Omz – Minecraft But We’re MOBS on ONE BLOCK!

Video Information

Whoa where are we we’re on one block in the middle of the Void end wait a minute who the heck are you two there’s an Enderman and a skeleton here wait what there’s a zombie being air wait zombie I don’t see a zombie around oh my gosh [Applause] wait a minute

Whoa this is awesome how did we get here and wait a minute we’re on one block in the middle of the Void what do we do wait let me Lily don’t mine it and whoa the block respawn that’s awesome the block will regenerate whoa and now it’s

What that’s awesome and it says blocks even improve over time yes so we’re gonna get better and better blocks exactly everyone mine and whoa we got a chest with an apple and a sapling inside uh all right let’s get something even better and we got whoa more wood and

Wait a minute with all these blocks we’re getting we can expand our Island because right now it’s super cramped so I have six pieces of dirt so let’s put it all around just like that and I ran out now I could transform my two oak logs into eight blinks and with these

Eight planks I can extend it out even more let’s go now we can actually walk around I was way too close to you Roxy you kind of smell like a skeletons zombie oh gosh yeah that is worse but let’s keep Mining and wait it says each

Phase has a theme oh that makes sense right now what theme are we in we are in the planes phase so if we keep mining we’ll level up right exactly not everyone mine let’s see what we get uh and wait a minute guys we got a pet pig

And we’re all mobs are we gonna eat the pig or adopt him I don’t want to eat them no we’re adopting him he’s cute and pink um what should we do eat him or adopt him I say adopted we should have our very own child yeah skeletons don’t really have stomachs oh

Gosh yeah you don’t even have the ability to eat that’s how silly but our pig’s name is gonna be Penelope the pig I love it it’s so Cuba guys my Teamwork Makes a DreamWork Penelope will make you a pen in no time so you could live in it

And we got a chance and whoa we got three stone axes so we can mine so much quicker look at how much quicker we can mine now we’re zooming baby how many blocks do you have I have two oak logs and a bunch of dirt what about you Roxy

Put your Vlogs take mine all right thank you so much and whoa now I have 40 whole planks Lily do you want to expand the island yeah I got it all right here you go Lily expand all around us so we have more room okay awesome and Roxy me and

You are in charge of mining so mine chest whoa I wonder what’s inside here and wait a minute an Ender Soul hand is this supposed to be for you Lily my hands wait what does it do let me try this thing out and whoa you could teleport with this this is awesome

Oh you killed Penelope no no that was not me that was your hand it was just super powerful I did not mean to uh a zombie can’t be holding that much power give it to me right now no at wait a minute what I can pick up blocks and

Throw them are you serious Enderman powers are super cool it’s not yours though pass it over all right fine but I bet a zombie’s power is gonna be way more awesome let’s continue mining until I get it and whoa It’s a bad upgrade in five four three two one and let’s see

We’ll buy them we’re gonna get and whoa we got Cobblestone I wonder what this is for all right let’s get the gods please give me something good I need some goods and are you serious it’s just a bunch of cobblestone what are we supposed to do

With all of this these are very good building blocks for our house oh yeah you’re right we can make an awesome cobblestone house mozzie Cobblestone now wait a minute mossy cobblestone that only spawns in deadly dangerous dungeons oh no are we in the dungeon biome right now oh gosh I

Think so and yeah we’re getting cool types of what this is definitely dungeon materials and whoa we just got some gold so that means we need to upgrade our duty booty pickaxes and luckily we got a bunch of stones so let’s transform our wood into some sticks and with our

Sticks and Cobblestone boom we could make three brand new stone pickaxes here you guys well you boys do that I’m gonna start working on the house all right Lily here take all of my materials Roxy give Lily your materials okay take mine too awesome and guys The red Adam below I love blue eyes come on Mr Perry I need to tame you and wait a minute guys I just tamed that parent looking at me he’s dancing though he is adorable I love you so much Mr Perry Oh twister well my parents name is gonna be

Johnson Johnson really isn’t that an awesome name I love Johnson so much Sylvester sounds way cooler what are you talking about Sylvester is duty booty compared to Johnson let’s go are you super duper useful and wait a minute guys we just got faxes kill them they’re super mean get out of here

Oh they made that hurt a lot but come here Mr Vex and guess I got him whoa that’s actually super useful in case like you know I hit you off or something hey don’t hit me I’m just gonna you know give you a little hit over there

Stop it no I’m not stop it Roxy go over there just come here get out of here that’s it I’m putting the water down you could push me off all you want what if I uh stop the water wait um Roxy I don’t think that was a

Smart idea Roxy that was not a smart idea Roxy oh God what would you mean build blocks down what does that even mean oh my gosh Roxy you’re gonna die no I’m not I’m not clutched it oh good job you lived and now we have a very good safety and wait

A minute Sylvester oh God she’s flying down no no come back over here oh gosh this is bad and phew if he made it back up but whoa Lily you’re making really good progress on the house thank you and they’re been a really good at building oh yeah because you can control the

Blocks off and wait a minute oh gosh we cannot mess this up what’s his name gonna be what’s the name Tyrone really are you serious yeah that sounds really appropriate for a pig like him oh okay Tyrone your name is Tyrone and you’re gonna live in our house so

Just like go over here Lily help us put him inside the house no Tyrone oh my gosh you know what Tyrone do whatever you want to do I want to do something yeah definitely he would beat us up and ah did we just get two cats ew I hate cats

And wait a minute they can’t just ran to you it’s like they’re attracted to you Lily whoa that’s so cool oh my gosh you’re so silly but um cats get off of here I don’t like you guys get out get out sorry cat see you later

Did you just hit me off the platform so I’m cool it’s because cats are gross and I’m a dog well actually I’m a Zombie right now but normally I’m a dog cats are way better than dogs well you know what Jordan Enderman and girl puppies get out of the arrow

Oh wait did you just die in the water yeah Enderman hate water everybody knows that oh yeah that is true and shouldn’t zombies be dying because of the sunlight no you have a helmet on oh yeah that makes sense okay so that means I can avoid my weakness and skeletons also die

In the sun if they don’t have a helmet too right yep good thing I have my trusty helmet wait a minute Roxy can I borrow your helmet for a second uh sure and I’m not gonna get back I’m just gonna burn sorry Roxio I’ll go cool

Off you later really smart going in the water and here’s your helmet back but don’t die I don’t want to see you die that would be bad it was just a little prank boys my house is almost done oh wow it is Roxy come let’s help Lily out

In the house let’s complete the roof just like that perfect fix up the sides over here and I can’t believe it Lily you did so much work good job thank you so much no problemo and the front of the house is about to be done I’m at a

Cobblestone can I have some here you go thank you so much Lily now I can complete the front just like that and boom our house is complete awesome hey how am I supposed to fit in there just teleport yeah and whoa did you just teleport inside here I’m blind hello

Hello oh I could see you now yeah I can just teleport that is awesome but guys we all have a house but we don’t have a house for our pets follow me guys and our pet house is gonna be over here so first we have to build a little path

Down like this perfect now we have to build a platform so let’s build out just like this and make it pretty spacious because I want to have more pets in the future I can’t wait to eat them wait what eat them Roxy you don’t even have a

Stomach how are you gonna eat anything oh yeah well I could try foxy no you can’t try it’s literally impossible what do you mean but whoa our platform is super duper big now we have to make some fence posts so let’s go to the crafting table and transform all of the logs into

Some planks then the planks into some sticks and now we can make a bunch of fences just like this and boom we have 30. now let’s build all around like that and Tyrone is already in place so let’s build around him just like that and yes

He has a home now awesome you’re welcome Tyrone happy I know right this is awesome but we need to put a fence gate over here so let’s grab it and replace this fence with the gate so we can go in and out super easily awesome now let’s have more

Pets uh how do we get more pets all right let’s do it and if we all do it at the same time we’re gonna go at Hyper Speed we’re gonna get a pet in no time let’s do it let’s do it whoa whoa you’re going so far really we got two cats again

Um Roxy do we want to keep these cats or you know uh hit them off I don’t really yeah neither do I what are you we love cats yeah we love cats please don’t hurt us with their Enderman powers all right fine but like how are we gonna

Get these cats inside they are super oh I guess that was easy I thought they were gonna make it hard well what about this other one he’s all the way in the house huh that’s my personal house Kyle leave him alone what’s his name leave me alone leave me alone oh my gosh

You’re so strong what’s her name her name is Princess P oh that’s kind of cute all right let’s continue boarding maybe we’re gonna get some dogs just like me and you Roxy or maybe even some zombies and skeletons and Enderman wait a minute we can literally get ourselves

That would be awesome and whoa this guy looks crazy I wanna keep him oh my gosh all right yeah we’ll keep him too what should we name this guy let’s name him Pinocchio that is a fire day Pinocchio that Panda but um how are we gonna get a Pinocchio inside our farm he

Is just so large he’s like shove all the sides of me Pinocchio come on cooperate guys help me out help me push Pinocchio inside is he gonna fit inside I don’t know actually I think we have to make a little staircase for him to go up

And wait oh gosh yeah he’s not fitting in the fence we have to make a little staircase just like that and Pinocchio please cooperate go up Pinocchio please oh gosh yeah he’s not listening to us what if we break the fences oh yeah yeah actually that’s a really good idea let’s

Break these fences over here and oh gosh oh gosh ah one of the cats are escaping this is bad but wait Pinocchio it’s inside and put the game back in all right the more important Pat is in excuse me mister um I mean um the cats are very important

I love cats oh gosh um Roxy Lily’s kind of um you know becoming too powerful right yeah her Enderman powers are kind of crazy easy all right no and wait a minute what the heck are you doing with that block check this out check this out

Wait what out the Lily you just threw a block and it exploded in my face oh my powers are there oh I want to get some Powers I need Powers right now and whoa we just got a chest and it has spooky particles on it what’s inside it I don’t know

Let’s see it wait a minute it’s Chemical X what does this thing do I don’t know try it out try it out it’s called chemical ax this sounds dangerous I don’t want to try it out we’re already super weak you can only make us stronger

Right well yeah I guess Lily do you want to try this no way that sounds scary all right well Roxy are you gonna try it with me and let’s just throw it on ourselves in three two one and oh gosh I feel a little weird I’m feeling a little bit

Dizzy whoa what is going on and whoa what’s going on I feel like I just got a little bit taller Lily were you always this short oh my God you look crazy wait do I actually look crazy oh I am a mutant zombie and whoa is that

You Roxy I think it is whoa you’re a mutant skeleton do you have any abilities I have this super cool bow whoa that thing looks crazy try and shoot it at me okay yeah and wait why you just killed me whoa that thing is crazy what about you do you have any

Abilities let me see it wait a minute I have a Hulk’s Hammer let me see what this does and whoa I can destroy the ground that’s I know right and the world is so much better up here Lily why’d you say anything about this before I could see

The whole universe song I know right it’s awesome it really is the best and wait a minute guys horses and do you think a mutant zombie could ride this guy I don’t know try it okay and oh my gosh yeah we can wait wait we need to

Tame him come on team here please love me let me stay on you and oh my gosh no he kicked me out come on Mr horsey let me stay on you please um that’s not gonna work yes it will he’s going to love me please just love me now stop

Kicking me off you’re just too heavy I’m not heavy Roxy leave me alone you are literally just bones you don’t have any weight on you you need some muscles like me and I’ve been on it for a while is he gonna love me please just love me no way

You’re and wait a minute I think he does love me yeah he does and now I can ride him while whoa guys I’m a mutant zombie on a horse this is insane I have no idea but it works that he’s my brand new pet you’re gonna be in the pet

Pen and oh gosh guys I can’t get out I’m stuck in here I’m too big to fit through the fence game that’s so silly owns wait Lily can I get your Enderman power so I can teleport out of here yeah here you go thank you so much I can’t believe

This I’m about to be a mutant zombie teleporting and boom it worked awesome thank you so much and whoa guys we got wishes use your new abilities on them attack it oh sorry Roxy I just killed you sorry sorry just focus up get the witches get the witches get out of here

I’m destroying them with my smash abilities and I got the first one and I got the second one let’s go great job thank you good job to you guys too we did it together at wait a minute they poisoned me I think I’m about to die oh

Gosh wait guys I’m gonna die this is bad wait it says that you ‘ll see did you just punch me are you serious right now no I was over here I couldn’t have you just walked over there you’re so silly uh and wait a minute it says beware there’s a monster party

What’s going on it guys monsters are spawning in it wait a minute are we just like these guys but a bunch Stronger Yeah we can take him let’s do it on tacos yes I got the spider now time for the witch get out of here get out of get out

Of here and of course there’s so many wait a minute there’s just a witch left uh Mr witch and wait what I died are you serious but we took all them out good job guys I think you forgot some turn around wait what oh gosh there’s monster

Guards get up come here monster guards get out of our Island you Buffy song and I got him and there’s one left come over here taste my hammer it’s super powerful here and he’s flying up come on I got the second one and there’s one more down

Here are you scared or something Mr monster guard and wait a minute Roxy did you just snipe him yeah I did ah that was awesome oh whoa they like destroyed our floored that was super duper koala and wait a minute guys we just gotta been oh that is awesome how can we even

Mine it oh yeah all we have is stone tools Stone can’t mine diamond it would just disappear we need iron didn’t we get a bunch of iron oh yeah I have five pieces of iron ore and wait a minute I can make a furnace with my Cobblestone

And with the furnace I can smell all of my iron ore at my coal into iron Akins and we can make an iron pickaxe and get the diamond baby let’s go super smart almost and boom we got three iron ingots now let’s craft it into an iron pickaxe

And let’s see will it work and let’s go we got our first diamond this is awesome I want Redstone now ah of course you are Redstone Roxy you love Redstone because it’s red and I love diamonds because it’s blue and really more cats and I love cats because they’re cute oh my

Gosh of course you do Lily I’m not really a fan of cats they just don’t do it for me you know what I mean yeah definitely well we’ve been locked on this phase forever I wonder what the next phase is gonna be maybe it’s a new

Dimension oh yeah what if we go to the nether that would be super duper awesome whoa we just upgraded it is the nether let’s go wow awesome let’s keep my mining we’re getting so many new blocks look at how many Netherrack we’re getting it’s literally like we’re

Actually in the nether but like minus all the deadly dangerous mobs I don’t really like going to the actual nether it’s scary in there thank God there’s no blazes in here I know right that would be terrible but wait a minute how are we supposed to beat the game without oh

Gosh nether mobs this is bad guys guys are super powerful got him got him got him beautiful oh my gosh those guys were crazy and Lily I think there’s about a few blazes oh no that sounds don’t worry we can take on any Challenge and whoa

Whoa debris but wait a minute we need a diamond pickaxe to mine this because it gives us another right but I don’t have a diamond pickaxe and I only have one diamond come if only one of us had the ability to pick up a block without actually

Having to mime it wait a minute Lily you can do it I’m nervous almost you try it okay and I have the hand let me try it wait a minute whoa I got that’s awesome now we can get another ride uh how do you make it into another

Right well we have to put our ancient debris inside the furnace and it’s gonna smell into some ancient debris scraps apps well if we combine it with some gold we can make it into another right anger now we have to get a piece of diamond armor to combine it into another eye

Armor so let’s get some Diamond then wait a minute obsidian are you serious this is super strong it’s so hard to mine oh gosh Come on break it break it break it and yes we did it awesome teamwork and now we’re zooming in whoa new Mobs magma cubes hello guys they’re

So tiny and cute and also Wikia and yeah you guys are dead those guys didn’t stand a chance I know right we’re super powerful and look we got a chest up and let’s see what’s oh inside here are you serious three full sets of diamond armor

Let’s go wait can we even see the armor no but it’s there in spirit and we also get armor bars and now I could use my netherite Inga and now we need to make a smithing table just like this so we can come by the netherray and the armor just

Like that and boom we have another right chest plate and you can’t see it but I have it on just now I’m really powerful okay okay if you say so no really I am but just mine guys mine and wait a minute guys it just went to Phase 10 the

End are we about to get off the island fight in the end Dimension yeah I think so we’re about to be off all right guys let’s get to mining we can beat this thing let’s do it as a team let’s beat the one block and whoa we got a chest let’s see what

They do all right and wait a minute it’s End Portal frames and eyes offender we can make a portal out of here to the as I mentioned all right let’s build it right over here we have to build three going along this way then turn and put three going along

This way then three going along this way and finally three this way now it’s time for the eyes one two three one two three one two three and one two three whoa guys we just built an End Portal we could actually make it out guys oh man I

Don’t want to leave my cats yeah and I’m gonna miss my horsey and Tyrone well guys it was really nice knowing you I didn’t really build a connection with anyone here okay now let’s go in in three two one jump in and whoa we made

It to the end I mentioned and wait oh God said dragon just shot at us and whoa I just teleported with Lily’s and her soul hand um we’re building over all right awesome and I’m gonna go for the dragon come here you big butt face but wait a minute

We have to destroy all those crystals because they’re charging the dragon up but how are we gonna get up there and wait a minute I have the power of teleportation let me just teleport open whoa I made it yeah the crystal is destroyed awesome and whoa you guys are doing good work yeah

I’m you whoa and I just saw you got the last one awesome job Roxy now all we have to do is destroy the dragon and he’s about to come down let’s go let me teleport over and dragon you are dead come here and face the wrath of my Mutant Zombie strap and hey

Yeah you are dead let’s go we did it we destroyed the Dragon and we did it together and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on our next click right here bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft But We’re MOBS on ONE BLOCK!’, was uploaded by Omz on 2023-04-18 14:00:29. It has garnered 704963 views and 5977 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:00 or 1440 seconds.

Omz, Roxy, and Lily are locked inside this one block as mobs! They need to mine random changing blocks to expand their island and escape! What will they find beyond their one block? Watch to find out!

This video was inspired by Maizen, Cash and Nico!

#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Omz #OmzandRoxy #OmzandLily

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    Second Floor Bedroom Build: Minecraft Solo Style #22 In Minecraft world, I’ll build a room so grand, On the second floor, with a view so grand. Solo player, crafting blocks with care, Creating a space that’s beyond compare. Join me on this journey, watch me create, Every detail, every block, I’ll decorate. Support me with Super Thanks, Superchat too, Your donations help me, and I thank you. Follow me on social media, stay in the loop, On Facebook and TikTok, I’ll make you swoon. Subscribe to my channel, don’t miss a beat, For gaming content that’s oh so sweet. Editing with Movavi, Filmora Go too, Making videos… Read More

  • Lit Minecraft Water Bucket Clutch 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme

    Lit Minecraft Water Bucket Clutch 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme When you accidentally fall into lava in Minecraft but manage to save yourself with a water bucket like a pro, you know you’ve achieved peak gamer status. #clutchmove #minecraftpro 😎🔥💧 Read More

  • Spectra Libitina Ch. V&U – Forgot how to play! Hope I don’t PERISH【HC Minecraft】

    Spectra Libitina Ch. V&U - Forgot how to play! Hope I don't PERISH【HC Minecraft】Video Information This video, titled ‘I’ve forgotten how to play this game. Sure hope I don’t PERMANENTLY PERISH【HC Minecraft】’, was uploaded by Spectra Libitina Ch. V&U on 2024-04-12 05:11:16. It has garnered 588 views and 176 likes. The duration of the video is 01:33:31 or 5611 seconds. Support me here! mining. gaming. thriving. in my lane. moisturised. crops watered. unbothered. flourishing. crafting. ✦━━━━✧✦✧━━━━✦ Get your own Spectra Stand!!! Merch: Twitter: TikTok: Instagram: Fan Name: Spiritinas Oshi Marks: 🪦🫖 General: #SpectraLibitina Live: #TimeForTia Art: #RoseTintedSpectracles Clips: #AdLibitinad Memes: #ASpectracleOfOneself Fanfiction: #LibitinaLiterature Assets: #SpectrAssets Thumbnail asset credit:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Survival House Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft Survival House TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Ultimate Survival House Tutorial🏠 Build a Starter Oak House’, was uploaded by Minecraft Hyper on 2024-03-05 21:02:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft: How to Build a Modern House Tutorial (Easy) Minecraft: Ultimate Survival House Tutorial Minecraft: How To Build A … Read More

  • “Battle of the Gods: Orginal vs Custom Builds – EPIC GAMING!!” #minecraft #gaming #beastboyshob

    "Battle of the Gods: Orginal vs Custom Builds - EPIC GAMING!!" #minecraft #gaming #beastboyshobVideo Information This video, titled ‘Orginal V/S built #jayhindigaming #minecraft #bbs #gaming #beastboyshob #memes #beastboysubh#awesome’, was uploaded by Gods Of Mojang on 2024-05-09 11:30:28. It has garnered 199 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. #bbs #bbsgambuuze #beast #beastmode #beastboyshub #beastgaming #beasttdmplayer #beastboysubh #beastboyshubgranny #beastboyshubnewvideo #team #teachers #music #jayhindigaming #minecraft #pro #gta #minecrafthindigameplay #aj #awesome #funny #gamingytshorts #yessmartypie #yessmartypie_minecraft #yessmartypiebestboatclutch #yessmartypiehimlands #yessmartypieisindiandream #technogamerzgta5 #technogamerz #technogamerzminecraft #technogamerznewvideo #technogamerzgta5newvideo #technogamerzgta5gameplay43 #technogamerznewvideotoday #technogamerzshort #solarsmashgameplay #shorts #short #shotgun #shortsvideo #shortvideo #shortsfeed #shortsyoutube #gta5stunts #gta5 #gtaonline #gtav #subscribe #summertime #summertime_saga #summertimeshine #freefire #freefirelive #freeemotesinfreefire #gaming #editing #quiz #whatsappstatus #whatsapp_status… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Pancake Art Challenge: Sonic vs Knuckles vs Poppy Playtime!

    Ultimate Minecraft Pancake Art Challenge: Sonic vs Knuckles vs Poppy Playtime!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft NOOB vs PRO: Pancake Art Challenge!! How To Make Sonic vs Knuckles & Poppy Playtime CATNAP’, was uploaded by Collins Key Top Videos on 2024-04-13 19:57:01. It has garnered 182021 views and 1088 likes. The duration of the video is 02:33:49 or 9229 seconds. We’re back with an all NEW Noob vs Pro Pancake Art Challenge you don’t want to miss! This time you’ll learn how to make amazing pancakes from Minecraft, Poppy Playtime 3, Sonic and Knuckles, Pokemon, Catnap vs Dogday, Squid Games 2, Five Nights at Freddys, Kung Fu Panda, Rainbow Friends,… Read More

  • INSANE Chaos on Minecraft’s Deadliest SMP! #shorts

    INSANE Chaos on Minecraft's Deadliest SMP! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Is Minecraft’s Most CHAOTIC SMP… #shorts #minecraft #smp #pvp #lifestealsmp’, was uploaded by hydriel on 2024-05-16 16:18:49. It has garnered 163 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. friends in video- @ItzJustElectrobat99 @66rez @flak0860 #shorts #minecraft #pvp #smp #lifestealsmp Tags (ignore) Minemanner is cool, minemanner song, iusehuzuni, i use huzuni, ricefarmer11, rice farmer 11, rice farmer11, ricefarmer, ricefarmer 11, mine manner, i use huzuni song, hitsync songs, hit sync, 1.18 tutorial, 1.18 pvp, how to get good at 1.18 pvp, Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh… Read More

  • Surviving Friday in Minecraft Indonesia??

    Surviving Friday in Minecraft Indonesia??Video Information This video, titled ‘Hari Jumat – Minecraft Survival Indonesia’, was uploaded by putra p on 2024-03-01 19:40:43. It has garnered 783 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 11:54:59 or 42899 seconds. Support me bro. donate (min 1 ribu rupiah) . Join membership to early acces : !commands nightbot !specs !age 1k = 1 minute 50 seconds 10k = 29 minutes 50k = 2 hours 30 minutes 100k = 5 hours 150k = 12 hours moderator= 200k discount. #minecraftindonesia #minecraftliveindonesia Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Jumpscare Prank 😱 #GamerFleet #MinecraftMadness

    Terrifying Minecraft Jumpscare Prank 😱 #GamerFleet #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘scarry jumpscare prank on your Minecraft friend 😧#gaming #minecraft #gamerfleet #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by GREAT KS Gaming on 2023-12-25 04:16:56. It has garnered 8300 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. scarry jumpscare prank on your Minecraft friend 😧#gaming #minecraft #gamerfleet #viral #shorts Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PE Texture Pack Picks!

    Insane Minecraft PE Texture Pack Picks!Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 3 TEXTURE PACKS For MINECRAFT POCKET EDITION…….’, was uploaded by I.M Mota on 2024-06-10 06:30:03. It has garnered 66 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:43 or 403 seconds. TOP 3 TEXTURE PACKS For MINECRAFT POCKET EDITION……. Want To Join our Mota team then Joust Subscribe, Like And comments 😉🙂😀 And join my discord link ⤵️ mods link 🖇️ 😀 1 2. 3. how to open my link see last 2 minutes tags Ignore 👍🆗🤘⤵️ top 5 texture pack minecraft pe top 5 texture pack… Read More

  • Unleash Powerful Domain Expansion in Minecraft!

    Unleash Powerful Domain Expansion in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘*DOMAIN EXPANSION* Jujutsu Craft V25! New Domain Expansions! (Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod)’, was uploaded by D4RIUS on 2024-01-28 13:00:36. It has garnered 13134 views and 257 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:32 or 812 seconds. Hey guys, in today’s video I showcased the Jujutsu Craft V25 Domain Expansion update for Minecraft Java 1.20.1! This update adds a lot of new domain expansions for characters that don’t have any in the manga. Hope you enjoy! Discord: Download: Read More

  • SkyCraftia

    SkyCraftiaSkyCraftia – 1.16-1.20.x SkyBlock server with alot of features such as Bitcoin Mining, Quests, PVE, PVP and many more. Island-Top Rewards every 2 weeks. Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP with McMMO, Friendly Community, Economy, Pets, 1.20.4

    Explore ExeosCraft, the No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP! Tired of servers with strange rules and pushy sales tactics? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where your experience comes first. We donate all generated money to charity, so you can keep yours. 🌟 Why Choose Us? Stability: Our server has been up and running smoothly since June 2020, with no reset on its massive 35,000×35,000 map! Zero Pay-To-Win: We prioritize fairness for all players. Giving Back: Excess donations go to charities and giveaways. Inclusivity: Hate speech is not tolerated – ExeosCraft is a safe space for everyone. Custom Plugins: Unique plugins enhance the vanilla experience…. Read More

  • Join Now on any Version

    Join Now on any has focused on semi-vanilla, survival gameplay though we also incorporate a few lightweight plugins to make playing with friends easy, such as with basic teleport commands and /sethome /day /night /weather /pay /godmode /heal /feed /lightning /fireball. Our kind community sets us apart and we are super welcoming to new players! We do have a mature player base with older players, though anyone is encouraged to join.Stop by today to check us out and meet your new server family!Join our Discord to participate with the community: DiscordRules:1. No cheats/exploits2. No griefing / stealing3. Respect fellow players4. No spam or… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Me Trading with wandering trader like a boss

    Me trading with a wandering trader be like trying to negotiate with a particularly stubborn llama. They may have good trades, but they’ll spit in your face if you’re not careful! Read More

  • Block Rock: Türkçe Dubaj Minecraft Concert

    Block Rock: Türkçe Dubaj Minecraft Concert In this episode of Animation vs Minecraft, Necmettin tries to give a concert, but trouble he’s in. Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that ignite, in every line let the truth take flight. Yo, our favorite news reporter, spinning rhymes with a grin and a spin, Describing moves sharp and keen, in every update, a rhyme within. Keep it fierce and funny, sprinkle emojis light, Minecraft facts in rhymes, each one a delight. Narrating the scene, with eyes sharp and keen, Crafting Minecraft news, in rhymes that gleam. So leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the… Read More

  • Hot lava incoming! Don’t move a muscle! 🔥

    Hot lava incoming! Don't move a muscle! 🔥 When you see a sign that says “don’t take another step” in Minecraft, you know you’re about to walk into a trap or a creeper explosion. It’s like the game’s way of saying “hey, watch out for that lava pit ahead!” #minecraftproblems #gamerlife Read More

  • Minecraft Mods in 2024: Curse Forge Tutorial

    Minecraft Mods in 2024: Curse Forge Tutorial Installing Mods in Minecraft Using Curse Forge Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft experience by adding mods and modpacks to your game? Look no further! In this tutorial, you will learn how to easily and quickly install your favorite mods using Curse Forge, a program that makes the process seamless. Whether you are playing the latest version of Minecraft or an older one, this guide will work for you. Let’s dive in! What is Curse Forge? Curse Forge is a popular tool among Minecraft players that simplifies the process of installing mods and modpacks. It provides a user-friendly… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Building Possibilities!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Building Possibilities! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic tutorial on how to build a greenhouse in Minecraft. While watching this video, we couldn’t help but think about the perfect place to showcase your farming skills and creativity – Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine having your very own greenhouse on Minewind, where you can grow all sorts of crops and show off your building prowess. With a thriving community of players and endless possibilities for exploration and collaboration, Minewind is the ultimate destination for Minecraft enthusiasts. So… Read More

  • Winning the Competition in Minecraft

    Winning the Competition in Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft Competitions When it comes to Minecraft, the thrill of competition is always present. Whether it’s battling mobs, completing challenges, or showcasing building skills, players are constantly pushing themselves to be the best. And when victory finally comes, the feeling is truly unforgettable. The Build-Off Challenge One of the most popular competitions in Minecraft is the Build-Off Challenge. In this event, players are given a theme and a limited amount of time to create the most impressive structure they can. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, the creativity on display is always astounding. Key… Read More

  • Minecraft Survival: Crazy Cartoon Tunnel Adventure!

    Minecraft Survival: Crazy Cartoon Tunnel Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘SURVIVAL IN LONG TUNNELS IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by The World of Cartoons on 2024-05-02 11:00:33. It has garnered 2056 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:33 or 2073 seconds. SURVIVAL IN LONG TUNNELS IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • The Shocking Speed of Summer in Minecraft

    The Shocking Speed of Summer in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How time passes in the summer #minecraft #summer #how’, was uploaded by refons on 2024-05-27 00:05:26. It has garnered 63 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. minecraft, summer, bblocks, mincraft, fortnite, minecraft build, easy, redstone, grian, minecraft survival, water, water park, dream, manhunt, minecraft but, bb blocks, minecraft how to, no cursing, blocks, among us, minecraft house, bblock, iskall85, rollercoaster, minecraft tutorial, mumbojumbo, family friendly, gaming, tutorial, dollastic plays, dollastic, chad alan, minecraft build hacks, microguardian, minecraft summer, minecraft summer build hacks, minecraft animation, gamer chad, minecraft… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft TikTok HACKS! 🔥 #viral #games

    INSANE Minecraft TikTok HACKS! 🔥 #viral #gamesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TikTok hack #shorts #viral #games #gaming #youtuber #minecraft 1 subscribe please guys’, was uploaded by ANT gaming on 2024-01-13 07:30:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft TikTok hack #shorts #viral #games #gaming #youtuber #minecraft 1 subscribe please guys. Read More

Omz – Minecraft But We’re MOBS on ONE BLOCK!