NOOB VS HACKER: M3GAN Build Challenge

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Today only doing a Megan building competition Broadway secretly cheating using slash paste wish let’s be spawning this massive Megan build isn’t she pretty Bobby filling her up with Mobs like these to prank my girlfriend Gracie speaking of wish let me see what she’s up to okay let me mine through this wall

And see what Gracie’s building whoa she’s building Megan But if James is somehow beats them then I have to be a servant robot for a week oh my gosh I only have 15 minutes though I gotta go whoa guys she has to be my robot but we don’t have long I only have 15 minutes to build okay for the

Entrance of my Megan I’m gonna put down this laser and Grace is glad to use one of these mirrors to redirect it to this catcher which will make this hole allowing her to enter this Megan but she has to figure out all this Redstone first so I’ll get rid of this mirror and

I’ll hide it behind here on an item frame amazing but then in here I’m gonna do my first trap so I’ll put some of these orange walls up and then put a chest at each row and then finally I’m gonna dig out a pit like this and put a

Deadly trap like this lava and then I’ll cover it over with these ghost blocks and I’ll do the same for this one over here except in this one I’ll use some spikes okay but before I build the next trap I’m gonna troll Gracie okay just stick it the greatest base I’m gonna

Morph into a zombie and there we go I’m now a zombie okay let me break my way in I have to be careful I can’t be spotted oh my God Gracie’s right there and be careful to be careful okay James he needs to blend in with these zombies and

Then I won’t get caught what is she doing how can I troll her though oh I know I have an idea and there we go just having Gracie might have realized this is my chat fixing it okay what else is in here oh look at the spikes down here that’s

Gonna be super dangerous maybe I can fix it by replacing these spikes with something less deadly maybe if I replace them with some slime blocks that would help that way if I fall on them I will just bounce wait she fixed the dirt oh wait a second did this zombie sneak out

Oh God guys I need to act natural she’s no just me act like a zombie though okay I’m just gonna go the way she tells me to go oh this zombie ruined everything this is so funny Charlie and Gracie guys wait a second what’s that green stuff down

There oh she might have noticed I replaced the spikes of slime wait a second deadly down there no she’s fixing it oh okay let’s go trolls her somewhere else wait but how did it change I don’t understand guys she’s figuring it out maybe I could show her outside as you

Can see her Megan has some gold hair what if I fix that by changing her into brown hair now it looks way worse wait a second is there a zombie flying what uh-oh that’s not good how’s burning in the Sun and also what happened to my

Megan’s hair wait are you Jamesy oh no she’s figured it out guys she knows I’m Jamesy JC got back to your side we only have 12 minutes left oh okay fine oh but at least I trolled her a little bit that distracted her but we’d have 12 minutes

Of building left okay but for the chest that wasn’t a trap I’m gonna put in some diamond armor which would be super useful and then over here I’m gonna put some secret doors which Gracie kick it open to go to the next trap okay in this

Next room I’m gonna put the first mob that Gracie’s gonna have to defeat a bunch of these Royal Guards there’s no way Gracie can beat this right but if she somehow managed to kill them the exit is gonna be this keypad door which requires a password and we’ll do 11 16

2003 which is my birthday let me know what your birthday is guys and for Gracie’s clue I’m gonna put a sign in this corner which reads I can’t wait for my b day which is a clue for crazy that the door is my birthday okay for this

Room I’m gonna completely fill the floor with these killing command blocks okay done so that if I put down a pressure plate and someone stands on it they will die so now I can make a pressure plate maze so I’ll completely fill this room with these pressure plates just like

This so now that anyone standing on these pressure plates they’re gonna die and from there I can make a pressure plate maze but you guys might realize that none of these pressure plates allow her to escape so instead of adding a secret door or something like that I’m

Gonna change this white quartz into pink wool and then I’ll change the command block underneath and I’ll make it TP grated to the Next Room instead so let me try this out yep it works so now Gracie has to find this secret patch plate to get to the next room okay for

This next trap I’m gonna put down some of these Diamond columns look how powerful they are they’re gonna instantly kill Gracie I bet okay let me put a bunch more of these Diamond Golems they look so cool wait what has happened why is my orange wheel replaced with

Pink wool oh crazy must have been up to this she’s getting revenge for me pranking her okay where is she I’ve gotta put a stop to this wait what’s happening to my stone pressure plates wait what no no no where is she oh I see her breaking blocks that must be her

Come here Gracie where are you she’s gonna be in this room somewhere this particles Tracy come back here what are you doing wait a second boom I have caught you in the ACT you’re pranking me did my first no I cleared it oh my God so sneaky I’ve

Had enough of this get out of my build right now go I’m going bye oh guys oh this is gonna take me a few minutes to fix and we don’t have that long left okay for crazy to get out of this room I’m gonna put some trap doors over here

Wish you have to open and close to climb up this next room I’ve made this really amazing lava mode and then in this chest I’m gonna put a bow in some arrows and then over here I’m gonna put some Target box of gravy to shoot at each of these

Target blocks will make it a way for her to clear over this lava so that when she shoots his Target block a little pink will work here making it a little bit easier to get across so if she shoots this one this warp is oh she shoots this

One this one does allowing her to jump over this Lava Moat but what about this one huh well if she shoots this one she’s gonna get teepeed into the lava oh that’s so funny and then for gritty to get out of this room I’m gonna put this

Secure door and this key card reader and then I’ll put a key card in here and boom they’re linked now this key card opens this door and then I just have to hide this key card which I’ll put in a chest underneath the lava there’s no way

She’s gonna find that okay in this next room I’m gonna build another trap uh James wait Gracie why are you here I told you to go away you might have thought I left but I didn’t actually where are you outside silly wait what what is this do you like

Your Megan build now can you vandalize my Megan with who is this that’s that’s dumb luck I can’t believe you’ve ruined my Megan how am I gonna win the building composition now wow I guess it’s a Gracie building competition now Gracie we only have 10 minutes keep

Building go wait I can’t believe I spent so much time building that okay for this next trap I’m gonna do some TNTs so there’s gonna be a zombie TNT an animal TNT or a rainbow Firework and I’m gonna make Gracie decide which she wants to blow up well when she’s picked then she

Can go to the next room we’re just gonna be hidden behind this secret door just like that amazing okay when Gracie finds these magical doors she’s gonna have to pick one of three of these fans except two of them are gonna end up killing her

This one and I’ll do the outside one as well and the middle one is gonna have fake lava which won’t kill her so when she gets blown through she’ll go through here and then there and then she’ll be in the Next Room okay I’ve got an extra

Up I’m gonna make Gracie fight this Ender Golem oh I wonder if she’s gonna survive but if she does then she’ll be able to find this secret chest which I’m gonna put some bear armor in I’m gonna put a lightning sword and a bunch of this armor there we go that’s much

Better oh even put this dark matter gun and finally I’ll put in eight ladders which will let her escape to the next room okay but before I build this next trap I’m gonna control Gracie again okay well I morphed it worked very well last time so I’m just gonna do good old

Visibility I’ll break through the wall and I’ll sneak onto her side oh my gosh there’s so many of these deadly lasers if I’m in survival mode there’s no way I’ll get through all these huh maybe there’s something I can do oh they’re powered by Redstone I can just do a

Command and there we go the lasers no longer work because I replaced the Redstone with red wool making them useless what what is this room wait Grace is right there is she putting some loot in these chests oh no way oh the loot is terrible she’s putting just dirt

In there that’s no good wait I’m idea I can change the loot and make it way better I’ll just replace that dirt with those diamond blocks and there we go wait a second I put dirt in here not diamonds let me fix it wait she fixed it

Okay guys I’m gonna put it back again oh that’s so funny go to the apples now what I’m taking that out oh no she might be on to me I’m gonna put some emeralds in there now I need a new one oh okay I guess that’s

All I could do oh guys look at this there’s a lava lake I’m guessing I have to get away over it what if I just made a sneaky little path out of barrel blocks which would make it a little bit easier there we go upstairs why is he turned off oh no guys

Please tell me she doesn’t realize if she figures out dyron plays the rest of the Roll should fix it wait a second it’s not powered up because it’s wool behind and not Redstone no she figured it out she’s so smart sometimes it must have been James yeah I need to find him

Right now oh she’s looking for me this isn’t good wait a minute I was gonna play some barrier blocks here but now that I have it in my hand I can see that her no she’s fixing this as well who plays them did Jamesy place them too

Oh no guys it’s all going bad she’s figuring out all my trolls wait my visibility ran out I knew I saw a bit of orange over here and it smelled stinky not to mention oh you’re so mean well you’re mean because you’re trolling my face again get out of here oh fine we

Only had three fish left silly oh okay fine I’ll hurry up I don’t have enough time to troll it anymore guys I just need to build some more traps remember Whoever has the best base inside and out wins okay in this room I’m Gonna Fill This pit with poisonous water which

Looks like normal water except if Grace he lands on it then she’ll die which is perfect uh for Gracie to get across I’m gonna have to put down some blocks so I’ll put a few of these blocks here but I’m gonna replace some of them with these ghost blocks which if Gracie

Stands on she’ll die but towards the end I’m gonna put them all with ghost blocks making it impossible there we go perfect if Gracie actually wants to make it over she’s gonna have to jump onto this barrier so she go to here to there and

From there she can jump all the way over okay for this next room I’m gonna make crazy answer some questions and the first question is gonna be what month did Megan premiere on and the premiere is basically when they first show the show to all the actors and families Etc

So none of us because to go unfortunately on the left side I’m gonna put December and on the right I’m gonna put January and before I tell you guys which was the correct answer I want you to leave a comment I’ll give you three seconds three two one if you chose

January well then you’d be wrong so if Gracie goes this way she’ll die and on the left it actually premiered on December the 7th okay next question for Gracie I’m gonna ask how tall is Megan on the right I’m gonna put my foot which is pretty tall but not that tall and the

Left I’m gonna put forefoot ah once again guys leave me in the comments how tall do you think Megan is if you put five foot then you’d be wrong she was actually four foot tall so on the four foot side now I’m gonna put fake lava so

Grace you can get through without dying but what’s crazy completes those questions she’s looking to the next trap and for the final room I’m gonna go make crazy fight this archaic Sentinel okay let me go to Gracie’s side Gracie are you done yes unfortunate definitely yeah I’ve always seen it Gracie yeah because

You kept cheating cheating huh well guys remember Whoever has the best space inside and out wins so I need to see what the inside’s like first well I’m not gonna tell you how to get inside because I don’t want to be a robot for a week Gracie what’s this doing over here

Why is there just a random statue what is it oh it’s Megan’s friend a robot since she’s also a robot huh she has a little pet robot that’s kind of cute but what’s it doing here it must have a reason well I made her a friend because

She doesn’t have one in the movie not really can I get inside of this somehow wait yes I can it’s fake blocks oh it’s obvious I mean just look that’s a grass block down there that’s weird isn’t it how do I get anywhere else though it’s just a random room yeah maybe you’re

Overthinking it I don’t know if this is the way in no it definitely is Gracie I know what you’re like now there must be a chest or a button or something there’s a choice okay well there must be an entrance to the base over here right

There’s a ladder oh yes oh this is where you destroyed all my barriers I really thought that was gonna work no no you’re so mean that’s what you get trying to troll I’m supposed to get a tour of your base not dying over and over again okay how do I get to the

Other side well I’m not gonna tell you but I mean there’s a fan here if you want to try jump I guess that’s the only way I cross huh okay I will make the jump for it ready here wow okay I made it but this fan is not very strong it’s not extremely

Useful it lets me jump a few blocks but I don’t know if you get it with this I don’t think I can Gracie there must be something else I can do no no I can’t tell you too much because I don’t want to be a robot come on okay

I wanted to make the jump for it wish me luck maybe it’s fake love if you’re lucky yeah you push me again you’re so mean okay well that’s definitely not the way across there’s gonna be something hidden maybe a lever or a door or a trapdoor I

Don’t know maybe it’s in the lava you know what Jason I think I have something that can help you great see I didn’t find anything in the love what is it just tell me here I’ll help you I hope you tell you what to do with them

Though kind of a bit more Seven’s not that many I’m sure if you really want more careful they’re gonna follow the law it’s okay I got them if you’re giving me some random item I have a feeling I have to use them for something yeah hmm maybe I have to craft something

Maybe ladders is that a crafting table you don’t have a crafting table I’m sorry huh I think I figured it out yeah there must be some fans underneath this lava and I have to use these things to find it don’t I well what if it’s fake

Lava as well maybe the sticks won’t burn up no I’ve already tested that okay I’m looking for some fans by chucking some sticks in the lava well careful you only have a limited number of sticks I have a stack of them I’ll be fine wow what happened wait well Gracie I

Think I found the fans this takes a stick yeah okay that means I can just walk across and there we go I made it wow they were just leading the way weren’t they yeah thank you so much Mr stickies but it’s a password protected chest what am I supposed to do with this

I don’t know maybe you should look around I mean you can look into the next one from here oh but wait can’t I just jump over oh look up oh my gosh you meanie well guys if I try to jump across those fans would blow me down

Meaning it would be impossible to jump over right Gracie yeah yeah I’m gonna jump down there okay okay I do see a sign though oh it’s a bit far away let me zoom in there we go huh six two plus one and two times two do I have

To guess which one’s the right one well maybe that’s the code for the chest oh I know I’ll give you a hint there’s only three numbers that you need okay so the first number is six second number’s gonna be three and the third number is

Gonna be four six three four let me try this out six three four there we go wait why is it giving me splash potions of fire resistance I don’t know maybe that could be helpful with something yeah I just even lava Vision that’s new huh lava vision and

Fire Resistance I reckon you want me to go back in that lava don’t you yeah and this time because you stance yeah so let me do the fire resistance whoa with that fire vision I can see through this lava I know right it looks it looked water I can see the

Fans and I can also see something else down here what is it it looks a bit like a chest I guess you have to go swimming there yeah okay let me get my fire resistance inside I’m gonna jump in now ready two one go let me open this chest and no

Way and the right stuff that is super cool get back up okay amazing let me go over to these fans and that way I can blow myself up so how am I supposed to get over there yeah I don’t know if your armor helps with getting over or does it

Wait Gracie this is Android Armor that could be special and the poor abilities the armor makes me immune to Ender Port damage which means I can just end the pull and not take damage but that’s not that useful however the sword that allows me to teleport like an air nipple

No way and splish I made over believe you did it that’s amazing yeah and I can use this later on as well no you can’t because I’m gonna give you an even faster sword that does 25 attack damage no way this one only does 10. should I

Trade it this one allows me to TP I don’t know well you’re not gonna be allowed to TP anyway so honestly it might be better to just trade okay I’ll take the dragon steel sword okay what’s next there’s a ladder here is this for the Next Room yep

But you can’t go up oh yeah I need two levers one for this trapdoor and one for this one hmm that’s no good well let’s go in here here because this one’s wide open for you yeah okay let me go in here is this a mace sort of I bet this is

Filled with traps isn’t it no I’m actually I’m actually feeling kind of nice today okay remember Gracie I’m facing your base to see how good it is wait there’s a password protected chest but I don’t know the password and there’s no math signs anyway is there I mean unless there is somewhere outside

Of the box okay I’m guessing I’m looking for a code but where could it be well you haven’t explore that side of the maze yet but how do I get over there I don’t see anything Gracie there must be something around wait why is there Holly blocks here there must be a reason

I don’t know I might have just misplaced it I can see something through this honey block can I break it to make it more clear please can yep I knew it there’s a sign behind this honey block I can use that to open the chest right well I hope it’s the

Right password because what if it’s wrong no it wouldn’t be wrong three three four three I’m gonna try this out okay no no no don’t lie to me free free for free yes there we go huh a key card but what did I use that for maybe it was

Useful for the other doors silly wait over here I didn’t notice because this is actually backwards but this is a key card reader which will allow me to go into that room yeah oh but there’s zombies inside I don’t know if I want to go inside Gracie well you kind of have

To if you want to win okay I’m gonna open it up let me kill these zombies and skeletons wait they have codes the zombies have three above them and the skeletons have five okay that’s pretty useful huh you’re still observant today good job Jamesy yeah three and five remember that

Jamesy remember that wait the password isn’t just 35 or 53. there’s some signs which says zombie x skeleton I think you want me to multiply them together don’t you yep it’s a it’s an equation what’s three times five well if we have three fives we have five ten fifteen so I

Think that’s the answer yeah it is nice but wait I only got one lever don’t I need another one yep you sure do you must be missing one let’s go back out I swear I have not missed anything where is it so I’ll put this one here that way

I can get through but you still need do you see anything around here that’s suspicious no not really apart from you I suppose well what color am I you’re pink wait it’s a pink blocker ah there’s a baby get away from me careful king of

Bullock has a lever in it oh I didn’t even noticed that earlier and the other level will go right there okay let me climb my way up and amazing let’s go oh what’s in this room well look at the side here welcome to my escape room yep

And I’m gonna Escape no problem are you sure you can escape Jamesy what do I look like an idiot of course I can escape um tell me guys is he right or wrong there’s a chest let me open this up and oh a book let me read this it says dear

Diary today orange was one and pink wasn’t that what is this the Blue Sky felt like severed at the strawberry turned six Gracie that was gibberish none of it made sense it’s a poem that I made just for you okay let me assess my surroundings over here there’s

Definitely some sort of door but I can’t get through even this dirt is made out of reinforced dirt so I can’t even break it yeah and look over here you and there’s some random colors over here I wonder what these could mean and then finally there’s a keypad door which I

Need a password to get in wait Tracy I remember in the book there was a bunch of numbers maybe that’s useful yeah and weren’t there colors too okay I’m gonna use the numbers first to get through the door okay orange was one so I’m gonna put one underneath orange there we go

Orange was one nice pink was an absolute nine Okay pink is nine there we go uh what else the blue Scout like seven okay the blue is seven oh wait but there’s two Blues okay I guess I put two sevens then and finally strawberry turns six strawberry none of these are strawberry

I guess strawberry means red huh well strawberries are usually red aren’t they I guess so unless they’re like a moldy or something well I wouldn’t want to eat a strawberry like that so I think that means I now have my order one six seven nine seven six well what about this lash

Banner you forgot it silly orange isn’t it no I think that one’s just wait orange was one oh I’m so silly there we go okay season color yeah yeah okay I’m gonna now try and put in this code into this door so we have one six seven nine seven

Six one yes wait but what’s this room there’s a bunch of paintings everywhere there sure are but do you notice any paintings that are Elizabeth suspicious let me look around we have some skeletons a man some nice creeper paintings wow basically this one looks a little bit like Megan that’s Alex not

Megan wait why are you jumping up and down over here move out the way there’s a love heart yeah James I love you so much no no no that can’t be the only reason there must be something behind this Chrissy what’s happened I accidentally broke it good job James I

Didn’t know you’d crack that okay inside there’s a TNT oh that’s dangerous Gracie what’s supposed to do with that I know right that is quite weird Okay Gracie I reckon I can use this TNT out here to get through wait I don’t have a flint steel you’re right that’s no good I must

Be missing something I’ve explored everything out here I’ve explored this room but wait this is sticking out this room is square but then there’s a little bit extra here you’re right maybe there’s a secret room in this one yeah but there’s no way in over here the

Entrance must be inside maybe it’s over here somewhere I’ll try walking into this I’m inside wow and here is the plate steel okay I’m gonna use this now try not to put Jamesy just here all right I’m gonna place down the TNT right there and Gracie stand back okay okay we don’t

Want this to kill us now do we okay ready three two one and run run run run ah I think it worked well what’s in this room is that a shark no oh that’s a lot of Sharkies can I just jump over yeah I mean you just have to parkour over don’t

You wait a second I bet one of these blocks aren’t real are they yep some of them are ghost blocks but I’m not gonna tell you which okay I’m gonna try the left side first Gracie a big attacks by the crocodiles in the pen no no no they’re spinning around let go

He’s grabbed hold of me stop it don’t worry I save you Jamesy oh that was close sorry but I had to spawn some crocodiles because I love them okay the left side wasn’t working and let’s try the right side now you better hurry I’m going I’m going I’m going

Right I think I made it over did you yeah I can make that well yeah no duh I’m over here oh my gosh I’m so proud of you even though the crocodile kinda helped bring you over here why is his name oh no because he’s wait what is this room are these all

Lasers yeah Jamesy don’t go through there’s no way you can make it through but there’s an exit over there I see it well let me give you a hint Jamesy there’s a way to disarm all of this Redstone no no no I’m just gonna run over ready three two one died

But I can’t tell you how okay there must be something over here nope I just see you you’re so cute today by the way oh really Jamesy are you saying that I don’t look cute other what’s his pink is fake oh I know you put fake wool here okay I’m gonna find a

Way to disable those lasers okay let’s okay let’s go wait I’m not jumping down there come on Jamesy that’s an amazing dropper oh there’s a fan it pushed me down okay cool well I guess you didn’t have a choice look let’s go let’s go through I’m going

In what’s in here though doesn’t look like there’s mug under this door though I’m not sure what’s going on crazy to be honest I don’t really know either there must be something in the here to help me wait this block looks kind of suspicious is

It oh it’s a chest no way a button and a command block I think you found the command block that turns off all of those lasers up there yeah okay what do I do though how do I get up there all you have to do is place a redstone on

The ground when you’re back up there and press the button that I gave you okay how do I get up there though that’s for you to figure out okay there must be a way back up wait there’s a hole in the roof climb a big gap here somehow ah

There’s a fan oh my God oh I’m up here now it’s a password protected door there’s no way through without a code yeah so maybe there’s a Code down here okay I’m looking around wait crazy you put a secret room over here but forgot to put a roof on it no way

Out yeah and there’s some fake blocks here okay there’s a sign seven times eight that’s kind of tricky it’s at 51 52 54. do you guys the seven times eight is okay Gracie I think I figured out because of the comments really what did they say 56 okay I’m gonna go up this

Fan and try this out all right yep it worked I’m gonna go through here and I’m going back to the laser room yeah so what am I supposed to do with this place the command block down okay there we go I place it down now what

Well where’s the button that I gave you in the chest okay let me do this okay Gracie I’m gonna press it in three two one go wait what just happened oh my God you turned off all the lasers good work awesome sauce let me go down here and

I’m going to the Next Room awesome remember Gracie whoever’s base is the best wins and I need to win this video how am I supposed to get down there I see some water way way down let me zoom in yep I can see that water but how am I

Supposed to get down there well it’s a dropper why don’t you try it out first okay I’m gonna go this way and then to the right come on come on and I made it what No okay I’m gonna press this command block now whoa looks like we’re in the Next Room whoa crazy you’re so smart at this I really aren’t I oh it’s a question okay did I watch Megan yet well considering we’re doing a Megan Build Challenge I really really hope you have

I watched it ages ago like two weeks ago really really have you guys watched Megan yet last of the comments make amazing but I’m not gonna tell what my answer is well considering you said it was amazing It’s gotta be a yes amazing when will we do a face reveal oh

Well Grace that’s a great question what’s the answer either one thousand or one million well considering we already have more than a thousand Subs It’s gotta be a minimum right yeah guys how 1 million and then we can do a face reveal yep subscribe right now and we’ll show

You our faces okay I know presses now yes let’s go let’s go next question when did we meet oh we talk about us right now Gracie yeah yeah of course do you mean like in real life in real real okay this is pretty easy I know us

Really well but guys let me know in the comments which do you think it is well if you said 2020 you’d be wrong we met in 2021 yeah there’s no way we could have met in 2020 that was during the pandemic I’m going up this fan now I’m

Up okay what’s this pick one wait Gracie I was here earlier and I remember which one was bad do you yep the left one had dirt in it and the right one was way better so I’m gonna pick the right one ready yeah I see it all now look at this

Lightning Dragon still stuff that’s awesome that armor is is way faster than the one you had before I’m gonna put it on right now but this sword’s way worse okay what do I do now well come on through because you’re Cause you’re in okay Gracie I’m fighting them oh no no no no that’s so that’s so weird it’s like what they do at the end oh I’m getting a little bit low okay I need to kill one of them to make it a little bit easier come on come on come

On maybe you should stay under the roof so you don’t fly away yeah I’m trying Gracie’s I’m a little bit preoccupied right now though you I did but I’m Full Hearts okay let me eat a little bit of food go Jamesy oh my gosh you’re so pretty to be a cheerleader

Well done oh he does a lot of damage who’s gonna win the meal the Golem one more time oh I didn’t thank you all right Gracie let’s go try out my Megan build now okay Gracie are you ready to see my mega now yep can I turn around now yes turn around

There’s no way you build this oh my gosh I don’t know Gracie she might be more prettier than you hey you here you go oh true I’m sorry you’re the prettiest that’s right well how do I get inside that’s for you to figure out Gracie come over here but there’s a

Random Blazer here and it’s really weird yeah maybe you have to do something with that is there something else around here wait a second look here Jamesy what’s that that’s a laser catcher basically it activates something when the laser goes inside of it but how are you gonna get

The laser over here it’s pointing that way that’s true I need something to reflect it something like a mirror yeah and Gracie if you want to know who wins this you have to get inside and do all my traps because it’s about the inside and the outside I definitely need to get

In if I don’t want to be a servant yeah Gracie try looking over here okay let me see is there anything around here that is really suspicious oh wait wait yep what’s that Gracie tell us what you found how did I start it’s amazing it’s a

Mirror in an eye in an iframe yeah honestly I thought you guys notice it way sooner but you were just clicking around I know it would be something in the ground uh oh that’s the wrong way Gracie let me replace it yeah go ahead try again okay

I’m gonna replace it from this side and this way nah you missed it just one more there we go wait what happened it opened up a giant entrance that’s amazing Jamesy so I have to pick it from out of these three chairs yeah so there’s three different chests each with different

Loot in it and this is gonna be helpful for killing the mobs later on so you won’t pick the right one oh no I don’t want to pick anything really bad I should have trolled this room when I was here nope that would have been naughty

So what are we gonna pick well I don’t really like orange so I kind of want the pink okay well then go towards it you put in the spikes wrong chest Gracie it’s okay the chest was empty anyway oh how about you get another Choice okay so if pink wasn’t the answer

Yep I’m guessing you’d really like orange so it’s definitely this one then no wrong again you fell into lava pit this time but don’t worry the chest was empty again all right Gracie well I guess you know which one it is now you’re so you don’t believe it was this yeah and

What’s inside whoa Jamesy look at my feet wow a crown and even girl armor that’s awesome you have a little skirt going on I know right and a diamond site that’s fun whoa that’s like death’s weapon that’s super cool well how do I get to the Next Room there’s a secret

Door somewhere but where I wonder oh oh I know I’m gonna every single you find the doors let’s go wait what’s that what are these the Guardians of the Kingdom you need to kill them Golden Apple well try not to get too close Grace you’ll get attacked by all

Of them at once just pick them off one at a time okay good idea but the thing is they keep blocking me with their Shields yeah well at least your arm is better than theirs they only have iron and you have Diamond but there’s a lot

More of them who are you rooting for guys Neil Gracie who do you want to win guys please I want to win I don’t know I don’t want to be Gracie’s serving for a week that sounds bad she’s gonna make me do a ton of stuff I don’t want to do

You’re just gonna make me do all your chores because I know you don’t like to do them yeah true you know Gracie I have hours of laundry that needs doing I can’t wait to make you do all that okay Gracie well done there seems to be some sort of

Keypad door huh yeah I definitely need some sort of password yeah but where would you find it let me just click round wait there’s a sign what does it say I can’t pass I can’t wait for my birthday what does that mean though I don’t know

Gracie I’ll give you a clue it’s to do with the code if you can’t wait for your birthday then maybe your birthday is the code yep you figured it out wait but when is your birthday again oh come on Gracie you’re my girlfriend you should know this I’m just kidding of course I

Know it okay okay Gracie this room is super cool I can’t wait for you to die to it what do you mean your plates I’m scared I’m scared what if I just tested out already if you touch any of these brush plates you’ll instantly dying no Lava nothing

Just complete death no that’s all to make sure I walk carefully well be careful Gracie you almost touched one there and also it’s amazed you need to figure out how to get the other side yeah where is the exit I don’t know go over here I guess if you go on this side

It’s gonna be close right I don’t want to accidentally mess up and have to start all over on that side again do you know how tempted it is just to push you right now like release down wait Jamesy yeah there’s no exit where do I go I go hmm maybe there’s a secret

Door or something you don’t know what I see what do you see Gracie so there’s a lot of weird blocks on the ground over there right like there’s lapis there’s sad that’s just my uh my Megan but I didn’t say anything over there but there’s a big box ER that’s your

Favorite color huh let me try it yes you figure that out super fast I wasn’t expecting that but Gracie there’s Diamond Golems in here they’re super angry you need to kill them man okay I’m gonna kill this one first I think he’s really powerful isn’t he

Is come on Gracie he’s getting low you can see the crinkles look he’s got some little marks on him yeah he’s cracking that’s good come on Gracie and you’ll get diamonds if you kill him we should be super cool no no he died all right Gracie you respawned back you have another chance

Go go go yep he’s really low you need to kill the others though come on I know okay first one down what did you get I got a bunch of diamonds all right Gracie keep going you’ve got this if only I could attack all of them at the same

Time that would be super awesome all right Gracie you’ve killed a few of them now not many left Jamesy it feels like it’s been an hour and I still haven’t killed any wait they have so much health but I think I’m finally killing them all yes final one wonderful amazing Gracie

Good job and now I’m have over a stack of diamonds no way awesome you can keep that once you finish my Megan but there must be an exit to this room somewhere right wait a second Jamesy yeah everything looks room looks like normal or or this block here it’s a trapdoor but

How do you look into the other side am I able to get through no I don’t think I can maybe there’s something else here as well I mean oops Daisy wait a second ly oh my gosh okay Gracie well in this room open the chest wow so arrows and

Yeah this is going to really practice your aim and I can’t wait to see who wins this okay let me shoot all of them right now right one first oh sorry sorry well done Gracie you hit the first one look what happened wait a block came out

In so this is gonna allow you to jump over it looks like you need to hit a few more to get across okay just one more and then the last one was a troll we didn’t even need that one sorry Gracie but you’re gonna die whoa

Good thing my armor is good oh no how did you survive you still need a key card to get over wait you’re right how am I gonna get over without a code well you’ve gotta find it is there anything around here that would help me that definitely is I’m gonna click around dad

Gracie I’ll give you a clue it’s really hot oh my oh my God the lava yes it is in the lava but don’t fall in good idea you found the key card well done how are you gonna open it there we go well I just did amazing let me eat Gracie no

You’re not allowed to come in well good thing’s my house I could do what I want all right Gracie pick up that Flint steel but instill oh I almost didn’t notice it there’s three TNT’s each doing something special and you get to pick which one you want wait a second are you

Serious yeah I remember Gracie this might be a trick the ones that look the best could be the worst yeah yeah very safe I definitely want to pick this one because it’s really but would I give you that you said that’s the best ones are also the most dangerous ones so

I don’t think I should click on that one yeah this one looks really fun maybe it’s very dangerous maybe it fires out some sort of rockets that will kill you I think I’m gonna go with the most boring one okay well what’s it gonna do we’re gonna find out ready I’m scared

Whoa It’s a zombie army good luck Gracie I think you might die James okay I’m maybe gonna help you out Gracie I’m gonna shoot the other one now this one is called an animal TNT and this is gonna spawn in a bunch of animals maybe someone help you look at all these mobs

I don’t think I like these whoa but there is an iron golem at least so he is maybe helping you a little bit this is not yeah there’s a lot of mobs in here okay I’ll help you out I’ll put some lava down which will burn all of them wait wait

Oh wait a cream for this blew up they blew up most the mobs come on Gracie you got this use your sword though and don’t forget your golden apples all right Gracie pretty much all the mobs are dead now just a few left oh my God

Oh my God yep he’s killing all the skeletons and stuff for you amazing okay live thing yep well done now you have to find new place in the Next Room but how are you gonna get to the Next Room Gracie I don’t know but do you know what

I do know what do you know that’s cheating no way oh make sure you use that eventually all right Gracie find the exit okay so let me see what are you she got Jamesy uh nothing I’m not pointing to get anything wait a second that’s suspicious why are you

Looking over there if I was literally pointing right here wow wait a second door that you were all right Gracie in this room there are three different fans that you have to pick from which ones do you want wait a second why aren’t they gonna fly me up to well look it’s all

But maybe some of it’s not real lava okay really yeah yeah both of these ones were real love but that’s the only one that was safe and you knew somehow foreign against right now but you are fighting against this Ender Golem though so good luck he’s so just a second I was trying

To stress Sports you found way better armor and weapons that’s not fair that’s amazing I need to throw all my trash in here wow you have a lot of trash which is actually kind of good all right Gracie put on the new one before he kills you no I think

I think use a totem wow you did now I have a dark matter gun and I’m gonna ship it doesn’t work against him silly oh no you have a new sword use the better sword this is the new sword that I got lightning sword he must be low now

Gracie I can’t wait for you to kill him wait Gracie you killed him the second he killed you what I was literally kill sword well I guess that’s the problem with having a sword that Summer’s lightning shot Wasting Bullets you don’t have money left Gracie you missed on the loot

Look you left you left Hein a totem which You’re Gonna Want You Left Behind ladders come on oh so I can use the slash to build up that’s right all right Gracie in this room you’re gonna have to do some park over pretty simple stuff right and if you

Fail then some boards at which you can just climb up from that sounds fun okay I’m going now off you go normal water yep it’s poisonous I don’t remember which ones I went on well Gracie you just gonna have to remember aren’t you okay this is where I messed

Up and I jumped on that one instead of the bright one oh so you tried this side why don’t you try like the left or the right now okay let me try the tea over here that’s fake too okay Gracie I think he might realize that all the M blocks are

A ghost which means you won’t be able to make it over this way so what do I do know if I can’t even get across I don’t know Gracie I guess you have to find another way hmm wait a second yeah there’s very how did you know because

He goes right in front of it oh silly me okay well I guess you’re figuring this out let’s go I’ve watched okay Gracie well I have some questions on my own now for you to answer okay Gracie for this next room you have to answer this question what

Month did Megan premiere on you’re invited to the fish I was was you not invited to the premiere I was so December or January well I remember that I watched a video about Megan two months ago and it’s currently February so if it was two

Months ago there was no way it was in January yeah it has to be December well done crazy that’s correct this is fake lava okay next question how tall how tall is Megan I’ll give you a clue Gracie she’s a little bit shorter than you I know I’m better than five foot so

Well you’re like five foot one Grace you’re like a few centimeters taller well I remember Megan wasn’t that short if she was four foot she’d be a Champion yep Gracie I’m sorry but you’re gonna die well I guess you know it’s this one yep she’s actually only four foot she’s so short wow okay crazy for the last room you’re gonna have to kill this archaic Sentinel no wait purple that’s a really pretty color yeah you haven’t even hit

Them what are you doing you know what I’m gonna use my gun wait that’s cheating it’s super powerful wait what’s happening he’s spinning around I know why oh for no way yes that’s op okay well Gracie we’re done with the challenges now and that means the audience gets to pick who wins

But before they do their decision I need to tell you something what is it I know I’m not very good at this but I cheated in my build I didn’t build her what serious you know what I knew already because there’s no way you could have built her and she looked too realistic

Well with that in mind guys who did the better base inside and out comment if you think it was Jamesy and comment Gracie if you think it was Gracie and we’ll see you in the next video don’t forget to like And subscribe bye bye

This video, titled ‘NOOB VS HACKER: M3GAN Build Challenge’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2023-02-21 16:00:21. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

NOOB VS HACKER: M3GAN / MEGAN Build Challenge Jamesy and Gracie are building m3gan also known as megan the robotic …

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    Join Minewind: Where Gamers Build Epic Worlds Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “I BUILT A GAMING ROOM IN MINECRAFT 1.20” by @Shreyu_is_live from Epitome Gaming. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it sparked a thought – the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft offers. Imagine being part of a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft community where you can unleash your creativity, build incredible structures, and embark on thrilling adventures. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With a dedicated community… Read More

  • Top 5 Must-See Minecraft Seeds for 1.20.6

    Top 5 Must-See Minecraft Seeds for 1.20.6 Exploring the Best Minecraft Seeds for 1.20.6 Update Embark on a thrilling adventure with the top 5 best seeds for Minecraft 1.20.6 – The Trails & Tales Update! These seeds are specifically tailored for Minecraft 1.20 Java Edition, ensuring an exciting gameplay experience. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the Minecraft universe, these seeds offer a diverse range of landscapes and structures to explore. Seed 5: Mountain Circle Seed ID: 19401855602 Discover the awe-inspiring Mountain Circle seed, where you’ll encounter a unique ring of mountains that will leave you breathless. Traverse through the rugged terrain and… Read More

  • INSANE NETHER ADVENTURE with CasualPrince8!! 🔥🔥

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    INSANE NETHER ADVENTURE with CasualPrince8!! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘THE NETHER ADVENTURE | Prince plays MINECRAFT (Part 34)’, was uploaded by CasualPrince8 on 2024-03-22 23:25:12. It has garnered 84 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:06:57 or 11217 seconds. Join the Casual Discord: Donate here: Part 34 of my adventure into the ever-changing, ever-brilliant world of Minecraft! Read More

  • Summoning The Goatman in Hardcore World (#2)

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    Summoning The Goatman in Hardcore World (#2)Video Information This video, titled ‘I added The Goatman to my Hardcore World…(#2)’, was uploaded by Chiefxd on 2024-05-24 16:29:33. It has garnered 87880 views and 4362 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:52 or 1732 seconds. THE GOATMAN IS HERE! Hardcore Minecraft in a haunted, empty and desolate wasteland. This is my hardest and scariest challenge yet as the Steve dweller or mimic dweller and now the new goatman update is set loose in this hardcore survival world. Herobrine is also scaring me 24/7. Dangerous mobs roam the land while no passive mobs, no wildlife no vegetation spawn… Read More

  • Fersse77 EXPOSES Shocking MINECRAFT MYTHS! #minecraft

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    Fersse77 EXPOSES Shocking MINECRAFT MYTHS! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Rompiendo MITOS de MINECRAFT #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Fersse77 on 2024-03-19 13:22:20. It has garnered 7699 views and 378 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Today we are going to play minecraft #shorts #minecraft #minecraft #shorts ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ SOCIAL NETWORKS: Instagram🧡: @fersse77 Twitter💙: @fersse77 Tik Tok 🤍 : @fersse77 ———————————————– —————————– ——————— ————————————————– —– Contact information: [email protected] ———————————— —————————————- ———- ————————————————– —————- #minecraft #minecraftstories #minecraftshorts #youtubeshorts Youtubers that I don’t copy (I inspire) are: Awita, Jardred, Bobicraft, danomc, minecraft 1.20, xturbo, minecraft animation, bobycraft, mcjardred, minecraft challenges, minecraft myths, minecraft… Read More

  • “INSANE Sofa Transformation!! #shorts #minecraft” 🪑🔥

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    "INSANE Sofa Transformation!! #shorts #minecraft" 🪑🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘is your Sofa Looking Like This? ||#shorts #minecraft || Voice Credit: Space antiquity’, was uploaded by Ultimate Edits07 on 2024-01-06 11:40:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Voice Credit: Space antiquity Design Credit: Space antiquity. Read More

  • Unbelievable: This Item OP AF – Stronger than Creative Mode! #Minecraft #Dreamsmp

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    Unbelievable: This Item OP AF - Stronger than Creative Mode! #Minecraft #DreamsmpVideo Information This video, titled ‘This ITEM is stronger than CREATIVE MODE #minecraft #dream #dreamsmp #gaming #funny #tricks’, was uploaded by panso on 2024-05-24 04:47:42. It has garnered 2321 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. The stronger item in minecraft ——————————– Twitter: Discord: Server: no sever Resource Pack: vanilla Will I add you as a friend?: hell no Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Villagers Strike Back in Minecraft!

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    UNBELIEVABLE: Villagers Strike Back in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Villager Revenge’, was uploaded by Rama8413 on 2023-12-31 10:40:23. It has garnered 2620 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Minecraft Villager Chase Minecraft Villager Meme #minecraft #shorts #feedshorts #funny Read More

NOOB VS HACKER: M3GAN Build Challenge