’m sorry i’m just i’m freaking out over the update it’s like i’m still amazed so a lot of

Stuff here and i’m just like wow oh i’m gonna make this a savannah biome a little bit along the coast here Don’t mind me i’m just an idiot um just exploring everything white there’s even candles in this update what the hell yes and if you go under creative mode they added a new light block that you can use that you have invisible lights visible light light yeah Yes where the main city is i’m gonna actually make that a little splotch of savannah there Buckets change my brush solid we have a little little little area of savannah in the middle where the city is going to be we got some extra little areas that’s looking good i’m gonna go ahead and save that and then we get to the fun part Now we’re gonna do the trees show you how to put the trees in lightning rod yeah if we can’t get the server up i think maybe we’ll do a screwing around in 1.17 stream on thursday if we can’t get it up sounds good to me i’m down Afraid of survival uh probably creative i want to see what the new blocks look like and see if maybe we can build some stuff to import into our new world That sounds good All right that should be saved now guessing we’re gonna have to do one on our own on a realm or something considering of different situation probably yeah it might have might end up having to be that way unfortunately Okay well we must i guess we’ll be mostly around with it maybe try survival just see what happens right i’m gonna go ahead and add all my special Areas here let me i have all these extra blocks wait a minute can i toggle floating all right yeah all right so we have underwater so we can actually add sea plants and stuff into the water here Got reefs we got our regular floral so what i’m wanting to do here Is i want to go ahead and do some chopper all we have coast live oaks so the three that we’re going to use for this are going to be the one we’re going to use for this are the coast live oak assorted palms chopper all and the occasional larch forest

Maybe some bamboo maybe a little bit of bamboo so we also have shrubs that are non-desert but this is for like forests we don’t need that we’re going to use the chopper all for I’m gonna use i’m gonna turn my brush intensity down about 30. i’m gonna do is i’m gonna one of my faded brushes i’m gonna that um there i want this adder above yeah okay so we’re good here i only want this on land i only want it on land and we don’t want

It very thick you know what i think i’m gonna do it this fight actually i can control how the intensity determines how often the plants are going to spawn in that you actually actually control how much plant development so if i go here and i go to edit it’ll actually should actually preview

Right here How much the plants are going to be right out and that that that’s about 50 to 50 so let’s see uh 50 to zero we’re probably on this edge here actually we probably want to turn the intensity up a little we want more plants on in I kind of throw this around play with various this different intensity Now wherever i’ve painted here those little shrubs that you see everywhere like this here little one here these these those are gonna spawn in now forever i have painted in this yellow and green Oh glowing inks are handy i go ahead and bring up the intensity just a smidge on that Let’s see let’s see what that’s going to look like maybe maybe we want it a little bit a little bit more intense here I’m gonna i’m just gonna go ahead and turn it up here in this area as well This is going to be really this is going to this is going to look really cool when it’s all said and done very nice i’ll go ahead and throw that down there because most of this is going to be the shop or all anyway varying different intensities i like to experiment with it

I’m gonna go up in here and do the same thing Maybe turn it down a bit when we get up into this little valley area here close to the mountains maybe less intense a little less intense over on this side turn that up a bit Density up a bit there maybe get the maybe get the thick stuff what the hell is this okay this is the sim soundtrack i forgot they had like a tropical thingy in there [Laughter] they had a tropical one in there i think they’re singing in the sim

Language on this too which is funny sound like a kid It’s like some weird english sounding language but it’s not quite it’s like it’s like what i imagine english sounds like to people who are not english like native english Heard when she speakers came to america Let me see if i could try to make a sentence out of that I’m gonna throw this what you know a maoka this is going to throw in this chopper all here and here and here and here i’m gonna make it a little less thick in the areas here these are gonna be in the hills so i’ll make it a little less thick there get medium

Oh my god yeah it’s in the sim language they have that yeah the sims have that weird language that they speak strange how it’s sort of gibberish but it’s recognizable as sims language i think it’s they basically designed it with a consistent sound still dude it’s also these candles i’m disappointed

Because they don’t blow up that’s like straight up reggaeton so i’m just adding these like little shrub plants here so everywhere that it’s green and yellow is where the shrub plants are going to grow in and there’s the map’s just going to get populated with them there

Hey want to check out this italian place that i haven’t been to in years like sure and i don’t know where we all was there we spotted the portholes over there on the way back and then there’s a halloween shop that was year round so after that we grabbed something

Aboard those because i know my government would love something there we checked out the halloween shop and the next step was like hey let’s go check out the one up we couldn’t find any parking so we decided to go to the wac museum in hollywood and so we did it was really fun

We did not plan that part at all it just happened right after early dinner that’s cool okay so above 40 degrees i actually want to i want to remove plants above 40 degrees because i want the rocks oh i ended up getting a poke oh sorry

You’re good i want the rocks to be bare i ended up getting a portable uh blacklight which i have now um a coloring book with medieval monsters and a medieval style and a book of wicca because why not yes why no i want to remove all of the

Plants from the areas that are i want to remove the plants from the areas that are steep if you look at the original map that i showed in areas where it is deep you don’t see the plant like if i go over here to this hill here

Don’t really you see i’m like on the edges but you don’t really see it where it’s like really steep like here you don’t really see it there gotta see it here it’s a little more sloped it’s like a little more gently sloped that’s kind of what we’re going for here

So i have to remove i have to remove it from anywhere that’s going to be like jagged because that’s not going to look realistic we want this to look realistic i want this to be accurate unfortunately that means removing the jagged plants from the jagged area that That could get rid of most of now we do want to have it on areas higher up where it’s like brown we do want some shrubs there Oh my god now it’s like you know i forgot how annoying the sims soundtrack was [Laughter] now it’s yodeling now it’s yodeling how do you not like yodeling yes i know ha ha har har i’m german i should like yodeling i get it um that wasn’t exactly where i

Was going because i don’t think yodeling’s very german no it’s more of an austrian thing no it’s more austrian swiss like not so much in germany like germans don’t really yodel okay so i think that looks okay so now we got the mountains clear we do want it on interesting

Apparently though the english word yodel is derived from a german and originally austro-bavarian word really really well austrian makes sense so i’m actually gonna make this above like below 160 but above 111 and it’s going to be below 38 degrees ah let’s do yeah but low 30 like thrills

You know what let’s do below 35. i think that’s a i think that’s a flat enough gradient do 33. that way it’s kind of like you can take it out mm-hmm actually let’s make it 30. so what we’re going to do is we’re going to take this and do chaparral

Medium we’re going to make it really low intensity you’re like like like i don’t know 10 12. like super low just going to go ahead and cover in where these like little brown areas are because those are those are flat enough to where you would you would see like shrubs grow on them

I’m gonna do that i’m just gonna go ahead and throw these in there it’s all below a certain height i think i think i’m actually going to turn it up just a smidge so that some of the areas that goes a little higher some areas it does actually put them on

There just a little higher That’s that’s looking good and we’re going to do that one too there we go very nice i kind of want more plants here so i’m just going to turn that up just a little bit more i’m going to turn the intensity down though higher up we go There we go some of these areas we will have hills that have like the crubs on the tops but they’ll be like super low intensity so there’s not gonna be a whole lot of them it’s like the goal here is like realism And i’m gonna go ahead and just throw some shrubs over here some areas i missed There we go i think that’ll look good now we gotta do it here too I’ll go ahead and cover this island so we’re gonna do at at or above uh 67 at or below one ten and we’re gonna do i guess like eight percent or 35 intensity go now this is gonna this is gonna render in the plants like realistically where they would be

So that’s going to look pretty good i think that’s going to look cool um i think we can put some more here let’s let’s just not do any adder below and we’ll one at or above one uh 110 or actually you know what do 150 130 turn that intensity down

Throw a couple up here You got these really high hills here i’ll go ahead and turn that down a bit And you know there’s some stragglers over here cragler’s here we’ll go ahead and throw some there those hills we know we want a little bit a little bit here so a little bit there all right i think that i think that’ll kind of finish it off a little bit

I think that’ll i think this is going to look fairly realistic now palms in oh i want to see what should my first project be Let’s see what 50 let’s see what 70 intensity would be okay so like about 56 and but we want these below i want these like below 110. wherever we wherever we put them over here maybe towards the coast maybe a little bit more of them so like like over here maybe

Toward on this beach area we want them don’t want him on the sand though be here we want him a little more intense This area is they’re like very intense in this area more of them so let’s see here this is what it would look like at 70 intensity that looks like it would work here that’s like along the coast like maybe a little less intense over here in this area all right that looks good

I’ll do make a little less intense area here and then along this area we’ll just blah blah I could see the pixel with the eyes this spy glass thingy A little less intense there Now wherever the red is is where the palm trees are going to grow in we kind of want general area in here with palm trees go ahead and turn it down a bit turn it up a bit as we go into the back area here up the intensity

What towards this middle area here that’s going to be another urbanized like developed area i’m just gonna throw these in here varying intensity I don’t want to turn it up during this area Along this coast we’ll make that also another area where they’re a little bit more intense maybe on this island we have another patch over here This is the airport but we don’t want a whole bunch of them down there Actually 22 intensity and of course on this island here this is going to make it like a consistent intensity there we go so they just load in pretty much the same intensity maybe maybe a little more intense Maybe intense here too I have some patches where there’s more of them right that looks that looks good now let’s do a little bit of larch see how that looks okay so the grouping here is a lot tighter But 50 50 this is the intensity but it looks like it at 75 okay yeah that is way too thick so We probably want it closer to like 17. we’re going to throw large growth here this area a little bit more here a little bit here too maybe not there that over here is probably fun these are going to tend to grow in the valleys but we’re going to have them kind of just less intense in these little valley areas

They’re not really going to grow in the coasts as much we’re going to have them like this area probably want to turn it down further into the desert area as we get we probably want him a little less we’ll go ahead and remove there here so they get the occasional larch

That grows in i’m going to do the same you don’t want a butt load of them growing in want the occasional one to spawn in same here the occasional large tree fine but we don’t want a whole bunch of them there we go can’t really see the purple but it’s in there

Now we want this we want the coast live oaks put a few of those in those tend to be like against the hillsides a little bit more and we’re gonna do the same intensity not like very intense they that way they only grow in a little bit

Let’s look at 100 percent yeah that’s a little too much but from that intensity i think we can grow put a few here valley bunch here i’m grow like closer to the top of this valley here bunch here look good there a bunch of them here i’m growing up in this thing here

Be not as intense up or down government here but not as intense here We don’t like it we can always like move them have groups where there’s a bunch of them growing in long this area would be a good place to put them what i’m going to do you see all the bamboo no intensity okay that’s a little intense like way less than bamboos

We only want them in like certain areas here would be fine over here will be fine i think we got our plants populated in here now really the only thing left to do is to export this map unfortunately that’s gonna take a while so we’re gonna have to do that off camera

And we’ve already been streaming for about two hours now so probably a good time to stop so i’m gonna go ahead and go ahead and go and enjoy this view of this this lovely valley here this is similar to what it’ll look like maybe a little better though because you

Know i’ve learned a lot since i made this original map i’ve learned a lot i think i think the new map is going to look even better than this anyway i’m going to go ahead and i’m gonna go ahead and call it for this stream the map looks really cool yeah it does

It does i’m gonna go ahead and i’m gonna go ahead and call it from this stream i’m gonna go ahead and hit save and then i’m going to call it for this stream go up the stream card here hopefully the server will be back up by thursday

And we’ll be back to building stuff on it on someone’s um yeah that’s that sounds like a plan to me anyway i hope you guys enjoyed the stream we’ll be back on thursday doing something so we’ll see ya take it easy see you on thursday uh bye

This video, titled ‘Worldpainter – Season 2 Escharon Map (Part 2) – Adding Terrain/Flora [Minecraft Livesteam]’, was uploaded by ModEschar Plays on 2021-07-11 01:38:01. It has garnered 34 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:20:07 or 8407 seconds.

Continuing with Worldpainter, adding realistic terrain and flora. I pull up the pristine original season 1 Escharon map in game to demonstrate how to import terrains and flora from other maps; and show what the result will look like.

Download Worldpainter and create your own custom minecraft maps!

Multi-Streamed to Twitch, Facebook, and Youtube with Restream: If You Enjoy This, Support The Stream!

  • Sneaky Love Prank

    Sneaky Love Prank Minecraft: Exploring the World of GamerFleet Welcome to the vibrant world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. In this article, we delve into the exciting realm of GamerFleet, a community that brings together gamers from all walks of life to share their love for this iconic game. Discovering GamerFleet GamerFleet is a hub of creativity and camaraderie, where players come together to build, explore, and conquer challenges in the vast Minecraft universe. Led by prominent figures like Jackbhaiya, AnshuBisht, and OcTogamerZz, GamerFleet has become a beacon of inspiration for Minecraft enthusiasts worldwide…. Read More

  • Minecraft Dungeons Fail

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  • Diamonds Galore: Minecraft PE Survival Pt. 2

    Diamonds Galore: Minecraft PE Survival Pt. 2 Exploring the Depths: Diamond Mining in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft PE Survival Series as our intrepid gamers delve deep into the earth in search of the coveted diamonds. In this thrilling episode, they finally strike gold – or rather, diamonds – in their quest for rare resources. Unearthing Treasures As the players navigate the challenges of survival mode, they encounter various obstacles and adversaries along the way. From crafting tools to building shelters, every step brings them closer to their ultimate goal: finding diamonds. With perseverance and skill,… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: My Minecraft 1.22 Update

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  • OG Fortnite Return: Opening Battle Pass!

    OG Fortnite Return: Opening Battle Pass! Exploring the World of Minecraft Embark on a journey through the vast and creative world of Minecraft, where players can unleash their imagination and build anything their hearts desire. From crafting tools to surviving the night, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players of all ages. Building and Crafting In Minecraft, players can gather resources such as wood, stone, and minerals to craft tools, weapons, and structures. Whether it’s a cozy cottage or a towering castle, the only limit is your creativity. With a variety of blocks to choose from, players can design intricate buildings and landscapes that reflect their… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience

    Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “I Survived 500 Days of THE INVASION (NOT MINECRAFT)” that got us thinking – what if you could experience your own epic battles and adventures in a virtual world like Minecraft? Imagine facing off against overwhelming alien elves, equipped with advanced tactics and deadly drones, just like in the video. Now, picture yourself exploring a vast, open world where you can build, survive, and thrive alongside other players who share your passion for adventure. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes… Read More

  • Stressmen Jail, Odo Kentang: Animation VS Original Minecraft Madness

    Stressmen Jail, Odo Kentang: Animation VS Original Minecraft Madness In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, Stressmen and Odo Kentang, always ready to thrive. With NightD24 and ElestialHD, they create a scene, Filled with laughter and joy, in every frame that’s seen. Kulpi Semungku channel, bringing animation to life, With funny videos and unique experiences, free from strife. Haikal Hibatulloh, the mastermind behind the scenes, Editing models and maps, creating vibrant dreams. So like, subscribe, and share, to support their art, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity sparks. Watch and enjoy, the moments so grand, In every video, crafted by their hand. Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Little Bros Become PvP Gods 🔥

    Join Minewind: Where Little Bros Become PvP Gods 🔥 Welcome to the world of gaming! If you enjoyed the thrilling video of the little bro of a PvP god, then you’ll love the excitement and adventure waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a community of passionate gamers and explore a world filled with endless possibilities. Immerse yourself in the ultimate gaming experience by joining Minewind server today. Connect with players from around the world, embark on epic quests, and unleash your creativity in a virtual world like no other. The IP address for Minewind server is YT.MINEWIND.NET. Don’t miss out on the chance to be part… Read More

  • Portal Hunt: Nether’s Ruined Maze

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  • Funky Minecraft Trading

    Funky Minecraft Trading Minecraft Villager Trading System Minecraft, a popular sandbox game, offers players a variety of activities to engage in, including trading with villagers. This feature adds depth to the gameplay, allowing players to exchange resources and items with NPC villagers for valuable goods. Let’s explore the intricacies of the trading system in Minecraft. How Villager Trading Works In Minecraft, players can interact with villagers to initiate trades. Villagers offer a selection of items in exchange for emeralds, the game’s currency. Players can also sell items to villagers in return for emeralds. Each villager has a specific set of trades based… Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Mind-Blowing Minecraft Build

    Crafty Creations: Mind-Blowing Minecraft Build Welcome, welcome, to my Minecraft domain, Where the challenges are tough, but the fun’s never wane. I found something strange in my Hardcore world, A mystery to unravel, a story unfurled. I survived 1000 days, a feat so grand, In this blocky world, where danger’s at hand. The perfect start to my Hardcore adventure, Each moment a thrill, each challenge a venture. This Minecraft build will blow your mind, With creativity and skill, it’s one of a kind. Join me on this journey, through blocks and through caves, As we explore, discover, and be brave. So subscribe to my… Read More

  • Minecraft Realistic Physics: When Blocks Get Thicc

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  • The Ultimate Dragon Shenanigans in Ablecraft

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  • Minecraft After Dark Edit

    Minecraft After Dark Edit Minecraft Edit | After Dark | 4K #shorts Step into the enchanting world of Minecraft with the mesmerizing “After Dark” edit in stunning 4K resolution. Dive into a realm where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Let’s explore the magic that unfolds in this captivating Minecraft creation. The Night Comes Alive As the sun sets in the blocky world of Minecraft, a whole new adventure begins. The “After Dark” edit takes players on a journey through the night, where mysterious creatures emerge, and the landscape transforms under the glow of the moon. With intricate details… Read More

  • Firey Minecraft: Kidnapped by Crazy Fangirl!

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  • Nico’s Wild Vacation: Minecraft Shenanigans!

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  • “Tragic Minecraft Loss 😭 MrCreeper’s Best Friend Dies” #minecraftshorts

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  • “🔥 Ultimate Minecraft House Design by Gaming King! 🔥” #minecraft #gaming

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  • EPIC Minecraft School SMP Season 6 Live Stream! #24

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  • Unboxing Devil Fruit in Minecraft One Piece Mod!

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    INSANE TRAIN MINECRAFT COLLAB - MUST SEE!Video Information This video, titled ‘train austria collab minecraft’, was uploaded by Hàng Mang on 2024-03-18 05:02:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Boy 6 DB7 Boy 32 DB 5 Boy 5 Train Boy 9 DB OBB 1016 Boy 77. Read More

  • Insane hack: Craft a chair in MINECRAFT!

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  • Uncover the Hidden Minecraft Moye Moye Technique! 😮🎮

    Uncover the Hidden Minecraft Moye Moye Technique! 😮🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘The secret Minecraft moye moye technique😎 funny moments 😍’, was uploaded by A_R gaming on 2024-03-07 07:46:50. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft The secret Minecraft moye moye technique funny moments shorts #minecraft minecraft shorts #minecraftshorts … Read More

  • RulerCraft: The World Is Yours 1.20.2-1.21.1 – SMP, Factions, Roleplay, Towny, Earth, Perks, Religions, Cultures, Dungeons, Java, Bedrock

    RulerCraft: The World Is Yours What RulerCraft offers: Earth: Full scale world of Earth with all continents, ores and different biomes. Towny: Can start your own towns and nations or you can join another town or nation. Cultures & Religions: Custom set of cultures and religions to choose from for your towns. Economy: Dynamic and fair economy: automatic price changes and trading ships scattered around Earth. Perks: 54 different perks and bonuses to choose from, including Flying in Towns, Custom Warp, Personal Hologram, and more! Senate: Players vote on new features, staff promotions, ban appeals and more. Good community: Toxic… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 2012: The Movie that Minecraft Deserved

    Minecraft Memes - 2012: The Movie that Minecraft DeservedIn 2012, the Minecraft movie would have just been two hours of watching someone build a dirt house and get chased by creepers. And honestly, we would have paid to see it. Read More

  • Crafty Artemia: Ship of Robbers in Minecraft

    Crafty Artemia: Ship of Robbers in Minecraft Artemia and I, on a mission so bold, Investigating robbers on a ship, we’re told. In Minecraft, a mod brings the challenge near, Illager Warship, danger lurking, so clear. On RuTube, Zen, and Twitch, we share our quest, With Discord and Viber, we aim to impress. Join us on this journey, filled with thrill, As we uncover secrets, with skills and skill. Stay tuned for more, on this gaming ride, With ClaDiamond leading, we won’t hide. Minecraft adventures, in rhymes we’ll bring, For all our viewers, let the fun ring! Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Villagers be like “Trade or Die” 😂

    Minecraft Logic: Villagers be like "Trade or Die" 😂 When you spend hours building a house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to blow it up in seconds. Minecraft logic: spend hours creating, seconds destroying. Read More

  • Diving into the Depths of Scary Minecraft Mods Again!

    Diving into the Depths of Scary Minecraft Mods Again! Exploring Terrifying Minecraft Mods: A Deep Dive into the Depths of the Internet Welcome to Profly’s channel! In this video, we delve into the realm of unknown, terrifying modifications for the game Minecraft. Profly has curated 7 distinct mods to uncover their quality and why they lurk at the bottom of the ratings list. So, sit back, brew a cup of tea, and enjoy the video! Mod Showcase: Here’s a breakdown of the spine-chilling mods featured in the video: The Fake Player Starting off the journey into horror mods, The Fake Player introduces a sense of unease and mystery…. Read More

  • 👻Black Magic! Ninja Gaming 9018 Subscribe Now!

    👻Black Magic! Ninja Gaming 9018 Subscribe Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘👻black magic please subscribe like for more videos#minecraft #YouTube short 🥺’, was uploaded by #Ninja gaming 9018#FF on 2024-08-28 13:10:11. It has garnered 513 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Ninja Showdown: Mikey vs JJ in Minecraft

    Ninja Showdown: Mikey vs JJ in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mikey vs JJ : NOOB vs PRO Ninja Student Survival Battle in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mikey World on 2024-08-23 21:00:32. It has garnered 102182 views and 899 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:54 or 1014 seconds. Mikey vs JJ : NOOB vs PRO Ninja Student Survival Battle in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories… Read More

  • INSANE IRON LUCK?! Minecraft Hardcore S2 #4

    INSANE IRON LUCK?! Minecraft Hardcore S2 #4Video Information This video, titled ‘ZO VROEG AL ZO VEEL IRON!! – MINECRAFT HARDCORE SURVIVAL S2 #4’, was uploaded by TorpedoTobi41 on 2024-05-06 13:00:24. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:09 or 2589 seconds. Waddup males and welcome to this new Minecraft Hardcore episode in which we don’t achieve anything, but that shouldn’t spoil the fun, right??? Read More

  • Insane Minecraft House Build 🔥Gyan Warrior vs TechnoGamerzOfficial

    Insane Minecraft House Build 🔥Gyan Warrior vs TechnoGamerzOfficialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Epic🌟 Minecraft House Build with TechnoGamerzOfficial #1’, was uploaded by Gyan warrior on 2024-04-09 04:54:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Constructing a luxurious house in Minecraft minecraft school hidden minecraft worlds techno gamerz minecraft mod xnestorio … Read More


    xMagicyMC EXPOSED - CRAZY SECRETS REVEALED 👀Video Information This video, titled ‘True right? 🙄👀’, was uploaded by xMagicyMC on 2024-03-05 13:27:34. It has garnered 5284 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Java: Bedrock: Port: 19132 #minecraftserver #minecraft #minecraftsmp #minecraftsmpservers #publicminecraftserver #minecrafthardcore #survivalminecraftserver #minecraftshorts #minecraftsmp #smpserver #lifestealsmp #minecraftearth #minecraftshorts #minecraftmeme #minecraftsmp #minecraft #lifestealsmp #smp #minecraftserver #minecraftsurvival #dreamsmp #minecrafthardcore #minecraftlifestealsmp #minecraftserver #server #minecraftsmpservers #publicserver #publicminecraftserver #schoolminecraftserver #survivalminecraftserver #servers #minecraftshorts, minecraft server,this minecraft smp wants me dead,school minecraft server,this player,it took months to kill this player,smartest player,if you see this player,on this smp,if you see this player log off… Read More

  • Insane RLCraft Challenge – Day 3.5 LIVE with BlankGuy

    Insane RLCraft Challenge - Day 3.5 LIVE with BlankGuyVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 3.5 – Hardcore RLCraft attempt’, was uploaded by BlankGuy on 2024-09-14 04:40:39. It has garnered 107 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 04:30:01 or 16201 seconds. deez nutz #minecraft #rlcraft #gaming tags: touhou,touhouproject,touhou project,2hu, 2hujerk, 2hu project, touhou fans be like,touhou memes,touhou meme,touhoumemes,hong meiling, meiling, eosd, sakuya izayoi,touhou fans, touhou funny, touhou shorts,fumo,fumo memes,東方,東方 project,紅錦,zun,zun memes,team shanghai alice, embodiment of scarlet devil, touhoujerk Read More

  • Insane Build Hacks to Blow Your Mind! ✨ [Minecraft]

    Insane Build Hacks to Blow Your Mind! ✨ [Minecraft]Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 15 Mind-Blowing Build Hacks of 2023! [Minecraft]’, was uploaded by Cubius on 2023-12-30 18:33:15. It has garnered 40463 views and 828 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:03 or 663 seconds. Minecraft: TOP 15 SECRET Build Hacks and Tricks of 2023 in your Minecraft World! Today, in this Video I will Show you the 15 Best SECRET Builds and TRICKS in Minecraft of 2023! This video will help you to make these Builds! These Builds will be working cool in your Minecraft World ! 🙂 This video will help you to make these… Read More

  • Duo Survives 100 Days in Minecraft Hell ft. Yaxi 🔥

    Duo Survives 100 Days in Minecraft Hell ft. Yaxi 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 100 Days Duo with Yaxi Part 2 Days 7-16’, was uploaded by Cerberus-Alastor on 2024-09-28 01:50:58. It has garnered 15 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:31 or 9571 seconds. we got the bastion looted and more diamonds mined but we are going to have to get even more looted up in future episodes so stay tuned and i hope you enjoy — Watch live at Read More

  • Shocking Confession: PandTeddy Exposes Fake Diamonds! #shorts

    Shocking Confession: PandTeddy Exposes Fake Diamonds! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I hate fake diamonds #shorts #notvixios #skit’, was uploaded by PandyTeddy on 2024-09-24 15:43:55. It has garnered 9556 views and 170 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Teehee Sub goal:50 Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft survival, Minecraft hardcore, Minecraft creative mode, Minecraft adventure, Minecraft exploration, Minecraft tutorial, Minecraft walkthrough, Minecraft playthrough, Minecraft let’s play, Minecraft beginner guide, Minecraft tips and tricks, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft speedrun, Minecraft challenge, Minecraft building ideas, Minecraft house tutorial, Minecraft mansion build, Minecraft modern house, Minecraft castle build, Minecraft treehouse, Minecraft skyscraper build, Minecraft city build, Minecraft… Read More

  • Rtrix

    RtrixMINIGAMES • Practice – Get ready for exciting fights on various kits whether 1v1 or 2v2. Train your PvP against realistic PvP Bots and get ready to fight! • Modern Practice – Get ready for exciting fights on various kits whether 1v1 or 2v2. Play new PvP and kits like Crystal PvP and more! • BuildFFA – Kill as many players you can and get coins for special items in the shop or buy cosmetics. • BedWars – Play Solo and Doubles modes like on the popular Hypixel server. You can also practice Bridging, MLG and Fireball/TNT Jumping. • BoxPvP… Read More

  • Abyss SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.21 Whitelist

    Join Our SMP Minecraft Community! Looking for a laid-back Minecraft community? Join our almost fully vanilla SMP with mods for better quality of life. Read the rules, fill out a form, and join our Discord! Rules: No Bullying: Treat all players with respect and kindness. Respect Boundaries: Respect other players’ wishes. No Stealing, Griefing, or PvP Without Permission: Follow consent to ensure fair play. No Nether Roof Travel: Stay below the nether roof for a challenging experience. Modlist: Server Side: Sodium, Lithium, Ledger, Leaves Us In Peace Server and Client Side: Simple Voice Chat, Universal Graves Fill out our entry… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Check Out My Epic Movie Poster!

    Minecraft Memes - Check Out My Epic Movie Poster!Looks like the only thing this movie is starring is a blocky character and a bunch of creepers as the villains! Read More

ModEschar Plays – Worldpainter – Season 2 Escharon Map (Part 2) – Adding Terrain/Flora [Minecraft Livesteam]