Monumenta MMO – B2W Episode 26 – Spy21DD *Developer Interview*

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Howdy howdy everyone mob Ross here with another Dev interview we’re taking a break from the mods for a bit today we’ve got spy 21d Spy how you doing pretty good only pretty good why not great painting’s hard work do you think it wouldn’t be uh painting as much as

I suppose it’s a lot more waiting and preparation is actually painting I’m missing the joke here oh no there’s no joke you’ve been painting Yeah medium oh uh I’m repainting all the kitchen cabinets because they did a bad job so now I get to be the uh handyman for

The summer congratulations what are we doing today doing good old 18 point gray oh boy what were our mods I rolled entry four twisted five you got a pretty good spread let’s go check it out fantastic looking forward to it I gotta make sure to put on my armor you

Might want to put on that mask of the Father Again you’re uh you’re looking mighty kitted out there it’s almost like it’s a reference to something hmm it’s almost as if I’m missing uh two black flames Digi level decks though to use that set you’re a clerican no definitely not Um don’t have to level decks to use this right hand or nope well said so what do you do on the team I suppose I’m at jackfall trades uh my favorite thing to do is mobs though You want to go into that more what what yeah what dungeons what’s your history there the first dungeon I did was a light gray and by far I think it turned out the best with how I designed the mobs at the time I think I could probably do better

With some of my later work now that I know there are different strategies we also have way more tools to work with stuff now but at the same time you don’t want to also just go back and change stuff without thinking about it absolutely in terms of what’s in game

Right now that people can play and say oh spy made that what what are some things that you’ve touched uh I did the mobs for purple and shifting let’s see I also did a lot of the smart replacement for four swing for sworn sanctum which was fairly recent

The rework not the original yeah the rebirth when did you join the team speaking of oh geez I’ve been around for quite a while I joined shortly after novelistent slash firelord weapon League slash whatever he’s going by today joined because I was a mod beforehand but then

He asked me hey you want to be a Dev it’s like okay sure so I’m a rather old hired it’s just uh my motivation is variable so you might not always see me doing developer work understandable did you join the game together with Fire Lord oh yeah we joined back when we were

Called the adventurers it was a little Guild that we had with a couple other people so there are actually a couple of references to us in the game I don’t think intentionally for The Adventurous crystals which is what comes to mind really I’m surprised about that that

Would have been my obvious go-to pick I think that was a coincidence I’m not quite sure though because fire had a really I mean call was kind of his baby yeah it was so I expected that maybe I’m wrong so how did y’all find the game

Initially uh so at the time we were going through a bunch of ctm maps and other Adventure Map stuff uh such as Tara restore 2 I think was the last one we had played at the time so fire decided he was going to look at server listings and see if there’s

Anything cooler than windcraft around nice because that’s also where we had done a lot of our stuff in where we had met oh yeah do you want to convert it all the currency and then divvy it up at the end oh yeah shoot I should probably configure my crystallizer

I didn’t know if you had a preference on making it into dust or not yeah I just turned into dust because it’s easier because you can always sell the Dust FairPoint I actually don’t have the attachment so I might leave the whole thing for you you could be the loot guy

Okay that works so uh windcraft was your Baseline yeah there was something cooler than that he also has done a lot of work for the windcraft systematic Recreation I’m not sure if anyone watching will be familiar with that but he was one of the few

Players in that oh here we go with the fight foreign along with the systematic Recreation for windcraft Stuff one of the things we were doing at the time was looking at these Maps and he decided okay while I get that was easy yeah yeah why uh shoot lost my training thought

My mistake no worries uh with how the maps were going his thought was okay why don’t we try some of this online stuff because there might be servers that are running cool adventure maps so he got me to check out monumenta in I believe February of 2018 which is when I

First logged in it’s like okay yeah this seems cool We just didn’t realize at the time though that we were both going to end up developers Park was also part of The Adventurous and he’s worked on the music as well now are y’all if this isn’t prying are y’all like real life friends or oh no we actually met through windcraft and if

Anyone remembers to server shot bow fortunately Chapo was mostly dead now sorry it doesn’t ring a bell that’s cool though a whole bunch of cool little game modes uh this is a bit of a tangent but if anyone’s heard of Mind Z it’s a recreation of Daisy and Minecraft

Oh it’s fun playing around with our little group Guild here’s some t5s I did not convert okay well fun how’d you come up with your username oh um remember Game Spy maybe I don’t want to date myself too much yes a little bit so back when Need for Speed 2 Hot

Pursuit was out I was trying to think of a username to give myself for the online stuff because online races were the big new thing so it’s like oh what’s this game spy thing in the bomb right Quirk that’s the time I was really young I think it was

Acre something so it’s like Game Spy yeah that sounds cool so that’s how I named myself I’m honestly amazed it isn’t the TF2 class no I found TF2 way later cool cool although I mean medic and TF2 so it’s kind of funny being named spyba and

Playing medic yeah I was about to say we just interviewed Pax so that would make an amusing coincidence so how about the 2-1 DD what’s the story there uh well originally I was one DV but I thought I didn’t set up my Minecraft account name correctly so I did second

One because you think it would read his 21 but it was just second one and I don’t know why I thought the time that’s pretty funny and then the DD part I’m gonna leave up to interpretation just as long as it’s not the obligatory classic joke oh that’s a Colossus so it is

You are melting these guys yeah registered to passively four or five Harmony’s end works pretty great what is the piece of content that you’ve helped with that you dislike the most oh geez I gotta say shifting just because I think I could have done better on the mobs

Even just to play independently of your own work like not a matter of shame but just like I don’t really like to play in this one anything yeah I tried uh shift solo recently actually uh even though it’s been years I probably should have tried solo way

Earlier it’s just I never got around to it because the mobs left such a bad taste in my mouth oof part of the problem is I thought okay while I tried selling stuff like light gray again which was kind of tanky a bit high damage everything was a little bit faster than

People were used to at the time but that just doesn’t work for shifting’s cramped rooms and also Rey at the time wanted some more cooler gimmicks but we didn’t have nearly as many tools for dealing with bosses and whatnot oh geez I do not want you to die there

I don’t want to either wait why can’t I heal you couldn’t say oh there we go maybe I cast accidentally what what are those guys Community name Melvin Albert um I know the Slime is Albert but I don’t remember any of the other names I find it rather amusing because

Super Smash Bros melee has Randall cloud and Yoshi’s Island and then we have the Colossus have their own names I don’t play Smash though for anyone wondering I just uh lurk in a lot of communities yeah yeah I know the feeling just osmosis yeah from the internet

So in terms of independently of what you’ve worked on what is your favorite piece of Monument to play and least favorite to play um I like Dungeons it’s always been the core experience of the server even though we’ve gotten a lot of people in recent months and years who have liked

Strikes and other repeatable content but I think dungeons is where it’s at foreign particular dungeon that’s your favorite oh I I might just say like Ray as a cop out it’s fine I’m glad you’re you like it enough to say it’s your favorite yeah stick in the rest of the builders I

Believe a lot of early Biz to work on that they did a good job and I’m failing my recoils because part of the problem with uh some of the layer dungeons like form even though it looks beautiful they did a great job with the Aesthetics is sometimes it’s just difficult to

Navigate around in combat because oh there’s a whole bunch of leaves on the floor or something like that sure oh I know the feeling the light gray is the Floor Designs are interested especially in something like the risky rink but you can also move around

It’s kind of important yep to be able to do level design and all that jazz one of these states I should probably figure out game design but it’s not my profession I’m a computer science major well said how about your least favorite thing in monumented to play

I dislike how some people have optimized the game really heavily because if the game’s not fun why play so stuff that falls under that category would be loot runs for pois because I just don’t find that engaging I’d rather just do my bounty and be done with it uh loot runs

In darkest steps are also in that category because I like to fight stuff I want swing sword do big damage sure monkey brain indeed activation well if I’m playing Hiro then neuron activation happens when someone pops escape death so if you could change anything about those about your least and favorite

Things in monumento what would they be oh it’s if we had come up with a good clean solution we’ve implemented it ages ago that’s very that’s very optimistic of you I’m not quite sure how to fix those problems without harming regular players sure well thought of so if you were the

Dictator of monumenta for one day and you could change anything with no resistance in fact if everyone even loved your change you wouldn’t even hurt anyone’s feelings we didn’t change the game what would it be that’s a good question because I think combustible does a really good job with

Leading the team for the most part even though he doesn’t want to be the leader yeah yeah what an awful noise I think that’s the horse stuff noise yeah so much what do you think I’m trying to think of something good I know it’s been really good for the health of the game and the community wouldn’t have grown as much as it did with out Graves but I’m still a boomer and I kind of like pretty brave monumenta where everything was cheap but also you had to play well or else everything was disposable

That is a an incorrect sir you were a tryhard I’m looking at your name over your head of course you would have the title even though I know you do that’s what the passes you earned it I don’t blame you for not for using tryhard yeah who

This is this is a mean question who’s your favorite other team member um that is a good well maybe not so good because now I have to pick favorite so boy the questions were Anonymous I don’t know which Patron asked this oh okay so hard to pick a favorite because

Everyone’s got their own skills that they have and really good work that they do because uh novelist and slash fires thing back then oh hello right above us I’ll restart this question after we finish this guy off that would be wise nice you are good at killing those guys

Well done yep what do you use to kill him uh so my build is kind of Boss killer what I focus on is having a decent amount of tank a good amount of damage and registered four sets 20 extra damage to bosses specifically it’ll do it cool

Then back to the previous question on favorite team member um I don’t think the project would be where it is today without the direction of combustible he just knows how to be a good leader and push people in the right direction agreed good choice do you have any thoughts on upcoming

Basic Minecraft releases I don’t think have they showed anything about 1.20 ah I don’t really keep up too much with vanilla Minecraft releases because monumenta is kind of turned into its own engine You can build stuff in here without really interacting all too much with the vanilla systems now I gotta say though that the decision to have blanket chat reporting was probably one of the strangest ones I’m sure it was to look good to people in the company and investors and whatnot

But simply doesn’t work with the Minecraft community at Large Well said do you have a caffeine addiction and if so how bad is it caffeine addiction was that directed at a different Dev or something no one in particular why is there someone who who has one oh no no these Reserve times that I use coffee because the way I think about caffeine

Is it’s really great for when you need that push because you didn’t get enough sleep but if you use it all the time then You just don’t get the same hit of oh I’m awake now for sure Also like tea too but that doesn’t have nearly as much caffeine green or black ah any kind of tea nice I I can’t remember the name of the tea that I’m currently working through it’s um some really fruity flavor I I think it if I had to say it’s uh raspberry baby

It’s really good I wish I knew the name off the top of my head but I’d recommend it I’ll keep an eye out for some random raspberry tea then raspberry is just a good flavor though yeah it’s Pleasant for sure what is something you regret regarding monumenta it could be like something

That you that happened that you wish didn’t or something that you’ve never been able to do that you wish you could um so there’s a lot of things I wish I could have added to monumenta because I personally think they were left a little bit unfinished

And there’s also a lot of things that can be polished it’s kind of the curse of a game that’s constantly in development is oh geez you’ll have a lot of things that you think could have been done better but we tend to ship the minimum thing to just get it out there because

We on the team know that it’s gone take a while for things to be perfect so it’s very just oh geez man my bad no worries it’s better to just get things out you look very dapper thank you I wonder why you chose that adjective yeah it’s

Just it’s it’s almost like there’s an inside joke there just like your armor set I’m sorry I kind of zoned out when fighting the outcast I’m glad you’re able to keep talking do you want to repeat that because I kind of sure go ahead what’d you say what was it

Yeah the curse of a never in development project is there’s always things that shoot I should have improved upon this before I released it but we hear it on team Monument to like to release stuff when it’s just good enough or else we know it will never get out the door

Because there’s too many people working on it and they all want this one thing to be better than it is I think in terms of content that needs a revamp though um as the core definitely comes to mind because he’s a bit of a joke nowadays

The city part of lime I think stick mentioned this in his interview but it also could use some work it’s fair was hezekar our second boss I know CX Stole was our first if C Axel was first then yeah I asked for a second sounds about right

Well that’s a fair answer was there ever a time that you felt like giving up on a project entirely hmm I mean the entire Monumental project as a whole or just one certain thing it could be all the monument as a whole it can get demotivating sometimes because

I’ve seen people release stuff like Rhonda’s has gained the notorious title of content whenever he releases something but I don’t think I’ve ever participated in anything like that really it’s just my motivation is bad because I’m not sure I’m honestly not sure what you’re saying here is is the reputation of

Content that it’s unpolished or that it gets uh it’s bad fundamentally bad because a lot of people are like oh geez I hate Rod I don’t want to do this for the best quality of Epic in the game so I want to avoid stuff like that for

Sure whenever I do work on on the project and hindsight’s always 20 20. I guess where I’m going with this is you don’t want to release something that no one will like but at the same time you have an idea of this project in your mind and you’re passionate about it because if

You weren’t then you wouldn’t go through the trouble of actually making it so you don’t want to make something that no one will play but you also want to see your idea to come to life of course I didn’t know there were guys there well said apparently that’s where the Twisted spawned when you first started out did you feel the pressure to be perfect and were you overwhelmed as a developer specifically yeah I’ve always been a bit of a perfectionist I want things to be done right the first time

Especially with light gray mobs because I wanted to be perfect the first time but when the first play test came around it was way too easy because I had designed all the spine placements and mobs to be more like a dark souls experience where everything is out to kill you in very formidable

So you can die to just a bunch of the undead guys in the Undead Burg sure but that’s just not how our game works because we’ve got multiple people that can participate in a dungeon raid yeah we have more variables for sure yep and also building

It’s really huge how much it opens the game that we’re in survival mode for most of the game so what you’re saying is Dark Souls needs a fortnight collab uh I’m not so sure about that I don’t think that is the only conclusion one can draw from

What you just said I don’t think I want John Dark Souls to be a skin in fortnite oh I was saying the opposite I think Miyazaki needs to put fortnite building mechanics oh no now that fortnite lost him um plated fortnite loosom I thought it was just an alternate game mode

Uh I don’t know maybe it’s just because it’s so popular that I I thought I did oh that’s a shame that always seemed like part of its identity yeah exactly uh what is your history with ctms sorry I was free oh I played a couple of ctms with the adventurers

Like when’d you start with those how many have you played oh geez uh I know Terror restore one and two and we’re waiting for Missy to eventually come up with something new because he always puts out really polished stuff really cool stuff I know we uh did some of the

Ragecraft series I think RC won rc2 we started on but never finish maybe I’m not quite sure and then we tried doing horrify but we quit uh shoot I can’t remember the name of the area was that render yeah those renders okay it was just by the time we got through

Several of the objectives all the natural spawns start ramping up in difficulty which is fine because you can counter play that with lights and torches and whatnot but when you put skeletons on top of blazes and spam that it just isn’t fun anymore especially when you’ve got vanilla abilities you’re working with

It’s not like Monument where we’ve got a complex class system so you can volley everything away I miss volley whenever I have used those in other games I think all games that have bows should have volley fundamentally it’s nice having an instant use shotgun for sure for sure

Does this is the part where I show Ultra kill yeah we might get to that later yes um do you have a favorite ctm map in your memory one that stands out I’d say Tara restore probably because of nostalgia it was also pretty well polished oh geez I actually ran out of donation

Time go on terrorist or do you have any opinions on the direction maybe you interpret this question differently because I don’t know who sent it but the direction of modern ctms how do you feel about that oh I haven’t really played too many modern ctms besides money Mentor which I know will

Make any ctmc members sad to hear that but it’s just so addicting to be on here we’ve got so many nice things going for us because you wouldn’t think it but then you get all these nice little quality of life things like opening shelter boxes in your inventory opening loot chest to

Your inventory being able to sell gear on the Fly for money opening your ender chest and it’s really difficult to make those things in a vanilla environment I know cartographer is one of the more recent developments that Visa State packs and stuff But it’s just uh once you play monumenta it’s why would I go to anything else it’s so good sure which I know is hyping up the game gotcha do you have a favorite bit of drama that’s that’s happened in monumenta well there have been a lot of fun things

Especially uh when I used to be a mod because I’d see more of that stuff um this is really old so I don’t think anyone will remember this but the bombing of umaru Chan rest in power I miss her so much also I think we might begin Camp by this

Twisted I didn’t expect both of us to get meme done like that going for mine watch out for the creeper okay thank you for getting my grave I I did oh geez never mind dadgummit yeah creeper got me uh uh so yeah favorite bit of drama

So umra Chan was one of them uh for anyone unfamiliar I’m just going to give The Abridged version because numeru was a pixel build that someone did above the near river I think in 2018 if I remember correctly it was Atlas I think so yeah Atlas or maybe Lowe’s one of the two

Everybody already recognize this name because bad bird still plays but he likes blowing stuff up he famously had a house made of TNT on his plot back when plots all the player plots were on the same shard so he waits a couple of days I think he waited until the weekly reset day

And he blows that thing up of course that did not go over well with the builders so it was pretty amusing to see he got respect Builders who take the uh time to make stuff like that because they know it’s going to get wiped eventually but at the same time you’re

Building it on a server with weekly resets and people have access to survival mode tools yep yep do you have any cool scars scarves scars like from that injury not scarves scars they can be emotional scars if that’s if that’s what you prefer to answer with um

Well click your grave hold on thanks he’s on you right now yep oh man he just switched aggro these are terrifying so this is a rather funny story I’m back in the previous house I used to live at we had a little clubhouse because I was pretty young at the time

And I was playing tag or something with my sister and one of her friends and this Clubhouse had a fireman’s pole that was sunk into concrete so it wouldn’t move when you slid down it but when I was in the clubhouse I decided hmm I better jump out to uh not get tagged

And that resulted in me hitting my head on that concrete thankfully it didn’t do any damage to me but I definitely left a scar that’s still underneath my hair shoot like a little scared no about doubt about that how far was the drop itself

I think it was a good four or five feet she just blocked me in no he did that’s hilarious I’m safe man thanks twisted that was nice of him yeah I’ve known Stephen though they’re not supposed to place blocks and yeah they sometimes still place them above your head

Well I’m glad you’re all right and not brain damaged yeah that would really suck that would be a bit of a life changer one of the nice things about being a young kid I suppose you’re actually pretty resilient yeah parents don’t think it but what was your favorite subject in school

Or is your favorite subject in school I’ve got a love-hate relationship with math because it’s uh part of my area of study right now I’m a math minor nice any particular branch of math mostly just working towards computer science stuff though I’ve also done stuff that relates to physics because that it was pretty helpful for working with

Firmware and whatnot and electric electromagnetism well said uh has well I’ve got a little bit more on it actually yeah math is something that you gotta struggle with and a lot of people just simply don’t like that kind of struggle in their school subjects but I have to hit my head against the

Problem for quite a while before I get it and I think learning how to study by doing math early on is a good way to approach it for your college career and whatnot because it will come back and every time it comes back you need to know how to study well said

And do you think math is distinctive in that regard and if yeah because it’s not something that you memorize well I suppose you can memorize it but then you won’t understand it understand it you need to do a lot of practice sure well said how much if any of your

Education has influenced things here in monumenta have you been able to correctly apply any of your CS work oh yeah I’ve done bits and pieces of coding though uh nothing super big a bug fix here or there but do you like do you just use the principles in your studies or is there

Like Direct one-to-one sort of carry over I’m genuinely curious I’m not asking in a leading way Um nothing off the top of my head okay sounds good what is the most difficult bug that you’ve encountered oh geez there’s a lot of bugs that happen due to Mojang’s way of doing things oh shoot I think one of the ones that I’ve had to

Deal with the most is how NBT is stored we call it Mo Jackson because it’s based on Jason but it’s Mojang’s own weird flavor and working with mojings and can be a real pain because it’s got all the quirks of Jason but also its own special requirements for how items are formatted

They’ll allow that change with the iron rework and thankfully we have automated tools to deal with most of it now who all developed those are automated tools pretty sure stick did all the work on that so clock might have done some testing and development of his own I can’t quite remember

And Rubik’s laid the foundation for lion rework too yeah good lads indeed what’s your most embarrassing skill issue moment probably just now shattering to an alchemist that was that was pretty oh yeah we shattered off uh off recording as we finished off that twisted Did you shatterings I didn’t but oh I was just trying to be it’s it’s a team if we lose as a team we both lose ah it’s like that that communist Bugs Bunny meme are shattering ah gotcha um there’s also been other funny instances of Skillet issuing because

Back in the earlier days of Monument to the player base as a whole myself included were worse at the game so we used to prep the arena for ascorp before we started because of Boom line I remember uh Axel killing a lot of people’s armor and stuff yep setting up obsidious boom line

The funniest thing that I can remember is we tried planting a jungle tree in one of the first calls we didn’t see if it would block meteors oh he’s behind us I did not know he could get up here that’s cool this is terrifying

Oh get him get him oh yeah I got him nice I have not fought one of the Mages yet I didn’t know they could teleport to you like that that’s awesome can all twisted do that no that’s just the Mage though I guess the Warriors leap could kind of count it needs line

Of sight to you though the delete not the TP yeah okay yeah well actually both oh I didn’t even know he got line of sight I thought it was just he dug through the wall because I guess there’s a bit bedrock in the sink what a jerk

I’m gonna send your crave you ready thank you ready you’re the best so since all of our Dev work is voluntary and we’re not getting paid what keeps you motivated to keep doing stuff here I suppose you make the things that you want to see in the game it is a passion project

For example I like fighting stuff so that’s why I like working on mobs because I want to make a challenge that I think it’s enjoyable to play against but there’s also a lot of Maintenance and stuff that I’ll do because someone’s gotta keep stuff running well said

Do you do much of that maintenance yourself um well it’s mostly cleaning up older stuff that no one’s really touched because it works and no one wants to deal with it for example I really want to reorganize Loop tables because they’re a hot mess to find

Anything in right now and it’ll help the mods immensely if they could just pull what the current item is from Blue tables instead of having to rely on the item platform though that’s a pretty big task in itself because you gotta make sure that what you’re changing doesn’t randomly affect

Adjusting gray or something like that because all the for example the money tables they’re connected to pretty much every single thing that drops money makes sense thank you for being one of the guys who touches that I know that’s kind of a thankless job sometimes yeah foreign

It’s also not something you can really write a change log for when internally you fix this bug and the plugin guys do a lot of work to fix stuff like that too really appreciate what they do we’re a good team we got some good teammates indeed what is something that you wish the

Player base would just quit doing it could be annoying or legitimately demotivating for you or harmful Mr five gets a lot of these yeah oh my word it’s pretty fast spawns we ask your pardon for those at home we’re tempting not to die it’s the golems that really hit me with this guy

Yeah I remember okay that was my first cleric I fought too yeah I remember saying that you’re hearing that the Golems were gonna be the threat with them nice oh this well this guy got stuck nice what a goober so what’s something you wish the player base would quit doing

I suppose it goes back to my point about fun earlier I like playing the game and developing for it because it’s fun and if you hyper optimize everything you do you will burn out you don’t need 90 Dr in every single set you wear you don’t need to hit 500 damage on crit

I’m not running a very optimized build right now I’m sure plenty of people will tell me oh you should wear this instead sure I find it fun yeah it lets you actually use Your Arsenal instead of just throw away everything but five pieces yeah exactly you don’t

Need to play The Meta that’s why I see a lot of players do too is they say is x-class good what’s the meta it’s like you don’t need the meta yeah fortunately I think even even the sweaty players will tell new players do whatever like there is yeah there is no

Obvious best choice which is nice I love it I love it when you get that message agreed well there you go so we’re on to the generic questions those were all the patron ones whoop gotcha I’m all the way up to the top uh why is monumentous special to you and

If you want to separate it this way as a community and as a game hmm as a community we definitely have a lot going for us because we’re still in the fairly small stages so that means a lot of people know each other which is pretty great because then you

Can pop on it’s like oh hey I I recognize these guys and ask them to do a raid and whatnot but in terms of a game I think what we really have special going for us especially compared to other RPGs is the amount of player expression that comes with being able to build

Being able to destroy stuff for sure classic ctm mechanics that just wouldn’t have evolved in any other game except Minecraft and map making Where are you going there was a plus Finch would be down there but one second thought I don’t want to find a small room perfect I’ll leave that for the night guy was that did you want to go on more about Monument as a game and the survival elements

I guess it’s kind of strange how it evolved from the ctm genre to the MMO genre because we’ve also always labeled ourselves a CPM MMORPG but we’ve leaned a lot more heavily into the MMORPG part in recent years with Graves and whatnot because ctms are pretty firmly very punishing

You die you lose all your stuff but you also get a lot of gear thrown at you and you’re supposed to treat it as disposable yeah it’s hard to do that for anything you grind like 10 hours for yeah you don’t want to treat your set of epics that’s disposable

For sure unless it’s spring cleaning hmm what do you enjoy doing outside of video games what brings you Joy uh I see the mod for us quote kicking in I like skiing it’s really fun I like anything that requires a lot of mechanical skill to master a lot of technical know-how skiing’s one of those things archery is another though I haven’t done archery fairly recently I wasn’t aware there was much opportunity to ski in where you’re from

Uh well for Arizona which is where I go to school you’re up on a mountain at seven thousand feet it snows in the winter there’s a ski resort that’s only like 20 miles or something from the University so it’s pretty nice you can go skiing in the winter

That’s real cool all right Redemption we got this yep oh are you kidding me yeah those potions hit really hard are you okay yeah nice well good for you so skiing up skiing archery I I used to do a lot of biking but there’s not so many opportunities to do that especially when

You’re an out-of-state student so that means you gotta ship everything to one place to another every school year sure I’ve even done a bit of golf too all uh technical stuff that requires patients in time I suppose in terms of non-physical activities I liked chess I like

Board games that require a lot of mental capacity I guess I’m repeating myself here but anything that requires patience to master I enjoy what are the other board games besides chess that you would put in that category do you enjoy I wouldn’t say it takes time to master

But money uh no not Monument Monopoly we need a Monumental board game now you heard it here Dev confirmed the DND campaign that someone was making oh yeah I guess that would be a Monumental board game how about that hadn’t thought of that but what were you about to say

Monopoly it takes a lot of patience to get through a full game love Monopoly do you play with your family yeah occasionally I approve I know some might might not be able to oh yeah it takes forever sometimes it’s just good to step away from it for an evening and come back to

It the next day but I know there are other types of board games where it can take weeks to complete them I can’t remember the names but it’s another community that I lurk in it’s uh there’s a lot of pnd people that I know a lot of board game nerds for sure

Would they object to the calling d a board game don’t they make a distinction about it’s a tabletop or something Maybe I’m not quite sure what the terminology Sure Fair stuff what’s your favorite video game and why favorite video game I played quite a few video games uh besides I guess obvious is Minecraft because I wouldn’t have stuck for for 10 years if I didn’t like it I like tf2 and no I mentioned that previously playing medic I like playing Support classes in games because it’s fun to see

Your teammates succeed because of your direct efforts because especially in games like tf2 where it’s built around the medic staying alive it’s good knowing that you won because you were able to push that round because of your healing for sure making good contributions I also enjoy uh Boomer Shooters like holster kill yeah

Yeah I’ve been playing blood fresh Supply recently it’s a really old one I’m not familiar is that the one with the guy Caleb yeah Caleb okay I’ve heard I’ve heard of that I’ve never played it myself that’s cool also quick 30 year old Boomer moment yeah very Boomer

Just like the quote unquote Boomer Shooters like culture yeah the new ones cool well said uh what is what are some of your other favorite things in media like favorite movie TV show musical artist books all that jazz [Applause] well in terms of TVs and movie I don’t

Really watch too much TVs and movie anymore I’m I’m mostly like video games because it’s something you interact with so with music I’m pretty much always listening to some sort of Music even while I’m playing games what about now yes even now nice looking good at multitasking I wouldn’t consider it multitasking

Because it’s something more passive that you do fair so where’d that guy come from I have no idea man this is a very blown up City scoreboard she sees this look at what we’ve done to her build can’t believe this what sort of music do you enjoy

Uh I go through cycles and faces but right now I’m on a uh late 90s early 2000s French house techno DNB mix goodness gracious did your pinkies rise while while saying that sentence that was so fancy Sophie I don’t know it’s kind of like the uh the more LEDs

Okay uh with influence of disco I wish Daft Punk was still around I miss him when did they quit what year I think that was just last year it hasn’t been that long I miss him too What has surprised you most about being a developer on monumenta um well besides working with Minecraft as a game engine instead of treating it like its own game I suppose a lot more than you would think goes into working with Community instead against them because you want to have

Community that you actually get the game or else you just don’t have a player population seems a little self-ext explanatory when I say it like that so it’s difficult striking a balance between things you know will keep the game healthy because everyone wants more cake but you can’t have too much cake or

Else you get sick of sugar and doing things that the community wants any particular examples of that in recent times that we could latch onto um with the item reworking a lot of changes and a lot of people did not like how both Scout got nerfed well I think it was personally healthy

For the game because you can’t have a class that can basically do it all when it comes to dungeon clearing which is the main point of monumenta because Bo Scout has the mobility and range it needs to not really take damage so you can’t have a class like that where there’s

No drawbacks to using it so now with the reworked items you actually gotta figure out okay can I really afford more damage or should I focus a little bit more on survivability because this is a cramped dungeon and the same goes for other range classes like Mage and to an extent

Warlock and Alchemist because you can’t have a class that just overpowers the meta you want something that people can play and say is fun but also not feel like they’re being punished for using it for sure Hold On guest fighting for a second uh what is your fondest memory playing monumenta

I know this is gonna be another repeat point but playing with friends has always been and always will be Peak monumenta if you can join with a friend group like I did you will love the game at first and you will stick with it for a lot longer time than

If you just joined as a solo player because you’ll still see solo players stick around for quite a while but having a friend group that says oh yeah let’s go play monumento great because that’s who the game was made for it’s made for playing a group

I remember back in the day before delts were a thing the plebs did a lot of raids together through dungeons used to do weekly reveries those were fun they were they had a good time what is your fondest memory developing the game oh I like to screw around with Mobs a

Lot because the creative process for making mobs is screw around find out see if it’s fun and then worry about balancing later so I’ve done stupid stuff like the cursed silverfish that was a fun little thing I stuck into light gray where are they in light gray I’m not I

Don’t think I recall it’s in the little Headroom for Developers oh okay it’s just one spawner with it and my oh well there I go my head is on top of the spawner nice well I’ve also done other fun silly things developing like uh the ocelot riders that you see in shifting

I tried putting the Hostile tag on an ocelot just to see what I would do and yeah it was stinky as heck but did try to harm you so that was funny so I decide I’m gonna meme with this and I made Revolver Ocelot dude what how

Not it was like a humanoid mob but Revolver Ocelot as a regular ocelot that just attacks you and is super fast Oh Oh I thought you somehow like gave it no unfortunately back in those States we didn’t have as many boss tags to work with that’s adorable

But making slick little things like that is fun I’m glad we have the build server so people can mess around with stuff like that too foreign what do you draw from most in developing hmm coming up with ideas for inspiration I also enjoy Dark Souls and I know I mentioned it before

I think the Dark Souls formula Works fairly well for our game though with a little bit of modification I think a little bit of Boomer shooter also works pretty well because we have uh fairly self-contained content like the arena that even though it doesn’t follow the Boomer shooter format it certainly

Follows the arena shooter format and what is the arena shooter format if you were to encapsulate it uh stuff like Quake 3 Arena even though that’s PVP it’s a similar thing where you’re put into arena with a whole bunch of people or mobs that you have to fight against

Uh in terms of dungeoning nothing else comes to mind though that’s fair why don’t you tell us something about yourself that I would have never thought to have asked you in the first place this is your freebie question or afraid of the freebie question yeah or a

Different way if you want to put it that way what is something that you wish I had asked you so you had an excuse to talk about it that’s a good one I’m going to think about it for a little bit take your time the collaborative nature of our team is

Pretty special because you have servers like uh windcraft and Hypixel with Hypixel Skyblock where all their developers are paid and it’s a very formal structure here though we don’t have nearly as much formalism in it so we’re free to do funky stuff like Revolver Ocelot if we want to we’re free

To experiment a LOL so it may not lead to the most polished of things but certainly has that little charm to it that we’re not sold doing this for the money we’re doing this because we think it’s fun okay agreed what do you think if uh oh here’s a

Random question I just thought of this isn’t even on the list if the game industry could take any lessons from monumento what what should they be hmm I know back in the day it was standard to not have them but please no more micro transactions I’d rather have the

Full game when I buy it except for subscription-based stuff because it makes sense to pay subscriptions for servers that have to cons sale online like MMOs sure but I don’t want to have to pay so much extra for the game plus what should have been in the game absolutely

Excellent uh I’m up on the the top here the last one oh okay facing oh here he is trying to kill that last conjure get yourself over here oh oh my gosh this is a bad timing well this will be a nice climax because we’re wrapping up soon as

Look at this guy okay anything else you want to discuss well you got the mic you think you want to tell the audience all the nice patrons play the game for fun don’t don’t try to hyper optimize it that’s probably the biggest takeaway I can give it play with friends because it

It will keep the game feeling much more fresh than if you just play by yourself all the time because if you’re not for the fun then why bother as I think Reggie feels amazing put it yeah I love him yeah very nice oh well I thought I had more stuff off

Cooldown also why do you have a missing texture I do yeah it’s a missing texture item I don’t know why it is though oh it could be the remnant I think data fixed it and gave it oh okay I think it was missing in the official release pack

Uh yeah my hope skin for the remnant oh gotcha works on my machine well that’s that’s a bit anticlimactic I’m sorry for that but yeah no worries great run uh thank you so much for taking time out of your evening to do this and for all the stuff you do for our game

Yeah no problem and I’m glad we got to do this I guess I’m gonna go ahead and sign out here while I’m running back uh understandable thank you all so much thank you for watching everyone at home and we’ll see you next time bye later skaters

This video, titled ‘B2W Episode 26 – Spy21DD *Developer Interview*’, was uploaded by Monumenta MMO on 2022-09-17 17:10:53. It has garnered 302 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:13 or 3613 seconds.

This week on Between Two Wools – Spy!

Minecraft IP: (Currently Java version 1.18.2, though you can still connect with versions newer than that) Discord: Alternate Link: Website:

Music – “Silent Shanty” by TinyBoulder “Well-Deserved Rest” by Casiel368

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  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

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    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More

  • Minecraft Build Hacks – EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!

    Minecraft Build Hacks - EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Build Hacks Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.20 [ Part 1 ] #minecraft #shorts #shortsvideo #mcpe #build’, was uploaded by Creyou Playz on 2024-03-23 11:30:11. It has garnered 10142 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. #minecraft #short #trending #minecraftjava #mcpehindi #minecraftshorts #youtubeshortsr #youtubeshortsr #shorts #shortvideo #shortvideo #subscribe #shortsvideo #shortsvideo #status #shortsfeed #song #share #sad #music #meme #motivational #naruto #mobilelegends #m#youtubeshortsr #makeup #asmr #anime #art #attitude #army #animals #amazing #alightmotion #alightmotion #ajjubhai #minecraft top shaders 1.19 #minecraft #roblox #cake recipe #chainsaw man #chod video #cubecraft #evident #eystreem #famous water park #football… Read More


    play.earthside.nlEarthside Network Survival Server Welkom bij Earthside Network, de ultieme survival server voor avonturiers en bouwers! Op onze server beleef je een unieke Minecraft-ervaring op een prachtige, uitgestrekte wereld. Of je nu een ervaren speler bent of net begint, bij Earthside vind je een gastvrije gemeenschap en eindeloze mogelijkheden om te verkennen, bouwen en overleven. Read More

Monumenta MMO – B2W Episode 26 – Spy21DD *Developer Interview*