Video Information

Boys and girls welcome everybody in to the stream today today is a very very big day a very big day step on it everybody step on in listen i know halo just came out and i understand we’re not playing halo right now i understand the irony i understand the

Irony but today i wanted to go back to the roots i wanted to go back to where no man has ever gone before custom zombies no one’s ever been there chad no one’s uh no one’s ever been there chad this is the first time we’re ever doing custom zombies tight pog

It’s been so long guys it’s been so so long wow absolutely just the longest time ever i’m sure ladies and gentlemen boys oh i gotta like slosh down a little bit so i fit oh welcome everybody to the stream today’s gonna be a good day today’s

Gonna be a good day we are playing a brand new it just released like a couple days ago i think copium um it’s a brand new minecraft custom zombies map apparently it’s insane it has like a crazy amounts of mods in it and people have been telling me to play

It left and right and we’re gonna be going ahead and doing that today’s stream is also sponsored by one of my proud sponsors jbl we’re talking about the jbl quantum cup fortnite open qualifiers which are now open for registration the registration closes on the 25th so if you haven’t signed up yet

You want to do that over a hundred thousand dollars is up for grab across three regional tournaments and they’re open qualifiers which means you can literally get in have a chance to compete and actually get in it’s first come first serve so go down to to uh for details and

To sign up it’s down below in the description if you guys are good at fortnite go freaking sign up clap some cheeks in the name of me and uh get some jbl goodness going on in your life and we’ll be talking about more later on but for right now ladies

And gentlemen here it is okay listen when i said it came out a few days ago i realized that maybe like 17 or 18 days ago it’s a minecraft halloween map but apparently it’s nuts so listen don’t use mule kick why not why would i not use mule kick it’s one

Of the best perks i’ve ever seen in my entire life anyway ladies and gentlemen let’s go ahead and get into it hope everybody’s having a great day man chat i gotta ask i gotta ask three brand new games just came out i know we’re doing a little bit

Of zombies today because i’ve been missing it i i i know that’s crazy to say but i literally have actually been missing zombies um it’s a glitch oh okay so don’t use don’t act like so like actually don’t use mule kick oh what the f um

What the f wait 700 people and only 100 likes yo what is up with that can i get at least four likes some targets you may wish to pursue oh there’s a little heart there shoot all 15 creepers to unlock perkaholic like that one in the jail there

Speak with herobrine and complete his quest to unlock the pack-a-puncher dog what what are we doing here free steve by purchasing the viable ending doc what are we actually doing here you can also play gun game make zombies run earlier by triggering portals and spawn

Star gun game no i think i think i think we’re going to play normally for the first time up chat chat listen listen i i know i know we do a lot of minecraft zombie stuff on this channel okay we have a part we have ammo

Um i know we do a lot of minecraft oh there we go we have to free steve he looks so sad um hold f to make zombies run we’re good fam we’re gonna chill um i know we do a lot of custom minecraft stuff but can i

Just ask you guys a question you guys promise not to laugh at me can can i can i ask a question you guys you have to promise that you’re not allowed to laugh at me okay is that cool with everyone everyone say i promise in the chat and

I’ll ask the question right now everyone say i promise oh shoot that’s like actually water all right cool uh so we have two creepers out of 15. you promise type in i promise okay you’re not laughing okay no jb late haha diamond glad to see you brother okay

Listen i was only like three minutes late this time thank you thank you robert you should know appreciate it um who the f and what the f is a harrow breathe can someone tell me that the tm pumpkin oh my gosh wait they have all cus custom guns also i just realized

This this cult like automatically shoots two bullets at a time bro like i’m stop laughing you minecraft kids i’m not kidding what does it mean is it minecraft lore okay there’s no shot i’m being made fun of for mine not knowing minecraft lore right now right it’s pronounced herobrine

Okay that’s is that what i said it’s a minecraft it’s steve but with the white eyes why does it exist herobrine used to be a secret boss but was removed dog minecraft is wild minecraft is truly unapologetically wild i need to buy the tea and pumpkin yo chat

Chat look i found some gold oh wait i actually need i actually needed that there we go all right so we got some gold we got some uh we got some uh we got some bronze there uh i i just i just like literally do everything i can to trigger every single

Person who likes minecraft watching this just call everything by the wrong name oh gosh i am actually like out of ammo yeah chat chat listen listen believe it or not that one was actually bait I don’t want to hear a singular word i don’t want to hear a singular word from any single one of you guys i am so serious i don’t want to hear a single word not one i understand oh there’s another door here for 750. oh i should go this way

Oh no there’s a no i want to get the tea and pumpkin i’m getting the tea and pumpkin no matter what you can’t stop me you can’t stop me karma plus ratio i hate you guys so much why do i even stream man look do you guys know how much i’ve been streaming

Okay okay okay actually though actually though do you guys like like like over the last few days i mean in october i barely streamed right i literally barely streamed in october we all know this right we all know this dude i have been popping off with streams this month

Agree or disagree god why does my face look so red in this it looks like i’m like literally just flushed hold on hold on hold on let me it’s got to be there’s got to be a happy medium no that’s too bright what if what if i’m like welcome to the

Stream first run and definitely haven’t died on round three before now it’s turning red again it’s this stupid light in the back i hate i hate lighting lighting is my least favorite thing audio i’m fine with you know lighting and camera i i hate it because the camera like my camera’s good quality

Like look you can literally see into my soul but dude like like i just i just can’t figure out lighting i’m so bad at it i’m so bad at it um oh double point let’s go yo uh first run definitely haven’t done around three before yo welcome to the

Stream dragon thank you this map looks cool i hope you are having a great day uh this map looks cool for minecraft map hopefully you’re having a great day can i get some freaking noah nukes in the chat real quick for my boy chad can you guys stop distracting me

Can you guys stop distracting me for like two like actually two seconds just please that’s all that i ask is literally two seconds of no distractions okay that’s all that i ask for can we can we please please just everybody calm the f down okay that’s all that i ask just two seconds

Jeez man sorry soul thank you so so much so so much for the 100 smackaroos right on my forehead you’re an absolute legend star of the soul i freaking love you bro thank you so much for the honda honda bomb can i get some noah nukes in the chat

No rage is about to come out listen listen listen um they weren’t even running yet well all right no one asked no one asked bro god of magic thank you for that donation as well all right cool okay okay let’s get back let’s get back to the you know

Let’s get back to the start of the show me you know are are you like you guys you know as a as a you know dying falling off streamer who’s ratioing myself like you gotta admit you gotta admit i’m i’ve actually been really really really really really

On my stream grind recently true or false true or false right true or false i i’ve actually i’ve actually been like live a lot this month right like i think yesterday was my first stream that i the first day that i didn’t stream in like a while

And i just played halo off stream for the entire time i’m not gonna lie i literally played halo off stream like all tomorrow and that was the first time donating to anyone hope you feel special much love thanks i do feel special feel very special thank

You um okay which way do we go um my diamonds oh what dude freaking jump scared me what is going on um wait is that obsidian uh there’s another door here uh we have a door to the outside world 1750 okay we can do that that’s not too man

We’ll also take that maximum ammunition right there i like this from us minecraft kids i need i need your knowledge i missed the days we see each other in h1 no escorto holy throwback bro does anyone here remember from the second channel h1z1 day streams holy crap what a throwback

As well man holy crap what’s up robert holy crap bro like wow that those are that that is a throwback and a half who remembers squirto in the chat bro if if you remember squirto in the chat you are a certified og i’m not kidding like squirt oh there’s another creeper

Um squirto in the chat is uh is iron wolf bro iron wolf as well oh another creeper got that one that is if round base is added do you think the core zombies in vanguard will be better oh yeah i think if they literally just ditch the

Mode that they have now like actually just ditch it and make round-based maps instead the game will be 100 times better like literally divert all resources i’m not talking about like some resources i’m talking about divert literally every single resource in the making round-based maps for vanguard

I literally have played it three times i i like i i am the biggest zombies youtuber like like like i’m not trying to flex or that’s not a weird flex or anything that is just like actually truthful i am the biggest zombies youtuber and i have played the

Game three times and i am so incredibly bored i had 10 times as much fun with multiplayer like bruh you know what i’m saying y’all get me chat like i i just can’t i’m guessing power’s in here by the way which is why i’m going in here okay apparently i don’t buy mule

Kick because it’s bugged or something there’s jug so that’s good how do i get up there higher um is there anything special about this stuff like bro there’s just like there’s there’s just there’s just nothing to do in it round based is just so much better

And the fact that it launched with like no easter like at least it would have been like okay if there was like an easter egg or something i honestly just hope they ditch it i’m not kidding oh there’s a sneaky little creeper there a part here

And that’s about it bro i can’t find power oh there’s a portal over there yeah i i just it’s it’s an l it’s straight up in l like i don’t know what else to say about it except that it’s just straight up in l grab all the spare chain aha power oh

And a pack of much part okay so we’ve collected three parts that you remember i’ll diana hill saying h1 was best br in its prime uh hey dude i actually agree i think i think for my actual like literal fun factor like how invested i

Was in the game like my fun factor of gaming h1z1 was the best battle royale i don’t think it was the best like technically i don’t think it was the best like design one by not by a long shot but it was the most fun i’ve ever had playing a br was h1z1

Maybe i’m wrong maybe i’m alone in this but i legitimately feel like h1z1 was the goat br and it’s prime a placeholder for an incredible map that was just going to take longer to make um well i mean that’s part of the problem right like you’re you’re a

Triple a company with a massive budget you literally make so much money a year why why are you releasing unfinished things you know what i mean like i understand games take a long time to make but it’s very clear treyarch was just like slapped with hey make a

Zombies mode in like 20 minutes and then they did the best they could i don’t i don’t blame treyarch at all like oh there’s another creeper out there i don’t blame treyarch like at all for how bad noah what is it lacks anything it lacks substance

You know what i mean oh there’s another one right there dang i’m like sniping these creepers right now um no what’s yellow wants to be in the chat is it a banana yeah it’s something banana man such a such a goofball banana man have we seen double tap yet in this map

By the way chat i don’t know if we’ve seen double tap yet um searching for more creepers it’s gotta be the worst zombies at launch just so boring yeah it’s not yeah it’s not it’s honestly like like i’ve said this before the gameplay and stuff isn’t bad like

The gameplay feels like a good zombies game like it’s in oh god i’m almost done like the gameplay and stuff isn’t bad i mean it plays well for like mechanics-wise but it’s just it’s boring there’s nothing to effing do you play it once and you played it then

You played everything you know what i mean but you know what isn’t boring chat you know what isn’t boring is the jbl quantum range which is the headset that i am wearing right now they’re super super comfy they’ve got absolute soundproof uh soundproofing uh systems and noise canceling active noise

Canceling that keeps me in the game when everything gets rowdy around me we’ve got a lightweight durable premium memory foam ear the most comfortable pair of headset i’ve ever worn and the sound clarity is absolutely fantastic for just absolutely hearing where everyone is when you when you guys think i’m

Cheating when i’m playing like you know war zone or apex or something and i turn around and i just go and i just one shot some guy who was behind me that i didn’t even see before it’s because i could hear him because of the jbl’s thank you so much for getting

Jbl for being proud to sponsor the stream and uh make sure you check it out in the description for more information how was that transition how was that transition boys can we get a fat like spike right now you know what we haven’t done a like spike in a while and i want

To get 100 more likes so that we can be uh at the at the top of our game here well i want a hundred more likes so that we can be at the top of our uh at the top of our game reach four digit like so

On the count of three i need everybody to just put a thumbs up emoji in the chat just put a thumbs up emoji in the chat and um or a pog you a thumbs up or a pog you and leave a like if you haven’t already alright ready one two

Three thumbs up the stream thumbs ups in the chat or pog you if you if you uh if you are an uh you know an emote user and uh let’s get it go i wanna see if we can reach oh let’s see if we can reach four digits we needed like a hundred

More so we’ll see how it goes this is my first death machine as well the pumpkin buster i love how much custom stuff they have in this it’s really nice like the the custom hit markers and the kill signs everything is like even the death machine is like pumpkin colored

Again i think it would have been made more sense if i played this before halloween but i appreciate it appreciate it guys i think we hit it did we hit it oh i should have brought the i should have bought the asmr you know i actually

Am going to buy the asmr i love this gun no an infinite ammo outside hey noah first time donating so thought it should go to you all so it’s my birthday tomorrow hpd hpd uh two two times xp per knife kill and shield repair per round oh that’s kind of good actually

Phd flopper would be nice what what perk are we buying next yo uh big happy birthday to you ben hbd’s for sure freaking squirto man porter with the chat throwback man yo the asmr yeah the asmr chat chat i feel bad i feel bad

I i i i have no like i haven’t uploaded a video in so long i’ve just been streaming i haven’t been giving bam any work at all guys what what do we make bam do well i i i have this editor here who’s really good at editing but i haven’t i

Have nothing for him to edit you know what i mean speed cola back in the cave ooh true oh i forgot about that that area i need to go back there what what do i what do i get this man to edit you know what i’m saying we need we

Need to we need to put him to work uh we’re not we’re not we’re not doing the uh make shorts dude those fifty i paid it under fifteen dollars watch the laundry oh yeah do you need i do need to do who need to do that best of sellout stream video

Bam thoughts best of sellout stream nah nah cause then people will ask for the sellout streams back again and i don’t want to do them oh oh hello trick or treat if you can get me some hot cookies i will give you a special treat that noise all right

So we need to find this is so this is herobrine herobrine how do you say it yo dark thank you for the nine months i appreciate you hashtag ad boys hashtag ad more custom zombies with the boys i actually am like for thanksgiving week i’m planning on doing a lot of custom

Zombie stuff this will probably be my only custom zombie stream for a minute or so but i do want to do i do want to do some more custom stuff um over like because i’m going to be uh with family for thanksgiving so i i do want to like re

Pre-record some videos and everything like that for thanksgiving hero is hero brian i feel like you guys are just trolling me at this time let’s go yeah more customs with the boys i’m gonna force them to come play with me dude that’s the thing the boys always

Have a good time with me when we play customs but i always always always have to convince them to do it always always always have to do it can you play minecraft bedrock edition bro i i’m not gonna lie i might be for youtuber i might be one of the most

Unknowledgeable people ever about minecraft like i actually don’t understand what it is like i played it like once i’ve watched some of the speedruns and it’s really interesting it’s i think it’s one of the low-key most complex games that exist you boys were killing it made me order

My xbox controller adapter so i can play on my comp oh that’s sick dude that’s so sick yeah dude it was so much fun i i i played it i played halo infinite off stream like all day yesterday i just played like uh when i had people to play

With i played the uh competitive playlist and uh or i played the uh like full competitive playlist and then when i didn’t have people to play with oh wait do i can i cook a cookie in here it’s a furnace i need i need to find the other cookies

Let me go try to look him i don’t realize i had banana colada all right where are the other where if i were cookies where would i be chat let’s see creep oh man cookies oh no cookies where are these things man are they all down low maybe hello cookies

Maybe i cook the cookies in here because because i picked up a cold cookie that’s what it said that’s power switch man maybe they’re all down down low see the base going hard right now i’d love to see another terrible e done at 3 a.m with the boys after some beverages

Hey you might be you might be on a little something something there i think that’d be that’d be a lot of fun that god that stream last time that we did that was wild hey ma you know what i oh i need to buy vultrate i forgot about voltron 3k i can

Afford that opium i’m not broke at all copium um man where are the cookies for real i found one here bruh this is a hard easter egg all right we need to open up another area yeah but it’s not working anymore yeah i know i’m missing a door in the cave still

Okay this guy the asmr actually sucks this thing is not very good jump through the wither painting did you just speak apothecan to me oh oh yo yo my name is noah jay i’m just here to say yeah what uh the what is what what what what what on

God’s green earth is a wither yeah i’m not kidding when i say i don’t know anything about minecraft i’m not just me oh oh also it’s asm1 not asmr smiley face okay i know that oh my god oh chill part okay that’s nice stamina up yes please

I just keep purchasing all these perks and i keep wondering where my points all go yes yes i know it’s the asmr i’ve always called it the asmr strawberry thanks for the tier 2 member appreciate that robber oh robber robert who’s who dude speaking of speaking of games who here

Has played sakiro man sakuro i i i i always forget the second round not secure dude sakuro is one of the greatest video game i can’t wait for elden ring i’m not gonna lie i don’t think any of you guys are gonna watch me play elden ring if i stream it

But i might just say f it and stream it anyway i kid you not elden ring is one of my most anticipated games okay i’m not gonna lie that was kind of a clutch i’m actually not gonna lie that was kind of a clutch right there holy crap okay i need better weapons

Wow that was the clutch dude you missed the creeper behind the red house um okay i’ll look behind here that was actually kind of a clutch right there i’m not gonna lie i never thought banana colada would actually save my life that hard but it really did oh you’re right thank you call

All right let me buy this hello oh yes this is like basically double tap right here why didn’t i not open this up earlier i built this nope oh monka we got a portal here boys oh press f trick or treat oh you kidding me

Are you kidding me dude go up to my go up the minecraft skeletons wait i can’t play this it’s copyrighted wait dude that’s copyrighted isn’t it wait wait that’s hilarious dude i can’t play it because it’s copyright but that is so funny dude can i get some

Monkey dmca on that yeah that is some big monk of dmca energy all right let me let me kill this zombie bro that is oh did it end all right nice bro that is pretty funny that is pretty good oh found a creeper head over that mountain creeper bro i’m sniping these boys

What’s up creepers you can’t hide oh god this is a fun point maybe i need to buy some mule kick no i need to buy vigorous first and then you need to buy mule kick so mule kick is confirmed not broken because you guys were telling me it

Glitches the game but apparently that was just a troll i guess good meme that was apparently just a good meme show chat on stream i i don’t have it set up for uh for this like the the layout that i have because i have like this thing for jbl and everything like

That i don’t i don’t have it set up right now i apologize i did not mean to make you sad monka dmca we need to find so what are we doing we need to find two more cookies we need to find more parts need a free steve all the above

All right let me let me get mule kick and a third gun before we go through the portal i’m now that i did this i’m scared it’s gonna be like uh i’m scared it’s gonna be like a scary area in there full ice blast double jumping followed by crouching crazy freezing iceland

That’s pretty good too that triple headshot sniper kill you got in the first game yesterday in halo was fire definitely clip worthy yeah i need to tweet out more dude i just feel like no one cares when i tweet out clips i loved i love tweeting out sick clips from games and stuff

Like i have so many like cool super smash bros clips and sometimes i’ll just say effort and post a bunch um but dude i i don’t know man should i should i do more clips on twitter where i just like post like a random compilation because right now i

Have like a bunch of cool battlefield clips i have like a bunch of cool um uh halo clips and then i have a bunch of cool super smash bros clips should i just make a little mini montage of everything and then just tweet it i feel like those kind of videos never do

Well but i i like don’t care i like want people to see them just on twitter or something post them on vine okay stop you’re taking me back way too way too way too early in my childhood right now well vine wasn’t really childhood all right um okay let’s go get so where

Was mule kick again wait banana colada i’m confused oh well youtube shorts yeah maybe maybe i will do maybe i will do some uh like make a short channel or something like that where i just post clips maybe i will do a shorts channel or something like that i feel like that

Would actually that would actually do pretty well would you guys would you guys subscribe to a noah j shorts channel i i feel like i feel like part of me really actually wants to do a short channel and i’m just like like too scared to do it

M16 that’s kind of duty i don’t want an m16 give me something good i know you got good stuff in there box the jaws how about this cool very very dope very very cool very dope very awesome very awesome all right let me go next round

I mean let me grind up the points i don’t want to go down into this area until i have everything set up um i’m scared i don’t want to die youtube trying to convert you to shorts well i like okay so so one thing as part

Of my you know trying not to fall off plus ratio myself on my channel one thing i want to do more of is i want to utilize like i want to utilize like tick tock and youtube and like uh maybe not maybe not as much but maybe like instagram reels

Like that i think that’s my next project now that i’m like uh you know kind of getting uh getting settled in here and stuff like that uh like i think that’s my next project to like kind of you know work on i guess so if i get in trouble literally just

Double double jump and crouch is the plan because i like i i want to make like you know i i i want to i like i have all this content like you know like i have all these clips and stuff like that like i speak for everyone when

I say we want to see a montage of you peeling bananas with the boys healing bananas with the boys you need help dude you actually need help oh gosh hold on guys i have to do something really gross my my allergies are kicking up and i need to blow my

Nose so i’m going to mute so you guys don’t have to hear this you’re welcome oh my god chat you ever you ever no that’s gross i’m not gonna talk about it i’m not gonna talk about it okay i’ll talk about it listen listen us allergy people gotta stay together bro

You ever blow your nose and you think it’s just gonna be like you know a normal little nose blow and it is like never mind never mind don’t worry about it don’t worry about it don’t worry about it oh i don’t have the the roni pepperoni chat calm yourself don’t have the roni

Nuki at nuclear nose is a good way to put it that’s wild chat that’s crazy all right so we need to get down to one zombie i don’t okay i need to wait for this nuke to go away it’s literally perfectly blocking i need to get good guns

And then we’re going to go into this portal oh gosh i forgot about that oh i’m trying to eat here what you eating what you eating all right here we go let’s go get a good gun the asmr was absolutely terrible i do actually like the uh

The phantom moss f1 so let me buy some ammo for this and we need to look for the box which is right here all right get rid of the jaws um the bootlegger’s pretty good i’m not gonna s is these okay lots of explosives here oh it’s all reagan oh the scary h

Okay let’s let’s stick with this i don’t want to spend all my money here we can’t spend it all in one place all right okay and here we go all right time to see the uh time to see the nether for the first time i’m kind of scared that it’s gonna

Be a boss fight or something oh oh okay that’s that hurts i definitely want that oh double tap let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go all right we are minecraft wow this is kind of sick actually i feel like i kind of need phd okay well there’s phd right there

Wait this is kind of sick okay so that still hurts you even when you are even when you have phd order a pizza dog i just ate what do you mean order a pizza so zombie cash okay i’m not gonna lie i think i would have died there

If i didn’t have who’s who i think it so i’m not going back into that room until i have who’s who again bro like so who’s who for those who it actually took me a while to learn this so it makes sense that a lot of you guys

Don’t know this so who’s who has a feature only in solo where if you have quick revive and who’s who if you just survive until you would have bled out you actually revived so you don’t actually have to revive yourself when you’re playing uh when you’re playing solo fun fact

So yeah in case in case you guys didn’t know that little that little tidbit of information so kind of hog and literally the only reason i’m alive also it didn’t spawn me back in that lava bro that was such so troll there was literally no way i could have

Lived i’m so happy i had who’s who okay which weapon are we switching out here this one for sure our r1 shadowhunter rp demon all right whatever we’ll we’ll stick with this for a second well this is actually pretty good this is actually pretty good you need

Quick revive oh shoot you’re so right thank you chad does it sound like the the the banana colada is saying something whenever i’m sliding thank you chad thank you for reminding me i need a quick revive geez louise okay click revive reload longer than the sun

I don’t even know what that means what can someone please explain me what reload longer than the sun means i don’t know the words that i say a lot of the time apparently reload longer than the sun what is wrong with me i love how this is an integrated game

And it’s just minecraft yeah what’s wrong with what’s wrong with minecraft see family friend for everyone smile also is this gun too loud for you guys or is that just me do i just have baby ears the sun is pretty long i guess papaya all right all right bam all right ma’am

Bam when when do you sleep chad i i i i’ve been working with bam for like a couple of months now and i don’t know when he sleeps like when when are your usual sleeping hours bam i’m kind of i’m kind of concerned a little bit

Like like is it like you know oh my god i hate the lava so much bam doesn’t require sleep yeah i guess not 20 uh speak for everyone we’ve seen a montage of up no i read that already wait what was 20 bomb was always using

The super chats you got to use the link in the description i have no consistent sleep schedule that’s very editor of you you know that bam that’s very editor of you switch to the famas for these jumps oh god this is hard okay well at least

The zombies don’t seem to spawn in here which is nice have you played the outbreak survival mode if so what are your thoughts dog what I’m not gonna lie besides forsaken i could not tell you like three things that happened in cold war like recently i do think the game began the game became a pretty good game i like like overall black ops cold war was not that bad at all

Like i know people roasted and stuff for certain things oh god i hate the lava like i honestly think black ops cold war came pretty uh became pretty good thoughts am i am i out of pocket for saying that maybe maybe it’s it’s just like because we

Have a vanguard to compare it to but like man this is how they get us man black ops 4 we had how many maps on launch we had how many maps on launch and but this dude why couldn’t we just have the bo4’s like map content slate with with

Like a different system other than bo4’s like zombie system you know what i mean reagan mark two for six um um yeah take that was that what i did i jump all the way over here just for this where are the cookies at bro i can’t find any of the cookies

Herobrine what needs cookies okay well now i’m confused because i i for sure thought that this was like where i was gonna find the cookies and stuff and i’ve only found one of them there’s another there’s another part over here i see it right here okay but that doesn’t answer the

Question where the cookies are deviation games will save us yo i’m offended db8 the the four maps were fire af though yeah the only problem with b04 was not the like content like the content was pretty fire for bo4 not gonna lie like it was really good it was more so like

Systems like it wasn’t a very good system it was not a very good system at all like the the bo the bo4’s like mechanics and like gun play and everything like that was just not it and and i honestly like bo3’s like damage is like is so good like with the

Alternate ammo types just being able to kill zombies and not firing for 30 minutes or always worrying about ammo is so much more enjoyable in my opinion okay i am completely lost on where to find these cookies guys maybe i need oh wait spectral shield maybe we have to look through this this

The spectral shield in order to see stuff we have the ray gun now as well maybe this is actually a pretty in-depth easter egg where out of cookies reagan is in mule kick slot that is very unfortunate luckily we can go back and buy another one if we need to

Dude why i i’m actually tilting where where where are the cookies at um bruh i’m actually tilting check the houses for the cookies i’ve been checking the house it’s not 3d it’s 2d i thought it was gonna be 3d okay we need one more we need one more one more cold cookie

That’s so tilting why is it 2d that’s so that is actually that is actually so tilting what i’m sitting here looking for like an actual cookie and it’s like a minecraft style like flat as can be cookie um all right let’s look well this well now now i know this thing can be

Literally anywhere this thing can be literally anywhere let me let me check this over here sub to know hey sub to no oh there it is all right three out of three cookies okay now i wonder if we need something to heat them up with haha luckily lucky for you i’m a minecraft

Legend and i know exactly where to go for this uh huh nope that’s not it my dad went to the store to get cookies and never came back all right oh i’m sorry i’m sorry you need coal now dog are you all speaking english watch this first box hit incredible ready nothing nothing

Um need coal is that coal no that’s his hand it’s a zombie foot isn’t this coal wait that actually worked what wait can i actually mine wait that actually worked what i’m so confused okay um hello i need warm cookies why is this dude need warm cookies what a weirdo um hmm

Wait i can’t believe i actually mind that stuff have i been playing this map all wrong this entire time oh i got it now to get cooking wait that actually was it what it’s incredible that’s actually incredible all right now let’s try the furnace warm them up in the nether yeah that

Would also make sense let’s see hope herobrine likes these hero brain breaking bad reference jesse we gotta cook jesse we gotta cook where’s this dude where’s this dude at where’s this dude hiding come on hero whatever the heck your name is everyone keeps roasting me for how i say it

Herobrine you know you noobie okay listen no one cares no one asks dude yes very good okay this is creepy this is creepy here as promised oh now what can three diamonds be used for mine diamonds Oh my now i need some points wait i just realized where the f is pack a punch can hear the skeleton make the zombies run we still don’t want to do that mine diamonds no it’s a crafting table look for the crafting table noah sorry toxic toxic

Listen listen you guys are just making fun of me so much i i had to i had to clap back a little bit with some maybe i can nope is that You have to craft the diamonds uh let’s see but don’t don’t okay listen listen now i’m gonna show you guys up with some minecraft knowledge can you use them to buy a hairline i hate you so much i stop okay don’t don’t okay there’s the crafting table

Don’t i have to get some sticks though i know these things chat don’t i have to get some sticks first let’s see i was right wait that’s actually sick that’s actually sick oh god all right let’s see i have to stick place diamonds okay diamond pickaxe do we go to the nether

Now let’s see you just needed one would block you greedy listen listen what do we what can you do with the diamond pickaxe you can mine things spooky scary skeletons all right let’s see here um there’s got to be something that we can do got to be something that we can mine here

Oh my name i could mine the portal ooh okay let me let me just finish finessing this jump maze real quick kind of goaty chat not gonna lie parkour master 456 reporting for duty or you could use the pickaxe to go mining for one use the pickaxe to go mining for one one

What one person who asked oh you got me see i see i need to stop hitting you guys with uh with the the who ass jokes because you guys you guys are gonna start hitting me back with them lone wolf thanks so much for the tier

Three simp can’t i mine this shouldn’t i be able to mine this now did it replace your melee no it didn’t quartz what is quartz is that chords i’m gonna try to mine that play split gate dude i can’t believe halo just literally copied that like

That new game split gate bro like halo literally just removed the portals from split gate and called it their own game it’s honestly kind of disgusting that a triple a publisher would do something like that blows my mind honestly maybe we jump back in the skeleton room

Oh god not again i didn’t think he was going to play the music again i didn’t think i was going to play the music again [Laughter] mind the gold next to widow’s wine wait there’s was there gold next to what is mine stop playing the copyrighted music why it was such a perfect youtube map until that is that the gold stop playing it okay i’m gonna wait till this music goes away that wait is this gold

Oh no it no wait i actually knew this it’s like golden nuggets in the nether right all right here we go let’s turn off thank you all right we can’t mind that that’s not it all right let’s go check everywhere else we still have dude it is round 20 we

Still have not found pack a punch this map is very very modded all right we can’t mind that all right let’s go check all the houses then we’ll go back down to the mines enchanted oh there isn’t a chanting table i know that is it no it’s not in here

But let me just check this real quick wait a minute nope i just i feel like i have to hit everything once just to see okay good i have to hit everything at least once enchant me daddy i mean oh shoot we got zombies on the way

All right i don’t think it’s anything in this house hmm i’m gonna go check these two houses and then we’re probably just gonna have to survive for a minute nothing there the music is so calming dude minecraft music do kind of do kind of pop off though We’re gonna have to sit here for a second i don’t think i don’t think we’re gonna be able to fight our way back we don’t have pack a bunch of guns since round 21 and ah okay this is this is not not the ideal spot i’m realizing this is the ideal spot

How many zombies we had 11 zombies left what about using a diamond pickaxe to mine those diamond blocks in the mines all right what about using your diamond pickups to bind those diamond blocks in the mine oh good good call good call um that’s this way

Because you do you need you need like iron to mine diamonds is that right is this the way it is nope not there um redstone maybe no pumpkin no yeah here are the diamonds no dang it man there’s like no indication at all what’s mine able and what isn’t

Someone said jump into a painting earlier is that still a thing that’s still a thing or an uh orna maybe we mine herobrine now i’m just saying it like this to me now i actually know what it’s called but i i’m just saying it to piss you guys off what is this no

Um check which other way do i need to go i need to go right here and check over here check that uh not there we need to check the uh stampin up room right if it’s not in the stamina broom i don’t know where to go no this reagan isn’t actually that great

And this is it oh oh chad okay there we go all right let’s uh let’s pack a punch up borders mark to reagan let’s do the um pumpkin first let’s do the fanto let’s go try breaking steve out i think that’s the next thing on our list

Turned let’s go great one to get all right we need 800 more points to get a double pap on this oh this is a pretty good hold that spot too they all spawn down the hall like that not gonna lie chat kind of fuego kind of flames

All right so we need next we need to just release steve that’s the next thing we need to do nice dead wire huge dead wire the goat man i freaking love dead wire it’s so much fun it’s really hard to walk forward wait can i can i do this ready hold on wait

Wait i’m gonna get i’m gonna get a little moved up here we go ready it kind of worked hold on i tried it again ready it’s like the or the origins the origin strat to just fire your uh what’s it called mouser or mower what is it called superfast

All right so what do we need to do to get steve out now what’s the last thing we need to do in famous f-1000 the the trumpet 90. how do i get trumpet from ump it’s a little confusing play super mario uh party super st play mario party superstars with the boys so

What what actually is mario party all star or superstars cause oh my god i did not mean to jump down in here again boom hilda that’s what i was trying to say oh my god no okay so what actually is so mario party eight can we all agree mario

Party eight is literally the worst mario party to ever be created ever like we can all agree on that right like like like it is by far the worst dude it is the worst bro i like we can all agree on that right mario mario party 8 literally is the

Most rng fest of all time like i understand mario party is like a party game and it’s supposed to be like rng at to extent but bro that game is literally you land on a buddy space and you literally win the entire game you you literally land on a buddy space

And you get an advantage in every single mini game for the rest of the run like that’s ridiculous that’s ridiculous no you guys are that is a huge huge l you you guys have only played one mario party if you think mario party 8’s a good mario party mario party eight is a

Huge massive l that’s a different mario party wait which one which ones which which one’s the ones where you can get buddies like you get like buddies that also hit dice blocks as well and it has the different dice blocks is that that’s mario party 8 right right

Which one am i thinking of i’m talking about the one where each character has like their own specific dice block and then you can get buddies and they have their dice blocks and stuff which one am i thinking of y’all know the one i’m talking about right is that 10

I i’m almost certain it wasn’t was it ten oh i’m thinking yeah i think you’re right actually okay oh no no like like i’m actually gonna get mad about this if it like like this is something that means a lot to me that everybody knows how bad this mario

Party is if all stars is more like the classic mario parties then i’m i’m super in okay no i like i actually i actually need you guys to like agree with me on this i actually need you guys to agree with me on this all right hold on one zombie left all

Right all right wait wait wait like like i am literally i am literally going to throw my game for this um okay i’ve been playing some tetris 99 as well um what place oh i got that was an embarrassing place to get um this one chat this one right here

What okay super mario party sorry i thought it was eight but i think i was thinking of mario kart yeah i was thinking of mario kart 8. this one right here this one right here is trash like i kid you not beyond unbelievably horrible trash it is

Spam who asked old katana i’m gonna ban you dude this one is absolute garbage absolute garbage beyond unbelievable trash and you and it requires like a billion joy-cons to play no this one is the worst mario party to ever be created i don’t remember asking can we ban an alien please okay

Literally such an l that this game right here is an l actually an l sorry i just had to make sure everybody knew that i just had to make sure everybody knew that cuphead cuphead’s fire still haven’t beat it fire though sounds like you aren’t any good at it

Bro there’s nothing to do with being good at like you literally it’s you literally land on a buddy space and you get extra players and extra lives in minigames like like mini games are the one thing that is not random well there are even them are a little

Bit random but mini games are the one thing that is like just skill based and not completely random and they ruined many games cuphead is the hardest game the cockpit’s pretty hard yeah i’m trying to think of that what what the hardest game i ever played was

It’s weird like the what chat what is the most difficult video game you’ve ever played i mean it’s going to be a lot of the same ones i i get that but i’m trying to think of what the hardest game was i i want to say i want

To say demon souls i got stuck on the most bosses but then i started making a magic build and it was so easy magic is in demon souls which is like the og one of the og dark souls games like magic was so op that once i started building that

Everything was really easy and then um what’s it called dark souls 3 i i used that op like dual wield sword that would just stun enemies so technical i would have to say sakura is probably the hardest one i’ve played like i got stuck on the most bosses in sakura

And sakura makes me mad because i know i can still be better i think sakura is one of my favorite games of all time because like you can literally just be so good at the game like you can beat it but still be trash at like parrying and

You know dodging and doing the the posture bar and stuff like that we talked a lot about sakura i mean you can tell i’m excited for uh eldon ring huh easiest souls game i played demon souls dark souls 3 and elder or not elder ring um the other one so

I’ve not played all of them did you buy ld rings premier premium collectors edition i haven’t yet but i’m going to are they landing on top i just realized are they landing on top of this flower is that what they’re doing here demon souls is the hardest by far

See i thought that too until i started doing magic and then it got so much easier demon souls is brutal though man you die you have to wear a ring to even get like three-fourths of your health bar back it’s rough dying light two is next month no didn’t

Dying let two get delayed till next year revive steve he has a reagan i’m trying dude building up the old points building up yield points but you know what else i’m building up awareness for the brand new jbl quantum cup fortnite open qualifiers which are now open for registration using the link

In the description down below you can check out the uh you can check out the link in the description over a hundred thousand dollars up for grabs against three across three regional tournaments so you can earn some mad cash by competing in the quantum cup open qualifiers mean that you have the

Chance to compete everybody and we’ll listen to this right now if you if you earn your spot you can literally compete for a hundred thousand dollars registration closes on 11 25 so in like eight days so you have eight days to sign up and go to to

Uh have more details for cyto pog transitions chat that’s what we’re all about here that’s what we’re all about here i know it should make a minecraft world dog i literally couldn’t make like a one by one house in minecraft you you don’t want me to make a minecraft world i’m serious

Light 2 is coming up next next month wait i i really thought dying light 2 was coming out in like february or something seamless monster transition as always hey i did i did make a new emote for when i do ad reads you guys can do hashtag ads in the chat

Well my channel members have it and then i think it’s just uh all lowercase noah capital a d for uh bt tv users one by one house isn’t a thing well there you go now you know how bad i am in minecraft yeah february 4th yeah i’m i’m pretty sure it’s february

I am very excited for that hopefully jc can do a playthrough with me because i do want to do a another co-op playthrough yeah there it is the no ad spooky scary skeletons hey this gun is getting kind of weak i’m not gonna lie and it’s getting kind of weak

I need that fire sale even though i have all the weapons i could ever want Yeah isn’t there a big new minecraft update coming out now as well oh there’s a box here [Applause] huh guys it’s the gun from squid game i can’t believe they they put in the gun from squid game dude i have caves and cliffs is it out yet or is it coming out

Bro i can’t believe this guy i like never see the mars dog white in any custom maps ever i’m like really impressed that they managed to put this in here i’m like really really really impressed that they managed to put this in here i think you watched the wrong squid game oh monka

Monka part one is out i see oh let me let me use up these shots before i pack punch it free max ammo better better used up laddies We oh my god i got stuck all right November 30th oh my god the blue marastago looks so good all right well i literally have three wonder weapons the ump pack punch the porter mark ii reagan pack punched in the lures that is azor ah wealth all pack punched gobblegums and vanguard i actually think vanguard would be more interesting with gobblegums

I act i was a huge fan of the gobblegum system chat i’m not gonna lie i think they were too expensive i think there needed to be uh a price decrease on them allowing people to get them like much cheaper or like just like make them permanent after games and stuff

Like i actually i actually loved and i mean loved the gobblegum system in bo3 i forgot how op this gun is dude it’s so good like i i actually loved it love love love love love it was a huge fan of having a thousand holics i’m a huge proponent of it man

I’m a huge fan of all the perks i like i i think that it made the game like way more fun and it made it easier and it made it more accessible to players man you know what’s wrong with that so i’d rather see the fate and fortunate

System nah fate unfortunate cars were boring for me for me personally fate and fortune cards were were mad mad boring i think maybe i’m the crazy one but you know um i think it’s actually faster spawns i don’t know actually what would it take for you to play

Vanguard uh good content in the game oh no no no no no chat Oh gosh i know that’s crazy but i don’t remember asking uh you came to my stream you shut up you asked you asked by being here just by existing you asked plus l plus ratio plus you fell off let’s make better content chat you know what you know what the

Most wild part about all this is is that it is the day like what like we’re playing custom zombies right now right like i like playing custom zombies and i lie i i honestly i’m a fan of kind of the variety stuff we’ve been doing we did a lot of

Vanguard multiplayer we did some battlefield multiplayer we played some effing halo multiplayer are you kidding me brother like we’ve been we’ve been kind of popping off with the uh we’ve been kind of like loki kind of popping off with variety like like you know what i mean like

We’ve we’ve been we’ve been variety gaming but vanguard zombies is just not in that which is actually kind of a blessing a little bit because it means i can do more stuff you know what i mean did you get the v2 or did you quit uh i dropped

One on a normal map and then i dropped seven v2 rockets in one day i dropped seven v2 rockets in one day it’s the stream where i use the max out shotgun you should go look at it it’s it’s incredible Harley quinn thanks for the tier 1 member appreciate you jeremy dahl thanks for upgrading to a tier 2 membership you absolute beast freaking love you how do you feel about the five nights at freddy’s security bridge coming out next month the the who all right let’s see if we can crash our

Game chat i think we’re getting close well that was fun well that was fun I’m bored i think it’s time for a don no war uh no shadow i don’t think so i disagree sir i don’t think it is time for that no no no no no no go crazy ah go stupid ah man this dragon really pushes you back i’m out of ammo pause

We’re actually gonna die it’s over for us call it in [Applause] double points take this there we go hashtag free steve we will free steve don’t worry i gotta i gotta complete this first i gotta complete my journey there we go that’s the max ammo i’ve been waiting for right there

Yo who is it stop no did someone say donald you freaking awakened kieran patel you’ve awakened him out of the shadows after out of the actual shadow realm you have awakened kieran patel stop stop he literally just he literally just yes i demanded war and i will get it no stop

You have awakened to kieran patel awakening kieran is the literal worst thing ever because this man will just spend ungodly amounts of money for no reason and it pisses me off dude it actually pisses me off stop we’re not doing this we’re not doing this

We are not we are not we are not we are not i hate y’all so much speed boost pop out of any con don’t be bringing my name freaking kieran man welcome good to see you again bro i feel like it’s been a minute since i’ve seen you in the streams

Good to see you again also go away well don’t go away just go away with your donations for no reason that would that that part would be appreciated bro honestly moving fast in zombies is kind of underrated like just being fast is kind of it’s kind of like people don’t talk about it

As being like you know part of being op but being able to move quickly helps helps a lot of things oh my god stop i’m hearing again is yes remember chat we are not doing this No god no god please no no no no karen it’s not a donor war if you’re just warring with yourself exactly etulia exactly it’s not a donor war if you’re literally the only one donating that’s not how a war works except for the battlefield i guess

Auction that’s a lot of money for you two million dollars bruh it’s like the batman club bruce wayne is at the auction that’s a lot of money for you two million dollars wait what oh my god dude if this is kieran patel i’m actually banning him because he’s deranged he’s a deranged lunatic

Did someone say don’t walk what happens to your old studio oh my god dennis freaking dennis now we got now we’ve got literally dennis hopping in for again quite literally no reason no one asked dennis no one asked for this dennis erin is harmless in odono and i think everyone

Is scared to challenge i think everyone is scared to challenge that that much you should be scared of kira patel you actually should the man the man is deranged all right let’s try to break my computer so we can end the stream dennis thank you so much for the hunter bomb please

No more thank you thank you thank you i don’t deserve any of this like at all for real like on the real like so sincerely i don’t deserve any of this and shadow you started all this i still blame you i hate you and mike chef i don’t understand the reference at all Oh my god You know i’m a modern well so comfortable you know i’m a mod as well so come at me chat here it says i’ll win this donut war by any means necessary i will win this donut war by any means necessary damn my shield my shield that dude the rich kids the

Rich kids coming out of force today man dude i you know what i literally just realized oh i i realized i didn’t answer your question but this also answers the question dennis i’m working on a project out here in l.a so i’m living in la for a little bit um bruh um so

Yeah i just realized we can do more streams with jc the donations ruin the zombie game streams i just realized we can do more of those with jc the real one winning the donut wars noah let’s be honest i know and i’m still telling people to like cut it out

This is too much man we should have like a like uh don’t know where today we’re you’re only allowed to donate like a dollar i missed it are we supposed to be nuking no jagged we’re not jacket i literally saw you you were like the first one to type

In the stream today you were like actually the first one that as soon as i announced the stream you like typed in it you’ve done enough you’ve done enough oh them headshots though are crispy beautiful what’s the project can’t talk about it favorite type of cheese gouda the good kind the gouda kind

That was that was a that was a bad joke that was i i i’d like to formally apologize to quite literally everybody who had to listen to that i i’m i i’d like to sincerely apologize for quite literally every single human being who just had to hear those words

Come out of my house my mouth free steve we will we will we will leave it leave it leave it come on you know what i won’t leave is talking about how the jbl quantum headset that i’m currently wearing has the sta sound clarity which is crucial in competition allows me to

Always hear where the zombies are around me and let alone uh you know and battle royales and stuff like that as well also extremely extremely useful it has a lightweight durably designed premium memory foam ear cushions which is a lot of fancy words for saying my ears are

Cushy and they feel good and they feel great and they are noise cancelling as well as the active noise canceling makes it so i don’t have to worry about people uh interpreting my gaming sessions so absolutely fire headphones and uh thank you again to jbl for uh

For uh being a proud sponsor of the stream i love them i love them transition was mid all right listen you guys listen say what you will my transitions are fire you you shadow you can’t just egg on all the rich kids you know it doesn’t work like that actually it

Definitely works like that oh my god it literally definitely works like that shadow you’re making kieran go broke dude you are actually making kieran go broke bro noah can you please freeze steve thank you i will free steve in exactly five minutes from now five minutes and i will free steve

Five minutes from now i will first finish the stream donald’s ruin my game with them it’s around 40. when is the street as soon as joining my games with the boys uh well we’ll figure that out i don’t know man i don’t know man lots of stuff going on behind the scenes

Right now so i will i will keep y’all i will keep you all updated bro one thing i feel like the zombies in this game had bigger hitboxes as well I didn’t understand what you said it sounded like send a new Chad can i just get some booze in the chat just some boo can can i can we just boo these people dropping hundo bombs repeatedly to get battlefield or cld what do you think is best or even ryder’s republic uh i don’t know what to get battlefield or

Cod vanguard if you like more arena style multiplayer with like you know like you know like if you like the cod style gameplay i think you’ll be happy with this year’s cod if you like the battlefield style gameplay you’ll be happy with this year’s battlefield it’s just your preference

Say hi to my son his name is tommy j yo tommy j great great last initial there i i approve i approve of the last initial it’s great small donation would be funny to see you and the boys do a run or minecraft or you attempt binding advisor stop yaying them

Run a minecraft or attempt a binding of isaac dude what is binding of isaac i’ve seen so many people talk about it but i’ve never i have no idea what it is i quite literally have no clue Dog this guy i can’t i can’t deal with this guy i actually can’t deal with this guy virtual nonsense thanks for the cheer one member stop yaying for the nukes oh they’re so annoying hey noah has martina come to la with you or is she in texas still being subbed

Since the apothecan servant upgrade still is still hanging in texas right now but uh it’s uh upgraded bro it’s actually ironic that it’s been the apothecan servant upgrade hunt um because uh i literally was just thinking about dude do y’all remember day one shadows of evil how easy it was to get

Around 100 with this gun upgraded y’all do y’all realize how easy it actually was like actually how incredibly incredibly easy it was to get around 100 you literally just like switched weapons and put the mars dog went into the pack much machine and it was it was actually a free round

100 it was so easy without chemical oh dude literally like gg the pack of punch glitch was so so much fun so much fun dude oh oh pause bro you realize you’re a carved pumpkin right now i i’m being carved into a pumpkin by some of these some of these donators i’m

Not gonna lie they’re they’re carving out my soul chat okay chad anyone here okay i just need i need to take a quick pull the chat how old is everyone how old is everyone because i have a problem i have a real problem olivia skodo appreciate the tier 1 member

Appreciate the tier 1 member thank you thank you thank you i have a real problem and i need to know how old everyone hey chat i forgot what the nuke animation was can anyone look like a lot of 18 to 24 25s and then and then obviously some some

Younger and then some older damn turn 22 months no bim no don’t be sad yeah like pretty much it looks like 16 to 25 is the majority of people so so okay okay where are my okay so does anyone here have knee problems okay listen before i

Go any farther my my mom has like really really bad knee problems like she’s actually getting like a knee like surgery a second one soon like it’s i have genetic knee problems and i’ve never really noticed them and like i’ve always thought like oh whenever my knees

Hurt that’s just because i’m tall and i was like growing and i didn’t really have knee problems for a while but now that i’m 27 dude and i also i started so i started working out i went to which i haven’t done since like college i did legs yesterday

And just doing like squats and doing like uh uh well just like different different types of like stuff with my knees bro my knees are killing me today it does and i i’ve done stuff like that before with absolutely no problem my knees like it’s like it’s not like my

Knees but it’s like my kneecaps are like in in so much pain am i am i screwed in life like am i actually screwed in life that’s from sitting every day is that but it like if it was from sitting every day my knees wouldn’t hurt my knees wouldn’t hurt after working out

They hurt after sitting all day you have to cut them off okay i remember now thanks dennis okay i remember now thanks dennis orders wait i i just realized that there was a new going off during that dennis stop order 66 hey chad i forgot what the nuke

Animation was can anyone help me dude i just i i didn’t even like literally i just i don’t even i’m not even paying attention bro i’m shattered looks like i beat aaron and dennis yeah hashtag so annoying you started all the shadow and now you’re just tempting them again

105 no no they’ve donated more overall you just have the highest singular yeah stop recognizing what if i donated one thousand dollars guess i would win no you would lose because you would be minus a thousand dollars to a rich streamer dude literally don’t donate a thousand dollars to a rich streamer

Remember when someone said that one pretty good way to win uh oh yeah i dude i was so mad i hate movie spoilers i literally i literally don’t watch trailers for movies so that now i’m tweeting better i sit all day but work out five times a week as well

Dude karen are we gonna die we might we might die we might actually die if it’s arthritis it’s not hereditary just go to neurologists you need to look up stretches to do so you are rich bro all streamers are a thousand dollars donate 100 10 times no

No no no that is not better how about your arms are they heavy i mean they’re looking a little a little swollen hours i i i like games like that they’re fun they’re fun all right let’s hit the box while all these are exploding toxic cupcake thanks so much for the

Tier one member look at that someone you know gets it gets a channel membership gets a chat emote badge uh you know look at that look look how great that is look how great that is are your palm sweaty knees weak arms are heavy you watching the new spider-man of

Course i i watched the first trailer because i couldn’t avoid it but i am not watching the second trailer because i don’t i don’t i just want to go in completely fresh i i genuinely recommend people who like movies and stuff i genuinely genuinely recommend that you

Guys uh try to watch movies without watching like if you know you’re going to see the movie anyway just don’t watch the trailer it enhances your experience tenfold i’m not kidding it actually enhances your experience so much i i can’t recommend it enough dude for real it’s incredible That’s the best thing i ever started doing free steve oh yeah i need i do need a free steam all right end of this round we’ll free steve [Applause] i feel like i feel like 43 is a good one warm-up knees increase leg mobility like your butt don’t uh squat the knees too

Far over feet rest up with some ice yeah i think i need bro i it just like discouraged me like i like just don’t want to do leg day anymore because my knees just hurt so bad today sucks try calisthenics for your legs weights could have permanent damage like you’re

Saying if i do weights with and my knees are hurting i could have caused myself permanent damage that could possibly possibly happen tendonitis from it sitting too much maybe i just it sounds like i need to go to a doctor because oh there’s a lot of medical

Things going on in chat right now that are that range from oh you know you just need to warm up your knees too you’re gonna literally have to have your legs chopped up if you don’t if you don’t fix your knees so there’s there’s there’s a lot of things happening here

He’s like it’s been 84 yeah steve’s just sitting in his cage like uh hello can i get a can i get a release here it’s just like uh all right end oh round let’s get it just do more walks and runs before we actually work out i do uh but when i

Start every workout i do like three minutes of like as fast as i can um what’s it called elliptical just to like get my heart rate up a little bit get my legs moving get my arms moving just get some blood flowing but i also am just like not a very good not

Very experienced with working out and stuff so i i probably should hire someone to like just you know give me some tips and tricks all right where is steve is he in here um where is it press and hold f to free steve in game 20 wait i could have done this

Like 30 minutes ago thanks for playing happy halloween everyone guys happy halloween in the chat That’s not good strange your legs if you go full on start slowly well okay i don’t do as fast as i can i just do like a good pace oh gosh um it’s your hips glutes are tight it affects a lot of computer people okay computer career people okay basically it

Sounds like i’m gonna die chat is everybody is everybody uh is everybody cool with me dying because i feel like dying i think that’s just that’s just it uh hire trainer chad is terrible for advice dude the button like the human body is so weird because so many people

Have so many different ideas about it you know what i mean like so many different things like you’re like people people will be telling you yeah you know you’re crazy uh chat have i i played the retro arcade challenge right cooperative puzzle forbidden ground i have i i have some

We have some maps in the works here it’s been a while since i played custom zombie are y’all down for like thanksgiving week we just do a lot of custom zombie stuff like i i think i think what i want to do until i leave for thanksgiving

I think tomorrow i want to stream like halo what okay okay let me make a pool and chat let me make a poll in chat i want to know what you guys are wanting to watch right now okay uh stream what game okay i’m gonna make a

Poll in chat right now i need y’all to answer this uh battlefield halo cod vanguard multiplayer okay can you guys vote in this poll real quick an unbalanced hairline puts a strain on your legs i hate you guys chat so much can you guys please vote in this

Poll real quick on what you guys want to see the most because i i don’t know i don’t know what to do here there’s no option for bo3 yeah there’s not for a reason because i feel dude i feel i feel really torn on what to do and

Good a great chat finally capture zombies custom live stream knees stay away from mom’s spaghetti and your knees will be okay thank you daniel thank you vanguard just added shipment oh vanguard did just add shipment but halo is actually winning bro that’s so it’s so close but halo is

Actually i love that halo is winning because honestly halo is the one that i want to play the most personally i voted halo since i know you’d have more fun with it probably but shipment is out on vanguard and it’s true that is true that is true

Keep voting keep voting man okay so 31 so battlefield is probably the one i want to play the least to so battlefield we’re not going to stream battlefield v halo with 37 uh halo is a sweat fest bro i think if i okay so here’s what i’m feeling here’s

What i’m feeling if i can get a squad for halo like doctor disrespect courage and uh i don’t know someone else or or i just get if i can just get a sweaty squat on to play halo ranked i honestly feel like halo would be the most fun and the most engaging because

If you guys liked the first halo stream we literally just popped off and went hard in the paint on uh competitive if i can’t get a squad i don’t want a solo queue halo on stream anyway cause i’ll just rage at my teammates um or i’ll just be mad at myself for for

Effing stuff up um so if i don’t get a if i don’t get a squad maybe we play vanguard multiplayer vanguard zombies we like to see you suffer bro i have no interest in playing vanguard zombies right now i do eventually want to do a round 100 vanguard zombie stream that is

True that it that is uh that is that is what we want to do so i think that’s i think that’s what we want to do i think that’s what i think that’s that’s that’s my ideal of what i want to do that sound good does that sound good

And then and then we you know we we play and then on friday i have a forza stream i have a forza horizon street dude people are telling me this game is incredible so friday we have a forza stream and then saturday we’re gonna be doing an early stream of something probably

I’m not sure what i’m not sure what but bro four’s a stream on friday i’m really really excited um because i i know a lot of people have been telling me to play forza it’s a w and the graphics are incredible and everything like that so i’m very very

Very very excited to play forza like everybody has been telling me it’s good you should try for more yeah we’ll see we’ll see variety stream win well i mean all this stuff is kind of variety but it’s also kind of mainstream stuff so it’s nice because

True variety streams are when i say i don’t care about the viewer account i’m going to play what i want to play and that’s when we start playing like tetris 99 or super smash bros or like stuff like that so you know is vanguard campaign off the table oh i

Do need to do vanguard campaign too f maybe we’ll do vanguard campaign on sunday that would be good that would be good so maybe tomorrow tomorrow we either play call of duty multiplayer or halo multiplayer depending on if i get a squad or not saturday we play call of

Duty multiplayer or halo multiplayer depending on if i get a squad or not friday we have the forza stream sunday we do uh we do the call of duty vanguard uh campaign and then uh thanksgiving week we’ll kind of do just do some custom zombie videos thoughts chat i feel like that’s a

Pretty good lineup i feel like that’s a really really good lineup of uh content and stuff like that oh god someone just joined my game i’m too scared to look i’m actually too scared to look i’m not gonna look i’m too scared i’m too scared it’s gonna be

It’s gonna be bad if i look that is that is that a good lineup i feel like that’s a pretty variety induced lineup that it itches what everyone wants to see battlefield multiplayer yeah i just dude battlefield maybe if i get a squad i i will probably

Only play battlefield if i get a squad because it’s just it’s a really fun game but it’s more of a chill game for me like i i don’t want to stream it i just want to like chill and stuff like that and also i need to rank up a bunch of

Guns and stuff so that i can actually be competitive because i keep getting owned by these people who have like the best guns so we’ll see but ladies and gentlemen that was a lot of that was that was a very fun stream that was a very fun map uh reminder

First link down below in the description the jbl quantum cup fortnite open qualifiers are open for registration a hundred thousand dollars across three regional tournaments so if you like winning money you can win some money there uh open qualifiers means you have the chance to compete you can literally sign

Up a registration closes on 11 25 but it’s first come first serve so go ahead and do it now for details and sign up go win some fortnite money and uh in addition thank you so much to jbl for uh just being my headset sponsor lightweight durable memory foam they’ve

Got the noise canceling in them the sound is great you can always hear where people are great headset first check that first link in the description thank you again to them for uh sponsoring the stream and being a proud partner of said stream and uh yeah i appreciate all you guys i

Hope everybody here has a absolutely fantastic rest of the day be good to each other uh you know work work on yourself every day in some way um try to stay positive and uh yeah finish back for blood we do need to finish back for blood too f man

F there’s so much stuff so back for blood and campaign are the two things where’s my little notepad um oh and the hacker just crashed my game lit lit where is my stupid notepad i can’t find it ah my notepad my notepad has everything in it where is it

I’m freaking out chad i need my notepad i need my notepad to function and i don’t know where it is dude i i’m actually freaking out this is not this is not good for my mental right now it’s not good for my mental oh no chat i lost my notepad literally i need

This notepad i like actually need it that’s not good okay i’m gonna go find my notepad crap crap i’m gonna ride on this napkin instead also what about noah jeff yeah i i i’m i’m i need i need to bring back noah j afk

As well i i okay i’m on it i’m on it everybody just i’m on it i’m on it all right actually actually no copium i will have a uh uh i will have a uh node.j afk video going up in the next couple days um

No no meme no lie i already have it planned anyway thank you guys so much for tuning in we’re gonna see you in the next one thank you again to jbl for sponsoring i appreciate all you guys and we’ll see in the next one double peace bye-bye

This video, titled ‘THE NEW MINECRAFT ZOMBIES w/ INSANE MODS…’, was uploaded by NoahJ456 on 2021-11-17 23:31:30. It has garnered 528097 views and 12767 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:23 or 6563 seconds.

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Business Inquiries: [email protected] List of BTTV extension emotes for the chat: POGGERS, OMEGALUL, Clap, catJAM, KEKW, pepeJAM, PepeHands, Pepega, PogU, PepeLaugh, Sadge, 5Head, EZ, weirdChamp, AYAYA, modCheck, Dance , HYPERS, sumSmash, monkaHmm, PauseChamp, pepeDS, ratJAM, NODDERS, NOPERS, Pog, peepoHey, DonoWall, monkaSTEER, monkaSHAKE, HACKERMANS, catJAM, BOOBA, CrabPls, KEKWait, pepeJAMMER, 3Head, monkaShoot, pikaO, monkaW, FeelsStrongMan, monkaDMCA , KKonaW, PepoG, pepeMeltdown, blobDance, letsFG, LULW, COPIUM, widepeepoHappy, D:, KKona, FeelsBadMan, LUL, FeelsGoodMan, FeelsAmazingMan, AngelThump, haHAA, FeelsBirthdayMan, SourPls Thanks for watching, and have an awesome day! -NoahJ456

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    Exploring Terrifying Real Minecraft MythsVideo Information the void Dimension a corrupted Place deep within Minecraft’s code where Eerie things tend to happen now according to this Reddit post Mojang intentionally made this Dimension but they never finished it leaving it forgotten deep under the void so I decided to download the world for myself to see if it was actually real I’m in okay I’m joining the server and oh hey Mr bionic yo yeah dude we made it now the Reddit user warlock never said how to get down into this void Dimension he only said that he had gotten there which made… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Dungeons Tower

    UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Dungeons TowerVideo Information This video, titled ‘THERES NO WAY THIS HAPPENED! Minecraft Dungeons Tower’, was uploaded by NikBinx13 on 2024-04-04 22:46:41. It has garnered 7 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:07 or 1567 seconds. Theres NO WAY this happened! We had all boss levels for the tower last week and we stood no chance! We needed serious strategy to even get as far as we did. ENJOY OUR ATTEMPT at one of the hardest Weekly Towner Challenges we’ve had in a while! Thanks for the super challenge #minecraftdungeons ! — Watch live at Read More

  • NickyNiko’s EPIC Minecraft Adventure!

    NickyNiko's EPIC Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Amplified Minecraft’, was uploaded by NickyNiko on 2024-01-16 06:09:05. It has garnered 8 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:23 or 383 seconds. Chill Minecraft Stream Read More

  • 🔥UNBELIEVABLE! Build a Burj Khalifa in Minecraft! 💥 #YTShorts

    🔥UNBELIEVABLE! Build a Burj Khalifa in Minecraft! 💥 #YTShortsVideo Information [موسيقى] ‏tut [موسيقى] f te v tut hab f [موسيقى] hab [موسيقى] حبيبي حبيبي f jen di den حبيبي This video, titled ‘how to make a Burj Khalifa in Minecraft for multiplayer#shorts#popular#viral#youtubeshorts#ytshorts’, was uploaded by champion 444 on 2024-01-05 10:27:05. It has garnered 760 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Epic Fast Food Build Battle – Noob vs Pro Challenge! Maizen Builders Parody

    Epic Fast Food Build Battle - Noob vs Pro Challenge! Maizen Builders ParodyVideo Information [Music] hello everyone dear friends the weather is just wonderful outside today I wonder what Adventures await me today what I think Mikey’s coming to me Mikey it’s open hello JJ hi Mikey what do you want listen I really want to eat let’s build a fast food place wow Mikey the idea is really great okay I agree but first let’s welcome our dear viewers of course JJ go ahead hello everyone friends today Mikey and I are building fast food yes we will have three rounds in total are you ready Mikey yes let’s go round… Read More

  • Ultimate Success Hack: How to Never Lose! 😂🔥

    Ultimate Success Hack: How to Never Lose! 😂🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘हार नहीं होती……. #comedy #funny #dosti #love #trending #shorts #viral #lol #art’, was uploaded by Feel067 on 2024-04-09 05:39:00. It has garnered 2176 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:05 or 5 seconds. #motivation #music #memes #minecraft #meme #motivational #maxpreps #mobilelegends #makeup #new #newvideo #news #nature #nfhs_network #naruto #nfhs_sports #newstatus #newsong #nba #beautiful #best #bts #bgmi #bgmi #breakingnews #baby #blackpink #lol # #bike #video #viral #viralvideo #viralshorts #vlog #viralshort #viralvideos #videos #vtuber #valorant #comedy #cute #cricket #cat #cutebaby #cooking #comment #callofduty #comedyvideo #car #xbox #xml #xuhuong #xuhuong #xxxtentacion #xboxone #x1freefire #xrecorder #xiaomi… Read More


    🔥 INSANE EMEK SKYBLOCK ISLAND TOUR! 😲Video Information hepinize Merhaba arkadaşlar Mustafa Tekin kanalına Hoş geldiniz yepyeni bir Skyblock sunucusu videosuyla karşınızdayım Bu sunucuda da ikinci videomuz geldik arkadaşlar sözümüzde [Müzik] durduk ve aktifliği görüyorsunuz zaten burada oynamaktan zevk aldığımı da anlatacağım şimdi ilk önce ben kendi adamdan başlayacağım e hemen kendi adamdan zaten üstü böyle bir şey yap Değişik olsun diye E bir aşağısında şöyle bir şey kullanmayı denedik Buraya böyle bir şeyler yaptık evler yapacağız burada bir şeyler yapacağız yani şimdi E hemen şimdi milletin adasına gideceğiz Şimdi başka insanların adasına şey yapacağız bakacağız yorumlayacak Buradaki güzel Adaları göstereceğim tpa Kim yazmış Mustafa Tekinel… Read More

  • Epic TES animation ft. OkmeonD! PRISMA 3D | Must See!

    Epic TES animation ft. OkmeonD! PRISMA 3D | Must See!Video Information This video, titled ‘TES animation (hanya ke gabutan :v) |PRISMA 3D|#shorts #animation #minecraftanimation’, was uploaded by 🍉OkmeonD 🍉 on 2024-01-04 12:51:29. It has garnered 414 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. meta animasi gabut Tags hastag: #minecraftanimation #minecraftshorts #bakwansmp #mcpc #minecraft, #minecrafttutorial, #minecrafttips, #minecraftindonesia, #minecrafttricks, #sanssmp, #mcpc, #minecraftseries, #minecraftsurvival, #aboutminecraft, #faktaminecraft, #factsminecraft, #100harisurvival, #minecraft100hariindonesia, #100haridiminecraft, #100daysminecraft, #minecraft100hari, #100harimc, #geloo, #100harihardcore, creepy pasta, creepy, pakta creepy, cerita minecraft, windah, creepy minecraft, creepy pasta minecraft, kreepy minecraft, kreepy pasteminecraft, minecraft indonesia, minecraft meme, mitos minecraft, minecraft pe, minecraft bedrock, minecraft creepypasta, creepypasta… Read More

  • Unknownville

    UnknownvilleWelcome to Unknownville! $20,000 Referral Bonus in game! As well as first time join bonus! New city! So fresh builds!! Explore the huge city, buy plots finished or empty build a house, tower, shop or anything you want!pick a job, become a cop arrest criminals or be a criminal and rob the bank! or become a simple farmer!Drugs, guns, cars and much more!!so many plugins! Mini games! Lots more added everyday Read More

  • Epic Valhesia 5 SMP MODDED JAVA 1.19.2

    Welcome to our Valhelsia 5 Server! Join us on our brand new world located in northern Europe. Our goal is to have a chill environment to play this cool modpack with like-minded individuals. Feel free to explore and join our server! Discord: Server Info: World is pre-generated to reduce lag PvP enabled with no base protection/land claiming Admins will only use their power for moderation Server is not whitelisted and online 24/7 Read More

  • AtekkaSMP

    The AtekkaSMP is meant for you to have fun together with your friends, and if you don’t have any you can make so many!Minecraft ver: 1.20.4New IP: play.atekkasmp.xyzBedrock Port: 19132Optional Mod you can addSimple Voice Chatby henkelmaxfabric 1.20.4 2.5.11 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The prophecy is complete!

    Looks like the Minecraft gods have spoken and they’re definitely not messing around with that high score! Read More

  • Crafty Tips for a Minecraft House Flip

    Crafty Tips for a Minecraft House Flip In Minecraft, a wooden house we shall build, With creativity and skill, our dreams fulfilled. Survival mode, the challenge we embrace, Crafting and building, in this vast space. Watch the walls rise, sturdy and strong, Roofing and designing, all day long. Equip yourself with tools and gear, In this world of blocks, there’s nothing to fear. Join us on this journey, subscribe and stay, For more Minecraft adventures, every day. Let’s build, let’s train, let’s make mistakes, In this pixelated world, where creativity awakes. So leap into the verse, let your imagination soar, In Minecraft, there’s always room for… Read More

  • Minecraft: When You Realize You’ve Been Mining Diamonds with a Wooden Pickaxe

    Minecraft: When You Realize You've Been Mining Diamonds with a Wooden Pickaxe When you accidentally hit a pig in Minecraft and suddenly the whole village turns against you like you’re the villain in a soap opera. Read More

  • The Most Terrifying Minecraft Mod, What Really Scares You!

    The Most Terrifying Minecraft Mod, What Really Scares You! Exploring the Terrifying Cave Horror Mod in Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure with Kanovt, a Vtuber, as he delves into the spine-chilling world of the Cave Horror mod in Minecraft. This mod introduces new elements like Herobrine, adding a layer of fear and excitement to the gameplay. Surviving the Unknown As Kanovt navigates through the eerie landscape, encountering parasitic creatures and mysterious entities, the tension builds. The mod’s unique features, such as parasites infesting the world and the presence of Herobrine, keep players on edge, creating a sense of dread and anticipation. Unveiling Hidden Secrets From exploring abandoned… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds! Are you a fan of Minecraft survival house ideas and building tactics? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for construction, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your creativity and survival skills. Imagine taking the inspiration from videos like “How to Build a Stone Survival Base in Minecraft #12” and bringing it to life in a multiplayer setting. On Minewind, you can collaborate with other players, explore unique structures, and create your own modern minecraft houses or survival bases. Join us at Minewind Minecraft Server (IP:… Read More