More James Turner – Minecraft Championships 13! Christmas Edition!

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Also uh zeus our coffee is five minutes away so they better hurry up that’s two minutes in the middle that’s too many minutes i don’t know how long the countdown is but probably less than five nope three minutes for five minutes dang it man they better hurry uh

I’m sorry uh attention the uh the championship the uh we’ve been postponed five minutes softly sasha needs a coffee thank you what well they did listen to me let’s go oh actually i wonder what’s gonna happen if there’s gonna be like different things happening in the countdown i

Wrote it in the chat yeah did you guys see what i wrote earlier sasha yeah i saw okay just put a note on the door that says uh just let self in minecrafting yeah just bring come upstairs and deliver this oh no way that sounds like a great idea you guys

Ordered some coffee oh the music is all like christmases yeah scott let’s go oh i gotta turn off the music yeah i’m turning up let’s go oh that’s where i just want to see santa go by on a sleigh that’s all oh my gosh yes it’s like yeah

And scott needs to be the one on the sled Saying hashtag not last But more importantly have fun because we really can’t bank hard work with the most important part you know all we can do is coming down i was too quick get out of my way i can’t see anything if that doesn’t [Applause] muted during the tutorial oh okay oh that’s nice what we got we got games what games we got it’s time to reveal the games oh yeah i thought they were like yeah we’re not doing bingo in another again yes Sweet hey i was Oh snows of time yeah oh you didn’t watch the update video i mean i’m good i don’t really like sansa what are we going to do yeah what are we going for where are we dropping i don’t know good question is and parkour tag the same thing or is it

Yeah battle box is totally different we want something like the normal that we don’t want skybox Oh someone in my chat is just like your skin is cute nice thanks i guess i think people wanted to play this so having it kind of early on is a good thing yeah because we’re probably going to suck at this one so that’d be really bad is this the one

We were just practicing yeah yeah yeah okay okay guys this one’s really hard oh that makes more sense your minecraft skin i was like that’s just a weird thing to say that’s what i thought they were talking about what do you think about your actual skin

Yeah that’s all it’s like your skin is cute i was like that’s weird i would assume they were talking about your minecraft i never played this game and i don’t know what it is i need to read this okay so there’s there’s seekers or there’s hunters and

There’s runners runners you just have to try to not get touched like punched by the other person uh and then there’s like one hunter on each team avoid them and then there’s one person on our team that has to hit other people it’s actually really tricky it’s it’s actually very hard it’s

A lot and it’s hard yeah you i don’t even understand what you just said it’s just like tag but why are there runners high as you can you can’t hunter hey guys it’s too early for this i can’t i don’t understand it’s okay this one’s

We’re going to be bad i feel like this a nap on this one and is be back yeah go ahead and turn off your monitor for this one all right i’ll see you guys okay we’re gonna have to do who’s the hunter when by the way oh we have to decide

That i think yeah the thing is i’m only allowed to be at three times how much time do we have like jumping i’m gonna go get it oh no no no no no no we got time we got time go get it get it the hunt to be someone who’s not

Good at like you know popcorn no because you need because then someone could just stay up top and then they could just stay there for 60 seconds and you’ll spend 60 seconds trying to get to the top oh yeah i think it’s gonna take us eight rounds

To figure out a good strategy but by then this will be too they survive the full 60 second round hunters get coins by hunting faster than the enemy team Oh just trying to avoid are you kidding me oh up there yeah go one two one good job team why am i starting around everybody okay hey let’s try communicate next time and communicate what like did you get anyone i got one i got one i got oh good job dude

You’re not in here with us let’s go wait what oh i can’t see you oh wait we can’t watch the news god damn it we are in our own zone with one of their guys and then zeus is in maybe this is my game you know it’s so scary

I don’t like this game this stuff yeah maybe i’m definitely not good cool oh god oh my god okay i survived for 20 seconds oh they’re on the floor on the floor oh no no all right oh it’s tommy yeah i’ve got someone on the floor someone’s on the floor someone’s on the

Floor yeah no i haven’t gotten out of here i’m sleeping why can’t we figure out oh man can i teleport well you can you can what who’s he teleport to him teleport the glue on yeah which one is what’s he is that i don’t know how to get him

Yeah that’s the problem i don’t know what team that is did you get anyone for one emerald oh okay okay so you know okay maybe i’ll try okay yeah you try i’ll try and then james tries about that they this is ludwig yeah um sasha you can

Get outlined but we can’t but they can’t see your outline okay so we’re just going to get ourselves ah it’s like trying to stay up just run around they can uh um keep going keep going straight keep going straight coming behind you right behind you oh this is not all game no oh

That’s what i’m saying i couldn’t catch him i was like running like snails guys it’s guys i feel like that was like a good friendship i feel like she was like oh no no no no no no no literally what oh are they okay i was hoping that they would run away oh

Yeah because yeah they don’t get up there in time i think two out of three is pretty good yeah oh you’re on the ground yeah come on how do i get to the gym i think movement in this is really hard it’s good um you’re you’re hit monica is really actually

Quite far like if you hit from it’s a lot okay um zeus you’ve actually got somebody so you’re the your best player i think james and i should alternate i got trouble but i feel like she gave it to me i do feel like she dropped down just to be like nice

All right ludwig oh lol okay we should have this one i’d like to see them try yeah if you can stay up high that’s kind of the plan oh my gosh well i already failed that one oh no i fell where is he oh boy what am i doing

Why do i keep going further down oh gosh well i got one i hate this i i have people that care for me now i’m the only one there’s gonna be oh no he got all of us yeah so good great this is just too hot i hope you’re happy really bad you’ve

Widowed my family you know the best way to do this oh come on that what oh yeah i can see you oh that’s ridiculous you’re on the green grapes one what team is that no no no right click on the compass and you’ll see it i i don’t know how i missed fruit

There i should have gotten this yeah press our team oh wow that’s confusing all right uh james you wanna you wanna be hunter oh yeah i suppose you know what it feels like less pressure than not like trying to run away from hunters yeah i don’t know what’s worse i don’t

Know they’re both pretty bad they’re both high intensity it’s avoid dramatically coming down too much that’s what happened i can’t remember so yeah i don’t much about this team we’ll say i’m more like uh i like the game of the world come on dude oh my god

I need communication i i didn’t even know where they got me from i didn’t see him all right glue on you’re gonna get hit well all right um we are doing not great that’s fine i’ll change yeah they can’t see you you got to remember that so they’re just running around

Yeah but i can’t even run where they’re like i can’t yeah i i being on the ground is actually really hard because i feel like running on it oh come on how are you so fast come on black dude this is light that’s lag nah i call lag lag

I’ll give it a go again maybe i feel like glue on the best front this one out of the way in the very beginning so yeah that’s what i wanted to do you know oh glue one’s going in all right i’m going in this time it’s going in

This time all right we’ll all have a go again maybe i’ll go in next time yeah [Laughter] it’s weird this is rigged i think it’s not fair definitely it’s not this game this minigame is not designed for our playstyle Oh no don’t come towards me who just what you were like a mile away how did they get me guys come on down it’s not fair i’m so i feel like on the ice that’s just it’s so weird the movement oh i can’t get up there anymore i’m not seeing enough movement

Are you guys all out already yeah yeah yeah it’s all right it’s not our game it’s all right we’ll do this yeah they can’t see you there’s one yeah it’s just tough i mean they can kind of see me bumbling around anywhere no you can see them i could see

I could see them yeah no no no no no but they like that okay give me something look this is really hard just wait till it comes to battle box and you’ll see us excel okay [Laughter] you got this you got this come on sasha i believe in

I’m you scared maybe this would be the one we’re gonna have a christmas miracle happen and we’re gonna win it i see so scary can i just like stand still and then not get me that’d be cool yeah i mean you can do that oh no okay don’t come to water

Come on let me get up there you weren’t even near me i don’t understand i feel like i feel like they hit me from across the map like i don’t understand i got one the confused ones one zoos keep running oh i thought i could hide there

All right you’re doing well you might want to move because they can see you remember what are you why are you standing still i was waiting for them to get here and then i was going to make them nice you did well you that was good did i

I mean yeah yeah yeah i mean i that’s okay but sometimes just standing still on the other side is the best thing to do yeah but once you have the other one left and he’s coming toward you should really start yeah that’s true i thought he was on the

Other side to be honest so bad i got one yay oh that’s so hard i’m so bad at parkour we just have to make up 340 coins to not last i just can’t it’s so hard i’m gonna try the knot can i just stay in this box here yeah okay but Are they grouping that’s the problem yeah yeah oh okay well i was like whoop okay i was like turning around like where are they oh they’re right there this is doing them no no go run oh no you’re on the ground the ground is in the weak space bad place to be good

Okay oh so close that’s when zeus says his sweet moves oh i see nothing awesome uh oh there we go oh come on come on oh still close did you get any i got one i got one that’s not our game that’s not our game literally so hard

Pvp with parkour two of our weakest points I feel like they really need to cater the championships towards us more right i’m just saying if there’s like a building challenge or maybe like where you have to manage like a little family challenge 100 baby challenge you know along those lines yeah right present sharing oh presents oh wait is

It the thing oh yes good fun presents oh wait hang on there’s like little present piles everywhere yeah okay we gotta find them i gotta give it to you cranium Oh it’s all the way over here no no no no i’m here come back that’s a present oh come on come on oh yeah i have a pot of slime i ate my chocolate was i’m not supposed to do that i have a crossbow and an arrow

What do we do how do we vote um i don’t know oh we we just have to choose not to vote for something i don’t know yeah well wait how do we oh there’s an egg what are we doing what do we want to do i don’t know um

I just threw a slime thing i think or had it i don’t know what happened good job what do you want to what do you want to go for what’s something that’s going to happen do i just like what do i do what are we voting for i don’t know

What’s happening right now you know what this is going to fall by what it just snows with time well it looks like we’re doing that anyway because everyone’s over there oh battle box maybe oh i didn’t i don’t know what chicken tree does but okay well battle box

Uh or i guess where did my eggs go i didn’t vote i don’t know i don’t know what’s going on nobody was in chocolate we don’t really know what and we’re probably going to do battlefields we know this one let’s hope they haven’t changed it let’s play the distraction role i have a

New map i know that much but hopefully they haven’t fixed the rush strat which is the only strat we have the only stream all right let’s yeah let’s let’s let’s give it a shot everyone though is it like a the problem is how do you get up there

You’re gonna jump that one block oh god By the time we end up placing all the wool they’ll be like at the top trying to snipe us so this actually might work for us going to do the same things i always do and just try to distract i’m yeah he’s going to run out and annoy them that’s nice

Put your your wool in your off hand all right okay so when you do that how do you place it just right you can right click click delete and then right click to uh just hold down yeah oh so as soon as it breaks you’ll immediately put down

Your uh block interesting that is the battle box plays right here true i usually just let y’all do it and then i just like hit people and make them mad and guys if we have a big problem just blame the lag okay this is gonna be our whole thing

It’s gonna be a massive excuse oh my god that lag got us real good oh man off handing okay hang on wait how do we get out there okay there’s a jump just potion uh apparently so someone can have that jump up oh okay i’ll take it i’ll take it

Doing it wait can you guys jump from this platform or no it’s not not possible we’re gonna have to find the route uh yeah that’s the phone just go to the right go to the right yeah yeah russian i’m gonna go this way I thought james james knows how to get there oh okay oh i’m damned i’m out of prep oh i killed someone sorry it usually takes us a few rounds to get into the swing of things you know yeah we gotta we gotta warm up

Yeah i think i think i i’ve got to be i i didn’t realize that i could take the jump potion earlier but now i know how to do it so okay okay all right all right all right keep trying good i’m gonna take the arrows remember to put the ball in your off

Hand yeah usually never how did y’all get there just in case i need to know uh [Applause] oh go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go hit me dang it oh god i didn’t make it that time i can’t get up there how the heck did you get there again [Applause] parkour to get up there and they can

Like okay they snap you midair it’s gonna knock you down you’re gonna go all the way around together again okay so maybe someone else should take the jump potion because i had like four done by the time you guys got it got there so like why can’t you have it

Oh because if i can just get up there first anyway because i was pretty i was pretty quick anyway you didn’t use the jump potion no i did i did i did yeah but then so shouldn’t you wait do you have to jump on the red

Little platform and then jump up um no you gotta go all the way around and jump off the uh the grey platform i haven’t tried i haven’t tried the right thing i don’t know i don’t think you can get from the grape no i don’t think you can all right all right

Did you guys want to try it to shoot just remember you don’t have to go all the way you don’t have to charge it all up you can annoy people by spamming too far but let’s go sapphire santas let’s go oh geez oh There’s we have dream and captain sparkles yeah you say that but we beat them last time so that’s all i’m saying i i they changed the map this map is not favoring our strat that’s the problem i blinked and i was dead what does that say i don’t know let me

Know what you said i don’t know what you said it’s a map it’s a small area get ours yes but we all have arrows and then we’ll just watch the middle yeah we were good at rushing we’re good this is like that’s the problem this is the anti-rush we do

Yeah i mean the reason we started doing that strat is because we couldn’t win any other way yeah right so i mean can we just shoot them the chest i mean i guess we might as well try to attack them because like i don’t think we can rush

It so maybe i’ll just go in with you guys this time and try no i’m just going to shoot them we’re going to do the chat this is the way we do it i can’t i won’t get up there i didn’t realize i had no health all right well

All right well we’re we’re going how do i get up there you got to go around i did i couldn’t i jumped and i it didn’t i didn’t get on there it’s called the lag i think yeah and it doesn’t make it right am i doing something wrong changing the

Map was a very targeted attack exactly it was literally just the sapphire santas yeah yeah we had one thing and they were like you know what everything we if we win something they’re like change the whole thing that is so let’s true rid of let’s just it was lag for everyone

On the bright side though we have 23 coins so that’s why i still think we should just i think we should just watch it because maybe we can catch a team of god yeah yeah maybe oh we can hope yeah yeah that’s true just just

Go to the right like the lag is so bad right now it’s sad i’ll go any other way really right now and it tells us how to get the little sign here rushing watching i don’t know where the other team is so i guess we’ll just

They’re on top on top oh i’ve fallen off bro okay i’m gonna go back around again so oh [Laughter] so if we’re gonna do that someone’s gotta be with us we gotta all rush it and someone come with a wooden axe that has knocked back two and just hit people off that’s what’s

That’s what we’re gonna do how do you get to the top you you gotta jump from that platform yeah the sign says it in the front that little yellow sign it says from that grave thing you have to jump to the truck that’s the only way on yeah what grace

Did someone else want to try maybe sasha try and use the potion and i’ll do i’ll try to react okay you do the accident next to it when um and then just jump up to it so you’ve got to choose the left or the right the only way is to get from there

I usually just hit people i don’t place the wool oh i didn’t even drink the protein now drink the potatoes now okay It’s not working oh just kidding Oh As soon as you get knocked off that’s that’s what slows you down yeah yeah so that that axe that i had was so good like that’s so like it was allowing if we get all of us there and i just sit there and i hit people off

I think we have a chance a hundred percent so what do you thinking are you 100 i think we have a chance we’re winning so what you’re saying for a while so you’re going to stand on the thing and knock them off yeah yeah i’m with that i’m done with that because they’re

You can knock them off knock the knockers off you know so wait you’re knocking them off of like the platform with the wool yeah correct yeah i think 100 percent over it try to knock the knockers off don’t knock the walls off just knock the knockers off what

That sounds oh go go go go go go go go this is the family knock the train off guys all right i think we had to like so what’s that percentage now this is it a little less than 100 or no well i mean we didn’t all get on there

I don’t know man i think i still feel like 100 was a little over the top you know i said if we all get on there at one i can knock them out that was burpee before what was wrong with the map last time why we got a parkour on what’s wrong

With that did you knock the knockers off oh yeah i was doing it but then i died i died really early on okay i’m gonna go back to my original i’m just going to keep just doing it’s not working does someone want to take the potion or

Whatever i did i did i did i like how ninth place is 705 I can’t believe they changed this map oh i gotta knock it out i’m gonna knock him off with the knocker axe yeah knock the knockers off though eh oh i’m dead i’m not one person okay the watching isn’t working that strategy is done we can’t wash them really gluing eight

Guys i’ve just had a revelation i don’t think the rush strat is working anymore nine games in hey listen maybe once more let’s try once more what it’s not one favorite one you know what this is the one let’s take it let’s take this round one more time and see if it works

Okay wait who’s doing who’s like sasha try taking the crossbow because she’s trying to like help us isn’t she like you know what you know what i’m not going to do any wool i’m going to hit you with a sword okay oh yeah i’ll just try and do the

Wool then i’m going to I am having fun so that’s not a problem i’m going to go up here i’m just going to explore the map a little you know yeah have fun man yeah i i died there’s a potion there’s no one here there’s no one yeah this thing looks like they just

Kind of wait for people to go to the middle and then just kill them yeah yeah okay so because they we might have actually won the watching game if we just did it that time the problem is there is no like this is heavy pvp this is literally

Kill people then do it that’s like that’s the way that you win you can’t rush it so that’s the way that we lose yeah and that’s not our strong no it sucks that we can’t do it because that’s how it is that’s the thing when we first did this

We think okay it’s pvp with pvp and we kept losing and then we realized if we just rushed it we can win and they’ve taken that element out so yeah yeah 100 percent like well that went back to where we were when we first started where we’re gonna lose on this one

And it’s gonna be my most hateful oh here we go let’s go you literally got all of our points yeah cause we are relying on us finishing that we just say have fun oh wait present time i’m crying oh present time i think no i’ll tell you

Yeah it’s present time oh it is yeah it’s always wait where is i have a present for you come here i got a present for you wait i got a chicken trait it’s not count uh who okay i gotta give it to dan dan dan’s up top four president come back to me

Oh i got it i don’t even know where he was i can’t even catch up to him in the freaking lobby what have we got we got a dark bolt what is a dive bolt if this is off scoring then yes we are definitely winning first place

Right all right what are we going for now i don’t know i got a chicken tree and i got a yo-yo whatever that is yeah ace race went up sure what are we doing i like ace race race is fun ace race is fun yeah all right and then chicken treat does

That like go over there oh my oh my god i put down a chicken tree does that mean they go over there what does yo-yo do i’m yo-yoing oh that’s the bunker oh okay well we’re gonna do hole in the wall i feel like the yoyo is not doing anything i don’t understand

I do actually like pulling the wall hey a little chicky that’s my chin i put like a chicken tree over there and it’s like eating nothing so sorry chicken on the wall um a pvp element into hollow wall because i’m sure they’ve made it jingly for christmas you

Know what they added pvp into everything rocket sweep also isn’t um pvp focused anymore actually which is good yeah they decentralize that uh survival just i’m surviving the longest i don’t want to alarm anyone but i really gotta toilet so no one else is your round no no no no no

Go now no no no no no this is your game i can’t go now yeah i’ll go i’ll go live is it a number one or a number two a bottle next to you uh god yeah i just finished my coffee so i could probably learn that oh

James no that’s what i’m doing i see if i had to do that and banned oh i haven’t had any of my coffee no wonder i’ve been playing terribly i mean i’ve had mine and it hasn’t made that much difference i don’t drink coffee [Laughter] consider playing third person how about

No no that sucks so instead of holes they’ve added um the dream just killing you and uh so the wall is just other team just killing you yeah it’s actually just a pvp arena now so yeah okay jen says to with rocket spleef keep your cursor on the horizon to stay afloat

The horizon yeah the philippine verizon they have really good coverage verizon i i didn’t come up with anything i liked my zero door i’m just gonna you’re doing great so this still has the there’s like still fake walls in this i assume um yes i think

But the regular ones are like are like all jingly now oh we might get copyrighted let me just put on uh some tunes now at this point getting dmca would probably that would be good that would get me out of this could possibly if i get the mca to the states

Yeah no that wasn’t passed doesn’t he just like present but it’s just like they’re gonna try it’s so what did you get why are you in here i murdered a person why are you here i played a dmcad song i walked past a shop that had music playing so you know pretty rough

I stole 2 billion nobody saw what i just did i don’t think anyone saw what i did either so it’s fine it’s all right are we all out yeah we’re all out oh man it’s okay don’t don’t worry don’t worry darwin i have some pretty severe lag so you know

Zeus could you miss his hate bomb right now have him you know talk teach us a little bit about this game about the obviously yeah right now hey man can you give us a try right now [Laughter] i really is it it’s jingling you to the void

Yeah oh the thank you thank you oh god i know how to jingle my bells oh okay glue i [Laughter] that’s really funny uh i no i considered it but i was like sometimes they might just get wiped out then i don’t want to just start i mean not be here

I’ll just quickly go after this game because it’d be easier someone fell in the hole who would fall off lol that’s so dumb why would you do that oh can you imagine jumping and falling through the center hole like what an idiot is that what you got yeah that’s what i

Did i fell off i jumped and then i just went straight through the middle i was like oh yeah that’s right how do you do those ones like people which ones do you have like swim like oh because we have like a jumper thing so if you’re if you’re just like

Jumping jump higher three blocks high yeah yeah you do ah it’s always amped up what’s that how do you do that though oh just like sprint jump and you go home yeah all right let’s um all right everybody let’s avoid the center hole um got it right have fun i am having fun

Look at all the coins that’s so good give us your good energy okay can everyone disappear see we come last and everything because then we’re actually advertising our our team on every single stream five hit play right there that’s true that’s like a thousand iq play how are we advertising

I think i don’t know but it’s pretty smart if we are doing that let’s just go with that that’s why we’re doing it all right yeah yeah all right i don’t know why you’re hitting i well have fun all right i was faked out i got faked out and then yeah i

Was a little bit tricky um there’s just one this is the right one especially the south one so we hold out hey we have 90 points didn’t help oh no lag it worked wonderfully this is so close i was doing well there’s still so many people left

Yeah we need more people to call so we can go Because it’s not fair because because zeus is in in houston his signal actually has to go to australia first and then go to uc yeah yeah it’s like it’s like mobile phones so that’s what i tried to come i tried to go backwards because like to try and get off of it

Because i was stuck i just didn’t see it in time oh my god so fast okay yeah everyone in here right now is really good at minecraft and us we’re also here everyone two people fell bam love that brother tommy thought they were good yeah that’s true that’s pretty funny

And the whole it’s so little yeah you kind of have to jump i don’t know the timing on those dang yeah would like comprehend that okay all right last one guys got this this is what we’re gonna win this one’s the only one that hasn’t really changed much instead add a uh a

Pvp component somehow man no god well everyone seems to be trying to pvp because i keep hearing them i know they’re trying stop touching me i did not concentrate this is this is the speed that i like because it’s slow yeah yeah this one all right green gosh oh my gosh

Jingle jingling i like the ones who could just stand still haven’t i feel like they should change it to all be those so there’s nothing like yeah yeah yeah yeah jumping just here guys i think we’re gonna be okay like this one is perfect oh things are speeding up here

Still in it somehow i’m still in it i like that if i like go to you james then it’s um oh gosh yeah yeah i think they did change that by the looks of it because that’s good oh which one behind me how did you get out of the job oh You guys see that did the lag help you or hurt you oh no kill me sir oh dang that lag i think like that helps you that’s the best lag yeah i only like lag when it benefits me yeah exactly but the jingle bells though that’s nice

Well here we go oh god how do you get through that oh that sucks actually i guess i could probably go to the toilet right yeah you can go to the bathroom yeah i’ll be back and that was the last time we ever heard from james [Laughter]

Are you fair enough he just left he went out to dinner or breakfast he’s now in the roblox championship the roblox champion you know what in my head i was like they should have a sims one and i was like oh wait they kind of did and i won that one

You did you won that you did that and i declined yes you did i didn’t go i’m so glad you did decline because then i probably would have won then wanted us to be on the same team yeah i know that means we would have dominated absolutely

If they do enough when they should like let everyone pick their own teams going into him is so wholesome Yeah this i feel like this um chat like this one is just very very stacked yeah everyone here is so good yeah we want one good job guys we’ve got a bonus billion points behind uh no one looks behind him a bonus billion yeah the old baby present time where’s cbk always present

Here this is my uh present thanks so much yay [Applause] i think uh it should be like this george just released this milk no eat it i’ll eat it eaten yum mmm tastes pretty good can i throw my chicken tree after am i called no one no one’s hacking the championship oh yeah

Let’s try to do ace race i like ace race okay i want to do this yeah go on my trick twice right does that help all right or uh i i like it when my chicken hangs out with me i feel like you get way over ace race wait

There it is over there oh hello there’s a chicken here i am so bad i can’t even vote like my my egg went past the voting arena how does that even happen strong sasha have you not figured this out yet i’ve been working out welcome to the gun show

Thunder and lightning oh that’s what they call them mm-hmm x-rays let’s go okay i love ace race not the best but it’s fun yeah it’s raining a little bit i don’t know if it’s the same though ace race is one of the coolest ones in my place oh it’s different yeah yeah

This one oh wait no they didn’t they just put a house they didn’t change it from the last championship but this is different from the one in yeah yeah yeah it’s different to one we’ve played but i haven’t done it before so i’m confused last time no i think it’s probably the same

Well is this the first one they had everything the first one it wasn’t even an asteroid or something else wasn’t it this was foot race it’s the middle of the two there’s like it cuts off yeah so it has like the cool like jump pads and like speed blues no i think we

Played did we play last time no no we did the old flower power one last time let’s keep debating if we played it or not we have all the time not that we have i think we have i do i actually think we did well this used to yeah that has a

Foot race but not as ace race yeah am i am i on drugs unless you did unless you do like a training or practice with it looks different i’m pretty sure we have done this one i don’t know how should i watch this lost mcc all those cookies yeah but yeah we do

This as a foot right there man yeah yeah yeah we’re gonna have to try the thing again anyway let’s try to figure out the rounds everyone probably i’m already dead uh what oh everyone tried to do a strat maybe like yeah okay i’m not gonna do any shortcuts

Yeah i’m just following the crowd that’s my plan yeah i’ve not done this map before so oh i can’t take it out of my oh come on there’s stupid face one in my body and i couldn’t see it’s a lag guys oh is this [ __ ] up oh this is a jump pad

I thought i just did it automatically yeah make sure make sure you look where you’re going oh okay okay my see the thing with the last egg oh what all right oh no cool that was a great spawn the thing with the last airplane is it took us a

Few like rounds to actually know what we were doing oh they had a dream for a second i don’t know where to go now i fell off please get up there like what did i do okay oh come on this is so hard this is so hard

Oh oh come on okay yeah can i go even can you even make it there i don’t seem to be able to have we’ve done this before okay no no no actually you know what maybe do i go oh yeah you gotta go up the waterfall and then like

From there jump to that platform way over there it’s just me and ludwig oh i made it i made it all right why is it just us i’m in 40th place is that good oh oh what am i doing oh guys i’m pretty much where dream is so we’re good I don’t know what okay um oh god uh yeah where do we go james when we go james i don’t know up probably yeah this is why i like being with people i don’t know where to go no we’re stuck what where where are you we actually got stuck somewhere there’s like a

Invisible barrier oh no really uh this way it doesn’t seem like a track anymore all right thank you uh how do i where are we supposed to go oh we’re gonna go i’m just building a house somewhere now okay why am i so speedy i’m not gonna complain oh my god it’s ollie

I gotta beat ollie oh i’m getting stuck with one of your favorite streamers i’m a little jealous to be honest um isn’t it supposed to make you automatically fly there yes it didn’t for me so that was cool i’ll call these people come on come on come on come on come on

Wait you guys are doing better than me because i got stuck oh can i get you out of there yeah they got they got us out but we’re really behind now where am i supposed to go that sucks they should breathe why is it not jumping half the time

I know it’s a meme but i actually do feel like that that was bad i feel like there is lag in this for there’s a lot of trying to figure out where the heck is supposed to go oh you know what the problem is the problem is i’m also not good

And that combined with lag is really not good uh i am also not good but then also i have a terrible sense of direction no this is confusing i think the like the first time the other one we did took us ages to let’s move it just happens i think the best part

About this is that you although wow it’s kind of like you’re going up against yourself which is much better than thinking that you’re up against everyone else that’s true That’s what i like about this monitor oh dang it i gotta like aim we gotta aim on that one oh shoot oh no no i can’t need something here But okay that didn’t make me fly quick enough come on it’s really annoying half the time the flying activates way too late for me i feel like you’re having the same flying pump they have on our server probably because the server is in australia let’s go i’m almost done

I practiced a lot of ace race on the uh server oh okay i’m after that like the old one uh no no no it’s just a completely different one but it helped me practice a lot with um like tridents and stuff which i think really helped with this

And i’ve done a lot of stuff on the fest crafts server too what the heck no practice doesn’t help All right i’m following i’m following you sasha do you have like any questions or is this that’s your final one oh that’s cool that’s way quicker this is your final are you on you where’s this guy i fall every time every single time you gotta

Okay sasha you gotta go more to the left like go past this moment yeah yeah you gotta go past the snowman there okay all right yeah yeah just do this okay what you wanna do is you wanna go to the corner um right next to the this oh wait just

Keep going just keep going just do it your way you know i’m not going to try and get you to do a fancy strat yay two laps done like zeus is talking let’s go all right sorry no i understand i’m trying it’s good you’re really keeping me company not sure all right okay

I could use that kind of zeus motivation too you know all right yeah i’m gonna see all right most gluon uh pretty much just kind of universally the whole thing i think oh no what you’re doing good what we’re doing a really good job here that was weird oh okay so the problem

There is you didn’t jump to the end but the problem here is you’re not doing practice you’re jumping why is that music there’s like three minutes left all right okay keep going freaking me out oh yeah there is two minutes left yeah i thought it was like 10 seconds like two

Minutes yeah keep going hello let’s go okay so you want to jump yeah to to the right yeah into the waterfall go out that was close you want to aim a little you want to aim a lot higher than you think yeah there we go there we go good good

Good good you want to dip down more yeah let’s go get glue on there up here oh i should probably shouldn’t have done that yep keep going you’re doing well here all right and then you just want to drop into the water down here go on

And then just charge up and then go yeah you seems like i just want to finish yeah this is why i struggle on this one okay okay go up here okay what you want to do why can’t i fly right now um yeah go on the right here

Okay aim up to yeah there and then you want to go you want to jump up a little bit yeah and then go to the left one finish yeah sweet you want to go to this waterfall you want to go to this waterfall turn around

Go on you want to go to that waterfall and shoot all the way over yeah okay you want to go up and then go that way oh shoot oh close yeah exactly shoot okay go up and then you wanna you don’t have to go that high

But no why the hell why did they jump that was weird yeah it’s a bit laggy oh no yeah i just don’t okay how much time do i have can i make this come on actually maybe pretty close oh what have we responded to you sasha i know

Oh yeah you’re gonna make it you got this go go go go go let’s go whoa do we all make it no no i just waited yeah yeah yeah yeah wow having a fun time please let’s go i’m really proud of you gluon well done

Look at this guy 37 38 and 39 and then zeus on what 17 or something h twice um that seems like adamant i demand a recount the votes are not verified no they’re Can i get a refund let’s go it’s hard but it’s fun that yeah that’s the i have the most fun with ace race because i bonded with ludwig which i just love for me yeah break time buzzer time great time anybody wants to go to the bathroom now’s the time yeah

Go to the mcc twitter vote on the next game or is it the one that you want or the one that you don’t want i think it’s the one that you don’t want for the next time you control the decision time for the game that you that has the least

Votes will be played next oh so vote for the one that you don’t want wait what’s the what’s the options let’s tell them what to vote for what don’t we want skye battle i don’t want skype everyone go to the twitter and vote for sky battle i’ll link it in trap yeah

Vote for skye battle i hate skype everyone goes my vote sky battle that one sucks thanks for listening where’s the link up where is this the link um i just posted my post yeah it’s on twitter if you follow the minecraft um yeah i don’t want sky battle so let’s

Vote for sky battle wait i thought you said with the least votes oh close nights right here i gotcha yeah 100 of the votes is me right now because there’s one vote yeah i know what why it has an update it’s got 11k likes but zero votes um i feel like battle mode

The old mark on what i vote for right we don’t want build mobs i feel like that uh that i want to have they fix that technology of counting the twitter poll someone’s talking about pokemon i was like other pokemon cards and the gifts i’ll be the bathroom right back guys one second

I’m also going to go to the bathroom i’m not going anywhere so i’m just going to sit here yeah okay so we’re going to be going to get the other side there’s only 48 000 votes so far so it could change that is true you got to get you got to

Get like the because everyone has like dream has to probably put his input as soon as dream says something it’s going to be like hell yeah bill mart has the most votes because nobody wants to do it yeah but i don’t i i don’t like to get to the other side either

I don’t mind that i’d probably prefer that over any of the others there i find it less stressful than any of the others practice ruckus please okay not that we might not even do anything in rockets belief hmm yeah might not come up dreams fans are scary they’re all right

Actually wait didn’t he make a video about them wait i might be wrong we just it’s so it’s so hard for like gen z’s to be nice sometimes you know what what is gen z like what years is that 1996 till something or is it 1997 one of the two

I don’t know sorry i’m asking i just feel like you know it’s 2020 we shouldn’t have generations anymore we should all be one oh god shut up i’m tired to be honest i’m tired of it all but everything sounds like my streams i complain about mundane things

All the time i’m serious about it i’m back hello oh no you’re not gen z you’re jen me isn’t that just deep so deep did you try to leave the game yeah existence yeah i just was so appalled with that joke it sounds like such a woke 20 20 thing

To say too it’s so stupid yeah i’m so woke bro i’m so worried i’m genuine i don’t label it except i do label it because it’s about me yeah i voted with all three of my accounts that’s the that’s the kind of effort i like to see well there’s 122 000 well 23

000 right now oh wait i should vote your three votes definitely my one vote definitely so yeah dan dan’s looking fancy oh to get to the other side is winning right now which is all right yeah i mean i don’t like that game but it’s better than the others yeah i prefer that

I do like the idea was on this because pokemon kept failing and was like the last one and i didn’t feel as bad i mean but it was like acceptable because you know i literally found like okay so what happened was when you were there was like that drop down into the

Underwater section where you like trading through like um me and ludwig went left because that’s where i thought you’re supposed to go we tried it like tried and it up to the left and then like got it like allowed us to go up there and then wouldn’t let us go back out so

There was like an invisible barrier oh my god we were stuck there for like a minute yeah just running back and forth and then they just teleported us out like pretty much like right where we were but i was like dang i lost like a hole yeah and yeah you still beat me

No i felt like i had a crazy speed boost though like for like a few seconds after that i feel like they maybe gave me a little boost no i’m not i’m not beating ludwig yeah no that’s not happening all right so uh it’s the uh halftime

Um and uh we’re in the locker room right now and uh guys i’m not liking what i’m seeing out there well trailing behind the red reindeer i’m gonna go out there i’m gonna win come on team ah come on no i’m happy having fun what are you made of hello hello hello

Hello hello oh you guys gonna hear me oh shoot oh hello hi you know i said we gotta win what we’re only four thousand behind come on guys yeah we’re only winning i mean we just haven’t had our game yet so our game was the og battle box so yeah

We just haven’t had it and hole in the wall uh daddy do not drink out of that coffee cup just saying um there’s nothing in it [Laughter] agreed i always agree ah delicious oh here we go here we go all right all right get to the other side going to win

Almost 200 how many votes i don’t think this is the most votes that would they’ve had i suppose they had like 300 000 once it’s just kind of like a porsche i have 157 000 on my own yeah that’s what i yeah yeah why this is the voting

Look at all those peoples hi people oh lol wait what joel’s keyboard broke so scott’s just running over to give it to him i love that they live so close together it’s so good can we pause no i was like that was sasha if you ever want to move to

Australia which i don’t think you want to i think james you should get a place and then i get a place and we’re next door neighbors oh i’d actually love that could i be so good can i get on this block oh you’re more than welcome yeah yeah

I don’t know about this idea but uh james could you buy a whole block of houses oh yeah yeah yeah no worries i’ll just buy like a set of stuff sweet yeah to get to the other side and whack a fan what’s going on yeah awaf

Stands for which i found out which my chat keeps telling me i mean i don’t i didn’t know what it meant yeah oh it says right there yeah it does say but i never knew what it meant yeah either i never i always forget so i keep reiterating it so i don’t eating

What what’s that it’s tick toe sawaf tikto i remember in the first one i won one cool wait is this the terraforce map oh my god i practiced this oh all right wait what the one thing i didn’t practice this this is the light i think that’s the eva

What was i what are they doing yeah we did we built the car oh my god cpk’s gonna destroy this i was watching my hair that day oh wait did i probably look at everyone’s wings oh yeah that’s sweet what do we do where do we go yeah what’s happening here

Dudes tell us you practice is one of them you just have to go you just have to rely on your instincts thanks for the tips really that’s what you practice right now it you’ll it will open up don’t worry you just look on your instinct sasha yes Oh my god this is thick oh my god will not be held responsible in the event you just want to go Disneyland oh no are you doing the new the new minecraft update is sweet [Laughter] this place is blowing up i can’t believe they got like early access to it yeah oh i’ve run out of rockets [Laughter] Oh no i’m oh no i crashed Oh you won oh man you’re done yeah yeah i just what are you doing i didn’t finish i fell i finished i fell i did it oh that’s pretty smooth oh i had to whack a fan i’m an idiot i actually finished pretty fast i

I thought i did well but i guess i didn’t know that’s very much me oh okay i typed in that yeah there we go oh i won this one here we go this is wait how are you doing this is going to go off it’s like what’s the bean guys with the

I know i’m just going to follow the masses here okay okay okay let me go through here through there up here all right then i go this way then i go in here why why do they have to keep using soul sound it’s so annoying slow us down for funsies oh shoot i’m

Gonna hit someone oh i don’t have a channel not finishing i didn’t finish that one good job i just followed everybody [Applause] good job team we really pulled through on that one oh i don’t think i’ve ever finished this one i’ve never finished this so you’re telling me that you didn’t

Play it it’s on your server it’s on fez craft this whole map uh well you have your yourselves to blame why they are hit i’m not blaming anyone i said i’ve never finished Am i like hitting other people what’s happening what can i make it oh my god it is craft now what’s the trick here again you’re gonna like find the hole along all right yeah we’re playing holland i came i came 14th oh dang it well oh wait oh well also awesome

Uh try going down to like yes i’m doing i like i don’t like this oh [ __ ] yeah you don’t want to aim down you kind of want to aim all the way it puts you at the start are you kidding yeah you want it yeah you want to make sure that why isn’t

There a checkpoint i don’t know this map is um i feel like this map is laggy though so yeah yeah i don’t think i’ve maybe i’m not gonna make it I feel like this might need help oh i didn’t oh well okay oh my god let’s go It was so scary that’s the first time i’ve ever made it i can’t believe it sends you all the way back to the beginning yeah yeah i hate this one this is the worst i like this one no this is crazy you just follow someone else just follow someone else

All right all right all right all right now because all you’ve got to do is let them build up then you just build up behind them and use their path for them true i mean or you can build your own but it’s really too much effort so

Oh sure like i’m gonna hit someone and then what’s in front of me i’m like oops okay sorry oh okay i can’t we’re too many people on the spot great please thank you oh shoot dang it oh the cobwebs oh no oh no i got stuck in it too i just got

Kicked off how do you get out of the cobwebs slowly yes slowly i’m gonna have to go with this following like why would you hit me why would you hit the last team of the the losing team why would you we have so little all right there we go i finished that one

Okay see i can do that one i can’t do stupid tridents yeah this one i i’m not very good at i ca i got hit off well there’s a part that goes right over the top so if you do go back to the start now i could probably just use that i’m

About to go oh yeah that’s actually not about it i get it let’s go well then sasha all right let’s go at least i finished i’m just really bad oh my god it was bad was this at the top yeah yeah that yeah that one’s i guess that’s one way

Of doing it oh well i’m not very good at that one that one’s uh oh this one i like i like this one oh yeah yeah just don’t take the corners in the boat get out and like run and jump yeah get out get out yeah yeah that’s the technique to this one

This is the only one i know a technique too this one this one’s fun you just go so speedy yeah speed and then just get out yep oh god third person on this i can’t see anyone okay can everyone’s boat am i going every okay okay how do you get out you hold

[ __ ] you press [ __ ] yeah it’s chipped yep and then you just like get out and then everyone’s doing it so if you start spinning out just get out and get back in again yeah uh best way to do it don’t think you can auto correct yourself just get out it’s actually

Faster to get out and put yourself back in the game someone knocked me off someone actually knocked me off on my good one are you kidding me oh my god i quit i think that one might have been me no it wasn’t i don’t think it was here

Yeah i don’t think it was you oh oh my i’m so freaking mad it’s my only good one let’s go i got 20th oh i thought it automatically got you out of a boat yeah me too come on i want to find someone who killed all right definitely was duck i’m clipping it I’m so sorry Oh my we’re supposed to work together what was that work together more like pointing each other out christmas village doesn’t look really cute um lovely get on my waist one crazy where do you go straight across okay all right to the other side oh oh my god are you serious oh my god

There’s really no point me hitting people off but it’s just like why not they’re like right in front of me you know yeah yeah i’m good oh man people are already [ __ ] good no oh my god who oh it’s just me and wilbur now apparently it was me not too hot

Well i guess it’s just you now pressure’s on dude literally everyone is watching you right now like literally hundreds of thousands of people are probably watching you know what that is actually in a thousand iq play because if you have hundreds of thousands of people watching you yeah

That’s true what was his name uh i gotta loot that guy up you know you should just stop and then type in chat be like hey guys i’m pretty sure yeah i stream stream every day at least we don’t have to do that one where you’re like running around the corners

Can i change my name to uh left out to glue on please you know that one that we usually do last where like everyone hits everyone off yeah at least we didn’t do that one yeah that one where you have to like fall down and then say oh

Yeah that’s so annoying that one is the most annoying it makes me like hot like my skin gets hot well once i’ve got the glue on knuckles on boats well it’s got the number one trending youtube video right now and we just had a fight [Laughter] it’s pretty funny please load

Wait someone sent me a clip present oh i got to do the presents present time it’s probably it could be knocking with a boat quick gave me coal which i i mean i don’t know i see them um way over there are you kidding me why are they running like away from everyone

They don’t want presents got a yo-yo give ten seconds anybody want oh what come here man i don’t understand these presents because like they don’t really i feel like they didn’t do anything nothing i like it i got a yo-yo chicken tree i got a piece of coal oh game’s arriving all right

[Applause] uh yeah i’m just gonna go good luck guys okay can i make it nope it’s in there oh my god i battle you’re like nope not doing sky battle actually it’s so good glue on so good this is your last mcc [Laughter] what game is this [ __ ] so funny i

Don’t know but like what round are we on oh gingerbread oh yeah it’s like an advent calendar yeah [Laughter] you know yeah it’s worth it i liked an al mega chicken went into it oh well ea paid them [Laughter] i i assume rules haven’t really changed unless it’s kind of the same

The gingerbread man is tea posing quite nicely oh but they said um there’s no pvp just wait tnt time halfway through the game phase two will be coming what did i say yeah we had this one oh right okay yeah i don’t think i ever got that far so

So we don’t um we don’t kill anyone we just stay alive and then who will they say like keep your eye on the horizon verizon yeah yeah yeah yeah you you have to look at variety so look up is that what you’re saying no no no no like eye on the horizon

Instead what yeah you wanted like so was it like slightly i’m just gonna die because it’s pretty confusing just gonna die that’s the spirit yeah you guys are confused yeah let me aim for a knock off because that’s kind of my thing now oh yeah all right you ready let’s go

Everybody you need to square i on verizon okay i’m on the verizon yeah do you see where the color changes what is going on i don’t know where i am and that is a problem how far are you flying quickly look up and tell me where i am

Oh cause i have to get my eye on the horizon dude i can’t i’m always far out the line somewhere in front of me i don’t know who that is i’m just gonna fly a bunch i’m making my way down to christmas guys i’m gonna be honest with you i’m gonna verizon

You know what i’m walking in my way abba i’m going up i’m not yet i’m hanging in there i don’t hang out here oh god so the pros do they hang out on these like let’s let things here you know i’m just gonna go i’m just gonna go here it’ll be fine

I’m sure i’ll be safe here oh what up sabotage oh no this is a beautiful outfit kind of why are we firing all right so far so good yeah i mean i’m just gonna hang up i’m just hanging out in an advent calendar area oh yeah i know i’ve got my rocket

I’m just gonna chill here it’s fine wait why am i fighting at zeus right now what are you doing stop trying to ruin our teammates oh hi sasha oh no someone’s found me they know i’m here you killed someone where is it yeah there is but it’s not you don’t get

Like an extra point you killed ludwig no i killed um eric i mean sasha together all right get ready for because all right i thought there was no pvp in this game there is i killed someone uh-oh tea time died people are all still really high up in the air

Like really really high did you use your rocket yeah yeah i did no i’m dead right now i feel like i’m losing altitude very quickly the verizon doesn’t have good reception here guys oh go to att quick i can’t switch i’m in a looking contract don’t make me laugh i’m trying to stay

On the horizon they have nationwide coverage i mean they say it happens oh my god no i failed hang in there hang in there all right i i thought i thought the moon i thought this was a block the moon what like i’m not kidding i thought

I thought if you look straight down i think it was a block all the way down between two like very small ones i was like laying down and hiding did anyone clip that that was so funny that was really good that was the best i think we’ve done

You did well yeah wow we got 500 coins well until you thought the moon was a block and then you moved oh now it’s just who can float for the longest yeah i think that they’re shooting me i’m not even in the game anymore that’s so funny oh nice damn well done

Of course his dream you know [Laughter] like when you swim you like lay down i was like doing that between two blocks just sitting there uh oh wait i thought i was oh my god i thought that oh not this one oh it’s a hard one it’s gonna fall

Straight through the hole right here i’m dead and then find a hidey hole All right i’ve got good reception oh you’re a good reception right now already down what i’m already dead whoa well i must have right who killed me oh that sucks [Applause] Did someone kill me uh yeah that sucks can i just hang out here please don’t hurt me i just want to live i see you live in gems oh god they found me they found me where am i oh i’m up way high like immediately i just hear explosions

But i can’t see where am i okay i don’t want to look because i feel like it’s going to slow me down yeah all right just [Laughter] Your uh your rocket until like the very very end well i mean i’ve already used it so please no i had to use mine pretty pretty soon i love you just i think i’ll be fine i think i’m good honestly you can’t hit yourself back up without rockets though i thought they removed

That like a billion versions no it still works see told you look how far zeus just went up he’s at like in the sky all right i don’t even know how that’s illegal that’s how you’re up there so i don’t know man i don’t know what to say all right

Zeus you’re cheating you’re literally cheating no that tyler all right i’m not even gonna try i’m just gonna stay i’m just gonna float the whole time i love it it’s not getting in the game let’s see shoot down shoot i shot down but it didn’t work oh lag

All right i gotta be careful here yeah don’t go too far out zeus you don’t wanna uh oh no he had a bit of a reception interruption there hold up oh no hold i can’t up see him i don’t know you did pretty well there’s only a few people

Left that was really good zeus there’s five players left yeah i got like yeah what did i get that was really good i mean i was just going wow that was really good yeah let’s go [Applause] i killed two of my teammates what the [ __ ] oh i think that’s one okay

That was weird i’m falling to my death already this is the absolute worst one you can’t change my mind the thing is it’s not even a fun map you know like and it doesn’t even look good that’s the other thing it’s like yeah like if maybe it looked awesome i’d

Be like oh yeah i guess i can see the merit but you know i don’t know i’m already dipping down way below i would want to right so i already have to lock it myself up all right i’m going to stay up here right away i would just like land

If you’re too low and then uh rock it later yeah rocketed maybe i’ll just hang here maybe i’ll be i’ll be fine no no one’s gonna see oh no they found me what why am i not flying there we go why not hide on that map though

Thing yeah there’s no way to like chill and not get just rockets flip yourself back up honestly it works it does not work whoa what the i just someone like accidentally just powered ollie let’s go wait well uh walking myself up did not work and caused me

To die so uh i’m dead i’m dead i’m dead i’m dead this is my worst map i don’t like this one very much it’s hard but i gotta kill i with james on it it doesn’t even look good it’s not great yeah like i think calendar one was sweet because it looked good

Yeah that was just awesome this is just like what is this like a weird dna model how many coins do you get for killing oh i got 35 points for killing someone i thought i got three kills i got three kills for it you get five no no

No no no no it’s not incentivized you got a lot more coins for staying alive or what yeah yeah you’re you’re good oh no no no excuse me hey i’m gonna have to go up i think you killed her oh i know you’re dead and she had a rocket shoot

Oh boy i’m going down we’re going down mayday mayday emergency landing we’re good yeah unfortunately i don’t think i’m going to do as well this time you can try to rocket yourself back up anymore no no not rock oh zeus again floating on the horizon it absolutely looks like an angel

La la la you know it takes me by surprise every single time oh just go go zoom zoom zoom let’s go whoa watch out you actually kind rocket jump and we removed pvp well zeus is good at this yeah yeah he’s got this he’s good i feel so impressed building a castle

Wasn’t enough practice for rockets please no i don’t think though no oh Yeah this one was super hard because like i fell down a little bit too much so i didn’t have my rocket right at the end i think i think that we what we’re not doing so well i was like james did not wake up at five o’clock in the morning

And also i didn’t just get my wisdom teeth out yeah wait did ollie say sasha you are dead to me whoa i didn’t kill him i really hope that we don’t do build mart yeah i don’t know that would be a christmas movie we have as my christmas wish i wish that we

Don’t do build mode i with you 100 but if it happens i’d rather do build more than bingo i’d rather do bingo because i can bumble around more than that it’s not stressful yeah that could just be like i don’t like i’m not i’m not good at bingo but it’s not like stressful

Like it is yeah i don’t know i gotta go pee real quick i’ll tweet each other he’s coming down he’s coming down he’s i need coming presents presents please yay i got a chocolate bar toppo gave me something and meths as well thank you thank you everyone a pot Got him how are you doing how you doing man i mean i gave him a piece of coal but wow that’s so beautiful oh well i got some chocolate in there chocolate bars wow that’s pretty cool aidan uh oh wait you were lost pl what okay i got a dunk

My yo-yo’s stuck in glue i was wondering what guy’s eating i don’t know what do we want what are we doing i don’t know that’s what yo-yo do anything but whatever bingo sails snows of time or sky battle i think most of time would be the best out of them all oh just

This no i voted yay i guess that’s the time man what happened the one time i voted i broke the game let’s go to the practice world the practice world is even broken as well i guess there’s no build bar today guys thank god well we won we’re all done everyone i’m

Not getting i’m back here my chicken went in i’m back in wait why what do you mean he’s falling asleep oh what i mean we’re it just kind of started when no one was here it’s just like okay here we go no no i know but like it kind of just

Like started the game like what so weird okay we’re gonna do a ready a ready check before we start okay cool the strategy for this one is uh don’t put your coins in the coin yeah just card get out you have nothing basically ludwig’s really angry wait why because i dunked them [Laughter]

Nice we’ve just been messing with him the whole time except for when i got stuck with him that was a bonding moment i i wouldn’t say that we have oh no i mean he like he tried to kill me in rockets belief i was not i did not appreciate yeah all right yes

What do we want to do i’m just going to go straight out to the the lobby area okay so i’ll leave it up to you guys who’s in charge of time i can stick around the area here oh yeah yeah don’t no one but glue one grab the snow from in here

Don’t get it get the keys but not the snow well don’t waste your time getting snow in this area because then that’s what i’m doing yeah yeah no no we’ll leave i’m going underneath the pillar that’s where i’m going oh cat is getting political like in game chat

Oh my god calm down what’s happening just look at the chatting game oh man oh they say i hate skype uh sky battle is cancelled [Laughter] sims is cancelled whoa whoa that sounds well i mean actually kind of this year tommy is kind of right okay can we just like start what’s going

On People wonder why we get invited back is because we become a meme All right i got it guys i got the whole map downloaded [Laughter] need to be 25 for a minecraft license expired i will not recycle this a little worse for me x-ray toggle oh here we go all right all right all right all right all right i’m just gonna run around

Like a headless chicken let’s just communicate how much time we have glue on as well i’m going underneath the pillow and james try and find a lava thing that you can do first so you don’t like actually like coins i found a lava thing every hour you’re gonna pick up some

Coins oh no so what are we allowed to pick up snow if we just give it to glue on i mean if you want to give it to me it’s like the worst weapon out and find like [Laughter] find keys and stuff okay okay then the money around here i’ll

Grab because i’m not gonna make any risks so i can just like dude die already creep how many hits did you take with a stone sword oh if i’m a round glue one i’ll just put it in the in the thing as well okay then because i i usually don’t stray too far

Maybe i’m just gonna go all right the first time i’ve ever opened the locked door points do i have is it there’s a green down here look at that okay okay okay i’m coming i’m coming i can’t see anything a purple one a what a purple one

How’s the time looking um uh well green yeah i like it how long oh god oh god oh that’s not good let me just have this real quick i don’t think i’m gonna deal with these yellow now i know i’m missing a lot of the snow

Because i’m not i’m like trying to look for sand not snow i’m gonna i’m bringing back a lot of snow i would say if you can get some snow get some snow how long i have i have a lot yeah i’m gonna go back and see how it was regarding

Yeah i would do it now no i have five snow i can put it in i have two snow i got three at the moment oh i’m here with you guys i’m nine arrows is this is it it’s fine i feel like this is a trap

There we go all right here you go blue one no it’s not oh i guess i probably need it wait is this a wooden one or is it what is this green key no anyone found a purple key nope i have a blue key um okay i’m leaving here oh my god

I’m coming there’s creepers in there watch out there’s a lot of creepers in there man [Applause] does this guy somewhere else if i go this way yeah there’s more i gotta go break this the thing uh that sounds like a blaze that i’m hearing yeah okay it’s fine

I broke the spawner i broke the spawner it should be good oh my god i’m trying to open this to go in there that’s oh oh should never have pulled a okay well i don’t like this area anymore i’m out of here all right all right i got something i got some snow

Okay i can’t dance a bird why are there creepers in the main area because they pull the level uh look i have it there we go okay whoa whoa whoa whoa what’s going on we got nine okay you got it okay we got some more time in there

I’m gonna trickle eleven i’m gonna get up there okay um i’ve got some small no oh yeah it’s funny okay everyone where are you hey gloria can you take this can i drop that there you go there’s something to snow behind you again okay i found a rusty key uh yeah i found

A restaurant yeah i’ve got some rusty keys i’m wearing all the levers in this room so give me something to do you know oh money oh money sounds like there’s a lot of blaze somewhere real close to me i don’t like the sound of that What of those splash potions i have i don’t even know what i picked up me oh my god i’m doing great all right hang on can someone come with me um oh boy here we go okay i only have one i only had one how much how much time how much time

I got there’s one billion of these dudes here um all right i just don’t want to go down why are so many of these guys i’m popping off thank you why is everyone finding places but us because they’re good at it oh no no no no no

Are you gonna die i was close i’m good they’re coming out they’re here all right i’m going to need some backup in the main area yeah there’s like pillages everywhere oh boy i let them out of a room it might have been a mistake

Oh and i didn’t even get the snow so i need to go back and get that i feel like ow ow ow i just want the coins no i don’t want to do where is that how much time do we have i have 300 coins that’s pretty good

I need to get this i should not die though that would be a tragedy still here okay oh no i did pick it up this isn’t my inventory right okay we’re good you guys got snow please find stuff yeah i got four where are the blazes uh

Down down into the hallway maybe they’re in the vault there’s some down the hallway over there that has like two spawners like pillagers and blazers all right we almost have a minute left you told me all right i fell into a pit of creepers oh my god i lived

Oh my god good job how did i live oh my god hey zeus yeah are you busy you want to come this way let’s go we got a problem down here all right uh in this room on the left okay let’s pretty rough wait i’ll come through this i’m coming

I’m coming i’m coming do not die oh god okay i’ve killed myself it’s a good no honestly because it all kind of blends out yeah that’s what i mean it’s like you’re missing it ah silverfish what are you seeing there’s still a spawner in here if we

Can get that that’d be really good guys we only have 60 seconds i got more snails okay i’m going to look try to find some water i should have put where i’ve been oh there’s something right here get out get out of here no no no no please don’t die

Okay i got those two spawners in that room that’s good oh nice nice nice i got 350 coins at the moment okay i’m just gonna leave that room now i’m gonna knock her there again how much time do we do uh did you do the parkour in this room

Yeah 60 seconds um oh we got a bit more now okay um i almost died oh that was i’ve been doing a lot of parkour in this one yeah i’m here with you oh there’s like a big drop i don’t know about that how much time we gotta try one hang on um

Well in the uh oh half of the orange i got yep i think we gotta start getting out unless you guys have a massive amount of one there’s no one now how much time are we doing left with 60 seconds here about a minute okay okay

I have 343 coins so i’m i’m good to go i have 350 53 haven’t we yeah we haven’t we don’t have default bills we have to do like crazy parkour stuff i feel like everyone except for us oh grew on you’re founding them yes oh spider

Oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no should we like get out of here or yeah let’s go i mean get close we got 50 seconds on me yeah get out come on come on come

On come on come yes please come out you gotta tell about 30 seconds all right yeah i’m coming i’m coming back i mean yeah 400 coins so i did pretty good at 340. i didn’t die this time so that’s good yeah yeah yeah i like that i like i like

The concept of this game it’s fun yeah i like it i just i think the throw with tomato tomatoes my tomato where is it on the floor like i fly i picked i went up and it wasn’t there these people got stuck in my tomato yeah

Sag ah paco so those people like they ran out of time then is that what it is um or yeah yeah maybe yeah yeah they’re probably ran out of time right they could have lost a lot of points there um but i’m assuming that fruit berries

Oh my god opening a vault the thing is yeah and it’s the thing is like yeah we made our time but they could be in there for another like minute or so because they’re just finding more and more snow in them yeah all the snow i i had on me up would be

Around 5 000. i think but everyone’s like yeah it could be 6 000. yeah that game is stressful yeah it is i think it is that i have the concept though it’s kind of fun it’d be good if they removed the stress part of it and just had

The push just the time the time part of it probably more time but like i guess with this kind of events like even this is still going on pretty long it’s like you don’t really know until it comes here how long it’s going to be yeah not a very mogul move

Well i mean you turned around and walked into my tomatoes so i’m not better because people lost that was for i like that i had fun we did we did actually pretty good on that i just hope that yeah all around the same amount of coins too so that was yeah

Survival games mind being happy if we don’t do sky battle really we was sky battle that we did not even make it three seconds on that game each round oh we did well one time yeah one time and that was it um yeah yeah i wouldn’t i wouldn’t mind

The survival game oh it’s over okay oh wait what yeah let’s go i mean i i honestly saw that coming but i’m not surprised but hey i think we did well yeah we’re only like five thousand coins behind ninth that’s okay i i think what’s that what’s been our best i think 11

000 coins has been our best uh the first two rounds we did really poorly because they were pvp so every other round has been really good so i think yeah we’ll be much um i think um i think it’s great that uh we’re having fun you know

Yeah unless they put in build mods build my i think i’d rather you build mark no or bingo see scott was like we don’t get to come back but i’m gonna say we’re not coming back if you do build mart so oh i don’t know if they’re gonna like

They’re gonna be miss us if we don’t come back whoa they’re gonna miss it they’re gonna miss the simmers because that’s that’s an easy ninth place for everybody they’re gonna miss us that’s true yeah we just we were like everyone was yelling about the sims in the chat

Like true we they loved us [Laughter] yeah i understand like pvp because i i think everything else i got a green thing ollie what is this pot of slime what does that do all right but stop saying build my oh what does the slime do oh did it make it

Sticky you call what did i do wrong we got chickens what not building girl survival i wanna put i’m gonna let the sticky stuff in survival survival they all have sticky stuff great are we doing survival games survival i hate survival you hate all of these games

Yeah i know but i hate that one well skye battle’s getting something it doesn’t matter anyways you can see this one it might be four yeah oh Yeah that’s what we always do turn on block titles as well don’t forget wait how do i do that the command slash block titles remember oh yeah yeah yeah did it work did it work i don’t know i did it i assume it did oh apparently there’s like christmas

Themed builds though so there’s that that’d be fun yeah okay and think about it hopefully at least people haven’t been able to just study all the buildings we’ve communicated with them and told them which ones that we’re doing should we’ve done that no that’s too late they’re already gone

Well we normally do the two right ones don’t we so yeah the same hopefully they keep with that well let’s just like over here so you and me like wait we’re here just hey guys we’re over here this house all right well there’s three of them okay let’s go let’s see

Okay okay okay yeah i don’t know who’s doing the middle one so Let me go again uh okay we need oak yeah who’s doing the middle uh i’ll call you for middle as well what am i gonna do coal oak a lot of oak a lot of oak there’s a bunch of oak we need a lantern and we need coal

Everyone’s here okay guys move all right a lot of coal and oak all right well let me eat the clothes oh yeah i get it dude okay how much is that like i mean long i mean we need oak stairs i’m not getting any of this why am i not

Picking up any of this where is it all going i don’t think they no those those iron things on the bottom so can i pick up some of this please is it lanterns oh do you need to make a lantern how much how much oak sorry i wasn’t listening

Because i wasn’t getting anywhere oh we need like a bunch of because anything like oak stairs oh slap fence yeah yeah but how much though like estimate give me how many logs i need like give me a number or something anything i don’t know like five oh okay

So you’re saying a lot and i have like 27 so you got to give me like what did you find yeah and we need an iron for lantern how much did you have spruce how much spruce do we need um a little less less of this of that okay all right i’m

Leaving the wood area i’ve got spruce and oak oh because we need fireplace as well that’s further away do we need any um outdoor let me just check i can’t remember do we need any sand or flowers for dye or something i don’t know like actually there’s like potted flowers so

I don’t know if we need those no oh that’s uh stone bricks if you can get those well don’t have to make those well yeah but then stone then or whatever you need to get for that i was a man in this map um okay so so always i’ll go there because

I think that’s what coal is right uh yeah it’s in ores yeah right in the back so we need an iron as well you said for uh lanterns or something yes so how do we make a land we need um nuggets and a torch and wood as well

Just fine yeah i don’t know how much pine needs i’m just getting a bunch well you make cold blocks so let’s get a gun in this section oh no that’s it over there i think it’s it’s like in the back on the right yeah if it makes

If that map is yeah i can see all right so i’ve been getting cold what do i need after coal um we need uh the yeah wood coal and iron yeah i got it because that’s all and then and then if you want to grab some of the uh stone

For the stone bricks that’s on the other side in the stone section yeah just go over the side and it’s to your right right on your right okay the map a new thing or have you just never used this right gotcha yeah i don’t know if the

Map is new but i’m definitely going to use it to navigate it’s probably been there the entire time wait what that’s nice oh sorry yes far left stone bricks any other stone products on here um uh nope i’ve been a lot of it because we need stone

Stairs stone slabs oh i mean it’s all bricked or brick formed but like a lot of that stuff i don’t know if zeus is doing this because he was looking at it he also needed to make a campfire which is logs and coal and sticks but we should have enough

Because i got a load of oats you’re like man we need a lot of oak we need a lot so i got like a lot and then you’re like we need five and i’m like oh all right i got some this is very stressful i’m almost just

Because much jack yells at me most of the time i feel like this shouldn’t be any pressure right now because there’s literally nothing we can do to not be lost at this point so i’m really not too worried about it you know what i mean like

We could do nothing and get the same place if we did the best i mean i’m just going to have a bit of fun you know okay so what do we need to make i’ve got what do you want i’ve got some logs and i need pole and

We need we need there goes all the stuff here yeah i just gave you everything okay so what do you want do you want to take some stuff okay what do you want to do again okay so what actually is this we got stairs and blocks at the back okay okay

Is that how this is so we go uh two of that and then three on top okay hence what was it a gate gosh i don’t know and then what is this that’s a half slab it’s on a stage oh it’s upside down says i see i see

Okay so i need some stairs do you have that stone cutter here oh no oh god yeah geez dude calm down do not do that in my face please how many stairs do we need i have eight did you make a campfire or something

Uh i uh yes i can because we need that over here like this and i need these guys which i guess i should have done that but i got the campfire done so i’ll go for that don’t snub that out of here what is this thing there’s a mistake i feel like they’re

Rotated and they shouldn’t or do they and then we need to find i think i did this right i don’t know oh yeah no maybe that is right okay then we need the little stairs at the front the spruce where’s the spruce you have it i hear his

Boots i only got two blocks left i’m sorry okay i know again is okay enough i don’t think it’s enough dude do you have any other wood because i need like sticks for signs and stuff oh yeah hit up sticks here you go here’s some sticks take the sticks take all those

Oh boy yeah that was my bad i turned all the oak into his planks not thinking about it well we don’t need any spruce yeah i turned all the oak logs and then i had to use the oak logs and we could campfire them yeah so where’s the spruce that’s it

You just you just said oak what happened to the spruce yeah i turned the i turned what am i not moving go what is this i turned the logs the screw the um spruce into the campfire oh yeah you can close this i was like what happened to the spruce then

Okay the the logs aren’t too far away so i’ll just grab some more that was totally my fault i yeah actually what do we need for the next thing because i’m out here shopping again so well i’m gonna make this first i gotta get this done let me just finish

The first one what do we need hang on i’m still walking on it yeah but oh i need lanterns yeah you can make those can you don’t you have everything you need yeah i should but i got more kind of you can fly inside the build area oh yeah i forgot about that

Oh right i forgot i did that oh jesus scared me they’re doing way better than we are well did we already complete one wait wait no no what happened all right so i went to go get spruce and i just did it all right cool

Um okay well what do i need to do because we need this is done this is just random items over here okay so we need um we need yellow terracotta glazed here’s some stuff just take this because you can start placing blocks for the other thing over there

And then i need some wood and terracotta and stuff all right that one we need yellow terracotta and yellow concrete now i’m gonna go what about tell me like sand and stuff without a thing there’s not like that’s like right at the start here i can get

Uh yeah we do need sand we need like at least one block of sand on this one what kind of sand uh regular oh yeah so i’m sorry two reds one video yeah i’m gonna say i’m pretty sure it’s all red in there somewhere too i’m sorry i’m kind of panicking right now

There’s literally no reason to panic because like there’s no pressure in this situation nothing we do is it’s going to change the outcome so we get we did get one um if you got away with the colors grab some yellow are we need more wheels like birch or something well for this one

Yellow i mean they’re kind of making that one yeah we do need birch yeah birch right here but they have it they got it the wedding insane they’re already doing it so go to the yellow go the colors get concrete and yellow yeah um i can make the torches so yellow concrete

And glaze terracotta do you need some other terracotta are they doing that one glaze yellow glazed terracotta okay 12 and then two red yeah and then two red glazed that’s all the terracotta we need 14 yellow concrete 13 glazed yellow and two glazed red give me all your yellow stuff and then

You build the other thing there’s they’ve already got a they’ve already got a handle on it i don’t know if they have any more they may not brought up um of this boost back unfortunately i give you a bunch of spruce sorry um birch i’m sorry okay

I’ll give you the yellow idea okay okay sorry so sand goes here i guess any birch wait where did my birthday didn’t i get birch oh no you told me not to get birch so i don’t yeah because they were building it and then i realized they didn’t finish it so

They didn’t get enough concrete yeah tokyo drift over here well the tokyo drifting i don’t even know what we needed i forgot problem uh you’re doing great by the way and if you guys can hear us but we think you’re doing great i feel like they did more than us didn’t

They i think they did ah yeah i i we tried oh yeah you know what those guys tried damn we didn’t try did y’all see that drift i drift i did a 360. we should have tried glowing because i don’t think we were oh shoot sticky keys i mean i kind of

Like retired from trying early on i can tell at the end yeah are we feeling good hello oh yeah i i can hear you okay yeah i was kind of like that whole time i’m like i mean there’s not really that much point putting that much effort in

Because like anything we do we’re still going to be 10th you know Boy you know what i had fun so yeah i mean you know what i had fun because it wasn’t as stressful on this one yeah because it wasn’t as stressful as normal because i didn’t have to put that much effort in i was just trying this one all right lizzy’s in the final

We’re gonna uh no wait let’s see what the final is the final score no it’s uh don’t worry guys are we going um are we has been updated i know green so let’s go for him all right let’s go for green then and kara follows me on twitter so let’s go

For them all right okay well i don’t think any of them follow me on twitter so no i’m not going to go twitter at all i’ve been talking in like years to see if we are last yeah you can check there if you want to hashtag last but had fun

I always have fun hope you guys are cheering us on and i’m not winning the whole thing you know are you kidding me it’s not that we got last is that they got really far ahead and we’re really good so really you know give it that way you think about it that

Way we’re in the top ten yeah sorry what were the top 10 yeah people were not in there what are you going for what’s happening yeah i mean we still make it into the championships i think we’re going team purple don’t leave yet because there’s gonna be something at the end there’s actually

Gonna be a lot of uh yeah yeah i don’t think it’s not over yet everyone it’s not even like a surprise at the end or something you don’t want to miss it this is the final countdown speaking of missing things i need to go to the toilet again

Real quick all right i’m going to vote for purple penguins how many times have we been in the um mcc uh a lot of times yeah we’ve been in almost every mcc everyone was like who are these people it’s like we mean we’ve been in everything they’re fake fans you know what

Fake fans we’re in the first one that’ll that’s all that matters we were in the first one and like pretty much the christmas one yeah the easter one we’ve all wins that’s why i’m going for purple penguins okay yeah purple penguins purple penguins could you [Applause]

Represent here we go stressful if we go we’ve actually played this in a practice is really good at this if only we made it this far we would have it in the bag baby we’re going for purple because cairo he’s actually pretty good at this because i think they won uh the last

This is pretty good i think uh the error is also pretty good i think illumi is really good um i don’t know about it dr glon vixela and critic zeus were really good too what color team are we going for apple for twitch you know because we’re all on oh

Twitch no i’m facebook i’m really i tried to work facebook let’s go facebook gaming eliminated what are they gonna do with that however purple does have both snowballs a little bit problematic for the blue team you know we’ve got these cyan somethings what are they called terracottas the teal turkeys

Interesting name oh oh um anyway penguins for the win wait is there no arrows coming out no it’s snow balls i think sometimes whoa too big i’m too small wait what Oh the dodge by green saving themselves from us i don’t get why we can’t just fly in this arena yeah i know we could jump in front of them no except they wouldn’t be able to see us would be good wiggle wiggle back and forth you then be predictable agreeing for a

Hundred thieves no hey guys this just in the um music is uh copyright so can you believe if they had a damn shot oh is going to make the shot with pizza hut aiming down oh holy [ __ ] there was a blowback there on turkey oh boy here we go So well done is off the chain oh did i just oh no i changed my banner no ew i didn’t mean to i i walked into another area who takes the victory here aimbot all right pumping uh we’ve got aim bought green over here did you see what i said it’s not cheating

It’s true all right cars taking their time did they want to shoot or like uh oh there we go oh missing got him today pays off for them but however teal turkeys does get both snowballs can they do it all right we’ve got a lumia taking the top of missing

Meaning that oh both john’s missing meaning that there’s a coming through with the triple box deal let’s go i got a lot of targets on the last space i don’t know maybe that’s cara don’t fall oh and now we go to libya Taking their time i think they’re a little close to the front here the limit is going to take their time this is thanks oh my god dodging dipping diving and ducking they’re kind of close to each other lumiere’s looking to get false symmetry out not knowing the greens probably the rein

Applying for 100 people oh no oh no oh oh they’re doubling up this is a bit of a problem maybe the duke can help come on come on come on come on come on oh oh wow man you think the first one the nerves getting illuminated a little bit

Oh bring it down right over green oh wow that that’s going to go into the light that’s lag right there guys cheeks quench wow now they are relaxing taking a coffee break oh my god [Applause] let’s go one more match left and they’ve got this come on purple penguins take it home for

The simmers yeah we actually get bonus points this will actually propel us for a second come on Take that extra one uh that is unfortunate that’s what you get that’s what we call they got baited hard Putting some extra pressure on uh the team missing we’ve got chris one they’re gonna take the shot Thieves again can they do it can they bring it back for their team you okay and brian they’re they’re it’s a 2v2 they’re gonna take oh no they missed green what are you doing you’re choking cara oh all right come up some good vibes out there all right some dodging dipping diving

Because they’ve got both snowballs again but missing going a little bit too fast there korean super dodge all right oh they’re they’re oh oh pressure is on now here we go with the 1v2 again and you he clutched out for their team or is the winner the final match of purple penguins are

They going to take it for the victory i can feel the tension yeah listen that music perfect The whole world is watching i don’t appreciate them i wanted the purple penguins to go to three stock them but nah this makes it more exciting is ranking wow they say that the teal turkeys it’s a fun thing last time we ended it was like almost

Like back and forth all the way yeah yeah but we could sweet from the teal turkeys with a very very good aim pizza is actually hitting a lot of good shots here if uh teal turkeys want to have a chance of winning they’re gonna have to get pizza

Oh my gosh they’re aiming we got a luna aiming for pizza hut and then we got korean deciding on whether or not to go for cara or pizza hut oh what oh speaking of which is brought to you by pizza hub i know like you keep saying you keep saying pizza

Hut no no that’s his name but like it’s making me real hungry i know oh james they’ve got a triple box here that’s got like two pieces i saw that yeah it’s like two pieces of like dessert and i’m like oh yeah oh the triple street box or

Something like trying to tie it and count calories today we got alumina and puns with snowballs here oh very strong members on the purple penguins they could probably get a win out of this bring in a hundred things emailed him this could be it this could be it it’s close could be it

If puns misses one this could be it oh my god i’m on the edge of the first round now i’m gonna pee my pants gotta crawl Oh To the tire breaker oh my god oh my god just incredible oh my god the tie breaker all right awesome all right i’m going through the hole every time you know what grain is not showing up recently green’s probably the if they’re gonna dress up right now this

Is very high they got green out why oh green hasn’t hit a shot in a while they do have both oh my god oh no that’s not looking good that’s not looking good oh no purple penguins trading snowballs oh no no no no they’re going down this

Is going to be a big comeback if they get up this is a huge comeback i mean both teams oh my gosh not looking good but this is not gonna work for pizza hut maybe oh my gosh That was that was close dude wow that wasn’t crazy [Applause] congrats everyone that was amazing that was so good to watch that was a good game and we get to go to a draw you know they rigged it for we wouldn’t win oh come on there’s got to be one for us

Let’s go wait one averaging lost the team that always has the most fun that’s right yeah where do we look i don’t know i assume something would just happen i’ll probably yeah we’ll be transported to a wonderful world oh is everything gonna just like oh look at the scoreboard oh um

Oh no oh is everything gonna get blown up Big crown uh oh this is awesome good job everybody Oh wow good job good job everybody mcc season one that’s it season one remember that season oh i love the music this is literally so Cute Oh sorry thank you to the hundreds of testimonies i gave their time and dedication to ensure that mcc ran smoothly and seamlessly for what i can’t see for blank of viewers to enjoy look at all this oh good job everyone awesome great job i see james i’m in the background oh no

So let’s go let’s go The real winners you don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here we wish to announce that mcc season 2 will be exclusive to facebook gaming thank you for participating good [Laughter] look the credits are still like up you can still go look at them

That’s funny yeah if you look around you can see them in the sky yeah that’s funny nice what if they were there the whole time we just didn’t notice I mean it might have been it’s true i mean i know this Is anyone going to keep streaming after this no i’m wealth uh no i’m off that is exactly yes everybody’s shutting down that was so much fun even though we came last hashtag not last but we had fun oh we did have yes thanks to this are we not gonna get our

Uh talk with scott scott comes in and says something go back up okay hi glue on kids hi blue kids hi glue kids say hi to you Hi hello last night sasha i mean yes all right everyone upstairs i’m coming up there now he’s gotta like round him [Laughter] up hi james hi all right thanks for coming along guys mcc because that’s probably when i’ll stream again see you guys thanks for coming bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Championships 13! Christmas Edition!’, was uploaded by More James Turner on 2020-12-22 08:17:33. It has garnered 10700 views and 287 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:39 or 9999 seconds.

It’s a fully Christmas themed MCC and this time, we are the Sapphire Santas!

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  • The Magic Five: Boys Love Music Video

    The Magic Five: Boys Love Music Video Minecraft Animation Boys Love: The Magic Five Part 5 Introduction In the world of Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. Martin, also known as Marty, has embarked on a journey to share his unique story through animation. “The Magic Five” unfolds as a love story for Minecraft boys, showcasing a tale that captivates the audience. The Story Unfolds As the story progresses, viewers are drawn into a world where love knows no limits. Through Marty’s animation, characters come to life, each with their own struggles and triumphs. The Magic Five explores themes of friendship, love, and acceptance, creating a narrative… Read More

  • Roasting Minecraft 1.8 & MMC

    Roasting Minecraft 1.8 & MMC Minecraft 1.8 & MMC Slander: Exploring the Latest Trends As the Minecraft community continues to evolve, new trends and memes emerge, keeping players engaged and entertained. One recent topic of discussion revolves around Minecraft 1.8 and MMC slander, sparking conversations and debates among enthusiasts. Rediscovering the Joy of Bridge in Minecraft 1.8 One of the intriguing aspects that have caught the attention of players is the resurgence of interest in bridge gameplay. Many are finding the experience of playing bridge in Minecraft 1.8 to be surprisingly enjoyable, leading to a renewed appreciation for this classic feature. Embracing Fun and… Read More

  • Castle Capers: Loot Larceny at Techno’s Minecraft Lair

    Castle Capers: Loot Larceny at Techno's Minecraft Lair In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of a daring thief, with stories untold. He tried to steal from TechnoGamerz’s castle so grand, But alas, his plans did not go as planned. Exploring the castle, he found treasures rare, But soon realized, he was caught in a snare. The op loots he sought, slipped from his grasp, Leaving him with regret, in the castle’s grasp. But fear not, dear viewers, for the story’s not done, There’s more to this tale, under the sun. Stay tuned for more adventures, in the Minecraft world, Where twists and turns, are always… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest updates from the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining the Minewind server. While watching a fun YouTube video about Minecraft animations, you may have felt a spark of inspiration to dive into the world of Minecraft yourself. The Minewind server offers a unique and thrilling experience for players of all ages and backgrounds. With a vibrant community, exciting gameplay features, and endless possibilities for creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your imagination… Read More

  • Crafting a Grindstone in Minecraft

    Crafting a Grindstone in Minecraft Minecraft Grindstone: Repair and Enchant Your Items One of the essential tools in Minecraft for repairing items and removing enchantments is the grindstone. This handy block allows players to keep their gear in top shape and customize their equipment to suit their needs. Here’s how you can make a grindstone in Minecraft. Materials Needed To craft a grindstone, you will need the following materials: Stone Slabs: Crafted from three stone blocks arranged in a horizontal row in a crafting table. Wood Planks: Obtainable by placing logs in a crafting table. Crafting the Grindstone Once you have gathered the necessary… Read More

  • Minecraft Mystery: Spot the Diff, Aha Moment! #shorts

    Minecraft Mystery: Spot the Diff, Aha Moment! #shorts In the world of Minecraft, a quiz awaits, Spot the difference, can you see the changes, mate? One place will transform, can you spot the shift? Aha moment awaits, a brain training gift. If you’re up for the challenge, give it a try, Watch closely, observe, let your keen eye fly. Minecraft mysteries, waiting to be found, In every pixel, a new world to astound. So dive into the game, with rhymes in tow, Explore the blocks, let your creativity flow. Minecraft magic, in every detail, Spot the difference, and you shall prevail. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Baazigar: Crafting Chaos

    Minecraft's Baazigar: Crafting Chaos In the world of Minecraft, Techno Gamerz reigns supreme, His gameplay skills are like a thrilling dream. With each heist and adventure, he takes the lead, In GTA V, he’s the master of speed. Join him on this journey, full of action and fun, As he pulls off heists under the blazing sun. His commentary is witty, his skills are top-notch, Techno Gamerz is the one you can’t watch. So buckle up and get ready for a wild ride, With Techno Gamerz by your side. In the world of gaming, he’s a true star, Epic moments and thrills, that’s… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Survival Fun!

    Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Survival Fun! Welcome to the world of Minecraft! Are you looking for a new and exciting server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, this server offers a unique and thrilling experience for all players. Imagine building your own simple wooden house, just like in the YouTube video you watched. At Minewind, you can take your building skills to the next level and create the ultimate survival shelter. With a focus on creativity and community, this server is the perfect place to showcase your Minecraft talents. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out,… Read More

  • Minecraft’s New Era Unveiled!

    Minecraft's New Era Unveiled! Minecraft Enters a New Era with Distant Horizons The latest Early Access version of Distant Horizons is revolutionizing the Minecraft experience. Players can now load an impressive number of chunks while using shaders, resulting in breathtaking visuals that are simply mind-blowing. What’s even more impressive is that this mod has minimal impact on performance, surprising many. Mods Enhancing the Experience Several mods are contributing to this new era of Minecraft: Tectonic: This mod can be found on Modrinth and offers unique features to enhance gameplay. Indium: Another mod available on Modrinth, Indium adds even more depth to the game…. Read More

  • Game News: God of War PC, Alien VR, Minecraft Series, Silent Hill 2 Remake

    Game News: God of War PC, Alien VR, Minecraft Series, Silent Hill 2 Remake Welcome to the Latest State of Play Presentation Recently, a new State of Play presentation showcased a plethora of exciting announcements and updates from the gaming world. Let’s dive into some of the highlights: God of War: Ragnarök Coming to PC One of the major reveals was the official announcement of the PC version of God of War: Ragnarök. Fans of the franchise can now look forward to experiencing this epic adventure on a new platform. Exciting Gameplays and Trailers The presentation also featured gameplay footage from multiplayer shooters like Concord and Marvel Rivals, offering a glimpse into the… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Server Guide

    Ultimate Minecraft Server Guide The Top 3 Best Minecraft Servers You Must Try Are you tired of playing alone or looking to make new friends online? In this video, three servers are highlighted for you to play with your friends or make new ones. Let’s dive into the details of these exciting Minecraft servers: Pika Network Pika Network is known as the best international server with a variety of modes to choose from. Whether you enjoy Kit PvP, Skyblock, or Survival, this server has something for everyone. With thousands of players online, it’s a great place to test your skills and have fun… Read More

  • Unbelievable 4ChanChan Player Review

    Unbelievable 4ChanChan Player ReviewVideo Information what up y’all so I’ve been trying to look around for like a new person to look at their profile and then it instantly hit me I’m like wait benett Arthur why haven’t I thought of that it f you have 20 cents in your bank balance Benn it how the [ __ ] do you not have Eman 9 and you had 3,2 runs how do you not have a subset duplex one ter chance three nothing not even like five star are you trying to battle Joey LMAO worse Warden helmet so we got refrigerate one… Read More

  • Trapped by Doves!

    Trapped by Doves!Video Information nej nej jag got TR This video, titled ‘They Trapped Me!?’, was uploaded by Doveular on 2024-02-15 11:55:00. It has garnered 8678 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft Nextbots Mod! #minecraft #gaming #trending #mc #funny Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Lore Revealed! #DrauviaMC

    Unbelievable Minecraft Lore Revealed! #DrauviaMCVideo Information nos parecemos bastante No ambos rubios de hecho diría que te pareces también a ciertas personas a quién me [Música] [Música] parezco que me recuerdas a mi amada ella me está esperando en casa y yo muriendo por volver This video, titled ‘𝕄𝕖 𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕦𝕖𝕣𝕕𝕒𝕤 𝕒 𝕖́𝕝… #Lore #Minecraft #MinecraftRolplay #Rolplay #MinecraftLore #Drauvia #DrauviaMC’, was uploaded by Daya Lore on 2024-03-29 05:56:33. It has garnered 614 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #Skins #Lore #Minecraft #MinecraftRolplay #Rolplay #MinecraftLore #Drauvia #DrauviaMC Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Dog House Build 🐕🔨 #shorts

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Dog House Build 🐕🔨 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cute Dog House Build #shorts’, was uploaded by Sunfy Shorts on 2024-01-04 21:15:00. It has garnered 10974 views and 358 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #minecraftbuilding Hey there, welcome to Snufy! Your go-to spot for cool and simple Minecraft builds! We’re all about making your gaming experience better by sharing quick, awesome building ideas that you can easily try out in your own world. 🏡 Build it fast and easy: Check out short tutorials to create stunning structures without breaking a sweat. 🎨 Unleash your creativity:… Read More

  • Dansk YouTuber Blows Up House in Youtropolis :O

    Dansk YouTuber Blows Up House in Youtropolis :OVideo Information This video, titled ‘💥Eksplodere Starvys Hus I Youtropolis :O #dansk’, was uploaded by EliasHau on 2024-01-13 17:52:49. It has garnered 4407 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. #minecraft #danskminecraft #dansk #youtropolis #funny @StarvyDK Join My Discord Server Link In Bio Read More

  • INSANE!! COD Zombies in Minecraft (BO3 Custom Zombies)

    INSANE!! COD Zombies in Minecraft (BO3 Custom Zombies)Video Information since the literal Stone ages of custom zombies maps there has been one thing that has made its way to every game that has custom zombies and that is Minecraft whether it be an original map or the tutorial world or a remake of an actual map Minecraft has been part of custom zombies since World at War and today I’m going to be playing zombies maps that have been fully recreated into Minecraft versions but without further Ado let’s get into the first map with the first map being knock dur un toen I haven’t played any… Read More

  • CRAZY Minecraft Anniversary Surprise! 🎉 | Viewer Realms #shorts

    CRAZY Minecraft Anniversary Surprise! 🎉 | Viewer Realms #shortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello how’s it going everybody Welcome how’s it going Brian Elijah Charles uh one player G Michael towels Orville beatcraft we got bacon in the house zichi Ethan wper how are you guys doing today also Christopher Carter welcome manand drut like gazer and milk Domino’s nice to see you again and papa little tiger yo Eevee fanatic… Read More

  • “Unbeatable PvP Server for Cracked Minecraft Players!” #minecraftserver #minecraftpc

    "Unbeatable PvP Server for Cracked Minecraft Players!" #minecraftserver #minecraftpcVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best server for PvP (Cracked) like stray | #minecraftserver #minecraftpc #minecraft’, was uploaded by Harish on 2024-01-19 03:14:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Best server like stray for cracked java+pe best cracked server for 1.19.3 best cracked server for 1.16.5 best cracked server for … Read More

  • Fret: Creeper Revenge?! Minecraft Memes! #fyp

    Fret: Creeper Revenge?! Minecraft Memes! #fypVideo Information creeper always creeping what do This video, titled ‘CAN THIS CREEPER GET REVENGE!! #minecraft #funny #memes #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #fyp #mobs’, was uploaded by Fret on 2024-01-15 17:44:43. It has garnered 12 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • Feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2

    Feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2About feather64 feather64 has been operating since 2011. F64 is a Raiding-Survival server with very little moderation. Raiding and griefing are allowed. On feather64 you cannot protect/claim land. Lapis is used as a currency. Players can sethome and tpa. Play your way on feather64. Grief & raid, hide & collect, travel & explore, automate & farm, enchant & pvp, design & construct, it’s up to you. Rules Do not use hacks, macros, or mods beyond the permitted modifications guide. Do not use duplication exploits except TNT, rail, carpet, string, and tripwire hooks. Follow the directions of administrators and moderators. Rule… Read More

  • The Crazy Spacy Vanilla Server

    The Crazy Spacy Vanilla ServerWelcome to The Crazy Spacy Vanilla ServerAlmost a 100% vanilla feel (no plugins, no mods, no datapacks)Settle in and become a seasoned veteran on this new minecraft server that is in desperate need of new players!Seeking staffPreferably looking for people with skills on how to setup a small discord server that would be attached to the minecraft server.Just be friendly and respectful to the other players around you and you should manage very well with the server environment.Hoping to see you on the server!- Graph01 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – u/EnturpuneurUnusual6 with the Minecraft Heat

    Minecraft Memes - u/EnturpuneurUnusual6 with the Minecraft HeatWhy did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! Read More


    TNT CLUTCH EXPLOSIONS! 🔥😂 When you accidentally blow up your friend’s house in Minecraft with TNT and they say “I guess you really dropped the TNT CLUCH on that one!” 😂 #minecraftfail #oops #sorrynotsorry Read More

  • Roblox Death Ball: IanBox’s Masterful Gameplay

    Roblox Death Ball: IanBox's Masterful Gameplay Minecraft Madness: A Tale of Adventure and Survival The Beginning of an Epic Journey In the vast world of Minecraft, two brothers, Ian and Ethan, embark on a thrilling adventure filled with challenges and excitement. As they navigate through the game, they encounter various obstacles and foes, showcasing their skills and teamwork. A Battle for Survival Facing off against formidable opponents, the brothers demonstrate their prowess in combat, strategizing and fighting to emerge victorious. With each encounter, they showcase their determination and resilience, never backing down from a challenge. Building a Fortress In their quest for survival, Ian and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Builds and Demolitions!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Builds and Demolitions! Welcome to! Are you a fan of creating your own unique builds in Minecraft? Do you enjoy the satisfaction of completing a new project and demolishing the old to make way for something even better? If so, you’ll love what Minewind Minecraft Server has to offer. Imagine a community of like-minded players who appreciate the art of building and crafting in Minecraft. On Minewind, you can showcase your creativity, whether it’s through intricate exterior designs like the ones in the video you just watched, or by adding cute and unique decorations to your creations. Join us on Minewind… Read More

  • Ultimate Piston Extender Guide

    Ultimate Piston Extender Guide The Power of Double Piston Extenders in Minecraft Bedrock & Switch Redstone contraptions in Minecraft Bedrock and Switch can reach new levels of complexity and efficiency with the use of Double Piston Extenders. These essential components allow players to push blocks further than a single piston, opening up a world of possibilities for creative builds and mechanisms. Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Double Piston Extender Creating a compact and efficient Double Piston Extender requires careful placement of redstone components. In Bedrock and Switch versions of Minecraft, Quasi connectivity is no longer available, so repeaters must be used to space… Read More

  • Hanuman ji pixel art in Minecraft gone wrong?! 😈🔥

    Hanuman ji pixel art in Minecraft gone wrong?! 😈🔥Video Information हम लोग को स्पाइडरमैन बैटमैन और सुपरमैन का पावर चाहिए अबे बके ट्रांजिस्टर य सुपरमैन बैटमैन और स्पाइडरमैन का बाप मालूम कौन है हनुमन [संगीत] This video, titled ‘Hanuman ji 🚩🔥 pixel Art in Minecraft 😈😱 | Pt.89 | #shorts #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by WAR 99 on 2024-04-30 04:00:58. It has garnered 549 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Hanuman ji 🚩🔥 pixel Art in Minecraft 😈😱 | Pt.89 | #shorts #viral #minecraft #shortvideo #ytshort #yt #ytshortsindia #ytviral #ytviral #yt_shorts #youtubeshorts #youtuber #youtubeshort #viral #viralvideo #viralshorts #viralshort #trendingshorts #trendingshort… Read More

  • Avocado’s Hardcore Season 2!

    Avocado's Hardcore Season 2!Video Information [Music] e [Music] down down down [Music] down [Music] [Music] woo wo woo [Music] woo [Music] d [Music] [Music] he [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hello everybody wasn’t that the most stupid intro ever okay should be able to hear me tell me if it’s too if it’s not good okay there we go all right so today is the start of Hardcore Season 2 uh old one or the old hardcore world it was oh yeah I should start stream music actually okay so this is my first time doing like all the stream… Read More


    TheMaxlop - INSANE CHALLENGE COMING TO MINECRAFT BEDROCK 1.21Video Information es oficial el modo Hardcore llegará a Minecraft bedrock 1.21 entre las noticias más recientes de Minecraft se ha revelado que el modo Hardcore llegará a la edición de bedrock en la próxima actualización This video, titled ‘EL MODO HARDCORE LLEGARÁ A MINECRAFT BEDROCK 1.21 UPDATE’, was uploaded by TheMaxlop on 2024-04-06 01:25:14. It has garnered 484 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts #minecraft The hardcore mode where you only have one life is coming soon to minecraft bedrock!! :0 ⚔️SUBSCRIBER GOAL: 9000 ⚔️CURRENT SUBSCRIBERS: 8722 Read More

  • Insane! Beating Minecraft as Toji Fushiguro

    Insane! Beating Minecraft as Toji FushiguroVideo Information it took just 24 hours for us to lose control of the city tonight Gotham’s relying on one man to save us all today I’ll be playing as toif fushi girl the stain of the zening clan who has no cursed energy but an amazing hand-to-hand fighter finding the truth about his son destroying the zening clan and attaining Heavenly restriction are the main objective also in order to make the run more entertaining I’ll add special chests around the city training gear for every advancement I make as a sorcerer I spawn in and as you can… Read More

  • Trolling a top youtuber on my Minecraft server!

    Trolling a top youtuber on my Minecraft server!Video Information me encontré a este youtuber famoso que estaba jugando en mi server de Minecraft sinceramente me sorprendí mucho así que me puse en modo espectador y decidí spectar lo durante un rato momentos más tarde Me lo encontré en la mina había encontrado muchos diamantes literalmente ocho menas algo que no suele pasar en Minecraft horas más tarde me teletransport a él y había hecho una casa muy bonita En ese momento pensaba que estaba grabando un vídeo instantes después el youtuber fue al nether y me salían muchos reportes de que estaba consiguiendo muchos bloques de netherite… Read More

  • INSANE! Ibrahim’s EPIC Hindi Minecraft Animation Adventure!

    INSANE! Ibrahim's EPIC Hindi Minecraft Animation Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Animation Life Hindi Episode 1 Minecraft Animation Series’, was uploaded by IBRAHIM GAMING on 2024-03-07 06:34:12. It has garnered 20 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:25 or 85 seconds. Episode 1 – Prologue (from “The Animation Life Hindi”) | The Expert Gaming Hindi ” The Animation Life Hindi” is the Dubbed Version of Original “Animation Life” by Black Plasma Studios @SquaredMediaAnimations Episode 2 हिंदी – • The Animation Life Hindi : Episode 2 … ____________________ About Episode (Hindi) – In this episode you get to see how an animator… Read More


    "FROST VS. MINECRAFT ANIME SHIZO BATTLE" #viral #clickbaitVideo Information おに [音楽] This video, titled ‘Minecraft anime character 🥵 #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by GAME OF FROST on 2024-05-08 01:30:16. It has garnered 448 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft anime character 🥵 #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Slotbot Opening on Minecraft!

    Insane Slotbot Opening on Minecraft!Video Information yo what is up guys it’s your boy Beetle bring you guys another video here on the channel We are continuing my SE test series and we are on Astro um today I’m going to be opening up more slot Bots guys in the last episode that I opened up slot Bots I only did a couple of them in this episode we almost have a stack and a half a full stack of slot Bots oh my goodness so let’s I guess we just start let’s let’s do those ones see what we got see what we… Read More

  • I trapped an entire SMP! Now they seek REVENGE! #minecraft

    I trapped an entire SMP! Now they seek REVENGE! #minecraftVideo Information [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] ا This video, titled ‘I Trapped this entire Smp and now they want revenge #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Slayertheone_YT on 2024-01-03 15:45:20. It has garnered 132 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More

  • Gapple Ultra-Hardcore Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Competition Prizes Discord

    One life to live your best life. Don’t Die! Ultra-Hardcore mining for 249 weeks in a row. Yippee Ki Yay, Miner Crafters. If you die, you can earn a revive back to the Overworld by beating the weekly Sunday competition. Sundays at 12CT there is also a special Team Competition, going now for 217 weeks now. Current prize selections could include a revive on the persistent ultra-hardcore world, or an in-game advancement shout-out. Details in the discord channel. Minecraft multi-player server: Direct IP: Goal: Stay alive and earn the most points doing it. Score: +1 per minute you… Read More

  • Mimo survival

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Survival Server (Version 1.20.4)Join our vibrant community and embark on an unforgettable adventure in our Minecraft Survival Server, now running on version 1.20.4! Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, our server offers something for everyone. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “The agony of another year without an end overhaul”

    Minecraft Memes - "The agony of another year without an end overhaul"Looks like Minecraft’s end overhaul is stuck in a never-ending loop just like my mom’s lectures about cleaning my room. Read More

  • Crafty ChatGPT: 3D Minecraft in 10, Let’s Build!

    Crafty ChatGPT: 3D Minecraft in 10, Let's Build! In the world of Minecraft, we dive deep, Crafting games with ChatGPT, secrets to keep. 3D creations, Roblox sensations, With ChatGPT’s guidance, we find our inspirations. Creating games, a magical art, With ChatGPT’s help, we make a fresh start. Immersive worlds, with stories to tell, In every line, the game’s magic we dwell. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so bright, In the world of Minecraft, we find our light. With ChatGPT’s support, we reach new heights, In the realm of gaming, where creativity ignites. Read More

More James Turner – Minecraft Championships 13! Christmas Edition!