More Zeuz – Minecraft Championships: SEASON 3 #NotLast (Streamed 3/14/2020)

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I mean looking at chap you guys probably know this is the Minecraft championship to go understand this is the third time this same team so I’m joined by dr. glow on what James is very much I would say I still pay rent not last yeah yeah well

Scott came in before and certainly a good chance of not being lost this time just because oh yeah we might have a chance we might have a chance that and better in this one because that means Simmons are slowly taking over this [Laughter] Nobody else she’s clear baby oh yeah I’ve accepted your squad stream stud stream oh yeah how do I copy and paste this alright if you wanna watch all of us at the same time completely no 115 point to see all three streams at the same time you’re on the audio of one obviously

Here in chat yeah watch all of them all if you heard the audio from all but none of us so that’s also come streaming it or are they doing anything but it no I don’t think so no they shall they should be because well Simon of that theme is

Why is it such a streaming because we and the internet is questionable here I couldn’t handle it it’s snowed here this morning oh no I insist that what does that mean it’s March means come last or I am loving all of you smile thank you so much yes was impersonating you

Bizarre you doc okay where’s everyone sound long as I just glue on question discord hello hello hello same question here chat anyway hello well go to dr. glow instead news 5000 points there you know it should be 10,000 points with davis i cam from my channel but for you

So many screens yeah use some hosting Zeus so it’s basically yes I also have the alerts on mute I’m sorry guy as it says because you know it’s a championship and I’ve really got my head in the game but in my chin that just need Oh what do

They do and you kind of cut out the wiki feed admin well thanks for the phone so that hype train holy moly oh my god ten thousand bits from Koch gaming what [Laughter] could you imagine could you imagine if glue and actually got like like Pepsi gaming like actually came in and gave

Him a whole bunch of like subs and bits cuz you hate Pepsi like yeah no one’s done it so often that he’s like Pepsi or coke they go Pepsi and then he goes Sierra Mist the Pepsi so now I have to point B like is it Coke or Pepsi and as they say

Pepsi my immediate response is say I miss please what the ball wants in England and they they were like Isaac Koch and they’re like okay and you saw like pouring out of like a Pepsi spout you know and I was like is it Pepsi or

Coke it’s the same thing you walk in a ball like can I have a shot of gin they give you vodka and you’re like what the hell it’s alcohol it’s the same thing there’s pretty much the same argument don’t know what’s going on here this is the Minecraft championship only the meanest

Of Minecrafters could deplane it also us hashtag not last chance come on playin on that one so that’s pretty cool to see it was I need to see I need to see whoa way I need it I need I need to go back [Laughter] [Laughter]

Oh yeah with the bottom still wait no we even see green Guardians were there the Korean Guardians are no longer the blue bats I was looking like the leaderboard room save that it was that place yeah I was hoping that Abbot already not last but

That is true but I have a glass why stuff there is a most unfastened and best I just need worst most tried really mr. tenza the way this works guys if you’ve never seen this before basically it’s a bunch of minigames and so right here I’ve got like the scoreboard up where on

The green Guardians team and on the right hand side of each of these there’s like little coin values so those are our points each gave me a points and at the end whoever has the most coins they go ahead head and then winner and every time we have not been in the final

Head-to-head unfortunately no nearly close can I just point out as well that we’re the only team full team that’s here and I think we deserve oh my god so we’re not the last here for the first we’re the first everyone I’m loud sorry thank you good thanks I really appreciate that red wedding

Quite exact answer them down someone tell me chat that they were trying to sleep like can I keep my voice down my pinky was messed up but I could barely play minecraft like that again still maybe you’ll be better maybe um I know that you might be on to something on the

Right-hand side of your life time coins is actually individual life time that’s terrible I have one I’ve 1112 20 bingo first through the plan for bingo yeah oh yeah killing people that’s how someone because I looked at technically because they they won their nine completion either that’s okay that

They don’t expected okay and also the The Hunger Games one we need to hide a lot yes yeah I agree well we did pretty well hiding that’s yeah yeah yeah glue a tie at the end oh yeah denied lag out and that is not what happened to me

Oh we would wait this one up a ladder and you guys didn’t and the other team saw you guys running but then NCS got the ladders so we hid upstairs on the roof for a little bit and then we just head and then eventually we were forced

Into the you know the battle scene yeah with my game my game is still home wall that that’s mine I got yeah I’m good at that one except the only bad thing about there’s a lag although the last time you guys actually be able to enjoy the lag

Because you’ve got to see this time to my advantage survived yeah another keyboard because remember last time Mike no electric sleep this time oh I think it might be but I mean I don’t think there’s a light rip luck practice area low no but there was a new game we have

A new game out of that also they change it up hole in the wall a little bit they think I made it bigger more like Thank you so much everyone that’s sobbing and cheering bits throughout the stream because it’s like three of us streaming so we’re probably not really yeah mention it that much but it’s really appreciate us I thank you so much that’s a little rude all the bits in the air subscribing patch notes added more

Lag four minutes but that kind of depends on if everyone’s connected and here looks like my people here there’s like three or no about five people not five six people but they should happily be here certain I think yeah yeah scheduled for like four minutes from now

So assuming all as well and then we’re gonna get into it and you’ll see how good we are new keyboard installed right now go to Best Buy right now to buy like you had a new people in so like if a couple days now there’s names you might recognize in

This list there’s quite a few Simmons in here I would say let’s go simmers yeah Steph I Sam’s plum Bella still look connected though I don’t know what she’s not you know maybe she doesn’t bought the game yet she was at it today yeah yeah yeah yeah so that’s everyone all

The names you see here as everyone competing where the green Guardians and the team number five on my screen I don’t know if it’s the same vs no Tom Bella just join the game there we go she’s here no it’s missing living I’ve got a new keyboard and everything

She’s Snape she what does the sir deal it I don’t know none I think you might be a nun wait by out of the cold maybe I’m not sure I need to guess yeah it could be like a reverend because it’s like a white collar all right okay sorry

About the construction yes I could have build a home there needs to be a formal complaint obviously steps using distraction she ran away from me is he signed on but he’s not next to it he’s not watching my blue bats again that was our team before

Now I want to win with blue that’s that’s so strange wait wait I know a lot of the other teams have sort of shifted around a bit like we’ve different people on them I couldn’t we just stay blue bats okay so I’m getting some stuttering and they’re saying that the up define makes

It better so I’m like 15 years yes 95% complete it doesn’t have shade of support yet is it 95 point 95 point to 35% complete my favorite updates now it’s uh 0.5 complete good someone in my chat was like good plays on blue buds yeah it’s mmm oh maybe they actually you

Know what it may be cursed let’s see the curse of the blue bats could agree the last place before the blue birds wind happy keep me safe that’s a great show by the way this to you by curse of Oak Island yes six seasons on Hulu yeah

Do you know what I have a theory now this call me crazy right my theory is they found they found the treasure but the real curse of Oak Island is that it actually cursed the whole world because if you think about it 2020 has been a little bit The highlight of 2022 my mom last night she’s like it’s been an interesting year so far anyway anyway I’ve got a cough you know a little bit filling the chest you know I’ve told Sasha that hand holding is definitely off the table I’m coming home coming home for that free

Test that there are free oh they do they actually did it now okay just now though it wasn’t that long they said they’re doing free testing oh yeah that’s good yeah we have a great dude like they should do why would you yes a time to pay for that yeah well welcome

With the us my I mean well I read it I read a post about how someone bought seventeen thousand seven hundred bottles of sin hand sanitizer and now they’re complaining because they can’t sell it for an inflated price I’m like well that you played yourself he’s like he’s like

Well now I can’t provide for my family I’m like well your foot you’re an idiot okay you’re a idiot alright don’t worry I remember glue on his stream yeah around where we live but Zeus doesn’t live here anymore around where I live there’s really not been that much of a

Shortage of anything I don’t know if it’s just this area hmm I mean there’s been less pay for that but it’s not like empty I’ve never seen an empty I mean we did go to the store and there was no toilet paper yeah I J I was like it wasn’t

Completely empty oh yeah I’ve seen so many pictures of you off empty wax of toilet paper yeah it was like though understand the toilet paper no no because someone put a bunch of it and they posted on Twitter and I was like well I should point buy some just

Because I do need some not because I need some but cuz if I do need some like you know generally there’s gonna be none left so just buy a bunch now just in case there is none left right actually yeah a lot of people I saw something

That’s good that Amazon’s doing which is it they’re removing price gouged IOU Oh like items which is good so I think eBay is doing it as well so you literally people have people who are trying to profit off of this which is the scummiest thing to do oh my god I

Mean yeah it’s annoying interesting year Like getting back to normal like there’s gonna be so much economic impact I mean yeah Oh totally alright but you’ll definitely be looking down it’s like oh sorry go to the office you could go out the enemies of the paper shortage nuts I don’t really know anything about it

Because frankly I don’t really care and it doesn’t really I don’t wanna say the bit I need to know is at the end with whoever wins yeah – sorry I’ll get the coffee for you in a second we team up with the yellow yacht right now we’re

Waiting for it to start 40 people oh we’re good to go oh yes we’re good to go we’re good to go [Laughter] Bella [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] tom is gonna have my leg broke what happened to no more than two ear game changes can stream at the same time exception yes an exception to the rule make sure to read the fine print I would change dang I see guys I’m still in a game changer

I’m actually getting you’re not even okay I was gonna drown myself but I do that I think it’s the yellow yeah the classic yes oh oh my god Mycroft so um this is going more smoothly I’m sure everyone hanging out I want to see the finger op this

Time was that someone see him a mr. prime sub it’s like right down it was good yeah Kevin to the thing Oh last time yeah Mike crafty you know Oh the person’s name said something else more topical when I big seller no the Carra Corvis I thought oh yeah because

Of how much it’s better than news I said oh oh okay oh just you wait I’ll be complaining about the lag later on oh yeah no I James I’m a black game changer I’m a wide game 7 a.m. Sunday morning for me the worst bit about this time is

There’s no cafes open before 7:00 a.m. oh oh oh yeah oh yeah sure on Sundays Sunday it was a Saturday maybe I think that’s Sunday I’m not but is it 7:00 or is it yes ma a.m. so because the clothes didn’t change here when did the clocks guys all appreciate it yeah appreciate

All the follies and subs and billion dollar donations really appreciate it I support the channel you know support your mom and pops treatment but actually there was a subset but like barista made coffee is so nice yeah I was gonna I actually signed off to do a barista toast

Kemeny was off here for three months oh well I mean it yeah I was there for eight days and now I feel like I’m gonna be here for a while yeah until I pay someone to move my stuff out hype train thank you holy crap there’s nothing

Wrong with my coffee machine like I like it but if you get a really like nice professional made barista coffee it’s yeah it is true and then I’ll have like one just from the machine later on I’m like I’m startled we play minecraft oh I’m going to also click this here we go

Thank you so much I really appreciate the chip the five and then Hannah for the prime red white and sell for the hundred bits and also the tier 2 earlier Lauren for the six I’m at the park or course I’m coming back I can see it oh

We got a minute left I wasn’t listening your face eight games total try to amass as many coins as you can paint and gain increases as if I go on the two top story teams will face each other in a final duel may the best team win Buddy Happy new year everyone 2020 best year ever I can’t see anything I Can try I can try Seb but no right now They like it doing the thing in the city whatever later on yeah me too for this one too so I’m standing through the game huge walls of slime are coming from all directions dodge the walls by threading through them or jumping over them you only get one life per round but there

Are three rounds in total so you can like jump super high in this don’t forget jump has more players out of the arena the platform will start to decrease in size well so extra tape lower your side jumping there’s a sprint job we can have to get through the tough

A gaps consider a person keep checking all your directions things will get faster yeah here we go okay okay lots of beautiful places in moving Behind you go on behind you behind you behind you now now my got rates going through the roof we did we did well floated over that wall [Applause] No And it was like bad that I jumped it was okay we got one more round it’s okay okay it’s okay I think we’re pretty well yeah yeah for one hour five but we were four like we don’t pretty good here we go this is where this man from suckers

Swept off yeah this is good game I like this game yeah this games a lot of fun I’m kind of it being the first one isn’t like this is our game this is like the one you know I feel like we copy yeah the concept good damn yeah yeah we lost

Oh like we lost it until here oh my lord Oh big star the best player in the game since the mine crowd calling you know yeah that’s true cross fella guys all right keep your head in the game I’m so like I don’t know where you are power there we go Quite a bit no no oh they just made it behind us James [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] I’m shaking but that’s a good now you you that was like I know how you were doing that’s it seemingly just the wall just kinda went through you and you [Laughter] now that I’m streaming they know what I mean we break and where we drop them

Right right to the right all right let’s go let’s see if the chickens are down there again let’s go chickens yep getting everybody it’s time it’s fine I like this like a story here there’s there’s a place underneath the Minecraft Championships pretty good guys

I see we should get bingo done if we can You know rival teams the yellow yellow yaks am i doing really good compared to them why would you be the non Simmons we should sit together I think and reaching a level five I’ve trained thanks so much Chad I really appreciate I appreciate all the photo

Subs and donations yeah I’ll try and say thank you to everyone when I can we’re just trying to focus laser focus for the five gift something pre-shave – oh by the way I’m streaming with James and Zeus as well you check out the washroom oh yeah see all um three points of view

Oh this is the hide ya don’t have to hide but I feel like this is hide missing go look and also we should go like find a ladder and go up high so one get away and it many chests full of equipment hidden around the map to assist you

Last thing standing wins as per usual mm-hmm the game begins at the 15-second grace period a pvp is temporarily disabled the map borders will decrease over time don’t get caught outside them or you’ll die oh you know we we keep running away straight away maybe we

Should go for the stuff in the middle then if we just stay in the middle go high might be a good idea oh thanks so much for the hype train guys hype train my trash there’s some Patrick date emote customizations glass blocks are breakable as well by the way

I didn’t realize you can use this to traverse their buildings easier to enchant your equipment okay didn’t read that bit losses breakables that’s good we do the last time we do the last them you need to find Chapman books from chess and then you can see use an anvil

Okay alright so where do we go guys I reckon let’s just go 50 seconds to light one of these buildings or something I swear should we go behind gluon like this way yeah maybe okay yeah gonna go to the tool building we can go to skyscraper that big blue

And green yeah you want to try yeah yes okay what are we doing middle and then go I’m gonna go in the middle I’m gonna try and get some because we have 15 seconds it’s not yeah are you sure you wanna go in the middle because I feel

Like we could just get something fun okay listen okay we’ll go to the skyscraper alright the Blues probably go that’s who they look like I’m just gonna there’s a chest right here I’m just gonna grab stuff oh I’ve got a seems really good yeah okay we can maybe

Get in the back lastly we go yeah let’s go in the back go out James go up okay yeah yeah let’s go up don’t upstairs wait where’s the stairs oh uh uh trying to find a chance never met you I think this is an elevator but we can’t go up –

Okay I don’t have a sword or anything that’s all I got you I mean it’s better than nothing true keep going up can we go up any further um I don’t know I don’t think we can on the ground someone struct it okay all right get some leather booth over here okay okay

Yeah Gracie that’s I used serious for punched chick okay do we want to make that risk let’s go downstairs and go around five hours does anyone need I mean I’ll take pretty good at the bow action okay great yeah I’m just trying to get into this building because there’s definitely

Something here but it’s taking forever to get through oh wait what you can’t break these oh yeah what you can all their doors okay well alright can we go yeah let’s go let’s go up well how long do we have a minute next drink is in a minute let’s

Go up to this camp building let’s go back here into the plaza I need a sword yeah me too yeah we’re gonna try some more chests there’s people over there yeah mainly follow us I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m so sorry I had to hide I had

To hide I had to hide I don’t want to be that guy but we’re doing better than yellow yaks as long as I have my splash damage times two and I have a lava bucket I’m hiding I’m not coming I have no sword I have nothing well yeah but the ball is getting smaller people gonna move into the middle wait can you tell me when he points if he stays alive he looked like he looked right at you my heart sank

Yeah I don’t know where it’s gonna go to Zeus oh shoot yeah through that yeah there’s a ladder going up in this building if you go back to me the alleyway like which like on top of the building yeah battery check I don’t know yeah good point

No there’s no one up top oh this is the move is it though cuz I’m I feel like I’m very exposed right here there’s no one up there there’s no up here yeah but climb over this like glass loop it maybe can you jump over this that’s where the border

Is though no but people will know people will tell their teams that he’s hiding okay I’m good I’ll hide behind this air-conditioned thing okay I feel like a good point but you could get close to the middle from up here so if you have to keep moving okay I’ll try literally okay alright

We’ve outlived two teams where I came we’re not lost yeah he’s smart man make sure no one’s coming up here yeah I was gonna train yet and so he’s gonna have to move in I was gonna train get some applause a sign of the near the front over here I would

Wait though wait the borders shrinking yeah I’m crouching they won’t be looking up there oh god they might climb up that ladder though oh no we should be good no how do I get down there’s no way yes Yeah I mean down there down below you okay this is my level stress right now they can’t get to you yeah you’re literally the most perfect spot kill people oh yeah someplace this is literally this is this is what we’ve learned over the past so upset when they

Learn that I’ve been hiding gonna have to fight now this is kind of this sorry sirs what with the lost people was like a second loss I lost five good good communication I wouldn’t have been able to get that far without that quality communication we could double their

Points suckers didn’t kill one person seven out of ten so yeah Pizza Hut shrinking wow this is the rustiest team I’ve ever seen well don’t say that about your own team we’re proud thank you I appreciate it I feel like no one reacted to what I said in chat when I was like

Guys were supposed to be practicing social distancing I said that after I died I was too stressed again yeah I was really good only you’re terrible Storen shot cuz I don’t go to 70 youtubers like videos I reckon you should totally do that Yeah not to like promote yourself having your name is no always that oh my god it’s full of paper oh my god did they come to Australia and steal about toilet paper what’s going on that’s great actually I need some actually Sasha we’re almost out don’t we hmm we’re

Gonna do the bingo bingo bingo we got chicken swap well I don’t know what that means I got an arrow what do I do with it oh you just oh you just kill the chicken that you don’t want what James what are you doing yeah go go into there try to

Corral them yeah no we don’t want we don’t want Skyblock oh shoot we’re going Skyblock all right trusty new keyboard we just go straight to the center again wait there we’ve learnt that new keyboard which we got yeah I got that Oh like we should like spread

Out all the stuff as well so that one person has all the things no it just randomly press a D key and I just flew off again well yeah yeah but we need this stuff we build we need to build generator keep mining that and then go

To green get up top and get up top yeah yeah we need okay also we need a sword right a good grab like stuffing its starvin that other person can like build the bridges okay yeah yeah remember the first the first town that cut closes in

Is gonna close our Island and they run behind us so yeah remember that can hang out on that one okay who’s doing what the first stuff to go back because someone needs to build still minute I mean I can build I can get stuff yeah okay that’s the longest

Last time pretty cool yeah all right let’s get let’s get some stuff I think we should old divvy like get the dirt what’s in here we got stuff Bert why what is this a cake not a cake what do you do with this stuff I mean of milk and I’ll take snowballs

You can knock people off with those make sure we plant more trees yeah we can try I don’t think it should go remember okay said yeah try and get some tree all right okay so we also need to build one of those tables this crafting table what

Do you do with trees why don’t we have some yeah why do we have saplings then I should not have done that so you can make oh yeah yeah we got there’s 20 Oh planks in that chest take the buckets then we can 20 you can make all right

Can you make a wooden table yeah get a wooden pickaxe oh okay can we get a wooden pickaxe yes I’m a pickaxe I wouldn’t pay no Jesse I know please like Lauren said he was on the tool Judy and waiting from well I’m just trying to

Well I’m just trying to get this bridge real question going you know do we need them just yes yeah actually I probably should have asked for no stakes do that there’s also a chest on that random island across from us to the left yeah okay no you are I need two more pieces

That can I get stone pigs okay so pick stone yeah wait here I have no tools as well so if you have any extra just keep mining is a snowman yeah yeah I’m game in my mind I crazy so I’m gonna get this a second island but we’re gonna need

More for also in this chest here there’s enough to make another cobblestone generator late like the next one okay there we go alright here I would do that What am i taking all this stuff I shouldn’t do that well we can take it you’re on that tree these days okay do you guys want to try to go to the island on the left yeah just as long as we all have like a stone pickaxe we should be

Okay I’m gonna we probably should that’s a good idea how much cobblestone do you guys have I have seven nine eight oh my god good idea and buckets because then we can like um do we want to go over the island that has : stuff like we here

Right next to it yeah might as well just do our way to earth it might break this thing though should we just move we should just move up give me this hang on alright can you make us it can you make me a wood sword or something because time to get to this

I don’t think we do um hang on here go here take this stuff ya make I don’t have any tools either by the oh I saw the sticks and the wood okay I’m just picking it all up yeah slabs are saying okay wait wait here’s the I have enough buckets to make

Another water source so just get off this island okay let’s go all right let’s go look I love it all right I’m also gonna take should we take this just yet probably bring whatever I don’t have any tools or anything yeah we could craft stuff on

This island over here we can keep yeah it is going to shrink in about two minutes okay no okay we’re over here no I don’t think so no I tried it over here yeah I’ve got it I’ve got I’ll make one two diamonds in this chest he could make

One diamond sword mine cobble we have two minutes I mean we can make another generator but I don’t have this take forever to get rid of this I can make an axe for you we have an infinite water source me give you an here somewhere for

A couple stones they need me okay how much cobblestone do we have okay I’ve got a couple I’ve got a couple stone okay how do i how do we want to make it like we’re anyway I don’t know how to make it okay so we can just put like the

Same as the one we just had all of those cope with the water though these guys are pouring water over the edge is this what we got we doing yeah do we have water buckets yeah I got two buckets that we got to stop moving some

Water stuff because I got a bunch of water water barriers go do the same thing then if you fall off you just get up again okay which side you put on well let’s go get me a couple something going quickly these three flowing as well so any city

That no higher so like the lot so you know how the other one they would started up higher yeah the water needs to touch the flowing lava basically it’s a lot of wood here so I have a concern we’re gonna catch on fire the second right now but there’s no teams

Eliminated so what does the same what if it just flows down and then like that I mean this is all gonna catch on fire though so like we get moving and also this is gonna turn into obsidian for there yeah probably this is I’m trying I tried I tried doing

Because I don’t have any tools thank you and I get frightened and a shield and diamonds and stuff in that child’s car is that gonna suit to here no we’re okay no oh oh yeah an axe we could give me an axe so I can shut this yeah yeah I got

An axe yeah yeah I was just like yeah you’re gonna have to miss mine someone wanna make a diamond sword because I might be useful oh they probably got stuck in the border right don’t question it keep giving me cobblestone I need I need one more piece I would the same as

The other one right yeah which I do when we go to let the lights I put lava there I got it I do have a water bucket if someone shoots you yeah crap I’m off whatever well we got this about a couple sign and that’s it yeah

Yeah I’m sorry we didn’t get enough yeah I’m just have a bunch of water maybe survive hang on Oh God okay side up on the yeah on the sides on the sides Oh cuz it’s like a stair so kind of oh we didn’t get a trident I think we left everything over

There you know what we round on this we’ll get we’re gonna do the path behind us I have to yeah all right already eliminated so we’re still alive yeah I feel like they will kill us Build up build up well I mean there you are is anyone who’s gonna get me could anyone get on the edge let go up yeah see what they’re doing behind me a water I just assuming so we will survive for another 30 and then we are I don’t die

Before yeah that’s just keep just keep surviving you’ve got it glowing let’s go doing great yeah but the thing is everyone else is still alive well no yes Evan yeah you tried your best jump oh Yes that technique worked so well as tag not lost everybody no it is not hard to Mabel when you’re no pressure it is that’s why I do want to tack legs I knew that you make one wrong move and you’ve made obsidian and the people practice on my quickly

Queenie one just knowing I think we I think we should have done is just stayed at the first one I just mind that continual yeah we should have done more of that one right there if you come back to the Star Island you can see that

That’s what we did the last time as well cuz they even have mocked out we can just make it we even got eleven hundred points though that’s pretty good oh I see what you mean yeah yeah next time we got up we should make slabs as well that’s what

Everyone was doing and we didn’t really because we couldn’t maximize the amount like we’re gonna at least get eighth place oh seven place seven place seven place because out so we’ve at least got that yeah but eight and nine and ten are already out not last not lakhs I’m sorry to say 180

That’s like a blue bats cool right yeah I think I’ve time to go to the box bluebirds are winning so the best players on blue bats now is just so much better that was before it runs in the center or just old pvp now I think it’s

Immunity last time this pit of lava flow from the table yeah that’s right we locked it here we locked it yeah we were gonna play someplace we do that please Sam no last no that’s pretty exciting guys away from last as well like um do I have a chance gonna

Bathroom will needs a bath real quick once I get this yeah yeah I mean here’s the bathroom guys here I’m not I’m good oh man I’m getting hungry alright see I ate before oh yeah that’s what sucks as well because this sucks it’s 7 a.m. on Sunday for me it’s like

Nothing open yeah I’m gonna make some coffee and I made sandwich can I have lunch fruit I normally wake up at lunchtime don’t really have to pick up my house just like make some sandwiches for lunch beautiful I think if we get up the top

Yeah and then you have a bucket of lava it’s pretty that’s pretty good pull the lava come on Pete oh my god I get it yeah Oh Kevin sparkles is down here damn damn blue bets are winning hey what happened it’s really hard to watch damn it what happened

Does it team up the top like last time they went to pull lava they had it in the bag but they somehow caught on fire This is this is dr. gluons game she said the last time for the very first atom as well we learn a little more and it’s true it’s true we’re not lost amazing it’s pretty good yeah I’ll take the yellow yaks dominate in the bingo I think maybe 1200 we’re at

3,300 that’s a pretty good separation yeah I’m pretty happy about yes we got what 7,000 in total last time and we’re already at 3,300 after what three that’s pretty good the other games we really didn’t go to the foot yeah foot race for race we need much better

This is much better at it whoa multiplied multipliers increase big sales one that’s a new game yeah that’s a big sell so you have to like yeah we’re good at coordinating I swear things the followers and donations everybody appreciate it voting I just looking through it seems

To get on there what since the man who’s like beat beam on winning in all of them also I’ve almost I’ve almost doubled my lifetime coinage we were actually doing quite well ruckus leaf is different now yeah is how to play in the rules alright so in rocks please your aim is

To remain lost player standing do this by stand on the platforms and eliminating enemy players all players are armed with rocket launches the shovel right-clicking will fire a rocket and rockets destroy terrain and knock back players ok you also have an Electra and to fire with what they said they

Were gonna have one firework what you can do fireworks anyway if you time your jump right you can wait they said though changing the rules for this No looks the same to me yeah okay weird all right okay looks like I was wrong so how do you use the electro again double

Space or something yeah when you use the firework you mean it’s working just double jump away yeah they didn’t update the rules yeah I had to use my rocket I had to use my rocket no no underneath a little bit it doesn’t work that way anymore that’s right I try

To run it holding time holding pen the Lyme Lama is a lost so again I tried I tried my best you do great 909 yeah I’m looking at aqua horses sorry I can’t read because it’s 492 488 yeah hmm yeah that kind of here let me read the actual

Rules that they said that they change two of a game Rockets belief has been rebalanced surviving the longest is now more lucrative than getting all your score on kills players now have one rocket instead of two explosions no longer upwards there you go wait yes in just change the wool than the actual

Game itself yeah people are saying they’re still doing it so I don’t know oh really are they’re actually doing it right now still I mean I can try because there’s no harm in trying it yeah it’s true oh this one looks better jumping and flying I think I’ve got a

Look down to like see I’m gonna land all right holding patent holding pen apparently people saying you can still shoot it your feet and go back up oh really yeah you got to use my rocket launcher I mean my no no no how low I am hmm

Oh no I’m dead holding Pat jump right over it I suck at this game nice good job yeah mine llamas are down oh yeah yeah we have two left we’re – its James and Zeus I’m gone I’m getting along with our to the I eliminated CaptainSparklez I tried I tried everyone to holding

Patent you’ve been good holding power you if yellow y-axis still it adds a am yeah yellow yaks I don’t know yeah where are they actually that’s a good point oh yeah surviving the longest I am note I feel like I just did practice at this game in general but is it gaming in

General actually the whole like John place right now yeah all this one looks like fun definitely this is not my game yeah when there’s when it goes minor when it goes to one like run and double jump that’s what I do before and I yeah then you get a nice little starting point

Oh God hey promise I have no idea where the map is holding pattern true Oh God I’m Way up here good Oh God kind of fly around a little bit shoot down in the coffin I’m not shooting that people so I don’t know what’s happening might as well there’s a lot more ground

On this one it’s nice yeah I’m done this is the loss oh okay okay is this so chaotic oh yeah cuz I shut all the way up and then I sort of bounce back down I’m not good well happy no good round for us this time cuz we’ve really

Dropped down as well [ __ ] night now oh my god oh my god what not last missile waiting for not last – Green Team – last though logic in that minecraft line guys really good at this game because he’s been at it for quite a while I suck at

This this one was really difficult I was like they took a lighter out of the UM yeah no more about it but clearly not enough because I stole my lighter and then died no Lassa so that’s good oh yeah they are like blowing yeah okay yes apparently the rules that they

Changed didn’t change at all yeah yeah I think that’s um yeah that’s yeah I mean well it’s just cuz we haven’t really played is kind of our fault but also I mean if you change rule if you say you change your rules change your rules not gonna just my last third I know

Very cool nobody getting more points and ask them if they’re gonna be catching up that lion guy is really good at this I mean the one game of good that will be play long not lasts so far exceeding one apartment oh did I I don’t even realize

I did that say wait thanks rigged they said rigged what was happening I would come really say well because of the homey one person saying rigged no there’s no one else is joining him and it’s okay they’re not gonna win anyway whoa wow we’ve dropped you out to eighth

Place in the total ranking we’re having fun but then they tweeted like oh you know they tweet about us getting last you know like not last or last is it really lasts if you if you’re having fun and someone’s like right yeah yeah that’s it someone who that’s someone who doesn’t

Have a fun life I’ll tell you that much [Laughter] break time but ring oh my go get a snack are you getting me Sasha what are you getting me a snack begins begins no no what are you getting if something looks good let me know no I

Have to wake up now for that to defrost [Laughter] you know it’s just a game is such a weak mindset you know Sasha laughing in the background guys Mambo come on you can either you win or it’s not fun god jeez what did James go get a snack too baby

Oh okay that’s gonna sell the fist weights it’s close to sound for maintenance yeah down for maintenance or rondalee yeah shouldn’t you know as the I don’t really feel like this actually There’s now the joys in life is trolling your wife you know I appreciate it yeah my girlfriend knows how to treat me right you got my opinion up for you James from wine will you practice beefcake we’re over here right now the same game though it’s different oh yeah it’s got a

Cooler we should add this to the server this type of a guy No ba ba ba which by the way the server it’s going well is the teacher Hey oh yeah gonna be sweet if the word on the street is if you guys didn’t know gluon and i combining for us

Those are we’re getting a server for both of our subs whoa and we’ve got a pretty sweet parkour course in the works on there very cool just one of us you can get in on that well I’m too but I get extra my just make sure everything

So work there should be some cool favors up to both oh yeah I don’t know how you do that with what we have but yeah we just kind of just check whether or not it’s up to both yeah but it’s through a plugin I don’t know if he can like you

Can you can require both buddy and be like hey if it is both giving them their also when is it back there it’s all working as far as I can tell but I because I didn’t set up the original Fez graft that glue one and he was having

Like it the mods are running there I don’t know if the plugins are working fully right I don’t know how they are running before I just need to get those guys to check it first and then we should be good yeah there’s an agonizing job getting it like quickly set up my

Cuz I yeah I did what I could and then I just need them to have a look and we should be good yes pretty much actually glue on you and I will have to build our like a hub world cuz we need to build a world where everyone joins oh right

Basically the idea is we’re gonna have Fez craft but it’s gonna be within this server so you’re enjoying a hub well there’ll be a portal to get a fez draw we can have other worlds as well well now that’s the plan I have a question hmm how do um is there

Is there an option for a third world I’m gonna give little wheels as you want will do better getting on this maybe we’ve action we can add as many like I got my oh I got it nice I kind of want to do the shopping cart one you know has actually been

Picked like The Sims sim Sabine I happy I hope it goes supermarket cuz blue seems they like they don’t sales are build my nice alright we’re gonna listen to this muted so but I do appreciate all those sales build Mon all right here we go welcome to big

Sales that bill Matt here’s how you play Bill Martin is a speed building challenge ah that’s what I do it is speed builds and Sims you know what minutes to run out and to build might collect resources bring them back to your plot and do it as many monuments as

You can each team has an iron private bill zone you have templates of four different bills that you must copy in the neighboring build plots as you complete bills new ones will spawn oh okay oh you were given all the tools you need to collect resources by going out

Through the pool and into the building and into Bill Maher you use your trolley to make traversing Bill mark faster be careful you don’t fall in any holes okay next trip’s you can use the provider furnaces and crafting table to create anything you can’t find it around

Build ma big sales at build mine is about management communication and speed you must use the full potential of everyone there’s like things we have to copy so then we have to get the items to copy we should have an architect and then we should have people who go and

Collect 12 minutes in the built Mart to collect stuff and bring it back all we’re building these things okay so it’s a build these things I hear no glass here we need die yeah we need some of the the is that oh my god all right who’s getting what I’m getting some sand

Or glass or whatever I don’t get something okay get some jungle wood and some sand and some water and some green concrete’s we need blood why are some green concrete’s and I’m getting I’m getting a four of each flower you lose the stuff oh crap I’m getting sand lime concrete

Is it lime again we need to free those salmon stone yeah okay I’m getting sand getting sand I’m getting sand sand one two three four five six and I’m okay there’s another good isn’t there like a rainbow like yeah there’s some colored glass we have teal lime yellow where did someone have

Notes and yeah I’ve got 40 once and that should be a no we need the lime concrete’s sand jungle a stone have you got Stern no blocks yeah yeah Oh actually if you get cobblestones we need a build of furnace as well we need smooth stone slabs if that’s in the same

Area that you go into James where’s my comedy son okay okay you need a bunch a bunch and then do you have a diary white so smooth die right so I’ve got enough sand Sasha I’m gonna upset Sasha do you have glass a bunch of orange as well

Such as a bunch of orange we need it orange we also need say what James I don’t know what start I need I might just get cobblestone then cook it but if you’ve got regular than get its yeah I’m stoned I arranged on Terra Cotta do you

Have terracotta I have good we’re good we should be good this little stone smooth slabs intercom and then black concrete orange concrete lime concrete’s and white concrete copyright I have lime what else what are the colors whites a bunch of white and orange I can do I need a bunch of wood I

Need like although I need I need the the red wood concrete and and birch wood as well just drop it I can build oh okay well I don’t know what else I’m supposed to get then um can you get some sauce that we can burn for good good pizza

Because I called the furnaces I need the wood for the terracotta thing but we need the birch acacia and we need iron bars and terracotta all right I’ve got some iron I’ve got some iron someone needs to bring back the sand ASAP because I can completely spot them yeah

The thing is I need to I’m getting coal yeah yeah cold but this sand is in one of the things is in one of the furnaces is the closest one to the shopping place because I could I didn’t have anything to burn let me know cuz I can put it

Together I’m gonna get the wood away in the birch and the Acacia shell okay okay I think I think we’re coming back yeah me too don’t go down the middle I almost died on pause thing yeah which one is that great wait that’s why here where’s the

Sand it’s on that oh the new one well that’s what I said new ones with all I said alright so I can make hello what do you mean you wish ah sad is done I’ve done the same one dead already done no like shopping just drop your

Stuff go shopping anymore stuff go okay how do you make a fence again I need to make okay great I’ll make the other ones too do you need me to make the iron bars shopping go shopping okay I have a bunch of iron bars okay do a little shopping James we

Need we need a bunch of quartz we need a lots of iron give me more the orange blocks just quartz and iron I’m gonna get that no void glass ball guys are so bad at coordinating yeah well well it’s hard to like you know it’s a lot harder to do it

And I’m watching and being like one quartz pay would that be in stone or would that be cool I’ve got quartz new purple and pink glass I have five blocks of quartz oh yeah yeah I can go back and get that okay I’ll tell you how many we need

Okay we need a bunch of iron too far I’m getting now yes cuz I made one okay get one two three how many blocks it’ll live work in Evan hey can eight eight nine blocks I’m a good chair well no we need more we need more for the

Door just get like ten quarts is with the the ores cuz quartz we also need half slab to 11 do we need that get one five six seven I’ve read like 14 iron blocks and twenty-nine chords right holy and build we have four minutes we don’t have the

Stuff to build with we can do the whole thing do we have black honk weeds mmm no I don’t okay and the rainbow thing is coming together but we need more grass I’m getting it yeah all right all right I’ve got all the courts and iron stuff

Um since you guys got seem to got that I gotta go and I gotta go okay Bobby and all I didn’t have like the I usually oh wait whoops okay I’ve got three iron doors at the back there’s a concrete this is white glass on it as well we

Need white thank los I have white we need to put three here okay we need three of them for this again I have 14 let me know you need them out here from under this lamp I’m going to the portal oh you got enough for the slabs yeah

White thing I need I need one more bucket courts I dropped it off right by the portal oh yeah I don’t know what we need about the shop let me know I need it so I shall give him a shopping list uh almost done with the glass almost

Done I just a morning around what am I missing I guess gonna go back I don’t know who that is just go off and do it whatever laughs what am I missing is that you only get me – yeah that’s all I had lights so I could attic you me oh hey

Mike ball yeah wait I’m not gonna make all of that but I’ll make some of it well why is this not all right finishing it all right mind um did I do something wrong what you what mm-hmm maybe it’s the wrong color oh uh I did

The whole thing one block I needed to do – all right what do you mean I did it – close your eyes oh yeah the ramas neuron spot yeah yeah shoot all right we’re about to get a new one I’m pretty sure yeah I need to go

Get I don’t know what now I wouldn’t offense a bunch of regular ways this regular would regular oak wood honey temp concrete cuz it looks like it do you have die whites oh I’ve got those I’ll get the flowers I got the flowers place them who’s gonna work on this

Finan well yeah oh you’re back yeah do is i right anyone have died right on them I’ve got white blue but I don’t have I don’t have glass forty seconds I don’t have time to get any paint not last I really blew it on nearly lost I’m

Gonna go back 20 seconds 11 yeah I’m not gonna be able to get back all right we trained looks like jungle with pants oh I thought like a normal fancy even if I did that I would have been wrong yeah all right angle fence I have a jungle

Bend so blue coming back yeah I feel like we needed to focus on one at a time if if we do that again focus on one at a time no I like this game but man you like the game but it is tricky yeah I don’t ever shut it

No not last that was not lost yeah I don’t like the can I like that game alright we did pretty well 824 not bad not bad so we’re not too far away from yellow yaks so that’s good that means that they’re not bad everyone say they don’t

Like this game yeah I think I think we should tackle just two things as they’re like all the things and we’ve nailed him yeah just go out just keep gathering a bunch of stuff who’s bring it all back stop was so big I don’t know where to go

Or even I’m getting it yeah I think it’s cool I just people didn’t know what to do because they’ve never done it before so they finally feel like us you know all four things and that’s where – yeah – at a time probably would be better and

I feel like if someone was like on color and lumber and then someone was on like ores and stuff like that but the thing is to be fair we haven’t done that ever before so it’s kind of hard to communicate and tell what you’re supposed to do when you don’t know where

Anything is but going to a new shopping center yeah we had no idea what we’re doing that’s fun day I like yeah I know buddy better about this one I gotta say whoever saves ultra adhesive guys I said a vertical footrace or we could do parkour oh I went right in the middle BattleBots know so well of that one slow and steady wins the race okay so don’t take shortcuts don’t try to take shortcuts just keep it nice and simple race guys like a little less coy but definitely ways and none of us a little less Cory but I fell off a lot

Yeah this is up guys and also this parts really annoying like that you’re floating over right now this is where everyone gets yeah they change the shortcuts this time though yeah that’s bad we got zero that was the last game of two so like when it’s like three

Times multiplier and we got nothing Yeah that okay getting back a little bit at the start maybe yeah punch each other so yeah punching me right off guard I’m gonna punch no don’t punch me oh I already can choose that oh yeah I feel like I feel like people I know that’s rude oh this is awesome cuz the

Checkpoints so far back yeah I’m fine III didn’t know like it was so easy to like just jump to that one oh this is the chip with a camera I tried oh well let’s go again can I just get to the checkpoint yeah Wow okay good I’m out of

This pit oh crap yeah that’s what sucks about this one when you’re like right at the end then you just like someone pushes you come on you know it’s that when you’re in last place oh I didn’t jump well it said that what is lost place in this afford it but it’s

Me okay well I’m not that much funnier second oh nice lon let’s go dang good yeah I got I kind of got that my area which I hate is that the bush area just yeah yeah Oh what’s the quickest way to go here is I like over-the-top I don’t know I

Always forget how like long this thing is yeah like how long is a lap yeah no no this is the part co-eds it’s like we’re just the quick I don’t know what the quicker way is amazed yeah I don’t know either oh dang I was kind of I was gonna look

For all over that guy’s solo though so a lot of zombies here people yeah that’s that is another one all right yeah all right yeah one lap down let’s go oh let’s go the second jump my bad I hate this part this is my house oh wow I’m

Choking guys I’m choking it’s okay good good good good you got it I’m God I’m God okay I’m good game off I’m a game changer Busch won any good or the know where I know okay it’s not doing that I feel like that person might hit me back now cuz I hit

Them well I took way too soon I got kind of fluttered them oh come on it’s so annoying you know the little piston part I keep getting cool on them yeah come on oh come on yes I hate it when I like just it just randomly stops me running like I don’t

Know but I like to have dropped so much I’m still 20 eight I don’t know how much time we got two minutes left – 1:18 Jesus how many laps we doing – boys – okay yeah well we should be okay oh that’s a quick way to go it’s gotta be dink the

Zombie bits gets me because the laser more popcorn in that area yeah just gonna go right by the end nearly finishing and there’s got stuck in the stupid zombie bit yeah you know yeah I think so no if you do if we don’t finish you don’t give anything yeah it’s

Pretty dumb to be oh my god I can’t say this to many people oh oh oh my god I’m tracking cuz it’s like right by the end now zombies let’s not last nice I don’t know how do you get more points for this I guess when you give it away

Oh yeah oh well I mean we’re tied would last well god damn that my guy must be really good come on oh man it kind of sucks when you like two people have finished and they have more points than us when we have three people technically not not last tied for ninth alized

Mhm well at least we got this one out of the way because I think everyone likes to do this so um like the majority like so crazy like blue bats how do they have like so much more boys than us yeah because they all finish quickly

Yeah it’s even still like I don’t know how I finished that quickly it’s like I didn’t do that bad I know the first lap on the zombie bit like kind of like that’s why I screwed up yeah more than doubled my life I’m coins still possible

For us to be taken down it’s a good point I’m assuming so there’s two left yeah to the first you’ve gotta be a million points above the second team and then still lose this yeah a thousand points that’s a lot yeah you go into like a dodgeball situation yeah hashtag not

Lastly yep let’s get it trending trending on Twitter please not even really all my sloths are so like well just under 2,000 points ahead like is this the last game or the two games is cheating good taco Wario baccalaureat I don’t like particle now I’m gonna shoot anyone actually practiced for i’ma

Shoot one bow chicken go to parkour it there’s a lot of things in the bingo yeah the my chicken keeps going to the other one don’t go there no all we’re gonna be doing we’re gonna doing battle box I didn’t want to do battle you don’t succeed hate bingo you

Know that you’re the team leader on this one you know what like the strategy what yeah you just gotta kill people and steal their stuff like later on but also like we gotta choose depends on what it is as well like if they’re okay here’s

How you play in look out bingo the aim is to amass as many coins as you can within 12 minutes every player spawns with a map in their inventory this map will show you the items that reward coins for crafting items the more an item is crafted the less coins that were

Reward after five crafts at by any eye by any team an item will be locked out and reward no more coins to anyone your team can only gain coins from a single item Croft once so erase the other teams together the right materials and crafting the items before they get

Locked down now yes stealing crafted items or materials from opponents is a viable tactic the game begins with a grace period of one minute where PvP is temporarily disabled so village don’t try there might be if we go down to this sand area there is a village yeah we can

See I’m also there might be like sand is good to go for because we can so potentially gallows follow Zeus guys yeah diorite smooth die right a whole bunch of where do we go flowers what the heck where I’m going it’s all visible are you going here this

Is where the village is everybody is ran away without ok get flowers flowers yeah well make them into dying oh there’s another blue like yeah I did that one if you can get purple blue here I’m a blue I may blow on it oh okay

Doesn’t it be green oh this is the wrong one it’s a different color alright so okay I’m gonna fish and try and get it yellow flowers there’s good people coming so I’m trying to see other colored flowers but is there any equipment anywhere no I haven’t seen anything

What else do we need light gray someone is the coordinate cuz I’m okay so we need so if you can find any of the flowers what our gentes magenta is what we need yeah submit but you can buy map oh no I guess not I got a crafting table going weird guy

Coming out this way does it alright for the compass in the village try to stick together there’s a color in the village okay right over there the PPP is not on yet though we did it yeah it’s been it’s been 11 it’s been like a couple minutes so bad do we need

A bad I got a sword now so that’s cool okay if you owe investing a bloody we should do that that’s pretty easy I don’t never gonna be able do it now though do the ad until they are read okay well yeah yeah

So we can so we can put them in like so we can maybe I can find one a bit like the magenta cuz it’s not here so how do you polish it again do I need a you need a good that’s wrong they got it pretty

Quickly but I might have found one or like a crime stone or something or whatever it is yeah we get out of here Oh God Oh God the big here oh I’m done oh you have to craft it’s a blue and what wait I got a furnace someone get

Andesite okay they yeah no all right I want to try get some others oh I’m coming back to you guys that’s not what do I need to make weights yeah you’re gonna enjoy me having nothing someone said we needed a cook it already too and aside and he’s

Got a block of coal I’m calling here red blue and pink I can’t see now there cuz freakin bunch of sand in here Gold I think yeah I call to be good I need to make some stuff cause like I have nothing just so darl yeah well that’s why we need to make

Stuff this is my Ania I’m a frickin would I need a crafting table which was over here somewhere can I mind gold with a stone pickaxe 9 8 iron there’s some iron where allows all for the white dye and then make pink well we got ya cuz I didn’t yeah we need

To make magenta okay I got what I now and then what else we need right one is coal block the other is obsidian okay I was trying to kill some guy getting this clay whites well I’m jumping over you guys and do we need any meat or something

No wait how do i mix the ties again howdy wait how do you make what is it called literally nothing nine of them I need easily nine clay then I think so drowning so we can make like luck of call you could have it thanks do you

Have a code you have a furnace going idea was in a cave where all the sand clubs so I can make another furnace made one right now because we need to get this call right down here the bottom I think it’s people down here to escape this cooking further down I got some

Clay and cook a McKay thing yes but I need I need to cook give me cold I don’t want any blood would Sasha any word yeah I think was in Campo in here it’s a cold so operatives okay okay just keep an eye out for honey

I need a white dying father I got call nice bit of red we can’t okay I’m not gonna steal this stuff but someone’s right there I really want to do that kids how do I make the pink dye on you it’s done you can’t do that anymore okay

Quick how do I find y’all I see you all the way over there you might be like you can teleport after 30 seconds okay we need a crossbow let’s go the witness Tower which was wait I’m just gonna tell you it’s people coming gluon yeah well

Looking how do i teleport wait they get my brick then oh yeah what do we need what should we get damn near redstone all right yeah we need bread stomach stuff so I don’t have anything I’ve done one thing so fellow cover D myself [Laughter] trying it gold and redstone people said

I did die never get the red sign then we can do that repeaters oh yeah true um just bill dude I actually you know we can get down here with three minutes we’re gonna do this like quick yeah there’s like place down here let’s try and get a crossbow from

The way to tower god oh here we go person right behind you behind you whoo okay well dude I just I don’t have anything come on man the figures have you craft in the Gaiety they also get it so coming coming killing him got him oh my god

Take the stuff got it yeah it’s five coins killer don’t have anything again I don’t know what’s the names is anything in these I almost punched him to death though James tried to avenge he’s got the head three swords who dies first there’s anyone bring in this way fishing

Like no one time fishing yeah string though this guy’s finger sock just get flustered real easy yeah yeah I agree I completely agree is this nighttime you get all the stuff for my on you two diamonds yeah we just got two downs any diamonds any diamonds press F to easily move your

Map the other oh I’m really like I don’t feel like I’m just gonna dig down and look for gold yeah but we still need us melted I got anything I will have time to I’m gonna be straight down that’s not God the gold block

Yeah we do a lot of it and I don’t think I even have time to smelt it even if we got it we still good we need an iron pick as well I’ve got an iron pick I’m worried I’m dying down yeah I’d actually

Do if we can get red if we can get red stone I might be able to make God see if you’re not if you’re not first honor straight down alright I’m coming Yeah we lost visible Israel’s down here can I do anything with these activator rails how do you make those I don’t have a crafting table holy crap James what the hell did you stumble upon a whole band of mine shop that has everything yeah dig down right here underneath the

Village yeah wish we had that so you know like 20 minutes ago dig straight down and find something yeah you need call those light lights the vibe of was necessarily the band of mine chef has a bunch of coal you know and lava everywhere I feel like the points went

Accumulating love we’d done a few things I think we might not come loss overall doc because we’re still a decent Lane killing people is like oh the best way to play that game because obviously if you make I made a brick and then some kill me and then took my buuck so they

Got the brick like that’s a queen the way you’re doing yeah kill everybody but you know you really make something gonna chuck it out boy someone else might get it yeah that’s true yeah throw it into a lava I don’t like that game alone yeah game sucks like people would have

Never played this before yeah really fun I even like Paco that’s really fun yeah the first time we had no idea what we were doing and then the second time we can add a little bit an idea and this time oh yeah we have a basic idea but

It’s just like I don’t understand Pete it seems like people get so lucky you’re like oh okay they just found that yeah or they well I mean if it’s the same is it literally the exact same map no but the thing is is like yeah it’s like once

You start doing well he’s talking really well because he’s sucking but equipment and then you can start killing aliens and soon there is that glam sub yeah don’t go if you’ll go quickly I hate that game okay yeah Anna Boch sucks mainly because we suck at PvP less complaining so laughs not laughing

Complaining get rid of it all this is how I spoke laughs I’m loving it because chicken stop is like yeah and then just stay in this what was chicken swallow I can’t hit parkour from here all right chickens always end up in here what is

It chicken what am I in the right one yeah yeah stay there chicken [ __ ] is this one you’re worth three points James to stay in there what is this are you a chicken game what is that okay hey you we can’t let this all cool there’s better bottom line good one yeah but

What is the food game well no that’s thumbs it up three this I hate these chickens I will play our hate battle box a bit different this time though at least dude I had three votes in freakin Park I want to do paço yeah Park was fun and they changed it up

To be more challenging I won’t play parkour Oh No oh yeah technically not last okay so we have okay so we just have to beat the yellow yaks that’s all we have I mean they might be good this is the last one oh yeah you have to replace the

Walls there is no fall damage as well it says yeah chat okay what’s the best what’s the best method chat you gotta help us one night James chanting horns chat my chat please what’s don’t die okay there we go I’m gonna using the bow so that’s good doing

That chain because I do feel good about it do not go mid at the start okay we do that we have to kill people first push them speaker aspect one just ocean of speed what is this thing there man splash potion I wonder what these things

These items are what so what are we doing what’s our strategy just kill them What is the flawed deadly definitely parts a bad chap Oh evil right I’m talking our health level yeah well the thing is yeah we got like no point that we lose as well so kill the enemy so they’re all gone and then place the block you know what whoever

Gets the TNT just blow up the middle part and then just oh whoops no it’s instant instant health I thought I use the person of damage apparently oh ok cuz you might be able to pick them up alright I’m gonna do the TNT same map every time now yeah I’m gonna try and

TNT you lover I guess yeah you want to get the towers and the news shoot oh yeah oh maybe yeah yeah try that try that yeah oh yeah I’m gonna go up I’m going up to I don’t want to be down there Wow oh ok doesn’t work how did I die

Immediately okay hit me once almost got to Scott I’m just not good at PvP but also yeah yeah I got why are traded Wow well the thing is let me kill them all now then they’re just gonna get the wool anyway all right okay just yeah yeah stop shooting trouble

Started trouble shoot double just go down just go down go down if you yeah yeah if you don’t try to contest it yeah so like they’re trying to they’re trying to place the woman you just want to create chaos for them at least in some way okay some points will not last

Not last code to the middle yeah but what I’m up there is good thing we so long to get down and over at that points anybody’s I’ll just stay up there and just shoot yeah but you run out of stuff go really easily yeah but going down I mean I’m gonna go

That I’m gonna do the tower thing guys to not be lost overall we just have to be yellow yaks so yeah I’m good choir aspect axe I’m gonna try and well no no no you have to ignite of them pretty sure I don’t know mine just blew up so

Mine it might it also it doesn’t work on the stuff bye-bye it doesn’t work on the wall come on burn burn to death burn to death is where a leak hit all of them they’re all what pretty weak oh they already did the wall yeah I shot someone man yeah but if we

Do that then we will We’ll figure the strategy as we go just I shot someone kill someone though so not last yet except to get a thousand coins more than us yeah okay at this rate anyway just keep doing the TNT around the middle and then just start putting it in there responsible

Can’t so no one wants to come over so you can’t TNT it like you can’t like so you can employ them up if you put 10 here right there oh yeah you can blow it up but you can’t get rid of any of the blocks with TNT

I’m gonna go on the center burner sir but that’s three of us go to the center yeah that’s fine and I will shoot in betaine t oh my god how did I die oh we were like always somebody go are you serious I feel like I died so quickly I killed someone

I killed myself as well with the panty I had person of instant health as well I should have used that at some point I don’t know even just regular PvP I would probably prefer that keep going the tower and doing that because at least I’m killing someone do what you guys do

Let’s go I’m gonna go for that I’m just gonna get straight for the wall did someone want to fend them off it you had the axe yeah I have the axe ya hear them in the middle let’s just try go for wool mm-hmm cover us long

Yeah I’m trying to clear this how how they still survive how I kid like good I don’t like that I don’t even know how much health they have like I’m hitting them there’s like one in the thing like doing the the stuff and then we’re like

That’s all I could manage guys I could beat us alright well I mean realistically I think what we should do this game sucks yeah gonna be could’ve been black or just saying damn yellow yikes all right okay yeah I’m gonna go up there I’m gonna train shoot this time shoot them

From a fire with you James because I have that okay we’re just going in yeah go for middle what what do it I’m gonna cover real good now I’m up here yeah oh my god where are my shots going alright what the lag dammit dammit look at the wall use the shears yes

Not so well lie all right we have three more rounds we figured out we just keep doing this same thing cuz they didn’t know we I mean technically they’re like two people down because I don’t think Steph really plays nor discipline Bella I mean I’ll let you know I can’t get there medially kiss me like a few seconds I get up there yeah so wait hold back well I don’t know I don’t know I don’t see what we’re doing because we’re talking are you shooting guys come on

Man up now what oh I got it like twice and I died I died oh they’re getting them all they’re getting them all they’re getting the ball they’re getting the ball in this game to win overall I mean they couldn’t win another game but

I don’t wanna call it but I feel like we might have this one a thousand points from here on out and B that means that’s a win every single game here announce well they got if you win a game here like five hundred or something guys yeah

Yeah battabox sucks yeah it does I agree it really does truck killing I’m just gonna try using my power and I’m not gonna go for bothered yeah I mean kill them all then then you guys can but I mean so I forgot the wall in there with three guys still

Left on the yeah well that’s good if they’re not paying attention but they seem to or because the thing is if you get rid of the first wall then they just go in and place it yeah yeah that’s cameras Hamming so it’s like if we share

The wall then midler let’s go fit that’s a good strategy because then we’re all like oh my god yeah I feel like I feel like that I might errors I don’t know like a good team those are good teams they’re gonna be like really good teams

Right now yeah I I’d like to say that I’m pretty good with a bow and arrow but this is just ridiculous yeah I like Monera too but I feel like something’s like I feel like there’s This round oh yeah Everett last one last one last one okay okay I’m gonna go back is my whole plan of like well move the wall so that I just put in mine yeah hang on should we just wait what team is this okay they’re just like 25 points of like

45 points ahead of us what I’m doing every time I up here like it’s like yeah yeah this game man I’m sucked out of it I just I don’t like the wool aspect I think it was honestly just PvP or just be better right that’s just me know what you know what that’s

Not a we don’t get last we did not get last guys well I mean this plays a wife still 21 the end yet like we played like all the games that were like pretty awful at the end we played the good games at the start and we played all the

Terrible games again you know it’s as soon as we do really bad as soon as we Do man that’s the only thing we’ve actually trained for I know I know you know what this not last doesn’t feel like like a victory I’m not gonna last we are don’t live we’re not last we’re officially not live 7,000 we go to thousand more points look at their point

Difference as well holy damn oh yeah oh yeah hello good salad do you want a game through glitching I ain’t glitch and so my fault that serve is laggy I should get a better server in Australia just in Australia yeah yeah ain’t better than mine they said we could do and all they

Had to do is put other similarly we just needed a team to be fair we’re breathing every time and we’re not that far behind red rabbits realistically yeah the games are in a different order like a bad hole in the wall near the am yes to one the

Game that I won fair and square yeah that’s true that’s true like that would’ve given us a lot of points first place do we get toilet paper like yeah I just think that far behind don’t do a little face like that wait yeah we’re not I think I think

Overall we’re starting to do a little bit better mind you also we didn’t practice at all and we improved just saying just saying we did approve we probably because they say that wanna do these like what monthly are they saying that so maybe if we set like maybe a

Proper day where we actually all play and practice like ones that we’re god we need to practice that and if there’s some like if there’s a bingo like if we can practice bingo that’ll be great too so I think the game that’s just me though I mean yeah having like a thing

When a wall yeah well we could find some PvP stuff to practice too yeah yeah yes I think we also need a practice like communicating stuff a little bit better because I’m going let’s go we got into the finals changing came changing team oh I hate that and then they wait there for

Fricken forever I totally understand if they see their bag someone did that and like Sasha’s bag was like the first one out and I’m like now I have to put now have to ask you to move so I can get the bag like what are you doing so many so

Many people don’t know airport etiquette it’s ridiculous oh let’s go blue bats you don’t go out if you move your head around yeah I don’t know why we’re gonna play the game or you know what game I like to play I like to play this game at some point it

Seems have a fun yeah we will never see the very end we didn’t come lost last hashtag not lost let’s go orange ocelots win the Minecraft championship I was even going for them you know blue on the picking of teams one day will stand up there one

Day one day was good never old like damn I wish I was cool as the blue the original bully bat-cillin you know this whole like I’m just glad that my my keyboard didn’t malfunction so thank you to Logitech for making a cable that doesn’t randomly kick me up

Logitech is a true winners here because zeus had to buy another Logitech keyboard Southard minecraft championships every single time we’ve got more points and improved anything that’s there that’s the true beauty don’t watch the last four games watch the first four games okay they were epic

If part if we had parkour is the last one like if we mess up on that as kind of our fault like yeah where’s where’s the worst most coins yeah where’s most improved yeah there should be all of us most persevering team that always comes in and doesn’t

Like there’s a whole room here for just us like could it just be the the original blue bat area like come on they keep winning yeah can we they can make a looser one a game changer you know game changer I’m Annie a game changer and I’m gonna

Say I’m as soon as we know how to like really play there’s other like PvP ones or even the bingo is so so good they’re actually gonna wear force to be reckoned with most is just PvP practice in general yeah and yes and we have lots of

Stuff you’re gonna try and versus you know well we should just do PvP on our new server soon though actually going I do need to talk to you afterwards about it but ya know they’ll be coming soon so we know do a sub subscriber twitch subscribe minecraft server would you

Guys Mel join so yes up to me or glue on and I think Zeus wanted to get in on yeah subject any three of us and you can join oh cool pretty fun Swedes enjoyable if we wish we could just copy and paste this and put all the mini games on it

Yeah practice amazing it actually opted you guys make it go online but yeah someone said it’s up that’s open oh okay yeah I know yeah hey check it wait people on it oh there’s 19 people on it it’s played up tunneling GG you have to be in either my discord or dr. gluons

Discord obviously we’ll add Zeus is not in there right now and that’s we’ll set up the whole thing is oli automatic now where does it go play tunneling dot I’m not on your discord it’ll tell you does it because it should pop up and say verify yourself at the bot when you join

It so right now just we like wait look at it later one mm-hmm come on now all is okay to do one there’s people on yeah yeah anyway it’s gonna do it for the championship thanks for watching till next time right next time yeah next notes yeah not second-to-last let’s go

We’ll do it let’s go yeah so um so the way through that sorry this is a YouTube thing nice you if you try to connect to play Tom link GG will like pop up saying to connect your discord and you just have to be either glooms of my discontent and

We add that well I’m an idiot I don’t know how to really do it you have to DM the bottle play yeah just read what it says Yeah yeah all right nice okay oh there we go nice awesome all right okay oh yeah so your discord wait yes so that was uh that was the minecraft championship hashtag not last very cool very fun hope you enjoyed we did kind of get rady

At the end there this it sucks kind of losing and all that sort of stuff but you know so I’m gonna check out gluons and James’s new world we might be able to weasel our way into there and get our own little world which would be cool so

Yeah play send a DM at 2 tunneling bots channel okay the whole thing minecraft account no we know this damn the bot that’s in the wireless channel the tunneling but we did amazing things anyway this is the new server which currently looks exactly the same as the

Old one but we’re working I don’t know farm well we need it we needed to build a hub cap you just whitelist me already yeah just DM them just slide with the DMS ZZZ me where’s the book did you read the instructions I closed it how I

Should close it we use a card no okay hang on a second just not sure on screen yeah anyone this is why we don’t come first in the Minecraft championship it’s so simple is it the what yeah acrobatics level one so this will be the hub world which is

Currently just a normal world so we obviously have to build something here where is this but I’m so dude DMing it’s like in your discord it’s like underneath your name it’s like box on the right I see me and a bunch of my boss but I’ll see a tunneling one oh the

Whitelist one though right there saffron posted it yeah I just I just say so hope you don’t struggle as much and in the way everyone is so cool true this is true so here builds all of this yeah hey Zuzu you like some coffee admin I am okay

Yeah so this was um that’s good yes so the gluon i think you built the big statue of yourself with the Fez craft and that’s one of the first craft one and then other players have been building all this stuff I meant them I’m in the main wall paint so much color I

Really appreciate it actually I see Zeus they give me like I’m give me like 7000 power and you’re actually a staff member you see me it’s free stuff over here like free but is everything in lakhs I feel like there’s nothing oh that’s right we’re still in next time not

Second-to-last I was like you went up you were also like you won one of the hole-in-the-wall games like Oh my god any waiter the summers are they okay though I do – Tom I hate you for killing me you targeted me in bottle balls I did no such thing you had like two health I had two we’re doing really bad and seem to like close

The gap yeah yeah because like with the yellow team us as soon as I’d seen it guys it’s fine it’s the yellow people we lost to the earth we lost to the yellow dude but although it’s got one two the team that we’re in a second place so I

Don’t really know what happened it was also funny at the end when it was dodgeball just seeing like two people with the orange flags like the rest of the event not wanting us the way we are yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we are the real blue bats yeah they were just taking

Your mantle to show you where you can reach just imbued it with second place Piper Celyn you can take that next time not lost I’m so fried bit no works it works thank you very much again just want you to say thanks you’re welcome I enjoyed having you in thank you so

Much and I got coffee you have the way so um so yeah what a new server because what was happening was the the server that we started on it was only been a week because we just opened the subway it got its target laggy so I upgraded it

From what we have current plan to a better plan a more expensive plan I was still laggy and it was just like well we planned this so much more and already we’re having to like me his crazy cutbacks so and also the bring in James’s subscribers as well we’re just

Getting the better server so like James and and mymy admin team been doing amazing job but he move it over nothing has changed it’s still the same civil you building system here it’s just it now is a better running server and there is a build a build competition going on

Right now we are working on the the fountain that’s gonna go outside of the cathedral here so you can see the blocks the yellow and white blocks and they even come down the city pass spot over here is this them I’m here I’m here I’m here

Thank you just like few minutes ago for the ten gifted subs as well subscribe throughout the championships and also yeah yes so the guy that just jumped in his scarf he was like the organizer of like the the championships yeah and I feel like he’s out personal cheerleader

As well so lovely he also goes after them tries to kill us too so well I mean then I also went up to a very very kind of giving us a little talk and mmm just like but yeah but yeah here’s the odd in this like in this area so basically you

Guys will go out and make a fountain not here but anywhere in the world and then what would do is we will post I think right here we’ve got him here the coordinates to your fountain and then we’re gonna judge him and then the winner will get their fountain moved

From where it is to wait here right outside the cathedral so nice very cool then the idea is yes so then this will be one of the walls and server and we’ll have other ones too yeah we can add other I don’t really know I feel like the ala

Admins know this stuff better but I think we could probably do other stuff as well yeah like a Skyblock Bobby kind of calm yeah we’re talking about doing something where maybe me and James I mamizou since I shouldn’t get involved in that one as well but like we would

Play and then everyone else could just play suspect hates to be a little like like let’s play kind of thing like we had before oh you guys will be able to jump on and like I said I’m spectating and that’d be cool v was formed within

The game as well so just watching it on Twitch whatever so yeah you can make really nice see this parkour hell yeah some parkour guys which one is okay yeah oh thanks Maddie for the bits appreciate it thanks for all the fellows we okay alright I gotta be able to go do circus

Tent it looks fantastic it looks like a circus tent the problem is I can’t find it right now okay yeah I just have to go to this pawn I think I remember where it is yeah janggu be easy good always type slash ball as well thinking back to the spawn

How do you set a spawn point I don’t know what we have in right now as far as stuff goes I was behind you oh this way no I will be getting off soon they’re gonna be with the family but I thought shows do this stuff Oh

39th time right now oh yeah there’s a fence Oh like to speed up the night time if everyone’s sleep so I’ll see the night time we’ll skip but the more people sleep the faster will night will go through so like not everyone has to sleep to skip the time the time mmm [Laughter] I’m trying to do my that’s cool now you’re calling me honey huh I usually call you sweetie [Laughter] Wait what do you cheat no I mean always hit last time so I guess I still got a small boy steady you can’t skip checkpoints like lucky I mean I got here laughs oh crap yeah how do you get to the next yeah next point it is definitely doable our elite team of

Parkour experts have verb and Testaments live not yeah I’ve not done it in one run but I’ve definitely done it but no they get to it and they just need to stand at a toughy end point anyway I’m gonna get out of here because yeah but yeah we might be more displayed on

Tonight’s I do you want to talk to James real quick or well no I mean not cuz I didn’t know that we’re gonna jump on here but we already are and it’s already live so I guess we don’t need done it okay but we do need to yeah and you

Forgot it’s time to build out a hub wall yes oh yeah I don’t know what I’m gonna do yeah that sounds like a plan Thanks juices and thank you guys so much watching it was amazing I will be back later on tonight probably and and we’ll

Do some stuff then you have been amazing sighs watching this ela same complete this parkour yeah me too you never sleep during mining thunderstorms or spawn point set what so you have to so the way it works is you have to join if you subbed you

Have to join the discord and once you get the twitch subscriber icon discard you know how long it takes a disco to like do the twitch side it it updates every hour but you can manually update them and it’s like it once every hour I think if you guys have enjoy my discord

Join it right now if you’re a sub and I’ll manually fresh it in a couple minutes so then you’ll be either join the server how do you well dip the instructions to join this in the servers all in the wireless channel if you see a birthday how do you

Stick to honey yeah I was talking to everyone oh so that you can actually think walk on the bottom of it so you just have to jump far enough and then he considers the walk on the wall like you said the land the right spot yeah I’ll refresh

This there in a bit so your Twitter rank is that but I’m just giving time for everyone to join it it’s God are you gonna what is going on other than gluon rate rating and you summarize welcome glue beasts well I don’t know what I’m doing right now I don’t know why I’m

Failing why am i failing yeah I’m trying to get into the honey this is difficult the welcome all don’t jump right towards it just can jump almost like I need a message in white list you’d message the bot once you get the code from joining the server don’t just read the

Instructions in the wireless channel in the white list channel what I went in there was well that’s what I was gonna talk to you about afterwards but I didn’t realize the server’s already online so yeah so if you subscribe you’re good yeah we subscribe to either

James or me or both better better better you and then you can on the call thank you I’m gonna I’m gonna get at the time I think I died too many times alright okay alright I’ll talk to you guys later so goodbye please everyone had to leave all right

I play Sims Medieval in a sec but first off

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Championships: SEASON 3 #NotLast (Streamed 3/14/2020)’, was uploaded by More Zeuz on 2020-05-09 19:00:15. It has garnered 2328 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 03:13:21 or 11601 seconds.

Round 3 of the Minecraft Championships! Can we be NOT last!!

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    Insane Minecraft Survival Secrets on My Realm 😱Video Information [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what up guys what up welcome to the stream how are you guys doing today on this fine evening um I appreciate every single one of you guys coming down to the stream we are live um give me a hello hello yep I can hear you Y sound good hello yep I can hear you good okay can I pick where we’re Landing today yeah so I’m going to turn this down to almost an extreme and then put this back on all right I’m going to pick closer… Read More

  • Mind-blowing Aether and Twilight Forest..? 🌳😱 #viral

    Mind-blowing Aether and Twilight Forest..? 🌳😱 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘ESSE VÍDEO É PRA VOCÊ :AETHER & TWILIGHT FOREST🌳 🤔🤔😆 #shorts #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by Slinky_ J.E on 2024-01-15 16:32:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. THIS VIDEO IS FOR YOU: AETHER & TWILIGHT FOREST #shorts #viral #minecraft #modsminecraft. Read More

  • HoneyPuu joins me in a wild Minecraft adventure!😱🔥

    HoneyPuu joins me in a wild Minecraft adventure!😱🔥Video Information Minecraft wir haben Minecraft Chat gehen wir gerne rein so ich war hier im Haus W geh das habe mich erstmal bedient dass ich nicht verrecke me ich komme auf den Server und sofort B be me wichtig aber ich werde ganz normal anfangen ich werde mir von von von kein irgendwas holen geh den Talk ja ich w irwohl kommen muss jetzt V drücken hallo hallo hallo B aber Luft hallo hörst du mich war hallo hört mich nicht muss in die Gruppe kommen oh kracht hallo hörst du mich ja hörst du mich gut den ist… Read More

  • Insane Mods To Boost 1.20.4 Minecraft Survival!

    Insane Mods To Boost 1.20.4 Minecraft Survival!Video Information what’s up everyone it’s JT GT here and I am back hopefully for a while school and work has been a lot but I’m here to bring you guys 10 mods because I felt like I haven’t done mods in a while and let’s just get right into the first mod so as I’m walk into the area for the first mod uh my world got corrupt I tried to fix it for 2 months and I could not get it to work so sadly I had to go through and I’m just rebuilding everything but it seems… Read More

  • Kiara conquers Minecraft in 1 day! Sheep everywhere!!! #MythOneBlock

    Kiara conquers Minecraft in 1 day! Sheep everywhere!!! #MythOneBlockVideo Information [Music] feel it rush through me [Music] we feel it R feel it through me [Music] [Music] oh honey [Music] in there you know to kind of be like yo serious [ __ ] being in Japan at that time right like people weren’t messing around you know that’s the vibe that I got wait sorry I think I need to do a quick intro cuz I just switched to the gaming uh screen go for it K you guys may have already been seeing me on on K’s stream I was just you know chilling and uh… Read More

  • Insane Game Hacks 😱 – Add Blocks in Minecraft #shorts

    Insane Game Hacks 😱 - Add Blocks in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But You Can Add blocks #shorts#herobrine #tacnogamerz #minecraft #minecraftenderdragon’, was uploaded by Unlimited Gaming 😎 on 2024-07-05 10:30:19. It has garnered 8211 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft But You Can Add blocks #shorts Cradit : @ORANGEEYT 🗿 video made by – @LEGENDDEVILS minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft but,beating minecraft,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,minecraft mod,minecraft facts,minecraft manhunt but,manhunt minecraft,minecraft op,minecraft mods,cursed minecraft,minecraft hardcore,minecraft but every block multiplies,minecraft challenges,insane minecraft,minecraft uhc but,blessed minecraft,op minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft uhc,minecraft funny,tapple minecraft,minecraft speedrun Read More


    INSANE ROBLOX GAMING: Spider Man 3 SHORTS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Marvel’s Spider Man 3 #roblox #gaming #minecraft #shortvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #gameplay #games’, was uploaded by Robokidspk on 2024-06-05 17:36:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello! Welcome to Channel ! I decided to record my gameplay. I hope you all friends will find this relaxing and enjoyable. I will try … Read More

  • LacoCraft

    LacoCraftServidor Nuevo! de 1.8 en adelante! Modalidades: SkyWars: On Practice: Off BedWars: off Proximamente mas modalidades!! Entra ya con tus amigos!! Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.6 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

    Server Information Java & Bedrock IP: Default ports Discord Join our Discord server with voice channels Online In-game Map Explore our world: Features Backwards compatibility with the latest Minecraft version Cross-play between Bedrock and Java Hard difficulty and custom enchantments Unique gameplay features like teleporting mobs and free fly on Sundays ProtectionStones for land claiming, bartering economy, and no grief Main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation in overworld and nether In-game messaging, homes, player teleportation, and Minecraft-Discord integration Responsive staff, voting ranks, rewards, server shops, public market, and tutorial warps Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – pov friend steals your diamond (ik, savage)

    Minecraft Memes - pov friend steals your diamond (ik, savage)Looks like your friend is about to learn the hard way that diamonds aren’t just a girl’s best friend, they’re a Minecraft player’s best friend too! Read More

  • Cave Craze: Minecraft’s Dark Daze

    Cave Craze: Minecraft's Dark Daze In Minecraft, fear of the dark, we delve, Exploring caves, finding treasures, oh what a spell. From planting fences to mining coal so black, Every adventure, every challenge, we never lack. With each swing of the pickaxe, we uncover a sight, A giant cave, a hidden gem, shining so bright. From finding food to battling foes, In this pixelated world, our journey grows. So let’s craft, let’s mine, let’s build with glee, In Minecraft, the possibilities are endless, you see. So join me in this blocky land, where dreams take flight, And together, we’ll conquer the day and the… Read More

  • Minecraft Drug Dealer Meme

    Minecraft Drug Dealer Meme “Why did the Minecraft pharmacist go out of business? Because all his potions were just water bottles with food coloring!” Read More

  • Tax Evasion Tricks in Minecraft

    Tax Evasion Tricks in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures: Nearly Evading Taxes Introduction In a thrilling Minecraft adventure, fosforus embarks on a quest to evade taxes in the virtual world. Armed with determination and a stack of potatoes, he sets out to make money and pay off his dues to the IRS. Starting Small Fosforus begins his journey by planting a humble potato farm and venturing into the mines to gather resources. Along the way, he encounters a traveling merchant, seizes an opportunity, and sets his sights on making a profit. Exploration and Discovery As the days pass, fosforus explores the vast world of Minecraft, raiding… Read More

  • Top Minecraft Island Seeds 1.20/1.21!

    Top Minecraft Island Seeds 1.20/1.21! The Best Minecraft Island Seeds You Need for 1.20/1.21! 🔥 (Java/Bedrock) Discover the Top 3 Island Seeds for Minecraft 1.20/1.21 In the vast world of Minecraft, finding the perfect island seed can make all the difference in your gameplay. The latest update has brought forth some of the most powerful and beautiful island seeds that will take your Minecraft experience to new heights. Unleash Your Power with Super Over Powered Seeds Are you ready to dominate the game like never before? These Super Over Powered island seeds for Minecraft 1.20 and 1.21 will give you the ultimate advantage, making… Read More

  • Insane Mansion Interior Build in Minecraft! #6

    Insane Mansion Interior Build in Minecraft! #6Video Information सो हेलो नमस्कार सत श्री अकाल केमच कम ऑन अच्छे तो क्या हाल चाल है मेरे बा आपका स्वागत है एक और ब्रांड न्यू वीडियो में आज आज हम लोग दोबारा से खेलने जा रहे हैं आज ज्यादा से ज्यादा इंटरटेन करने की कोशिश करेंगे हमें अभी बहुत कुछ करना बाकी है जैसे हमें स्ट्रीमिंग करना बाकी है मेन तो हम लोग को स्ट्रीमिंग करना है और आज जैसे कि आज हम लोग चैनल के डिस्क्रिप्शन में डाल दूंगा और क्लिक करके प्लीज मेरे पुराने वीडियोस पुराने मा के वीडियोस में भी एंजॉयमेंट करके कमेंट करके प्यार बरसा… Read More

  • Terrifying Hindi Minecraft Freddy Story Pt.1

    Terrifying Hindi Minecraft Freddy Story Pt.1Video Information This video, titled ‘mincraft scary Freddy story part-1 in Hindi #viral #trending #youtubevideos #mincraft’, was uploaded by Evil gaming on 2024-03-23 13:14:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. credit-deffused devil mincraft haunted car, minecraft haunted carnival, minecraft haunted cartoon, minecraft haunted car part 5, … Read More

  • “Minecraft Lover’s Insane Railway Track Build” #clickbait

    "Minecraft Lover's Insane Railway Track Build" #clickbaitVideo Information [Music] open with that This video, titled ‘Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #shortvideo #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT… LOVER.. 111 on 2024-04-29 16:56:16. It has garnered 46 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #minecraft #minecraftshorts TOPIC :- ❤ Minecraft is a popular video game where players explore a blocky, procedurally-generated 3D world and gather resources to craft tools, build structures, and survive against monsters. The game offers different modes, including survival mode where… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 30 Days on Beach Only

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 30 Days on Beach OnlyVideo Information This video, titled ’30 Days in Minecraft Beach only world — I lost 18 diamonds.’, was uploaded by Y Pixelrator on 2024-01-03 10:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 30 days In Amplified world: In this 30-day Minecraft Beach only world video series, we built or … Read More

  • Axminer 1M – Ultimate OneBlock Smp Free! #viral

    Axminer 1M - Ultimate OneBlock Smp Free! #viralVideo Information हेलो गाइस वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम सब लोगों का स्वागत है आज की स्ट्रीम पर कैसे हो सब लोग ड्रीम माइट वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम रणवीर ब्रदर वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम साइट गेमर वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम कैसे हो सब लोग डीवीएस जट ब्रदर स्वागत है ब्रो आपका आज की इस नई स्ट्रीम पर न वाटी लकम कैसे होती गाइस सब लोग एली वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम ब्रो आप कैसे है मैं मस्त हूं यार सब मौज में वीडियो देखा कि नहीं आप लोगों ने शॉर्ट वीडियो के लिए मैं टाइम लेट हो गया गाइस शॉर्ट वीडियो अपलोड… Read More


    🔥 ULTIMATE TNT RUN IN MINECRAFT! #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft’, was uploaded by KING GAMING on 2024-04-08 16:50:07. It has garnered 4889 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft 1.20, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft civilization, minecraft videos, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023, minecraft asmr, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft ancient city, minecraft ambience, minecraft animation movie, minecraft allay, a minecraft parody, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Get Beyonce’s Skin in Minecraft: Ultimate Skin Tips

    Get Beyonce's Skin in Minecraft: Ultimate Skin TipsVideo Information This video, titled ‘skin girl beyonce skin girl for minecraft skin girl gta sa android skin girl minecraft aesthetic لا’, was uploaded by Goloving skin tips on 2024-07-04 03:02:18. It has garnered 545 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • "Get RICH in Skyblock on OPLegends"

    <p>"Get <em>RICH</em> in Skyblock on OPLegends"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4’, was uploaded by Riverrain123 on 2024-07-04 19:49:25. It has garnered 527 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:34 or 634 seconds. BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4 💙 SUBSCRIBE: 💀 Discord! ✨TikTok! 👻 Twitter! 🚀 Embark on an Unforgettable Skyblock Adventure with Riverrain123! 🌌 🚀 SERVER IP: (JAVA & BEDROCK) IP: Bedrock Port: 19132 Release info: Get ready to soar through the skies of Minecraft with this Top 5… Read More

  • John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!

    John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!Video Information This video, titled ‘John Paul Jones is a Pirate – The Longest Johns (Sea Shanty) [MINECRAFT PARODY]’, was uploaded by Sponge Block Studios on 2024-03-29 20:00:22. It has garnered 57 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:20 or 140 seconds. Lyrics: minecraft steve is a griefer (craft pick, dig!) some TNT does he possess (craft pick, dig!) Keep it up we’ll catch the griefer (craft pick, dig!) And ban him along with the rest (craft pick, dig!) Oh! Born the son of Notch, he was (craft pick, dig!) Born the son of Notch (craft… Read More

  • SaintMC

    SaintMCEmbark on an awesome adventure by playing the #1 Community-Based Minecraft Network. SaintMC , so you’ll experience a brand-new community-based server like no other. We also offer Bedrock Support, which you can use with 25597. You will love the experience here! – Weekly Updates – – CUSTOM Battle Pass – – UNIQUE Skills System – – Minions &amp; Wands – – MUCH MUCH MORE! BEDROCK PORT: 25597 Hope to see you online! We giveaway tons of free goods. Read More

  • Warped SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20+ Java & Bedrock 15+ Hermitcraft-inspired Whitelist

    Welcome to Warped SMP 🍄 About Us Welcome to Warped SMP! We are a hermitcraft-inspired server that aims to provide the true vanilla Minecraft experience. Our community is friendly and welcoming, always looking for new members to join our dedicated group of players. The server last reset 2 months ago and has no plans for another reset, allowing players to work on builds and projects without worry. ━━━━━━━━━ ▶ Join our Discord ▶ Follow us on Instagram ━━━━━━━━━ Vanilla experience: We prioritize maintaining a semi-vanilla environment, running on fabric with minimal quality-of-life datapacks to preserve the vanilla mechanics. Community: Our… Read More

  • MythoMc Network

    MythoMc NetworkWELCOME!Discover the exciting community of MythoMC Network, a Minecraft Java server (1.16.5 to 1.21) that is also accessible from Bedrock (Port 25567)➣ Enjoy the Survival 1.20.4 modes➣ Wide variety of plugins that improve the gaming experience.Don’t wait any longer and join your friends to live unforgettable adventures on this unique server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The ultimate battle grind

    When you’re busy fighting off creepers and skeletons in Minecraft but also trying to protect your personal information like your score of 273, priorities can get a little mixed up. Read More

More Zeuz – Minecraft Championships: SEASON 3 #NotLast (Streamed 3/14/2020)