Pastaz ID – tried all Crystal PVP servers in Minecraft

Video Information

Halo tes satu dua tiga tes satu dua tiga Ada nggak sih suaraku ada kali ya aku ngetes nih sekarang naik Crystal PPP di YouTube Ya nggak papa lah sih aku mau Gabut doang sih nggak ada yang nonton juga nggak apa-apa aku pengen nge-like aja di YouTube soalnya aku nge-like

YouTube laris doang eh hari Minggu doang Jadi gimana kabar kalian semua kayaknya nggak ada yang nonton tuh halo Halo Reyhan ayo kita belajar Crystal PPP ya Aku pengen belajar Crystal PPP di Minecraft gimana ya susah nggak sih sebenernya kayaknya lagi rame banget Crystal PPP di Minecraft belajar Aku belajar Aku belajar wow

Aku belajar nih aku lagi belajar aku masih ya halo halo Aku masih belajar sama kita Wah kena dong aku dia masih efek Flying dong mati dia ya halo halo gapapa Aku pengen main Crystal PPP aja sekarang [Musik] Ayo kita nggak papa ya Sorry aku baca komennya dikit ya Halo Zen

Mati dia sip mati dia Ya halo udah bisa kena sih di situ itu bahaya tuh yang kayak gini-ginian tuh sial aku mati seru tahu mati dia Anjir Oh udah habis udah lama nggak nonton Iya aku lama udah nggak nge-like sakit aja Iya Bang gak gabung brutalkan nggak tahu

Aku pengen banget Aku pengen ngerasain brutal dong pengennya woi belum siap Anjir aku Entar lu balik dulu balik makan dulu jarang nge-lag aku bentar doang live nya Ah kalah aku kalah Wah kalah payah banget Enggak papa lah sekali aku udah pusing aku juga pusing udah lama aku belajar PvP Aku penasaran oh

Bentar doang paling aku nge-lagnya 30 menit aja lah aku nge-live aku belajar pipi di sini aku lagi belajar [Tepuk tangan] Coba kita ganti tekstur pakai aja jangan deh nggak sempet Ayo kita Mana dia kok di situ dia mainnya Kenapa dia Dih masa menang gitu doang kenapa dia nggak jelas dong dia ngapain banget

Lagunya enak-enak ya Iya lagunya enak banget loh tau aku tau kok ini siapa Bang Joker namanya BTW aku nggak pernah lihat-lihat tuh orang donasi di live Abang emang jarang nggak bakal nggak ada Oke sip kita jajan sini Bang ayo sini ribet kita Wah kena dong aku sama jebakan Dia jago

Juga dia cepet banget dia dia main itu dia ngeri dia main itu bahaya kalau mau belajar TVV layar bisa Bang pasti aku lebih senang lawan player sih aku lebih kerasa aja gitu lawan player ayo jangan kabur aku pengen ngelawan kamu Ya udah meninggal karena apa Bang karena ditembak waktu itu dia ditembak

Ditembak dia waktu itu lagi naik mobil tembak dia lagi naik mobil ditembak dong dia lagi naik mobil tembak Bang Abang Minecraft versi berapa satu titik sembilan satu titik sembilan aku minecraftnya karena waktu itu dia lagi jalan naik mobil Ya ditembak dia parah banget kan masa lagi jalan ditembak aku juga heran

Kasihan banget dong kepala aku pusing sampai kepalaku gerak sendiri ya ampun halo Oh mati dia mati lagi please Mati kek Iya baru waktu tahu dia meninggal sedih nggak aku sih biasa aja sih kalau aku mah kalau aku mah biasa aja Ih kamu sih kebanyakan nonjok sini siap aku kena dong tambahkannya

Baru atau tadi meninggal dia sakit pasti sepi Aku nonton ini ah mati dia ah aku mati dong ini kayaknya Kayak skin punya tekstur Pak aspek deh kayak punyanya si aspek loh Soalnya ini bonekanya boneka Si aspek Bos Siapa yang meninggal eksistension tadi ada nanya tadi ada yang nanya aspek loh teksturnya

Iya kayak aspek banget aku lumayan sedih karena sempat enggak nonton Oh aku mah enggak tahu sih aku enggak nonton live-nya pas dia meninggal pakai itu dia eh jangan pergi eh jangan pergi kamu dunia itu tidak ada yang benar benar kamu benar gue juga nih orang kuat juga loh

Ya kena ya kena Dia penggemar setia kali membawa servernya iya woi Jangan lupain gua Ah iya Fino tenang aja nggak dilupain kalau aku jarang doang jarang live di tik tok eh di YouTube di konyol kena diri sendiri bisa gitu dong kena diri sendiri kena jatahnya sendiri dia malah kasihkan

Jadi pengen latihan juga nggak sini Lagian aku lawan orang aku lagi lawan orang mati kayak dia please Aduh rusak lagi dia juga rusak dong film Dia rusak aja mau mirip LS dia Bang oh Elle siapa ya padahal aku cuma pengen iseng-iseng doang dong Abang itu kawan Abang ke berapa siapa

Abang kawan aku keberapa oh Dia pengen nyepam dia Bang suka lagu eksistension yang judulnya Moonlight Ia suka Kok buset saver apa Bang ini server server orang luar namanya Nazar Club Wah Kena Dong Wah kalah Aku gagal siap enggak apa-apa lah nggak papa menang menang sekali menang sekali menang

Sekali mati dua udah enggak apa-apa ya Halo budak FF Halo Loh aku enggak bisa respon dong aku heran teksturnya kali ya aku menang sekali mati dua ya game over Minecraft Iya bener Abang jam kawin belum lah masa nanyanya kawin dong aku tuh sepantaran si aspek Bang kapan face repail aku sering face

Repal di tetok kalau kamu mau tahu mah aku fast review kalau di tik tok aku live di tiktok tuh face mana sih Aku minta mana sih ini dia Kok nggak bisa masuk sih masuk dong ah kenapa sih ngelag amat sih internetnya iya halo halo kalau nggak bisa sip dia tuh nggak bakal bisa

Kalau main malam-malam Mah hancur lagi tadi cewek lawan aku cewek iya cewek cewek lagi dong [Musik] Ayo bisalah mati Kayak lu Mati kek mati lagi dia sono isi darah Lah iya halo kok Di YouTube nggak vs Rival Aku males vs Aku males di YouTube [Tepuk tangan] [Musik] Mati kek please mati

Wah dia pakai itu Anjir kena dong aku bang Arif kayaknya nama teman gua oh banyak ya namanya Ari bukan temen kamu doang Woi cepet aja sial [Musik] Sial kena lagi dong Bang oh Arif kaya temen gua Iya Arif sama temen kamu kali umur Abang berapa ayo tebak Umur aku berapa kena dia

Mati gokil ya aku menang Anjir tuh murah aku menang gokil aku menang aku kill aku kalah nama teman bapaknya maksudnya nama teman bapaknya Nggak tahu aku mah biasanya live di tik tok bukan live di YouTube aku di YouTube tuh buat tenang-tenang aja sekarang mah ini aku jarang live di YouTube mah

Umur saya 12 Oh kamu umurnya 12 tahun dia nggak ada [Musik] ngelag loh servernya mati ternyata aku yang menang ada tempat Iya sekarang beda tempat kan random kan ini cuma buat duel doang [Musik] ini kamu ke sini [Musik] sini kamu ayo sini [Musik] Hai jangan pergi dong mbah nama aku nama

Akun Tik Tok apa pasta Saidi sama kayak YouTube Aku di server apa di server mazer Club ya Iya halo Bang di ceper apa server mazer Club Aku di server mazer Club nya apa namanya ipnya mazer club mazer club mazer Club gak mati-mati ini orang Udah menang yey [Musik]

Bang coba spam tadi aku ngespam ini mazer Club nya tapi tadi tiga Masuk masuk tempat item tapi sekarang satu langsung pindah tempat pusing kan sama sama aku juga pusing enggak apa-apa lah aku live 30 menit aja setengah jam aja oke bang Gue mau main soalnya Ayo jalan Ayo aku enggak mau di

Sini aku enggak mau di sini ya enggak asik main di sini mah soalnya main ramean kayak gini nggak asik aku enggak suka main rame-ramaian kayak gini aku lebih suka duel versi versi semuanya Kayak bisa saya orang Malaysia Saya suka tengok YouTube Abang Oh makasih makasih loh aku paling

Buat kontennya ini doang Hari Minggu doang kalau nge-live Wah rame amat di sana Aku nggak suka di servernya nih Wah rusuh Anjir aku gak suka merah-merah aku lebih seneng duel Bang kayaknya nggak ada nggak ada lstia jam 30 menit doang iya Iya di sini aku live-nya aku pengen

Banget ngerasain di pipi sama yang brutal hardcore enggak tahu aku kapan bisa masuk aku juga enggak tahu cara gabungnya gimana aku enggak bisa aku dapat S3 juga baru tahu dong ada S3 nya sekarang Aku kira cuma S2 doang itu buat youtuber gede biasanya buat yang ingin subscribernya udah gede [Musik]

Eh jangan pergi kamu pakai itu dia nggak asik deh kok mati sih Oh ya aku lupa pakai Totem dong goblok banget goblok banget aku lupa pake tutup Ih kenapa emang 30 menit doang saya pun orang Malaysia aku lupa pakai Totem pantesan aja kayaknya ya ada di sini nih eh jangan pergi kamu

Dia mainnya pakai ini dia dia mainnya main kalem dia eh jangan pergi dong mainnya nggak asik banget tempe-tempean Iya Toxic Bang Iya awas Bang ancur lebih gede damage-nya bener ancur lebih gede damage-nya Abang buat video Sorry di mall Iya sih aku pengen buat 100 hari Aku pegel ngeditnya 100 hari

Pegel ngeditnya doang aku hei hei mana tempe-tempean mulu Anjir gak asik banget [Musik] sini kamu Eh bisa buat bisa kok buat back Rock kalau kalian pengen jajan Bedrock bisa loh nge-lag mbak tutor jalan itu kamu jalan kamu bisa gimana lo menang dong Nggak tahu aku gimana Miftah Wah sekarang jam berapa

Sekarang jam 11.46 Oke kita menang aku menang lagi Anjir lu sekarang bang tutor jalan nih tadi kamu jalan ngelag banget servernya di menang gokil Aku nggak tahu dong kalau aku menang coba aku ngelihat di layar sebelah Mbak Sekarang kamu jam 11 sekarang Anjir lucu banget Anjir mainnya Oh mainnya di

Bawah deh aku tahu dia kalau main di bawah [Musik] mati kamu please Iya nama IG lu Apa nama IG aku pasta _ [Musik] dikonyol Anjir nyerang diri sendiri ada-ada aja Bang atau Mister bis tau dong bang live Buka pintu gimana ceritanya live buka pintu [Musik] Hahaha Konyol dia mainnya di situ dia

Mainnya di situ dia mainnya di situ tau Abang satu tambah satu berapa satu tambah satu dua Emang berapa kata mau kamu berapa [Musik] dia mainnya di situ dia pergi kamu pergi-pergi please aku lihat main berita lapar pada main ini semua ya pada main ini semua ya turun please dia nggak mati-mati anjir [Musik]

Iya Mr Bee siap membeli dunia nggak nggak YouTube yang bisa membeli dunia YouTube duitnya lebih banyak soalnya YouTube lebih YouTube yang bisa membeli dunia kali soal dia aja bisa ngegaji Mr Bean segede gitu dong mana dia sih mainnya di situ Mati kek dia nggak mati-mati loh Wah nggak mati dia berapa gitu

Oh iya baru coba main brutal Larva lah aku nggak tahu cara joinnya gimana itu kan harus diseleksi dulu aku juga nggak tahu Aku nggak punya kenalan kena pengen ikut brutal aku woi Flying dia 89 kilo dia padahal udah Dewa loh Masa kalah sih dia udah 28 si laki loh udah 29 kill

Udah banyak banget Yah aku udah enggak punya helm ini masih punya helm Oh dia nggak mati-mati helmnya hancur-hancur aku udah punya helm Nih aku bisa kalah ini mah iya terbang kok Mr Beast dibikin video like-nya jutaan karena dia dia mah semua videonya challenge semua Miftah lu gak bisa Join

Lagi Bang udah fase terakhir Iya kayaknya udah nggak bisa aku udah nggak bisa Join lagi aku juga penasaran Iya enggak apa-apa lah semoga aja aku bisa ikutan SMP itulah aku penasaran apa yang masuk ikutan SMP gitu dong saya ngerasain udah nggak nambah lagi Ya iya

Iya bukan satu 11 oh ya nggak ada sama dengannya ya gitu maksudnya kamu nggak ada sama dengannya Mati kek sial aku udah punya ini soalnya aku udah gak punya helm Letoy banget orang aku udah nggak ada helm Tuh kan aku lihat banget sekali kena doang langsung mati nih

Aku udah gak punya helm soalnya Iya terus-terusan berbagi Anjir kita dia masih punya helm ya Mati kek mati dia Anjir lu Wah aku udah udah abis Armor aku dong telat gak bangga Ricky nggak telat Wah menang dong banyak banget lagi dia tadi Ayo lagi lagi lagi lagi lagi lagi lagi lagi

Kill dia udah banyak loh Kayaknya udah jago banget pasti dia Iya mati konyol dia dikeroyok Wah aspek ah Oh ku kira ada aspek dia mainnya ngendok di sini ya ah sial mainnya ngendok Anjir benci banget aku main ngendok kayak gini [Musik] bahaya menang konyol kalau ngebikin video ngabisin jutaan

Dolar itu namanya hoki hokian sih Wah menang lagi let’s go oke Banyak Alhamdulillah lumayan pulang lagi anjir lagi lagi lagi lagi lagi lagi Oh sempit banget sih aku pengen lewat Mr kalau nunjukin video ngabisin jutaan dollar pasti dia itu duit hasil dari YouTube langsung dipakai buat ngabisin itu dia mah begitu orangnya kita

Mana sih dia pakai Angkor doang aku males banget main pakai Angkor [Musik] sini kamu Ayo kita makan dulu Iya Sultan bener Abang cari Etan untuk Survival pasti aku bakal nyari kok aku pengen buat nih nanti nanti aku buat nanti aku buat aku udah punya kok [Musik] biarin biarin biarin iya halo Grim halo

Halo dream Wah dia kuat juga jago loh kuat juga nge-lag banget dong Halo Green Dia pernah beli Lamborghini Iya Karin bukan namanya cewek Iya kayaknya Karin sama cewek Iya dia pernah beli Lamborghini oh dia pernah beli Lamborghini keren dong Iya emang beli dia mah semuanya bisa dibeli Mister BIS mah

Hebat ya masih muda bisa beli apa aja subscribernya Padahal dia panutannya PewDiePie dulu Kenapa Bang jangan kabur dong bang aku kabur ini game apa Bang ini game Minecraft ini game Minecraft ini game Minecraft ada di videonya gue cowok Oh kamu cowok aku ngelag banget aku aku ngelag sial aku ngelag banget

Woi jangan nyerang dong aku ngelag Wah sial aku di spam aku ngelag Woi kalah woi ini game Minecraft Kenapa kabur kuat juga nih orang mati dia menang lagi coy Mana lagi anjir mah ngomongnya blak-blakan Anjir kamu harus tahan sama emosi dia Bang Inget aku nggak inget kau giok Inget kan kamu

Suruh nonton kalau aku live Oh menang lagi njir aku menang lagi yokia Abang main game Minecraft dekat mana dekat komputer aku dekat komputer Ayo kita bisa Erpan Hah namanya Erpan anjir namanya Erpan dong [Musik] lemah banget pakai Angkor Ih ada Erpan Anjir namanya Erpan [Musik] Erpan lagi Gabut main makanya main Minecraft sekarang

Wah aku lupa pakai ancur aku lupa pakai Totok Anjir aku lupa pakai Totem Astagfirullahaladzim pesan aja nggak ada tangan kanan eh tangan kiri bang gue pernah makan Oh kamu pernah makan apa lama kamu jago nih orang [Musik] sial aku kena Iya aku mati lagi aku mati dia mati dua

Kali Mati lu berarti iya mati kalau nggak ada itunya tetap mati aku Iya aku mati tadi nggak papa aku menangnya udah banyak ini Alhamdulillah wah bahaya dong ayo sini menang lagi dong menang lagi Alhamdulillah menang lagi deh let’s go nggak lagi tiga kali lagi aja kali tiga kali lagi

Aja yuk tiga kali lagi aja gua mau apa aja Oh aku ngelag banget Mr Bean es krimnya banyak Iya dulu kan dewa-dewa ya apa namanya yang julukannya Raja ya sih ini PewDiePie sekarang udah nggak Eh mainnya jangan kayak gitu dong jangan pakai Angkor lemah banget jangan pakai Angkor aku tahu dia main

Angkor Tuh main-main rapi buat yang main yang ketikannya cepet aja Wah aku lupa pakai Totem melulu Astagfirullahaladzim lupa melulu pake Totem ih deket banget aku lupa melulu pake Totem ngomong Bang bilang sih siap ah siap apaan yah nggak ada yang main yah Oh aku kira enggak ada yang main

Udah deh paling dua kali lagi gua mau tentara Mars 156 bahaya dia bahaya bahaya dia mainnya jago dia ayo sini guys dia mainnya pakai panah ini dia Beuh bahaya banget aku kena panah ini itu bahaya banget Anjir aku Sumpah aku Bahaya banget aduh dia ngeringgit seram anjir Wah jago GG

Wah GG coy asik nih orang jago jago nih orang jago nih orang asik loh Iya aku kena [Musik] [Musik] di bawah ini ya kata-kata terakhir Wah aku berhasil Oh dia mati aku terbang-terbangan Anjir kamu terbang banget kena dia kek Wah aku kalah pasti kalah Anjir jago banget gila

Jago banget tapi seru sih Wah dia udah sekarat tadi udah sekarat sama-sama sekarat udah kayak Ninja seru sih lawan tadi aku pengen sasaran pengen sama dia lagi pakai panas sih kalau nggak pakai panah pasti aku menang aku menang aku menang Anjir Aku percaya Wah gua mau melihat awan di langit silakan kalau

Kamu mau ingin melihat ketahuan di langit tapi mata kamu kuat enggak bisa ngelihat awan enggak yah enggak ada yang main dong Oh ada Iya mantap karimbang gua mau melihat apa di tahun mau jadi ninja Wih 92 kill dong [Musik] Wah aku bantai kamu 92 kill sekarang Wah

Aku lupa pakai bottom ah kebiasaan duduk pakai Totem anjir gila liat Awan oh iya bener jider sini sini dong kamu nggak mati-mati Oh kita iringin dulu kita giling kita isi darah dulu gua nggak peduli Ayo kita bisa kita menangin Wow let’s go menang Oke menang lagi jet ini lumayan nih live-nya

Aku menang banyak bang itu ke minecraftnya burik karena di sini aku main PvP wajar aja minecraft-nya burik ya Emang kamu lihat dah youtuber yang main brutal hardcore gambarnya pada burik kan kamu mah nggak tau aja yang main brutal Larva pada burik tau grafiknya kalau kamu ngeliat yang brutal hardcore pasti ngelihatnya bakal bilangnya

Burik-burik soalnya kan di sini aku main YouTube mah nggak pakai shader sengaja kan aku lagi main PvP pakai shader nanti kebanyakan efeknya pusing ya gak bisa main dong ya kayaknya kita udah selesai aja kali live nya ya nggak ada nggak ada ini lagi coba kita masuk ke room Indonesia yuk jajal Yuk

Kita Lawan orang Indonesia ini kan lawan orang luar Kita Lawan orang Indonesia yuk kali-kali mantap neraka gue bukan di rumah gua gue lihat matahari versi Alien gimana ceritanya lihat matahari versi Indonesia yuk tadi kan lawan orang luar semua kebanyakan Kita Lawan orang Indonesia sekarang kok mati sih baru spon mati dong Bye

Abang saya keluar dulu Iya Muhammad nurjamah Bang lawan Kevin strong Aku nggak aku nggak tahu dianya gimana cara nge-chat dia Aku juga pengen rasain ngelawan youtuber Aku cuma pengen doang pengen gitu main sama youtuber gitu youtuber lain gitu Aku penasaran pengen main sama youtuber lain Oke Kita Lawan orang Indonesia nih sekarang

Kita Lawan orang Indonesia sekarang dan ini Crystal vvv-nya lebih apa ya lebih lebih ini aja lebih arus hemat banget soalnya dikit banget totemnya nggak kayak tadi kan totemnya banyak ya ayo kita gas yuk di sombong nih orang lama anjir [Musik] ini orang mau berantem gak sih orang Indonesia aneh-aneh semua nggak bekerja iya

Aku bingung orang Indonesia mainnya pada Kenapa sih ini orang Indonesia aneh kalau main gitu doang kok nggak gerak sama sekali dia aku mau dibully sama aku dia aku biasa aja aku pengen Iya aku nggak tahu aku aku nggak tahu cara ngejar dia gimana gue juga nggak tahu

Aku tuh cuma bisanya kenal pipi doang aku nggak bisa main pedang-pedangan aku enggak main CP aku cp-ku kecil Iya Anjir gua naik motor malah keluar angkasa cuy gimana ceritanya keluar angkasa dong jangan nyerang dulu ya aku belum siap Ayo kita [Musik] ini harus hemat sih Oh kita sama-sama mati nih kita sama-sama mati

Gue naik motor gimana Lu ngomong ke siapa Nggak tahu gua naik pesawat mendarat di Matahari itu naik roket baru bisa mendarat di Matahari kamu Wah aku ngelag dong tiba-tiba mati loh kok bisa gitu anjir Kok bisa gitu sih Kok bisa gitu coy gua ngomong sama aja kamu harus sabar Grim Kamu harus sabar

Kamu harus sabar intinya Grim kamu jangan pergi-pergian di situ melulu dong mana sih ini orang Sial Aduh aku tahu aku tinggal satu lagi bener-bener harus hemat sih Anjir Indonesia Indonesia harus ini harus kalem mainnya nggak bisa buru-buru gak bisa kita main buru-buru dia seperti Indonesia uh aku sekarat mana sih dia lah

Kok ngelag banget server Indonesia ya dia mainnya pakai Angkor ngeri serem serem gue nggak peduli percuma umur 15 kalau otaknya ah nge-lag banget sih Ya ampun Kenapa mainnya pakai kristal itu ah males bodoh banget jadi orang bodoh banget nyerang diri sendiri dong aku oke gue suka ya jangan lupa serem

Habis habis habis itu gua habis Wah yokia nih Anjir serem coy sama-sama abis gua ke Matahari malah dingin cuy Enggak apa-apa Wah parah sih Wah ini aku harus hemat banget sih ngeri banget Wah udah ngerinjir sama-sama gak punya Angkor Mati kek lu sial kuat banget nih orang Woi darahnya enam Aduh aku juga

Habis lah habis kristal aku habis anjir ah menang let’s go manam gila hemat banget Anjir menang coy aku skillnya berapa sih Aku penasaran aku belum masuk ke sini Aku kapan ya masuk ke sini ya Wah gila hoki banget udah kehabisan atuh Anjir udah Aduh kita live-nya sampai sini dulu ya

Aku mau pergi soalnya udah hampir sejam juga ya makasih loh udah nonton live aku sampai habis wah seru juga sih aku jadi aku jadi kasihkan dong main Crystal PPP ternyata seru dong Crystal PP kalau udah paham mah Makasih lo semuanya udah nonton live aku sampai habis loh serius aku mah Makasih

Banyak ya semuanya Kalian semua pada sehat terus ya semuanya pada baik-baik terus Chatnya kamu grip sama Raja Grim makasih loh udah nonton live aku loh sampai habis dadah semuanya sehat terus ya kalian dadah ini siapa kamu ngapain aku dadah semuanya

This video, titled ‘mencoba semua server Crystal PVP di Minecraft’, was uploaded by Pastaz ID on 2022-12-18 17:13:55. It has garnered 4972 views and 102 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:13 or 2593 seconds.

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    Crafting an Epic Underground Minecraft House Exploring the Depths: Building an Epic Underground House in Minecraft Welcome to Part 2 of the Minecraft Survival series! In this episode, our intrepid player embarks on a thrilling adventure to construct an epic underground house. As they delve deep into the earth, gathering resources and crafting a hidden sanctuary, a world of possibilities unfolds. Unveiling the Hidden Gem With each block carefully placed, the underground house begins to take shape. From secret rooms to cleverly designed entrances, every detail is meticulously planned to create a secure and functional living space. The player’s creativity knows no bounds as they… Read More

  • Mining for Fun: A Minecraft Adventure

    Mining for Fun: A Minecraft Adventure In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Players build and explore, using blocks as their chains. Gather resources, craft tools and shelters with care, Create anything you desire, let your imagination flare. From simple houses to castles grand, The possibilities are endless, all at your command. But beware of monsters that lurk in the night, Defend yourself with all your might. Venture through landscapes, discover treasures untold, Find villages and secrets, let your story unfold. In Minecraft, the world is yours to shape and mold, So leap into the verse, let your adventures be bold. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft School Shenanigans!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft School Shenanigans! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Awkward moments at school, a hilarious theme. Cube Xuan, the creator, with humor so bright, Brings joy to our screens, each day and each night. The classroom series, filled with laughter and fun, MC animation, a job well done. With songs and adaptations, creativity so grand, Cube Xuan’s channel, the best in the land. So join in the fun, subscribe and stay tuned, For Minecraft news, all rhymed and cocooned. Awkward moments at school, a tale to be told, In the world of Cube Xuan, where happiness unfolds. Read More

  • Evicting Villagers & House Design | Minecraft Ep. 21

    Evicting Villagers & House Design | Minecraft Ep. 21 Minecraft Episode 21: Enhancing the Capitalism Contraption and Designing a New House In the latest episode of Minecraft, our player dives into the world of creativity and innovation. From “firing” villagers to designing a new house, there are plenty of exciting developments to explore. Enhancing the Capitalism Contraption The episode kicks off with the player adding new features to the Capitalism Contraption. This intricate system is designed to automate various processes within the game, allowing for efficient resource gathering and trading. By “firing” villagers, the player is able to optimize the contraption’s functionality and ensure smooth operation. Designing a… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft House Design Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft House Design Challenge Exploring Insane Minecraft House Designs Introduction to Minecraft House Designs Minecraft, a popular sandbox game, offers players the opportunity to unleash their creativity and build incredible structures. One of the most exciting aspects of the game is designing and constructing unique houses that showcase individual style and imagination. Mastering Minecraft Building Creating a modern house in Minecraft requires attention to detail and a good eye for design. Players can experiment with different materials, colors, and architectural styles to bring their vision to life. From sleek and minimalist designs to elaborate and intricate structures, the possibilities are endless. Tips and… Read More

  • Speedy Parkour Shenanigans in Minecraft

    Speedy Parkour Shenanigans in Minecraft Parkour Biome Episode 63: A Minecraft Adventure Embark on a thrilling journey through the Parkour Biome in Episode 63 of Minecraft Parkour Shorts. Join Faster Gaming Plays as they navigate through challenging obstacles and showcase their skills in this action-packed video. Exploring the Parkour Biome In this episode, players are transported to the Parkour Biome, a unique setting filled with intricate parkour courses and exciting challenges. The lush environment and dynamic terrain provide the perfect backdrop for adrenaline-pumping parkour action. Mastering Parkour Skills Players must demonstrate precision, agility, and quick reflexes as they leap, sprint, and climb their way… Read More

  • Crafty Alpha 1.0.4: Minecraft Short Snort

    Crafty Alpha 1.0.4: Minecraft Short Snort In Minecraft alpha 1.0.4, a classic delight, Exploring the world, day turning to night. Crafting tools, mining ores with all my might, But YouTube’s limit cut my playtime tight. Nostalgia hit hard, in this old version I roam, Building, surviving, in my virtual home. Limited by time, but still in the zone, Minecraft alpha, a world of its own. Join me in Mineberry, where the fun never ends, Playing together, with all our friends. In survival mode, the adventure transcends, Minecraft alpha, where the journey extends. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Unique Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Unique Gaming Experience Are you ready to experience Minecraft in a whole new way? Imagine transforming into a baby in the game, with adorable baby skins and a whole new perspective on the world of Minecraft. The possibilities are endless when you join a server like Minewind. Explore a unique and exciting community where you can unleash your creativity and make new friends. With the IP YT.MINEWIND.NET, you can join the fun and see what adventures await you on Minewind Minecraft Server. Don’t miss out on the chance to be a part of something special. Join Minewind today and start your journey… Read More

  • Parkour Chaos: Minecraft Episode 48

    Parkour Chaos: Minecraft Episode 48 Minecraft Parkour CLAMIN Episode 48: A Thrilling Adventure Embark on an exhilarating journey through the world of Minecraft with Parkour CLAMIN Episode 48! Join Faster Gaming Plays as they navigate challenging parkour courses, showcasing their skills and agility in this action-packed video. Experience the Excitement In this episode, viewers are treated to a display of precision jumps, quick reflexes, and daring maneuvers as Faster Gaming Plays takes on various parkour challenges. From leaping across platforms to avoiding obstacles, the adrenaline-pumping gameplay keeps audiences on the edge of their seats. Masterful Gameplay Watch as Faster Gaming Plays effortlessly navigates through… Read More

  • Monsters in the Cave: Minecraft Hardcore Rave

    Monsters in the Cave: Minecraft Hardcore Rave In the depths of Minecraft, a cave so deep, Monsters lurking, waiting to creep. Mining for treasures, risking it all, Will our hero survive, or will they fall? Nests of creatures, eyes glowing bright, Our hero must be quick, must be light. With each swing of the pick, each step they take, The tension rises, will they make no mistake? But fear not, dear viewers, for our hero is brave, Facing the monsters, refusing to cave. With skill and wit, they navigate the dark, Each twist and turn, leaving their mark. So join us on this journey, through caves… Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: RIP in Hot Lava! 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Minecraft Logic: RIP in Hot Lava! 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you spend hours building a house in Minecraft only for a creeper to blow it up in seconds… RIP indeed. #minecraftlogic #gamerproblems 😂🏠💥 Read More

  • Granny’s Mortuary Madness Portal in Minecraft

    Granny's Mortuary Madness Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Portal to Granny 4 Mortuary Madness Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you delve into the mysterious portal leading to Granny 4 Mortuary Madness. Join the excitement as you navigate through this eerie world filled with challenges and surprises. Unveiling the Portal As you stumble upon the portal to Granny 4 Mortuary Madness, a sense of curiosity and anticipation fills your Minecraft character. The portal stands tall, emanating an otherworldly glow, beckoning you to step through and uncover its secrets. Step-by-Step Guide To enter the portal, gather the necessary resources and gear up for… Read More

  • 7 Days of Insane Minecraft Updates

    7 Days of Insane Minecraft Updates Exploring the 7-Day Minecraft Update Journey Introduction Embark on a thrilling adventure through the world of Minecraft as a dedicated player takes on the challenge of updating the game in just 7 days. Inspired by Whimzee, this journey promises excitement and surprises at every turn. Day 1: New Update Unveiled The journey begins with the unveiling of a new update, sparking curiosity and anticipation among players. What new features and challenges await in this latest version of Minecraft? Day 2: A Fresh Start As the player delves deeper into the update, they encounter new possibilities and opportunities to explore…. Read More

  • Minecraft Shug is LOST FOREVER?! 😱 || Modded Fun 🎮 #Minecraft #modded

    Minecraft Shug is LOST FOREVER?! 😱 || Modded Fun 🎮 #Minecraft #moddedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft It Is… For Now… Again || Minecraft || Modded Fun 🎮 #Minecraft #modded’, was uploaded by Shug on 2024-10-08 04:00:05. It has garnered 63 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:27 or 12987 seconds. Hi there! Welcome to The Shugar Shack YouTube channel! 🎮🎥🤖 Explore the exciting world of #Minecraft gameplay, streamline your #Stream production, and delve into the fascinating realm of AI with us! 🔔 Subscribe for weekly updates and join our vibrant community! 🌐 WEBSITE: 🛍️ MERCH: 🔗 CHANNEL: ShugarMeat on Kick 🐦 TWITTER: @ShugarMeat 💬… Read More

  • Escaping Minecraft’s Scariest Mod: The Boogeyman

    Escaping Minecraft's Scariest Mod: The BoogeymanVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived Minecraft’s Scariest Mod.. The Boogeyman’, was uploaded by Buodq on 2024-08-30 19:00:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. JOIN THE COMMUNITY: I Also Stream Other Horror Games On Twitch! TWITCH: … Read More

  • Insane Hack Revealed: Destroy RZD in Seconds! 🔥

    Insane Hack Revealed: Destroy RZD in Seconds! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Destroy RZD [Tutorial]’, was uploaded by Qwal on 2024-09-01 18:09:33. It has garnered 386 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:08 or 128 seconds. Manuelito TAGS (ignore) gsus gang, gang, rzd, manurpm, minecraft hvh, hvh, crystalpvp, minecraft hacks, minecrafthacks, anarchy minecraft, 2b2t, fitmc, popbob, jared2013, rushers, housemaster, anarchy pvp, pvp minecraft, minecraft anarchy players, minecraft crystal hacks, crystal pvp minecraft, hvh minecraft, gsusgang, gsus pvp, rzd clan, pvp hvh, minecraft pvp, rusherhack, future client, anarchy pvp battles2b pvp, 2b2t crystal pvp montage montage, Owning spawn on, 2b2t, 2b2t… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SURPRISE! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft’, was uploaded by AzdutorYT on 2024-01-04 02:56:05. It has garnered 157 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • Join now for insane Minecraft live lifesteals on SMP

    Join now for insane Minecraft live lifesteals on SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft live lifesteals smp join now’, was uploaded by dragman gamer on 2024-05-04 01:37:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. so guys anyone want to become member of our smp so join discord discord / discord watch this video • HACKER DESTROY MY … Read More

  • 🔥NEW Minecraft Server LIVE! Join now!🔥

    🔥NEW Minecraft Server LIVE! Join now!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴(LIVE) MINECRAFT JAVA AND BEDROCK SERVER IS OUT NOW🔴’, was uploaded by Carterbis Shorts on 2024-08-27 08:49:38. It has garnered 34902 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 05:17:58 or 19078 seconds. #gaming #livestream #minecraft #mc #live MINECRAFT SERVER IS HERE Business email: [email protected] Shorts channel: Description tags; minecraft minecraft smp minecraft live minecraft livestream smp minecraft java server minecraft server Read More

  • Terraria Noob vs Minecraft Veteran – EPIC Showdown!

    Terraria Noob vs Minecraft Veteran - EPIC Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Terraria] Minecraft veteran but Terraria noob’, was uploaded by UnwiseDragon838 on 2024-07-16 23:19:58. It has garnered 206 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:07 or 7867 seconds. Let’s see how much trouble we can get in. Read More

  • "EPIC PVP FIGHTS IN GRACE TUNNEL! 🔥| Map XXX | Minecraft Factions"

    <p>"EPIC PVP FIGHTS IN <em>GRACE</em> TUNNEL! 🔥| Map XXX | Minecraft Factions"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘*GRACE* TUNNEL PVP FIGHTS! 🔥| Map XXX | Minecraft Factions | Complex Gaming |🔥#1’, was uploaded by ClosedMercury on 2024-10-10 19:51:08. It has garnered 175 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:11 or 311 seconds. 😉 like and sub for more pvp fights! 😎 🤯DESCRIPTION BELOW: going to spam some vids out. enjoy The music used in this video is not mine nor do I claim it. It is only used for entertainment purposes. #mccomplex #Factions #pvp #pvpmontage #pvpmatch #pvpserver #factionspe #warzone #netherite #netheritearmour #diamond #god #demon #anime #elo #1v1… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Moment! 😱 #shorts #minecraftmemes

    INSANE Minecraft Moment! 😱 #shorts #minecraftmemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Moment #shorts #shortsvideo #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Krip212 on 2024-09-08 20:33:27. It has garnered 74 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. minecraft, minecraft videos, minecraft game, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft hardcore, minecraft civilization, minecraft new update, minecraft apk, minecraft apk download, minecraft arg, minecraft animation, minecraft aphmau, minecraft asmr, minecraft april fools 2024, minecraft addons, minecraft ambience, minecraft ai, minecraft builds, minecraft build hacks, minecraft bedwars, minecraft build tutorial, minecraft building ideas, minecraft bedrock,… Read More

  • MyVanilla

    Benvenuti su MyVanilla: dove il divertimento incontra il Vanilla! Non facciamo promesse impossibili, ma ti offriamo un’esperienza Minecraft Vanilla aggiornata, con un tocco di personalizzazione per renderla unica. Niente Pay-to-Win qui, solo abilità vera e propria. Siamo tutti uguali! Proteggi le Tue Costruzioni: Usiamo i CLAIMS per proteggere ciò che ami dalle incursioni dei Griefers. Scopri il nostro evento permanente, la caccia alle meraviglie nella versione 1.20.x. Vuoi essere il primo a trovarle tutte? Read More

  • Ordinary SMP Vanilla Java 1.21 Fabric Hermitcraft-like Whitelist

    Ordinary SMP: Vanilla Minecraft Community Join our friendly Minecraft community for a vanilla Java 1.21 experience! About Us: Version: 1.21 – Stay updated with the latest features! Community-Focused: Build, explore, and work together on projects. Grief Protection: Your builds are safe from griefers. Mods: – BlueMap – AudioPlayer – Simple VoiceChat – Dragon Elytra Drops Why Join Us? Active Players: Join like-minded players who love Minecraft. Whitelisted Server: High-quality community for an enjoyable experience. Events: Participate in PVP event, build contests, and more! How to Join: Join us on DISCORD Happy crafting! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “FFS Richard, Not Again!”

    Minecraft Memes - "FFS Richard, Not Again!"It looks like Richard is finally getting the recognition he deserves in the meme community! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes: Spicy Edition!

    Minecraft Memes: Spicy Edition! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Surviving 1 Year in Realistic Jungle – Hardcore Minecraft Challenge

    Surviving 1 Year in Realistic Jungle - Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Surviving 1 Year in a Realistic Jungle in Hardcore Minecraft Imagine the thrill of surviving for 1 year in a realistic jungle in Minecraft, where the environment constantly challenges your survival skills. From humid summers to harsh winters, the jungle presents a formidable obstacle course for any player daring enough to venture into its depths. The Challenge Ahead As our intrepid players set out on this daring adventure, they face a myriad of challenges. The humid summer brings with it the risk of dehydration, forcing them to carefully manage their water supply. Every step taken could mean the difference… Read More

  • Sneaky Gamer Pranks Jack

    Sneaky Gamer Pranks Jack Minecraft: Exploring the FleetSMP Universe Introduction In the vast universe of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, the FleetSMP community thrives. This online multiplayer server brings together gamers from all walks of life to embark on exciting adventures, build magnificent structures, and engage in thrilling challenges. Key Events and Features One of the standout moments in the FleetSMP universe is the epic trolling by fleetbhai on jack🤣. This hilarious encounter showcases the fun and camaraderie that defines the gaming community. From roasting to scamming, the interactions between players like jackbhaiya and fleetbhai keep the audience entertained and engaged. Notable… Read More

  • Unleash the Power of Wind with Savage Dawg!

    Unleash the Power of Wind with Savage Dawg!Video Information This video, titled ‘[MINECRAFT] THE POWER OF WIND’, was uploaded by Savage Dawg on 2024-07-17 06:10:47. It has garnered 41 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:52:59 or 13979 seconds. Follow me on the interwebs: Twitter: Read More

  • Chip Cheats Death in 10 Year Old Survival World

    Chip Cheats Death in 10 Year Old Survival WorldVideo Information This video, titled ‘*FIRST DEATH* In Minecraft In 10 YEARS!! // Humble Beginnings Of Chipville’, was uploaded by CHIP on 2024-09-02 03:18:54. It has garnered 117 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 05:13:45 or 18825 seconds. Yea yea yea… Okay. So I am an og Minecrafter I get it, but we all take breaks. I have been playing Minecraft BEDROCK for the past (dont want to tell you how old I am) but LONG while, and I thought it would be a great time to get back into the Java edition with my partner…. Read More

  • Joining Loop SMP with Slimey Boy?! @Mr-Teen #loopsmp

    Joining Loop SMP with Slimey Boy?! @Mr-Teen #loopsmpVideo Information This video, titled ‘MY APPLICATION TO JOIN LOOP SMP @Mr-Teen #loopsmpapplication’, was uploaded by Slimey boy on 2024-08-13 11:57:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. loopsmp #loopsmpapplication #viral #SMP #Minecraft #application #lapatasmps5 Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the … Read More

  • Joker MT reveals EPIC Minecraft farms!

    Joker MT reveals EPIC Minecraft farms!Video Information This video, titled ‘4 of the best farms in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Joker MT on 2024-08-12 18:10:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In Minecraft, redstone farms are intricate creations that utilize the game’s unique redstone mechanics to automate various farming … Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE MADNESS! Watch as Chazyyyboi starts a hardcore Minecraft base

    UNBELIEVABLE MADNESS! Watch as Chazyyyboi starts a hardcore Minecraft baseVideo Information This video, titled ‘HARDCORE MINECRAFT – GEARING UP & STARTING THE BASE – Minecraft Live 🔴shorts stream’, was uploaded by Chazyyyboi on 2024-06-12 08:40:53. It has garnered 939 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 01:51:45 or 6705 seconds. Watch the Longform stream here: ⭐Become a channel member to get access to perks: 💲All donors get a mob in the Realm! Mob prices: 🙏Special thanks to @imbadatvideogames9770 and @MrSamisue27 ==================================================================================================== 🔴This stream has an estimated length of 2 hours 🙂 🎚️Music used (credit): ==================================================================================================== Like my videos? Feel free to support… Read More

  • Epic Battle: Dream vs Technoblade – Who Will Win?

    Epic Battle: Dream vs Technoblade - Who Will Win?Video Information This video, titled ‘Dream vs Technoblade #minecraft #shortsfeed #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by StormSiam on 2024-09-04 12:00:21. It has garnered 538 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. #minecraft #shortsfeed #dream #gaming #trending A Minecraft friendship story, will break your heart 🥺 credit:-‪@SquaredMediaYT Subscribe his channel he makes amazing Minecraft animations #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimation Minecraft NORMAL vs REALISTIC 🤯 minecraft shorts, minecraft but , minecraft memes , minecraft trends , satisfying minecraft video , minecraft challenge,normal vs realistic minecraft,minecraft normal vs realistic #shorts,minecraft normal vs realistic 🤯, minecraft shorts,minecraft memes,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Jojo’s Adventure Dungeon #15!! 😱 #minecraft

    Insane Jojo's Adventure Dungeon #15!! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘So ein cooler Dungeon🧭 #15 [ Jojo’s Adventure – #adventurecraft #minecraft ]’, was uploaded by Geoblex on 2024-08-23 05:00:31. It has garnered 15 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:47 or 647 seconds. Such a cool dungeon🧭 #15 [ Jojo’s Adventure – #adventurecraft #minecraft ] 🖼️About the episode: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ The puzzles in this dungeon are just very creative and fun. Except for the one where I hung for so long ^^” 🗺️Link to the map: Jojo’s Adventure Creator: Beewst ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📲 Social Media ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎮 📺 🎙️… Read More

  • Get ready for the ultimate Minecraft monster battle! 😮🔥 [Ultimate Gaming]

    Get ready for the ultimate Minecraft monster battle! 😮🔥 [Ultimate Gaming]Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Monster Battle: 3 Epic Levels of Survival!😮[Ultimate Gaming]’, was uploaded by Ultimate Gaming on 2024-07-15 17:28:12. It has garnered 18 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:47 or 527 seconds. 👾 Welcome to the Ultimate Minecraft Monster Battle! 👾 Join me in this thrilling adventure as I confront some of Minecraft’s most fearsome creatures across three intense levels. Each level presents its own unique challenges and enemies that will test my skills to the limit. 🌲 Level 1: Skeleton Fight The journey begins with a fierce battle against relentless Skeletons… Read More

  • Terrifying Twist! Herobrine Saves Steve?! 😨 #Minecraft

    Terrifying Twist! Herobrine Saves Steve?! 😨 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Can Herobrine Saves Steve😨 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by EpicError on 2024-03-04 12:37:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Can Herobrine Saves Steve #shorts #minecraft Hashtags – #shorts #minecraft #gaming #herobrine #minecraftshorts #montero … Read More

  • PokeMight

    PokeMightWelcome to the ultimate fusion of Pokémon and Minecraft, where adventure awaits around every corner! Our server offers a one-of-a-kind experience with legendary and custom raids, giving you the chance to battle iconic Pokémon alongside friends. We host regular events to keep the excitement going, along with seasonal events that bring unique challenges and rewards for players to enjoy year-round. Dive into community-wide Poké Hunts, where you’ll team up with others to track down rare Pokémon, or embark on custom, never-before-seen quests that push your skills to the limit! Whether you’re a builder, a trainer, or an explorer, there’s always… Read More

Pastaz ID – tried all Crystal PVP servers in Minecraft