paulsoaresjr – Minecraft Tutorials – E86 Savanna Biome (Survive and Thrive Season 7)

Video Information

Hello and welcome to my minecraft tutorial this is episode number 86 in my how to survive and thrive series and in today’s episode we are going to go on a grand journey together far to the west to discover new lands and new trees and shrubs and rocks and things but before

We do that I just want to get reacquainted it’s been a long time since I’ve made one of the commits where you going come in I want it just let me see your face let me is that you it is hi I’m back classic minecraft survival here we go I

Apologize for my long hiatus many of you have been wondering where this series has gone and I will I will spare you the boring and gory details but suffice it to say that we are back and ready to roll classic minecraft survival with OH yours truly and pets you guys ready to

Roll Sam Sam doesn’t have a name that’s how long’s oh my gosh we have some catching up to do let’s get reacquainted yes I have I have some things here now I’m trying to I’m trying to figure out what the heck I was doing because I left

This box and all this material here in the land the last episode before I had gone on my little vacation because I had a plan for today and I’m trying to remember what it was and I think I know I was going to make an ender chest this

Was very important and I wanted to show you guys what we’re going to bring on this journey so we have lots of gear that we’re going to bring on our little adventure too far to the west because we are going to be gone for a while we’re

Gonna be gone for quite some time and we need to have some of this with us and one of the things I wanted to do before we go and I am literally picking up just about we left off here so just bear with me while we name my dog my first dog of

The series BAM not BAM Sam what if I wrote BAM that would stink no really Bam Bam did he go down Sam you have an aim tank has name already don’t rub it in not nice you empty buckets when you rub stuff like that in Sam you can come

Along and Tang is gonna come along as well I think we’re gonna leave socks behind because what we’re going to do is dig through the nether and that’s why I have all of these these iron picks we’re gonna head underground into the nether and dig in a westerly direction straight

Line excuse me a hundred or 200 blocks or so and then out and see where we are because that is the only way well one of the most efficient ways anyway to get new biomes generated because this is a really old world this world goes back

About what is it 2014 because like three years this is like three it’s old it’s insane so I’m not gonna be able to get new biomes generated unless I walk you know farther than I’ve ever been and I’ve been we’ve been around we have been around the block yes we have she’s ready

To roll I know you’re so rambunctious Tang let’s go socks you stay I’m not gonna be able to dig a big enough tunnel for socks to fit through today so oh wait we’re gonna do human and dog size and pet size tunnels for the day and I’m

Gonna grab this stuff too and I darn darn darn darn I forgot hold on hold on I know look at all this stuff will be explained later and why I’m bringing it poison potato oh I missed you so how I’ve missed this up Sam don’t turn away would you talk to

Your sister here BAM done that and that’s good and we don’t be okay good yeah I’ll explain why we’re bringing all this no no no do not get on that Dender Jess let’s go come on stop being so stubborn we’re gonna go up to the Tower of Power

Here we’re going to travel through the nether and bust many holes in the nether with our magical dicks oh dear it’s raining it’s okay cuz we’re going we’re gonna be inside now guys watch out that bad stuff it burns can we do this quick oh hi icky

It’s been so long I haven’t seen you in a while how’s it hangin Yunos how’s it hangin looks like it’s grown watch out piggies on guard let’s get through here come on quickly before they burn in the flames they do that that’s my phone that’s my phone phone gonna have to wait

Probably time right I need you guys down here with me come on come on come on we haven’t got all day we got things to do people to see you places to go monsters to stab new trees to harvest and this is one of the reasons we’re doing this my

Friends is to is to harvest some some of the new woods and things added in 1.7 because like I said there’s all new biomes and there they go there there you go there we go so we’re gonna bring some of that back and we I have some projects planned for the

Future everybody don’t move careful of those those whoops oh you’re sitting how come you’re sitting you know there you go come with me everybody come with me so yeah one of the things a little choppy here a little choppy let’s let it load up let’s let it load hold on hold on

Okay that’s a little better Oh bless you all right come along now let’s go Sam dang so yeah what I was saying was I have some projects planned for the future and I would like to use utilize some of the new some of the new blocks in these bills they’re building projects

Just some small things but we do have to go to the new area in order to achieve this so let’s put these guys right here and just sit down right here Sammy don’t mind and you guys saw my another portal system now right I think we did one of

The we did this in a prior episode but I have i’ve added portals to most of the areas we’ve been to so far and i have this sign here marking the western wildlands unexplored this is to the west so I’m just gonna dig in I’m gonna eat

In front of tang favorite dish sorry and and now we’re just going to chop chop Oh before we get started before we get started let me Oh show you something here first of all we can shut those blocks down like that the ones that make a lot of noise

Yes something like that I like to do when I go off on these grand adventures and journeys far far away I like to chronicle my my exploits my adventure so that I have a memory of this thing recorded forever and forever so westward we’re gonna call this the

Westward journey and then if I ever you know open this up the multiplayer or something I can give someone this book and then they can look at it and read it and maybe follow along on the journey so what I like to do and some of you

Already have seen me do this on you know what let’s let’s make this shorthand on some of my other series that I do this is something that I really enjoy is you know minecraft is a story and everything that you do in Minecraft tells a story

And I like to leave these markers behind so that people can enjoy them someday so this is we’ll talk about that more in a minute but we’re gonna kick it off today 6 5 June 5th 2014 we’re kicking off the journey right here and and so basically

What I’ll do is put a sign here like you know what that sign right there will do just fine and then when we reach certain locations I’ll put signs up just let folks down and know that I’ve been here you know me obviously since it is a single-player world but you tend to

Forget especially when you play on the map as long as I played this one I mean literally it’s been three years and I’m going to new areas and covering old terrain and and I forget things you know you want to have this this immortalized in the form of this booklet and signs

Left behind because it’s kind of fun to bump into them now and again out in the world and be like oh yeah I remember I was here and this happened really cool stuff so anyway here’s what we’re gonna do I’m gonna dig about a hundred what

Was that whoo sorry I think we’re gonna go to about 200 I think this was 100 over here let me just sprint down over so that’s what I’m gonna do I’m gonna get to 100 or 100 blocks from there so we’ll get to about 200 rather and then

I’ll make a portal and we’ll pop out and see where we are and if it’s not far enough then we’ll continue on as you know when you travel in they’re like this it’s much faster travel than it is on the surface world you travel for every block that you

Travel down here is AIT’s on a surface right so if we go a hundred blocks down here it’s eight hundred blocks on the surface and I don’t know if I’ve ever been that far out but we’re gonna find out so stay tuned we’re almost there Oh perfect check it out we have an

Opening right here and Oh dangerous but that’s alright because we can put let’s put the let’s put the portal right here since it’s already dug out so this we are now at about 200 X minus 200 rather and I think this is affairs but she’s gonna make a little space that won’t

Make this thing yeah we’ll see where we end up okay here we go I’m going to just leave the animals here let me go fetch them I’m gonna leave them at this portal and if if it looks good I’ll bring them through if it’s dangerous then I won’t

So let me go fetch them I’ll be right back okay here goes nothing jumping into the portal I love this my favorite part of minecraft exploring you never know what’s on the other side I can’t wait to see it it’s like opening a birthday present downloading terrain and I see rain I see

Rain I see swamp and I see dark and okay I don’t see any new biomes though oh ah well okay let’s first of all let’s see okay that’s East that’s back home this is the way we want to travel so what we could try at least at the very least

Since we’re here we can at least try to determine where we have been maybe we’ve been here before and oh I know where we are I see torches yes yes indeed I was gonna go interrogate a chicken and spy chicken but I don’t think you have to you know

What this is this is the witch swamp right here which she swampland and that was one of the last episodes that we made when we did the witch hunt tutorial I see a torch right there yep well the good news is that this is as far as we’ve been so if we

Continue on west now we’ll get into new terrain and new blockage new blocks will be generated for us and we might get some new biomes now the bad news is I need more I need more obsidian because if you’ve been watching me for any length of time then you would know that

Math is not my strong point I like to say math is for the weak and it is indeed so I have to get total of 10 I’ve got seven let me grab some of this and that would be off all right I’m gonna leave the rest of this portal here I

Don’t think we should break it down because if we ever want to come back and visit the witches you know like maybe for Halloween or something then all I gotta get up top now then we can we just use this portal so I don’t want to

Destroy the whole portal but I can take it at least take these corner chunks and use them on the next portal we’ll go out another hundred blocks all right I’ll be right back let me grab these and we’ll pick up yeah yeah that’s right turn your backs it was a bust

I’m disappointed too I’m very disappointed but we just keep going whoo okay oh my let’s let’s get a sign here because I am going like I said I’m gonna keep this portal here and let’s at least identify it and we’ll call it Z witchy someone planned and that is perfect so

Now let’s get this back and we’re gonna roll this is my silk touch right okay whoo-hoo okay you guys stay here I’m gonna go make a path nice safe path and it looks like looks like oh okay well I’m gonna move over a little to the left

Then let’s go like right here and start mining another hundred blocks right so looking at let’s go to about 300 then All right we are here 300 negative 300 that is and it’s Digg and almost perfect timing with that pic we’re gonna dig in and make a portal right here off the beaten path all right the portal is now complete I have retrieved my friends and it is time

To jump through and see what’s on the other side you know what they say right third time’s the charm so what third second time all right yeah math remember okay here we go good boy good boy wish me luck I’ll be back if it’s good downloading new new

BIOS new pyo’s plays new PI ups I pray to thee o lap I’m in no what oh this grass oh I’m gonna cave I’ve never seen this before I I thought in the nether I was really high up oh oh here we go hi hello it’s it’s the

Natives of this strange new HOH occasion oh he did say hi I don’t understand your language though I’ll need a translator look acacia svet we’re in a savanna oh yeah yes hello thank you for the warm welcome oh wow this is village we’ll go say hi

Look at all the sheep I love it it’s a savanna and you don’t belong here here we go here we go this is what we’re looking for folks you’re looking for acacia trees check it out all new wood yeah all right oh this is sweet so happy

Oh okay now before we go approach this village we don’t know if they’re hostile or not we should probably go getting my animals my friends my pets this is kind of degrading come on out I would not go into this portal guys it’s nasty scary down there fire and brimstone fine don’t

Take my advice all right let’s go get the animals and then we shall investigate oh yeah yeah i back guess what uh-huh you’re right okay so let’s take the pets through and it’s always an adventure right so bamm-bamm good good good good get the ropes there we go

Okay and back back again now I got to do something about this there we go come with me okay that time I was hanging in the right direction all right all right well here we are our first biome 1.7 biome and I put the signs away good

Night then I have to keep getting sighs oh yeah baby it’s just myself Dutch I know one of these days I’m gonna pop this thing with the wrong one and everybody gonna laugh okay um we have made touchdown right here this is let’s put it right here then how about right

Sorry guy sorry guys and first new biome yay okay I think this is perfect journey west first new biome savanna found on June 5th 2014 excellent let’s go say hello Oh what wait did I get my I do I’m so excited yes you guys are to look at all the sheep Wow

Chickens is it could be spies so just play it cool play cool I see some I see some come whoa hello yikes they’re hostile they’re hostile just kidding let’s go inside say hi oh hey buddies I could no no be friend Oh Oh put the sword away put the sword away me friend

Named Paul hello who you you know don’t that’s rude where I come from slamming doors and say hey stop that now you stop that what’s wrong with these people nice village you have here I think I’ll move in what do you say hmm that’s all I

Have to say good I think that means yes in this native tongue you guys stay here try not to eat anybody I heard and while I investigate now is there a is there chest hair for me somewhere so this is cool now this isn’t really what

We came for but Wow look at this live what do I look that strange to these people listen guys come on I’m just think I’m just a man just a man like you like you all right yeah we’re gonna make this all is getting dark guys this could be dangerous I’m sorry but

You may get eaten so get inside oh boy see if I stick around here too long zombies are gonna spawn inside here I’ll do that off camera I’ll do that off camera let’s move weird gravel so that’s cool so we have a case of trees let’s go pick

Some vacations or better yet let’s sleep through the night let me pick a room because I don’t seriously don’t want these guys to give you can I have that room it’s got a dirt floor you have something nicer kind of accommodations are these all right well desert over there not very awesome oh

Man they’re already here already here let’s get up and sleep it out sleep it out sleep it out whoo here we go I don’t want anyone to get killed here so we’re gonna sleep right through the set our spawn point BAM die zombies did I see a horse no that’s no okay

If we do see a horse I’m gonna go damn it bring that with me all right I’m gonna head out into the world and Yahoo let’s oh there is a horse there’s a horse oh great yes that’ll be perfect because we want to continue west we are

Not going to stop here my friends West is that way awesome and we’re going to travel on horseback I was thinking maybe on cow cow back but I don’t want to be a cowboy I want to be a horse boy all right hello native horsies this is great

I I think I have one of you what we’re gonna we’re gonna check it out anyway let’s grab a horse well you know what let’s do that later first let’s attack the tree here because this is to be a tutorial sorry I just get excited so let’s go over here and grab

An acacia tree oh we got wood for the first ever I’ve been playing this game since 2010 my first wood yay acacia wood check it out now I’m gonna convert some of these but not all of these cuz I want to show you guys and let’s make a

Workbench so we can make some of that oh my what’s going on here this is a new folder new folder that’s all okay let’s put the workbench down and I’m gonna show you guys some of this new acacia wood and how it look all together and there we go very nice lovely orangey

Color and I should probably let snag some oak and we’ll show you the difference whoa hello creeper wow what the heck are you doing out in a day like today holy mackerel that scared me woo there’s some natives here still hostile apparently dude there all right

Let’s get back to the workbench you just climbed right out of that hole didn’t he egads it’s dangerous here zombie over there Wow these guys these these monsters don’t appear to have any fear what the heck oh by the way yeah there’s new sevens what is down here my gosh what’s

Okay hold on hold on let’s prevent them from climbing up at least just for a few moments oh my gosh okay so yeah and you also get a new new sapling this is how my tutorials end up this is what makes them so fun I think is that it’s live

It’s real-time it’s like reality TV we don’t we don’t cut and edit and do all that other stuff that does other people do so this is recorded live to you right at home now let’s um let’s do this then let’s put some of that there and I am full

Again oh my gosh alright let’s let’s put this here and this here look at that that’s a case your wood isn’t it awesome I think so it’s very bright red it’s not quite cherry maybe it’s even charrier than cherry and I like to call a jungle wood

Cherry wood but that’s it acacia wood so we came all that way for that and we have a sapling here as well and these saplings you can grow them just as you can any other sapling a single well not a single piece but no get out of here

Now several bonemeal will grow that into a single tree and I would show you how that works but you guys know how that works you don’t need my help there so that’s I guess that’s pretty much it here folks I think we’re out of time

Frankly I would like to go and do some more some more investigating but I think what I want to do is I’m gonna tame a horse and I’m gonna get all settled here I’m gonna now you know get get set up in a house and now though we’ll go explore

And see if we can find some new biomes but that’s great so at least we got one a savanna and very happy about that so anyway I’m glad to be back this is gonna be a lot of fun I think will revitalize this series we might make the

Switch to a whole new world 1.8 comes out but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there we don’t need to talk about that now don’t need to cause any alarm but we’ll figure something out when the time comes anyway I hope y’all enjoyed and if you did a thumbs up as always

Appreciate it on the video and I guess we’ll see you guys in the next episode alright take care bye bye You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorials – E86 Savanna Biome (Survive and Thrive Season 7)’, was uploaded by paulsoaresjr on 2014-06-05 22:22:27. It has garnered 196709 views and 6287 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:20 or 1460 seconds.

How to Survive and Thrive in Minecraft! In this episode, we set forth on a journey to locate 1.7 biomes starting with the Savanna!

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Time lapse songs by PacDV @ include: “Power Juice” and “On the Run”


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In this episode you will learn: – how to find new 1.7 biomes – how to travel efficiently via the nether – how not to count – how to calm timid villagers

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    Defeating Ender Dragon w/out Krishna?! 😱 | Minecraft SurvivalVideo Information तो हेलो गाइस मेरा नाम है कृष्णा आप देख रहे हैं नट कृष्णा तो गा आज की इस वाली वीडियो में हम जाने वाले हैं एंड में और एंडर ड्रैगन को डिफीट करके आने वाले हैं जिससे हमारा वर्ल्ड बच जाएगा और सारे एंडरमैन को भी हम लोग बचा लेंगे तो चलिए जल्दी से हम सारा सामान कलेक्ट कर लेते हैं एंड में जाने के लिए तो पहले हम नेदर में चले आते हैं लेकिन उससे पहले हम अपने इन्वेंटरी खाली कर देते हैं तो गाइस अब हम जाने वाले हैं एंड में जल्दी से हम एंड में… Read More


    ULTIMATE AXE GAMER DOMINATES MINECRAFT #MLGVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best MLG In Minecraft Of All Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by AXE GAMER on 2024-04-19 14:22:00. It has garnered 660 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Best MLG In Minecraft Of All Time #shorts #minecraft Minecraft is an amazing open-world sandbox where players build, create, and explore their very unique world. Whether it is in creative, survival, or adventure mode, each experience is sure to be a blast. #minecraft #shorts Tags: minecraft, magixmc, magixmc tiktok, magix tiktok,tic toc,ticktock,gaming, build, building,minecraft buildings, short, shorts, youtubeshorts, youtube short,… Read More

  • VerixPvP | Revamped

    VerixPvP | RevampedVerixPvP is an established competitive minecraft network! Some of our features include – Premium cannoning jar – Custom F Fork Shields, Rosters, Missions, Upgrades – Free Upgradable Autosell Harvester Hoes – Printable gen buckets and Patch Buckets AND MUCH MORE! Read More

  • The Dominion PvE RPG Dungeons Custom Items 1.20.2

    Welcome to The Dominion IP: Alternate IP: Embark on an epic Minecraft RPG adventure at The Dominion (est. 2013)! DUNGEONS: Conquer hand-crafted challenges, unveiling your dungeoneering prowess for exclusive loot and glory! WORLDS: Dive into a hybrid realm – an SMP haven for builders or a bespoke RPG world of dungeons and dangers! CUSTOMIZATION: Elevate your gameplay with unique items, bosses, and a leveling system tailored for immersive experiences. COMMUNITY DRIVEN: Crafted by a passionate, small team; we welcome all to aid in improving our server. CONSTANT EVOLUTION: Your feedback shapes the server as we unveil fresh content…. Read More

  • Double Helix

    Double HelixLooking for a server that puts the players first? How about we throw in… custom items.. now that sounds interesting. PvP? you betcha, there’s heaps of Arenas that you can get even with your friends.. or enemies :)Yeah, Discord seems to be the thing here’s our channel :, Mini Games, Jobs ….That’s just a snippet of what we can offer you here at Double Helix! ..Got 10 minutes? .. Then don’t be shy, come on over and take a look for yourself . the only thing you have to lose is a couple of minutes, who knows, you might… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Inventory overload: Minecraft’s ancient luggage struggles

    Looks like Minecraft’s inventory is still stuck in the Stone Age! Read More

  • Crafting Cash in 2024: Mine Money with Minecraft Vids!

    Crafting Cash in 2024: Mine Money with Minecraft Vids! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Earning money without YouTube, where the story arrives. A course to guide you, with assets and clients in sight, Editing and teachers, to make your content bright. Contact for business, at [email protected], Options for courses, to help you earn a gem. DarkCity and DarkHeroes, series to explore, Challenges and entities, to keep you wanting more. Top 5 powerful entities, to test your might, Entertainment and fun, in every Minecraft night. Like and subscribe, for more content to see, In the world of Minecraft, where you can be free. Read More

  • 🔥Minecraft vs. Hot Sauce! 🌶️

    🔥Minecraft vs. Hot Sauce! 🌶️ I don’t know about you, but I think the real question is: which came first, the chicken or the creeper? 🤔 #minecraftlogic #shorts #meme #2023 Read More

  • Cheating My Way Through Minecraft’s Top Server

    Cheating My Way Through Minecraft's Top Server Minecraft Madness: Speedrunning Hypixel’s Biggest Challenges Embark on a thrilling journey through Minecraft’s largest server, Hypixel, as our intrepid gamer takes on the ultimate challenge of conquering five different game modes in record time. Strap in for a rollercoaster ride of epic proportions! Skywars: The Battle Begins Our hero dives into the first challenge, Skywars, a fast-paced game of strategy and combat. With a unique approach of hiding and waiting for the perfect moment to strike, the unexpected unfolds, leading to a surprising victory on the first try! TNT Run: Explosive Escapades Next up is TNT Run, a heart-pounding… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “🥰JOJO BIZZAR ADVENTURE PIXEL ART #minecraft #viral #shorts #trending” by Fanatic Gamerz. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server where creativity knows no bounds? Imagine bringing your pixel art skills to life in a vibrant and dynamic community like Minewind. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, you can dive into a world where the possibilities are endless. Whether you’re… Read More

  • INSANE Monky MODS 4 Minecraft! Unbelivable!!

    INSANE Monky MODS 4 Minecraft! Unbelivable!!Video Information hello everyone and welcome to my YouTube channel in today’s video we will be exploring some of the craziest Minecraft mods out there these mods will push the limits of Minecraft from enhancing The View distance to improving Graphics quality we will be covering everything from the most valuable mods to the most outstanding ones in their respective Fields I hope you will enjoy the video and support me by like And subscribe to the channel for more amazing content so without further Ado let’s dive into the video the video begins with the most highly rated realistic… Read More

  • Why I SWAPPED Mikey’s Body in Minecraft with a Girl’s – Maizen

    Why I SWAPPED Mikey's Body in Minecraft with a Girl's - MaizenVideo Information hey JJ are you ready for this meeting with the boss to hand over the cash absolutely Mikey handing over a pile of money always makes me anxious JJ did you see that the bridge is broken we almost went flying off I noticed Mikey what the heck happened to the bridge and why is there a police car tailing us Mikey JJ you’re under arrest you’ve been working for the mafia and you’re looking at 10 years behind bars officer you got it all wrong we’re just regular guys trying to make a living no Mafia business… Read More

  • Insane Plot Twist: I Built a Minecraft Survival School Gate 😱

    Insane Plot Twist: I Built a Minecraft Survival School Gate 😱Video Information [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] tes [Musik] tes asamikumikumam kedua ni bang halo halo asalamaikum Waalaikumsalam rizan 2030 Kika Halo Bang 226 kilan yo Halo Bang Halo R R6 ketig ketig yang benar Siapa tuh Halo channel aku sat Bang Iya halo halo Kid 517 halo channel Halo Bang Halo semuanya Selamat malam ini adalah teraw terakhirh lah Ang I guys sekarang teraw terakhir guysa terakhir ya atau takbiran ya Halo Bang Halo channel7 Halo Mar 5000 juta Bang kamu kedua Bang ini bukan R yang kami kenal lihat rambutnya diakang Bang terakhir tanggal 9 kan lah tapi kan sekarang… Read More

  • Living as a VILLAGER in Trendy Minecraft – INSANE POV! #minecraft

    Living as a VILLAGER in Trendy Minecraft - INSANE POV! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV VILLAGER LIFE IN THIS TREND OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by HardShipYT on 2024-04-05 03:41:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Assalam O Alikum! POV VILLAGER LIFE IN THIS TREND OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #shorts ▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭ [ Details] … Read More


    🔥 EPIC MINECRAFT MINI GAMES BATTLE feat. BUTCHER OF BRIX & TUXEDO STEVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI GAMES BATTLE MODE/ BUTCHER OF BRIX/TUXEDO STEVE’, was uploaded by RashuFruitzBlueBerriz on 2024-04-30 11:23:21. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:42 or 2982 seconds. Hello, my name is RashuFruitz, but my real name is Anthony, I am passionate about having insight, wisdom, charisma, loyalty, compassion, respect, and having belief in others, I am also passionate about taking care of your health and working a job and/career that you love, because think about it, we humans spend most of our lives considerably working, so, If we… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Surviving Minecraft’s Creepiest Mod

    Unbelievable! Surviving Minecraft's Creepiest ModVideo Information why is it doing thatai oh live yep ohie guys I’m live yay oh [ __ ] okay check check check okay check check check okay che check live hello hello hello hello hello yeah what’s up I’m back okay check if I’m live yeah you are live it’s fine live live live okay I’m I’m going to start my recording and we’ll do a proper intro oh [ __ ] wait wait wait hello everybody okay start it start it all right stand wait a wait stand here stand here and just do an FY you know yeah yeah yeah hello… Read More

  • EPIC ESCAPE! Bonny Craft Adventure #game

    EPIC ESCAPE! Bonny Craft Adventure #gameVideo Information вперёд к приключениям Ай не лагай не лагай А хотя Он скинет А как он это сделал тихо тихо Людвиг аристархович This video, titled ‘Чуть не закончились приключения #игры #стрим #bonny_craft #монтаж #minecraft #vtuber’, was uploaded by BONNY_CRAFT on 2024-01-09 20:44:05. It has garnered 2121 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • HOTEL Minecraft Build Challenge – Lotte builds €1 vs €10.000.000!

    HOTEL Minecraft Build Challenge - Lotte builds €1 vs €10.000.000!Video Information Alex vandaag moeten we een €1 versus 1 miljoen hotel bouwen en deze chesten gaan ons laten weten welke Wij moeten bouwen Kom op Ik wil de duurste hebben dan kan ik een mega zwembad bouwen en misschien ook een eigen butler nemen en die noem ik dan Frits wat Nee ik wil de duurste Ik kan niet wachten om een miljoen hotel gewoon te bouwen in plaats van een poep €1 hotel Maar zullen we kijken Dat is goed oké 3 2 1 Ja ik heb een miljoen Let’s Go Jee ik heb een eh Alex ik… Read More

  • Reedop’s Fortnite Anxiety Revealed – Jaw-Dropping Twist at the End! #Shocking #Minecraft

    Reedop's Fortnite Anxiety Revealed - Jaw-Dropping Twist at the End! #Shocking #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘All High level anxiety’s 💀 But ( Wait for End😂 ) #Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Reedop Gaming on 2024-02-25 12:00:57. It has garnered 38775 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Share with your friends🙏 please Instagram link 👇 / my sacond channel channel link 👇 IGNORE ALL HASHTAG 🙏 !! VIDEO RELATED HASTAGS ! #trendingshort#liveinsaan#mythpat#techno_gamerz#mrbeast#total_gaming#triggered insaan#mythpat#gaming#subscribe#short#youtube#youtuber#viralshort#nurseryrhymes#littleangelnurseryrhymes#peppapigenglish#peppa#babysharkchallenge#kidssongs#youtube#youtuber#subscribe:#like#gaming#love#youtubecommunity#teaching#learning#facts#support#goals#like#youtube#youtuber#subscriber#youtubelikes#youtubevide#youtube #youtuber #instagram #music#love #follow #tiktok #spotify #like #youtubechannel#explorepage #youtubers #video#gaming#twitch#instagood#memes#hiphop#subscribe#viral#gamer#video#youtube #rap #gaming #fortnite #gamer #game#games #xbox #producer #youtuber minecraft gameplay in hindi, minecraft gameplay, minecraft in hindi gameplay, minecraft,… Read More

  • CozyCraving – Vanilla, No Whitelist, No Grief, Survival

    Join Our Unwhitelisted Survival Server! Looking for a great community to play with? Join our server with rollback plugin for griefing and looting protection. The server will never reset and will expand over time. Server IP: Read More

  • Macho Craft ATM9

    Macho Craft ATM9Brand new community, with a fresh world and more servers on the way!We offer playtime ranks and do our best to provide an optimal gaming experience.Diverse Mod Selection: ATM9 boasts over 400 mods, ranging from well-known favorites to newer, lesser-known additions. Whether you’re a seasoned modder or a curious newcomer, there’s something here for everyone.Balanced Gameplay: The modpack strikes a balance between accessibility and depth. It includes all the basics found in other popular packs, but with a twist. Expect surprises, unique mechanics, and fresh content as you delve into the world of ATM9.Endgame Challenges: Can you craft the elusive… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Salty Easy Choice”

    When it comes to choosing between studying and playing Minecraft, it’s a no-brainer…273 points to gaming! Read More

paulsoaresjr – Minecraft Tutorials – E86 Savanna Biome (Survive and Thrive Season 7)