NOOB vs HACKER: I Cheated in a SPEAKERMAN Build Challenge!

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Today we’re doing a speaker man build challenge but I’m secretly gonna use hacks to control my friend using the command slash please I can instantly spawn in this Titan’s figure man and little does my friend know I’m gonna fill up the entire thing with chapstick

Troll him so now let’s go check out my friend bubbles in bubbles what in the world are you doing I’m taking a hot shower are you sure you never take showers what did you say I do but anyways G what are we doing today we’re gonna be doing a speaker man Build

Challenge speaker man I love speaker man yeah me too he’s my favorite skimpity character but anyways what side are you gonna go on the blue side or the green side I’m gonna go on the green side the green side that’s my side you know what fun blue is better anyway whatever

Bubbles we only have 10 minutes to build this so let’s get started let’s go all right now that bubbles can’t hear me I’m gonna type in the command and oh my goodness or speaker man just pawned in we’re so ahead of bubbles but now I’m gonna fill up the entire speaker man

With a bunch of straps starting with the fake ancients and where should I put it wait a second I’m gonna put it right inside of his Blaster Cannon first I’m gonna break in a few blocks just like this and then replace it with this blue door blue is bubble’s favorite color so

Hopefully this alarm inside of our trap just a few more blocks and perfect when bubbles walks in her room he’s gonna see these diamond blocks bull Bubbles doesn’t knows that these diamond blocks are gonna leave him falling to his dad to make your diamond trap I’m gonna mine

At a few blocks just like this and then start building our iron tunnel and just to make it a bit faster I’m Gonna Fill This up with commands now that we’re done with our tunnel we’re gonna make this better a cage and inside this cage

We’re gonna fill it up with a ton of deadly mobs like these mutant zombies these Ender golems and even these dinosaurs they look so scary so as soon as bubbles breaks this diamond block you’ll be falling straight into these mobs his reaction’s gonna be hilarious so make sure to stick around right now

That we’re done with the fake engines I’m gonna spy on bubbles I secretly put security cameras on the other side of the competition so let me open up my camera Monitor and oh my goodness I can see bubbles right over there and just like that my skibity speaker man is done

Hey little cow what do you think of it wait why is Bubbles talking to a cow he must have gone crazy you think it’s cool me too but little does she you know I’m gonna be placing a bunch of traps around the entire build with the secret

Treasure at the end and we only have seven minutes left to build so I gotta quickly do this wait a second we only have seven minutes left okay I have to get back to my build luckily we have a huge head start on bubbles but I still

Have to fill this up with a bunch of traps so let’s build their real actions and where should I put it wait a second I’m gonna put it right inside of his speaker head I’m gonna break it a few blocks just like this and then place down this ghost door this might look

Like a normal block but as soon as you try clicking on it you can walk right through bubbles is never finding this but now I’m gonna start building the first Challenge and this one’s gonna be super hard to get through first we’ll make a giant pool of water and then fill

The bottom with a bunch of sharks and oh my goodness they look so scary if bubbles wants to go to the next section then he’s gonna have to do this parkour but one wrong move and he’ll get eaten alive we’re gonna keep building this parkour until we get to the end of the

Course I’ll place some gold box over here so we can make this head hitter jump now we’re gonna place down some iron bars and then connect it to these Bounty Springs just a few more Springs and there we go now we’re gonna connect these Springs to this Emerald platform

And on this platform we’re gonna put a paraglider bubble’s gonna have to use this paraglider to get to the other section but just to throw them off a little bit I’m gonna put some fake blocks these are gonna look just like diamond blocks but if bubble Skies going

On them he’s gonna fall right through the real way to get across will be with these barrier blocks it’s gonna be so funny so now let’s move on to the next section first we’re gonna make an obsidian room and fill the walls with commands we’re gonna shake bubbles by

Putting down a bunch of buttons but the twist is only one of these buttons will let them Escape so which one are we gonna choose hmm I think I’ll do this one we’ll place down the command block right over here and we’re gonna have this break in a few blocks in the wall

So as soon as we try pressing this button look at this and exit opens right up now that we have the real button I’m gonna make a fake button before we move on and this blue button looks perfect I’m gonna put a command block right over

Here and then set it to kill bubbles let me test the button real quick and oh my goodness I just killed bubbles wait what gee why did I just die oh no I think bubbles catching on let me go inside to the security camera so quick and uh

Bubbles what are you talking about what do you mean what am I talking about I literally just died for no reason did you do that G oh no why would I ever do something like that whatever we only have six minutes left to go to hurry up wait we leave six minutes left

Okay I have to get back to my build now that our button room is complete we can move on to the next section we’ll start by making a nice platform and then place a bow right on top if you didn’t already know boats go super fast on ice so

Bubble’s gonna have to get past my ice voting course to get to the next section but we’re gonna add some obstacles to make it super hard to get across we’ll start by adding some twists and turns until we get to the end of the course we’ll add some drops with commands and

We’ll even have this part with only one block this is gonna be super hard to get through now that our track’s complete we’re gonna add some obstacles to make it even harder we’ll start by adding some blocks in the middle of the course right over here and then we’ll add some

Springs to push bubbles off and they’re green my favorite color We’ll add another spring over here and perfect now that our Springs are set up I have one more trick up my sleeve I’m gonna replace this entire platform with a bunch of ghost blocks so when bubble stress Landing he’ll fall right through

Now that our ice course is complete I’m gonna to try it out so let me go inside to this beautiful green bow over here and let’s go and oh my goodness I just hit the Box okay let me get past these and now I’ll be super careful to not hit

This brings in are you serious right now this is way harder than it looks so if you want to get past my ice course then you have to subscribe in three two one let’s go now that you’re subscribed you can move on to the next section we’ll

Start by putting a water bucket and then make a tunnel with commands at the bottom we’re gonna put an exit to the next section but it’s all gonna be that easy to get down because we’re gonna have a moving drop trap we’ll start by breaking some blocks over here and then

Put pistons on each side and now this is where the real trap comes in we’re gonna add some Redstone over here to connect the Pistons to each other now we’ll just put some Redstone like this and then put on whoever and check this out the Pistons are going super fast so if we

Take this water bucket and then try jumping down oh my goodness it’s gonna be super hard to get down now that we’re done with our drop trap I’m gonna start building the next section but before I do that I’m gonna make sure bubbles real quick I usually put one-way glass on the

Other side of the competition so let me just look my secret engines real quick and aha there it is I just gotta open up these trap doors and there we go I have a secret passageway to the other side of the wall let me go over here and oh my

Goodness I can see bubbles building whoa my boat looks so good so far I’m almost done this is great I have the perfect troll for bubbles hello bubbles wait what was that it’s me it’s a monster inside of your build the monster on my

Build no no no please if you want to get rid of me then you have to destroy the left leg of your build right now oh my goodness I’m so scared I don’t want to destroy my build though it’s okay I’m just gonna destroy it for you okay this

Is perfect I’m gonna break in a ball just like this and then search bazooka oh my goodness okay I have to be fast and boom there we go one of the word has happened my bill oh no this is really bad I have to quickly fix the monster’s

Damage and we only have four minutes left to do it wait a second we only have four minutes left okay have to get back to my build I had no idea we only had four minutes left but luckily I have the perfect idea for my extra app in this

Room we’re gonna make bubbles go through some trivia but the twist is he’s gonna have to choose his answers with this portal gun if he chooses the right answer he can move to the next question but if he chooses the wrong answer he’ll fall straight to his death for a first

Question I’m gonna put who is the better Builder bubbles or GE obviously my build’s way better so if you chooses that he can move on to the next question what is the best food rotten flesh or poisonous potatoes come on guys obviously potatoes are the best food and

Look they’re even green my favorite color so if he chooses that he can move on to the final question who is smelly bubbles or GE I think we all know the right answer it’s obviously bubble Sophie choose that we can move on to the next section and this one’s gonna be

Super hard to get through first we’ll put some iron bars right here until we get to the very top and Behind These Bars we’re gonna put this Munoz this thing is super deadly so bubbles definitely need some items to fight it with so we’ll put all the items he needs

In this password chest and we’ll make the code zero four five one in this chest we’re gonna put a lightning sword some fire armor and even a bunch of golden apples if bubbles wants to open their chest with all the gear inside then he’s gonna have to find that code

Hidden in this room and I’m gonna build it right over here you might think this is a really obvious hiding spot but we’re gonna cover it up with a bunch of paintings and look at that it’s hiding it so well if bubbles breaks these paintings he can open the chest and

Fight the husk but now let’s move on to the next action and we only have one minute left so we have to be fast in this room we’re gonna give bubbles the choice between a green button and a blue button if bubbles pushes the blue button

He’ll fall into a super scary trap but if he pushes the green button he’ll find the secret treasure starting with the blue button we’ll start by making a hole just like this and fill the bottom with obsidian now we’re gonna fill the floor with a bunch of land mines just like

This so if bubbles pushes the Blue Button he’s gonna get exploded and now for the green button we’re gonna put a command block right over here and then set it to drop some diamonds so bubbles pushes the green button look at this a ton of diamonds just spawns in but just

Like that or speed eager men build is complete so now let’s go see you as the better build hey bubbles wait where are you oh my goodness I got you so good well since time’s up here’s Bill are we gonna look at first well because mine is

So elegant and so cool I think we should look at mine first yeah right bubbles but it’s okay we’ll save the best for last well why don’t we look at the best first right now come over here and what in the world is this bubbles what do you

Mean this is my skippity speaker man build it actually doesn’t look that bad but wait a second what is all of that back there um don’t worry about those we’re saving those for later okay bubbles but wait a second where’s the Ancients I don’t know GE you’re gonna have to figure it out

Yourself okay let me take a careful look at this speaker man and aha there’s a green speaker right over there that must be for me right yep it’s her favorite color all right so let me open up this door right over here and there we go

Nice you made it in but can you get past this super dangerous parkour well you know me bubbles I’m a parkour Pro so let me make this jump right over here and then over there and now I have to get on top of these ladders okay and nice Noah

You’re breezing through the parkour I know right this parkour is easy peasy now let me just go past this last jump right over here and there we go whoa gee that was really impressive and I guess you could get your secret treasure now wait you put the treasure this early

Well same last time you opened up this chest and all bubbles it’s empty where are you going yeah what the heck is this haha you just fell for my lava levitation trip your level of levitation trap I should have seen that coming but wait a second bubbles if this is the

Fake ancients then where in the world is the real one you’re gonna have to go back outside and find it oh my goodness okay whatever bubbles maybe it’s inside of his way and no nope or maybe it’s inside of his arm and what not even

Close to you oh my bubbles I can’t find the sanctions anywhere can you please give me a hint I’ll give you a hint under one condition what’s that if everyone watching this video right now likes and subscribes wait everyone is still like And subscribe please guys I

Need to find this engine so every everyone like And subscribe in three two one let’s go now that everyone liked and subscribed you have to show me the real actions what they were so fast but fine I’ll show you where it is it’s right over here on speaker man’s face on

Speaker man’s face oh my goodness I could have never found this bubbles are you serious right now yep I made this one extra difficult but now that you’re inside you’re met with my deadly dropper which part are you gonna jump in so it looks like there’s four sides and two of

Them are blue so I’m gonna go in the green one let’s go wait what the haha no way are you kidding me that totally should have worked nope you just landed in a bunch of ghost blocks a bunch of ghost blocks oh that’s no fair okay

Whatever I guess I’ll go inside to this water right over here come on come on come on and wait what the why am I thinking damage no HD just fell for my poisonous water if that was the poisonous water then this has to be the real water let’s go let’s see if you’re

Right anyway what the what’s happening to me gee you just fell in toxic waste toxic always are you serious radio bubbles yeah I’m serious right now oh that was super duper weird but wait a second that leaves me with one more option the lava over here you’re gonna

Jump in some lava yeah of course I am let’s go and I made it good job GE you realize that it’s fake lava yeah I did but now there’s a bunch of lava parkour and I think this is the real deal over here good luck don’t fall off the bars

Okay okay and I made it not bad not bad now you made it to the next part which color is better green or blue well obviously Green’s a better color so let me open up this chest over here and get this monster wait a second bubbles why

Is there poop in here uh what do you mean there’s nothing in there phew you’re disgusting bubbles but anyways I’m gonna put this Minecart over here and let’s go this is gonna be super duper fun let’s see if you’re right and wait a second what the where’s it taking

Me there’s a bunch of dinosaurs oh my goodness I’m getting eaten alive are you serious right now get ready to eat green is definitely not the better color are you kidding me of course it is nope and that only leaves you with one option left the blue side okay whatever let me

Take up this Minecart right over here and let’s go on the blue coaster oh my God this is going super duper fast wait is that a drop and you made it this roller coaster is super duper weird let it stop and oh my there we go and look

At that you survived which means that blue is the better color yeah I didn’t know about that bubbles but at least I’m off your roller coaster now you made it off the roller coaster but now you’re probably wondering what’s right in front of you yeah what the heck is this what

If I just try stepping on in oh what the heck is this bubbles well if you heard those explosions this is my TNT run and you’re gonna have to make it all the way to the end without exploding or falling your TNT run this I’m super duper

Dangerous but luckily for me I’m a Minecraft pro so this is gonna be a piece of cake let’s go good luck oh my goodness why is everything falling super duper fast I just have to be careful and what the holy you just exploded you’re such a noob G you just exploded yeah

Because the ground is falling so fast but it’s okay second time’s the charm second time I think they say the third time’s the charge yeah I don’t know about that bubble wasn’t just to prove you wrong I’m gonna make it all the way to the end just watch what the heck

You’re actually making it through yup this is easy peasy and I already made it what though that was way faster than before well good job I guess so now you’re on to the next obstacle your next obstacle wait what is this I hope you’re good at swimming because this is my

Underwater maze get it swimming oh no I’m not good at holding my breath but it’s okay I’m gonna try anyways let me go in and oh my goodness what the heck is this you’re completely submerged in water oh my goodness I need to get this story right here oh my goodness you’re

Telling me I have to go through this entire maze yep and you’ll have to find a hidden Trident the hidden Trident okay whatever I’m gonna go back inside of the water over here and oh my goodness hold your breath gee I’m trying bubbles this is super duper hard hey you’re actually

Not better swimming though I’m about to run out of air come on can I get to the store oh I had one more bubble left but it’s okay that was really close but now you can keep going are you gonna find yeah I think so let me go inside to this

Corner right over here in a chest what is this Riptide too well looks like you found this girl I need some Arrow I think I found one piece of the puzzle but where in the world is this tried in yep now that you found the book all you

Need is a trident to enchant it with okay I guess I have to look for that right now let me go back in the water and oh my my goodness this never gets old wait bubbles how have you been holding your breath this entire time well that’s just light work for me

Because I’m a professional swimmer witchy what is that behind you wait behind me oh my goodness are you serious right now oh my goodness I have to get right past it and get this trident let’s go yes oh Mr shirt please do not kill me

Are you gonna survive yeah I think so he just got away from me and now I just have to use this Anvil over here oh good luck come on come on come on where is it it’s right over here and now I have real title let’s go I’m gonna speed right

Through this thing whoa you ain’t so fast yep and now I’m finally out nice you did it here’s a towel to dry yourself off with this is literally a piece of paper what are you talking about I don’t know what you’re talking about GE but welcome to my laser course

Your laser course oh my goodness this looks super duper scary so let me just jump on the slime block over here and wait a second how do I even enter this thing you’re gonna have to maneuver through these lasers without touching them or also go zap okay so let me just

Try jumping over this one and okay there we go whoa that was really close GE be careful all right and now I’m just gonna jump over this one and ow ow no way you just died what the heck was that bubbles that has to be rigged it’s definitely

Not Rick G you just gotta get better at jumping over lasers wait a second bubbles I have an idea what’s your idea I’m gonna break out these slime box right over here come on come on come on oh you caught on fire it’s okay it’s all

A part of my plan and now I’m gonna place a slime block right over here and now I can jump all over them hey what the heck that’s cheating nope it’s gotta be fair and square and now I’m gonna jump all over this parkour come on come

On come on Noah you’re making it through and there we go easy that part but you but can you laser wall yeah I think so I just have to go through this wall and clutch on the bow and wait a second bubbles is that a blue bow your business

So beautiful I hate blue can you please switch it to another boat what the heck blue is I’ll get okay be happy with it oh my goodness okay whatever you say bubbles I’m gonna go for the jump in three two one oh my yo I made it okay

Gee that was actually actually pretty impressive so I guess you can move on to the next part of my trap the next part of your trap and wait a second bubbles why is this made out of dirt what do you mean dirt is one of the best blocks in

Minecraft more like there is one of the most newbiest blocks in Minecraft but it’s okay because I’m a parkour Pro so let me jump on top of here and then over here don’t fall into the Spikes all right I’ll try my best and now I’m gonna

Use these slime blocks that I got from earlier and then use it to cheat on this jump what the heck you’re literally cheating that’s not allowed what the heck why did you push me in the spikes because you cheated oh my goodness that’s more like thinking outside the

Box but it’s okay because I’m gonna do all these jumps all over again come on come on come on let’s see if they can do it and then jump on top of these fences no way you’re making a past defense jumps and wait a second what does this

Button do uh why don’t you try it out let me just try pressing it oh it pushes out a block in the wall I guess I just have to perfectly time this and there we go no way you’re actually fast enough yeah but now there’s one more block

Between me and the show Treasures so let me see if I can make it and I did it wow that was actually pretty smooth GE and now welcome to my final obstacle where you’re gonna have to pick the diamond chest or the emerald chest the diamond Chester the emerald chest well that’s an

Easy choice because I’m gonna go for the emerald chest let’s go and wait a second what the heck do this I can’t believe you fell for that GE Emerald is the wrong answer I don’t know when you’re talking about bubbles Emerald is the best block but whatever I guess we’ll

Just go in the diamond pathway yay Diamond’s the best yeah yeah bubbles but wait what’s inside of this chest it’s your secret treasure alright so let me open it up and oh my yellow a bunch of emerald items but wait bubbles what’s that sound what do you mean what the

Heck is happening oh my goodness you’re telling me that was a trap too yup it was and this is your real prize you get that away from me but anyways now that you’ve seen my build can I please see yours of course bubbles let’s go hey

When can I turn around you can turn around in three two one go come on and what it’s in the world gee there’s no way you built this in 10 minutes oh I don’t know what you’re talking about bubbles I’m a building bro this is absolutely insane but gee where’s the

Entrance I’ll give you a hint bubbles it’s somewhere blue somewhere blue hmm where could that be let me just look around are you gonna find it uh there’s some diamond ore over here and wait a second I think I see a blue door yep you found it and now let’s go right inside

All right and welcome to the Diamond Room I decided to put the treasure a bit early so here you can just mine the diamonds wait what this was so easy I could just get the diamonds like that wow gee you really made this so easy

Oh my there’s no way you just fell for that bubbles what the heck was that g was it a mutant zombie yup it literally looked like Ohio in there are you serious right now well if this is the fake entrance then where’s the real one I don’t know bubbles you’re just gonna

Have to find it all right take your little pickaxe back I’m gonna go find the entrance let’s go let me think where could it be is it in his face right over here and nope nope well then it has to be in his speaker right over here not

Even close what the heck G where is this place you’re just gonna have to find it bubbles oh my goodness wait a second GE why is there some random quartz over here in the speaker uh some random chords I don’t know what you’re talking

About let me just cover it up and uh you don’t see anything bubbles oh I already saw it is the entrance somewhere over here yeah it’s close bubbles it’s actually right over here no way I actually found it nice job Bubbles and now that you found the real ancients

You’re gonna have to go through my super deadly shark parkour are those sharks I’m scared didn’t you just say you love the water bubbles this should be a piece of cake uh all right well I’m really good at parkour anyway so I’ll make it through alive and no I fell already oh

My goodness you’re getting eaten alive okay that was really scary but I think I’ll be able to make it through alive this time all right let’s see come on just have to be really careful here okay and now you have to get to the Head hitter and there you go it looks like

There’s some Springs over there that I had to jump on come on come on please and no it’s okay bubbles try to okay I got it this time let’s bounce let’s go come on come on come on and there you go wait what the Okay g just let me through

Please I actually made it Oh no you’re gonna have to go through it again what the heck please man please please come on and I did it nice job Bubbles and now you’re gonna have to use this paraglider to get to the next section well that

Sounds pretty easy let me just grab this over here and let’s go and wait gee why am I going through the diamonds why am I going through the diamonds haha because it’s a ghost block I’m gonna get alive wait a second if those are ghost blocks then how do I get

All the way over there hide and no bubbles you’re just gonna have to figure it out wait gee how did you just shift in midair uh uh I don’t know what you’re talking about bubbles I wasn’t even on there I think I know what it is those

Must be barrier blocks it looks like you found it and now you can move on to the next section oh yeah gee what in the world is this this is find the button and only one button is gonna get you out of here one button but there’s so many

Oh my goodness I guess I have to just start pressing them now all right but are you gonna find the right one let’s see which one’s right and oh look there’s a blue one right over here it’s my favorite color yup but is it gonna

Get you out of here I mean it has to be the right are you serious right you know haha you fell for my trap come on gee the blue one was supposed to be right yeah I didn’t know about that bubbles because green is better that is

Definitely not true G but wait why does this button look so weird I think this is a super top secret button bubbles don’t press it I think it’s the button that gets me closer to the treasure let me just click it it’s cute did you fart

In here wait gee did you just fart oh no wait a second was that the button um gee don’t blame the button I know it was you I did not just fart you know what just to prove it I’m gonna press it again and look it just did it again

That’s so funny I’m gonna keep pressing it wait bubbles what are you doing oh my God this is so annoying okay let me just break it that was so much fun yeah whatever you say bubbles that was super duper disgusting but you still haven’t found the button to get you out of here

Wait I almost completely forgot about that let me just keep pressing the buttons around here come on let me just press this one and wait I made it nice draw Bubbles and now you can move on to my ICE building course let’s go but ew

Why is it a green boat biggest green is the best color of all time it should have been blue you already had a blue ball earlier you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit whatever I’m gonna make it through this ice boating chorus

Anyway all right but can you make it come on just gotta be very careful and no I fell it’s okay bubbles try to all right now I know I have to be extra careful around the corners just take it slow and steady and no I got us wait

What did you just say bubbles you know it’s okay just keep going through the course come on take a really cuff around the corners we gotta go slow and steady nice and over to this platform over here and wait what did I just fall through

Haha you just fell for my trap no and now you have to do this entire thing all over again are you serious right now I don’t even want to do this anymore wait a second you never said I had to go through a boat wait what the oh yeah

Look at me go whatever I guess you made it through but now you’re gonna have to get through my water drop trap whoa this looks super dangerous how do I get get down there’s a water bucket right over here and you’re gonna have to MLG clutch

Oh boy hopefully I can survive let me just grab the bucket and we’re gonna time this perfectly we jump in three two one let’s go and I made it first try nice job bubbles you’re getting super close to the treasure but now you’re gonna have to go through my portal gun

Trivia starting with the first question who is the better Builder bubbles or GE who’s the better Builder well isn’t that the easiest question ever it’s obviously me and wait what the haha you chose the wrong answer bubbles how is that the wrong answer I’m obviously the better

Builder I didn’t know about that bubbles my builds way better than you see you can just go through my section uh whatever G I’ll just go through then nice job Bubbles and now you’re on to the second question what is the best food poisonous potatoes or rotten flesh

Oh my goodness my mouth is literally watering looking at that gee it’s so obvious that rotten flesh is the better food and wait why am I falling in lava you chose the wrong answer again and wait you actually like rotten flesh yes can I please have it how could you like

Rotten flesh when there’s literally a big creamy Juicy Green potato right in front of you ew that looks absolutely disgusting well if you choose that as the answer I’ll give you the rotten flesh wait really fine I’ll do it then nice and now here’s your rotten flesh

Yummy yummy yummy wait a second I didn’t think you would actually eat it but whatever we’re on to the final question who is smelly bubbles or GE wait gee come over here real quick okay ew you smell so bad it’s definitely you wait why am I falling in lava because you

Chose the wrong answer three times in a row and wait a second let me spell you wait ew you literally smell like rotten flesh what the heck rotten flesh smells so good whatever bubbles just go through the right answer fun whatever oh yeah I made it through but wait a second do you

Want to know what is that that’s immune husk and you’re gonna have to fight it Milton a husk what am I gonna fight it with my bare hands yup um what the heck G I’m just kidding bubbles all the items you need are inside of this chest let me

Just try opening it and are you serious right now a password protect the chest what the heck let me just try guessing the password four three two one nope nine eight seven six nope not even close G can you please tell me what the password is well I hit the password

Somewhere inside of this room and you’re gonna have to find it somewhere inside of this room hmm but there’s just a whole bunch of paintings yeah doesn’t it look super duper cool there’s even a green one over here green ew it doesn’t belong wait a second what is this oh

Nothing bubbles you didn’t see that let me just try breaking some more paintings over here and is that a number I think you just figured it out bubbles you’re gonna have to break all the paintings to see the code oh all right well that sounds super fun four is the next number

Yup and we got five right over here just one more number it looks like we have one as the final number nice draw bubbles you can finally get your items yeah let me just put in the code zero four five one and whoa oh my goodness

That’s a whole bunch of cool armor and golden apples wow G how do I look you look super duper cool but there’s no time to waste the walls are gonna drop in three two one let’s go holy moly let me quickly eat a golden apple and he

Just threw a block at me I can’t see you look super duper strong but can you defeat him come on come on hit him and wait I defeated him wait what the that fast yep and you can have this little cactus that he dropped let’s go it’s

Even green too but anyways now that you went through all the challenges it’s time for you to get your treasure in this room you have a blue button and a green button which one are you gonna pick blue or green well obviously I’m gonna pick blue here we go and wait what

Are the word has happened no way you just fell for my trap that was a really messed up GE I thought I was gonna get my treasure yeah it was kind of funny but you still have one more button left all right let me just make my way over

To this one and let’s see what happens oh my goodness I just got a whole bunch of diamonds let’s go you’re super rich now all right bubbles now that we went through each other’s builds which one do you think is better well look looking at

Both of our builds I think that mine is way better wait what mine was way better wait then who wins I guess we’ll have to let the comments decide everyone comment bubbles oh everyone comment G and if you enjoyed this video then make sure to hit

The Subscribe button and if you want to watch another one of G and nice Adventures click the video on screen right now click another video bye are you serious right now Foreign

This video, titled ‘NOOB vs HACKER: I Cheated in a SPEAKERMAN Build Challenge!’, was uploaded by GEVidsTV on 2023-07-23 16:00:38. It has garnered 1013780 views and 21578 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:37 or 1777 seconds.

NOOB vs HACKER: I Cheated in a SPEAKERMAN Build Challenge! GE and Bubbles compete in a Minecraft Build competition…

This is a super funny Minecraft Mod Challenge! This is similar to Minecraft build battle and NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER! This has lots of Minecraft Mods installed! Today we built Titan Speakerman from Skibidi Toilet (not Garten of Banban or Rainbow Friends 2)

Our channel is inspired by Maizen, Jamesy, MongoTV, Wudo, Omziscool, Block Buddies, and Cobey! This is the funniest Minecraft video ever! I love Minecraft fun.

#minecraft #noobvspro #minecraftbuilding

  • Launch & Play: Player-Powered Fun!

    Launch & Play: Player-Powered Fun! In the world of Minecraft, a player launcher was born, Using fishing rods, players were sent to the morn. With eight accounts in hand, the Backyard was the stage, Sending friends to space, in a daring rampage. The Backyard crew, with their antics and fun, Creating moments that shine like the sun. From 10minutetimer to DrawnbyCC, Each member adding to the glee. Special thanks to plazmahero and JampottBong, For helping with the intro, where the fun belongs. Join the Discord, where the community thrives, Sharing Minecraft tales, where creativity thrives. Fishing rods as rockets, who would have thought? In… Read More

  • Recreating Epic Minecraft Manhunt Moments

    Recreating Epic Minecraft Manhunt Moments The Ultimate Minecraft Skills Challenge: Learning 24 Skills in 24 Hours! Mastering God-Level Skills in Minecraft In a thrilling challenge, a Minecraft enthusiast embarked on a quest to learn 24 incredible skills in just 24 hours. From mastering the art of god bridging to executing speed telly bridging, the journey was filled with adrenaline-pumping moments. The player also delved into the intricacies of PvP combat, honing skills like timing clicks, ladder clutching, and running on lava using boats, reminiscent of Dream’s iconic moves. Pushing the Limits: 100 Impossible Minecraft Bedrock Skills Not one to shy away from a challenge,… Read More

  • Minecraft Mod Madness with Dziru! #4

    Minecraft Mod Madness with Dziru! #4 Minecraft Adventure with Dziru! A Fruitful Expedition In the latest episode of Minecraft with Dziru, our intrepid explorer sets out on a new adventure! While the journey may not have been long, it was certainly fruitful. Back at the home base, a new companion has joined the ranks – a trusty weapon-wielding ally. And to add to the excitement, the skilled craftsman Andrzej pays a visit to offer his services! Interactive Experience Dziru encourages viewers to engage with the content by commenting and sharing their thoughts on the gameplay. Suggestions for future games to feature on the channel are… Read More


    JUICY 1.22 LEAKS CONFIRMED! Minecraft Live 2024: New Leaks Unveiled! As the highly anticipated Minecraft Live 2024 event draws near, the Minecraft community was in for a surprise with the release of new leaked information. Today, six intriguing photos surfaced on Reddit, offering a sneak peek at the upcoming Pale Garden biome, The Creaking hostile mob, and more exciting features. The Six Leaked Photos… The leaked images have caused a stir among Minecraft enthusiasts, providing a glimpse into the innovative additions that players can expect in the upcoming update. From the enchanting Pale Garden biome to the mysterious Creaking hostile mob, the leaked… Read More

  • Interstellar Minecraft Shenanigans

    Interstellar Minecraft Shenanigans Exploring the Depths of Space in Minecraft Calling all Minecraft and science fiction enthusiasts! In this exciting adventure, inspired by Christopher Nolan’s masterpiece Interstellar, we delve into a space-themed journey within the Minecraft world. From fields to spaceships to black holes, it’s all here! As we explore the depths of space in Minecraft, we also recreate the enchanting atmosphere of Interstellar. Creating a Space Odyssey Embark on a journey like never before as you navigate through the vast expanse of space in Minecraft. Build your own spacecraft, cultivate fields, and encounter the mysteries of black holes. The possibilities are… Read More

  • Jay’s Wild Minecraft Adventure Begins

    Jay's Wild Minecraft Adventure Begins Minecraft Vanilla Survival EP #001 – TERRAFORMING & UNRAVELING THE MYSTERY In this exciting episode of Minecraft Vanilla Survival, our adventurer delves into the world of terraforming and unraveling mysteries. As the terrain is prepared for a new base building project, a journey of discovery begins. Terraforming Adventures With shovel in hand, our protagonist embarks on the monumental task of reshaping the land. Each shovel of dirt brings them closer to their vision of the perfect base location. The process is not just about moving earth, but also about shaping dreams and possibilities. As the first section of “Shovel… Read More

  • NightmareCraft: Minecraft’s Horror Encore

    NightmareCraft: Minecraft's Horror Encore In the world of Minecraft, a horror tale unfolds, With shadow mobs lurking, and mysteries untold. The Nightweaver awaits, a powerful foe, In this datapack, fear will surely grow. Download the mod, if you dare to play, Experience the scares, in a whole new way. Subscribe for more, block game delights, Join the adventure, on spooky nights. FAQs answered, for those who seek, The secrets behind, this horror peak. Crafted with care, using tools so fine, Creating a world, where fear intertwine. So dive into the darkness, with courage in sight, And face the challenges, with all your might…. Read More

  • Obunga Portal: Minecraft PE Magic

    Obunga Portal: Minecraft PE Magic In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re crafting portals with Obunga vibes. Peter Griffin’s face, a sight to behold, In the realm of gaming, stories unfold. With rhythmic voice and playful tone, We’re diving deep into the unknown. Creating portals, sparking delight, In Minecraft’s world, shining bright. So join us now, in this playful quest, As we journey on, putting our skills to the test. Obunga portals, a sight to see, In Minecraft PE, where we roam free. Read More

  • Sneaky Jungle Temple Prank

    Sneaky Jungle Temple Prank The Mysterious Jungle Temple in Minecraft Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead players to discover hidden gems like the enigmatic jungle temple. This ancient structure, shrouded in mystery and danger, offers a thrilling adventure for those brave enough to uncover its secrets. Unraveling the Secrets As players venture into the dense jungle biome, they may stumble upon the jungle temple, a structure crafted with intricate details and booby traps. Inside, they will find hidden chambers, treasure chests, and puzzles waiting to be solved. However, beware of the deadly traps set to thwart any intruders! Challenges Await Surviving… Read More

  • Jagatbhaiya’s Gamerfleet: A Short YouTube Hit!

    Jagatbhaiya's Gamerfleet: A Short YouTube Hit! In the world of Minecraft, where gamers unite, Jagatbhaiya op, shining bright in the light. Crafting news with rhymes, a true delight, Keeping the viewers hooked, day and night. With each update, a grin and a spin, Delivering facts with a playful spin. Engaging the crowd, drawing them in, In the world of gaming, where you always win. So leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art. Just spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Read More

  • Insane Twist: Peppa Pig Enters Minecraft 23!

    Insane Twist: Peppa Pig Enters Minecraft 23!Video Information This video, titled ‘Peppa Pig Play Minecraft 23’, was uploaded by Cartoons Play on 2024-08-06 10:00:00. It has garnered 5910 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:42 or 4362 seconds. Peppa Pig Play Minecraft 23 ,Peppa Pig Play Minecraft, and George, heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated. The “Cartoons Play” channel is not related to the official cartoons Youtube channel! This is a fan channel. Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Mod: A Quiet Place Can Hear You

    Minecraft Horror Mod: A Quiet Place Can Hear YouVideo Information This video, titled ‘A New Minecraft Horror Mod That Can Hear You…A Quiet Place’, was uploaded by PLX on 2024-08-05 14:47:27. It has garnered 1630 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:33 or 993 seconds. #minecrafthorror #dweller #fromthefog #cavedweller #minecraftsurvival #100days #minecraftchallenge Dive into the heart-pounding world of “A Quiet Place” like never before in Minecraft! In this terrifying new mod, silence is your only ally as you navigate a post-apocalyptic world overrun by deadly, sound-sensitive creatures. Watch as we explore the eerie landscapes, master the art of stealth, and try to survive the… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PvP Montage – Java_boy vs SenpaiSpider!

    EPIC Minecraft PvP Montage - Java_boy vs SenpaiSpider!Video Information This video, titled ‘|| Small Minecraft PvP Montage || On Pojavlauncher || @SenpaiSpider @NizGamer @aTerroRR’, was uploaded by Java_boy on 2024-09-21 02:31:35. It has garnered 145 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:38 or 98 seconds. Tags (ignore): Minecraft, Minecraft Netherite Pot, Neth Pot, Minecraft Neth Pot, Minecraft Challenges, Minecraft Speedrun, Minecraft Custom Game Mode, Netherite Speedrun, Netherite Challenge, Minecraft Gameplay, Minecraft Survival, Minecraft Tips, Minecraft Strategy, Minecraft Nether Update, Minecraft Netherite, Minecraft Guide, Minecraft PvP, Minecraft Multiplayer, Minecraft Server, Minecraft Mods, Minecraft Adventure, Minecraft Tutorial, Minecraft Build, Minecraft Creative Mode, Minecraft Hard Mode,… Read More

  • INSANE STRING DUPE GLITCH in Minecraft 1.20+ | Work on any server! #gamebreaking

    INSANE STRING DUPE GLITCH in Minecraft 1.20+ | Work on any server! #gamebreakingVideo Information This video, titled ‘STRING DUPER 1.20+ | work any server | #minecraft’, was uploaded by SNIGDHO_OP on 2024-03-21 12:16:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This farm works only in java edition of minecraft. String farm minecraft 1.20 / string farm minecraft / string farm minecraft 1.20 … Read More

  • Minecraft Life Steal Survival Server Live 24/7! 🔥

    Minecraft Life Steal Survival Server Live 24/7! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIFESTEAL / SURVIVAL SMP LIVE 24/7 SERVER | JAVA + PE #minecraft #nether #girlgamer’, was uploaded by Mahzo on 2024-08-25 13:35:50. It has garnered 289 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 03:25:55 or 12355 seconds. MINECRAFT LIFESTEAL / SURVIVAL SMP LIVE 24/7 SERVER | JAVA + PE #minecraft #nether #girlgamer Radiantmc Server Ip: & Port: 25732 Discord :- About me – hello my name is mahzo . i m from earth i hope u all r also on same planet .i m making parivarik videos and doing stream… Read More

  • Deadly Lava Encounters in Sky Factory 4 | Ep 15

    Deadly Lava Encounters in Sky Factory 4 | Ep 15Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Sky Factory 4 – Surrounded By Lava – Episode 15’, was uploaded by Onlydraven Gaming on 2024-03-19 03:13:41. It has garnered 291 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 03:05:02 or 11102 seconds. This is a playthrough of the Minecraft Modpack Sky Factory 4 using the Lava Factory world type. Please be sure to subscribe to see more of my videos and streams. Want to help support the channel? Donate/Tip via Paypal or Credit Card at Or consider adding a Membership to the channel to get access to cool… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock disaster! 🚨💀

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock disaster! 🚨💀Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft moments 💀 💀 before disaster ☠#minecraft #tecnoblade #creppypastas #disaster’, was uploaded by Minecraft bedrock on 2024-08-26 06:23:05. It has garnered 940 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft moment 💀 💀 before disaster ☠#minecraft #tecnoblade #creppypastas #disaster Minecraft moment 💀 💀 before disaster ☠#minecraft #tecnoblade #creppypastas #disaster Minecraft moment 💀 💀 before disaster ☠#minecraft #tecnoblade #creppypastas #disaster minecraft moments before disaster, ah best minecraft moments, ah minecraft moments, ah minecraft funny moments, moments before disaster in minecraft, r/minecraft memes minecraft moments, minecraft moments of 2023, minecraft moments… Read More

  • SHOCKING 1st Year Party with Mr Aejis | Vtuber Teacher SPECIAL

    SHOCKING 1st Year Party with Mr Aejis | Vtuber Teacher SPECIALVideo Information This video, titled ‘STREAMAVERSARY! Teacher’s 1st year party:| Mr Aejis: Vtuber Teacher / Backyard Baseball + Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr Aejis on 2024-08-18 07:14:28. It has garnered 43 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 07:34:25 or 27265 seconds. ——– Mr Aejis – Vtuber Teacher Mr Aejis is an independent vtuber and teacher who streams first-time playthroughs and health & wellness lessons. Focused on the whole health of the person – physical, mental, and emotional – regular lessons are given in a relaxed, virtual classroom format with interaction and engagement prioritized, as well as… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Lambo Race: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker

    Insane Minecraft Lambo Race: Noob vs Pro vs HackerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noob vs pro vs hacker Lamborghini | Lambo vs Lambo #short #minecraft #shorts #viralshorts’, was uploaded by The minecle on 2024-03-04 08:30:23. It has garnered 1833 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft noob vs pro minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker vs god house minecraft short noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft new short #minecrafttoolbox#mincraft #minecraftanimation#minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut#minecrafthindi #minecraftpe1#minecraft100days #minecraftpe #minecraftpocketedition#minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly# minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmemes#minecrafters #minecraftbuilds#minecraftpocketedition… Read More

  • LittleDigPlanet – Vanilla 1.21, Whitelist, Age 25+, No Claims, Smaller Community, 10+ Year History

    Welcome to Our Vanilla Minecraft Community! If you are 25+ and looking for a small, mature community to play Minecraft with, join our Discord using the link below. We started a new map on June 9th, 2023 with the 1.20 update. No Ranks or Moderator positions No area claim plugins World border currently set at 30k blocks in every direction Small community with 8-12 players online at peak times Hard difficulty, maximum render view distance Separate Legacy Server and Creative server available Join our Discord and introduce yourself to be whitelisted. We aim to provide a truly vanilla experience with… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My Minecraft obsessions fixed my broken heart!

    This meme is like a perfectly placed block in a crumbling building – holding everything together with its comedic strength! Read More

  • Mining Mayhem: 62 Pickaxe Tests in One!

    Mining Mayhem: 62 Pickaxe Tests in One! In this video, I test pickaxes with glee, From basic to enchanted, for all to see. Stone and deepslate, they all get a try, Calculating speed, no need to be shy. Efficiency and haste, all put to the test, On iron, diamond, and netherite best. Tick speed and mining, all in the mix, Results in the end, no need for tricks. So if you have questions, just drop a line, I’ll answer them all, in rhythm and rhyme. Hope you enjoyed this test, my English may lack, But if you liked it, consider a like and subscribe back. Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” 😂 #minecraft #funny #meme Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Lapata SMP vs Loyal SMP

    Ultimate Showdown: Lapata SMP vs Loyal SMP The Ultimate Showdown: Stop Lapata SMP vs Loyal SMP Welcome to the epic clash between two powerhouse Minecraft SMPs: Stop Lapata SMP and Loyal SMP! AaryanshMC takes us on a thrilling journey through the intense rivalry, highlighting the unique features, gameplay styles, and community dynamics of each server. Get ready for a showdown like no other as we delve into the world of Minecraft! Stop Lapata SMP: Unleashing Creativity Stop Lapata SMP is a hub of creativity, where players push the boundaries of what’s possible in Minecraft. With a focus on building, redstone engineering, and exploration, Stop Lapata SMP… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Wacky Industrial Zone

    Minecraft's Wacky Industrial Zone Minecraft’s Goofiest Industrial District Seven Missions is a project that has been in the works since June 2021, showcasing the creative potential of Minecraft. The creator sees it as more than just a series within the game; it is a testament to the power of imagination and determination. With a focus on inspiring others, Seven Missions serves as a stepping stone towards a career in filmmaking and composing. Music and Artistry The series features a majority of original music composed by the creator, available for streaming on platforms like Spotify under the artist name “Cem Hagemu.” This unique blend… Read More

  • “Piggy Pag’s Ultimate Minecraft Magic Wand 🐷✨” #minecraft #shorts #gaming

    "Piggy Pag's Ultimate Minecraft Magic Wand 🐷✨" #minecraft #shorts #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘This magic wand works wonders in Minecraft ✨ #minecraft #fyp #shorts #gaming’, was uploaded by Piggy Pag on 2024-08-17 15:15:10. It has garnered 1915 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. ►Hi friends 👋 thanks for watching my videos! Did you like the video? Click like 👍 and write any good comments🗯️, it will help me a lot and I will see that my videos are interesting to you and I will be happy 🌝, I will make videos more often. Also… don’t forget to click the bell… Read More

  • Minecraft Build & Seek: Ultimate Challenge

    Minecraft Build & Seek: Ultimate ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft BUILD and SEEK!’, was uploaded by Daaash on 2024-09-22 19:00:16. It has garnered 148712 views and 2390 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:01 or 8101 seconds. Minecraft BUILD and SEEK! This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are playing build and seek in Minecraft where they each have to build a hiding spot, and who ever is last to be found wins! Who will win? Watch till the end to find out! #minecraft #minecraftmod #Dash Read More

  • Crazy Minecraft Bedwars Combo 1.9! #ShortsMadness

    Crazy Minecraft Bedwars Combo 1.9! #ShortsMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘combo 1.9 #bedwars #shorts #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #minecraft #minecraftshorts #vime’, was uploaded by P1aNo_Shorts on 2024-09-23 18:15:52. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. minecraft, minecraft pvp, pvp, combo, minecraft combo, minecraft smooth, best minecraft combos, minecraft combo lock, 1.9, minecraft combotage, sumo, mc pvp, sharpness pack, pot pvp, skypvp, minecraft sumo tournament, combos, sumo pvp minecraft, sumo god, minecraft sumo 1v1, bedwars, serb-craft, insane minecraft, sumo combos, sumo combo, minecraft 240fps, how to combo in sumo, sumo tips and tricks, minecraft hacking, minecraft sumo,… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft build with a creepy twist! 🔥👻 #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft build with a creepy twist! 🔥👻 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft game 🎯🎮 creepy build 😱😱 tick tock heck 🎯🎮 #shorts #viral #minecraft #gameplay’, was uploaded by MR GAMER 08 on 2024-02-04 11:07:00. It has garnered 2488 views and 77 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Minecraft game 🎯🎮 creepy build 😱😱 tick tock heck 🎯🎮 #shorts #viral #minecraft #gameplay Read More

  • Insane Lifesteal SMP in Minecraft! Free Server Tutorial

    Insane Lifesteal SMP in Minecraft! Free Server TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make a Lifesteal SMP in Minecraft using Aternos (Free Server Tutorial)’, was uploaded by BoltX79 on 2024-02-26 15:58:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Make your Lifesteal SMP Like Loyal SMP Using Aternos #subscribe #like #aternos #aternosminecraftserver #minecraft … Read More

  • JJ & Mikey find SCARY superheroes in Minecraft!

    JJ & Mikey find SCARY superheroes in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Family found SCARY IRON MAN, SPIDERMAN, HULK and THANOS – in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey – Life on 2024-05-04 23:00:11. It has garnered 7479 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:04 or 3604 seconds. JJ and Mikey Family found SCARY IRON MAN, SPIDERMAN, HULK and THANOS – in Minecraft Maizen! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @Maizen Like and subscribe to the channel if you love Mom! Read More


    SHIKANOKO NOKONOKO KOSHI TANTAN - MINECRAFT ANIMASIVideo Information This video, titled ‘SHIKANOKO NOKONOKO KOSHITANTAN – ANIMASI MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by DUHIN on 2024-07-21 10:00:36. It has garnered 21456 views and 1879 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Characters @KoboKanaeru @KureijiOllie @AiraniIofifteen @MoonaHoshinova @AyundaRisu @KaelaKovalskia @VestiaZeta ••••••••••••••••••••• Subscribe for more animation from duhin:) •••••••••••••••••••••• social media: Instagram :@duhingram TikTok: @duhinuwu •••••••••••••••••••••• Track: – •••••••••••••••••••••• back to video guys, dont forget to like, comment, and subscribe #Shorts Read More

  • Insane Hide-and-Seek with INSIDE OUT in Minecraft!

    Insane Hide-and-Seek with INSIDE OUT in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey HIDE from INSIDE OUT At Night in Minecraft ! (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Crazy Mikey on 2024-08-04 19:00:24. It has garnered 957 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:51 or 3831 seconds. JJ and Mikey HIDE from INSIDE OUT At Night in Minecraft ! (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen Store promotion: Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Turtle Farm – 3000+ cobblestone/hr

    Insane Minecraft Turtle Farm - 3000+ cobblestone/hrVideo Information This video, titled ‘Automatic Cobblestone farm in Minecraft | 3000 + per hour’, was uploaded by Turtle Craft on 2024-04-18 11:45:01. It has garnered 21570 views and 1023 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Automatic Cobblestone farm in Minecraft | 3000 + per hour I this short video I will teach you how to buid the easiest automatic cobblestone generator in minecraft you only need few materials to build this farm make sure to subscribe the channle full video link here : Design credit bigbooty17 song credit massobeats – gift (royalty free… Read More

  • ChippyChickin’s Realm – Realms 18+ Whitelist 1.21.1

    Join My Minecraft Realm! Looking for new players to join my realm. I currently have 4 players and looking to invite 4 or 5 more. Let’s create a friendly community/village with a maximum of 10 players. Any type of base is allowed – sky, underground, under the ocean, or a basic above ground house. Rules are posted in my discord server. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mob Sounds: My Original Creation

    Minecraft Memes - Mob Sounds: My Original CreationLooks like someone needs to hit the “mute” button on their imagination! Read More

  • Cube Xuan: Minecraft’s Happy Planet Rhyme

    Cube Xuan: Minecraft's Happy Planet Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Cube Xuan brings joy, like a delightful dream. With humor and fun, each video shines bright, Bringing happiness to all, day and night. From funny animations to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content is never flat. So join the fun, subscribe and see, The magic of Minecraft, in rhymes so free. Read More

  • I felt that… in the Nether! 🔥

    I felt that... in the Nether! 🔥 When you’re mining for diamonds in Minecraft and accidentally fall into lava, but the music is so soothing that you just feel like “I felt that” 😔 #minecraftstruggles #lavaissues #gamerproblems Read More

  • LEGO Novelties October 2024: Star Wars, Batman, Super Mario, Minecraft

    LEGO Novelties October 2024: Star Wars, Batman, Super Mario, Minecraft Exploring the Latest Minecraft Updates in October 2024 As the world of LEGO continues to expand, the month of October 2024 brings exciting new additions to the lineup. From Star Wars to Batman, Super Mario Bros, and Minecraft, there is something for every fan to enjoy. Let’s dive into the details of the latest Minecraft updates featured in this month’s LEGO releases. Discovering New Minecraft Sets One of the highlights of the October 2024 LEGO releases is the introduction of new Minecraft sets. These sets allow players to bring their favorite blocky world to life through intricate LEGO designs…. Read More

  • Ultimate Easy Iron Farm Minecraft Bedrock

    Ultimate Easy Iron Farm Minecraft Bedrock The Easiest Iron Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Farm Details Looking for an efficient iron farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21? Look no further! This iron farm, designed by OinkOink, is a game-changer. It operates in MCPE, PC, PS5, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox, making it versatile for players across different platforms. The farm, built in a Minecraft 1.20 Survival Farm world, is a fully automatic setup that guarantees a bountiful yield of iron and poppies. Farm Performance The farm boasts an impressive performance, producing between 300 to 350 iron ingots per hour. This high output ensures that players have a… Read More

NOOB vs HACKER: I Cheated in a SPEAKERMAN Build Challenge!