Onlydraven Gaming – Minecraft – RL Craft – Things Get Real – Episode 4

Video Information

Thank you Thank you Foreign foreign Foreign Good day hello everybody welcome back some more Minecraft we are back in RL craft uh logged in just about 10 minutes ago so I haven’t been in here much long without you I am noticing the temperature starting to drop getting a little cool we’ll have to worry about

The opposite problem uh the only thing I’ve really done here is I busted out this middle wall separating this because I did not like that entrance um and then I moved that chest up here it’s where food stuff is and I’m cooking some seeds for added experience points

Um that’s it that’s really all I’ve done so we’re gonna go and hang out we’re gonna do a little work around our little village here today and then we’re going to uh do a little perusing around the area seeing what’s in the neighborhood see if we can find any type of dungeon or

Battle tower something to maybe get some some loots but I want to say hello and thank you uh to Let’s see we got here fruitcakes here hello Kiki hello Kiki hello Gerald nightmare gaming good day and I’m thinking I’m also thinking and it’s good to see you welcome welcome

We’ll begin with the Harvest because that’s how we get most of our experience see see one of my big goals today is to get a single piece of redstone so that I can make a season calendar very important business so that way we can start seeing you know

Seasons so I know when I guess start being prepared for hot and cold weather and what grows when that kind of business uh I hope I hope wheat grows all year round but I don’t know if it does or not not sure how the seasons really work here

And I don’t know if there’s a way to find out what season a certain crop grows in I guess we’ll get to that eventually uh how was everyone’s Labor Day it is a holiday here in America and I think in Canada too we discovered Labor day but spelled differently there and that’s cool

Uh but sick today brings us into school right now okay no problem nightmare we’ll see in a bit then this is our food supply box oh we’re up to nine levels already just from that wheat excellent we can level something up so Gathering is my next

Thing because I want to be able to use shovels and stuff and you get everything up to level eight is really where I can start using iron-based things three levels I’ll take that business heck yeah and we still got two on us delicious yes I need some Redstone we

Need to find Redstone today now someone left a comment on last night’s stream that tickles me pink made me a happy camper because I didn’t know this we’re gonna try it shift right click you can rename the way stones I did not know this we’ll call this draven’s Village

That’s the only word I can think of that I can spell right now so now I know which one’s which and that’s excellent hello russet Aegis how goes it buddy we’ve got some food on us I got some tools I got some gear let’s take a look around let’s see what’s if there’s

Anything else in the village we’ve missed what’s this a well oh there’s some type of ore down there oh that’s pretty far down there you can notice my temperature is already cool it’s working its way to cold that’ll be a concern we’ll have to deal with today

My day was okay I didn’t really do anything um I I spent most of my day writing merged worlds uh for tomorrow’s episode I’m gonna be filming it tomorrow morning or early afternoon and uh having it up tomorrow evening so pretty excited about that found some more wheat here definitely want all the

Experience we can get so Paula good day uh cooked dinner for the family I don’t get to do that as often as I used to and with my new work schedule it’s going to make it a little bit harder because now by the time I get off work everybody will have already

Eaten so um took the opportunity to cook dinner for the family while jamming to some Jimmy Buffett and listen to Jimmy all last night and today ooh some carrots I think carrot some more experience and okay oh some over here too yeah I don’t know if carrots are winter time they haven’t

Been growing in the summer I thought you could grow carrots year-round I might be wrong about Christmas is it getting nighttime already I’ve barely been out of the house well I’m not super scared of the neighborhood currently a mule check out my ass that’s right there don’t donkey

Whoa Brute Force hello Brute Force well that’s a cool little dock there is it just I don’t think what is that noise that sounds like a werewolf werewolf there there wolf classic you always Aegis is fighting somebody coming ages I need that experience who are you fighting I’ve been in this house I

Have okay so it’s just a little little corner to oh what’s that ladder oh what is this ooh we have an under Village ah scary stuff wait wait I think there might be a dungeon under my house I think there’s a dungeon under my house piggy I need your bacon and experience

Thank you that might be enough to go to the next level of gathering it is sweet deal here okay oh a zombie and a pig don’t fight the Pig I want him and your experience come here somber oh I’ll defend draven’s Village against you oh no wasted a carrot a turd

Put that back in uh yes so again Redstone seeking out Redstone today uh so we’ll do some mining here in just a little bit I need some torches though check these ruins out real quick I’m gonna need some torches to go underground and the easiest way to get torches is to

Rogue them from buildings that I don’t need anymore some of these ones that are out here in the grounds like there’s one over here by these ruins I don’t think I need this one this one is for me I’m gonna take that one I don’t think any stairs here going down nope

Uh looks like there’s some uh crafties I can’t get in that building can I go this side yes I can yeah some more experience I can’t get Chili Peppers yet and get tomatoes Tomatoes Tomatoes how do you pronounce it tomato or tomato I need to know quick so I’m gonna start a poll

Most important conversation question we’ve ever had how do I get into that house oh yeah this way What’s in your jug ooh meat and leather oh and due to armor let’s take that just as a backup I even know this guy’s got a house meat for an emerald I don’t know if that’s a good deal or not I’m not going out that door

What is that blue thing oh no that’s a cockatrice we don’t want that we do not want cockatrice where’s that howling coming from how do I get back up I don’t I need stairs I don’t know I guess I’ll use this for now I don’t know what that howling is

There’s a pig bro we’ll get him come here I need your experience what hit me oh it was on my experience I got too shattered that’s not cool blight trumpet skeleton was painfully dissolved I didn’t even see enough that guy pounded my face man that’s not cool I was over here I think

Ah he’s still alive he’s a very bad man oh he’s beating me up I can’t even open that for a tool wow okay that guy is being protected from the sunlight by his armor I wasn’t expecting that do I have another sword I do not and I don’t I think we

Determined I can’t use iron anything except for oh there’s one and due to armor better than nothing shrink let us go and unleash hell hey regenerator lady would you come help me kill somebody thank you for the over Generations she was over here maybe if I keep him

Maybe he’s still in the blacksmith shop I’m keeping pinned in there it’s not here crap trying to get back to all my other stuff I lost last time there it is maybe he despawned I’ll take that where’s the aegis’s aren’t they supposed to be protecting me in the village rude

Not doing their job better gear okay there’s an ax my pickaxe extra one of those shovel don’t need that don’t need that cooked food torches all right so we were gathering torches because it’s time to dig we need to do some digging um let’s see I don’t need any torches inside this house

I’m going to be cleaning out a lot of the things inside houses we might be able to recycle later oh there was something hidden under there oh another set of iron armor Don’t Mind If I Do we’re already full almost torch torch torch torch torch I’ll leave as many of the

Ones outside as I can yeah I’ve already got all those okay that’ll let us dig a little bit I mean we got 10 torches that’s not too bad okay we’re gonna dig a little bit until we run out of torches trying to get to some redstone we dump off everything we’ve picked up

Already though I need to find a way to get these Vines to stop growing I keep covering up my doorway rude all right so any of that can go in there any event that that oh that was a place for that that that’s that’s okay cookable cookable food food that’s not

Food that’s not food why do I keep throwing the not food in there yes all these shook can go in here excellent all of this is working deliciously still need to cover this up so I’ve got a direct tunnel into this house to the mine which is not very far yet

That’s okay we’re working on it I have faith that will find some Redstone today I need all of you to hope for me oops I’m going one extra there but that’s okay what is your favorite single block in Minecraft specifically for the way that it looks I’m not talking about a machine

Or you know like a sword or anything like that an actual for decoration purposes and this could be from a specific mod doesn’t have to be vanilla but it can be vanilla is there a specific block that you think is mighty attractive it’s kind of what I’m looking for

All right we’re getting down to this down to the nitty gritty now keep the light going though so we don’t get monstered smooth Stone smooth Stone’s about is a nice pretty one oh please don’t be the lake it’s like blah blah blah fix that real quick chiseled void Stone

That’s a nice one I am familiar with that one for me that is not gonna be that most exciting we got here uh diamond block diamond block classic diamond block looks good there’s a lot of good chisels for diamond blocks as well the ice queen castle block that’s a really good one

That’s a very good one from Sky Factory from the Twilight Forest there yeah that is a that is a mighty pretty looking block my block is very close to that actually my favorite block is the final Castle block the white ones that have the glowing different colored runes on them

Which you can’t make those either you can only go get them from the end Castle in the Twilight Forest there we go that’s a little bit of coal there Coal’s always helpful and it is also beneficial so that’s a good reward there let’s uh build my stairs up again yes

Don’t mind leaving a little hole in there zycorium from all the mods the zikorian blocks are pretty they’re definitely my favorite newer block that I’ve discovered um I thought I did all the discovering you know what I mean that is a very very pretty walk you didn’t know that either although the

White Rune block oh yeah that room block is pretty stiff and um if you’ve ever seen any of my earlier builds one of the things I really like to do in Sky Factory is I will build a room and use those Rune blocks in just patterns and such there’s not a specific

Pattern and then in between them I’ll put glass like a clear glass so it’s kind of see-through past him and then on around that I will put um that liquid Moon stuff from astral sorcery so it’s really I have one of those if you ever really want to see it

Let me know I’ll uh I’ll jump into one of my worlds where I have that room saved because uh it’s probably my favorite overall visual effect that I’ve ever done in Minecraft I’ve built it in a few different places I’m sure I’ve got it saved somewhere in fact I know one place received

Yeah different room color blocks I hear a witch and I don’t like that oh there shouldn’t be wood this far down is there why would there be oh maybe it’s that dungeon thing we found my mind could lead us right into a dungeon that’s a wall of wood

Why would there be a wall of wood okay let’s uh oh God it’s a witch room here hit each other oh God something blew up which explosion which explosion I’m on fire I’m on fire oh God there’s an evil witch down there look at the gurgly one that’s the boss switch

Gotta get out of here for a minute before it gets me I had to throw up a wall of sand holy smokes that’s dangerous but don’t worry Draven has a plan I hear explosions don’t worry Draven has a plan hang on let me find my plan oh no that’s just Thunder

The hell did my plan go that does not sound like thunder there’s my plan let’s go block today gotcha yeah I’m a fan as well you guys still down there oh some blew up those are all dead oh look at all the bad stuff something down there is causing problems

And do my part to help chest variations are our aircraft gotcha there is something making a mess down there man all right here’s we’re gonna do see if we can build a sneaky way in and around to get to that a lot of times I like to dig down underneath a spawner

Ow oh God how’d it get me how did it get me through a wall well now there’s water down there oh the lava wasn’t hurting anybody because the water if they blew a hole into the river what is exploding okay I got a couple witches I don’t know what’s exploding it’s a problem

Oops are those squids I’m getting struck by lightning down in there how is that even possible well I may have to build my mind somewhere else mine look at the Fireballs is there a boss down here I think I’m just trying to grab my stuff and get back out again

Something is straight up shooting lightning okay let’s block that off to be safe okay we’re gonna need to find another entrance to that dungeon well now there’s an actual storm my goodness shot by a skeleton shot by skeleton struck by lightning whoop okay armor armor armor

I lost a piece of armor there that’s okay though we can I lost my pickaxe that’s a little crappy there’s five levels that’s not bad I’ll grab some more food oh I already had the food the food I got oh I lost all my torches

That is a straight up death hole I agree with you 100 percent I don’t I’m not a fan of it but that’s okay we’re gonna get by clean out some of these things I don’t have any torches now though that’s my only problem I guess I could use lanterns

There’s that glowy witch down there okay all right here’s what I’m thinking we need to find another way in there now the rivers seem to be diving down into it oh Lord that appears to be a problem stop throwing potions which all right we’re gonna have to kill these witches

Ow you poisoned me why there’s no need for that okay now I am wishing I had a bow and arrow oh I’ve got their attention come here witch poisoned and nauseous one down okay okay oh I’ve got redstone on me oh my God hang on we needed Redstone that’s the

Whole reason I was going on let me let me put it in here so I don’t lose it that way if I die I’m not that worried about it which hell okay see we can I gotta start picking some of these off stop your potion throwing

Ah oh no he’s got my my controls are reversed my controls are reversed ah now worst thing ever wow that reversed all my controls dude that was unexpected see if I can grab my stuff though before the witches get me give me my pants give me my pants run run

Run run oh God I gotta make sure this door is closed it is okay the witches are in the house I repeat the witches are in the house the house is on fire okay we’re gonna lose the house I don’t know how they got in there though oh

Another one behind me I didn’t see this one oh Lord oh there’s a super witch super witch got one got one got one okay okay which rating ah fire Creature From Hell no no no no no no no no no heal me help me help me

Screw you witch might you bring a fire guy here oh we went through a hole in the roof he’s a turd ah it’s gonna burn my roof I can’t have that I gotta come out here now he got me oh Lord okay I need another sword don’t have time for armor

Come here flaming butt yeah all right got the flamey butt down oh we got a blaze rod out of that okay oh some more Redstone this is actually it’s actually working out okay I’m getting some Fair loot out of all this good Lord uh I’ve lost all my armor but my helmet

Okay let me get in here oh there’s my boots they landed in the house I got some sugar an ember chart Blaze Rod that’s pretty good considering I haven’t been to the uh to the nether yet I racked up a few things some more Redstone let’s throw away all

The stuff I want to keep spare sword chest pants boots oh I needed uh chest and pants okay okay my goodness my goodness you guys well we’re gonna have to have a different mind because we’ve lost our mine house to be honest with you I

Don’t feel it was going to be able to do it was going to do a whole lot for me anyways so I’ll probably fill that hole in but we have a very horrible Place beneath my house there is death beneath me see how did they get up

Yep yep there’s a crack right there okay I know how ow what is that another one of these oh I got him pretty good that time it’s a second blaze rod all right what huh what I mean I didn’t think that house was a little close to my house I

Wasn’t super happy with its placement so oh I just realized this is slick sticks thing here come here I need your experience I’m at five I need seven to get level seven oh here’s the entrance to the hell hole oh this chest down there okay I feel like

This is where our adventure is going to begin my friends okay we found the entrance cork myolite best block in the game I’m not familiar with that one pork Wildlife interesting so we want to look it up I’ll Google that after the Stream okay I’m gonna drop off this Blaze Rod

Because I and I don’t know how rare they are I’m gonna grab those couple of lanterns because I don’t have torches anymore I also don’t have any food let’s close behind me okay so we found the entrance to the The Pit of Doom it’s on the other side of the moat here

So we’re gonna start making our way down see if we can start cleaning out some spawners I mean if I can get some more stuff leveled up I’m okay with that right now I’m a little more interested in the loot see there’s a spawner right there there’s oh that’s a

That’s not a regular skeleton that’s the one that shot me last time letting my letting whatever he hit me with go away hold on iron oh no the wood again dangerous ow ow there’s someone above me oh come here you veg vegan attacker where are you come here

Oh that Arrow went right past me stop zapping me with your salad Branch dressing butt oh when did I ask him a favor block oh that was a little earlier yes I was asking what is your favorite individual block not a machine but for decorative purposes hmm that that that

You know what I should be carrying should be taking some of these bandages with me that might be helpful and we’ll take another pickaxe just in case that was dangerous down there I’ve got some light in there now it’s like Flo it wasn’t for that floating prick those

Things normally only spawn when you kill like crops or plants I hadn’t done anything to any plants I’m not sure what sponge oh there’s my experience excellent we got a little experience back stuff there’s another sword some pants oh there’s my other lanterns excellent get rid of that get better pants in there

Lanterns meat bandages okay I think we might have lost the veggie guy I’m gonna go quick and I’m gonna maybe die here oh Lord it doesn’t break it’s not breaking I found the wolf yelling I heard earlier oh Lord there was more than one okay well I didn’t know those were down there

That was different not much of everything hat shirt pants feats uh I am going to make another iron sword though I mean I won’t be able to get down in there obviously those those wolf things were pretty pretty juicy maybe some of my stuff went up where I could grab it

It wouldn’t let me break the uh spawners so if you can’t break spawners going down in there’s not going to be useful for me because they’re just going to continue to spawn stuff I can’t fight I’ve never come across a spawner I couldn’t break before ah it’s

In range to fight them is the problem getting them in range where you can actually get a hit on them is the hard part yeah I think you’re I agree I believe that’s what the uh howling was nope nope you’re not getting a laser in my face

You want problems you come in here got him okay good that range thing was worse than the dogs hate that I keep losing it ah there’s another one I can’t run damn it well I got one of them there’s the other one where’d my sword go I don’t see my sword

Yeah I’m not a fan of archery I don’t I don’t like using our tree if I don’t have to yeah take that bullet for me would you come with my pickaxe that’s something ah in your face he’s like one more hit from dead I think

Oh shoot oh he did a good little Dodge there sneaky prick one I think a recyclable or a regenerate lady to come by probably nice to see my sword again it’s not in there is it all right that should heal me up a little bit here for a second

Thank you for your love man all my stuff the sword’s just gone I wonder if it went in the water it did okay don’t have much on me I don’t know if I can reach I’m just trying to get down here to the bottom to see if I get anything I dropped before

I got a piece of whoa yeah there’s like six spawners in there I can see my stuff but I’m just not going to be able to get it hmm okay so the death hole is in fact a straight up death hole especially if it’s not going to let me

Destroy the spawners there’s not any reason for me to go in there then at that point makes me sad I lost my bandages and my lanterns and all that stuff well let’s go make our season uh thingama I was gonna make season what is it season what I forget

Clock that’s the word I’m looking for uh let’s see uh considering I hiding once we that’s the today I didn’t I didn’t die in this area at all yesterday okay so I believe that was the season clock wasn’t it season clock yes I should have a frame in here wall

Early Autumn that makes sense it’s starting to get cooler out it’s uh cook up some stuff for some experience here I think I got what’s this a seed gonna see is that melon seeds ooh grab some melons draven’s a fan of big juicy melons uh let’s see that’s a food item that

Shouldn’t be in there Sugar’s a food item empty bottles count okay food items not up um I at this current point I don’t live long enough to waste too much time and stuff making specialty weapons the difference between a basic sword and those swords is negligible at the early levels um thank you

Okay got some more things cooking I am oh no nighttime again good lord it’s night time all the time here getting chilly out oh the carrots are starting to grow now okay I guess carrots grow in the fall we’ve learned here it’s okay though it’s experience points

And I’m not sure the wheat is still growing though we’ll see all right we’re gonna just gonna go around here and do a couple of things it’s a spider there we’re gonna try to take them out I need to experience come here you oh he attacked me too he’s always aggro torch

And turn piggy yes easy experience I’m a fan of that okay don’t need a torch way out here Ah that’s probably where I got those melon seeds from cows delicious and full of Juicy experience where you going hoppy cow can cows jump we taught cows how to jump that’s rude

What oh something over there and I think I see gold I think I can mine gold like I’m almost positive like a mine goal let’s go that direction or a spider there but they’re in particular particular particular coyote we got uh sheepies and a big thing with horns oh there we go there’s

Some minables there that’ll be some levels that’s what Daddy likes lots of cool man I wish I had vein mining I agree with you it should be in every pack whoops didn’t notice that hole I always pay attention to your holes very important business it’s all seemed to be about one deep

Dig in a little bit and get a little bit of stone to build with so we start scaling this place torches meat I can’t use couple stuff didn’t bring an ax but that’s okay I want to get to that iron it’s a good experience give me your XP I’m in need of it

Okay I’m trying to miss any oh I did got it oh is it cold down here cold delicious cold ah finally a vein is this thing okay I’m gonna see if this thing’s dangerous huh doesn’t seem to be good good to know before it attacks me from behind right

Oh Rock demon Rock demon demon death demon everything dies it’s a big sheep oh that’s good to know all right that was surprisingly successful now that I have access to iron stuff it’s definitely a benefit an improvement I should say oh God wait hang on I’m at level nine I

Just realized that I gotta spend points before I lose them all right all right oh there’s some flying wind guys up there I just saw in the corner look at that that’s not good those guys are stinky I don’t like guys that can shoot me from a distance oh there’s Redstone up there

I wonder if I can mine redstone that was the other question I wanted to figure out today because I don’t I don’t know I do it won’t let me uh for something I tried to mine it wouldn’t let me take it back cook up all this iron I

Think we may be in a spot aha I can get redstone delicious rocks rocks I think I dropped some oh look at all this down here I missed give me give me give me I have locked myself in a hole down in uh I know not the most exciting but you

Guys said you didn’t want me to do this off camera you wanted me to gather resources on camera so the only way to make it work to give you what you ask ah Rock Devil all right I I pwned That Rock Devil I did not take much damage at all

I should make a canteen again I haven’t had one of those I’m not carrying one of those what I meant to say might be might be time to look into getting another one okay take a look around this side make sure there’s nothing of supreme value okay

There’s some a little bit more coal here we’re at level eight oh right level eight yes I can now use iron Gathering tools uh I took all my experience though but that’s okay excellent let me go back I can get an iron ax and an iron shovel and an iron hoe delicious

Yes give me your experience and your redstone for this one’s not as important in this game since I’m not going to be doing a lot of machines and stuff but uh still no reason not to get it okay so another one up there can’t reach unass your redstone don’t hold that on me

Is that a Lapis I think I saw some lapis the experience for lapis too don’t you see hole again can’t mine lapis see it says I don’t have Green Dot of four but I don’t know what Green Dot is magic you need magic level to be able to do that strange

Huh magic huh is that gold up there you can get the gold one too far away yep I got mine gold so that’s good more smeltables interesting interesting nope ah no scarier one is up there oh he’s a chunker oh I’m hardly hurting him oh no I guess I’m getting there okay whoo

That was a spicy meter ball I feel pretty confident that I got most of the stuff in there let’s have that one colder is this one where you can make mod packs I don’t believe so this is in itself its own Modpack all right let’s go back cook this up see we can

Get out of it my pickaxe’s about to bust anyways no that’s not code I’m coming home Ravens Cathedral look at it in the distance look how epic it looks so happy we found this place lab reviews for enchanting okay I can see the logic behind that

I mean I like the logic of locking anything behind levels but I can understand that one at least a little bit that does make a little sense when you put it that way damn you with your high intelligence [Laughter] oh backpacks I misread that I thought

You said someone you can make mod packs I’m an idiot um no I don’t oh there’s a backpack yes yes you can okay well that’s something to look at pull that meat out throw that one gold in there throw a chunk of iron in there I got some meat for cooking meat for

Cooking seeds and wheat and carrots that’s my I actually got some cooked meat here cooked meats okay all right all right not too shabby let’s see what are those those take up less space if I convert them now uh yes there’s that that that that got some redstone happy with all of that

Yeah I really I realized the oh I forgot to take my chicken out that is also not code you sick bastards okay I need to eat and drink I’m a thirsty man ow ow again I say by the way guys if you don’t mind it’ll be awesome if you guys would not

Consider or with mine considering the clicking the like button it is very helpful to channels such as mine and I would appreciate it but if you don’t want to that’s okay too I’m just glad you’re here I am out I don’t have oh there it is iron ax there it is

Okay I will have to make my own iron pickaxe I’m only wearing doodoo armor and see if I got better armor in here uh there’s a doo doo hat uh I mean chainmail hat that’s an upgrade from doo doo okay take the hat and the boots off

I don’t have any pants so I’ll make those from scratch two three four five six seven pants iron that away put it back over in there I got down there a gold ingot I needed a blue wool to make a backpack happens to be one of the only colors I

Don’t have and I don’t have lapis yet I guess we go see if we can find a blue flower we might be able to get some blue dye from is there a dark blue flower I’m sure at nighttime hold on no reason to run out into Death Valley

Backpack sounds useful especially if I’m going to be traveling a lot which I believe I am I’m gonna store my gold in here with the other gold for now don’t want to lose it while I’m out so we need to look for some type of flower that would provide blue

Or enough experience points to get my magic to level four my magic is level four we can go get that piece of lapis now excellent wait dark nymph sounds like an adult site okay um backpack oh it could be any color oh I’m an idiot I thought it had to be blue I

Didn’t see it swapping run back to make a backpack let me through the vans yes the crops are not growing now it is not the crappie season except for this one carrot plant that grab that and of course the seed would be here carrot to that grab some Meats throw that in there

A wool of any color I have wools of many colors so there was that and I think I needed leather and I think it was a piece of gold not two pieces of gold one piece of gold backpack yes equip it can I equip it somewhere I cannot I just can carry it

I can set it on the ground can I open it while it’s in my hand how do I pick it up how do you pick it up oh why is the B button not open my backpack well right clicking doesn’t do anything B does not do anything okay hold on options controls

Inventory multiplayer miscellaneous not in there carry block list kill show attentioncline slide inventory bestiary Let’s see open next clear swap open backpack obviously we have to fix that we’ll make it number three no number three is already something else number nine there we go number nine number nine okay still not doing anything all right you can’t wear it and a shirt

Nope won’t go on a backpack either shift right clicking without a chest plate on it’s not doing anything either hey turtle hold shift for more info place down and break while sneaking to equip placed down break while sneaking to equip oh okay no that’s not it how do you open it then okay

That didn’t work back to controls controls options controls where was backpack bestiary I believe it was after that open backpack numpad 9 reset so he says it should be B why is it not there show conflicts open backpack is a conflict so is pets reset that to nothing B still does not work

The B button refused to open the backpack I don’t know how to use the backpack won’t even let me take it off now so I think the backpack is broken so I’ve assigned it to two different Keys now and it won’t work see it’s not even case sensitive that would be insane but

I’ll try it nope not case sensitive interesting interesting thought though but no that didn’t do it either I’ll do oh we’ll try to assign it to one more control and see if it works if not then we’ll just assume the backpack is broken because I’m not gonna spend all

Day screwing with something they can’t make work the first time um I don’t even know what buttons are available at this point how about Arrow up done done also does not work nope the backpack does not work so no backpack nice thought though it’s a good idea while it lasted

I can’t even take it off myself now it won’t even let me on equipment now that it’s equipped I can’t even put it on or take it off I have no control over the backpack at all I feel like I need a better pickaxe though a lot of iron ones

No all right you oh there it is okay so it’s on the ground again and then I have to break it I guess that’s the only way to be able to use it I have to set it on the ground to look in it each time that’s stupid but I

Guess that’s how it has to work let’s go look around a little bit I got some food on me let’s go for a little trip uh we’ll go this direction we’ll see what’s going this way oh a snow on a tree over there that’s never a good sign

I think I’ve already mined on that one I’m not going to go after that one piece of iron again shapes that’s experience points let’s go get those boy it won’t even let me run hardly anymore okay I’ll take your Meats got one shot that time you would not be incorrect Rachel

Coming back to this after a couple years it’s not improved in any way unfortunately anything in here all right just a furnace okay oh another Village Sweet let’s go Rogue yeah this one’s close enough I could probably just teleport back and forth too grapes I love grapes

I fell in the water I was going to try to get that bacon but I fell in the water God grass get out of the way I’m trying to kill the bacon I got a mustache hair tickling my nose oh no hit the dog looks like he was the only one around

Though okay I wasn’t trying to mess with the dog oh hiding under there huh Piggy I don’t think so buddy all right so I’m not really worried about the grapes right now looking for value we got in here I’ll take that and I’ll take your compass a little black horse that’s my favorite

Kind of horse can mine this yet no I need level 20 12 building hey there we go what’s this an iron throwing knife an iron glaive live depends on how you want to pronounce it you know what this stuff is don’t you farmable give me your beat

I’m not gonna buy the replanting but I will take it home with me po taters yum and some Wheats although the wheat I might leave behind if I run out of room of course I got that backpack now so that’s something I guess more potatoes all right there’s a bounty board

Um I don’t think it’s usually a chest in here uh really don’t need the book what’s this wolf meat get rid of the poppy the seeds and the wheat I can get enough of that at home don’t really need those either okay looking for valuable stuff oh they got a

Bunch of big buildings here excellent we will take everything of value how do I get into your weird house let me in it’s tiny I thought this oh wait you should take the Torches definitely should be taking their torches help me remember to take all the Torches some meat there

What do you got in here take a torch even get up here red okay what’s in this one nothing not even a torch okay now we know I’m just saying torches it’s a tiny house man that’d be claustrophobic living in there all right let’s hop out here

Let’s check out these guys hello other house if you got in your box tons of meat and wool that’s good I like to see that that one I know there’s nothing upstairs except your torches it’s never anything in these chests we’re Gathering up some torches torch torch torch torch

Because again the craftable Torches will go out occasionally or we’ll go out you’ll have to re-light them but these torches do not the ones that you take that are already out in the world so it is profitable and worth it to take uh don’t really need a golden shovel

I will mine this coal for the experience I’m a level 10 I need to spend some of these points before we get too far in and I could lose them uh what was I working on Magic right okay what do you got up here oh it’s a chunk of obsidian another sword some

Suspicious looking stew I’ll take the gold horse armor because I don’t have any of that yet okay that’s better than the chain Mill but we’ll get rid of those I don’t even know if there’s a way to catch an animal in this one ouch take them off the lamp post that’s also

A good idea how many of them as I can here I haven’t seen a teleporter here yet though okay so those already been in this one right yes nothing else we’re gonna come away with a good stash of torches here interesting oh no that’s the little houses I went in more repeat roots

Again just trying to get all the experience I can while I’m here so if it’s harvestable I’ll take it even if I throw it on the ground oh there it is this one is kirkleoed take it uh anything in this little place probably not right let’s see what’s in your frame what’s in

Your frame don’t hold out on me oh it’s a book never mind never mind see a skeleton over there don’t like that let’s investigate this building where is your door oh there’s a door oh there we go this one does not look familiar dining area it’s a restaurant or something

Oh baby look at that food all right we’ll get rid of that we’ll get rid of that um I don’t need beetroot seeds really that that’ll stack that I don’t need the carrots it’s not enough meat to worry about there really but I’ll take that let’s see what else is running upstairs there

Is uh baked potato take it I’ll eat it I can take all these torches I’m gonna take them on the way down I don’t want to kill the light while I’m in here just in case stuff starts to spawn chest empty okay take those two because I can close the door

Double chest some more bread torches grab those uh that’s a stackable chunk of meat purified water actually could use that real quick delicious I don’t really need the bottle now though specifically I picked up the bottle again anyways not smart uh okay oh there’s another floor upstairs okay

Uh don’t need any of that I don’t really need that the Torches oh iron sword nothing bad about it take it stack of bread purified water what’s this apple juice you can make apple juice I was unaware of this apple juice situation we will drop this one piece of baked

Potato not that although I already had those I will take the apple juice because that intrigues me now I’ve got to figure out how to make apple juice so I can make it myself because I got a bunch of apples okay this would be a good place for me

To drop my backpack but I can’t because I have a full inventory uh we will get rid of this throwing knife I’m probably never going to use all right we’ll keep all these weapons and tools I don’t know all these meats breads I don’t need that that I want

That I want for sure those those okay it’s not bad this stuff I’m actually gonna keep myself for building the rest of this is going to get trashed I’ll keep those to eat oh right now I gotta break it again is it on it is it’s hard to know so on this floor

Oh God there’s a cockatrice out there that’s not good shouldn’t those guys be fighting the cockatrice why are they letting a cockatrice run around willy-nilly in town it’s not cool uh so I think that building’s the next one to go to looks kind of spooky though but is the opposite direction of that

Cockatrice ouch my candles it’s a couple big tall buildings over there I haven’t been to yet as well this one’s got an iron door to it why does this exist there’s nothing up here okay well I guess it wasn’t horrible I thought there’d be stairs going down to a dungeon Maybe

Not that I’m in any position to survive a dungeon but you know congrats break which way was the city not trying to get slaughtered here there it is that’s a pretty cool looking in I know I hear something bad I hear something bad Lions oh God there’s a lion out there

Nobody told me that was a possibility none of you said Draven there are lions out there and maybe even tigers and bears oh my foreign can’t hit him on the door could you could you move a little this way for me buddy did you come this way just a smidge

Exactly just like that you jerk give me your bones miss those torches excellent worried about that cockatrice that will pone me oh still that big two houses over there I’m trying to get to I don’t know if I’ve been in this one yet I haven’t zombie over there zombie I can do

Something about come here zombers come give me your experience and kill anything on your wall no there’s this place a little balcony fried eggs those sound delicious more fried eggs can’t turn down some delicious fried eggs fried egg sandwiches no I haven’t had a fried egg sandwiches in years now I want

To eat a fried egg sandwich thank you for your experience points I appreciate it Draven appreciate you still more up a golden skirt and more fried eggs I don’t know why I would need a golden skirt but you know what I’m okay with it we’ve got over a stack of torches now

That is so awesome struggling for George that’s that’s how we’re gonna get a mind going mine oh that’s that other bridge that got us upstairs okay so I got that building over there to look at still I do like these oh I’m at eight life I need to get

Inside this building and uh use those points up hello sir one moment will I use experience points all right so magic seven okay one more we’ve got magic Dave I’m trying to get everything to eight right now that’s in my goal so chest here is there there’s not the

Only chest is up top what do we got in here doodoo armor don’t need doodoo armor I guess I’ll take the arrows as much as much as I don’t like it I’m probably gonna have to start using some archery happy about it though all right I think we’ve uh We’ve cleaned

Out most of this Village no oh God don’t let this thing kill me I’m boy am I glad I spent my points though let me in the dark hold the door I ate that soup it was suspicious I need another one it’s not helping me in any way what good is that

I’ll eat my meat okay my meat is now eaten I think I’m ready to find the teleport spot and go home don’t quite remember where it is this town Ooh oops more than bugs those bugs are in every biome damn it what is that is that it or is that a well that’s the bounty board huh more stuff’s growing here so I’m trying to grab it real quick why not experience rotators and a torch how is that teleport thing

Let’s see it over here I thought we just passed it a minute ago oh there it is there it is two torches while I’m waiting draven’s Village for free sweet deal s all right we’ve found some Bountiful loots food item food food food I’m running out

Of space in my food chest I have to double it up here in a minute food I am going to have to double it up right now oh that I’m using a barrel that’s why okay I need a chest for Foods where’s my chest at oh I think I just saw them

All right so I guess we’ll put this over here all of that stuff will have to move over there in just a second not that that that that that extra torches that’s that’s that that’s edible foods edible foods can go in right away you can start cooking the chicken okay

And then here we’ll start with that come on give me everything and watermelon I don’t know what else I’ll use that for maybe I could start by saving up water bottles of good water in there that might not be a bad idea and let’s see what we got that’s a stack

Of meat I can cook and that’s a little bit of stack of meat I can cook thank you take your pork chops take that additional experience pleases me now I keep looking in there and I don’t mean to um how do we make apple juice apple juice requires purified water

Sugar and an apple but I wonder how beneficial it actually is comparatively speaking you know what I mean a crushing tub oh good old-fashioned crushing tubs are in here a composter wait it outputs bone meal so I put this stuff in a composter it gives me bone meal

I don’t really need bone meal but I am also getting a whole lot of carrots and stuff I don’t need Pam’s in here is that what we’re looking at for food nope okay what is our food mod food expansion is it food expansion uh well there’s a little bit for food expansion

Not a lot though bacon and eggs that’s awesome ew crispy bacon how do you get crispy bacon a bottle of oil and crispy bacon makes crispy bacon why would I waste the bottle of what bacon how do you get raw bacon oh a pork chop learning things here learning things

More Meats more Meats chests I feel like we did good there let me drink a water ah nothing like a good burn me or throw it out bottle of water and I need my bucket to fill it up again hello Buffy sweetie how you feeling your feet okay

Buffy’s eyes have been bothering her this week she wants some treats guys give me just a second one moment don’t look at my butt I’m coming I’m coming she followed me over there this time all right all right let’s fill up our water here you know I’ve got glass bottles

One of those bottles healed my water up last time so oh they don’t stack though oh wait somehow they do okay good they do after all right maybe I’ll uh any more glass bottles in here I got some glass but I really don’t want to

Waste it I haven’t seen a whole lot of sand here I may reorganize and work on inventory off camera this doesn’t require me to leave the house so so oh my chest or my backpack I forgot about all the stuff we had in there holy smokes let me grab all this

And this because it’s not food related so you guys said I should use a halberd is that better why would that be better let’s see sword is 1.6 and six however it is one and nine so I guess that is more damage okay well I guess I could wheel the hall

Bird for a little while not against that see how that works out for me got all these extra swords I need to keep one pickaxe that Vats that in there right in there some obsidian coal coal okay oh Spirit a sword I don’t need that

I got my whole bird oh running out of rum for all these things uh that looks right okay and then backpack there’s a bunch of food items including beverages and anything cooked here that’s cooked that’s ready to go that’s ready to go this will be some good experience let’s get those in there

Potatoes Tallow is not a fruit and put some more beet roots in there lots of stuff I can make my own fried eggs in here sweet oh there’s more apples and that’s meat for the cooking although those will take a minute all right this is pretty good I feel like

We’re making some progress here let’s go ahead and do some gardening real quick it’s back over here and do some wheat okay so over here one two three hi Buffy what is it baby I gave you your treats already oh you got something in your eye come here

I got it I got it did you win and Buffy comes calling she gets my attention that’s just how it works you guys know this priorities I has them what is it baby what is it darling want some pants okay she wants to give me some kisses

Hold on a minute give me some kisses but thank you not feeling good we’re gonna take a minute to bring the rest of this down what is it darling you want me to bring your treats over here okay hold on a second yeah my life is ruled by cats there you go

There you go now you can have treats next to me which is what she wanted I know it’s night time it’s a dangerous time but I thought this might be take an opportunity to clear this out real quick so I’m Gonna Fill that mine back in because that just leads to hell

We don’t need that in our lives just have wasting my there we go dude tomorrow we will go in a different direction we will find things that are cool that’s my goal yeah the Albert you mentioned it’d be nice for reach guess that’ll help with those flying things that keep flying out

Of my range bring this place down to the ground every little bit like this makes it easier to maneuver around town so oh Buffy has had her fail and has decided I’m no longer useful and then Mr midnight arrives to eat the rest of her treats hello midterm midnight hey Bobby

I’m gonna put all this messages made and always use the lumber see how it’s getting colder out see how cold I am now a little circle at the bottom is all blue and nippy okay so I’m gonna go down here and I’m gonna try to get my torches back no sense wasting those

With some extra torches back that’ll be a good thing and it never happened no one ever saw a thing delicious I forgot to get my pick on my backpack again we are totally running out of room here it’s double stack oh that doesn’t that’s gonna get

Oh wait why not throw a cat in there failure driving failed or even that’s what happened there Crete that carrots give me that have some Meats give me that have some meat oh we’re a level seven we are almost there shrink oh I’m gonna take half of that

With me again I’m trying not to take it all here I wish I knew what broke this faster okay so I’ve got that back I do need to eat stand over here next to the Worm for a minute okay that feels pretty good Early Autumn still okay

Uh nothing in here that needs cooked right no good we’re good for a while though uh so is there a charity for this part of the stream uh no last month and the month before was animal charity month hi buddy um which again thank you everybody who

Helped donate for that we raised uh 510 dollars for animal Charities which is pretty awesome uh which I’ll be making the final donation for that here a little bit later in this month once YouTube sends me all the donations that were made through YouTube um

And then uh right now we’re just doing a donation goal called need more power so here’s an interesting story I forgot to mention this the other day so uh a few days ago half of my basement lost power including the entire section that runs my uh streaming setup and everything uh

It wasn’t a popped fuse or anything like that the breaker might be bad we can’t tell right now I had a family member who knows more about this stuff and he’s like no you’re gonna need an electrician this is something bigger so right now all of this is being run from extension

Cords being run on the other side of the basement and upstairs running down to power my whole setup so now I’m saving up for an electrician so I can hopefully get all my stuff powered back up again so things look a little odd and things and I’m using minimal light I don’t have

All my lighting and stuff I have some way of running at all right now what the hell I just realize I can sleep and make a day Boop ah oh I forgot that stuff up there we’ll get that later all right so we went that way so now we’re gonna go this way

I know I got that little thing in the upper left that says I’m encumbered zero if I uh as we come across sand I am going to try to dig some of it up because if I can uh get a little additional sand I can use that to make

Glass which gives me experience and then it’ll also let me make glass bottles which will let me carry water more often you don’t know what you’re doing electricity yeah yeah that’s the thing I I don’t it’s not my knowledge is minimal I can get us through some of the some of the basic

Stuff but when it comes to actually doing wiring and stuff I would never want to risk my family’s safety by me doing something stupid or wrong so that’s my thoughts at this point I forgot I have an iron shovel on me wow this is way faster cook all this up for glass give

Ourselves some more experience points not gonna get it all of the sand in the world but I thought we’ve already got over a stack so that’s good for me for right now and I think I saw piggies we’re almost at level eight where I can you are Peggy you are not a dinosaur

Stop trying to pretend is there a male dinosaur around here there’s not come here come here Maka hey eight all right magic is at level Eights now we will start working I guess on agility or one of the other ones this letter does do a little bit more

Damage okay so we’re gonna go this way oh that could be a battle tower we even have a battle tower next door don’t get me wrong I’m not sure I could take it yet but we do in fact have a battle tower next door okay that is not far from the

Village either oh what’s all that over on the other side of it there’s a giant castle over there too those are usually on the water oh let’s maybe get some Coral there and then I can make the uh the greenhouse glass did we find the ocean we did find some water no

Eat that is that the castle I was already in I don’t think so because I think I died after that it might be is it me is there something in the I can’t see it here thank you for your experience I appreciate it there’s another one

Oh little guy sorry buddy I need your experience oh you’re faster than the big one oh wow that took forever to break that battle tower could be a little out of my range right now we’ll see break ah lapis okay well tier one done and some bread wow red

Uh you can skip the boss swipe ow where’d you come from oh from there that makes sense there are holes in this here and the stairs are broken back up oh thank you whoa jumpy spider jumpy spider bad spider oh I’m not sure I’m gonna be strong

Enough to take this yet it takes too long to break these I need a stronger pickaxe I can’t use diamond tools yet snow yeah I don’t think I’m uh I don’t think I want to lose oh God I got 16 experience holy hell I need to put that

In something fast oh farming’s close to done farming’s at level eight okay so I got seven on me it’s building in agility we’ll use agility first wow 16 out of that breaking those uh spawners must provide a lot a maca Farm Maka meat is op you say that’s one skeleton fell down here

He one shot oh that’s right the I forget that sometimes you know you will uh even though you have half your hearts your head could not be one shot from dying okay well I’m so glad I spent that 16 levels I am so glad we spent those 16 levels

Before I went down there I just hurt my foot I just realized you guys can’t really see that because it’s behind my camera but I really don’t have a way of moving my camera the way I’ve got my setup right now there’s a little silhouette of

My body that shows up behind my webcam sometimes there let’s see if we can get back and get that stuff again I remember going this way maybe it’s this direction though for sure oh there it is okay so maybe I was breaking those spawners in the hell Zone beneath my house it’s

Just that it was taking so long I couldn’t tell that’s possible can I get in there and go in the water get my stuff back got that skeleton melting my face again I got my I got my weapon that’s a good start oh I must have killed him he’s not here anymore

Oh my backpack okay that’s good ah fell in a hole down here okay I guess he died somehow I’ll take it there’s my pants and my hat and my doodoo shirt and my boots yay ax back put my shovel back torches go over here we got a fair amount what’s that

Hey thank you very much Gary super sticker Hey sir that’s enough for me to do Two Shots tonight you have unlocked Two Shots uh would you like me to do Fireball what have I got open right now I got Fireball and Jager open right now shouldn’t have put that mint in my mouth

And I’m about to eat one of those two things I just realized Bobby hey what is that being a pooper yeah let’s say the re oh he’s got a little guy okay the little guy died pretty quick all right so we know there’s a castle then we hit ocean there’s another looks

Like battle tower this way I do appreciate that Gary thank you very much so let me know what shots you’d like me to do sir those are the I’ve got I think I’ve got some moonshine but I don’t think I’ve got a clean porous boat I think this is just another battle

Tower although if I could just break in you know one or two on the first level or two it gave us a lot of experience last oh God three of them you know why because I’m actually closer to the top I just realized we are much closer to the top creeper

Yeah we need to get rid of this one whoa burn don’t burn at least out here they’ll take some damage and fire damage normally at least they should freaking burn well miss me turd I could probably be carrying oh I was gonna say I could probably be carrying a shield now but I

Actually can’t beat carrying the shield now because I’m using a two-handed weapon oh he fell through that works oh God I heard a blaze spider death damn poisoning spiders dragon oh if he comes this direction I have guts to go really would like to take care of this uh

Last spawner here can I do get it from here I can oh hell yeah a little bit protection yes okay I got 10 levels I’m gonna spend them right now before I even go any closer those are working on agility okay two more levels for agility come here spider

There’s a blaze in the doorway whoa why’d it get dark all of a sudden oh no okay I got burned up but the good news is I used all those experience points before I died it’s okay I’m feeling confident the death counter climbs but so are my abilities

It’s a win-win-win lose lose win lose win lose lose win then a loss then a win that’s what I’m in right now so this way I want to go this direction a little bit just hung the left appears to be getting darker though that makes me nervous

Boy am I glad I spent those points so I went on noticing that I have enough to do something I’m trying to use them really really fast okay there’s the other battle tower see if we can get there without picking up anybody irritating that fire from oh God there’s a

Cockatrice over there too that need my pickaxe so I can break this thing okay there’s meat as a helmet trying to get all my stuff my boots okay everything halberd you you pants there we go wait no where’s my okay got my pickaxe don’t think I’m in a spot to continue

With that Blaze whoa zombie in my butt zombie up my butt Mighty uncomfortable too oh more zombie special boss zombie no no no no no no I’m being hurt by something he’s corrupted me or stunk me up or something why is it Knocking me backwards now stinky zombie I keep getting pulled backwards

Something keeps pulling me towards him son you want me over here so bad you’re gonna die let’s try to wear run it out but I get there Iron ax ow no spider you’re gonna die again trying to get home Poison’s gonna kill me I think all right I gotta started making my way

Home I got too much stuff on me it’s not safe at night time ever I hear a heartbeat I don’t like it probably mine I can’t run okay all right on our way see the cathedral in the distance I’m gonna stop and kill this piggy well that pig was resilient

Oop scouting over there let’s see if we can go around him he shot it oh no that’s the way home shoot I got lost oh that’s a honking skeleton he does not have a bow and arrow okay I can take a I could take a Honker boy that sounds inappropriate

Give me your experiences oh no what is that big old thing in the water I don’t see anything oh there’s the evils oh that guy was gonna outrun a couple zombies There’s a boss zombie over there again another spider that isn’t knocked Ness Monster there’s a Loch Ness monster in my how

Did it even get into the lake it’s it’s landlocked doesn’t make any sense boss creeper no no no no no stay in the water stay in the water stay in the water stay in the water if you pop in there I’m not worried about it but if I can

Get Boss Loot I’ll take it no not a death oh I could have swore I almost had him uh oh I was level eight I didn’t even notice it didn’t even notice it oh that death he’s still over there too look at him just hanging out mocking me making fun of my clothes

Rude sir if you could stay there until I pick up my weapons and then I will Smite you there’s almost oh there it is my backpack’s floating for some reason grab that grab that boy my stuff went far that time booties shirt pants helmet okay still don’t have my halberd

Oh there’s my shovel so stuff did in fact go in the water there it is nope that’s a something else I don’t know what that is what is this a bronze Hammer is that even a weapon it is but it’s not a very good one dang it I lost my halibur

He was trying to let’s try and hit that with my redstone I do not have the level to hit people with redstones and I don’t see it down here dang it was using that oh we can go back and see if it’ll let me make another one I’ve never made one

Of those so I don’t know how hard they are to make I don’t really have a weapon to hit that guy with I guess I could use this ax you should be almost dead come here turd okay he might not only what is this oh God

Evil fish evil fish get out of the water I can’t get out of the water ah I can’t move I’m not in control of myself got him okay I can’t control myself right now okay there we go I’m back whoo Freaky Deaky man pick up your bones get back out of here

Oh look the monster’s gonna but yeah it’s true I mean like how do you get into this little stream it doesn’t make any senses the science makes no sense to me look up all that stuff pick up those cool all right let’s drop off some things

Here I guess I’ll keep on to that ax instead of seeing what Stacks here see what Stacks here oh no go to the one that’s full first stack stack so there’s my meat Draven never wants to be without his meat I lost all my torches too crap that sucks

A single marble rock well that’s exciting unless I’m oh wait they may have stacked on top of other torches I got 22. we lost a lot of torches there I am running out of room I’m definitely gonna have to do something about storage sometime uh chests where are those at some trap chess

Trumpet weird Hammer I don’t understand and some I lost all that Maca meat too dang anyways you guys said that was good stuff well I did get some levels though I mean I’m not unhappy with that and we got agility up a good waste and make sure I didn’t put anything in

Here that wasn’t supposed to no that looks good um oh I got it I guess so oh yeah we wanted to look at how to make a halberd didn’t we uh where’s just a there’s an iron halberd I need a pole okay Let’s uh uses a bunch of stuff but okay

Some string I think I needed some leather and then some iron probably I would assume probably more than that uh iron halberd needs a stick there I can make a stick out of that iron halberd iron halvert and how did I get an achievement I’ve already had one of those comparing obsidian there More pork chops for Draven some whatever that is for Draven delicious I’m hungry I will eat a chop six levels it’s not bad there’s a few crops here ready to go that’s also going to be helpful the carrots are growing I like that see if we can get a few more

Levels with uh our wheat that one that one okay uh nothing growing there except one tweet tweets we didn’t plant one there it’s missing a wheat plant it okay all right level seven I think that’s what we needed for agility it was yeah okay whoa why is there a creeper in my house

How is that even possible it’s well lit up in there is this door open hmm I see it fixes that that looks okay up here’s fine okay that looks like that takes care of everything okay I did not realize there was a couple dark spots there in the middle

The the pews would have kept things from spawning there so okie doke Back in Black all right so today we’re gonna go this way oh wait you know what I’m gonna do this time I’ll bring a little bit of water with me all right swallowing me ow oh we lost all that sand

Oh no we didn’t there’s some yeah I did lose all that sand though that sucks I didn’t realize that two of these won’t let me drink because they’re full but that’s okay I’ll bring them with me all right on an adventure this direction try to go around

I gotta make a bridge I think I’m gonna make a bridge across there all right let’s see what’s this way find out what’s going around the house oh oh there’s some guys they’ll be worth some experience and some meets yeah stay stuck in your tree that’s what

I like to see I was also running on leather so that’s good yes yes just succumb to it no reason to fight oh you know what start recouping a little bit of that sand I was talking about just a little bit just a little bit here and there we go

Take that back when we go see anything cool in this direction well there’s another oh this is another one that leads down to a pit of Hell oh Lord look at the size of that room how scary are you if I drown you oh look a spawner right here

You’ll get some experience for breaking it okay we’ll come back to that again we’re feeling successful I’m only one level away I’m being a level eight and I think it’s that’s what we need let me see yeah we so I get level eight I will max out agility

Which will give me access to bows and arrows good one hit punch excellent keep that experience coming moo juice through this eh swamp it looks like something in the distance I think could just be a mountain I guess that didn’t help well you can’t jump on leaves for nothing

There we go lots of water this way oh lava Mountain okay I heard a frog but I don’t see one does that thing just run around on top of the water over there that’s not cool ah sheepy give me your woolly experience and your friend too level eight use it right now

Level 80 chili achieved oh it’s getting nighttime oh this isn’t good oh there’s a building of some kind and sheep good hit I’ll kill these things from one shot that’s nice somber what was that noise devil bug devil bug and some type of flying monkey behind him I think I lost him

Devil bugging the Flying Monkey were not cool let me out of the tree all right I guess we’ll go through the water and go around that area kind of want to see what that head was but I don’t think it was an entrance to a building I need more tadpoles I mean

Mario Brothers my way across the screen Mario Brothers music some of you are too young to know that hmm okay okay eat some meat there’s another one drink my water which luckily that the bottles are reusable okay I see a teleporter in a town that’s good that’s good if we can get in

There looting a Town’s a lot safer than looting out in the open that you have some Defenders there ow I’m about Dad he’s faster than me I’m not gonna make it told you no at least we know where he is and I can sleep and make it daytime and azure water Raptor okay so it’s not what I thought it was I thought it was a cockatrice it was still nasty

It really didn’t get that far we solve an hour left we have lots of time I’m glad we spent the points already so we didn’t lose those eight levels we had I don’t think I had any experience at the time I died to be honest with you

Okay because we poked a hole in the roof and now we’re entering into this swampy looking land where all the magic happens I’m I remember early gaming this is this is Draven being an old man here prepare yourselves I remember what it was like to be an early gamer when uh first video game system was my Atari I remember when uh the first Mario Brothers came out because the Mario Brothers for those of

You some of you know this the original game was not a side scroll ow no I’m almost back you [ __ ] okay I lost him where did I die I kind of was I think I was running this way to try to get away from the monster um I don’t see my stuff anywhere

Kind of similar to Donkey Kong yeah it was a two lines three lines two lines and you had to hit things from underneath and it just was one of those games that kind of went on forever yeah with the power button in the middle yeah the screen didn’t change at all

Oh man did we lose everything and my problem is I don’t know exactly where I was when that thing got me closer to the farm field on the ledge behind me okay I know I’d gotten on land we’re right about here and I was going this direction

I was jumping when he got me so of course I guess it I don’t see anything down there I don’t want to go too close that red thing I think I may have lost all my stuff guys which you know happens I guess oh yeah a lot of the old games man

Asteroids was my jam loved asteroids it’s not over here at all so yeah I think I guess I either lost it or despawned one or the other oh well let’s go see we can gather up in this Village should also be close enough to teleport home for free so

I don’t spend an hour looking for it either you know how do I get into this building oh here we go Oh my legs asteroids was my favorite game growing up uh when it you know in the in the first generation of games why is there just a block there

A bunch of books I’m probably in a spot where getting some books wouldn’t be a bad oh that means I lost my backpack too that sucks and thought about that I have to make another backpack I don’t really care about a map right now the 90s Galaga Galaga is a good game uh

Uh that’s a regular book regular paper take any of them weird books right yeah but I can’t find it and I don’t want to spend an hour looking for it it’s not that important to me it was empty I can make another one Who the hell’s the rest of this Village

There it is uh nothing in that one wow really these houses usually have something in them and that one well this one’s falling apart this one’s in Ruins interesting I remember when I bought my first Nintendo entertainment system because I bought my own I had a newspaper route as a kid and uh

I saved up all summer to buy my own Nintendo I was a 70s kid Gary I’m right there with you boss boy these houses are all empty oh no this house this town’s abandoned oh take your fish boy I wish I had a pickaxes or everywhere here a cake will work

This town has nothing in it it’s abandoned never come across one like this before sometimes in television yeah ColecoVision had one of those oh this place is literally falling apart and there’s nothing in any of the chat this town was a waste I lost everything to come here and get nothing that’s

Disappointing I didn’t mind losing everything with the thought that I could get some stuff back there’s nothing here what a disappointment well if item if I had a pickaxe I could break that oh that’s a cool looking red house I haven’t seen one of those maybe this stuff down there is not as

Abandoned I see people okay maybe this is two villages in one yes attack that shark leave Draven alone though you have a chest here stuff I don’t need though the dock is falling apart oh no get out of the water there’s sharks there earlier nope this place is abandoned too crap

Commodore 64. baby I remember that Oregon Trail Jeopardy even back then there was a Jeopardy version this town was a disappointment had nothing of value in it other than my death and there’s a sea dragon out there so we’re definitely not going that direction all right well I didn’t even see a

Teleport Stone here I traded my hallboard and all my gear for a tomato and a frame the heck is this how did I end up Underground booby traps this place is full of booby traps no and I’ve never come across a town that’s been half falling apart that

Makes me think there’s something in there but I can’t break it to see I gotta find a way to get back over this mountain whoa I don’t have a way to climb and I can’t get anything to climb on all right well there’s a start

Okay just try get back to the other side of this town all right head back I guess it’s a red thing that way so I don’t want to go that way hello giant dinosaurs ah cold air didn’t see that oh hey my backpack well the rest of my stuff is despawn but

Got my backpack back crazy all right oh it’s a little well in the ladder in it I’m almost out of water I’m gonna have to start heading home is this a dungeon or just an old well it’s a booby trapped well I’m familiar with that well

All right I’m going to have to drink stinky water oh I got a little bit of water out of that tomato that’s good to know so I can get across the water without being attacked this time I really wish there had been a teleport stump oh dragon let’s not go that way

Oh no it’s one of those water fish dangerous things one of my favorite early games was Smurf actually based on the cartoon that was an old Atari game that was pretty awesome I enjoyed Smurf uh once once we got to Nintendo then of course the whole world opened up the Kari Warriors

The better the newer Mario started breaching one two then three I was never a big fan of number two but I really most people weren’t not saying everybody wasn’t most people weren’t a fan of two it didn’t do well the American two I should say still trying to

Uh yes this way I think right oh there goes none of them dangerous fish hey scrams um but then of course for me everything changed we hit Zelda right ah there’s my Cathedral two was the one where you can play as Mario or Luigi or the princess or his toad Luigi was taller

So we could reach things Mario couldn’t princess could float I think toad was the strongest so each one has its own skills so you can switch between them I think to do different zones it was a completely it had that one with the Birdo with the big mouth spit bird eggs

And you’d have to jump on the egg as it was crossing the screen and then pick it up and then throw it back a lot of pick up and throwback at mechanics wasn’t very good I see um never played that one didn’t miss a whole I mean that was worth the

Experience trying games like that didn’t age well you know going back and trying to play them now they just do not hold my attention even a little bit well we made it home at least oh a whole bunch of books a whole bunch of other stuff that got us five torches woohoo

Oh I hear wolves again oh there’s that glass I use that to make bottles right I didn’t quite go like I wanted it to but okay we’ll save a little glass and where’s my bucket bucket looks like he’s only stacked to eight interesting Super Mario World not familiar with that one

Was that for regular Nintendo I have a feeling that wasn’t for regular Nintendo so we got water is building up nicely food I’m gonna need some food what do we got in a bunch of here we go the super never had a Super NES my mother decided to buy us a Sega

Genesis instead so I had Genesis games so kind of skipped over Super NES after Genesis I didn’t even really mess with video games until along the PlayStation one came out all that fish I found was already cooked oh um Iron Pants doodoo boots and a hat

Keep it out for a shirt there’s a sword I’m just going to use the swords that I’ve got for right now uh there’s an ax and a shovel already got pants no shirts in here nothing in here either okay going shirtless get out your dollars folks when’s the

Next stream okay so the next stream will be Sunday um I stream here on YouTube Sundays and Mondays uh tomorrow at 8pm will be the release of this week’s merge worlds uh which was a stream but starting this week I’m going to try try it out as a pre-recorded to see how

That goes I think this it should be because it’s also a podcast so it’s going to be between 45 minutes an hour long it’s kind of what I’m shooting for for the merge worlds episode um the battle will be coming out tomorrow at eight um and then there’s no streams Wednesday

Thursday Friday or Saturday so just during normal stream Sunday Monday and then every other week I do Tuesday and then every other week off of that I do Wednesday over on Twitch the fireball shot and the cat on the screen I have no way of controlling well there’s the cat

There’s Mr midnight I did not see your response Gary I was watching for for a while but then the chat got through fireball shot I can go get fireball give me a moment I’ll be right back home it’s Mr midnight climbed up into his favorite spot that’s my boy he’s not right chubby

Such a fat boy like I’m one to talk right uh we’ll be using the Beetlejuice shot glass today uh looking for a stream schedule uh that is posted up on the website or you can also find it on my Discord link for Discord is down in

The description area of this as well as links to all my other places um but yes Mr Gary again thank you very much sir Fireball for the win who I shot glass a little bit bigger than a normal one juicy all right I’ve gone that way that way that way

Now we have to go this way not being able to drink sucks oh I understand you’re there gay I uh I couldn’t for a while after my stomach surgery not much of a drinker I rarely drink off camera sometimes you know go to a restaurant I might have something or there’s a

Special I have a lot of friends that are musicians so um every so often I end up at a bar club where someone is performing I’ll have a drink or so there but I’m never usually I’m almost always the designated driver for our groups so most of the time I’m not the one

Drinking if we’re out and my wife is not much of a drinker at all once it’ll also do like a Mike’s Hard Lemonade kind of thing that’s kind of the extent of her desire to drink and I’m a drinker for flavor more than anything else so if I’m I’m drinking the fruity drinks

Things of that nature but I found it is a fun thing to do on stream there have been streams where you guys have got me totally wasted it has happened all right so now that I’m a halberd I have oh that’s a weird look that’s a is that a Netherrack battle tower how

I think I could probably get some Netherrack out of that so between streams um I’m going to do a little work on the town I won’t go out and fight things I won’t buy skills I’ll do some farming oh we are entered into a cold area that’s not good for me

And I have the opposite problem oh Lord that’s a lot of bad get me close let’s come out here into the sun jerk zombies oh that’s a boss guy oh third sticky lifesteal Darkness yeah come out here and drop my sword jerk no the other guy is my sword he must

Have pulled it and dropped on the ground if I can let this get out of the leaves okay pickaxe got him why is this guy not dying getting my sword back now the guy didn’t give any good loot robbed fish fish fish the sound of zombies make why are there so many

No one of those things those things are gross vagina face get away from me you know these leaves are irritating the [ __ ] out of me zombie I need your experience we are racking up some experience here that’s not bad now the spiders are the worst they’re jumping stuff losing life

Hang on a second uh eight eight eight eight all I’ve got is building left all right we got a few levels in that how’d you jump that far super Dodge fortunately I’m not carrying anything of overwhelming importance but I I can’t go back in there I don’t have the life for it

And I’ve kind of lost track of my direction which is bad I don’t know which way I came from I think I came from that way I should make this way the way I was going I hear a heartbeat I’m very close to death as I battle my way through this frozen tundra

Warm me up toasty lava delicious I don’t mind if I die too much because I don’t really have anything on me of that value that I can’t replace ah the fireball shot is kicked in [ __ ] I haven’t had a shot in a couple weeks I think well it’s gonna definitely be cold that

Way except for under the dragon over there pretty sure it’ll be hot under him I am going this Direction with the pure assumption I’m going to die and I’m okay with it if I do I will not be coming after my stuff oh Healey lady that’s good come here

I can use you get back here fine for that I’m taking out the deer nature is going to get away oh they run away normally okay I can’t run right now I’m stuck not running we come across anything bad I’m screwed regenerate lady come back and give me sweet lovings

If I can get some experience to get a skill leveled up though I’ll do it job oh you got a friend hey how you doing I like it these guys are stuck in the trees let me do another shot after stream too num num num num just gonna write a little more merge

Roles I’m gonna film it tomorrow edit have it set up to come out at eight tomorrow I’m excited about trying this free see the thing with merged worlds is uh the vast majority of people who are merge world’s fans which again if you listen to any of my merch World stuff

Thank you so very much uh it’s it’s my favorite thing in the world and it means the world to me so thank you very much to everyone who’s given it a chance or listens to it every week um but I’m excited to try doing it as a pre-filmed thing for the first time

I think it’s going to give me the ability to put on a slightly higher quality product and I think it’s definitely going to benefit the audio podcast side of things oh I am so cold oh I got level five hold on so I work on building yes okay

Get those points used right because I’m probably gonna freeze to death that’s okay I was hoping maybe we’d come across the town I’d be able to teleport back but not not seeing a lot in the way of uh pois right now just snowy trees and a creeper for some reason

We’ll go this way the trees are so dense and I don’t mean stupid they’re so dense I can’t really see if there’s anything in the distance there could be something close by that’s cool but I’m just missing also it’s getting dark out which is also bad for me

What in the bejivas is that is that aurora borealis am I even going north oh Lord what is that it’s a MOG wow the mug boned me that’s okay we I knew that was gonna happen eventually knew I was in trouble with the mug plus I didn’t have the best armor so

That’s okay all right the halberd was infinitely better what I need for that again iron sticks and string or sticks in leather I got strings and sticks and iron I’m gonna organize this before next week for sure be for sure stick and halberd once I get everything to level eight

I’ll probably then focus on weapon attack just so that I can start getting into better weapons I need to be able to kill things faster all right I’m gonna use a chunk of iron to replace my iron armor booties stop it pants shirt helmet now I might

Have an ax and a shovel I do ax shovel but I don’t think I have any pickaxes left I do not okay to pickaxe iron back we’ve got iron I got armor I’ll need food it’s even cold here in my house it’s probably night time isn’t it probably why

That fireball Hit me hard today my goodness bear with me as I reach for something salty and greasy I got some potato chips when drinking is good to eat salty ones hmm well free experience there okay so we notice we’ve gone all four directions now but that’s okay I have a plan

And it’s ingenious this one so this is the first town that was home is that way so we’ve filled up on seven left so my goal is to continue this way I didn’t make a backpack this time I just realized but I’m still heading away from the

House right now and that’s okay more exploration chickens that’s experience Piggies also experience ooh all sorts of experience walking around oh he didn’t die you think you’re going lunch beats for the winners it beats in the winter I didn’t I didn’t know which crops are which season yet I don’t

Really find anything to explain to that oh another battle tower death gotta get them now before he comes at me odd that there’d be a house out here never anything in these nope nothing changed Piggy nothing grows in Winter now okay appreciate you looking that up though okay

All right I’m not going well okay oh hello lady we’ll go take a glance at the battle tower it’s pretty tall which means we should be at the bottom which is the lowest level maybe I can I see a chest in there that’s a good sign

See if we can get in there and bust a spawner real quick spiders David damn it I got a halberd this time so I’m in a better spot I just gotta try to get in here and break this for the spider spawn damn it I almost had it

The grass is getting me more than anything else because my attacks aren’t hitting the spider we’re hitting the grass whoa that’s worth a lot of points spend them right now I’ll try to do something on the other one I meant to say same thing with the other one oh Lord what is that

No turd zombie he’s so strong whoo the Halbert is the OWN 20 levels hold on a minute wow 20 levels from that guy looks like a spider with a spider on his back die you stupid spawner 12 levels from that too go no zombie no don’t get me before I can get suspense

I think I hit him and it said meth that’s weird okay I’m backing out what was that another zombie I gotta spend these 13 levels oh we can shoot things too my legs must be damaged it’s not letting me run regenerated lady my only hope come here give me sweet kisses

Quick heal me yes okay he’s not following me gotta spend him real quick I don’t know what when I 24 in attack all right let’s just keep healing me keep healing me I was another boss zombie good Lord again you can’t see it because it’s behind my webcam but my little

Silhouette is healing you’re coming baby okay the bad turd is over there so I go around I think I can get into the chest that I finally freed up hold on no reason not to get as much xp as possible come here bacon I’ve barely gotten out of range of that

Second town too you know running towards me probably not your safest move there Piggy Seven Levels eight levels heck yeah all right well wow a chest with nothing in it that’s pretty disappointing I think the guy finally despawned he’s not around here anymore anything I can even buy with level eight

I don’t think so 11 I need way more I do have five skill points though I just don’t have any skills I can afford to buy at this point I’ll get these what’s this the Dodge enemy attacks ow I was learning how to dance how do you dodge though

What’s this no no which one is the one that I was looking at that could Dodge agility here was hold shift let’s wait oh I could level up something else hmm maybe defense as well let’s go ahead and spend it before it’s too late all right I’m stupid now that I’ve spent

The points I don’t mind climbing up another level wait isn’t there stairs why is it always gotta be spiders give me room with twos with zombie spawners in it too many spiders and it’s raining zombies oh death thing of devilness there’s a death thing I think it died

Come on oh it’s not like me in the doorway oh snap I missed the doorway that’s all right that’s all right I’ve reappeared at the town is this home this is in fact home okay we still have 30 minutes where we got we have plenty of time to do stuff

I just keep losing all my stuff oh my goodness we did get a lot of skills leveled up there though all right well I feel like I’m running out of stuff faster than I’m getting resources now it’s almost night time all right we’re gonna go crazy will it let me wear

The gold skirt it will Draven is just pretty for battle okay the sword attacks look kind of cool I didn’t know they did that um I have pants but the skirt’s actually better so we’re gonna stick with that uh there’s a shovel I will make a pickaxe trying not to

Waste too much material because I just I’m losing more stuff than I’m finding but we’ve got to continue doing something right I’m freezing because it’s getting nighttime I’m about to do something about that I’m gonna have to start taking food I don’t care about it

No that’s right if I’m using a sword I could get a shield that’s a good call Dave wood I’m using that halberd there for a while where I couldn’t do that I cannot use a shield until I have level 12 Shields it turns out it’s a good idea but I can’t use them

That’s odd that’s a pretty high requirement to uh or something I would almost consider a basic basic need all right so that way was the town of devil that way was the ocean North still feels like the best direction to go I don’t know if it’s north or not feels North to me

To mercurkel this time we’ll go a bit on an angle on our continuing quest to level up hey midnight Slaughter all the animals in the world that kobold worse than animals kobolds almost found that hole get back here Peggy you know I need your experience there’s nowhere for you to go

Except in my mouth got it okay again we’re going on a angular Direction this time seeing what we can find ah swamp sheep the scariest of all sheep well that looks disgusting we’ll go around that nasty green looking animal over there where’s this okay back up this way whoo

Tall mountains and snow frosted keeps don’t like that Peaks not creeps Peaks I’ve Got The High Ground Anakin oh I could mine an emerald that’s pretty cool there’s a lot I don’t know let me find as many emeralds in one spot I’ll take it four emeralds Draven big wealthy

There’s another battle tower but that one’s mostly just the top of it so let’s eat some bread here didn’t bring any water again I keep forgetting that just kind of hoping to come across another town so we could chain teleport get a little bit of look around at least oops

We’ll see anything that way see anything any direction so for this weird looking Forest with turkeys turkey meat Don’t Mind If I Do so I posted this thing on my Facebook page the other day my personal Facebook page uh and it was like you have to get rid of one

And the choices were like chicken turkey beef pork fried fish CR oh God that’s nasty crab legs um what else is on there I think one was like pastas Violet eye Wing well let’s see what it’s gonna go wow oh God it’s so bad I’m gonna die this sucks

Wow I thought maybe I might be able to take that I did not realize how hard that was going to be okay I feel it’s enough exploration for today we’ve only got about 20 minutes left and I’m just dying at this point so I think we’ve reached a place where

Now it’s time to do some organization and housework I think is what we’re going to look at next I don’t think I have any torches special I think we’ve lost them all now has it we had over a stack of torches and now I have 14. okay

Grab ourselves an ax and I will still need to make a pickaxe but I can use this Stone one for now basically what I want to do is I want to build a n an inventory room underneath of this so I thought I would build the downstairs going down if you would here

Was my thought I just don’t know if there’s enough room so we’re gonna see I feel like that’s going to be kind of cramped though now that I think about it putting it in the same spot maybe I should put it somewhere else hmm hey Gwen how’s it going buddy hmm

Other option is I build it right here grab a shovel I got plenty of those well I did prepare I’ve used almost all my shops can I use gold I can’t feel like I may need to go one more back I don’t need to go down super deep giggity I just need to

Make sure I’ve got room here that’s too wide that should be plenty of space okay what’s going to happen is I’m not just going to build a room purely for inventory here and over here oops didn’t mean to take that one out getting a job hey nothing wrong with

That I mean I hate working but I also enjoy money so well let’s catch 22s you hear so much about right what kind of job you’re looking at I’m doing all right getting by anyways not too shibby we’re going to okay all right now I’m working on an

Inventory room I can better sort my things probably one of the hardest parts of this for just convenience sake boy that gold shovel did not last long get it holy smokes forgot how weak those things are go make a cobblestone one it’s stronger and it digs fast just in the last one

Pizza hey nothing wrong with that man I’ve worked for 13 pizza places in my life you learn to make a pizza at a pizza place you can get a job at just about any other pizza place it’s nice convenient if you will and I enjoy convenience grab some stairs while I’m here

A couple of sticks hello midnight yes I see you chubby what are you doing what are you doing yes you what is it squeaky butt it’s not time for tree chat you got 15 minutes calm your butt to do and then I’m going to have to widen this by one do

800 pounds well there’s a reason I’m not a Skinny Minnie and that’s probably a big part of it pizza’s still my favorite food let’s go eat it more need anything else so I put one there get rid of this one here from there yes that works okay Google we will continue

Pizza places are great so much things so many different ways to make a pizza you can make it seem like a completely different type of meal very easily and nowadays with all the extra stuff pizza places sell you know everybody got wings and pastas and calzones and all sorts of stuff

When I work your pizza places they had cheese sticks or breadsticks or garlic bread which was always my favorite of the options nowadays there’s all sorts of stuff you can get there desserts we have no Desserts when I worked at pizza places first real job aside from personal

Business like owning my own businesses or paper routes and things of that nature first real job was at a Pizza Hut I’ve worked for three pizzas and pizza is still my favorite pizza of the national chains currently although I am very quickly warming up to some Papa John’s um

Their thin crust is excellent Three okay okay I’m not gonna think Chris I say thank God Papa John’s thin crust is pretty good but they’re uh stuffed crust which pizza kind of had a Stranglehold on there for a while uh their their stuffed crust is competitive it’s pretty good I think Pizza Hut’s stuffed crust is better fresh

But Papa John’s stuffed crust warms up better later which you know is an important criteria very serious business Pizza huh I don’t play around with important things like pizza I’ve worked for the only the only Pizza chain that I never worked for was Papa John’s Imo’s Pizza can’t say I’ve ever heard of

It Quentin is it a national chain I’ve never heard of it around any of the areas I’ve lived national chain site when I think National chains I think Pizza Hut Domino’s Little Caesars Papa John’s uh you could probably put a Michaels in there you could probably add

Pizza in is a relatively national chain I don’t think it’s everywhere but it’s in most places um I think there’s like a place called Michael’s Pizza but I think them you make the they make you the pizza and then you gotta take it home and cook it yourself if I want that

I’m just gonna make a homemade pizza it’s not how I roll Greco Pizza For the First Time surprisingly good not heard of that brand either or that company Greco unfamiliar with them but I’ll try any type of pizza once I mean I’m I’m all about it um

There’s all this gravel coming from I don’t like it I’m making a hole is it dominoes really sucks dominoes was bad here for a long time but I’ve heard that they’ve greatly improved um what I remember well got cold it must be night time yep um Canadian place I don’t remember them

When I was when I was can’t rather than candid I didn’t see him either um we used to get square pizzas at uh Godfather’s when I lived in Canada see if that helps add some warmth down here oh that’s Glenn well you never know unless you ask right

I’m excited because in my town uh they’re they just tore down an old building it was an old uh Mexican restaurant it had been like four Mexican restaurants in the eight years I’ve lived in this town never any like brand name you’ve ever heard of privately owned and such but

Um they tore it down and the rumor is they’re putting a lunge on silvers in there which I’m pretty happy about we had a Long John Silver’s still about four years ago and it was an old place and was not in good repair they they ended up

Going out of business and then a year later a place called Chicken Salad Chick went in there which I’ve never eaten at yet although I’m told they’re sussed pretty good I’m just not a big chicken salad eater it’s it’s not something I normally crave when I’m out looking for

Something fast and convenient I can’t imagine eating one in a car um but now they’re talking about putting one back in town uh and everybody seems to be hearing it so I’m I’m very confident and hopeful that that is in fact the case because I enjoyed some good fried fish

I don’t like a lot of seafood but battered up and deep fry the hell out of it and I’m good all day I like your chicken too the two square pizzas and one long flat yup I remember that when I worked at Little Caesars one of the Little Caesars

I worked at was a regular Little Caesars restaurant that did that and then the other one I worked at was a Little Caesars in a Kmart now this is when I was in high school so you know back in the late 1800s it would seem but

When I worked there you could buy pizzas by the slice and we made little mini Square pizzas so you could buy individual Square pieces for like a buck or buck 50. if I remember correctly those were great Square pizzas always better oh no I thought about the infinity pool

You are correct the infinity pool is one deep so as long as I don’t dig out the second level I should be good that’s why I went down two specifically but it’s more that way so I don’t think I should be a problem I’m kind of going more that direction

Instead of going wide with it one two three yes that will work will it not if I put a chest there chest there yeah I think that’ll work Let’s test out a little bit of this here now actually you’ll work just fine I’ve already got Oak chess out the Wazoo

Let’s grab those first and then we’ll grab some Birch chunk of those as well okay Holly’s can’t say I know what that is that’s not something I’ve experienced you could set that one Kmart yeah they’re not real common my wife worked at Kmart for a little while when we uh were first we first moved to this town and uh I mean she’d already lived here she worked there one let’s see was that the last job she had I don’t think it

Was the last job she had but it was uh one of them my wife is uh disabled and unable to work any longer Unfortunately so that’s that would be why okay in case you’re wondering no need more chests I’m gonna need to go get some wood here in a minute

I think she enjoyed working at Kmart from what I remember I think uh unfortunately Kmart went under right so they’re her the Kmart in our town literally shut down which is why she stopped working there foreign okay this will work well by alternating the types of wood that I’m using um

Unless we put chest side by side so they take up less speed what is it Mr Bobby loud boy you butt so I can do the same thing here and I’ve got this just the right size too I’m just gonna need more wood uh so you make enough money on YouTube

Or do you have a job aside oh no I I work full time for a uh a national cell phone carrier I work in the call center I work remotely from home thankfully but I work in the I work in the get yelled at Department so whenever a customer is angry

Or they want to talk to the supervisor Want to complain about something they come to me am I a supervisor no but when you ask to speak to a supervisor you never do clear that up for anybody who might have been misunderstanding how that worked you will not almost ever actually speak to a supervisor when you call a call center

And when you speak to a supervisor and get mad and then want to speak to their supervisor um they’re just going to put you on with another person in our department you’re still not going to talk to a supervisor you will never get hired we’ll say that we’re the supervisor we are not

So that is an illusion you should get over real quick just trying to help everybody out here I hope everybody understand the way the world works there there Okay good good good good good yeah you it’s it’s a challenge quick PSA yes so I’m here for that’s what I do give tutorials even on life sometimes I am glad to help you all out for that one for bats I just need four more Birch chests

Which I should be able to make out of the Birchwood I have left it’s 11 uh right I forgot forgot the stupidity of break you bastard S no I didn’t mean to turn that into damn it anyway oh seven I think I’m gonna be one short

No no no no actually 84. okay we’re good I just need to get some more torches over here torch up there to light up this side a little bit a bit of torches there hi again Buffy oh my goodness your eyes are so small just hang out with me or you get some

Treats in a few minutes okay I agree let’s take a look at the light level uh we are good everything’s green so we’re good let’s see if I can drop that one now I was hoping that I could baby want to say hi to Buffy for a second

She’s not gonna like me for picking her up hey you this is Buffy she’s always just off camera you guys don’t get to see her very much she’s my special girl let’s see what have I got uh those are the middle two so is that gonna work ah it didn’t work crap

Still gonna make this work it’s just gonna be trying to keep torches off the floor if I can help it just because they don’t look very good I’m gonna fix the walls and stuff with the really gonna be like that turd uh see it was this one

Okay good now it’s all lit up and we are at end time all right not too shabby um I like I said I may do why is that grass oh God I’m your I’m here running it out and move around uh I don’t have any

Glowstone yet no I have not been to the nether yet something we still have to look at Buffy you’ll get some treats in a minute sweetie you gotta let me finish my stream okay I don’t have any glowstone blocks yet I’ve only got like two or four glowstone

And I kind of hanging on to those yeah I’ve got five kind of hanging on to those just in case um I don’t have Redstone so Redstone lamps aren’t really an option for me right now but that’s okay we’re still in a pretty good spot here I I feel comfortable with

Where We Are like I said I will probably do this reorganization stuff off camera and I may replace this dirt and ugly stone with a block that’s a bit more attractive even if it’s just stone brick um but I will do that off camera so as a reminder merge worlds will be out

Tomorrow I would love it and adore it if you would mind giving it a check or if you haven’t go back check out the first couple episodes see if merge worlds might be your jam it’s my dungeon dragon story that I’ve been writing and running for over 34 years now

And I share the story every two weeks so it would be cool but uh that’s gonna do me for today if you don’t mind on your way out if you click that like button I would highly appreciate it and if you’re new here be sure to subscribe so you can see all my

Videos and streams as they come out I’ll be here next Sunday and Monday for some more Minecraft RL craft we’re gonna play RL craft through the month of September and then in October we’re going to be switching to some Halloween themed Minecraft uh we may even do several packs maybe depending Halloween packs

Usually don’t last more than one or two episodes so we may have several of them that will bounce to you over through October try out a few of them I’ve already got one that I’m pretty excited about um so for October we’re going to be doing all uh Halloween themed Minecraft

And then over on my twitch Channel I’ll be streaming every Wednesday different Halloween themed games uh so normally I only do every other Thursday but Halloween being my favorite month uh there’s a lot of spooky games I buy and save up specifically for October so I’m looking forward to some stuff we’re

Going to do in October and then in November we’ll be starting a new Minecraft series right now it’s looking like mystical block unless something super awesome new comes out that you know is better but right now that’s what we’re looking at so that’s kind of my timeline for what we’re looking at uh

And then hopefully you’ll hang out for some of that cool all right then you folks have yourself a wonderful rest of your week I know it’s still technically a holiday here so if you’re out there partying party hard and party safe and come on back and see me okay

Thank you very much for watching have a great day Foreign

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – RL Craft – Things Get Real – Episode 4’, was uploaded by Onlydraven Gaming on 2023-09-05 03:16:00. It has garnered 160 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:31 or 11071 seconds.

This is a playthrough of the Minecraft Modpack RLCraft.

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Onlydraven Gaming – Minecraft – RL Craft – Things Get Real – Episode 4