NotroDan – Top 5 Best Minecraft PVP Clients For Offline Accounts (FPS Boost)

Video Information

I’ve made a lot of client videos on this channel so today i decided i’m gonna make a top five clients for non-premium or cracked minecrafts yeah this should be the most extensive video ever i’m gonna cover a load of clients go through all of the features

And how well i think they’re going to be for people with low end pcs so yeah this is probably going to be a pretty long video so i’ll leave all the time stamps in the description down below if you want to jump to a specific client

And also guys make sure to go follow me on twitter i’ll leave the link in the description down below and i’ll also leave it on screen right now go drop me a follow on there to keep up to date with videos and ask me some questions you can also

Join my discord down in the description below if you want to go speak to me on there but yeah without further ado let’s get into the video okay so the first client that we’re going to be checking out in this video is called the pixel client now the pixel

Client is quite an old client and it’s quite popular in the hypixel community so yeah we’re going to go install it check it out i’m going to be providing a tutorial to install each of the clients featured in this video just so that i don’t get loads of comments asking how to install

Each of the clients so what you need to do to install this one is just go to the link in the description then just press windows key r type in percent at data percent go to your dot minecraft scroll down and find the versions folder and just drag and drop it in there

Pretty standard and yeah it’s gonna be pretty much the same steps to install most of the clients that i feature in this video okay so here we are on the main screen of pixel client we’ve got all our buttons on the right hand side here which is pretty interesting we’ve

Got a really cool pixel art background here really like that so to get to the main menu of this client we just press escape we go to mod settings here and here are all the mods that are featured in this client so we’ve got toggle sprint here so i’m just going to enable

That because i just need toggle sprint i can’t play the game without it we’ve got coordinates mod status affair armor status you know all the standard mods really we’re going to throw on the keystrokes and see what that looks like well that’s quite a customized brush

Just hold down right click and you can move that around and yeah i mean it’s a pretty good client it’s fairly lightweight like we don’t have like a massive gui or like loads of smooth animations or anything it’s a fairly light low-key client with all the kind of mods that you need

We’ve got waypoints mod we’ve got the wings mods i’m going to have them on why not who loves some dragon wings we’ve got extra button here with some other little settings here that are quite nice to have we’ve got spotify integration so if you like to listen to music while you play

You can see you’re currently playing song on your screen i believe and yeah that is basically pixel client in a nutshell okay so we just hopped into a skywars game and we’re going to be using the pixel client for this game and just testing out and seeing what it’s like in pvp

Now yeah i really like this client it’s really smooth and really clean and like i said before there isn’t like massive gui’s in your face or like smooth animations or anything like that it’s just a fairly low-key client it looks like it’s just a mod for minecraft

Honestly like if i just go to the menu here it genuinely looks like i’ve just installed a forge mod or something like that if you’ve got a bad pc out there you don’t really want a client that’s going to have big flashy gui’s and animations and all this kind of stuff

You just want something that’s fairly low-key fairly lightweight and will run well on your system basically and that’s what this client i’d say is really good for so yeah let’s check out the pvp here we’ve got someone coming in here it looks like we’ve got the block hitting animation we do have old

Animations included on this client if i just show you here just go into pixel client and you can put on old animations now the annoying thing is when you hit someone they don’t go fully red it goes red under their armor so the only thing i’d say to improve on this client

Is like i said it’s fairly old honestly like it doesn’t have many up-to-date features it doesn’t have like the combo counter mods or like any of those other kind of mods it’s kind of starting to show its age honestly i just love to see an update honestly to

This client because i believe they could do it so well and we just got the last guy over here he’s got nothing and he’s off gg so yeah that was the pixel client in some pvp pretty nice client i’d highly recommend it if you’ve got a low end pc out there

Anyway let’s get on to the next client in this video okay so the next client that we’re going to be checking out is called the salwia client now i have actually done a video on this so i’ll leave that in the description down below if you want more of a full review on

This so to install this client we just need to go to their website download it and you should get this dot jr file right here and then you just click and open it and it should open up the soulwear launcher then you just select the version you want i’m going to go for

1.8.8 and just press play so yeah unlike pixel client this client has a lot of fancy animations in gui so if we go to the client settings here here are the mods that you get in the client i’m not going to go through all of them because that does get quite boring but

Yeah these are all the basic mods that you get in the client it’s quite a good selection here i’d say and another cool feature is you can make your own mods so you can go to add-ons here so to join the server on this client you just go to the multiplayer section here

Find the server you want to go on and then you just click on join server and you can select what account you want so if you’re a free player you just press ads go to this free account button here type in a username like that press done select your account

And it should log you in it can also automatically log you in as well which is a really good feature if you’re a free player out there so here we are in the client as you can see we’ve got a really cool keystrokes mod on the top left here

You can see my mouse movements and you can see all the mods that we’ve got under there we’ve also got a solia chat here so you can see all the people that are using the client right now and chat to them find some friends so yeah let’s uh hop into a skywars game

And use the soundwear client okay so just hopped into a skywars game here now one of the things you’re going to have to get used to with this client is it completely separates itself from your standard.minecraft so i don’t have a pack on right now and if i do want to install one

Oh wow look at the animations on this that’s really cool but yeah if i wanted to install a pack on this client i’d have to drag it into its own unique folder okay let’s get this guy off we’ve actually got ourselves a fire sword so rip him

Let’s get this guy gg i love the animations that you’ve got on this you’ve got like the dropped items really really cool but probably not the best if you’ve got like i said a low end pc you can also see your ping on the tab which is really cool

And you can also see who else is on the client because a little s will be next to their name tag so we have got old animations on this client as you can see we can do block hitting which is nice we can also eat a gap

And hit the floor which i get so many comments about like it’s really not a difficult thing to do you just have to hold down both your mouse buttons and look at the grounds hang on there you go like that but yeah that was the solwier client

I’m sorry i didn’t record the rest of that game but i did end up winning as you can see i’ve got my first win over here it comes nicely set up straight out of the box so you can just download it install it and you’re good to go

My fps is really good with it as you can see i got about 700 just then 500 600 it’s really good for fps it’s got quite a lot of features quite a lot of unique mods and yeah i definitely recommend checking it out so the next client that we’re

Going to be checking out is called bat mods this is probably one of the most set up clients that i’ve seen i believe it’s by the creators of laby mod so yeah it’s very extensive they’ve got quite a lot of mods and they’ve had quite a lot of versions

So if you want to get this client you just go to their website just download it and similar to soulwearclient it will install a jar launcher so we just need to double click on that and it should come up with this you just press on next

Agree to the terms install and it should install it into your dot minecraft for you so we don’t need to do any more file moving around so here we are on the main menu of the client so if we go to the bat mod options here

Look at all of these mods that we’ve got and that’s just for the huds like if we can go we go to the graphics here we’ve got the interface animations cosmetics like we’ve just got so many mods in this client like i said it’s probably the most extensive

Client that you’re probably going to see on this list but yeah let’s go ahead and set up this client yeah there’s it’s going to take me a while you can also buy cosmetics in this client as well so we’ve got a few here that you can just buy

And then just enable we’ve got a little hud’s preview here so if we go to edit huds so we can just drag it around in this little preview screen here and that’s how it will appear when we go into our game okay so i just joined another game um we’re

Going to be playing some skywars with the batmod client right now pretty clean client it’s really nice i quite like it i haven’t had a chance to go through and explore all of the mods and features of this client just yet i’ll just set it up temporarily let’s just

Get this guy gg yeah i feel like this is going to be a quick game but yeah i’m glad we’ve got block hitting and 1.7 animations in this client because all the clients so far haven’t had that as you can see this guy goes fully red when i hit him

Like that so yeah there isn’t really too much that i would improve on this client the only thing i would say is maybe make the fps and the cps a bit more customizable maybe like have like a bigger black box around there you probably could do it i just haven’t

Had a look properly into all the settings on this client okay we’ve got him and last guy got fire respect but it just doesn’t work and gg so yeah that was bat mods in some skywars really smooth client i definitely recommend checking it out it’s really clean

Lots of mods and features and yeah let’s go on to the next client okay so the next client that we’re going to be checking out is called laby mods now i haven’t actually done a video on this client so if you want to see a full extensive video review

Of this client then let me know in the comments but yeah this was literally like one of the very first clients that ever came out that i remember it’s got a lot of history so i expect this client to be really really good so to get this client like always just

Go to their website i’ll leave the link in the description go to download download for windows and then just open it up and it should open up an installer find release lobby mods and enter the game now to get into our mods menu we just press escape

And we’ve got loads of different options up here so we can view our server list here we can view the laby mod chat it’s got like a client chat that you can chat with people who are also using the client and then we’ve got the laby mod client options

Now if we scroll down we’ve got loads of miscellaneous performance and cosmetic and gui like just so many different options and these aren’t even the mods then if we go to gui here these are all the mods that are included in the client you get a nice little preview of what

Your screen will look like here similar to bat mods so yeah these are all the mods here for information they’re all sorted into categories so yeah it’s a really customizable client and if you’re not content with all these mods they’ve got an add-on section so you can sort through all of these mods

And just install them and make the client your own basically so for example i’ve got toggle sprint so if we just type in here i’ve installed that myself because like i said i can’t play the game without toggle sprint so i installed that there’s also some other stuff in here if

We just look at trending you can add in the keystrokes mod spotify like there’s just endless possibilities with this client okay so i just hopped into a skywars game here and we’re going to be using lobby mod in this game now oh my god what’s going on over there

So i’m trying to do a tnt jump but yeah honestly i really like this client it honestly feels like i’m playing 1.7 the pvp mechanics are just really good as you can see here boom we’ve got the block kitting going on we’ve got the 1.7 bow animation

We’ve got the zoomed out rods like this doesn’t even feel like i’m playing 1.8 right now as you can see i’ve also got the keystrokes mods in the bottom right there i managed to get the add-on in the end because i like using keystrokes when i’m playing minecraft so i’ve got that

Oh that guy nearly hit me off then that’s not good now you can buy cosmetics and emotes from their shop so yeah i’ll leave all the links to that in the description if you want to go ahead and support the client i really like this tab list actually

When i press tab here it shows everyone’s ping which again is pretty cool anyway we’ve got the last guy here let’s just hit him off oh wow he’s not even off there we go gg so yeah that was lobby mods it’s a really good client really nice pvp client lots of mods and

Features really really good yeah i definitely recommend checking it out all right and coming in at number one we have you guessed it the heiress client yeah a lot of people in my comments have been saying that the heiress client is the best for non-premium minecraft and honestly i

Agree the amount of stuff and customizability and cosmetics and stuff that they include as standard on this client it’s just second to none really so that’s why it is coming at number one on this top five so yeah i’ve got a full video on the aeris client which i’ll leave

In the description down below if you want to go check that out but yeah i’m just going to go through it briefly here so to install it you just go to their website go to the download section and then just open it up extract it to

Your desktop then you just need to drag this aries folder into your versions folder so here is the main menu of the aeris client we’ve got all of our little options here on the left hand side so to set up this client because all your mods will probably be bunched together

In the middle of the screen what you need to do is just press escape go to area settings go to mod toggles and just turn off the mods that you don’t want or you don’t need if you do want all the mods on all you

Need to do to move them is just press escape and click on mod positions and then you can just drag these mods around and put them anywhere on your screen we can also change the colors of this climb by going here i’m going to make mine turquoise and

This is where the client gets good for cracked players so if you press escape go to area settings you can customize your skin so right now i’ve got a steve skin and if you’re a crap player you won’t have a skin anyway and you can actually find skins to put on

Now these are only going to be client sides but they look really cool actually so you can go through all of the various different skins here i quite like this skin so we’re going to stick with that but yeah they’ve got loads of skins to choose from they’ve got hd skins which look

Really really cool actually we’ve got e-boy skins e-girl skins troll skins as well they look quite derpy and quite cool we’ve also got some cosmetics as well here so you can have wings if you want you can have a bandana ha ears like you name it like look at my f5 right now

Look at that there’s also capes on this client as well so there’s so many different capes that you can choose from i’m going to go with the mojang cape because that looks pretty cool there’s also youtuber capes as well and you can also add in your own custom cape

If you’ve got one you just click on custom cape here and just put the url of your cape so yeah let’s go play some skywars with this client and check out okay so just joined a skywars game here with the aeris client so yeah the annoying thing about this client is despite all

Of the amazing cosmetics and customizability of this client there is no 1.7 animations so as you can see here blocking is basically non-existent the bow is really zoomed in and the rod is as well but yeah i mean the game is playable i’m sure a lot of people out there don’t

Really mind that it doesn’t have 1.7 animations but it’s just one of those things i’ve discovered anyway are these guys teaming what are they doing why aren’t they attacking each other that’s so weird if you open a chest as well you can actually see a preview of your character which is quite good

Not a lot of clients actually have that feature so that’s pretty cool my fps with this client is also really good i’m getting about 400 500 it’s pretty good i mean most of the clients that i’ve featured in this video i’ve got about the same fps

But from what i’ve heard in the comments a lot of people say that the aries client is really good for their fps all right we’ve got the final guy over here what’s the deal oh fire resistance okay it’s not really gonna help you though is that there we go

Gg how many kills was that wow seven kills well we popped off that game so yeah i’d say this is probably the best all-round client you’re gonna get if you’re a non-premium minecraft player like you can have whatever skin you want you can have endless cosmetics you can customize your mods pretty well

And i’ll definitely make a video on aeris client v3 so make sure you guys go subscribe and turn on notifications and look out for that thank you guys all for watching i know a lot of you guys like these client videos that i do it’s probably going to be a

Really long video so if you watched it this far comment cookies down below and yeah thank you guys all for watching and i’ll see you next time peace

This video, titled ‘Top 5 Best Minecraft PVP Clients For Offline Accounts (FPS Boost)’, was uploaded by NotroDan on 2021-07-10 19:00:30. It has garnered 858245 views and 17821 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:44 or 1004 seconds.

Top 5 Best Minecraft PVP FPS Boost Clients For Cracked – Which will give me the most FPS? This was insane.

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Today I got through the Top 5 best minecraft pvp fps boost clients for cracked minecraft / no premium. You guys seem to like the video I made on the Ares Client and Salwyrr Client as well as I’m featuring some other insane minecraft pvp clients with custom mods, capes and free cosmetics as well as an insane FPS boost All clients will work with regular minecraft accounts as well as cracked.

My Socials: Twitter: Instagram: ─────────────────────────────── Clients:

Pixel Client Website: Their website went down rip Download:

Salwyrr Client:

BatMod: Disclaimer: Although it is possible, Batmod doesn’t support cracked players (it is made by a developer called CoffeeBunny not the creators of labymod like I said in the video) Website:


Labymod: Website: Download:

Ares Client:

─────────────────────────────── Pack: DeividFault 200k by @Zoreezito and @tenochalan Download: ─────────────────────────────── I do not own the music in this video ┇172k┇ Thanks for watching! – 𝓝.𝓭

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    Ultimate Battle: Kuang3461 takes on PliantTuba40609Video Information This video, titled ‘Kuang3461 vs PliantTuba40609’, was uploaded by Kuang3461 on 2024-09-28 10:19:27. It has garnered 499 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:17 or 257 seconds. legend vs legend @pliant5937 #minecraftpvp #pvp #minecraft #hypixel tags : xWqter,Ozan12,DatPigmaster,Vrysed,Czeoh,Khxqs,zyn,F5,Aluzay,Chayn,,Budhism,Budhism Yeet,cameron,cameronisgey123,chiekooo,Curt,CurtPlayzMC,Czeoh,D3MoNiqK,DocPenguinPlayz,Dreacho,egirlresort,eKowz,El Windo,FaastPvP,Phenzyy,flexazert,GGL1TCHB0Y,Glitch,harmfuldillon1,IDontWantToDiie,IDontWantToDie,JavaJar,KingSlme,KingSlime,KingSlmeMC12345,LOLTooka,Tooka,JuiceyPlayz123,M0DIFIER,numb,DripAcquired,OhSad,Pj772,Raidse,xraidse,RyanguyYT,setinal,Setinals,Swimfan72,xSwedeachu,tachy,ItsTachy,Oreologist,VelqtePvP,Unrusting,Wicholaloo,Bichomaloo,Wichomaloo,Wqrro,xBlyqt,xernah,asitkiller,asit,babelv,littleschitt,babyylevel,Fipzi,DesiredWolf,Desired,DesiredWolfy,HeyItzKillerMC,xWilliqm7w7,NigerianRacks,Aweigs,ShElD0nMC,SheldonMC,audi,Audimatics,FriteQc,kuxiz,kuxizYT,Patinal,EJUKAD,bll9,SoyMaGames,Talkey,xTalkey,TalkeyVI,Taquillo,xTaquillo,iMwaaT,ReachIsToggled,Pedalvael,Pedalvael7654,RareChernobyl,XsLightningsX,wsot,zDksss,Shappel,TinchoCR,CustomKB,yunghesu,mgnarsha,Leqked,wxlked,Drqgs,NotEnsar,ItsTreathz,Void2Stepping,Tybze,reaqxrs,pumpd,Daequaqn,FoulDrip,LeoMaster60MC,Trysten,Trystennnnnn,TecnoRod,P0TIONSTATUS,POTI0NSTATUS,P0TI0NSTATUS,PotionStatus,tookyouregirl,fullsendegirl,EGIRLSLAYER2,ShortyNO,HoneyJae,HcneyJae,BirdoCalled,Fazed,TheFazedUltra04,ClownTap,Rememory,Rememoryyy,StopPotting,PackPorted,PackBundle,Cashanovva,sleepwalkinqqq,SilverBlood,xJqsh,xWqki,iiTaliyah,ChxmpVI,ChaqsXP,RestartFU,RoyaleXI,SharpnessXII,recoist,Hulcuh,Huncho,xvqle,Fifoka,Fifoka45,Fifoka46,FifokaBlinds,Strqfx,TDBClient,Lyreoz,Peaqhy,UknowPManchi,Manchi,PManchi,Medic,W10GANGZ,Skind,Sosa,Snipez,1400,1500,400,300,bedrock texture packs,minecraft bedrock texture packs,mcbe texture packs,minecraft bedrock edition texture pack,mcpe texture pack,minecraft pocket edition texture pack,texture pack,pack folder,minecraft windows 10 cheats,minecraft windows 10 hacks,minecraft bedrock, ecpe, ecpe pvp, ecpe combos, ecpe classic, ecpe op factions, ecpe takeover, ecpe montage, cheats,minecraft bedrock hacks,fate,fate client,anarchy client,ascendency,atani,atani client,coffee client,cnd client,cnd,eclipse client,eternium,eternium client,infernus client,moon client,nitr0,nitr0 client,quadrix,quadrix client,strike… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Guess Baby’s Age in Minecraft

    Unbelievable: Guess Baby's Age in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘AAJ KUCH AAGE BADHTE HAIN #2 (MINECRAFT)’, was uploaded by Sypher gamer on 2024-02-08 06:30:07. It has garnered 5 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:36 or 5556 seconds. Certainly! Crafting adventures and building dreams in the pixelated world of Minecraft! 🌍🎮 Join me, [SYPHER GAMER]on an epic live streaming journey as we dive into the endless possibilities of this sandbox masterpiece. 🔨 *Title: [AAJ KUCH AAGE BADHTE HAIN #2 (MINECRAFT)]* 🌟 Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft Live! | [SYPHER GAMER] 🕹️ *Gameplay Highlights:* 🏰 Embark on a quest to create breathtaking… Read More

  • Barnava Gaming – 😳 Live Minecraft: Epic Challenges & Memes on 24/7 Server!

    Barnava Gaming - 😳 Live Minecraft: Epic Challenges & Memes on 24/7 Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft Live: Epic gameplay, challenges, and memes on our 24/7 server! || Live Minecraft 😱🔥’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-04-09 05:42:49. It has garnered 194 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:19:31 or 4771 seconds. 🔴Minecraft Live: Epic gameplay, challenges, and memes on our 24/7 server! || Live Minecraft 😱🔥 #survivalhouseminecraft #virel #episode2 #Minecrafttutorial 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe… Read More

  • Birchwood Keeps Growing in Minecraft! Season 2 Ep 13

    Birchwood Keeps Growing in Minecraft! Season 2 Ep 13Video Information This video, titled ‘Birchwood still Growing! Minecraft Bedrock Members Season 2- Session 13’, was uploaded by Skyhurricane on 2024-05-29 03:46:56. It has garnered 93 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:27:45 or 16065 seconds. We continue more land development at Birchwood, aiming to make it a seat of power in the world! We have 3 Minecraft Bedrock 24 hour servers! More info below: *Freedom Server- Just simply join our discord (type in verification how you found the discord and we’ll get you verified) and then the IP address and port are pinned in the… Read More

  • My House is Now a Minecraft Wonderland! 😱

    My House is Now a Minecraft Wonderland! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘[Once Human] Rumahku jadi rumah Minecraft :O【Verin Varenya | VTUBER ID】’, was uploaded by Verin Varenya Ch. on 2024-07-21 07:40:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. SEA PVE-20 Send me coffee Local: International: … Read More

  • Xerlios fights for survival in Jujutsu Kaisen as a Minecraft game

    Xerlios fights for survival in Jujutsu Kaisen as a Minecraft gameVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving Jujutsu Kaisen as Jogo. (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Xerlios on 2024-07-30 14:00:50. It has garnered 1448 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:04 or 2344 seconds. Join me on the ultimate Minecraft adventure as we explore the world of Jujutsu Kaisen with the formidable character Jogo! Together, we will face off against the toughest creatures in Minecraft using this incredible mod inspired by Jujutsu Kaisen. Alt account: Modpack: Discord server: Kinetic Hosting Code Xerlios for a discount: Tags: #game #gameat #jujutsukaisen #minecraft Read More

  • Mushroom Rain: Peppa Pig vs Giant Peppa in Zombie Apocalypse

    Mushroom Rain: Peppa Pig vs Giant Peppa in Zombie ApocalypseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Peppa Pig vs Giant Peppa 2. Zombie Apocalypse #peppapig #minecraft #animation’, was uploaded by Mushroom Rain on 2024-08-24 07:59:49. It has garnered 3062167 views and 43462 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Spectre SMP- Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, Hermitcraft-esque, 1.21, Mature, Community

    Spectre SMP – Join Us for Collaborative Minecraft Fun! Spectre SMP is a vanilla 1.21 SMP inspired by Hermitcraft. We offer a friendly community for friends to play Minecraft together and create amazing projects! What We Offer: Established, friendly community for collaboration Long-term world to spark creativity Diamond-based economy with emphasis on generosity We are looking for: Builders and redstoners Players who interact well with others Dedicated minds with impressive goals Active community members for meetings and discussions Server Specifications: Fabric 1.21 hosted in Europe Performance mods and minor recipe changes Faster minecarts and Simple Voice Chat Mail Mod, /nick,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Blink in Minecraft, RIP”

    “Don’t blink in Minecraft, or else you’ll end up like a mob in creative mode – non-existent!” Read More

  • Void Voyage: Minecraft’s 3-Year Tour

    Void Voyage: Minecraft's 3-Year Tour In the void I travel, after three years in Minecraft, Exploring new mods, with skills to outlast. You can find me on RuTube, Zen, and Twitch, Sharing Minecraft news, with a playful pitch. Join me on Discord, Viber, and more, For updates and fun, like never before. I’m ClaDiamond, your guide in this game, Crafting rhymes and stories, never the same. Read More

  • Minecraft: The Mind-Bending Edition!

    Minecraft: The Mind-Bending Edition! When you hear a creeper hissing but it’s just your hallucinations acting up again. Read More

  • Jackbhaiya Goes Crazy Playing Games

    Jackbhaiya Goes Crazy Playing Games Minecraft: Exploring the World of GamerFleet and Fleet SMP Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. In this virtual realm, players like GamerFleet and Fleet SMP come together to showcase their skills, entertain audiences, and create unforgettable moments. The Fleet SMP Universe Within the Fleet SMP universe, players like FleetBhai, DevBhai, and Lilyvill SMP navigate through challenges, build magnificent structures, and engage in epic battles. The end of Fleet SMP marked a significant chapter in this virtual world, leaving fans eagerly anticipating what comes next. Jackbhaiya’s Mental Case… Read More

  • Sneaky Wizard in Minecraft Siege Battle!

    Sneaky Wizard in Minecraft Siege Battle! Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Dive into a world where players can build, explore, and survive in a vast sandbox environment filled with endless possibilities. Discover the World of Minecraft Step into the shoes of a blocky character and explore a world teeming with resources, creatures, and mysteries waiting to be uncovered. From lush forests to treacherous caves, Minecraft offers a diverse range of biomes to traverse and conquer. Build Your Dreams With a variety of… Read More

  • SHOCKING: CringyGull unleashes Minecraft’s BIGGEST firefly!

    SHOCKING: CringyGull unleashes Minecraft's BIGGEST firefly!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building Minecraft’s LARGEST firefly’, was uploaded by CringyGull on 2024-08-22 11:22:05. It has garnered 8676 views and 652 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:23 or 7103 seconds. In this stream, i’m continuing in my main Hardcore world, come and vibe with me! If you donate $20USD, I’ll sing a song on either the guitar or ukulele, your choice 😀 You can donate via sending a Super Chat 🙂 If you prefer to use Twitch: Wanna play Minecraft with your friends for a discounted price of 25% off? Head to and use… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Darkest Secret Unveiled!

    Minecraft's Darkest Secret Unveiled!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cursed Cave: Minecraft’s Darkest Secret Revealed!’, was uploaded by Vidvid on 2024-08-13 15:34:41. It has garnered 17 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:00 or 120 seconds. Cursed Cave, Minecraft Horror, Minecraft Story, Minecraft Mystery, Scary Minecraft, Minecraft Lore, Short Horror Story, Minecraft Secrets, Minecraft Exploration, Creepy Minecraft, Minecraft Shorts, Horror Gaming, Minecraft Myths, Spooky Minecraft, Gaming Horror Read More

  • INSANE! Minecraft AutoClicker 4k!?

    INSANE! Minecraft AutoClicker 4k!?Video Information This video, titled ‘IM BACK! | Best Free Minecraft AutoClicker? | Akira Clicker | 4k’, was uploaded by TheAdam on 2024-10-02 14:27:48. It has garnered 263 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:45 or 105 seconds. Download@theghostakira @ Wanna buy MFA Accounts for cheap? or dm notcrafting Get VaultCord for 10% off with my code “TheAdamYT” if you want to protect your server. My Discord: Tags / Ignore cheat montage best free alts accounts alt account gen generator thealtening the altening mcleaks leaks leak how to get free alts gameplay ranked… Read More

  • Emily’s Sheep Goes Rogue! | Minecraft Survival #6

    Emily's Sheep Goes Rogue! | Minecraft Survival #6Video Information This video, titled ‘My Sheep Is A Menace…| Survival Minecraft #6’, was uploaded by Emily’s Wrld on 2024-03-01 06:56:02. It has garnered 2222 views and 151 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:44 or 1964 seconds. Please subscribe if haven’t yet and like the video if you liked the video! It really helps out with the channel 🙂 Other places you can find me: TikTok: @em1lys.wrld Instagram: @em1lys_wrld Read More

  • Insane Minecraft jumps at Paithan RG! #viral

    Insane Minecraft jumps at Paithan RG! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft jumping park #viral #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Paithan RG on 2024-08-22 09:20:04. It has garnered 2170 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. #minecraft, #minecraftmod, #minecraftanimation, #minecraftmyanmar, #minecraftchallenge, #minecraftbut, #minecraftroleplay, #minecrafttagalog, #minecraftsmp, #minecraftbuilding, #minecraftmanhunt, #minecraft_khmer, #minecraft100days, #minecrafthindi Read More

  • Ultimate Castle Guide! Build a Starter Base 🏰 #shorts #minecraft

    Ultimate Castle Guide! Build a Starter Base 🏰 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Simple medieval Castle, for a starter base. #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #viral’, was uploaded by Gamer on 2024-07-31 03:13:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts shorts minecraft but minecraft memes minecraft meme memes funny memes meme tiktok funny … Read More

  • SHOCKING! Risu Reveals Mistakes on Twitter

    SHOCKING! Risu Reveals Mistakes on TwitterVideo Information This video, titled ‘Alasan Risu Kenapa Gaikutan Minecraft Hardcore.. “Kesalahan Melihat Twitter”‘, was uploaded by heikira on 2024-05-20 06:06:30. It has garnered 17505 views and 866 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:54 or 174 seconds. www Source 【M.M.M.】Monday Morning Malas : Welcome back Monday【Ayunda Risu】 Talents @AyundaRisu #hololive #holoid #holoid03 #ayundarisu #holoen #holojp #vtuber #minecraft Read More

  • Dima’s Insane Minecraft Adventure!

    Dima's Insane Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft MMORPG Experience’, was uploaded by Dima on 2024-08-03 16:21:18. It has garnered 99482 views and 4892 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:17 or 617 seconds. Wynncraft mana usage can be quite a feat to overcome for me The BEST Minecraft Server You’ve Never Heard Of thumbnail by the brilliant 🎵 Sounds ───────────────── ❱ Mice on Venus by C418 ❱ Other music in this video provided by Fesliyan Studios under a Commercial License ✨ Extras ────────────────── ❱❱❱ Wynncraft IP: ❱❱❱ SUPPORT THE CHANNEL 🎭 Socials ────────────────── ❱… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Building a Hindu Temple in Minecraft 😱🔥 #viral

    UNBELIEVABLE! Building a Hindu Temple in Minecraft 😱🔥 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Made A Hindu Temple 🤩🚩 || Minecraft Video #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Vickey Gamerz on 2024-01-12 16:20:24. It has garnered 3244 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. #minecraftshorts #hindutemple #hindu #viral #shorts I Made A Hindu Temple 🤩🚩 || Minecraft Video #viral #shorts I made i sanatani temple in Minecraft i make a Hindu temple in Minecraft Minecraft But I made a Hindu temple Minecraft Jai shree ram temple #hashtags 🔦 #minecraft #minecraftfree #minecraftshorts #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #minecraftlive #minecraft #minecraftvideo EQUIPMENTS ⚙️:- DEVICE :- OPPO… Read More

  • TheImladrisConclave SMP Modded Survival Whitelist

    Coming Soon! The Imladris Conclave – Survival Minecraft Server | 1.21 | MMOcore + MythicMobs Hey, Minecraft adventurers! We’re excited to share more details about our upcoming server, The Imladris Conclave! If you’re looking for a fresh, immersive survival experience with RPG elements and challenging gameplay, this is the server for you. We’re a small but passionate community looking for more players to join us in this grand adventure. What Makes Us Different: New Crops & Fishing Mechanics – We’ve added brand-new crops and overhauled fishing mechanics Expanded Copper Uses – Tired of copper just sitting in your chests? We’ve… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Movie Leaked Glimpses!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Movie Leaked Glimpses!I guess even in the Minecraft movie, leaked content can’t escape the post-credits scene! Read More

NotroDan – Top 5 Best Minecraft PVP Clients For Offline Accounts (FPS Boost)