Paradise Decay – EXPLORING Minecraft Middle-Earth in VR on Quest 2 – THIS IS INCREDIBLE!

Video Information

Hi guys pd here welcome to the channel welcome to another new video today we’re visiting middle earth in vr in minecraft i’m going to show you how to get this all up and running it’s really simple and there are a few things you will need first you will need the java version of

Minecraft i’ve done a guide on how to get this all up and running if you go to my website here lock and watch my guide i’m going to do exactly what i’ve done in my guide to get this version of minecraft to work now if you head over here this is the uh

This is the map we’re going to be playing minecraft middle earth it’s been 10 years in the making as you can see from the screenshots here look lots of the uh lots of the uh law and locations have been built in minecraft and um rowdy guys suggested somebody to

Try it in vr so here we are so it’s going to be mind-blowing to see these places in vr in minecraft now i tried this yesterday and before you allowed onto the map there’s like a little quiz you have to do i went into the

Map straight in vr and i could not see the chat box uh you need to have the chat box open to be able to answer a simple question which allows you into the map so the first thing we need to do is to play minecraft pancake mode

Just to get past the introduction and get into the world so we’re going to do that now the first thing we need to do we need the ip for the map this is a multiplayer map so we need the ip for it so scroll down on the website go to new player guide

And we need this ip here so copy this right click copy or hold down control and c and now that’s um stored on my computer so now we need to run minecraft don’t forget this is the java version of minecraft this will not work on windows 10 version of minecraft so just bear

That in mind also you will need a program called vivecraft again if you go to my video i’ve got a tutorial showing you how to get it all up and running it’s really easy to do so for now we’re going to select the latest release of minecraft

Click on play and load in minecraft okay now we’ve got the pancake version of minecraft running we need to go to multiplayer now we need to add a server and it’s the middle earth click on that call it middle earth now we need to put in the ip we just copied so

Ctrl v there we go click on done now when you first boot up the game and the game will ask you to download the resource pack so we’re going to connect first we’re going to get past the initial startup system where you need to answer a question

To get into the world so join server i’ve got a prompt to download the resource pack so yes okay so we’re now in the world i can move around freely um it’s telling me here to answer the questions step on the pressure plates okay do you want to start the quiz yes

Follow the footprints and torches it’s really dark in here okay what is mcme i’m going to say c correct okay minecraft monolith also has forms of discord click to proceed okay now this chat box you can see now when i tried it yesterday in vr i could

Not see all the um chat box or the prompts so i could not get past this part of the um experience okay how should you choose your username on the mcme forums i’m going to suggest a correct when you first join mce your rank is called adventurer

Here’s what you can do as an adventurer okay so this is basically telling me what i can do in the uh on the map uh this is all new to me guys i’m not gone this far so i’m having to use my um keyboard to um to move around Okay step on the plate what is forbidden by the rules of the mcma i’m going to say a correct okay we’re heading outside there are rules on mce to ensure secure and friendly environment which of the following is a social rule uh press t advertising or the service is allowed

I’d say that’s not a rule religious not allowed yes b there we go okay one more question to answer and then we’ll be able to jump in here and play it in vr okay we’re outside now click to proceed Okay follow the path this looks really nice so far you reached the end of the quiz you may now enter middle earth go and explore feel free to ask any questions if you’re not sure okay okay so now we should be able to play the game in vr mode

So let me just move a bit further into the map let me just see what this text is about so hopefully if i uh log out now let me get to the main map actually keep walking okay okay we now joined the world i’ve got welcome to middle earth there’s people in here

Welcome to mcme okay i’m going to jump into vr now so i’m going to quit the game disconnect okay so i’m going to be playing the game wirelessly from my pc into the quest to using virtual desktops so i’m going to run my virtual desktop on my pc

And i’m going to jump into the quest 2 now i’m going to record my quest two footage okay okay recording video three two one record up down left right that allows me to sync um my camera with a quest to okay let’s run virtual desktop i’m connecting to my pc now

I can see my pc screen here look so i’m in the quest 2 guys i’ve got my um monitor in front to me so we’re going to run minecraft again run the launcher now this time i need to select five craft and this will allow me to play the game

In vr say livecraft click on play okay guys here we are i’m in minecraft i’m on my quest to lock no cables i’m free to uh roam around i’ll just hit my computer with my knees okay so if i jump into multiplayer middle earth i should be able to join

This now and roam around in vr join server don’t forget you need vivecraft to be able to get minecraft to work in vr and you also need the java version okay okay here we are guys i’m back in that house look i am sitting down so the game has recognized

Me sitting down welcome to mcme useful commands okay let me find my way out okay this is a interesting place ah this looks really nice as well with the uh oh christ he made me jump you swine that’s the first time i’ve seen somebody in minecraft in vr guys he made me

He scared the living crap out of me okay so i am sitting down i might need to stand up i’m moving really slow guys because i’m crouching yeah i had this problem with my map um i was sitting down on my map and i could not move up the mountains or

Down the mountains so i’m going to have to stand up so let me let me change my camera angle and everything okay guys that’s better i’m standing up i’m recording my quest two footage and i’m recording the game on my monitor as well so i’ll show you guys the uh best footage

Okay now we can move look uh let me go out this door here okay there’s like footprints on the floor look you see them Okay so here are wow this looks really really cool look at this uh this is running super smooth it looks amazing on the on the quest too as well guys no screen door for me Okay so i don’t know where we started is this like a hobbit hole or something okay nothing in the chest i’m still a bit rusty with the uh controls Okay okay there’s a little house here look Now don’t forget guys this has been 10 years in the making old farm now the website’s gone up and everything so you can use the map to guide you that looks really cool like a pumpkin head And that beeping noise you can hear is the uh text box but like i said i can’t see that on vr so okay there’s a little uh there’s a bed here lock anything in the chests no okay how do i jump again there we go okay so we’re going to have a wander

Around see what we can find is this like the hobbit place is this the shire is this frodo’s house here it’s like a barge is this a hobbit house hello frodo gandalf anybody let me check out the chest okay all the chests are empty there’s nobody here so i might try and

Find somebody and follow them look at this fireplace okay guys the um sensor scale in vr is amazing this really is awesome and this is based on the real middle earth so um these places are going to be quite a distance away east road bree okay breeze that way

So i don’t know how to travel to the uh different locations if you want to guys if you want to get used to the uh the controls of the game and the server play the game in pancake mode just to get a feel of everything okay so we’re heading towards brewery

Welcome to bywater now if you check out the map guys um it will show you by water on the map this is incredible a big thank you to rowdy guy for suggesting i try this out and it works i did leave a note on the forums to say that in vr

I could not see the chat box so i might put the uh speech on guys the speech might tell me what people are saying let me go to the options accessibilities narrator narrator narrates all button narrator narrates chat okay so if anyone’s talking she’ll tell me someone’s talking now

Adventurer constantine raps damn is bilbo house really this big g d donor f e frag may be looking at the map with forward slash helper map will help you g d commoner beam three two within reason adventurous super underscore soup ha ha same let me try a test

Paradise okay says king rock tiana welcome to mcme through biliku’s adventurer paradise edicatum test it worked okay guys so now we can hear people talking on the server i’m going to ask people how i can navigate adventurer type zero i’ll use how can i get there how do i navigate adventurous snickering

You need to be a melon first g d commoner bean 3 2 7 speak friend and enter adventurer liquid 18 xd how do i navigate okay adventurer paradise edicatum i how do i navigate adventurer constantine wraps into the mines adventurer renewings bra i passed rivendell and i didn’t noticed

Three guide f greenfields is a town near the northern border of the shire the battle of green fields occurred just outside of this town in that battle bulrora took cleaved the head off of an invading goblin king known as golfy mall winning the battle adventurer plays a gr

I am the dean loper of this server that windmill looks like constantine wraps noobs can’t teleport right adventurous nikeran you can teleport with forward slash warp okay so what is nicotine should work commoner green underscore giant e dot g forward slash warp miners tirith okay i’ve got a

Feeling that the um chat box um tells me to click here to warp adventurer constantine wraps jesus christ minis tirith is ridiculous yeah i need to go there i think what i might do guys i might um try the game again pancake mode trying to get to a landscape

And then jump into vr i just realized i can still play the game normal mode on my quest too i’m streaming from my desktop so if i go to cancel here quit minecraft and then if i run minecraft just normal mode i should be able to see the uh the world in 2d

Adventurer constantine wraps how did you guys map out rohan common a green underscore giant and to see locations you can walk okay let me try this flash helper map forward slash warp okay wait guys we did it okay so i’m going to quit the game and i’m going to jump back into vr

Adventurer miners tirith okay so let’s jump back into the gaming vr okay jump back into the multiplayer middle earth Joint server my birthday you haven’t set your birthday yet use forward slash birthday set six high paradise edicatems some projects six have been updated a plot underscore on day a marshes amore architect resource pack loaded successfully okay guys here we are lock ministerif so follow the path

And this is going to take some loading in so the world’s loading in we have other people here as well and the um sense of scale and size in vr is beyond anything pancake wise wow follow the footprints look at this place and it’s still loading in

F minus tirith or the white city was one of two cities responsible for protecting the gondorian capital oz goliath when oz goliath fell miners tirith replaced it as the capital of gonda oh my god this is amazing the size of this place is scary guys okay we have leather place

Hello this guy wants to know why my arms are moving in the sky and why is it not because i’m playing in vr mate i’ve got proper hands okay i found a friend uh i’ll ask him what his name is i can’t see chat so we put hello what’s your name hello

Playing in vr on quest 2. adventurer paradise edicatum hello what’s your name i cannot see chatters in playing in vr on quest 2. commoner green underscore giant found a moria plot that is probs years old okay this place is huge so it looks like the um teleport commands are not working

In vr guys as you can see i had to um go into pancake mode get it to work can i climb this place can i climb the top look at that okay i should really follow the footprints try and find other people follow them this place looks really cool though guys

And this is going to give you hours and hours of fun exploring this place uh this is just one of many locations okay i’m going to climb up here a lot i’m loving the textures and everything the scope the scale so we’re climbing the walls wow look at this

Okay there’s an entrance over there can i ah okay there’s no four damage that’s good herbs and spices pottery ceramics let’s climb to the top i just want to stand on that piece on the end there and have a look at the view um it’s gonna take me ages to get up there

And if you want to try this for yourself guys just follow my guide and you can also download my star wars map basically my star wars maps roller coaster it’s a 40-minute ride it goes through all the um star wars maps i built for my film

I never finished my film was 70 finished i was recreating star wars and who hope in minecraft i’ve been working on it for six years i got a bit burnt out discovered vr and the rest is history one day i hope to go back and finish the film

I need a lift but they don’t do lifts in these um in these days do they yeah this is incredible guys really really cool and the mountains are still loading in that’s how big this place is i’m hearing some really strange noises i don’t know if this map’s got custom sounds

Let’s go this way i’m hoping these footprints are leading to the uh the top like a guide wow ah this feels life-sized as well because you’re in vr adventurer ghost underscored r99n well i found a balrog but i am not sure where i am xd he’s in the minds of maurya have you

Found a bar rock can you imagine the mines of moria that’d be amazing if you’ve got a java version of minecraft guys you’ve got quest two you have to check this out and this is life-size like i said i feel like a real person walking through the world everything’s the right height

Look at this place incredible it took me six months just to build the death star trench so i can only imagine how long it took them to build all this like i said guys 10 years in the making it’s really dark in here so i expect the mines

To be really dark as well it’s running really smooth on the quest 2 with virtual desktop so basically i’m running minecraft the uh java version on my pc and i’m using virtual desktop to stream the game into my quest too adventurous swim underscore reaper all right i think i took about 20 pictures

So i won’t have to do that again adventure of seo guys we can’t have horses right okay we’re going up and up slowly making our way to the top of the air up there lock okay i bet we’ve got a nice view from here look we’re above the clouds

Wow look at that okay we can now see this place in its full glory and you’ve probably um noticed this from the films as well adventurous snikeron there downloaded a shader and turned on la to soundtrack adventurer mate coo underscore himself oh okay thanks adventurous snickerin the adventure can begin adventurous snickerin

Just need to get a second breakfast first adventure of seo oh that’s epic snickerin adventurer mate coo underscore himself which shaders are the best for it okay guys that’s a good idea to add your own soundtrack to the game ordering soundtrack player console kicked leap mama lord for you have been

Kicked for idling more than 30 minutes adventurous swim underscore reaper i use bsl shader and it’s amazing wow okay there’s a screenshot right there look so apparently these are footprints are the route the hobbies took in the film this place is never-ending okay we’ve reached the top more or less go through here

Done a really good job with the uh textures as well am i going that way uh where’s the uh footprints adventurous swim underscore reaper which discord channel do i post these screenshots to this way adventurers merge maj92 why can’t we get to the top of saruman’s tower g d moderator dino daring maybe

Screenshot feedback hello okay guys you might notice i’m luke skywalker and this is my luke skywalker skin which i used for recording my film g d moderator dino daring smug you can buy stairs or forward slash fly g d moderator dino daring find the right stairs we reach the top guys

This is the pinnacle of minecraft right here hopefully the city will have um loaded in the whole wow okay guys that is scary um i guess i need to jump off there um i’m getting goosebumps you know that feeling you get when you’re somewhere really high

Your brain’s telling you it’s a long way down you get those butterflies in your stomach i’ve got that right now guys i’m going to jump off here okay wish me luck um i can feel the butterflies okay this is gonna be freaking my brain out oh christ ah okay i did not die

Okay that was amazing this place is amazing okay guys thank you for watching i hope you enjoyed the video please leave a like and subscribe be sure to my little bell and i’ll see in the next one bye okay that was awesome You

This video, titled ‘EXPLORING Minecraft Middle-Earth in VR on Quest 2 – THIS IS INCREDIBLE!’, was uploaded by Paradise Decay on 2020-11-09 20:00:13. It has garnered 3475 views and 77 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:14 or 2054 seconds.

Minecraft Middle-Earth website and server:

My Guide video or follow instruction below:

What you need: – Quest 2 – Minecraft Account – PC that can run Minecraft – Virtual Desktop – 5G Wireless OR Link cable

Instruction: 1. Download the JAVA version of Minecraft:

2. Run Minecraft once.

3. Download Vivecraft:

4. Install JAVA:

5. Install Steam VR:

6. Install and RUN Virtual Desktop Streamer:

7. Put on your Quest 2.

8. In your headset run Virtual Desktop.

8. In your headset connect to your PC (Wireless or with a LINK Cable)

9. In your headset start Steam VR

10. In your headset run Minecraft.

11. Play in VR.

12. If you want to play my Star Wars map, Download here:

13. Unzip the files and drag the folder into your Minecraft Save folder. (You can find this folder typing %appdata% in your Windows search bar (Bottom left))

14. Restart Minecraft and enjoy my map!

My POPULAR Star Wars Stuff: A New Hope Trailer: Star Wars Battle Of Hoth: Yogscast Playing my Star Wars map:


COME JOIN MY DISCORD HERE: (Hidden VR keys added regulary!)


If you are on STEAM, come and JOIN my TOP RATED VR Steam Group:

☆ MY PC Specs: ☆ Oculus Rift S ☆ GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER ☆ Windows 10, 64 bit ☆ Intel Core i7-9700 ☆ 16.0GB Ram

#CanYouPlayMinecraftOnQuest2 #MinecraftMiddleEarthOnQuest2 #LordofTheRingsInVR #GuideToPlayMinecraftInVROnQuest2 #VirtualReality #Quest2 #Oculus #OculusQuest2 #OculusQuest #Minecraft


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  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Edition 🔥

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Edition 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #memes #boom #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Surviving Zombie Apocalypse in Caves with Crystals

    Surviving Zombie Apocalypse in Caves with Crystals Minecraft Shorts: Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse Are you ready to survive a zombie apocalypse? In the world of Minecraft, this is a real possibility. Zombies are known for their insatiable appetite for brains, making them a formidable threat to players. Why Would You Survive? What sets you apart in this apocalyptic scenario? Your survival skills, quick thinking, and resourcefulness. In Minecraft, players must gather resources, build shelters, and fend off hostile mobs like zombies to stay alive. Exploring Minecraft Shorts On the channel, you can find entertaining Minecraft shorts that showcase the challenges and humor of surviving in this… Read More

  • Crafting Custom Superflat Map in Minecraft Bedrock

    Crafting Custom Superflat Map in Minecraft Bedrock Minecraft: How to Create a Custom Superflat World on Bedrock Editions Are you a Minecraft player using Bedrock Editions and looking to create a custom superflat world? Look no further! Today, we’ll guide you through the process of making your very own unique superflat world on Bedrock Editions. Minecraft Versions Before diving into creating your custom superflat world, it’s essential to know the Minecraft versions you’ll be working with. For Bedrock Editions, ensure you have the latest updates to access all the features needed for this customization. Shaderpacks and Resource Pack Enhance your gaming experience by incorporating shaderpacks and… Read More

  • Minecraft LIVE Zoo Building! Hermitcraft Season 10 VOD

    Minecraft LIVE Zoo Building! Hermitcraft Season 10 VODVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Thoughts On Minecraft LIVE and Working On The Zoo – Hermitcraft Season 10 VOD Stream’, was uploaded by GoodVodsWithScar on 2024-10-03 14:00:45. It has garnered 60936 views and 690 likes. The duration of the video is 03:09:22 or 11362 seconds. I share my reaction and thoughts on Minecraft live and the new update / drop. I hope you enjoyed the Hermitcraft live stream see you in the next video. ———————————————————- My Links and stuff: * Patreon: * Twitter:!/GTWScar * Twitch: * Instagram: *TikTok: *Business Inquiries Send to: [email protected] ———————————————————… Read More

  • Ultimate Goo Canoe Tutorial by BushMasterHarry

    Ultimate Goo Canoe Tutorial by BushMasterHarryVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial – Goo Canoe’, was uploaded by BushMasterHarry on 2024-01-21 01:00:15. It has garnered 73 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:29 or 149 seconds. This is a neat little flying machine that can be used for traveling long distances! Whether it’s the nether, end or overworld, you can set the control down and watch the slime do the work! Thanks for watching and leave a bushy like and/or comment! Help me hit that 7k sub mark for 2024!! Read More

  • Emotional rollercoaster in Minecraft Story Mode!

    Emotional rollercoaster in Minecraft Story Mode!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE FEELS: Minecraft Story Mode Episodes 2-5’, was uploaded by Azetlor146 on 2024-09-16 02:46:11. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 06:01:25 or 21685 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hunger Games with 100 Players!

    Insane Minecraft Hunger Games with 100 Players!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Players Simulate The HUNGER GAMES in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by AiroKun on 2024-05-19 19:00:09. It has garnered 326707 views and 7306 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:47 or 5207 seconds. Today I participated in a 100 Player Minecraft Hunger Games Event, will I win? Watch the video to find out! Special Thanks to @Sword4000 for hosting this event! Feel free to join his discord for future events like this ► ————————————————————- 🚪 Second Channel ► @airoextra 💬 Personal Discord ► 💬 Events Discord ► 🔴 Twitch ► 🐤… Read More

  • EPIC Bedwars Match with Subscriber NOW! #Minecraft

    EPIC Bedwars Match with Subscriber NOW! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bedwars With Subscriber join fast #minecraft #technogamerz’, was uploaded by Sudhir_Playz on 2024-04-27 04:29:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MinecraftSMP #GamingCommunity #MinecraftersUnite #MultiplayerMadness #BlockyAdventures 🛠️ #CraftAndExplore … Read More

  • Chihuahua Takes Over World 😱 #shorts

    Chihuahua Takes Over World 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chihuahua Says He’s The Boss 😱#shorts #ai #aiart #chatgpt #funny #gummybear #memes #cat # #comedy’, was uploaded by SaifAiToons on 2024-09-15 02:30:27. It has garnered 1299 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Chihuahua Says He’s The Boss 😱#shorts #ai #aiart #chatgpt #funny #gummybear #memes #cat # #comedy spider-man minecraft skibidi toilet mukbang car funny video mr men show theme song shorts cartoon dinosaur siren head catnap crab deadpool and wolverine songs funny videos godzilla granny hulk king kong minecraft school minecraft school monkey real life minecraft movie ronaldo… Read More

  • FEARSONA – Terrifying Office Building Encounters!

    FEARSONA - Terrifying Office Building Encounters!Video Information This video, titled ‘Office Buildings Are SCARY…’, was uploaded by FEARSONA on 2024-10-03 03:22:10. It has garnered 735 views and 97 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:41 or 7601 seconds. #fearsona #truecrime #vtuber ✨Minecraft & Project Zomboid community servers now available for Patreon members! 0:00 Starting Screen 1:07 Intro 4:00 My Cursed Week 40:00 Scary Videos 2:00:0 Outro 🔴Streamlabs Donations🔴 ⚠️IMPORTANT⚠️ Please understand that donations are non-refundable and you are tipping under the agreement that you will not issue a chargeback! ✨TWITTER ► ✨INSTAGRAM ► ========================= CHAT RULES 1. Be polite and… Read More

  • SECRETLY LEAKED: Keawee drops by HazeClient Private

    SECRETLY LEAKED: Keawee drops by HazeClient PrivateVideo Information This video, titled ‘ dropped by HazeClient Private @Hestreng @rajcepro’, was uploaded by Keawee on 2024-07-03 20:05:57. It has garnered 277 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. minecraft,crasher,minecraft server crasher, minecraft antibot, minecraft anti bot, minecraft anticrash, minecraft anti crash, server crasher,crash,minecraft hack client,minecraft crasher,minecraft crash,minecraft crash server, iptables, spigotguard bypass, exploitfixer bypass, lpx bypass, XCord bypass, minecraft deutsch,minecraft crash items,minecraft server crashen,minecraft server crash,minecraft crash report 2020,minecraft server crashen tutorial,minecraft server crash client,griefergames crasher,minecraft server crash hack,crasher client,crash minecraft,crash report minecraft, minefox crash,aegis bypass,flamecord bypass,spigotguard bypass,exploitfixer bypass,guardspigot bypass,free minecraft… Read More

  • Insane LIVE Minecraft on Java, PE, Bedrock!

    Insane LIVE Minecraft on Java, PE, Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING MINECRAFT IN LIVE🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock |’, was uploaded by BD Gamerz YT on 2024-04-24 16:44:29. It has garnered 142 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:20:57 or 4857 seconds. 🔴PLAYING MINECRAFT IN LIVE🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock | Social link : DISCORD ——- #minecraft #minecrafthindi #minecraftlive #minecraft100days #minecraftgameplay #india #minecraftjavaedition #jitsubhaganing TAGS & KEYWORDS– ___________________________________________________________________________________ minecraft live minecraft live Bangla minecraft 100 days minecraft 24/7 smp minecraft mcpe live pe live minecraft java live stream minecraft java minecraft india how to make farms in minecraft how to make wheat… Read More

  • Turnabout SMP Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelist Hermitcraft-like Voice Plugin Age 16+ 1.21 Discord

    Looking for a Friendly Survival Minecraft Server? Join Turnabout, a 16+ whitelist server focused on community and making friends. With active players and exciting events like Halloween and a museum in the works, there’s always something to do. What Turnabout Offers: Events and Inclusivity Quality of Life Addons like One Player Sleep and Voice Chat Shopping and Minigames District Mayoral Elections for player-driven decisions Anti-Stealing and Griefing Plugins 24/7 Uptime Join Us Today! Meet new friends and start playing on Turnabout by joining our Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft’s Gray Moss: From Bland to BAM!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft's Gray Moss: From Bland to BAM!"I guess you could say this meme really knows how to moss-tivate people with its score of 8! Read More

  • 100 Days: Minecraft’s Explosive Score

    100 Days: Minecraft's Explosive Score In the world of Minecraft, a challenge arose, “100 Days” series, where the story unfolds. Luke the Notable, a gamer so bold, Survived and thrived, his journey retold. From humble beginnings, with just a few views, To millions of fans, all eager for news. The challenge was simple, but not for the weak, Survive 100 days, with dangers to seek. Creepers and zombies, skeletons too, Luke faced them all, with skills so true. Building and crafting, exploring the land, Each episode gripping, fans at his command. The series took off, like a rocket in flight, Capturing hearts, day and… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes for You!

    Hot Minecraft Memes for You! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle

    Unbeatable Minecraft Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle Minecraft Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle – A Death-Defying Challenge! Embark on an epic adventure with the ‘Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle’ map in Minecraft! This thrilling boss fight created by Tape_Eater will push your skills to the limit with its three challenging phases. Intense Phases and Deadly Attacks Prepare yourself for a battle like no other as you face off against the Hellfire Reaper. With nine different attacks, including Missiles, Napalm, Shockwaves, and Sawblades, each phase ramps up the difficulty, keeping you on your toes throughout the fight. Unlockable Phases and Chaos Unleashed As you chip away at the boss’s… Read More

  • 肾结石喵的悲惨生活17

    肾结石喵的悲惨生活17 Minecraft Character Model: Klee from “Tragic Life with Klee in Dependence 17” Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking to add a unique character model to your game? Look no further than the Klee model from the “Tragic Life with Klee in Dependence 17” series. This character model can be used in the Minecraft: Java Edition by loading it with the Yes Steve Model module. How to Get the Klee Model To access the Klee model, you will need to download the Yes Steve Model module. You can find the module link here. Additionally, you can obtain the… Read More

  • Samsul CH is BACK with INSANE HARDCORE 🔥

    Samsul CH is BACK with INSANE HARDCORE 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴TERTINGGAL JAUHH! | BRUTAL HARDCORE II #14’, was uploaded by Samsul CH on 2024-07-23 00:09:22. It has garnered 5553 views and 402 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:41 or 5861 seconds. #minecraft #brutalhardcore2 ==================DONATION===================== You can help me with donations yes, friend. You can use: GOPAY / OVO / FUNDS: Hopefully I can be helped by your donations ^^ ======================LINK================== ========– Join My Discord : / discord Follow My Instagram : / bagasbuat_ ~~~ Command ~~~ !ig !age !original !donate DON’T FORGET TO SUBS, LIKE, AND SHARE YA GUYS! Read More

  • Upgrade Your Minecraft Gear in Part 2!

    Upgrade Your Minecraft Gear in Part 2!Video Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 2 – Upgrading Tools! New Equipment and Armor!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-06 19:00:27. It has garnered 21682 views and 618 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:55 or 2695 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 2! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building new stone tools and leather armor as we build up our base! Check out more gaming videos! More Minecraft videos! Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Showdown: NottaG VS 2B2T Pros

    Insane Minecraft Showdown: NottaG VS 2B2T ProsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Normal Minecraft VS 2B2T Players’, was uploaded by NottaG on 2024-06-02 23:28:20. It has garnered 314 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. song creds BongEatBong – 2b On My Mind (YNW Melly Murder On My Mind Anarchy Minecraft Parody) Read More

Paradise Decay – EXPLORING Minecraft Middle-Earth in VR on Quest 2 – THIS IS INCREDIBLE!