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Well then let’s get started today we’re building our own prisons we’re making prisons sounds like fun basically mikey and i will build our own prisons then try to escape from each other’s creations this is gonna be awesome i’m gonna get started right away i can’t wait I’ll build mine around here in that case let the prison building competition begin the plan is to build my prison out of stone brick blocks i’ll use iron bars too what should i do first oh i know i need to build mikey’s holding cell all right this will be where he spends

Most of his time now that i think about it i wonder what type of cell he should have maybe something like this okay these walls look pretty good i’ll build it a little bit higher around the sides that looks pretty good now i just need to fill in the rest with iron bars Great this part of the holding cell is finished i think i need to make this wall a little bit taller though it should be high enough to stop mikey from escaping just like this perfect now it needs a door maybe something like this One sec how’s that that should work now it needs a lever that way you can only open it from the outside mikey’s holding cell is almost finished the last thing i need to do is spruce up the interior i’m adding spots along the walls where i can put loose or cracked stone blocks

This cell could use some moss that way it’ll look a lot more realistic so far the entire prison is coming together nicely but there’s even more i can do to make it better how about some cobwebs awesome i’ll make the toilet next it’ll go right

Here it’s kind of tiny but this is a prison what do you expect now i need to make a bed i think i’m gonna make it a bunk bed the bunk bed makes it seem much more realistic all right that looks good why don’t i finish the sell-off with a

Furnace and a crafting table there all done i just need to figure out a way for mikey to escape from here since we’re building entire prisons i have a lot of work ahead of me i was thinking my next room would be a prison workshop

For this room mikey will be forced to do his prison chores alongside the other prisoners i’m just building the walls for the workshop area That’s good to prevent a prison break i’ll use lasers to keep everybody walled in these are gonna be epic Perfect next side i need to build a pillar somewhere here [Applause] that should work There we go a few more awesome okay that works now we’ll add some more over here There that’s good for the workshop area this is where the prisoners will do their jobs to enter the workshop they’ll have to come through here it’s the only entrance i have an idea for mikey’s main task i’m gonna make him a miner in that case i

Need to prepare some gold and coal for him to dig through let’s see i need to make two piles right here this will be the first one Mikey will have to choose which of the two piles he wants to mine from which one will he pick there as you can see there are two piles of coal for mikey to choose from one of these two piles will contain the key to mikey’s escape and the other pile will

Contain a punishment i’ll start by designing the punishment it’ll be a fake escape route for him to follow i’ll start by digging a super deep hole next i’ll use this to mark the fake escape route once mikey finds it he’s gonna fall all the way down here i’m

Gonna negate the fall damage by placing a hay bale at the bottom so far so good next he’ll move through this narrow cave just like a real-life prison escape through this narrow corridor over here Add some lights At the other end of the tunnel i’ll leave a restricted access sign as a warning do not enter after that i’m making a gigantic pit check it out okay there that’s it for the pit there’s a sign that says do not enter and it really means it

Mikey will probably think that this is the way out and he’ll jump down into the pit unfortunately for him there’s a surprise waiting down at the bottom once he hits the ground you’ll realize he just jumped into a massive slime nest there’s gonna be slime as far as the eye can see

I’m covering the floor with slime there we go great now i’m summoning a huge slime family perfect now to test it out this escape route ends with a tragic fall into a vicious slime den poor mikey now then the first pile of coal is finished the wrong choice

There the other pile will be the real escape route oh i almost forgot i want mikey to be lured into the wrong choice in that case i’m going to trick him by mixing in some gold ore wonderful mikey’s definitely going to make the wrong choice all because of

Some gold if he manages to pick the right pile though then i’ll reward him with some super rare redstone ore that’s a pretty good reward if you ask me three blocks should be enough the redstone will help him escape later on [Applause] there the workshop area is complete

Now i feel like building a cafeteria i wonder how i should build it it’s got to be really big i’ll have it facing back towards the prison cells that’s perfect Okay great There okay Now this side Yes now i can start building the cafeteria this corner will be the section with all the food I guess it needs a roof huh there we go Yes got it let’s take a look at the menu the main thing this cafeteria will serve is bread just a second there all done now i’ll label them perfect awesome this cafeteria has two vending machines loaded with bread just walk up and press the button see this this is the dining table Add some chairs okay sweet i’m all finished the cafeteria only serves one thing but i should probably light it up there okay the cafeteria is finished it’s time to move on up next i’m building the guards room this little space is where all the guards can get together away from the prisoners it’ll

Be chock full of guards this room is only for the prison employees not the prisoners There this will be the guards room since it should be a secure location you need a key to enter now then one sec there we go this is where you put the key almost done you need a redstone block to unlock the door the key works

Since this room is for guards only it needs a proper off-limits sign above the door i can make one by placing a barrier block in an item frame what else should i put here what do guards do once they’re inside i know they could protect these chests

After all guards need weapons don’t they these chests can hold their equipment first up we have mining charges next i should think about what kind of weapons and armor i want these guards will probably use the best armor they can get their hands on this looks like something a guard would wear

Where should i put it how about the top right chest now i need to think about the weapons what’s something a guard would actually use inside of a prison this looks like an old-fashioned police weapon i think it’ll work i’ll put it with the other stuff the reason i’m

Storing these is so that mikey will find them and disguise himself as a guard the mining charges will come in handy later what’s the next step in mikey’s escape route gonna be a ventilation shaft could be pretty cool alright this will be the entrance to the

Vent i need it to look realistic it’ll extend away from the roof then turn a corner there we go i’ll raise it a bit higher as it goes two blocks i’ll make it even longer now that i’m out this far i might as well extend it over the cafeteria

This is coming along really well that’s good enough time to finish off the vent Perfect So far so good There all done the next step is to convert a few parts of the floor into glass blocks now mikey will be able to see all the different areas he passed through before he came up here i think i’m over the cafeteria now I’m getting lost All right there’s the end once mikey makes it here i want him to jump off that’s better i wonder where he should escape to next instead of jumping out at the end what would happen if he jumped down through the floor that’s good now he’ll go straight down

From the opening in the bottom of the vent i’ve decided the next area mikey visits will be the first gate Yes This part is the prison’s first gate it’s made of solid iron mikey will have to use the mining charges he picked up from the guard room to blow the gate open now that i think about it an explosion that loud will probably alert the guards they might realize that one of their

Prisoners is trying to escape that’s not good in that case i should have some of the guards waiting nearby let’s see there as soon as mikey busts through this gate he’ll have some trouble on his hands nice All right next mikey will sprint down the hallway There now the security guards will chase mikey all the way through here i’ll play some lasers to increase the challenge good luck mikey These are going to be tough to get around there that one’s a little higher so far so good These last ones are down low ta-da i’ve added some extra security to the prison to prevent prisoners like mikey from escaping mikey will have to show off his parkour skills by jumping around the lasers and getting away from the prison guards the only thing left to do is spawn the

Guards you got this Pretty cool huh my very own tomato prison guards as soon as the gate blows open the tomatoes will start chasing after mikey i’m gonna make them really fast great the three of them will race down this hallway in pursuit of their escaped prisoner next mikey should escape to that

Mountain in that case i better build a tower over here Perfect now i have a tower this will be mikey’s next step in his escape route all right i cleared a way through wait a second wonderful i need those tomatoes to chase mikey all the way over here There okay i’ll put a door at the entrance of the cave time to fill in the rest of the area with more security Another laser One more that’s a lot of security okay let’s take a look inside shall we the door will cut off the tomatoes once he’s inside i’ll make mikey climb to the top of the tower his first obstacle is gonna be a classic slime parkour do you think he can handle it i

Guess we’ll find out There you start by stepping on the slide then you launch yourself up to the iron platforms then you parkour your way to the top [Applause] awesome There we go once mikey makes it up here he’ll find more slime Let’s see This will launch him from here it’s a lot more straightforward here’s the next platform here i’ll make an emergency escape device I’ll use it to send mikey all the way to the roof just add water looking good Hmm okay i need a button Okay it’s time for a test run i wonder how high this thing will actually launch me whoa that was high now the moment we’ve all been waiting for the final challenge before mikey escapes Almost done There once he gets up here there’s only one more thing he has to face There my plan is to build a golden toilet up here check it out he’ll launch from this device and land up here hang on a second i need to figure this out Hmm That’s enough mikey’s gonna land up here this is the room with the golden toilet he’ll need to dive into the toilet bowl and flush himself to freedom I just need to build it almost done Great the room is ready now it’s time to build the toilet itself the toilet should be white so i’ll make it out of quartz how’s that that’s not bad there’s the tank all right not bad [Applause] wow this is one fancy toilet after he dives inside he’ll fall down a massive

Water slide sounds like fun It’s gonna go straight down The water slide will lead to the ocean it’s a long way but it’s worth it once mikey gets flushed into the ocean he’ll have escaped my prison once and for all he won’t be a prisoner anymore he’ll be a free man hooray for mikey i just need to finish the water slide I’m getting closer [Applause] this is hard work Hmm There all done there are a few more things i need to do on the inside of this slide Okay now it’s time for the water source when mikey drops down the toilet he’ll land in the water huh it’s stuck i better fix that okay all done now you can dive into the toilet like this and slide through the drain all the way down to the ocean that’s how you escape

Hold on i forgot about something there was one more trap i never built once you’re in this room i want lava to slowly rise up from the ground it’ll only activate once you press the slime parkour button let’s see Like that Okay Let’s see there i’m making a redstone circuit redstone dust Then down there i need to place a piston that should work And that should do it this piston should push a block over let’s see great it looks like everything’s working now i’m going to put down a redstone block that connects to the rest of the lava trap one sec i need a command block there we go

All right i’m going to program it to activate the rising lava the radius will be 16316 Perfect one zero zero eight one six three zero two yes just a few more things minus three should be good let’s see how this works these command blocks are extremely dangerous so use them with caution if you mess up you might lose all the progress you’ve made so far

I don’t want the lava to rise all the way to the top so i need to stop it at a certain point i need to take a quick look and see how high i am it says the height is about 128 in that case 160 should be enough okay we’re all set

Since this command block is so dangerous i’m not gonna touch it for now i just need to hope it works when mikey activates it oops i forgot to place the redstone block My prison is finally finished let’s go see if mikey’s prison is finished too check it out i’m inside the prison cell that mikey built for me looks like i’m up first let’s see if i can escape begin well there’s a toilet i don’t think i can escape through there that’s right

A furnace and a crafting table what now it’s time to leave get out of here no no where to it’s time for your prison labor open the chest you’re putting me to work already let’s see whoa an iron pickaxe what do i do with it it’s your job to

Break down these rocks i’ll keep an eye on you while you work my prison job is gathering stone that’s right all of it you better get started okay no time to rest ah breaking down rocks is exhausting i’m tired you can do it keep going jj i

Got this i got this you’re going really fast all right that’s everything good job done can i go free now no way in that case i’ll put the pickaxe back in the chest wow you worked really hard yeah time for lunch oh are you hungry come to

Think of it i could use something to eat sit down hmm so this is the cafeteria yep it’s lovely great work thanks it’s so cozy yeah i know lunch oh yeah one second it’s in here thank you wait a second what’s this raw meat in a pile of coal i can’t eat

That you have to cook it yourself i’ll give you a hint see where i’m standing the furnace is oh i get it now i’ll cook it on my own there why are there so many other furnaces good question hmm oh hey look what i found there was a

Diamond helmet inside the furnace wow that’s great was there anything else oh oh i got an iron sword cool what do i need it for you’ll find out all right my meat is cooked finally it’s time for lunch yummy good work if prisoners here eat pork chops for

Every meal that’s pretty cool yeah true okay lunch is done is it free time correct i see someone outside is that a guard yep he’s patrolling the area hang on there’s a door on the other side i wonder if it’s the way out uh-huh this is the exit

I’ll check it out good eye hmm yes i made it hey it’s locked really yeah too bad i want to get through here how do i get past this door you can’t it’s off limits maybe you should think of a strategy to escape jj hmm you can do this

I need to place something here if only i had a button you’re on the right track are you holding anything useful all i have is cobblestone i can’t do anything with just cobblestone hang on a second i have an idea that’s it what is you’ll see i need to use this coal

I can heat cobblestone in the furnace what does that make a stone block that sounds good and with that oh i can turn this stone into a button look wow my thinking not bad i’ll make two buttons just to be safe nice and now open wait wait whoa it’s a guard yeah

He noticed me i need to fight him he’s trying to stop you attack huh Your guard was a lot weaker than i thought oh sweet i see a chest open it i can’t wait to see what’s inside oh wow what a haul mikey sweet i got diamond armor nice and golden apples yum eat up well then back to the prison

Escape you’re on the right track oh the redstone torch goes here yep i’m almost free come on you’re so close oh weird there are three cages with animals inside that’s right the first cage has a dinosaur yep the second one has cats yep and the third cage has a huh a reindeer

Oh they’re so cute now what they don’t look happy in those cages i should set them free whoa that’s so kind of you i’ll open all the doors so they can leave whenever they want okay and then what i feel good about setting them free but how does that help me

Escape did i miss something ready to give up wait what did i miss how do i get out do you want a hint yes please here it is which of these animals can fly take another look huh a flying animal well a triceratops isn’t a flying dinosaur yeah

Moving on none of these cats can fly either you’re close the reindeer hmm what’s up i think i figured it out oh i’m pretty sure reindeer can fly when they pull santa’s sleigh ah there’s only one way to find out okay i’m mounting the reindeer in three two

One whoa it worked but can it fly or not we’ll see who knows what’ll happen hmm here i go whoa no way this is amazing it’s flying congratulations you escaped it’s snowing this is amazing i can’t believe i’m actually free you barely took any time at all that was fun

Who would have thought i’d escape on a flying reindeer now it’s your turn to escape from my prison let’s do it Are you ready mikey let’s see if you have what it takes to escape from here did you make this cell yep this is where you’ll be trapped for the rest of your life it looks old and creepy can i leave now not yet but there’s nothing to do in here

Seriously let me out already all right we can head out great follow me it’s time to take care of some tasks oh it’s so spacious yep okay mikey why don’t you start by opening this chest iron pickaxe what am i supposed to do with it

You can use it to mine for coal and whatever else you might find there are two piles of coal to check out see oh go ahead and pick one of the piles by the way one of these piles has a little clue to help you escape two piles

I choose this one it looks like there’s gold mixed in with the cool ore you can pick that one if you want mikey go ahead am i allowed to keep the gold sure there’s so much yeah wow that’s awesome yeah but what about that hint i don’t

See anything yet at least i can keep all the gold i collected mikey picked the gold pile just like i thought he would yes i’m working really hard you’re definitely focused what’s this oh huh i found a secret passage awesome good for you can i leave

Through here well mikey i can’t make any promises but you can try it okay three two one oh wait a sec what’s down here there’s a passage what’s it for go and find out look see do not enter this area’s off limits what now it looks really dangerous down there so

What huh i’m going in it’s the only way seriously i need to escape sorry mikey there’s nothing else down there it was all an elaborate trap this place really is off limits ah too bad is this the right pile then mine it and find out it’s up to you mikey here i go

Well okay okay i found some redstone under here oh i can’t escape with this you found some redstone mikey did you get redstone dust hmm two blocks were empty take another look that makes 12. you can use redstone dust for a lot of things seriously are you kidding me no i’m not kidding

Anyway your prison work is all finished really cool it’s time for your meal mikey come on i’ll lead you to the cafeteria hooray let’s eat the only food this cafeteria serves is loaves of bread enjoy i’m starving beep whoa this bread is delicious i love it i’m

Glad you like it have some more mikey it’s so good yummy this prison is awesome well that does it for lunch now it’s free time i’m free you’re free to look around inside the prison it’s up to you to escape nothing really stands out hmm well this area looks off limits yep hmm

This must be the spot how do i get through the guard’s room is behind that door maybe it’s important to your escape maybe it’s not i’m not telling but you already have everything you need to get inside huh in my inventory yeah wait what i figured it out this is it right hey

I guess not not quite what now you’re on the right track it’s not that simple take a look at your redstone dust mikey you should check to see if you can build anything with it hmm What are you making one sec look whoa yeah you did it mikey you combined nine of your redstone dust into a redstone block does it go here try it ready oh whoa congratulations so many checks you broke into the guards room it was worth it i picked up a lot of items

No way you look exactly like a guard now thank you so fast whoa cool what’s this tnt careful it’s dynamite huh hmm an exit mikey noticed the ventilation shaft what’s this it’s a vent it’s really long that’s right find out where it leads What’s that some of the floor is made of glass yikes do you see that mikey your cell whoa What’s this thing mikey you’re finally here i know how to get through this yeah you got it nice oh mikey huh what wait why the guards might notice the explosion and chase you be super careful i’m getting out of here no one can stop me sure mikey okay careful with the lasers run

What a rose they’re guards huh why are they walking into the lasers they’re way too weak to guard a prison lucky me hooray seriously that’s it they lost to their own security system sweet congratulations mikey you safely made it past the prison guards thank you you’re getting close whoa what’s that hmm

Okay mikey you need to make your way to the top platform then you can see what’s waiting for you on the roof is this parkour yep all right three two one go what am i supposed to do now push that button and launch yourself to the top really

Yeah all right here goes nothing good luck thanks no i missed one more you got it mikey here i go nope i did it great work not again that’s too bad come on up i’ll wait for you up here oh yeah nice i did it great huh look it opened

Wait a sec what’s this a toilet that’s right it’s the golden toilet mikey jump in if you want this must be the way out freedom here i come give it a try okay go Let’s do this oh wow it’s draining us away yep that’s what golden toilets do when they flush mikey where are we going we’re going where sewers leave yep sewers lead to the ocean congrats mikey you’re free that was fun today we wanted to see if we could escape from each other’s

Prisons if you enjoyed this video please make sure to like and subscribe bye if you enjoyed today’s adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time

This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: PRISON BREAK BUILD CHALLENGE’, was uploaded by Maizen on 2022-05-30 18:00:06. It has garnered 31634083 views and 247157 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:00 or 2640 seconds.

Today, we’re having a prison build battle! We’re both building our own prison, and it’s up to the other to escape. How exciting! Who’s prison was your favorite today?

We hope you enjoy our videos! Have a great day!

Maizen Merchandise ►

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    Crafting Chaos: Day 47 of Wood Challenge Madness In the world of Minecraft, day 47 is here, Wood Challenge 365, let’s give a cheer! The seed of the world, a number to find, Join the channel, support the creator’s mind. In Discord we gather, a community strong, On Twitch we watch, as we game along. Tik Tok dances, a playful display, But in Minecraft, we’ll always stay. IrlandesGamer, the master of rhyme, Crafting stories in rhythm and time. Trolling the plateau, a playful jest, But in the end, we all know who’s best. Greetings to all, in the virtual land, Minecraft unite, hand in hand. Juancarloshernandezgomez9340, daelvalencialabrada3989,… Read More

  • “Creepers be like: ‘Hotter than the Nether!’” #minecraft #memes

    "Creepers be like: 'Hotter than the Nether!'" #minecraft #memes “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #memes #minecraftmemes #gaming #funny #meme Read More

  • Sakura Love: Building a Home in Minecraft

    Sakura Love: Building a Home in Minecraft Minecraft: Building a Sakura-themed House Exploring the creative possibilities of Minecraft, a popular sandbox game, a content creator recently showcased their love for cherry blossoms by constructing a charming Sakura-themed house. Let’s delve into the details of this delightful creation! Embracing Cherry Blossoms The use of Sakura trees in Minecraft is a testament to the player’s appreciation for nature and aesthetics. The delicate pink petals and lush greenery of these trees add a serene and picturesque touch to the virtual world. Building a Dream Home With a keen eye for design, the content creator meticulously crafted a cozy and… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft FTB Skies: Hostile Mobs & Rockets!

    EPIC Minecraft FTB Skies: Hostile Mobs & Rockets!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft FTB Skies (Modded Quest Skyblock) Lets Play Episode 12 Hostile Mobs and Rockets’, was uploaded by ShdowDragonHD on 2024-06-14 11:00:06. It has garnered 11 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:12 or 2772 seconds. Welcome to my Lets Play series on Feed The Beast Skies a Modded Skyblock With lots of quests to complete this is the non expert version of the modpack so its freeroam for the quest format comparted to Expert Mode which is more locked down Subscribe and follow me as i undertake this adventure and see… Read More

  • Thrilling Minecraft Survival Gameplay Pt. 8

    Thrilling Minecraft Survival Gameplay Pt. 8Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Survival Gameplay Walkthrough Video Part 8 (iOS, Android)’, was uploaded by DarkPlayerGame on 2024-03-06 21:08:49. It has garnered 771 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:24 or 984 seconds. Minecraft – Survival Gameplay Walkthrough Video Part 8 (iOS, Android) Minecraft Walkthrough Playlist – 📱GAME DESCRIPTION Minecraft: Pocket Edition – Paid Explore randomly generated worlds and build amazing things from the simplest of homes to the grandest of castles. Play in creative mode with unlimited resources or mine deep into the world in survival mode, crafting weapons and armor… Read More

  • Insane BOXPVP Montage #12 RAPY.PL DRAW

    Insane BOXPVP Montage #12 RAPY.PL DRAWVideo Information This video, titled ‘RAPY.PL | BOXPVP | MONTAGE #12 |LOSOWANIE | pvpdres |’, was uploaded by pvpdres on 2024-02-16 11:40:22. It has garnered 6006 views and 155 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:02 or 122 seconds. #boxpvpv #minecraft #pvpsmurf #pvpdres dc clan ROXA: contact dc : pvpdres – pvpsmurf – ramboo_ – rambo txt – squeru – kajzus – kajzus txt – rybentjusz – gedzu – dudziu – kerdziok – Affer – macro – trombapowirusna – txt – KAMPER – KAMPERR – MALTI – trombapotrzna – Noway69 – Noway txt – tikk99 – txt tikka… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Finale: Rarest Anomalies in Minecraft #6!

    UNBELIEVABLE Finale: Rarest Anomalies in Minecraft #6!Video Information This video, titled ‘Rare Anomalies in Minecraft #6 (FINALE)’, was uploaded by Rovant on 2024-05-20 09:51:46. It has garnered 42682 views and 3171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:59 or 959 seconds. Thanks for watching! Astralex Shaders: DylanDC14’s YouTube: DamDuck’s Reddit: Anomaly 1 – The Tallest Mansions Seed 1 (2nd tallest mansion): 2578614041115360742 Seed 2 (tallest mansion): 3436809468143172779 Versions: Both on 1.20.4 Locations: Both at spawn Anomaly 2 – The Smallest Biome Seed: -2673084626516474955 Version: 1.17.1 Location: 357 70 482 Anomaly 3 – Strange Witch Huts Seed 1 (Longest legs hut): -327284582683722602 Seed… Read More

  • Unbelievable Stone Farm in Minecraft Survival

    Unbelievable Stone Farm in Minecraft SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘We Made An OP Stone Farm In Minecraft Survival . Episode 2’, was uploaded by ItsBlackYT on 2024-02-28 14:15:29. It has garnered 23 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:50 or 710 seconds. We Made An OP Stone Farm In Minecraft Survival . Episode 2 Subscribe Now Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Fail! Day 11 Disaster #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Fail! Day 11 Disaster #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Normal Day 11 in minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by EpicError on 2024-01-01 09:56:15. It has garnered 11463 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Discord – FOLLOW KAR LO INSTAGRAM PAR- Other Channels 1- 2- Read More

  • INSANE PRANK on Kameraman! 😱 #shorts #roblox

    INSANE PRANK on Kameraman! 😱 #shorts #robloxVideo Information This video, titled ‘KENA PRANK TEAM KAMERAMAN #shorts #skibiditoilet #roblox #minecraft’, was uploaded by Zrone Gaming on 2024-04-24 06:00:31. It has garnered 16521 views and 300 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. KENA PRANK TEAM KAMERAMAN #shorts #skibiditoilet #roblox #minecraft THIS VIDEO IS MY REACTION FROM VIRAL VIDEO THANKS FOR ORIGINAL VIDEO @_BunnyFunny Music by : Monkeys Spinning Monkeys by Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.comCreative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0Free Download / Stream: promoted by Audio Library #skibiditoilet #skibidi #skibidibopyesyesyes Read More

  • 🌸COWommunism EXPLODES! Join the madness now! 🌼

    🌸COWommunism EXPLODES! Join the madness now! 🌼Video Information This video, titled ‘Messing with flowers | all the mod 9 | Minecraft #minecraft #live #atm9’, was uploaded by cowommunism on 2024-04-14 19:47:37. It has garnered 32 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:28:11 or 19691 seconds. Welcome to stream **Donation** If you want to tip me: Upi: rickyfernandes2003-1@okhdfcbank **CHAT RULES** -Be kind -Respect other humans -Include everyone -Listen to the moderation team -No bullying, sexism, racism, homophobia or other hate-based chat -No ethnic, sexual, religious, disability, agist or transphobic slurs -Don’t spam words -Don’t argue with people over chat — especially the moderators -English only… Read More

  • Stickman vs Zombies in Minecraft!! 😱

    Stickman vs Zombies in Minecraft!! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT Zombie ATTACKED Stickman ( Dymon ) @_@’, was uploaded by Katoon Studio on 2024-03-15 19:45:39. It has garnered 20 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. What happened if minecraft zombie attacked the stickman ?? was stickman prepared for this or zombie will kill stickman ?? watch video to found out !! Subscribe for more fire content !! Comment if you didn’t liked the video & like if u like the video 👅 More Tags: minecraft zombie,stickman,minecraft vs stickman animation,minecraft vs stickman,stickman fights,stickman fight minecraft,stickman fight animation,minecraft… Read More

  • TurboMC Modded

    TurboMC ModdedLooking for a start to a small community for anyone to play along with. -Currently running modded minecraft. The pack running is FTB Skies. -Anyone can join. Come join the discord to get whitelisted! -No banned items, friendly players, No griefing or stealing. Read More

  • The Garden SMP – LGBTQ+ Friendly, Long Term, No Whitelist

    Welcome to The Garden Welcome to The Garden, a laid back Bedrock Edition experience powered by the Forsaken Odyssey expansion. Explore new content without the need for modding, just join and download the resource packs. No Obligations Play Minecraft on your terms with no playtime obligations or paid packages. The server expenses are covered, ensuring a place for pure enjoyment. Fresh and Unique Discover new mobs, blocks, biomes, and items with the Forsaken Odyssey expansion. Join without downloading anything, just get the resource packs when you log in. Play Your Way Whether you prefer a solitary experience or want to… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Don’t create a mini Batman in Minecraft!

    If that kid becomes Batman, you better hope he doesn’t have a creeper sidekick ready to explode your plans! Read More

  • Roblox Deathball: Robux Redemption Riot!

    Roblox Deathball: Robux Redemption Riot! In the world of Roblox, Deathball is the game, Where players compete, seeking fortune and fame. With blades and balls, they battle it out, In a virtual arena, filled with cheers and shouts. Redeeming Robux, a task so grand, Unlocking new items, at your command. Join us on our channel, for gaming delight, With Minecraft and BTD6, we’ll play through the night. Subscribe and like, to show your support, As we journey through games, of all sorts. Brother Ian and Ethan, here to entertain, With laughter and fun, we’ll never wane. Read More

  • When Iron Golem says no to death 🔥

    When Iron Golem says no to death 🔥 Iron Golem: “Sorry death, I have a strict ‘no entry’ policy here!” 🗿😂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #memes #meme Read More

  • Monster Truck Saves the Day, Catches Mafia!

    Monster Truck Saves the Day, Catches Mafia! The Adventures of Minecraft: Canavar Kamyon Saves the Day! Step into the world of Minecraft where anything is possible! In this exciting episode, Canavar Kamyon transforms into a giant robot to help capture the evil Mafia. Let’s dive into the action-packed adventure and see how it all unfolds. Canavar Kamyon to the Rescue! Imagine a world where a monster truck comes to life as a massive robot ready to take on any challenge. In this thrilling Minecraft episode, Canavar Kamyon lends a helping hand to our heroes in their quest to catch the notorious Mafia. With its incredible powers… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Sneaky Trials Update

    Minecraft's Sneaky Trials Update Welcome to the Minecraft Tricky Trials Update! Embark on an exciting journey into the Tricky Trials Update in Minecraft! This latest update brings a plethora of new features and challenges for players to explore and conquer. From new decorative blocks to hostile mobs, items, weapons, paintings, and the intriguing trial chambers, there is something for every player to enjoy. Discover New Content One of the highlights of the Tricky Trials Update is the introduction of new decorative blocks that allow players to unleash their creativity and build stunning structures. Additionally, players will encounter hostile mobs that will test their… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Adventure – Quest for the World!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Adventure - Quest for the World!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft Vanilla+】Where’s World Quest Here?’, was uploaded by Ursa UMi Ch. on 2024-04-25 02:20:46. It has garnered 37 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:33 or 7773 seconds. I’m stalling, I don’t want to pull on Genshin. Am scared ah ha ha :^) ._.-~==~-._=🌟=_.-~==~-._. Waiting Screen BGM: Raspberry Adventure – IchinoseSound ._.-~==~-._=🌟=_.-~==~-._. Welcome to Ursa UMi’s stream! Join me while I scream my way through life, one swear at a time~ ._.-~==~-._=🌟=_.-~==~-._. ✨Stream Rules✨ ★ Please be respectful in chat. ★ Avoid backseating and spoilers unless I give the okay. ★… Read More

  • Satisfying Sand Art in Minecraft (Among Us)

    Satisfying Sand Art in Minecraft (Among Us)Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying sand Art in Minecraft (Among Us) #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortvideos #viral #amongUs’, was uploaded by HT GAMING on 2024-01-11 20:15:02. It has garnered 2465 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. #viral #shortvideos #technogamerz #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #minecraft #viralvideo #viralshorts #tiktok #youtubeshorts Satisfying sand Art in Minecraft (Among Us) #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortvideos #viral #amongUs Airoplane Tower 😂😀🗼 #shorts #short #shortvideos #viral #viralvideo #shortsfeed #minecraft Lava Water Cobblestone Tower 🗼 #shorts #short #shortvideos #viral #viralvideo #shortsfeed #minecraft Airoplane Tower Only Fun 🗼😀 #shorts #short #shortvideos #viral… Read More

  • Insane House Transformation in Minecraft Survival Series! 🔥

    Insane House Transformation in Minecraft Survival Series! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Making a normal HOUSE || Part-2 of our minecraft survival series 👌 ||’, was uploaded by mine The aim on 2024-03-28 16:10:38. It has garnered 13 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:15 or 795 seconds. Making a normal HOUSE 🏠 || part-2 of our minecraft survival series 👌|| ________________ 📌Your queries Minecraft best seed Minecraft pocket edition survival series Minecraft survival series Minecraft smp Minecraft Survival Minecraft raid Minecraft flat seed Minecraft village golem Minecraft iron farm Minecraft base Minecraft house tutorial ———————————- Tags:- #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthindi #minecraftpesurvivalseries #minecraftsurvivalep1 #minecraftpe… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge: 100 Days on One Chunk in MC Hardcore

    INSANE Challenge: 100 Days on One Chunk in MC HardcoreVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving 100 Days on a ONE CHUNK in Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by Milesy on 2024-05-10 17:00:44. It has garnered 10292 views and 269 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:16 or 3196 seconds. I Survived 100 Days ON ONE CHUNK in Minecraft Hardcore! Dare to embark on the ultimate Minecraft journey? Discover the secrets of surviving 100 days on ONE CHUNK in Hardcore mode. We must use ingenious strategies as we push the limits of survival. Can we conquer the odds? Follow My Social Media! (There is only one): ∘ Twitter –… Read More

  • Insane New Features in Minecraft 1.21 Update!

    Insane New Features in Minecraft 1.21 Update!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.21 Update Showcase’, was uploaded by Slimeboy228 on 2024-03-11 20:09:40. It has garnered 3337 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:23 or 683 seconds. Hey! this is my redone version of my previous showcase more PG, more editing, new recording software, and different tone. Hope you all enjoy! :). Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bedwars gameplay 2024?! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft Bedwars gameplay 2024?! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEDWARS In 2024?!’, was uploaded by Aimsey VODs on 2024-03-01 22:00:02. It has garnered 5315 views and 275 likes. The duration of the video is 02:37:12 or 9432 seconds. This was streamed LIVE at: Stream Date: February 29, 2024 – Aimsey’s Socials: Youtube – Twitter – Instagram – TikTok – Tumblr – Discord Server – – Managed by: #aimsey Read More