Nikos – Modded Minecraft With Viewers – Medieval Koscraft

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All right where do you want to go first do you want to come check out this new place I found sure all right let’s do it some of these like um what’s these materials just won’t um won what like they won’t go on furnace yeah I don’t know maybe

Some of them are kind of special yo what’s up greenarch what’s up 02 how you doing RoR give me a moment while I set things up a bit I sorry to hear that PO I’m sorry for your loss finding Senator Armstrong right now let’s go Cass Big

W all right just got to do one more thing here there we go all right I’m back all right let’s go to that Village and then do you want to hit up the nether cuz we really need new stuff like I’m a little underleveled it’s pretty tragic

Uh yeah I can go do that I’m just okay yeah everything in the nether is like level 80 so it’s going to be a bit of a pain okay so I mean we’re going to have to level up somehow that’s the that’s the big challenge my idea where you at um I’m on

The islands still my idea is we just go do some simple adventuring okay so yeah thankfully you can fly oh my gosh your bow is really nice check out this uh check out this crossbow what does it do uh it just does a lot of damage I don’t know if it has

Any ability or anything oh but uh and then this bow here does a lot of damage too it does plus 19 damage is the server full right now no the server is empty right now okay all right so um I have a Way Stone over here but

It might be a bit of a walk for you we need to get to the Texas river first this River looks just like like a river from Texas that’s why I call it that so follow me all right we’re just going to carry on this way we’re going to go north west

For a little bit of time and then we should arrive at our destination it’s pretty cool this structure is something I’ve been actually wanting to explore for a minute but I saved it for now okay who who pillared their way up to this to this Cloud this is

Crazy where are you at oh you you flew really far um here I’ll come back for a bit where you at you’re a grub and you live in the soil green Arc what what are you doing in the ground all right where you at ah yo what’s good Green

Knight you died on that clouds you had to pill her up oh that that actually sucks 33 emails so um I started my kick stream right a little while ago and it spammed everyone with emails because it kept glitching out and restarting stream like over and

Over and over and over and over so I have like 33 emails on or 33 streams that are all 30 seconds long cuz it bugged out why it just bugged out okay that creative mode flight is crazy where where are we going uh just continue this way I’ll show you okay 33 emails

The sound effects and animations in this mod are crazy like when you swing something it looks so robotic and unnatural yeah it’s like yeah when you’re reaching out they kind of hit something mhm okay we’re actually almost there wait where you going what yo what’s up Galaxy yeah rash

Made a tweet about it it was crazy there you are there you are okay whoa what is this oh that’s crazy don’t you find he’s a fellow grub who lives in the C bro check the chat what okay hang on hang on oh ow ow some of these some of these zombies

Give you a drowning effect even if you’re in the like above water you need to put down Demon Souls yeah you probably do kind of addicted oh all right okay who’s doing this to me oh it’s you so some of these some of these monsters will essentially give you a debuff

Randomly as you may know okay oh my dude this crossbow one shot things what are you uh going over to this Pillager yeah do you want to loot it do you want to loot it I already looted it but feel free I mean there’s there’s still guys here but I don’t I’m not

Too yeah we can kill them they’re pretty weak Centennial oh you’ve looted your 100 chest I think I think that’s what that you’re getting Swiss to play it yeah you I mean definitely door Dash here yeah Green Arc is door Dash he’ll just deliver food wait how do I type uh

T he just came dropped off food on his bird yo what’s up Marcus I got an arrow in my face so do you want to build a house or something we got to get you like a full-blown house um maybe yeah I mean I think we’re kind

Of just exploring right now where what did you do I’m just shooting stuff oh hello did you kill that one yep can you one shot I one shot these guys yeah hey what’s up R8 uh pineapple on pizza or kiwi on Pizza I’d say pineapple I’ve never had K on pizza sounds insane

That sounds psychedelic but uh pineapple on Pizza all the way I don’t know why people keep knocking it all right seeing a bit po okay yo Hoff Galaxy and says he’s got spare room if you need a place I found a Woodlands Explorer map want to to I know where that I know

Where the uh I know where the uh Woodland Mansion is at are you trying to free this guy just don’t punch him by accident dude same green AR that’s what I’m saying oh my greenard I just called you green Arc I apologize for that that’s actually like

Offensive you got a Galaxy and I’ll let them know uhoh the server is starting to chug so are you thinking you’re going to stay a triangula or you going to like change what are your I think I’m probably going to stay this one I kind of like the

Class yeah it’s pretty pretty be good I guess so oh sick thanks Jerome welcome to the chat is wait is this the is this the actual Jerome or is this like an imposta Jerome cuz if so well I’m glad you like the shorts thanks for coming yo what’s up Abyss

Green Arc I’m wondering the same thing right now either way thanks for coming where was the place you wanted to go check out um are you still here right here um I am you’re up here okay here regroup on me and uh I will lead the way called you green

AR yeah so this is the way like something just shot fire a bro this guy’s a Speedster wait for real you’re not playing a prank on me or anything are you okay we are right now at the Texas river this reminds me of uh I’ve kayaked

Some of the rivers in Texas as you may know have you ever gone kayaking before off yep I have a kayak I won one from a raffle oh that’s actually insane that is some good luck it is it was pretty good luck that’s cool yeah um basically this reminds me of some of

The rivers but if we follow the River North we’ll find a really cool biome that’s reminiscent of like the Grand Canyon and there’s a sort of like Cowboy Village or something sounds good green AR or Galaxy I’m calling everybody green Arc right now I got green arc on the brain right now

Um I guess I’ll follow you then we’re going west yeah I’ll lead the way we’re actually going Northwest still there’s a way Stone and I’ll let you know about it so we could get you that way Stone here follow me yo Craig thanks for following the channel oh look at this

Guy oh I missed completely the nightmare yeah I can’t see now he blinded me if you shoot at him I think he Dodges and just blinds you I’m I’m going to kill him real quick oh he’s teleporting oh all right well there we go oh I started a raid that’s my bad all

Right let’s uh let’s go and fend off this raid real quick then uh come to this Tower over here uh where I just flew to and you might want to right click This Way Stone I Put on the tower okay I have no idea why not Green

Green Knight I almost called you green Arc again green AR chatting or what uh did you get the waist Stone up there I did okay cool yeah sorry I didn’t hear what you just said yep all right so the raids coming from somewhere ah here they are where are they massacred

Him wow they didn’t even stand a chance there oh oh there’s another wave coming okay I think right I think so oh slay Slayer just drowned I think took a bath for too long he became so sanitary that he just just died you see him yeah I see

Him what is this that they keep Dr oh that’s a relic kind of killing it right now nice you getting some pretty good stuff from them um I’m just getting random random money and stuff to I guess oh my yep an army just spawned on

Me they just par dropped in oh they got a big guy hold up I think it’s called a ravager or something yeah be floating for right now oh yeah you just hit him with your Al that’s actually genius oh there he went oh my wow we are actually destroying them right

Now and my inventory is chalk full right now I got a raid horn I get a ravager horn oh that’s I don’t know what you use that for maybe you can call a ravager with it I know that’d be kind of cool I got a broom I I don’t even know what you’re

Going to use that for but nice keep missing this guy I run of arrows oh my gosh dude I love being able to on shot these clowns [Laughter] they just don’t even stand a chance okay no this guy this guy’s tougher Curtis over here oh there’s two what I’m I’m kind of

Getting rocked right now okay there’s some dudes that have like armor and shields so watch yourself also a witch what what is he summoning oh my gosh okay what is happening to me I think he just bro put an ice cube on me some of these guys have some interesting

Abilities craft a Glock I wish I could yeah yeah all right wait there’s one Raider where’s he at I think it’s the Ice Wizard down here no I just killed him oh it’s this guy it’s this guy nope he just died rip Bozo all right who’s

Left oh that that round ended okay we’re good that’s the iser the iser I’m say uh which mod is that from oh here we go here we go where is he at now uh they’re over here in the river oh we did think of it 02 we just decided

Against it to you know prevent everything from being just too much we just thought it wouldn’t fit the the theme of the mod pack I can’t see Why can’t I pick up their arrows on oh is a mob From the Mob vote yeah the interesting ones never win I don’t know why they do this they just might as well not have mob votes and just add all of them to the game anyway sorry I took all your XP you’re

Good I was uh having a hard Landing there I think this might be the last round Raiders remaining two all right let’s see if I could find him in third person no can you find him um oh I see one oh yeah nice this thing has a weapon ability

Yeah why can’t they just add all of them seya like moders will add in so many new mobs and Mojang is like okay we can only afford to bring one in yeah they let actual children decide I mean it’s a good way for community outreach you know it’s a good method to

Get everyone involved and feel like they have a say in what happens to the game so there is that so I understand the point of it but it kind of ruins the game variety I suppose nice green both greens yo where is this guy Hoff what’ you do with

Them I don’t know it’s just do you think he’s like in a cave somewhere I think he is all right I’m going to go down here and check what the oh that’s that’s Sandstone okay well he’s not in this cave I’m actually tempted to blow up the

Entire Village if it means we can kill him it’s the nuclear approach well they all came from the same direction right they all came from over here in the river so he’s probably not far maybe he’s in here there’s an invisible thing in here oh ring a bell okay they said ring a

Bell would ringing a bell draw out I guess ah here’s the Bell Maybe Do you think he heard that oh there he is oh he is in a cave okay so it highlights him it highlights him Look where is he he was on he’s down here he’s down here y all right hang on I’m going to carve my way oh he’s he just fell down here okay thanks for the tip on that guys get him out of here here here lies Platinum y Vino the

Archer wait look at this look at this what’s this all about oh there was a choac cobra down here when I who died came down oh was this just one of the oh my gosh this is probably one of the villagers you want to see if he’s got anything in his

Grave all right no he’s got nothing apparently his body is somewhere else that’s just a Tombstone I guess symbolic yeah good thing the Shader didn’t interfere with the glowing that worked out pretty well all right we won we won so now all the villagers will trade at a really good

Deal but I’m going to be honest with you I never trade with villagers like I know people say you could get good deals and you can but I just don’t care you know I’ll just go like if I want something I’ll go find did okay but uh every now and then they’ll

Like trade meat or something and I’ll totally take it but yeah I guess I traded more when I was younger I guess I just not a big fan villagers are overpowered see yeah that’s what I’m saying all right meet me at the tower this is our way to the uh to the Village

Okay I’mma name it El Paso on the map so you might notice this bottome actually looks really beautiful it’s uh yeah it’s a sort of the Mesa one yeah it’s it’s more than like a Mesa it’s kind of cool check this out check this out there’s like some cool Wells over

Here too it’s just a very beautiful biome that reminds me of Arizona would you live in Arizona if given the opportunity CU I totally would um I don’t know maybe so this is the haunted village you’ll get an achievement for stepping foot in it um apparently there’s a lot of ghosts

Too but it looks kind of like every single uh every single Hollywood Western okay yeah you can circumvent mining entirely by trading but I prefer to mine personally so uh wonder if there’s anything good nope yeah it doesn’t look like there’s a whole lot in

Here yeah I’ve been to Arizona it is it is really hot have you ever been um wait there some might be something down here we’re just we’re simply crawling dude nope oh there’s a barrel here with nothing in it this is such a cool structure but there’s nothing in

It yeah I mean I guess that makes sense there probably wouldn’t be treasur supposed to be yeah oh there’s a ghost here there’s quite a few of them all right bu are you fighting them yeah I killed them what did I get ectoplasm oh no no no no no no no no

They’re they’re rushing me oh they’re on the move huh I think there’s also two different types of ectoplasm okay so just so you know yeah there’s literally nothing here I thought this was going to be really cool yeah I don’t know what that door is for there’s just a door to Nowhere up

Here maybe the C kind of thing over here like another kind of Village I guess uh hang on where you oh interesting is that another one of those haunted ones no look like more of a okay I found my way into the jail oh I got a cowboy hat I got a cowboy

Hat I I highly suggest you come look at me right now ye how ye howdy partner you could probably find one in the same Barrel here where where’ you go oh I’m at the prison which makes sense why there’s a cowboy out here ye Howdy’s the prison yeah you can get to

It from here hang on I’m making a little way in right over here um it’s the building that’s behind the cave wall got it yeah that’s the only thing worth it so if you go through over here is that a wine bottle oh no that’s a potted Cactus not even worth my time

I guess I’d hate for it to be wasted so if you go through there and you keep going alongside the wall that literally looks like a wine bottle what the hell anyway if you go here um uhuh it’s right over here okay what just open that door it’s a haunted village all right

The door just opened itself oh uh the barrel right over here has it nope what okay we’ll find you another one that is okay I feel like that’s the only good thing I’ve ever gotten from this area ye howdy all right uh so there’s a second village over here oh yeah yeah

And this actually good spot for I don’t know enchanting stuff I guess looks kind of like it I think it’s one of those like uh what table is this it’s a spell binding table if you break it and pick it up you’ll get you’ll get one of the achievements you’ll get a

Free Quest so you should probably do that okay sounds good Dead Oh I found a backpack if you need one I got one gotcha um I don’t need this IR oh there’s another big tower over here really yeah all right let me come over there real

Quick there’s also a big bird I think someone’s writing oh that may be Uber Eats yeah door Dash okay now this is [Laughter] cursed the cowboy Hat’s crazy I don’t know I don’t have an in date as long as people keep enjoying the server I’ll keep running

It all right so now that we’ve done this there’s a woodland Mansion nearby Woodland Mansions obviously are tough but they have a lot of good stuff in them I think if we stick together we can actually really uh clean this thing out and get a lot of stuff

I’m going to need more more arrows but oh hang on how many do I have I have a lot I mean not unlimited but yeah yeah I’m just saying we could head back I need to empty out my inventory anyway okay then oh dude there’s probably a villager who will

Sell you arrows let’s see uh probably at the other Village I wouldn’t think you’d do it at the the one we were just at okay wrong ft oh my gosh dude I look goofy I had to take a screenshot of that that looks so ridiculous oh is this the

Archer are you back in the town already oh my goodness yeah um does not have any arrows oh green arc’s here the little Mushroom Man oh hamburger yo thanks for the hamburgers that’s crazy very American um wait so I will play Outlast TRS I don’t know actually I don’t really have

Any plans to but I don’t know crazier things have happened Jason thunderburger oh thanks thanks green AR why are you so small greenorc I I can’t eat a sugar cookie but thank you anyway do you want my sugar cookie um sure here take my sugar

Cookie it’s got some sand on it I hope you don’t mind that all right so um is a villager who sells arrows I don’t know oh there’s a chest full of meat over here oh I’m all good I got like so much right now thank you though trying to see if there’s anyone

Who will sell oh found her the Archer I would assume she does right n she’s just a guard she doesn’t actually sell them oh yo what’s good Java effect at is um at the moment uh I’m not considering that right now I do the edits in house myself I don’t really

Have I kind of enjoy editing myself but uh if you hit up my email in the about section I can let you know if I change my mind with any of that or if I need some help so thanks for reaching out though oh my gosh what did I just

Find I found like a Warg glaive I don’t know if that’s any good though there’s a lot of bread in this chest if you want some I I am full up on like everything oh this thing’s probably lethal oh my gosh I got the anime pose what this weapon like say some of

The weapons give you a default pose I look I look so goofy bro but this one uh this one you have your like left arm outstretched like you’re like an eneme character oh my that’s a depressing sight the guard is crying in a pond just sitting in a pond

Crying like that’s supposed to be sad but instead I’m just confused I don’t think anyone sells arrows here is there is there people back at the Village you normally do uh back at spawn you mean that maybe um we can always check we do have

A uh pylon over here that we could hit up okay what what which which one is it oh it’s this one um wait which one did you go to uh the one starts with the Z I’m going to go to coast island for now the

Reason why is I got to offload my stuff there’s no villagers at spawn for some reason someone killed them all oh absolute Mad Man simply swords all right what else am I going to need this cowboy hat is killing me dude it’s huge it’s so ridiculous do you know about the BAM the

Batman Arkham subreddit no so you know the Arkham games yeah you know how they haven’t gotten a sequel in like forever yeah well the last one they had was Arkham Knight but mhm well the subreddit has gone insane cuz nobody’s there like newcomers will come to get

Help in the game and they’ll open it and it’s just schizophrenia dude like what I mean by that is everyone in there is making memes like they’ve all started calling the Joker the jungler and everyone is just like why didn’t Batman just kill the guy is he

Stupid you know stuff like that like that’s that became a huge meme the Izzy stupid Meme and it’s just there’s so much brain rot going on that subreddit why just I guess it’s funny dude it’s just so goofy all right I made some more arrows but um I’m going to have to

Keep feeding the Ducks cuz our main limiting factor for arrows is uh the Ducks feathers yeah oh okay so seeming as we both need arrows um I’m going to have to double this uction a bit I wish the chickens and Ducks would have kids but they don’t work together all right I got

Him I’m probably going to have to make a bigger pin for the birds do you want the Blue Moon great sword do you have one no way I can make one uh if you you make it if you want it don’t waste your moonstones they’re really

Valuable I have no need for it at the moment okay but thank you how do I so there’s got to be another furnace you can make right as in what do you mean by that to be able to smelt um as in checking the stream quality right now

Uh like a different type of furnace you mean yeah well as for a different type of furnace uh there’s there’s forges I don’t know how to make those really but you can make a forge if you want so yeah okay just because it’s like I don’t know what what to do to

Smell like mythal and stuff neither do I I think you need a forge that’s part of like the Mythic minerals mod and with a forge you don’t just craft a forge you have to like build a bunch of blocks around it to make it work it’s really

Weird I don’t know how to explain it uh dark when he’s on if you remember dark he can help you out with that he did that a lot he knows a lot more about the mods than I do and uh actually has made such insane progress on

It so yeah okay I think it says it’s like an Allied or a something Forge alloy alloy Forge yeah there’s there’s actually two forges just to make things extra confusing right yeah I got another egg I’m hoping that we can make chickens and Ducks so we could kind of doubler

Out butut oh no way we pulled the chicken let’s go I actually kind of want a sugar cookie in real life right now I’m not going to lie like sugar sugar cookie slap also you know those weird store bought cookies that are like abnormally artificial they’re like rubber you know

What I’m talking about and they have the icing on top apparently there’s actually a term for that type of cookie I never even knew that really yeah I forgot what it was but it’s like something really weird it’s like powder cake cookie or something it’s really strange oh those things

Like why are though why are they only at the like discount Bakery bin at like grocery stores yeah they’re normally pretty good though well yeah they’re just sugar you know but they don’t taste like cookies do they I don’t think they do uh not entirely but they’re pretty good

Though yeah know without a doubt they’re great like I’ll go to like a party and I’ll see them can I not go into the water and before the part is even over I eat like six of them okay this is this is becoming a problem my chests are starting to get

Filled up filled up pretty pretty bad put that on um I wonder if another Village would have someone who sold arrows maybe um my best guess would have to be I actually have no idea how many do you have right now um one one one gotcha

All right I’ll give you half of my arrows no it’s fine I’m I’m trying to figure out how to make the here Forge right now which I think I know how to do um you can always look up the Mythic Metals mod and it will teach you in

Specific I think that’s what I was able to find it with oh my flying with Diamond Armor just does not work what is this totem of freezing all right oh oh hello there Galaxy oh he’s giving you a bunch of uh gold or something thanks for all right you almost done

There um I think so okay let me see how far the so the acacia Mansion is actually pretty close by to that uh Frontier Way Stone that we got near that Village hey what’s up Twisted you know it man um so I’m going to be over there I’m

Going to be lurking around there trying to find some new stuff once you get over there we’ll I’ll come over there um all right cool what what why does he give me the anchor holy cow wow this this so the Mansion stands on like stone or like wood or something

There’s just this massive cuz it’s over the river there’s this massive wooden what the that is that is trippy looking we could probably carve through it and continue the river as a tunnel all right I’m going in on the top so I’m going to break a window up on the second

Floor that way we can uh get in and out easier okay cuz you can get trapped in here if you’re not careful oh my one shots everything in here is one shable I’m not very worried about it anymore where’ you go uh I went to the

Front tier and then I went to The Acacia Mansion nearby oh got it okay um I will head over there then oh really oh really there’s like these big libraries in here but they got nothing in them it’s depressing actually I feel like I might have looted everything I mean you can

Loot everything yourself too if you’d like but uh okay also I’m highly suspect that someone’s been here other than me which is shocking because it’s kind of out of the way yeah yeah the chests are still here and everything is dead so oh okay I mean I killed like a

Good half of whatever was here and I think someone else came and slaughtered the rest let me uh I mean feel free to loot the whole thing there might be more enemies spawning but yeah there’s some enemies spawning in here actually okay also in case you didn’t know if you

Hit X you do like a quick Dash well it’s like a roll right kind of yeah this new weapon I got is insane what is it what does it do it just swings really fast for an insane amount of damage oh so I just melt through stuff all right well that’s the Woodland

Mansion unless I missed something I don’t think I went over here yet I definitely did yeah this is weird I feel like there wasn’t that much stuff in here there’s usually a lot of chests in these yeah but guess there wasn’t maybe not Demon Souls I beat Demon Souls what

Difficulty what do you mean what difficulty are there difficulties in Soul no well okay there technically is for the worlds but it depends on like how so like each world has its different like rate um I I don’t know what the word is to describe but it’s like if you die a

Bunch in there the world becomes harder but then if you take out bosses it becomes easier huh it’s it’s Radiance I think that’s what the word it’s called but Radiance gotcha yeah what’s your favorite Souls game um Olden ring is pretty fun just because of like the open worldness I

Guess are the other games not necessarily open world no they’re all pretty linear I guess gotcha gotcha there’s like a lot to explore there’s a lot of like secret stuff I guess you can do but it’s not not technically open world I guess Elden ring kind of Beats them in that regard yeah

All right now I can fly better yeah the biggest tradeoff with this race is that anytime I equip armor it’s going to Slow Me Down significantly oh desert temple heyo where’s the desert temple at um are you near the frontier okay you’re at the you’re at the Mansion it is to your

Northwest a little bit it’s not very far I’m going to go and break my way in oh man nice wait what there’s no TNT oh there is TNT okay oh I think they’re under the chest where if you hit the chest you’re going to hit the

TNT it’s not in the usual with the pressure plate that is sneaky yeah here let me grab that TNT be too fast to hit yeah that’s the idea please don’t blow up I just opened a chest and I’m just praying that I don’t explode what are some of the fastest

Ways to level up in this game is it like breeding animals or cooking orb that or like maybe mining I guess I don’t know I feel like mining gives you a lot more than you’d expect yeah I just got a basic spear nice I’m actually going to have to start leaving stuff

Behind I have no need for like 20 Saddles where where did you say it was uh tier Northwest a little what is this it’s like a giant skeleton with an air pocket weird breeding animals Mining and smelting and also quartz those are the best okay good to

Know which means I’m definitely going to have to abduct more uh animals and put them in like a little farm or something wait who is this who’s flying around over here oh that’s Galaxy oh I can’t eat that thanks though Galaxy easily repeatable yeah I’m going

To have to smell all the stuff I mind so can you not smelt all the new modded ores Hof have you tried or it just doesn’t work yeah it won’t let you unless you build a forge which I don’t know how to do that yet gotcha well I’m

Going to look that up I just found an actual pyramid come join us here this is going to be wild like this is cool I suggest you like come back to the desert temple later and come check out this this actual pyramid this thing is giant I feel like a British Explorer right

Now oh this is so sick there’s bound to be mummies in here show me the mummies there we go oh yeah we do zero to yeah we got the forge mod has someone been here already yo Tyler thanks for following the channel welcome dead stream l no no no no this

Is just the way I like it I like how lowkey it is I’m not in the mood to throw a party right now do I sound like I’m in the mood to throw a party right now are you going in yeah I’m in the I’m in the pyramid right now there’s some

Sort of puzzle but I’m about to just break a wall down or something oh never mind it’s already busted into where where’s the entrance you in it oh my gosh hang on um it’s in the it’s on the other side you’ll know when you see it it’s by these two

Towers okay well I kind of just glitched my way into the the loop Repository would that just activate Okay this is just like Indiana Jones there’s like parkour and stuff see that’s on Zan zero too like what’s the point of a puzzle in Minecraft if you can just break through it

Like oh wow some of these hallways look really nice they got all the like yellow and blue Egyptian color scheme going too bad everything in here is kind of useless I’m about to go back to the nether so we could get something really good yo what’s up burnt welcome back

You find all the loot Chambers yet they’re not really that good they’re kind of kind of bad if I’m being honest yeah like I I’m not even oh there’s cake here what the I ate the cake and it gave me a slowness potion that’s just

Evil oh I hear that burnt well have a safe drive N I don’t even need horse armor I never use horse armor I don’t even think I’ve used horses this game facts Tyler actually just destroyed me death by cake oh I found like a big Redstone Contraption I guess yeah I think that’s

The I think that’s the puzzle that nobody even bothered with and just broke through oh that sounds good burn that’s not too bad what’s the longest drive you’ve ever been on me yeah anyone uh probably like 24 hours 24 hours in a day yeah yeah I’ve had a drive that was

48 hours and 2 days holy cow yeah it was pretty bad oh there’s another desert temple right next to this pyramid all righty then 18 hours from South Carolina to New York are you outside of your mind that sounds horrible okay someone has definitely been over here howling pick sounds

Awful 36 hours across the Australian outback is that straight that sounds horrible just going through the desert like the whole entire time dang that is that is insane that you had to deal with that glad you made it out alive on that one that actually sounds pretty cool Tyler I

Want to visit Australia someday block of raw gold why do people keep putting gold in Minecraft like as a Minecraft reward and thinking I’m actually going to Care like like come on let’s be realistic here yeah it’s not really the best yeah it’s pretty bad oh there’s a way to get outside

That’s kind of funny that’s useful yeah that was kind of a mid tomb pretty much like uh our route 66 that’s kind of cool I didn’t know they had a bunch of Highways going across the Outback do they at least stick kind of close to the

Shore or is it just straight through the desert oh you caught up I did nice I love all these new generated structures but I kind of feel like I’m missing out by not going into the uh nether cuz I know there’s a lot more stuff

There there’s also a lot of stuff in the end too that’s different oh yeah yeah be careful with this uh this trip wire it wants to bathe you in lava oh the creative mode flight must be so nice just being able to go straight up without even trying

Yeah that is actually terrible Tyler are there like any towns or restaurants or any like little small like gas stations like little Villages kind of things or no none at all dude I just found the most wild cave oh my there’s a m shaft system oh

Wow oh my gosh this biome is so dope love bathing in lava yeah same I’ll mark this on the map oh dark lives out here that okay that’s who’s been out here the hole that’s cool I need night vision I probably do off do you have night vision with

That class or no nope gotcha at least I don’t think so oh my gosh this biome is so cool nope you do not yeah so this cave right here I’m telling you there’s a m shaft so there’s probably some chests but it just it just goes straight

Down where where where the cave you’re at here let me uh let let me come back to you I’m close by I just didn’t know you’re good you’re good yeah that’s insane burnt I don’t know if it’s the actual Jerome though but it was pretty cool if it was he must

Have been a real fan of OG Halo he said he likes the shorts so that’s pretty awesome I hope it is and I hope he’s doing pretty good actually uh haven’t been catching up with the Minecraft YouTube scene in a long time like a long long time I need

To see what’s going on there again it was interesting though it was interesting though burn it was pretty cool but again I don’t know for certain if it’s him am I a girl GRS uh no Sor to disappoint so it was actually oh no way it was I

Couldn’t even I couldn’t even see it because I’m in restream all right did you find the big hole I don’t think so I’m not really thinking about going down through it personally but so it looks like dark is settling right here which is really cool I found his secret

Hideout oh this is actually good you can uh if you right click the uh the way Stone you can get in server is not full poop Lord all right so oh we’re talking about the hole that’s like right here yeah yeah yeah it’s pretty insane oh there’s another pyramid here

It’s a different type of pyramid huh don’t tell me this is a labyrinth oh yo okay there’s some good stuff in here dude uh uh let’s be honest it’s pretty all right it’s okay more wine over here I know that’s supposed to be a cactus for some reason

The the cactus looks like a uh the cactus in a jar looks like a what’s it called a bottle of wine oh really weird GRS huh that’s crazy dude for I’m running out of inventory space literally 1984 what the what happened how did I get here bro I don’t know what just happened

But I ended up in in the middle of an absolute melee it’s like 6 million skeletons what the Pepsi Squad lives on facts all right so I got to I got to do something about this dude that is insane I do not know what just happened I was walking one

Second and I just appeared do not press me there’s a lever that doesn’t want me to to press it do I press it hang on where you at where you at you got to come to this pyramid this is insane where where are you at that was insane oh you’re you’re

North dude there’s so many arrows in me hang on oh got to break all those spawners now what other games do I play uh stuff like Halo Arma Hearts of Iron uh indie games like Hollow knight uh obviously Minecraft there’s a lot of games I play what about

You oh no they they were trying to make some sort of Withers or something here this is what this is this is all sorts of like there’s like Area 51 ah like something’s going on Here which way did you go in um I just I went right or I don’t know how I got here I was just walking one second and I teleport oh no oh no that was devious oh CB says he’s already explored this yeah yeah it’s this way it’s this

Way this is where all the loot is so I was just walking and all of a sudden like I don’t know what happened I guess I lagged and ended up here it was insane but there’s some chests here with loot the loots pretty good yeah you blew it up I don’t oh he’s

Already explored a building like this okay so there’s there’s some levers that say press me or don’t press me uh do you want to hit both at once and see what happens sure all right right ready hang on hang on ready go oh yep you just back up back up back

Up oh my gosh oh man so it turns out that don’t press me was the answer I guess oh oh man we just blew the hell out of this Temple I didn’t expect that to happen are you been playing Cod and Siege yeah Siege is cool I used to play it for a

While I haven’t really been playing Cod much lately just the older games so that happened uh there was like a pressure plate over here that probably led into more loot oh here it is oh the loot survived oh it’s it’s a book it’s just a book called wither hang on let me read

Oh is it just a spell how does summon the wither and become the richest hottest person alive step one it prepare for battle okay um that’s pretty cool do not summon the wither good fun what does it tell you how to summon it or or no oh wait kind of it’s more of

A meme it’s just a big meme Cod is going downhill facts I have no interest in this new one I’m going to be real with you uh might be back later all right have a good one burnt okay I don’t know how to trade with these Cobalt people but they’re

They look pretty chill so maybe like if we give them something maybe if I give them like a if I give him this you like that I don’t think he liked it what if I give him a diamond do you like that oh he liked it what he do he gave me he

Gave me a bronze in oh my I gave him a diamond you gave me a bronze Ingot oh man I got scammed yo what’s up relaxed I’m not giving you more wait what if I just give him the bronze inot back what’s he going

To give me is he going to give me a diamond back did you find this one structure uh which one that’s crazy I just I got an achievement for it but I don’t know I’m another Diamond which one give me something better Cobalt I gave him a diamond he gave me

Nothing nah bro nah bro what thank you for that oh oh there’s the bronze inot all right no Witnesses no witnesses that must the tauris must go okay I’m I’m kidding bro that guy sto daylight robbery dude thanks for killing him I was probably going to kill

Him oh his friend doesn’t seem to care hey buddy yeah it’s some terracotta cuz I don’t want it there’s a there’s this one structure over here kind of I got an achievement whenever I went to it so I did too catabasis um huh it looks like a nether structure yeah oh

Oh what is this bro what is this these are wither skeletons dog oh this is cool these guys are kind of weak too you’re right over there hit some fire hit some water there’s some water in the the middle over here well this is really cool all right I got my diamonds back

Let’s go BR I can’t believe I got robbed what is this wait oh oh there’s more oh owie owie that one hurt here we go if you find any uh TOS don’t spin them until later cuz leveling up as you get further takes more so it’s actually

Advantageous to save up on oh my gosh these guys are all catching the on fire why can’t I pick up these arrows that I’m shooting um if you hit the enemy you can’t pick it back up no I’m saying I’m like shooting them at the ground oh

Maybe they got on to you they’re not going to let you cheat anymore I guess oh it’s cuz I don’t have any space in my inventory ow you’re actually rude oh hi there I can’t I can’t believe I got scammed there dude like I got scammed so

Hard yeah they are they’re all really weak watch out you’re back creeper oh my shoes broke no I lost shoes you know I don’t know there might be like a boss this place just goes on and on and on yeah wow this is actually really cool

Oh my gosh I just Spam jumped up those steps all right where you at where you at come back to the central room let’s do this together I don’t want to leave you behind oh I went exploring and I found a treasure is room okay yeah I’ll just come to

You these guys are big what in the world oh wow yeah you weren’t kidding just gold stuff oh wow okay hang on trick bow um I’m just going to throw some stuff I don’t like in here I take the trick bow anything archery related I’m probably

Going to get okay I don’t know about you I like the archery stuff yeah I found teleportation shoes yeah I found those too I really don’t know what those are for and I found a sword called the end oh that actually might be really good that sounds like a definitive does void

Strike two on it for for some reason void strike too okay yeah I don’t know yeah I I think I got to I got to hop got oh you got to hop off okay start uh yeah okay well let me know if you want to hop back on or hop on Titanfall or

Something yeah I’ll be there I’ll let you know so all right thanks for uh thanks for playing it so yeah thanks for hopping on see you yep are you playing with chat off no I got chat on hey what’s up Violet how you doing just watch the short on the Halo

Marines perspective what game is that called that is actually an Arma 3 mod it’s an Arma 3 mod that has uh Halo stuff in it it’s really cool actually um it does a really good job of sticking to the source material all the stuff looks really cool in it highly recommend it

Oh thanks Grace all right is anyone down here with me let’s see oh you’re getting close to me poob over here why don’t I use a face cam um I typically do use a face cam I just am not in the mood right now cuz I look

Horrible I woke up from a nap a bit ago and I feel like absolute garbage you know when you wake up from a nap and you actually feel like you got hit by a truck that’s me right now I look and feel amazing it’s pretty

Bad I woke up from that nap feeling like well the appos the opposite of a million bucks but typically I do do FaceCam so there’s that oh yeah that actually sounds pretty cool violet check out uh check out my email on my uh what’s the word gr get out of here

Man I’mma fight you uh check out my email on the about section of my YouTube channel it should be linked below or shoot me a message or whatever on any links you got when never get hit by a truck you feel super refreshed well ain’t that something I’m happy for

You I can’t really remember the last time I was hit by a truck but I can’t imagine it feeling good oh poop made it let’s go welcome down here buddy oh I’m actually I’m I’m going to oneshot you if I’m not careful yeah thank you thank you

Actually no I take it back you look kind of op what level are you guys what level are you I can’t even see that’s weird usually you can see okay sounds good V it getting my ass beat I love the combat in this mod getting hit by a truck really puts

Things into perspective see that’s what I’m saying Tyler is this just a chain who put a chain here why do I even have leather pants okay I got to admit I’m going to have to make a new chest room soon here this is going to get bad I am really low on chest

Space Oh there’s something over here what level am I anyway 24 we can do better than that there’s got to be somewhere I can just grind oh hi there friend okay I’m out of water this is not going to end good for me got to get out got to get out but

There’s another chest here here okay nothing good oh juked them what it goes down okay actually wait there’s water here I can I can work with this oh my gosh there’s TNT and a lever and they expect me not to hit it oh no that was a mistake I don’t know

What just happened to me yo David thanks for subscribing welcome to the channel oh man okay I thought that was going to blow it up I thought for sure that was going to blow everything up there’s too much water coming in though so it’s just going to water log

All the TNT okay we can fix this let just get my planks out oh no way it’s actually just built on top of a lake all right I guess we won’t be blowing it up right now then we’ll be back blow it up later oh there’s a diamond here okay

That’s actually kind of good run away ah here’s our way out or should I keep going this place just never ends honestly oh that that poor sap can’t do anything to me oh here we go here’s some stuff I am really going to need more chests oh there’s a to that is really

Useful um chain mail what can I get rid of here I just have too much stuff I have so much stuff black terra cotta there we go that’ll de with that problem oh oh yeah baby okay we got three of these I’m cooking right now welcome back to inventory management with

Nikos okay what even went down here where abouts am I from uh I’m from Texas I’m actually there right now the ye howy State and if you want to know anything about Texas I’m I’m going to be your guy yo what’s up Colin thanks for subbing and uh one of those things about

Texas I can tell you is yes we do actually worship a gas station with a beaver for a mascot it is actually one of our Prides and pride and joys there’s so many memes about Texas that are so downright accurate it’s actually painful well who is this who’s

Got a dragon jali what are you what are you doing with the literal Dragon like that’s crazy man that’s insane from the UK so you don’t have a clue about any of that um yeah so we have a lot of weird weird traditions in Texas everything’s a

Little crazy here uh feel free to ask away how do you like the UK though okay what what was the point of that you’re goofy bro I’m actually going to mark this on the map this might be useful to come back to another dungeon I guess we’ll call it yeah that

Works you’re from Minnesota grux is it true that you’re basically a discount Canadian y’all both have dragons over here what I love what you named them y’all are insane dude y’all are insane when you play this game you and jali are the silliest dream team ever there’s a this is a really cool

Village oh gotcha Gru okay I was the wrong I was on the wrong part of North America then my bad I was Minnesota though I kind of could prefer some Colder Weather nowadays it’s always 100° outside what three words did I use to describe Texas um

Hot goofy I’d say goofy is a really good description um hot Goofy and bombastic I guess that’ work like when you meet someone who’s Texan you’re going to be immediately like oh yep yep that makes sense he’s from Texas everyone’s got a bit of a character to them here and that’s the

Way I love it ghost cloak that’s pretty sick blaze rod come to the UK for cold weather we can spare some yeah thanks I’ll I’m booking my flight right now what the iron hide amulet I’m just going to get rid of my logs actually that’s worth more than the

Planks I should really head back and drop some stuff off would I rather play Halo or Counter Strike that’s actually a great question I prefer Halo I mean that’s what my channel is all about I’ve always been a Halo kid but I’m going to be honest with you sometimes there’s something about

Csgo that actually really works I know CS2 just came out I haven’t checked it out yet it I’m pretty sure it’s just counter- strike with better graphics but might have to give it a try all my friends keep asking me to join the only thing stopping me really

Is I’m kind of already hooked on this Titanfall and Halo and I feel like you can only really have three main games at a time after that point you start getting overwhelmed Halo is more chilled but CS is more tactical that’s a really good way to put

It I’m going drop these off and set this here that there bam do we have a Way Stone over here I don’t think so all right I’m going to just drop one down right here there we go just going to name this Phoenix reminds me of Arizona we have so many waist Stones

Going that is nice I love the desert biomes in this mod pack ah I’m wearing too much armor to fly I I got my fall damage boots no more what are you going to show me J goly I got to see it get some blaze rods got to go it’s 11:00

P.m. here got to get up for work sounds good Tyler thanks for coming have a good night and good luck at work tomorrow I don’t even know where to put this cloak at it’s right here sure can’t believe that Goblin ripped me off dude catch you another time Tyler

You can really get a lot of different weapons just from traveling for like a little bit of time it’s actually kind of crazy how’ you how’d you get here what are you doing here jali what do you have do you have all meite what is this armor what is blood even doing right

Now come outside okay okay what’s my favorite book that’s actually tough I don’t really have one honestly Um dang what there’s so many dragons coming in what’s going on here why why are we invading the Island right now what you got gravity compressor oh whoa that’s so cool I might want one of those that is sick can Bedrock join sadly not they can’t uh process these mods but if you

Do have Java it is open put that in there this here wow I’ve run out of room for enchanted books oh why why are you doing this do you want me to kill your dragon or something that was evil I don’t think that was intentional this is such a cool view

Like not going to lie this is really cool I had to save a few screenshots of that oh oh youall have a ship over here whose boat is this are yall down here oh yeah you are okay what are we looking at a portal you got a very intricate cave system

Going on down here oh my gosh wait is this no is this fort Orlando is that what this is supposed to be where are these people y got like a whole base going on down here the runite chest I don’t even know all this yall have a forge I don’t even

Know how to make call this yet those are all his children these are all your kids that is cursed why do you have so many all right where we going where we going is this for Orlando or something yo went way too crazy with this like I have no

Idea I have no idea where youall got all this time this is so cool y’all got all the modded couches you got all the fancy chests and you got lamps and coffee tables this is nice yeah Goblin gang oh this is sick where are we in the world ah we’re

This that is a big claim hey what’s up lightning welcome back haven’t seen you in a minute how you doing you’re doing good that’s good to hear Goblin Town you’re crazy poo you got you got this whole Goblin Village oh my gosh you’re goofy for this one

Need to go soon but can Java join yes Java can join this is a Java server if you need to join in you need to get whitelisted go into the Discord server and then uh it should be in the description ask there and we’ll Whit list

You all right well you guys I’m going to go back up and I’ll be back later because I got to finish organizing my chest y’all get your stuff sorted out and I’ll come join y’all in a bit take your time I’m just going to organize my loot what else do I

Got when is the next time I’ll be on very soon actually I Love This Server I keep hopping on the only reason I didn’t stream last night is I wasn’t in the mood I was down to stream actually but I’m going to be streaming this more

Often I got my setup all set up and we’re good to go weird that TNT is called that TNT crate now I wonder why that is I’ll just take the logs put our way Stone in here and then our to in here wow where where am I even supposed to put

This I got a good amount of arrows wow we have a lot of relics now you join the Discord will I be your Discord kitten no you’ll join next time you need to go see you all right have a good one lightning I have way too much

Armor from here on out I’m just going to stop collecting armor as well all right let me know when y’all are ready I need some Cobblestone actually face blue eyes wide bra L that’s hilarious emojis don’t get sent through my restream Hub here where I’m seeing all the comments so I just see

Colon face blue wi eyes bruh unless that’s what you typed but that’s what I see in the chat for an emoji that’s cursed we’re making a small army Guys all right I guess we’ll go back over there it seems like all of the parties over here jeez there that’s a long way without a Way Stone all right I’m coming I’m coming hang on I’m not leaving I’m coming hang on take take take your time bro I’m

Coming oh my gosh I’m literally going to murder you poo you’re such a goon you’re a great a goon my guy I just set that there for now and put these two in here sort the inventory oh yeah we’re good to go fresh my allergies hate me right now

For the ritual what are y’all doing are y’all being weird about the rituals again all right I’m coming down hang on oh that would have been sick if I flew in upside down ow all right I’m here what’s going on this is jali’s idea chant y’all are

Mad why are you why are you saying that backwards just build the stupid thing y’s Dynamic is amazing this this is actually cool what is this like a little platform is this the Herobrine spawner oh no what did you just make what did you do welcome what did you do what is this

It’s Eden ring wait wait wait this is Eden ring hold up hold up let me back in Let Me In dude this is insane whoa I forgot about this mod I forgot this is in the mod pack that is sick yo this is perfect for flight builds there’s like a base over here

Here whose base is this this is where we get the gravity blocks lattice where are y’all getting these blocks y’all are nutty okay actually where’s the portal back ah it’s over here okay look at that dude that is so cool that’s a thumb nail right there if I’ve ever seen

One also I like I like your ritual I know what you were saying backwards you Goofs why is your son here this is my home now nope nope you did not just leave me here this is your whole plan have fun you’re going to marry my

Daughter y’all are insane no no no no no no hello y’all are so weird bro dad Coast n too bad sorry to disappoint you know why hold up hold up Dad go I can’t with you this is a dude what are you doing you’re murdering him you murderer rip

Would I marry a corpse instead yall are crazy all right take me home all right fine I’ll do it myself oh no I can’t what what I I’m just getting trolled right now yeah you can’t teleport back y think yall think you’re are clever right y’all think you’re clever right now don’t you

What I can’t fly no no no no no no no no no no oh my gosh I think y failed to blow it up y’ failed yes oh man I almost got screwed I can’t fly that high nice try fools see you later suckers oh man hang on wait how do I get

Out of here that was yali’s idea to trap me in Eden ring man that didn’t work did it you should have killed your why did you kill your kid that’s the thing I don’t understand y’all are crazy for that one y’all actually planned through this whole thing to trap me down there just

To fail to trap me down there oh man he was annoying and my first what were you all going to do if you trapped down there what was your end game after that that’s what I’m curious to know if y’all just if y’all did light that TNT I wouldn’t have been able to

Make it out I’m actually starting to understand the whole the ritual why it’s named that going back to Phoenix you’re stuck for 3 hours since a creeper went through the portal that sucks did you need jali to get you out or something what is this is this a

Well yeah this is just a sistern Oh you just killed yourself that’s sad that was your only way home is this the pyramid we just blew up oh there’s a second one here oh yeah no this is the one we just blew up it’s got a giant hole in it ow wait is this a that’s a hopper

I’ll take the Dy oh another Tome let’s go anytime oh my dude they’re everywhere these are actually really good these Toms are really really good like I’ll take all of those thank you level is kind of everything in this uh mod pack kind of goes hand inand with

Your origin because you can tune your origin’s abilities to it oh nice coral reef Your Dragon is flying around the cave somewhere I didn’t actually take it very far that’s just rubbish I just picked up oh you look at this it’s got the lime carpet I wonder if this says anything on

It death of a soldier as grief overc comes it soon turns to fear for as for what’s to beum to become yes of course ow ow oh is this a buzzard oh it’s a vulture dude y’ll almost trapped me down there I was actually nervous oh Hi

Friend yo what’s up relax you want to join in on this more rubbish although that’s kind of good oh that’s a relic yeah that’s actually really good quick charge oh dude that’s also really good for my class okay oh my gosh some of these bows are so

Cool like how do they come up with stuff like this wish you could maybe later all right sounds good man what you up to right now oh this is a massacre actually wait wait wait get them out of here another efficiency five shovel that’s actually really

Good anytime I get one of those I’m actually kind of happy Relic cool boom what do these switches even do like what is in there is that just water that is just water I don’t know what the point of that is though jeez this was a massacre in

Here all right do not press me that’s the one you want to hit yep oh yeah here’s the the wither book thing I’m just going to remove that and kill the evidence actually wait I could take all the TNT there we go free stuff all right what’s up oh no no no no

No no don’t don’t you can’t do that to me that’s just the most evil trap and I fell for it twice now it’s so like Looney tunish it’s like painting the thing on the c or on the on the wall painting the hole in the wall that’s like as archaic as that

Is there well in this case now there’s multiple structures pobl I’ve already found two of those pyramids that’s one of green arc’s kind oh that was sick oh no that was too much I was too sick for the server it had to roll me back a little but can we do it

Again that is a good question apparently not it it is not liking this so I’m just GNA just going to take my walk of shame oh it’s a kitchen oh no that chunk ain’t loaded bye-bye oh I did it again Chad boom that’s why they pck that’s why they pay me the big

Bucks what is this thing bro it’s like a little mouth thing I was watching I was watching the rise over run discourse oh actually feather super valuable yes there is a waystone I was about to ask if there was all right where are we we are all

The way out here in what looks like Cleveland Splendid this is a nice Village right on the bound of the hot and cold biomes you wish neh was real same dude I wish I wasn’t just some voice in y’all’s head egg I actually like leather armor so I’m going to take

That that is a tiny village is it’s like a rural Backwater town oh whoa hang on this is a zombie uh thing of a jig zombie catacomb all right I got to get more water you know one thing I don’t have a lot of at all is netherite I’ve just been

Focused on doing a lot of Overworld adventuring think I should go down to the nether after this oh my gosh I’m just stupid with this bow do so much damage with it speaking of another bow the green Menace the green Menace that sounds like a Gatorade flavor from like another country or

Something maybe the translation didn’t really go through very well I’m going to throw that in there wait these are my pants not even wearing my pants right now nice nice nice all right which way we going yo Jose thanks for subscribing welcome to the channel been getting a lot of those

Notifications lately I love to see it man H what is this silver all right I love all these uh ambient Minecraft tracks They are so Peak aha nothing good oh there’s another one oh another one of those that’s a good one whoa whoa whoa oh I put the skull on

If you put the skull on you get you see in black and white you get to see before color was invented look at this that is really cool all right nothing good here nothing good here I guess money I can’t even really do anything with it all right let’s head to the surface

Soul Sand oh hi there ah this is what the Soul Sand was right right right diamond axe could be good take those books oh I’ll take the Torches too um that’s good bottle of enchanting I’ll take the stand here too I’m trying to slowly get my crafting

Table funny up or money up I should say CU my funny my funny is all over the place we need to get our money up and we can’t do that without crafting tables oh hi there ooh useless water protection how I even to put that on anything why did I even pick that

Up oh man I’m getting cornered just one shot everything all right I have so many of those orbs but I can’t do anything with them such a first world problem you know I haven’t really thought about finding my way out I guess that’s our way out but it’s going to be a bit

Confusing let’s see oh chest here that’s good I’ll take that E Z all right I guess that’s all I think that’s all of this area so I’m going to go to the nether next might need to consider wearing some beefy armor like what I got on right

Now cuz everything’s level 80 in the Nether and that’s not fun do I want to come with y’all maybe I don’t know are yall going to trap me down there that’d be crazy if you did I wouldn’t be mad at all no I just TP out of there honestly I just creative

Mode myself some obsidian and get out I don’t plan on it but you always got that option just in case right the ritual was insane too bad it did not work it was so well thought out but execution just I’m have to give you a B on execution everything was going

Off to a hitch until the explosives didn’t work we’ll try not to have any sudden kidnappings you’re going to blame poob on this PO are you going to take the fall on this bro I’m just going to dig my way out one Cobble Stone at a time this is crazy

How deep are we right now there we go ah sweet sunlight beautiful come with y’all all right hang on let me warp my way back first I’mma level up real quick let’s max out dexterity some more so I don’t have any more XP but I could get a level to teleport

Back just by doing this that sheep got some peg legs got a CO silent let’s drop all our stuff off I need a new crafting room this is getting pretty packed all right there we go what what does that do poison Cloud it just poisons things I

Mean that’s cool but like it doesn’t one shot it ain’t even worth my time can I get an aen no all right put this with the bone still got this cheeseburger that green Arc made me I feel like I should eat it sometime all right what am I going to bring to

The nether I need some like casual flying gear here I’m thinking chain mail that’ll be a good start and then we’ll keep our diamond stuff in here when we need it also going to go breed the chickens real quick all right here we go yo oh thank you what is all this armor

Thank you this is really good where are you all getting this dinner’s ready BRB gotcha oh I’ve had a Dura steel one for oh my gosh these enchantments are insane thank you you forged it awesome well thank you all I’m going take these with me so I don’t

Die all right have a good one plus eight armor yeah I found some armors like this in the previous save that I played on this mod pack they’re insane although I’m going to need more arrows we only got 52 left 52 should work for now but I don’t know how for how long

Until I run dry then here’s Hoff’s little corner here this is crazy welcome back greenard all right I’m going to the nether oh that would have been sick if like once you touch the portal you instantly teleport it would have been like the slickest transition ever all right this is when things get

Kind of scary I got plenty of food I got plenty of water I have eggs I don’t know why I got eggs on me but I do we’re going to have to switch armors if we get in too close that’s when uh that’s when stuff is going to start

Hurting a lot level are we 25 we’re only a third of what the what these guys are that’s crazy oh here’s one of my previous deaths so everything here is going to kill me in one hit which is pretty sick I don’t even know what that thing is there’s just an Enderman casually

Right there oh no don’t touch me please I don’t know what that thing is I’m going up here all right well now I can’t really fly but I won’t die in one hit it’s the perfect tradeoff all right I’m going to make a quick way out of

Here I guess there isn’t a quick way out here how did I get out of here last time okay there’s guys everywhere oh good gosh it’s a hellhound without Al leash oh my gosh the amount of Health this rap scallion has is insane okay there we go there’s our way

Out no to self you can’t kill anything here all right good to know good to know good to know can I kill a ghast at least oh no bro I don’t like that sound now you’ll die in one hit yeah what an what in tarnation why is everyone so

Tough oh dude I could kill gas how much xp three oh three whole levels yeah y’all got to level up y’all got to get your drip up oh oh yeah baby I didn’t even mean to do that get ponged counter ponged thank you all for the armor

Again oh no oh no oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah that’s a hit that’s a hit that’s not a hit that’s got okay I got to take this guy out I actually one- shot these guys I know gas have weak amounts of Health but for level 70 whatevers that’s actually really good

All what’s in this Village well that guy for one thing is that a dude I twoot these guys my bow and skill is insane what do you got Chief this guy’s actually got some good deals protection awkward potion he’ll make you an uncraftable potion I don’t even know

What that is I don’t need to know what that is I know that’s just a good deal so y’all are getting two y’all are getting twoos shotted without like any effort from the enemies I see oh yeah a little bit of lava flying never hurt nobody I already looted everything here

So there’s nothing left for me in this area but there’s probably something else nearby looks like someone was being built here by somebody yeah someone was building like a little Bridge didn’t make it far it seems see if I fly like this y’all don’t even know which one’s the ground like where’s

The ground this is wild like like bear with me on this where is the ground the way you got that armor is through alloy foraging turn lesser Metals into more powerful ones yeah dark was telling me about that and uh I should really humor that idea I just

Like doing the adventuring but I really got to sit down and actually get my money up oh my gosh that was loud I got to get my money up you know dude this is how you make a lot of XP like I just made a lot of points

There what if what about these hell hounds are they killable why is it why is it called the deflector gas where’d he go ah Bros warping on me easy easy okay meanwhile back over here oh no this is a new area where am I I can’t get lost I’m actually burning up of

Heat okay I found one of these earlier oh there’s a chest there’s actually a chest what is this wither leggings Paladin chest plate I’ll take some tears that is not half bad is that honey what is that ember Ember gel interesting oh almost just lost flight there that would have been

Catastrophic there would have been no coming back from that one what origin did I choose I chose the diay it’s the one that lets you uh fly like a maniac oh my gosh this is crazy like look how cool this is look how cool this looks just all the lava like

Huh did I loot this one okay looks like there there’s nothing over here but there’s a fortress over here oh what’s up Marcus how you doing welcome back looks like there’s a boss room in here and I would try it but I know I know it’s good for

Me oh yeah that that looks pretty bad that’s like a super wither I’m just going to steal everything around him oh my gosh who put all the stuff up here molten edge huh excuse me oh there’s an achievement with it all right um lots of Flint that’s good for

Arrows I’m going take all that easy money or chain mail all the armor is kind of beaten up there’s got to be something oh my why is there so much stuff insane can I climb this oh my gosh oh no I can’t gold glaive life mending I haven’t

Gotten one of these yet so I’m actually going to grab that Flint lesser oh greater orb of regret those are good those are actually really good don’t tell them our secrets don’t worry you got it so basically their secrets are oh that’s a guy that’s a guy I

Actually have to fight oh my gosh there’s a lot of guys I have to fight oh why do I twoot everything now what portal did I take I took the one in Orlando any Relic is really good cuz you can actually convert them into uh Relic Essence to upgrade your other

Relics oh there he is I’m not going close to that I don’t know what’s going to happen this is definitely a boss room but uh at least we got a ton of loot oh he missed one never mind we missed nothing oh whoa what is this biome it’s the spooky biome

Actually my boy is burning up I should probably return to the surface last time I went through this portal I crashed the game so I’m not going to do that we’re taking anti-aircraft fire get cooler armor I mean I could do that but I don’t got that option right

Now oh this is dangerous I don’t know what I’m doing okay it’s this way yeah we’re getting closer which way’s base ah it’s this way my death marks it what is that thing I’m not messing with that thing what is this thing this must be the way out hey what’s up

Freddy welcome in we are trying to find our way out okay all right no no no no I’m out see you okay what’s our game plan there was a way in I think it’s over here oh no that’s the way out okay I’m going mark this extra big so people could see It oh there you are hey how do I get out of here poob how do I leave this area yo yo yo thanks for showing me the way over here you don’t know oh my gosh how’d you get down here oh right here right here okay yeah yeah yeah yeah let me Mark

This oh my gosh that became snow I remember seeing people talking about that found it let’s go thank You did we get anything really good from the strip I don’t even know I mean we got to level 15 in a short period yeah if you farm the gas that’s a good way to get a lot of XP pretty quickly I highly recommend It we made it that was crazy all right well I’mma hop off this is actually really fun I love this server I never will stop loving it modded Minecraft is fantastic if you’re new here and you want to join the server check out the Discord in the and the description

Below uh yes this mod does have to be on PC already disappoint um console doesn’t have mods yet so yell at MOJ and get them to make it work all right jly I’ll think about that anyway um thank you all so much for coming in and thank you all for

Supporting the stream and the channel for so long go check out any of the new shorts I’m working on a new video as well and I’ll catch youall on the next one see you

This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft With Viewers – Medieval Koscraft’, was uploaded by Nikos on 2023-10-02 01:27:16. It has garnered 283 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:05 or 9485 seconds.

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    Mind-Blowing Portal Build Prank 👑🔥 Must Watch!!Video Information This video, titled ‘nither🤯portel build 🔥like this 😱 #trending #minecraft #gaming #minecraftbuilds #shorts🌎’, was uploaded by Prank king on 2024-05-07 14:54:24. It has garnered 495 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. This Minecraft Portal Build Will BLOW YOUR MIND! #Shorts 🌍 nither🤯portel build 🔥like this 😱 #trending #minecraft #gaming #minecraftbuilds #shorts🌎 Get ready to have your mind blown with this incredible Minecraft portal build like you’ve never seen before! Watch as we create a mind-blowing nether portal build that will leave you speechless. This trending Minecraft gaming video showcases some… Read More

  • The Ultimate Showdown: Zeelophoney vs Nemesis in Minecraft Roleplay S5E7!

    The Ultimate Showdown: Zeelophoney vs Nemesis in Minecraft Roleplay S5E7!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Yugioh MY NEMESIS HAS GIFTS! Minecraft Roleplay S5E7’, was uploaded by Zeelophoney on 2024-04-16 17:00:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Yugioh MY NEMESIS HAS GIFTS! Minecraft Roleplay S5E7 w/ Xylophoney – Minecraft Roleplay! Help us get … Read More

  • Insane NEW ZONE in MINECRAFT! FREE boss battles🔥

    Insane NEW ZONE in MINECRAFT! FREE boss battles🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT na żywo🔴NOWA STREFA ! GIGA LIVE🔴Wolne? Wbijaj pograć szefie🔥’, was uploaded by neak on 2024-05-16 08:49:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Give me a sub ▻ My minecraft server! IP: version: 1.17.2-1.20.1 here I talk: … Read More


    ASIANJEFF PREPS FOR E DATE in FortnutBr!Video Information This video, titled ‘ASIANJEFF GETS READY FOR HIS E DATE… #fortnite #clixboxfights #twitch #clixfortnite #gaming’, was uploaded by FortNutBr on 2024-03-09 15:21:10. It has garnered 5100 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. 313,buckefps,clix,mongraal,motor,EU,NAE,NAW,Na central,central,Fn,Fortnite,Editing,Free Highlights Editor,Minecraft,Gaming,FUnny,Kids,Bugha,Dukezfn,SypherPk,Derekgraz,PilatFN,WebsterFN,Shorts,Tiktok,Tiktok CLips,Stream Clips,24Hr Stream Tags : fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity pc, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity settings, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity , fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity guide, fortnite controller sensitivity season 4, fortnite controller sensitivity x and y, fortnite controller sensitivity ps5, fortnite controller sensitivity bug, best ps5 controller sensitivity fortnite, fortnite ps5 controller building sensitivity,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Morning Madness! #gaming

    INSANE Minecraft Morning Madness! #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Some morning minecraft today #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by Basicallyzs on 2024-07-03 14:50:36. It has garnered 228 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:32:42 or 9162 seconds. Thanks for tuning into the stream check out my discord Donation Link :$Basicallyzs DONATORS NAMES GO ON MY MAP (larger donation = larger name) #gamingshorts #funnymoments #warthunderjets #warthundertanks #shooter #minecraftmemes #livestream #ww2 Read More

Nikos – Modded Minecraft With Viewers – Medieval Koscraft