Mystical Block EP16 Do I Really Need Creative Mana?

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I’ve chosen architect and this is Mystical block last episode a lot of things happened we did quite a bit such as building these giant cranes that hold all these islands up creating a ton of EMC so that way we can make this transmutation interface and we set up some teleportation so that

Way we can get started with Britannia and that’s where we are left with today we ended up getting a lot of stuff set up for Britannia but we need to expand upon this and I think today we should be able to achieve the Everlasting guilty pull that’s right it’s gonna take a

Little bit to do but we should be able to easily achieve this so last episode we set up this 9×9 area this pretty large area actually maybe less than nine by nine uh but we set it up full of endo Flames this fills this Mana pool incredibly fast however I want to be

Able to produce way more Mana than this here soon but for that we’re gonna need a kekamoras to be able to make the kakamoras we need to go to the uh the ALF Ein Dimension or we need access to trade with the alphine Dimension to do

This we are going to need Terra still this of course is kind of you know Common or kind of I would say common knowledge of Britannia if you’ve ever played it before uh and the Terra still or Terra terrestrial agglomeration plate uh is the thing that we’re gonna need to

Make it is going to require some runes it is our next step in this process so I was thinking to make this pretty quick we can still utilize this pull and I’ve gone ahead and made up all of the Mana steel from it Mana powder and diamonds

That we’re going to need for right now and so this should allow me to just place a Mana spreader on here and place an altar on top making sure to link this to the altar as you can see it is now facing up and into the altar pulling

Directly out of the Mana pool of course this is all enclosed but this should be incredibly fast because of how close it’s in proximity to it let’s talk about making the runes so I’m gonna need one of each now the easiest way I think to do this is to simply just request the

Set of items out that you’re going to need for this and then to take them out here and just simply drop them on top that will start the process and as you can see it will complete very fast and then when it’s done we’re gonna need to

Just right click this on top and then complete and just like that we now have the runes and we’ve got to do this for each of the runes we should have all the materials for all of these it’s definitely one of the easiest ways to do this however this can be automated I

Just don’t think that in this particular pack automation for this is going to be necessary however if you want to see how to automate this I did automate it in my FTB Sky series which I had just done recently and it was kind of cool to see how this could be automated

So now with all of these basic runes we should be able to now craft ourselves the glomeration plate uh and this is going to require some lapis and some living Rock in order to fully complete and we’re going to place this right over here I think perfectly in line with this

And we are going to need a three by three area cleared out to do this um now the basic setup for this goes as such you’re going to place the lapis here here here and here and then living rock is going to go in the corners and

Then ultimately the plate is going to go on top now the best way to get Mana to this plate is not by using Mana spreaders if you’re doing that you’re making a huge mistake it’s going to take forever instead what we’re going to need is Sparks and this is where the awesome

Properties of Mana transferring come into play and so with just two simple Sparks we should be able to take the Mana from this pool and we can then transfer that almost instantaneously over to this plate basically creating a pipe and you can actually see that if you right click on

These you can see the pipe right there now of course to get the first piece of terracil bam Mana steel Mana Pearl and diamonds place them just right click on here to get them going as quick as possible and you can see the Mana flowing this is

Going to use half of that full manifold so this is why we’re going to need way more Mana later on for all of the tears still that is required for the guilty pull uh and we’re gonna actually I believe we’re gonna need two of them because looking at this recipe as you

Can see there’s one here and there’s one here so we’re gonna need at least two of them to complete this in-game uh monstrosity so there we go look at that we have ourselves some tears still now with this it’s going to get broken down into its

Nuggets and two of those are two sets of these nuggets uh three are gonna get used to actually make these naturopylons that we’re going to use and the other three are going to get used for the Elven Gateway core and then the only other thing we’re going to need is probably

The uh the Britannia book I know how to build this but if you’re wanting reference on how to build this specific Gateway you’re going to probably want to make the Lexicon of a Tania to be able to see this uh but I can go ahead and

Show you in case you just want to follow along with the video of course there’s nothing wrong with that uh now we’re gonna need glimmering Living Wood three pieces to be exact one two three and the rest of it just needs to be Living Wood as you can see we have a

Bunch of it here and we should be able to set this portal up now I’m going to place the portal right here place the core down and then I’m going to start building onto this now these Corner blocks they do not have to be there but the glimmering needs to

Be sort of on the center point as you can see me building it right here so just like so bam we have this thing built and I’m gonna go ahead and knock these Corners off and I should be able to just play some stairs there just for looks uh but the

Main thing we’re going to need is two Mana pools and those are gonna need Mana in them and then of course we can take these natural pylons and all we have to do is place them on top and once we have at least I believe an eighth a little

Over an eighth of a pole in each of these we should be able to start the Gateway now I’ve got to get Mana from this pointed over to here now I typically go about that this way I usually just take a Mana tablet toss it

Down in here and make sure that this is swapped to sending to tablet and I’ll let it drain into that tablet and then I’ll use the tablet to fill these pools up to at least get this portal open because it doesn’t use any Mana to stay

Open it just uses Mana whenever you toss items in to be converted now the hardest part is aiming it of course I could just remove the naturopi line that make it so much easier but I need to check this in make sure it goes to at least that of 1

4 Mark I kind of like them to at least be there so with a little bit in each we can go ahead and now Now activate it and the world is calling and we now have access and communication with with alpine so uh with that set up and done

Well we want to make pixie dust right so that’s where the Mana Pearl is going to come into play and is going to allow us to thus craft ourselves our first keca Morris which is going to set us off on a Mana production Journey it’s going to be

Quite the Mana production and so into Pearl in there we go we have our pixie dust now the rest of this is just simply taking a fire Rune in a water Rune and that and combining it together and temporarily I’m gonna go ahead and pop

Off the spark and set up the same runic setup that we just had going we now have in order to craft ourselves the keca Morris which in return is going to be pretty nice because cake is emcible so we can simply set up some placers that can just constantly Place cake and this

Is where Mana generation is going to go wild now I need to keep in mind when setting this up that they can only reach a maximum of six blocks away so this can reach this Mana spreader right but this one will not be able to reach this Mana spreader

Um so only six blocks away and as you can see they already are connected to the ones that are closest to them and I need to fill this whole area in and then in between here figure out where I want to set up my modular routers with a block placing upgrade or

A Placer module I’m also hoping right here of course they will be upgradable but I’m hoping that these Mana spreaders will be able to handle the amount of Mana that these guys are going to be producing and be able to just immediately transfer it into the

Pool and then we can of course send that Mana to other Mana pools via the Sparks so similar to how I set up that that farm over there with the Endo Flames simply just place an exporter and I’m just adding some speed upgrades and then in here I have a Placer that’s placing

Up top it’s gonna play some cake I’m hoping this reaches the inner area here we’re gonna see I’m almost positive most of these are going to get filled up anyways this may be kind of Overkill and I may not have enough Mana spreaders to support this I did go ahead and place a

Couple of cakes and just in that short period of time it generated quite a bit of uh quite a bit of Mana so yes in this regard I just got to get some cables hooked in to our Network receiver and this should fire up and it’s probably

Going to be way more Mana than I’ll ever need so as soon as I tap this in things are going to really fire up okay so connect oh boy and then we’re gonna be able to see the true range of this and it does seem like this can reach all of the cakes

Oh my God that’s uh that’s a lot now I definitely can see these are the bottlenecks oh man now I am gonna try upgrading the spreaders before just adding a bunch of spreaders and seeing if this can go even faster I don’t know if these increase

The amount of Mana that it can send so I’m wondering if this is going to be enough Mana spreaders oh boy this looks really really cool now they’re not linked so I am going to place them down and see if that is going to uh to work

Out a little bit better so the way it’s all set up is just like this and I’m wondering if I can actually use the building gadget for this to place down this flower oh this is going to be interesting so I can place down an entire area of these

Um let’s grab some more just to make sure if I over place and uh we’ll extend this out place them down do they automatically connect okay so they do not when placed oh oh no they do they totally do it just it caused that much lack okay

Okay so they are linked and they should be linked to what is going to be the best spreader for them oh and they’re all synchronized oh that sound is so satisfying oh wow okay of course this is make things different oh my goodness that sound when it just initiates

What even is going on um so I don’t even think the majority of them are reaching the top ones for some reason but we can definitely specify certain areas here and uh to link to this what I’m going to do for this is I’m going to take the ones that are

Outside on the back here and they’re all going to get linked to the top meaning the ones that are in the center are going to be linked to the bottom ones so now the fun part now that I have most of these linked yep I just broke an entire manifold and

A pool full of Mana just a test oh my gosh that’s a lot of Mana being generated right here and these are all still full this is still not enough to support all of these keca morrises this is so fast that you can see the Mana ticking up and

I don’t think I’ve ever seen Mana generation show the ticking up like that it’s that’s a lot now with this setup I’m gonna go ahead and place some Sparks around and this is going to allow me to create a Mana battery now the way that I want to set up this particular Mana

Battery is by using a recessive trait on our main pool in the center that should hopefully disperse to all of these outside pools um and they should all be within range and this will ultimately create a pretty darn cool Mana battery that we should be able to use uh because we’re not

Modifying these we can actually use these elsewhere as soon as we put this recessive augment on here onsa onto a spark this will start sending Mana to all of these outside pools and that is a glorious sight now to be able to access all of these Mana pools let’s go ahead

And set this up I have a spark placed on here and to access them we are going to use a dominant augment so this is going to allow when needed when we go ahead and craft ourselves a piece of Terra still it should pull from all of these Mana

Pools and as you can see cracked the terracil Ingot incredibly fast now so now you probably know what time it is that’s right time to click that subscribe button if you haven’t already no I’m just kidding it’s well I mean if you want to you can but it’s time for

The Gaia fight now I was thinking there’s multiple ways that we could kill the Gaia uh but killing it by hand is probably going to be the most effective as you actually get drops you can kill the guy Guardian with the mob Crusher the same thing we use to kill the Lich

However you will not get any drops from it so there’s really no point in doing that it’s just kind of a waste of Tears still at that point um so we need to get the beacon set up I’m gonna actually fight this right here there should be more than enough space

And this is why I cleared this out Britannia just takes up a huge amount of space specifically for the Gaia fight that’s the only reason it takes up a lot of space now when building this I like to make the outline for it as it just makes it simple to place it in

Um and you could do that using your lexic botania however you need to toss that book into your portal over there in order to get this to work so let’s go ahead and place this and there we go so the creation of this is complete now I would go ahead and

Fight the Gaia in my particular armor with my guitar and all that stuff but this isn’t the best gear I think to use on the Gaia we have no enchants on anything I think at this point it’s probably best for this fight if we use the gym armor yes the gym armor from

Project e probably one of the most OP armors in this entire pack so creating the gym armor is well it’s pretty easy at this point um we do have all of the ingredients for all of this stuff so there we go I think the Swift wolf ringingale yeah we’re

Gonna have to just pull these out but as you can see we now have this gear uh this is like I said without even enchanting it is a pretty powerful set of gear uh it keeps us with regeneration makes us uh not get hungry and there’s night vision built into it

And step assist and all kinds of other stuff yeah pretty powerful now of course killing the guy Guardian would be way easier if we had some draconic weapons actually I now that I think about it it actually may have some compatibilities with draconic that kind of prevent this armor from working

Um but let’s see does it have any compatibilities to prevent this mod from working uh project E I have no idea I mean we can try it out so to get this battle started we need a piece of tear still so I’m just going to use my guitar for

Right now it’ll kind of help but we shift right click and that’s going to start the battle we have to stay within this ring so flying’s not an option and let’s see okay so we’re doing pretty good damage just on our own and we’re not taking any damage which is great

All right so we’re now taking wither damage but we should have damage mitigation oh yeah this is gonna be a super easy even with the guitar so as this guy starts to spawn these things in we can simply just use our function key for this use our special function that just

Annihilates the mops so no need to really worry about the hostiles here and this armor just makes you incredibly powerful it doesn’t seem like there’s anything preventing you from using this built in to betania oh easy peasy wouldn’t want it any other way honestly I’ve done this guy fight so many times

That at this point it just becomes a Time sink I love this battle though it is so gorgeous all right this I think it’s his last wave all right and this is only the tier one by the way fighting the tier two is the best bang for your buck and uh there we

Go so we just got ourselves some guy spirits and uh the guy Spirits can now be used to summon in the tier two so we basically take our single tears still and we summon in the tier two let’s do that one might as well and then we can start to

Actually Farm the tier two so this one’s gonna have a little bit different of a progression we’re gonna need to of course continue the attacks the same way but now we’re gonna get hit with these like air strikes kind of which are kind of a pain to deal with if you don’t have

Wealth gym armor that is oh man this music is a banger though it’s so good all right there it goes now we’re in the other phase and it’s the same way we just simply have to fend off all of the mobs it’s actually a relatively quick fight with this uh

Sword I wasn’t expecting the guitar to do that much damage but it’s actually doing pretty good and it’s it’s not even Enchanted or anything it’s just plain Jane wow by the way guys I hope you’ve enjoyed this series though thus far like if you have leave that leave down in the

Comments below what’s been your favorite part so far because for me well my favorite part is is definitely now the botania setup I love that I was able to make like a Britannia setup that I’ve always wanted to make just never had the sheer resources or time to set

Up something like this oh man could you imagine the cake required all right and there we go we’ve effectively killed both bosses from Britannia um and then this is going to leave us with as you can see Mana pearls runes all kinds of good stuff the dice of Fate

That we need the beaconator which turns a Wither into a pink wither which is your friend kind of actually wither uh because we can insta kill the Wither let’s go ahead and use the beaconator uh we just need some Soul Sand and let’s let’s summon in the Wither and pinkinate it

So here we go we have that and then we just need our skulls there it is and then we hit it with this and now we have a best friend who will never leave us alone and always Annoy Us till the very end though because he’s a friend well he just he

Just floats around all over the place alright so the dice of Fate when we roll This we ended up getting Thor which is not bad I believe Odin is one of the best ones to get right off the bat though um Thor not too bad basically the thing

That the Thor ring does is it extends the range of your Terra shatter which is a pickaxe that you can get that you can use to mine out large areas now as you can see from that fight minus four we ended up getting 16 from fighting the tier two so it’s definitely worth

Fighting the tier two over the tier one boss because you’re only going to use four of these so you should get a net positive of 12 every time instead of only four uh well eight I guess you would get eight if you only fought the

Tier one now that I have gym armor I need to explain a few things with this particular armor set that I’m not a huge fan of um and that is whenever I have leggings on and I I want to do the thing where I interact with blocks with with flight

Which would normally be holding down shift and spacebar at the same time notice I can’t do that so what I tend to do is I just take the leggings off leaving the rest of the gear on and then that allows me to actually do that that

Way I can interact with blocks if I’m flying which is the whole purpose of having this flight in the first place I consider this more of a battle armor yeah than a functional one now we’re very close to making this we are going to need some guide Spirit ingots which

I’m gonna have to fight the guy a couple more times but we need to also make these diluted Mana pools which are just slabs that’s pretty straightforward but fabulous Mana pools can be kind of confusing uh we are going to need this bifrost which is going to require Mana diamonds

And so if we go ahead and toss in a couple of these we should have everything we need for the rod of the bifrost just like that we now have this it’s a pretty cool thing you can actually use it I believe to place a uh a path

Believe it’s supposed to be actually I think you have to use this to make something else you can make by far Frost blocks The Fabulous Mana pools which as you can see we need Shimmer Rock to do oh all kinds of stuff um but yeah I guess uh holding this

Using man will create a Rainbow Bridge um but I thought we can create a rainbow Rainbow Bridge Let’s see we have a Mana tablet we’re out of the bifrost oh there it goes we have to just click out in the open air and there we go so we have a by Frost

Bridge oh man very Norse love it now of course we need to convert this so I’m pretty sure it’s Mana glass or is it the tier that comes I think it’s a tier that comes out of the portal that we’re going to need uh so we toss it into the portal

And then this can be turned into bifrost blocks and then the bifrost block then gets used to make uh to mix with the living Rock in order to make Shimmer Rock I do believe it looks like it’s one to one so yes there we go one to one and that’ll

Give us some Shimmer Rock allowing us to make The Fabulous Mana pools which rotate in this of course fabulous way uh in Rainbow style I love it by the way this allows you to ride the Wither I didn’t know I could ride it oh that’s hilarious foreign

It four more times we’ll see we’ll see if this is enough and we have all the dice of Fate To Roll uh but we should have it now so let’s open these and there we go we ended up getting the key of Kane’s law one of my favorites because

Oh it’s so pretty and look we’re gonna launch it oh it’s so pretty I love that one uh but we did get uh Odin Odin is a really powerful ring by the way um so this is gonna go in a ring slot which we have a lot of ring slots but

This inner ring slot gives us another health bar and also immunities that well we technically already have but normally that would give us some awesome immunities that would be worth it I would say that having what is it 68 is going to be more than enough now I just

Need to Simply Farm up enough tear still which will take no time at all because of how fast this process happens now it is pretty fast bam just like that and this should be the last piece of Tara still that I need we need a total of 16 in order to make

Our first Everlasting guilty pool um and uh the reason we need 16 is because of the four that are required in the craft of this so let’s go ahead and make the four Gaia spirits that we’re going to need go ahead and toss those in

And there’s the 12 that we need and then of course we’re going to need the rest of our Gaia spirits uh right here all right there we go okay so let’s go ahead and pull out the ultimate grafter and let’s get this crafted now I don’t know if the wand

Matters but I went ahead and made a basic one of the force with the white ones that it looks like it needs here and we have everything so without further Ado let’s craft ourselves an everlasting guilty pool and just like that we now have creative Mana

Is a lot it’s a lot to take in uh and then of course the way to use it would be to basically replace all of this but I just I just don’t I don’t want to replace it I I don’t instead I think I’m just going to add to it

And we should be able to just put a recessive upgrade on here and that should work so I’m hoping this is going to reach so I have it placed down here we just need to place a spark on top and then hit it with the recessive

And as you can see that is going to send a Cascade of Mana directly into all of our Mana pools filling it up creatively from this one and we can still use this right here to create Terra still uh but now it’s going to all come from this creative pool

Basically creating this giant Loop oh I love it so cool looking and guys with that we have now successfully completed Britannia yes all in basically one episode so that’s pretty darn cool I hope you learned something new with Britannia I do try to talk as much about

The intricate parts of this as possible I have done in entire let’s plays based around this one mod alone there is so much to learn from this and like I said I have covered automation if you’re interested in learning about any of the automation parts of all of the uh the

Mod here so guys it has been a blast be sure to click that subscribe button if you have enjoyed thus far and also be sure to give a huge thumbs up to this video Greg loves the pets so be sure to give them a nice little pet of course

Guys I thank you so so very much for watching and it is now time to think the amazing supporter of today’s episode and that huge thanks is going to go out to 50 gigabytes thank you so much for your amazing support by the way over on the Discord being a Discord premium member

For several months now I do appreciate you very very much and the continued support and of course guys if you’re interested in supporting all you need to do is go to forward shows Arc Tech and join the amazing community over there of course you don’t have to

Support to join the community it’s an amazing place to come hang out of over 28 000 members just like yourself so find some like-minded people make some friends and hopefully to see you guys over there chatting in the voice chat because I love to hang out over there

Guys I will see you of course in the next episode as we get further and further into completing this mod pack I hope you guys are ready and I’ll see you as always thanks for watching bye Thank you

This video, titled ‘Mystical Block EP16 Do I Really Need Creative Mana?’, was uploaded by ChosenArchitect on 2023-08-08 16:00:08. It has garnered 30649 views and 1433 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:28 or 1708 seconds.

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    The Ultimate Minecraft Nether Fortress Guide The Ultimate Minecraft Nether Fortress Guide 1.21 Are you ready to delve into the mysterious world of Nether Fortresses in Minecraft 1.21? Look no further! This ultimate guide will walk you through everything you need to know about Nether Fortresses, including how to defeat the various mobs that inhabit them. Exploring Nether Fortresses Nether Fortresses are iconic structures in Minecraft’s Nether dimension. These dark and foreboding fortresses are home to dangerous mobs like Blazes, Wither Skeletons, Zombie Pigmen, and Skeletons. To navigate these treacherous halls, you’ll need to be well-prepared. Defeating Nether Fortress Mobs Blazes: These fiery mobs can… Read More

  • JJ & Mikey hide in TV swimsuit!

    JJ & Mikey hide in TV swimsuit!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey HIDE in TV WOMAN SWIMSUIT! Mikey and JJ prank GIRL in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN and MIKEY on 2024-07-04 11:30:21. It has garnered 3276 views and 56 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:21 or 3801 seconds. JJ and Mikey HIDE in TV WOMAN SWIMSUIT! Mikey and JJ prank GIRL in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Cat & Dog Tutorial 1.12.2

    Ultimate Minecraft Cat & Dog Tutorial 1.12.2Video Information This video, titled ‘Animania Cats & Dogs. Tutorial / Guide 1.12.2 (minecraft java edition)’, was uploaded by Minecraft Easy gaming on 2024-05-27 15:00:13. It has garnered 511 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:07 or 907 seconds. Review of updates mod Animania version 2.0.3 for MAINCRAFT 1.12.2, How to install a new version of the mod, as well as how to add to the game kitty cats and dogs. !!! ATTENTION !!! To run the game you need to install: “Animania Base” and “CraftStudio API” And to add animals to the game, install three… Read More

  • Cubecraft’s Lebron James: Delusiol

    Cubecraft's Lebron James: DelusiolVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Lebron James of Cubecraft’, was uploaded by Delusiol on 2024-07-13 07:43:05. It has garnered 492 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:52 or 232 seconds. hive pack folder,pack folder mcpe,cranexe pack folder,minecraft hive pack folder,mcpe pack folder,hive pack folder 16x,hive pack folder mcpe,best the hive texture packs,hive texture pack,pack folder hive,levitating,hive montage,pack folder,pvp texture pack mcpe,best pvp texture pack bedrock,best pvp texture pack mcpe,mcpe pvp texture pack,mcpe texture packs pvp,minecraft hive,the hive,hive,hive skywars,hive minecraft,hive shaders,best hive texture packs, hive treasure wars,hive bedrock,top 5 mcpe pvp texture pack,potpvp,pack folder,potpvp pack folder,pot… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Animation – Monster School Story!” #gaming #shortvideo

    "EPIC Minecraft Animation - Monster School Story!" #gaming #shortvideoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Minecraft Animation Story #gaming #minecraft #shortvideo #sadstatus’, was uploaded by Minecraft Video on 2024-03-25 07:30:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • The WACE server SMP Semi-vanilla Whitelist No resets 1.21 Australia

    Welcome to WACESMP! Hey everyone, I’m IAmMutskie, a member of this Australian Minecraft server running version 1.21.1. Brief Overview: Server is 9 months old Features various quality of life datapacks Check out our Dynmap: DiscordSRV integration for Discord/Minecraft chat Various administrative and QoL plugins Has Simple Voice Chat Survival mode with hard difficulty Whitelisted server with 6GB RAM Supports Java + Bedrock crossplay Our Vision: WACESMP is the go-to place for survival Minecraft enthusiasts. Join us to plan and create amazing builds, large or small. Whether you love intricate details or just enjoy classic survival gameplay – this is… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Slayed Herobrine for Good”

    Looks like Herobrine couldn’t handle the pressure of being in a meme with such a high score! Read More

  • Sweet Beta 1-3, Minecraft’s Lucky Charm

    Sweet Beta 1-3, Minecraft's Lucky Charm In the world of Minecraft, mods reign supreme, Enhancing the gameplay, like a vivid dream. Caelum, Enhanced Farming, and Farsighted Mobs, Bringing new challenges, like cunning mobs. Moderner Beta, Nostalgic Tweaks in tow, Old Ore Drops, Zombie Cloth, a whole new flow. Stony Cliffs rise high, River Redux flows, Each mod a story, only time knows. So dive into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Minecraft news with rhymes that ignite, Crafting updates with a grin and a spin, just right. Read More

  • “Traps vs Skills: Minecraft Edition” 🔥😂 #shorts

    "Traps vs Skills: Minecraft Edition" 🔥😂 #shorts “Me at age 10 falling for every trap in Minecraft vs me at age 25 skillfully avoiding them like a pro. Who knew growing older also meant growing wiser in the world of pixelated danger?” Read More

  • Barry’s Guts & Blackpowder: Minecraft Movie

    Barry's Guts & Blackpowder: Minecraft Movie Minecraft Movie: Exploring the World of Guts & Blackpowder Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the upcoming movie “Guts & Blackpowder.” Join Barry, a dedicated miner, as he delves deep into the earth in search of precious resources and encounters dangerous foes along the way. Unveiling the Teaser The teaser for the Minecraft movie sets the stage for an epic journey filled with excitement and challenges. Watch as Barry navigates treacherous caves, battles fierce monsters, and uncovers hidden secrets in the vast Minecraft universe. Discovering Roblox’s Influence While the movie is set in the… Read More


    EPIC WIZARD ARMOR + BOSS BATTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴FACEM ARMURA DE VRAJITORI + BOSS SPECIAL !’, was uploaded by Zerry on 2024-09-05 03:15:32. It has garnered 2060 views and 287 likes. The duration of the video is 01:25:21 or 5121 seconds. 🔥Donations: 🔥Discord: #ratopia #minecraft Read More

  • Unbelievable Dirt Madness in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable Dirt Madness in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Too Much Dirt | #minecraft #gaming #funny #viral #scary #gameplay #vtuber’, was uploaded by ChaotixOP on 2024-09-21 02:41:03. It has garnered 921 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. You cannot escape 🎨 follow me here too: ⭐Discord: ⭐Twitter: ⭐Instagram: ⭐Newgrounds: ⭐ Or more: ⭐Youtube: ⭐Twitch: Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Skills by El Tizi Pro!

    Insane Minecraft Skills by El Tizi Pro!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft’, was uploaded by El tizi pro on 2024-06-05 15:08:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Epic Solo-facoz Loot in Minecraft Dungeons!

    Epic Solo-facoz Loot in Minecraft Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘What I got in Minecraft dungeons’, was uploaded by Solo-facoz ツ on 2024-08-29 22:51:46. It has garnered 2 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:46 or 106 seconds. Read More


    100 DAYS IN POKEMON SMP | PART 4 - CRAZY SHIZO HAPPENSVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE | 100 DAYS MINECRAFT POKEMON SMP (COBBLEMON MODPACK) | PART 4🔴’, was uploaded by mapeuu on 2024-08-28 01:23:43. It has garnered 320 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 02:18:20 or 8300 seconds. LIVE EVERY DAY: ▶ TWITCH: CONNECT WITH ME HERE: ▶ DISCORD: ▶ TWITTER: ▶ TIKTOK: caseoh jynxzi sketch jschlatt minecraft hardcore speedrun 100 days challenge ender dragon end final boss elytra new update villager breeder minecraft 1.21 nether ghast ghasts blaze wither skeleton #caseoh #minecraft #funny #funnymoments #memes #gaming #jynxi #sketch #jschlatt #speedrun Read More

  • Unveiling Agatha’s True Power in Palladium Mod!

    Unveiling Agatha's True Power in Palladium Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘Agatha All Along: Scarlet Witch, Agatha Harkness – Palladium Mod Showcase’, was uploaded by Arrzee on 2024-09-18 22:00:20. It has garnered 11738 views and 733 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:57 or 477 seconds. Chaos Magic is coming to Modern Minecraft in the Agatha All Along expansion of the Enhanced Addonpack in Minecraft’s Palladium Mod! This Addonpack is NOT public at this time, but we’re hoping to start a release of it soon. Make sure to subscribe for more 1.20.1 Superheroes, as we have SO much coming for the Arrzee Enhanced addon, and… Read More

  • 🔥SHOCKING: Jerome Becomes Pixelmon Tycoon Master?!🔥

    🔥SHOCKING: Jerome Becomes Pixelmon Tycoon Master?!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘I Became A Pokemon Master In Minecraft Pixelmon Tycoon’, was uploaded by Jerome LIVE on 2024-08-24 14:00:18. It has garnered 3313 views and 128 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:56 or 3416 seconds. I Became A Pokemon Master In Minecraft Pixelmon Tycoon Buy My Shirts: Follow Luminosity: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join our discord here: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS Roblox – Gaming – Real Life – ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME Follow me on Twitter: Follow My Instagram: Like me on Facebook: Check out my Snapchat:… Read More

  • Unbelievable Wormaster blocktrap in #bedwars!

    Unbelievable Wormaster blocktrap in #bedwars!Video Information This video, titled ‘blocktrap for the W #bedwars’, was uploaded by Wormaster on 2024-05-09 19:30:02. It has garnered 11663 views and 193 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #shorts #prank Read More

  • Zombie slaughters banana! MUST WATCH! #2

    Zombie slaughters banana! MUST WATCH! #2Video Information This video, titled ‘zombie killed banana 2# [minecraft animation REMAKE]’, was uploaded by animate show on 2024-08-12 09:21:09. It has garnered 48 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. In the heart-pounding animated show, “Zombie Rampage,” we venture into the pixelated world of Minecraft, where a relentless and cunning zombie unleashes chaos upon the once peaceful landscape. The story follows a group of brave and resourceful Minecraft characters who must band together to survive the relentless onslaught. As the sun sets, the quiet serenity of the Minecraft world is shattered as… Read More

  • EVO CIVS SMP Survival Geo Events Whitelist 1.21 Java

    EVO CIVS: Evolve and Adapt EVO CIVS redefines the SMP experience by challenging players to evolve and adapt in a dynamic world where survival is only the beginning. Focus on navigating through progressing eras, each unlocking new resources and gear. Success is about adapting quickly and excelling in any environment. Server divided into eras, each bringing a shift in gameplay strategies. Forge alliances, build empires, and thrive in a world where the meta constantly changes. Random events bring unexpected challenges and opportunities. Test your ability to think on your feet and adapt to new scenarios. Join us and prove your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creating a mysterious and unknown entity adds to the excitement and challenge of Minecraft gameplay!

    Minecraft Memes - Creating a mysterious and unknown entity adds to the excitement and challenge of Minecraft gameplay!If only Minecraft had a tutorial on how to navigate through the awkwardness of your teenage years… Read More

  • Crafty Rhyme: Minecraft Base Prime Time!

    Crafty Rhyme: Minecraft Base Prime Time! In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, Hidden bases with doors that astound. Piston doors that slide with a click, A Redstone build that’s sure to stick. Subscribe for more Minecraft delights, Let’s plays and tutorials to ignite. The joy of gaming, the thrill of the chase, In the world of Minecraft, find your place. Read More

  • Korean Server Ping Hell: Laggy Zombie Edition #lit #minecraft #memes

    Korean Server Ping Hell: Laggy Zombie Edition #lit #minecraft #memes When you’re trying to survive a zombie apocalypse in Minecraft but your Korean server ping is so bad, the zombies are just standing there waiting for you to catch up. It’s like they’re on a coffee break or something! #laggyzombies #servernightmare Read More

  • Crafting a Red Ruby Portal in Minecraft

    Crafting a Red Ruby Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Red Ruby Portal (Rainbow Bubblegem) Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you discover the mystical Red Ruby Portal, also known as the Rainbow Bubblegem portal. This portal opens up a world of wonders and challenges for players to explore. Let’s delve into the enchanting realm of Minecraft and uncover the secrets of this unique portal. Unveiling the Red Ruby Portal The Red Ruby Portal is a rare and mysterious gateway that leads players to a vibrant and colorful dimension filled with new resources, creatures, and landscapes. To create this portal, players must gather the… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Biome & Mob!

    Terrifying Minecraft Biome & Mob! Minecraft Live 2024: Exciting Updates Revealed! During the recent Minecraft Live 2024 show, fans were thrilled to learn about the upcoming additions to the game. Among the highlights were a new horror biome, a mysterious mob, and a variety of new blocks that promise to enhance gameplay. New Horror Biome: Spooky Adventures Await! One of the most anticipated announcements was the introduction of a new horror biome. Players can look forward to exploring eerie landscapes filled with chilling surprises and spine-tingling challenges. This addition is sure to add a new level of excitement to the game, perfect for those… Read More

  • EPIC VODs: Ultimate Choppin’ Quests in Fantasy Minecraft Fabric…WHAT?!

    EPIC VODs: Ultimate Choppin' Quests in Fantasy Minecraft Fabric...WHAT?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Choppin’ Quests! ▫ Fantasy Minecraft Fabric ▫ Stream-Only Modded 1.20.1 SMP!’, was uploaded by PixlVODs on 2024-09-06 10:11:46. It has garnered 1518 views and 93 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:49 or 10369 seconds. Pixlriffs plays on the Fantasy Minecraft Fabric SMP! In this stream we focus up on the Quest Book and take on some quests. We mine for magic ores, search for hidden structures and take on our first major boss! This is a stream-only server started by MythicalSausage using the Fantasy Minecraft Fabric modpack. Expect RPG mechanics, fantastical builds, dungeons,… Read More

  • Tricky Trails with Precelkiem – Minecraft Archive

    Tricky Trails with Precelkiem - Minecraft ArchiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘[Archiwum] Live – MINECRAFT: Tricky Trails z Precelkiem /3 – #minecraft’, was uploaded by NNiezapominajka on 2024-08-17 09:00:25. It has garnered 146 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:50 or 2630 seconds. Replay from the last Live ;). Recording from Live, which took place on Friday, August 2, 2024. Stream schedule: + Fridays – hours 20 + Saturdays – hours 20 – the first game is a horror game – possibly a horror adventure game, the second game – more casual (it varies with them 😅) + In addition, there are… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Creaking Mob in Phoenix SC’s World!

    Unbelievable! Creaking Mob in Phoenix SC's World!Video Information This video, titled ‘The NEW Creaking Mob is so funny.’, was uploaded by Phoenix SC on 2024-09-28 15:25:02. It has garnered 1091791 views and 49142 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:02 or 302 seconds. Watch me watch Minecraft Live!: Merch: Cape: ——————————————————————– This channel is powered by Shockbyte server hosting — Receive a 25% discount on your first month on a server with code “PHOENIXSC”! ——————————————————————– If you’d like to monetarily support the channel, consider joining as a member! SECOND CHANNEL: TWITTER: WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: #Minecraft is a… Read More

  • EPIC FAIL! Minecraft 100 Days Hardcore | Another Channel

    EPIC FAIL! Minecraft 100 Days Hardcore | Another ChannelVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 100 Days Hardcore | How i failed #Minecraft #Gaming #Gameplay #Building #Survival’, was uploaded by Another Channel on 2024-02-18 07:29:21. It has garnered 262 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:38 or 458 seconds. 😫 There is an error with my voice-over. sorry for the inconvenience 😁 #exploration, #Multiplayer, #Mods, #Tutorial, #Fun, #Creative, #Challenge, #LetsPlay, #MinecraftJava, #MinecraftBedrock, #Gamer, #GamingCommunity, #BuildingBlocks, #PixelArt, #EpicBuilds, #MinecraftWorld, #Mining, #Farming, #MinecraftServers, #PvP, #PvE, #BossBattles, #MinecraftArchitecture, #BuildingIdeas, #MinecraftHouse, #MinecraftCity, #MinecraftCommunity, #MinecraftUpdates, #MinecraftTips, #MinecraftTricks, #MinecraftRedstone, #MinecraftDesigns, #MinecraftLife, #MinecraftTutorial, #MinecraftBuilding, #MinecraftCreative, #MinecraftSurvival, #MinecraftAdventure, #MinecraftFun, #MinecraftMods, #MinecraftAnimals, #MinecraftMonsters, #MinecraftArt,… Read More

  • Telanthric 2: CRAZY Cameraman Chaos

    Telanthric 2: CRAZY Cameraman ChaosVideo Information This video, titled ‘all cameraman in Minecraft mod’, was uploaded by Telanthric 2 on 2024-03-04 17:03:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

Mystical Block EP16 Do I Really Need Creative Mana?