Papa Jake – Real Life MINECRAFT MEGA MOVIE 4 HOURS – Minecraft Box Fort CITY!!!

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A dragon will destroy all of Minecraft it’s gonna   be a lot of work but if that Dragon comes  we’re gonna give him a run for his money day to reclaim what is mine I am ready hey Logan we need to start building our base  because it’s gonna become nighttime soon and  

The creepers and the monsters are going to  come out and we need a place to survive I’m   kind of getting hungry all right Jake where  did we start well the first thing first Logan   we need to gather some resources so we can  start working on our base the base will be  

The first thing we need to build let’s go find  some wood hi Logan looks like we got our first   tree here now I know what you’re all saying Papa  J you need to have an ax I realize that but all  

I have is this pickaxe so we’re gonna have  to deal with it let’s get some wood foreign   a tree with a pickaxe okay we got some wood brother let’s start working on  the base all right guys so check it out we’ve  

Been working on the box Fort for some time now and  our Minecraft house is coming together pretty well   it’s hard to see in this thing but guys check  this out so this is what we’ve been using our  

Wood resources on we are currently building  our base so that it can be big enough from   both me and Logan to survive him but we also  want to leave room for a bunch of additions  

It’s really hot in there but guys remember we  still want to add in a place for us to raise   chickens you know maybe maybe we raise some mooc  house I also want to have a place for us to cook  

Dinner and we might even start our very own  farm so we still have a lot of building to do   we don’t have a crafting table yet though so I  was thinking Logan I’ll continue working on the  

Home base why don’t you go out and gather some  resources with the one pickaxe we have because   we’re gonna need to start crafting some new stuff  Logan if I don’t think my eyes are looking right   then I’m seeing what I think I’m seeing Jake  what are you seeing the very first Minecraft  

Dog yo oh get a bone we could get a dog I don’t  have a bone I want to get the doll I want I want   to have a Minecraft dog doggy do you want to  join our mind nope doesn’t want to join us  

Logan because we don’t have a bone we’re gonna  need to find a bone because I want my own dog   I’m gonna name a Mr Fluffy big flufferson all  right guys before we can build anything we’re  

Gonna need to get a crafting table so it’s time to  mine some wood and we might as well get some rocks   but we’ve got our wood let’s  go make a crafting table Jake I’m pretty good guys check it out inside we  still don’t have a roof yet uh as you can see  

There’s no roof we haven’t gotten enough wood  for it but we have most of it ready the grace   is massive yeah I thought we’d start you know  pretty big I used up most of our resources but  

Obviously guys this is Minecraft so if we ever  do need to expand we can always expand this I was   thinking you know maybe I’d have my own room  so we don’t I don’t have to see you at night

I think we’re gonna put the kitchen here here’s my  bedroom Jake here I don’t know we gotta we gotta   build it that’s the that’s the fun of Minecraft  we gotta make it did you get the resources for the  

Crafting table yes Jake I have the wood well the  crafting table is the most important thing in all   of Minecraft so we need to put it somewhere nice  Logan why don’t we put it right in this corner  

Here that’s where my bedroom was gonna be you know  what you’re gonna have to move maybe we’ll make an   expansion onto this going backwards and out of  room you know we could also always go outside  

And build anywhere we want I mean the world’s our  oyster but here we go let’s put the crafting table   down boom our first crafting table and our first  achievement in Minecraft high five bro this is   a survival challenge and we are going to survive  out here for as long as physically possible which  

Means Logan we need to become Minecraft people  we need to eat sleep live Minecraft we’re only   eating chicken and pork steak actually Minecraft  has a lot of food there’s apples too and sugar   cane and bread okay we have the the food isn’t  the issue but the issue is Logan the elements  

Okay not only is there rain wind Sun a lot of  sun right now there’s also mobs of creatures   like creepers like creepers and creepers come  out at night so first things first we need to   get this base built but we need some more  wood so I’m gonna use this crafting table  

To craft a stone ax and boom boom and there  we go we got our first stone ax bro time to   collect some more wood now once it gets to night  time even though it’s extremely hot right now it  

Might be cold so we’re also going to want to  build a fire well we need to gather as many   resources wood check your axes and doing anything  to that wood I realize that Logan in Minecraft  

Is a lot easier just don’t don’t and you get  what this is is really you’re not gonna leave   me you just give me like 40 minutes I’ll get  us some sticks Jake you know what I’ll do it

Okay yeah or you can just do that dude after  stone pickaxe all right well at least we got   our one dude but we need to use it for the roof  so guys I think we’re gonna start working on the  

Roof and we’ll update you when that’s done  and then we can start customizing the inside   of our Fort for survival all right guys so  we just finished decking out the fort now   it’s not 100 complete we uh we actually ran  out of resources AKA what to build the roof  

So we still gotta work on the roof but in the  meantime I thought it would be really fun to   go inside and start decking it out because  obviously we might be here for a long while  

I mean I mean that’s really up to you guys  and how many of you like the video but if   we’re here for a whole week Logan we want to  make this as livable as possible so why don’t  

We head into the Minecraft I’m just gonna get  a little bit of wood in case we need anything all right so inside I brought my Minecraft  backpack with some goodies in it that’s   going to help us deck this place out we want  to make sure that it’s homey but also has a  

Lot of usable resources inside I’m thinking we  definitely need to build the chest to hold all   of our gear and before the sun goes down I’m  hoping we can craft a boat to travel across   that ocean I don’t know if you guys noticed  but there is a massive ocean behind us yeah  

Jake if you’re gonna cross this ocean  you’re gonna need a big boat this place   actually looking sick we put a lot of work into  it obviously a lot of resources and made it really   big and this place is huge inside I definitely  want to get the roof finished because the darker  

Gets the more scared I get because obviously we  got Minecraft creatures but Logan there’s also   real life creatures like raccoons I don’t know  it’s kind of cool having like an open space you   can pop your head out of I have some stuff for  our bedding I’ve got a starter kit of seeds so  

That we can build our Minecraft garden which I’m  definitely gonna have to start working on tonight   and we got flint and steel which you guys know  in Minecraft is the only way to start your fire  

I’ll take uh maybe no fire in the Box for it we’ll  definitely have to make our fire outside and guys   remember we are doing this for real which means we  can only eat Minecraft food that’s chicken apples  

I like I said there’s actually a lot of stuff but  we need to cook it on our fire before we get to   that though we gotta start building the decking  this place up I also brought Mr mushrooms why  

Did you bring this thing in here it’s a I call it  what is this thing call them Mr mushrooms he’s my   sheep bro all right Mr mushrooms you’re gonna  go over here maybe in the future we’ll build  

Your own little pen so while Logan’s working on  the interior of the fort I went ahead and used   some of our resources to craft myself a shovel  because one of the most important things about   survival is well food that’s probably like up  there with water so I’m gonna be making our  

Very own Minecraft farm which means I need to  take some water from this so we can use it to   fertilize the crops and then go behind our Fort  and dig up some area now in my Minecraft Kit it  

Came with some seeds so we’re gonna use this  I don’t know what’s gonna grow out of this but   hopefully we’ll get some good vegetables all  right first things first we need some water we got our water now let’s head to the back  of the fort where we can start building our  

Farm all right now I started working on  a fence here to keep anything from uh you   know stepping on our crops we don’t want  that but I think what we’re going to do   is we’re going to use a little area here so  I’m gonna dig up some blocks and pour some  

Water down for fertilizer and then we can start  planting with our seats so let’s start digging all right our holes ready  let’s get some water in it there we go we got a nice pool of water which  should fertilize the crops to the right and  

Left of this now I ain’t no farmer in fact  I have no skills in farming but we’ve got   our seeds here and I guess all we need to do is  put it on the left side and the right side and  

We’ll grow a different crop on the left side  I have absolutely no idea what’s going to grow   here guys but that’s a first time farmer I think I  did pretty good it’s small but I think it’ll work

Also guys one reason why I really want to build  a boat and cross the ocean is I don’t know for   sure but I’ve heard that on the other side of  this there might be a village full of villagers  

Which would be great for us because then we can  trade resources and if we want to survive here   for as long as possible we definitely need to  do that what’s up guys oh dude this looks sick  

Check it out what okay so pretty much we have  our sleeping quarters made which we have our   custom Minecraft pillows I’m so comfy I could  definitely sleep here for an entire year dude   I love the pickaxe holder that looks sick so we  have whoops a backpack we have a backpack holder  

Here definitely gonna need that for supplies and  we have our awesome pickaxe hold it next to our   crafting table and some cool little artwork  now we definitely need to make a chest I want   to do that we also need to get more resources and  finish the route because the roof Logan although  

It looks really nice that is that is screaming  for raccoons to jump down here or spiders or   even worse if it starts to rain Jake the Sun is  going down and we don’t have food yet we need food  

That’s right we’re not going to survive unless  we get food so we need to figure out we need to   figure out what to eat in Logan unless you’ve seen  a bunch of chickens running around I haven’t seen  

Any chickens Jake does Mr Mushu count his food  Vulcan no we are not eating Mr mushrooms he’s the   fluffiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life I don’t  care how much you like pork chops Logan we’re not  

Eating him I have an idea to find his food it’s  a little crazy it’s a little early on to be doing   it but I say we craft ourselves a boat and we  cross the biggest ocean in the world on the other  

Side I heard there was a village and maybe we can  trade with those guys for resources I’m so hungry   Jake I hope this works now every good boat builder  needs to start with some prime resources AKA what

I’m ready to go the boat has been built and I  will be crossing the narrow sea so it’s quite   the boat Jacob I don’t think there’s enough space  for two people in here you are right I will be  

Sacrificing myself to cross the narrow sea now  those villagers are bad and they are Griefers   I might not make it back don’t touch Mr mushrooms  doing this for us Logan we need food and we need  

To survive three two one oh did I make it across  the ocean Jake I feel like I could have told you   I was gonna happen I didn’t make it anywhere  did I the boat is upside down we’re gonna need  

To rethink how we get our food now I’m all wet and  freezing cold so we don’t have food I’m freezing   cold our roof’s not done it’s getting dark calm  down why don’t we make a fire and warm up a bit  

All right I did bring flint and steel so let’s  grab a resources of wood and let’s start a fire   maybe if we can find some food we can cook it on  there all right guys now just like in Minecraft  

We are going to start our fire but we ain’t got  no matches up in here no we got flint and steel   so in Minecraft they literally do this once and  it starts a fire but I don’t I don’t think it’s  

This might take me a few tries but we’re gonna get  it just like you would in Minecraft okay uh Jake’s   been trying with the Flynn and steel for quite  some time now as easy as they make you look at  

Minecraft and I’m freezing cool and I’m hungry  there’s just one all I brought was flint and   steel because that’s all you get in Minecraft  oh guys there we go I did it with the plan dude that is warming me up we have our very  first fire in Minecraft survival week that’s  

A nice fire bro it’s really warm but Jake  it’s not feeding us Logan there is a very   large possibility that we might need to sleep  in the Box for tonight without any food we’ll   just have to wait for my crops to grow in the  morning Logan Logan we’re under attack what do  

You mean we’re under attack there’s another player  here where was your pickaxe we might have to pick   actually pickaxes inside the only thing we have to  defend ourselves what do you want what do you want   no I’m no mind reader but it might be a  friendly player just want to enjoy our fire  

He’s gonna try and eat that food   you chopped up another player and now you’re  reading the other player I think I don’t think   that’s what he said oh let’s trade ax you want  you want an ax for the food look go get the ax  

Here do you want this well then that’s our  only pickaxe but we really do need to eat   well we may have lost the pickaxe but we got some  food I mean pickaxes are pretty easy to repair  

What would you give us cookies bread uh steak okay  give us a steak I mean we I did say we out here   doing real Minecraft and we are definitely out  here doing real Minecraft that is our dinner are  

We are we splitting it or is this just for me I  think we’re definitely splitting it we don’t have   plates in Minecraft Logan we have pretty much  got to go hands in on this one first night in   Minecraft first meal in Minecraft steak could  be worse could be better could be cookies but

Not bad not bad at all definitely will fill  me up at the end of the day Logan even though   we’re surviving and we almost tried to do that  it’s kind of nice being out here in Minecraft  

What do you agree yeah Jake it’s it’s lovely yeah  those are sick Logan is that you yes Jake it’s me   yo welcome back inside man we got the lights all  ready to go in the Minecraft Fort I’m all fired up  

Because I hate steak I’m excited about you like  your steak Logan it was okay steak Jake guys we   got extremely lucky though that we happen to come  across another player else Logan we would be going  

To sleep without any food and that wouldn’t be fun  at all because my stomach would Grumble and that   don’t feel good but luckily even though we haven’t  seen any more animals hopefully tomorrow my crops   will have grown yeah Jacob was pretty lucky we  got some food but we don’t have a pickaxe now  

Now with Logan that’s why it’s Minecraft  I just make another one bro courtesy of   the handy dandy crafting table all right well  let’s make ourselves a brand new pickaxe boom   boom boom boom and there we go we got ourselves  a brand new pickaxe and that’s not all Logan  

We got a few extra resources so I thought we’d  brighten this place up at night check this out check it out our very own light switches check out  how awesome this fort looks at night I mean it’s  

Blue it’s comfy I do not call that a backflip  outside is looking beautiful you know what we   need to do Logan we need to find some sheep  and then Shear the Sheep I think it’s called  

Shearing and then we get their wall and then  we take their wall and we make it into carpet   and then we find some plants and we turn the  plants into dye and then we dye the wool and  

Then we make carpet I don’t know why you just  said Jake it’s a little confusing but okay I   think we need carpet that would make this place  even more cozy and comfy also I was thinking  

For these light switches I don’t know why but in  Minecraft I always love to put them right beside   the door like this so when you come in you just  flip it on and you got light you do it as much  

As you would all right I got our Felicity food  and I made another one at the back here so when   I’m in bed at night and we’re done with the  day when I go to sleep I just go good night

And I sleep like this you’re going full Minecraft  all right okay Logan’s going full Minecraft he’s   sleeping with should I be sleeping with mine  on should I sleep with my pickaxe yo Logan   don’t move whatever you do do not scream oh get  up right now bro there’s an Enderman outside

Can’t hear you what Enderman outside our fort just ignore him you should just keep  walking around doing whatever Enderman do   his eyes I can tell where his eyes are you don’t look at him don’t  look at him don’t look at him  

Okay looking this might be a really good time  to turn off all the lights and go to bed we   don’t want to get eaten by that Enderman how can  you just sleep with that guy walking around just  

Ignore him he shouldn’t do anything to us chill  out all right I think we’re gonna get to bed now   guys we’ll update you in the morning with what’s  going on Logan it is a brand new day in Minecraft  

Which means we need to turn on the power in  the I can’t see you again slip on our switches   and make a plan for the day of course any good  Minecraft builder knows that he needs to have a  

Plan in today’s plan I’ve got a couple things  that I want to do first things first we need   breakfast because all I ate last night was steak  and since it is a Minecraft challenge we can only  

Eat Minecraft food now I do have a garden that’s  working we’re currently waiting for that to grow I   have no idea what I’m growing back there ain’t no  farmer but Logan I thought for breakfast we could  

Get before it lit and have some apples where are  we getting apples from well Logan it’s Minecraft   we’re gonna pick them from a tree brother but  guys if you haven’t checked out the Minecraft   Fort yet this is what it looks like from the  outside last night we had a fire we slept in  

Here and since it is Minecraft the world is our  oyster we might want to expand this we might want   to go other places Logan looks like he just woke  up hashtag Squad Squad down below but Logan does  

Keep the voices down because last night we saw an  Enderman we don’t know what other kind of creepers   monsters spiders or even skeletons are out here  all right guys I’m all geared up and ready to go  

I got Mr mushrooms on my backpack here Minecraft  helmet on and a one and only pickaxe now all we   gotta do is find some trees with apples Logan  Jake where are we gonna find trees with apples  

I’m no expert scientist Logan but I’m pretty sure  those are trees and I actually can almost already   see some apples let’s go all right now the key  to picking apples is Jake what it’s quite simple  

You need to search for the Apple you need to  smell the Apple there’s an apple you need to   feel the Apple open don’t interrupt me while I’m  searching for apples now I don’t know where the  

Apples are but I do know they’re close because I  can feel it in my body see right there there’s an   apple right there Logan you would have never found  it very first Apple dude just like in Minecraft there’s one right here nice

You know what they say guys an apple a day keeps  the creeper away oh not too bad for breakfast   of course we still have my farm which is gonna  make us some food but Logan if we are gonna be  

Surviving out here for potentially an entire week  we definitely need to find more food we also need   to find more resources because all we have right  now is this pickaxe we need armor we need weapons  

We also want to expand the base and we need to  build ourselves a chest I think the first thing   we need to do is go out on a little Mission and  find some more resources I’m originally we need to  

Do with eat our apples I think it’s time for us to  build our very first storage chest we’re starting   to get a lot of resources we got our pickaxes we  got our apples out here we even got some wood so  

We need a storage chest to start storing the stuff  definitely need to start cleaning up in here this   place is already starting to get a little bit  messy I think we need some more storage guys if  

You have any crazy ideas on what you want us to  do and expand the base be sure to comment down   below I’m already thinking we definitely need to  get carpet in here and I really want to find some  

Redstone so I can start making some Redstone  items Jake I want to go explore like there’s   so much to explore out there why don’t we go  explore well Logan we’re gonna need one of these  

Bad boys if we’re exploring we got our very first  storage chest check it out place it right here in   the Minecraft Fort it’s coming together pretty  well we got our chest over here crafting table   over there holders over there we got our sleeping  quarters over there I think one of the next things  

We could do Logan is we could expand this place  going backwards and maybe make ourselves our own   bedroom I want to explore anymore we’re gonna go  explore right one thing though is if we’re gonna   go explore probably need to get some resources  like mining so we’re gonna need to mine a cave we  

Already have our pickaxe but we need some defense  because as we saw last night there are already   mobs of creatures outside so I think I’m gonna  also try and craft yourselves a bow and arrow   oh Logan what are you doing last sleep time in  Minecraft alright but this is exploring time we’re  

Going on an adventure today an adventure I’m gonna  be making a bow and arrow guys so let’s head up to   the crafting table and grab our bow one two three  and there we go we got our Arrow looking pretty  

Good now we just need a bow to fire this with all  right now for our bow one two three and there we   go we got a bow and arrow that’s sweet I want a  weapon all right well we’re definitely gonna need  

Some resources because I just spent all our last  resources using this let’s check it out we’ve got   our very own Minecraft bow and arrow I do want  to get some armor though because if we’re gonna  

Be going deep into these caves and maybe even the  nether we’re gonna need as much armor and weapons   as we can Jake I’ve never been to the nether  I know and if we fight another Dragon that’s  

A battle that we are not ready for so I say we  head outside and do some exploring because we need   some resources maybe we can find some diamonds and  build ourselves some diamond armor we’ve got my ax  

All right let’s head outside be out here ready to  go on our first Minecraft adventure I got my bow   and arrow I got my backpack on and we’re ready to  go okay they need to be serious though because we  

Need resources I say we head down this way and  look for a cave okay Jake sounds look good all   right Mr mushrooms you gotta lead us to a little  cave okay that means that means he’s happy all  

Right so we head down here find ourselves a  cave I got a quicker way to cross the ocean it’s not even close to how you drive a boat  I’m no boat expert but that was far from how  

You do it happy now Logan I’m just kidding like  I know the boat won’t work I just kind of want   to swim okay well man we gotta find resources  we out here for as long as possibly years what  

If everyone keeps liking this video and we  have to spend our next eight years here uh   well now that Logan’s all cooled off we gotta  keep moving we got some serious exploring to do   what is that thing that’s creeper Logan if  they mess up your house and they mess up your  

Day as long as we take it out before it gets too  close to us it won’t explode get it with the bow   you missed Jake can I hit him  yeah hit him once hit him once  

I should do it we gotta be careful out here we  barely have any armor on him we don’t have a   lot of food I think I found an entrance to  a cave guys when we head down this way it’s  

Dark Cave Logan we might need a flashlight  whoa dude it’s Redstone oh this is gonna be   perfect for making stuff hold on let me  get my torch on we’re gonna see you guys Logan we found diamonds you got diamonds get your  pickaxe out right now we need to get this stuff

Two more diamonds over there check it out to make ourselves some diamond  armor maybe even a diamond shovel   if all the crops I could build  with diamond shovels oh it looks   like there’s Cobblestone here why don’t  you try mining across here on this wall energy

Good dude you got it nice oh dude  check it out drop some slime yeah   it’s kind of gross I don’t really want to put this  in my backpack maybe we could bring it back and   put it in our chest oh yeah it was definitely  something we should keep we gotta keep all the  

Resources we find it’s just okay I’ll put in  my pocket you gotta come in here bro check it   out it’s another part of the cave oh Jake what is  this looks like it’s a gold ingot definitely gonna  

Want to grab that dude check it out these are like  mystery blocks that says diamond on the cover of   it but there’s a chance that there isn’t a diamond  in here I say we grab this and grab the gold one  

And head back to our base and see what kind of  ore we have in here we get another Diamond Logan   we’re gonna be in Diamond City we’ll be rolling  in the diamonds we have enough Cobblestone okay  

We just broke a bunch of cobblestone let’s take  the Slime let’s take the diamonds of the Redstone   we got I want to build a redstone device today  and let’s open up these and see what we have  

In here there’s a chance we’re gonna have a  diamond in here all right guys we made it back   to our base safe and sound I think it’s time to  go inside and check out the resources we gathered  

We need to make the place to hold their bow and  arrow maybe we can put it like here yeah that’d   be really cool but let’s check out the backpack  full of our awesome items so we were able to get

Some diamonds not bad let’s put it in the  chest some gold we got ourselves a little bit   of redstone here and Logan really liked mining  cobblestone so we have a lot of cobblestone and   one of my favorite items we got the mystery box  which might have a very own diamond in it there  

Might be a real diamond or it’s gonna be more  Cobblestone I take Redstone or iron or gold really   but I definitely wouldn’t want dirt all right  Jake here’s a mini pickaxe all right go for it foreign

Think this might be Diamond guys I think we hit  the jackpot I got it ah dude a massive piece of   diamonds yo all right well definitely gonna  add this one to the box which means we have   enough Diamond to craft something I’ve wanted  to craft my entire life ever since we started  

This challenge a day ago here put it in the Box  I think it’s time for me to craft my very first   piece of diamond armor in three two one dude check  it out oh no creepers messing with me now because  

I’ll arm it up out here how do I look do I look  cool tell me I look cool I must look cool yeah   Jake you look really cool oh dude I’m so I feel  stronger too like I feel like nothing can affect  

Me nothing can hurt me that that well then you’re  just taking my armor off I also still want to make   diamond swords and a diamond shovel so I can you  know work on my farm which Speaking of Logan we  

Need to check the farm it’s been a full day Jake  there’s no way your carrots could have grown in   one day something’s growing I mean I don’t see it  dude check it out right here something’s going out  

Of the ground so this is where I put my water away  which hydrated all the surrounding area and then   I planted seeds that we had from a backpack only  one way to find out what did we grow ah yo we got  

Carrots up in here what what dude check it out I  got one two three four carrot screw I mean it’s   not much but it’s humble work being a Minecraft  farmer and you thought I couldn’t grow anything   Logan well look at this four brand spanking new  carrots looks like we’re having a feast tonight  

For dinner well we’re definitely gonna have to  utilize this farm for food all right well let’s   bring this back to the chest and store it in our  Fort I also want to use some of that Redstone we  

Got to do some building today because I want to  make an awesome attachment for a front door I   want to have a pressure plate that when you step  on it the front door opens Hey Jake while you  

Build the Redstone pressure plate I’m gonna go on  a mission to find more materials all right welcome   sounds good when you get back we’re gonna have a  sweet new thing on our base I’ll see you in a bit

Hello who are you my name is Billy mcmillerson  fancy seeing a new player around these parts uh   yeah I’ve been here like less than a day less  than a day I’ve been here my whole life raised  

40 chickens 50 cows even have a couple dogs all  right guys so while Logan’s off doing whatever   Logan’s doing I thought it’d be really sweet to  add an awesome pressure plate to our court so that  

When we go up to the door like so you put your  feet down you click the pressure plate and the   door will magically open for you now we do have a  lot of redstone and there are some other awesome  

Stuff I want to do with it but I think this is  a pretty easy thing that we can start off with   and there we go we’ve got the very first Redstone  creation on this fort and it is looking pretty  

Sweet so we got a pressure plate here when we step  on this it’ll activate the Redstone coming along   here off the wall and then connecting to the door  and the door should open that’s some some really  

Fancy armor is that diamond that’s the best I did  it myself I had to dig deep in the mines for this   fight off skeleton beat down creepers I want you  to know that if I want to I could cut you down  

Right now take you out but I’m not gonna do that  no need to cut me down came here to trade with   you I’m a hunger man making some stew for my  pet turtle Jim Bob well I have a carrot do you  

Want a carrot carrot oh I am the jackpot I ain’t  seen a cat around here in 50 years tells you what   I give you this diamond sword for five of your  diamond sword for a carrot I only have one carrot  

All right I’m a bargaining man I’ll give you this  sword for forecast sir sir I only have one carrot   all right my final offer is one carrot take care  to leave it okay well I I may have lied I have  

Three carrots nope one carrot final offer don’t  mess with my bargaining skills son sir one carrot   here you go there’s your sword  enjoy wow thank you see you around   this is awesome I mean guys we have more than  one carrot I think he lost that bargain oh well  

Go show Jake my new diamond sword this thing is  pretty awesome no it’s what Jake was saying the   Enderman okay why is this awesome sword maybe I  can take him out uh foreign go away go back go  

Back where you came from stay back I’m warning  you oh God okay that wasn’t so bad stay back uh   Jake said not to look it in the eyes why are you  sleeping a little star from building because it’s  

Got attacked by an Enderman Jake what an Enderman  where but I got this diamond sword would you get   a diamond sword Logan oh I treated a guy carrot  hear it for a dinosaur who would do that also  

Wait what do you mean there’s an Enderman  where is Logan did you didn’t look him in   your eyes did you I hit him with my sword  it’s fine I just ran away in the store then Jake what do we do no no no officer

Solutions like where did he go oh shoot  I don’t know that’s what they do they   disappear he’s got my precious Mr mushrooms  you let Mr motions go because you just had   to fight I didn’t know that the Enderman  would come and take Mr Mushu you know  

What that means that means we’re starting  war with the Enderman that means we are   going to find him at all costs and get back Mr  mushrooms can’t let him do that to Mr motions yeah I’m gone now he’s gone well let’s  have to wait for him to come back well  

Logan on the bright side I did install a  brand new pressure plate made completely   out of redstone for us as you can see I  used a redstone to formulate a pressure   plate and when we step on this block  door will open get out dude try it out

Is that and the door opens that is pretty sweet  you need to use your hands Logan it’s a hands-free   operation we got going on here thanks to my  Redstone plate an Enderman came in and stole my  

Motion 53 . today is day three of our Minecraft  challenge I don’t know what happened to the top   of the four guys but uh it definitely took a  beating last night yeah I think maybe because  

Of the heat it just kind of I went ahead and  did a little bit of upgrades just to make sure   the port was more structurally stable I added  these like little poles here we also still have  

The pressure plate which I made out of redstone  that opens up the door whenever you step on it   and don’t forget guys in this challenge we are  doing everything like you would in Minecraft   we need to eat Minecraft food sleep Minecraft  sleep dream Minecraft dreams and also if we are  

Building we need to gather resources like you  would do in Minecraft takes taking this really   seriously I want to eat real food no Logan we  can’t eat real food we can only eat Minecraft   food which actually is a pretty nice menu and  for breakfast you’re gonna be pretty happy so  

I think before we start Gathering resources  to add onto this base I’m gonna go whip us   up a nice Minecraft breakfast now if you’re  wondering Papa Jake what are you gonna add on   to your base it’s already legit we had a plan  today we were gonna add on a second story so  

That we could make it even taller first things  first if we’re gonna be making and breakfast we   need our resources and it just so happens that  I looked over here check this out we got wheat  

On wheat I am not eating this well no you’re  not gonna eat this Logan see I’m gonna turn   this into a beautiful breakfast first  we gotta gather the resource and stuff think about Minecraft guys you’re out here  in nature everything you eat is pure and  

Natural you take wheat you take water you  make bread but in order to do that we need   to craft a furnace so why don’t we head  back inside and use our crafting table   to make a furnace and add it to our Fort it’s  time to make ourselves a furnace so I’m gonna  

Head over here to our chest ah grab out some  Cobblestone we got from the mine yesterday   got our Cobblestone now we’re gonna head over to  the handy dandy crafted table and on the count of  

Three we should have ourselves a brand new furnace  one two three whoa we got it it’s a furnace oh   hold on bro you definitely need to expand the base  because we are running out of room Jake needs his  

Own room just a nice king-sized bed if you guys  keep liking the video and we keep getting 50 000   likes like the last video got we are gonna be here  for a while which means Logan we need to invest  

First in a papa Jake lounge if you got a papa Jake  Lounge then I got a Logan Lounge check it out guys   we got the Minecraft furnace it’s a little hot to  have a furnace but we got the Fire Down Below and  

Anything we put in here we can cook which is also  important if we want to melt down our resources to   build armor let’s grab our wheat we’re gonna stick  in the furnace here give it a little bit of time a  

Little chef Papa Jake love and in a couple seconds  we should have some nice bread for breakfast guys   I am so sick of Minecraft food please comment  down below if you guys have any ideas of what we  

Can eat other than Apples bread and steak fancy  you mentioned bread because we got ourselves a   fresh loaf bread I call it labret because it’s  French check it out dude this is our breakfast   this is it this is all I get to eat  Jake I love food look like a full family

It’s really hard Brad Jake it’s tasty though it’s  made by Chef Papa Jake well after we finish eating   our breakfast guys and we got a little bit of  energy into us I think it’ll be time for us to  

Head out and start planning our day especially  we need to go looking for some resources now the   breakfast is done it’s time for us to head out  and gather some resources if we’re going to be  

Building onto this base and making it two stories  and expanding it we need a ton of resources mainly   wood mostly mostly what but we could always use  some more Cobblestone and diamonds diamonds are   always fun especially because I make stuff like  this my diamond helmet which I got yesterday and  

I like it because Logan doesn’t have one so it  makes me look extra cool don’t you all got one   today Jake I got us a diamond sword sure you  did get us a diamond sword and I was hoping  

That later on we could maybe go searching for  villagers because if you guys don’t remember   it’s kind of too hard to bring up  but yesterday I lost a friend Jake   it was just Mushu it was motion slogan I lost  motions an Enderman came in stole my motion

And I want to find him and get them back  if that means going everywhere and finding   that Enderman then I’m gonna do it because  I love mushrooms you guys should love them   too hashtag mushrooms let’s pack up head to  the forest grab some resources and then head  

Back here and start building onto this base  Let’s Travel a little far away from our fort here in the forest so we’re gonna be looking  for wood stone or anything else that we can   find even if we find food though then there’s  a bunny we might be eating a rabbit tonight no  

No no no don’t hurt the bunny okay we  can bring it home and make it our pet   and then eat rabbits no no you’re not hurting  the rabbit come here buddy buddy you’re right I   can’t live on bread and steak a little rabbit  we are not hurting the rabbit well at least  

Let’s get a ton of wood there’s literally enough  Forest here to build us a 3 4 000 story house you scared it away Logan we could  have had a bunny that’s a big log   if I ever seen one that’s gonna get  us some good wood Logan follow me

This is a lot more inefficient Logan’s going to  look on the other side because we think we hear   someone following us he’s going to take a look  down there I got my Minecraft bow out so if I  

Do see any bunnies or anyone I’ll be able to  take him out so far though pretty good I mean   we have traveled quite a distance away from the  home base but we’ve gathered a lot of resources  

And we’re finding a lot of cool stuff out here  I’m actually really excited to add on to the   base because I think it’s gonna be so sweet  when you add a second story you see anyone   I can’t see anything with this on Jake it’s  time to go mine some materials what happened

Thank God that was a pretty good solid amount  of mining we just did so we got a lot of wood   we got a lot of resources but I think it’s time  we head back home because Logan I’m pretty sure  

Someone’s following us I can feel it in my  bones bro there I heard them before we’re on   our way home we have nothing to worry about oh  yes we do because he’s sitting right there wow  

Wow wow look who we have here a new victim for  Griefer McGriff you see I roam these parts of   town looking for people just like you to Greece  well you’re not griefing anything today grief or  

MC grieferson because I’m sort of a Minecraft pro  I’ve also got this bow try this on for size buddy   that didn’t exactly go anywhere near me I didn’t  go very far dude don’t worry I got the spread

I got him folk where’d you get that bread why are  you using bread you had a diamond sword could you   not at least have used that I mean Jake this bread  was disgusting and it’s very hard it wasn’t a  

Weapon it’s a good weapon it was made with love  I don’t know man I think you need to touch up   on your baking skills at least we stopped that  Griefer I think we better get back to our base  

Guys there’s more Creepers out here we don’t  want to run into them we have enough troubles   all right guys now that we are back and we have  tons of materials it is time many materials bro  

Check it out we got enough for four fours five  ports I want to build my own fort like like three   stories time to repair this fort and make some  additions so while Logan starts preparations  

On expanding the fort I need to tend to my farm  which obviously is a good source of all of our   food so first things first let’s grab some water  from the ocean here as you guys can see I’ve been  

Planting on both sides of this like Waterway here  which is where I pour my water to fertilize and I   got some new seeds from the last time I picked  carrots so we’re gonna put them down and see  

What grows I have no idea what we’re gonna be able  to grow but as long as it’s edible should be good I got my seeds here if you have any idea  what these could be let me know down below  

But we should be able to find out tomorrow  morning so let’s start planting it along the   side what are you planting I don’t know Logan  that’s the beauty of planting you never know   what you’re planning pretty sure you’re  supposed to know what you’re planting and  

Tomorrow morning we’ll find out now it’s time  to make my fertilizer block full of water here and there we go guys we got a block full of  fertilized water our seeds planted beside it   and tomorrow we should have some beautiful  crops as you guys can see this roof needs a  

Serious refurbishing so what we’re going to be  doing for this space is we’re gonna be tearing   down the front wall and then expanding it  out this way plus adding a second story so   that we have a lookout onto all the mobs that  might come at us during the night but the sun  

Is starting to go down it’s been a pretty long  day so we need to start building this thing fast thank you   all right guys I couldn’t take any more  of Jake’s Minecraft food so I had to sneak  

In and make myself dinner I didn’t tell Jake  about this so we’ll keep it our little secret guys I don’t think Jake noticed where  uh where I went or what I’m doing well   I enjoy my nice delicious dinner  he just builds our Fort Hey Jake

Yeah I don’t think Jake cares what we’re doing so   we’re good we’re just gonna  eat without Jake Jake’s loss all right guys check it out I have the Second  Story complete and the full revamp of the Fort  

Logan where have you been bro she’s getting a  broom it took you 40 minutes to get a broom I   built the whole thing literally all this left  is to put Windows and a door on and you come  

For that I gotta bring a broom Jake it’s like  the least important thing all right well you   might as well start brooming but check it out  we got the Second Story here yeah Jake this is  

A good job you did looks real good they’re all  put together but all in all we added on to the   Old Fort made the front entrance here look  nice and sleek and brand new plus we have a  

Full new room that we can go up into for Lookout  pretty sweet uh Jake uh one question what are we   doing for dinner I haven’t thought of that  yet because I’ve been so busy on the Fort  

Logan we either can eat well we either gonna  have to find steak chicken we could make more   bread bread was pretty easy to make or we could  always look for more apples that’s a good thing   well let’s get the roof on this  thing and start adding the windows

So the sun is pretty much set our two-story  box Fort is looking pretty sweet and we have   our new door check it out guys and we cleaned  it up in here so it’s even bigger plus we got  

Room for all of our cool stuff and we’ve got  our brand new two-story Lookout over here so   you pull this flap up like this and then you  can come in here and check it out guys up onto  

Our two-story Lookout so you can look out the  windows here make sure there’s no creepers or   mobs coming at us you can even see the moon  outside and we got extra room to chill I mean   there’s even enough space to lie down look  check it out I’m lying down the Second Story  

You can be down there and I’m up here this could  be your bike back oh dude honestly it could plus   there’s space down here too like we could store  stuff down here and we can put another Supply  

Chest down here with all our stuff now we get to  pretty much chill out in the fort enjoy the night   didn’t get everything we wanted to get done today  there’s still a lot of building we wanted to do  

Plus I really wanted to go check out that Village  that’s close to us so I was thinking tomorrow we   could build a mine cart as well as a Minecart  Track so we could travel to the Village which  

I think would be sweet plus Logan I don’t know  if you uh like diving underwater but we have   yet to go underwater and check out what’s around  there I’m gonna also head to bed but before we   do that I think it’s time for the traditional  bedtime Papa Jake dance that’s right Logan it’s  

The dance party get booging with it mom wake  up okay well look Logan’s got a bad no dance   party for us all right well guys I will update  you in the morning when I wake up after another  

Beautiful night under the stars in Minecraft  and we’ll see you in the morning welcome back to   real life Minecraft today is day four of living  using only items you can find in Minecraft you   guys have been destroying that like button and  loving these videos in today’s video we build a  

Mine cart go swimming eat a chicken and have the  biggest battle of Our Lives oh no we got a creeper stop right now creeper to save their base again Logan hey yo what’s going  on everyone it’s Papa Jake and we are back with a  

Brand new Minecraft video in Minecraft week which  I have been extremely excited about if you guys   didn’t know we’ve been living in our Minecraft  fort in the Minecraft world for the past four   days and welcome inside the four guys check it out  it’s a little messy because we have been living  

Here but so far we have upgraded this place and  made it super sweet we got chess we got an oven   we got a crafting table Logan’s curly outside  sweep look what are you doing bro I’m sweeping  

Why are you sweeping our porch man I guess we  gotta I guess we gotta keep it clean gotta keep   it clean Jake but guys check out the outside of  the Ford this thing is absolutely massive this  

Is where we’ve been living eating my craft sleep  in Minecraft not not showering like you don’t do   in Minecraft which hasn’t been too great we have a  lot of chores to do just like in Minecraft we got  

Upgrade in the base we got finding more reasons I  already sweeped the floor Jake that’s that’s like   the least of our problems today but I thought  because we you’re a little low on food we can  

Travel to the local Village and try and grab  some food from those guys not not take it like   Jake you haven’t even had breakfast you haven’t  had any food I’m starving Logan all right we went  

Through our bread we ate our bread and we ate  the steak we’ve got nothing left so in order   to get to the Village we need to use some of our  resources and build a Minecart Track to take us  

There it’s like a train but in Minecraft so we  have to head to our crafting table right now so   we can build our Minecart first things first Logan  if we’re building the Minecraft we gotta go into  

The handy dandy chest here and grab some of our  resources out of here we’re gonna grab some raw   gold now this might just look like regular Rock  but inside this there is little pieces of gold  

Probably asking Papa Jake how are you gonna get it  out of here that’s why we got this bad boy I call   it furnace mcfurnancy pop the gold in and the fire  starts up down there so we’re smelting gold now we  

Got a ton of rocks and stone that we mined in the  last episode so we’re gonna use that to build our   Minecart Track but we’re also gonna need to build  an actual Minecart that we can drive around all  

The way to the Village I think I need to jump  in the ocean well we can go in the ocean dude   we can go searching down there also for resources  because Minecraft has underwater now but check it  

Out we’re getting the Premium Gold coming out of  the furnace so we’re gonna take some of this I’ll   start working on the Minecart Track I don’t know  if you want to go swimming and go swimming time to  

Add the resources to the good old crafts and table  here and build ourselves some my car track one two   and boom there we go we got some Minecart tracks  now all we need is uh like that 6 000 of these and  

A minecart and we’re should be good to go I mean  the village isn’t too far away guys but hopefully   this isn’t all for nothing I really hope they  have food and resources that we can use and I’m  

Even hoping that today we can get some diamond  armor oh diamond armor now while Logan’s putting   the Minecart Track I also thought it’d be really  cool if we made like a base for it you know kind  

Of like a train station where we can get in get  ready and then we can leave from the train station   and go all the way to the villagers there’s also a  a second reason why I’m going I don’t want to tell  

Logan that we’re wasting our resources for this  yes we’re going to the Village because I think   there might be food there but I also lost a friend  that Enderman took my friend it’s almost too hard   to talk about got mushrooms guys got mushrooms  and for those of you who are still looking for  

Mushrooms I am too and I’m thinking that weak  look where you where are you you’re supposed to be   building my Logan building Minecart Track I guess  Logan’s not building my car track he’s swimming   well after Logan’s done swimming and building  my car track then we should be able to go to  

The village and I’m hoping we’ll get some answers  to the store where Mr mushrooms is check it out I   just finished our train station slash our Minecart  station so here it is it’s a little ways away from  

Our main house but you enter into the back here  through this door and inside we’ve got a working   Minecart now I added a window at the front here  so once you get in the minecart you simply push it  

Forward and then you can go out open up the front  door and start going along the track get out of   my way time to install the track got the track  all right Logan’s gonna go in start installing  

The track so we can get to the Village but I  got some bad news what’s that we’re completely   out of gold ingot oh that that does suck we  had to use all the gold and get on the track  

But that’s okay because once we get to the Village  it opens up a lot of trading opportunities for us okay so now it’s time to start building our track   this should be enough track to get us to the  Village dude this looks awesome all right  

Well we definitely have enough track to get us  there I think now what we need to do is get on   this mine car and test it out I’m inside our  little Minecart station inside the mine cart   and I’m ready to go hopefully the uh the  track works I’ll be able to Heather make  

My way to the Village I’ll send it back  for you Logan all right here we go whoa   oh guys that was awesome we made a real  working minecart on a Minecart Track all right guys looks like the village is just  up ahead I put on my diamond helmet here so I  

Can make sure we’re protected in case things go  south Logan you got your sword all right now we   don’t know how these people are they might be  mean or they might be good friendly Traders keep   an eye out for anything hello anyone in there  someone’s in there it’s a villager a real life  

Villager sir look we are extremely hungry we  are travelers from well that that way but look   we want to trade for food if you have any sort  of food you can give us do you speak English  

I speak English okay well do do you have any  food we can trade for I mean we have Logan’s   diamond store we can give you that Jake not my  diamond sword oh we gotta give him something  

I grow chickens all I can give you is chickens but  in return I want Emerald Emerald we don’t we don’t   have Emerald I mean I have a diamond helmet I  don’t have them kind of like an emerald right  

It’s like brown like thin Emerald no no no I only  accept Emerald we’re starving like okay Jake we’re   just gonna have to get some emeralds fine fine  we’ll we’ll find emerald and we’ll be right back   okay don’t do anything with those chickens you  stay right there to keep the chickens warm we’ll  

Be back we need to do something we need to figure  out a way to get emeralds guys we have no food I   mean yes we could go out and look for chickens but  there probably aren’t any I haven’t seen one all I  

Saw was a dog and a bunny and you made me scare  away the bunny yesterday okay Jake where are we   gonna get emeralds all right well we’ve already  been to a cave beforehand I mean yeah we found  

Diamonds but there was nothing else in there have  an idea in Minecraft you can swim and underwater   they now have chests there is a chance that in  that ocean if we swim deep enough we’ll find a  

Chest in it and some emeralds we take it back to  the chicken dude and buy ourselves some nice juicy   chicken sounds a little far-fetched Jake Logan  if it was so far-fetched then why did I bring   my swimming goggles Jake I have no idea why you  brought your swimming goggles going in the water  

Logan and we’re gonna find that emerald and get  back to the chicken man with enough Emerald the   bias enough chickens to last the rest of our  lives come on we got some swimming to do let’s  

Go guys I’m ready to go swimming I got myself  some Spears in case we run into some underwater   creatures and all you have to do is find ourselves  a chest last one in the water loses Logan see ya guess we gotta go find some emeralds

All right dude check it out let’s see what we got  oh we’re in business we got diamonds Cobblestone   yeah culverstone’s not that cool but check it out  Jake what’s that that my friend is an emerald oh   we’re gonna be eating chicken tonight brother  why you keep calling it chicken because the  

Guy said he was cheating I don’t know she’s  called a chicken anyway we need to get this   back to the base and dry off we gotta go get that  chicken because now that we got our little ticket  

To get some chicken I think it’s time to head  back to the village and see if we can trade for   a little bit of food Sun’s already starting to go  down and I am starving for some yummy dinner all  

Right well let’s head out on the Minecart Track  and pay this villager a little visit it’s got   our emerald and everything ready to go let’s  get on this my car track see you there Logan sorry Mr villager we have returned with your  Emerald which I think means we get one of your  

Chicken chicken chicken chicken oh Jake I’m  so hungry oh dude look at that we got our own   Minecraft chicken touchdown with his bare hands  but yeah but I mean it’s Minecraft We’re surviving   oh um I’m full hunger Jake where’s your fork and  knife by the way Mr villager I had a question  

For you see I lost a dear friend of mine same as  Mr mushrooms Jake not Mr mushroom I’m gonna ask   I gotta ask have you by chance seen an Enderman  carrying a little Mr mushrooms around an Enderman  

Yes I have seen he walks around with a gang of  Griefers I do not recommend you go after them   though they are very bad people whoa you mean you  you’ve seen him you’ve seen Mr mushrooms no no we  

Need to go after them I don’t care if they’re  creepers I think we just take the chicken and   we go back home chicken Logan I want to get  Mr mushrooms back and if you know where he is  

I’m gonna go after him and I’ll take out those  Griefers for you I can tell you the coordinates   to the way they are not far over the mountain to  the east but be aware they are bad people and have  

Struck our village many times their Enderman is  very dangerous well I think we need to get back   and gear up man they have Mr mushrooms we gotta go  and take the fight to them but we’re gonna need to  

Make some serious armor Jay we got some diamond  from the chest we got in the ocean I mean we can   we can put together a full diamond outfit plus  plus a Diamond Sword for the both of us thanks  

Dude thanks for the chicken all right kind of  gross but thanks I’ll enjoy every last bite of   this you make great you make good chicken all  right goodbye we’re gonna get back Mr mushrooms   and take down those Griefers we’re gonna need all  the power we can get which is why we’re gonna use  

Our Diamond to craft some awesome diamond armor  you go Mr crafting table bring me some diamond   armor one two three here we go we got some  diamond armor check it out dude now all I need  

Is a weapon I do have my bow and arrow but I think  for this I’m gonna go with the sword one two three   and there we go we got ourselves a diamond sword  Jake did that just turn from a pickaxe to a sword  

Yeah it’s magical dinosaur dude it’s like hard  Enchanted boom pickaxe or boom sword Jake look   at this candle I just found why is that at all  important right now we’re about to go take down  

We go to a cave or something we could use this  you got your diamond sword I got my diamond armor   we’re gonna head out and take these guys down  again Mr mushrooms back let’s go all right guys  

The Villager said that they should be somewhere  around here now these Griefers are known to be   dangerous and they have some sort of pet Enderman  who stole my mushrooms we’re gonna find these   guys and take them down Jake how do we know where  they’re gonna be I have no idea Logan that’s what  

We gotta look for them there’s no call for hey  great for come out and [ __ ] oh there they are dude guys I thought you said there were  two guys yeah look behind us Logan I got  

An Eagle Vision all right look I’ll take this  guy you take that guy I’ll meet up in the middle oh no he has an enchanted bow and arrow   you’re mine now got him oh no [ __ ] use my help

I got him oh I thought I thought you needed my  help no that was pretty easy Jake oh no here he is oh that’s Mr mushrooms you give it back right  now where’d he go where’d he go look he’s there   you’re going down oh no

We almost got him buddy it’s okay it’s okay  Papa Jake’s back huh you’re probably out for   a scare with that Enderman all right oh we took  care of him pretty well and we got Mr mushrooms  

Back let’s head back to base guys that was quite  the battle and we are back with day 70. before we   start upgrading and doing some more crafting  today of course we need to do some resource  

Gathering but I wanted to show you guys what  we have so far and what we’ve been working on   so right here is our Minecraft Fort it’s two  stories of Awesomeness we’ve got an activated   piston here which fires out Jake actually built  this all himself we got over here a crafting  

Table we’ve got a furnace these are probably my  two favorite parts of the fort we got the armor   stand over here and we have a secret door right  here now we don’t tell anyone about it so if you  

Guys tell anyone about my secret door I’m gonna be  really mad okay now when you pull this like this   the secret door opens and that’s where we have our  chest with all of our diamonds and all our goodies  

So today’s mission is actually pretty intense we  are going to the nether well before we go to the   nether though we do need to make some additions  to the base we are going to make a bigger Second  

Story so we have a full second story that I’m  gonna turn into a workshop and we do need to   get some food because we’ve been out here for  a while only eating Minecraft food and I’m kind  

Of hungry so maybe we built like a smoker so we  can smoke our food and get some yum yum yums or   Jake we could just a little cheat meal you know go  down the street the restaurant for real guys real  

Life we sleep here we live here we eat here and  if it’s not in Minecraft we don’t get to eat it   I’ve been living on apples and bread the past week  and I feel great Logan you need to go gather some  

Resources with the equipment that we have because  we are kind of low on stuff while you’re Gathering   the resources I think I’m gonna start working  on the workshop so we can get a ton of new stuff  

Made speaking of new stuff Logan we got a creeper  coming this way Jake I’ll get him with the sword   no no no no let him get the pistol we’re gonna  be A-Okay right we’re not okay piston didn’t work

Oh nice your redstone piston machine doesn’t work  check it out we got gunpowder maybe I should add   the gunpowder to the Piston machine and shoot  out TNT we make a TNT cannon Jake that might be   a little dangerous well I mean it’s dangerous but  it’s better than a piston that shoots arrows okay  

All right well that that can come later okay  you go gather your resources I’m gonna start   expanding the four and making the Second Story  we did a little bit of upgrading inside the fort  

Cleaned it up a little bit made it a little bit  more livable so now we got the bed moved over   here I also have my armor stand which looks  super sick behind the LEDs I think that looks  

Awesome so any new armor I grab I can put on the  armor stamp just like you would do in Minecraft   I also had to move the crafting table over here  kind of close to my secret door but I think it  

Makes it more secretive time to start mining some  materials so we can build our awesome Workshop what something just shoot me oh no guys it’s  a skeleton okay you’re going down Mr skeleton   you don’t mess with the loganator I got the best  sword skills in the game and I think I’m ready for  

The nether now let’s check it out we got the dog  right here can I tame you flew for the dog you are   now officially my Minecraft dog I don’t have any  bones for you but if I did I would give you all  

All the bones in the world so you’re you’re mine  now you know Logan’s you’re not Logan’s blue for   we have a mission today and that is to get some  water from the ocean using my steel pail let’s  

Grab our water and head back to the farm so we’re  back at the farm and first things first we need   to make sure that we dig out a little section for  our water so we can fertilize the crops I’m also  

Growing some nice flowers too so you know maybe we  can make some dye guys we should grab some flowers   and make an awesome Banner using the loom I can  grab dye and then we can dye the banners and have  

Our own individual banners the papa Jake house  all right now time for our one watermelon seed   place you there and fertilize just like  in Minecraft you need a nice block of   water beside wherever you’re farming  that’s how you grow food nice and fast  

Probably how real farmers do it because I’m a  real farmer tomorrow morning we should have a   fresh watermelon we are converting this Minecraft  base into a Minecraft mansion we got this entire   section of the fort on two stories there’ll  be a back entrance into this second story  

And we’ll have a nice handy dandy Workshop  up here with all the new Minecraft updates so check this out guys we actually made the  entrance to the Second Story outsides to come   out the back door here and then you open up  this door here so check it out guys we’ve got  

The Second Story Workshop so you come up like so  and we are now on the Second Story it has a ton   of room to add all of our new stuff I’m thinking  we add the loom we add the blast furnace I also  

Want to add a smoker to make some good food I was  thinking today we could go fishing get some fish   and then smoke it in the smoker and then we got  some nice fish also my favorite part about this  

Is the fact that you can see outside and it’s  got such a sweet and nice view dog do you want   to join our Fort don’t leave me come back Jake  what what are you doing what’s up Jake what do  

You mean it’s not Jake what okay okay fine  it’s it’s Jake this is looking absolutely   right incredible except for that what is that  I think that’s our chimney where the smoke   comes up okay Jake but dude this has to be on  par with some of our biggest box forts of all  

Time it is getting huge and it’s only day seven  this is a box for a mansion dude if we get 50   000 likes and we go to Day 400 the whole world  is a box for you next we gotta build an island  

An island that would be sweet as an island  Minecraft box Fort but Logan I wanted to show you   some of the cool inside stuff because now that we  have your resources we can finally put them inside   the workshop and start building some new cool  stuff Jake that weird guy is back it’s friendly  

Phil yes friendly Phil what do you want yeah free  in the food every time you come here something   bad happens so it better be good looks like  hopefully big four you got here I thought you   guys forgot the stroll well yeah friendly Phil  but we’re Minecraft pro so we rebuilt the whole  

Thing in like four hours yeah it kind of took  a long time Sun’s actually starting to set i’m sorry yeah friendly Phil I think we can handle  some skeletons and creepers okay no we’re not   sick of Minecraft I just took out a skeleton the  viewers are destroying that like button again 50  

000 likes a video Plus about to go to the  nether the nether you guys are going over   there yeah there’s dangerous I told you no nether  no caves okay all right friendly friendly Phil   careful with friendly Phil it’s careful okay  if we want to go to the nether we’re going to  

The nether friendly film there’s nothing you  can do about it I mean I’m just trying to be   free in the film you’re probably shooting gold  in the desert it’s dangerous I mean I think we   spent enough time in Minecraft to go to the  nether but I mean Jake what if he’s right  

Logan he’s not right okay I don’t know what  friendly Phil’s up to but every time he sees   me he tells me to stop going there stop doing this  I’m starting to think you might not be so friendly  

Don’t say I didn’t want I don’t know guys what do  you think personally I think friendly feels up to   something gives me the creeps no I mean he did  warn you about that cave and look what happened  

Yeah but arguably that was his cave that he set  up for me I think we ignore friendly Phil for   now let’s get back to the real business at  hand and that is building my legit Workshop   I see it’s time we use those materials you  gathered and build some awesome new items  

At our crafting table so Logan I think first  things first what’s one new item I want to use   oh I know what it is the blast furnace everyone  needs a blast furnace to smell through or faster  

Shoot one oh and there we go we got ourselves oh  dude that’s heavy a blast furnace this is going   in here into the workshop next item I want to crap  is oh I know we’ll do the loom because we’re gonna  

Be making our very own banners today three two one  oh what does this do this is the loom this is how   we’re gonna be crafting our banners and giving  them some sweet designs we’re actually doing a  

Lot of work on the workshop today which I like but  we are still going to the nether guys all right   next up I think we’re gonna need a stone cutter  for our brand new workshop so Mr crafted table  

I’m gonna give you the resources here give me a  stone cutter in three two one whoa brand new stone   cutter ow no careful dude that’s dangerous this is  going in the workshop Jake you’re using all of our  

Resources that we just mined I know I know but  it’s important that we build a workshop because   then we can expand the base with anything last  item we’re gonna make today is one of my favorites  

And something we’re going to be using for dinner  it’s called the smoker here we go in three two one   oh brand new smoker that we’re gonna be using  for cooking some fish tonight because I thought  

We could build a fishing rod and try some fishing  I mean I am working on some watermelons but we’re   out of chicken and Brad’s been getting old and  I’m kind of tired of apples so why not fish Jake  

That’s a great idea except you’re not very good  at fishing okay there Logan I’m the best fisherman   you’ve ever seen okay when I put my fishing rod  in the water all the fish come by because they’re  

Like What’s Up Papa Jake can I get an autograph  because you cool okay Jake the Sun is going down   we need to get cooking first before we go catch  some fish and build a fish and Rod why don’t  

We check out the brand new workshop that is my  passion project oh the workshop’s actually looking   pretty good check it out oh dude this is awesome  and it’s on the second story which is sweet we  

Got our stone cutter our furnace our loon and our  smoker it’s not too shabby not too shabby plus we   have another room that we can build under here  so we can keep expanding the base with unlimited  

Possibilities that’s why I keep telling you guys  if you have anything you think we should add onto   this base be sure to comment down below but before  we get into using some of this stuff and building  

Our banners I think you’re right Logan I think  we need to go craft a fishing rod and do a little   bit of fishing okay Logan Bull in order to make  a fishing rod we need some sticks and luckily  

I have some in my secret hidden chest so why  don’t we open up this bad boy here check it out oh there she is the hidden chest the diamonds  lots of steel not bad oh slime we have a lot  

Of slime in here ah sticks okay now we use  these to craft got my sticks and my string   and all we need to do is use the magical powers  of the crafting table to build a one two three  

Check this maybe we should take the fishing rod  out outside before we check it out from my very   own Minecraft fishing rod check it out the Sun is  going down it’s the perfect time to fish because  

They’re all sitting down for their dinner and I’m  about to serve them up some Chef Papa’s yet oh   Jake be careful with that papa papa Jake all right  here we go cast it out and now we wait oh oh Logan  

I got a big one here hold on oh he’s fighting me  brother where’d it go where’s the fish Jake that’s   not how you do it look we caught a fish time to  take this fish to the smoker and make some dinner  

Now I’m officially inside the workshop and it’s  time to cook some fish Logan’s back down there   Logan what Jake just just saying hi but anyway  we’re gonna be using our nice little smoker here  

To cook our fish so I already put it in close  up the lid here and we’re gonna let it cook for   about one two three and it should be ready you  know pull this down oh I think I see some nice  

Fresh fish check it out we’ve got some smoked  and cooked fish Jake that actually looks really   good brother why don’t you grab one right now  it’s dinner time in the papa Jake Minecraft fort   pretty good I think we do a really  good job making this slow cooker

What happens oh well Papa Jake and Logan  are still in Minecraft why others still in   Minecraft I was gonna destroy their base but they  came back anyways I did everything you said the   Grievers everybody they haven’t left the longer  they are in my mind the more likely they are to  

Find me well I mean sir they might not find  you you are very far away who in the right   mind looks for a big dragon if I haven’t made  money clear we have no please you stop Papa Jake

Yes sir very clear I’ll go back and get him out  of here I promise we are back inside of Fort after   eating a nice yum yum dinner it is currently uh  well it’s getting cut it’s getting kind of dark  

Out uh we’ve spent a lot of the day building  we got a lot of stuff upgraded inside the fort   and this place is just looking super sweet guys  check out my bedroom it’s on the second story  

I just had to have his own bedroom it’s kind  of better than Jake’s bedroom that’s for sure   down here tonight we have my bedroom where we  get to see the nice beautiful ocean and oh my   gosh Jake that’s an Enderman Jake there’s an  Enderman outside our Fort don’t look at it man  

If you don’t look at them you guys didn’t look at  the internet I don’t know I mean you don’t know   look this is all over again where’s mushrooms I  want to make sure he’s okay motions get over here   come here boy no enderman’s getting you  this time all right Logan what you need  

To do is I’m gonna go to sleep while I sleep  you fight off the internet okay come on now’s   our chance we can get him all right but I’m  doing it for Mr mushrooms ah armor stand comes  

In handy because I’m doing this for you you  stay here all right guys I’ll grab my sword   uh he’s gone the enderman’s guy where did he  go I don’t know Jake he was right here maybe   he got scared away from my Kung Fu Powers  Christ is averted Papa Jake saved the day  

Once again guys we are safe to head back  in the fall Logan we got a scale watch out I mean at least it wasn’t an Enderman all right  well that’s fine I mean it’s nighttime mobs are   spawning there’s probably Scouts and creepers all  around but that’s okay that’s why we got maybe  

We just lock our doors tonight and go to bed lock  the doors we go to the Bell Logan another skeleton   where are all these skeletons coming  from we go inside our base and chill   all we want but if there’s a ton  of skills another one oh come on

There’s a spawner how does spark get so  close to our base we’ve been all around   this place we’ve never seen a spawner  we gotta get this thing out of here oh all right let’s get rid of this and fast

We got lucky we found the spawner you can overrun  the entire house as far as I can tell Logan we’ve   been around this entire place I mean we’ve  scavened the entire area of resources we would  

Have seen a skeleton spawn it that means somebody  placed it yeah I guess that is kind of suspicious   but who would have done that oh you man is that  helpful beat or whatever his name was you mean  

Friendly Phil just friendly Phil okay the not so  friendly dude someone put it there look I think   first thing in the morning we need to set up for  another portal and get into The Nether maybe we   can find some more information in there tomorrow  is another portal so get some rest Logan because  

We don’t know what’s gonna be on the other side of  that thing see you in the morning what is going on   everyone good morning it is another lit day in a  box Fort and we are back and it is days I don’t  

Even know what day it is but I I had a great sleep  last night we need to wake up Logan get up what’s   up I just sleep up there I actually realized Logan  has a little bit of Advantage because last night  

I kept getting ants crawling in my bed which is  not fun so you actually sleeping up there probably   had a lot less ants than me so that that’s nice  and today is an extremely special day because  

It is the day we finally get to build our nether  portal and go to the nether before we do that Jake   I think I need to eat breakfast well Logan I’m  glad you mentioned that because today’s breakfast  

I got something extra special you see last night  while you were out gathered resources I actually   went ahead and planted some watermelon we got a  fully grown watermelon I knew it was gonna work oh now that that’s breakfast that is breakfast  look at this look at this fresh it’s grown  

Straight from the farm what more can you ask for  when you’re living in real life Minecraft guys I   am looking forward to this sweet watermelon now  the key to a good watermelon cut to get your ax  

You put it right in the middle and you just give  her a good swing like that and we got watermelon   I don’t think that’s how you eat a  watermelon that’s how you eat a watermelon   if you’re dripping everywhere  the map with a warm up

All right guys now that we’re all filled  up on our watermelon I think it’s time   we head back inside because we got a lot of  planning to do before we head to the Nether   and we actually had a really awesome idea  suggested to us by one of you guys huge  

Shout out to short clips for suggesting  that we use our brand new loom to make   some awesome banners we’re back inside the  workshop and time to use the brand new loom   I think it’s time we put this bad boy to the  test Logan Jake I’m going first here we go  

And here we go oh dude that’s actually pretty safe  all right do you time to put my banner inside and   here we go oh that is sick check it out mom we got  it custom banners all right let’s go put these on  

The front of the fort oh yeah don’t mess with the  L Squad okay all right that looks pretty cool but   I think I’m gonna put mine here hanging off the  roof the nice Papa J Banner it can flap in the  

Wind it looks cool I think our base is starting  to look pretty awesome well in order to build   our nether portal we’re gonna need a bunch of  obsidian and my flint and steel then once we’re  

Done we just strike it with the flint and steel  and boom we have another portal I got my diamond   armor my diamond helmet my diamond sword Jake I  don’t have any armor oh it you got a diamond sword  

Oh okay I have an idea I have an idea why don’t  you build the new Shield let’s build our Shield   oh guys check out check out all right  Logan while you were making your Shield   set up the nether portal nice shoe by the way  I think it is time to activate this another  

Portal good thing I have my flint and steel are  you ready for this Logan the first another four   never been so ready in my life Jake here we  go in three two one a little scared let’s do  

This together come on look inside you what’s  going on Jake I don’t know what this thing is oh dude you got it nice cheek where were you  I uh I was just taking my time to get into  

The Nether I was making sure everything was  safe in the base at home you know I’d make   sure you were delaying Jake I was delaying  a little bit but man I told you not to run   in here alone look you ran into some sort  of cube monster thing that could have been  

Worse it could have been an evil skeleton it’s  like we’ve fallen into some sort of red world   well it’s really hot I don’t like it in here oh  Jake the nether is scary okay well we’re here we  

Should go somewhere right well yeah I mean I I’ve  only know a little bit about the nether but from   what I’ve heard it opens up past this Cave System  we should be able to mine our way out of here only  

Problem is we got to be very careful we don’t want  to mine into the wrong cave and run into the wrong   people it could be one of these walls maybe  we should mind Logan what are you doing start  

Mining without even telling me what if you run  into lava I don’t know why aren’t we surrounded   by lava I mean technically yes but you could  be mining into someone’s house for all we know   what do you see oh Jake it doesn’t look very  nice in there well looks like it definitely  

Opens up into some other room let’s just hope  it’s a safe place I don’t see any evil bad guys I go first yeah I did everything I could I swear but yeah  they’re in the nether I told you to stop that  

You failed me too many times I just want to see  you ever again oh sir I’m so sorry I messed up   one more chance one more chance now I will have  to send my zombie pigman after them and get them  

Destroyed in the nether no more second chances  for you I never want to see your face again   oh wow ah could have made this  whole a little bit bigger Logan oh Logan I have never seen a place like this  in Minecraft before guys come on Logan come  

On out here check this place out this is one of  the weirdest places I’ve ever been in Minecraft   yeah this place looks really weird guys this  has to be one of the weirdest places we’ve   ever been in Minecraft I mean just look at this  place Jake what’s that dude I know exactly what  

That is that’s a Zombie Pigman they’re one of the  bad guys in the nether see the cool thing about   these guys Logan is they actually won’t hurt you  unless you touch them see it’s on figure what’s up going on we’ll just standing something

Guys I do not know why that thing just  attacked me they’re not supposed to do   that they’re only supposed to do that  if you hit them they only look pretty   aggressive Jake I don’t know what’s going  on that’s not how it’s supposed to work  

In the nether I don’t know everything about  your Logan watch out use your Shield laughs guys what’s going on why are these things  attacking us I have a bad feeling about this   place Logan something’s going on here yeah man  it’s the nether people talk about this place being  

The scariest place exactly why I said we shouldn’t  have just gone through the portal we weren’t ready   I mean all you have is a shield and you at least  I have diamond armor it’s true a lot of people in  

The comments were saying we need to enchant our  armor there are a lot of treasures in here that   we can find and a lot of resources we can get but  guys it might not be worth the risk oh Logan what  

Are you doing No don’t touch this we just just  suffer don’t touch anything is it that’s glowstone   Logan Jake this is it for me what do you mean it’s  it for you I like this that’s great but I like I  

Said let’s not touch it you’re gonna break that  thing and only for all you know there’s gonna be   a spider look do not break that thing Logan I told  you not to break it why not because we don’t know  

What’s behind there there’s nothing something’s  going on in this nether Logan I think we need   to get out of here and fast oh no there’s another  one Logan got another problem there’s a gas Logan  

We got a gas right in front of us oh Stone Logan  Logan turn around we got bigger problems again nothing it flies got it nice how can we almost got taken up by  a gas there’s no time for glowstone something’s  

Going on here man everything in another is trying  to attack us and we are very underprepared I   mean just look at that you almost got hit by a  fireball if I wasn’t here to save you this is  

Really really cool it’s a glowstone look and  I don’t care what it is I don’t care if it’s   a glowing diamond block we need to figure out a  way to get out of here guys this is not a safe  

Place look I’ll see you later Jake wait what  no no Logan where where are you going no Logan   Logan come on we need to go back to the nether  portal okay fine guys I think we went through  

Another portal we’re back in Minecraft logic I  don’t think this is the nether no it’s not looks   like we’ve traveled back into the Minecraft  look and I told you we shouldn’t have gone   through there we need to get home and fast these  Nether Portals lead to anywhere in Minecraft we  

Could be millions of miles away from our house I  don’t even know where we are I don’t see anything   how do we go back to the nether oh no I want to  go back to the nether we got bigger problems right  

Now Logan we’ve got a skeleton fast approaching  all right watch out don’t get too close oh that was close see Logan I told you this place  is dangerous we need to get out of here and back  

To home base I don’t even know where the nether  portal is now I think we have bigger problems   there’s an Enderman oh no all right go take  him out oh no she disappeared he’s right here oh got him what is this what’s what  I don’t know what is this he wants  

To drop an ender pearl it’s an ender pearl  okay Logan that’s something we gotta learn   about later all right we need to get back home  whatever you do just do not throw that thing   okay let’s know Logan no no Logan  he’s gone oh no no no no no Logan  

Okay I found the portal it’s just over here whoa  whoa whoa whoa whoa you need to get out of here   guys it’s just friendly Phil guys this crossed us  too many times I need to confess confess what I  

Need to let you guys know I’ve been working  with the dragon I’m working with the dragon   why are you working with the dragon even told me  prisoner he wants you guys out of Minecraft so I  

Destroyed your bases mocked you up in that prison  I knew it I knew it was your friendly Phil I knew   it was all you it wasn’t me was clear that you  were working for him I believe friendly Phil I  

Feel like he’s friendly deep down so now you’re  not working for the dragon anymore no no you guys nice all right fine you know what if you truly are  not working with them anymore then you can join us  

Look meet us back at our base we’re gonna go back  into The Nether and head back there now we’ll talk   when we get there friendly Phil I forgive you  all right guys we need to figure out a way to  

Get back home and fast before friendly Phil said  is true that means we have the End Dragon coming   after us we need to get home reinforce the base  gather as much gear as we can this is not looking  

Too good for us Logan oh I spoke too soon we  got another zombie pigment take him out Logan all right dude let’s get back to our another  portal and get out of here I don’t want to stay  

In this place one second longer Jake what is that  no more glowstone we need to get out of here now   Jeeps one more glowstone no no more glowstone  though we need to get back did you not here I  

Just want one more close the end dragons after  us Logan Logan what are you with the glowstone   oh not the glowstone look in front of you I think  this is another Fortress this actually might work   guys if we can get inside this nether fortress  there’s been known to be extremely good loot in  

Here oh Jake I think you’re right with the whole  portal thing let’s just go home for once Logan I   think we do need to stay here we need to go  inside this nether fortress and gather what  

Loot we can it could have it could have enchanted  diamond armor for all we know we’re gonna need   everything if we’re gonna take on this Dragon  Here pass me pickaxe I’m going through the wall okay okay now you go first Jake I’m  not going first I broke the wall  

I’m almost ironed diamond armor  I’m tired for breaking the walls   okay fine fine whoa dude check it out please  it’s another Fortress is huge I’m going in I mean it’s scary but not too scary all I need  to do is find out where they’re keeping their  

Treasure we’ll take whatever we can find  and get out of here and back to our base   see there’s a door up ahead oh  no we got a skeleton he hit me Logan come on get in here let’s  hit this door at the other end  

You get through there maybe find the chest  careful we don’t know what’s behind the store   hello we don’t want to alert  anyone sound something in here oh no Logan it’s a place watch out dude what’s  up Blaze these creatures in another we don’t want  

To go near that thing arguably we just go back  home right now no no all right we’re out we’re   out we’re going home we’re going home I saw a  chest yeah yeah as long as there’s a blaze in  

There we we get the Blaze and then we get the  chest and and there’s probably some armor for   me okay fine I’ll try and take out the blaze all  right if I’m doing this for you guys for Minecraft what’s going on guys that does  not sound good Jake how’s it going

Oh dude good job thanks for saving me there check  it out I think I see something it’s the nether   chest oh dude we are in business yo Enchanted  ax gold ingots Diamond horse armor oh can we  

Hit the jackpot with this nether castle this is  everything we need to fortify our Fort this Ender   Dragon’s not gonna know what hit him all right  let’s grab this gear and get out of here we need  

To get back to our Fort and start improving  it so we can take on this dragon come on oh okay oh we’re back in Minecraft well Jake I’m never going back there yeah that was a  really scary place I do not want to go back to  

The nether anytime soon all right let’s get back  to our Ford and oh no it’s not friendly Phil no   no no no no no friendly Bill you’re destroying our  Fort where did our Fork go what about this you’re  

On a team now what’s going on oh hey guys what are  you doing back from Amanda what do you mean what   we’re doing back from that we told you we meet you  back here where you were gonna join our team it’s  

You can find our entire Fort I didn’t know you  guys were actually going to make it back I’m   just doing with the dragon son oh no I messed up  didn’t I yeah you did you completely destroyed the  

Fourth we had a remix I’m just I’m terrified of  the Dragon Jake how are you not terrified I told   you it’s because I’m Papa Jake I can take on the  dragon okay I got diamond armor I got my sword  

I thought you were our friend I want to be your  friend but the dragon guys the dragon I don’t care   about the dragon friendly Phil okay I can take  on the dragon and we needed the fort to do that

Oh I’m sorry I’m really sorry I’m just scared  Dave is a brand new day it is currently uh the day   eight day day nine look what day is it oh Logan’s  inside of the fourth what day is it today oh I  

Think it’s day nine it might in fact be day nine  guys if you did not know this is the series where   we survive in real life using only Minecraft items  now behind me you might remember in the last video  

Friendly Phil not so friendly Phil completely  destroyed our entire Fort so we’ve been working   hard on rebuilding it as best as we can and  in today’s video I thought it would be really   sweet to turn this into a three-story Minecraft  board okay guys so first things first we’re gonna  

Start working on this fort and getting the third  story ready because we want to have an awesome   fort to survive in today because we’re going  to be surviving here for 24 hours 20 24 hours all right there we go a nice little  hours work of Mining and I’ve got  

Us some sweet resources in the form of wood blocks so check this thing out this is insane we have  been working on the three story four for a little   over an hour now and this thing has to be one  of the biggest Sports we have ever built outside  

You got the first floor the second floor the  third floor I don’t even see Logan oh dude Luca   look how high up you are oh Jake I’m really hot  it’s so crazy you’re like twice the height of  

Me it’s a little scary up here oh yeah we still  give us a really big Lookout in case any bad guys   are coming during the night but we still have a  ton of stuff to do we still gotta finish up the  

Second Story obviously add a bunch of Windows  and check it out the fort is finally complete   this thing is absolutely massive a three-story  Minecraft Fort we got the one we got the two we   got the three all of this in one little Minecraft  area absolutely massive this actually might be the  

Tallest Fort we’ve ever built outside before I  mean we’ve done three stories before but never   this tall and outside I mean you can almost touch  the Stars Logan there were stars out there’s not   stars out but why don’t we go inside and check  out the interior because we’ve done a lot with  

This Minecraft Port as you can see over here we  have our Workshop we got everything we need for   our crafting cooking smelting we got the blast  furnace we’ve got a stone cutter we even have a   loom for creating on some banners behind me though  is where things get more interesting this is our  

Chill area this is where we got our beds as well  as storage for a bunch of our equipment we got   our backpacks Shield over here we even have our  crafting table in case we need to craft anything  

And behind me I’ve got my armor stand so I place  my armor over there and leave it looking nice and   tidy while I sleep during the night under here  we have some extra storage area it’s actually  

A lot of storage area so that’s underneath the  second and third story so it’s a little scary I   mean I wouldn’t want to sleep under there but it’s  definitely a cool place we haven’t really filled  

It in yet so if you guys have any ideas maybe  we could do like an enchanting room in there   all right let’s head upstairs we got the two-story  and the three story we’ve got our chest behind us  

With all of our awesome goodies we’re keeping it  up here on the Second Story and on the third story   we have our smoker and some awesome glowstone  which you guys know I love my glowing Stone I  

Got it from the nether yesterday we also got our  bow and arrow up here so if we’re looking out the   top third story we get a great vantage point on  anyone one coming towards the base we can take  

It out with the bow in case they get too close and  guys check out how awesome the third story view is   okay so we come up to the third story oh we are  standing on the third story of our Fort and it  

Is the perfect lookout for any enemies approaching  like who’s that Phil it’s probably Phil doing here   I guess we should go say hi he’s just kind of  standing there well friendly Phil what’s going  

On here you’re not coming back to ruin our Fort  again are you no I’ve come to join the team well   you guys did all vote in the comments and it looks  like everyone wants friendly Phil to join our team  

Even though he’s been working with the dragon and  he destroyed our Fort twice not to mention locked   me up in prison I don’t think he’s that bad Jake  I’m you know what fine I guess finally Phil gets  

To join him all right friendly Phil you’re on the  team but you got to pull your weight around here I’ll just be another trap friendly Phil what do  you mean treasure map whoa whoa okay so you’re  

Telling me that this is some sort of treasure  map and not a trap it says treasure right there   I traded a villager for it you’ve got your house  on here Phil and the dragon yeah that’s where  

He lives he’s a bad man we don’t need to go there  the only problem is Phil where are we on this map   so we have half a treasure map and maybe  a treasure that isn’t even a treasure just  

Another trap I swear it is the Villager gave it  to me Jake I think we should go after this I mean   it says treasure right there why don’t we just  try I mean yeah if it is a real treasure then it  

Definitely has resources we could use to take  on the dragon the only problem is we’re gonna   need to complete the map which means I need to  get Farming and I need paper also what kind of   treasure is this Phil is it buried of course  it’s buried it’s treasure all right if it’s  

Buried treasure we don’t want to be out there  for too long which means we’re gonna need a   way to excavate the ground I got it we use TNT  you got it we could just use a shovel no no no  

No Logan we’re gonna do this we do this right  we don’t want to sit there digging for hours   and hours on end what we need to do is gather TNT  Jake what if you blow up the treasure it’s a risk  

We’re gonna have to take here how about this  I’ll start working on Gathering paper it’s a   very hard and meticulous job while you go fight a  bunch of creepers what’s Phil gonna do here Phil  

Here’s a stick and some wood make a fire okay all  right we all have our jobs but let’s get to them all right guys so while Logan’s off battling  creepers getting us some Gunpowder I’ve got the   extremely dangerous and hard task of creating  paper so I went ahead and gathered some of our  

Sugar cane here and right now it’s not that  big so I’m going to go ahead and plant it and   grow it a little bit so that we can get some  nice paper so I’m gonna plant this one here  

We go that should grow nice and big beside our  water here and I’ve got another one so we can   get even more paper plant you right next to  it and there we go the water should be able  

To fertilize the sugar cane it should grow  nice and tall and then we’ll Harvest it for   some paper we also need to build another map so  we can expand onto the map we already have and  

Figure out exactly where this treasure is I wish  I had Logan’s shop it’s probably so easy right now two to go come on fire I got one right  there oh you’re mine creeper foreign all we need is one more

All right I don’t see any creepers up there  none over here okay where are you creepers we got another one and we have the last bit of gunpowder  oh boo you need to make this fire

Battlefield come on all right well I think enough  times pass for a sugar cane to grow why don’t we   go ahead and check on it see how it’s done oh guys  look at this it has grown super big all right now  

All I need to do is Harvest this and bring it to  the crafting table to make paper there we go now   time to make some paper now we’re at our crafting  table here it’s time to convert our bamboo into  

Some paper so all we need to do is one two three  oh and there we go guys we got ourselves some   paper I’m gonna go ahead and craft a new map right  now and hopefully we’ll be able to use that map to  

Expand on the treasure map and figure out where  this treasure is once we have Logan’s gunpowder   we can build our very first TNT block and there  we go guys the map is officially complete now  

That’s what I call hard work oh Logan back that  was crazy Jake I had to take on three creepers I   mean yeah that that oh you got the gunpowder nice  I mean yeah I was I was doing a lot of hard work  

Too I had to build this map and farm for the paper  to get to build the map but look Logan I figured   out where we are see that’s where the treasure  is where friendly Phil’s saying the treasure  

Is and we are all the way over here off the map  through the forest and that’s where our house is   so all we need to do is Jake it looks like you  just drew this no no that’s uh Minecraft map  

So all we need to do is Head East through here  pass through the forest and then take a sharp   turn north and x marks the spot okay well then  what are we waiting for Jake well all we need  

To do is take your gun power do you got us and  build ourselves a little bit of TNT I’ll grab   the sand we have from the chest and go over to  our crafting table and make our very first TNT  

Block had our gun powder there we go and with the  Magic Tap we should have some TNT in three two   one whoa whoa and we got it some TNT careful with  that oh dude this thing’s heavy ah okay probably  

The most dangerous thing we could possibly have  inside of our Fort but we’ve got it now we need   to do is follow the treasure map into the scary  Forest find where the x marks the spot place this  

Maybe we don’t slap the TNT place this down and  watch her treasure come to life it’s officially   time to go find ourselves a treasure I’ve geared  up completely with my diamond armor got a shield   got a sword well I’m gonna be using it for  today in case we get into some epic action  

And we’ve got our map which is a little  big and massive but all we need to do   is travel from here all the way down here so we  got a lot of ground to cover and a lot of force  

To get through so I think we should head out now  and try and find this treasure all right guys   enjoy well if my map’s correct and I’m pretty sure  it is we are heading in the right direction we’re  

Back in the forest of Minecraft now I don’t know  if exactly this is going to be marked with an X so   we might just have to start digging around but we  do have to be careful last time we were in these  

Woods we ran into some bad people should be right  around here which means the treasure should be   just up ahead and to our right probably somewhere  in this Forest here oh no we got company JQ looks   really mad are you guys here for the treasure  it’s my treasure no it’s our treasure foreign

Looks like we’re not the only ones who  know about this treasure all right Jake   let’s be fast I don’t want other people coming  treasure should just be in here come on guys   all right now with my treasure finding skills are  correct and they normally are treasure should be  

Just under here yeah this looks suspicious  all right let’s set the TNT up and blow this   thing all right guys we got the TNT time to  place this very carefully okay now once I  

Ignite this thing Logan we need to run and get  back all right here we go in three two one run that was a big bang dude check it out it must  be the treasure completely blew the top layer  

Off I guess friendly Phil was right there really  was a treasure here oh Logan we’re in business oh   we got diamonds enchanting books eggs milk okay  that comes in handy not to mention some potions  

All right we need to get this back to our Basin  fast I wonder what we can make with those eggs oh you’re mine okay took down that guy pretty easily  let’s grab the supplies and get back   to base we need to start using this stuff  and we’re gonna take on the Ender Dragon  

Jake we have one more skeleton oh I got  this one Logan I know Jake I got this one Brad is so hard ow ow it really really  hurts I want to know Brad had so many  

Uses in Minecraft well I got you sword maybe  I can have a dual wielding sword with a shield   super cool wow all right well let’s get back  to base we got a long way to go all right guys  

We just made it back to home base after uh  securing I think one of the greatest chests   we have ever found in real life Minecraft that  was also a crazy battle I was we we did have   a massive battle but it’s only to prepare us  Logan for taking on the Ender Dragon everybody  

We fight now is just more XP to use against  the Ender Dragon uh friendly Phil Phil what’s   going on man hey Phil you don’t ever fire  me yet you’ve been working on this all day and you’re almost there it’s been like three  hours Phil you’re just still using the stick  

Yeah guys making fire is not as easy as it  looks I I don’t think you’re doing it right   you know what fine I’ll just use my foot and  still make us a fire thanks for trying though  

Phil I mean you at least you did something  I’m sorry guys did I mess up again no you   didn’t mess up Phil it’s fine okay I’ll just  use the flint and steel on the fire over here  

There you go you got yourself a fire did you  choose me or is anybody else hungry yeah as   much I’d love to sit by this fire and warm up we  haven’t eaten all day maybe we should go inside  

And use some of the stuff we gathered from that  chest make some dinner all right guys home sweet   home got my armor all nice and put up on my armor  stand here Logan’s got his bed over there oh wow  

Guys this place is huge sauce yeah it uh it  is definitely huge we worked a lot on it one   question yeah where’s my bed ah you are going to  sleep under there right now we only have two beds

I’m not used to it for like this babe  all right friendly we’ll put you under   the Second Story there I like to call  it the basement it is the luxurious part   of the fort okay so you’re gonna  be very nice and happy down there

Well guys considering I found some milk as  well as eggs inside the chest that we got I   think it’s time that I go Papa Jake Chef Boyardee  now we’ve had chicken we’ve had apples we’ve had   watermelon we’ve even had bread but today I’m  gonna be using those milk and eggs to make us  

A little surprise all right so over here guys in  the workshop we’ve got all of our nice Minecraft   stuff as you’ve seen we got the furnace we got  the loom and what we’re gonna be doing today  

Is making a papa Jake specialty so we’re gonna  grab our eggs that we got from our chest plop   them here in the furnace like so once we’ve  got the eggs inside the furnace we add some   fresh milk straight from the cow now with a  little bit of magic setting this furnace up  

Here to a good 360 degrees Fahrenheit  we should be good to make my specialty   and after a couple of minutes my papa Jake  specialty is complete I present to you made fresh from those two eggs and a little bit  of milk super easy to do at home and now we have  

I know so good cake to fill up our hearts and  our stomach you made that oh yeah Logan check   it out it’s got cherries and everything don’t  mind if I do whoa whoa whoa Logan Logan we’re   civilized people in Minecraft okay you can’t  just eat it like that we’ve got knives and forks  

Um that’s a great cake digging bro I mean I like  these rules three pills everyone grab a piece   of cake that is not how cake is supposed to be  eaten oh I ate too much cake Logan my stomach’s  

Kind of hurting a little bit definitely eat  too much cake you made a good amount though   right like I ate maybe like one slice and  you ate the rest I didn’t have any cake   oh yeah that might explain why I have  so much cake in my tummy all right guys

Good night friendly fell I guess now  that we’re done dinner it’s time to   hit the hay wake up tomorrow and get  back to working on the fourth Gathering   resources you know all the Minecraft  stuff we want to make another cake  

For breakfast close the door so we don’t  get any creepers or an Enderman coming oh no Logan get down quickly oh he’s flying away he knows where we are that might  have just been a preliminary attacks probably  

Testing our Fortress I’ve got no armor on we  need armor enchanted swords all the resources we   can get and to do that we need materials yeah and  he’ll be back sooner than later okay I think right  

Now what we need to do is gear up gather all the  resources we can build our armor build our weapons   so when he comes back to the final battle we can  take him out let’s start by mining some Stone

Check it out I’ve got this sweet brand new  Minecraft armor custom made for this battle   it might not be Diamond it might not be steel  but it’s better than all that it’s cardboard   okay Jake that’s pretty cool but maybe it’s  time to make me some armor all right let’s  

Get Logan some armor three two one boom  well we got you some brand new custom   Minecraft armor looking pretty sweet Jake  oh yeah it’s box armor dude all right my own are you kidding me Jake uh Logan doesn’t  look like that armor fits it very well

Jake my head doesn’t fit through the armor  go ahead dude you gotta you gotta push your   head through my head’s not gonna fit all right  well Logan’s gonna try and get his armor on I’m   gonna start crafting some more for me three  two one boom we got ourselves diamond sword  

Come on Jake not fair okay I craft me a helmet at  least all right here we go three two one all right   there you go really Jake this is my armor Diamond  infused styrofoam helmet it’s one of a kind  

Capable of withstanding greater force than you’ve  ever seen so I have a chest plate that doesn’t fit   and a goofy looking helmet Logan that helmet is  going to save you in this battle now it’s time  

For my helmet in three two one here we go Jake why  do you get such a cool looking helmet so I’m gonna   be taking the dragon head on yeah it should be  protective against the dragon’s fire as well as  

Against any mobs that come after us I think we’re  looking more and more ready to take on this battle   all right guys we’re all geared up and ready to  go we got our armor on we got our helmets we got  

Our swords we’re ready to take on the dragon  once he’s here I’ve got a plan to take him out   oh no we got skeletons the dragons chose  himself then we’ll make our attack come on   come on skeletons out let’s come out

Jake we gotta be on the lookout there could be  more yeah we got another one coming take him out another one down oh no Jake we got creepers  here take my bow pass it all right creeper wow  

Where’s the Dragon he’s not showing himself yet  he’s just sending his minions to do his bidding   you guys will never beat that Dragon  oh no we got a creeper I got this one you broke my armor he broke camera Jake the dragon’s gonna be  coming any minute oh no I think you spoke  

Too soon Logan and do you hear the dragon’s  Battle Cry it sounds awful what’s going on you’re gonna need your help okay no  yeah I want you to go inside let’s   okay okay I’ll do it all right now get  inside Jake what did you tell him don’t  

Worry I gotta plan to take down the  Dragon Jake I’ll distract the drink Now or Never mind let’s do this dragon yeah these Flames are too strong we just  need to hold them at Bay I’ve got Bradley   Field working on something Logan hit him  with your arrow all right Jake I got him

Nice Shot Logan Phil I’m gonna need you now hey Logan distract him he’s going in place we actually defeated the dragon Logan we actually  beat the dragon dude it’s gone we saved Minecraft   where’s friendly Phil he’ll be so happy yeah  we did it really feel we gave the dress save  

Minecraft I know you could do it took us a little  while but we did it we’re gonna have to build our   houses so we can sleep I was thinking okay we do a  build off a house build off Jake versus Logan Oh I  

Get this I get it okay the rules of Minecraft week  are simple You Gotta Eat Minecraft food and to get   resources you gotta pretend you’re in Minecraft so  like if you want wood you have to go to a tree and  

Get the wood Jake yes that is extremely creepy  I have reached my final phone I am Mega Steve   all right well Logan’s right we have to do  everything as we would in Minecraft so guys   we gotta get billed and we’re staying out here we  will no longer be going into that house goodbye  

House we’re in Minecraft now let’s grab some  resources and start building all right guys so   we have headed over into the nearest forest so  we can start Gathering some resources for our   houses I mean obviously I’m gonna have the better  house that’s not true Jake I already have a stick  

That’s great you don’t have a stick I know  we don’t have a stick what are you doing I   whoa what are these holes ow stop I’m  gonna get some wood from an actual tree all right so we’re gonna gather  as many resources as possible  

Because I’m gonna be building a  massive base on this first run all right Logan I’m willing to make a really  good deal with you okay how about you go find   us some Stone and I will trade you some sticks and  a crafting table that way we can both get pickaxes  

And axes well I don’t really need any sticks but I  will use your crafting table you already have six   how many sticks do you have I wanna have more than  you you know I’m the only problem two right now

One two three oh there we go crafting table time  all right now let’s build ourselves I need a wood   pickaxe all right guys Logan has gone all the  way down there to try and get some Stone I’ve  

Got my crafting table so I need to go ahead and  start making something so that we uh-oh Logan   oh no no we got a zombie and I’ve got nothing  on me all right looks like it’s pissed off   okay okay okay well again I really could use you oh this actually isn’t that bad

Autumn and look what he drops a  brand new ax all right looks like   things are looking up for me Logan I got an ax   okay all right well guys if we’re gonna be  making this build extra big we need a lot of  

Wood so luckily for me he dropped a stone ax so  I think it’s time to gather a bunch of resources all right I got a lot of wood look at  how did you do going getting stones  

Can I see the stones all right well I can  use these to make a pickaxe stay right here wood goes into the crafting table and one two three pickaxe we’re one step closer together pickaxe come on I say we use our ax and our  pickaxe and mine as much as possible before  

Going home and then we split whatever materials  we get all right all right I like it how about   that I’ll go with the pickaxe you go with the  ax you get as much wood I’ll get as much Stone  

Building supplies that I can find and then  we’ll go back home we’ll split our separate   ways and start building before we go there’s  a zombie okay Logan you got this thank you maybe I’ll drop something oh do you drop anything no he didn’t drop  anything all right Jake into the forest we go  

Looking around for a cave but the  only problem is I wore flip-flops   and flip-flops aren’t good for cave so and  I don’t have any armor if we run into some   bad guys so I’m gonna oh look he look  at what we got here already some coal

Oh there it is Logan you sound cool yeah cool  check it out what ooh Jake we can cook food with   this we can smelt iron don’t they say Logan Cole  is the building block of life I think someone says  

A science person once said that we got some more  Logan I do not have feather falling on if I fall   down there it’s actually like end game okay wait  I’m gonna mind the cold you get ready and get it  

Collected down there how about that we’re working  as a team here Logan all right Paul’s coming down   oh you collect all of it go get it all right  I said we head back Logan we got a lot of cool  

We got a lot of wood we got a lot of stone  Logan’s got the coal I think we’re ready   to start building our houses all right guys so  we’re back at the house I got a crafting table  

And it’s time to get some wooden planks all  right let’s get our planks in three two one oh wooden planks and I think I’m gonna build my house  right here in the Sun ah beautiful Minecraft sun  

Hopefully Jake builds his house a little further  away so we don’t have any noise from him or you   know we don’t really have to see him and guys  if you think my base is going to be better than  

Jake’s put a hashtag Logan in the comments down  below and smash that Thumbs Up Button let’s get   all the likes for Logan all right guys so Logan’s  gonna be building over there but I’m gonna be  

Building my amazing base right here this is gonna  be the most oh you’re building here yes Logan I’m   building here this is my land no I’m building  right there Logan I am king of this land I am  

King Papa Jake part no no you are a peasant that  gets to build over there and I am not a peasant   this is gonna be Papa Jake’s Kingdom Logan I’m the  king I should wear a crown when I walk around well  

Guys we’re just gonna have to see whose house is  better I think I think they know that Logan’s land   is gonna be better look like a llama farmer I  look amazing I don’t know about that but guys  

My house is gonna have so much cool stuff we’re  gonna have secret entrances we’re gonna have   secret hideout places I’m going to be building  with redstone I’m also going to have a mind I’m gonna dig underground under his base  I’m gonna plant TNT under there I was also  

Able to make a stone shovel so we can use  this to grab some grass blocks because I   want to make my exterior good too so I’m  gonna go over here to where Logan’s why

Next to us so that is totally not cool but we’re  just gonna have to out build them let’s do this how are ya it’s Papa Jake here I just wanted  to take a couple seconds to remind y’all about  

Something I like to call Integrity see I know a  lot of you kids like to build your Farms automated   with the Redstone water Pistons heck even Auto  breeding farms but here Papa Jake well he believes   in something called integrity that’s why I build  all my Farms the proper way the old-fashioned way  

You see when I get my hands dirty I get them dirty  I plan each and every crop with love and I harvest   every single crop put them on my Minecraft table  and then I truly know that every single piece of  

Food I eat in Minecraft is made with Integrity  Integrity Logan I’m trying to give a Spiel here   about integrity and you’re ruining it having  a villager build your house isn’t integrity   what that has nothing to do with farming  I’m talking about farming Integrity Logan  

Too many people are making Auto Farms I do it the  old-fashioned way I’m just saying if you’re gonna   say you’re you have integrity it doesn’t really  make sense to hire a villager when we’re having a   competition of who can build a better base you’re  not building a better base we’re playing Minecraft  

And I hired this villager with emeralds that I  found Jake you don’t you don’t have any emeralds   gonna have emeralds where are you going no no wait  wait no I’ll get I’ll have emeralds see what you   did that’s that’s called not having Integrity  Jake get back to building your own base so far  

The base is going pretty well we got a cool shape  going to our Fort I don’t really know what Jake’s   doing he kind of disappeared I think he’s up to  something so I decided to take a little break  

From building my epic Minecraft house to come  over here and work on what is going to be my   secret mine shaft I don’t know how Logan’s going  to be getting his resources but I don’t want him  

Knowing where I’m building mine so I’m gonna  be building it over here we’re also going to be   needing Redstone because I have a lot of really  cool ideas on how to add to my base and make it   top secret because I don’t want Logan coming  over and stealing my diamonds or anything like  

That and of course guys there is so much to do in  Minecraft if you have any ideas on what we should   do make sure to comment down below what you’d  like to see and whether it be adding onto our  

Base or an adventure we should go on should we go  to the nether should we go explore underwater you   guys comment down below and you get to decide  how long the series goes on if every one of  

These videos gets 20 000 likes so smash that  like button but let’s start building our minds I don’t know if you guys can see this but we’ve  been trying to get in here I’ve been trying to  

Find anything like more coal or especially any  iron that we can smelt I think I saw something   here but it kind of got covered in dirt although  what I did get was a grass block I can give to  

Logan this technically I stole his grass block  so I’ll put this over here that’s gonna go back   to Logan and we’re gonna keep going until I find  some iron all right guys I have been mining for  

A while now I’ve actually been able to gather  a pretty decent amount of resources I’ve got a   bunch of stone I’ve also got some iron that I can  smell luckily we have some coal so that’s pretty  

Good I mean right now this doesn’t look like a  lot I mean it’s it’s kind of small like my foot   can barely even really go in this mine shaft but  trust me guys this is the start of something big  

Okay eventually this mine shaft will go all the  way from this little Hill over into my base under   Logan’s base to plant TNT maybe we’ll even find  the N Fortress inside my mine shaft so I’m gonna  

Go back to building working on my house because  Logan’s been working on it the whole time but   at least we gather some extra resources and Logan  doesn’t know about the secret mine shaft here and   just like that guys we have the floor plan to  my awesome Minecraft house so now we gotta put  

As the house is starting to look pretty  good we’re working on the second story   now I still have a ton of stuff to  do like putting the windows on and   everything like that but I thought we  would give Logan his present you know  

We got from our secret mine shaft so hey  Logan remember that I stole your grass Jake I returned your grass I  demand you got a broom it’s   just a little messy but no yes it’s good it’s dirt

Do not throw dirt blocks at people  that is no no I will throw this at you all right I’d say uh makes us even   just putting the finishing touches on my roof and  then we are officially ready to start building  

The insides of our house and we are done our roof  and I think I’m Gonna Leave This as like a little   Skylight because I’m thinking we put our bed here  then we have a skylight and in the morning the  

Sun comes up shines right through here we get  woken up plus guys we can see the stars foreign all by yourself King Pop Jake needs a nice house  so far guys we haven’t had any trouble no zombies   no creepers it’s not night time so nothing  too scary has happened but guys remember we  

Are sleeping here so we do gotta be ready for  an attack yeah guys we are surviving out here   for as long as every video gets 20 000 likes  so I mean if you guys keep liking these videos  

We could be out here we have something on your  shirt that’s probably from killing the zombie   we could be out here Logan for for seven  months maybe nine maybe twelve maybe four   years 14 years we might be here still  Logan so you better make your house good

All right guys my house is pretty much done we  have our Minecraft bed Minecraft sheets pillow we   got a chest it’s pretty simple pretty basic house  but you know we just got the Necessities because   it is day one and trust me guys we’re gonna be  doing a lot more getting resources building bases  

So far our village is looking pretty sweet we  got Jake’s house got my front porch here and uh   I do have one thing I want to craft go into our  chest we got some sticks and got a piece of coal  

Because it’s getting dark I want to make a torch  so put our stick put our coal and we should have   a torch and just like that we have ourselves  a torch guys check it out so when it gets  

Night you can turn it on and we can have light  all right I’m gonna leave that right here the   only problem with using cool guys is your hands  get really dirty let’s go see what Jake’s up to  

Jake what’s going on I I want to see your house  what do you mean nothing’s going on obviously   you’re waking me up I’m sleeping in my bed quite  the space you got here yeah I’ve spent most of my  

Time working on it you know this is my casa my  house my castle it’s everything that you could   possibly want in a Minecraft house not looking  any daily because I can’t show you some of the  

Stuff in the house what do you mean you can’t  show them nothing here dude this is my Minecraft   are you getting out there all right guys check  it out so we got our we got our house here and  

Basically it is not complete because as you guys  know this is the first day of Minecraft week I   want to do everything proper and getting a lot  of the resources I mean we still need Redstone  

We still need gold we still need Diamond there’s a  lot to do and even though I didn’t focus a ton on   the building of the house I think I did pretty  well I mean I got a mind going I got the house  

Going pretty well and over here this is super  secret that’s why I couldn’t have Logan see it   this is the secret room where I’m gonna store  all of my items I’m gonna have a bunch more  

Secret rooms in this house I don’t know how I’m  gonna cover it yet it might be like a redstone   piston setup where it like moves a bookshelf  or something like that but that’s gonna be   coming very soon once we get some Redstone  but another thing I worked on check this out  

Okay get out of here this is top secret stuff I’m  not looking at your Minecraft face go back to your   home go sleep in there all right guys check this  out another thing that I worked on was I actually  

Went ahead and I made the well so over here we’ve  got our well full of water which if we start   growing our crops which I want to do we could  just come on over here grab a bucket of water  

And then we can start laying down crops I’ve also  got the robe that I’m working on here it’s looking   pretty good so far and I think exterior wise the  house is looking pretty sweet we’re almost here  

Behind the we almost found the Dragon’s Lair I can  smell it little buddy we are going to get him back foreign land now we can respawn the dragon  if you can help us they will no   longer make fun of me for my upside  down face let’s face the crystals

And now for the dragon egg you are  going to save Minecraft for us respawn he’s working Randall the dragon is coming back to  life my son thank you you have chosen to respond   me from my Slumber I the Ender Dragon will destroy  all of Minecraft and we get to help right Mr  

Dragon I guess you you could help us wow because  you’re respawning me you here guys Randall anyway   let me finish they will see my Terror bro  beside once was and no one will make fun of  

Me anymore bye Mr Dragon what and why was everyone  making fun of you because I make all my Minecraft   bullets out of scrub not wood you made your  thoughts on it Dad that’s just the ritual going to life and I live yes yes grow  Dragon grows we will be unstoppable

So far today’s been a little bit uneventful we’ve  just been doing some house chores and some stuff   oh guys check it out there’s a spider that’s kind  of cool you know what I think I’m gonna call him  

Ted he’s gonna be my new pet spider he’s gonna  live on my house Ted the spider Hey Jake Jake Jake you got a spider where is he Logan I got him   that was my pet spider I’m gonna have a pet  spider’s gonna name him Ted the spider they  

Try to eat you Logan they’re bad enemies in  Minecraft have you not learned that yet well   now we got some strings so I mean at least we can  use this to build something there’s lots of stuff  

You can build a string like paintings and as you  can see we’ve already done some building uh the   only thing we don’t have is a Minecraft shower  I can tell Logan has definitely not used the  

Minecraft shower but I do have a well see Logan  you can take a bath in her well we have a big day   planned we’ve done a lot of upgrades but we still  are so small in comparison to Minecraft I mean  

They’re still going to the nether there’s what  got a fish I literally just caught a fish good   for you Logan that’s what you could also build  with the string is a fishing rod ow don’t hit me  

With the fish it’s not a weapon we have to eat it  okay well we found some food for tonight I guess   okay guys but we still have a lot to do so I’m  thinking today we expand our bases a little bit  

We gotta get back to mine and we gotta get  collecting resources Logan just left this   is a perfect opportunity to show you guys my  super secret mine which I’ve been working on   I guess so Logan doesn’t know about this  mind but this is where we’re going to be  

Finding all of our diamonds you see Logan  thinks he’s going to be getting diamonds   from I don’t know a cave or maybe trading  it or something like that no no no this   is where we get diamonds all last night I’ve been  digging you guys probably saw this in the last  

Episode it was really small well now we have grown  even bigger I found more iron I found more Shake   this is our backyard I know we’re taking  Minecraft weeks seriously but you can’t   just dig a mine shaft in our backyard that is  a secret mine shaft that you were not supposed  

To know about I’m going to be using it to find  resources like gold and diamonds sometimes I   just don’t know where Jake comes up with these  ideas as you guys know we are trying to build a

House is blowing that means you’re going to  be using all my resources up but dude if we   work together we can get so much further ahead we  can build bigger stuff well I guess we are trying  

To build a city guys and I mean you know there  are a lot of mobs in Minecraft now it’s not just   creepers and skeletons you gotta worry about  they’re zombie villagers there’s those weird   little things that fly around they look like manta  rays I mean even pandas are kind of scary if you  

Think about it they’re basically Bears gee you  just found a potato genuinely guys like Jake   just found this potato in that hole I told you  this time I’m Pop Jake the farmer and I’m doing   everything with Tegrity stop cutting my potato we  need this to start our potato farm how did we find  

It we’re gonna have a potato farm a watermelon  Farm sugarcane farm bamboo Farm not not beetroot   Farm because no one likes no one likes beets  okay guys so I think it would be super awesome  

Second Story here that you come out here you have  the second story and it takes you inside the ocean   we gotta start this expansion now I think we  gotta move the house over here build the Second  

Story have the balcony that goes down we have a  fishing area of course all right and we should   have a tunnel between my house and your house so  it’s like one big super house I like this okay  

Well I just got a lot of resources so we can uh  Jake who’s that uh actually yeah why is he walking   like that I don’t know Logan and all I have on  me is this hoe excuse me sir what do you want

Uh Jake what’s he saying speaking  villager Logan a language I’m quite   familiar with but quite I mean not  very much but I’ll try to reply to him uh Jake what did you just say he sounds kind of  Max I couldn’t tell you maybe he’s bending over  

Here oh stop shooting with your arrows ow all  right all I have is this stick so I’m gonna have   to use this to take you out maybe you can just  reason what do you mean reason with him oh no but

Oh see Logan not that bad I think  that was bad okay I guess it was   kind of bad I don’t know what that guy’s  problem was but look he left a banner oh   look at that I’m blue guy look I’m all mad and  angry Jake what’s this thing floating in the air  

Huh I don’t know Jake I think that’s a raid you  just started a raid I did not just start a raid   okay yeah I might have taken that guy out but he  had a problem with me his people are gonna come  

For us now well you know what then let them come  for us because they can come pick up their Banner   oh we should put it here that looks sick he just  started a war no Logan just keep building it’s  

Minecraft there’s no wars in Minecraft oh come  on let me hang this Banger here all right Jake   whatever you say I mean I think this starts a war  no I mean look they’re gonna look at that and be  

Like oh you’re on our side unless we get the red  angry face guys then they might not like the blue   Angry face guys but that’s a problem we’ll deal  with later oh come on we need to get the Second  

Story built Jake is working on the Second Story  right now and I’m thinking we add a tunnel system   that connects our houses I’ve always dreamed of  having a tunnel that goes from one house to the  

Other so today we might have to cut a hole right  there and make the secret tunnel all the way   to Jake’s Place let’s do it all right guys so  check it out we’ve been working on the Ford for  

A while now and Logan is currently working on  a secret tunnel which is going to be going for   my kind of utility slash crafting room I’ve also  got my bench set up here and I’ve got some of the  

Ore that I found I also found some andersight  so that’s kind of cool although no one really   uses andersite it’s kind of the lamest door  in Minecraft but guys check this out I’ve been  

Working on the Second Story and look how cool this  thing is so you open this door here and you head   on outside to the Second Story AKA The Patio  looking out onto the ocean how sweet is this  

Guys over here we’ve got a nice window looking  outside you know you can see the ocean we got a   plant here you know my little book for reading we  got some glass panes and then place is set right  

And then over here you can actually look down into  the ocean so we could jump in here we can also use   this as a nice little fishing area so you know I  can sit back here cast my fishing rod catch some  

Fish or maybe just jump in there and look for  some Ocean Monuments but guys it is starting to   get kind of late and we have no food and since we  are only doing this Minecraft style I thought now  

Would be the perfect time to get started on my  farm I’m not really going to be doing too much   in terms of the farm today but I thought it could  probably grow us some wheat and make us some bread  

Since that’s probably the easiest thing to make  in Minecraft so I’m gonna go get my shovel get   my hoe and then grab a bucket and start working  on the farm all right guys so I’m thinking for  

Our farm we build it here so let’s start hoing  the ground and then I’ll be planting my seeds so I’ve got the farm ready to be seated I’ve gone  ahead here and used the hull on all of the grass  

So I’m gonna put the seeds in but before I do  that we need to make a bucket because I need to   put some water down the side so you guys know  how it is with Minecraft Garmin so I’m gonna  

Go take some iron ore and some of our coal and  convert that into some iron ingots finally in   the crafted room and like I said we do everything  as you would do in Minecraft so in order to craft  

This we are going to need a block of coal which  I will handy dandy put in here and then we’ll   just fill her up with a bunch of iron like so oh  and there it goes it is on and cooking some iron  

For us I think the first thing I’m gonna build is  of course a sword but then after that I’m gonna   build the bucket so I can get back to farming  but I’m gonna let this go for a little bit and  

I’ll catch you guys in a second okay guys so the  furnace is done and we have a ton of iron ingots   we have about 16 of them so we’re gonna use these  to craft our stuff Let’s uh use three of these to  

Make ourselves a nice little bucket next so one  two three oh and there we go we got a bucket all   right next up we’ll get some more we’re only gonna  need two this time so we will place them like this  

Here’s our stick in three two one oh and there  we go we got a nice iron sword now that is an   upgrade that we’ve been needing I’m gonna take my  bucket keep this iron sword on me and I’m gonna go  

Work on the uh the crops because as of right  now we have zero food all right guys so I’ve   got some wheat seeds here so let’s go ahead  and start planting these plant some here ah  

Some here get some in the middle cause I’ll run  the water down the two sides and we got one left   so I’ll plant it there now he’s gonna grab some  water luckily we have a massive ocean right here

All right and there we go guys we’ve got our farm  all nice and watered we got the seeds in here now   if we can find some bone meal which it is getting  dark out so the skeletons should be coming out we  

Should be able to grab some and hopefully we  can make some wheat very quickly that way we   can turn the wheat into bread and then the bread  goes in our tummies and then we eat I’m almost on  

The tunnel system and let me tell you it’s gonna  be sweet check it out guys we got a tunnel we’re   almost finished it connecting my house to Jake’s  as you guys can see we’re at my bed and you’re  

Probably thinking it’s just a bed but no open  this hatch and we go inside the secret tunnel   and all the way over there guys is  Jake’s house check it out we are in   the mine shaft we’re gonna test this out for  the first time guys it’s a little cramped  

Gets the job done you know at night  creepers and skeletons and scary   things come out so I don’t really want to  go outside I’d rather just use my tunnel   we’re inside Jake’s house oh that was really  I’ve never been so scared in my life so it is  

A officially dark out and since we are surviving  the night here we decided that we would make a   fire luckily we still have our ax so we are  cutting up some wood that we are going to  

Use as firewood and then hopefully we get some  food we can cook it on the fire which we still   haven’t gotten here all right guys we got the  fire going it’s nice and warm and it lights  

Up the backyard Jake I feel like I kind of hear  something this one’s an ow an arrow just hit me   uh Logan we got a skeleton moving fast Jake  I got a sword all right try to take him out foreign

Took out that skeleton Jake I didn’t like  that guy oh look what he dropped we got some   bones oh what are we gonna do with bones and  I know what we’re gonna do with bones we are  

Gonna turn these bones into bone meal and I am  going to be preparing us a nice dinner see we   had to wait for my crops but now with bone  meal we’ll have some wheat in the next five   seconds does wheat mean bread for dinner  doesn’t eat Logan some homemade Papa Jake  

Bread made with Integrity all right guys check  it out I used the bone meal and we have some   wheat a grown instantly now all we gotta do is  Harvest it and we’ll have some bread in no time

Oh check out all this weed guys homegrown now  we just gotta put this in the oven and I’ll make   ourselves a baguette and we’re eating baguettes  tonight which honestly out of all the Minecraft   food isn’t that bad until we find some chicken  or pigs or actually apples would be pretty good  

Or a cake okay well that comes later tonight  it’s Brad guys we’re heading in to make some   bread here Logan take the wheat oh there we go  Jake it’s cooking oh I can’t wait for dinner  

Oh we got bread Jake look at that dude we got  some fresh bread a loaf of bread whoa whoa whoa   slow your roll there bro I’m starving so we only  have one bread give me the other side of the bread   Logan you can’t hog all the bread

Now that spread made with Integrity all right  Jake I think I’m gonna use my tunnel system   to go back to my house because honestly I don’t  want to face any creepers skeletons or anything   else dangerous out there like we’re gonna get to  bed though guys because it has been an extremely  

Long day hi Jake I’ll see you in the morning  buddy all right all right in the time we go   see my bad and I can’t wait to get inside and we are back inside my house here we  go you guys can’t see it but I can see  

The stars like I said I got my Skylight it  is pretty sweet I mean all right guys I’m   gonna head to bed I will see you guys in  the morning Minecraft day three here we go   this is the Minecraft police put  your hands up for friendly fail  

What what Jake do you hear that it sounds  like there’s music oh why would there be   music we’re in a mine shaft we need to  Cave or something we should keep mining again always on the lookout for you  

Shouting so bright and glowing so blue I want  that crispy Diamond brand new shining so far   I know baby friendly Phil this is a close recording session   get out of here wait wait they’re my  friends who are these guys it’s Jake what from the Dragon

Oh I’m super famous now congrats Phil I know you  you did really well with your first song I hope   this one turns out I’ve got so many guys I’ve got  like four different houses yeah he’s super good  

It’s the next star of Minecraft I mean we’re still  looking for diamonds but you know that that’s   good to know that you have so many how about that  I’ve heard that the dragons actually back I heard  

He burned down like two Villages well that that’s  impossible we we took out the dragon yeah no no we   we we took down the dragon there is no more Dragon  in Minecraft I heard it from Barry who told me  

That he burned down two villages in the dragon’s  back okay wait your friend’s a liar there’s   no dragons in Minecraft also dude you know you  have a bad Omen right why are you even down here  

Shouldn’t you be defending your face or something  Jake I told you you have a bad Omen oh that’s what   that is we’re gonna have a raid Jake okay uh yeah  you know what uh there’s probably gonna be a raid  

And it’s probably going on on their base right  now you know you guys enjoy your song we’ll uh   we’ll see you later finally Phil they’re probably  writing your base right now right in your face I’m  

Out of here see what you did so what I have to  work with here welcome back to another day in   real life Minecraft the series where we survive  using only real life Minecraft items today we   build the ultimate defense base using TNT zombies  and much more to defend against an oncoming raid  

Smash that like button let’s go for 25 000 likes  for more awesome videos in real life Minecraft it’s the ice cream truck wait don’t Logan you  can’t run after the ice cream truck there’s   no ice cream in Minecraft he’s he’s gone he  just he ran after the ice cream truck there  

Is absolutely no way we are breaking our rules  we are living surviving and only doing Minecraft so we uh we made some cuts to the whole uh only  Minecraft items only but that’s okay because we  

Are back with a brand new episode of Minecraft  week and if you guys don’t know how this works we   are living and surviving in the world of Minecraft  you guys have absolutely been destroying that like   button we have been staying here and living in  our Minecraft houses you might see a big tent  

That’s because it rained and destroyed everything  yeah so originally we didn’t know if you guys were   gonna absolutely kill the like button but you guys  actually just just kept hitting it I mean you you  

All hit it a lot of times I mean you should keep  doing that in fact you did it so much that we got   a little scared and we’re like all right this is  gonna be a little long term so we had to rebuild  

A little bit we had to set up a tent because  obviously rain is a thing in Minecraft and Logan’s   house has been completely rebuilt it pretty much  has the same thing I got a bat I got a chest I got  

Some lights the only thing we don’t have now is  the secret tunnel which was pretty awesome yeah   guys we are missing the secret tunnel but that’s  okay you know we still got my massive Fortress  

Check this out okay I did change the location of  my door I still have my weld going on over here   but we’ve got our door on the side here which  comes into a very spacious and nice room I’ve  

Even got my window to look out you know we got a  book here if I want to read that square rectangle   square uh and then the Sun and over here you go  through this door this is my crafting room check  

This out guys so I’ve got an entire room dedicated  to crafting I can add all of my new stuff I get in   here like if I build an anvil or if I build a loom  or if I build a smoker or if I build a furnace or  

If I there’s a lot to build in Minecraft you guys  get the point I also did make the little hole here   or when we do make our tunnel system that goes  between me and Logan’s house and on top of that  

We have a ton of room to expand because we want  to turn this into a full-fledged Minecraft village   but like we said guys this is hardcore survival  okay we can only eat food that is in Minecraft  

We can only build items that we find materials  for all right so today guys we are going to be   building the Jake what was that that Logan is an  arrow and I actually do not know where that came  

From that could be a friendly Arrow that’s okay  there is another one friendly Logan we got we got   a problem that guy might have been right there  might be a massive raid coming this way okay  

Come on in here quickly Jake what are we gonna do  about this guy okay well I have a sword and here   you have a shovel a shovel that’s all I had Logan  I didn’t have enough time to build anything else

Come on we gotta go okay you know what that’s it  it’s fight time come here oh no he’s got a diamond   sword oh oh no oh no no no swords way better  than mine Logan do something with the shovel  

Ah how is that better than my sword I  don’t know look that’s probably not the   last thumb that guy said that a big raid  was coming and they are not taking ow ow   it’s doing that they’re not taking over our  village I worked too hard on that I told  

You that once you trigger a raid they’re  gonna come after us and we’re gonna come   I think we need to build a better defense  system oh no look we got another one hold on Jake I think I got him I got him

You get the shovel all right I see how it is  look there’s gonna be more coming out one over   starting round two wait what what do they mean  round one over starting round two Logan we are   not prepared for round two we’re ready for  round one how many rounds are there we need  

To build an ultimate Minecraft defense base  there’s like a million numbers in the world   Jake we’re gonna need strategies okay I’m  thinking like 10 different defenses you just   need to calm down Logan you’re the one calm  down you’re the one freaking out right okay  

I have an idea we need to build up our base  and get defense that’s my idea I just said   that look at everyone shares ideas okay if it’s  your ideas my ideas everyone’s idea we need to  

Build up our base defenses and get ready for the  biggest raid of all time I’m thinking fences I’m   thinking Pistons I’m thinking TNT launchers we  need everything and in order to do that Logan we  

Need to start mining all right guys we’ve made it  to the forest and it is now time to be collecting   some resources we’re gonna need a lot of stuff in  order to build these defenses up we’re gonna need  

Wood Redstone iron I mean if we find diamond  that’s also amazing we’re also gonna need some   feathers Logan we need to find a chicken I got  someone thinking maybe Jake and I split up I’m  

Gonna use my shovel to collect some sand and I  also have an ax to chop down some trees let’s go all right I think that’s enough sand for now I’m  gonna go see what Jake’s up to so Logan’s tasked  

Me with getting the resources that I have to  mine so my big thing is redstone because I think   we could make a bunch of really cool Contraptions  and defenses for our base so I’m thinking we head  

On over here I found a little bit of a crevasse  so hopefully we can find something in here and   that’s a long way down well I don’t have feather  falling on so I’m definitely not gonna be jumping  

Okay looks like it’s one block at a time okay  easy does it just like in real Minecraft foreign guys I’ve been following the crafts for a little  bit haven’t found anything yet there’s a lot of  

Stone here so I mean we can always use Stone  so I guess I’ll mine some Stone but still on   the lookout for anything good all right guys  got some Stone not bad now we still gotta find  

That Redstone check it out I finally found some  Redstone it’s a little bit but it should be enough   for what we need it’s in here on the side of this  kind of Cave thing so let’s grab some of this

And there we go we got ourselves some  Redstone okay check it out check it   out I got some sand I got some wood  but Jake I saw a chicken over there CJ great over there there’s chicken   all right Logan stay back stay back stay  back just run over there and get the chicken  

Like that oh the chicken’s running away Mr  Chicken I’m just gonna hit him with my shovel   ready no he looks so innocent I need the chicken  we need food okay oh he’s coming over here hey  

Buddy mom papa Jake and I just wanted to uh just  uh gonna and Jake I think you got the chicken oh   I feel so bad Mr Chicken that’s all that’s left of  him I mean at least we got some feathers sacrifice  

Himself for us Logan so we can make bow and arrows  I mean he’s a good man he’s a good chicken the   least we can do is collect his feathers and maybe  take the chicken meat and make some chicken wings  

Tonight with barbecue sauce that’s I think that’s  the best way to honor him all right Jake I think   we have enough materials let’s just head home  all right well you know they say the best way   to head home this is a creeper well let’s just  sit him back okay he’s running right towards  

Us and it’s like three hits I got this oh no  no no no no no no no come on hold on hold on I got him I got him I took down the creeper he  didn’t blow up he just exploded no he didn’t  

Blow if I got him before you gunpowder no no no  I think I the third hit with the shovel oh Jake   look at this yeah look at that we got gunpowder  for the the TNT gunpowder for TNT that’ll help  

Us with defense base yeah see guys you might have  thought that creeper was gonna explode but if you   hit him three times before he gets close enough to  you he doesn’t explode at all we got feathers we  

Got gunpowder we got Redstone we got wood we  got sand Stone and there’s this array coming   so I think guys we better head back to base start  building up and get ready for this raid all right  

Guys we’re back home and we have some materials  to build our defenses Jake what do you think we   should build first well first things first Logan  I think we should get some fences around here that   will delay them a little bit then we can start  working on the actual stuff that’s going to  

Attack them I’m thinking a piston to shoot out  arrows that we can craft with all the feathers   that we got all right on top of that I got some  other tricks up my sleeve I’ll reveal later but  

Let’s get working on this fence well Jake works  on the fence I’m gonna go make some arrows   we got our sticks we got our flint and last but  not least we got our feather here we go in three  

Two one oh all right guys we have our first  Arrow I only have about five feathers so we’re   only gonna get like Five Arrows from this and we  also gotta make our bow for our bow and arrows

Arrow number two number three all right we got  three sticks and we got our string back when we   took out that spider we got a string so this  will be used to make our bow all right three  

Oh dude guys check it out we got our bow  and we got our arrows oh just like that   I kind of gotta practice my aim but I’m gonna  get good with these things and then with the  

Extra arrows we have I think Jake’s gonna work  on a dispenser okay so I still got some work to   do on the fence but I thought I’d take a little  bit of a break and work on some of the Redstone  

So what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna create a  wiring system starting here so I’ve got my   pieces of redstone so let’s Place one here  and there we go we’ve got our one piece of  

Redstone down let’s put another one over here all  right here we go and there we go another piece of   redstone an extra Arrow I’m gonna keep that and  last but not least right here and just like that  

We’ve got a perfect line of redstone for my next  build which is a dispenser check this out guys   so I actually used some of the stone that we had  along with some of our other items and I built a  

Fully working Redstone dispenser if we place the  dispenser right here like so we can fill it with   some of the arrows Logan has and then using our  Redstone which goes all the way over here check  

This out guys look what I’m going what are you  doing I’m building TNT you move the crafting table   crafting room that was a dark room this is  bright and nice this is my like room what do you  

Do TNT I got the paper I got the sand okay  all right now I got the gun powder yep okay   we don’t need bread but honestly guys this  stale Brad could be used as a defense system   it is Rock Solid you could hurt someone  with this okay yeah ow ow stop I’m losing  

It’s hard build your TNT all right okay guys we  got our TNT let’s do this in three two boom oh   dude inside the house be careful with the  TNT well just think about it if I were to  

Blow this up right now our entire house would  be well it wouldn’t be here anymore exactly I   know okay well you know what Logan I was working  on something so I’m sorry Jake why did you get  

Rid of The Craft because I need the room Logan  I’m setting up a very specific Redstone system   by attaching this lever right here I will be able  to activate a dispenser that can shoot arrows at  

Any enemy coming at us did you make a dispenser  yes maybe dispenser Logan check it out my lever now we’ve got our lever set up so I’m going to use  some of your arrows when we pull this it is going  

To shoot arrows at enemies coming during the raid  okay so far we have TNT we have weapons we have   your dispenser system oh we don’t have my secret  weapon Logan I haven’t told you about that yet  

Secret if I were to tell you about it wouldn’t  be a secret so I’m not going to tell you okay Jake what is it okay fine I’ll tell you all  right I’m going to get a cage and fill it with  

A zombie when they come we will see that is so  dangerous when they come we will open the cage   the zombie will see all the intruders coming and  it will go after them and attack them how are you  

Gonna get a zombie leave that part to me okay  guys we have our TNT set up here so if enemies   come from around that corner we have our TNT set  up with some Redstone that goes into my house  

There’s a button in here Logan whatever you do  do not press this button unless it is an absolute   emergency do not press this button whatever you  do do not press the button no do not press the  

Button okay so we press that button and boom  goes to Dynamite say bye bye to anyone raiding   our base and Jake nice job on the fence thank you  I’m hoping this keeps out a lot of the Raiders I  

Mean there’s there’s no way to get by it’s really  impossible to jump over a fence it is actually   physically that that’s written in the physics  books you cannot jump over a Minecraft fence so   yeah I can’t do it you wanna try  

Uh Jake what is that oh that’s the cage for  the zombie check it out that’s a zombie well   I I couldn’t get a real full-size zombie so I  got a baby zombie I mean they’re just as good  

As a real zombie uh okay all right you got a baby  zombie in the cage that’s great Jake yeah so if   they come we release the zombie he goes after  them he goes off and just attacks them he’s a  

Piece okay all right easy peasy we got a baby  zombie we got an arrow dispenser TNT impossible   fence to get through oh no that’s Jake that was  the raid okay they’re coming battle positions   oh hey Randall wow look at that diamond armor too  bad you still got that upside down face that’s not  

Funny Jim that’s not funny at all I was hoping  I’d find you here I wanted to show you something   you got nothing to show me that’s where you’re  wrong I’d like to introduce you to my friend  

Wait Randall what is that is that the is that  the ender dragon attack him as the Ender Dragon that’s for making fun of me but you’re  only to stop the rest is all of Minecraft  

We have to have a serious problem we do we have a  very very serious problem that I cannot see Jake   a raid is coming we heard the battle horns and  that means that Raiders are coming and they’re   gonna destroy our base Jake careful no not the  fence I’m going to single-handedly defend this  

Base against anyone trying to attack it this  is our home Logan this is the only thing we   have left other than that house we built some  defenses for our base we have TNT we also have  

A dispenser which is going to shoot out arrows  at the pull of a lever in case anyone starts to   come this way we just start pulling the levers  shooting at them we’ve also combined our bases  

And added a brand new fence that we built using  resources we got from the forest to defend the   main section but guys we are not done we are  not ready for this epic attack I mean I am the  

Logan song because I’m really good at fighting  we need to build something bigger Logan we need   to make sure that we 100 can survive this raid  because you guys know if we survive the raid  

Get lots of really cool stuff and and we get  to keep our house Jake that too we also get to   keep our house on top of that guys I actually  went ahead and got a baby zombie that we can  

Unleash on any Logan where the baby’s on we go  Jake the zombies gone it was literally inside   that cage two minutes ago I even gave him  a name his name is little Ted oh he’s fine plus I should not be allowed to live  maybe maybe you don’t trap a zombie

Little rocky for the raid I mean we’ve already  pretty much did I think we’re ready we don’t   have any armor we’ve got very little bow and  arrows but we do have a very cool defense   base but Logan no face is finished without  an epic Tower I’m thinking we build a fire  

Story Tower attached to your house that we can  use as a Lookout Point to snipe down at incoming   enemies that’s gonna take ages to build not a  Minecraft logo you’re gonna watch and learn how   this is done master builder Papa Jake is gonna  get us a defense tower in less than two minutes  

I want you on the other hand to go inside and  connect our bases and get everything ready in   there so that when the raid comes we’ve got all  of our bow and arrow swords everything we need  

And also maybe look into getting us some armor  because currently we have nothing on us all right   all right I’ll go connect our houses and get us  some Armor All right guys I’m going to quickly  

Attach Jake’s base with mine so we have optimal  efficiency all right now we got our door and in   case you guys haven’t seen my house yet I’ll show  you around we got my bed we got some lights in  

Here we got my chest full of secret items I don’t  actually want Jake to know what’s inside my chest   because I have some secret stuff and we got this  button you press the button and it blows up the  

TNT all right so guys you know I am an absolute  master builder that is why I have my friend here   Billy now Billy is going to be building us a  tower for uh for emeralds isn’t that right Billy okay fine I’m also a master  negotiator uh six six emeralds

I find uh 12 12 emeralds 12 emeralds okay fine  here you know he’s getting 12 emeralds there   that’s a deal that’s a good deal all right Billy’s  gonna build her Tower and I’m going to go take a  

Break and eat some bread because that’s all we  farmed maybe I should make a farm all right so   now we’re inside Jake’s house you got a furnace he  has his bed and if you come outside of his bedroom  

You have his crafting table and we have our bow  and arrows but guys we need to get some armor   we ran out of iron we don’t have any diamonds or  gold I don’t know guys it’s not like Armor’s just  

Gonna walk right in front of me wait is that a  cow wait guys we could use the cow’s leather for   Armor All right guys I’m gonna take out the cow  with my bow and arrow here we go three two one  

Guys I got it we got the leather gonna be  perfect okay we got the cheek what are you doing   it’s a book what do you mean you’re reading a  book I’m reading a book on a going underwater   you see because I want to do an underwater  Mission but if we’re not going underwater  

That’s supposed to be building that  who’s who’s building that villager   hired him with what we don’t have anything that’s  the thing he didn’t even ask for it up front I   told him 12 emeralds I could have told him 20.  let’s go and there’s a whole Tower I’m learning  

About underwater the ocean floor Jake we have  a raid coming because you have a bad Omen whoa   they got Turtles dude Turtles we should have a  turtle farm you’re making enemies you’re making   enemies left right and Center we’re gonna have  so many people build this and then when we take  

Out the raid we’re gonna get so many emeralds  from it I’ll be able to pay him off everything   don’t you worry plus we’re still a friendly Phil  I mean he said he’s Rich worst case we could just  

Borrow some emeralds from him I got the leather  I think we could use this for some leather arm   all right guys we have our crafting table and we  have our leather let’s make some leather armor   boom and we got ourselves some leather armor  another armor Logan we should be wearing diamond  

Gold not the right well at least put it on let’s  see what it looks all right three two one boom   okay all right oh I like it not too bad looking I  mean probably can’t stop a diamond sword but you  

Know all right let’s get my leather armor going I  saw this cow I was gonna take him out but I didn’t   take him out because I was like I’m gonna name  you Betsy who’s walking around our house haven’t  

Seen him in a bit but yeah that’s our armor one  two three oh okay we got some more leather armor   and I even made myself some pants let’s try these  on oh all right yeah it looks pretty good I think  

That could defend yourself I think look like a  peasant Logan don’t look like a Fearless Warrior   that I am Jake Minecraft is all about working your  way up all right well soon enough I’m gonna have  

Another right armor so I guess this is okay for  now all right well the tower’s in the works we’ve   got bow and arrows made we also have a pretty  decent amount of swords and supplies and this  

Base is looking pretty good I think we’re almost  about ready for this Rave and guys you gotta check   out the tower that I put together 100 Jake you did  not put this Tower together to help with another   person building it Logan come on Cobblestone  is our defense Towers now you can get options  

See look how high it goes dude we can shoot down  like this you don’t use bow and arrows take out   anyone coming at us I can even throw my pickaxe  ow just hit me in the face oh Logan you can’t  

See because you’re down there and you’re really  short but I’m up here and I’m really tall and uh   we got guys coming this way like right now Jake  we need to get our battle supplies right now in  

Positions let’s go all right Jake I’ll get my bow  and arrows and I’ll head up to the tower all right   I just see my sword and I will attack everyone  on the ground if they start getting too close  

I’ll run back in here and I’ll use this to take  him out with the arrows if they get even closer   than that there’s a button inside your house  that activates the TNT block we’ll blow them up   all right guys up the tower  oh no I see one right there

I think I got him oh take him  out oh nice shot dude here’s   your arrow oh no we got another one I got this one all right guys they’re coming from  everywhere we need to defend the  

Base look where are you at Jake I got  this we got a shovel for oh hold on good job dude dude what’d I tell you were  carefully you get all the shovel is the best  

It is you you you broke your shelf that was the  end of my shovel all right we’ll grab your bow   and arrow okay we’re gonna need everything we got  oh no Logan we’ve got an invoker what does that do  

That dude oh no no no this can’t be good I  think he’s spawning zombies Logan get ready oh no we got zombies coming from all around us  Logan this might be the time we use the teeth   quickly

Oh no no no they’re coming geek there’s one  right there oh no Jake okay look when they   get close enough we’re gonna activate the TNT take  them all out at the same time just wait for them  

To get around the TNT Jake I don’t like this we  got another one there’s zombies everywhere just   wait wait we can hold out we need all of them to  get here all right now look you press the button

That was really loud I can’t see my ears Jake that  doesn’t make sense can’t hear my eyes I don’t hear   any zombies I think it works but Jake I still see  the evoker all right I have an idea for him here  

I need you to get into the other room and get  by the lever when I tell you to pull it pull it   all right I’m in the room Jake oh no looks like  he’s doing another spell okay hold on Logan okay in three two one fire

Oh dude it worked we got the evoker  oh and check it out what is that I   don’t know it’s some sort of potion I don’t  know what it does and I mean I should never   drink something I fell off a guy that’s  trying to attack your village but hey

Logan this might be the best person I’ve ever had  Jake what what did you drink I don’t know what I   drank but Logan I have so many ideas right now  we gotta we gotta take down everyone it sounds  

Like you had a sweetie potion maybe you just chill  out the speed potion I need to run I need to move   I need to move fast hold on I’ll be right back  I think Jake may have just taken a speed potion  

The best I’ve ever ran into my life look what we  do now what do we do now we just gotta prepare   there’s probably more villagers coming to radar  base I’m tired that did not last that long Jake  

Those are cool we should make more of those oh no  I think we got one more guy he’s coming this way   oh there he is Jake look there’s an arrow in me I’m Jake I’m gonna drop you oh why  would you do that I’ll remind you  

Get him Logan oh no this one’s kind of  good look at me I got a sword Logan what   are you gonna do with it with a shield  yeah you don’t have a sword anymore okay you know what that’s it

Dropped his diamond sword oh I call  dibs on this Jake Jake what is this   I’ll trade you you’ll trade me a Diamond Sword  for this that’s a respawn Tolkien Logan that   means if you were ever to get eliminated  you can instantly respawn you’re off to  

Spawn in your bed dude look at it it looks  so happy I’m actually not gonna trade this   I’m gonna keep this Finders Keepers  losers weepers see ya well at least   we got everyone eliminating the raid we have  successfully defended the kingdom of Papa Jake the fell the raid’s over oh thank

You I sort of missed the whole thing we really  appreciate you coming out yeah thanks for for   coming I guess what you guys got planned for the  rest of the day well we’re gonna take the stuff  

That we got from the raid and we’re gonna keep  working on the base I mean looking pretty sweet   fans Tower Defense measures we’ve got the fence  uh yeah dude I’m even thinking we could add a  

Water segment to it I mean I want to go find an  Ender guardian we do need a farm because we are   out of food we need potatoes potatoes I only eat  steak must be nice well yeah we don’t have any  

Steak so for us it’s potatoes and bread tonight  yeah yes Phil we talked about personal space   but things are getting kind of scary uh are  you believing this nonsense about the Dragon no   Phil there is no Ender Dragon we took him out we  literally destroyed the Ender Dragon he’s not back  

I mean Logan turned my cow into leather you think  we’re just gonna take this leather armor and put   him back into a cow it’s not how things work the  Ender Dragon is not back in Minecraft okay okay  

That’s good to know all right I’m gonna go back  to the recording studio okay but you guys enjoy   you know ever since he got famous he has  a really big head yeah he does all right  

Guys well I’m gonna take this and put it in  my chest there’s no way I’m gonna lose this   it goes in my chest I think Jake’s working on  a farm right now probably gonna chill out and   then we’re gonna have dinner all right guys  well while Logan’s doing whatever he’s doing  

I need to get working on the farm because as  of right now we’ve only had a few well we’ve   only had bread that’s all we’ve been eating so  I thought one of the first things we could do  

Because we got a body of water next to us and  we’re eventually going to be wanting to make   an enchanting room we need some books in order  to get books you need paper in order for paper  

You need sugar cane and in order for sugar cane  you need to plant the sugar cane so I’ve got   some sugar cane and I’m gonna be planting  it here beside our nice water in the sand foreign there we go our first  ever sugar cane look at that  

Guys soon enough it’ll be as tall as  the sun all right let’s keep planting all right so far looking pretty good guys we’ve  got a bunch of sugarcane in the ground I’m Gonna   Keep planting them and I’ll update you when I’m  done and there we go we have all of our sugar  

Cane all nicely planted by the water so these will  be grown so we can make some paper they’re looking   pretty good right now how long what are you up  to nothing Jake I just uh I brought us dinner

Make some more wheat make some more bread  I’m kind of sick of bread why are you sick   of bread Bros the building block of life  well Jake I got a little something special   potatoes you got potatoes not one potato  oh not two not three oh four potatoes I  

Got potatoes everywhere Jake okay all right  guys looks like we’re moving up in the world   of Minecraft cooking we’re gonna be eating  potatoes well actually what we should do Logan   is we don’t do that with the potato stop doing  that but do not cut the potatoes they’re not  

What we should be doing Logan is we should  eat some of these by turning them into baked   potatoes but the other ones we should plant  so we can grow more potatoes how about you   go inside start cooking us some potatoes  and I’ll be out here planting the potatoes

And just like that I’ve got our potatoes planted  in the ground so now all we got to do is cover   them up with a little bit of soil and then I’m  going to use my bucket to fill in the holes  

Beside it just like in Minecraft these things will  grow from one potato into a million and there we   go we’ll have some potatoes I wonder where Logan  is today has been a very eventful day the Sun is  

Going down getting pretty tired but I was thinking  before we go inside and eat dinner I was thinking   that I’d go check out Jake’s mine shaft and see  if we could find any cool oars or anything special  

But I think it is I think we just found  gold guys check it out it’s gold ore   let’s go take this to the furnace  and turn it into some gold ingot   check this out I took the extra potatoes  you had I planted the rest and I made us  

Baked potatoes no more bread for us tonight look  how big these things are it’s like a whole meal   try it out dude oh dude they’re actually hot  right isn’t that good plus we can start expanding   the farm we can grow carrots watermelons I mean  eventually Logan we could even grow steak I was  

Gonna keep this a secret Jake but check it out  I found some gold ore you got gold ore I’ll do   pop it in the oven let’s get a gold bar going all  right guys the furnace is cooking up that ore into  

A gold bar dude we could be making we should get  a bunch of gold and make powered rails and have a   roller coaster oh that would be sweet wait or  we make a floating house in the middle of the  

Ocean and we go down and we find an energy  if Jake Gets Ready oh take it out let’s see   whoa we got our first gold bar dude that  looks insane oh that is awesome we gotta  

Go wake up Logan because it is a brand new day  and oh okay I’m ready for today Logan’s already   awake today we are going in the ocean that’s  right we are going traveling underwater Logan   oh no guys oh no he must have had half a  heart he doesn’t have feather falling on Logan  

Okay oh yeah oh now now now now it’s over I just  want to take a moment to uh get an R.I.P Logan in   the comments we’re gonna have to continue this  without Logan I just you know he went so fast  

I thought if anything if he was gonna die he’d  go fighting a dragon or a monster or oh my God   at me Jake I’m right here let me just you just  respawn no you’re a zombie zombie Logan get  

Back you don’t have the real look it’s fine you  just respawn in your bed stole my camera yeah I just told you you respawn  when you die oh yeah yeah wait   wait all right uh don’t really know why Jake baby

Do not try that at home though because at  home is not real life Minecraft all right   well Logan what is on the docket for today today  we are going into the ocean we’re gonna travel  

Far and wide we’re gonna make a boat Jake oh I  like this Logan we are gonna build the biggest   boat the Titanic of Minecraft we Are Gonna travel  long wide down up we’re gonna need paper for TNT   all the wood Logan wear your diamonds Jake  Jake we don’t have that kind of resources  

So Logan I’m gonna need to use it for the boat  I think all we need is a little boat that’s it   no no no no no no we’re making a big boat we’re  just gonna need wooden planks and we’re gonna  

Make a boat to travel the ocean look if we’re  gonna travel the ocean we need to make a big   boat Titanic cruise ship there should be a  water slide on our boat what’s this little  

Boat nonsense you know what no no no I get it I  get it I get what Logan’s doing here he’s trying   to say that I’m Logan and I don’t need to use a  lot of things to make things awesome I’m gonna  

Make a little boat and he’s gonna he’s gonna I’m  gonna I’m gonna make it awesome okay all right   this is a classic Papa Jake versus Logan challenge  fine you know what Logan you go make your little  

Tiny boat that No One’s Gonna See and when the  Kraken comes and Chomps you up you are gonna   be calling for me in my big boat I’m gonna take  some of the wood off of here I’m gonna go mining  

I’m gonna go collect resources I’m gonna have  the biggest boat you’ve ever seen in Minecraft   all right we’ll just see who gets across the ocean  first Jake I need to get some wood as well as some  

Other building material so I came over here to my  secret mine shop I’m currently still only wearing   leather armor which really isn’t my style I’m more  of a diamond armor kind of guy or netherite that  

Would be nice but basically we need to find some  new stuff so I’m gonna look around here try and   gather some resources and then we’ll get back  and start building our ultimate Minecraft boat foreign guys check it out we haven’t  found much but I was able to find let’s  

Call deposit here oh yeah there we go  that is a lot of coal so at least we   got something to power the lights and  the furnace on our boat I was able to   get some more Stone too so that’s gonna  work for us now time to gather some wood

Ah here we go more wood put those in the inventory  guys I don’t know about you but I think well   I know nothing about making boats but we’re  probably about halfway there to making a boat  

And look what we got here guys we have an apple  now that is gonna be Oh I wanna drop my Apple   now that is gonna be some food for us when we’re  out on our long boating journey and it looks like  

A sapling fell down now guys you know whenever  you’re playing Minecraft you always gotta replay   at the trees so I’m gonna replant this beside  my mind hopefully that’ll grow into a big tree I   think we got enough resources let’s go see what  Logan’s up to let’s start building their boat  

Because I’m pretty excited to get out on the  open ocean and check out Minecraft underwater   thank you uh there is a spider here guys I Mr  spider okay all right whoa whoa whoa whoa chill   out Mr spider all right you know what whoa  whoa I got a diamond sword and I’m gonna use

Spiders crawling all over a base was Minecraft  come to Logan are you in there what are you   doing in here buddy you’re taking a nap Jake I  have so much time on my hands what do you mean  

You have so much time I just have to craft a  boat you’re gonna craft a house oh yeah you   know what fun take all the time you want because  I’m gonna be making the better boat you’re gonna  

See guys Logan is a noob okay this is basically  a Pro versus Noob situational situation we got   going on here I’m gonna show him what a pro  really does I got my resources I know what   I’m doing it’s time to craft my boat the whole  reason we’re building boats and going into the  

Ocean is the other day I was walking through the  forest when I’m at a villager another beautiful   day in Minecraft huh what’s this dude doing  hello I think this guy’s just sleeping uh hello you don’t mention the pirate beat you’d be  trying to steal me treasure are you no not  

At all I was just waking you up and seeing if  you’re okay see how the Seven Seas of Minecraft   for 14 years haven’t seen land since I was a  wee land we’re literally standing on land right  

Now because I’m retired okay well I was just  making sure you’re okay I’ll go on my way now   you’re looking for a treasure you’ll be looking  be looking for the best treasure Minecraft has   to offer offer yeah yeah I see the Apple founder  underwater then the great deep depths where people  

Don’t be going unless they know what they’re  doing I’m not really looking for any treasure to   be honest but you are aren’t you you’ll be looking  for a way to find the Deep treasure that I could  

Not find my white whale I mean sure yeah like I I  guess I’d be up for finding some treasure uh where   is it deep in the sea the depth so so down low you  need enough air to last you four days that sounds  

Kind of dangerous but she’d be worth it everything  I’ve done has led me to the treasure and I can   tell you where she is oh okay tell me where it is  it’d be that way far into the ocean somewhere in  

That area could be right could be down couldn’t  even be up well it doesn’t really sound like you   have that many directions but uh I’ll give  it a shot you’ll be the richest man in mine

How did you lose your eye hey I didn’t fell on  sugarcane that makes sense sugar cane is pretty   pointy oh good luck with your treasure finding all  right thanks so much for the help kind of a weird  

Guy I don’t know if I trust them so I haven’t  told Jake about the treasure yet but that’s why   we’re doing this whole mission in the first place  we’re gonna get in the boat we’re gonna go in the  

Ocean and we’re gonna try and find whoa whoa whoa  whoa whoa Logan realizes I can hear him from over   here I mean he’s not 400 meters away he’s talking  about a treasure that’s why he wants to do this  

Challenge he wants to find an underwater treasure  and take it all for himself all right well guys I   didn’t tell Logan this but when we did that raid  in the last episode I actually got some emeralds  

From it so I’m thinking we’re gonna use these  to get ourselves a little more Advantage what I   think we really need is a helmet of respiration  so I need to find myself a traitor okay I got  

Some emeralds to trade any Traders around here oh  okay that was uh extremely fast uh hello good sir   well I’m looking to buy something from you oh you  brought your llamas uh hi well I I’m looking to  

Purchase a well a helmet of respiration could be  Diamond could be anything I’ve got some emeralds   here to trade how much would that run man oh okay  your llamas are really they’re kind of just going  

All over the place it may be controlled though why  do you have llamas what’s the point of the llamas okay yeah no if you could really just kind  of get these llamas under control they’re   kind of everywhere I mean really that  law was just spitting my face why are  

You spitting my face okay look I just  want to buy a respiration helmet please 12 emeralds okay I mean that’s a lot but yeah   okay I can do that okay fine  here are you 12 emeralds hmm let’s see the respiration helmet hmm perfect oh  guys this is gonna give us the advantage against  

Logan now we gotta get our boat ready and I think  I know exactly how we’re gonna do this now that   I’ve got my respirator I am officially ready to  start working on my massive Minecraft floating  

Fortress but I had an idea you know since Logan  didn’t tell me about the treasure and you know   he was kind of sneaky about it and he’s gonna try  and probably steal it from me I thought to speed  

Things up a little bit I’ll just take his house  you know I’ll just lift up his house I’ll put it   on this platform and then we’ll have a houseboat I  mean he’s already off doing something he probably  

Won’t even notice then I can add a little bit to  it and we’ll have a massive Minecraft floating   Fortress in fact this is going to save me so  much time I went ahead and I crafted a little   something a fishing rod because there’s gonna  be lots of efficiency and plus you can always  

Find some extra treasure when you’re fishing so  I’m gonna use this to be fishing off the side   of my boat maybe we should go right now and give a  little test run I’m gonna see if we can catch some  

Fish I think I already see some kind of swimming  around down there well maybe we can find some   other stuff here we go foreign and now we wait  I don’t really see anything down there I mean  

There’s some definitely some seaweed and stuff oh  oh wait we got something oh we got something okay   all right come on Mr fishy where are you going  where are you going ah oh uh-oh what oh we can’t we caught that we got a Minecraft fish  not too bad for our first fishing job  

I think I’m gonna do pretty good of this  all right guys I’m in Jake’s Workshop now   because it’s time to start building my boat  first things first we need some wooden planks   now we’re gonna take our crafting table bring  it outside now we just need to make our boat  

What is this Jake Jake why  is my house on your floaty   where did my house go there right isn’t it nice  you can’t just take my fort my tea has borrowed   some inspiration taking my fort is not borrowing  inspiration Jake I know what you’re saying she’s  

Nice I even got room to walk around now this  is a pro Minecraft floating Fortress I mean I   got a respirator in here I’ve got a fishy Rod  oh did I even show you Logan I caught a fish   see my first fish you stole my house  borrowed your house it’s the right  

Word to use also good luck getting across  the ocean Jake this thing’s gonna move so   slow I don’t think so Logan if anything  you’re gonna hit one wave and tip over   and uh I don’t know about you but I’d be  scared of the drowned I don’t care about  

The drown okay here we go I’m gonna build  my boat I’m gonna get that treasure three Three Wooden Boat this thing is gonna go faster  than Jake’s houseboat I mean my houseboat it’s   pretty much my house folk because it’s my house  there we go guys my boat’s afloat I don’t think  

Jake’s gonna be able to even carry his house  yeah this way three emeralds come on Jake you   can’t just keep giving away emeralds we don’t even  have emeralds uh yeah that’s right we don’t ever   throw boat if you will yeah that’s a massive  boat okay wait I’m just gonna get inside my  

Boat Jake all right and we are inside my  boat oh gosh I’m gonna paddle away Jake   Paul it’s gonna take up the whole ocean  wait wait oh Jake Jake you’re hitting me   on my boat and of course Jake’s boat looks  like the Titanic in comparison to my boat

Stand on my boat we’ve got a little walkway  here that we can uh use to walk around we’ve   also got our entrance so we can go inside  and chill out it’s like sleeping in a cruise  

Now we just let the Minecraft Sea take us where  the Minecraft Sea wants to take us once we get far   enough out we can start exploring some shipwrecks  go underwater I mean I’ve got a respirator Logan  

Doesn’t Logan what are you doing I’m coming on  your fort you’re not allowed to come in my Fort   Logan what are you doing this is literally my  house you’re not allowed in my boat this is my   boat this is my boat well the fact that you  already came over here we’ve been literally  

At sea for five minutes shows me that the pro  Fort is uh probably winning because it looks   like you don’t want to be on your little dinghy  anymore look at little thing can barely float it  

Can float just fine and I didn’t say I wasn’t  gonna make a better bow I just said we need a   simple boat that takes us from A to B yeah well  it doesn’t look like your boat’s taking us from A  

To B but it looks like this is I have a fishing  rod what do you have I have my bare hands Jake   you can go fish with the bare hands in the ocean  with deadly zombies everywhere yeah I’ll just use  

My sword or my hands okay all right yeah you go  fish I’m gonna use my fishing rod you know what   fine go explore underwater I’m gonna be up here  high and dry in my Pro Fort guys this actually  

Works out because while Jake’s fishing I’m gonna  go looking for Treasure so while Logan’s going to   fish underwater with his bare hands and a sword  I’m really going to be doing what the objective   is and that is finding this treasure I’ve got  my respiration mask here which is gonna let me  

Stay underwater a lot longer than Logan I think  we’ll find this treasure in no time see ya Jake foreign this is not good finding this treasure  is gonna be a lot harder than I thought oh guys that was a giant squid I am  not down for a giant squid that’s

Hunting mode I don’t know where G Ary I don’t  know what he’s doing but we are gonna find this   treasure all right guys so while Logan’s swimming  around looking for fish I’m gonna be looking for   Treasure I got my rest spread here let’s head  down there see what we can find here’s the  

Respirator time to put it on got the air feeding  through here just like in Minecraft thank you hold my breath for a lot longer with  this thing that’s pretty crazy I can   stay under there for almost five minutes  and look I already found a jellyfish all  

Right we gotta keep looking for this treasure  though so far no bad guys that’s a good thing so far I haven’t found any treasure found a  couple little uh Jellyfish and a lot of seaweed   but nothing else is under there I don’t know  where this treasure is guys look I caught another

I don’t know what’s that oh no that might   be a drowned guys I think we  have a drown coming this way foreign guys watch out I think there’s one more cover this way I don’t   know why there’s so many of them  oh there’s seaweed is everywhere there’s a lot of them foreign

Wait you knew about the treasure I knew  about the treasure Logan I overheard you   talking about it I wanted to find it too I  didn’t know what was in it but I wanted it   it will take I found the treasure what dude  look at this you actually found the treasure  

Down there this thing’s heavy I don’t know  what’s inside but guys whatever it is it’s   probably diamonds this actually might have been  worth it after all right well I say we open up   this chest and see what’s inside and find  out all these goodies we went through a lot  

To get this we had to beat drowned Logan  got attacked by an octopus and all four paper well technically two pieces  there’s a coin there’s one coin okay we went through all that for two pieces  of paper that really just you know what I’m  

Done it’s a map no I’m going to three we got a  map with an x on it that’s treasure wait what   x stands for Treasure oh hold on there’s a  note check this out if you’re reading this  

You have found the key to the bank of Minecraft  they are responsible for stealing diamonds and   gold from the citizens of Minecraft I didn’t  know Minecraft had a bank wait I can’t really   read this handwriting use this along with the  map to steal back from them and the riches will  

Be yours Beware of the dangers ahead Yours Truly  CB I know this is Charlie Buckingham no I actually   don’t know who this is Charlie do we notice CB  Connor it’s okay just just give up big horse

And craft is that means we knock the treasures  from this just sounds like stealing okay no but   they’re bad people it says that they stole  from the people of mine they’re like Robin   so we’re gonna go we’re gonna go steal from the  bad people so it’s not stealing it’s actually  

Let’s still stealing all right but look if we’re  going all the way over here we’re coming from   here that’s a long way to travel and the sun’s  already setting it’s got to be a faster way to  

Get across land and that’s where that horse came  in okay but Jake where are we gonna get a horse   I don’t see a horse why don’t you leave that  up to me all right guys check it out we also  

Got some new potatoes growing as well in our farm  here and ah I was able to get some carrots I got   fish oh okay and Logan has got a fish not too bad  all right Logan I see you head on over to them  

I just had the most amazing idea ever carrot on  the end of a fishing pole equals a fishing pole   carrot just like how you ride pigs Logan let’s see  if it works with you Jake there we go it’s Burger  

King it’s not working chase the carrot Logan Chase  it I’m not interested in the carrot it works with   pigs Chase it no get up okay that didn’t work with  Logan that was a bad idea all right you know what  

Logan we got carrots we got fish we got potatoes  we’ve got our house but we’re gonna have to leave   this land and just like in real Minecraft we  don’t know how long we’re gonna be so I’d say we  

Bring everything we have bring your respawn token  I’m gonna bring my diamond sword you bring your   iron sword I got a shovel you do have a shovel  bring that shovel I’ll collect some resources  

Why don’t you head on over to my secret mind that  you know about try and find us some extra iron or   something we could use I’ll grab some wood and  we’ll head to the forest and find ourselves a  

Horse all right guys time to go in mine maybe we  can find diamonds haven’t found any of those yet   oh oh my gosh guys did we just did we just find  diamonds wait wait wait wait wait I cannot use  

This pickaxe this is a cobblestone pickaxe and I  will not be able to collect the diamonds I need   to get a better pickaxe I’m gonna sail across  the ocean ah because I have no time to waste let’s head into Jake’s Workshop perfect we  

Have to that’ll do the trick  here we go guys our first diamond my pickaxe just broke we only had one  more hit but we got the diamond guys our   very first diamond so while Logan’s  off doing some mining I thought I’d  

Go ahead and gather some more resources  you know you can never use too much wood   and there we go we got ourselves a log all right  let’s put this in the inventory and get some more

All right it’s time to craft this log into a bunch  of planks in three two one uh oh oh no I may have   just crafted the entire log into sticks okay okay  well you know what on the upside we have a lot

It’s like torches and Redstone torches and other  things that use sticks like fences oh looks like   Logan’s back Logan how’d you do Jake what’s  going on whoa whoa this what I got a diamond   where did you get a diamond crispy brand new new  crispy Diamond brand new oh dude that is insane  

Dude we could turn that into a diamond shovel  Jake We’re not gonna turn this into a diamond   shovel who uses the diamond shovel I do we’re  shoveling when we have a bajillion diamonds   then we do but we have one Diamond put it in  my chest okay well we got a diamond we’ve got  

Some wood we’ve got food we’ve got pretty much  everything we need all right guys it’s time to   head out on our adventure if we look at the  map here we are quite a ways away from this  

Bank so hopefully we can find a horse and I’ll  speed up the process but we got a ways to go all   right Logan now the first thing about finding  a horse is you got to know where horse like to  

Sleep eat Jake I see a horse right there that  is a horse right there I have no thing to do   about it catching horses you see that one it’s  somebody’s horse that’s gonna be a real tricky  

One yeah we have to get in time gee get out  you can’t just steal someone’s horse that’s   obviously someone else’s horse whether or not it’s  someone else’s horse or it’s a horse in the wild  

It doesn’t matter it’s like if you find a dog if  you find a dog in a while that’s finding a dog   you find a dog at someone’s lawn it’s still  a dog no it’s just facts not how that works  

Follow me we’re gonna move up fast we’re gonna  tame the horse it’s tied down so I can’t move all right I’ve tamed the horse that was  pretty easy Jake of course you tame the   horse because first of all it’s tied to a post  and second of all Jake it’s not even a horse  

We don’t yes Logan it’s not a horse all right it  wasn’t exactly in the budget to get a real horse   deal with a real horse would cost all right  now watch Logan you probably don’t know how  

To ride one of these so let a professional  teach you now this is gonna get us to that   bank real fast all right Buttercup let’s do this  all right Logan Oh buttercups off oh here we go   oh there’s a creeper oh okay um  well I guess I gotta get the creeper

All right one more hit we dodged that all right guys let’s go find Jake  I am going extremely fast about okay Buttercup you   gotta slow down now no no no no but you gotta  slow down how about a cup where’s the break  

On this horse okay Buttercup has slowed down I am  now probably a 40 minute walk from where Logan was   um he may no longer be with us there were a lot  of creepers back there and I might have passed  

Two skeletons yeah all right another creeper guy  it’s no the creeper didn’t get me I got it Jake   and it’s getting really dark yeah I know I also  realized I forgot the map so I had to come back  

I have the map yeah I mean I also came back for  you because I was concerned about you but also the   map here I got an idea why don’t we both ride the  horse we’ll get there in no time come on Jake’s  

Slow down we’re gonna be at that bank in no  time why did we get horses earlier this is   awesome we should be at the bank in no  time okay all right Logan we’re at the   back of the bank office space is massive all  right the letter said we had to use a coin  

To get into this door okay pass the coin  I don’t have the coin right after the coin you know what we’ll do it the  old-fashioned way three two one Jake what’s going on I got it oh no look we got another one down one  

Of these ones have swords that  only have bow and arrows foreign who keeps a creeper head I don’t know  I mean that’s some sort of bang and   why do those skeletons have swords this  place is supposed to be a bank look look  

At it don’t touch the creeper  head Jake look oh golden cars   wait is this the entire bank there’s a chest  open it up open up maybe all the supplies   oh yo diamonds Redstone but wait this can’t be  everything I mean this is the Bank of Minecraft  

What they got one diamond or one Redstone two gold  bars Jake there’s probably a big Vault somewhere I   see we go down here this is how about first how  about you go first this time that door does not  

Look like a door for people that looks like a  door for tiny little zombies you walk in that   door that’s where baby zombies come from okay Jake  I’m gonna go that’s probably the way all right oh uh I think this place might be booby trapped  okay yeah that’s definitely a booby trap all  

Right Logan and my Infinite Wisdom of booby  traps it means that if you hit a pressure plate   you’re dispensing arrows at yourself okay I’m  gonna put the candle here and see what happens   okay okay that’s uh pressure plate activated  there’s got to be a way to get past this I  

Think I’m gonna have to crawl under the  dispensers okay oh you still got him okay   I’m just gonna keep going okay Jake I made it  all right I’m going to run extremely fast and   get over there before single Arrow can hit me  I’m using my speed and intelligence here Logan

Stop doing that I think we’ve we’ve Spencers  okay how do we get out of here now let’s break   through this wall well whoa you need a pickaxe get  through this okay andersite or metal or something

Oh another small room all right I guess oh Jake  why did the lights just go out I don’t I don’t   know I didn’t know there were lights now there’s  no lights now I wish there were lights all we have  

Is this torch what do we do we keep going it’s  another room it’s really dark it’s extremely   wait Logan what is that oh no Logan needs a  mob spawner get back oh Jake there’s a skeleton   Logan here past the torch there that’s just  something from spawning but now we don’t have  

A torch dick you can barely see yes Logan I  realize that but do you want more skeletons   spawning out of this it’s the only thing we can  do we gotta keep pushing forward at the end of  

This they said there’s great riches okay there’s  another door here go all right come on whoa why is   this place smoking I have no idea hold on I think  I see something in the Smoke there’s like wires  

Here or something I think that might be trip wires  all right let me try cutting one see what happens oh that’s what happens Jake did a pendulum  just fall from the roof uh yeah it did and  

That would have really hurt my head so I’m glad  I was not okay okay um you know what maybe we   did maybe we just don’t know Logan riches  riches no riches is good enough we don’t   know what that means that’s that’s good could be  like a bajillion dollars in Minecraft diamonds  

We don’t know how many diamonds are at the end  of this but we are gonna make it we’re already   halfway through I’ve killed like four skeletons  okay let’s keep going we’ll just cut the trip   wires before we get to the pendulum it’s easy all  right we’re just gonna cut this tree right here

There’s a trip I already can’t see the tripwire   all right you just gotta keep an eye out there’s  another one right there can we Fisher and apple   I’m just gonna I’m like it’s okay you can  you’re okay I’m just gonna be very careful  

And not touch the tripwired perfect why would  you do that she wouldn’t give me food let’s   just get rid of these yeah I don’t want to be  on the other end of that Jake all right look  

It looks like there’s some cobwebs I know the  easy way to get through this just got to jump   through it and go really slow you could just  take it then nope okay Jake there’s an Enderman Jake just relax there’s an Enderman oh

Wow okay maybe he was defending the Vault maybe  we’re here there’s a crafting table here dude   there’s an enchantment table oh I could definitely  use an enchantment oh well I need lapis okay are   we at the Vault yet there’s a bookshelf crafting  table an enchantment table and a bookshelf it  

Doesn’t look like a vault to me Logan and I’m a  vault expert wait look there’s something behind   you oh power just went back on check it out  oh dude I think that’s the Vault what Jake  

That’s the Vault oh I see gold I see gold all  right let’s make our way through here come on oh dude we hit the jackpot the guy was right  there’s actually the balls Jake maybe we should  

Keep it down I don’t know if there’s like Vault  guards Logan it’s an armor stand diamond armor   okay be careful oh of what dude we’re in the Bank  of Minecraft we took out every bad guy here where   are the diamonds there’s no diamonds here no  they’re probably behind there one second dude  

Check it out I’ve got my own diamond armor set  look at all this gold dude we can make powered   rails for days we can have a roller coaster I  train station wait you’re right there should  

Be diamonds in here yeah this is it oh this can’t  be yeah there’s gotta be more uh wait Logan look   it’s a Redstone Trail it’s missing something  here looks like it hooks up to the switch all  

Right well we can use the Redstone we got from the  chest before to complete the circuit and open this   up hopefully this is where the diamonds are oh  there we go Redstone complete let’s try the button   oh guys check it out something’s happening Logan  we might have just hit the biggest jackpot in  

Minecraft history oh dude I see the diamonds Jake  diamonds for days dude it’s another diamond sword   wait no there’s some Enchanted items over here  check it out chanted sword knockback two GG give   me the diamond sword oh dude we’ve got like three  diamond swords dude we hit the jackpot guys the  

Pickaxe Fortune two looting two efficiency three  now this is a pickaxe for Papa Jake dude these   are okay Jake I think we need uh Jake what what  there’s an Enderman what he’s back oh no what’s  

He doing gee hey what Jake I think he just locked  us in here wait why did you lock Us in here no   no you can’t leave us in here no no no no no this  isn’t prison this is a bank banks are the opposite  

Of Prisons Jake I think we’ve just been locked up  hello yelling like that isn’t gonna get us out of   here well doing nothing isn’t gonna get us out  of here either Logan we need to get out of this  

Prison and get back to our house and fast I don’t  know how we’re gonna do that though we’re kind of   Trapped in it wait Jake is that what I think it  is uh yes I actually did get an enchanted pickaxe  

With Fortune three on it yeah I kind of have two  Enchanted not that Jake behind that that what a   ball it’s an ender pearl G what’s a pearl gonna do  Logan gonna wear it around your neck and be like  

I got pearls Jake if you throw an ender pearl  it transports you if we throw this outside of   the prison or whatever this is it’ll transport us  that’s not a bad idea I mean it’s not gonna help  

Us get out of the whole thing but at least we can  get through these bars here all right I’m gonna   probably try and do like a three-pointer with  this one I’ll go back here and throw it through  

This hole all right here we go guys if I miss this  we are in a lot of trouble but if I do it this way   then it looks way cooler all right are you ready  in three two one whoa it worked I’m okay okay Jake  

Maybe you could uh help me out of here I think  I broke something I’m gonna get all the golden   diamonds put in my inventory and then we’re good  to go all right here let me unlock the door ah  

All right come on quickly grab all the stuff let’s  go I got the diamonds and the gold let’s go David   all right Logan I think we got a slime here  uh Jake what do you mean slime there’s a  

Slime in front of us what do we do  oh it’s pretty easy Jake we kill it oh you got it it dropped some slime   yeah Jake that’s gross actually this isn’t  bad oh you know what else I’m gonna just put  

This enchantment table in my inventory Jake  this could be good for later what if I do   ah all right we got an enchanting table bring  that home and Logan I got a slime ball he uses   for sticky pistons Jake before anything else  bad happens let’s get let’s get out of here  

Please Jake can we just get out of here okay  let’s get out of here uh Jake what’s that noise   sounds like another portal wait there might be  another portal here that might be the best way  

To get out of here Jake going to the nether isn’t  really the best way to get out of here and another   like six blocks walking is like the equivalent  of a thousand blocks in the over it it’s just  

Simple math all right look come on let’s go  this way let’s go through the Nether Portal   oh dude check it out it’s another portal  This is Gonna Save Us so much time you got   your armor no you don’t that’s okay I’ve  got armor grab your weapons let’s go in  

Let’s get out we don’t want to spend too much  time in the nether all right in three two one okay guys I guess it’s time  for me to go here we go oh where are we Logan yeah whoa dude uh guys I  don’t know if we went through the wrong portal  

Or something but uh this don’t look like the  nether what is going on in the nether supposed   to be red and filled with fire and death it’s  actually kind of beautiful uh maybe we’re not   in the nether we went through another portal Logan  wait you think you go through another portal and  

Show up at Chuck E cheese that’s not how it works  we’re in the nether something’s been going on here   I don’t know guys this looks kind of weird first  things first so Logan we’re gonna need to find a  

Way to get out of here I mean if we’re gonna get  back home we need to find another nether portal we   can’t go back that way how are we gonna find a new  nether portal I don’t know Logan I don’t even know  

What this is when we cross this stream here go to  the other side try and find something over there   uh Jake who are you watch out get back are  you some sort another creature spicy and dark  

Armor yeah what is that are you wearing coal  armor he’s got cool armor on he thinks his arm   that’s on Armor Cole’s not an armor cools for  burning stuff this isn’t coal armor son named   Steven I’ve been in the nether for 40 years  looks like you two are new around here whoa  

Wait okay well we’re not new to the nether all  right we were here yeah just last year I don’t   know what you’re talking about crazy sir but you  are wearing coal armor and you are weird and we  

Are going to go now this isn’t cool it’s never  right and better than that diamond armor you’re   wearing whoa hey all right all right you got  quick moves what can you block surprise attack   wait what Jake your diamond sword did nothing  I actually kind of broke a little bit that’s  

Because it’s never right I could spend a lifetime  trying to mine this and never find it you’re in   the Crimson Forest now you best dangers of foot  another right eh so maybe we should be focusing   on netherite instead of diamonds I think  what he’s trying to say is surprise attack

Made out of uh Jake maybe you just you  stop trying to hit this strong looking   guy I know what he is he’s a hacker he’s  a hacker I’ve seen them before on YouTube   he’s hacking things change maybe diamonds aren’t  the strongest thing all right well you know what  

Fine let’s let’s just get out of here because  I don’t like you and I’m medium on you let’s go   Jake looks like there’s a  zombie pigman right over here   no the nether like I do they don’t hurt you hey  what’s up buddy we’re just trying to find out Logan use the sword

They don’t normally mess with you unless you  mess with them I didn’t mess with them I said   hey what’s going on bud maybe he thought I was  starting it yeah they’re not supposed to attack  

All right guys I don’t know what’s going on here  in the nether but we need to get out of here we   need to find a portal and get back Jake what look  at that I don’t know what that is is that gold I  

Kind of looks like gold wait Logan I don’t  know about this trap or something Logan I   don’t know man I’ve never seen gold  in the nether let’s get this let’s   get this cold I also got Fortune 2 on  this pickaxe so I’m pretty sure we’re  

Gonna get a lot I mean hey we get  gold out of this that’s pretty good whoa dude oh look at all the gold nuggets  why are they give us nuggets I don’t know   but dude there’s so many gold nuggets  plus we got all that gold from Logan  

From the bank what get up right  now what we got a problem foreign Logan we are completely surrounded  by those pigment this is not good no   Jake this is not good you take the  two on the left I’ll take the two  

On the right if we don’t make it out  of here I get all your stuff let’s go   all right zombie pigman let’s do this I’m done  with you I’m gonna turn you into some bacon I got mine one more to go okay we got another one uh  you know what let’s try this

Logan there’s more coming uh Jake I see  that what did you do with that gold block s foreign dude you saved us that was insane you  actually came back to save us what I ain’t never  

Seen you two before around here oh well hi name’s  dad been living in here for 70 years just got this   now the right arm I saw you boys in trouble  thought I’d come over huh what is it what’s  

Everyone’s name here Zed Fred Ted or lead I I  don’t get it also why is everyone here for 60   50 years looks like you were mine and gold near  the pigs you saying they don’t like that very  

Much they like gold just not seeing it mine if  you give them gold to leave you alone but y’all   stirred up the bees nest with this one yeah oh  but that’s good we have tons of gold okay well  

We really appreciate your help but we’re trying  to figure out a way out of here actually we’re   probably not supposed to be here too long yeah  why don’t y’all take one of these I’ll be out  

With your Journeys hey whoa thank you you get  that I mean you have a diamond sword so now I   have another head sword you must be uh giving  me your armor then well see you later oh come on  

Well at least we got the sword that’s pretty  cool why is that stuff so powerful okay you   know what come on we need to keep moving we  gotta find a way out of here maybe if we find  

Some of that another right picks him up for me  I guess we just gotta keep looking for another   portal or maybe a dungeon or something Jake Jake  look over there it’s another zombie pig okay okay  

This time and I have lots of gold uh hey  Mr Pigman we come to bribe you I have gold   it’s working you like the gold whoa what is  this target block what’s a Target block I  

Don’t know but it looks pretty cool wait I want  to try that hey we got more goals here’s some of   my goals what do I get another right helmet  another right armor I guess or like Logan’s  

A compass that’s kind of cool Jake what am I  supposed to do with the compass Logan never   had a compass before I mean I guess it  will help us find our way home it’s got   some directions to it Jake not to burst your  bubble but the red thing isn’t really moving  

Oh I get it Logan you don’t know how to read a  compass but I actually do survival expert that   red thing is pointing us to our way home we  gotta go that way it’s Compass I don’t want  

To do come on this way we move on I don’t think  he really understands how to use the compass   it’s kind of getting dark what are we gonna do  we we need a base this is kind of scary we’ll  

Find a place to hide out for the night it won’t  be glamorous but we could use our shovels Dig   Down we’ll make a little underground base we’ll  stay there for the night uh Jake what’s this   netherite wait this is nether right yeah  use your pickaxe good thing we got Fortune

Whoa dude I mean it doesn’t look as cool  as diamonds but I guess it’s stronger   it’s a lot stronger okay I mean maybe the  other’s not so bad after all we could maybe   spend some time here all right you know  what first things first though we need  

To base up let’s get an underground base  going I don’t want an above ground base   for every single Pig in this entire place  can see us once we got that built up we’ll   stay the night tomorrow morning we’ll  figure out our plan come on follow me

Dude the nose just keeps going on forever and look  at this place look how big the mountains are it’s   easy Jake maybe we should just dig  a hole and sleep in it when we get   to the top of this mountain we’ll dig a hole

All right well guys I think what we’re gonna  need to do is base up now this Mountain’s just   going on forever and we don’t want to be out  here for too long so let’s just do a classic   old-fashioned base let’s start digging  to the ground and make ourselves a hole

Yep check it out Logan she ain’t much but she’s  a whole and we’re gonna survive in there that’s   a big hole now let’s put some wood across the top  and that’s a fort all right Logan I’m coming down  

Oh see it’s not that bad does it Crouch like this  I don’t know Jake it’s not that great we’ll put a   roof on top I mean it’s only for one night Logan  okay until we can get out of the nether oh Jake  

There’s baby spiders everywhere and it’s kind  of gross all right guys check this out I’ve got   a soul torch I don’t know really much about it  other than the fact it glows blue and the pigs  

Don’t seem to like it so I’m gonna set this up  around her base Logan I think you should get   working on the roof all right guys check it  out we built up our nether house it’s pretty   cool look we’ve got a window looking out into  the nether which kind of works because we’re  

On the side of a mountain and then above us  we’ve used our wood to cover the roof and   now we’re chilling in our hole I mean it’s not  massively big it’s nothing crazy but it’s really  

Not fancy it’s not fancy it’s not a five star  for it this ain’t no Steakhouse but guys it is   our nether home so I think what we’re gonna do  now is try and get some shut eye get a little  

Bit of sleep and in the morning we’ll try and  figure out our way to get out of here Jake I   don’t like this there’s spiders everywhere oh  I don’t like this I don’t know if I can sleep  

Here just close your eyes and sleep will come  soon enough all right guys I’m gonna get some   shut eye I’ll see you in the morning hopefully  no picks coming tonight all right Logan I fully   recharged ready to go yeah I can’t believe we  slept here you know I was thinking Logan if we  

Are in the Nether and we’re trying to get out  of here we’re going to be facing off against a   lot of monsters you did get that Target block I’m  thinking you’re always using the bow why don’t we  

Have a little friendly competition I mean rather  have to be so bad let’s set it up right here   how about whoever has the best shot gets a golden  ingot about the right Logan why don’t we go even  

Bigger okay all right all right all right Best  Shot gets another ride let’s do this all right   guys we’re all set up we got our Target block  ready let’s have this challenge start bullseye and that’s a miss all right you get two  shots you get two shots best two out of two  

Oh hit the Box all right guys Logan is up he has  to go two for two in order to win this challenge   this is pretty easy Jake okay well let’s see it  that was a mess okay guys time for our second  

Shot whoa Jake there’s a skeleton oh no Logan you  already got the fixed while you take him out okay Jake I just took out a skeleton I think I win  this challenge okay you only win because you  

Saved us from getting eaten by a skeleton so here  you can have your another right back thank you   that was already yours but I am going to show  you what a true Archer can do let me pull off  

One of the greatest trick shots known to man 360  no scope watch and learn Logan watch and learn   oh where’d that go Jake I think it went way over  there what’s the thing you have a million arrows  

Jake I only have one Arrow okay fine I’ll go  get your arrow this guy wants me to go get a   zero just because I’m better at him and I can do  really cool trick shots you know what I think it’s   hear that it smells like a hat  

We need to try again the conversion of the nether  is going swimmingly the pig armies are forming   and we are finally becoming stronger me and you  Randall and the dragon yes my son soon my Army  

Of the nether will be strong enough to take on  the Overworld and burn it down yes yes second   yes we will burn it down and all the people that  made fun of me right everyone that called Randall  

Upside down face red dragon and everyone that  made fun of you too this is a good this isn’t   good at all it looks like the dragon’s back I  need to go tell Logan oh no I can’t find Logan  

We need to get out of here and fast if the dragon  is back for real he could destroy our entire base   I’m starting to think the possibility might  be we might have to leave Logan and get out   of another ourselves and save ourselves Jake  what are you doing nothing Logan the dragon is  

Back what what do you mean rumors are true Logan  are you listening to what I’m saying no Jake I’m   not wrong are you listening open your ears Logan  take my ears out the ears take my ears are open   dragons back I overheard a conversation between  the dragon and some other player they’re plotting  

A scheme that’s why the Nethers change that’s  why this is all new update this for us I have   a better sword then yes this way of a better sword  than me netherite okay fine I get it look they’re  

Trying to build an army to take on the Overworld  of Minecraft we need to stop them and we need to   get out of here well I definitely agree we need  to get out of here not really my job to stop them  

Logan we’re living in Minecraft if the dragon  comes and blows up our house then we lose the   game Logan okay first things first we need to  go home Logan I got a plan to get out of here  

But we’re gonna need as many resources as we can  I know this place looks weird and it doesn’t look   like normal Minecraft everything looks like candy  trust me it’s not you can’t eat anything I’ve  

Already done that we need to get resources build  up and get out of here you go one way I go the   other we collect as much as we can we find a way  to break out all right Jake I’m gonna go try and  

Find some netherrite we’re probably gonna need  some wood because you always need wood I don’t   know what kind of tree this is but it looks  like a tree so let’s just start breaking it okay got some sticks and some logs perfect if  only we can find another portal there’s gotta be  

Another nether portal around here I mean I can’t  just dig down and find obsidian in the nether   quick uh guys I think I might just  want some another right oh I think   it is another right we hit the jackpot  okay don’t need to tell Logan about this  

Oh all right looks like Logan’s not gonna be  the only one with netherade armor and weapons   soon okay well I got some another eight I got  some wood that really doesn’t help us that much   maybe this whole idea was just a bad idea maybe  we should have just kept walking let’s go see  

What Logan’s been up to uh guys I think I just  found something whoa what is that stuff I’m not   not exactly sure what this is but might as well  collect it okay don’t know what that was but maybe  

It’ll come in handy Logan what’d you find let  me got something good another portal way out of   here Transportation device I don’t know what  I got but I got this what a Logan that looks  

Like a piece of fungus what’s fungus how was that  supposed to help us get out of the nether Logan I   don’t know it looks kind of cool what are you  gonna do eat this I don’t know only a way out  

Of here we need another portal Jake Jake we got  an enemy all right hold on he’s got a crossbow   look do we have any more gold I’m not giving  him any more gold look he’s getting closer I don’t want to use my netherite  sword I want to save that

Thanks for nothing Logan you know you really  really came in handy here you were like you   were like my sidekick the important thing is  we have fungus what is that gonna do make soup   I don’t know you know what the important thing  is he actually he dropped a crossbow so that’s  

Pretty cool I like my diamond sword but I also  like some long range weapons we gotta get out   here though man everything in this Forest is  trying to kill us Jake what’s that sound oh it’s  

Coming this way what is it what’s going on there  no come on now slow slow what are you doing it’s   my Strider he’s attracted to your fungus I can’t  get him to slow down wait you’re attracted to my  

Fungus why not him Logan The Strider the thing  he’s riding some sort of animal okay okay get   the fungus away from here should I just give him  the fungus do not give him the fungus I don’t even  

Know who this guy is if you put the fungus on a  fishing pole you can ride your shroud wherever   you want that’s you really fast and cool perfect  we need to travel very far cheek why don’t we get  

A Strider yeah we should get a Strider geek what  did you just do we need a shredder he’s taking a   shredder so I guess it’s brand new to take his  we didn’t take his he’s not here anymore so now  

We’re borrowing his come on where’s that fungus  instead of we make a fishing pole we can use it   to ride wherever if we use this we can cross the  nether way faster than our foot we’ll be able to  

Find another portal in no time all right guys  I’m gonna make a crafting table three two one   one and there we go we got ourselves a crafting  table now all we need is a fishing rod we got a  

Stick we got some string fishing rod in three two  one oh guys we got ourselves a fishing rod look I   don’t want to be the bear bad news in fact I’d  rather be cow with bad news but we got pigment  

Closing in on us and fast we need to do this now  where’s your fungus all right let’s hook it on to   the fishing rod hey then I guess we’ll get on  the Strider and just make our way through the  

Nether find another portal there’s someone else  who can help us because that guy wasn’t very   helpful Jake how do you know who he wasn’t helpful  you didn’t even give that guy a chance to help us  

Plus why are you driving it’s my fungus because  Logan you don’t need a license to drive a Strider   now come on get on whoa easy there Mr Strider he’s  there Mr stratter yeah yeah we got the okay well  

Logan you better get on right now if you want to  come or else we’re going all right Jake I’m on   the back of the Strider okay here we go this is  actually pretty fast Logan I don’t know exactly  

Where we’re going but hopefully I’m not gonna  crash you know what I’m doing plus if I crash it’s   not really my fault because I’m not really driving  these guys doing everything else Jake how is this  

Gonna take us out of another I don’t know until we  can find a place maybe another portal or something   uh Jake what I see friendly Phil what’s fair wait  it’s friendly Phil and his manager oh yeah this  

Is perfect for the music video I can already see  it friendly Phil Big Show fireworks over there   the Nether has never looked so good this is gonna  be your breakthrough Phil are you sure Mr manager  

Man it’s kinda kind of scary in here no no no  this is where we filmed the music video This Is   It Phil is that you oh I’ve never been so happy  to see you before Oh not these guys again Logan  

Jay what are you guys doing here oh uh maybe  a little bit more personal space you guys are   we’re trying to film a music video here there’s  no time for that field look there’s not even time  

To explain the dragon is back in Minecraft  and we have been lost in the nether for a   whole could be five days could be 12. I honestly  don’t know but we need to get out of here Phil   again we’re leaving right now where’s  the portal where’s the portal I told you  

My cousin Jim wasn’t a liar ah this is  gonna put a huge dent in our production s Phil the dragon is back how do we get out  of here where is your nether portal it’s just   okay come on we need to go now

We’re finally home guys we did it we made it  back home feels good to be out of the nether yeah it kind of looks like he didn’t make it  so why is your nether portal next to our house  

Be a good idea to build it here no it wouldn’t how  long has it been our house isn’t looking too good   yeah we’ve only been away for like two days okay  well you know first things first I’m getting rid  

Of this another portal no my man no more nether  portal Phil all right we’re done there Mommy   no you didn’t need him he was kind of  kind of mean no you know who you know   who’s mean the manager he was kind  of mean all right I like that guy  

We’ll help you record Phil that’s not that’s not  what’s important right now there is a dragon on   the loose in Minecraft yes good to see you guys  right okay all right look guys our Ford is not  

In Top Notch shape in fact it is if I had to write  it on a scale of 10 it’d be one I think we need to   rebuild our bases and make four stories Jake yeah  Logan you know what we’re no longer playing a game  

Before this was Farmville we were farming having  a blast no no no now we’re playing Minecraft I   think what we need to do is we need to increase  the stories we need three stories three levels  

To the fourth that way we have good shooting range  if this does get under attack by the dragon I need   you to build this enchantment room Minecart system  Jake we might need an Escape Plan okay yes and a  

Minecart system I’ll start working on a potion  lab I actually picked up a lot of nether stuff   from that guy that I shot so I kind of have enough  it sounds like a lot of work yeah it’s going to  

Be a lot of work but if that Dragon comes we’re  gonna give him a run for his money okay guys so   we’ve been working on the Ford for a long time and  you guys need to check this out we are no longer  

Playing mine we’re still playing Minecraft but  we’re playing BuildCraft because we just upgraded   this board to maximum capacity that’s what you do  in Minecraft that is what you do in Minecraft all   right but guys we have added each other’s story  to the fourth story we’ll edit this dude it’s so  

Tall you go all the way up here it gives us a huge  Advantage with the range it also includes an extra   room and like I said before guys we’re gonna be  building a potion lab along with an enchanting  

Room because we need to upgrade our gear and get  going here and guys look at this we converted our   iron ore into a minecart system oh yeah guys  check this out so it’s not completely done yet  

We still have to add some more tracks but we’ve  got a emergency Minecraft track that we can get   on our little mine car and just zoom like that  but you can’t do that in a micro drive but we can  

Zoom out of here if we need to we got our Target  block but guys I think it’s time to show you guys   what we built inside it’s been expanding pretty  crazy so obviously starting here this is Logan’s  

Room it’s not bad it’s bad he’s got his chat chest  he’s got a light on the wall but we go in through   the hole that we made here into my crafting area  slash my bedroom come on it’s my bed where I sleep  

Oh Logan you need to get in your bed so we can  both sleep I’m not going to bed right now it’s   daytime okay well I got my furnace in here and  then you come into the main room so check it  

Out in here we have all the items that we have  collected we’ve put them all on the table here so   we can see them and grab them at any point that we  need them we got Logan’s another right sword which  

I’m kind of mad about because I want a best sword  in the game all right you know what it’s not the   best store because I still have my diamond sword  which is kind of broken we also got our ax we’ve  

Got a gold pickaxe which I have no idea why we  have both we have all our diamonds yeah guys we   got all the diamonds here that we got from the  Minecraft Bank including all the gold bars which  

Is pretty sweet and I got my brand new crossbow  which I don’t really know how to use but it’s   very dangerous and we have a wooden bow and arrow  which we can climb up here and we can see what’s  

Going on outside and pretty much take out any  enemies that come or or climb even higher and   get all the way up here for an even better  point of view check this out guys we got a  

Massive point of view you can see the minecart  track down there we also have a vantage point   over to the left and the right of our Fort here  plus we got a little window here which we can  

Look through and you can even see the Minecraft  ocean from over here which is pretty sweet so I   think what we need to do now guys is we need to  grab our resources and start working on our two  

Different rooms we need a potion room along with  a enchantment room I’m gonna get working on the   enchantment room all right guys before we get  the enchantment setup going I wanted to do some   crafting with our diamonds I was thinking we  got a new pickaxe and a new diamond sword so  

First we’ll do the pickaxe we got three diamonds  we add our stick and here we go three two oh and   we got our diamond pickaxe let’s go guys add that  to the collection and we got two more diamonds I  

Say we make a diamond sword three two one and we  got our diamond sword added to the collection now   we got two diamond swords a diamond pickaxe now I  think we got enough levels to do some enchanting  

So you guys might remember when we went into that  bank there was an enchantment table that we stole   so I got that in my inventory let’s put it down  bam and just like that we got our enchantment  

Cable oh guys I’m excited to do some enchanting we  got a bunch of different enchantments we got our   bookshelf now what should we enchant first okay  I think we should do one of the diamond swords  

Oh I just realized we don’t have any lapis Jake  where are you Jake out yes Logan Jake we don’t   have any lapis and I need some lapis for the  enchantment table oh that is right you can’t   enchant without lapis all right well it’s a good  thing I’ve got Papa Jake’s secret enchanting mine  

And by that I mean secret mind won’t we take the  my card over there we’ll go get some lapis yeah   we only have one Minecart Jake and I’m not gonna  fit in it so I’ll see you later okay well it’s  

Your loss I’ll get to use the mine cart all right  guys well looks like we’re on a mission to go get   Logan some lapis so we can get some enchantments  I’ll get working on my potion table after that but  

As you guys can see we have the Minecart Track  Set up here we didn’t have a lot of iron so we   could make it as far as we wanted to but let’s try  this thing out and see how it works okay all right  

It’s a little slow we don’t have a lot of  powered rails oh no we’re off the bike all   right definitely not the longest Minecart Track  in the world but we can expand and I think we   should definitely make a roller coaster but guys  let’s head on over to Papa Jake’s secret mine and  

See how it’s doing I haven’t been back here since  we’ve been to the nether so a little curious what   it looks like all right guys check it out we’ve  got my mine shaft here it is extremely big I’ve  

Been working on it for a little while now it looks  like it might have caved in a little bit but let’s   start digging see if we can find some lapis  luckily lapis isn’t the hardest thing to find foreign oh guys I think we got some lapis  check it out well that wasn’t too  

Bad it actually came pretty quick all  right let’s try and get this out here there we go guys guys okay I could first find of lapis we’re  gonna be using this to upgrade all of our   armor weapons everything we have we need to  enchant because if we’re going up against the  

Dragon we need the best of the best I’m  Gonna Keep uh mine in here guys trying   to find some more lapis seems like we hit a  little bit of a spot of lapis down there so  

I’ll gather as much as I can and then when  I get back I’ll start working on the potion   room all right Logan I’m back and I’ve got a  present for you you got the lapis yeah check  

It out dude do you want some lapis I want  some lapis all right here you go foreign chanting I’m gonna get working on the  potion room all right guys let’s go   complete that enchantment we got our lapis we  got our diamond sword let’s put our lapis in  

And let’s see what kind of diamond sword we get   check it out our first enchanted diamond sword  oh we got Unbreaking two knockback three and we   got sharpness I think I’m gonna be the master  enchanter because I have a lot more XP and a  

Lot more levels Than Jake does we got our bow and  arrow we got our lapis and let’s see what we get   oh guys no way we have Unbreaking and infinity  arrows oh this is perfect now we don’t have to  

Collect arrows or make new arrows we just have  Infinity all right guys so check this out while we   were in the Nether and after we kind of eliminated  that one guy I actually picked up a lot of really  

Awesome potion making stuff so I’m not too amazing  at making potions but I think I know what I’m   doing I put together here our potion stand I’ve  got our Potion bottles ready and I’ve loaded it  

Up with blaze rods so I thought we’d try and make  our very first potion and if we get good at it we   can make one to prank Logan with all right guys  now the key to making a good potion is all about  

Mixing the right amount of ingredients now we’re  working with highly highly active ingredients so   you want to mix these right or you could end up  with a very bad potion so we’re just going to make  

Some blaze rods in with some water and mix it with  the spider eye and you should have a potion like I uh don’t think I mixed that right try that  again yes Logan what did you just do I don’t  

Know because I can’t see uh Jake I see a creeper  where is he oh there’s a creeper over over there   can’t see I I literally still can’t see  I got my enchanted bow and arrow all   right guys we’re on the third story  I can’t see local where’s the green  

Creeper Jake is gonna not help us at all uh yeah  this is not a big deal Jake it’s just a creeper   it’s really not a big deal if I miss this  Arrow because I got Infinity arrows I missed

All right crisis averted the Creeper’s gone Jake  I I still can’t see Logan that’s okay I’m starting   to be able to see you again okay well I messed  that potion up but guys you know what they say  

Try once you try again if that doesn’t work you  keep trying until eventually it works Jake why is   there a torch floating hey Logan Jake why is  there a torch floating what do you mean what  

What where am I Jake where are you sounds like  Jake’s right in front of us but I can’t see him   uh Jake There’s a Zombie what what do you mean  there’s zombie Jake there’s no zombie right   there there’s a zombie all right well since  I’m invisible Logan I can actually take out  

The zombie ah wait Jake you’re invisible yes  Logan I’m invisible and it’s time to beat this   zombie it’s not hey zombie hey zombie zombie oh  you don’t even know where I am oh zombie where  

Am I I’m gonna come over here I’m over here oh  that’s right zombie yeah no one can see me I can   do whatever I want I can dance like this and No  One’s Gonna See Me no one’s even gonna know why  

I’m hey Logan where am I oh you’re out I think the  potion’s worn off I can see you oh you’re right it   has okay well Jake I’ve Enchanted a bunch of items  and weapons we have a lot in our inventory right  

Now I think today’s been a pretty successful day  we got out of another we expanded our base built   a minecart system you built a potion system  enchantment system I think that deserves 100   billion likes Hey look it’s getting cloudy or is  it just me uh Logan yes Jake Logan I think there’s  

A dragon Mr Dragon today is the day we’ve been  waiting for me Miranda and you the dragon will   take over the Overworld and make everyone pay  for making fun of my upside down face yes my son  

Today is the day to reclaim what is mine I am  ready to open the portal and Reign destruction   on these mortals yes yes open the portal open  the portal no no listen I’m the only one that  

Can open up the portal okay I say when the portal  is opened okay now we can open it open the portal oh time to rain my destruction uh-oh why are there zombie  piglands outside of another  

Jake if we’re gonna fight this Army I need Jake’s  help Jake what are you doing I’m hiding what do   you think I’m doing here there’s not enough room  for the both of us but if they come in here I  

Promise not to tell where you’re hiding Jake  grab a sword and fight there’s like a million   men out there and a dragon Logan this is  why we need to go out there and fight Jake   Dragon Logan well I I didn’t actually see a  dragon I just saw a lot of zombie piggling

Runner and I might not be the strongest fighter  but we have heart Jake we have heart we have heart   a sword just came through them okay we  need to grab a sword the chance to fight   Jake all right we use everything  we got against the Logan we take  

Out every single pigment that’s here and  we take down that Dragon again get up on   the lookout spot start shooting them  with the arrows I’m heading out front yes Jake I have a gold bar what’s that gonna do  

Oh right they love gold just use gold when  you see a zombie pigman we have three bars   left all right pass one oh why are gold bars so  heavy who invented this thing Jake behind you oh

Logan more coming from the East all right we  got one over there oh headshot guys it’s a good   thing I Enchanted this we got Infinity arrows  that means I’m gonna take out this entire Army got another one good job Logan but we got more  

Coming I got one on me I can’t get  them all looks like I got an idea oh you can’t see me buddy I’m invisible I  got an invisibility push where am I am I   above you am I underneath you where could  I be and take that and that and that’s me  

I like being invisible it’s pretty cool  all right guys it looks like we need to   take down every single one of them  oh I’m Not Invisible anymore every   single one of these piglets before they  can overrun our base Logan what is that oh no it’s a piglet on a horse

Oh you got him good job Jake behind you oh no  we got another one Logan there’s too many of   them I’m getting back in the fort all right  splash potion out Logan this is not good we  

Can’t take on all of them we can’t just run away  can’t take them there’s an army out there what   are we gonna do in here Jake hide into the  walls Kevin there’s no way we can take all  

Of them dude there’s too many I think they’re  working with the dragon he’s created an army   who knows how many of these guys there could be  there’s like a bajillion it was all clones maybe  

They come back to life I’m going to bed no this  is it going to sleep and maybe I’ll wake up in the   morning I never thought we’d go out like this  maybe the dragon is too strong maybe we can’t  

Jake really you have your cell phone  go for Papa JJ hello Papa Jake this   is the general of fortnite speaking  oh hey Mr General what’s up fortnite   needs our help again Logan 49 needs our help again  Jake why is the general calling we’re in Minecraft  

Tell them we’re busy uh yeah we’re in Minecraft  Minecraft you mean the game with the blocks yes   the game yeah yeah the game with the blocks and  the yes but they don’t even have blasters in that  

Game no there are not any blasters in Minecraft we  have a serious issue the walls have been breached   and there is water literally everywhere we need  you here right now look yeah we’re sort of in the  

Middle of something right now we’re in a bit of  a pickle I do love Savory juicy pickles uh yeah   tell them Jake we’re really busy oh we got zombies  yeah okay okay how about this I’ll tell you what  

Mr General how about you help us for once you come  to Minecraft you help us defeat this Dragon whoa   whoa whoa did you just say a dragon yes there’s  a dragon in Minecraft just listen send your best  

Man and help us defeat the dragon and we will  give you all the help you need all right Papa   Jake but you owe me for this one I’ll send my  best men to help you out and then you need to  

Save fortnite okay perfect thank you thank you  bye General ow man assemble we have a mission   wow Jake you’re really uh kind of bossing the  General around yeah well he’s about to send his  

Best men here in a helicopter to help us defeat  the dragon now we just need to hold up for now foreign listen up man we have a job for the general we are  here today to take out that wagon I mean Dragon  

Tree man yeah yeah that’s right tree man you  are ready to go and DJ llama I expect you on the   battlefield ready to go DJ llama is always ready  to go bro I’m always ready to lay down some Beats

You guys need an ammunition holler at  me and I’ll get you some ammunition tree   man I’ll need you to take lead on this  Mission because you’re our best shooter this is my first three guys here come on let’s  keep moving oh no they’re pushing it forward

Well look at just what I thought this day  couldn’t get any worse they’re destroying   our hard work we work so hard on  this fort Jake I think this day   might just get a little worse  I hear the dragon oh no Logan

The dragon just ruined our third story oh no  we got pigment coming too where is the general what’s up oh no Logan there’s more wait what’s that sound is that another dragon  that sounds like a helicopter wait you’re right  

It’s the general helicopter we’re saved all  right everyone prepare to drop DJ llama you   are first see you on the ground boys oh  here they come dude they’re coming to save   us all right Bros now this is what I’m talking  about and these guys don’t even have plasters  

All right time to lay down some Battle beats y’all dude it’s DJ Lama laying down some groovy beats  I love it tree man you are next here we go   who’s that I’m okay I think oh no bro you  did not stick that Landing tree man is it bad  

Is it really bad it’s definitely not good but  we’ll bring you back to base bro don’t worry   we’ll fix you up here let me lay down a sad song  for you oh that did not look like it ended well  

For that tree and finally you ‘ll truly Secret  Agent Man the most handsome man in fortnite   whoa who’s that cool looking spy dude let’s get  this show on the road all right everyone focus on  

The pig things and then we’ll take out the Dragon  let them take out those piglets I mean to be fair   they have blasters and we only have swords so I  mean it’s kind of unfair I could have done that  

With a blaster but anyway fortnite is kind of  like future so it’s like the future’s coming to   the past they do have an advantage oh no that’s  terrible about tree man but remember DJ llama you  

Know what they say always leave a man behind the  mission must go on I just feel bad for Mr tree man   oh we took out that Piggly good remember everyone  if you’re out of ammo I have lots of ammunition  

In my pockets give me a holler I got lots  of ammo in my pockets uh guys you’re doing   a really good job with the piglets but the  dragon we gotta take out the dragon oh don’t  

Worry about it bro I’m on the dragon hey super  Asian man fire at the dragon let’s go oh yeah good idea DJ llama stick to the Target defeating  the dragon well guys it’s a good thing I have so  

Many pockets because I have enough space to keep  an rpj ah here we go an RPG here we go dragon   bullseye look at him fall the dragon’s gone I did it I saved Minecraft of  course you did it Jake of course I accepted the  

Phone call and I arranged all of this so you know  if I order the pizza I didn’t make the pizza but I   still got everyone pizza so I saved Minecraft  bro we totally sick world you’re welcome to

Cube night though you gotta get our little tree  friend back in one piece well Jake and Logan it   looks like we did it you’re very welcome and you  owe us a favor looks like I won’t be needing all  

This ammo so you guys can have it see you guys  in fortnite all right fortnite out everyone   as it looks like Minecraft is officially saved  and now we kind of owe fortnite a lot of help   but that’s okay we’ve defeated the dragon we  built we’ve mined we’ve crafted 50 000 likes but  

Guys this has been Papa Jake and Logan and we’ll  see you guys next time for another awesome video oh

This video, titled ‘Real Life MINECRAFT MEGA MOVIE 4 HOURS – Minecraft Box Fort CITY!!!’, was uploaded by Papa Jake on 2022-08-23 19:19:51. It has garnered 1616603 views and 21250 likes. The duration of the video is 04:04:47 or 14687 seconds.

Real Life MINECRAFT MEGA MOVIE – Minecraft Box Fort CITY!!! Sit back RELAX And Enjoy The MINECRAFT MEGA MOVIE 🙂

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    HK Frost found RENGOKU in Hindi Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘HK FROST Is RENGOKU In Minecraft (Hindi)’, was uploaded by HK Frost on 2024-05-24 10:15:43. It has garnered 21241 views and 488 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:13 or 1393 seconds. HK FROST Is RENGOKU In Minecraft (Hindi) NEW CHANNEL – Discord – Instagram – 2nd channel – In this video, i never new i will acquire the powers of the rengoku in order to defeat the evil but Watch full video to know what happened ?? #rengoku #demonslayer ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ Oh Your Reading Description Too!! Then… Read More

  • Insane zeqa and hive gameplay! Getting Evident to join me!

    Insane zeqa and hive gameplay! Getting Evident to join me!Video Information This video, titled ‘zeqa and hive live! day 230 of asking @evident to trap with me’, was uploaded by Kthepenguin on 2024-06-09 07:09:53. It has garnered 46 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:49 or 3109 seconds. hi im a young creator who just wants to play minecraft and stream for enjoyment. now u enjoy! Read More


    INSANE PANDA MAN SURVIVES IN HAUNTED MINECRAFT WORLD!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft in Big Scary ep6’, was uploaded by Panda Man on 2024-05-09 22:25:49. It has garnered 15 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:33 or 693 seconds. #vr #friends #gaming #oculus #new #videogames #funny #bigscary Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC GAMERS GOD SHOWDOWN: Piglin Vs Zombiefield Piglin Vs Zoglin Vs Hoglin 😱🔥 | Minecraft Beta

    🔥 EPIC GAMERS GOD SHOWDOWN: Piglin Vs Zombiefield Piglin Vs Zoglin Vs Hoglin 😱🔥 | Minecraft BetaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Piglin Vs Zombiefield Piglin Vs Zoglin Vs Hoglin 😃 Best Ever Fight In | Minecraft Beta | #minecraft’, was uploaded by GAMERS GOD on 2024-08-19 02:27:27. It has garnered 449 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:06 or 786 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #games #gameplay #minecraftgameplay Minecraft Beta Minecraft Hindi Gameplay Minecraft Survival Minecraft Android Minecraft Java Gamers God Minecraft Comparisons Gamers God Minecraft Gameplay Gamers God Minecraft Gamers God ______________________________________ minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Server Gameplay! 😱

    INSANE Minecraft Server Gameplay! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Malam Mingguan Maen Minecraft Server Indonesia’, was uploaded by Rafli Nagara17 on 2024-08-17 15:10:23. It has garnered 4007 views and 138 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:57 or 9837 seconds. Enter Java IP Server: 19515 So NagaraSquad: skin minecraft: Saweria donations: socialBuzz : cara register minecraft: Social media🌎 Subscribe : instagram : tik tok : Discord : Nightdbot !discord !ig !donate !info !kosil !sayname hi hello Minecraft Survival Playlist: Medieval Music – Cobblestone Village 🎞T a g Minecraft survival series… Read More

  • World of Elak – Semi-Vanilla Economy, Tribes, Dynmap, Custom Weapons

    World of Elak [java 1.20.1] Features: Survival Gameplay: Build, explore, and survive in a rich and dynamic world. Land System: Create and manage your own town with friends, or join one and become part of a thriving tribe. Economy: Trade, earn, and spend with a detailed market system that makes every decision count. Custom weapons: Equip yourself with unique weapons such as knives, katanas, cleavers and much more! Custom brewing: Brew ales, wins and more! (including custom recipes!) Tribes: Form or join tribes with at least 2 players and dominate the map! Invite your friends, build your legacy, and make… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: The Tipe 3 struggle 🌶️

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Meme: The Tipe 3 struggle 🌶️“Looks like your meme is a critical hit with a score of 12! Maybe you should put some points into meme-making skills.” Read More

  • Crafty Rhymes: Cube Xuan’s Emoticon Imitation Showdown

    Crafty Rhymes: Cube Xuan's Emoticon Imitation Showdown In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Cube Xuan brings joy, for all to see. With humor and fun, in every frame, Creating content that’s never the same. From funny animations to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s creativity is never trapped. In the classroom series, learning is a blast, And in every video, good times will last. So follow along, subscribe and share, For Cube Xuan’s content is beyond compare. In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Cube Xuan’s channel is where happiness remains. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Ultimate BMGO Bedwars Map Shader Guide

    Ultimate BMGO Bedwars Map Shader Guide Exploring Epic BMGO Bedwars Map Shaders in Minecraft Are you ready to enhance your Minecraft experience with epic BMGO Bedwars map shaders? While Blockman GO does not provide a direct way to use their shaders in-game, there are ways to incorporate them into your Minecraft gameplay. Let’s dive into the world of shaders and textures to elevate your gaming experience. Utilizing Minecraft Patch APK for Shaders To access the BMGO Bedwars map shaders, you can utilize the Minecraft Patch APK. This patched app allows you to enhance your Minecraft visuals with custom shaders, bringing a new level of immersion… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Server: Bedrock & Java Ready for Latest Versions!

    Ultimate Minecraft Server: Bedrock & Java Ready for Latest Versions! Minecraft Server Ready-to-Use for Java and Bedrock Editions Looking for a seamless Minecraft experience? Look no further! This server is prepped and ready to go, supporting both Java and Bedrock editions of the game. Let’s dive into the exciting features awaiting you in this server. Version 2 Features: Legendary Weapons: Arm yourself with powerful weapons to conquer your foes. Comprehensive Cosmetics: Customize your character with a wide range of cosmetic options. Elite Armor & Tools Sets: Equip yourself with top-tier gear to enhance your gameplay. Advanced Enchantments: Enhance your items with powerful enchantments for an edge in battles. Full… Read More

  • Joker’s Insane Duel in Venice, Minecraft Coming Soon

    Joker's Insane Duel in Venice, Minecraft Coming SoonVideo Information This video, titled ‘JOKER FOLIE A DEUX BOCCIATO A VENEZIA MA MINECRAFT STA ARRIVANDO’, was uploaded by ACKAB-J on 2024-09-06 05:15:26. It has garnered 47 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:03 or 7083 seconds. Read More

  • Summoning a Real Legend in Minecraft

    Summoning a Real Legend in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Summon a Real Legend 💀 #shorts #minecraft #legend #games’, was uploaded by Rithwik Playz on 2024-09-17 03:42:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I Summon a Real Legend #shorts #minecraft #legend #games Minecraft NORMAL vs REALISTIC minecraft shorts, minecraft … Read More

  • Insane!! Find Jungle Villagers Spawning in Minecraft! 🌴

    Insane!! Find Jungle Villagers Spawning in Minecraft! 🌴Video Information This video, titled ‘Two Naturally spawning jungle villagers Minecraft bedrock 1.21’, was uploaded by Vinny Cekalla on 2024-08-03 04:07:19. It has garnered 48 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:35 or 95 seconds. Read More

  • Unlock SECRET Farlands in Minecraft Java!

    Unlock SECRET Farlands in Minecraft Java!Video Information This video, titled ‘Tutorial: How to visit Farlands in Minecraft Java Edition’, was uploaded by Razvaz on 2024-01-16 20:27:01. It has garnered 41 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:09 or 489 seconds. Hello and welcome to this tutorial. TP COMMAND: /tp 12550700 90 12550700 Songs used: C418 Minecraft Volume Alpha: Haggstrom C418 Minecraft Volume Alpha: Moog City C418 Minecraft Volume Alpha: Subwoofer Lullaby WHAT ARE FARLANDS? (from wiki) The Far Lands were a terrain generation bug that appeared when the noise generators responsible for creating the shape of terrain stopped functioning properly. This… Read More

  • OMG! I Found Habitat in Minecraft with Astraeaa

    OMG! I Found Habitat in Minecraft with AstraeaaVideo Information This video, titled ‘How I Met Habitat in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Astraeaa PH on 2024-07-23 09:15:01. It has garnered 112326 views and 1573 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:43 or 763 seconds. Maizen, Cash and Nico, Aphmau Parody Maizen Tagalog In this video you can watch how Habitat and I met in Minecraft here in Taropa Village. addons: For Sponsorship and business: [email protected] ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Like , Comment , Minecraft Oneblock, Minecraft but, Minecraft Pinoy, Minecraft Java, Minecraft Filipino, Minecraft RP, Minecraft SMP, Minecraft hardcore, Minecraft 100 days #minecraft #minecraftTAGALOG #omocraft #mcpe Read More

  • MIRROR FEARSONA: The Scariest Thing You’ll See Today

    MIRROR FEARSONA: The Scariest Thing You'll See TodayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mirrors Are SCARY…’, was uploaded by FEARSONA on 2024-09-27 14:58:25. It has garnered 994 views and 128 likes. The duration of the video is 01:20:23 or 4823 seconds. #fearsona #truecrime #vtuber ✨Minecraft & Project Zomboid community servers now available for Patreon members! 0:00 Starting Screen 1:07 Intro & Breaking News 30:00 Scary Mirror Videos 1:04:00 How To Survive 🔴Streamlabs Donations🔴 ⚠️IMPORTANT⚠️ Please understand that donations are non-refundable and you are tipping under the agreement that you will not issue a chargeback! ✨TWITTER ► ✨INSTAGRAM ► ========================= CHAT RULES 1. Be polite… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Castle Build Timelapse! #Shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft Castle Build Timelapse! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Castle Timelapse in Minecraft #Shorts’, was uploaded by hamza craft on 2024-03-21 21:39:45. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #shorts #minecrafttiktok keys: Minecraft,Dream SMP,Manhunt,Speedrun,Hardcore,Mods,HermitCraft,Update,Snapshot,Netherite,Caves & Cliffs,Axolotls,Warden,Build Battle,Skyblock,Hypixel,Bedwars,Parkour,Redstone Tutorial,Farming Guide,Enderman Farm,Raid Defense,Texture Packs,Shaders,RTX,Minecraft VR,Roleplay,Adventure Map,UHC,PvP,Skywars,Trolling,Noob vs Pro,Minecraft Animation,Minecraft Song,Minecraft Parody,Epic Builds,Minecraft Challenges,Minecraft But,Minecraft Logic,Minecraft Secrets. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Clutch with Unstop & Gwen! Life = Dream

    Insane Minecraft Clutch with Unstop & Gwen! Life = DreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Life Could Be a Dream #clutch #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Unstop & Gwen on 2024-05-05 15:50:16. It has garnered 13604 views and 242 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. #minecraft #bedrock #art #4k #building #gaming #funny #trending #snapshot #edit #colors #minecraftnews #tutorial #clutch #viral #dream #cubecraft #meme #memes #strategy #hypixel #survival #subscribe #like #minecraftshorts #shorts #shortvideo #game #pvp #belike #letsplay #tiktok #cringe #fake #vs #music #thumbnail #boy #girl #mlg #editing #falling #running #insane #crazy #minecraftmemes #viralvideo #video #viralshorts #likeforlikes Read More

  • Dictator Takes Over Minecraft Server! 😱🔥 #gaming #minecraft

    Dictator Takes Over Minecraft Server! 😱🔥 #gaming #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cuando te metes al server equivocado en minecraft #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by La Dictablanda on 2024-07-23 23:12:20. It has garnered 2772 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. When you get on the wrong server in minecraft #funnymemes #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #gameplay #minecraftanimation #gamer #viralshorts #tutorial #anime minecraft meme momo gameplay tutorial laughter Read More

  • KarlssonSMP – Vanilla SMP Java 1.21 Season 3, whitelist, cosmetics, 18+

    karlssonSMP Welcome to karlssonSMP!✨ Season 3 launched on June 20th with Version 1.21! Since our humble beginnings in late August 2023, karlssonSMP has grown into a vibrant community of dedicated players. Our goal is to make you feel like you’re playing with friends, whether you’re a casual builder or a hardcore survivalist. Apply here. ⚔️ Features: Custom Armor Statues: Personalize your builds with custom armor stands. Mini Blocks & More Mob Heads: Adding intricate details to your builds and collecting unique mob heads. Anti-Grief Measures: Protecting your creations with anti-grief features. Multiplayer Sleep: Avoid waiting out the night alone. Shopping… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mining, moaning, and moping in minutes!

    Minecraft Memes - Mining, moaning, and moping in minutes!Looks like these players need to craft themselves a chill pill instead of all that complaining! Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Minecraft Buildings Galore!

    Crafty Creations: Minecraft Buildings Galore! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Building structures for different players, our passion survives. Cube Xuan, the creator, with humor and glee, Bringing joy to all, for the world to see. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, No harmful elements, in this playground. Every day, a new video to enjoy, With Cube Xuan, happiness we deploy. So follow along, subscribe and save, For MC animation, we truly crave. Let’s dive into Minecraft, where dreams take flight, With Cube Xuan, our guide, shining bright. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Burning Hot Laughs

    Minecraft Meme: Burning Hot Laughs “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft’s Worst Seed!

    Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft's Worst Seed! Minecraft’s Most Challenging Seed: Surviving 100 Days! Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft’s toughest seed yet! Join the journey as our intrepid player faces the ultimate test of survival in a harsh and unforgiving world. Day 1: The Beginning of a Harrowing Journey As the sun rises on the first day, our player finds themselves in a desolate landscape, surrounded by towering mountains and treacherous ravines. With limited resources and no shelter in sight, the race for survival begins. Day 50: Overcoming Adversity After surviving countless challenges, our player has managed to build a modest base, mine valuable… Read More

  • Unbelievable: I Created a New World in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: I Created a New World in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I STARTED A NEW WORLD in Minecraft Create Mod!’, was uploaded by LegionVee on 2024-09-06 18:00:22. It has garnered 100752 views and 3646 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:23 or 4403 seconds. #createmod #minecraft #moddedminecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftbuilding #minecraftasmr I STARTED A NEW WORLD in Minecraft Create Mod! Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments! If you enjoyed this, it would mean a lot if you leave a like on the video! Thanks! This Create series is inspired by @foxynotail and @MrBeardstone – huge thanks to both! Merch… Read More

  • Minecraft: Silence Watson’s Horrifying Realm

    Minecraft: Silence Watson's Horrifying RealmVideo Information This video, titled ‘episode 1 the realm of horrors [minecraft] ft{spooky}’, was uploaded by Silence Watson on 2024-08-22 20:01:14. It has garnered 194 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 11:54:59 or 42899 seconds. salutations im the mysterious desert wanderer also known as silence feel free to join my clan or discord server and chat with our members and dont forget sand falls and ticks time and just for those who feel like it like myself Read More

  • Dadcraft3d Builds Epic LEGO Desert Structures! LEGO Mini House!

    Dadcraft3d Builds Epic LEGO Desert Structures! LEGO Mini House!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building every Minecraft Desert Structure In LEGO! LEGO SMALL HOUSE!’, was uploaded by Dadcraft3d on 2024-06-04 12:00:50. It has garnered 477 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. I am on a quest to recreate every Desert Minecraft Structure out of LEGO. The idea of recreating the Minecraft Desert Biome in LEGO has been a dream of mine for a while. I don’t know, something just calls to me about the sand, the cactus, and the simply designed buildings and structures! So, let’s get started! Day FOUR: SMALL… Read More

  • EXCLUSIVE: Scariest Secrets Found in Minecraft Caves – Ep 8

    EXCLUSIVE: Scariest Secrets Found in Minecraft Caves - Ep 8Video Information This video, titled ‘Relaxing Minecraft Let’s Play – Donkeys and Caves – Ep 8 – 1.21 Survival’, was uploaded by Deadsk1nmask on 2024-09-22 01:11:47. It has garnered 768 views and 86 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:40 or 3280 seconds. So I took the donkey out on an adventure and I’m not sold. The riding feels really clunky if the terrain is too dense. But still fun addition I think! Then I go out and start exploring another cave near my base. Enjoy everyone. Thanks for watching 🙂 Join the awesome community at: Become a… Read More

Papa Jake – Real Life MINECRAFT MEGA MOVIE 4 HOURS – Minecraft Box Fort CITY!!!