My Modded One Block Survival Experience on Minecraft Bedrock Edition

Video Information

Hello my name is probs and welcome back to a another video on the channel yes this is can we beat one block yes this has been made by vaton age please tell me i didn’t mess your name up i spotted this on my subscription feed because if you aren’t already go and

Subscribe to this guy he makes some amazing minecraft bedrock edition add-ons but yes he’s made a map and put a load of thousands of adults onto it and it’s basically like modded java in theory but for minecraft bedrock edition completely free i will have a link to his original video

And everything in the description also i’ll have a link to a separate download which is one that i’ve put together to make it so you can’t cheat or anything and i’ve also added the day counter for a laugh now when you spawn in you spawn in with

This stuff this is like magic ones i would have loved to use it but the problem with it is it leaves a particle on the floor and i find that quite annoying but anyway you can become a magician if you really want to but yes so this is all about um this one

Block as you can see there’s a barrier block underneath it and if you break a one block it regenerates and hopefully you can catch the items as you can see here i was actually struggling at the start i luckily got that sapling and a piece of dirt but

The logs kept falling off guys um so this isn’t very easy at the start so bear that in mind so what i actually thought about doing was obviously making myself a crafting table straight away and hopefully catch myself another log and make some slabs just kind of go around this thing to

You know eventually try and help me catch things but yes i’m just showing you here look at all this stuff there’s so much stuff in this guys if you haven’t already follow and subscribe to avaton age and yeah you will have a more understanding of what all these different add-ons are

I’ve played quite a few of his different add-ons and all some of the other creators on here i’ve played and seen videos and tutorials and stuff on it there’s like an updated version of his advanced machinery there’s some new weapons there’s new gear and the new gear is very op um

Which i eventually no spoilers will hopefully show you some of it but yes i’ll just continue breaking this um also the block i think when you break it 10 times it adds another block into the mix i think that’s kind of how it works i kind of figured that out so

You’ll see later on i’ll start getting stone and different types of ore but you can see i’ve made a bit of a base now i’ve got a bit of a platform and i’m trying to grow a sapling to obviously get you know a bit more of an easier source

Of wood but the main thing i really want wood for is to expand and obviously i can make myself a composter i can make myself a sieve as well and getting a sieve is the first thing you want to do if you aren’t going to play this just so

You can get different resources as you’ll see later on um there you go i knew it was coming that’s why i was talking about it i tell you i’m professional um but yes all the other types of wood i’m just using like mixing them up to you make sticks and chests and things

Like that because i don’t really want to have my whole base area mix and match of birch and dark oak and stuff and you can see here i’ve crafted up a hammer and if you break cobblestone with a hammer you actually get um gravel and if you

Break gravel you get sand and i think that’s all you get but i never really actually used it for sand i didn’t ever think about trying it um but yeah if you sieve gravel you get a load of various different minerals as you can see i’ve got emerald nuggets

Which aren’t normally in vanilla he’s kind of made it a bit more grindy um i know this is like a chicken coop here what is this i’m gonna have to figure that out later on and there’s guns in this i don’t know and it’s like a tinker’s

Table so it’s like i think you can make your own custom weapons and c4 like what is going on there’s so much stuff in these guys i’m just having a good look here like a pirate shovel what the hell is that there’s just so much stuff and honestly

You could just sit here and play this for a good few hours and you’ll forget what what time is it where’s my dinner that’s what it was like for me but yeah you can see i’ve got a a few different items now um i’ve got some copper

And raw copper is it called obviously that’s a new thing in 1.17 um i made this barrel and i remembered oh yes i need to get some leaves um to put leaves into the barrel to like make them turn into water i don’t really know what you want to call it

Melt them it doesn’t really make sense um but it does make sense because it’s what is modded and we all know that anyway i made myself a furnace and i started cooking up some iron and like i just said i want to get some shears um we’re getting like andesite now we’re

Getting granite any kind of dirt i’m kind of keeping and trying to make into trees and as you can see i was so hyped there i got my first ever natural tree spawned in woohoo um which i was very hyped because obviously i’ve already got my bucket look and i’ve got my shears

I was just waiting to get some leaves basically and as you’re going to see now i will just go up to this barrel and there we go anova i know i edited that but over a course of like a couple of minutes it will turn into

Water and just scoop it up with a bucket basically so i need to do that again and then i’ve got myself an infinite water source but you can see look i’m getting different oars now and here we go i decided to up the game a bit on this one i decided

To make this a free by free pool normally i’ll go for the two by two but i thought you know what maybe i might do a bit of fishing i don’t really know i’m gonna make this one well it’s actually like five more bigger than normal what i would normally do

But yes i’m constantly growing and cutting down trees um this is again just solely for me to expand and leaves are very valuable okay i can’t stress that enough there’s something called a bio generator and you’ll see later on i use that quite a bit and it’s very handy and leaves are so

Cheap to get now the one block this is a good tip here it became um a piece of grass i used any dirt around and i waited i did other things while i was waiting for the grass to spread and then i’ve actually got grass because honestly

I don’t know how you get grass there might be a recipe for it i might have missed it there’s so many new recipes and there probably is because i’m an idiot but i thought you know what i’m not taking any chances here maybe you can get it through sieving dirt as well

Um but you can see i just changed it there was that also like i said earlier on um it’s quite wise to make yourself a composter at the start and again you can use the leaves or the saplings you get in or if you’re farming crops or anything

You can just compost these down so the main reason i wanted um bone meal for was because vatinage has made new crops basically and i was trying to get prepared for that because they look quite powerful so i obviously made myself a stone barrel and if you put cobblestone in the stone

Barrel you get yourself a bucket well you get lava and i uh decided to make a cobblestone generator so i thought i’ll speed this bit up and check some tunes on and there we go the cobblestone generator that we all know and love for sky blocks um this time around

Though i used the new tough blocks the deep sleigh mossy stone granite just any old crap basically i was getting from the one block i used it normally i would make a load of cracking tables and go that way but yes you can see the grass is also spreading which is lovely

Um i’m kind of just spreading it out to one side to try and hopefully get some natural spawns and now i’m running out of chest space so i need to do a bit of organizing here and you can see this is kind of all the valuable stuff i’ve got so far

Um also there is some saplings in this um like so-called mod pack i should say or an add-on pack um in this map one block and uh yeah i started to grow a cobblestone sapling because i remembered potentially and that’s a lot quicker for me to get cobblestone

Um i’m showing you here as well obviously i made this cobblestone generator i was just using my hammer to get the gravel like that rather than binding it and then mining it again if that makes sense um just a bit more of a speedier process so yeah we’re getting a lot of coal

Which is lovely but i feel like i could get more by making a coal sapling now i didn’t really want to use these too much because i’ve already played with these before i wanted to experience the new crops or this chicken coop thing um so yeah i i decided to just stick

With the coal that’s the basically the last level i went to and he went to coal and i just thought it’d be a wise idea to go for because obviously when you break the logs it gives you coal and back from it i’m just sitting up here as you can see

I’m getting some diamond nuggets as well and we are made a power core with these diamond nuggets so it’s quite expensive to make this thing but it’s probably one of the first things you want to create because this is like the heart of everything that he creates now i noticed there’s

Something new here called a battery um i think it’s a more it’s like five times better than this one it holds more rf in it which is redstone flux this is the power so you place this thing down and you make generators and things and it gives this thing power which powers

All your machines so what i always go for is the solar generator because it’s so cheap and the recipes kind of change as well which is quite nice he’s made them have a bit of copper in him which kind of makes sense because copper is quite a conductive metal in real life so

In my opinion it makes way more sense than using iron and not only that we get to use the new blocks for stuff which is quite cool so yeah this thing will generate power whenever it’s sunny um it’s not very good but it will do a bit

Now you can see i’ve got so many cobblestone trees everywhere and i’m just making sure this thing’s working there we go so we got 300 out of 100 000 which is quite good um obviously right now i got no machine so that is just going to constantly keep building up

I started to remember some other mods there was um like an exchange table and which is probably very very op and what is this special shovel thing e i don’t know and there’s a with a cannon there’s so much stuff guys it’s so much fun this little mod pack

Kind of map thing i don’t even know what to call it one block modded one block um so yeah this is the create table and the salvage table i remembered them and i thought oh i definitely need to get them because they are gonna prove to be very valuable in the future

I presume basically you put items in it and it gives you coins back and you use those coins to buy other stuff that’s how it works which is pretty cool oh yes and this is it guys i’ve made the plant forge so this is the new crops kind of add-on um basically you

Wrap seeds up in different stuff and it that basically grows into that when you break them that’s how it works but look i found out there’s block variants geez man this is so so powerful it’s so so op in my opinion um but there’s so many

Different ways you can go on this map which is really cool you can go down the chickens like i said you can go down the crops you can go down the trees you can go down just using a void miner and look there’s some salmon

I don’t know why they spawned is this is this an ocean or a river or something i genuinely don’t understand what happened here um some fish just spawned in my in my little infinite pool a bit weird um but that’s really good for me though because again

Bone meal and i can use that for the crops so yeah i needed to obviously make some sort of wet fertile soil so i could obviously um plant and grow these seeds correctly i presume also you can make seeds with some leaves as well again leaves

Very powerful and yeah i decided to go ahead and make myself a coal seed or at least yeah there we go i was trying to remember if i did or not but you need the way it works is a bit like these saplings you you make your cobblestone and then the

Cobblestone goes into coal and then the coal goes into iron and then your iron goes to gold i think it is and then gold goes to redstone or something and that’s kind of how it works so it’s a progression thing to get all the way to

Um whatever you want i i wanted diamonds because diamonds are very valuable um as you’ll see later on but you probably already know that because you play minecraft if you’re watching me um so yeah i decided to take my bone mirror and just see if this actually worked for these crops because obviously

These are like homemade and it does now i was a bit sad that you couldn’t just harvest it like manually and then let it regrow again but i guess this makes it so it’s not so ap you have to break it each time every time you get like two no one to

Free i think it is of whatever item it should be so if it was a cold one it would give me like one to three pieces of coal and the seeds back every time you get the seeds now i noticed i grew so many of them in this whole play-through

And i never got any extra seeds so they only give you one seed back forever um a wondering trader spawned in and um i was a bit sad about this because obviously he spawns in with like new blocks from this 1.17 update um i don’t know if he fell in the lava

Or something or he just fell off but unfortunately i had to kill his llama friends because um i want leather for maybe something um so i decided to create a cobblestone generator because i’m generating enough rf now i think i could probably run this thing look 4300 that is just with that solar

Panel thing which isn’t very good um but that’s how long i’ve been grinding away i guess but this thing basically spits out cobblestone above it so i thought oh why don’t i hook this up with like a hopper or something was that going to work and a couple of chests maybe and then

That saves me from actually mining cobblestone because you know mining cobblestone’s okay you know you could do you could set up afk little things or oh clickers or whatever but after a while it gets a bit tedious doesn’t it you know i want to i want to

Crack on i want to get some more seeds and do other stuff so i decided to um end up like taking this next to my cobblestone generator and i had a double chest here anyway which i was filling up with cobble whenever i mined it and yeah i just put the cobblestone

Generator here on the floor and i didn’t know if this was going to work um so it’s a bit of a trial thing and uh i put the hopper layer like that and does it work that’s the question i think it does guys awesome this is really really good it’s not very

Fast but obviously you can have as many of them as you want as long as you got enough power but i like this this has changed since the last time i use it it’s like a red line now like connecting when it uses the power i really like that

It’s a lot more polished now which is really really cool anyway um as you can see more types of fish are spawning in here i could probably make myself quite an easy fish farm there at some point um but i’m just showing you here that you can like i said earlier you can

Upgrade these seeds and like i say it’s a progression thing so now i’ve got iron now when i break this it gives me iron ingots like i got free from that sometimes you’d like to say you get one two or three i think that’s how it works but it’s

There you go i got two that time that time i got two again and it’s edited also i’ve been expanding my base as you can see we are only on day five um i feel like i’m doing okay here but i just wanted to make sure my base

Was big enough because i’m gonna start making a load of machines so i’ve made something right in front of me which is called a crusher and this crushes down cobblestone to gravel and then sand i don’t really know how to stop it from changing it to sand it

Does it too quick if you know let me know in the comments section i tried to make some sort of setup here but it didn’t really work and also the pink terracotta blocks are actually conveyor belts now so whatever way the arrow is facing an item will travel across that and that

Goes for all items which is really really cool so it’s quite easy to set up a lot of automation i wanna trader spawned in and look what he had he had some of the drip stone the pointed drip stone um so i could technically renew lava infinitely

If i got a cauldron i guess i don’t know they’re new blocks i just thought i’ll buy them because i wanted to see them this is the first time i’ve actually used them in so-called survival um so yeah here we go this is the biogenerator so this is why

Keep your saplings keep your leaves if you can try and get as many leaves as you can because this thing is very very good it’s not it’s i think it’s actually like four times quicker than the solar generator that i actually created but all you need to do is throw items on it

And it will actually suck them up but you did see at the start of the clip i did interact with it and it obviously took my leaves but it actually picks it up like that so it got me thinking maybe i could set this up to be automatic

So that’s something i can do in the future maybe um so yeah i decided to set up some sort of like redstone clock here that’s very controllable um what i mean by this is if i put a couple of items in those hoppers they obviously lock and open up and stuff um

So i can set this on a timer basically that’s what i was trying to do to set that up so it spits out the cobblestone and everything on a timer um also a fruit i’m mining the uh one block i actually got myself an observer as you just saw

And i also created a tinker table i don’t even know what is going on here there’s so many different weapons and tools and stuff a bit like tinker’s construct i imagine it’s quite inspired by it very very versatile very very cool um there’s a lot of mix and matching

There is a actual book you can create as well but yeah you make the parts and you basically combine them all together in the other part builder and stuff which is cool the tinker’s table um i was trying to get myself another observer here and then this happened

Yeah lucky blocks are in this wait what i didn’t know lucky blocks are in this um i don’t know if you can craft them or not maybe you can but i totally did not expect that and yeah creeper came out and blew up my rare loot chest which is really not cool

So i decided to have a bit of a base move around um and extend expand the area a little bit around that block because if that happens again god knows what’s in those lucky blocks maybe there’s like ender dragons i don’t know um but i’m trying to get myself an

Observer here because i can make myself an observer clock and there we go we finally got one which is really really cool so now because i’ve got two of these i can actually make these look at each other and it’ll make a really fast clock very cheap one and obviously i

Can’t just craft these because i haven’t got any um quartz but there you go it’s a bit too quick maybe for the uh for the game maybe um but it’s doing its job but it’s ridiculously loud as you can hear um yeah super cheap clock anyway i decided to make myself a

Auto sieve now this uses power guys and basically it’s a lot quicker than the other sieve you don’t have to like click it like five times or anything but if you throw items on top of this thing they will actually like get automatically civ look which is really really really cool

So again if you set this up with conveyor belts you set it up with droppers and things like that um you can obviously make this uh automated little did i know though you could see this like particle popping above that means i got no power i think after editing obviously watching this back

I’ve realized that i’m using up all my sand and it’s not doing anything absolute idiot i didn’t have enough power like but that’s what that kind of symbol indicates so if you see that whilst you’re playing um you haven’t got enough power guys you need to sort it out

But anyway now i got these observers i was wondering if i can like do these work for these blocks and i definitely saw that post oh boy i reckon we can probably make this fully automatic quite easily using minecraft mechanics which is quite nice so if i put a piece of redstone on

Top of a block that should power that when it turns off there we go did you see it little pulse that’s pretty cool so obviously when you break the one block you do get droppers and dispensers and things as well and there’s a lot of random stuff in it

It’s really really cool and uh yeah obviously when that um block updates it will power that and then fire out a leaf or a sapling which is quite nice here we go definitely just saw it in action so so cool and like i said earlier these do

Generate a lot more power and they’re super super useful and they’re very cheap to make so if you are playing this make biogenerators they’re awesome um but i’m kind of waiting around hoping this actually does work we can put some slabs underneath that just because i don’t want it to be

Floating in the air really um and i need to put another block there and there we go it’s definitely done its job because there was a sapling in there before so we could cover that up now and away we go but i am noticing it is spitting out two items weirdly now

I don’t know if this is a minecraft thing or is it block updating it twice and it’s pulse like sending a redstone pulse that quick so it’s doing it twice i don’t really know but don’t worry i have a plan for it as you’re gonna see in a minute you definitely see

It fires it twice look so i decided to make myself another biogenerator and yes this is a couple of days in advance um i’ve been doing other things and grinding out as usual i didn’t obviously i’ve edited a lot of this video i didn’t want to show you

Every single thing i want to keep it as short as i could um yeah i decided to make like i say another biogenerator just because i was on the impression that this was firing two things out so maybe i could make it so it fires out one and

It hits the first one and the second one hits the second one if that makes sense so let’s see it works guys and that is the best setup i swear get a load of biogenerators and set it up with a load of leaves and saplings and away we go but please

Mr vantiage if you are watching i’m sorry if i don’t pronounce your name correct can you add the ability for your biogenerators to just put in your custom saplings please because i got bazillions of them and i didn’t know what to do with them that would be huge thanks so anyway i

Decided to go ahead and grow a load more coal saplings now the reason for this is because one i needed coal and you get coal from obviously breaking the logs but these trees grow like super quick and regardless if it’s day or night which is lovely

So i thought i would go ahead and grow a load of these to get myself a load of logs and wood to make something are you ready guys the almighty famous i almost fell off there almighty famous mob farm and yes you could see a dangling llama in the background

Oh i thought that was hilarious i was so funny like it’s just there for about a couple days it’s really cool but anyway i’m doing the classic here i’ve got loads and loads and loads of iron i’m making some trapdoors of course i love my trap doors and yes i went up

25 blocks high and pretty much to just kill everything but why do i really want a mob farm though that’s because loot bags are in this and if i’m not mistaken i’m playing like mod packs and maps before by the creator um they they they drop from just death it’s

Not like a player needs to kill him and then they get the loot bag it’s if they die they get the loot bag which is really cool um so yeah i’ve sped this up quite a bit it didn’t take me that long to do because i had

A lot of resources look i’m doing the classic mob grinder here and well i’m kind of running out of materials here but i got a backup plan as you’ll see in a second i need to just light this up just because it was becoming nighttime and yes i don’t even have a bed

And we’re on day 10. um and also something else like guys i haven’t actually seen any phantoms which is really weird um and at the start i really noticed that my hunger was not going at all it took a very long time yes that’s all that i’ve torched that up

Just in case any like creepers or skeletons will spawn up there and i can easily get down by going down my water shoe that i created um i could have made ladders yes i could have done some other things um but yeah my plan was to just use a

Little cobblestone obviously i got that cobblestone generator just going away in the background i’m getting free energy so i’ve got loads and loads and loads of cobblestone but i thought it was quite a nice little build because it’s a bit of a it reminds me of a villager’s house

You know like half cobblestone half oak i don’t know why um but yeah i slapped the sides up to stop um like mob spawning on there and then obviously he went mad with torches on the roof just to save me some slabs basically and that is it so i could punch these

Out and that is my mob farm yes i could have probably made this a lot easier and made it a lot better by putting slabs to prevent spiders or put a cactus in the middle or use summer machines or something but i wasn’t really super interested in

Um the mob jobs i was mainly only interested in the loot bags and bones basically because obviously bones i give me bone meal because i was going down the crop rate like i say though you can go down a lot of different routes yes mob farm done which is really cool i

Also made this thing called a mata converter and i seem to remember this making like never rack so i’m pretty certain it was cobblestone to never rag so basically if a cobblestone block hits the top of that it changes it look there we go so i was under the impression that there was

A quartz seed or something and um i decided to make a load of never rack blocks and make a nevermax seed and then i thought you wrapped up a never exceed with something and it made quartz but yeah no dan that’s not a thing so i spent a bit of

Resources for nothing really um so i started looking again and i remember oh yeah i didn’t make the crate table or the salvage table there might be courts in there now i’ve mainly wanted quartz because i wanted to make some comparators um obviously for my hopper timer clock thing behind me

Um so yeah i managed to make this thing they’re super super cheap um very i mean i’m not even gonna say they’re op they are just beyond opie very very fair prices i think honestly i think you should just remove this because it kind of breaks the map

In all honesty although again it is just for fun if you if you want to obviously do an extreme hardcore edition of this maybe he’s going to make one i i don’t honestly know but these two things wow they’re so opie like so op so basically

You put items in now i said about this earlier briefly talked about um you put items in it and then it swaps them for other items and then you can get these coins and then you can buy things with these coins so you put a diamond in there and you

Get like 500 and something coins but yes there is quartz in there which is beautiful and then it’s handling is you do kind of have to like pay the price here and click one by one but you can actually auto click as well if you

Hold your well i don’t know if it’s like that on pocket edition or xbox or whatever switch or ps4 but if you hold your mouse over the item you want to craft and then hold shift it crafts loads of them um but anyway we managed to

Make this and there we go we can see it now this will power only what i wherever i put the comparator on one side it will only power that side basically also i’m just carrying up loads of leaves obviously i keep needing to do that and

As time goes past i am also sieving and yes we do get amethyst shards which is really really cool so i like the idea that he’s obviously thought about the update so he’s obviously updated all of his uh little machines and stuff to incorporate all this 1.17 goodness

Um but yes we end up making this i’ve never used this before so i was quite intrigued did you like the video did you subscribe oh the spyglass is really cool i really like it i really do um i really do like the spyglass a lot it’s very much like

Hitting c isn’t it when you’ve got up to playing on java did you like the video i’ll just be an absolute idiot no spyglass made it why not wanted to try it and there we go we’ve got our first um loot bag but not only that we got loads

Of string that we can obviously make ourselves a bed um which is beautiful and look at all those juicy bones and look this is any problem because i did this 25 high some mobs do survive if they are wearing armor so if you are going to make this 25 blocks high be warned

I’m pretty certain witches would survive as well um anyway that loot bag was pretty darn terrible i got red stain from it and a couple of seeds but you are noticing i’ve got up sitting in my uh hot bar there that you can see we’re not in my hotbar in my inventory

Um that’s because i was using the salvage table you know the little tables over there with the coins yeah op man there’s a million ways to get obsidian um but yeah also you just saw that i did craft up the um wall required for a bed and yes i’m

Making a never portal already day 11 beautiful stuff um i wanted to secure this quite well because i’ve got an add-on attached that is something to do with like making the never crazy or another expansion or something and also i added the um end expansion add-on honestly i don’t

Know who created these i’ve just saw it on his website where to download the map and you’ll see it there there’s like suggested add-ons either way thank you very much everyone if you are watching this the creators because yeah those honestly those two add-ons are very very nice especially the end one

But no spoilers okay anyway another port was created but before i go into the never because obviously i got that add-on attached i wanted to have a play around and see if i can make myself some better gear a bit more protected maybe something like diamond armor or never right or something and

I made this diamond sword with blazing and i’ll use an emerald guard genuinely don’t know what’s going on but it’s a bit of a mix-up of a sword here we don’t honestly know what it does as such yet um there’s no hostile mobs here so i can’t really test it

Um but it does do six attack damage which again isn’t too bad um yeah so i’m kind of just sorting out my um like stuff here and i decide to make something called a ray no a pickaxe and i also do make this ray gun as well

Um but i might have edited that part out oh yeah and i just ditched these because they’re like terrible now and we can we’re going diamond gear now because you know i’m rich enough anyway i’m set up and i also didn’t make any diamond gear i thought i was gonna be okay

With just what i’ve got i guess um i spotted there was some arrows in here so i just grabbed them quickly and obviously i got a bow from the skeletons that i’ve killed so yeah lit the never portal and let’s go in here and find out what is this never expansion actually does

Quite genuinely scared i was expecting loads of weird ores and stuff but we spawn in a crimson forest okay not too bad so i decided to put my spyglass there because in my hotbar because i wanted to see if i could spot anything like out of the ordinary everything looks

Pretty normal to me so far uh oh what’s that what is that that’s exactly my reaction what the hell happened to that pig um is it me or is that pig like a basalt pig question mark it looks like the basalt delta very cool textures i really like them um

So yeah this sword leaves a trail of fire which in all honesty is probably the worst thing in the world because that just burns the items so i was a bit disappointed with that i thought it was going to give them like i don’t even know i i just i just

Thought it wouldn’t have done that i was a bit disappointed also i noticed a ginormous mushroom thing and a black mushroom and a crimson looking golem guy who’s like beating the hell out of everyone which is really cool so i thought he was friendly so that’s

Cool and then he started to charge after me so then i realized okay this guy is definitely not um a friendly so i just started shooting him i presumed he had a hundred health like a normal golem um i’ve whacked him a couple of times and

Yeah he’s getting beaten up by me and that little black mushroom and he hit me and i got blindness so yeah if you spot any of them guys if you are playing this be careful um because they give you blindness in the nether which is definitely not cool

I think it’s only for a few seconds though but yes he drops iron ingots which is lovely although i’ve got about a million of them anyway um i was really intrigued by these little black mushrooms and this big mushroom so i really wanted to investigate and kill these things

I don’t know if they dropped custom items or what but he seemed to have dropped like rotten flesh and gold armor question mark very unusual um but i’m not going to complain because that is pretty pretty cool i was really scared about this mushroom but i really

Wanted to find out what it did and um i was beating it up and yeah it’s basically like a never creeper i think but with a massive blast radius i spotted in a distance like a a never right looking chest or something i don’t know it kind of looked like um if

You play dark souls or anything if you’ve heard of the mimic chess or anything i’m sure they’re quite famous in other games not just dark souls then but like a mimic chess that’s what it looked like to me um i wasn’t going to investigate it because i haven’t really got

A lot of resources that i don’t feel comfortable with but i started to realize that these mobs are quite powerful like what is this thing in the distance it’s like a new type of ghast or something but it look looks so scary guys i i was just like a big

Big big chicken and i just had to get out of there basically um a bit too scary for me i’m not really geared up for it so yeah that add-on certainly does make the never a bit more scary and yes i am playing this in hard by the way

Um so i wanted to make this chicken coop when i went home and investigate what is all the chickens about i like my chickens as you probably already know so i decided to look in the actual um you know the salvage table the exchange table and i

Managed to find some eggs in there so i could easily get some chickens with the eggs and obviously make the chicken coop as well um so much like the crop forge is it called farm forge the the one way you make seeds is basically a new crafting table

Which is all designed about chickens so again a similar thing like i was saying earlier you can go down a lot of different routes with this one block um kind of map um you can get your resources from chickens you can get resources from crops trees or whatever i made the chicken net

And this is essentially what it does so if you’ve got a chicken near you it basically gets rid of it and change it to an egg form which is solely used for crafting purposes i believe um or you could just craft one if you’ve got feathers and chicken

To hand you can easily craft one um so yeah i started playing around with these guys and um i noticed that you can breed them like that and get the eggs but the babies also become an egg as well so this is absolutely huge so

Yeah if you really want to go down the chicken route very very easy to do um which is really really cool so i decided to go for just five and i wanted to get some more feathers basically um so i kept two of these and i wanted to kill these basically sad

Sad uh sad noises i didn’t get anything from them now i don’t know if this is because of this sword being blazing or whatever but hey um so yeah after that i noticed i had a load of iron this is so weird this part guys

I had loads of iron i could make some um iron block seeds and guys i’m not gonna lie here i completely forgot what i was doing i was having so much fun i just completely forgot that i was doing stuff with chickens and then i was just like oh my god i

Want to make some more iron block seeds and that iron for days and then i decided to move this as well just because i kept going back and forth and it was kind of driving me nuts really i don’t even know why i set it up like this i was kind of only

Experimenting that was all i was doing but then i ended up using the crops quite a lot really so yeah chickens i didn’t really touch any more than that guys i i got too into my seeds and also i’ve got gold seeds now which is really cool and i’m flicking between

Seeds and the salvage table as you can see a diamond if you wrap this up gives you the best coin one thousand twenty four now i can buy never stars now i can buy so everyone dyings not a problem this is so ap guys absolutely love this thing

So yeah another star did you ever want to get another star without killing a wither well this is how you can i guess um so yeah i decided to actually go ahead and get myself one just to see what things pop up in the crafting table because

I was quite intrigued to be fair because obviously there’s a lot of new weapons and stuff and here we go we got all this stuff up up a never star generator okay what does that do i guess it generates stuff with never stars or something i don’t really know

Um there’s some like hearts here okay interesting do they give you like health or something i don’t really know um basically i was having a good look in the crafting table whilst holding it to see what things i can make with it because obviously another star is quite hard to

Obtain in normal survival minecraft um yeah there’s some like upgraded dragon egg generator or something i i don’t know i wish i um you know understood a bit more but i noticed this thing now i was getting really intrigued by this um mod as you’ll see later on all this add-on

Anyway i decided to go for the neverstar generator because it seemed like the most logical thing for me um so i was kind of like understand trying to figure out how this works because i know all the other generators need a block above them so does this just need another star

Question mark i looked on the actual um like place where i downloaded it i think i downloaded it from and um yeah it doesn’t actually have anything about this which is really weird it has everything else so basically you need to put blocks on top of these generators for them to generate

Um this never star one isn’t even in the list so either the creator needs to update that or i don’t know maybe it doesn’t work or something i don’t really know but um if you didn’t know anyway never stars never despawn guys so and never start if it’s on the ground

Will never die by an explosion or it can never despawn say never start we’ll stay up forever but look it’s generating power now i do not have my biogenerators on i do not have anything else on it is generating power but i don’t know guys if it does let me know in the

Comment section am i doing that right either way we got another star generator which i don’t want to see didn’t really cost me anything anyway um but hey it looks like it’s generating power anyway i decided to make a void miner um if you don’t know what this does this basically

Mines up um like ores as block form so like the like iron ore and stuff like that it’ll just be random and uh yeah you can set this up to be automated with a um mechanical furnace i think it’s called basically if a block hits this furnace it instantly

Cooks it to whatever all it should be it’s really really cool um i also made a axe pick i wouldn’t suggest it it was good but um it was a good idea but i don’t think they did every single block so unfortunately so it was causing me a bit of issues

So i just went back to vanilla tools tools don’t really work very well custom tools i still don’t think really i don’t really know anyway i decided to make myself a um enchantment little area and obviously like this custom tools and armors and weapons and stuff i presume i can enchant them

Um so i decide to give it a go why not if not if all fails you know i can also enchant vanilla stuff so oh no and you can in chat here so that’s good so that’s cool but you can’t enchant the ray gun sad sad noises [Laughter]

Um as you can see here right in front of me i’ve got a diamond crop as well um if you couldn’t see the ui there i know some sight enderite stuff which is really looks quite powerful um there’s a lot of new machines and stuff honestly guys there’s so much stuff in

Here you can just sit here like i said at the start and have a load of fun for hours i swear you don’t realize that you’ve been playing it for beyond hours and not only that this is completely free if i didn’t mention that already anyway i’m making some um experience files because

A long time ago i remember showcasing a add-on by vatinage and this one was to do with custom enchantments now what i mean by that is you can get like efficiency 10 fortune 10 frost walker free like enchantments that don’t exist in vanilla they’re just like op enchantments basically and yeah you need

To get the over enchantment table and this is it and you can craft these special tombs now i started to remember about all this and i was like yeah man i want to get efficiency 10 and fortune 10 and all that because i want to be so ap because why

Not this is what it’s all about right but anyway i’ve got enough diamonds here to probably make myself a diamond block crop right now and it may look like through me editing and stuff that the crops are very fast but it’s not it’s quite a grind

And to get where i’ve got to um but it’s not been too bad but anyway these vials as you can see there when you use one of these with an empty hand whilst holding it it will take five of your xp levels and this is how this kind of works so i

Decided to just go for a common tomb just for now just to refresh my mind a minute and see if i could get anything lucky how this so we’re gonna do a little bit of a jump and we got frost walker free yeah not the greatest but it’s actually quite handy

In the nether so i decided to take my diamond boots off here and yeah as you can see i need to be level six and these enchantments do work which is really really cool um so obviously where did i get the xp from this salvage table and all that the exchange table

Let’s throw a couple of diamonds in and away you go basically it’s like a little vending machine but yeah this definitely does work look which is really really cool um just freezing up my pool also i decided to make this gold block generator um because i’m still a bit questioning like this never

Star generator i don’t think it’s really working i i don’t really know maybe it’s just for sure or are you supposed to put a dragon egg on it i don’t really know so i’m punching the um so i’m punching the power core again and i’m just thinking

Is this not working i don’t know honestly i don’t know if this is working or not i really don’t um anyway i decided to make myself a sniffing table because yep i got never right guys how did i get never right you’re asking i bought some never right scrap from the

Table behind me it’s basically a diamond for a never right scrap that’s how it works and if i’ve got diamond block plants it’s not a problem i’m telling you anyway i’m searching up here some plates because i know it says something called plating um i don’t know what this does but it

Looks like it must be good if it costs two diamonds and two never right so i just put it away in my chest for now maybe that was a bit of a waste i don’t really know um also i made a portal gun so basically this thing is like

Portal if you’ve played that game so it’s a blue portal and an orange portal if you walk for the blue one you go through the orange one if you walk through the orange one you go for the blue one very very handy especially in the nether um so that was

My plan really i was getting geared up to go back into the nether and have a bit more of a you know a see what was going on um so yeah very very nice little mechanic i like this gun quite a lot it’s very very handy

Also i’m very sorry about the noise um two things the portal gun makes no the ray gun sorry makes a lot of noise and also this monster thing makes the weirdest scary noises i’ve ever heard it’s just like but anyway very hard to kill this guy um very fast

Doesn’t really shoot you much um he’s not really much of a threat to be fair it’s just very noisy that’s the biggest threat i would say but anyway it does drop something very valuable which i’ll show you in a minute and look what happened [Laughter]

I was blown away by that i went through the never what is that supposed to happen it was an accident baby anyway there’s something else here called bloody mess i think it was called i don’t really know i saw the name bar pop up sometimes but anyway this bloody thing

Drops never right ingots which is really really cool it’s got loads of like eyes on it it shoots fireballs as a bit like a blaze but like a longer version i guess but anyway that weird like gas thing robotic gas i guess um drops golden apples the

God notch ones which is really really nice so i decided i’m still not strong enough guys to face the never and then i started digging in and i started looking on youtube and stuff and i found the creator of who made this little gear um add-on honestly i as a

Recording like i’m recording my voice now i can’t remember who created so i’m terribly sorry love your add-on though dude very very cool basically you you can get new gear basically and you can get free sets of new armor which is supposedly better than never right

At this point i don’t really know if it is or not um you know obviously i’m just playing but anyway you can see i was changing lapis or to this special mystic ore and i needed to make a mystic converter is that what it’s called like a

Special wand or a tool or something like a screwdriver i guess um also i um made a legendary team which is the best one we can get um yeah efficiency 10. i have to show you that i’ll show you honestly guys that took forever to make um i’m a bit disappointed it wasn’t

Sharpness 10 i probably or looting would have been nice or fortune um but anyway this is an absolutely massive grind if you want to go down this road this is the like i said the gears um more gears add-on and uh i think i did something like 11 there

And i only got three which is terrible so i believe from watching the creators little video um there’s a 50 50 chance you can get those mystic shards but anyway i managed to get all the way to what i needed to get and i got sharpness 5 on this sword and um

I’ve got all the gear on it i think it looks really nice when it’s enchanted looks really really cool um but yeah we are pretty much all set now um i just wanted to use up those last couple of bottles and i feel quite comfortable like i can

Easily go into the nether now thinking you know i’m not gonna have a massive issue here so i decided to take some cobblestone as i’ve got beyond tons of it now just stacking up in that hopper behind and yeah we’re gonna go in another and do a bit of a search for something

As you’re gonna see right now so not only does it convert lapis you need to make yourself another kind of like rod thing um and this changes it to like this changes bedrock to another type of ore i genuinely can’t remember what or it’s called i’m terribly sorry mecca or is it

Um i love this whole mechanic though this is so cool so basically you you got to combine these two together and you can make even a stronger one that’s how it works now the whole idea of this like adam was to make it a bit better than just finding or

And mining it no i really like that anyway i wanted to test out if this mystic gear was actually any good like the creator said it was um this is fully enchanted gear guys and it’s pretty terrible so i started to really doubt it the sword was brilliant

But the gear was not great i was wondering either that or that crazy rock dude thing was super super strong also i spotted a like a pig with a soul linen on its head i had to just show you that because i thought that was hilarious um

Yeah this never add-on is very creepy also another one in trader spawn and they kept spawning him and he sold me a moss block which is quite nice i wanted to um obviously play with these because they’re new um why not i’ve not actually experienced them yet again in a survival kind of

World um so yeah let’s uh let’s let’s bone meal these shall we and if you didn’t know this is how you get all the uh the new azalea trees and all this beautiful lovely new stuff and you can get rooted i believe underneath this isn’t that pretty with all the little

Flowers but um no it’s really cool that the wandering trailer sells these things because obviously we can experience this on a skyblock world which is quite nice but yeah i just wanted to show you that a little bit anyway with these special little orange ore things mecca scales that’s it

Um you can make these mecha right ingots then if you combine the two rods together with a neverstar you can make a special astral converter or something and also i made this water tnt how cursed is that guys water in the nether yeah you can do water in a never with this uh

Map if you really want to if you just make some water tint here it’s just a tnt block with a bucket of water you can obviously get water in there and i wanted to show you that as well i mined up some um obsidian and look how quick i broke it

Yes i’ve got fortune free by the way and i’ve also got um efficiency 10 on that pick but anyway i was looking for agent debris using tnt i got some and this um astral converter changes ancient debris to some other type of ore but it’s again beyond ridiculously rare

So i went all out i bought like so much tnt well i bought sand and gunpowder i found more of this stuff and i broke some and this time around i got lucky now prior to this clip here i’ve already got myself what i needed and i can’t remember off

The top of my head what it’s called there’s so much stuff in this like map guys there’s a lot it’s a lot to remember but you just heard me pick up something there i think it’s called like a bind something is it a bind

Something or is it fine bait is it is it is that what it’s called honestly i can’t quite remember off the top of my head but anyway i needed it for the last thing i wanted to get and this is where this little add-on really shines i think

So basically you make um this astral summoner okay i’ve never seen anything like this especially on minecraft bedrock edition this is really really cool um so obviously i’m not actually done this before i’ve obviously watched the video so this first time for me so you get these crazy white blocks and

Basically i decided to do this away from everything and you understand why in a minute let’s build out this little section i put this one here and i put the other one over here then we stand back and then we mine it no we don’t mind it we use the astral converter

It changes it to night time and a star goes to the sky how cool is that but what is in the middle of those stars he has a special thing we needed and also you might have read there some hacks up in the corner me shooting now put me up three days

Don’t know why i guess it changes it tonight or something anyway you gotta tower up to these stars and in the middle of the stars there’s a special fusion core which is the thing we need for the last tier of armor or tools and that’s what i was after this yellow stuff here

Very very cool i really like that really really different better than just mining silly little wars but my god without that table that would have taken forever but anyway if you combine the two weapons together look you get the slasher did you see how much damage that thing does

25 damage guys and yes it’s fully enchantable as well which is bonkers but anyway the best armor is this power armor and again same sort of thing you combine both of them together and that is all you do so i made an end cake and i got some armor and enchanted

All my gear and now we’re going to the end and i’ll look at this guys this is amazing i was genuinely blown away by that this is minecraft bedrock edition geez it genuinely looks like i’ve played an ad a java mod pack in 1.12 um a long time ago and and yeah there

Was like it just reminded me of this it genuinely looks so cool now i believe sound one’s also rtx compatible as well like the blocks are which is beautiful um i wasn’t obviously using rtx at the time but i could but anyway i wanted to really investigate this because this looks so

So cool like genuinely i was so blown away by there’s like a weird zombie gear look he’s like teleporting and now i can test out my beautiful new sword on him there’s some like cows look just look at it it looks so good man really does it’s really really cool

Also i got some end beef here and the dragon hit me but look how much health it took away i’m on hard by the way um yeah it didn’t really do a lot i at the end b if i was expecting to get teleported i didn’t

I spotted this like villager guy here or witch and here’s a villager okay sells different stuff okay this is how we get all of these other ender right stuff i see because i was under the impression that some of the ores would have spawned in or something

There was a blaze as well look what is that an end blaze it’s got little horns so random but it looks so nice do you not agree with me though i thought this looks so cool especially how like vibrant purple is really really cool i really like that

Also we got like ender warped blocks so it’s kind of like inspired by the uh never update i guess this kind of shape and style of the trees a bit like the mushroom kind of things also that zombie dropped a never right sword if you didn’t see that um also what is this

Thing a navi plant i don’t really know but look at this guys so we’re gonna go and fight the dragon obviously and um i wanted to just investigate and look it’s actually like even in here crazy so i’m gonna be fighting the ender dragon with this

Cool stuff all around me this is so cool anyway i just killed that enderman but you could definitely see that this arm is way more better than the other one the mystic one i was trying to shoot these little um crystals with my ray gun i’ve got about

Three ray guns on me if i’m not mistaken look at this what’s this there’s like a new end structure as well anyway we need to get rid of that dragon because that dragon is gonna wind me up so i tower up and i try to get as close as i can to

This um you know little important thing the end crystal sorry and i wanted to break this and see yeah this armor is huge it’s really really good and i could shoot these pretty easy right nice so i wasn’t really focusing what i was doing here but i didn’t i completely forgot that

That dragon breath is so op isn’t it [Laughter] yeah i jugged it guys anyway thank you very much for watching drp play one block by vatinage take care and i shall see you next time Bye You

This video, titled ‘My Modded One Block Survival Experience on Minecraft Bedrock Edition’, was uploaded by DanRobzProbz on 2021-06-20 12:00:16. It has garnered 336558 views and 8877 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:48 or 3588 seconds.

I noticed this brand new map the other day on my subscription feed & I was intrigued by it so I thought I would give it a play, whilst of course, hitting record.

So this is my experience on One Block Mod/Addon pack by @VatonageYT

If you would like to give this ago for yourselves you can! There’s a download link below…

Vatonage’s YouTube channel link; Vatonage’s Download Link; My Locked version with multiple addon’s & day counter included;

Also, I just want to say a HUGE shoutout to the Bedrock Edition Addon community, some of the addons that are on this pack are AMAZING! 🤩 LEGENDS!

Let me know if you play this map in the comment section below & Thanks for checking my video out!


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MUSIC USED:- Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:

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    InsanelyEPIC Minecraft Hypixel:3 Gameplay!Video Information uh what’s up what’s good what’s goody gang what’s good gang gang what’s good I hope you guys can hear me and I hope you guys can see the game properly I’ll let you check my phone cuz last time I streamed nobody said anything not one person said a single thing about the game being like super zoomed in in the corner and I didn’t I didn’t have a way of knowing until like grunge pointed it out like near the end of the stream I was like brother so I’m going to Che I’m going to… Read More

  • Insane Kids Build Automatic Door in Minecraft! 😱

    Insane Kids Build Automatic Door in Minecraft! 😱Video Information कैसे आप सभ लोग वेलकम टू अनदर गेम प वीडियो तो आज हम लोग खेलने जा रहे हैं माफ्ट तो इसम हम ऑटोमेटिक डन बनाने तो चलिए स्टार्ट करते हैं गाइस हम हमने वन में आ चुके हैं गा हम में गाइस अब हम बनाने वाले ऑटोमेटिक डर चते यह वाला ये लगाते है गा ये वाला इधर लग गया था गा जो इधर था वो वो वो इधर ही लग गया था यह भी लग चुका है इधर तोड़ते गा गा गा ये वाला ये जो ये जो था ना उ उससे मैं लाइन बना चुका हूं… Read More

  • EPIC Bedwars FAILS & EXPLOSIONS 😱💣 #shorts #minecraft

    EPIC Bedwars FAILS & EXPLOSIONS 😱💣 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bedwars Comedy: Exploding Moments Pt. 5 😂💥 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by KingOCookies on 2024-03-27 18:55:44. It has garnered 3198 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. ➡️ Enjoy my videos? Watch me live: Email me your inquiries: [email protected] Sponsors, Business, Media: [email protected] ⭐️ Follow Me If You Are Amazing: ➡️ TIKTOK: ➡️ TWITTER: ➡️ INSTAGRAM: ➡️ KINGOCOOKIES DISCORD: ➡️ DONATIONS: Read More

  • 10 SECRETS in MINECRAFT ANIME Episode 11 💛

    10 SECRETS in MINECRAFT ANIME Episode 11 💛Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT ANIME – Episode 11 💛【SERIES】’, was uploaded by truth真 on 2024-01-11 09:03:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WATCH MORE MINECRAFT ANIME HERE! Read More

  • Boxs Universe

    Boxs UniverseWelcome to Box’s Universe a brand new 1.15.2 Survival server. We have little plugins that change how the server works (but we are up for plugin suggestions) so come and join us, we have nice staff and members! Read More

  • SoulCraft Vanilla – No Whitelist – HermitCraft – Rewards – Mature – Active

    🎉 Introducing Soulcraft! 🎉 Embark on an epic adventure with our mature community, hermitcraft-style gameplay, and exciting rewards. Soulcraft is the ultimate destination for Minecraft enthusiasts. Join Us Today! Experience the thrill of exploration, joy of building, and camaraderie of an active community. Every login feels like unwrapping a brand new toy! Join our Discord community now! Don’t miss out on the fun – be a part of the excitement at Soulcraft today! 🚀 Read More

  • Wintervale

    WintervaleWelcome to Wintervale, the ultimate Minecraft survival experience! Embark on a journey through a vast and dynamic world filled with custom items, unique mobs, and perilous dungeons waiting to be conquered.Explore a meticulously crafted landscape teeming with diverse biomes, each offering its own challenges and rewards. From towering mountains to sprawling forests and treacherous deserts, every corner of the map holds secrets to uncover and adventures to embark upon.But beware, for this world is not only inhabited by the standard creatures of Minecraft. Encounter a plethora of custom mobs lurking in the shadows, each with its own set of abilities… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bed-breaking dilemma: What’s next for this guy?

    The creeper just wants to be employed so he can finally stop blowing up people’s houses for a living! Read More

  • Express Yourself: Hogwarts Train Mod Tutorial

    Express Yourself: Hogwarts Train Mod Tutorial In the world of Minecraft, we take a ride, On the Hogwarts Express, with pride. Crafted with care, in every detail, A magical journey, without fail. The locomotive, with wheels that spin, A steam whistle blowing, let the journey begin. The tender, filled with coal so bright, Couplers and buffers, red in the light. Carriages, lined up in a row, Each room unique, with a special glow. Interior design, with seats and lamps, A luggage rack, for all your camps. Glue it all together, with a name plaque, The Hogwarts Express, on the right track. A masterpiece, in Minecraft… Read More

  • “Blow Up Your Love Life with Creeper-Proof Tips!” #minecraft #minecraftmemes

    "Blow Up Your Love Life with Creeper-Proof Tips!" #minecraft #minecraftmemes In 2023, the only way to stop Minecraft creepers will be to offer them a peace treaty and a plate of cookies. Good luck surviving the explosion of cuteness! #minecraftpeacefulcreepers Read More

  • Blox Fruit: My First Time Playing!

    Blox Fruit: My First Time Playing! Minecraft: Exploring the World of Creativity and Adventure Welcome to a journey through the captivating world of Minecraft! In this video, viewers will delve into the exciting aspects of this sandbox game that has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. Introduction: If you are a fan of building, exploration, survival, and adventure, Minecraft is the perfect game for you. With charming pixelated graphics and endless gameplay, you can create your virtual world and embark on epic journeys. Main Features: Build Your Dream Home: From a small cabin to a grand castle, unleash your creativity in constructing your… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Roleplay Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Roleplay Adventures! Join the Adventure on Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you ready to immerse yourself in a world of excitement, mystery, and endless possibilities? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a vibrant community and thrilling gameplay, Minewind offers an experience like no other. Just like the characters in the captivating YouTube series “Fallen,” you can embark on your own epic journey within the vast landscapes of Minewind. Whether you’re exploring hidden caves, building magnificent structures, or engaging in thrilling PvP battles, there’s always something new to discover. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and become part of a dynamic community of… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Hockey Stadium in Sports Park!

    Crafting Chaos: Hockey Stadium in Sports Park! The Completion of a Sports Park with a Hockey Stadium in Minecraft As the final episode of the series unfolds, the racecourse architect, known as mikenecompass+, proudly presents the completed sports park with a hockey stadium in Minecraft. The journey to create this magnificent venue has been filled with challenges and surprises, but the end result is nothing short of spectacular. What’s New in the Sports Park? Since the last update, several additions have been made to enhance the overall experience of the sports park: Roads: The roads within the venue now feature a combination of blue, gray, and… Read More

  • OMG Minecraft 1.20.80 NOW! 40+ New Features! 🤯

    OMG Minecraft 1.20.80 NOW! 40+ New Features! 🤯Video Information [Music] hello I’m epx toy cat and good news everybody the armored pors update is now here this is the last minutor update for 1.20 and it’s available for all bedro platforms right now and unlike most minor updates which bring a few features and then mostly bug fixes this update has the bug fixes which are interesting in their own bright but it also has a brand new mob it has eight brand new mob variants and a whole new way to customiz things which is absolutely incredible and today we’ll dive into all of those things… Read More

  • My Minecraft Dates with 100 POMNIs

    My Minecraft Dates with 100 POMNIsVideo Information oh guys I can’t wait to start this new survival world this is going to be so much fun let’s go sisters this is so much fun I love swimming guys wait who just said that I don’t think I’m alone in this Forest this is kind of scary wait I think it came from this way what’s going on over here and wait guys what is that is that pony what is pony doing over here sisters where all the cute boys at I need to see him oh oh no please don’t say anything oh a… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Economy RUINED on Minecraft Prisons Server!

    SHOCKING: Economy RUINED on Minecraft Prisons Server!Video Information I think something’s going wrong with the server welcome back to some Minecraft Akuma prisons as you probably already saw in like the pre- inro intro I just got a stack in 32 epic robots off the floor at spawn I think I’ve decided I’m not going to spawn to open any of these because I don’t want to be caught up in that um but we’re going to go and redeem these guys because why not 100 trillion not bad I leveled them up a good bit but I’ve still got a lot of levels to go… Read More

  • AMAZING: I Built a Village in Minecraft Creative Mode in 3214 Days!

    AMAZING: I Built a Village in Minecraft Creative Mode in 3214 Days!Video Information [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] a [Music] [Music] he [Music] he This video, titled ‘I build Small Village in Minecraft Creative mode 2024 Day 3214’, was uploaded by HU Smart Gamer on 2024-01-12 04:00:17. It has garnered 8 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:15 or 135 seconds. I build Small Village in Minecraft Creative mode 2024 Day 3214 Read More

  • NEAR DEATH Experience in Minecraft?!

    NEAR DEATH Experience in Minecraft?!Video Information you got to include your audio it’s included automatically yeah I I the sck there’s a bush over there Dy oh the wol food that’s food wolves around here dude dude there’s food I got three Beres what is this spawn I know I know um [ __ ] get money just start taking down trees dude we as soon as like just get as many trees you possibly can and then let’s just dip um I’m very good at hunting and Mining are you better at building have you SE oh wa no you haven’t I was about to… Read More

  • Will Sun and Moon SURVIVE in Minecraft?! 🌞🌙🌪️

    Will Sun and Moon SURVIVE in Minecraft?! 🌞🌙🌪️Video Information [Music] ah Minecraft been a while since we playing a nice calm C an extremely long as storm is about to begin what the poor sheep oh my God hi slime what’ you do what you what I do you play Minecraft he did the slimes die to the they do die to the storm actually I think no they don’t uh yeah I don’t think well it looks like it’s poison from what let’s not go into the storm from what I hear then Super NOA what do you mean it says run it says take run… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Axolotl Trapped by Parotter 😲 Minecraft Comedy

    Unbelievable! Axolotl Trapped by Parotter 😲 Minecraft ComedyVideo Information [Music] what [Music] [Music] chippy chippy CH cha chippy chippy ch ch chippy chippy choa CH chippy chippy cha cha doy doy chipp chipp CH [Music] chyy y tippy tippy CH chy doy ch ch doy doy boyy CH [Music] chy it stop it [Music] d y b [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now singing [Music] Bing girls don’t want flowers for Valentine’s Day we want drugs Red Bull gives you wings you ever been to Europe before my what have you ever been to Europe before R Europe you’re rub rub what can you spell it r u… Read More

  • UNLOCKING GOD TIER ENCHANT in Minecraft Prison!

    UNLOCKING GOD TIER ENCHANT in Minecraft Prison!Video Information hello everybody Welcome to today’s episode where we are here on M lucky on their op prisons back for another episode guys it’s been like 2 days since we actually uploaded a video here on my YouTube channel but the reason for that is because my computer broke and I had to fix it and to be honest it took me like 2 days to fix it I had some issues but as you can see PC is repaired and we are able to record and upload basically every 2 days which I’m really excited for so before… Read More

  • Insane Enderman Pranks in Monster School!

    Insane Enderman Pranks in Monster School!Video Information [Music] [Music] I got and back keepy I’m show I got that I got that I got that back keep in the I’m with I got that I’m with I [Music] [Music] got This video, titled ‘monster school: Enderman Minecraft animation’, was uploaded by Anujagaming@ on 2024-02-22 14:11:44. It has garnered 3 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. monster school: Enderman Minecraft animation Read More

  • FrozenSMP Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelist 1.20.4 13+

    fbievan – Founder of FrozenSMP FrozenSMP is a Minecraft server community on Discord for players who enjoy the game. Server Info Version: 1.20.4 KeepInventory Off Difficulty: Hard Datapacks Used OnePlayersleep Double Shulker Shells Player Head Drops We also have a creative server for testing ideas. What We Provide Grief protection and rollbacks A community Fully in-house operated server Discord bridge Live-updating Map Simple Rules No Griefing Don’t steal Respect other players and their boundaries No exploits/glitches Our principle: Moderation is the last resort, not the first. Plugins Used Carbon Chat DiscordSRV Coreprotect Luckperms (internal use) Freedomchat Interested in joining? Click… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft won’t add inches to your…inventory!

    Looks like Minecraft doesn’t want you to have a bigger “pickaxe” after all! Read More

  • 5FPS Minecraft Challenge: Can You Conquer the Lag?

    5FPS Minecraft Challenge: Can You Conquer the Lag? In Minecraft with 5FPS, a challenge was set, To find diamonds, a task that caused much sweat. With lag so severe, movement was slow, But determination pushed through, a diamond glow. Facing mobs with only three hearts to spare, Each step taken with caution, a true player’s dare. Exploring caves, finding iron and more, In the depths of the game, a thrilling lore. A spawner discovered, a chest to explore, With loot to gather, a chance for more. A creeper’s hiss, a moment of fear, But skill prevailed, victory near. In the Lush cave, a glimmer of hope, Diamonds… Read More

  • Just another day in Minecraft: Lava Edition 🔥

    Just another day in Minecraft: Lava Edition 🔥 “Just another day in Minecraft: accidentally punching a creeper instead of mining a block. RIP to my house 😂 #minecraftproblems” Read More

My Modded One Block Survival Experience on Minecraft Bedrock Edition