Old Composer Learning to play Minecraft AND Dropping some OST Reactions

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Right I’m gonna go like this now uh back to game okay here we go so I’m not gonna this isn’t gonna be a long evening or anything trust me but I want to show you what I was able to manage I built a door so I learned

How to build a door so I was pretty pumped about that um I learned how to make glass so that was really super cool um and look check this out I’m still kind of working on it and my my I made stairs so this is like my Lanai

I still have to make more glass I have to get more sand and uh I’m gonna put glass here so this is kind of like my Lanai Lookout how bizarre right and then you guys are really going to die laughing with what I did check this out

Thank you nav I appreciate that that’s so cool look way across the way there guys look I built an Ocean Front Cliff House and then this one here is my retreat tree house foreign except I don’t have enough glass to sew this in so right now we can walk through

It but back here I want to make some kind of Garden or something I I don’t know I’m telling you man what’s great about this is truly I I don’t have like a ton of stress I mean I have my own life stress and you know going on without a doubt but

This is kind of soothing in a weird way so let me you guys are gonna die laughing so let me first take you back and let me I’ll go look look how I mowed the lawn look at this remember I told you guys at the beginning I just went nuts for like

About a half hour and just mowed this whole whole area down and filled in all the holes and stuff kind of a thing so let me show you guys something really quick just to show you that I was actually keeping a little eye on look at that I

Make little Cobblestone stairs up to my tree house and I made these little bunk or these little Hills here with the lights on look I sound like a little kid don’t I and I’m trying to square off some lines so I’m trying to be okay with it you know um crafting table

To make lots of glass panes oh really okay cool and you can make paths well I didn’t know that okay yeah I had no idea I I like the jumping and the whole staircase thing in this case it made more sense for me to just put like just a nice Cobblestone path

For me to pop up you know so I figured I’d go in here I wanna my initial idea was to actually block this off and put water in here and make it a pond but I don’t know how to do that yet I don’t know how to get water up here

So let me show you let me show you my tree house guys really quick down here look I got my bed I got my furnace I’ve got my uh uh building little thingy here and I’ve got my treasure chest and let me show you what I got in here and all the stuff

I’ve collected so far look at that this is stuff that where I’ve been on my journey and I’ve been getting killed and fried and everything and so I was able to CL I don’t know what to do with a lot of this stuff but every time I do something right it

Just keeps on going you know being so but I have not stopped oh man what happened here oh I must uh cracked a hole somewhere here standby I gotta fill a hole whoops all right old man okay so what I realized is I should close my door behind me because I got destroyed

By leaving the door open and I went into my house at night time to hide and there was a booger in there waiting to get me so that was kind of greasy mining me yeah I I’m learning a lot more about mining too I don’t know

I’ve just ventured out a little bit okay guys let me introduce you to my Cliffside now if you notice here I still I don’t know what got into me but I stayed in you know a little bit of uniform you know I said okay well I’ll

Do it this way and this is how I see it being and blah blah blah and so now I put I’m I’m still not sure how to deal with the um the zombies and the skeletons that shoots arrows and stuff and getting in I don’t know if do they see you through

The window or something because sometimes they congregate out here so I built this down and I was thinking I know I’ll make this a moat but um I don’t know yet how to put water in there I’ll worry about that in a second but let me show you the inside

Guys check this out so this is my Cliffside beach house [Laughter] uh use torches to keep them away uh you know I have torches uh but I was told that the Torches um or or was it maybe if I carry a torch they won’t stay away they’ll still come

At me if I carry a torch I’m not too sure yet hey Mount strepaluktik how are you so check this out look my very first set of stairs right here except for the tree house ding ding ding this is my living area I haven’t quite built it up yet but here’s another

Building table and then another you know I got a bunch of stuff in here um and then over here I got my furnace and it’s got a little room of the view how’s that hahaha uh let me see uh prevents them from acts like a spawn Ward oh okay thank you they appear

Gotcha so I don’t know what it was but I decided just to make this a like a partial wall glass thing so I could look out at the ocean as the sun sets or whatever because I’m old that way guys and then as soon as I get more um

Wool I’m gonna put my bed right here but I think I killed all the Sheep in my area so I’m having to go further and further out and that’s what’s making me a little sketchy so underwater base oh no way really I can do that jeez so anyhow so what’s going on now

Um so I can make a boat because I noticed inside my my um my building chest that there was a little thing um and there’s a boat I can actually make a boat I look in that book and that book in the menu says I can make a boat but then

I guess is is a boat going across the water faster than me swimming in across the water I’m not how does that work I’m not too sure yeah no I killed a bungle load of um of sheep and stuff but for some reason I don’t I have

Some black wool but not enough I don’t know why so what I’ve been doing is venturing out this way oh she’s let me see what time it is where’s the sun this has been my latest trick where are you Mr Sun okay so I figure I’ve got about three

Minutes four minutes of hunting time hmm and I got a bunch of flowers and stuff already because I want to plant a garden I think that’s right I just go nuts here I’m like uh Timmy Timmy Timmy I don’t know why I just do this Timmy

Don’t ever dig straight down oh I made that mistake man did I make that mistake of digging straight down and I I had to dig in a diagonal yeah I can’t find enough sheep I don’t I found watermelon so that was cool oh you know what I saw once guys and I

Didn’t know exactly how to deal with it there are sea turtles here aren’t there I went swimming across this area here carry a bucket of water with you you can actually save yourself if you fall by pouring water oh and you’ll float up and then I can make a pair of shears to

Harvest uh you can plant watermelon seeds and grow your own okay yeah I have not gotten yet to the gardening aspect I think I’ve been a little mangina about just building things so stand by I’m gonna go over here and just read I noticed you got to press down the

Space bar to stay above water so that’s a new one on me okay now I’m up in here okay look look look look look these are turtles Right I mean I don’t want to hit him because I’m Turtle friendly but are these These are turtles Right do I just let them be

Are they do they serve any purpose in my journey I mean they look so cool I got Turtles you know that I got I got them all over my uh out here at the beaches they just chill those aren’t Minecraft in my days press control to swim yes they’ll Oh

They’ll have babies of course they do that’s what turtles do sorry I just wanted to move that another turtle’s face so I could see them hi guys oh how’s the buddy okay let me oh no it’s almost night oh no I’m screwed oh she’s here these guys who are they oh [ __ ] later

Oh they got the little things oh Ron now I got to go on hyper I’m hitting I’m hitting control look at me I’m walking on water foreign guys I’m having to use two fingers on my left hand control and W yeah oh man now I got to get back to one to my

Bunker maybe I should get a sword just in case a little Sword action there oh man every time it’s night time I swear I get all where’s my house oh no did I lose myself oh no I’m lost oh there I am oh how did I get all the way over here

Good thing you guys taught me about putting up the um oh no I’m on top of a tree thank God you guys taught me about putting uh the Torches to look as a beacon at night time that I can’t tell you how many times that saved me

I’m like lurking through the trees as I’m trying to make it somewhere you can turn on coordinates you know what I’ve I just heard about coordinates and I’ve been watching some others whoops sorry I’ve been watching some other players and it’s all that stuff on the left it looks like code

I’ll have to check that out I think I’ll go into this house because it has my oh no who are these oh man I’m screwed Oh run sideways zigzag zigzag oh I don’t have a lot of Hearts left either oh good night guys ah I made it [Laughter] uh Compass all right first thing I got to do is I got to feed myself right I got low Hearts so let me see if I have anything cooked No I’ve got a bunch of raw stuff and God knows I don’t want my dude getting salmonella so I’ve got to go roast some stuff so stand by guys I know how to do that now and let’s cook some mutton why isn’t it cooking oh I got to put fuel though all right

No I I haven’t really talked with about the music in combination with the game yet um but I do plan on taking a break from the game and we’ll listen to some of this music but the music that we’re hearing right now is just a long run um OST that’s not

In conjunction with me playing the game I turned the music off in the game that I’m playing and just turned on the um Extended version of this OST video music in the background so hang on let me go for some pork chops here because I got to feed myself and I’m

Really low on the hearts there oops I gotta take it down and put it here don’t I my box is a little cluttered more mutton put it down here and then oh did I cook all the mutton oh man I didn’t really want to do that but I’m gonna take the coal out

And it backs it out is that what happened okay cool beans okay standby guys before uh what if I do hit e and now I have to feed him standby is going to be a pig you pig okay and the heart is okay there’s half

A heart every now and then that thing oh look it just flickered okay so it went good okay good healthy as a horse okay uh did it really I know a lot of people I guess this is the updated version I just bought this on Tuesday

So a lot of people I learned how to go to sleep Mahalo I know how to take a nap for the longest time I didn’t know how the bed worked I had made a bed and probably for about an hour and a half I’d night time would come and I’d go

Into my little tree house and then the bed would be there and I’d sit there and be waiting for like seven minutes until by accident I right clicked on the bed and that whole process went down where it laid down and it kind of faded out and stuff I was like

I need my team here to help me out Okay so what do you say gying since I know a lot of you are here for music let’s go up here into the top of my tree house really quick where I have to learn to build some furniture

Okay I guess it’s not going to matter because why don’t we take a short break and let’s listen to some music how about that let’s let’s just do an OST a quick OST listen Okay so standby um I’ve got to hit this this then this how’s that slickety slick okay now

Like I promised let’s do a real quick OST listen so we’ll go in and out we’ll play a little Minecraft you guys help me out on some stuff and in return we’ll do a little OST thing here so let me scoot this up a bit I don’t have it perfectly squared off

Here in my player but uh you know what you gonna do this is what we’re doing hey farscaper one thanks for hanging out I just have to make a quick adjustment here on my um uh obs my OB gyns that was not good okay here we go all right guys right now

We’re obviously listening to some Minecraft but why don’t we uh hurry up and fire something super cool uh let me see how about uh um how’s about we do okay never heard of this I just came right through let’s just do it let’s see Mega Man spinning three is that what it was

Okay how about some Mega Man that just came flying through I’m just doing random grabs and um uh would you guys mind really quick if I kind of this just kind of bothers me I want to straighten out my screen really quick since it was just a a quick uh

Snatch and grab switch that I did here so let me do this I’m gonna move this guy over here a little bit there we go move them down just so I can be a little more in there super cool beans okay all right guys um because you have assisted me a little

Bit on my my journey with Minecraft my return to you guys is to listen to a track so let’s do this uh this is from Mega Man uh while I’m about getting ready to hit play could you please tell me when this game released and uh who the composer is if

Anybody knows what that is but let’s do this this is Mega Man 3 the theme all right I’ll tape it kill her Foreign A little tricky there by adding a little delay Thank you well just as I’ve learned to uh to appreciate and expect about 8-bit composition is the fact that because of the limitations of the card the focus was so there was so much emphasis on Melody and you know not the amount there’s no space for Ambiance there are no nothing

No room whatsoever so you had a choice of three or four maybe different lines you could play it best and you had to really really super focus on the melody on this one what was the name of uh the composer standby uh let me see um did I miss it

I can’t nobody’s dropped the name of the composer oh there it is um uh harumi Fujita is that is that who the composer was huh well either way you look at it uh oh there it is bun bun and harumi Fujita and yasukai yasuki Fujita okay either way you’re looking at maximizing

What little they had to use still is I’m in awe of this stuff I actually tried for kicks to write a chiptune and um I mean I have an incredibly wide library of sounds so I have sounds that are very similar to chiptunes even the little the the little syndrome you know

Tom Tom that said and I gotta tell you something it’s really labor intensive melodically I mean you sure you can go in a little Baseline but all of a sudden because you don’t have a you know even though because I have a studio I’m thinking well I can do

This I can do this I’m trying to say no I’m only giving myself three tracks to do it and it was difficult it was not easy yep I love the snare that reminds me in the um in the mid 80s when the um it was called the syndrome not the lindrum but the syndrome it was that electronic TomTom that you heard in all the 80s hits you know like um I don’t know um Flock of Seagulls type music and

Stuff like that and stuff like that that snare reminds me of of this particular sound Part of the arrangement tactic in this too is to is to alternate and you know if this is um if you know this is monophonic and well not necessarily because there are some notes that are being held down that are polyphonic but the there’s a monophonic kind of vibe to that bottom end

And um and it alternates uh octaves there and then somebody here uh Karu habuki um this was this was very cool for me to read which was a classic cheat of a chip tuna is uh to alternate notes between separate melodies so the answer back call back answer back

Answer call back kind of a Vibe um you know that like as I’m learning it as I’m understanding it that’s a really super sick thing that they were masters of doing in the ship tune era you know Adding that delay Okay so there was a loop at some point um oh that’s what you were talking about okay uh Karu I was thinking you know that it was you were talking about answer back so you’re talking about the melody alternating between two um I I you can’t call it modules but two

Tracks is that what you’re I may not I’m probably not understanding it correctly but um excuse me but I but don’t don’t count me out yet I mean because if I ever whenever I do any woes you know thank you so much that was so cool

Oh man I really appreciate that guys I got to read you as you know thank you he just he he tipped me uh thirty dollars thank you so much um and this is this is what makes my world go around guys because I’m not building anything you

Know I’m not like a young YouTuber young twitch that’s looking at this as a career I’m I’m on my other side of the rainbow so when I do this I do this because I just know that we’re having fun but I got to read you this that he

Wrote it says Aloha been watching your content since you started going through tool and system of it down on White on YouTube years ago and I’m glad to see you getting involved in the anime and video game uh maybe request system gets set up in the future yes definitely it

Will I’m working on it right now but thank you so much that really means a lot to me that’s so cool to me I mean thirty dollars is demonstratively cool but even those comments are just like make I’m over the moon for that stuff anyhow

So don’t count me out though for I you know I’m gonna be writing some music that I’m being influenced by here but for the sole purpose of just writing because I can and because as an old dog as an old composer that’s written more music that I care to

Mention though I probably have already um I get I could still get motivated I can still get excited by different genres that are you know brought to me like the chiptune or some of the broader OST work or even Cowboy Bebop I just did a Cowboy Bebop uh from on this

A while ago but that it got corrupt when something with the audio went wrong there’s such a cross-up of Music in video games it’s so interesting in me you know so for me that every now and then it motivates me I’ll turn up my Dawn I’ll go all right

Let me bring up some monophonic sounds let me see if if that can just go man that’s crazy I can’t wrap my head around it most of my life has been music for promos for TVs you know Network you know wrap around 30 seconds and stuff like that so sometimes this

Mentality of composition is really Crystal new for me um so anyhow New World otter how’s it thank you for commenting okay now I’m going to go back to my Minecraft if uh you guys helped me for a little bit on Minecraft some more and then we’ll listen to

Another one does that work for you guys does that work for you guys okay stand by let me do this I’ve got to go to uh this ha there it is I’m getting I’m getting all right with it all right so let’s go back here to Minecraft for a

Little bit and then I’ll jump into another OST we’ll listen together but I’m I want to get back to um where was I going what was I doing I was focusing on something what do I have to get oh what’d I jump off of why are you so pissed all right um

I think it’s really funny some of these guys just show up and then they disappear like this green guy right here I don’t know what he does I’m just too busy running but they’ll like sit there but should I not get too close oh he blows up do should I run

Well I guess I should free plus I don’t want him to ruin my lawn if he’s gonna blow up on my lawn and blow a hole in my lung forget that man he’s a walking bomb okay kind of like my ex-wife sorry this is just me going nuts

I just want to do this when I’m just walking through just because all right um I’m looking for iron I know that’s coal but I need iron and I have not been able to find iron is there um um oh is there is there grass cutting in Zelda

Okay I’m sorry I’m gonna stop iron is deeper down go cave exploring oh he that guy follows me let me look around see where we’re at okay wait do I do I find a cave and go exploring or should I dig one iron has a tan color okay Oh either

Okay stand by I think I know where there’s a cave somewhere I fell down a cave and I it took me a half hour to get out by dig what is this Granite oh that’s right no it’s not grounded it’s uh I already got a whole mess of that oh inside my house

In the back oh look I didn’t even know this was here this is water oh this is Killer Is this where I can when I I gotta learn how to make a bucket and is this where I would fill up my buckets I go to here I take it at

Least now I know where there’s water and this is a lake I guess all right okay the back of my house with the cave great now I got to go back over there okay standby you know for myself um I’ve always had a little bit of that thing where I really have enjoyed

What I’ve been doing here the last what’s down here the last uh few times that I’ve been on Minecraft and I got to tell you something sorry I’m doing this because I can oh the heck oh man oh no how yeah this is a cave are there ghosts in here too

Wait a minute I know what I have here wait is this it can I do this ha that’s not going to help me all the way down here is it torches you have to place oh no no there’s dudes here oh [ __ ] oh he’s got the thing too oh no

I’m scared oh let me get the sword sword please oh look my body’s moving I’m like oh should I wait for [ __ ] I got him oh but I think I also launched a couple torches oh my God hang on for a second I gotta check my Depends

About my heart look at this I’ve only got half a heart what do I do to get my hearts back I don’t know if I’ll make it back out at night time I gotta eat something okay stand by okay he’s gonna be a pig here we go oh no use dirt to escape

Okay well I’m gonna just kind of re-harvest one of these guys back oops almost burnt my colon oh how am I gonna get out of here see what’s here find the hole you fell into and jump while placing dirt underneath okay that’s a new one

Should I collect these as I go being I’m not going to go back like should I save my flamers yes get them okay oop nice and dark well I’ll just leave that guy there he’s gonna fry I gotta get out of here okay so here’s okay what so I have to put

Look straight down jump and add a block okay wait a second straight down and then as you get it on dirt right so jump and I learned a new trick the mud ball elevator I did it all right kill me some all right oh thank you so much I’ve never done that before

Or maybe I did I think you guys helped me built a tower once we’re using the same technique he these guys just lay eggs or can I have chicken like sandwich oh he just answered me he just gave me Slack do I just let him like the chicken killing the chicken

Doesn’t do anything right you can chicken sandwich can kill him for raw chicken oh okay because I’ve just been on a diet of mutton and steak sorry oh I didn’t know that sorry bro I’m just looking for a sandwich a little later for a snack I’d much rather be vegan you guys also

Have to show me uh when I go back into my house we’re gonna take another break and we’ll do another OST so thank you very much for hanging in there tastes like chicken as we say in Spanish foreign I hit a horse by accident he got really

Pissed at me he gave me attitude fun fact if you use flint and steel to light animals on fire oh that’s kind of sad I don’t know if I got the soul for that Okay so let’s go here to my beach house for a second here or my uh cliffside house

Let me turn that um let me have a snack let me relax with this view here let me get a snack and charge up and then let’s go listen to another OST so standby nice huh not not bad for my my very first one look I have skylights

I put in skylights and I have um one little Skylight here for the entrance you know so at daytime I don’t need the candles see we could sit here and we can enjoy a sunset together isn’t that super cool beans while I cook [Laughter] all right

Before we go on to another OST let me just eat really quick here what is that raw chicken nope cooked pork chop okay here we go okay my hearts are light loading up and okay so I’m full all right so now let me escape out of this and let’s go

Listen to another OST um I go like this and now nope not this one in a minute how about this one nope not that one sorry guys I forgot which one I got the master stream no that’s not the one oh wait a second I know what happened

I’ve got to open the window there we go sorry guys old man in action Mary had a little lamb and doctor was surprised all right guys let’s do this all right this just came flying through and I’m just being random here people I’m not trust me I’m I’m just looking at whatever’s catching

My eyes just that kind of roulette you know OST roulette okay so um the big the blue theme is f0x uh 13 years ago so it’s uh uh quite a while ago no but that’s when they posted this so like usual before I start an OST of of a game I’ve never

Heard of when was this released 1998 okay and does anybody have the name of the composer and while I wait for that let’s listen to this It’s all mono or is it me [Applause] thank you Thank you Thank you great note right there That full-on Michael Anthony Van Halen base driving Foreign [Applause] okay so what’s really cool about this is it definitely it’s it’s metal it’s a metal track kind of a little more all a Dream Theater issue not quite that proggy but there are double Arrangements happening he said I’m a little thrown off is because I’m hearing

This in mono so I don’t know if this is just if it was posted 13 years ago if this was the track I should be listening to and if there’s maybe a more broader mix but there’s a lot of attention to detail when it comes to uh like I think

Somebody else here is a composer he keeps dropping some pretty cool stuff in there uh in the comments is that there’s these answer back Melodies that are going on between the two guitars you have a lead and then you have uh kind of not not a chug

And not an art and not not an arpeggiation of that nature not to that not that riffy but there’s a back and forth that’s going there um and then of course like I was talking about the driving base very Michael Anthony very you know Van Halen Michael

Anthony kind of a thing going on there but let me see yeah that’s the thing when you’re on YouTube you know especially when you’re um when you go back into older posts posts like in 2008 2007 and stuff like that you never know you know posting to YouTube’s like a box of

Chocolates you never know if you’re gonna get mono or stereo Okay I want to go back right there I want you guys to listen to this to the best as you can I’m going to go back just about four bars or 15 seconds listening listen to the upper lead Melody that’s happening and then there’s a mid Melody that’s happening

So it’s a conversation having uh happening at the same time two different kinds of Arrangements that just are absolutely seamless listen for it not yet now That was cool Laughs What a great duel between synths synth leads and once again because I can’t hear it so well because it all just seems to be mono excuse me that there is an electric guitar lead that’s playing off of the duels uh the Dual synth leads so they’re all kind of

See-sawing and taking turns there and that sounds great mk8 oh my God Foreign that little mid-rippy thing So it sounds like it’s repeating is it Okay well there’s not much left of it we’ll continue [Applause] all right see naturally I know when to if it’s looping to turn off there and let the measure complete through this was this was a burning little uh theme so I take it that the energy of the whole game the composers maintain the musical instruments through it

It is a very dry is it very driving and guitar oriented through and through so I don’t know I I’m just looking at I can’t make out what the character is um if it’s kind of a Crash Bandicoot cart kind of vibe oh it’s a very fast-paced

Game oh it’s a racing game okay great yeah which I have to tell you Mario Kart or whatever it was called M case whatever way back in the day for me Nostalgia that’s when my girls were little and they wouldn’t let me play they’d get a hold of my Xbox and

They I couldn’t get within 10 feet of them you know because I go hey I want to play Halo but it was great to it’s also great to listen to too that was it I got to check out the music for that as well um okay

We did one let’s go back to Minecraft for a sunrise and then we’ll come back for another OST listen so let me do this stink yep I did that right and let me restart it back to the game okay well here’s the problem I don’t

Have a bed here and I don’t think I can make one whoops um I don’t think I have enough stuff to make a bed I mean I have a bed in my tree house but I don’t have a separate bed here so I can’t do that little sleepy nappy

Time thing so what I’ve been doing is running home right Flair all right so standby what is this smell I have to smelt my iron oh no but do I have iron here somewhere I mean because I dig and I just I don’t know what I’m collecting until I go what the heck

I don’t know if I have any iron iron or I think I may have had it in my um copper I have copper if you want pennies okay standby I think I have it in my chest uh e no do I have any hey raw iron is this what

You’re talking about that I should be smelting um is is this is this the this right here is this what you’re talking that I should be smelting yep um there’s two wool there one more and I can make a bed yes I’m getting on the bed so should I smelt a smelt

Should I smelt uh this and just store it for future use is that you can make a bucket oh I need a bucket yeah oh this is how I do it okay so I’m going to put this here then hit e oh no yeah and then I go to my furnace right

That’s a keystone cop move when I jump because I’m hitting the wrong buttons you have 12 okay oh do I have 12 in the other chest oh my God I don’t even know what I’m doing okay what guys I’m sorry I use this book thing I know some people are like no you

Got to learn the right way but um iron iron ingot do I need to make an Ingot is that what I need to be making I don’t when you say in gut yes okay stand by I click this and we go oh it takes a few minutes it’s like

Making glass out of sand it takes like about nine nine seconds okay oh I gotta keep hitting it oh new recipes unlocked I’ve acquired Hardware oh super cool beans three iron ingots and v formation make a bucket okay and I think this would be my last one for an ingot

Multiple ores at once and let them all smelt Oh you mean I could set this in action and bail and do things while this stuff Cooks you can ah oh I had no idea all right well um did I have somebody says I have 12. just put all four into four top slots

Then walk away and come back later but if I walk away do I have to hit the e to close it because I can’t walk or do anything unless I close this little saying so you’re saying I’m not going to do it right this second but when I do it

Let it rip and then just close it like this and then I can walk away and it’ll still be cooking okay sick all right cool all right guys I’m not waiting for Sunrise we’re doing this let me look out my windows oh I got these guys these are punks

Okay I got these guys over there they’re on that side oops oh no all right guys here we go I got my thumb on the I got my pinky on the control and then W ready this [ __ ] I can see draw the fire this way first

Aha I’m gonna go this way psych you missed you suck oh draw the fire draw the fire no oh Juke it’s like playing hockey hey oh hit Hot Mama say Mama ding open the door how’s it haha I know Maki died day today that Maki died dead today huh look out the

Window and just flip you the bird if I could okay stand by I go night night not today yes that was one of my favorite scenes what do we say of the god of death not today and I realize that even though that there’s Sun out there these guys are out there until

They get roasted see there they go walking marshmallow tops okay we’ll have to open the door still see oh you know what’s a really good question while I have you guys here um I have a massive amount of wheat seeds I mean like they collect

Like flies on poop and I run out of places to put them and they all max out at like 64. how do I hook things that I don’t want anymore oh you teach me how to farm bread build a hole to make farmland ah week for him time

Yes I guess I could make more chess but eventually I want to learn how to do that okay well now that I um I need one more wool though guys I’m I’m really uptight with not having a bed on my beach house sound lame um where have I not checked um

How do I I’ve been this way Waters that way water’s over there I saw the turtles over this hill um let me see I just need a little sheep guys and not for any other reason then we’ll hey there was a cave there I didn’t notice that how does that work

Now I didn’t realize this but I burnt my feet on these things when I stood on it so apparently that is like hot lava rocks has no value do these purple rocks have any value that I’m looking at I’m sure we’ll sleep is that um the purple broken neither portal not really nothing

I can really do with that okay well no this was something else and I don’t know how it got broken this used to be something else here and and I don’t know what happened and I don’t know why there’s a chest there should I check out that chest

Stay away from the hot stuff let me see what’s in this chest is that not a chest oops God I got all excited oh it is what’s all this stuff foreign oh wow this is a little Treasure Chest obsidian having golden ax what the heck is it oh it’s loot ah

And this is go ah well now I don’t have any room to bring it back down onto my little thing so should I if I hammer this chest and break it apart will the stuff inside come with me if I this is what you can fix the portal with okay

Stuff will explode out big mess oh I gotcha no okay somebody was saying yes somebody’s dying for me to die I love it here online okay so let me just say that I know what this is now so I’m going to come back to this but I do

Have to get some wool so I don’t want to jump down that way that’s too hot maybe I’ll go this way okay there was a cave okay guys uh just hang in there with me let’s see if we find some wool if we don’t find any wool by the time it’s

Night time I’ll get back into my cubby hole and we’ll listen to another OST together deal IO there’s a cow I need sheep I’m just mowing along because I’m bored oh that’s scary down there oh that’s so cool look at that waterfall oh that’s sick I still don’t see any sheep though

Did I work all my sheep already I mean do I get only in a lot of amount per I don’t even know if you call this a world let me ask Mr Ed a horse of course of course a horse where’s the sheepadoo sheep let me get my sword sorry bro foreign

Wasted some energy there okay but it didn’t give me wool why was that does not every time I kill a sheep I automatically get wool isn’t that how I got him in the first place it’s random ah jeez okay then the final question is before I

Head back home and then we go into the OST again music section if I decide that I want to spend more time sleeping at my beach house if I chop up the um the bed in my tree house does that become a bed again and then I can take it and put it

In the other house or do I have to reassemble another bit oh man I hear that voice coming where’s that guy you can indeed move the bed just punch it okay oh it’ll go back into my grid into my thingy okay stand by oh man I hate that guy’s voice where is he

I’m not gonna wait for him hey what’s down here um so it’s like an item I can put down okay thank you here’s something else that’s I learned that I could actually walk on top of these trees is that a mistake in the game or is that a strategy

I I don’t know if that’s like I figure if I can walk on the trees soaking the bad guys right once it’s broken you’ll lose the spawn point oh that’s uh oh it’s intentional okay so it’s a strategy of sorts okay you guys can tell me that in a little bit

Let me just uh it’s supposed to happen you can place it Minecraft trees are funny that way they float with the bed all right okay so I’m stoked there because right there is treasure I’ll come back and get treasure in a little bit this mother fundamana my feet man did you hear that

Oh man okay let me get back to my tree house standby I got to put a cold compress on my feet did you guys hear me get roasted I stepped on that lava and we all know what burnt flesh smells like according to these zombies that are self-roasting themselves in the sunlight okay

Make sure you stay on top of your hunger bar oh is there anything there for me to eat that’s Raw wait a second do I have any oh there’s a mutton I have some cooked mutant hey I got a feather it’s a feather for okay so I put mootin

Yes I know it’s mutton I just call it mutant um okay Nobody’s around me so I’m gonna let me do this I go like this and how about I learned this trick I could see myself eat like a big weight lunch time baby all right that’s a TR F5

The F5 button that was there we go All right let’s uh let’s uh go ahead and um let’s get back into uh my tree house and then we’ll take another break and listen to some more music okay uh let’s just watch the sunset for a second because you got to take time out to do that

You got to just take time out to just chill take a few seconds call yourself back in to right here have a seat even if you need a little assist you know if it’s a beer or a little Jack in the Mason jar true just just enjoy this for a second that’s

Why I put a skylight in my beach house so I could just sit here and just Trip Man because that is so cool even if it’s in the digital game all right uh the goobers are going to show up soon so I got to get into here and then let

Me get into my house I’m going to unload a couple things because the next session I have I want to go back and get those Treasures uh but before that I’m going to unload this and then we’re going to go back and listen to another track okay so let me do this

Let me check look I made my first stairs upstairs as far as this is concerned look look at that sunset come come on I’m missing a piece of glass here I haven’t made it yet I haven’t smelted it yet life is good okay let me come back down close the door

Do you guys do this too I leaned into stuff I don’t know it’s been a long time since I played video games I remember when I used to play Halo with the paddle thingy with the controller and I I would be going you know I don’t know

Okay we’re almost we’re almost back to OST music OST music guys just stand by I gotta do this I need to unload some stuff okay I’ve got string I so it looks like I have more than enough to make a bucket too look at all this stuff I have here

For gardening and seeds and stuff I’m like ready for that for the farmer of the mill farmer of the Del what’s the farmer of the Dell I even have saplings okay so standby let me offload some stuff here give me a second I’m going to put some iron ognates over there

I’m going to keep this here for my food consumption standby guys you see these wheat seeds 64-64 I can’t do anything with them here so give me a second let me put these stairs back up in here stairs back up in here sorry I’m gonna get a little anal for a

Second I just want to straighten out my tools the ones in my chest sorry I just pulled a John Lovitz right there did you guys see that video that I ran through the um community of Community part of my world music channel where I did this mock-up of me getting

Docs because I’m an extra in a lot of TV shows and as a matter of fact you guys are going to die laughing you ready for this you ready for this on Monday I’m going to be shooting NCIS Hawaii as stunt hands playing the piano laughs it’s hilarious I get called for the

Oddest stuff man but anyhow the reason why I brought up that video that um I posted on community uh tab on the world music channels because at the very end there’s a segment with me and John Lovitz because John was at my house doing some work so he decided to get all

Fartsy artsy with me so at the very end of that video it’s John and I it’s a crack up okay standby I digress I need to make more room for my gold here now this is a small chest I’ll put the coal up here oops

How come it won’t stay oh I can only do five at a time oh shoot looks I’m gonna have to stash can you stand by um all right let’s let let me uh let me put my guy to sleep here and let’s go ahead and do another OST okay so let me walk

Out here and I got to turn it this way and hit this okay he’s up I’ll just move him by the front door and let’s go listen to some music okay now I do that okay now I want to do this and then hit nope wrong one I did it again confun it

How about that one there it is okay all right guys ah let’s do another music track yes I’ve had the Richard dreyfest thing so many times I I kind of consider that an honor he’s an absolutely amazing actor uh but I do I do I get the I get the

Rich Dreyfus thing a lot but especially when I have my little cap on that’s that’s a funny one okay um let me see what am I doing here I tell you what um uh how’s about we do oh wait a second I’m gonna throw a curveball here’s the curveball guys everybody wait

Fingers off the keyboards or your cell phone I have yet to do one from Pokemon give me one from Pokemon how about that it might not be the why not be everybody’s favorite game here but how about a Pokemon bloody tears X and Y bike theme battle theme

Bike Road anything from Pokemon Crystal Lavender Town Cynthia battle it is hey Butch thanks for your first time uh dropping by in so let’s look up Cynthia battle this was going to be my very first Pokemon Cynthia battle theme I am so stoked that search engines have autocorrect

I am so blessed that I made a living writing music because if it would have been writing words I would have been so let’s put it this way every time I write something I always close it with Aloha comma Jeeves and then in parentheses I write good

I figure if I just let that joke go it’ll make up for my grammar errors in in my emails so okay oh this is not um should I do the first one is it the first one here that I should be doing let me know okay the first one’s good

Okay all right let me catch a sip here and then we’re gonna do this one and then we’ll go back for another Minecraft scene and then I’ll do one more and then I gotta dig out I have uh some family Duty a little later I know it’s really late for a lot of

People but for me it’s only seven o’clock and I gotta Maybe do something for my daughter okay so here we go guys uh from our chat a just pull it from the chat moment this is Pokemon Diamond pearl and platinum Champion Cynthia battle all right Can you tell me what year this was released Foreign I take it to securing gameplay a lot of energy in the scene yeah for like a boss battle or something You know it’s you know there’s a lot of great things to kind of catch on this but what’s great is that menacing bass line that has not stopped at the very beginning there’s been some Melodies but different synth modules going back and forth I would take it it’s the main

Melody since I’ve never listened to a Pokemon that the melody that I’ve got kind of already cycling in my head is um you know a limited um and so repeat maybe of the a principal Melody I’m not sure but what makes this really menacing and really

Fun is that bottom end that bass line is yes harbinger of Nam or Nam yes exactly um now you guys have heard me if you guys have ever heard me do OST reviews or listens to games that are just as energetic but they use gigantic orchestras for

And the bottom end is represented by the big Marcato strings and they’ll usually be emphasized what the drums are here we usually be emphasized with Tycho drums or big storm drums so for me when I’m listening to this and even the counter Arrangements that are going on melodically through here in my head

There’s already going oh man so the brass section would be able to handle that it’s just what I do in my head when I’m dissecting pieces but this is this is pretty intricate if you really listen to it if you’re a musician you’re a composer you’re hanging out here there’s at least three

Different um well there’s a main Melody and there’s um it’s not a Harmony but there’s two other battling conversations happening right below the main Melody so it seems Okay that’s cool Foreign Menacing Baseline Foreign This is kind of like a Danny Elfman move how everything got really super menacing by them pulling out like um there’s been this constant snare that’s been just going through the whole thing but all of a sudden it dropped out and it became a little more menacing

As the bass was just holding the bottom end and stuff like that and it got a little darker and heavier and then they obviously brought it in but that’s very very Danny elfman-ish in kind of like nightmares Before Christmas style composition stuff like that all of a sudden You know that kind of a thing Yeah it’s at the end that was great man thank you so much for that whoops negative sorry about that little fake start there didn’t mean to get you guys all jump started on that one that was great man thank you so much on that now obviously the everyone is saying um hey Avatar

How’s it thanks for following um that this was done in 2006 so this is we’re already in the the capabilities of full-blown um I mean already Halo was already released so the the decision for the directors or the devs that actually you know put this stuff together to keep the Integrity of

The sounds that were being used I’m gonna guess since I don’t know that uh when did the first Pokemon come out you guys remember because it sounded like they just wanted to keep with the Integrity of the chiptune style if it started all the way back in the day in 96 huh

Or 93. it just sounded like they wanted to keep with that because at this point in 2006 they could have gone Seven Ways to Sunday and blown out you know different production but I think you know one of the most important things that I’ve learned on

This journey is if I’m like above the line like an EMT or something at one of these software companies uh EMT executive management team it would be like we’ve established a base of a legacy base of players based on Visual and definitely based on score and music maybe somewhere along

The lines they said no let’s not deviate too much from it you know we have composers have unique new ways of being able to make the chiptune sound still you know uh play if you would uh or or be um not not pertinent what’s what I’m

Looking for or be uh I can’t think of the words happens when you get a loaded um but you know just to keep it with those sounds and all that I think it’s great I think it just keeps with the game and so you guys are saying this was

This particular moment’s 2006. have they still released Pokemons are there still new ones coming out now like in the last few years or did they kind of fade from that so anyhow that was killer thank you so much okay excuse me God I’m so sorry I cough

All the time you guys must be used to it already okay um so it’s still going on all right yeah the hardware was limited but I mean I I mean to to write the music but if it was 2006 though um you know Halo had already released and

They were already in full stereo with you know uh use of uh of sounds uh of course that was a console but um anyhow I just uh I just go off like I do when I start thinking about that kind of stuff all right guys let’s go back and take a

Quick run through some Minecraft again so let me go back here Minecraft okay let me close this and let’s go back into the game wow all right um what was my intentions for this now where was I going hey I thought these guys I thought these guys

Uh the spiders went away during daytime they don’t oh it’s one of the smaller consoles okay thanks thanks Darth wool for bed yes spiders uh uh you need to find coal and make charcoal for burning wood okay so I have coal and I have all of that and I have

That oh I gotta get the loot thank you that’s what I was working on the loot come on get the loot thank you man I got a co-pilot there that remembers oh wait a second standby I gotta do one thing gosh I’m gonna do that really quick sorry because I want to like

Revisit something here pop this on How’d I do that Give me a second guys I’m just fixing something here how did that happen give me a second I don’t know how the heck I did that that was a boo-boo there we go I wanted to put this on while I trip out for a while all right there we go that makes sense

Sorry guys let’s go back to the game loot booty isn’t that what it’s called Pirate’s Booty oh where’d it go Pirate’s Booty except there’s no Pirates I’m gonna stay away from those one things I’ll come up this way that was close hey are these green ones anything I should be getting by chance

Is there anything there that we can or is that just moss on a stone okay just Mossy and decoration all right I was right oh wait a second I just realized something if this is a chest that has loot can’t I store some stuff here

I can so I can grab all the good stuff all right stand by just have to make some room I think I might have an idea here I think the loot is more important than the oh you see I’m learning guys there’s probably a faster way to do what I’m doing but

Like control something click on things and they all group together but I’m just sorry you can tell in my eyes I’m just intent on doing the right thing and I’ll learn all the short tricks later um I’m gonna take the feather and I’m gonna put it here for now

And then I’m going to take golden ax and now Apple and then I’ll take the sit in there does that look right guys is that um shift click so whenever I have a grouping of um the same things I just I just hit click and shift and then it’ll group it together and Oh I got it okay thank you okay so now I just need to get out of there oh good now I got the nuggets so nugged out right now that used to mean something different when I was younger dude I’m so nugged right now stuff’s just going on okay let’s um

Take the chest home by breaking it with the ax yeah but if I break the chest that other stuff goes flying away right I lose the feather and stuff Foreign [Laughter] go back with the chest and and negotiate the chess thing I’m not really a chess guy let me see um I need to get an ax e I have an X here put that there okay move forward a little bit uh I gotta scroll my dude here standby

Okay well I guess I can collect this but I need that box okay got it okay guys a sheeping wheel go whoa oh man how do I get it’s like crevasses it’s like this used to be like my biggest nightmare when I used to ski like off piece in some very

Deep stuff back in the Colorado days how do I get out of here I can go here oh side step um W jump oh I cleared it I cleared the crevasse okay guys I can’t like I get all anxietied out when I do this and I say to myself it’s just a game

Dude it’s just a game oh can somebody let me in on where to get leather where do I get leather from I mean I’ve I’ve snipped a few cows but I don’t know where the leather comes from it drops from cows kill cows okay we’re gonna try one

Oh it’s a rare drop oh I see so it doesn’t happen with every cow that um that you get all right well sorry Mr Cow but you are about to be my uh let’s see if you got a jacket somewhere here for me what’d I get there did I get leather

I got two pieces I don’t know if I hacked the crap out of him that’s what that one block was or yeah how’s it oh man I got it oh okay I got some leather you need to dump some inventory it’s full yeah so that means I gotta go oh But I can’t dump it unless I put it in the chest ah all right I can’t do anything right so see I got all greedy with the uh with the booty with the gold you know all the um so I’m just gonna be pissed off a

Pack of grass while I go back to my house and dump some of my stuff Point doink doink going To like this music man that’s what’s so cool about this Minecraft very ambient stand by for a second I want to turn it up a little bit let me turn this up this is really cool I love the percussion that the composer uses in these Arrangements I don’t know the name exact the exact name for the percussion it’s the round thing and you can hit it with the hands and I mean some some of you have left that before here but I just don’t remember the name

The next game I’m trying to consider a hand pad yeah it’s a beautiful instrument oh what’s this I’m going to take a look down here just to see what’s up hey what just happened oh I don’t want to take any chances down there bogeys hey I can’t get out

How do I oh Bow sorry guys lost my wits about me yeah it’s a beautiful instrument it’s like the soft version of the steel drum feel it my ankles hurt when I fall okay let me see if this chest has any room for me oh man I got so much junk

I gotta start doing something with all this don’t I guys build another chest dough there it is I don’t even have room to bring the chest down wait a minute yeah I can do this Okay and I’ll put another chest here Oh but I can’t get into it until I get to the top aha okay here we go standby guys I’m just Gonna Roll here let me put the wall should I put my my my treasure in a safe place is that going to come in handy for

Me at like some kind of um put a second chest next to the first one can I move a chest or do I have to hack it in order to move it like I can’t grab it and move it right side by side okay standby I’ll try that let me just do this Thank you for that guys this is what I love about this is there any room next to it uh no I have to make room don’t I so what I’ll do is No that’s not gonna work and right while clicking on the side of the chest like this side right here I’m sure you’re telling me to do the right thing but I’m not getting this I don’t know why I run out of time I’m just gonna do this because I’m Bobo this way I’m sure you’re telling me how to do it the right way but I’m a little like not too sure Does it have to be next to each other like right here or can I put it right here foreign I could put it right here okay thank you Okay but it doesn’t join Okay well let me see something here let me just check something here that’s what I got in that chest it has to be on the side all right so I really kind of have to do this then I have only one last thing to do standby guys I’m a little

Flustered right now let me close this let me back up a little bit I’m going to take you and I’m going to move you over here I guess this is where you have to get logistic right and you go drink now I’m going to take here this ax

And I’m going to go like this and I’m going to go like that oops I know guys be patient bouncing a lot out going everywhere um okay stand by then let me just I’ll start all over again with this I know some people are saying that there’s another methodology with it but

Forward geez I’m going to want to listen to music after this for God’s sakes and now I can just take it and put it there I have one chest I have created a bigger chest oh okay ah thank you now can I only do that once I

Can’t do continuals right does it only group in twos like if I was to do continual larger chests is it just in groups of two that I would be able to do it or could I put more so okay now I’ll fill it just two okay thank you

All right let me just uh what are the things oh let me put my apples let me put my dogs there some iron nukes my golden ax um how about some raw iron I mean it’s considering that the chess is right next to my furnace and my building desk

Raw chicken no I may need that for food later these are building stuff okay sorry guys I’m just doing a little housekeeping here jeez I’ve been a little stressed I’ve been getting I’m getting a little headache here put the obsidian here here let me move the meat products over

Yeah this is a pretty song Let me turn it up while we while I move around some stuff here Foreign Let’s listen to this for a second Real Spacey real ethereal sound There’s a little Darkness in this oh God I love this chill step by it Foreign It’s kind of like a mini move kind of vibe I think the Rain Sound is in the track itself this is so chill I’m gonna go back a little bit I want you to listen to How it oh I guess I’m wrong that rain is in my house we’re going because I didn’t recall we’re hearing rain on the track no it’s on my Minecraft game I’m gonna go back about 30 seconds and I

Want you to listen to How many little Arrangements he’s got going there and what makes it so wonderful is the sounds that he’s choosing to represent those arrangements um once again it is it is very orchestral just because he’s doing things off of you know chill step and he’s using

Ambient sounds and stuff like that to have an orchestral mind transcends live orchestration where in other words doing it for you know a a massive Orchestra you still have to have the same skill set to be able to say oh I’m going to have this go dude

Okay that’s gonna go now over here I want so even behind what he’s playing with the piano there’s another Mallet instrument way in the back holding a small little pattern and then these little patterns start to build and breathe you know and if you notice that the the chill step drum

That first came in when I said oh this is great check out this chill step he just he kind of lifted it and changed the tonality of a little bit and made it a little a little less of a um muted compressed chill step Drum Set uh

Drum sound and he expanded a little bit you know and that to me is so cool this this is the kind of stuff that I like I could listen to this as a matter of fact I think it was last week I put this on this his soundtrack

On and I just I was like cooking I wasn’t cooking mutton but I was cooking something and I just turned it up and I just listened to it I was like wow man this is just sick oh wait a minute let me go back a little

Bit because I want I want you to listen to that one little section there of course oh [ __ ] that’s fine yeah I would I would say it’s like a modern Orchestra I mean you have to use the same concepts of orchestrating be it in front of a massive amount of

Musicians or if I’m sitting here in front of my dog and I’m writing layers you still have to use that sense of orchestrating and arranging laughs I love how he uses the subtle soundscapes non-tonal soundscapes in the background like pulled irons that’s kind of like the move base

Now he has this Meandering piano solo right here but watch it step into something else or listen to it foreign I gotta check that out Robinson Little Arrangement way in the back Foreign Foreign So well done except for me talking over it [Applause] See how that mix starts to fade away you can hear that arpeggiation in the back of what’s going on Um let me get over here let me check to see how horse he’s doing how you doing bro I need to talk to you [Applause] Foreign [Applause] Such a great chord change right there Foreign Foreign I think what makes it a little more ambient is in my game right now it’s raining so we’re hearing the rain over this but you know I gotta tell you before I get on with this you know I used to sit with my father and his whole life has been all about

Um live orchestras and all the work that he had done and everything and you know what I learned about my father was from my father one of the most important things was it doesn’t matter what’s generating the music be it humans or Daws because my dad was

The first one man when the synthesizers and sequencers came out my dad was the first one to get on it even though he’s an orchestrator conductor in the whole thing he embraced that and he really made sure that I absorbed that as a lesson from him

You know don’t don’t you know if you start leaning into yeah but it’s not yeah but it’s not yeah but it’s not then you shut off all possibilities of a of a greater experience from listening to music by other composers because not every composer in the world

Is going to have the same opportunities in the 50s 60s and 70s to write music and put it in front of your musician and if they can express themselves in front of a digital world make sure that you stay open to that and I’ve lived that ever since and that’s

Why this particular score that we’ve been listening to uh for Minecraft except for the piano and in of itself is probably a piano triggered from a Daw everything else is sweeping synths and beautiful arpeggiations might switch by these scents and I really really really really appreciate that man I think

That’s really really super cool and it moves me I can still be moved by it Like these growing strings thank you See that’s that’s arranging skills right there those subtle beautiful chord changes and stuff and the Dynamics as they get a little louder and a little softer you know it pulls you in differently you know and people just don’t you know a lot of a lot of times when you’re just

Listening you’re enjoying a piece of music you know it’s almost like here here’s the dinner here’s the steak but you don’t know how long it took to make this particular spice that’s Given that special flavor and Dynamics is like that and Dynamics are the volume changes or the unique things

That will happen like loud small whatever sorry I just went off I hope you guys didn’t mind that I fully went off just now all right standby uh I need wool is the sun coming up yet take a look out of my Windows here on my Cliffside beachfront home sun’s coming up I want to put I want to build a bed and put it right there I don’t see any of the uh funky dudes okay guys here’s the deal I’m gonna go out and do one more daytime hunt for some wool

And if I don’t find any wool or anything by night time oh the rain just stopped then we’re going to do one more OST and then I got a bail okay so I kind of cheated ourselves out of one but I got so into this OST that

We were listening to on the Minecraft all right guys I need sheep this is really kicking my butt and I can’t I’ve been everywhere I’ve been to this side of the Hill I’ve been to that back side of the Hill I’ve been over this in the back here

Back through here I don’t know which way to go no I have wool I need one more I need two strings to make one craft one more wool right so is the only way to get strings though isn’t that um by killing spiders or is there another way for me to get strings How do I already have enough I because it’s not allowing me yeah I need three But you mean I do did I separate the Wool by accident Cobwebs in mine shafts oh I can do that too all right Going down oh that’s right it was raining the whole time well now I’m now I’m a little for clemt stand by it Sorry I need to get glasses I keep uh by the way I haven’t figured this out and maybe it doesn’t exist but are all doors single doors like this like I tried to dig out two cubes here and put another door to see if I would have like swinging French doors that doesn’t

That doesn’t exist Does it like every door is a single door let me know oh I can make a double doorway uh I’ll have to look that up okay let’s just take a look at my chest here okay I got two black wool two white wool and I have nothing in my inventory

Okay now standby I want to make sure In the 70s I used to uh race with my friends the yz8as and yz80bs two strokes anybody into Motocross those were the good old days that’s why when I do Motocross sounds like me okay non-descript blocks I’ll stand by it let me stay on Mission here and see what I got here

Okay so in this chest I don’t have any more wool so I really only have two black and two white so I guess I’m kind of you have one wool in inventory plus two and chest three yes it was a Yamaha actually I started off on the um xr75 on Honda

Before they laid down the shocks that’s how old I am okay hang on Redstone stuff and turning in super Minecraft electrician oh don’t scare me okay inventory inventory I have some string I have two strings I don’t know what the hell to do with bone but I got it

Middle Row Third from the right is wool this iron eggnot A backpack personal grid oh my God I’ve had it the whole time thank you who just who just helped me out with that not the chest bottom I’ve had it the whole time Magus was that you thank you oh God I feel so sped

And I could say that because I was fed I was in special education in school so I don’t want anybody coming for me in the comments okay so now oh [ __ ] it’s night time I can’t believe I had the wall there the whole time foreign I thought it was some kind of stone oh no all the boogies are out I gotta stay away with the ones from the arrows and that guy right there he blows up stuff and I spent a lot of time evening

Out this grass the last thing I need to do is get him in an IED mode oh man look at all these guys hey what’s this tall skinny black thing right there what is that oh I don’t know I’m not gonna wait and find out Oh god listen to his piano perfect for this section don’t look at him what happens if they look at him do you do you like freeze up foreign I can make more torches between the house and that’ll stop them from spawning I didn’t know okay

Okay cool all right guys let’s see if I can pull this off and make a bed I’ll make this bed put the bed where I want to and then we’ll do one more OST and then I gotta bail um wait a second e okay there’s a wool right there so what

I need to do is I need to be bring more wool in here so in order for me to do that I need to point it here here are the other two you [ __ ] now I got three wool standby now I go back to this one and now

I should be able to make a bed I’ve got white wool standby what how come I can’t find Do I not have any did I did I blow it do I not have enough for wool wood planks oh I need planks okay I know how to do planks standby take wood I’ll take some jungle log oh I forgot how to do I go like that

And we can pull this back here and these are no it’s more jungle wood a minute if I need planks how do I craft and bench oh oh I need to go to my crafting bench wait a minute isn’t that where I’m at it says crafting okay I’ll take it let

Me just back out for a second guys okay this is my crafting bench right oh you’re right I was wrong standby done really quick just in case I’m a couple of things here I want to look at all right now I can do this I’m digging this music it’s just the best so I can take just put it in as one stack to make planks foreign Oh one stack thank you I’m learning okay now I’m gonna put my planks here put my logs back in here um now I should be able to make a bed And where would that bed be here they are I have waited so long to sleep in this house that I’ve been building thank you guys so much I have a bed you guys are so cool for helping me on this okay now I’m gonna go walk up here

And I’m going to put down my bed because I want to sleep right here And bed move it up a little more Why isn’t it oh second block ah God that is so cool I like sleeping next to the window not knowing if I’m feeling the torch thing but I’m not sleeping yet let me hang on I’m moving Torchy I’m going to put them on the other side of the wall right here there’s

Pretty good oh there he is and torch you should see all right guys so let me officially catch some sleep make sure it works good and watch the sunrise life is good people get out of bed the only thing that would really truly make my day playing Minecraft and you guys know me

Is there a coffee maker or a coffee pot is it just eggs and bacon and meat come on somebody tell me if there’s like at least coffee laughs yes I want to respawn on this bed no no hot coffee God that’s bunch of junk I’m gonna call the devs I’m going to protest

Because you know the devs have probably been drinking coffee or whatever it is keeping them up all night to Adderall or whatever I don’t know okay this is official I am now going to be done with this game I want to thank all of you for helping me with this

I’m going to close this and let’s do one more OST before I split okay this is our final OST and then I’m out of here I’m a little behind the eight ball on something so I’ve got to go so let’s do this guys thank you so much

Before I start this you guys know I love to do this at the end of my videos where are you from let me see that way that gives me it buys me some time to drink some water ah on the Halo ring somewhere love that dude Australia California how’s it

Montana Brazil Norway Vegas snowing in Vegas Iowa Canada Australia a lot from Australia how’s it France first time dropping in a chat too thank you so much Michigan Thailand so cool San Diego Germany Belgium haven’t had many from Belgium thank you for dropping by and still in the Bay Area okay

All right guys here we go last one for the evening this is outer Wilds Timber Health all right Foreign Foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] Oh that’s so sweet right there I gotta stop this somewhere I’m enamored by it because I think this is the very first OST piece that I’ve ever heard that really emphasizes uh the acoustic guitar work that way and in its tradition in the kind of guitar playing that’s being played um I’m a I’m a fiend for Dynamics and

When they double the guitars like this there’s so much soul in the guitar playing um based on on what I would consider the nuances of performing on the instrument be it fret noises from the fingers or sometimes the difference between the pick sound on each string because each string has a different gauge

Or how certain strings are muted you know it’s very very very very very very very very difficult to you know double record guitars and not have nuanced differences like that and to me that is so rich it adds such an incredible you know texture to the stereo dynamics of a performance

Now I saw some people dropping some stuff here saying that there was banjo in there now I didn’t know I was I I didn’t know I mean obviously it was a different instrument the higher steel string that we heard there could have been capoed um I’m not familiar with banjo playing

Outside of what I normally know as a stereotypical banjo work you know the very fast kind of you know Bluegrass kind of style work but one of the things that’s really great about this is is if this so if there’s some people are saying this is kind of a

Game that exploring the solar system right so Nam just dropped one here and um it doesn’t have an overabundance of Ambience and ethereal as much as it is relying on this arpeggiation that’s just letting the notes ring out and then there’s a little bit of a Reverb that pads in there way

In the back there there is a small arpeggiation that was happening coming in and out that seemed to have had like a delay and Reverb on it that really gave it some width but what a unique approach for this and I think if I may say so since I do not

Know about anything about this game but I’m looking at the artwork here is that if it is literally outer Wilds meaning like camping from the woods maybe or something like that but looking into the Stars it’s like that campfire Vibe am I kind of right I’m just looking at the

Artwork and listening to it so that’s all I’m pulling from it but I love that and then there was a couple times where there was actually a little bit of a Harmony in there in their uh performance here that was going on but it’s space travel okay

Yeah okay I mean uh slurgly slurgly you know these these nicknames sometimes could be kind of uh but um yeah that’s just the vibe I’m getting from it it’s really really super cool I’m really pumped whoops Foreign [Applause] Foreign God that was great something else that was happening there when I was listening to when I first came back in I’m going well I really wanted to kind of just see if I can establish that that ambient vibe and there was a guitar a clean electric guitar sound that kind of had

A delay wash on it very similar to what’s what’s what’s the name of the guy on YouTube uh the the band YouTube from Europe um that that was his his whole Beast of musicianship was based on that particular uh digital delayed sound that he would play with his guitar

That I think was what was his name what was the name of the guitar player from YouTube well uh no that’s Bono’s a singer Bono but the the guitar player had his own little name like slash or something but um anyhow um The Edge thank you yes thank you

His whole existence and or his whole musical presence in YouTube was based on his ability to take the guitar and play it in that way where almost everything that you two was about had that very unique ethereal ambient Vibe and that was all created from slapback delays and reverbs

And that was actually in this piece but way in the back in the mix it wasn’t prevalent so really what we were just focusing on were the you know acoustic guitars that were holding these patterns and stuff but what gave us this floaty vibe was the in and out of that electric

Guitar that had that kind of edge The Edge kind of vibe to it this is great I definitely have to go back and listen to more out more outer Wilds uh I don’t know who who sent that my way but um um uh thank you so much I really appreciate it anyhow guys

I’m roasted it’s two and a half hours but this one was real fun I was able to work on Minecraft and do some osts I don’t know how long I am for this is a long haul I’m supposed to um come back and and do tomorrow night some

Osts but this thing that I’m having to maneuver right now I may not be able to do it tomorrow so I might have to call an audible on that one but you know what I’m actually thinking of clipping this and just putting this whole thing up on YouTube I

Think it’d be funny to see how people respond going what the hell is this whole guy doing for two and a half hours but I don’t know taking all the fun chances that I can and you guys are helping me on this all right guys listen

Um thank you so much for hanging out thank you so much for all the tips on um um my uh Minecraft Journey here you guys were fantastic and got me out of a lot of glitches um I’ll try to do at least a Minecraft Vibe at least once a week not that I’m

Trying to create followers or anything but uh sephu thank you so much for the prime I’m sorry I totally didn’t there was quite a few people came by and followed and I didn’t and once again if you’re still here uh Xeno that 30 tip thank you

So so so much for that and then like usual if you’re still here you know just go check out my world music channel and stuff I just dropped a new video on the channel That that now you can put all your suggestions on one video that I dropped so they all stay in

One group and clustered comments so you know I know I get a lot of them here and I look through them when I render this out but you can go ahead and look on that video on my world music channel and I just posted it yesterday or this morning

Or something and it’s already blowing up with like I’ve got 700 suggestions but at least they’re in one place right um yeah and also right uh uh Curry hakubi yeah if you look go ahead and look at my community tab on YouTube and you’ll see that like me talking about getting doxed or

Something but really it’s kind of a spoof thing that I’m doing but at the very end of that there’s like a minute and a half of me and John Lovitz going back and forth about dating and who has the best dating tips it’s really kind of

Funny all right guys listen thank you so much have a killer weekend it’s a pretty good chance I won’t be coming on tomorrow night and if that’s the case have a great weekend and I’ll talk to you guys on Monday I’ll be back or Tuesday oh no

I won’t Tuesday I’ll be shooting that thing for NCIS um Hawaii so I don’t know when I’ll be released from set so my life all right guys take care Aloha

This video, titled ‘Old Composer Learning to play Minecraft AND Dropping some OST Reactions’, was uploaded by RPGeebz Music Arcade on 2023-02-25 17:32:27. It has garnered 17192 views and 1087 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:05 or 8045 seconds.

Buy me a cup of ☕? http://www.venmo.com/AbbaGeebz or https://paypal.me/abbageebz 🙏 🎶 📺TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/keyofgeebz 🎧HEADSETS (AKG240) I use – https://amzn.to/33Una2q 🎶The Decomposer Lounge PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/TheDecomposerLounge

🎶MY HEAVY METAL CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/c/KeyOfGeebz

0:00 – Mincrafting 19:32 – Mega Man 3 Theme 41:07 – F Zero X Big Blue 1:12:12 – Pokeman Cynthia Battle 2:2:48 – Outer Wilds Timber Hearth

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👕Key of Geebz Merch: https://key-of-geebz.creator-spring.com 🎭LOGO DESIGN – Adam Trask | http://www.weareprivatelabel.com

Buy me a cup of ☕ ? – Actually, if you do drop into Venmo or PayPal, it goes towards some coffee for me and the non-profit kid’s things I do to spread the ALOHA! http://www.venmo.com/AbbaGeebz or https://paypal.me/abbageebz 🙏

🦕Kids Mission – http://www.abbageebz.com – The Healing Dinosaurs 🦕Kids Free Ukulele Lessons https://www.youtube.com/abbageebz

👍THE DECOMPOSER FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/TheDecomposer 🐦THE DECOMPOSER TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Geebz 📷THE DECOMPOSER INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/keyofgeebz

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    Join our CRAZY Minecraft server NOW! ⛏️ | Stream 340Video Information so hallo und herzlich willkommen zu diesem Stream ich h es geht euch allen gut und heute bin ich natürlich wieder für euch live am 15.062024 um 11:13 uh und 49 Sekunden herzlich willkommen hi FIS the bubble hi Lias und hi Lucky Juno herzlich Willkommen an Euch alle drei schön dass Ihr da seid ich hoffe es geht euch gut zu spät kann man das nicht nennen weil am Ende haben wir zwar 11 Uhr ausgemacht ja aber das heißt nicht dass es so fix ist kann ich mitspielen du kannst mitspielen ja du müsstest halt auf… Read More

  • 🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #Hindi

    🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #HindiVideo Information तो गाइस आ गया [संगीत] मैं लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे गेमर लो लाइक लाइक कर दो लाइक कर दो जल्दी जल्दी यो किंग इज बैक अबे कौन है किंग हेलो लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे नए हो तो चैनल पर सब्सक्राइब मार दो अ डिकोड जा रहा रुद्र गेमिंग वाटी आय ओपी गेमर आय बहुत सारे मड आ रहे स्म [संगीत] में लाइक करके आ जाओ स्काई लेजेंड गेमिंग एफफ लाइक करो इतने सारे मोड्स ज्यादा ही हो रहा है मेरा शंकर किंग कौन से एमपी अबे एसएमपी बोलो एसएमपी हमारा न्यू डार्क एसम पी… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!

    Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!Video Information make your friend spell run or he officially SP no no cuz you thought you thought I a had brck n now hit me hit him let let him hit him go go got aim my zombie [ __ ] it though bro it’s your life wake up hell no no wait no it’s it’s becoming day now it’s coming day now you already know Chop Chop N Chill Out oh my God CH am I am I crazy am I crazy at the game you know what am I crazy at the game chat look how fast… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaislive

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaisliveVideo Information start here guys hello hello hello yo yo Queen blink y Parky Arts yo PG PGG gamer hello black hello hello hello black sorry hello hello MC yeah 1 12.1 ID I what I don’t okay guys okay noise yes guys noise hello yes hello G magnet good thing hello [Music] [Music] 355 I I please create your own SMP with subscribe zes nice nice unsit oh zes zie please oh but hello 69 level guys how are you 95 what are you doing thank you thank you live and I’m so must [Music] out out to message… Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP with McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets, 1.20.4

    Explore ExeosCraft, the No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP! Tired of servers that hype up sales and impose strange rules? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where we prioritize your experience. Any money we generate goes completely to charity. 🌟 Why Choose Us? 🌍 Stability: Our server, up and lagless since June 2020, will never reset its massive 35,000×35,000 map! 🚫 Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players is what we promise to sustain. 🎁 Giving Back: Excess donations support various charities and giveaways. 🌈 Inclusivity: Hate speech isn’t tolerated here, any and all are welcome here as ExeosCraft is a safe space for ALL. 🤖… Read More

  • RESET! DynastyCraft – 1.12.2 Modded Medieval

    RESET! DynastyCraft - 1.12.2 Modded MedievalDynastyCraft – Modded 1:135 Earth Factions set in the Dark AgesServer Modpack: https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/dynastycraft-official-modpack.1982222/aboutDiscord Server: https://discord.gg/fRKxthEv32View our Dynasty Tree: https://app.mural.co/t/dynastycraft4614/m/dynastycraft4614/1703342169285/7d3e8296da894640518ff985c62981ae56bd74bb?sender=u4466355caa360503a5113250 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐Why did the Minecraft Gang always get lost in the Nether? Because they always followed their leader, GPS (Ghast Positioning System)🤣🔝⭐ Read More

  • Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet God

    Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet GodVideo Information ч начинаю рисовать танты спря не потерять моё справляюсь я может покажется это не заль не спомня This video, titled ‘GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-06 09:40:41. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG #minecraft #viral #gaming #gamerfleet #Jack #tanding Read More

  • Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell

    Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell In the depths of hell, I journeyed anew, With Minecraft news, all rhymed and true. No changes to vanilla, just mods for fun, Exploring the nether, under the sun. I faced off with mobs, in a blaze of fire, Searching for fortresses, my heart’s desire. Endermen angered, pigmen attacked, But I survived, my skills intact. With Nanachi by my side, a skin so fine, I braved the dangers, in the nether’s spine. Now back in the overworld, safe and sound, Reflecting on adventures, that I found. So here’s the tale, of my Minecraft quest, In rhymes and rhythms, I… Read More

  • Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥

    Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥 When you spend hours building the perfect house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up… talk about a real blast! 😂 #minecraftproblems #creeperexplosion #gamerstruggles Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal Introduction In the world of Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From building magnificent structures to embarking on thrilling adventures, players can explore a vast and immersive virtual realm. One such adventure involves creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal, a portal that transports players to a frozen wonderland filled with challenges and excitement. Creating the Portal To embark on this icy adventure, players will need obsidian and Flint and Steel as the main materials. The portal is constructed with a size of 4×5, with obsidian blocks forming the frame and Flint and Steel used to… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a captivating YouTube video featuring a Minecraft mod set in a Viking theme. The lyrics of the song in the video paint a vivid picture of adventure, glory, and epic battles in Valhalla. As you immerse yourself in the world of Vikings and epic sagas, why not bring that same sense of adventure to your Minecraft gameplay? Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server, where you can create your own epic tales, forge alliances, and engage in thrilling battles. Just… Read More

Old Composer Learning to play Minecraft AND Dropping some OST Reactions