MonsterMatt Gaming – Minecraft | Spinalcraft Server | Working on Draining an Ocean Monument and Possibly a Guardian Farm

Video Information

Foreign Foreign Folks just had some things to set up in the chat down below sorry in the description down below for server information all that good stuff uh I’ve been working on the bot some more and some of the commands ought to work now here after April so this should work now Come on don’t is it still not working seriously I’ve been working on these commands I could have sworn I had this working like I I I I I um it should work I don’t know why it’s not like I put it in the brackets and that’s

What it said I needed to do and it’s just like nah it’s not gonna work for you why I don’t know oh um gosh darn it dang what are you doing rapper I didn’t see it yesterday everything all right oh what’s up husk oh another light just

I’m trying to get my bot to work like the way it used to and it’s being a little difficult I can’t explain like I have thing I’ve been setting things up the way I think it wants me to and it’s just being a little bit annoying about it

It’s just not quite it’s like most of them work up puking oh no that’s no fun I’m sorry to hear that look I’m using the read random line and I’m using the brackets I put in the slat maybe I need to like not put like the

I don’t know like maybe I need to not put in the the dot text I imagine I should though but hang on let’s try it again which one are you doing husk I’m going to keep trying until it works gosh darn it let me move people

Um she’s not doing it all right well fine unless no you know what it’s not even showing me oh you know what I have a theory I have a theory I have a theory I have a theory I have a theory a serious Theory Um the primordial second Knight five flame level ah gonna have vicious um no that should be that that’s the that should be hmm let me undo that and just see if it doesn’t anything I don’t know like I said I I’ve I’ve been I’ve been trying to like put put

Like the various commands back into place and like Boop is just being weirdly annoying I don’t know why welcome everybody hey pixel hey iron hey light hey Dustin I hear you and April and Raptor everyone welcome welcome welcome decided to play some Minecraft today just to shake things up and yeah I

Don’t know I’ll figure the Boop out later I don’t know I’m really not sure why it’s not working like it has the right the right directory it has the right formatting as far as I can tell I don’t know what its problem is but it’ll have to wait till later

Uh got us a playlist put in the background which is supposedly dmca royalty-free music so I got me some synthwave you guys know I like my synth wave and I’m gonna go ahead and move this over to the right screen now yeah I saw that that video does it’s adorable it’s too cute

Wait what is it listening two different audios it’s it’s it is no it’s not okay we’re good all right oh higher here the poop is River broken Well for now anyway I’m I’ma figure it out so we’re playing on the spot on the spinal Craft Server as the uh as the um

Title tells you this is the uh the slip house that I didn’t like azer’s basement actually uh he made a really cool Pagoda up above us here uh I finally decorated mine I don’t know if you actually saw that light but I actually actually did finally decorate mine I took the chest

Out because it was messing with my Feng Shui I tried to put like pillars in but I couldn’t like get the spacing right blah blah blah so I just kind of put in some sea lanterns and some prison Marine I don’t know it’s simple but I like it

I’m gonna put the chest in like the corners maybe I don’t know but um moving off uh PB and J Uncrustables and string cheese I mean PB and J for God yeah I mean it’s pretty cool yeah and like everyone can kind of decorate their own little little cubby and then uh the

Server has uh this thing called a slip where if you poke it it warps you to your other slips and I’ve actually unlike like the the server starts you off with two but I’ve unlocked a third one so I can kind of so it helps you get around a little faster

Oh and here are yours is based on the Geo yeah this is a Java husk but if you look down below like there are ways for Bedrock people to join switch is kinda hit and miss on it it’s it’s kind of Jank but uh if you’re on switch oh sorry

On PS Playstation or Xbox it’s a little more stable as I understand it soft cold foods and gotcha uh this is my house it’s honestly pretty basic this is like it’s not meant to be a permanent base it’s kind of just here um I wanted to have the basics so I set

Up a little enchanting space I have way too much dirt in rocks you know Indian chests um you know I’ve got a little farm outside uh if you’re wondering why it looks pretty because I have the BSL shaders installed so that’s pretty cool I got my cows got my horses I don’t ever

Use them they’re just there um uh Black Sheep up here because I just happened to find Black Sheep instead of white shoes so you know so we got I got uh big old trees on my roof because I wanted to have different trees available we’ve got uh cherry trees up top I’ve

Got a nether tree growing at the back that La caser helped me with um I got like a lava pool I’m sort of keeping just so I can have it um I have like a mangrove area kind of over there and a jungle past that but you know

Um you know because uh the reason I needed Mangrove and Netherwood was because I am making something over here which I haven’t showed you guys yet can’t say Raptor oh no um but there was like uh you guys recall the contest uh I mentioned a few weeks back

This was the area I Was preparing for that so I dug all of this out this enormous Block in the world like I dug this out with my hand well not my hands after I Enchanted it and such uh but no like I I I I literally dug all this out

Enemies at me hitting all night holy junk mine yeah a whole bit Run some torches around here real quick because I keep like getting skeletons and creepers spawned in here I’ll show you guys what I actually did in a second I’m just putting in the Torches real quick because I didn’t remember two before but no so the the general theme of the

Contest was like Japanese style builds um and so I figured hey there’s this thing in Japanese mythology called the Dragon Palace it’s like this underwater idea and so what I wanted to do was build Dragon Palace so so far I only have the front gate

I got like the you know the the lanterns on your approach you got the the cherry wood steps got a lot of Mangrove and Cherry in this and then the nether makes like the the blue roof tiles I’ve got some lanterns hung uh it is uh the Discord server ends that

Needs white listing you can join the join the the server server a lot of uh trap doors for these little little Billy bobbers um I’m gonna gradually like I had like this the stone is isn’t isn’t permanent I’m just kind of using it for like a a

Rough base I’m not working on this today because I need like more because I I want to finish my guardian farm so I have like a reliable source of prismarine because I want to use prismarine for the floor kind of like the um the little area I showed you guys

Before uh my my my little cubby hole um so that’s gonna be my project I honestly might move it somewhere else because like I realized that it’s a lot closer to like the main spawn of of the server than I thought and I’d rather a little more room that way we can have

Like our own little monsterville without trip singing anybody else’s backyard so I might like much of it it’s gonna hurt me I might like take it apart and move it somewhere else at some point but right this second about where I’m at it um so my current project is the actual

Monument uh to find that there’s an ocean oh cool geyser appreciate that um because yeah like I’ll I’ll need to find a good spot at some point but so we’ll we’ll do that but more or less um man this game is pretty with the shaders on uh I went like that way like

I I I there’s there’s a map function on the server so you can get a general look at the world and I noticed there was an ocean to the Northwest so I just kind of went that way until I hit ocean and then

Like uh I I went like out of my way to get my diamond gear set up and you may notice uh my character looks a bit weird it’s because I’m using like a Godzilla skin because of course um but I I made and Enchanted all this

Stuff myself you know like it took me a while oh you just you you just talked to to me or or since uh what gazers um in chat iron you can just ask him as long as he knows who you are she’ll be fine got my little watermelons thing the one

Thing about the shaders I don’t like is that underwater you can’t see squat like it’s really it’s really dark underwater I don’t like that but other than that it’s pretty see like it looks pretty on the surface maybe underwater and it’s like you know like like at this step it’s not too bad

But you get like farther down and it’s just like I can’t see squats I got Riptide on my uh I’m I’m gonna try it which is fine I do enjoy that a little dirt Hut and grow flowers by hand no Farms guaranteed you can do whatever you like us but I figured it

Could be cool to have a little a little monster though but my other slip will take us to the monument I had to swim down to this gang thing on the bottom of the flipping ocean avoiding all the Guardians I had to fight a few off I tunneled in through

The wall which uh those of you that know how how how how these places work oh let’s step right I guess that helps um for those of you who who who know how how these places tend to work is there’s a there’s a mining speed debuff that the Elder Guardians inside

Uh like slap on you the moment you come near the near these places so I had to like fight them off very slowly chip through the wall get into this little crawl space ship through another wall and I saw this little area here to to to

To to to to to the left so I put doors here like those doors were originally here they’re like give me a little a little safety pocket I filled it with dirt to like empty it out and put a little bed in here so like I use this as

A base camp and then like went through the whole place like kill you know like like gradually draining all the water fighting off all the Guardians I’m I’m not quite done um there’s still some rooms I’m working on but um what’s up Andy all right retro sorry how’s it going retro

Um so I’ve very very gradually in painstakingly say like that’s kind of where the sand wall is at right now I’ve been gradually uh emptying it out but I kind of stopped because I started working on the outside instead so instead of just draining the inside we’ve been draining the outside

With a little bit here and there um so like the whole the whole place is now surrounded and gradually being filled in which is like a huge task I’ve had to like repair my shovel like a million times um but thankfully uh we’re using like I I was informed about the whole

Torch method which works pretty good too yeah honestly retro I was the same way for a long time that’s kind of why like it’s like it’s kind of one of those things I’m kind of surprised about now for me mostly it was just a matter of

Like I never had any projects in mind I wanted to work on and then like when I did have one like like I wanted to do like an underwater Palace for a while I kept trying to use glass and stuff but I had no idea how enchanting worked or I guess back

Originally there wasn’t any engine anything so like it was just stupidly hard and I just didn’t have the patience for it and so it’s finally come to a point where like I finally have an idea and the means to implement and so all of a sudden it’s like click oh this is

Actually fun now you know like it just clicked in my brain finally so I don’t know what’s up Preston lurking and and uh trying to that’s very present that’s fair dude and like I said like if you want to hang out like I said like this this product is

Kind of a personal product of mine because it’s like my like it’s it’s gonna be a up for his Marine farm that I just want to work on like myself to some degree but I mean if anybody wants to be part of the whole monsterville server uh

Area like once we get one set up you guys are more than welcome to to go and we’ll try and set out like different areas that everyone can have their own space and all that good stuff um and then like I said like I don’t I can’t promise I’ll want to play

Minecraft forever because I just like that’s not how my brain works but at the moment it’s fun and if you guys want to you know put in some work on it and like I said like the the spinal crap server isn’t mine so so like even if I stop

Playing like the server is not gonna disappear so you know life easier how like azer like describe you know like what do you mean I’m not gonna just like yes you know blank check I can throw a shovel at me why why why Stone shovel who’s don’t shovel

Oh torches in in offhand okay I mean I’m not really having any problems placing them but okay yeah but I don’t know like I wasn’t really having a problem doing that just right click it’s like not difficult oh because again you saw called uh drug

Bust Builders ah yes yes I I’ve played a bit of that one and yeah no like it’s it’s it’s it’s a bit more directed a bit more like rpg-ish definitely I played um a bit of Jordan was Builders when I was sick like a while back it’s kind of why

They played on channel because I got like into it while I was sick and played a bunch with like off screen and I felt bad so I never like I never played on stream and then they never went back actually I never went back to it either actually I should at some point

Well I guess I like I I appreciate the helpline I just like it just doesn’t seem that different to me you know like I don’t I don’t I don’t mean to be rude I’m just saying what’s up iron sorry I missed what you said bro is skilled oh I mean light light

Knows all kinds of things um so I’m I’m still very much like like like like like a Minecraft Noob uh I was saying for example like like I kind of intend to turn this into like a guardian Farm but like I still have no idea how

To do that I’ve like watched a couple videos on it I have a rough idea of how it’s meant to look but I like that’s it like I have no idea we’ll see yeah it does press them well I didn’t even know it was a fan until recently go in

Um yeah as soon as you jump on on [Applause] but yeah like you guys are more than welcome to have your own area on the server uh as long as you don’t like you know build anybody else’s backyard um you can build whatever you want basically uh again as long as you’re not

Infringing on on somebody else’s stuff um like I said I I do want to set up like like a monsterville area just for us but I haven’t like picked it out yet it’s kind of a an in progress yeah okay yeah so you need to be on the

Uh on the server before you can like become join join the desktop make sense honestly you’re playing blade ball in Roblox with Ender and got a one and four hundred drop which is worth 800 bucks oh nice siren should I Java like I said husk like as

Long as you have Bedrock you can still join it’s just janky on switch if you have a PlayStation or uh an Xbox or it should work unlike people on switch do like connected it does work it’s just kind of hit and miss like Nova tried to get on and was having

Some problems with that so I mean it is theoretically possible you have a PC but PC is Java or can be Java like Java is on both Or sorry not Japanese zombie sorry uh Java and photo are both on PC so yeah you can you can you can have Java if you want to and Bedrock should join on PC just fine as well So you should have any problem there promised English is your first language I mean sometimes I wonder press them All right big zombie lurking dude oh which reminds me uh before you have to go there real quickly throw up the uh seven o’clock Monster Mash my bad GE we’ll do the Monster Mash the Monster Mash well yeah I don’t know like I said like

It could be kind of cool having a Havoc like seeing what what all you guys get up to um here and honestly like I wouldn’t even mind pitching in and helping uh you guys mix stuff if you want me to I I I’m very much one of those people that doesn’t like having

His project touched well unless I ask for it so like I I could definitely like understand people like no Matthew don’t touch you know I’d I’d rather you know do it myself like I’m just like I totally get it a million percent the mods I mean like I said like you can

Get you can get Java um but like better can can connect to uh This Server doesn’t actually use any well he uses a couple a couple of minor mods I think but for the most part it’s pretty vanilla anyway an SMP what’s that oh there you go see according according

To light you’re actually good uh husk you should be you should be good to go yeah we’ve been uh gradually sanding this place in for a while you guys are seeing the end the end result of uh quite a bit of work you might I mean

Just might imagine like it took a lot of sand oh okay yeah well I mean this this is actually like a survival server like this this this is not creative mode like um there there are some things in place like for example um there’s like a like an uh an economy

On the server where you can like earn money and stuff so like there are different systems in place but it is survival honestly I like people working together better you know Co-op is much more my speed than like versus PS4 days your friend and and then our

Girlfriend was making a house he tripped over the cord and and it crept of the world and started crying she was mad at you but she wasn’t I mean that’s a very patient person you know like hours and hours of work just disappearing like ah I wouldn’t blame them for being a little

Cross like like I would hope that they would forgive you of course but like I wouldn’t blame him for being angry like being a bit mad yeah PVP uh By Request right so it looks like most of the Guardians have uh uh uh uh gotten out of here because when we’ve filled the place in just about there’s a little bit more we need to do back there it’s like why is it already done it was too fast

You enjoy throwing hands press them you’re going to get these hands well I don’t have hands I have Sands though you get these Sands what’s up blood it’s going today dude any boxing ah I mean I like boxing as like a sport um but I’ve never actually been in a

Fight in my life honestly I’ve just never really been the kind of person to like pick fights and usually eat really easy to get along with I guess but I like I like uh martial arts and stuff you know for like uh um exercise whatever else when I’m actually moved

With your exercise this isn’t very often I’ll confess uh a second one light Maybe like Ollie once I’ve got this one like like I have kind of an idea for this one and once it’s built I’m probably gonna be like content with it like forever so like do I want to do a second one after I already have one done and I don’t need

A second one probably not but like maybe like it’s not impossible yeah I know it’s it’s pretty close by I know uh blue uh blue Tempest was saying that they’re working on one near here I’m not sure how far along they are what they keep like like talking like it’s a

Problem that we’re both doing I’m like why like I don’t like you can do whatever you want I don’t I don’t know why why it would matter but that’s not playing Master Jewel I I’ve tried it actually it was fun for a bit but that like I I kind of got through

The um through the phase where it was like quick and easy to get more gems and so I got like like three or fewer packs uh which kind of slowed me down which wasn’t that bad but ultimately it was just I just don’t really like modern Yu-Gi-Oh meta too much it’s it’s too

Like oh hey you’re fighting a deck that has like a trigger that triggers more triggers that triggers their their other triggers and it’s just sitting there for like three and a half minutes while the person plays their turn and then beats you like instantly well you know what I

Mean like if if if uh if like these decks are set up in such a way that their triggers trigger more triggers and it’s just it’s just this endless chain where they just whooped the crap out of you without you doing anything about it because you can’t you know what I mean

Like every card is oh this card’s immune to traps and that card’s immune to Magic and this card’s immune to card effects and it’s just like oh I can’t give up it’s just it’s just it’s just too much for me I’m not saying it’s bad I’m not saying

Anything like you shouldn’t like it like there’s nothing wrong with it like hey like I I have no problem with anyone playing it it’s just not for me uh no I haven’t I haven’t seen latest one piece yet now like I haven’t really been watching it

For a little while like I’m not too far behind in the manga but I haven’t really been watching it for a while hopefully it will yeah I agree here you I agree all right one piece is pretty fantastic I still haven’t watched the uh the live action yet because it’s just seems odd

To me but like I I do want to try it at some point I just haven’t got to it Like either just casually over there walking on water oh yeah Dustin I know there’s like a new Castlevania coming out Yeah there’s a lot husk one piece is definitely a very long show there’s filler in there but not like an excessive amount either it’s just long like I mean In fairness it’s been running since like 1997 so like you know it’s like the the the the the bomb is

Almost as old as I am so Oh that’s cool retro I mean whatever people you know do or don’t like about the Castlevania uh anime like it was it was very pretty so Devil May Cry would look good yeah me too retro based on the same I I tried I want to say two or three the one

Would like the Jukebox opening um and like I don’t know like it was it was a well-constructed game I just found it like I don’t know like I kind of have a thing where like hack and slash type games don’t really hold my interest real well

Maybe I just need to like try it again at some point because my tastes have changed a bit over time that’s why I can’t play like Dynasty Warriors or whatever because it’s just like you know like it just doesn’t it doesn’t grab me it just feels like busy work like it’s

Like oh but it’s it’s a giant epic battle I’m like yeah but I’m I’m running around just like mopping these guys up effortlessly it’s not really all that compelling I’m just wasting people by the hundreds like yeah that’s cool for like a half an hour but after that my

Brain just goes yeah you know you run here you press B you run there you press a you run there you push bb-a-a-x you know it just it’s like maid simulator there’s a mess over there go go go clean that up is a mess over there go clean

That up you know what I mean like it’s not you know what I mean like it turns it just like it’s just the the way the way that like my brain tends to break things down it’s just it just you know what I mean it just it feels like chores

Rather than like a fight so my brain just goes you know just just can’t just can’t it just can’t do it and I’m not saying the games are always like that just that’s just how my brain takes it my brain’s a weird place to live just buy now oh um

You have like an older version of like a launcher maybe host could could that be what it is because I know like uh Mojang and Mike and Microsoft did like merge their their stuff at some point I know there’s a period to like merge your accounts maybe

Maybe it ended possibly I’m not sure beatbox work area ah nope I mean beat him UPS don’t usually grab me real well either honestly like I don’t know like maybe I played too many RPGs as a kid but like I I like my brain needs to feel

Like there’s some kind of progression or it just gets it just stops like it just stops you know it stops paying attention like it just like if if if your skills don’t progressively improve as you play in some way or like there’s unlocks or something like that my brain just goes

Came out and then I realized it like in like uh DMC like it is an action RPG and there are upgrades and stuff that’s why I said I might give it a try at some point and see if my brain will like actually like register that

Uh no the only farmer I’m trying to make at this point is this one iron I’ve never really like I said like I’m I’m I’m I’m a giant Minecraft Noob as far as all this stuff goes um I kind of have like like another Tree

Farm sort of but it’s only like one tree at a time so it’s not really a farm it’s it’s certainly not automated uh I’ve I’ve like I haven’t really had a chance to look at Liza P too much because I haven’t I’ve been busy with computer being broken whenever else a

Friend of mine sent me a tick tock about last night and I didn’t even realize it was like like a solo light game that looked pretty cool honestly so I wouldn’t mind picking that up at some point because I do like my Souls games because I have kind of been getting the

Itch for like a Souls game again so and I mean so that’ll play through uh Elder again that’ll be fun everyone Chad who actually was there for that was just like mad please God no like why it’s fun like Matt you were so angry yeah out yeah

I don’t know I hear you like I know I can I can make all of them I I I’m not sure if you if if you can make dark prismarine with uh with like the the shards from the from the fish I think maybe you can I just it might be

A different recipe but from just like the Sharks and and and and like like just from bees the the shards and crystals you can make the sea lanterns and hit a few kinds you need ink sacks oh you do okay well I mean squids live around my house all the

Time so it’s not too bad actually I mean Elton bring um Elton ring was was a fun game but like some of those later bosses are a flipping nightmare although honestly next time I probably play Magic because like I went like strength decks like like Dex fighter like last time kind of and it might have

Been part of my issue but I’m gonna go magic next time I’ve never I’ve never really done like a full cast or run I remember we started that way though and like it was too easy like I started off magic originally and then like I just couldn’t like get into the

Game it was so easy it was like run around you know flip one thing die but I think like once I hit like boss fights it’ll definitely get a lot harder because like they have actual speed and reach and distance it’s basic and you know that crap whereas like regular

Enemies are just like oh no Magic ah they die because like they have no actual means of fighting you you first tried what iron that’s variable yeah like everyone’s got different tastes for sure yeah magic is super like like it makes makes life easy the other hand it’s just

Like I don’t know like it’s like again like some bosses that have like really really like impressive distancing and like range attacks or like just like bet you look like relentlessly magic it’s a lot less a lot lesser against those guys I don’t know it it it it’d be different though which

Is kind of what I want to try Sounds about right I I retro yeah like some some channels have like got the soul genre down to like a science it’s ridiculous like the guys that like beat them with like you know like like a Guitar Hero controllers and crap like I don’t know how you do that but they do Four minutes yeah speed runs are crazy I don’t like I find them interesting I guess do people like do this stuff but I don’t really get it myself what’s up MPG you got it husk yay on the wrong account well there we go on this day life was made better for husk

The guy is good from the orc tribe I don’t know you mean you can’t sell it Horse no trolls are trolls oh yeah retro yeah I definitely have it I don’t know like I just don’t think I have I have the patience or just like

The the kind of approach I guess I don’t know like just it just doesn’t work in my brain I mean I’m like I want to look around explore and like look at stuff not just like you know like track and field this crap like I I respect those who can pull it

Off I’m just not one of them you know Reminded that the uh the mash is open by the way it’s making a banana you’re in goofy mood today Goofy Gold Rush but yes welcome to uh spinal craft I am currently drowning an entire ocean in sand the irony turning turning this section of the ocean upside down effectively

And then I’m gonna try and figure out how to build a farm for Guardians because like yeah I I have a rough idea of what I need to do for that but not like a great amount of specificity so we shall see if I can pull that off

I know I need to like like the the version I saw used like fall damage and look pretty cool actually so we’ll say dirt Burns Oh some surprise nobody tried the the uh the banana command I know it costs snacks but like it is there I don’t think uh yeah it works yet Randy horror game called infliction come out in 2018. ah see I I I I I have the sound for that one now but I haven’t like I forgot to put the command in my bad it’s working progress we’re so we’re still we’re still rebuilding things

Put the sand in the hole yeah I’m not sure if you have any interest in playing uh Minecraft MPG but the server information is down below if you do have any inkling to do so we’re probably gonna be setting up a a monsterville area on this server for everyone in our

Community who wants in on it I think Anthony Preston we’re already looking into it and maybe husk as well um but it’s totally up to you it is a Java server but Bedrock can join as well with some extra steps what’s up chat good to see you again how you doing Um honestly like I played a lot of Minecraft in my time off iron and it kind of took me out of the out of like the like Terraria headspace and put me into the Minecraft headspace that’s kind of why I’m doing this now so like I don’t know I I’ll probably

Just switch to Minecraft I I am sorry about that I didn’t mean to let anybody down about it I know you guys are having fun with it but just my brain was like yeah we’re doing this now you know and it’s I just I don’t have enough spare or

Creative game energy for both you know you don’t have one um MBG I see well that’s fair enough you ever decide to acquire one I’d be happy to have you doing all right chat oh I’m glad to hear that I mean that’s good I asked Chad I I

Asked chat if they’re okay every stream and you know I’m always happy to hear that they are soda though we’re a little disappointed if this music actually isn’t uh copyright free it says it is in like the video description but like I’ll be very upset if it’s not later like hey you’re you

Know your Minecraft streamer received 40 billion strikes or like planes or whatever like oh no so Shadow code how’s it going dude oh uh yeah so why you need to join the server before they’ll whitelist you for the Discord I guess you need to like join join the the the

The actual server before it lets you in the Discord just so they know you’re actually like playing you know so come on in the water’s fine well I mean it’s actually like full of Guardians well it’s not so bad now actually it was [Applause] though and I actually slapped a conduit

Down in like down inside the monument so like the water around here is actually like breathable as well so you can see like you can’t even drown near this thing right now it’s very it’s very safe What what is open uh open it’s probably open Java something it’s probably part of Minecraft’s process to like connect to multiplayer stuff would be my assumption like Asia you want to wait in on that one it seems like I don’t I don’t remember specifically I’m pretty sure that’s what it is

Yeah I figured Open a coffee shop to to to to to play Minecraft yes come get you some coffee I don’t even like coffee honestly I make like uh like like a cocoa shop instead like just just hot chocolate nothing but different kinds of hot chocolate And we have like an iced hot chocolate that is just like chocolate milk Foreign yes it’s actually a thing apparently people people ask for like an ice hot chocolate and and like it’s basically just chocolate milk but like with extra steps it’s pretty pretty funny honestly yeah venti eyeshadow yes absolutely why not it is retro it absolutely is don’t worry huh don’t worry if you have

Um 1.2.1 or or 0.2 then you then then then you should work uh you should let you in just fine you click on the uh on the um the installation thingy to the left of the play button it should let you pick which one which one you have installed oh and uh

Won’t you win it should uh the server was was was just recently uh updated to to do to accept uh point two point uh 4.2 but you might want to try point one just to be safe if you click on where it says like the Minecraft version you you

Can scroll down and find the 1.2.1 yeah favorite Souls game oh it’s a tough one I I I do really enjoy bloodborne because I like the whole the whole like weapon system where like every weapon has two weapons I think that’s cool because you know it saves you having to code around

Two separate weapons and deal with like the weight of both of them you know what I mean I like that a lot yeah exactly there should be a thing to like the left of the play button on the launcher that says like you’re using this and you can click on that and then

It’ll be like oh 1.2.1 is here also foreign again so much sad I would like a lot of uh sand recycling too it does like azer yeah I do like my synthwave I must confess it’s good for background music um that’s fair actually yeah I I mostly

Didn’t do Demon Souls I didn’t know it existed when I first played Dark Souls and they re-released it on the PS5 but I don’t have one of those so like it’s like the only look I haven’t played they’re not really necessarily like a series in the sense of like anything

Chronological happening though so like you’re not gonna like Miss out by not playing it but I do understand the urge to play them in order because that’s something I do too A lot of the time so like vacation hey dagger it truly is Tiger yeah science model

Crafting same one same one that uh that uh light uses and uh Sandy and a few others too I’ve been playing on it for I don’t know like a month now ish no hush don’t jinx it like that it wants to behave it wants to be nice it wants to let you in

This wants to be good currently I am draining the ocean around this this is uh an ocean Monument which you can find out in the ocean in in in deep ocean biomes uh normally it is infested with with a horrible quill fish that shoot lasers but we are removing

All the water so they can’t spawn us anymore and then I’m gonna try and make um try and make a farm that will spawn them on command so I can use them Huskers joined title nuke inbound yes exactly yeah like everyone kept telling me how how horrible the Guardians were and they

Were not necessarily wrong but I still feel like I may have over prepared a little bit like I got like a full a full set of enchanted diamond armor a Magic Trident like I I went I went all out to make sure you’re not gonna handle these

Things and it worked out pretty well honestly oh if you push T husk you can you can it’ll pop it up so you can talk but if you want to come hang out here with us I can uh lead you to here if you like I can meet you and spawn and take

You here if you want or you can do you know or or you can uh work on your own devices it’s up to you if I can come meet you and spawn if you like I’ll get more Scene anyway so Yeah the Trident is is is useful the lost city of matlantis exactly but yeah so like when when I first first approached this place like this was all underwater it was crawling in enemies the whole shebang and then we had to empty it all out and yeah

There’s like the Arches this is the front door I actually came into the side though like how I got in here was not the front door uh I may have slightly um dug into the wall here like this this hole only exists because I dug it through the wall because I didn’t want

To deal with it hey Kyle Yeah I’m gonna go meet uh at the uh at spawn so the way that this the server is set up um there’s a spawn area and I believe there was a previous one as well before this spawn area because this server’s been up for like 10 years it’s crazy

Um and so there’s a spawn area which is like which is like a sort of like the communal Hub but then everyone has their own personal areas kind of spread out around the place thank you you’re fine ask your phone yeah it’s cool Tyler yeah like like

Seeing seeing like like the the the the community stuff is pretty cool for those of you watching who haven’t seen the rest of the rest of the Pagoda yet here let me show you this is uh okay that goes down we want to go up hang on let

Me flying the stairs like everyone has their own little little Pagoda little cubby hole to kind of look into forgoto yeah so the uh since the uh the uh the the Japanese themed uh stuffed uh um dropped they made a uh they made this this is called Sakura Valley it’s the spawn point

They made it all Japanese themed and such It should ask it should looks like everything’s spawning because like I’ve been here with my shaders on today you guys are looking a little choppy it doesn’t loading in because I I have I I have a a Shader pack also one of one of the members uh was accused of not being

A real weeb and so he made that as like a rebuttal which I found hilarious oh my God it’s still loading and give it a second light the Shader pack digest all of that okay it’s lagger than I wanted it to be there we go hang on there we go we’re

Getting there we’re getting there it just has to load like the whole area and give it a second getting there there we go we’re smoothing out we’re gradually smoothing out yeah I know you guys right now like I I voted yesterday so it should anyway if it keeps yanking like this I might

Just turn turn The shaders off for now though because like it’s not that big of a deal of hates here he doesn’t hate you I hope offended by by choppy frames and now and now you’re a watermelon like I said like it it should get it in

A second here it’ll figure it out there we go we’re starting to spend a little bit a big area with like a lot in it so but this is the spawn point this is this is this is this is this is where you will you will appear

There’s a map of the whole place too see you kind of see the place from from from like the sky view which is pretty cool honestly I got the mountain over there I got you know that’s lucky he just put go to there with like the beam on top let’s

Just join hey husk I came to meet you hello nobody cows moo yeah but um yeah there’s also some some NPCs running around there’s like uh that Pagoda over there is the skill gaming center where like you can you can earn tokens by like playing in the game and you can you can

Play Blackjack and like other things there it’s pretty cool but if you want to hang out with uh in my neck of the woods house we’ll take you to lights Pagoda and I’ll show you where where you need to go you also have a box in your hand yeah

This is this whole area is like super super choppy with chedders on oh well um there’s the the the Box you’ve got is the spinal craft welcome thing like azer hands up to anyone who joins it’s like some basic items that you can you can use to make your life easier

You should get it uh well I mean um if you if you uh if you uh intend to play uh um or or you think you you enjoy playing you should pick it up yes exactly sushi chef all the sushi last call for seven o’clock match you

Guys by the way yeah like this whole Pagoda there’s like there’s like there’s like the the monkey statues and and the sakura trees it’s pretty cool wait why are these pink uh green the green trees are invading this one’s still playing like like a bunch of birch trees on the front lawn

A monkey yes yes it’s it’s pretty cool tiger I agree yeah uh you can go up to like the top to like see the whole thing if you like but it’s kind of a kind of a side entrance here if you want to but since it’s the first

Time here let’s go up top get some snow up here kind of like the whole the whole like Tibetan Monastery thing hey seven tiny little knife got some Flags or banners then you go up but we need to go down to reach the slip house are you scanning for life

All right let’s open here we need to go to the right to go further down because I’m on the second floor down foreign you can see my name on the side here more than a monster AKA monster Matt and you just gotta right click on uh

Make sure your hands are free and then right click on the sign this is my house click on it again and now we’re the monument There you are and you can use that at the spawn point if if uh if uh um this way it was water before but it’s kind of it’s kind of broken it’s kind of like you know in the way um put those away but uh if we take this Walk This Way Here’s the front outside somewhere there you are and this is outside but there’s a lot of cool features this server has like um you can earn money and tokens um on the server you can exchange the tokens for more money if you like which you can use to like buy stuff from other

Players um you know for example if you vote for the server on various Minecraft uh websites you get vote coins which you can which you can use for the VOC shop which has like special items like experience potions which is useful for repairing stuff other potions other all

Kinds of cool stuff it’s neat um I mean one of the main reasons to uh earn money is so you can go and to because like you you can buy more slips those signs we use to like teleport around are called slips I’ve already bought the first extra slip but you can

Buy more and they cost progressively more so that’s the main reason to get money for me anyway no well um my base is to the north uh sorry Southwest of here tiger I kind of had to like walk here but yeah at the moment this is this is

This is this is my main project we’re filling in all all the water around this here Monument so that we can um build a farm on top of it or like in its place I guess it’ll be more accurate and yeah so at this exact moment all I’m

Doing is getting more sand so I gotta get the bottom of this place just kind of love to show you just you know be careful fall you’ll hurt ah but see see hey MTG those of us know that the truest form of slip is the drift what’s up Mark yeah I know like

I didn’t originally set out to do this but like the the prismarine was a was a brick I wanted for my for my build project um for the uh underwater Dragon Palace I’m making and so it kind of ended up one of those things we’re like okay like

I guess I need this now and so I I went to the trouble of getting this all set up and yeah yeah it does seven yes it hurts it is have I stream Roblox no I have not no sorry I just never never really tried it

Like it kind of wasn’t a thing when I first started like getting into these kind of games and just yeah never really tried it out okay this one’s being especially Twitchy why is that oh there’s water somewhere that’s what that’s what it is hang on where’s the water at oh it’s underneath

This okay oh no yeah I I looked up the weather like is everything it seems horrifying I I might want some things from it at some point but like from what I understand it’s uh not a good time oh yeah well there you go you’ve reached the Pinnacle foreign But yeah um if you want to look around or Swim anywhere or uh if you go back to my house you can you can you can kind of wander around there if you want to like I said like you’re free to build wherever you’re like again as long as

It’s not in somebody else’s area you’re afraid to like you know pick out your own spot and do whatever you want really um you can always ask like azer if you want to double check to make sure it’s not claimed or whatever what is happening here um whatever else you know so

How do you pin the what yeah yeah it’s nice because well because we’re in all the ocean uh Kyle broken physics a little bit a little bit honestly like I as pretty as the shaders make it look like honestly it’s not that big of a deal for me I might turn them off

Because so my computer has like a little bit of a less like a little doesn’t it doesn’t bother you guys to have them off let’s say uh buddy this is this is what what it would look like normally it’s not that different really like I said like the main difference is

It’s easier to like see underwater uh without them what do you guys prefer shaders non-shaders what do you guys think you’re boating husk on our boat yeah and if you need me to come meet you somewhere I can come find you like I said like I I actually might give

You guys like the mission of like finding us a good monster Hillside because like as long as it’s far enough away from everyone else that we have like plenty of room I kind of don’t care where it is I’d like water access but like you know yeah it’s Fairway that’s fair

We got water we got lots of water soggy soggy llamas all right look at this Fair yeah find us a good spot for for a home can you give us a home where the square Buffalo Rome where there’s no fear or that we’ll bump into anyone else doesn’t survive in lava uh

Uh I don’t know we can watch the core to find out theoretically I wouldn’t necessarily try it in practice though oh yeah and last call uh for edit for seven o’clock match winners by the way or I need to I need to do those [Applause] foreign [Applause] physics got the sleepy sleepy achievement

Much sweeping oh it did it seven oh there you go Like Matthew what yeah it is weird uh tiger that’s why I didn’t I didn’t know about it originally either and like I had to be shown because yeah like logically it doesn’t make any sense I put torch under falling stack of sand and the torch wins like what

Does that worked oh uh a husky if you ever want to just warp back to spawn yeah thank you yeah blue uh beat me to it you can just go uh Slash spawn and then click Sakura Valley and it will take you where you need to go foreign

Next to it red desert huh does that give you like just regular sand or is it like red sand wait are you sending me to Mars like hi I’m here on your server to play that’s nice go to Mars Red sand red sandstone cool I mean I have no idea what all like the area will look like when we’re done with it so I have no idea if that’s actually like useful or not so like sure I guess I don’t know oh Uh here you did husk come back Preston hey Chris you got water oh my full-on sand yes I am popped down my shelter box fill it full of sand I’m not sure why people need to growl that but it happened What’s up JB All the rars something like that Mario hope you’re doing well thank you for joining us for some uh Minecraft Shenanigans today pretty good Preston Your eyes right this moment so fun fun all the funs click on the watch actually Oh yeah BMW it’s good to hear I’m glad you’re you’re uh your uh Your Shadow is uh adjusting well Another books are good [Applause] Right baby that makes sense I mean yeah it’s a process That happened Foreign Yeah no like the spawn area on this server is super cool it’s cool just looking around you know Anthony Preston did you guys get in the other person you said you’re you’re gonna try later or what well that’s your life yeah you were you you were reading one to other people

Oh no Kyle yeah like the physics are definitely a little a little unique in Minecraft yeah 45 this year for seven oh I think it doesn’t yeah Mash winners or Dustin April and Kyle and Huss congratulations next match open We’ll say like this might be more efficient than using my shovel my shovels are actually faster weirdly enough oh uh in in in in in Mountain blade bmj yeah you heal passively uh one of your skills is called uh wound treatment or wound yeah and uh the higher your rank

In that the faster you’ll passively recover uh there’s some people you can hire like um jeremis is uh the like he’s like a surgeon uh he he by default has a really high um like like set of medical skills so if you find him and hire him he’ll also do that for you

Like you don’t personally have to have every skill you’re like officer units can have them too but you got to have them in the party and like build them up yeah light’s been doing like audiobook stuff pretty cool Thanks for having those snacks here you Apologize if I miss anybody’s uh message I’m trying to like keep an eye on chat while I’m doing this but if I miss anything and you need to add me to get my attention please please do so Hello bmj what’s up Cove whatever welcome to stream code how you doing today foreign yes I’m always ignoring you uh nothing All right you can’t indeed Cove yes um the server is not mine so anyone is free to join it I do ask anyone who is part of our community uh behaves themselves while on the server there are anti-griefing measures as well so if you so if someone breaks your stuff the mods

Will know and the person will get removed so um you know that’s that’s nice as well but uh you are definitely welcome to play all the information you need is in the description down below the area on this server is enormous um the spawn point is like nowhere near

Where I am now so if you need to find your way out here that’s fine um in general I’d like to get to know you before like I personally play with you because like I said like you know you know it’s kind of a community thing

But we will be starting our own area on this server for our monsters community so oh and yeah I’ve heard that yeah uh I think Sadie plays with with controller as well someone in a different server bmj I’ll get you I get you uh yeah so yeah all all the info Cove is

Is uh is uh down down below according to light gazer if you have it on PC you have both but I know that you I think you don’t uh there is it actually is apparently possible for Bedrock To Join This Server just like on switch it’s kind of Twitchy but on Xbox

Or Playstation it is apparently more reliable so apparently it is actually possible surprise me somewhat that’s cool uh I don’t think PVP is possible anyway what’s up Tammy how’s it going today from PS4 so yeah it should be like uh there is an app you’ll need on your phone but it is possible

Apparently oh having your problems like okay so it seems like Bedrock might not be fully uh updated then maybe at this exact second but like it is it is like there are people on the server who who uh who play Bedrock so it is possible me too

Cub honestly I’m not I’m not great at it but it’s not it’s it’s not really a PVP server anyhow so don’t worry about it too much play on Android oh yeah mobile is not going to work for you then probably I’m sorry oh bedrocket is having some issues right

Now okay so once once those get resolved it’ll be possible then yeah you do hear you yeah the bird needs needs needs needs to finish becoming the word bird is the word I don’t chill now everybody know that the bird is the word is the word

Yeah hopefully uh Jen that’s the guy who owns a server and light can get the better the issue is square it away so we can get you guys in once once once once uh once that is working it should be possible but it sounds like mobile and switch users have

Problems using the app because it’s just it’s just it’s extra you know steps and extra junk yeah and it is kind of cold yeah well like I said like um you can try to join like I’m not gonna stop you from trying if if if if

You want to but I know that Mo like but just like I I know that mobile and switch users have an issue connecting awesome Icarus by all means yeah I’m sorry I know it was up to me everyone you know could could join but it’s just not how Java

And Bedrock you know like they’re but they just don’t play nice sometimes you know oh what like a deserty place near the ocean or temperate uh place or an icy place I mean honestly I don’t know I don’t really have any frame of reference as to

What would look best or be best you know so all right Echo have a good night welcome to hang out with us and just chill if you like but at the moment yeah I’m just I’m just draining an ocean at the moment right Icarus exactly uh but not white I don’t know um

Probably not a desert I guess because like it seems a little extra dry uh obviously um some more visually visually attractive I guess I don’t know like like I can I can kind of see snow being being nice but I guess just regular like green would be

Keeping basic we can always go get snow if we want it right I assume um kind of tiger kind of does yeah and like I said like um if you guys need need to like to like to like repo stuff just just add me I don’t know like for

Some reason for for some reason putting repost in front of it just makes it sound passive aggressive I have no idea why it just does just just just add me it’s fine trios in in a mangrove forest that could be cool yeah like I said like ideally what I’d

Like to do is like have like a central area where like all of our monster guys can like warp to like via slip and then we can have like different lot like kind of our own little little spawn area I guess where everyone kind of has their

Own hat like their own like like like like monsterville place and then you can set up your own like warp points from there to like your individual like areas you know what I mean sort of like our own mini spawn I guess I don’t know ah you’re fun like you’re fine

That’s aggressive that’s not a thing yeah clearly House but some of them aren’t so I would check to see if there’s a sign on them if there’s no sign with someone’s name then they are unclaimed but Olivia’s Aqua cool oh that’ll work then Mini Pavilion sounds good then uh if yeah if it’s if if uh you’re you’re coming husk yeah uh it sounds like we’re gonna get our own area though so like you might have your own little home or box there as well so you can decide for yourself if

You want to have both or or one or what but it’s up to you honestly Except for being like a little laggier than usual for me but like I guess I’m not usually streaming while I do this so it was super good Honestly though I just kind of turn and walk away from spawn and keep on walking us if if you

Want to if you type in slash map it’ll open up a map for you we can kind of get a get it and see where everyone has been if you want to go towards somewhere like uninhabited it sounds like once light uh finds us a decent a decent spot for for our

Pavilion we can just warp out there anyway I’m not sure yeah like azer’s uh uh uh base in slip house is a pretty cool little little like like Memory Lane thing too so if you want to create that you know feel free yeah oh yeah Kyle nice

I’m letting I’m glad that that got resolved for you thank you that’s what two two sides or three so far we’ve done Joe spam Jay juice finish your juice filtered vitamins substance so is this working or what because he said he was having kind of a crummy day

And wanted to chill with a chill game to hang out with and I haven’t seen him it was all right oh this isn’t a river this is the ocean uh Kyle yeah yeah one of the facts earlier it wasn’t feeling the best Yeah of course those are fun Yeah there’s quite a few places claimed um husk so it’s possible that the slip house is like like this there’s probably a spare one somewhere but I like I had trouble finding one as well like I said like once once the monster Pavilion is set up you’ll probably have

Some space there as well so I wouldn’t worry too much wait a second it’s a nice Dam a beaver dam indeed we’re stairs I’m a Fool a foolish fool but it’s okay everyone’s Fuller sometimes but yeah mine mine is on the the uh the uh second floor down

You can pull absolutely you want to do yeah there is like there’s a couple products I have in mind like the first one is my Dragon Palace the second one is is like I had the idea of making like if there’s gonna be like a like an Eastern Dragon

Palace underwater like this you know that’s like more more inspired by like um Asian you know uh uh lore I want to have like an uh a western dragon castle like facing it so like on the one side you have like water and and coral and all this beautiful architecture and on

The other side have like like like a lava and like Bowser’s Castle you know like fire and death and just you know you know Western Dragon like like immediately facing it so it’s like like like a one-to-one mirror of each other like not necessarily one to one but

Pretty close like mirror of each other because that could be pretty cool and then the other thing I wanted to do because because like we’ve been talking about like anime stuff on the server um I kind of won this was one I haven’t committed to yet because it’s going to

Be ridiculously hard uh I kind of want to recreate like the the beam struggle between Goku and Vegeta we’re like Goku’s like on the ground firing up if he does like way up above firing down and like like make that as a Minecraft statue and like I have no idea how I

Would do that it sounds ridiculously hard but my brain is like let’s do that and I’m like why why do you why is that like like oh no we’re gonna go make a house no Matthew we’re gonna skip house skip apartment skip all these easy things and

Just go straight to Giant anime beam struggle like what Brain why are you doing this [Applause] yeah Kaioken Goku doing doing doing doing the you know like the Kaio 10 times four or you know yeah oh okay no times no no no no oh no no no no no no no no no yeah Kyle was what was the Remake uh Twilight sound oh

Like from uh uh Kingdom Hearts all right everything right yeah new version hands newer version yeah oh yeah it’s uh um 1.2.1 will definitely work the server was recently up to 1.2.2 but it seems like Bedrock is having some issues with that so point one to be safe That’s cool like gazer yeah but I did see one uh video online as to what someone did with like their their monument and like I might like steal it a little bit because it looks pretty cool but like it’s also a Dragon Palace though and like I’m not sure I want to

Do two so I’m not quite sure that one foreign yeah yeah because like all all the mods haven’t haven’t been updated yet because the point here like just dropping later today go Snapper all right Kyle exactly I’m haunting you but yeah hopefully like I said like I

Wasn’t sure if you guys would enjoy Minecraft as as a repeat stream because I know it’s very just watch me put down blocks for three hours but like if you guys are having fun then that makes me happy while you’re saying because it’s easy to pick up again basically

And like it falls down on its own because it has gravity so if it replaced dirt it would just like see like like the dirt is just kind of here see nothing below it that’s why I have to fill it in like this because the sand will fall on its own

They’re cold bmj good not good because they’re cold but good because it’s actually getting cool enough to get cold I’m melting the summer so cool weather is nice Scrabble would work too yeah but Sanders is is a little pain to get in large quantities yeah but like shiny hunting like can be

Boring honest ly I guess both can be depending on your perspective but like I I find this a lot more engaging than just like walking around and I’ve done shiny hunting so I can actually say that without feeling bad about myself I know some people really enjoy it and that’s totally fine it’s

Just it can be very boring You got to have something else to do at the same time or just a lot of patience either way foreign Ty sync boots broke before I actually got to snow so congrats us you officially haven’t achievement that I do not have because yeah I know what I know but like I I’d already drank like flown in the snow and and died before I got the got like the

Box so it was when I got the box I’d already left the the snow area and then like I got killed by air like skeletons a lot so foreign doing some chill mind crafting today we’re gonna walk a lot hust because a lot of people in this River so a lot of

That territory might be claimed just make sure there’s no one living Too Close to You unless you’ve warped out to where uh leggings or in which case you know you’re probably somewhere like a zillion miles from anyone so that works too thank you yeah it is cool yeah um what gazer is

One of the mods or admins whatever the term is for the server that’s true yeah I I I I kind of got to a certain point and then kept dying as well so just good luck don’t die survive thank you tiger like I said I know it’s kind of

Different and it’s very chill but like we’re having the fun with it you know should be good playing uh Oregon Trail oh yeah yeah the Oregon Trail one yeah I saw you playing that I have no like flip a card or something like that yeah I think it’s now so far so good

Though I’ve I’ve been reusing the the sand that I’ve got and just kind of like repurposing it oh and I’ll say light like for me I wouldn’t want you to I know some people like it easy but for me honestly like I I I don’t want it to be too easy um

Because to me like I don’t know there’s just something about like struggling for it that makes it makes it worthwhile you know [Applause] uh I don’t know what what level difficult is this one um light I I I didn’t even think to ask because I didn’t even know there was a difference

I didn’t even realize this thing had difficulty hard oh cool I’m beating an ocean Monument signal handling on hard mode I feel pretty good actually I didn’t I didn’t even know I did it oh [Laughter] oh skeleton horse house that’s awesome it’s a trap oh no Keep on Icarus just hopefully hopefully it decides to behave are you playing on job or bedrock but it sounds like Bedrock uh because the server was recently updated to to accept um bad Rock stuff like it was recently updated so there might be some some Jank there

Java okay then yeah as long as you’re playing on uh 1.2.1 it’ll definitely work if you’re playing on 1.2.2 the server was recently updated to accept that but it’s been a little bit janky about it apparently so just make sure that you have the right uh version installed to help with that

Um if you’re on the Minecraft launcher and look to the left of the play button it should say you are using release 1.2 Point whatever and then make sure it’s 0.1 yeah so if you click where it says you are using release or like release version uh it should give you the option

To like load a different one uh hang on let me actually like finish what I’m doing here I’m on thought process All right there we go work man I’m ready A vast ocean indeed I I have been in the nether yes like once start flying no I fly So so close out of Minecraft and go back to like the launcher and it should be to the left of like of the play button fly up and look please no mountains why is that just like hang on a second random bricks over here look just slowly in midair

There’s just random bricks here why like so someone playing Tetris over here But now this is looks like looks like a nice little area yeah hang on I think we might be near somebody’s house cat it’s a witch hut no okay it’s all right pardon me ma’am is it a voice checkout no I there is a server though for for this server and

They have a voice chat if you like Oh yeah I know this hair looks nice and then uh I can put my Dragon Palace I don’t know like out here I guess and and out here in the water yeah trying to decide like because I said like I’m really toying with the idea of having like

Like the the Dragon Palace on one half of something and then like and then like a lot a lava Palace on like on the other side of it and I’m not sure how to implement that exactly but like that was a thought I was having because I wanted to have them like

Facing each other with like like a divide in the middle but that would mean that the the level of cows would also be underwater which would be kind of an issue uh I’ll I’ll show you the the launcher in a second Icarus and see if I can help

You with that you can just look around I guess if I like tunneled underneath this like shelf here I could maybe use the Shelf well it’s sand I think but I could use the Shelf Maybe as no I’m I’m just trying to think like like how how this idea model even work

Like azer like it’s more like a logistical question rather than like a location question like how like I’d like to have like like an underwater Palace facing like like an open air on an open air but like an underground lava Palace I’m trying to figure out how to like

Merge the two things I guess if I put it deep enough you can do both I guess what’s up Lou I love this dream dude but no I mean this might work if I could if I could like tunnel under this or just make or just make my own I guess

It’s probably uh I could use this shelf to like cover the dragon or sorry the the Western Palace Maybe I have that or I could like have the direct the Western power speed up on a mountain I don’t know I’m seriously torn I’ve I’ve figured out the logistics of

That one yet there’s like a mountain Forge which could be even cooler actually and there are mountains over here so that might actually work out I can always build it myself too so yeah I mean this works out pretty well because yeah like turning like the top

Of this like Mountain over here into like a dragon Fortress sounds kind of dope actually like I I you put like get some lava Trails like coming down the sides of this thing that’d be awesome all right tiger you have a good one dude my only problem with it being like

Daytime why are you sideways oh you’re lying on the bed just not exactly in the bed um I guess I guess the only issue with like building up here though is like uh it’s daytime all the time and like it looks like it’s gonna look better at

Night but it’s kind of a minor a minor thing that’s yeah yeah it should work just fine then yeah let’s uh go ahead and make the spawn point down here somewhere then yeah that works like azer hey guys she figured it out yay I don’t think it’s supposed to work that way Kyle yeah maybe I’m back yay you did nothing But yeah at the moment we’re kind of getting set up Icarus but you’re welcome to come chill out in Monument land if you like or you can wander around looking and you can get a get a look around the place or whatever we want to do really uh while life gets our

Monster Bill set up and then we’ll go see what we can see what we’re doing over there guys sounds good sounds good thank you it looks like we’re down to our last side and once we’ve done this like I actually like finished emptying up the sand and then I’m gonna actually worry

About tearing down the monument and figuring out the farm that’s right house skip everyone gets at least two slips themselves so like you put down a sign and put hashtag slip on the first line and then a second assign and then do the same thing you can work between them

To get a third sign as part of your part of your network you need to you need to earn 10 grand in in game and then buy one with the with the The Shopper shop is there yeah I know what you mean Kyle like it gets weirdly hypnotic at a certain point

You just kind of just like get into the groove yeah that’s cool that’s cool so we’ll need to figure out what all what all we want to do right there once again yeah no worries dude it’s been really nice being being a part of the community

You know and didn’t get to meet folks you know I know I’m not always the most sociable person but you know it’s it’s really cool getting getting welcomed and you know like I’m not a huge Minecraft expert or player or nothing but simple learning and just hanging out so

I better you know what why not give it a shot those of you who are wondering uh General X is is like the actual server owner he’s he’s he’s the guy Anyway Jen hopefully you’re having a good one that’s right guy yeah Jen like this is this is this is this is his server we’re just living on it owner not not nothing oh sorry sorry oh my bad all right stand correct why sit corrected actually but yeah but yeah

Um lights on the server Snow’s on the server here he was on the server it is pixel yes playing dog shows get points for that foreign you you know like probably pay for it usually Kyle would be my assumption or someone gives it to you if it was a

You know a freezing thing I understand no I’m not shucker box time oh coming up on nine o’clock by the way if anybody else wants it on the Monster Mash don’t forget to do that foreign as well I’m not quite sure what he’s doing over there but we’ll see someone I got

Oh he’s making him making a sand pusher you build your house out of TNT husk oh God Uh Slash map Icarus should give you a link to click is there a is there a thing down there there might be oh ant got into what’s up we make like a crater inside the mountain Creepers husk awesome said he sounds good dude appreciate you uh popping by and hang out with us I don’t I don’t like Play Nothing But Minecraft so like next time you come by I’ll probably be playing something else but you are more than welcome to hang out with us I’ll show you Kyle I’ll show you I’ve been repurposing the sand we’ve we’ve we’ve been using Rio Logan I don’t know if I know anybody here named Logan as far as I’m aware let’s see I can’t we uh we uh we tear down the the same we’ve used before use it again

Yeah thanks guys I just kind of grabbed a um grabbed a uh a synthwave playlist I thought it was a DRM free I was like that’ll work Foreign physics things happening here again I might have some gunfighter for you husk back at the house I can check in a second here thank you uh code thanks very much today by the way dude it’s good seeing you again how have you been doing It’s also a cool thing where like if everyone sleeps like the Knight accelerates so you kind of see the stars going by it’s cool Yeah they’re nice Kyle right stars are are pretty Well because uh when you kill a creeper you get gunpowder you know and you’ve used that for TNT and other things I don’t know that a husk Like you don’t have to be you know like super duper you know Ultra Ultra player person can always just have fun with it you know foreign Yeah we actually have that command now Lou crazy right we finally we finally got one only took me like what five years I’ve been streaming since what 2018 so yeah something like that Yeah I know what you mean Kyle you know like it it can sometimes be tough to know what you want to get up to do you know like oh unless you have like plans of your own to build stuff it’s often a little hard to have Direction in these

Games I have that problem too foreign Dangerous now there we finally have the whole place hemmed in I think there should not be a single Guardian anymore I don’t think oh uh from Spawn and if you’re at like on spawn thing if you turn like it’s one it was it’s one that has

Like the beacon on the roof it’s uh beside a mountain if it if you see a mountain on the left and and a pagoda on the right that’s the one I can warp back the spot and show you if you need me to you did okay go

Don’t actually wanna need that or these or these either okay so now I got a finish with all of that down there put the sand somewhere I might need another another box at home just throw all the sand while I’m not using it All right Kyle I’m out of water too actually come out here for now I asked I’m in we gotta we got a fish I now ask if uh if uh you want any sand from from here I mean you’re welcome to it I’m not sure how much you need but I got

Quite a bit I need to finish uh taking these rooms apart but other than that don’t have any plans for saying to right this second I always get more later that’s a guardian normally they’re underwater and they’re mean Sandy sons of Sons of Guns but at the moment they are not too bad

Because they’re you know drowning well oxygening yeah uh TNT yeah what’s up here um these guys are still spotting in here because there’s water inside the building I need to like tear it down and drain it properly that way there’ll be no more of these things spawning unless I want them to oh

Come here yeah you need like claw or something like that right I need to remember to get out of here oh because it’s it’s it’s uh it’s uh it’s hostile but it’s also out of its element because it’s on land this means by doing the water you know

All right always get lost in these rooms or somewhere that’s the way out this way then door door door door found it gunpowder and sand oh I see I see so yeah I’m gonna like tear this thing down literally from like the top to the bottom over top to the bottom

These Landers are gonna break makes me sad uh it hurts I’m sorry they are Kyle yeah the the Guardians are are quite dangerous but on land not so much mostly they’re dangerous because of how many there are when when like you first get here underwater there’s like a horde

Of them there’s tons of them and they respawn fairly quickly which makes them dangerous for sure foreign No water for you Organized chaos costs organized chaos foreign yeah as long as not somebody’s uh area Icarus you should be good to harvest wherever you want to as long as it’s not somebody else’s like neck of the woods all the water is going away because we’re draining it up insidey places that my

Not reaching very well fortunately it’s literally impossible to drown in here because I’ve put down a heart of the conduit so you can breathe underwater in here at the moment you can’t normally but I don’t see it drains all the water away and leaves our Guardians with no more places to swim

That’s the heart down there thank you Foreign right this second because like once we have the guardian Farm established we’ll be able to make more pretty easily anyway You made a circle in Minecraft oh no no Kyle I’m just tearing this place down completely so I can make room for for uh for this for this Farm we’re making it was just was was just there to uh drain the water foreign You’re shooting at me I learned Kyle basically I I didn’t like immediately um I didn’t even know these monuments were a thing when I first joined the server you know like I I just you gotta figure it out as you go basically oh there’s a thing somewhere I guess not thank you foreign

ERS by the way I’m like I did I uh last call for those then I think I think I may have already last called but I’m I’m doing again and then go over 17 likes the stream so far by the way I kind of wish I just like waited to even drain the insides at all until this point because like you know I’m having to watch out for big holes in the floor now could have swam through them before what’s up what Yeah I got three sponges yep got them from the uh from the older guys and yeah I know you can use them to drain water the producer like that uh I think ant said his up husk uh there’s a a mod that lets you use

Um controllers and and set his up so yes it is possible I believe as the controller mod works with Xbox controllers I’m not sure on that point but I assume it would be possible this is automatically made by by uh by the game the the Ocean Monuments are just

Are just things that naturally occur inside of Minecraft they’re the only source of prismarine this this this this this kind of blue brick I’m I’m mining here they’re the only natural source of it foreign blood nowhere like this is me taking this place apart so I can have the bricks

So like this like this is this this is this is this isn’t even a bill this is like a tear down the actual build will come later and we’re gonna make like a monsterville for our community as well and I have no idea what I’m gonna build there so we’ll see

I guess one thing at a time yeah yeah no you’re fine pleasure fun my stepladder is back Oh no we first got shot by a skeleton hey Carlos no pesky skeletons that’s the plan girl yeah um so when you kill Guardians they drop the stuff you need to make to make more prismarine and so I’m gonna use that farm so I can make whatever I want to

And then we can use that to make our base or our our underwater Dragon Palace wait I know I don’t think I’m doing a lot of like repetitive stuff here but but uh if you guys ever have any questions or anything like that don’t don’t hesitate you know I don’t want you

Guys to feel like you can’t talk to me what we’re doing this because it’s like that’s like the absolutely what I want sandstone well that Kyle is gonna be my next well I’m just about my next project but that would definitely be a much larger project

So like I do want to do that but it is going to be a very big project and I have to figure out what blocks to even use and the whole Shenanigans when we come around to it foreign are you planning on um making like a like a house or like a

Project in monsterville as well or are you just making your own place right now you know yet fair enough the tear rate of the DLC the final evolution of Pokemon instead of catching you you you you you you let it go oops and Hazel’s yeah that’ll happen sorry

All right well there are mountains uh around monsterville if you want to you know because like I said like it’s kind of a first come first curve uh first served Elio so once we go out there we can all kind of we can all kind of call dibs on like

Where we want to build our stuff you know because like at least initially you know we don’t all have to teleport in you know we can actually like be local if we want to be if it gets big enough to actually require the warping that’s that’s that’s that’s that’s a sign too

But yeah Guardian do you mind I’m trying to do it next year Uh ants making um making a a pavilion so we can all get out there and then we’ll figure out what what we’re doing once once we’re out there but a second you guys can just wand around until that’s ready because like I haven’t been up there yet either so

Like there aren’t really any planes in place for it just yet foreign no Guardians uh have Thorn damage because they’re all spiky so when you hit them you hurt yourself which is part of why they’re a pain uh no I think it was just looking for

His own stuff and as far as I know uh my gazer in a situation husk oh Mika yeah um I’m wearing uh enchanted diamond armor but I made myself oh I need to go drop some of this stuff off because I’m getting very cold a little Den in lights basement just

Just find your actual base right yeah yeah the uh the uh the slope house is definitely a good place to kind of set up your first stuff because yeah it’s got all the all the doodads and the and then the whatever else trained our prisonering I hear another dude there you are

Flopping around dying now so maybe I’ll warp back to spawn real quick when you’re in the confines of Spawn you actually like get your food back and then you’ll also heal which is nice so you can kind of just come back here for like an easy or heal

Up hey Riolu how’s it going dude we’re at answer you’re so you’re you’re you’re uh you’re down here or you’re somewhere else put your money gone somewhere for this point probably open it over there no it’s a market oh nice real congrats dude I’m glad you first first day work went well that’s

Awesome I lost my spot there you go somewhere it’s gonna stuck us uh oh I can come out and try to help you if I can if I can figure out where you are um that’s true yeah yeah that’s right yeah you you have dirt well there you go but

Yeah it’s true you uh can also slash spawn if you want to get out that way foreign go back a launcher to do that I think foreign that’s awesome dude still blows my mind like you know I’ve known you guys for years and some of you

Have like gone from being in school to having your first jobs and it’s crazy you know I didn’t realize that first Marine gets like blue or like a less I mean like that color of a changes a little bit that’s kind of cool uh this is this area here is uh possibly

Yeah I wanted to make a guardian Farm because they only spawn in Monument areas even if you tear down the monument like they’ll still only spawn in that spot so I want to turn it into a guardian farm so we can have like a reliable source of prismarine I’m gonna mimic you amazing Yeah you can Kyle yeah like I’m I’m using Godzilla personally hey say here uh Godzilla because of course I am not your first uh three days are uh training videos and quizzes and after it’s time to actual stocking and using uh those are those like four forklifts that’s cool

Forklifts using Joker and ah makes sense you know Persona And it’s a a big Persona fan you just want to go see that Chris I mean I haven’t even been out there yet here are you I figured I figured we we uh can all gather and go out there together you know sounds cool am I in the sauna Yeah it’s like it’s like an expanded version husk yeah basically Never mind Marlin and mine Sonic true apparently they’re making making uh Minecraft d as well apparently it’s one of their upcoming Bedrock releases I I heard foreign are you um all set up are you still doing things I don’t I’m I’m not trying to rush you I’m just asking

Setting up the the spawn warp okay so he’s not quite done yet so once once he is uh I’ll probably have us all meet up at spawn so I guess just finish up whatever you guys are doing or wherever you guys are I guess kind of head back

To spawn soon ish and we’ll meet up there when it’s time not like an immediate rush but yeah it’s it’s it’s uh one of the server jokes husk as a a an NPC you can poke and you’ll get like a penny from them in child support all right that’s fine there you go

You’re ahead of the Curve I’m not sure exactly I wasn’t here for it Kyle but I know that it’s the thing that was there I would be careful those people spawning in enemies here in the darkness so I’m breaking all the all the lanterns they’re gonna be worried about mob spawning right now

I’m still tearing it down so like it won’t be here much longer I guess but I still don’t want to fight skeletons shooting in the back while I’m doing this out there in chat line so far you guys having fun you enjoying watch me do this

Again like there’s just some part of my brand that has like a difficult time accepting the people who like would enjoy watching me like play with blocks that’s why I’m gonna keep asking for it like probably for a little bit until I’m like more you know comfortable like

You’re like yes Matthew they’re having a good time like oh okay good all right good yeah nerve if you want to us yeah I’m getting shot at laser fish laser fish I suppose you would laser fish die a terrible death doing good uh April you’re ready for a broken house interview school right

Right foreign I’m robbing this Garden of his last Bastion of Defense eroding his personal safety oh that’s terrible careful careful house careful you’re gonna get shot mine the laser beams darn laser fish Before thank you for the flowers and the trees there’s sharks laser sharks foreign This particular section so I can get my brain to move over and kill this one last fish because he’s just like playing tearing with me there you are nowhere to hide well almost door to hide you gotta go husk all right well hopefully next time we can find you a

Spot in New in in uh in in monstopia foreign like as I’m taking away the water like because they can only spawn in water so like taking that away is sort of taking away them too so that helps but we’re about to hear you uh I am destroying it Dragon King yeah

I’m gonna uh be remaking this area into a guardian Farm well that’s my intention anyway once I figured out how to do it I’m still pretty new at all this so it’s kind of a process yeah I’m gonna dump myself off in the Box here and I’m gonna head out to

Monsterville let’s give me a second here you start hauling this stuff back home this right I’m getting too full It brings all this crap on with me Marine got the flowers again there’s a flower somewhere one of these tree chest around here somewhere I have too much crap in this house Because yeah oh okay meet you guys and spawn we’re at spawn right there look at Icarus Jazzy’s here too but bye Jazzy here you hear you where you at oh that’s that’s uh Mr guy oh here it comes there we go there he is Oh there’s always eggs yeah too many wait wait you just want to eat this okay sir that’s the skill Tower where’d he go and yeah um if you guys go in there there’s there’s like a daily roll you you can get tokens of money and stuff

From too every day pretty cool I I can show you all in a second there but first things first and yet there’s a Parkour game thing too I think one of them was broken last I checked but yeah oh this is cool monster bat town map ah spiffy so we have ourselves

A whole area to work with some are we out in the middle of nowhere as I recall I think I want to use that mountain back behind us there for my big flaming Castle but I don’t know like that’s like not even like my next project it’s like

I gotta finish this one first so um if we want to organize this like I kind of want to keep these roads because like they’re here and like my brain wants to keep it Road you know I mean like if if like we’ll use this as the center

And I kind of want to spread out in like all four directions you know what I mean so we could definitely Market out where everyone has I say like we could do like like everyone has like a certain amount of space in town to make their own you

Know stuff if you wanted to do it that way um what we could do um let me carve like a box around this so we have like a general safe Zone because I don’t want to build too close to this I want this to be like

Like kind of like Town Square you know start with this I need to fix that I’m sorry I’m sorry was that light uh another work work back takes you to the center of Spawn I don’t think I can work for this all Town return Works go to spawn proper

Okay yeah yeah I know I I figured that um I’ll need to like make out like like I’m gonna put like flowers or something around this I don’t know like I’ll I’ll I’ll work I’ll work on this like area here uh at some point but for right this

Second I’m gonna just keep this like this so it’s all roughly [Applause] 18 like so let’s get some flowers or some designs or something in here at some point but the right now this will do um we don’t necessarily have to have it all flat like we can go up and down up

And down up and down I mean like having Hills is fine uh I just wanted to kind of get a get a base for this so that’ll definitely work um we’ll put down some lights around it and Corners so we have you know a nice little spot this town square um

I don’t know how big of a Town Square I want this to be exactly because like that that makes a nice Center for sure um but it might give us some extra room around it just so again we have like a little bit a little bit of breathing room Someone please uh count those Works to make sure my count is right make sure that like from here to like like like like like from from one like from this to that is 10. and in like in all directions they want to make sure that it’s correct

Because if our measurements are off at the start then we’re kind of the whole way through Uh you don’t have to Kyle but sleeping mix makes the night go away and I just want all the things that want to kill you respond oh this isn’t necessarily a moat here oh Oh you mean like the one inside yeah I’m kind of just

Um making like a plaza kind of at the moment she be don’t you bad me uh no it doesn’t Kyle no it just speeds up time one two three one two three four five six seven ten glad trying to like get this measured out correctly because it should be like so

It’s kind of like a hole here so it’s like well I’m I’m I’m counting I’m like uh but I also want to make sure they’re like I’m right because like I can always miss out you know Chris you don’t have to Foreign It’s all good I don’t I didn’t mean to make like more work for you guys or nothing it was okay down here [Applause] [Applause] you want to call Larry Icarus well the Aryan die dying can be bad foreign Or whatever your Crouch button is you can like not fall off whatever you’re standing on which is a nice little feature to have Foreign this is not gonna be what this uh what this place is is is made of later I’m just kind of improvising for the moment you know yeah well I mean like I said like I I more or less put that in in like the post uh yeah whenever I um

I asked if people wanted to even do this I was like Hey like I’m just one of those people where like if I ask for help that’s that’s fine but like don’t you know or listen foreign [Applause] I may come back and oh and like change this entire Plaza like like right like it’s it’s probably not gonna be dirt forever but dirt is what is currently convenient and at hand so it dirt is what it is all right foreign so that should serve us as a pretty

Decent uh Town Square what’s up dt12 watch the spam please what’s up dude Thank you how’s it going dude yeah I think you’re just excited Kyle cool all right so as you do just just fine we have a Town Square oh yeah uh bmj I don’t know much about that about you know who it is is that good or bad

Oh and guys uh at night time if you’re not near a bed you can type in slash AFK and if none of us go AFK at once it’ll help the night trigger by the way in case you guys didn’t already get told that by somebody in chat he’s the CEO gotcha foreign

Honestly yeah like at least like the core of it like the whole town doesn’t need to be prison Marine obviously but the moment I’m kind of putting down markers is a little easier to spot you know I dare dude yeah that should hopefully keep us uh from having any pesky visitors on our Plaza Foreign I’m just using it for like measuring the moment [Applause] it’s already fading like a regular dirt that’s fine it’s cool that should get us pretty good um I definitely need to get another another slip so get out here easily I guess we have like the one in town but I

Definitely would like to have a 404 slippery down here myself welcome back retro stuffs stuff cool we have ourselves a monsterville now at least at least what what will eventually be the start of Macho this is this is supposed to be our town Plaza not much now it’s just dirt

And our work point that like it doesn’t like uh set up for us but um you know sorry uh my my Trident is Enchanted Icarus with with with Riptide so if I’m standing in water and so like rather than throw the tribe and I can throw myself basically yeah riptide’s fun

Oh yeah a lot of guys are okay that would be helpful oh cool so yeah we have a road we have like the beginnings of roads I want to get like some brick or something for those I don’t know when we get to it that’s gonna be my Mountain Fortress

I’ll need to figure that one out at some point it’ll have to do honestly foreign yeah I mean I’ve had that experience a lot snow honestly it’s kind of why I stopped doing like Splatoon nights and stuff we just didn’t have enough players I’m not sure all right can you hear me

By the way snow I know you’re lurking earlier I’m not sure if you still are but you like responded to what I said so I think you actually can um but yeah I know like I get you like it’s it’s definitely difficult and like I I might be being over ambitious with

This like we don’t have that many people who are interested in playing but it’s just part of my brain like if I’m given like like like the means to make a town I’m gonna try and make a town it’s just it’s just how my brain is ah cool I guess no

Yeah I know exactly exactly and honestly like like that’s that’s why I didn’t ask for the streaming role because like I hadn’t done it yet you know what I mean like I’m I’m the same way with most things like I I I’ve got to feel like I earn things otherwise I

Just I just won’t be happy all right so we’re making a mountain Fortress up there honestly you know what no I’m I’m gonna zap back to my other place first rather than like start doing four four different tasks at once so I’m gonna focus on one but uh Icarus and Anthony you guys

Um oh uh Icarus and aunt and you guys um have you set up your slips in the the basement of the Pagoda yet or you still have your two two signs on you or like what what are you guys doing with those you have not okay so what I would

Recommend the nicorice is before you head out to explore is plop down a sign right here next to the Pavilion that way you have it like like what you’ll always know where like one end of it is you’re in the basement that’s cool Um so just slap down a wooden sign any like like I guess here anywhere really it doesn’t matter we can make an actual spot for him like at some point but right now this will do just pop down a sign uh should be in the box that they gave you

Should be it should be signs in in the in the welcome thingy that that uh they gave you so now like some book on a box over here I’m not sure who’s it was exactly oh it’s torches okay torches But like I’d like to organize uh our like City around the center to some degree so like if you guys find a hole to explore or if you find this or that to like look into or whatever you know like I I it would be cool to have like

An actual like in in town um Main Street like house type dealio And just blow it up so now oh God that would that would murder me well just straight up kill me like oh good yeah oh oh um I’m like an hour late for Mash winners aren’t I oh God uh match winners are Kyle Preston tiger Icarus pixel I’m

Gonna reopen it and you guys can come back in and I’ll just draw my winners again in a second sorry Goodwill Godzilla there Street Yeah there’s fine anywhere really and then click on it and uh put in hashtag slip one word and then back out of it and that way when you put down the other one and do the same thing if you right click on it it’ll take you to your other

Side you can zap back and forth between them a little little warpy point so you can put that one you’ve got there if if like you carry it with you and anywhere you set up like a little house or if you want to use it for looking for like a

Work Point whenever you’re going through a cave or whatever you want to do you can just pop the sign down and there you go yeah You lost the town more man what do you mean oh if you type in slash spawn you can like you like you can always work back to like to like the the main spawn area by jumping in slash spawn and then clicking on uh Sakura Valley I mean I’m sure like Oh I see anti-c yeah I guess that’s a good point yeah it doesn’t take it it takes us right back yeah you’re right um I’ll have a ground find it I think it was oh it’s it’s uh past the aquarium I think no No I’ll find it Yeah here it is okay if you go past the uh the um here um I’ll meet you back in in in in in in in in spawn ants and whoever else needs it So if you go past uh the the skill gaming center here that’s that’s that’s this big Pagoda on the right past the general Tower six and then hang a left and there you go you’re just kind of standing on it though it’s all good it works foreign lets you get um

Let’s let you get uh um tokens here I’ll show you I haven’t shown you guys the inside of that yet have I hang on let me I’m moving over there we go into The skill based gaming Pagoda you talk to Bankers here we’ll take you in here to the to the Gaming center you could redeem like if you if you if you play a bunch you can stand here and it’ll it’ll let you get uh tokens or money based on how long you have played it’s pretty cool and you’ll need tokens to play to play like the mini games and

Stuff and then the daily roll over here you can warp in if I think I’ve already done mine today though no I haven’t there you go you choose to have your to have your daily prize be tokens money or random items I’ve been doing tokens lately you just push the button

It rolls the dice to ouch 21. yeah you know all right so so so I won uh 21 21 um uh tokens don’t forget the giant cave skill gaming center in Jay’s place oh oh I’ve never been there I don’t think yeah oh okay Chris yeah the uh daily

Roll is just is just is over here so you you can get tokens or money or items or whatever you want uh you can redeem your play time and the one next door and then you can go over to the the blackjack tables to actually use those tokens it’s pretty cool

Um and you once you have tokens or so I have tickets which is which you bet you spend tokens at the blackjack tables or other things to win tickets and you can sell the tickets or trade them in for things basically I’ve been selling them because I’ve been trying to afford more slips

Uh the the high stakes definitely costs more you can win quite a bit from it though if you’re lucky but the the normal Stakes is usually safer I’m gonna go ahead and go back to the monument so if you guys need me I’ll be at the ocean Monument foreign

Drop off the sky at random right now makes sense most of those say so or go to it to a different dimension is that code for end stream All right April well stay safe out there all right That said I do kind of want to move my house to be over in monsterville so I might do that honestly because like I have I have one slip here and if I pulled up stakes and moved this one out to monsterville that would be my house

There so I might do that honestly I might build a house out of monsterville and then like move my slip to that that might actually help too but I need to remove all the crap from here to there first nightmare all right bro stay safe oh and uh jump

Back in the Monster Mash by the way before you go uh All right back to turn down this whole place oh good yeah you definitely already definitely are um good question here like I said like I I kind of want to build out from like from like that um the plaza in and like have like sort

Of like a plus sign coming out from it it’s like it like you use the roads from the plaza as a general guidepost um I think it probably would be fair to say everyone should get like a 50 by 50 plot that sounds fair like I think

That’s what they did in spawn as well right So I actually hang on I I should I should hang on I’ll I’ll come back there because I want to set something out I want to like set something up okay you think seriously just now you remind me here you thank you Welcome back MDG it shows but Honkers out there um okay so this is the the Plaza like to build like an actual Road here does it have like like like a bunch of rocks like man I guess I’m here I guess but foreign foreign just like trying to measure in my brain

It’s not working um because I I wanted to use like different bricks to Mark out these roads but I’m talking about like like a crap out of nether stuff another wood um oh I just was wondering if I haven’t had any rocks on them so I could Mark

Out this road a little more easily how’s it going MPG um chillaxing is good so from the Plaza foreign thank you uh sure light I guess describe it to me I guess that works I mean I could just count based off of my inventory I suppose but I’m bad at

Remembering numbers in my head oh yeah I like um how big are the plots at spawn is it 50 by 50 for each person’s like personal area or one two three four five seconds um so five one two three four yeah it does light here Caress no hey Chris found out yeah that’s right yeah yeah you’re you’re you’re uh given um a compass you can find your stuff again it’s pretty nice honestly A lot of dirt got any dirt on your hands while you’re uh but by chance mind parking with What works there unless you want that back Warren something worth before that’s cool yeah and yeah and yeah it is is isn’t playing Joker yeah I’m just marking out like a plot you can you can have a step back in a second thank you MPG says hi by the way

Oh my cat is off somewhere ah see see Ah that’s what it is one two three there we go I’m making a mess of things already here one two three four five six seven eight nine ten correct one two three four five six seven eight nine ten correct one two

Three four five six seven one eight nine ten correct one all right so this one is right I think that one’s almost wrong then oh you just you just find online guys let me try them this time then I’ll come to this side I guess it’s supposed to be

Like every every so one two three six seven eight nine ten correct one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two Seven Ten one two three four yeah we’re good okay it’s fixed now all right so this is more or less what I

Want to do is I want to set it up where we have these like 50 by 50 plots on either side of the road you know what I mean that way this like that could be someone’s someone’s house index so like we have one here um

I guess I need to measure to see well I guess I didn’t think of how that would work going the other way though too did I hang on because if I go this way and count 50 that way you’re gonna run it you’re gonna run into each other

So maybe maybe I don’t space it out a little further first 25 or 25 oh yeah you you think I think that that might work better I mean I guess for for being like homes in town that might make it that might work better yeah

Yeah well we can do that yeah it would probably work better for this anyway so let’s see one one so that’s ten it’s like 20 to here ideally I’d like to yeah you’re not wrong like you’re not wrong if we did it like 20 by 20 and that might work out

That’s a 10 well because like 10. even a 20 is here and I wanna uh I can make the plaza a little bit bigger I guess that might help with the measuring a little bit deposited three excessively huge you know if that’s the road I want people to have

Like like a little bit of room you know you say nerds hole it um so it’s one two three four five six seven seven what seventeen a second here Yeah 17. that’s so weird that’s 34 across I guess because of the middle here well I guess I’m I’m not counting these during the middle am I so it’s like 37 for us that’s so strange whatever um 17 by 17 kind of works I guess it’s like making making the plaza bigger seems unnecessary across here too is it like 15 by 13 then yeah I mean 30 by 15 is a pretty decent size honestly I don’t mind that all right [Applause] I see it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s uh it’s it’s generally what’s up John yeah I think he’s kind of proofs out of there that’s cool but no I’d say that this was for fun yeah like like there’s a little room um on the Plaza Yeah they put like three between every yeah okay let’s all works so leave three spaces and then try and then and then go again so here I’ll just mark them away um information for that is that Batman indeed Thunder snarves oh right that’s working in in Minecraft chat now

I see it because the server is uh family friendly too so sorry yeah yeah that’s that’s why I I’m putting like like a like a a three between every space that’s that’s why I’m I’m putting it here like there’s there’s a there’s a three space that way yeah

All right so basically everyone gets a 15 by 15 spot I’m gonna mirror this so it’s easy to just pick it up on this side of Main Street or whatever foreign Olympus I love about the squares all right all right so here you hear you all all

He monsters in Minecraft land we have figured out the building situation okay so basically um I’m not sure what lights are with purple on the red and everything else but Uh he’s giving us a a general idea of like what goes where so You gotta hop on man okay snarf statues if you want to MPG yeah basically yeah um so basically I’ve used uh torches to kind of roughly estimate the same thing that lights are in there we’re basically uh every like block of 15 so like like from from one corner

Um but like these ones are here for example um I’ve made a road like like like the road here goes between the houses and then between the Torches there’s 15 blocks long to the next torch and then another space of three so this will be like this here is like the road in

Between them but anything between this torch and that torch you know if each person wants to put down a sign or put down a block or whatever you know you can claim each plot for your for your for your in-city house certainly have to be along this road

There’s four other there there’s three other roads but that way it’ll all kind of fit together um so like you know this will be again like Road in between the houses this is Road and and yeah so you get 15 by 15 to make whatever you want I’m gonna like we’re gonna like make the road look better than just dirt you know like later on but right now I’m just you know roughing it out um but uh yeah currently I mean I’ve like I said I’ve roughed out like there’s six plots available that have

Been like clearly mapped out but you can apply the same logic any other direction you wanted to basically um I’ll probably take the one that light gazers using for Rainbow Road over there uh when he’s done with it but um you know yeah here we go there’s only one two three

I’m going to hear you yeah you can you can you can you can be my my across the road neighbor and interestingly next to me if you guys want to Right here Kyle yeah like with lights it doesn’t look like much now but that’s what it will be yeah uh yeah I saw him yeah right the right is the road purple is overhang yellow is the actual build I know okay I got you so like once once uh you know so like

Once once the road is actually here this will like the red is you know where the road will be purple is if you’re if your place like overhangs a little bit that’s fine but yellow is like yellow is where you actually want to like have your stuff that’s that’s I I’ve I’ve placed

The Torches based on the yellow so people can see it that was my intention anyway so Icarus you have everything you know from this back to about here so you get everything from that torch of this torch to actually build your house in and then there’ll be another part of the road here

This is Road behind your house uh we’ll be overhang and then more Road we’re gonna assuming we need like this much space at all we’ll see kind of just getting a little ahead of ourselves but Foreign s here in town are like you’re like in town house but you can still build like around like like off in the distance however like however you want to um it’s it’s just so you can have like like your own little like like storage space or decorative like place you can

Put your slip in and then you can use that slipping like like like because like uh right now your slip is over by the the spawn point over by the the the the look at the Pavilion but you can move it later from that into your actual

Actually if you wouldn’t got your sign that’s a perfect way to like claim this spot as yours you can put your sign in it and then build your house here um and then um yeah you can like use the slip and go everywhere else you want from there you

Know and it’s the same as usual I’m kind of just uh marking this out for you here making sure that everyone knows where the road is That’s ready [Applause] Uh well uh we’re we’re making houses in town better than me is there allowable builds oh I see I see what’s happened here I’m Bill pong I built we’ll put the torch on the road instead of across the road that’s what I did yeah there we go that makes more sense foreign [Applause]

Want to make that more or less captured I think we need to move yes area’s got his set up hey Chris did you move your side I use it later I wish there’s something something by your own hair uh uh tick on your arm all right spooky hair and activate the spooky hair

All right your benches Are you making signs I thought you’d just stick some sticks of wood this will be yours and you can put your slip down anywhere you want to foreign there is the purple yeah that makes sense it’s okay though thank you that’s a wall that was like concrete foreign

Yeah not me I’m I’m kind of on like a self-imposed no pizza for the moment trying to I guess I’m well I’m broke mostly so I’m not really I’m keeping myself for my Lord or anything for a little while then all right we got this more or less figured out

Yeah my count was off again dang it I got it I got it I got I got a later I guess we’re having kind of quieter but I’m not I’m not like ignoring anybody I don’t have any questions or anything to talk about please feel free I’m just

Kind of concentrating a little bit I guess that was one of my concerns I suppose about like doing Minecraft as a stream be like what if people just sort of like don’t talk you know they just sort of watch instead and like that’s not necessarily bad but I like the

Talking a lot you know interaction is definitely a big part of what makes room is fun for me well yeah just for the moment I’m just kind of measuring and doing like technical stuff I’m not really like adventuring or anything you know Kind of just measuring you know Soccer food was hungry me too honestly I haven’t eaten since I got up which wasn’t that like I guess like like it wasn’t like this morning like I slept in today as usual so it’s not as long as you might think but it’s it’s a while

One two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen that’s fifteen okay that’s definitely the right size and one for overhang and then the road okay okay overhang So this is where the road out of me okay Yeah I guess so snow I guess yeah it just like there’s some there there’s some part of my brain that like equates quiet chat with like me not being entertaining you know so as people are working that’s fine but just a little it makes me nervous well I’m not nervous

But it makes me think I guess The road doesn’t necessarily have to remain flat I just want to measure it out a little bit here yeah let’s go for real ten o’clock dude Thank you That’s foreign A little bit of weight recently I mean I could stand to lose a little bit of weight so I mean there’s not much of a problem for me but yes you definitely want don’t don’t want to under eat too much Foreign yeah I didn’t really honestly Kyle hey Alex was going dude hey Luna how you two doing today Foreign Problem for me where I tend to forget to eat a little bit Cool yeah but I don’t like I don’t like spending money on on meals too much like I’ve been trying to like I said after all these computer repairs I’m kind of broke so I’ve been avoiding spending money as much as possible for the last couple of the last week or so Okay so I got grocery time coming up soon though so Foreign collection out here cooking is good of course yeah like I’ve I’ve been making my own bread right lately it’s been pretty good I’ve more or less figured out how to make like a big like pancakey tea biscuit it’s pretty good honestly been reworking your vacation plans did

You do the weather that sucks but for reference gotcha because I was I was gonna use um one side for mine but it’s fine I’ll I’ll move it later it’s not like an urgent problem Thank you foreign Cat All right I gotta get back to what I was doing Foreign like it’s a big server there’s a lot to load so it’s not so much that it’s slow there’s a lot to do Good plans go to Honolulu let’s do slums around the regions if you don’t know it’s gonna make sense yeah Thank you Yeah it’s cool Kyle I agree it helps you helps you get around these areas a lot better for sure Yeah yeah it’s uh fast travel stuff pretty good Oh there’s so much to do foreign just blow all this up because like I’m not actually keeping the prisoner like I mean I’m keeping what I’m picking up because like there’s no reason not to but the whole purpose of what I’m doing here is to make a farm

That gives me infinite prismarine so like it’s like I have to in this whole place down one layer at a time like I’m gonna be holding gray before I’m done this keeps up okay I just got a mega thingy somehow oh uh if you need if you need some

Icarus I have several different sapling types already stored so if you specifically want cherry wood I have like a ton of sapphire I can bring some out there and you can start like farming your own not a problem uh not too much Kyle so um I’m planning

On remaking it into a farm that will spawn Gardens to kill them so I can get like stuff from them basically so it’ll it’ll go from being you know a guardian whoops being uh an ocean Monument to being a guardian Farm most definitely attention anyway thanks thank you

Yeah I’m holding my shovel on any other hand because like whenever you gain experience because I have mending on my tools uh it’ll send me uh send experience there to repair whatever you have in your hands or what you’re wearing and my shovel in my pick are the two

Things I always need that I don’t really except to have any experience right this like I’m not fighting anything or removing anything it’s not a bad thing to keep in mind foreign a better area for your shelf cool that’s not like prismarine changes colors as well like this one is like

Much more blue but then some of the times it like isn’t this blue you know the ones you got uh were new ones ones you’re missing from your collection got three for 40 bucks nice pretty good deal actually I’d probably collect more of those things if you know they didn’t intend to

Be a little pricey like one of my long-term goals is to get back to painting um warmer Miniatures I love those things but hey expensive B I need better Lighting in my recording space and yeah it’s one of those things that’s just sort of on the to-do list I don’t know

What exactly to get to it but it’s not like urgency I’m gonna finish up this uh section here Icarus and I’ll bring you those uh those trees right oh yeah uh 10 o’clock match winners are pixel Kyle April and Dustin new match open as well [Applause] all right sorry Foreign Foreign Foreign At least at least one of the Wings done my wings I mean like these like side areas hey it’s a prism ring everywhere anyone ever wants any free prison marine by all means come and get it like seriously it’s just here yeah all right let me dump off some of this

Crap and I’ll come bring those trees out uh Icarus thanks for grabbing those Snacks by the way are you gonna fix my stuff as well because I’m lazy I keep I keep using my vote coins to just repair my my hair like I could go kill stuff for a while but I’m lazy

Shovel fixed yay although one of the advantages apparently to this Guardian Farm is apparently it just like makes experience like for breakfast so that’s gonna be awesome you can go to that yeah it does Linda you know any other kinds you want to uh you’re interested in uh Megan I was like I’ve

Got I’ve got Birch saplings Oak saplings first saplings Mangrove those are pain saplings Acacia saplings I can bring you a little bit of each if you like or you can you can make a whole moldy wood Orchard if you want to foreign stock well I’ll bring you more than enough put it

That way Oh yeah light well we’ll see even if I don’t you know we’ll see as I understand it like the fall damage uh kills them or is meant to kill them and the one I was looking at and like the expand the MLB there was experience from it but maybe it’s only

On Bedrock that works that way guess we’ll see none isn’t money ah perfect I love fake money but yeah um I don’t know where you want to put them I guess this point right here isn’t there we got like jungle trees right over there Stars

Look over here like um I don’t know if if there’s anywhere in particular you want to put them but we could uh slap him down a little bit of room between them I think four is enough space for them thank you foreign starting a different kind of wood Farm

Is a great idea actually out here you guys are even a growing Angel sword okay on that light well other trees need some space all right so thank you wow that you’re fast started there look at that oh sorry what do you want to say here sorry

The trees uh I mean I’m happy where they are honestly if I’m wrong when I’m wrong I’m like you’re gonna tell me why I’m wrong that’s fine but I mean I’d rather I’d rather learn than just have someone rearrange them for me I mean I mean you may have a thing and

That’s fine but like I said like I’d rather know than just go see like it kind of drives me like okay like one of those things that I’m too polite to say because I don’t want to like hurt anybody’s feelings but it kind of drives

Me nuts when when when you go look hey Matt watch this well rather than just explaining what you’re doing try to sit there and watch like a five-year-old you know like it kind of like drives me insane but I’m too polite to say anything but like it’s not fair to like get annoyed

And not tell you so yeah foreign it’s not like I’m not like mad at you about it I’m just like you didn’t know and I you know it’s not fair for me to get mad and not like explain so like it’s cool if you want to help I

Just would rather you just explain it to me rather than be like hey Matt I’ll just rearrange it like okay but like why you know Yeah I know but like this is meant to be pretty this is just like I’m just you know like Icarus want a different colored wood so there is no different colored wood I’m gonna give her the saplings now I just wanted to lay them out and look it’d be helpful

Um you know and like if we want to make like an actual pretty farm that’s fine I was just playing some trees wasn’t any particular Rhyme or Reason or whatever to it oh and you’re okay to pull down there you go so Acacia is reddish wood the Spurs will

Be darkish wood uh uh Birch is nice and light we’re already growing um Cherry of course is pinkish but yeah the the the the acacia is kind of orange honestly oh yeah just like you’re you’re playing The Mountain ring nice how’s that going But yeah sorry here did you say a thing I’m sorry like I said you said Matt question mark but I didn’t actually see you’d ask me anything yeah I like the the cherry trees are pretty good at growing like together and they’ll grow pretty fast you might need to spray something a

Little more than I’ve got them I’m not exactly sure I have the spacing totally correct but you get the idea let me go smash some more bottles it’s my pickaxe I’m breaking things oh no yeah you can’t hear you can go for it like I said like go on out there and

Grab something if if you want there’s way more prisoner in there than I have any business needing or using so just go for it foreign tools fixed underlay oh uh there’s a vote shop uh Council like by by voting for the server on different like Minecraft server websites

You get votes vote tokens and then you can spend those in the boat shop so I can use them to buy experience or a few other things by the way cool so I should uh give us a start but yeah I know I’ll definitely um I I do definitely agree I actually

That’s a good point here I I I I should bring some of the some of the should bring some of the prison right now here and fix the plaza that would that that would be nice I agree uh you were saying earlier I think right just the right way yeah Zooming intensifies you realize like I’m gonna get spoiled right now I’m flying around like this you know you’re like no more flying for you and I’ll be like me whining okay remember we’re a bunch of uh prismarine brick is honestly my favorite out of um bring some prisoners as well

Dark Rosemary is definitely like the rarest of the bunch no solid snow no salad interesting sounds chilly is it full of iceberg lettuce what wasn’t there today you can schedule a day to visit the classroom gotcha all right I don’t want to have like a ton of dark

Prismarine because it’s like it’s it’s a good highlight brick but I don’t know if it’s like a main build brick who is like oh here you I mean who stream is it what snow is stream because like snow is here too fairly certain she can hear me

I don’t get it but okay sure um I’m not sure like I guess maybe or I hear you rather I’m not sure if it means you I think it means you I’m drowning this is what happens when you have like three chats happening at once you know

You got like my chat the server chat and then possibly other stream chats I was just like which chat we’re talking about I don’t even know anymore a chat somewhere yeah well they’re basically April uh there’s like an app that like helps the Bedrock on Console figure it out

Basically as to like where it needs to go is uh please my head is director down without asking to shake my head wait director down rude down without asking what yeah I’m sorry Icarus like I’m I’m I’m usually good at like piecing together like like like I’m pretty sure

I know what you were trying to say I’m just yeah I don’t know like I’m I’m usually pretty good at like like con you know context clueing it but every so often it’s just like huh no Icarus no stroking that the box is about to get destroyed no box

Yeah just like forget it it’s fine don’t worry about it I got torches so many torches oh my God I hahaha I was like oh God no oh God no oh God oh God yep yep where’s the chest at there it is found it we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good

Chest is going in the middle of the road for the moment because I don’t know so so yeah Uh yeah yeah there’s a mobile app yeah so you use the the mobile app to teach your cotton Soul Bedrock where it needs to go basically or something to that effect what oh okay foreign why is it different oh it’s not I’m just weird okay no you don’t have any stairs we need

Stairs there and I’m gonna go borrow here he is thinking again sorry I forgot I could fly that that moment where you when you forget you can fly double tap Space by accident and like in the middle of a jump just go yeah like oh God [Laughter]

I scared myself I start taking off like a rocket like oh God hahaha sorry it really shouldn’t be that funny but just yeah just in the middle of a jump just certainly strapped a rocket to your to your button real like oh God I overshot it slow down oh that was funny

Yep don’t mind me I’m uh uh here we go what do you think here are you and Icarus anyone else who wants to come look at this design because I’m looking you know I’m I’m yep he says not desperate for your purple at all we’re still working on like the middle

Like regular prismarine in there I guess how’s that look see I’ve been set up so like the water channels through here nicely to the to the to the moot I don’t know I’m not sure we’re doing with the rest of the plaza as of yet but

This inner area looks nice I think you give the approval yay foreign Hang on there’s a problem it’s one out this way and two out that way oh God no it’s uneven this cannot stand five six seven five six two three four five six seven why is it doing that that doesn’t seem right oh it absolutely is Kyle yeah no um like

I I’ve never been diagnosed with OCD but I would not it would not surprise me if I had at least some some amount of it somewhere booting around this brain of mine because like it will bother with us out of me if it’s not Light is there any possibility that this is the the the thing is ever so slightly lopsided perhaps one two three four five six five one two three four yeah see this side is is off hang on that’s why I’ll fix it oh crap oh no okay we’re good I I hope I think

It’s like like one two three four okay but then like why is it like if it’s not then like my design is wrong somewhere because it’s like here see it’s it’s not centered what are you doing oh yeah I guess I would do it wouldn’t it okay you could have just said that

No like it’s fine you you play it out you’re right it was wrong like that’s that’s fine just you know I don’t mind fixing it myself there we go foreign I definitely do that like I’m not gonna flip out if someone tells me that I’m wrong because you know

Like it happens like a lot actually Foreign We are good design fixed symmetry restored excellent I believe so uh April yeah that sounds good why is this oh I know foreign Bricks label is very clean All right cool And then you put this back even try once once it wants the next sandwich is up that’s good though cool so we’ve completed the Pavilion good I haven’t yet again decided what I’m doing with the rest of the road exactly but I I guess I can run a few samples and

See what looks best I guess thank you Have like a ton of dark prismarine but There’s some kind of out of dark though oh all right so retro this middle thing light made format for us because like it like you wanted a place to put this um but it’s this it’s a warp point back to like the main part of the server

Because this is like a big Community server that um is hosted by but like like is it my server I’m just a guest on it um and so I’m I’m making uh roads here for like our little monsterville town on the server basically trying to see which of these I like as

Far as general design goes yeah it does yeah it makes makes it around a lot easier for sure foreign which of these do you guys like best for for a street I’ve done it in chunks of poo uh I hear your makers if you guys have a second uh for your input you

Don’t have to wait a second if you’re busy let me know but if you’re if you’re free um I would appreciate your thoughts on it to see what you you guys would like to do with it what are you guys thinking chat because we got the dark prismarine outside with

Brick in the middle we got brick outside dark middle we got brick outside regular metal we got regular outside Brickman on then just solid brick I would have liked to put more but I ran around a dark prismarine so you like the the dark outside Kyle personally

It does fit with the the look we’ve got here in the middle for sure um I did call yeah as well yeah we are now symmetrical turns out I was the one breaking it but that’s but par for the course really like the the kind of back and forth yeah

Like that’s one thing that uh they do back in back in uh the spawn is like the road is kind of like like like a dirt road more than this like this probably won’t be like the whole Road I just kind of want to like get it uh for like a

Local Plaza you know so I might do the dark outside for the Plaza I need to go get more more prismarine oh that one is prismarine the the these are prismarine bricks that’s prismarine and this is dark prismarine and the farm that I’m making will be

Producing all like what will give us the means to make all of them and basically any amount we want which is why I’m doing it because they look nice I do wish I could like turn them though because they’re not symmetrical with the row you need to like not look at it except darker’s Marine well yeah but like you said that we can use uh like Squid Ink in in in in addition to what we got right to make that so

Like Ink’s not too hard to come by Yeah like it’s got a nice a nice blue I mean Foreign I like the prismarine I do but I kind of like this actually what do you think of this I I tweaked a little bit squid Farm April probably like there’s you can Farm nearly any on this one The other thing I could do is replace some uh replace the the dark prismarine inside with sea lanterns because those glow but that would be a lot of sea lanterns maybe like every so often I could put something like along the road glad you’re kind of like that because I

Don’t know like I just wish I could I could flip like like the brick you know what I mean because like they’re the same if I can like put it in the other way and have it like have the the design on the brick the other way it would be perfect but

It’s just like nope not gonna do it Matthew but it’s kind of whatever as I don’t look too hard at it should be fine well I guess it wouldn’t I guess it would depend on what we wanted to do with the rest of the the plaza but this is also

Kind of an option we kind of like that little step looking thing I’m gonna get the water to go down that too kind of hustle so the water runs along it I kind of like that actually I do I do I do like that it might be a better use of the brick

Let me get the water down here and then I’ll go make some more stairs oh God so many stairs oh God I made a million stairs a million million million stairs oh no wait what is the fastest tool for breaking wool is there one it seems like equally fast with everything I’ve tried

Foreign what’s happening with what hang on my brain just jumped around the track again always like that it’s like oh I guess like every other one does go there okay that’s just me ignore me No I don’t necessarily need a gun I’m just having a moment come on I’m deciding what to do with it it’s like yeah it’s right okay I just didn’t notice it before I guess so I might need like another nether wood that goes there because I don’t think I

Have it I don’t know I don’t know where it went or what happened to it but I’m gonna need another another another another plank thingy I didn’t realize I was there but like just now I have no idea how I didn’t say it but I didn’t oh

Already Wow Let’s go over 11 o’clock match then everybody foreign Oh no it doesn’t okay foreign Thank you there we go just about foreign Sigma Bob get these filled in with my free green as soon as I can make some more dark prismarine thank you so I need group and that doesn’t seem right why doesn’t it that’s why okay I see what happened here well

I guess alternatively I could just do it that way gotta fill in the rest of it cool so once I get the what do it again once I get more dark uh dark prismarine I can go fill those in and we’ll have ourselves a nice little Central Hub but

We can then build the plaza around I’m not sure what we’re gonna do with that design wise but that should work nicely hey Taco what’s up dude yeah I’ve been back uh since last Friday Yes Taco will definitely need his hours back that’s right oh the motives no uh well because I’ve I’ve been did I not I actually put out a thing second thing it was fixed I guess because I assumed that like the the streams would speak themselves I guess I

Guess you have a point there because I didn’t actually say it was fixed did I did I did I I don’t remember hang on pole pole no I did yeah uh four days ago I’m laid back running with a repair computer yeah so yeah I did

So yeah I guess uh YouTube was just not not doing a good job of communicating for me um Taco sorry dude no you’re fine you’re fine don’t apologize YouTube is not great at delivering the notifications trust me you are totally fine but your hand up some snacks um do you remember how many

Hours you had because unfortunately one of the things that went to Kaboom is my files for my chatbot so I have to rebuild everybody which sucks but you know life so if you remember how many hours you have please and thank you I’m gonna go ahead and give saggy and

Jen a 10 hour boost I don’t know if they’re planning on Hangout or not Saturday sound like he’s gonna come back and hang out it’s pretty cool um no idea you’re cool with restarting no well fine but you get you you you get a 50 boost just so you actually

Have like you know enough to use the commands again hours wise oh Alex how many how many uh do you have by the way I need to fix yours too and then Lou as well my goodness I’m sorry I’ve been slacking yeah well uh the snacks we are

Restarting on but the hour is we’re not because hours are more of a you know like depending on schedules and stuff you know what I mean like time time is valuable and and yeah foreign But no uh I I like I know you’d hit several of um several of the Milestones Taco so and I’ll give you like 100 I guess like like unless you’re serious about the 1400 but like I don’t I don’t think there were that many unless I’m extremely wrong which is possible

You’re missing okay I thought I thought so I thought so I was like well that doesn’t sound right Foreign cool that should help you guys get situated but now um I’m gonna go make some more dark prismarck yeah I’m debating if I want to like have a I have like a secondary mode around the outside of the plaza you know I mean it’s like a final layer like boats are cool but I don’t want to like overuse the motif of them either you know part of it now

You know I’m just like I said before say it again I’m just a guy playing video games you know the fact that there is a community here is because of you guys That one doesn’t work anymore Alex I I’m still in the process of like repairing commands that are missing there is now however our commands commands you want to see which ones I have got working or at least trying to Boop is still frustrating me for some reason I don’t know why Boop isn’t

Working but it’s not yeah oh I have a thought as a white mate though I just had I I just had a brain move hang on a second here I have an idea I’m closing down the bot for a second foreign It might be because it’s not running in administrator mode you come for snorkel 7 well obviously obviously I’m just a guy that feeds them you know boom where are you love scanning for life foreign am I messing with my own brain again I think I might be oh I don’t know what’s happening

All right Taco what’s thank you for popping in dude always good to see you I hope you had a good day all right sounds good dude see you tomorrow oh uh it’s because she used to be one of our monsters a legend Kyle and she supports when she can but life

Happens so I just left it you know foreign Oh it’s from Star Trek Kyle from uh I want to say one of the movies or episodes where data gets like emotions I’m gonna go make those go make those dark prismarine blocks now I’m going the wrong way moving yeah foreign tomorrow oh yeah last call for midnight massive

Or sorry for a little uh lesbian mesh I’ll test it I guess oh there it goes yeah I need a big black dye first okay yeah it makes sense rosemarine why did not bring enough uh crystals foreign is uh less convenient to make noted like a lot less wow thank you

Yeah yeah like Bedrock I think auto updates to like the most recent thing whereas this ever runs pretty consistently on 1.2.1 recently 1.2.2 but yeah It’s me I wanted to test something might work now Still not working I thought maybe running it in an admin mode would like make it you know click but one of these days let me try it again I tweak something will that make it work one of these days I’m gonna I’m gonna hit the right combination of things and I’m gonna like

One of those things I wish I could remember would have done in the first place pretty much seven yeah hang on I’m gonna try one more thing no nothing Maybe let me actually like turn on the fail messages maybe to give me put me in the right direction Maybe

It’s crap pooping April this time because like if it was even like recognizing this you know like yeah it’s not even doing it just like now foreign yeah it’s a it’s a it’s a retro synthwave 170 yeah which I like so thank you thank you

Yeah I’m just trying to get like to try to figure out like because I I can’t I can’t test it when the stream is off these days which is kind of annoying I’m trying to figure out what the heck and it’s just not very helpful if I do that

Yeah I guess I guess I could do that yeah just genuinely baffled me oh uh matches open again by the way sorry I’m gonna call winners in a second here Foreign Thank you Huh yeah wait no it’s weird because like in the in the documentation it clearly says like you know like it lays out like what you need to do to make it like read from a file I know I had it set up before so I know

It like has ability to do it it’s just like math read line file location oh is it the space it’s the space isn’t it I am being a total idiot it says it’s a space it better not be it totally is though watch watch it’ll work now because I I

Had a space in it Watch now it’ll work because out of space foiled by a space yeah foiled by a space naturally of course well that all that works whatever Space there we go Boop and Boop over again fixed learn things See if this works too while I’m at it Foreign Once Upon a Time working as well and I’ve literally just copy and pasted it in to the command thing so you’d think it would work because I didn’t miss anything on that one no space is possible so balance I just did like this like what if I just simplified it foreign

Oh I have a thought I think I might know why it’s not working hang on no not this time I don’t think yeah so give is still being weird I don’t know what what its problem is unless that’s the same maybe because it’s using ID and not usernames

It’s not even nothing I can do it’s really amazing the kind of things you can forget though like I I had all this working once upon a time but I but it’s been so long since I had to look at it I don’t remember any of it you know

What I mean it’s wild Foreign I’ll I’ll look at that tomorrow after I just I got distracted my bad my bad I’m putting it down I’m putting it down I’m putting it down Mash winners are grenade Alex April Icarus and Kyle pretty much seven yeah there’s just other things and like it’s it’s it’s

Very much one of those things where it’s like if you don’t think about it then well then like why would you you know what I mean like it just it worked so like I don’t I don’t I don’t need to actively remember every single day why or how it works but

It works so don’t worry about it but now I have to put it back together again it’s like well now I actually need to know that crap um Do I want to put um what do you guys think should we put a moat around the outside of the plaza as well or no mode because we already have like like an inner mode and like we need an inner and an outer mode or no

Yeah I know I I open a new one pixel because I’m not done yet we’re already over time anyways MDG vote no mode Yeah Yeah well yeah I’d like to put that down but it’s wool to help like help us uh visualize like lot sizes so I’m gonna move on that later Yeah so like we have this like water thing inside Icarus here so that’s kind of like an as like as like our inner mode and then I was wondering if we should have like another one like here before it hit the road kind of like around me and around the

The outside of it like kind of like an outer mode I’m trying to decide if it’s gonna look good or bad or what I guess I could like do a test fit I guess I’ll do like a quarter of it real quick and then we’ll see how it looks it’s not too far out I’m too far out darn I left all my bricks at home well then um all right Kyle good night dude thanks for hanging out with us hope you had some fun I’m gonna stop working at those now because seriously all right keep like tricking myself into thinking that my measurements are off and I’m

Looking more I think about it the more likely I am to like mess it up by accident so just I don’t even worry about it I thought this was on the inside of the thing and then now but this is now there and not there

Because I I thought I had one more space and I don’t like the just yeah the spacing is different than I thought it was one two three that’s right yeah it was 17 across oh yeah no that’s that’s right but then so yeah that’s just in the wrong spot okay whatever uh

You’ve never had a dark prismarine yes I am yeah math is mapping I need to go get more prismarine put this person right here for now come back for it foreign thank you Foreign crap okay by my left a little bit um I still haven’t eat of all that dark prismarine outside and here for example whoa there’s like gold in here what you know there’s a gold core in these things I feel like Daffy Duck I’m rich I’m rich Yeah golden Green’s not bad I know it was in there or just a gold coat I guess a a eight eight blocks of solid gold in the middle of it but no idea was there oh yeah this is the ocean Monument oh well it’s left of it I’ve been tearing

It apart all day uh on the whole day with Australian a bit at a time We finally uh drained the dang thing so all the fish are you know dead or well mostly because if you put your pockets of water in there somewhere but by and large dead yeah so in certain places in the ocean these will spawn there’s one there’s a

Few others around here actually it’s not too far away hello there’s another one like around here somewhere real quick the next nearest one is just over to the west of us actually that’s not far at all I think that’s what that is no it might not be actually uh okay where’s the next

One nearest one then South South okay Be moving that way so that way is Surprises in the Assets in the west yeah navigating by the Sun That’s weird Basic North okay no you’re fine so you’re fine yeah face in the wrong direction because yeah I like it yeah it’s going that way so that way is west which means North is behind me yeah okay good it’s this way sorry I’m not I’m not good at spatial

Reckoning it took me a second there as long as useful foreign Island fine I under shot it almost there there we go so this is a motion Monument when it’s not been you know torn apart by a maniac um those little coal fish looking pin cushion fish flying out cruising around

Our Guardians it will shoot you with lasers like a bunch of jerks because they are and uh there’s rare goodies inside like uh the Elder Guardians deep within this will drop um sponges which you can use for clearing water away if you want to um there’s there’s there’s there’s there’s

The debuff I got too close um and uh yeah like it’s it’s got some some neat some neat loot inside and and more or less you go in there for the sponges uh the loot and the prismarine which is what the place is made of yeah it does let you good night Renee

Um and so I decided to go in there kill kill the three Elder Guardians that hide within and go mine and then proceed to drown the place in sand I know Icarus yeah it’s like just like Doom like ah what um and so yeah I decided to uh kick the

Kick the snot out of the out of mine and made this instead so now mine is no longer a monumented it’s now just you know a mine for a prismarine and uh lots and lots of sand Um I have my bucket handy and I have cows you’re there I know I’m here yay but the power of milk Yeah and yeah Enderman her nose a little little pukes it’ll kind of just like a zip around and the noise is scary but don’t really do anything in the eye and then just bad times and Sue Harriet Your mouth when they’re mad cool foreign [Applause] Thank you yeah you had one in your house I guess oh no so yeah there there’s our our test fit of the outermost I kind of don’t mind it actually I’m not gonna lie it like removed this one and put a brick there instead to end off the thing

That actually looks kind of nice I do not hate that it is seven yeah just making the things doing the stuff awesome training montage this uh this thing here a little bit I don’t know if I’m completely sold on it but like I kind of like ah Foreign on the bottom here instead of the brick because like brick and brick again is kind of like it’s kind of making me Twitch a little bit I don’t know it’s not terrible because like the state oh well no it goes up the stairs yeah

What do you guys think was it is it better with the with the with like the the like the the more texturey prismarine under there or like the brick and you know what I might actually do the prismarine because I like the like it breaks up the the you know like it’s

Not just all one thing the brick is cleaner and smoother I agree but like I don’t know like going from dark prismarine to like the the grittier prismarine to then the brick on the inside yeah I mean I don’t know like I’m a little torn frankly

It’s like this is sort of my least favorite prismarine but it’s also I don’t know like it’s a lot it’s kind of like a like a detail in this case not like a front designer thing I don’t know I’m torn um I’m not gonna look straight at it most

Time anyway though so like is it gonna matter with all that often I don’t know like you can you almost can’t even tell at a distance foreign Foreign Foreign [Applause] I think we can do better somehow but not having any immediate ideas as to how we kind of want to break up all the brick that’s not bad hey what’s up red how are you doing tonight dude social kind of works wasn’t originally what I had in mind but

Like it’s making my brain hurt less as far away spacing’s wrong I actually don’t like that what do you guys think there’s ice up here I’m debating whether I should put like the dark prismarine down the outsides of it too make it into more of an arrow but

Like I don’t know if I have to do that you know like along here for example I need to make some more dark prism real quick ah no there it is look here you stole it how dare you take back the thing that is actually yours and I’m just borrowing it It’s like that way it kind of you know like it yeah I don’t know what do you think Icarus too much dark prismarine I don’t know like I could remove more of it let the like like the outer layer I like I’m not sure if I need the outer and the

Inner like like the double border but it doesn’t like suck either I don’t know About that one So I wanted wanted to change the work for like the regular prismarine in so it wasn’t just not around at all I can also move these ones in one so it’s not like two and two would be one and one again I mean like that that actually

Yo yo like the the uh the two dark ones I think I’m gonna try is I’m gonna budge these over one because I think it might actually look better if I did it that way budget over like one space so it’s got a little no because see no no that won’t

Work in that direction no no I’m moving the wrong one dang it look at me that thing you just said not to do you’re you’re you’re doing it me me why why hold that back I’m sorry this one is the one I want to go over foreign I think I might like that better yeah see this lines up with that now and there’s one space here and there’s a space between this and that yeah yeah that helps that makes it look better in my in my opinion yeah I figured here yeah it’s getting late for you I know

Yeah there was just something about the spacing before that I didn’t quite like and this definitely seems to help with it foreign there there we go that looks good I like that a lot actually what’s up man I’m quite happy with that I think the um I think the the mode

Actually does add something to it I’m gonna need so much more dark prismarine for that uh uh I’ll do these things to myself later today land Rick shark stair normal stair dark brick here yeah I figured here I figured I I saw your message in uh yeah

You gotta go to bed dude I’ll get you foreign Like my biggest challenge in Minecraft is just getting my brain to play nice I I do not have good facial looking that’s why I keep making these little mistakes as far as like where things need to go because my Brand’s like is that right no and then I’ll stop and

I’ll overthink it to death and I’ll end up making a mistake because I have it wrong takes me a few tries sometimes you know power of persistence eventually it shall be done and it’s interesting seeing that like putting this in in in in in in in in a different uh

A different medium like you’re saying like the the green look at the gold looks looks uh looks good on the green well yours like a different green entirely you know hang in there land like a There’s a lot of building things Icarus so we’re just building like Sprites in Minecraft you’re always going to get something really off at least once right I think it’s easy to do all right here you have a good night all right thank you for being here for uh the dawn of monsterville Oh yeah uh do you remember how many hours you had uh land I know some snacks and that’ll make the bot realize you’re exist in a second here oh that works do we hear you yeah I’ve actually lowered that too so we’ve had it before it definitely is now

You’re you’re at 500 before then I hear you sleep well dude no I put a thing he yeah okay what’s that hang on was that at the end of it on the same level as that I put so this one should be there we go that will help me remember foreign

On dirt just gets shredded by by Diamond Chevrolet almost doesn’t exist at all we’re going to get that taken care of for their land currency red 500 hours there you go give it a second to update and you’ll be good to go spa or something oh I see what’s happening okay [Applause]

What’s up formula Got a guy on Fiverr who’s wrecking uh u3 fake one Sprites for 25 bucks nice I don’t have enough dark prismarine for this at this exact second so foreign formula oh spinal craft is a server um but uh like azer is part of that um he invited me to check out and decided

To give it a shot other than that I mean it’s it’s basically uh vanilla Minecraft it’s it’s Mo it’s a mostly vanilla experience so really Uh you’re a Bedrock yeah you can join these like like this world actually can be joined on Bedrock but the switch is not great at figuring it out it is possible there are people that do play it but it’s got connection issues so you’re welcome to try if you like

But it may not work You got that wrapped out Corner wise there I’ll leave that one open maybe I don’t know It does link the two that’s fine a lot more dark prismarine probably should go finish that actual Farm then because I’m gonna need a lot more of it I’ve got to die but I haven’t got the shower this is the problem thank you it’s not as bad as it was for Christmas

Why do you think they look cleaner foreign [Applause] Oh yeah it’s everything a little quiet again you guys I’m not really like I’m not trying to ignore anybody concentrating but like I can still read your messages I keep saying that I’m good I got all I got all self-conscious whenever I’m like quiet for too long in the streams

Oh man get Chris thank you thank you uh I’m actually playing it on uh Friday um Landers just uh such as a plan anyway sounds good land sounds good Five months I’m having chat for land please everybody Oh not exactly what I had in mind but it kind of works okay hang on a second here give me that no flying away dark person we’re gonna need you hey alligator am I gonna be late for something no I’ll say it it didn’t bend it dang it all right fine

That kind of works but it kind of doesn’t too is there like a dark prismarine stair is that a thing what’s up uh I need more I’m gonna need to make those aren’t they oh god I mean for now you’re fine mate you’re fine uh and you prefer uh Pete uh Diablo

I’m not sure what that means so that’s a little a little like you know but I mean does kind of work I kind of like it I wish I didn’t know that moment when you realize you’ve just done a thing that’s probably gonna make like a lot more work for yourself you’re just

Like because like I don’t hate that it widens the the Chiana what do you guys think like narrow channel or wider Channel I’m I’m generally torn now I don’t like it stairs hey welcome to uh uh patialo hope you’re having yourself an excellent evening not either oh no it’s fusing with the

Other stairs don’t do that yep that’s not gonna work good at least not there you know I guess there are ways to make it through something else We should go there see I just want that I don’t want this but I don’t think I have any way to make it do that is the problem like as long as it has the option of connecting there is is going to do it which

I’m not sure I have a choice no matter on that one I tried I think the answer here is don’t complicate matters Matthew leave it alone foreign yeah no I think I like I think I like the the thicker brick for that of course there’s now putting it back into a

Brick is there Well I got four dark prismarine stairs we’re gonna find a place for him somewhere who knows I don’t hate that actually it makes the gap between them a little less egregious Foreign in in in my inventory for all time you know anyways decided to stream jackbox would be worth it last week oh nice it’s kind of them looks like we’re going all the way around at least as far as the the Brick goes good I said I need a lot more dark prismarine

But there’s no shortcut to that at the moment so but at the jackpot good I hope Great job good I’m glad to hear that foreign But here we are gonna get a bricks too I have more at home with those though at least Magna blocks or oh uh magna or magma so I’ve seen magma but not not not Magna magma yeah those are cool fun fact if you’re underwater and you crouch and

Walk on them you actually won’t burn and they’ll give you air models underwater got new uh not Nitro machine at Work Land nice well just about just about out of prismarine bricks so we’re gonna be the last of those right there’s a hole under here uh

It’s going to make my life a little bit more interesting stair dark brick blue stair dark brick thank you foreign All right so obviously a lot more work to do on this because I need a lot more bricks before we can complete what we are doing so sambos hi guys foreign thank you foreign foreign foreign Is laid out the way I like it where I want it um fancy extra bits or whatever but at least at the moment it’ll do crap on a dirt hobby as usual I’ll put extra dirt in this box here in case anybody wants it extra prismarine is in there as well hey Icarus

Oh I need to get that like I like the next time we do this I might honestly pester you guys to come help me like like finish tearing down the monument gonna have a boat that keeps the Black Knight at Bay all right um because at this point like

Yeah tearing down the rest of the monument and getting the uh the prismarine generator setup would be really useful but as I was um how’s your place going anyways are you crazy snows around in the caves and stuff that’s flying tree yeah there’s like a single brick

Floating in here the tree on hang on a second here check this out it’s just a tree behold Larry the flying tree you guys have your grab some stuff fair enough fair enough We love Larry right foreign six hour huh oh yeah I guess I just I guess I did start like tonight didn’t I guess the uptime command is gone too I didn’t even realize that just second it doesn’t just work does it it’s not a built-in thing I I gotta make that too

I think yeah yeah on on the to-do list thank you I’m just I’m looking through through the documentation real quick I feel like uptime should be a relatively simple command to put back but I’m like schmee no no no no I’m I’m actually I’m actually quite awake I’m just trying to figure out bot stuff because it’s gonna bother me

Now I’ve become aware of it [Applause] oh you think I I was searching through it for like Their documentation thing is a little annoying sometimes but foreign Apparently I’m like looking for like the command like where is it where is it if it’s simply just up time that would be like a super easy it’s done cool that’s all it it it’s it’s legitimately just up top okay cool dream has been live for okay up time is fixed

Let’s write this down so I remember which ones to update the page with after enough time is now fixed I’m gonna like bookmark this page there’s a lot of like simple ones on it that’s pretty good just help me with my stuff after cool so I thought boobs working again up

Times working again that’s good what else was there to do I don’t remember doesn’t matter moving on uh the blood in my mind squirrel squirrel s bring some sand tearing this place down Make some glass glass is nice All right dark prismarine yay you’re valuable to me now you weren’t before and I’m sorry I didn’t know what you were worth I underestimated the value of dark prismarine it’s only now that I realize it’s a giant pain in the Bahamas to actually make it in large quantities

It’s like no or you can just make more of that you’re funny yeah you can but not conveniently My imagination or does like other people just like prismarine look Bluer sometimes like it gets really really blue and then it and it kind of like washes out to be more like you know what I mean like look I don’t know and when it’s near see like like a super

Blue here and then at least my imagination I don’t know like maybe just I just don’t notice some of the time it looks it looks Bluer sometimes I swear it does it’s weird probably the lighting yeah see look now it’s like not blue anymore this is just kind of like pulse or something It was wait it was blue or a second ago I swear it was yeah see look it changes colors it does change color it’s just sort of passively I guess That out no it’s blue it goes from a green to a blue Foreign it’s blue but can’t remember why I can’t believe I can’t remember why I was blue a remix you know Fire mix yeah exactly Yes yeah he’s he’s blue but if it was green then then he’d die exactly April’s got it Dash hand hi there Foreign Fish thank you actually really the one spot there’s no saying seriously dang it I already dug the Center from here we’ll stand over there so the little little do hang on a second here work smarter not harder Foreign Ouch where’s my rain that hurts well here’s more to stay in the business I was sitting in as a problem but foreign stretch like I don’t know when I move just now did that count just like no no you’re sure Nicholas is building tall things thank you Foreign Foreign foreign Foreign Foreign Charisma is rapidly running back out again we got some cool well it’s not done but it’s better [Applause] okay the records Foreign Air it’s nice to see you again thank you Well it does that like it almost sounds like it’s winding up for a Rick Roll almost All right obviously there’s a lot more to do I need more dark prismarine mostly but other than that I mean not too bad actually got pretty much all the brick laid in except for the again this except for the dark person I have all the brick light in um

We need to see about the underneath section here though it’s going to be a bit of a thing just this big ugly empty underneath section that I don’t much like is this where you went to Icarus down this hole here or is it completely different spot Lyrics to to Rickroll yes exactly only indeed something went down here let’s go news around say hello Somebody went for us for lunch that’s for sure might have been uh ant Maybe Look there’s still some space to go looking through town here too not much but copper pretty deep April yeah okay I got this place again another Talent getting lost in tunnels oh hey look iron let’s go what’s up I hope I’m not taking somebody’s iron away from them right now

As far as I oh hi [Applause] thank you foreign Anyway Foreign it’s green yeah I know I’m the same way hey bro was just like okay I went left yo that went right no I went I went up up um uh uh shoot I went somewhere and I got here somehow and just laughs you go up thinking the leg up is good

But then upload to a whole other cave like a whole other dead end like what how you none of these look like up anymore oh God yeah I torch on the side of the wall would it would would work yeah thank you I wasn’t being the side cave

It’s been like back down this way and it helps somewhere else Maybe more iron foreign [Applause] [Applause] we did not have containment we do not have containment thank you [Applause] what’s up AJ King coming up with someone’s using it yeah I’m just gonna like reinforce the bottom a little bit There we go that’s better anyway foreign I’d like to bring up some seed lanterns as well and maybe have them hover above these like points they’re light I don’t know we’ll figure that one out at some point where where is Icarus anyway curious now yeah Icarus yeah chicken I see a chicken

No chicken You’re not here no okay cow oh I see a tree oh yeah our trees were up nice too didn’t they wait what are you doing oh you were making the mangrove uh farm this whole time huh just realized this is like a the heck is going on over here oh my goodness wow

You got a whole finger doing aren’t you my goodness making like a like a like a pixel art thing or something maybe you can tell what it is that it is like a just big cherry wood thing Vision will come true all right fair enough fair enough

Well in case you need it I brought you iron I’m cold you don’t want that’s fine too just I dug it up I don’t need it hmm oh that was trees get money tall don’t they are these it’s like redwoods or something yep foreign Thank you Foreign it was like two o’clock probably should go to bed at some point arrest made it not shaved man yeah Yeah it does April yeah Um it’s a really good that I don’t have uh my delivery after my phone anymore because seriously like I have the most overpowering like I really want a pizza right now I don’t need one but I want one like really bad you’re going cold turkey on Pizza no or

At least on delivery beats anyway Yeah I’ll show you something oh crap found my water again yeah I’m gonna head off here in a second myself I’m just compulsively doing this because my my room was like hey I remember that thing you were doing you didn’t finish oh God right yeah so I’m

Gonna like finish this room and then I’m gonna put it down because yeah thank y’all for being here for being uh and for staying as part of the late gang appreciate y’all hanging with me hopefully you had some fun with back tomorrow with the Pokemon Yellow extra difficult version of The Elimination

Challenge we’re kicking it up into uh to a whole a whole whole new year yeah I’m actually I’m actually really really pleased that like a bunch of you guys jumped on here with me you know I wasn’t sure if anybody would at all um so pretty cool stuff

And as always thank you for putting up with my with my uh Shenanigans when it comes to uh some of My Weirder habits when it comes to these games probably take down is that a bat is there a bat living in my house yes there is hello why are you here okay whatever

Three pixels already seen the lead and April’s right behind him Kyle’s pulling third man here you’ve been Nova pet friend look at this thing like just sort of menacingly like beats you know just oh yeah I don’t worry about it just you know menacing Heartbeats And again it does also give you light and breathing in the surrounding water too so I don’t know thank you oh so much stuff supposed to do I’ll probably leave like the floor layer alone frankly because like taking all that up and then having to put down a different floor

Seems a little pointless might just leave that alone But anyway I’m gonna go ahead and uh close up shop here for the night I think and I appreciate your efforts on that tree farm light but like I kind of I don’t even have those tricks like what what some of those trees are so president

I’m not sure what exactly like my space requirements are going to be on like the thing when it’s finally like time to go farm but foreign okay everyone sleep well take care please have a lovely evening or well night at this point and I will see you soon

That was my general intention light I guess we will Chelsea all right hey everybody Take Care thank you for being here for now a monster Matt out bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Spinalcraft Server | Working on Draining an Ocean Monument and Possibly a Guardian Farm’, was uploaded by MonsterMatt Gaming on 2023-09-28 08:15:12. It has garnered 343 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 07:32:15 or 27135 seconds.

I finally caught the Minecraft bug, I guess? Like a decade or more late. Oh well. Let’s go!


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~Donation Info and Links~ Donations are never expected, but are always appreciated! Use the link below, and you will be able to set up a custom message along with your donation, and enjoy the on-screen alert that pops up with it! Thank you so much!

StreamLabs Donations: Feel like trying to give me a jumpscare? Donate $6.66 with some good timing and watch the results!

And for those who’d like to become one of our Monstrous Members and support the channel month-to-month, this link will help you out!

Youtube Member Link: MonsterMatt Merch on Teespring: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Disclaimer: This channel is intended for a General Audience. I play video games that are Rated E for Everyone through to M for Mature. _________________________________________________________________________________________________

~Art and Music Credits~ Intro and Outro Music kindly provided by Scruffshroom, please check him out!

“Snarfles” the Mini-Monster made by the amazing Amy/Guineasquig! YT:

“Stream Starting Soon”, “Stream Over”, “Stream BRB”, and “Cocoa Break” screens all made by Saxix Twitter:

Background Music: “2hr+ Retrowave / Synthwave Mixtape – DMCA Royalty Free Music for Twitch” Link:

_________________________________________________________________________________________________ #minecraft #chill

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Flag Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft Flag Challenge The Ultimate Minecraft Flag Challenge 🚩 Welcome to the Ultimate Minecraft Flag Challenge! In this thrilling episode, we dive into the colorful world of Minecraft to put our creativity and skills to the test. Join us as we embark on an exciting journey to recreate the flags of various countries, including the United States, Mexico, Germany, India, and Turkey, all within the blocky universe of Minecraft! What to Expect: Epic Builds: Watch as we transform simple blocks into stunning flag representations that reflect the colors and symbols of each nation. From the iconic stars and stripes of the USA… Read More

  • EPIC START! Minecraft COLONY OF GS – EP #001

    EPIC START! Minecraft COLONY OF GS - EP #001 Bem-vindo ao Mundo de Minecraft! O universo de Minecraft é vasto e cheio de aventuras emocionantes esperando para serem exploradas. Se você é um fã de construção, sobrevivência e desafios épicos, este é o lugar perfeito para você! Prepare-se para descobrir segredos escondidos, enfrentar monstros temíveis e construir estruturas que vão impressionar a todos. Explorando Novos Mundos e Enfrentando Desafios Em Minecraft, a jornada é tão importante quanto o destino. Aprenda a encontrar diamantes, sobreviver em biomas perigosos e derrotar o Ender Dragon. Prepare-se para construir uma casa incrível que será o orgulho do seu mundo virtual. E não… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT HACKS EXPOSED Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks: A Creative Adventure 🏡✨ Embark on a journey through the world of Minecraft as we delve into some of the most viral and intriguing build hacks that promise to revolutionize your construction experience. From time-saving shortcuts to innovative techniques, we will test and evaluate the effectiveness of each hack, providing you with creative inspiration and practical tips along the way. Unveiling the Secrets of Minecraft Build Hacks 🛠️🔍 Join us as we uncover the hidden gems of Minecraft build hacks that truly work wonders. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a novice builder, these hacks… Read More

  • 15 Hilarious Minecraft Resource Packs!

    15 Hilarious Minecraft Resource Packs! The Best Minecraft Resource Packs of 2024 Introduction In the ever-evolving world of Minecraft, resource packs play a crucial role in enhancing the visual experience for players. From ultra-realistic textures to performance-boosting packs, there is a wide range of options available to suit every player’s preferences. Top 15 Resource Packs The Minecraft community is constantly creating and sharing new resource packs, but some stand out from the rest. Here are the top 15 resource packs of 2024 that you can download to elevate your Minecraft gameplay: 1. Ultra-Realistic Pack Experience Minecraft like never before with this ultra-realistic resource pack… Read More

  • Jack’s Important Moment

    Jack's Important Moment Minecraft: Exploring the World of GamerFleet and Jack Bhaiya Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where gamers like Jack Bhaiya and the GamerFleet community come together to create unforgettable experiences. Let’s dive into the action-packed realm of Lilyville, TNT gods, and epic showdowns! The GamerFleet Community The GamerFleet community is a vibrant group of Minecraft enthusiasts who come together to explore, build, and have fun. Led by Jack Bhaiya, this community is known for its entertaining streams, funny moments, and epic collaborations. Lilyville Adventures One of the highlights of the GamerFleet community is the adventures in Lilyville. From… Read More

  • Unveiling Minecraft Bundles

    Unveiling Minecraft Bundles Minecraft Introduces Bundles and Hardcore Mode in Realms Minecraft players have something new to look forward to as the game introduces bundles and hardcore mode in realms. This exciting update brings 16 colored variants of bundles, adding a fresh element to the gameplay experience. What are Bundles? Bundles are a convenient way for players to organize and store their items in Minecraft. With the addition of 16 colored variants, players can now customize their bundles to suit their preferences and style. This feature not only adds a practical aspect to the game but also allows for creative expression. Hardcore… Read More

  • Exploring Dark Forest & Far Caves in Minecraft 1.21.1

    Exploring Dark Forest & Far Caves in Minecraft 1.21.1 Minecraft 1.21.1 Shorts: Exploring the Dark Forest Embark on a whimsical journey through the dark forest in Minecraft 1.21.1 Shorts. Discover the mysteries hidden beyond the murky river and witness the intricate craftsmanship of the dwarves as they sculpt their creations with precision. Unveiling the Enigmatic Forest In the depths of the dark forest lies a realm shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Venture beyond the tangled undergrowth and explore the secrets that await you. From towering trees to eerie caves, the dark forest beckons with its enigmatic allure. The Dwarven Artistry Amidst the shadows of the forest, the dwarves… Read More

  • School’s Out, Workers In: Naughty Efekan & Alperen’s Minecraft Misadventures

    School's Out, Workers In: Naughty Efekan & Alperen's Minecraft Misadventures In a world of blocks and pixels, two friends were expelled from school, Naughty Efekan and Alperen, breaking every rule. But they didn’t let it bring them down, they found a new path, Becoming workers in Minecraft, facing the aftermath. With shovels and pickaxes, they dug deep into the ground, Building homes and structures, their creativity unbound. Laughing and joking, their friendship never waned, In the world of Minecraft, their joy remained. So join them on their journey, as they work and play, In this virtual world, where they spend their day. Naughty Efekan and Alperen, a dynamic duo… Read More

  • MINECRAFT: Coding with a Twist

    MINECRAFT: Coding with a Twist Aprender a Programar Con MINECRAFT ¿Te gustaría aprender a programar mientras juegas Minecraft? ¡ te ofrece la oportunidad perfecta para hacerlo! En este emocionante tutorial, explorarás los conceptos básicos de la programación a través de desafíos interactivos y bloques de código en el mundo de Minecraft. Tanto si eres un principiante en la programación como un fanático de Minecraft, este tutorial es ideal para ti. ¡Comienza tu viaje en el mundo de la programación hoy mismo! Descubre la Programación a Través de Minecraft te brinda la posibilidad de sumergirte en el fascinante mundo de la programación utilizando Minecraft… Read More

  • Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise!

    Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise! In the world of Minecraft, a giant mushroom grew, Secretly raised by a player, a sight so new. With zombies and plants, a battle ensued, In the realm of gaming, where fun is pursued. Subscribe to Z_Phragmites for more gaming delight, Updates on Plants vs Zombies, a thrilling sight. With each video, a new adventure takes flight, In the world of gaming, where dreams ignite. Read More

  • Villager’s Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme

    Villager's Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme Surprising Villager Logic: "I’ll trade you 20 emeralds for a piece of rotten flesh!" Oi Oi Oi Sleep Reaction: villager falls asleep standing up Minecraft logic at its finest! #shorts #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round

    Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round Minecraft Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters BONUS REMATCH Join Dream in his latest Minecraft adventure, the BONUS REMATCH of Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters! This thrilling and unscripted video brings together Dream and three hunters in an intense chase through the Minecraft world. The Minecraft Manhunt Series Dream has dubbed this series “Minecraft Manhunt,” where he faces off against multiple hunters instead of the usual one or two. In this video, the hunters include Daybroken, Harvey, and Galaxy, each bringing their unique strategies to stop Dream from completing the game. A New Challenge This time, the challenge involves Minecraft version 1.20,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations

    Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations Minecraft Mob Transformations: Unveiling the Secrets of Minecraft Creatures 🌟 Welcome to Villager’s Craft! In this video, we delve into the captivating realm of Minecraft mob transformations. Have you ever pondered under what circumstances a Zombie Villager can revert to a regular Villager or how other mobs evolve in the game? 🤔 From morph mods to in-game transformations, we’re exploring all the ways Minecraft creatures can undergo changes. Exploring Minecraft 1.21 and Beyond 🚀 In this video, we’re immersing ourselves in the world of Minecraft 1.21! We’re delving into everything from constructing the ultimate Iron Golem Farm 🛠️ to… Read More

  • Maizen’s 3D House INSIDE Mikey’s HAND?! (Minecraft)

    Maizen's 3D House INSIDE Mikey's HAND?! (Minecraft)Video Information This video, titled ‘How JJ Built a House inside Mikey’s HAND in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Maizen 3D on 2024-06-13 18:10:50. It has garnered 2698 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:25 or 2305 seconds. How JJ Built a House inside Mikey’s HAND in Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!

    EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey BLOW UP IRON GOLEM vs WITHER TNT in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ TV on 2024-02-15 12:01:44. It has garnered 4691 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:26 or 926 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey BLOW UP IRON GOLEM vs WITHER TNT in Minecraft Maizen! 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations of… Read More

  • EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!

    EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!Video Information This video, titled ‘Arceus FF gaming is live!minecraft survival island’, was uploaded by Arceus FF gaming on 2024-06-23 18:38:42. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:37 or 2557 seconds. Iam not a youtuber but we will try #videos #games @arceus ff gaming Read More

  • Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft Roleplay

    Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ketakutan Yang Ada – Bakwan: Fight Back Episode 25 [ Minecraft Roleplay ]’, was uploaded by Rolfeey on 2024-08-28 02:25:38. It has garnered 12145 views and 815 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:49 or 4009 seconds. Support the stream: ➽ Description !! Command Night bot !spec !donate !discord ➽Read Sekuyyy ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ And Dont Forget To Like, Comment, And Subscribe For More Video !! See Ya ➽Help Me Reach 100,000 subs!! : / rolfeey​ ➽Discord : / discord ➽Contact Me : Instagram: / rolfeey2 Twitter : / yourstar_2 Discord : Rolfeey 📧Business Email… Read More

  • Unlocking Herobrine’s Secret Powers! 😈 #Minecraft

    Unlocking Herobrine's Secret Powers! 😈 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine |’, was uploaded by Oprajgaming on 2024-04-24 16:56:01. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ○Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine | Tags #shorts #minecraft #herobrine #edit #minecraftshort #youtubeshort #editing #shortsvideo #minecraftshortvideo #minecraftshortsvideo #herobrine #herobrinesmp #attitudestatus #attitude #acharulipopuri #mcpe #mcpeshorts #minecraftshort #minecraftedit #minecraftedits minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

    Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by VinceyVideo Information This video, titled ‘r/TraumatizeThemBack is Wild’, was uploaded by Vincey on 2024-08-25 14:00:30. It has garnered 13654 views and 1403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:41 or 1241 seconds. Thanks for watching today’s Reddit video legends! Subscribe if you want to! My Minecraft: Shaders: BSL Shaders Texture Pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft Members Access: Become a member today for exclusive videos and Discord access! My Links! ⬇️ Instagram: Twitter: TikTok: 00:00 Intro 00:33 Story 1 02:56 Story 2 06:20 Story 3 07:49 Story 4 09:53 Story 5 11:22 Story 6 12:55 Story 7… Read More

  • Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!

    Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Прохождение Платной Сборки От OxFORTPACK / День 3 – Короткий день’, was uploaded by HaYaRy&ProSha on 2024-06-21 04:25:55. It has garnered 57 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:41 or 5741 seconds. 💵Post the meme directly on the broadcast – ✅Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Walkthrough Paid Build From OxFORTPACK / Day 3 – Short day 💵DONATE MONEY – 💵DONATE TO CARD – 2202201045736895 ❗❗❗IN A MESSAGE OR COMMENT, WRITE WHO DONATED, WHY❗❗❗ 💵TRADE / ProSha TRADE – 💵TRADE HaYaRy – ✅VK GROUP – ✅TWITCH –… Read More

  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

    Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice WatermelonVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-09 10:50:14. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

    INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villeger avesham song 🤣 #song #avesham #minecraft #malayalam #funny #viralshorts’, was uploaded by ZAIN GAMING on 2024-07-12 04:33:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to viral short video on youtube,shorts video viral kaise hoga,how to viral short video,shorts,shorts video,viral shorts video … Read More

  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More

  • Minecraft Build Hacks – EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!

    Minecraft Build Hacks - EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Build Hacks Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.20 [ Part 1 ] #minecraft #shorts #shortsvideo #mcpe #build’, was uploaded by Creyou Playz on 2024-03-23 11:30:11. It has garnered 10142 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. #minecraft #short #trending #minecraftjava #mcpehindi #minecraftshorts #youtubeshortsr #youtubeshortsr #shorts #shortvideo #shortvideo #subscribe #shortsvideo #shortsvideo #status #shortsfeed #song #share #sad #music #meme #motivational #naruto #mobilelegends #m#youtubeshortsr #makeup #asmr #anime #art #attitude #army #animals #amazing #alightmotion #alightmotion #ajjubhai #minecraft top shaders 1.19 #minecraft #roblox #cake recipe #chainsaw man #chod video #cubecraft #evident #eystreem #famous water park #football… Read More

MonsterMatt Gaming – Minecraft | Spinalcraft Server | Working on Draining an Ocean Monument and Possibly a Guardian Farm