New Kids on the Block! | SchoolRP – EPISODE 1 (Minecraft Roleplay)

Video Information

Hey guys if you enjoyed the video make sure to leave a like and comment down below telling me what your favorite part was if you want to see the whole story make sure you go and watch Tyler’s perspective and come join us on the Sklar peace server to experience

Everything yourself the IP will be down below who knows you might even run into us on there enjoyed the video oh wait where am I oh my gosh who I got scared for a second I totally didn’t recognize my surroundings okay wow that’s gonna take some getting used to being in a brand

New place wow this place is definitely a lot different from home wait I feel like oh my gosh I’m forgetting that it’s career day oh my goodness I hope that I hope that my roommate is still here if she left without me I think that oh thank god Alexa you’re still here I

Thought you would have left without me to go to Career Day I’m just making food do you want some I can’t really cook so it’s a large no treat so can’t beat us here but I want one of my peach treats I hope so for you too

Oh here you can have the marshmallow I can have the juice box thank you Wow yours looks a lot better than than mine yours looks a lot more appetizing let me see how they got out the better vending machine not gonna lie yeah yeah this tasted cheap cheap what do you mean

They’re like they’re so cute well yeah it’s the huge ones I think I prefer the peach ones you probably get the one that looks cool those are the worst those are the worst you have to get them in the back which other one goes other vending machines

Right there’s multiple oh my god between periods so you’re gonna have to show me okay so did we miss career day or is there still a chance for us to go I think I’m not a hundred percent sure let me um it’s only like hmm I can’t wait to

Tell the time when I watch let me see let’s see um yeah I’m used to American time I can’t tell what this says I can’t either okay well we can we can look outside let’s see I can use this oh um I mean it definitely looks like it might be

Getting dark out I’m not sure check audio it looks pretty cute oh are you on my balcony your balcony where did you go oh you’re right there I mean I think that we could probably tell mmm this guy looks a little bit the same in Japan like all the time yeah yeah

Can’t can’t really tell I feel like the streets look a little bare I feel like maybe we’re missing out on all the fun right now maybe most likely um yeah don’t here so we should probably just search around the house again I’m nervous this is gonna be like our first

Day meeting people at school are you nervous yeah a little bit but um it’s okay we’re gonna meet great people so we can make friends easily you know just look look look look I got these on okay so I do it I can you look a lot better than I

Do in my accessories you got a different color a different color does it look bad with my hair no it just doesn’t it’s not the right black it’s like your uniform so it looks funky a little bit but it’s okay we can get you new ones

Oh no the first day of school I’m already I’m already messing up so you have to make a good first impression well never let me on the volleyball team at this rate okay maybe wear it when you like trying out okay cuz that makes sense Oh

The school gates are about to close well um oh well then that’s that’s not good uh I don’t even know the way to school I think it’s like over there I think it’s right there yeah we live we chose this house because it’s like right next to it

Right is this what upstanding on the smoke good thing you weren’t cooking because I mean I was but we’re glad I chose something from the vending machine well I mean maybe we should start getting ready to go I mean I feel like I could fix up my hair a little bit more

Maybe like you know try to fire here Hayden have we met her neighbors yeah uh um no I don’t think we have their boys he didn’t so I think they’re coming up um I think we say hi could we open the doctor we do we act like we’re not here

Like we do with like advertisers or something there’s a window right there he didn’t go over here no I did say no soliciting there is a no soliciting sign are they like I don’t know should we talk to them maybe you should answer the door the same grade as us so I mean

Maybe we should just go take a peek take a peek are they cute or thank you okay they’re kind of cute okay we got to go back I’m nervous hello hey hello there was this is a where we just moved in next door but we might as well meet the neighbors before

We go off to you know something we kind of kind of make it two are you going to career day – yeah like did you guys just get here – or are you just yeah yeah that’s luck I mean nice to meet you I’m Tyler this is

Tristan he’s pretty cool I don’t mess with him I’m hate and this is my roommate Alexa nice to meet you guys yeah it is getting like very late I don’t want to miss career to either kind of a big deal on the way I can very much guess it I think they have

A back entrance to the school yeah cuz I mean mrs. I don’t know how we got the houses this cheap and I don’t know who would sell them this is right next to the school some pretty nice housing yeah yeah I almost thought that like it might

Be haunted or something there must be something wrong with it for it to be so cheap I haven’t found any problems in my house not yet yeah thanks for jinxing it yeah are you guys great 7:00 – yep yeah just got transferred over here so it’s

Yeah I’m hoping to have a lot of fun with it I mean making new friends I mean different than where I’m from yeah I mean the school is massive mountains I’m not used to mountains where I’m from yeah it’s crazy must have a high budget

School to like like I said just look at that yeah it’s like a palace almost it’s crazy I hope we’re not too late I mean if the school gates are open then can’t see from here but gosh shoot are they closed yeah that’s not good oh no are we gonna

Miss all of career day what I said about the gates closing down yeah yeah I remember that did you know they closed at sundown um I had a suspicion but I wasn’t sure well we can maybe loop around see if the front gates are open but maybe that

I don’t think they’re gonna be open yeah I think we might have just missed it I was looking forward to you know I was I was thinking you know maybe this year’s the year that I can you know try out for the basketball team you know move into a

New place I’ve got a fresh start but then I had to not really I mean I I do sports sometimes like in my driveway but it wasn’t really a big thing I want to get into it but I mean I was kind of thinking of trying out for the

Volleyball team but this is not the impression I wanted to make right I mean there’s gotta be I mean there’s still like people in there there has to be a way to get inside yeah I mean I think our best bet might just be looping around the front but it is getting late

Oh what what’s your step be careful we’re not I don’t it’s course to go in there are we I’m considering it but honestly that’s not the impression I want to give because I don’t know how gross the sewers are out by where I’m not going down there ya know like I I

Don’t know how gross the sewers get I don’t know what they’re maybe they spent all the budget on the school not on like janitorial but I don’t want to come in there covered in like sewer goop that’s not impression I want to give it’s kind of oh man look at that beard

Yeah kids careful setup what is he doing at the high school I mean I’m pretty sure did you not look at the school this thing I mean it’s got like a college set up in the two inside we’re gonna be with college kids yeah it’s it’s crazy

Yeah he’s right about the pothole do you think maybe he could miss inside yeah I mean it’s it’s possibly if we if we ask nicely um I mean if he says no we just walk away just just go for it go for it ask him just yeah he kind of just told us

Close uh-huh I mean maybe he’ll still let us in since I asked really nicely right I mean I don’t miss career day I thought it was going on it looks nice I mean he’s got some like friendly eyes I think he might what takes was asking fun of the kind of

Words that he was just standing at the entrance just waiting for someone to pass by and just whatever I mean maybe he just had some bad experiences with sewers before maybe he wanted us to fall in he was waiting for us to fall and he was looking for his next victim

Oh I mean I what if that’s why he’s letting us in he’s gonna lead us straight to a pothole we’re just walking alongside an honest doer oh do you think maybe you runs in there though the sewer leg leads to there I’m here this does kinda gross ya think if we just keep

Following along the canal woul get in there get out to the front I think there’s gonna be a lot of people up front one of the new friends I kind of hope so yeah I mean I don’t know if that’s my crowd I mean you you seem kind

Of like outgoing and sporty but I really want to join the volleyball team honestly if I can write I mean I’m kind of torn on it like as much as I want to make new friends I mean I think the people are gonna find sitting outside

The school are just gonna be the cool kids oh my god what if we talked to 12th graders uh-huh I’d stay away from them if I were you and you have of course yeah so I don’t know about that one think we’re yeah we’re getting close just I mean

It’s kind of hard to not see the school from here I know it’s so huge yeah can’t get over that I seriously feel like we’re gonna be going to school like in a palace I mean I haven’t even seen the inside besides the pictures they had on

The website might help now we’re just following the fence I hope you didn’t like forget about us because it did kind of take a while to loop around right he did kind of look a bit old I see some soccer players mastery right I mean it is career day they’re probably you know

Maybe you’d let us like try it out mm-hmm yeah this is kind of gross for right next to such a cool school I mean why is it all nasty in the alleyways Oh serial killer that mask is linked go go go maybe maybe you could just close out

The gate behind us I don’t want to get killed not on my first day here not on my first day you’re right in run in thank you sir oh my gosh oh my gosh I can’t see we actually made it thank you sir thank you so much I don’t think he’s

I don’t think he’s following us we’re good huh it was scary I didn’t know when I said about those self-defense classes I told you they weren’t a waste the Dean do you like we kind of just brand I do I love sports I don’t really watch the sports lots of sports oh my

Goodness volleyball please say this school has volleyball wonderful things like dodgeball or anything or even lacrosse liquor hmm yes you’re following him now I guess he’s giving us a private tour there man there’s so many people around here I wonder why he’s drinking coffee

So late I think this is the life of an adult maybe I’ve never had coffee I have never see you have you’ve got a fake ID of course you’ve had coffee just like at least I never asked for it yeah yeah wait I’m gonna fake ID yeah one of my

Friends gave it to me because they thought it would be useful but no I mean what’s the point of having a fake ID of a 20 year old when you’re 13 I mean I would like a fake ID he’d go to parties yeah you’re kind of babyface dude like

It’s not a fake idea that I think will really even work right what about a 2v2 Can’t lose against these guys let’s Let’s here’s that’s yours why is it falling I’m so sorry that’s like it to get better if you’re gonna try out for the volleyball team okay yeah I got it Oh oh that was close listen at least I didn’t get one load like not remember my

Face okay okay I need to readjust my headband okay yeah you can laugh he didn’t hear there got it mm-hmm you got that one I hit that one with my head crouched down and hit it he didn’t okay oh thank you can donate it like three times I think is the wrong

So you know this probably can I got it I got it you got set it out what’s that like for zero and I like demolishing you guys even you’re the one wasting on the loss of them another point for us do I hear no no no Dean’s a lot of pressure

Over there there we go there we go see it lets see it yep I think yeah there we go yeah that’s yours nicely done okay I’ve got the strats now yeah you know for the people wanting to try out for the volleyball team you guys are

That’s horrible I don’t eat in on the other hand how is that not out good at them this is crazy I’m not a good sport player and I’m doing better than you guys I think I think we’ve got the technique here yeah we kind of got

Anything – I’m up for like 21 maybe yeah yeah we’re gonna be here forever got it after you just flopped it like that yeah the more let’s do firstly and first of 1010 that’s not fair yeah there we go Oh guys we’re getting scouted one more point

Match point here you guys you guys got this Kent you failed your that’s it your mother loses the comeback here there we go the boys are just better at volleyball I don’t even play on aesthetics more forests in my spare time I’m sweating that’s why you should be

There we go alright we’ve got like 11 I’m I’m out for that I think I think we’re good I think we’ve kind of like stun him a night we played yeah we’ve played probably about two people over here volleyball girls it’s okay it’s okay I think I think they actually just

Wanted to play and they just yeah we might have been hogging the core and kind of disappointing them see if there’s one right next to us oh wait back there so good okay well it was a good try flanked by the Dean – okay the beef captain can’t even hit a ball okay

That’s a move the captain couldn’t even hit a ball right in front of her face but she knows the she knows some technique though I mean I guess the school is closed you stroke probably college girls though the docks we should be careful the dogs um make sense it can

Be a bit rough when are we gonna get in like a fight on our first day that’s all you yeah that’s like him honestly get that you’ll leave I just do them do you like to pick fights I don’t like to pick fights fights like to pick with me okay

All right yeah he’s like I’ll fill you in on him he’s kind of like he acts all cool he’s nothing don’t be don’t be afraid of him anyways yeah he said we can kind of nose around the school get a feel for like where we’re gonna go you

Know I heard that right nothing more nothing I think he wanting something from me hey there I’m scared I’m scared are we gonna come in the fight glass no oh he knows um do we look that new we are kind of yeoman runs like wearing outfits around here

Hey I was we were told like we’re the outfits dress code yes maybe it’s just kind of when everyone doesn’t follow it they can’t really enforce it yeah the kids here kind of seem a little unruly we were about to take a look around it I

Mean I kind of want to see what the inside of the school looks like I didn’t really know to see much of it I’ve just seen a few photos but I don’t know the layout at all let’s go let’s go believe we’re talking to a grade 12 boy yeah yeah weak

Listen it’s good for you oh he’s fast he is I got something means we good looks like a senior so hey guys I hope you enjoyed the video if you did make sure to give it a thumbs up and don’t forget to check out Tyler’s perspective if you

Want to play along you can have your own school adventure on MC roleplay hubnet thanks for watching

This video, titled ‘New Kids on the Block! | SchoolRP – EPISODE 1 (Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by Hayden Blake on 2020-07-13 21:07:03. It has garnered 224948 views and 6267 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:06 or 1446 seconds.

Hey guys, welcome to a brand new minecraft roleplay on my channel! I hope you liked the video! This new series is with my friends, and we are playing SchoolRP on the server! Today is our first day getting a feel for things, and attending career day at the school!

Make sure you check out Tyler’s perspective for the full story! His video:

Join my discord server!

FRIENDS: Tyler – @OveqStories Alexa – @AlexaYT Tristan – My_Swampert


#Roleplay #MCRP #HaydenBlake


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    Insane Minecraft AXOLOTL Family Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Having an AXOLOTL Family in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Gara on 2024-05-12 00:08:06. It has garnered 27509 views and 393 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:24 or 1404 seconds. Today, Gara and his friends have an AXOLOTL Family in Minecraft! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #GaraAndKylie Read More

  • Cursed Walking Modpack: Ultimate Dragon Ball Z Adventure

    Cursed Walking Modpack: Ultimate Dragon Ball Z AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘THIS MODPACK IS EVERYTHING! // Minecraft: Cursed Walking Modpack – #1’, was uploaded by owTreyalP – Dragon Ball Z, Anime, and More! on 2024-02-14 22:08:21. It has garnered 8321 views and 123 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:46 or 2026 seconds. I AM TERRIFIED BUT I AM EXCITED! Link to modpack – Can We Get 150 Likes for this Video?!? Thanks you guys! 😀 Thumbnail art by _________________________________________________________________ More Awesome Playlists: Dragon Block C: Season 1 – Dragon Block C: Season 2 – Dragon Ball Xenoverse – Naruto… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Lava Door Hack #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Lava Door Hack #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft simple lava door #shorts #youtubeshorts #shortvideo #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Joyboy Raj on 2024-05-17 22:30:05. It has garnered 10433 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Minecraft simple lava door #shorts #youtubeshorts #shortvideo #minecraft #gaming 👍👌❤️❤️👍👍❤️😊😊👌😍😍😓😓 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minivlog #minecraftanimation #minecraftlive #minecraftbuilding #survivalgame #survival #viral #viralshort #shortvideo #videos #viralshorts #youtubeshorts #gta #gtav #gta5 #gtarp #gtaonline #supercars #car #hulk #singleplayer #gaming #games #gamingshorts #gameplay #game #gamergirl #gamers #naruto #narutoshippuden #narutouzumaki #anime #animation #steve #alex #minecraftshorts #mining #enderman #enderdragon #gear5 #onepiece #joyboy 💖💖😊❤️❤️❤️😊👌😍😍💖💖 Minecraft is a sandbox… Read More

  • Bimbo Gamer’s SHOCKING Escape from Prison!! | Minecraft 1.20

    Bimbo Gamer's SHOCKING Escape from Prison!! | Minecraft 1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘How I ESCAPED From This PRISON……. | Minecraft 1.20’, was uploaded by Gamer Bimbo on 2024-01-02 03:30:01. It has garnered 255 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:41 or 581 seconds. Discord: Insta: Escaping the deadliest Bedrock prison in Minecraft is a formidable challenge, requiring meticulous planning and resourcefulness. With bedrock’s unbreakable nature, the conventional methods of tunneling or breaking through walls are rendered ineffective. Instead, craftily exploit the prison’s layout, utilizing hidden passages and secret doors. Acquire rare and potent items to aid your escape, such as enchanted… Read More

  • Game Y15: How to Craft Epic Rail Iron Golem 💥

    Game Y15: How to Craft Epic Rail Iron Golem 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘rail iron golam 🤖 #viral #minecraft #gaming #games #video #trending #viral #shorts #weapon #edit’, was uploaded by Gaming Y15 on 2024-05-28 06:30:11. It has garnered 2079 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. rail iron golam 🤖 #viral #minecraft #gaming #games #video #trending #viral #shorts #weapon #editviral #minecraft #gaming #games #video #trending #viral #shorts #weapon #edit #minecraft #trending #viral #shorts #gaming #phonk#games#video minecraft #trending #viral #shorts #gaming #short video #shorts #minecraft #viral #gaming #short video #memes #video #edit#trending ………. ……. ….. …. … … .. .. .. . #trending… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE!! AbhayX10 reveals safest witch tower in Minecraft! #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE!! AbhayX10 reveals safest witch tower in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: witch safest tower! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AbhayX10 on 2024-03-20 10:43:37. It has garnered 43 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Minecraft: witch safest tower! #minecraft #shorts your queries:- meme memes dank memes meme compilation funny memes dank meme compilation memes compilation Minecraft server Shorts mob battle carty Minecraft mob battle past lives techno gamerz minecraft but minecraft challenge minecraft shorts minecraft mod minecraft but i cant touch grass minecraft but challenge minecraft speedrun camman18 minecraft minecraft speedrunner minecraft manhunt minecraft facts minecraft how to minecraft… Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Troll EXPOSED!

    The Ultimate Minecraft Troll EXPOSED!Video Information This video, titled ‘Trolling The Most Racist Kid on Minecraft – REVEAL’, was uploaded by The Reuploader on 2024-01-11 06:45:16. It has garnered 405 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:59 or 239 seconds. Original Creator: XboxAddictionz/XboxPlayz Original Upload Date: Oct 8th, 2016 Original Description: The reveal and extra footage of the “Trolling The Most racist Kid on Minecraft” video.. If you enjoyed, be sure to drop a like! 😀 STALK ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA! —————————————-­——- ● Twitter ● Twitch (Live Stream) ● Facebook ● Google+ MY MAIN CHANNEL! ————————————… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT OX Dance Goes Viral! #shorts

    INSANE MINECRAFT OX Dance Goes Viral! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chipi Chipi chapa dance in Minecraft #shorts #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT OX on 2024-05-05 09:00:44. It has garnered 12752 views and 195 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. minecraft roblox minecraft shorts among us shorts bones vs believer imo minecraft baby bump minecraft shorts hero team minecraft fish cartoon smoke biscuit minecraft skibdi toilet shorts cash and nico roblox 2 + 2 bad boy songs minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek how to make a bird perch in… Read More

  • Minecraft: ONE TeeVee on a FAMILY BLOCK, SHOCKING!

    Minecraft: ONE TeeVee on a FAMILY BLOCK, SHOCKING!Video Information This video, titled ‘One TeeVee on a FAMILY BLOCK in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by TeeVee on 2024-04-25 11:00:43. It has garnered 36176 views and 733 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:06 or 1626 seconds. One TeeVee on a FAMILY BLOCK in Minecraft! TeeVee goes inside his family member’s heads to find a way to escape! 📺 The video is inspired by Aphmau, Maizen, Cash, Nico, Ethobot and Slime Block! TeeVee is a channel rated E for Everyone, making funny Minecraft content such as Minecraft Challenges, Minecraft But, Minecraft Roleplay, Minecraft Stories, Minecraft animations and more! 📘… Read More

  • Forever Not Alone

    Forever Not AloneSmall serve to enjoy 😀 Rules: * Be polite. * Don’t lag the server. This server uses griefprevention to manage claims. Picture a cozy little Minecraft server, the digital equivalent of a snug living room where you and your buddies gather. It’s a place filled with laughter and mischief as you dig, build, and explore together. You create quaint houses, goofy pixel art, and underground hideaways, sharing tips and tricks along the way. When night falls, you huddle in your makeshift fort, swapping stories and battling zombies. This small server is your virtual hangout, a place where friendships are cemented… Read More

  • Mystmoor Semi-Vanilla SMP PVP Whitelist Hard Difficulty Land Claims Anti-Cheat Paper 1.20.6

    Mystmoor: Vanilla SMP Welcome to Mystmoor, a small whitelisted community dedicated to the classic Minecraft experience. Join us if you share our passion for the game’s core essence! What Mystmoor Offers: Friendly staff support Authentic vanilla gameplay with enhancements Immersive builds in the Overworld Challenge of Hard mode Strict measures against cheating and grief No pay-to-win Visit our website and join our Discord to embark on this journey with us today! Discord: Join us on Discord Website: Visit our website Instagram: Follow us on Instagram Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spicy Steve, Mindcraft’s Sensation!

    Minecraft Memes - Spicy Steve, Mindcraft's Sensation!Why is Steve so short in Minecraft? Because he skipped leg day at the pixel gym! Read More

  • Crafting Infinite Rails: Minecraft’s Short Tale

    Crafting Infinite Rails: Minecraft's Short Tale In Minecraft, rails are key for your trains to roam, But making infinite ones can be quite a tome. Fear not, for I’ll show you a trick so sublime, To create endless rails, it’s not a crime. Gather your materials, iron and sticks in hand, Crafting a rail is simple, just as planned. But to make them infinite, a loop you must create, A farm of rails, a never-ending freight. Place your rails in a loop, connecting end to end, Watch as they multiply, a rail-making trend. Infinite rails, a sight to behold, In Minecraft, creativity never gets old…. Read More

  • Only 0.1% of players have the balls to try this TNT experiment in Minecraft

    Only 0.1% of players have the balls to try this TNT experiment in Minecraft That’s probably because the other 99.9% were too busy accidentally blowing themselves up with regular TNT. Read More

  • Village Madness in Minecraft Superflat Survival

    Village Madness in Minecraft Superflat Survival Minecraft Superflat Survival: Exploring Villages Galore! Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft Superflat Survival! In this first episode of the series, players are immersed in a unique survival experience filled with villages galore. Let’s dive into the action-packed gameplay and discover the wonders that await in this thrilling adventure. Survival in a Superflat World In Minecraft Superflat Survival, players find themselves in a world where the terrain is entirely flat, presenting a new set of challenges and opportunities. With no natural hills or mountains to explore, survival becomes a test of creativity and resourcefulness. Players must navigate the… Read More

  • High-Pulse Minecraft Biome Parkour

    High-Pulse Minecraft Biome Parkour Minecraft Biome Parkour Adventure Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with the Biome Parkour series! Join the host as they navigate through challenging parkour courses set in various biomes, showcasing their skills and creativity in this thrilling gameplay. Exploring Diverse Biomes From lush forests to icy tundras, the Biome Parkour series takes players on a journey through a wide range of Minecraft biomes. Each biome presents unique obstacles and landscapes, providing a fresh and engaging experience for both the players and viewers. Challenging Parkour Courses The heart of the adventure lies in the intricate parkour courses designed within each… Read More

New Kids on the Block! | SchoolRP – EPISODE 1 (Minecraft Roleplay)