Onlydraven Gaming – ODG Spooky Month Minecraft in Material Energy Halloween

Video Information

So So All right hello everybody good day good day today for minecraft monday we are going to be doing something a little bit different um i have downloaded several different spooky or halloween or horror themed mine pack mod pack minecraft mod packs and we’re going to do a different one every monday

So this is our first one now i want to stress i have not built anything other than just load in to make sure the game worked i’ve not done anything yet but we’re going to be starting with this one and uh the one thing that i noticed right off the bat when i

Loaded this up um is this a hardcore mode and didn’t give me any options so it may be a you dead you dead kind of situation here uh this is material energy halloween is the name of this pack um and it’s from what i could tell from the

Uh the instructions it’s just things hidden and such and it’s more of an investigating kind of spooky halloween thing uh looks like an oak case currently harvestable like that’s a health kit if needed a ladder there’s a door over here i haven’t opened the chest yet caves so

Uh yeah this may be just more of an exploring pack um and i just kind of giving people an idea of the different things that they might want to play themselves or with friends or family around the holidays maybe some fun options to do this time of year i assume i’ll

Probably have a couple christmas based ones as well um but i hope hopefully it’ll be a little fun and uh we’ll bumble around in here for a little while now this thing right off the bat up front is interesting void stone this oh transmutation okay

So there are of course i should uh state yes destroy the tree hold down real quick i got that get off my screen get off my screen tip all right so we got a ladder going up before i go up let’s look around here uh so that’s a door

Looks like it goes into more is it project e well they may have everything going on here so that looks like more caves uh this looks like oh this just loops around okay some stencils so we got a little heart chest got some tinkers in here that would hold tools

Good size storage crates we bothered to dig up that ore here’s some monstery sounds oh what is this material energy halloween blacksmith loot bag okay well i guess that’s your starting gear i would assume they put it right here let’s take a look at the book i know

They don’t like books but this is special birth reverse i know this day would come yet it seemed as though time had slipped away from my reach this day today tonight will last forever and darkness this land now hollowed is cursed with the undead as the last glimmer of

Sunlight blades i crawl into the only safe shelter i have my transmutation lab who would curse this land and why on halloween okay chapter one now to settle in i hear the scratching of spiders trying to reach the cave in a table you can transmit items and blocks into others that you’ve learned

World cast internal darkness monsters over eternal darkness so there’s monsters all the time hide for now and find resources that are hidden around the overworld would be a small library next to me lab maybe the tunnel collapsed there should be useful items in there okay all right i must learn a powerful ritual

I should find the ancient library and search it so it looks like there’s a story line here i need to somehow banish this thing has remained hidden for hundreds of years i must find it in a single night i’ve only heard rumors and my journey starts with finding the spire to the east

In the ocean fire i should begin my searches for answers there a pumpkin biosphere dark oath mansion graveyard okay so there’s some of that stuff hello uh greek sheep good day good day all right so let’s see i’ve got that i’m gonna open up my loot bag oh wow all right

Give me some stuff there i’ll take that that’s there there well it’s a little bit slow here but we’ll do it come on oh give me that give me that okay i get everything yeah i can’t open that bag anymore uh so this modpack is crap miss the name again um material energy

Um one of multiple that i found that looked kind of fun so we’re gonna try what i got here capturing one left click on creature to capture it that could come in handy hang on to our book emerald sword i like that inventory upgrade

Oh i don’t see why i wouldn’t want to do that unlocked extended inventory nice nice nice yeah this just started it here today so uh i’m doing a different halloween themed one every monday just to kind of see what we’ve got hello xbox all right so that way has a door

That has a ladder up and this just looks like cave so let’s just look the open area first make sure nothing’s gonna come up and bite our butts oh well what is this oh what’s in there oh snap look at all that stuff a bed well i have a feeling that’s helpful although

I dense fool’s personal ore oh wait auto jump is on i hate that uh um much better much better okay why am i the only youtuber with good and detailed tutorials i don’t know but i’m glad you found me i’m gonna set this bed down over here i

Don’t know if it’s gonna let me sleep or not but hopefully at least it will lock i’ve got a spawn point here yes okay that’s good i’m just dripping that’s never a good sign all right so we got a minecart i assume that’s going to go a distance so we’re

Going to wait on that let’s just take a look out here cave dripping above me i feel like i should take the ladder first it was right by where we started get my sword ready who knows what’s up here whoops yup now here’s the other thing it gives me oh well yes please

What’s with all that that um it does not give me the ability to change the lighting i want to make that clear so it’s going to be dark i think it’s intended to be that way on purpose for it to be got a lot of spooky to give you stuff so that’s cool

If we can find more cookies the undead come whoa whoa whoa oh my goodness that’s crazy dark must get to light right there holy smokes cow save me protect me um oh whatever i’m walking on is slowing me wow eight world oh wow it is hardcore mode you got one life

Oh snap all right well i guess that means we’re starting again will it let me start here is it gonna put me in spectate mode i don’t know we’re gonna check i’ve never played a hardcore mode rather than need to i wonder they give you so much stuff early on

Yup yup i have to start a new one okay interesting delete that real quick read a new one this shouldn’t take long oops two i will have to be more cautious now that i know it’s dangerous every five steps oh so tell me to put the iron in the

Table okay well let me let me grab the stuff again oh it gave me different stuff this time okay saplings a drill core i don’t know what i’m gonna do with that hey rose what’s up we are happy to see you oh it goes it’s so slow to pull this

Stuff out of here give me that so now at least i can put that in here all right so armor and a sword i didn’t get the wand this time there’s nothing in well let me check there was nothing in any of these storages before let’s just check and

Make sure i don’t wanna because i’m gonna go down here and get what’s in that chest maybe i’ll stay underground a little bit see what’s in here this time uh which hat well we gotta have a witch hat torch arrows i think we should take those

Some of these things like i’m not going to need an observer right away i can leave that the bed i still need the bed’s useless since i’m going to die purple rune i guess that’ll be good take these what’s this orange glass shard don’t think that’s important oh hello hello what’s up kik

All right so i’m gonna need pirate hat oh no decisions are about to need to be made how’d i do that so are we draven in a witch’s hat back up here a little bit so we can see a little better raven in a witch’s hat or are we draven

In a pirate’s hat you guys have let me know which hat i should wear that’s important stuff i’ll get back up there all right i think we’re going to go this mine cart this time which two for witches oh good lord something blew up out there

Where’d it blow up the can blown up in here oh the doors are closed hey noel all right draven the witch look at the that goes oh it does not move me okay turns the rest on okay let’s no i’ll get oh i guess i did need a second one

You know attention to that there there get in yeah those aren’t those are turning the redstone on but it’s not really doing anything we’ll turn them both on and then we’ll go sword ready oh god why why no i see now i’m gonna be honest i don’t mind restarting over each time

I can handle that i’m just gonna leave it as new world though i’m gonna keep naming it there’s some booby traps and tricks in here i agree i think that i’m going to avoid the carts and walk manually of course the levers might have changed what they did down there as

Well uh cmt because it wouldn’t load now it’s slightly different apparently dark soda took it over uh anyone else know yeah i do know that um bacon donut retired from streaming and gaming uh earlier this year and gave full control over to darcosto so it’s 100 his now um i haven’t

Fiddled with it much myself other than some tutorial stuff i don’t want to apologize i did not have a tutorial out today i have one almost done uh but i ended up doing a whole bunch of stuff with my doctor’s office on the phone today and playing phone tag and i did

Not get it finished so i apologize for that uh this is the name of this pack is material energy halloween and it’s hardcore mode only it does not let me affect the brightness take him into load this time though hopefully it didn’t freeze up um yeah

Yeah well i’ve died twice but every time i die the game ends and i have to restart a new world but i’m afraid it may have walked up on me here yeah i’ve died twice already oh uh oh doesn’t appear to be working here nope doesn’t give me any options it’s

Designed that way specifically i think i’m gonna have to reload it real quick shouldn’t take more than a minute though i mean a second i’ll work on that um yes charms right let’s do this which and that there we go i’m just booting it up again it’ll take a moment okay this

It happens when you’re jumping into mod packs haven’t had time to fully vet yet but uh it’s a thing so while i’m loading this up i guess i’ll chat with you about a couple of other things so um we have a new membership goal up top some of you may notice

Currently sitting at 48 members so looking for a new goal to have for the community what i’ve decided upon is we’re going to set a goal of 75 and when we have 75 people signed up for memberships what i’m going to do at that point is i’m going to go ahead and

Purchase for the membership community a second minecraft server that i’m going to reset back up for sky factory 4. the current member server we have is a volcano block and it was always intended to switch occasionally to new server or new mod packs to give people different things to play

But a lot of people are finding the channel through sky factory are still playing sky factory and may not have anything to do with volcano blocks so having a second server that will always be um minecraft um i think would be a lot of fun uh

Turtles just threw in there of course as well of vanilla minecraft server that’s also not a bad idea um something we could talk about but the goal 75 is i am going to when we get 75 members i’m going to get a second server for us that’s that’s the goal so

You’re going to i think that’ll be fun um but i yeah if we do a sky factory one again then we’re not we’re going to move away from the having a central area where everybody just starts with everything because i think it takes the fun of it i think playing

From scratch on or maybe even playing with other members from scratch on um would be a little bit more fun so that’s we’re gonna we’re gonna go that route again all right get it back up here and we’re back all right so see what it gives us this time okay

No weapon this time mr hammer building wand i don’t feel that’s going to be super useful here the heart container that’s that’s pretty good horse armor well i don’t know if we’ll be using horse armor anytime soon we’ll take these apples though i think i’m just going to leave the rest

Of that in there for now because i’m not going to really need it back take the stuff we need let’s get some armor back on hopefully there’s another hat high red hat and witches okay so we’ll take the witch’s hat take the rune go with the

Arrows again in case we find a bow take these because i think those give me other hearts eventually that’s it which draven okay cool i have no weapon at all this time so let’s walk down here manually pull up there yeah let’s see if we can well it’s this trail mix well i’ll

Probably need all the food i can get a hold of take the trail mix turret minecart that’s just funny i’m gonna take it i think that way except diamond and no way to mine it so we’ll head back up here take the camper raider i don’t even know what that is

I didn’t see a camper raider i will look at it here in a moment when i get up top no weapons i do not see a camper raider in here uncart with furnace no camper raider in there maybe you imagine it was in the bag i’ll go back to the bag

See what’s in the bag real core nope i’m not seeing that in either of them i’m not sure where you saw it but it’s not in either of those chests nose nose all right so up was certain doom and now i have no weapon which will make it harder

Yes we’ll look around out here blue i’m sensing many a spiders really was hoping to find some type of pickaxe or there’s a sign over there ah spiderweb the surface uh i died very very quickly watch your step well i have a feeling that’s gonna drop never go running through minecraft

Without a stack of something to build with see the logs as well i’m gonna break those i’m just getting some grass hoping it’ll give it to me yep good stuff i know well have a good chest over there and it looks like good grab a few of these

Excellent we knew there’s a crafting table back in here so let me go back to that i’ve played so many games lately where shift is run and i never noticed it there’s technically logs in here i guess i could have busted that’s okay and there get us some planks some sticks

Let’s say pickaxe oops place to start iron everywhere so at least wait i can’t do that i need stone what am i thinking stone grab a few of these stone pickaxe and then i can get the iron get started crafting table open the door open oh i hate doors

Well i prefer pressure plates oops oops wow i am a giant pile of fail all right here we go that’s that excellent yeah i’m gonna need the best gear i can get a hold of quickly i agree 100 but we’re gonna grab every iron in this

Cave since this cave appears to be a approximately safe space so far also going to need some coal and some more of this stone in order to build a furnace because i don’t remember seeing one of those in there there may have been but i maybe just didn’t see it those right

I did get an achievement yay i’m improving all this iron get it cooking quick as possible stone what is this rules personal ore wow wow wow wow [Laughter] that’s awesome holy smokes well then learn something don’t mind anything with the name fools in it my goodness

If there was ever a stream for teresa it was this one hopefully it doesn’t lock up loading up again if it does the good news is it loads up pretty quickly but oh my goodness i think oh man it’s doing it again okay so when

I get up and running it works fine it just doesn’t want to uh doesn’t want to reboot here so try something here put it back up again don’t in that’s funny though i think what the issue is i’m not changing the name you’re gonna probably be mighty useful

To you you should probably learn every item block you get to it okay you have never used one before so definitely take a look at that i was just trying to get myself some gear i was like oh maybe this is an aura that i

Can make gear out of and instead all i did was fashion my doom funny i’m booting it up again now it takes just a minute for it to get through look luckily this isn’t a this is not a slow loader uh yeah so they uh the member the new

Membership goal idea i think is pretty cool uh having a second server for people who have memberships to choose from can bounce back and forth yeah that’s true i have to start over again each game the good news is i really didn’t get that far right i mean that’s the other good news

Is we we uh didn’t get that far into it so i don’t feel like i lost a lot it’ll get harder i’ve never played hardcore mode before so it’s a new thing there we go here we are again all right let’s see what this gives us before we even move any further uh

What is this automatic torch could be useful inventory upgrade i’ll take that again those probably not so much it started me on hard but it wasn’t hardcore like if you die you didn’t start all over you still respond in the world and a bed would still spawn for

You this one here does not you die the only thing you can do is spectate or destroy the world over again you can’t continue so um we got that we didn’t get any armor or weapons this time hopefully this chest this chest seems to be pretty consistent

It is yeah it’s the same stuff each time grab these things i said over time i know this will give us those towards making a new heart not sure what i need that for but at least we have a witch’s hat all right so uh did you you’ve missed

Four draven deaths this is hardcore mode when i die we have to start all over again every time it’s uh an interesting little uh a little mod pack to jam in so we will see i’m gonna move forward with what we’re doing last time i’m gonna grab some wood

Grab iron not mine the green stuff which is everywhere by the way uh there are furnaces do they have anything in them cook with no i’m still i’m leaving that door here just because i don’t know if anything’s gonna chase me later i’m gonna come grab the wood over here

Something does drop in here later i want a safe space to go to i have a feeling that’s going to drop that’s why i wanted the grass so oh you’re fine i’m sure there’ll be more this is uh appears to be a relatively challenging mod pack but it’s spooky and halloween themed and

That was kind of the whole point and then when the there it’s ore heavy though there’s ore everywhere which is nice right here oh god making a pressure plate for that eventually all right so like that oop that’s those will get me the cobblestone i need

Which i don’t even need to go up there for that i’m gonna take it right here i need for a cobblestone right off okay i’m gonna like to dig right in front of the house but uh you know sometimes maybe choosers it looks like it could be frustrating i

Don’t mind too bad because again it’s it it’s not a it has a story to it like so there’s an end goal and it’s halloween theme so it can be meant to be you know go forever so i’ll take that plus we’re gonna play it for one maybe

Two weeks we like it a whole bunch i might do it again next monday or we may jump into a knife i’ve got several different ones this one seemed to be the most genuinely halloween the other ones a lot of them look like just regular mod packs like regular vanilla

But with some mod packs thrown in that might make it spooky over time why’d i do that that was not intense some cobblestone real quick i’m watching you okay found that by accident so that would have been behind this makes me wonder for something behind this please don’t kill me no oh whoa

Um what whoa hidden stuff holy smokes yes please look at all that aluminum is taking all of this stuff that iron was a positive trap check that out full suit of armor except for the hat and i’m keeping my witch hat on is that an invisible block well let me put anything there

Intriguing intriguing i mean so far i’ll say i like it it’s even though i’ve died four times let’s get the uh get that iron cooking right off the bat i’ll go here and get some more i’m putting a wooden door on there right break them out

Yeah i probably should do that i didn’t think about that melon would be a food source at least i’ll do that when i get back in there trying to be careful not to break any of the green stuff assuming i’m gonna have to assume it’s all explosive not just the one i did

I like how it expected you to uh go after that iron when you mined that iron out that’s how you found the whoa look at what fell out of that block chameleon storage iron shuriken iron excavator refined on your long sword holy smokes chameleon storage my oh my my oh my

All right back yeah we’ll we’ll do the noun real quick blindness okay what have i got okay leave that here that here million storage an iron frying pan that’s hilarious leave my extra hat heart dust titanium let me see there’s so much stuff here that all just fell into my hands

Pumpkin leave the marble i guess i can leave that that’s good and iron a iot which means i don’t even need to shovel the pickaxe or the axe long sword hatchet excavator keep the shuriken art i’ll use over here huh all right right down there and get more cool

Wow so with that technically i don’t need really the iron this very moment i can let it just sit there and cook and come back to it oh a bow too the shuriken i approve of but all that stuff in the transmutation table we’ll start with the first thing and

I’ll see what happens okay so here’s a sword does not let me put it in the transmutation table okay let me put that in there i don’t know what that means but it did that doesn’t look like the tinkered stuff will go in here yeah the tinkered stuff won’t go in here interesting

I should eat that part two uh no i have not be honest i have not but now i feel ready to move forward because again i’m not looking to play this super long term so i’m uh if if something happens and you know i miss stuff i’m okay with that

It’s this like says it’s more of a just halloween story thing so it’s okay you’re right fuji all right so let’s see let’s move forward with the story i want to move forward with the story i’m not trying to make super amazing weapons at this point i just want to play the game

Some dirt dirt should be enough all right salt i don’t know why that would be important but i will assume that maybe it is you know that salt can be used to ward off demons in different movies and shows and stuff so going slowly here or these shards give me a bunch of

Shards earlier i think i should take them slow here keeping an eye out for monsters and this bat get here that looks oh oh whoa what got me i don’t know what’s hitting me it’s just knocking me further and further down i don’t know what to do i’m dying there’s nothing here

No idea what that the bat the bat killed me was slain by a bat wow all right well intriguing don’t hit bats yeah that’s what i’m thinking bat love was in my hair intriguingly i guess it’s possible i was wearing an awesome witch hat though i’m concerned the game is going to

Freeze every time i have to load up a new world though that’s the only thing i’m worried about because it seems to have happened every time i’m having to reboot the game up darn it ask crash report and play again luckily it’s a fast load but uh this mod

Pack is called material energy halloween i got it again on the um twitch launcher courses i play all minecraft so i have that uh now i will be streaming again tomorrow um for those of you who may not have seen it already in the discord channel notified by my doctor today that

At the current estimate um he’s keeping me out of work another six weeks which financially is not good but it does mean i will have lots of opportunity to stream more so hopefully try to start putting up more videos as well i may actually film some videos instead of streams well i’m

Going to stream a ton but i may actually film some videos and i may go back and uh edit some of previously film stuff and make a best of thing put out some different videos on the channel while we’re while i’ve got this time to work on to try to help offset

A little bit of um the time i’m going to be off work but means i will get to stream more now that said it means i’ll have a chance to stream a whole lot this month uh more than i planned in october so i am going to be streaming some

Non-halloween spooky stuff um i meant to do all spooky stuff this month but i didn’t expect to be able to stream five and six days a week i don’t have the money to buy all enough games to do that um still gonna try to have regular spooky stuff

In minecraft i have spooky stuff throughout the rest of the month so i’m good there um but i probably are going to throw in some regular streams as well uh sunday mornings i may leave on um doing no man’s sky i did this past sunday morning so

The sunday mornings may continue to be no man’s sky uh and then i’ll try to save more halloween stuff for in evenings um now the uh let’s see here oh no don’t get me wrong i’m happy with that just not with everything else oh emerald pickaxe that’s gonna give me a good head

Start teleportation one sure why not oh this this uh this loot bag is buggy and it will not it’s super slow at pulling stuff out it’s just this bag and the last thing always does that okay so i’m gonna throw that in there that in there that and there that in there that

Index i don’t need them right now uh the book i’m gonna hang on to but i’m not going to keep it here um i think it might have been the rickroll one okay so what did we learn we learned we do this we get the darkness thing okay and we go over here

And one of those is a drop down okay see we get out of that oh good it’s all the same stuff in this one i’m not going to worry about the uh these things the bone shards and such just because chris what if i need them to continue

With the story i’ll feel mad that i left them here okay get up here i can skip the stone age now the only thing i need here’s the witch hat this and this and those can eventually be turned into heart squares i’m gonna go ahead and

Take the arrows because i think i’ll get a bow when i go break that other inventory block out there all right um it’s irritated with that door all right so let’s see it was in here this one there it was all right we’re going to leave some of that here

Because it’s going to feel momentary All right so which i’m going to keep the shuriken it’s a good ranged weapon it’s probably better than a bow to be honest but we’ll hang on to the bow to be safe side axe to pick just aiots more important than anything else pants i’m going to keep on these i’ll leave here

Something blew up above me does not make me happy that’s that that uh where’s the boots there yeah boots get that which hat more important static silver functionality that here the sword i definitely want that that’s the to that eat the heart real quick get us an extra heart eat up our food

Okay so let’s see here well maybe maybe a may have to have nine to do that just thinking just looking let’s throw that in there for now and frying pan arrange these in the order they need to be in sword first aot second food at the end that in the

Inventory okay i feel good about that uh all right so now we can continue on now i wonder if i just get close to the box i don’t know if i hit the bat i think i swung at him but i didn’t think i made contact but it’s possible that just being close

To the bat could kill me i’m not sure i’m concerned dirt to get through oops all the salt again enough the salt mess with the bat a good chance i’m gonna die if i get close to that bat again the green here i just wanted to make sure there’s nothing

Feel good about that okay or bat here this time it does not appear to be down was bad ooh what’s that glowy blue thing down there that looks like something i would want or way down here i mean there is i hear a cat can’t get out of the water

Get on that dirt block okay well actually that might work it might work oh god no no no no no no no no [Applause] i see it’s wow all right back in again adjustment get loaded back in again my goodness i’m not sure what that was down there as a

Blue glowy thing right oh yeah the green speckled stuff yeah it blows up anytime i mind that i die there’s a boom it’s called fools something or other okay so after we get this gear maybe we should try to go above ground i know it’s probably the most dangerous place to be but

It’s also kind of what the book said to try to find the things sticking out of the water so if i could make it to the water it was creepers and the problem was i never saw them um they were just like there you know what i mean like i

I never got a chance to uh they just blew up before i could do anything it’s also incredibly dark and it does not let you um change the brightness level so it’s dark it’s going to be hard it’s hard for me to see which means it’s going to be harder for you guys

But again even i even have to go all the way out and in it does load up pretty quickly so i do appreciate that all right so let’s real quick prep stuff bag book bag anything i want a sword yes board yes evoker fang secret magic of the evoker illager could be useful

The tech’s oars don’t care engraved thunder single shot all right well it sounds like it’s a weapon uh illumination wand that could be very handy in the darkness oh automatic torch yes let’s put the rest of that in there and i did not get a pickaxe this time oh let

Me grab my witch hat priorities now i need to go break a piece of wood cup some wood and we are just going to go ahead and tear it up in here speed i’m gonna speed this 47 minutes in and we’ve made it six feet from the room enough that that that

Just a stone one two three anyway this stone That get the iron all through that that that that that just worrying about that this time okay get rid of that all the free stuff all right all right so that was a quick run but i mean we’re getting through it pretty fast now that circuit i’m going to keep

One just keep the illumination wand get rid of that aot in there for now that in there that in there that in there that and there that and there but all the stuff i don’t need i need to eat that but that had a way sword i need okay

Iron armor is better i don’t have any iron armor and i’m not i don’t want i’m 45 minutes in we got to get to we got to do something refined iron long sword and a regular not enough experience okay forgot about that part monsters out here cookie oh shot already

Should have made a shield should have made a shield there’s a zombie oh christ spiders oh good lord they weren’t i see Loading in again i’m not sure that i’m going to be able to go above ground i mean i made what five steps and was just surrounded by eight to ten mobs i didn’t see the creeper again the creepers are killing me without me ever seeing a one i’m not sure what’s up cassian

Trying to stay alive challenge today i’m having fun though i like this all right so i think underground is still the best route to go i was doing well until i kamikaze jumping off the ledge i should have let i should have uh continued to be a little more cautious there

Because that was my own fault and by my own fault i mean i blame everybody else except because you know it only makes sense all right here we go single player great new world great new world uh today we’re doing a halloween mod pack called uh material energy halloween

It is hardcore mode so every time i die i have to delete the world and start all over again uh say i played the best day ever by spongebob my grandpa’s funeral well i’m sorry to hear that he passed wow pics all right give it to me yes care about those okay

I just realized last time that i didn’t actually have to break the block to get down here so i can skip the whole getting wood steps i’m about to get all that new armor out here so that just speeds things up as long as it gives me a uh

As long as it gives me at least one axe then i’m good free stuff stupid door that let’s put that that that that that at that not to that sword we’re keeping that we’re not left sword aiot shuriken okay well yeah if i didn’t have a pick then i

Would then i would do the wood thing but since it gave me one i didn’t worry too much about it uh no i’m not on a server this is just a game i’m playing for one day to kind of we’re doing a different halloween themed mod pack every uh

Monday for this month for spooky month um so it should be pretty pretty good um so this is what we’re doing this monday and odds are next monday we’ll have a a different one you know depending on how this works leaving the salt don’t care about that

I always come back if i need them no bats this time good be where the cave goes goes into very darkness can’t see anything um so it still seems like i have to go down i just think i need to be more cautious about it oh there’s a drop there not too far

That’s doable that uh wow couldn’t even begin to tell what you’re referencing sir wherever i got to go a little ways here that blue thing is see if it’s important dark one so are we there it is okay pretty level there oh no still got a ways to go with that blue thing

Very intriguing take a step over oops wrong button oops pretty sure i’m not digging into a lava pit crystal chest well there we go ancient tome right heroes medallion the store’s experience for you know good that is in a game that splash condensed poison proportion health boost health boosts

Health boosts more health hearts bunch of bags all right all right let’s see let’s get rid of that that that do that first all the life i can get uh scholar yes and i’ll be honest with not knowing what’s going on it’s something that i’d rather not talk about right now

Um myself or on the channel just because um it’s kind of up in the air um and it’s really a personal matter at this point for those folks and i’m not one to kind of sit and conject on things that i don’t know anything about so

Um yeah but definitely i do i am aware of it but it’s uh i don’t know what’s going on i’m sure there’ll be a statement eventually when that time comes then um i guess everyone will have to make a determination on whether they continue to watch or not their stuff um will kind

Of be an individual thing per person but uh yeah so it’s a sad thing to hear in either way i think that’s probably as far as i’m gonna go with it okay um so getting down to that was the goal that i had uh left right left right hmm

If i get just get out of this lava section it might be all right a lot going on here here pretty much all water okay grab our cobble anything at this end i’m gonna go pop that pumpkin it’s the thing at the end so i mean you never know right

Well it was the only source of light so that’s all of that uh we are doing a halloween mod pack called uh keep forgetting the name material energy halloween what we are jamming today i’ve already died like five times it’s hardcore mode so if i die i have to start all over again

Okay so there’s nothing at this end we’ll carefully traverse ourselves back this way and now we’ll head this way that’s a lot of iron in one wall you know what i mean like look at that what i wouldn’t do for vayne mining in there you know what i mean

Grab a little bit of that while we’re here look at that that’s the biggest individual section of a single ore i’ve ever seen i’d be a fool not to take at least a little all right we all know draven is a fool that’s all right this way to get over here that’s

Lock that lava source off that water source block there i believe that one is there some of that a lot of those are source blocks a little bridge through here oh what is that shrub trap that’s a trap that’s a trap um what is the best armor in this pack no idea

I haven’t even looked let’s uh put crafting menu it looks like it’s going to be tinkers neutral magazine it looks like it’s for a gun of some kind hammer hunter’s handgun food mod we got here redstoneia those aren’t horrible yeah looks like probably tankers is going to be the best you’ve got All right i don’t know where i’m supposed to go and that’s a trap is it all iron nugget or shrub oh it hurt me okay so if you step on it it hurts you okay that’s that’s doable that i can deal with ow okay maybe i can um

There’s some green liquid over here that intrigues me not say what it is i don’t have a bucket gold back there the issue i’m running into is i feel like i’m supposed to be on the surface like it said that’s what in the book it said to do like right now i’m just

Exploring for no reason kind of a thing the surface is just so much death those are annoying but not horrible there where’s the bridge there’s the bridge yeah at this point i kind of feel like going outside is the thing that’s what we got to do all right get there oh zombies

Where are the zombies yeah shield i agree totally need a shield trying to find is there a little dungeon room in here oh now that’s dark are they feeling like they’re in there but i don’t have any light there’s a light take one of these pumpkins over there i

Want to see what’s in there yeah uh yes you just very dark very very dark monsters down there we haven’t seen any monsters in here yet and i’ve placed this thing oh no almost walked off it will not let me drop this pumpkin down here in the darkness

Okay it won’t let me drop it there for some reason some type of darkness that’s of keeping it from happening all right head back up where is my stairs life finds a way miners delight all right um remember where we parked oh yeah right over there by the chest

It have come in here somewhere there it is there and come through here now i would have to come from up higher oh someone’s shooting someone shooting where from don’t remember how i got in here no hey whoa get to the water That thing destroyed me all right it up again that’s technically the longest i think i’ve lived but i don’t feel like i achieved anything other than i know not to go down there now i mean the glass chest was nice but other than this several new hearts i

Wouldn’t say there was anything in there that was overwhelmingly important to have so we may just get our loot farm some torches and try to go outside because i feel like outside is the place to go the book said we need to get to the water

We’re looking for a spire in the water that had fire on top of it so i i mean that’s what the book mentioned i feel like that’s where it’s pointing us to go it also mentioned a graveyard and other stuff but it didn’t say go there it just mentioned that they existed

So that’s something i think um rinse and repeat here we’re going to go in grab the basic supplies we know of farm enough stuff to make some torches and then bumble out of there um yeah i agree i think i need to get some i need to get some armor turtle the chain

Was nice to have it first but i think we need something better as much as i hate to lose the witch hat i’m not sure if this is going to work it somehow put me back into the same one delete world it is if you do decide to play this modpack

Which is a lot of fun i do recommend that when you die you’re gonna have to back all the way back out or it won’t let you play again all right turtle have a good man rinse and repeat how many mods does this have off the top

My head i i don’t know um oh it’s loading let me take a look at the twitch line 41. yeah i’m not sure what’s going on with that yeah there’s a for some reason it’s not showing the correct viewer account today i’ll just go ahead and take that off of there since it’s

Not working anyways but yeah there’s 14 people watching today which i appreciate thank you all for coming by and hanging out today i appreciate this uh first spooky uh month minecraft all right bring up a new one now to try again i need a shield need an armor and i need torches okay

Right off the bat let’s see what’s in here anything of value now give me a sword take the sword that’s it i feel like i should keep the book so i did not get a pickaxe this time so i will need wood oh what was that that was also a hidden inventory block

Palace crystal helmet and a diamond crystal hoe all right intriguing what is that a drill wow really doesn’t work on wood real that’s new give me all the free stuff be quick and easy to gather up the iron then just drill we’ll just use it so it’s gone anyways

Yeah the drill is handy like that those that one grab some coal there’s some of that over here lincoln street valve the green oh it’s a stone i thought that was green wool look like green wool piercing stone all right so let’s go over here

Get that cooking right off the bat so we can more coal and iron i don’t remember was there anything else in here that i wanted oh yeah i want the heart walk it’s really only thing in there i really need at this point i already have the pretty good everything else

Over here and drop stuff we don’t need that keep the aiot ho sword let’s see that does 12.3 attack well that’s way better than that swords that get rid of that would real we’ll hang on to aot will hang on to ranged weapon we’ll hang on to

No okay um let’s go starting 6-3 is the worst idea anybody’s ever come up with uh i think the it was like piercing is what it was called turtle i’ll check again uh pierce yeah pe or percel or what pair of the fruit really oh it’s that one any more

Iron up here that i want to grab a little bit over there iron iron sure we got enough to make everything we need makes you wonder how much uh oh the explodey stuff uh i can check on that in just a second uh the exploding stuff was fool’s something it was

Fool’s piercing or so the solid green is personal or and then that’s a fool’s piercing or a paracel p-e-a-r it’s like the fruit p-e-a-r-c-e-l well i i think it’s paracel it’s a good chunk of iron should be enough to do just about everything we need it makes me wonder how many other spots

Have hidden chests in them that i haven’t found yet 12 there i’m gonna need some more wood make shield match what am i doing wrong okay this wrong placement is poor draven placement all right let’s make a helmet see if it’s better than the helmet i’ve got on see

I need a button iron helmet which is two the palace is three so that’s better than what i’ve got okay should be able to choose enough for that right now those on those that should be enough for pants over here and drop off the rest of the stuff we don’t need

Excavator spare wood i’ll need that for torches for helmet button and dirt oh torches that right that yeah i don’t want anybody staring at my dangler bits talk about scary halloween stuff right there all right that’s that’s is that enough shirt god why am i forgetting a shirt design oh my god

Back to me isn’t it everything but the top middle yeah thank you all right so we’ve got the armor now we need the torches all the sticks in the world that’s plenty of torches that should last us a bit i’ve got iron a iot i got still got the drill iron shuriken for

Range my refined long sword i feel that’s the best i’ve got okay ace of emergency med kit 70 of your health over 35 seconds uh let’s see membership doesn’t show up on my phone so how much does it cost in case i decide to get on my computer oh

Yes so a membership is 299 a month and it works just like a twitch sub um it sets up reoccurring 299 every month and then it gives you access to all the perks and such that come with it i try anytime i come up with a new perk

Or something different that i can add to it i will um i don’t ever plan on there being multiple different pay levels this is going to be the one i’m always looking for new ideas there i’ll take the bow and try and take all those arrows oh hey creeper huh

I don’t think he can come down here don’t blow don’t blow okay died arrows it could be important oh he is not phased and he set me on fire he set me on fire go go go go go go go go go go go go go go i don’t know if

There’s any water down here there isn’t i’m gonna die oh wow all right i died so first of all before i go ahead and replay again let’s at least figure out where it is we’re trying to go i feel like that would at least be beneficial because right now we’re just

Flying blind here it said get to the water and looking for a spire and that’s what i thought it would be in here but it is not i don’t see any a boat i don’t see any type of in the water let me go to the boat in case it’s just

Outside of that the mobs in there that’ll spawn i get close i enjoy the water sounds in minecraft i think they’ve done a good job of all the different biomes i think the ocean biome sounds the most realistic it’s going to kind of zoom around the

Outer edge of the where you come up here just to see if there’s anything that would uh tell us where it is we’re supposed to go next i like the mod i enjoy the the idea behind it but man it is uh it’s it’s hard i would put

It above rl craft at this point i’ll craft at least i respawned i’m sure that’s probably lava but since it’s the only glowing thing i see i’m going to swing this direction nope just lava blue mulch worth it oh yeah i personally yes blue mulch you get so much stuff

Okay so here’s a house maybe that’s something we can head towards i i know you enjoy wow okay look at all them wands just hanging out there this must be the library that i’m looking for look through a chest wow all sorts of stuff in here

Okay so how far is this from the spawn spot stuff in here it’s a pretty big building very dark horses it’s a hundred blocks from my death that’s a long way to go in this darkness that is a long way to go i was looking to see if anything pops up

Under oh what is this there’s something right behind me and i never saw there’s a minecraft cart that goes down make sure it doesn’t lead to anything down here that i’m missing what is that bedrock oh it’s a different color bedrock than i’ve seen before got chests all over the place so

Definitely seeded stuff and there’s chests all over down here yeah i do need to spend more time just mining bye mystique all right well let’s give it another shot now that we’ve had a chance to look at some stuff look at that look at that jerk zombie look how many hearts he’s got

A chain mail on got some enchanted doo-doo armor on two enchanted pickaxes that set me on fire craziness save and quit delete it new world i’m seeing if it’ll work if i if i back out that way and i think it will so i think that may be the issue

Yeah i didn’t have to back all the way out that time so right off the bat basic things see if we can get a pickaxe what climbing gloves well that’s just cool we’re gonna take that wing charm oh that’ll be handy ender orb why not this chest had some

Stuff in it a value and an iron chest plate that’s one less piece of armor for me to get a hold of one there there where would i use this ender chest i have a portable ender chest oh how do i get back i understand i understand that that confused me whoa

Mineshaft loot bag get three random items i don’t know how i did that all right what’d i get gold nugget or berries ironing in a golden apple well that was cool i don’t know where i got that bag from i grabbed it out of something but i’ll take the four ingots that

Will help me out this should be there it is to give me the drill let me go over here that gives me everything else so i swear there was something right behind me we looked at it that noise oh it’s this direction oh the gloves are trying to climb up everything

Got it now makes more sense okay we’ve got an enchantment table right but i’m more intrigued with this what is all that high covalence dust bottles of enchanting chained to book protection looting and multi-jump i feel like those would be beneficial um interesting interesting they did mention

Oh i know what it was there was an ancient library but there had been a cave in that was what it said in the story that’s what this is right here it was literally just this was the cave in right i thought it was really far

Away and i was looking for all sorts of stuff okay okay so that makes some sense now so let me see i put the blue helmet on i got two things of climbing gloves one of those here leave that here that’s important that’s probably important that’s not no no no sword yes

No shuriken yes no no no no that’ll hang on to that may be helpful good get rid of that uh follow the road in the library fair enough i think that’s just the aesthetic of the room i don’t think it leads to anything it made some torches before i came in here

I hear i hear a zombie though oh i broke the green thing for the first time i was trying not to do that wait a minute where’s that water wrong button no i could dig for it forever but back over here all right so we’ve got the stuff to

Enchant so now we need to gather some iron again sadly let’s do that real quick pull as well climbing gloves would have been handy when i fell down in that lava area run right up the wall to get back all right okay we’ve got that i’ll burn through this drill first anyways

Save my aiot if i can just about enough to make everything we need okay that’s enough to get us started attack jumping it’s never a problem again oh iron go all right 19 people here oh kick ass thank you very much everybody appreciate you all coming by and hanging out today um

Let me get rid of that that wasn’t working anyways so rid of that for some reason it wasn’t joined but i appreciate you coming by and hanging out today we are just trying some uh different stuff we’re trying some uh halloween themed mod packs oops and so i’m gonna try a different one

Every monday kind of the goal this month try some different stuff so right now i’m just trying to make some gear i’m gonna need a little bit more wood that’s there Part of the issue was i don’t think i actually ever put my shield on last time that was part of my mistake you’re thinking draven you made a mistake i know it’s never happened before that for let’s rearrange this weapon always first i wonder if this still works if it’s not

In my inventory that’s good so you don’t have to keep it in my hot bar that’s going away forward first i tell you that yes that’s getting thrown away one more there we go shoes that’s it i’ve got everything i basically need now except for some torches so make a few of those

Good by the way just always go there geek make some extra okay so do i try to tackle the outside world and the zombie from hell or do i go back into mining actually i should probably enchant my gear that would make way more sense wouldn’t it i don’t know

What i will need for that i’ve never used bottles of enchanting so i guess we’ll find out uh that never sounds good let’s try this sword first wait can you enchant tinker stuff forget if you can enchant tickers i need an anvil for that oh well what am i doing he provided me

The lapis oh another mystery box excellent what’d i get out of that one bandages that’s helpful and health boost all right i’ll take that uh you splash onto your health with potion of bottom chaining okay what is that an oak case we’ll just hang that right up here in the library eventually excellent

It provides you even the lapis that you need how excellent me more lapis all of your lapis ultimate oh miss two no oh i forgot climbing gloves hang it okay sword first lapis no you cannot do tinker stuff on a iot i can un-breaking unbreaking or efficiency unbreaking is fine take that

Oh not that shirt last protection i feel like blast protection would be useful i use all the potions already dang it i did i’m experienced for anything else what about pants well boots same thing each time i guess i’ll put protection one on each of them for now i can always make more

Better than oh what’s that projectile protection i prefer that enough left for pants i do projectile protection again okay there’s some things books here oh yeah the case i was to put that just to make it look snazzy i’ll hang it right here that’s pretty cool

I’m gonna use this chest to keep the rest of this stuff that’s bad bandages i should probably keep that all right with that i think we should be mining i was told all right so we’re going to head down here first raven coming through but the wall climbing thing doesn’t make it

Hard to go downstairs chicken chubby chocolate chicken chicken chocolate chicken chocolate chocolate chocolate chip you know i never even noticed that passageway we’ve come up and down here two or three times intrigue get down the stairs thank you uh there wasn’t anything here i wanted other than the trail mix for the food

But i did see diamond over there and that would be nice whoop oh you sneaky lava and be careful to get it and not blow up the green thing instead all right three’s not bad that can give me uh like a sword or something even a better piece of armor

All right so they’ve made this here it’s here for a reason let’s find out why aha huh responsive scaffolding why would i need that sack of storage ancient tone more potion ancient tome efficiency so it’s a bit breaks itself on the line when you break the adjacent one okay dynamite six

Same power as a charged creeper same strength as ender crystal that seems like it would make big booms raven is pleased there’s something else over there let’s go that way this basalt okay so making sure it wasn’t just you know wool again lava aha yes more chests monsters

What do we got in here an expander do you even lift an expander all the seared brick in the world slime shuriken pack 4.5 attack 2.96 the one i have is better it gives setting frying pan and a sigma bolt just because they’re cool sting block of coal wow andy

Grill does not seem to work well on that like a couple blocks of coal why not it’s heading this way get out of there come on um that was the first monster we found down here other than the bat went over here to this right and then i went this way i died

Right over there there’s just a creeper hanging out there creeping all right well learned a thing didn’t we over here i guess would be a good chance to see if you’re there is anything back here no i do not see that there is everything else looks pretty natural

Once i get over here i don’t see a lot of pre-made stuff the further we get away from the starting area all right add that again that’s quit so you have to save and quit then you go in and delete it then create a new one

That keeps you from having to go all the way back out again or drink here real quick yes that was very powerful dynamite i would have liked to have used that but instead a creeper dynamited me that was a whole lot of prep for a whole

Little bit of work i don’t think we’re gonna do that much this time take an inventory upgrade give me that take that no pickaxe this time keep the rest of that there basic thrill that free stuff that free stuff i’m just going to go with the chain armor this time because the

Iron isn’t keeping me alive much longer i’ll be honest with you i’m doing a whole lot of prep and a whole lot less living so we’re gonna go with what we got so emerald is better though that in there that that that that That helmet’s better i’m gonna go with it at that the sword we’re gonna keep their tea the drill yes that that that that eat all right that now i have a portable crafting table that can be handy all right let’s right where we left off back down here because that chest down

Here it’s the same stuff again was pretty pretty good where even was the creeper i didn’t even see i’ve yet to see a creeper other than the one that i killed at the top of the ladder every other one has killed me without me even seeing it or hearing it so um those

That chest had the dynamite that fire resistance why not that bag don’t know what’s for scaffolding i’m not too worried about out there that there see we went this way last time got us this chest same stuff i don’t take validate because i don’t know what it does

Rick i don’t think i’m gonna need i’m not gonna be whipping out a smell three anytime soon instead of going that way where we died let’s go this way instead oh there’s a chest it seems like a much better choice anyways eh need mining materials those when you should do

Another heart some bandages instant health potions those sound useful and a bunch of haste potions hopefully they stack pretty high they do okay these glow shrooms now what type of ore is that that’s different green ore that’s peridot ore well i’ve not seen it i don’t think i need it so i’m gonna

Leave it alone i don’t have the climbing gloves this time that actually may be helpful i like the climbing gloves but they were a bit of a nuisance at times all right we’ve gone that way that way was the creeper so what’s over here looks like there’s another tunnel over

There so let’s uh get some more building supplies a lot of that whoops good it’s not very deep up so it gets dark is when i worry about monsters i forgot to make torches still don’t have enough wood feel like going back for torches might be might be useful

Go back and grab some of those real quick how do i get in here you’re a zombie again so much death things blowing up when i’m not around what is making them blow up oh drop awesome stuff condensed potion i don’t need don’t need that don’t need that

I did forget to go in here and get this stuff out of here though and i think there was anything else in here that i needed another one just checking all right so i need some torches i’m gonna need some more wood a little extra while we’re here

One of these was a hidden box that was that’s what it was bandages okay just remember there’s a hidden box there leave some of these bandages leave some of that i’ll keep the potions gravel can stay flint can stay special box that i can take fake that make a new chest here soon

Yeah we we got a few things uh but then a creeper blew me up in the middle of nowhere which was unexpected but uh what are you gonna do right get us another heart there real quick and i need sticks oh what am i doing that means too cold that’s all i have

Grab some of this real quick okay a little while in there oh yeah delicious let’s carry on back down where things were dark and spooky this way there we got that chest just to left we got that chest so now we’re heading over here creeper way will be the last direction we go

That appears to be a dead end yes okay oh that did not help but it’s back going the creeper direction draven has bad idea but we’re gonna try it grab it hey what’s that room not been in there yet lava okay now that i know that that’s there

I feel like i want to go check that room instead of a creeper room it’s cold from there like why is that i feel like i should have found it by now oh there it is oh i swear i came all the way around these things are annoying

Oh hello diamond i’ve never get that diamond from the other spot did it here’s some more that’s oh nothing’s in the way yep i get it yep all right couple diamonds nothing wrong with that this lava water combo it seems to be all over the place it will be

A little harder to traverse here’s where the creeper got me i came right in here and he was standing here doesn’t look like the monster is always spawn either because we only saw that bat the first time definitely hear a zombie there they all are didn’t make a shield crap

I have no iron on me oh that’s a zombie on a spider that i did not realize run run run run run run run run run behind me that is a zombie spider that is not what i thought it was oh it fell in the lava

I thought that was a zombie on a spider it was a dryder that’s a very different all right well that was uh there’s a different little uh little thing there still here more of them though i think or is it are they all like that there’s another one

Oh what am i doing i’m foolish here oh i did not get to build my wall i did not get to build my wall whoa what is that oh my goodness that was an ender skeleton and drieders wow i’ll take a look at what those look like

Oh look at that little creeper hanging out over here that’s a skeleton jerk back to where i died let’s take a better look at those monsters cause those are cool okay man they are they are not skimping when it comes to the monsters are they the creeper definitely killed me i mean

We know that there’s so much stuff i didn’t kill i’m sorry he killed the uh the driver i was trying to another one there yeah that’s one it’s just it’s in the darkness you can’t see it wow there’s a lot more mobs in here than i thought there were

Yeah i think i teleported as well i think it maybe that or maybe that’s something the enderman did because i died higher than where i should have been wow intriguing going so we know it’s all down there now i feel like i really want to concentrate on above ground in a reckless

Foolish one-time run just to see if i can make it to that house run Take the cookie take the cookie oh my god it’s so dark else was this way i don’t know if there’s a hole i don’t know if there’s monsters here oh my goodness there’s horses just i can’t see anything i’m just running and jumping lava oh snap there was a chest there it could

Have been cool oh no wrong button oh it’s not going to work right again this may lock up again because i didn’t back out of it the right way it doesn’t change from loading world in just a second that means it locked up all right locked up give me just a minute

My bad task manager for the win reload back up okay so my crazy running like a madman ploy completely ineffective um i’m still thinking i want to try above ground just wish i could see a little bit better and i could make a bunch of torches and

Just keep dropping them as i run that’s the only other thing i could think of that may be what we try i may just try to make two huge stacks of torches and just make a break for it try to dodge everything all right voting it back in now

All right oh of course we’ll grab the the bag first because you know see if it gives us a pickaxe we’ll not open it in the first spot i gotta move it over for that to work interesting ender book wow that would have been handy in any other game one iron i’ll

Take that ah an automatic torch dropper well that could change some things what is that acceleration one yes yes your torch intrigues me do i have to have torches for it to drop them or does it drop it automatically i haven’t used this type of automatic torch before

Project e tutorials i honestly have never really messed with it um i got that point and then moved on to other stuff i’m not against doing some i just need to get in there and play it myself i’m actually thinking about doing another sky factory for playthrough streaming

And going all the way through Uh e as well one of the things i’ve thought about doing is just this last time i did the sky factory or playthrough um i was my old computer and it kept lagging and glitching out on us and stuff like that um so

I think that i might go and try to do it again now that i don’t have that issue all right let’s see right click the toggle on it’s on okay we’re gonna make a break for it now probably should take a sword right i should probably at least have a sword all right

Grab that grab that sword stick go see that nope we have a sword all right my last playthrough was a prestige as well you know the one i did uh last to stream on last all right i have a sword i have my drill i’m an automatic torture and some health packs

See if we’re more successful this time run come on torches keep up buddies that’s definitely a little better oh somebody just shot at me water water water oh they’re shooting fast too the spider the left run run oh come on fast fast fast come on keep it the torches give it to

Water oh that’s a problem whoa creeper i don’t know what that is i can’t drop a torch in the water oh i’m over here now made it out of the water i can’t use a med pack while running that’s not what i meant there’s is there a tree the tree should

Be over the house should be around here somewhere more water dang it come on get out of the water i need the torches that flaming mountain i wonder if that’s what they meant by the thing in the water oh god oh christ that’s the thing they meant by the thing in the water

That’s what the book was talking about the first thing you do is find the obelisk whatever it was in the water what is shooting me trying to stay deep so it can’t shoot me i gotta come up for air down yeah i said obviously it said that it

Burst into flame as he saw the light descend oh god there’s a monster spawner that’s rider oh what kicked out what kicked out oh something shooting me do i want to get to the top pig save me there’s monster spawners everywhere this working okay so it does 70 of my okay

Working it’s working okay i’m giving a second here we’ve got to get up there i’m assuming it’s at the top that was a that was a fern all right you know what tackle it from the inside it might be easier than trying to climb up the outside especially since i’ve got the auto

Torture so we’re getting around the outer edge ryder there get you a piece ah death for you it’s got two faces got a face on his stomach too yeah that pig didn’t help whoa whoa whoa what is this look at all the loot down there and that’s got mossy stone usually

That might mean something you know what i’m afraid the vern’s gonna come through that little one hole we’re gonna close that almost down there it is no hole for anything to come in and get me up top i’m gonna investigate investigate this there’s a room in there or something

Nope just stone okay so there’s a ton of good ore down there but i don’t know if i’m trying to get to the bottom or not whoa whoa almost dug that out was not not playing smart there yes and i should say thank you everybody for coming by and hanging out with me

Today and let me do something a little different i appreciate you if you uh haven’t already and you’re enjoying yourself please be sure to click like but most importantly please remember to hit subscribe so that way you can hang out with us on all of our videos and

Streams and tutorials as they come out we would also love to have you as a member of the odg discord channel it’s open to anyone if you go to my website you’ll find a button near the top of the homepage to let you join up as part of

The membership or the the otg discord i’ll put you right in there like i said it’s open to everybody oh there’s a chest there and tons of loot tons of luke first um there are a lot of zombies somewhere just making sure they’re not gonna sneak in and bite my butt

Uh we also do have a membership program uh if you click the join button anywhere on my youtube channel it pops up on most pages that doesn’t sign you up it just shows you everything that’s in it membership slot works a lot like a twitch subscription 2.99 a month but you

Get a whole bunch of different perks and bonuses such as access to the members only minecraft server uh right now that is a volcano block server but if we uh get up to 75 members i’ll be purchasing a sky factory or um vanilla server we’re gonna figure it out

We’re gonna do one or the other uh depending on what the community would like to see and that is unlimited access for members at any given time on all member servers uh you also get head starts on multiplayer games at least once a month we have a members only

Stream we actually had one last night we played a bunch of jack box uh did some halloween themed whiplash that i wrote it was a lot of fun thank you very much jacob harmon for the sub i appreciate that um so we had a lot we have a lot of fun

There you also get uh if you notice anybody in chat with a tara steel interesting with a um a different colored font or a little dice after the name those are all members uh right now we’re at 48 members uh the once we get to 75 that’s going to

Unlock the uh the purchase of a new server so um yes there we go mystique one of my long time members and it’s a lot of fun i come up with other stuff too you get discounts on the odg store and anytime i can think of a

New perk to add i’m gonna do it you know it’s easiest thing to do okay so i’m still thinking that chest can’t be the only reason they had us come here so i’m thinking whatever we need is still technically at the top um so we’re going to continue working our way up top

All right sorry joseph i totally understand i said let me join majority of the content stuff i put out is for everybody anyways it’s just some some extra perk stuff for folks i never want people to feel that they have to it’s a great way to support the channel

And uh but again it is totally cool i love everybody just coming and hanging out by all means just having everybody to hang out with this cool wow those are the uh custom emojis we have for the channel thank you very much misty keep digging my way oh there’s the outside

Just making my way up top is there’s something up there that’s important look at that something is taking oh there’s a big hole there i didn’t see that why is it take why is everything taking so much damage trying to be careful make sure i don’t drop anything down on my head there

Give it more careful with my digging now so much growling i’m gonna dig up and the thousand things are gonna fall right on my lap i have any food i didn’t bring any food i didn’t think i’d get this far i was just trying to find that cool wooden house and dirt oh

What do we got there get up near the top again maybe they’re stepping in the fire on the nether rack the other thing i can think of there all right oh snap that puts a big okay that’s just a small hole all right they’re right on the outside here though goodness me

Oh we’ve got to be getting to the top now go away look at them all yeah it’s them standing in the fire that’s hurting them burn your little bastards get you a piece of that i feel like we’re at the top though oh no still little ways to go is it is

Infernal chalice stores lava and protects you from lava damage uh let me see here cynthia you like the spooky background thank you very much i was hoping to do a little bit more with it but uh sadly uh money all right whoa he’s angry sorry man all right so i’m willing to bet

That’s why we came was for that chalice i didn’t i bring the book book with me god i wish i just said a waypoint [Laughter] yeah no more falling in lava and dying it’s not going to help me against all the death that’s out there though all right so we’ve got

I’ve got to get back somehow i didn’t bring the book that tells me he said i need that recipe to break the curse wait no no no it’s too far but i have to somehow make it back oh god i wish i’d had that book and i’d used it earlier

I don’t even know i have no food let’s uh real quick let me drop some of this stuff stuff that i don’t need uh let’s see um i’m gonna get rid of zombie flush i don’t think i need four flint and steel all right gravel store hold shift for more info

I’m gonna try something you don’t need that working hold shift and right click to enable place mode i can replace when i look for scoop it up mode there we go okay looked it up right let’s do that again how much it’ll let me scoop up nope okay plus it’s less to carry

It’s going to protect me from lava i might as well use it right okay it clears up my inventory a little bit i think i get rid of those mossy stone getting back my first instinct would see wait till day but uh there is no day only death oh no oh god

Made a boo-boo there i’m about to find a different way out but there’s a spawner down there it’s just going to keep putting them as far as i know i need to get back or i need to get to that wooden house with all the wands in it

The book that tells you what to do i didn’t bring it how are you glitching through there no he glitched through my sword broke my sword broke i’m gonna die oh i didn’t i put in the wrong hand i freaked out pay no attention to that um which one

Yup bad guys there too i have an idea don’t get me wrong it’s a bad idea is that a burned rider that’s a vern driver he might fit through a smaller hole i gotta worry about that i should at least slow down the spawning on this corner i thought anyways yeah

Most of the spawners are on the corners whoa super burn super burn i’m dead wow wow wow all right so now that we know kind of where that is i mean we know where we’re going for i want to take a look at it so i can see here’s the house the house

Isn’t that far i somehow really missed the house i was too far to the left but i got turned around okay because there’s the lava thing i found so i need to go more to the right okay no you’re right i mean i’m definitely so that’s where the chalice is so i do

Need to get that and there’s nothing else around it i broke that spawner in the on this corner but i think there’s one on every corner yeah there’s a bunch of them yeah so instead of going as far as i did i needed to go more

To the right when i first come up the ladder to get to that wooden house let’s do it again well i’m glad that you’re enjoying it yeah i do like the dryers the dryers rock um now um so we’ve played all the way through uh the game uh this week we played

Through uh outlast ender wing teleport to world spawn why didn’t i have that last time of course this may not be world spawn where i’m at antidote charm these are falling into the void i’m sure that would be helpful eventually okay through the process process number one this gives me my drill would

Oh no first we need anything i did not do this step last time i didn’t get all this free stuff and i i should have i would if i had the shuriken i could have been shooting him at a bit more range and i did not bring that last time

That was a bit on me i didn’t think i put in armor last time but i do not have the torch thing this time so that’s a problem uh i ran we found a thing that was relatively important but i died trying to get back uh so now we’re going to try

To get to another thing that i think is important uh so yes we beat out last so at this point i believe the next step uh the next game that won was a game called vampire b-a-m-p-y is what people voted that they wanted to see um so

I believe that’s the game i’m going to stream next for halloween now that game is estimated at 15 to 30 hours play through so it’s one that will get a little more bang for our buck out of than we did outlast outlast was awesome don’t get me wrong but it was a much

Shorter game um so there will be for sure uh much much more uh length of play in that one okay so again i’m since i don’t have the auto torture i’m gonna go back to the uh get my own torches id and take some with me you know that doesn’t that works great

On sam uh gravel and dirt but it does not work on any of the special wars oh goodness this is probably at least the tenth one i’d have to say minimum so i’ve had a bunch that i’ve been alive a while i just didn’t gain that last game i didn’t

Go oh hello what is this i get out of that one no some bandages mind if i do yeah all right so i got some coal i got some wood so uh yeah it’s one of those things where i’m i think if i’d last time i just ran and did better than

When i was trying to go slow so uh this time i’m going to try to run again i’m not putting a whole lot of weight into this or you know like i’m not putting a whole bunch of time into farming stuff so take the bandages i’ll take the health

Stuff i can’t use them while i’m moving so there’s no need to keep them in hand i will go ahead and eat that apple the only food i’ve got this time go the torches myself might help me go see a little bit better to be honest with you whoa

Whoa they’re coming from that way oh not good they’re coming from everywhere how many arrows is that i wonder if i got turned around there i was going this way and i got to the right and there’s the house oh okay so i’m going the wrong direction completely

When i came up i should have hung directly to the right instead of going that direction okay okay making progress we’re gonna get there okay yeah that was a lot of arrows that time much more than the time before i didn’t i got way farther about running into anybody last time so

Let me bring this book with me all right let’s see give me something good boots take them red how about that air boots well see there’s a lot of stuff in that wooden house so if i can just get to the wooden house i think i’ll be in much better spot

Because there was a ton of stuff in there that i saw board comes first that i don’t need that i don’t need need aip i need working just in case torches i can run just a hard right hmm more than enough to get me right helmets

The shirt in the pants and the heart container oops i don’t think i’m going the right way there we go all right all iron tears here there’s that there’s that container munch red munch that those okay here we go gonna run i just wanted the health thing and i broke the ladder

Oh here we go again yeah you die wherever you are oh it’s raining oh that helps horses horses skeletal horses oh arrows keep on going keep on going hear the arrows to the right oh lots of them there’s the house come on run run run run run run run run run run run

Keep going i gotta get to the door it’s on the other side come on run stop slowing down i can’t move open the door i’m in woo i’ve been trying to get in here for a while fancy lantern look at that armor set over there i’m getting slowed by something repeatedly art containers

Armor many a potions poem in three more loot bags these are all enchanted books i am totally being slowed by something repeatedly though i don’t oh i didn’t see that chest over there did i i did yeah i was why i’m being slowed but i’m okay with it

I think there’s spiders in there i got those things which seemed like they were important kingdom for vain mining i have a feeling that’s the only thing that’s really in this room but i’d hate to just walk away from a room of webs and not get something i could have

There were spiders in here that attacked me already ah door hey another room here’s another room flint bookshelves chest fresh diamonds and diamonds i can make a diamond sword at least i lean outside it does okay we’re gonna see anything on the dock that i need to worry about

Oh let’s leave me back in this room i didn’t see this door when i was in here okay all right all right what are those things that i got lantern of paranoia places torches in unlit areas automatically okay ice mages rod lobs harmful snowballs stars experience

And the last thing was holy hand grenade horrible explosive that doesn’t break blocks or hurt the wielder interest interest if it’s in these loot bags and that that book i feel like i should look at the book now that we’re in here the book might be important

Life under matter under energy it was not important at all let’s look at the actual book here the introduction yes chapter one uh transportations Used to be a small library next to the transmute lab i already found that stop the eternal dark solution i must learn a powerful ritual could find the ancient library and search it to find a way to stop this that’s where i am right now

In front of yours and now i must find it a single night my journey starts with finding the spire to the east in the ocean when i watched the sun fade away for the last time it lit on fire pumpkin biosphere dark oak mansion graveyard where are all the monsters

Coming from when the undead invades the overworld okay so now that i have these things somewhere in here should tell me how to beat it oh that’s a lot of enchanted books oh man what a nice place to hang out i even got an anvil here i just don’t

Have any experience to use them all right let’s see what’s in here first that is it looks like just a tree but i feel like it is why are you giving me all these trees waypoint not a bad idea not a bad idea at all let me just talk again

Library teleport on man i wish i just sent one back where i started okay let’s see what’s this horse hardened leather is six wait what four and four iron is six and zero oh it’s showing me both no it’s not what’s the first number versus the second number like six

Armor rating but what’s the blue thing anybody have any idea void crystals not as good like that better than chain before so that’s gonna be better that might be better than what i’m wearing like that’s a six and a zero but why is hard to let leather better than

Oh right i didn’t have a hat on at all hat on boots pants and didn’t have a shirt a better shirt here yeah there’s a shirt wait a minute now there’s more stuff on there slime boots emerald leggings i’m getting confused it’s different than what was here last time let me take it

All off there okay dude all right uh one defense the other was resistance sammer loses okay i hit the right arm right okay so helmet wise i’ve got three and nothing one and nothing so three is going to be better uh six and zero versus five and zero six wins pants

Six and three six and zero six and three is better and for boots we got four and four zero and zero but i don’t fall hurt when i fall i’m not worried about that okay oh one side as i was wearing wow you’re correct no wonder thank you

We’ll put some of this back now wasn’t even thinking about that that’s why that’s why the two of them were different i would say he was showing me both at once my bed here that back on here and that back on here okay got that now

Oh the bags that’s our window open bags that what did i get a capturing wand a magma slime matic flammable and super heat i’m not sure that’s not bad i got another iron chest piece this three uh what’d i get out of that one not really seeing what i’m getting at it

Right this way there we go empty bag another wing charm rod of elevation tell yourself to the ch or the target entity up to the nearest surface yeah the matic had some some pretty fat damage to it 10 attack it’s uh but still not as good as my sword which is 1203

Yeah i got some bread and some apples i think holy and grenade we’ll hang on to that place torches only area that’ll be handy to have that shoots things um those are useless marble get rid of let’s see two wing charms slow fall six blocks

I don’t have a bunch of trees but i guess lying on the women emerald i don’t know what i meant to do i just realized i got an iron helmet of that two zero threes that’s still better that’s better or in four two and four yeah okay what i’m wearing there’s

Better sure i’m leaving my inventory so now that i once i go get the flaming thing nothing in here is telling me how to how to end it though once i get the other piece oh i can make a diamond sword whoops was that let’s see here uh you’ll try a new feature

I am one of them spiderwebs in the corner there i’m just looking to see if there’s i got everything with that anything else that i missed hello ethan no i don’t think we missed anything but the only problem i have now is i don’t know what i’m supposed to do to

Get rid of the curse the book one more time let’s see they say an evil wizard once lived there if you’ve entered even fewer return with them spooky tales of ghosts that haunt the mansion where the best pumpkins grown it should be filled with plants and food came from when dead invaded the

Overworld soul there contains dark anger that heals undead maybe i can say something else there’s always those in the settings of a pirate ship northeast of the graveyard it’s making me think i need to go to all of those places to get something you know i mean it’s i have to go to

Each one of these places and get something and put them all together that water okay well that was unexpected i’m gonna need a boat a pirate ship is not gonna be fun and i in you know full disclosure i do not believe i’m going to beat this modpack today but you know

I’m having fun whoa what are you doing in there monster spawner interesting not one monster in here but there’s a spawner aircrafting table regular crafting there is hmm yeah i’m wondering how many more in the walls actually that was looked like it was right in the middle of the house

Yeah i was smack in the middle of the house so i guess that was the central one surprise nothing spawned out of that all right take a quick look out here on the deck Oh hello mr ladder i’m shooting at me why is this lantern nothing not working it’s got to be down here i entered a paranoia so i’m shooting flaming arrows over there i hear mosquito not good which direction was the pirate ship from here an arrow right there which means it had

To have come from the water interesting oh the water is where i gotta go next i can see a little better out there though who’s shooting at me i wish i knew which direction arrows were coming from oh hang on a second hello sneaky bastard give me that book

Maybe that’s the book i needed tome of la blah blah blah uses is charges to duplicate items let’s say shift click to read right click to click on auto absorb i guess that’s on all right what’s this magical brewing cauldron pop carry stuff oh hello what are these

Slime charms slimes can’t see you kleinstar ein here’s the thing there’s no way for me to wear baubles i keep getting these charms but there’s no there’s no bobble slots for me i can’t wear any of these things gotta break it oh me he’s gonna do an empty hand i’ll miss him

Yep oh well it knocked it off take it or all right what did we get magic bane increases its strength with each enchantment okay cross of mercy deals extra damage to undead creatures right click to fertilize breaks crops in an area an infinite water bucket glowing bread can i eat it forever

Infinite water bucket sounds cool but it gets everything in here right i was about to leave when i saw it through the window should have noticed it dented in here that would have been space for something glowing bread i gotta leave some stuff here i’m running out of room so i’m gonna leave

That leave the spawner shards i wanna keep all the cool stuff i need torches i’m never capturing wand i don’t need the teleport thing i don’t think i need the spider web these are cool but i’m not going to need them anytime soon fertilize

I’m going to hang on to it i may need all that stuff for the quest right that i’m going to leave the magma slime matic just because that’s good diamond sword does seven damage so it does the same it does less damage than what my weapon does

So i don’t need to make a diamond sword all right um well i’ve got like i’ve got one oh there we go thank you games galore for the follow i appreciate you subbing to the channel thank you for coming by all right here we go get away from shore is all i’m worried

About right now i can’t see anything at least if i’m away from shore i have less chance of getting shot all right so now i’m trying to find the pirate ship fortunately it should be glowy it wasn’t too far from land so oops got turned around there that’s the way i came in

Trying to get to the deeper water oh god i fell out of the boat oh no i’m never gonna find it there it is no that’s me sinking okay i’m good All right looking for the pirate ship i had to be i know it was in deeper water i just don’t over oh there’s the spire okay do i is that a guardian it is crap okay maybe i should go for the flame thing since i know where it is

And then go for the pirate ship oh no there’s the spire this is a spire it’s just not spire i’m thinking hell mountain yeah because i’m thinking i mean we know what we’re looking for if i can just try to get in and out there’s the pig okay get rid of

Some of these spawners the vern one is the one i’m worried about the most he was the fastest about to run out of shurikens you were totally right that i should have brought something else wow they’re spawning them quick too hoping i get in and break a couple of them

All right all right back up back up back up faster oh one of them smacked me one of them got me in the butt uh Hey all right if i can go around to get any more of those spawners broken so i’ve got the one on this side if i was to go in this side i might be able to get in and out relatively quickly i don’t have a light source this

Oh shift right click to activate there we go all right so now we know we’re doing yeah the snowballs i forgot about the snowballs you’re totally right totally right an auto torture all right it works for me now we know what i’m doing just got to get up there get it

And then we are golden i may not even mess with any of that stuff this time it’s nice it’d be nice to have but we’ll see we’ll see raven has plans i’m making moves over here no thank you i’m grill’s faster the uh the top part where i have to dig

Out the actual thing is the only part i worry about i get a little bit too uh too close to the edge i might let a monster in oh there we go now i know that there’s burns i can fit through one square no no no stop that put the torch on the

Side that was from the previous one i don’t have that in this one but i do have a waypoint set so i can go back to that library from here so i don’t have to fight my way back out again the library is kind of like the new base of operations

So that’ll work nice there that’s dirt or some kind of graveyard soil gross oh it dropped flash dressing yeah so i can use the waypoint to teleport back then as far as i know it’s the pirate ship and then maybe the graveyard close oh god no thank you

Oh yeah i’ll set a waypoint here that’s a really good idea once i get up to the top i should do that okay so that that keeps happening getting very close actually i’ll set the waypoint right here footprints oh that’s cool only footprints i wonder if i always do that hell

Mountain it is all right say more to the middle go that way i oh you there it is okay walk off every other way that they can get in to get to me that wasn’t it that was it well i need to take all this stuff gravel go away need the chalice that’s

The important one and get more wood at the house i can make another crafting table at the house cobblestone i can get later apples i’m gonna eat them right now excellent all right so i’ll take my torches back leave the other lava bucket i can probably make a flint and steel

Somewhere else but we’ll get rid of the dirt and take one of them i can use the lava buckets to get water in case i need it later i think i’m good i think yeah i know they could drop in there but they’ll fall down a couple spots there and not

Be able to reach me as was the goal okay i think we’ve got everything we need from here okay all right uh put me underground gotta find the door christ excuse me horse excuse me horse okay forgot i can only move slow in here first of all let’s try this double thick might

Will sometimes keep you from falling through oh i should probably fill that hole in i made okay so we’re back i have a whole bunch of stuff that we needed for the quest at least i believe we did i’m gonna make a double chest over here i grabbed that one

Except i didn’t have room to pick up the chest today okay this there it is i’ll come back for all that other stuff in a minute make the double chest and drop everything off we need to do an inventory check here i forgot that one happened all right well crap

I don’t need walls separating my rims anyways you know that give me all that or wood comes in there let’s get rid of that i have to go and play being an adult uh well i’m back for the end see you next all right theresa thank you for coming by today

Hope you enjoyed my death we will see you later oh that one was an hidden inventory spot man they got those everywhere i mean they want me to tear apart these places all right so where was my crafting station i must have thrown it away makes sense crafting station no yes

Putting everything in here and then i’ll figure out what i need to take with me we’re actually making it we’ve gotten further than i thought we would be honest with you go back and get all the stuff i missed art container up here all the stuff that was in this chest all that

Bye joseph oh wait i think joseph was saying goodbye to chris i thought he was leaving too i got confused don’t judge me heart container thank you um oh yeah i gotta organize it for sure i was just getting everything in there okay all right it’s a chunk of stuff right there take

Everything out of this one as well and put it on that other one let’s keep it all consolidated as much as possible a pelham well i don’t care for ancient text that’s not the book what’s this one oh the flame lies the greatest treasure of the land through rock cast with lava and

Water chilled to a rock that does both burn and not burn our library kept safe by surrounding it by fire for no creature would ever venture in hell i believe they’re talking about netherrack it’s a rock that burns but doesn’t burn almost like it’s saying surround the library with netherrack

I would need a lot of netherrack yeah so they wanted me to make netherrack but yeah i mean another rack i can make it i’m just thinking it’s another act is never act with the tome of blah blah blah blah which i have but it needs to be charged i don’t know

How you charge it you can chisel it there’s probably a manual way to make it like it said with that other thing because again you know it may not be showing every recipe from other mod packs well i guess that’s possible too automate mystical agriculture oh yeah definitely did that in heartbeat

Oh yeah but trying to get back there i wanna say gonna be that direction maybe that way huh let’s see i don’t have a waypoint for there i never set a waypoint at the beginning so here’s what i’m thinking well i could follow the torches back but

I run the risk of dying the other option is is i just dig straight down and then go straight in that direction i forgot about waypoints when we first started i didn’t set one for there i’ve only got one for here in hell mountain yeah that’s what i’m thinking if i was

To dig straight down and follow the map i should be able to get there relatively safely the only downside of course is that part of this is water underneath of me right here technically i don’t have to go that deep oh i left my auto torture

You know did i literally do that i did i mean i should get the stuff i mean i can port back and forth once i get it here i’m gonna need to take right now i just want to get there i can port back and forth as much as i want

Once i do so for me it’s just a matter of getting there and back oh i just get rid of the drill i need the auto torture where where did that go there it is auto torture can you set a waypoint for a place you’re not at

Only problem is it’s not showing me anywhere except for the place that i have them um i want to say it’s this where somehow but there’s the pumpkins i see it’s somewhere in there but i don’t know where it’s in the trees but i don’t know where

In the trees and there’s a lot of monsters there i’m concerned i’m gonna double click in the wrong spot and just get blown up to death and we lose everything whereas again i should be able to dig and i’ll see it when i get there what is this

Look at that what’s that shape right there i haven’t seen that before oh i bet that’s the where the guardians were maybe i’m not sure what that is that’s not a bad idea let’s take a look uh let me grab that book behind me Not on that page tells me the pumpkins the dark oast oak mansion that’s got to be where i am and then the graveyard no it does not the pumpkin biosphere is the only place that it gives and that’s where i died the very first time i’m gonna dig may take a couple extra

Minutes but it shouldn’t be too long with this drill i would rather uh i’d rather be safe than sorry and lose the stuff we’ve already lost reason the auto torture is not working now why not oh it places my torches aha okay okay wrap picked up all those other ones i left

Because i don’t think i have any left don’t have any coal this isn’t the round where i got the wad of illumination i want to test something you’re saying that if i double click on a spot i’m double left clicking and double right clicking okay let me try this

I’m going to go stand here next to this one right but i’m gonna set the waypoint over here where the torches were i’m double clicking and it’s not doing anything if i add a new one put it over there over here put it over here it’s not putting it on it’s not

Putting it anywhere from where i am i’ve never been able to do that in the past to be able to set one place that i’ve not been at okay so double clicking isn’t doing anything i’m double clicking left double clicking right so which here i am in the settings

Oh man my nose just took me regular options okay ai menu there are no options in the jei menu not sure what you’re referencing there only the config okay guessing that only thing that it shows create depth and points enable waypoint manager i’m gonna see if it waypoint beacon just means that it

Lights up i’ll turn that on that’s gives you the option to see beacons from a distance here click on new i can put in coordinates i just don’t know what i want the coordinates to be yeah at this point this is taking way too long i’m a dig

I’m not gonna spend hours screwing with that i’m gonna dig in the darkness it’s gonna suck but it’ll work it’s gonna be dark for a minute folks as long as i don’t hit any of that green stuff that blows me up anyways right there’s always that worry okay well we found a hole

May not be deep enough i may have to have i may have to have torches to be able to do this i could see it’d be a million times easier can’t get any coal here basically it’s a running job i’m gonna have to try to make it back there and

Hope i don’t die i mean we’re getting near to near the end of the stream i don’t want to take hours screwing with this either going to succeed or not so i guess what’s just gonna run hope that it let me run because right now i’m still slow there’s a spider

There’s a whole bunch of spiders monsters everywhere creepers keep jumping keep jumping there’s a creeper there another creeper there on jump all right somewhere around here well made it shockingly all right he said i was supposed to use this thing for something right let’s see yes cobblestone fix that okay

So now grab the stuff i think i’ll need to go back with so i need all this special stuff i don’t know what part is needed for the ritual that’s a special stuff that’s a special stuff probably have my diamond i’ll need lava uh don’t know what this is special for

Some reason it gave me that i need that to start with we’ll take both books it looks like just put everything i need there take everything i need and now we’ll go back okay i probably need to clean out a little bit of this stuff man

I wish i knew it was blowing up all over the dang place all right let’s see you said you what you put the thing you i don’t have a piece of netherrack so what do i put in there that’ll make another rack say cobblestone here’s a cobblestone cobblestone won’t go in here anywhere

So i need one and i’m hoping this waypoint works they kind of hurt me a little bit there’s one right there i did not get it okay another one up here there’s one and thank you very much eiju pj09 appreciate that okay i put it in there now what

Yeah i ran and made it if clicking the cobblestone is not doing anything cobblestone will not go in there i don’t believe that that works not putting in any cobbles so maybe it’s more than two pick up some more it says cobblestone minecraft but it can’t go in here cobblestone will not work

There’s gravel and some torches for some reason where did they go where did it go i got four tiny torches i didn’t click on anything i was just looking at it okay i have four netherrack i forget why i’m getting all the netherrack still need to get to the

Pirate ship there’s still something there that i need i have a feeling that unfortunately this may have to be where we call it because i i definitely don’t have time to find the pirate ship and come all the way back and then figure out the ritual it

Was a cool little thing i may finish it out sometime and take a look at it but uh max over there shoot i fell ah no but the dark oak in do i have any flanks i got a plank okay what happened to my other ones oh they’re there

I was able to turn a plank in oh well overall it was pretty cool definitely uh definitely challenging and something that i think that uh would be worth dedicating some time to but i just remember from playing in other mod packs that the pirate ships suck because it’s like all archer skeletons

And zombies and i remember dying a lot on the boats so i i don’t think i’m gonna hit it first shot um but that was okay this was cool like i said i’m i’m doing a different one every monday so this was for today uh it was a

Fun pack to get into again if you’re watching this now or later and you have uh the inkling to play it i got it off of the twitch launcher and its name again is material energy halloween um he said it was pretty cool very challenging uh but i like the

Puzzle and this the kind of story aspect to it i wish that this story was uh a little bit more uh i guess more direct you know what i mean i’d like it to be one where it was like it’s like okay you found the thing you need now you need a

This i’m like okay cool i’ve got to go to each place and i’ve got to find these things uh the the bad poetry part didn’t didn’t get me but other than the the poetry part i understand trying to sound mystical and stuff but it’s you know just say what i

Need to get and i’ll go get it uh but it was fun it’s worth playing so i highly recommend it um we will be let’s see yes uh we’ll be streaming again tomorrow either tomorrow or wednesday i have to take a night off to do some stuff around the house i’ve been

Promising my wife so um i’m planning on probably streaming tomorrow and then i may take wednesday off and then be back thursday tomorrow night we’re gonna start that vampire game um if you’ve not heard of it’s vampire v-a-m-p-y-r um on the discord channel uh we put up some different halloween horror

Scary type themed games to try uh out last one so we played it through in two nights uh vampire is from what i’ve read a much longer game it was the second runner-up um after that if we do get that done and we’re not at the end of the month yet

Um we’ll look at adding in another game um sunday mornings i am going to continue doing uh no man’s sky uh which is my personal addiction right now uh and all i do in my free time when i’m not working uh so no man’s sky is what i’ll be jamming sunday morning

Um this sunday night is merged worlds of course so that’s our dungeon dragons story podcast stream uh we think we’re episode 24 at this point um it is available as well uh you can watch all the episodes here on my youtube channel or you can download it listen to it as

An audio podcast on spotify or itunes uh it’s a dungeon dragon story campaign that i’ve been writing and running for close to 30 years at this point um it’s the favorite thing that i get to do and i get to share it’s a large part of

My life uh it’s a very cool story um but it’s um again the people that listen to it really seem to enjoy it it’s probably not my most popular thing but it’s the people that really enjoy that are listening to it seem to really enjoy it

So i recommend checking out this in the first few episodes see if it’s something you’re interested in uh it’s definitely something that i enjoy doing a lot so we’ll definitely do that this sunday um now saturday morning potentially again i don’t put this in stone but i do want to throw it out

There saturday morning may be our first full community play day um since i’m not going to be working saturday now um our last donation goal unlocked community play day which is once a month um we’re going to jump in and we’re going to play some games together i’m

Not going to stream it uh we’re just going to jump in the discord channel um on the voice chat play some games that normally i’m not able to stream among us being probably the one that’s been asked for the most um it is going to be something we do in

The morning ish time um because i’ll be completely honest uh that was a hundred dollar goal and uh one person paid eighty dollars of it and they can only play in the morning and i think it’s definitely fair that i set up where that person gets to participate um

So uh i definitely i’m not sure exactly the time yet i’m gonna look into setting it up i’m gonna reach out we’ll talk about it on the discord or in the next few days i just want to give a heads up on it now that way we’ve got some time

To to chat about it on discord and try to come to some times and stuff that’s uh good for everybody but i really didn’t want to replace a stream like a sunday morning stream and lose uh one of the stream that people like to watch um with a day that isn’t

Going to be visible at all but uh we we’re definitely gonna do it sometime this month uh so i’m gonna 100 make sure we get that done plus mornings makes it easier because we do it mornings or or even you know early afternoon um that still frees me up to be able to

Stream that night so that way we can sell the stream for those folks who can’t participate in that looks like vampire will be our next game no man’s sky sunday morning sunday night is merged worlds uh tentatively play date uh community play date on saturday uh probably among us is what

We’ll do the whole time now i think it can only play up to eight or ten people so we may take some turns if a lot of people want to play um so uh we still may take some turns so everybody gets a shot but i think it should be something uh

Fun that we’ll get to enjoy doing um and then on uh the 15th of this month um jack box seven is released i’m already prepaid for it so soon as it releases i’ve got it um and then we will be doing a full community night uh jack box night

With with the full community um where we’ll play probably just all the new games in jack box seven we probably won’t go back and play any of the old ones uh whiplash being one of the most popular games we play there’s a new version of whiplash in there so i’m

Excited to get in there and uh see what changes they’ve made but yeah we’ve been going a little over three hours tonight i think that’s a good place to call it my uh the cut on my tongue still hurts a little bit so it’s hurting to talk at this point

But yes tomorrow i’m gonna stream wednesday i think i’ll take off and then thursday we’ll be back so tomorrow night we’ll be starting vampire at 7 p.m eastern uh it’s v-a-m-p-y-r hello patches um actually why are you guys looking at my tiny face when you could

Be looking at my big old huge face um so yeah so hopefully you’ll uh come in and hang out with us playing some scary type vampire games give me patches oh she ran away i was gonna say let you see the kitty um but we’ll start that

Tomorrow at 7 pm eastern i’m excited to jump into it and see what it’s like uh hopefully it’ll be something that we all like all right i’m going to call that a day thank you all very much for coming by if you enjoyed it please click like

Make sure you subscribe visit my website a lot of cool stuff there includes including a link to our discord channel so you can come out and hang out with us um consider an odg membership if you click the join button anywhere on my youtube channel that doesn’t sign you up

It just lets you go in and see all the stuff ton of perks going with that um it’s 299 a month so it’s a lot like a twitch sub except the less expensive and you get way more stuff when we hit our new goal of 75 i’m gonna be getting a

Second minecraft server um either vanilla or sky factory and there will be two different members uh servers for you to choose from when you want to play some minecraft with community so thank you all for coming by special thank you to my members again you guys are the ones

That enable me to do a lot of this stuff like give prizes away and get new games and such your participation means everything so thank you so much for being a part of that program and an extra special thank you to my moderators for helping me keep the world moving all

Right well you folks have yourself a wonderful day and a good spooky month and hopefully i will see you again very soon you love yourselves a wonderful evening talk to you later You

This video, titled ‘ODG Spooky Month Minecraft in Material Energy Halloween’, was uploaded by Onlydraven Gaming on 2020-10-06 02:33:49. It has garnered 357 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 03:19:30 or 11970 seconds.

Focusing on spooky and Halloween mod packs this month, this stream is is Material Energy Halloween.

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  • HypnosMC

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  • Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft Roleplay

    Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ketakutan Yang Ada – Bakwan: Fight Back Episode 25 [ Minecraft Roleplay ]’, was uploaded by Rolfeey on 2024-08-28 02:25:38. It has garnered 12145 views and 815 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:49 or 4009 seconds. Support the stream: ➽ Description !! Command Night bot !spec !donate !discord ➽Read Sekuyyy ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ And Dont Forget To Like, Comment, And Subscribe For More Video !! See Ya ➽Help Me Reach 100,000 subs!! : / rolfeey​ ➽Discord : / discord ➽Contact Me : Instagram: / rolfeey2 Twitter : / yourstar_2 Discord : Rolfeey 📧Business Email… Read More

  • Unlocking Herobrine’s Secret Powers! 😈 #Minecraft

    Unlocking Herobrine's Secret Powers! 😈 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine |’, was uploaded by Oprajgaming on 2024-04-24 16:56:01. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ○Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine | Tags #shorts #minecraft #herobrine #edit #minecraftshort #youtubeshort #editing #shortsvideo #minecraftshortvideo #minecraftshortsvideo #herobrine #herobrinesmp #attitudestatus #attitude #acharulipopuri #mcpe #mcpeshorts #minecraftshort #minecraftedit #minecraftedits minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

    Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by VinceyVideo Information This video, titled ‘r/TraumatizeThemBack is Wild’, was uploaded by Vincey on 2024-08-25 14:00:30. It has garnered 13654 views and 1403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:41 or 1241 seconds. Thanks for watching today’s Reddit video legends! Subscribe if you want to! My Minecraft: Shaders: BSL Shaders Texture Pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft Members Access: Become a member today for exclusive videos and Discord access! My Links! ⬇️ Instagram: Twitter: TikTok: 00:00 Intro 00:33 Story 1 02:56 Story 2 06:20 Story 3 07:49 Story 4 09:53 Story 5 11:22 Story 6 12:55 Story 7… Read More

  • Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!

    Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Прохождение Платной Сборки От OxFORTPACK / День 3 – Короткий день’, was uploaded by HaYaRy&ProSha on 2024-06-21 04:25:55. It has garnered 57 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:41 or 5741 seconds. 💵Post the meme directly on the broadcast – ✅Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Walkthrough Paid Build From OxFORTPACK / Day 3 – Short day 💵DONATE MONEY – 💵DONATE TO CARD – 2202201045736895 ❗❗❗IN A MESSAGE OR COMMENT, WRITE WHO DONATED, WHY❗❗❗ 💵TRADE / ProSha TRADE – 💵TRADE HaYaRy – ✅VK GROUP – ✅TWITCH –… Read More

  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

    Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice WatermelonVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-09 10:50:14. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

    INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villeger avesham song 🤣 #song #avesham #minecraft #malayalam #funny #viralshorts’, was uploaded by ZAIN GAMING on 2024-07-12 04:33:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to viral short video on youtube,shorts video viral kaise hoga,how to viral short video,shorts,shorts video,viral shorts video … Read More

  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

Onlydraven Gaming – ODG Spooky Month Minecraft in Material Energy Halloween