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Hi Benji hi Leo guess what we’re doing today cool what are we doing today today we’re going to be doing the mega roller coaster Build Challenge and we’re gonna only have 15 minutes to get this challenge completed so who’s gonna have the better one Leo is it gonna be me or

Is it gonna be you you already know it’s gonna be me of course Benji I’ve been improving okay we’ll just have to see about that huh Leo but if you’re ready I’m ready oh yeah let’s get started all right Leo let’s do this oh yeah oh wait

Could you tell me what a roller coaster looks like again I I honestly forgot are you serious Leo come on all right well don’t worry I’ll get some rails for you and maybe a card and I’ll show you a little bit of a tiny demo of what they

Might look like all right Leo check this out this is what it’s gonna look like for just tiny purposes you get the rails down and a minecart that’s it flooding back to my memory banks now I can get started okay Leo good luck all right we’re gonna

Go ahead and do this 15 minutes starting now let’s go alright guys so what we’re going to start off first is a big ramp because everybody knows that the real proper awesome good roller coasters start with a good old ramp so that’s what we’re gonna be doing and the block

We’re gonna be using is the purple block because purple obviously all right and now we’re gonna build up with this ramp with the purple blocks and of course they’re purple as you can see down there I built a little bit of the track just to make sure I got some nice progress

And look at that this thing is so tall now we’re gonna build it out here and just kind of feel it out and see where we can go with it all right now we’re gonna add these powered rails onto this ramp so that way he can go shooting up

As fast as possible we don’t want him falling all the way back down that would defeat the whole purpose and at this top of this ramp here we’re going to stop on a powered rail block and since the powered rail is not powered instead of the usual where it pushes you forward

When it’s powered it makes you stop instead um but hold on before we do that I’m gonna add a little bit more Pizzazz to this railroad right here it looks a little bit lackluster okay uh boom there we go okay get that in there and there

We go this looks much better and we’re just gonna add this redstone block right here so we have tons of power and guys look at me I’m going up really fast we got all the powered rails so now we are flying and as you can see we stopped on

The unpowered powered rails and we’re just gonna go ahead and build on and what we’re going to be building is some Parkour made out of the purpose of course in order to get to the end of this parkour he’s going to have to make some good old jumps have a jump to a

Ladder here and there and then for the very last bit of this parkour he’s gonna have to jump into a mine cart but in order to get the minecart he has to get it from a chest first so once he gets it from the chest he can place it down jump

To the mine cart make it to the lever so we can bring that lever back to the unpowered rails charge up the powered rails with the lever and then he can continue on with the giant roller coaster oh that was a lot but trust me it’ll be better easier shown than said

So we’ll see in the future you’ll see hopefully Leo can do it really quickly but once Leo does get here I’ll just demonstrate what happened so sit place the lever and then boom he’ll go forward just like so and then he’ll go all the way down this very very very very very

Long fall oh my gosh this is so far I’m feeling kind of queasy oh okay we’re landed but this is where the next section is gonna be and I’ll show you in just a second almost done and boom whoa would you look at that oh wow that was

So cool I love when I do builds like this but it’s super trippy and he’s gonna fall down into this and that’s when the Fun’s gonna begin but now that it’s built we might as well test it out right let’s have some fun oh my gosh this is so high but this will

Be really cool though Leo’s gonna have a blast I can only imagine what he’s gonna sound like oh okay we hit the floor we’re all the way down here Benji are you all right I just heard you screaming oh uh what would you call this pickle a

Pickle I mean I mean pickles are good though like a dill or what kind of are we talking about here well uh I don’t really know if I’d classify this as a dill pickle but I I’m fine don’t even worry about me Leo forget the pickle

Okay as long as you’re good that’s all I really care about but also a side note I just really don’t want you to make a roller coaster that’s super high off the ground because I’m scared of heights just uh please leave it lower okay and then it will all be okay right

Absolutely Leo I would never steer you in the wrong direction especially high up I just couldn’t do that to you okay what was I thinking of course you wouldn’t do that to me Benji okay well good luck with your I’m Gonna Keep On keep on buying all right Leo good luck

And we’ll see who’s the best one we sure will but good luck to you too thank you however let’s get back to the task at hand here guys so for this nether place that I wanted to do it’s going to involve Netherrack tunnels a bit of a labyrinth type Vibe just imagine that

And then it’s eventually going to lead to a chest that has a bow and some arrows in it and then Leo our friend here is gonna have to shoot some guests well they’re not gonna be actual guests because uh we don’t have the budget for that quite just yet they’re gonna be

Statues because I can at least build you know the pro Benji over here I I can do a thing or two with a thing or two but Leo is going to have to Loop in front of the guests to be able to shoot them and we’ll obviously provide that ability for

Him to do so and he will have to shoot the gas and then basically the gas are going to have Target blocks near the center of their face and their mouth so but once they’re hit they’re gonna release a redstone pulse into a piston on the inside of the ghast and then this

Piston will keep the lights on indicating the gas has been hit oh in this signal will also be connected to a wireless transmitter so said transmitters are connected to a receiver that when both are turned on they will switch the end of the rail Loop to go to

The exit of the level hopefully that all made sense and if not eventually you’ll see Leo going through it so it’ll be more entertaining that way regardless and with that being said in order for Leo to exit the level he’s going to have to ride into the mouth of the third gas

Statue which I have built right here and inside I made a TNT player launcher which don’t worry I’ll explain it in just a second to make it make more sense Leo is going to ride over a detector rail that will trigger an arrow dispenser which will boot him out of the

Minecart onto the fence pole in the middle of the water pool and once he gets in here some things are going to happen let’s just say so alright well TNT you know his favorite TNT will be deployed and then it will blow him up into the air launching him straight up

Into the next part of the section or for this you can call it the track alright and let me just demonstrate here what’s just going to happen it’s going to be really fun honestly watch we zoom on into the water the TNT deploys We explode up into the air like so this is

Awesome then right here I’m going to have a pressure plate for him to land on and then he’s gonna have a slope to go down and then it’s gonna go up it’ll just be really cool watch you’ll see I’ll show you in a second and boom look

At that that’s pretty cool I think and then he’s gonna go over here what she’s gonna be faced with the decision he’s gonna have to choose right or the left and naturally I’m gonna make him choose the right and well not make but encourage him to choose the right

Because it’s not going to be the right way ironically the left side is going to be the right way now if he chooses the right side just know that he’s going to be faced with a ravager and those things are vicious I mean you do not want to get in contact with those

Um so yeah it’s needless to say he’s gonna meet his demise if he chooses the right side which he just might because I’m gonna you know encourage him to however if if he does choose the left side it’s going to lead him down a spiral Railway to the next part of the

Track which is going to be the right part of the next section all right everybody so this next section is going to be really fun for Leo so he’s gonna go through kind of Indiana Jones style through this really jungle looking tunnel and then he’s gonna have to dodge

Tons of arrows while his Minecart’s flowing through all of the railways and then eventually he’ll make it through and honestly I don’t know if he’s gonna make it out on stage or not this is just a really fresh idea that I had in my mind and honestly I thought it’d be

Really cool to see if it would work out or not before I go any further I want to build up the sides with some purple purple blocks because oh I just love purple it’s so good I just it’s my favorite color I mean how could I pass

Up this opportunity anywho once he gets out of the tunnel he’s gonna go on to a wobbly bumpy part of the track until going up to a bubble water elevator the bubble water elevators are actually a really cool build and they’re really interesting because you use Soul Sand to

Use the bubbles like it’s weird like it’s almost like the souls are making all these bubbles come out of their mouth and they’re just cursed it’s it’s so weird but you know what it is what it is we use the Soul Sand to make the bubbles for the elevator and then once

That’s happening it’s going to propel anything upwards and to anything that goes inside of it it’s really cool but the water obviously has to be there so once you’re at the top of the bubble elevator there’s a trip wire that’s going to be set up and then when the

Tripwire is triggered the Piston will push whatever is in front of it and make it bounce forward onto the track AKA this is gonna be Leo and then hopefully he’ll just keep going like that’s kind of the plan all right and once he gets to the top of this what you didn’t know

Is that this is going to be the last bit of the section so if he gets here he’s gonna be right at the very end and things will be super awesome for Leo but the last bit of the track here Leo’s gonna have to stop on an unpowered rail

Here once more but there’s gonna be a sign in the middle and he’s gonna have to choose it’s gonna say what should you do right now on the right it’s gonna say take a break which isn’t going to be the right decision none on the other side

It’s gonna say subscribe so so hopefully he chooses the right one I mean who wouldn’t choose subscribe right that’s just like the obvious answer right come on oh and I forgot to mention if he does choose the wrong answer he’s gonna get mauled by a ravager again so hopefully

He just does not choose the wrong answer because that would be tragic however when he chooses the right way and goes to the Subscribe button on the left side he’s going to see that he can go to the finish line and then he’s gonna get the

Treasure and I know he’s gonna love this treasure room because he’s in love with Huts for some reason but this this treasure room is is going to be themed like a HUD that’s kind of what I decided a long time ago and it’s gonna be really

Cool hopefully he likes it okay and then in each of these chests we’re just gonna fill it up with some gold ingots and then we’ll just call it a day I think he’ll enjoy that because he really likes gold like that is his thing then with

These banners we’re gonna spell out f i and I and S oh that’s uneven okay well H it’s gonna say finish but let’s make that look better all right so I’ve just decided it’s gonna be a little uneven and we’re just gonna have to make up a

Word what about uh finish uh finish oh goodness what should I make it okay I’ll finish uh finishy yeah finishy yeah yeah let’s just go with that Leo won’t even notice anyway he’s new so he’ll it’ll be fine he’ll appreciate all this but speaking of Leo Leo how are you doing

Over there I’m so glad that you asked Benji because I’m almost done well that’s good because the timer is about to go off in five four three oh my gosh place my last block one oh okay I just finished I’m ready Benji okay good because I’m on my way all right Leo I’m

Headed over there oh good I’m so excited for you to see it all right and look at this uh oh uh this is your giant railroad that you wanted to make your giant roller coaster yeah yeah no no no no no I I love it Leo this

Is great oh my goodness uh I I wasn’t expecting this this is great great I love it oh thank you so much and also I hope you enjoyed that steak and you can go ahead and uh and ride go ahead and go in oh Leo wait before before I go on I

Just want to admire this real quick I I don’t think I’ve really taken in what all this ride really is you know I I’ve been kind of like taking it for granted and I really just think you deserve so much more credit all right so whoa whoa

Whoa oh that was terrifying oh I know isn’t it just the scariest thing you’ve ever seen all right anyways you’re gonna have to choose here which one do you want to go on oh well let’s see here there’s two purple and those are my favorite colors so clearly those are the

Ones you want me to go through right okay so I’m gonna go through the one on the left here first and just see what happens all right this looks like the right decision to make Leo right because you would choose my favorite color right I mean that that’s how it works isn’t it

Right um yeah go ahead and give it a go of Benji yeah it’s it might just be purple oh it wasn’t out oh you lied to me Leo why why would you do this oh oh my gosh wait why am I not dying I’m just I’m stuck here forever

What’s going on okay yeah sure yeah I just I I felt a little bit hurt right there I wanted to just feel the pain a little bit longer because of you betraying me Leo I thought you were gonna make it purple this time oh come on Benji you know that’s not how it

Works here you always have to choose my favorite color because I built it remember oh come on you know I I can’t believe that Leo I feel like you’re pulling my like so with that being said I’m going in the one on the right here because clearly you wouldn’t do me dirty

Twice right it has to be my favorite color let’s go oh yes oh my gosh wait Leo I don’t have anything to defend myself I’m being attacked by zombies right now oh my god oh so you did betray me oh Benji don’t have to understand you would do the same

Thing wouldn’t you oh you know what honestly you’re you’re probably right I I might I might have chosen my favorite color a time or two so I I forgive you Leo I I was acting a little bit cruel there I apologize I accept your apology

It’s all okay and now I just wanted you to look ahead a little bit I have the lava floor just like you like I do like looking at that lava Leo that that is something that you know I like and honestly this is really cool so uh I’m

Assuming this is some Parkour that I have to get across here and then there’s like more track one all right two and three am I doing it this is what you want yes that’s perfect keep going you just have to get to that next track

Right in front of you and then you can keep going make sure you have that cart though oh yep I definitely have it I have it right here in my inventory and I’m just gonna go ahead and assume you want me to go right here and go down

This big hill whoa oh my gosh whoa there’s so many zombies oh my goodness what am I supposed to do here okay so you so applied me with a sword in the middle and I I can’t do that on the cart Leo what were you thinking

Um I don’t know I just thought it would be kind of a fun activity you can’t blame me for that I really thought that you’d enjoy spinning around and you know kind of go in with the sword and really surviving because you’re going fast enough right I thought that they

Wouldn’t be able to get you but you know in retrospect it was kind of close quarters yeah it was just a little bit too close I mean you you still you only spread them out like three blocks of length actually no two blocks oh my goodness Leo come on anyways regardless

Of that Leo it was fun okay it was cool but where do I go now yep right there that’s perfect and then just hit that level and keep on going wait that was it that was it didn’t you have fun yeah Leo uh yeah that was really fun Leo thank

You for that really giant awesome fun roller coaster I really really had fun there and oh my gosh wait okay you know me so well Leo I know don’t you just love what I put in the chest absolutely those are like my favorite I love having those okay so anyways thank you for

Showing me this Leo are you ready to see my giant roller coaster boy am I I’ve been looking forward to this all day I just hope it’s not super tall though I get so scared of heights uh yeah it’s definitely not anyways Leo let’s just go

Ahead and head over all right I’m on my way all right Leo uh don’t look now but uh I kind of have a really tall track to your right oh what a really track to my right I’m not actually gonna have to do that you know

I I kind of forgive me Leo but I I really think that you could conquer your fear today I I really wanted you to do that and as your bro I think that this is going to be a healthy experience okay just trust me trust your bro all right

Benji all right trust me I’m I’m the pro here and I I this is just what I thought was good for your feared we’re gonna conquer it today right Leo oh you know what I guess you’re right it’s like you are you’re always right Benji you know

What I’ll give it a go this is for you let’s go oh this looks so crazy okay you know what Benji I’m not gonna lie to you I’m actually having some fun right now I’m going so quick up this thing it’s not like painfully slow like all the

Other rides oh okay I thought it was gonna fall off that track I don’t want to do that but uh oh look at over here we got some Parkour that’s right Leo and if you look over there that’s kind of where you need to go so uh just use your

Judgment and good luck all right just try to make it all the way over there oh look at you you’re going uh-huh no time to waste parkour is my specialty all right jump there and then jump over to this one oh good thing that ladder was there

Okay uh sorry Leo uh I’ll just respawn you right here oh my gosh that was such a long I can definitely make it now ladder there jump to this one boom and then jump there oh a chest okay what’s in here oh a minecart okay what do I do

With this Benji okay do you see this rail right here just place it right there oh okay oh no no don’t you worry Leo I’ll respawn you right here on the chest and you were supposed to right click to get onto the mine cart Leo that

Was like why I had you place it there you just kind of went for it though so honestly I give you credit for that you okay that wasn’t what I meant by grab the minecart oh then what did you mean Benji well for one I said get in the

Minecart I didn’t say grab the minecart that was like your first mistake oh okay you want me to go in the minecart okay that makes much more sense okay now I can do it on this try this is the one that I’m gonna pull off completely watch this Benji

Oh see it was that easy that was like my third try third tries to charm right that’s what they always say okay so I just took the lever now what do I do Benji okay so now you have to go all the way back oh my gosh I have to go back oh

No darn it I just don’t know how to do that so easily though okay I’ll jump here and then I’ll go back to the chest oh okay there’s ladders down here I didn’t even see those okay we’ll go there and then I’ll gotta go over to

This just like so gotta calculate it and oh oh yeah Leo you were supposed to turn the trap door down so that way you landed on it I I don’t think you really thought about that one yeah look at that see it’s easy peasy go over to this one

Put it up go over to that one put it back up and then boom Dad we’re off to the next block jump there jump there this is so easy to me look at this jump over to this one with the trapdoor up and then put it back down just guess why

Not jump over there and maybe I could oh how do I do this Benji this is so new to me oh no oh sorry Leo I didn’t teach you how to do this parkour before that’s kind of my fault but I thought you know I might

As well see if you could do it on your first try but wait a minute you just did it oh my gosh I totally did I guess I’m a natural born parkour artist is that what they call them these days I don’t know I still did it though anyways so

What do I do with this lever now that I’m back over here Benji okay so you see that Minecart right there place it down like yep exactly and then you get into the Mine Card like that go for okay you’re just going for it yes to the portal

Okay oh that was really cool oh my gosh what is this oh did you get out of the Mine Card Leo come on man all right I’ll respawn you though don’t worry you’ll have to do it one more time let’s see you’re saying I get to experience that

Again oh yippee but uh what was that down there Benji that looked kind of scary don’t worry about it Leo just go again and then you’ll figure it out as you go oh this is cool just like it was the first time whoa that’s such a cool section Benji

You did such a good job on that thank you Leo that that means a lot to me bud I really appreciate it whoa those are guests oh my gosh I’m scared of guests um what do I do Benji they’re gonna attack me well I don’t know if you’ve

Already seen it it looks like you opened the chest already but you gotta grab what’s in the chest and then you have to try to shoot them in their mouth or their eyes okay all right I’m on it oh and Leo you don’t have to worry about them actually attacking you they’re

They’re not real gas I don’t know if you you clocked that one yet but they’re not really real gas oh they’re not oh no I didn’t even clock that Benji thank you for telling me though because now I’m much more relieved now I’m just gonna

Get my aim right and ah I totally did it oh where am I going now Benji oh is that the mouth of my gas oh my gosh oh wait this is cool oh my gosh it’s the CNT I hate it uh you’re going up high Bud it seems huh

Yeah that’s an understatement whoa that was really cool Benji and I don’t even like TNT all right so you’re at a stop and you have to make a decision but don’t make the wrong one all right but I’m just saying the right side’s looking kind of good right am I right oh you’re

So right I think I’m gonna choose right because we’re saying right so much okay let me go ahead and do that wait what is it is it right though Benji I don’t know oh well oh my gosh what is that yeah so about the right side Leo I

Apologize I that was the wrong way ironically Benji why do you you do that to me you know that I’m super gullible sometimes I know I apologize Leo just but but now you know that the left way is the right way and and we got some entertainment

Out of it right I mean that’s what it’s all about it right oh whatever this is so fun whoa oh my gosh I’m going spiraling down so fast this is so scary I just oh my gosh the heights oh this is cool though where am I going now oh my

Gosh whoa there’s so many arrows okay I’m going past him though that was kind of cool it’s like it’s like it’s like I’m just watching a movie and I’m not even getting scathed honestly yeah that was a really easy section it went way better than I thought it was gonna go

For you I’m not gonna lie Leo what oh Sorry Leo I should have warned you about that section there you think so I just kind of drowned without even realizing okay oh what is this okay so now you have to make another decision and one’s gonna be a very similar experience to the past one and the other one’s gonna

Be the right one but uh which one do you think it is um clearly it’s this one oh my gosh yeah yeah no that that wasn’t the right one Leo come on you know you have to subscribe that’s just how we do things here come on subscribe or get ravagered

Oh yeah darn it I totally forgot that’s like the Golden Rule no but it’s okay I’m gonna make the right decision now okay second time I’m gonna get it right that’s right that’s one way to look at it Leo I mean you know second chances this is everyone gets Second Chances

Everyone deserves a second chance so all right you can go ahead and press the button okay extravagant oh my gosh I just wish I could see it one more time if you guys want to watch it one more time though you could rewind the video and just

Watch it one more time but that’s totally up to you that’s right what Leo said don’t forget to subscribe and hit that Bell if you enjoyed but oh hold on Leo you’re not done yet you have to see your finished room oh that’s right I’m already ahead of you I’ve been waiting

For this well I think you’re gonna enjoy it because you’ve been liking the Huts recently and if you look at it oh my gosh it’s so hot and it says finish oh my gosh see guys I told you you wouldn’t notice the eye at the end there huh what

Was that nothing Leo just just don’t you like what’s in the chest oh my gosh I love it you know I love gold and now I have tons of bars of it this is so cool I’m so glad you like it Leo and honestly did you enjoy the ride today were you

Scared of it no I totally conquered my fear that was so much fun yes that’s what I like to hear Leo I’m so glad that I could conquer your fear today with you that was really awesome but also I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did

Make sure to subscribe and hit that Bell for notifications and if you want to see more videos from us click that video on the screen and that’s pretty much it right Leo Oh yes totally definitely click that video and don’t forget to subscribe bye everyone bye

This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: MEGA ROLLER COASTER BUILD CHALLENGE – Minecraft’, was uploaded by Benji on 2023-08-19 19:15:00. It has garnered 14919 views and 199 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:04 or 1564 seconds.

Today Benji and Leo are building some massive roller coasters! Let us know, who do you think made a cooler roller coaster?!

#noobvspro #benji #leo #minecraft #minecraftbuildchallenge

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    Minecraft Goes Industrial The Industrial Revolution Comes to Minecraft Imagine a world where the industrial revolution has taken hold in the pixelated realm of Minecraft. Thanks to a new mod created for Minecraft 1.21 on Minecraft Forge and Minecraft Fabric, players can experience a whole new level of technological advancement within the game. Features of the Mod This innovative mod brings a range of new features to Minecraft, inspired by the industrial revolution. Players can now explore new crafting recipes, machinery, and automation systems that revolutionize the way they interact with the game world. Key features of the mod include: New crafting… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “The Return of the Creeper King”

    Yo yo yo guys, this meme may have a score of 1, but at least it’s not creeper-ling behind you ready to explode! Read More

  • Battle Royale: Iron Golem vs Warden Showdown

    Battle Royale: Iron Golem vs Warden Showdown In the world of Minecraft, where mobs roam free, The Iron Golem and Warden, who will it be? The debate rages on, fans taking sides, But in this video, the truth will abide. Strengths and weaknesses, we’ll lay them bare, Comparing damage, health, and defensive care. Where to find them, in biomes they dwell, Summon or encounter, only time will tell. Combat strategies, tips to employ, Facing the Warden, or using Golems as a ploy. Community opinions, voices loud and clear, Who will emerge victorious, let’s hear! In the final showdown, a battle will ensue, Iron Golem vs. Warden,… Read More

  • “Crafting in the Nether with my Mixtape” 🔥😂 #minecraftmemes

    "Crafting in the Nether with my Mixtape" 🔥😂 #minecraftmemes Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone! #minecraftmemes #relationshipproblems 😂🎮💔 Read More

  • Ultimate Guide to Playing with Friends Without a Server

    Ultimate Guide to Playing with Friends Without a Server Exploring Minecraft with Friends Without a Server When it comes to playing Minecraft with friends, having a server is not always necessary. With the right mods and tools, players can enjoy a collaborative experience without the need for a dedicated server. One such essential mod that enhances the multiplayer experience is the Essential Mod. The Essential Mod The Essential Mod is a versatile tool that adds new features and functionalities to Minecraft, making it easier for players to connect and play together. From enhancing communication to improving gameplay mechanics, this mod is a must-have for those looking to enjoy… Read More

  • Sneaky Mod Showcase: Minecraft 1.20.1

    Sneaky Mod Showcase: Minecraft 1.20.1 Sully’s Mod – Minecraft Cinematic Showcase Explore the exciting world of Minecraft with Sully’s Mod – a dynamic addition to the game that brings new features and elements to enhance your gameplay experience. From unique creatures to valuable resources, this mod offers a range of exciting content for players to discover. Discover New Creatures One of the highlights of Sully’s Mod is the introduction of new creatures like the Bouldering Zombie, Lanternfish, Jungle Spiders, and Tortoise. These creatures add a new level of challenge and excitement to the game, providing players with fresh encounters and opportunities for exploration. Unique… Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE EMC FARMING! Haven Caveblock EP 8 🤑

    🔥 INSANE EMC FARMING! Haven Caveblock EP 8 🤑Video Information This video, titled ‘MILLIONS OF EMC | Haven Caveblock Reborn | Minecraft Stoneblock Modpack | EP 8’, was uploaded by MrPorkerson on 2024-09-05 17:08:30. It has garnered 1091 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:32 or 3212 seconds. Today we’re diving into a brand new Stoneblock style modpack! That’s right it’s Haven Caveblock Reborn. With custom recipes, progressions, and a new way to use create and a whole slew of other mods, this adventure is sure to be a crazy one! So join in and enjoy the minecraft modded masterpiece that is another Stoneblock… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Mob Battle: Enyvil vs Ignis

    Epic Minecraft Mob Battle: Enyvil vs IgnisVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft |Mobs Battle| Enyvil VS Ignis’, was uploaded by 100 Hundred Plus on 2024-04-08 10:00:49. It has garnered 1247 views and 52 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:46 or 346 seconds. Hello My Friends… I Hope You’re Doing Fine …Please Be Happy And Subscribe To my Channel and Give me Your Opinion in Comments … Thanks Mods : Mins Thing Link : L_Ender ‘s Cataclysm Link : My Main Channel The Twilight Forest Cosmic Fiend Archaic Sentinel Mutant More Mutant Beasts Blue Skies Summoner Farseer Vanilla Mobs Wither Apostle Cataclysm… Read More

  • Bald ET goes crazy in Minecraft! 😱 #ASMR #clickbait

    Bald ET goes crazy in Minecraft! 😱 #ASMR #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Clean enough pt.47 (ASMR) #meme #minecraft #bedwars #minecraftshorts #hypixel #pvp #skywars #minemen’, was uploaded by ETBald on 2024-06-13 00:28:09. It has garnered 10944 views and 251 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. #shorts Read More

  • EPIC Spiderman in Minecraft! #shorts

    EPIC Spiderman in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Spiderman Minecraft | #shorts #minecraft #spiderman’, was uploaded by Sparkie Time on 2024-01-02 16:36:27. It has garnered 8005 views and 221 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • Taming Godzilla in Minecraft?! Monocle’s Challenge

    Taming Godzilla in Minecraft?! Monocle's ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Tried To Tame Godzilla in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by Monocle on 2024-03-16 15:00:40. It has garnered 170436 views and 3891 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:11 or 1151 seconds. Alex’s Caves brings a new update where you can tame Godzilla in Minecraft, but in order to do that you first need to beat a boss, fight dangerous monsters, and complete extremely difficult challenges! ➡️Subscribe to be a cool person: @Monocle_MC ➡️Twitter: Used in this Video: Map used in thumbnail: *BUSINESS EMAIL:* [email protected] _Please note any disrespectful comments,… Read More

  • INSANE! Greg Builds Ideas in Minecraft Arcade

    INSANE! Greg Builds Ideas in Minecraft ArcadeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Clark Building Your Ideas in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Greg’s Arcade on 2024-08-23 01:53:53. It has garnered 956 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 01:36:04 or 5764 seconds. Clark builds your ideas in Minecraft Read More

  • INSANE Indian Minecraft Build – Must See!! #shorts

    INSANE Indian Minecraft Build - Must See!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft amazing build #m #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #TechnoGamerzOfficia’, was uploaded by Epic INDIAN NG on 2024-01-15 07:07:03. It has garnered 7368 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Minecraft amazing build #m #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #TechnoGamerzOfficia#trending #trendingshorts #viral #viralshorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftbuilds #minecraftmeme #minecrafttutorial #gaming #minecrafthouse #minecraftbuild #minecraftideas #minecraftreels #minecraftlog #minecraftfunny #minecraftshaders #minecraftjava #minecraftcake #minecraftnether #minecraftfarm #minecraftserver #minecraftmultiplayer #minecraftvideo #minecraftbedrock #minecraftchallenge #minecraftsurvival #minecraftcreative #minecraftcreations #minecraftexplore #minecraftviral #minecraftseeds #minecraftpvp#minecraftgamer #minecraftearth #gta #minecrafts #minecrafthouses #minecrafters #minecraftersonly #minecrafter #minecraftonly #minecraftbuildings #minecraftdaily #minecraftredstone #minecraftparty #clips #minecraftmods #minecraftedits #minecraftart #minecraftbuilding #shorts #short #minecraftedit… Read More

  • Bluey’s Evil Parents Play Minecraft 5!

    Bluey's Evil Parents Play Minecraft 5!Video Information This video, titled ‘Bluey’s Family Plays Minecraft But The Parents Are Evil 5!’, was uploaded by Bluey Play on 2024-08-30 09:00:52. It has garnered 1664 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:32 or 3632 seconds. Bluey’s Family Plays Minecraft But The Parents Are Evil 5! Bluey, Bingo, Bandit Heeler and Chilli Heeler heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! The “Bluey Play” channel is not related to the official Bluey Youtube channel! This is a fan… Read More


    HEROBRINE HAUNTS SAM 95 | MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE HORROR HOUSE | MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Sam 95 on 2024-03-10 14:45:00. It has garnered 305 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:08 or 368 seconds. Title: HEROBRINE HORROR HOUSE Releted Titles: HEROBRINE HAUNTING HORROR MAP | MINECRAFT I FOUND HEROBRINE IN MY SURVIVAL WORLD | MINECRAFT HUNTED HOUSE | SCARY MINECRAFT *21 LIKES AIM 💛* *Map Link* Part 2 *Discord* For Sponsor/Promotion [email protected] *MCPE MOD* 📂 Car Mod 📂 Wither Strom Mod 📂 Animal Mod 📂 NPC Mod 📂 Iron Man Mod 📂… Read More

  • LanCraft

    LanCraftWelcome to LanCraft! Gather your friends and dive into our friendly Minecraft community, where the fun never stops. Start your adventure with our classic Skyblock mode and test your survival skills on a floating island. We’re always evolving, with exciting new game modes coming soon! Whether you’re building, exploring, or battling, LanCraft is the perfect place to play, create, and make memories together. Join us today! Read More

  • Iperios SMP with McMMO, Custom Enchant, Nation Wars, Geopolitics, Lore, Dynmap, Whitelist

    Introduction: In Iperios, create your own nation, refine your McMMO skills, fight in wars, gain Geopolitical power, conquer new territories, and earn wealth and Custom Enchants. Create Your Nation: Customize your nation with your own government, laws, and ranks. Join existing nations if you prefer. Geopolitics: Conquer resource camps in-game for geopolitical resources to expand your nation. Explore various resources and buildings listed in our discord channels with active support. Plugins: Dynmap McMMO Essentials GriefPrevention SilkSpawner CrazyEnchants How to Join: Join our discord and request whitelist. Find IP and starter information in #info-new-players. Get guided by a staffer, receive a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “RIP me, we’re screwed”

    Minecraft Memes - "RIP me, we're screwed"Looks like the Creeper in the meme isn’t the only thing about to explode with that high score! Read More

  • Squid Island IP Leak: Minecraft’s Mysterious Mistake

    Squid Island IP Leak: Minecraft's Mysterious Mistake In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of Squid Island’s IP leak, a story so bold. Novazaz and I, discussing the situation, Unraveling the mystery, with no hesitation. Join the channel, perks await, Exclusive content, don’t hesitate. Twitter and Instagram, follow along, Roblox Group and Discord, where we belong. New to the channel? Watch the playlist, To see what we upload, don’t resist. Thanks for watching, subscribe and like, In the world of Minecraft, let’s take flight! Read More

  • Minecraft Villager: Oi Oi, Cheeky Meme! 😂🔥 #shorts #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft Villager: Oi Oi, Cheeky Meme! 😂🔥 #shorts #minecraft #memes When you accidentally hit a Minecraft villager and they start chasing you with their arms flailing, it’s like a chaotic dance party gone wrong. Oi Oi, watch out for those angry villagers! 💀🕺 #minecraftdanceoff #villagerproblems Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video titled “Storage Tech: Introducing Linked-List Encoded Dynamic Bulk.” While the title may sound complex, the content is truly mind-blowing. In this video, the creator showcases a fast and compact encoded dynamic bulk storage system in Minecraft. This innovative technology is optimized for practical use in the game, making storage and organization a breeze. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, joining a server like Minewind can enhance your gaming experience. Imagine the possibilities… Read More

  • Crafty Minecraft Logic

    Crafty Minecraft Logic The World of Minecraft: Exploring the Logic🤔 Step into the blocky world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. From building towering structures to battling fearsome creatures, Minecraft offers a unique gaming experience like no other. Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft Shorts With the rise of Minecraft shorts, players can enjoy bite-sized adventures that showcase the game’s endless possibilities. Whether it’s a hilarious skit, a daring speedrun, or a mind-bending challenge, Minecraft shorts bring a new level of entertainment to the community. Exploring New Horizons with Minecraft Updates Each Minecraft update brings a wave… Read More

  • Insane Build in Modded Minecraft | Vanilla Mob Farm Day 13

    Insane Build in Modded Minecraft | Vanilla Mob Farm Day 13Video Information This video, titled ‘Vault Hunters SMP Season 4 | Day 13 | Building a Vanilla Mob Farm in Modded Minecraft…’, was uploaded by ChosenLIVE on 2024-08-27 13:00:45. It has garnered 956 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 04:00:15 or 14415 seconds. Find me on TWITCH – MERCH is available now: Vault Hunters Modpack! ► Vault Hunters Website ► ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ — World Downloads — Join My Discord: They are located in the World-Downloads Channel and are posted every 10 episodes. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ THANKS TO ALL THE SUPPORTERS! YOU MAKE THIS POSSIBLE!… Read More

  • Scary Minecraft Animation: Inside Out vs Security

    Scary Minecraft Animation: Inside Out vs SecurityVideo Information This video, titled ‘Inside Out vs Security – Mikey & JJ – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by SCARY THOMAS PLAY on 2024-08-02 23:43:19. It has garnered 2772 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:06 or 486 seconds. #insideout2 #mikeyjj #minecraft Mikey & JJ found SECRET TUNNEL with Angry Thomas The Train Engine in Minecraft animations This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories… Read More

  • 🔥 SHOCKING TUTORIAL: Villager Breeder on Vancester Server! 🚨🔧 Minecraft 1.21

    🔥 SHOCKING TUTORIAL: Villager Breeder on Vancester Server! 🚨🔧 Minecraft 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘MEMBUAT VILLAGER BREEDER DI SERVER VANCESTER ❗❗ MINECRAFT 1.21’, was uploaded by DELU 25 on 2024-07-07 15:34:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I delu in the video made a villager breeder underground under the base house is very good … Read More

  • Unleashing Terrifying Minecraft Horror Mods!

    Unleashing Terrifying Minecraft Horror Mods!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HORROR MODS’, was uploaded by Jbombbb on 2024-09-11 01:21:14. It has garnered 135 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:22 or 7462 seconds. Support the stream: Join the discord: Peaking today CHAT RULES 1. This should go without saying, but no bullying or harassment in chat or in dms. Ever. It’s wack. There’s some exceptions so if it’s a genuinely funny thing you’re both in on it’s whatever and I’ll call it as I see it. If I tell you to stop doing something and I’m not joking,… Read More

  • Insane Speed Boost in Minecraft Mod Showcase!

    Insane Speed Boost in Minecraft Mod Showcase!Video Information This video, titled ‘Accelerator (Minecraft Mod) Showcase!’, was uploaded by SpiralSky on 2024-04-01 13:36:41. It has garnered 32 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:06 or 186 seconds. Accelerator is a mod for Minecraft which speeds up nearby blocks and crops. It can be used for automation and redstone, along with helping slow machines like furnaces to work faster. Downloads in Comments MUSIC BY C418 ABOUT OUR CHANNEL Our channel is about minecraft and modded minecraft. We cover lots of cool stuff such as making mods, playing with modpacks and bedwars Check out… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Hive Street Drama!

    Ultimate Minecraft Hive Street Drama!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hive, I Owe The Streets… Pt. 2’, was uploaded by Saucari on 2024-05-19 20:04:45. It has garnered 65 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:27 or 3687 seconds. Follow the Twitch, Tik tok and Instagram! Minecraft hive live. Ignore tags some are there to reach a broader audience hive minecraft, minecraft the hive,minecraft,hive,hive skywars,minecraft the hive,the hive minecraft,the hive,minecraft bedrock,hive bedrock,minecraft hive treasure wars,minecraft the hive treasure wars,the hive bedrock,minecraft skywars,hive treasure wars,minecraft bedrock edition,minecraft the hive skywars,the hive treasure wars,hive trapping,minecraft hive skywars,hive minecraft server,hive minecraft bedrock,minecraft server,hive minecraft… Read More

  • Unlock the HIDDEN SECRETS with Generikb!

    Unlock the HIDDEN SECRETS with Generikb!Video Information This video, titled ‘Uncharted Expeditions (OUT NOW on CurseForge!)’, was uploaded by Generikb on 2024-05-12 11:52:56. It has garnered 1501 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 11:19:27 or 40767 seconds. Download the pack: This is our 1.20.1 modpack Uncharted Expeditions, a spiritual successor to Attack of the B-Team and Uncle Genny’s 100% Organic & Free Range Modpack! And if you want to chat with me LIVE, head on over to Twitch! Read More

  • Minecraft Mark3s: Caught Using Xray on Server!

    Minecraft Mark3s: Caught Using Xray on Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘UTILIZZO XRAY nel MIO SERVER MINECRAFT FINCHÈ non MI BECCANO!’, was uploaded by Mark3s on 2024-08-01 13:01:00. It has garnered 6396 views and 358 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:04 or 1084 seconds. In this video I will be using XRAY on my Minecraft server and we will see how long it will take before it gets discovered! Will the Admins notice everything? And most importantly, will they be able to ban me? Find out by watching the video until the end!😱 👀 FOLLOW ME HERE TOO: ☛ Instagram: ☛ TikTok:… Read More