OUR FIRST 24 HOURS! *RICH* 💸 I Minecraft Factions I Solo Series #EP​ 1

Video Information

Welcome back to factions how’s it going everyone uh yeah I’m I’m back with another video here on fractures back with episode one so if you didn’t see my previous video was taking a little look of what factions is like years online so if you haven’t seen

That one make sure to check that one out but first before we jump into the Ashi faction side or the factions stuff we need to snazz ourself out okay so we need to do the fashion look okay what will we go okay I apparently have none

Of that do we have anything no dude nothing at all okay uh we’ve got some cloaks nice uh the same with the Titans Go that sounds cool I don’t see anything nice um anything else anything else uh particles uh Happy Village there we go it goes with asking Okay cool so today

The goal is we need to find an old base okay so I’m gonna vote get some more fly time and we’re gonna fly around and essentially we’re gonna look for a new base um now building a base will take a long time so I’m gonna find like an old

Unclaimed one I think uh start doing that and we get our little bass guy I’ve made some Farms going everything like that and then essentially what we want to do from there is uh maybe find a little raid we can do okay I haven’t built a cannon in years so maybe maybe

Build a cannon the old-fashioned way see if we can kind of get into a basis or maybe look for a couple exploits and stuff so uh yeah if you’re ready for this video make sure to drop a like come on and subscribe and tips along the way and I’m recruiting for the faction

Anyway let’s vote and get straight into it 10 vote sites later and we’ve only got seven kids but you know what who cares but uh the good thing is look at that flight time we’re now up to an hour and six minutes of flight time let’s

Quickly open up these Keys as quick as we can there we go anything interesting TNT one kill we’ll get lunar key sandbot money pouch we will take the money pouch car spawners and some Creeper eggs that might come in handy the creeper X okay lunar key anything good from that six

Enchanted golden apples okay nice right so that’s wild where are we going today let’s go into the Nova uh let’s teleport to Where’s the border Nova and I think probably the Nova ends we want to go to let’s go here so we we want to look on

The border so ideally we want to find an old unclaimed base or you know some money so our coordinates ah okay so I don’t actually know where the Border will uh how’s this Nova end this is like the start of though okay right well we’re gonna look around stock at FM

Is that the border right here okay these are very small okay is this a base in front here because this just looks like it’s got Ridge okay that that’d be this is not more of a canon box yeah it was okay right maybe we’ll find a base and uh

Maybe you know was it we’ll see okay I found a base but it’s absolutely massive so uh not this one today okay there is a base here but uh yeah no this one looks like quite a difficult raid um as you can see they’ve got this kind of like diagonal lava things essentially

There’s like a difficult type of regen we’ll do could try to risk it with a glass row fiver there trucker creeper but I know they’re gonna have opposite in and underneath it uh yeah no I don’t think that one to be fair I reckon that’s probably not the hardest raid

Ever I reckon that ac 130 I’ll go straight through that roof there but uh you know what it’s been a while since we built a cannon somewhere yeah we’re not gonna do that one not today but uh we keep looking okay all right so we are in

Dark Souls F who Dark Souls any of them online none of them online okay what does it say that Valley I wonder if it says that value okay actually we got uh freak uh what’s the I can’t remember the commands I’m gonna have to look up the

Command but essentially we can look into the base see if it’s worth right now something like this I reckon I can give a guy um it would be a good idea to kind of get the Cannons going oh actually that’s Cobblestone that I wonder if we can like

Sort of glitch with creep right okay so I just looked at the command slash Rome uh right let’s take a look this is just an empty shell you are joking there is nothing in it maybe they’ve got something no there’s nothing there is absolutely nothing gonna well that’s disappointing on to the next

There is someone here there is someone here there is someone here there is someone here there is someone here uh I need arrows I need that there we go good all right we’re hitting one all right did he have anything worth I don’t think there’s anything worthwhile there no

I mean he was right in this base but there’s nothing in there so I not really worth it I can’t even lie um right that’s actually super embarrassing we were flying around looking for a raid and uh yeah I went in someone’s claim when I

Was flying and I died of full damage now I can’t do such back in the territory right honestly it is what it is it’s not like we are detrimental stuff with us we will survive I mean there’s a cat never it is cool you know what we’re not that salty

It’s definitely not that I cannot lie this whole thing of fallen and taking full damage when you’re in enemies claim is the most annoying thing ever because there will just be some random one off claim you’re just full to your death I can’t lie there needs to be some sort of anti-full

Damage when it takes you out of fly because this is getting so annoying see we’ve got this raid here um potential raid um but I don’t know if it’s going to be a bit of a difficult one um so the actual base itself isn’t hard to raid it’s just the level of the

Actual loot is on uh they got some spawners and some chess and stuff I don’t see I don’t know if it’s going to be worth the raid because the Y level that the actual box is on um underneath it’s just an ocean I mean it’s not got many walls but even still

The time it’s gonna take to build a cannon that’s gonna you know you can at least need a 40 stacker if you build a 20 sack you’re probably going to be there all day so by time I just don’t think it’s worth this one if I’m honest

It it’s looking promising but yeah I think for the two zombies bonus you know there’s the odd chance they could be something worth in the chest but yeah I’m gonna I’m gonna give this one a Miss I’m looking for something I think to dust off the skills a little

Bit easy to ride but I mean unless I shoot yeah but they got a ocean at the top yeah it’s a weird one um two zombie spawners that can be sank in the chest but I doubt it there’s so many PVS in each s on the server that

They’re all just gonna gonna use that this is a part I do not miss about factions I’ve been flying around now for about 45 minutes trying to find something unclaimed base a raid just anything at this point and uh we have found nothing I mean whoa it’s pretty

Big this could be something worth claiming maybe I’ll just it was a luck I’m pausing the recorder might just giving me the luck no we’ll find out together guys all right we’ll find out together is this worth keeping is this worth claiming we’ll see because I I do

Feel I did find one what I was thinking about but um honestly it was wrapped inside I was like it should be quick let’s build a new base at that point okay and it’s got Regens okay we check if the regions are busted because that will be a long fix otherwise this could

Be something worth it I think this okay right let’s maybe roam around because this is a very small box is it just a small box it is you know what this could be something worth fixing so how did it get raided so the best part

Is to look how I’ve already look like it just got Cannon through the Regan’s got busted here by looks of it yeah they got busted oh it’s gonna be a bit of effects it will be a bit of effects I think it’s still probably better than building back you know what

Let’s maybe do this okay let’s maybe fix this up we can we can give this a guy we’ll claim this and then we’ll look for some more Rays yeah you know what that would do that would do so uh let’s see what we can do F map let’s drop maybe an

F claim five oh yeah I’ve kept dying so maybe we can f claim four right that’s it and then F set home and then set home base all right this is the new base it look it’s gonna need a little work it’s gonna need a lot of

Work okay and I don’t we’re gonna need some roof Lads we’re gonna renovate this a lot the Region’s gonna take some time to fix it’s going to take a lot of work but we we will it when we get the regions up and running again we’ll maybe

Chuck a couple more you know how it got raided and stuff and um blown up it looks like the one that raided it with that’s all right okay we’re probably gonna die here now a lot of you are probably wondering like oh you know what if they got home set in

The base and everything like that I’m probably gonna move the box down as you see the box was only kind of at the top I know it make it a little bit easier right but I’m gonna make the Box a little bit lower have the kind of top is

Like a decoys for people who don’t have room and everything like that I think it’s just the um top so then uh we we can make any books on there and they won’t have homes down there so yeah right I’ve just thought something here um this fraction has a corner

Um but they don’t have enough power to keep it so if we check them they’ve got 800 claims and they’ve only got 233 power um so we could technically take a corner if we wanted to which is really really tough I’m very in between um a corner would be cool I can’t lie

But then there’s also a lot more bass I think we might stick with what we got okay now I know the corner be pretty good but the target will be you know everyone’s gonna run to the corn everyone’s gonna see the base we’re just gonna get obliterated especially if it’s

Just gonna be me silo fractioning I think it’s not worth getting the target we’re gonna get at least we’re kind of out the way of our base a bit and um yeah right there is a base here that seems to be raided before I saw holes in it there

Are quite a few holes everywhere just wondering if there’s a way we can sort of sneak in see what loot is left out see if anything right there is so oh wait where’s the hole we need a hole in the shell and to see if we can pick up

Any leftover bits from The Raid okay this is was right so the Shell’s here mate this base has been oblit rate but I can’t see where unless they patched up the holes must have been patched up I don’t know that’s not good news for us

Not good news for us at all okay so some reason I came back onto the server the next day the bass was unclaimed I have just claimed it again yes under an F map I have just claimed Again The Climb looks really weird for now but we got

Not proper power but yeah if you can come here you can see we are flying all around that means that is all good to claim in other words so we’re not going to Wilderness are wiser you know we’ll probably be falling out fly right now

But yeah I mean the base has got a lot of work knee doing but with the power of editing we can get her a lot of this done so yeah I mean I’m gonna get to work on the space and start fixing up so we can get some Farms going and start

Making some money so a little trick if your base gets rated a little slab under there gets rid of the sound Stacks instead of having to break them all down it makes life so much easier I’m just gonna check if there is any other sound Stacks here okay we should probably get

Rid of this um it’s not really worth putting a slab under so they do actually have gen buckets on the server which does make this a bit easier um so I need to place from the top okay saw yeah we just need to go down here

And place the jumper I’m also going to use a like God Apple in a minute which is a bit of a waste just because this water is going to drown me otherwise um because I don’t have any like customing charts or anything for it and yeah and I don’t really fancy drowning

So yeah I mean they’re expensive though that these are uh very very expensive but we’ve fixed pretty much the outer wall um as you can see there is still a bit of work to do especially over this area that I’m not looking for okay so we got

Some XP and um yeah we just want to buy as many of these reverends as we can on hopes that we can um well I think we can only buy two but we want gills essential no we just got Springs okay because uh otherwise I feel like we’re gonna drown when doing this

We’ve got no like God apples or anything I was just trying to find a way of like being able to hold the breath because it’s not like potions we can buy so I’m just trying to find a way to itself like who the breath as we do this so we don’t

Drown probably just gonna have to spam golden apples if I’m honest and I even then I don’t know if we’re gonna make it or not but uh you know what we’ll have to do like a kit we did a good gear and uh hopefully we’ll uh I don’t Survivor

So the main bit we want to fix is this Regional um so the basically when doing a regional every every bit of the block has gone a bit that is going to make life this sound Stacks are going to make life a lot harder but yeah essentially

Every single one of these blocks needs to be uh lava like our own lava source and that’s what will make the regen will sort of work because then it Regens it’s like a cobblestone generator but on a wall so now it’s just the time of uh

Fixing it over so yeah with the power of edges okay so I’ve fixed up pretty much most the wall sort of things or at least to a level where you know if we got some protection for the wife we’ve got at the moment because I don’t think anyone’s

Going to go through all this hassle of uh sort of doing this for the amount of work we got at the moment so now this is the box that we’ve sort of got now now what I’m actually gonna do is I’m actually gonna okay I apparently missed

A bit in the wall but uh we get rid of them sand Stacks in a bit but yeah essentially what I’m gonna do now is just in case someone’s got any homes or always logged off just on the off chance we’re gonna probably you know we’ll move to this bottom box here

Um so yeah we’re gonna move to this button box here finish fixing everything up I know yeah I’ll be back okay so one thing I’m noticing about this base show as well there’s no kind of roof protection layer so like an uh AC-130 layer and there is also

Um no glitch layer so that’s something we are going to add so we’re going to add side glitch layers uh sorry uh top and bottom glitch says I’m not going to add side ones because the showered for it so we’re gonna add um just top and bottom ones to stop the

Main sort of glitch and the side glitching should normally be patched on uh on the server this size glitching through an actual wall phasing for a wall should uh should be patched so I’m not gonna worry too much about that but I am going to add sort of like an AC-130

Or reverse Lads and um and the top and bottom glitch that’s just in case someone’s trying to end a poke and then uh yeah we’re protected from that okay just like that the 8130 layer is done now I know I should technically get rid of this layer here

But yeah no no I’m not doing it okay if you want to AC 130 this base go for it just yeah cool dude you got a lot to go through okay but yeah we’ve laid up the base nicely now um to be further base we’re gonna section off anyway so we’re gonna have

Different set homes and different bits at the base so uh yeah I mean at the moment we’re just gonna keep uh this and the layer underneath it and then if we need to go up into the high levels then we can so uh yeah it’s just gonna be these two layers for now

Um and now I’m gonna need to start setting up some Grinders and some so this is a little tour of the base that we’re rocking with at the moment um so this is going to be like a chess room over here uh and then we’re gonna

Have like a maybe Grinders in these two so I’m probably the grinder in this one the main one maybe like a blaze one here and like a villager one here small but we there’s plenty of room to expand um if we go to the walls now you can see

That uh as you can see a lot has been done so it’s still not perfect there are still some bits need fixing um but the kind of majority of it is is sort of up so for them to attack from this side they’re gonna have to build a

Big cannon to get for it anyway just for the Regens alone so if there’s gonna get through it with that Cannon um they’d get for it anyway so that is the truth for this there is no point going through patching up every single minuscule hole because the cannon

They’re gonna need to get through to even shoot this far and to get through the regions and even like a couple rap balls is going to be a lot so yeah this is this is the truth of it it’s not going to be the most a beautiful looking

Base out there but you know what is our base okay this is the base we’re rolling with um so now it’s kind of getting onto the economy side of things I don’t know if I’ve got any sports I don’t think I do uh yeah no I don’t think I do maybe MPV no

I don’t right no we don’t have any spawners so the next sort of thing would to do is to start looking at the economy so for spawners I’m gonna see what’s the most expensive for okay so Blaze one’s only five thousand nice um I don’t know what more tier level is

Okay so it looks like all of these ones um they’re a lot more expensive because we need to get a mob to level up I think if we buy some Blazers because these are only cheap okay so Blaze Spawners oh wait that’s a cell I don’t know how much

They are to buy so right now we can only get some end marks and chickens I’m just gonna buy some enemaite spawners okay they are too Fair they’re pretty pricey but we need to get our levels up so I’m guessing if we just go Um and grind these out then we can start

Working on getting our mob level up apparently mob spawners can’t be placed three blocks within obsidian weird but okay you know what it is what it is I guess we’re going three blocks out one two three you know it’s gonna make it more homely anyway we can always put

Chests under air we can still make use of the space so we can have a little layer here for a randomize and we can still uh make use of the space there we go I’ll do this stack spawner okay the way the spawners are stuck on top of each

Other is very weird I can’t lie but here we go we got some Ender marks we can start grinder now and uh work on getting our mob level upside this is what we’re gonna focus on in the next episode welcome getting our mob levels up

Um I guess we could just grind these up I mean it’s still fairly easy to grind up and these actually drop raw copper now how much does raw copper herself or can we just sell hand please tell me who can just sell hand there we go uh yeah I how much did that

Sell for I don’t I didn’t say I I don’t know okay one dollar fights it so yeah as you can tell they uh they pretty much sell for nothing uh I want to see how we do mob levels or something like that or level levels okay right that’s that’s for the next

Episode that’s what we’re gonna find out next but I think it’s been approved productive first episode um if you did like this video make sure to like comment and subscribe and give me your feedbacks for episode two that’d be greatly appreciated and uh yeah we’ll

See you all in uh in the next video take

This video, titled ‘OUR FIRST 24 HOURS! *RICH* 💸 I Minecraft Factions I Solo Series #EP​ 1’, was uploaded by Aoco on 2023-05-29 09:35:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

OUR FIRST 24 HOURS! *RICH* I Minecraft Factions I Solo Series #EP​ 1 What is Minecraft Factions? What is Minecraft …

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    EPIC FLAMING MONSTER in Minecraft GTNH!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft GTNH – Adept Thaumaturge’, was uploaded by Flaming Monster on 2024-09-22 05:37:42. It has garnered 72 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:18:53 or 19133 seconds. Welcome to my Eighteenth GTNH (GregTech New Horizons) stream! I’m just streaming some of my gameplay of a server I share with my friends so I hope you find some entertainment in what I do and stick around. Anyway most importantly I hope you enjoy! Read More

  • “Gooners SMP (Reload) – Epic prank gone wrong!” #twitch #minecraft

    "Gooners SMP (Reload) - Epic prank gone wrong!" #twitch #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Almost killed someone on stream #prank #funny #duet #twitch #minecraft #memes #roblox’, was uploaded by Gooners SMP (Reload) on 2024-05-31 06:29:21. It has garnered 2829 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE LOOT in Minecraft Dungeons Highblock Halls – 4K

    INSANE LOOT in Minecraft Dungeons Highblock Halls - 4KVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT DUNGEONS – HIGHBLOCK HALLS – No Commentary – 4K UHD’, was uploaded by Çavişenko Gaming on 2024-08-29 16:00:25. It has garnered 14 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:15 or 1815 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftdungeons #minecraftsurvival MINECRAFT DUNGEONS – HIGHBLOCK HALLS – No Commentary – 4K UHD Fight your way through an all-new action-adventure game, inspired by classic dungeon crawlers and set in the Minecraft universe! Brave the dungeons alone, or team up with friends! Up to four players can battle together through action-packed, treasure-stuffed, wildly varied levels – all in… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft quests for all playstyles 👑

    Unbelievable Minecraft quests for all playstyles 👑Video Information This video, titled ‘💎 A quest for every playstyle – Minecraft gameplay: SVM AI SMP’, was uploaded by TJonesGaming on 2024-06-11 00:53:08. It has garnered 53 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:36:06 or 9366 seconds. Come play Minecraft with us! Java Edition 1.20.6. Tell me your Minecraft username and I will whitelist you and provide you with the server IP. 🔥 Join us on our SMP for a brand new season of Stream vs Minecraft (SVM). The theme of this season is AI. 🤖 Our AI generated quests and events are one-of-a-kind. Use… Read More

  • lifesteal8K

    lifesteal8Klifesteal smp with tpa no netherite and no elytra world border of 8k blocks so there is lots of fights (server starting on friday 13th) Read More

  • UneasyVanilla – Semi-Anarchy 1.20.6 EU No Hacks No Reset

    Welcome to UneasyVanilla IP: uneasyvanilla.com Version: 1.20.6 Experience the excitement of survival in a world where surprise encounters await you at every turn. Join our vanilla Minecraft server today at UneasyVanilla.com Server Features: Tight knit, relaxed community 4+ year old world Anarchy and survival gameplay Active staff to maintain fairness Rules in place to ensure enjoyable experience Join Our Community: Join us now, you won’t regret it! Visit our Discord community here Explore our website at https://www.uneasyvanilla.com/ to learn more about our server. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – YOUR MINECRAFT DESTINY?

    I bet those 13 people would choose diamonds over coal any day! Read More

  • Crafty Modding: Minecraft 1.21.1 Fabric Help

    Crafty Modding: Minecraft 1.21.1 Fabric Help In the world of Fabric Modding, questions arise, But how you ask for help is key to your prize. Provide details, be clear, don’t be vague, So others can assist and your issue engage. Start with a greeting, a polite hello, Then state your problem, let the information flow. Include your setup, versions, and mods, So helpers can pinpoint where the issue trods. Be patient, be kind, as you wait for a reply, For the community is here to help, don’t be shy. And remember, in the world of modding Minecraft, Asking for help with respect is always a… Read More

  • “Fireproof Friend Dodges Deadly Traps in Minecraft Ranks” 🔥😂 #shorts #meme #minecraft

    "Fireproof Friend Dodges Deadly Traps in Minecraft Ranks" 🔥😂 #shorts #meme #minecraft “Who needs luck when you have a friend who can magically avoid all the traps in Minecraft? Must be nice to have a personal trap detector!” Read More

  • Breaking Mojang’s Rules: New Minecraft Update Leaks!

    Breaking Mojang's Rules: New Minecraft Update Leaks! The Exciting New Features Coming to Minecraft Introduction Mojang, the creators of Minecraft, recently teased some exciting new features that will be included in the upcoming Minecraft Live Event. From a new wood type to an overworld biome and even the possibility of fireflies, players have a lot to look forward to in the next update. The Minecraft Live Teaser Mojang accidentally leaked some details about the new update, sparking speculation and excitement among the Minecraft community. The teaser hinted at new additions that promise to enhance the gameplay experience for all players. Are We Getting a Horror Update?… Read More

  • 🔥💵Minecraft Survival #2: INSANE RICHES Await!🔥💵

    🔥💵Minecraft Survival #2: INSANE RICHES Await!🔥💵Video Information This video, titled ‘💵 Minecraft Survival #2 | mokix2dev 🔥💵’, was uploaded by mokix2dev on 2024-09-16 11:53:12. It has garnered 36 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:45 or 225 seconds. Siema! Dzis Nagrywamy Odcinek Minecraft Survival #2! wiec zachecam do Like Suba oraz Komentarza : ) ====TAGI==== minecraft skins minecraft movie minecraft za darmo minecraft launcher minecraft net minecraft film minecraft story mode minecraft pocket edition minecraft bedrock minecraft classic minecraft mods minecraft wiki minecraft premium minecraft skin editor minecraft download minecraft 1.20 download apk minecraft education minecraft java minecraft seed map minecraft… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Collab: Z-Club Hangout Part II

    Ultimate Minecraft Collab: Z-Club Hangout Part IIVideo Information This video, titled ‘Z-Club Hangout Collab While Playing Minecraft PART II’, was uploaded by Zman’s Edits on 2024-06-10 12:07:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Unbeatable PVp! SHOCKING tactics 🔥

    Unbeatable PVp! SHOCKING tactics 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘𝐏𝐕𝐏 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐄 🔥’, was uploaded by OP GOD YT on 2024-08-11 07:30:06. It has garnered 405 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #minecraft #pvp #video #lifestealsmp #trending DISCORD:-https://discord.com/invite/FDhaQhHX INSTAGRAM ID :-https://instagram.com/hussainkhan683764?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== tags :- minecraft 1v1, Niz Gamer, Lapata SMP, Minecraft, Minecraft PvP, Minecraft Smp, Minecraft in hindi, Minecraft Live, Technoblade, Indian dream, Smarty pie new manhunt, Dream, lifesteal smp, Minecraft pro player, pvp, savo demon, ,, youtubers pvp, youtuber pvp minecraft, minecraft pvp, minecraft, senpaispider, senpai lapata smp, senpai spider, senpai vs savo, pvp show ep 2senpaispider,… Read More

  • HEROBRINE RETURNS?! Deadly encounter in MinecraftPE! #minecraft #herobrine

    HEROBRINE RETURNS?! Deadly encounter in MinecraftPE! #minecraft #herobrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘Horror invisible HEROBRINE try to killed me in Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftpe #herobrine june 18’, was uploaded by KILOBRINE on 2024-06-18 02:00:30. It has garnered 81 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:10 or 370 seconds. Horror invisible HEROBRINE try to killed me in Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftpe #herobrine Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18, 2011, with Notch stepping… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Showdown: Our Bed Destroyed! 🚨 #minecraft #skywars

    EPIC PvP Showdown: Our Bed Destroyed! 🚨 #minecraft #skywarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘QUEBROU NOSSA CAMA E FOI COMBADO ! #minecraft #mushmc #skywars #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #mine’, was uploaded by Stompeyyy PvP on 2024-02-19 21:00:03. It has garnered 770 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. ✨Open the description ✨ 👇More information below! 🧭 Righetto Discord: https://discord.gg/yjdNS2bP7Z 🏷️ Yuri Righetto: https://www.youtube.com/@YuriRighettoZ 🏷️ Danyloww: https://www.youtube.com/@danyloww5899 🎮 Game: Minecraft 🎲 Version: 1.8.9 🍃 LIKE GOAL= [QUANTIDADE] ➡️ SERVER IP: loja.mushmc.com.br 📩 Professional Contact: Discord: Stompeyyy_ __________Recorders/Editors__________ Recorder: Action Editors: VEGAS 18 Pro ____PC Settings____ Processor: AMD RYZEN 5 2400G Ram: 16 GB Video card:… Read More

  • EPIC One Piece Mod Update: NEW Gingershadow Adventure!

    EPIC One Piece Mod Update: NEW Gingershadow Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘WITH A NEWLY UPDATED ONE PIECE MOD! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 1’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-07-27 22:00:17. It has garnered 14842 views and 672 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:36 or 2136 seconds. Minecraft Naruto Mod Review (Narutoto Mod) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbx05etE90g MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – https://www.youtube.com/@miraigaming5644 STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join GingyVODs Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@TheTrueGingyVODs WITH A NEWLY UPDATED ONE PIECE MOD! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 1 #OnePiece #Minecraft #OnePieceMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members… Read More

  • Insane ARKE deal! Kangaroo for sale? #twitch #minecraft

    Insane ARKE deal! Kangaroo for sale? #twitch #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sale cangurito pa? #twitch #minecraft’, was uploaded by ARKE on 2024-01-04 04:00:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • StreetBallNinja Destroys Ender Dragon with Friends!

    StreetBallNinja Destroys Ender Dragon with Friends!Video Information This video, titled ‘Insane Minecraft Ender Dragon Fight With Group Of Friends “Destroyed The Ender Dragon”‘, was uploaded by StreetBallNinja on 2024-04-20 15:37:00. It has garnered 61 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:10 or 970 seconds. Hello everyone I know it’s been a while since I’ve uploaded a full YouTube video but I’m back and am going to show you guys this crazy ender dragon fight in my Minecraft world with my closest friends and show what I’ve been up to lately. Discord server: https://discord.gg/ZThV6UBC Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/streetballninja_23/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/streetballninja_23/ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/StreetBallNinja StreetballninjaMusic⬇️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0F3C462bjJmkIIkqpPyeGw/channels… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Challenge: Finding Legendary Resources! 😱⛏️💎

    EPIC Minecraft Challenge: Finding Legendary Resources! 😱⛏️💎Video Information This video, titled ‘ماينكرافت : ولكن تحدي العثور على الموارد الأسطورية تتوقعون إيش صار😱 ⛏️💎 ✨| Minecraft’, was uploaded by Brothers A&F on 2024-01-12 13:06:51. It has garnered 53 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:05 or 1445 seconds. #minecraft #minecraft_mobile #minecraft_survival #minecraft_mobile #minecraft_mobile #minecraft #minecraft_diamond #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #minecraftdiamonds #gaming #game #trending #like #alhilal #subscribe Minecraft, Minecraft, minecraft, Rich and Poor movie, movie InCraft, the film of the rich and the poor , Minecraft movie, Minecraft games, Minecraft game, modern Minecraft, Minecraft link, Minecraft game, Craft games, Minecraft for free, games, game, Saudi Minecraft,… Read More

  • HypnosMC

    HypnosMCWelcome to HypnosMC (Minecraft 1.21), where your adventure is only limited by your imagination! Our server is designed for players who enjoy a rich and immersive PvE experience, with a host of unique features to enhance your gameplay. Key Features: SpawnerMeta & Mineable Spawners: Customize your mob farms like never before! With SpawnerMeta, you can modify and upgrade your spawners. Plus, all spawners are mineable, allowing you to relocate them as needed. Custom Datapacks: Collect mob heads and trade for mini blocks with wandering traders, adding a new level of depth to your building and decorating options. GriefPrevention: Your creations… Read More

  • Melio SMP Whitelisted Trust-based Java 1.21

    Welcome to Melios SMP! We are a whitelisted survival Minecraft server on JAVA 1.21. Our focus is on providing a vanilla Minecraft experience with a strong community emphasis. Here are some key features: No teleportation or warps No land claiming system – trust-based Custom world generator: TerraformGenerator Diamond-based economy and shopping district Long-term world without resets Regular events Our philosophy is to keep the core experience vanilla and prioritize community interaction. If you’re interested in joining our active community, whether you’re a builder, technical player, explorer, or a mix of playstyles, you are welcome to apply through our Discord: Join… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Where’s that 303rd Minecraft creation, Bryan?

    Minecraft Memes - Where's that 303rd Minecraft creation, Bryan?It looks like Bryan is really slacking on his supervillain game if he can’t even keep track of his creations past number 303! Read More

  • Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise!

    Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise! In the world of Minecraft, a giant mushroom grew, Secretly raised by a player, a sight so new. With zombies and plants, a battle ensued, In the realm of gaming, where fun is pursued. Subscribe to Z_Phragmites for more gaming delight, Updates on Plants vs Zombies, a thrilling sight. With each video, a new adventure takes flight, In the world of gaming, where dreams ignite. Read More

  • Villager’s Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme

    Villager's Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme Surprising Villager Logic: "I’ll trade you 20 emeralds for a piece of rotten flesh!" Oi Oi Oi Sleep Reaction: villager falls asleep standing up Minecraft logic at its finest! #shorts #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round

    Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round Minecraft Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters BONUS REMATCH Join Dream in his latest Minecraft adventure, the BONUS REMATCH of Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters! This thrilling and unscripted video brings together Dream and three hunters in an intense chase through the Minecraft world. The Minecraft Manhunt Series Dream has dubbed this series “Minecraft Manhunt,” where he faces off against multiple hunters instead of the usual one or two. In this video, the hunters include Daybroken, Harvey, and Galaxy, each bringing their unique strategies to stop Dream from completing the game. A New Challenge This time, the challenge involves Minecraft version 1.20,… Read More

OUR FIRST 24 HOURS! *RICH* 💸  I Minecraft Factions I Solo Series #EP​ 1