Pixlriffs – Automatic Book Farm! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Let’s Play) [Part 251]

Video Information

Hello everyone my name is pick Soros and welcome back to the Minecraft Survival Guide hope you guys are having a good day today we are back in the trading hall but we’re not gonna be spending too much time here this is just a way to introduce today’s episode because I have

Been thinking a little bit more about what we can do now we’ve introduced TNT duplication into the series it’s something that I’ve been waiting on for a little while but it really does open up a lot of avenues when it comes to automated farms for things now that TNT

Has a 100% drop rate for items and blocks it means that we can basically use it to do a lot of automated farming for us and having a permanently you know infinitely reproducible source of TNT means that we don’t spend so much resource making it in the first place

And to that end we are going to be using TNT to farm some unusual stuff over the next little while and some usual stuff as well we’ll probably look into stuff like cobblestone farms and things like that but one of the things I would really like to use TNT for is a little

Bit silly it’s a little bit unorthodox and it’s probably not a farm you will see in many other places but I’m gonna do it anyway and that is books now librarians are a really great source of emeralds because of a trade loop you can exploit with their bookshelf trader

Versus their book trade right now a bookshelf a set of three bookshelves that would normally cost me six emeralds from a librarian can be traded for a single emerald so it’s possible for me to obtain stacks upon stacks of bookshelves very very quickly with a large group of librarians like this or

Even a single librarian who refreshes his trades as frequently as they do I’ve already got close to a hundred book in fact over a hundred bookshelves I’ve got a hundred and eight bookshelves there for the price of just over half a stack of emeralds and considering that a

Single book can be traded for one emerald and we have 108 bookshelves here each of which will give us three books when it is broken down I’m looking at 324 emeralds they’re out of an investment of maybe 36 emeralds to begin with it is enormous ly lucrative as a

Way of getting emeralds but of course that means destroying the bookshelves on mass and obviously you can do that with an X and believe if you have an efficiency 5x and a beacon you can install bookshelves so if I wanted to set up a beacon around

Here with haste – we could install mine bookshelves and get them all back very quickly but where would be the fun in that would it really be minecraft if we couldn’t make a weird automated farm for this I think not and so today we’re going to look into making a TNT powered

Farm that is going to turn bookshelves into books for us and we are gonna make this something pretty special because I’m planning on using a TNT duplicator and a little bit of 0 ticking technology to make this a super fast farm that’s gonna be able to get us books from

Bookshelves in the blink of an eye and a very short explosion the real question is where are we gonna build this farm and I’m thinking we might end up repurposing this quarry as a site where we can blast out a few things it’s also within spitting distance of the trading

Hall and I don’t really have a room inside the training hall that I want to put TNT duplicators and stuff like that we could kind of put it around the back somewhere or underground but I also don’t feel like digging out such a large area of course now we have TNT

Duplicators we don’t necessarily need to do much digging but I think somewhere like this would be a good testing ground for it and then maybe a little bit later on we can find a more permanent place for it but for now I want to do it somewhere out in the open somewhere it’s

Easy for you guys to follow what I’m doing and yeah we got to build it inside this quarry for the moment I might tidy the area up a little bit first though so I’ve done a little bit of clearing out off-camera just to get the basic outline

Of this water pool in here because this nine by nine pool with a single hopper in the center is what’s gonna be collecting all of the books that we gonna get there is a cave nearby so if you hear zombie or spider noises don’t worry ignite in any trouble

Hopefully anyways so what we’re going to be doing is using some very clever 0 ticking pistons to be able to transfer books around this circuit as fast as possible and we’re gonna be doing this with books but this is actually a circuit you can use for a concrete

Powder farm or possibly even a tree farm if you have the right kind of tree growth mechanics and you can compact it down into a small enough space I’m gonna be showing you a couple of really interesting setups with zero taking pistons so pay attention to this it’s going to be

Really worthwhile to have a watch off so on one side over here we’re gonna have books fed in by the player basically the input system is just going to be standing here holding down the right mouse button and then you would be placing bookshelves pretty much constantly because all of the movement

Of these bookshelves is going to be done using pistons and we’ve done something like this before in our concrete maker but the zero ticking here is what makes it super fast so of course we’re gonna be placing the bookshelves against a piston head here and we’re going to be

Transferring some redstone power into that piston head via a redstone torch that’s gonna be stuck on a block right below it then we do something a little bit clever because over here we have a cobblestone or whatever building block we want to use there and that’s going to

Activate the piston right seems pretty straightforward but it’s not 0 ticking it yet because 0 ticking actually happens if you end up powering a second piston that updates this piston as it’s pushing something out and you do that just by placing a piston over the top

There and having it on top of an adjacent block to this redstone dust which is actually going to power this piston up here so now if I place a bookshelf here it happens twice as fast because the piston head here is actually updating that piston faster so if I hold

Down the button now that actually moves super super quickly that’s actually a lot faster than it would be if we just had this piston here and we were doing it this way obviously that’s a really bad example because the line just ran out of space there but if I take out

Some of these probably lose a couple into the hopper I’ll collect those up in just a second compare the speeds if we do this to the speeds if we do this so naturally we can use the same circuit to have the Pistons move the bookshelves around corners let’s set one up here for

Example can do the same thing with our redstone torch our piston facing that way and we’ll need to place this block on the opposite side because of course if we placed it there then the books coming along here would just knock the redstone dust off the top football

Police that there will add a block of cobblestone there and we’ll add a piston facing this way like so and hopefully this should work now if I you stand here and place a few bookshelves the same thing happens on this site did that piston fire though nope doesn’t look

Like that piston fire okay so what we need to do is check the zero taking direction of this piston here and we might end up having to do this a slightly different way if we place the redstone torch under here for example we could maybe use it that way if we put

The piston underneath here like so we can still have the redstone dust on top of here but now let’s see if that yet okay that zero ticks it you see so the piston needs to be on either the top or the bottom and I don’t know for certain

If this is a directional thing if it has to do with chunk boundaries or not that’s chunk bullets there we go so it doesn’t seem to so I’m not quite sure why it sometimes works that way it’s one of those quirks of the update order but

Now as you’ll see if we end up placing some books here those are moving around fast as you like and as fast as this piston can push them they are getting pushed around a corner but we need to ideally blow up as many bookshelves as we can with a single

Blast of TNT not because we have to preserve TNT or anything but because it’s probably going to be slightly more efficient that way not to mention if the TNT blows up next to this ring of bookshelves it’ll be blowing up next to these redstone components and that could

Break the entire machine what we need to do much the same as we did with our concrete maker is to channel all of the bookshelves downwards and what we are actually going to do is build a bunch of these zero ticking pistons up in the sky above here so that the bookshelves can

Be driven downwards towards this pool of water and that’s where they get blown up by the TNT in order to set up some downwards facing zero taking Pistons because they will need to be zero ticking to keep up with the input here this is actually something that’s a

Little bit more technical a little bit more difficult because what we need to do is of course apply a power source to the bookshelf here but the power source can’t come from below which is the only way we could power it using a redstone torch so instead the

Power is gonna have to come directly from the side here and we’re gonna do that with a block of redstone right now and a redstone comparator we’re actually going to be changing this up a little bit but this will work for now it could be a repeater it could be a comparator

It just has to directly strongly power this block so that some redstone current can come out of the other side then we’re going to be using some glass because glass can now actually hold redstone and I’m going to be placing red glass here just so it’s clear that this

Is the glass the redstone is sat on because one fun quirk of redstone in this version at least is that it cannot be seen from below through glass so you might not actually be able to tell aside from the texture going up the side of the glass block that redstone is even

There I guess we have some particles and stuff as well but just so you know yeah the glass here denotes that there is redstone wire traveling up it and at this point we can have a piston facing downwards and that will of course and move this whole set up at the same rate

But by having a piston facing upwards on top of here as well whenever a bookshelf moves into this position it now gets zero ticked because the piston up here is being powered by the same redstone current as is powering this piston the two of them fire at once and that

Updates this piston faster than it would update otherwise allowing us to zero tick these bookshelves downwards unfortunately this system has a couple of problems with it and they mostly come when you try and lay these things side-by-side because of course the redstone connects like this and once we

Have something in place let’s say there it powers this whole set up but because the redstone current is no longer flowing into the Pistons here it’s no longer flowing directly that way it actually curves around to meet the circuit next to it it stops powering either of those two Pistons and you’re

No longer able to do it so this this whole setup is not tileable and we would have to space it out by one block each time if we wanted to do this and of course look who showed up with only one llama today apparently where have you

Left the other one my friend your trader is useless as ever I genuinely cannot find his other llama this is really quite strange I have taken a look around the area and it does not seem to be anywhere so I don’t know who maybe he just needs the one now

But anyway enough about the wandering trader we actually have a solution to this and we’re going to find out more after the break so I was able to figure out most of this stuff on my own with what I already knew about Xero ticking Pistons I kind of

Reverse engineered this setup from the previous videos we covered about ill mangos zero tic bamboo farm and the cactus farm that we used for our XP smelter that kind of stuff but this bit here really stumped me for a while until I ended up watching a video by mumbo

Jumbo who’s used these in his concrete maker which I will link in the description and it’s actually kind of simple all you need to do is move this section out one more block to account for having a little bit more space in the design we need to have the redstone

Wire wrap around up here and then it actually steps up two blocks up here into a solid block and I believe the solid block here is kind of necessary to conduct the redstone power because the glass here I don’t think can be powered it can have redstone on top of it but it

Cannot be strongly powered and what this does is it directly powers these two Pistons and the two Pistons below it so now when we have this line of bookshelves coming through like so we should start to see them being zero ticked into place once they reach down

There yes there we go you can see it happening and once it goes through to the next one unfortunately that is where things start to lock up and that is to do with how we’re powering this basically any time a block comes into place here it is powering this with a

Signal strength of 15 coming from this block of redstone and while that’s enough for one piston to fire here it fires the second one as well but then when this one gets full unfortunately that permanently locks this piston here in place so we’re gonna have to employ a slightly different strategy here and

That requires us to get a couple of furnaces the furnaces when we place them here instead of the redstone block are going to be able to output power thanks to the fact that we’re using comparators here and what we’re going to do is open up this furnace take a decent amount of

Sticks and input them into the smelting slot here without having any fuel we don’t want anything to happen to the stuff in here we just want it to act as a container that’s producing a high enough redstone signal because of course as we know from building our storage system here this

Here is going to receive the strongest most direct redstone signal and of course once it gets to a signal strength of one it’s not going to pass to either of the ones next to it so once this gets to a signal strength of one powering this set of pistons here it’s not going

To affect the one alongside it and so I think when we get to about 54 or 55 items there we go 55 is the magic number you will see that set of Pistons activate and no other set so for example here when this gets filled up it doesn’t

Lock off that piston next to it allowing that piston to receive the next line of books when it comes through without locking the system up at all that piston will fly up into the air for a bit but you don’t have to worry too much about

That likewise when we put 55 of an item into this one the same happens to the set of Pistons next to it and we can basically have this going down the line for as long as we want allowing each individual set of Pistons to fire in

Turn thanks to the 55 items placed in the furnace and now I’ve just broken it by placing a piston in the wrong place but you get the idea basically we are going to build this up in the air and that is going to allow us to 0 tick each

Set of bookshelves down individually in a row in a tileable setup without having to worry too much about having the thing spaced out which is gonna mean walls of books descending from the sky getting blown up by the TNT and collect it up here as books in this item hopper I hope

That makes sense because the next step is to go ahead and build this entire thing the way we’re going to build it though is with the furnaces on the inside creating a kind of ring in the center and that’s where we’re going to be building the TNT duplicator because

The cool thing about furnaces as well a way they are actually really really useful for this is that furnaces cannot be moved by slime blocks or by Pistons because in Java edition they are a container and containers can’t be moved that actually allows us to wring the

Slime block TNT duplicator with a whole bunch of furnaces and that’s going to mean they can also be used to align the TNT as it falls making sure it falls in the dead center of the farm and destroys all of the bookshelves we want it to

Destroy I can describe this for you guys all I want Burtt I may as well go ahead and build this thing and I might also have to defend myself from llamas now because I think I just hit that guy by accident yep he’s spitting at me now I can’t believe this

In dignity control your llama sir wherever the heck you are at this point and that’s the first stage done so this piece shaped section of bookshelves here is being 0 ticked around by each of these sets of Pistons here the only one I had to do the second piston underneath

Was this one in the corner but anytime we place a book into the system I’m gonna try and take all of these down now is just using them to frame it all out but yeah any time we put a book into the system like that it’s going to get

Pushed around super fast and then we need to set up the rows of Pistons that are going to be facing downwards and we’re gonna do that with a ring of furnaces in the center here so that every part of the circuit is kind of on the outside so that the

Redstone is protected from any TNT blasts and for some reason this piston isn’t always firing so maybe we need to do the same on this side maybe we need to put it under here instead perhaps that will help there we go for some reason the one underneath is working now

Whether the one on the top was doing this before so I don’t know maybe there’s some kind of quirk to that that I’m not quite understanding but yes each of those should now be 0 taking them around and yeah plenty of plenty of fast action going on here Oh unfortunately

Yeah when the whole thing jams up like it has done here unfortunately it does knock off the redstone dust there so you have to be a little bit careful to make sure this whole thing doesn’t jam up now this square section here is basically 7 by 7 there are strips of 5 bookshelves

Along each side give or take that first side where the books are making their entrance in the first place and the problem with that is we’re only going to be able to move three of them at once because of course if we imagine placing the furnaces in here we need a space for

The comparators to go and the comparators won’t be able to power this bookshelf and this bookshelf on any kind of diagonal but that’s fine because this one here is actually being stopped from moving by this block that we’ve got the redstone torch on so actually we don’t

Need that many at all and just for the sake of appearances I’m actually going to turn all of these furnaces so they’re facing inwards and you can’t see the furnace spot on the outside but trust me they are there so we’re gonna wring the top of this in glass like so we’re gonna

Place the comparators facing outwards into these bookshelves and then we’re gonna load these furnaces up with stuff and since I have a ton of them left over from previous projects smooth stone slabs seem to fit the bill we want 55 in there 56 will do

It’s easier to get hold of that just by right-clicking a couple of times like so and you’ll notice that conveniently each of these corner furnaces is actually powering two of the comparators here so that’s heard that’s kind of economical I suppose using these smooth stone slabs

Is also kind of a good move considering that they are not anything that can be smelted into anything else so even if we accidentally put some fuel in the fuel slot here nothing’s gonna happen to it won’t be affected in any way so it’s not gonna mess up any of these comparators

The next thing of course is to make sure the pistons are in place and set up the redstone on the opposite site you don’t need to use glass for this section the only thing that is required at this point is to make sure that you do not

Place a solid block here because that’s gonna cut off the redstone from traveling up onto the next layer of blocks if you want to use slabs for this that’s actually fine because the slabs will still transfer redstone current up while not blocking it off from it coming

Down but we do need to make sure that each of these is fully powered at the top here which is gonna mean a full block there but that should be absolutely fine we can build this set up all the way around the outside and then we’ll remove the books to make sure

They’re not powered as the next stage begins but just to give you an idea of how quickly this is gonna work we should be able to see the books coming out from the bottom of there if I just hold down right click over here that’s absolutely

Perfect I should take the shield out of here so that it doesn’t keep blocking occasionally when the system has a bit of a lag hiccup there you go you can see this massive wall of books appearing there we’re gonna drop TNT directly through the middle of this ring of

Furnaces which is going to be easier said than done but we’re gonna give it our best try and then all of the bookshelves down at the bottom are gonna get destroyed making room for more just like it does with our concrete converter and once these pistons can no longer

Push any more any further books that we input into the system are just going to continue around to the next set of Pistons so it is actually a really efficient system and it doesn’t seem to jam up at all when I’ve tried this in creative so this is all now set up and

I’ve run a few books through it already it seems to be working just fine in fact I had to go and trade a few more books before we’d actually be able to fill the farm up to capacity because like I said that’s a lot of books that is roughly gonna be about 12

Bookshelves 13 bookshelves per column obviously we’re not gonna be able to explode all of them at once and the explosion part is too bit I am having a little bit of trouble with so right now what we’re gonna do is have the TNT fed into this tube here that’s going to drop

Straight down through the furnaces and explode somewhere down there the problem being that TNT duplicators are a little bit inconsistent in where exactly they place the primed TNT and that is something I’m going to try and resolve using some water streams I think that’s probably the best way I can work out to

Do it for now I’m sure there is a better way and I’m sure people will let me know in the comments but I for now I think I have a version that will work for the short term at least the main problem being that I need to make sure it’s

Clear of all of these pistons and redstone pieces because I don’t want any of those to mess with the mechanism but I think up here should be good so what we’re gonna do is we’re going to have a couple of water streams feeding into this way like yeah I think that’s gonna

Work out one thing to bear in mind is that you need to make sure these aren’t sticky pistons otherwise this is going to pull these blocks away these are going to be the ones that hold up the water streams and around the outside of this we’re gonna need a few more

Furnaces I might have to go and craft some more in a minute because this section here is going to require a few non possible blocks and furnaces are kind of my go-to block for that right now because they’re nice and easy to make all you need is eight cobblestone

We’re also gonna need to stack them up a little bit high here because we do not want the TNT to escape any other way then down this tube here and TNT has a habit of placing in a slightly different direction than you intend it sometimes

In fact when I did this in a creative test world I only needed a two block long Atwater stream here so we’re gonna rope that off with furnaces and have it all flow towards this bit here which is blocked off with a sign to make sure the

Water doesn’t fall all the way down to the bottom here and that is that is probably gonna work out just fine the point being of course that we’re gonna build our TNT duplicator here so we’re gonna have the coral fan there we can have the TNT there we will need a

Wall at the top here and then off to one side from that we’re going to have the second l-shape of slime with a detector rail and minecarts gonna put the cobblestone wall there that should be good to go now we just need a sticky piston and a block

With a lever on it attached to the side here so let’s throw a stone brick block there temporarily add the lever to this and the TNT is going to end up spawning in one of two spots it’s either gonna be down there in the water on this block or

It’s gonna be down there in the water on this block the unfortunate thing about that being that it is going to fall with two very different timings so we’re gonna have to figure that out in a second but first yeah let’s get the sticky piston on the block there and I

Will place a block of obsidian above the hopper down here because hopefully what this should do is prevent the it’s prevent the TNT from falling all the way down the bottom here and exploding this hopper obviously the water around here would protect us from any other kind of

Damage but I do want to make sure that the obsidian can prevent the TNT from falling too far obsidian can block any explosion damage from hitting blocks below the level where the obsidian is placed so we’re gonna have to make it the lowest point basically at the bottom of where these

Bookshelves are and I think that should work out just fine now let’s remove the blocks above the hopper so it’s got room for some of these books to fall in there once they get destroyed I’ll just take I built the TNT duplicator the right way

It looks like I have the rail is facing the correct direction which is perfect now okay the thing is primed all we should need to do is pull this lever it’ll dispense a piece of TNT that should fall down through the system and hopefully it explodes once it’s passed

All of these blocks it should explode somewhere around the middle there or the lowest it should explode is on that obsidian block there let’s let’s give this a try then moment of truth cross your fingers one two three pull the lever okay that has spawned in the last

Possible place it could and it exploded and it does not seem to have blown up any of my redstone that’s good news I hope that is consistent because obviously there are chances for it to explode with a random element to the explosion radius but no that has gone

Remarkably well of course there are some books littering around at the outside here that’s 9 12 how many we got 21 24 and in the middle here 2 stacks 2 stacks of books and a little bit extra that is all gonna get converted into Emeralds once we’re back in the trading

Hall we have a few resting on the top there which would probably end up being destroyed which is a shame but hopefully that should be an outliar case here I am really happy the timing of that worked out because aligning TNT is really awful but the fact that it has to move so

Slowly in the water stream beforehand is also a bit of a pain let’s see if we can try that one more time and see if we get yeah we got the second position that time it actually exploded on top of the obsidian because it spawned a block over

And fell down that water stream a lot more quickly but with that piece of obsidian there there shouldn’t be too much variation in where the TNT Falls it should land there and the results will be just as we expected it’s just gonna explode and take out the bottom set of

Books not bad ok now we need a clock that we can have this set up to probably just an ether hopper clock with to hoppers to comparators sticky pistons and a redstone block just triggering this every now and again because this farm is going to fill up super quickly

Like really all we need to do is stand here without a shield and hold down the right mouse button and the books are just going to absolutely fly around this thing until it fills up completely if we wanted to we could hook up this redstone torch to a dispenser or a dropper that

Would refill my hand with bookshelves one at a time kind of like we do in the concrete makers so we don’t have to worry too much about going back into my inventory every time I need a new stack but yeah this thing is now completely

Full up let’s see if we can get it to capacity and I also don’t want to overfill it because chances are that would start breaking this section here and we’d get a couple of bookshelves lost as a result but no that should be 100% full at which point we should just

Be able to activate the TNT jeepers one more time and once again hopefully this does not blow up boom there it goes that one seemed like it hit the bottom and all of those books aside from the ones around the outside go into the middle now the ones around the outside we can

Just expand the water pool down there or we can set up a sort of collection tray around the bottom as long as it’s not be affected by the TNT it does seem like it’s falling down there more often than not but the the prime momentum it has

Does end up kind of random but luckily luckily for me yeah it does not seem to have disturbed any of the Redstone components around here I’ve lit up the area around the outside of here so I can not get too much interference from mobs and look at that the hopper is

Absolutely chock-full of books I collected up a few more from around the outside as well all of that can get converted into emeralds and that’s five stacks of emeralds right there for us the farm is a little bit silly I will admit like I said at the start of

This episode you really don’t need to do this when you can just set up a haste beacon with a an efficiency axe and just chop all of the bookshelves with something that doesn’t have silk touch but to me this is kind of a road test

For the type of farm I would like to design in future we can use this as a concrete maker design that’s going to be a little bit more efficient than the concrete maker I’ve already built over at the alchemists guild and we can modify that one so that it has this kind

Of technology the zero ticking and the TNT duplicator can get involved here but this this is going to be an incredibly lucrative machine and more than anything it’s just kind of fun to use so the last thing I’m gonna do today is set up a very quick etho hopper clock

Just to refresh your memories about how these work and how we’re going to use one to time the TNT drops from this section of the farm it shouldn’t really be too complicated we just need to have this kind of u-shape this very shallow u-shape of stone bricks here we’re gonna

Have a redstone dot on either side there and there two comparators facing into those blocks in the center we want a hopper there and a hopper there these two need to be facing into each other and loaded up with a suitable quantity of items and because we’re using books

For this I’m just going to put 16 books in there for now we can adjust the amount in here if we want to adjust the timings and that’s already set off one TNT just to explode down there in the farm I’ve crafted the rest of that redstone back into a redstone block

That’s just gonna sit on top of these hoppers and we’ll put a sticky piston there and a sticky piston there and that’s going to lock one hopper while the contents transfer into that hopper and then when it locks the other side that’s when the TNT should fire and so

Now every time this redstone here pulses which it should do in just a second once the hopper clock goes back around it should activate the TNT duplicator yes it will do that the TNT slides to the end there falls down into the farm the farmer gets exploded and then it retract

After the next cycle of the hopper clock so that’s actually going to be pretty slow right now but that should be fine should allow me plenty of time to throw some more books into the farm here so while I’m filling this whole thing up the hopper clock is kind of charging I

Guess and oh okay gosh yeah I think we might have lost a piece of glass there that’s unfortunate but I think we should be able to resolve that maybe if we use some more blast proof material than glass underneath here if we use a obsidian or something like that that

Won’t break like the glass does yeah that should be fine that’s what I was afraid of but thankfully the damage is minimal looks like it’s taken out a couple of blocks here and on the other side just because the TNT exploded a little higher than I was expecting and

All we need to do to switch this clock on an office just to fix a lever to this block here which is going to permanently power this sticky piston regardless of what the hoppers in here are doing and so yeah like I said I should just need

To replace some of the glass underneath there the comparators are resting on with a slightly more blast resistant block and as long as they don’t break I don’t think the comparators should break either and just look at all the books I’m now able to trade with my librarians

From the few stacks of books that we traded with them we have a whole bunch to trade back and these guys will give me an emerald for every single one so we’re looking at multiple stacks of emerald blocks here which is very very cool wow it feels like it took me longer

To trade those than it took to actually get them out of the farm and now yes we have over a stack of emerald blocks just from that one set of trades that was absolutely incredible that was just a few stacks of bookshelves and it turned out so many books which in turn becomes

So many emeralds and of course we can trade those emeralds on those books back to these librarians for some pretty great book trades I do still need to reason Biff I and cure some of these librarians so they’re still giving us the tip-top trades but seriously some protection books and channeling books

Some silk touch and infinity is really that’s that’s gonna be so so good besides that of course these librarians are gonna be able to trade us glass and I want so much glass so it’s gonna be really really useful having tons of emeralds to score some glass off of

These guys well that’s gonna be it for this episode of the Minecraft Survival Guide I do hope you enjoyed today’s book farming episode leave a like on it if you did subscribe if you want to see more and I will see you guys soon take care bye for now

This video, titled ‘Automatic Book Farm! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Let’s Play) [Part 251]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2019-11-04 11:00:11. It has garnered 223548 views and 5383 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:50 or 1910 seconds.

The Minecraft Survival Guide continues! In this tutorial, we put together villager trading, zero-tick pistons and a TNT duplicator to build one of the most ridiculous farms I’ve made so far – an automatic book farm!

Mumbo’s Concrete Farm (for the downward zero tick piston fix!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQrQCDfvOa0

The series will teach you how to master Survival Mode, and will also be my Single Player Let’s Play series!

Catch up with the Minecraft Survival Guide using the playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgENJ0iY3XBiJ0jZ53HT8v9Qa3cch7YEV

World Seed (Java Edition): 7574084833700264939

—- Support me on Patreon for access to my private vanilla Minecraft server, plus other awesome rewards! https://www.patreon.com/Pixlriffs

Watch my streams live every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday around 3pm BST! http://twitch.tv/pixlriffs

Follow Pix on Twitter for video updates, screenshots, and other fun stuff! http://www.twitter.com/pixlriffs

#Minecraft #Survival #Tutorial #SurvivalGuide #BookFarm

  • Minecraft Transformed: New Game with Mods!

    Minecraft Transformed: New Game with Mods! Minecraft Adventures: Fighting Gods and Plundering Loot Embark on an epic Minecraft journey where breaking trees is a thing of the past. Join NickLomo and his friends as they defy the rules, fight gods, and plunder everything in sight. This thrilling adventure will keep you on the edge of your seat! Meet the Adventurers In this exciting Minecraft escapade, NickLomo takes the lead, accompanied by his friend Jaden/Rehstart, also known as The Bacon Man. Together, they delve into a world of mystery and danger, facing challenges that will test their skills and courage. Exploring New Horizons Instead of the… Read More

  • Bedrock Battles: 2067 Warfare Beta

    Bedrock Battles: 2067 Warfare Beta In the world of Minecraft, a new update arrives, 2067 Warfare, with surprises and dives. Beta version 0.8, ready to play, Check out the changes, don’t delay. Find the full list on Telegram, Discord, VK, Explore the new features, in a fun way. Download the zip, MCaddon, MCpedl too, All versions available, for me and you. Support the creator, with a donation or two, Keep the updates coming, that’s what we do. Join the VK group, or Discord server bright, Stay connected, in the Minecraft light. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Crafting Minecraft news, with… Read More

  • Dragon Slayer: Hardcore Minecraft Victory

    Dragon Slayer: Hardcore Minecraft Victory In the world of Minecraft, where dragons soar, I set out on a quest, ready for more. With hardcore mode on, the challenge is real, But I’ll face the Ender Dragon, with nerves of steel. Gathering resources, crafting my gear, I’ll conquer the dragon, without any fear. Exploring the world, in search of the portal, I’ll face any danger, I’m feeling immortal. Through caves and mountains, I’ll journey on, With determination, until the dragon is gone. With sword in hand, and armor strong, I’ll defeat the dragon, right where I belong. So join me on this epic quest, As… Read More

  • Crafting Cruel Punishments: Minecraft’s Dark Lore

    Crafting Cruel Punishments: Minecraft's Dark Lore In the darkest corners of history’s tale, We find the cruelest punishments that prevail. From the Rat Dungeon to the Rack’s cruel twist, Humanity’s past is a brutal list. Keelhauling and elephants crushing bones, Impalement and sack punishment’s groans. Gibbeting and scaphism, horrors untold, In the depths of cruelty, the stories unfold. But fear not, for in Minecraft’s realm, We craft our own stories, at the helm. Let’s build and create, in a world of our own, Where the only limits are those we’ve outgrown. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Crafting Minecraft news, shining bright…. Read More

  • Mastering Ocelot Taming in Minecraft

    Mastering Ocelot Taming in Minecraft Exploring the World of Minecraft: Taming Ocelots in Version 1.20+ As Minecraft enthusiasts eagerly dive into the latest updates, one exciting feature that has caught the attention of players is the ability to tame ocelots. These elusive feline creatures add a touch of wilderness to the game, and mastering the art of taming them can be a rewarding experience for any player. Understanding Ocelots in Minecraft Ocelots are shy and agile creatures that roam the lush jungles of Minecraft. They are known for their sleek spotted fur and quick movements, making them a sought-after companion for players looking to… Read More

  • Minecraft Mobs Drawn, Trauma Unfolds

    Minecraft Mobs Drawn, Trauma Unfolds In the world of Minecraft mobs, we dive, Drawing transformations that make us thrive. With each stroke of the pen, a new creation, Bringing joy and laughter to our animation. Join me on this journey, let’s create and play, In the world of Minecraft, where we’ll stay. Support me on Ko-fi, become a member today, And together, we’ll make art in our own special way. Follow me on Instagram, TikTok, and Discord too, Where we’ll share our creations, old and new. Let’s immerse ourselves in music and fun, In the world of Minecraft, where our journey’s just begun. So… Read More

  • Bacon Kingdom: Crafting the Casita

    Bacon Kingdom: Crafting the Casita In the Kingdom of Bacon, Day 6 is here, Crafting a Casita, spreading cheer. Starting in Minecraft, with a fiery spark, Taking you on a journey, from dawn to dark. Follow me on FB, Insta, and TT, For more Minecraft fun, just wait and see. The music is playing, the vibes are right, Join me on this adventure, day and night. So come along, let’s build and play, In the Kingdom of Bacon, we’ll make our way. With rhymes and laughs, we’ll conquer it all, Minecraft madness, standing tall. Read More

  • Minecraft Parkour Biome Madness

    Minecraft Parkour Biome Madness Minecraft Parkour Biome Episode 39: A Thrilling Adventure Embark on an exciting journey through the Parkour Biome in Minecraft with Faster Gaming Plays! Episode 39 promises heart-pounding challenges and adrenaline-pumping obstacles that will test your skills to the limit. Exploring the Parkour Biome In this episode, players will navigate through a specially designed biome filled with intricate parkour courses. Jump, run, and climb your way through a variety of obstacles, each more challenging than the last. The Parkour Biome offers a unique setting for players to showcase their agility and precision. Mastering Parkour Techniques To succeed in the Parkour… Read More

  • Cheating with a YouTuber in Minecraft!

    Cheating with a YouTuber in Minecraft! I Cheated With //YOUTUBER in Minecraft Build Battle! Join the excitement as Matthew Beem, also known as MBeem10, takes on a thrilling Minecraft Build Battle with a special guest, //YOUTUBER. The competition is intense, the laughs are plenty, and the creativity is off the charts. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and see what unfolds! Building Bonds in Minecraft Building battles in Minecraft are not just about constructing structures; they are about building bonds and creating memorable moments. When Matthew Beem teamed up with //YOUTUBER, the synergy between them was palpable. The collaboration led to a unique and… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days on Ocean Farm in Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 100 Days on Ocean Farm in Minecraft Hardcore The Epic Journey of Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft’s Only Ocean World Embark on a thrilling adventure as you witness the incredible feat of surviving 100 days in Minecraft’s hardcore mode in an ocean-only world. In this challenging environment, players must navigate the vast ocean, gather essential resources, and overcome numerous obstacles to emerge victorious. Day 01-10: The Journey Begins As the sun rises on the first day, our intrepid player sets foot in this unique world. With limited supplies, they quickly learn to adapt, crafting tools and securing a small farm to sustain themselves. Each passing day brings… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Cat & Dog Tutorial 1.12.2

    Ultimate Minecraft Cat & Dog Tutorial 1.12.2Video Information This video, titled ‘Animania Cats & Dogs. Tutorial / Guide 1.12.2 (minecraft java edition)’, was uploaded by Minecraft Easy gaming on 2024-05-27 15:00:13. It has garnered 511 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:07 or 907 seconds. Review of updates mod Animania version 2.0.3 for MAINCRAFT 1.12.2, How to install a new version of the mod, as well as how to add to the game kitty cats and dogs. !!! ATTENTION !!! To run the game you need to install: “Animania Base” and “CraftStudio API” And to add animals to the game, install three… Read More

  • Cubecraft’s Lebron James: Delusiol

    Cubecraft's Lebron James: DelusiolVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Lebron James of Cubecraft’, was uploaded by Delusiol on 2024-07-13 07:43:05. It has garnered 492 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:52 or 232 seconds. hive pack folder,pack folder mcpe,cranexe pack folder,minecraft hive pack folder,mcpe pack folder,hive pack folder 16x,hive pack folder mcpe,best the hive texture packs,hive texture pack,pack folder hive,levitating,hive montage,pack folder,pvp texture pack mcpe,best pvp texture pack bedrock,best pvp texture pack mcpe,mcpe pvp texture pack,mcpe texture packs pvp,minecraft hive,the hive,hive,hive skywars,hive minecraft,hive shaders,best hive texture packs, hive treasure wars,hive bedrock,top 5 mcpe pvp texture pack,potpvp,pack folder,potpvp pack folder,pot… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Animation – Monster School Story!” #gaming #shortvideo

    "EPIC Minecraft Animation - Monster School Story!" #gaming #shortvideoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Minecraft Animation Story #gaming #minecraft #shortvideo #sadstatus’, was uploaded by Minecraft Video on 2024-03-25 07:30:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • The WACE server SMP Semi-vanilla Whitelist No resets 1.21 Australia

    Welcome to WACESMP! Hey everyone, I’m IAmMutskie, a member of this Australian Minecraft server running version 1.21.1. Brief Overview: Server is 9 months old Features various quality of life datapacks Check out our Dynmap: https://map.mc.wacesafe.xyz/ DiscordSRV integration for Discord/Minecraft chat Various administrative and QoL plugins Has Simple Voice Chat Survival mode with hard difficulty Whitelisted server with 6GB RAM Supports Java + Bedrock crossplay Our Vision: WACESMP is the go-to place for survival Minecraft enthusiasts. Join us to plan and create amazing builds, large or small. Whether you love intricate details or just enjoy classic survival gameplay – this is… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Slayed Herobrine for Good”

    Looks like Herobrine couldn’t handle the pressure of being in a meme with such a high score! Read More

  • Sweet Beta 1-3, Minecraft’s Lucky Charm

    Sweet Beta 1-3, Minecraft's Lucky Charm In the world of Minecraft, mods reign supreme, Enhancing the gameplay, like a vivid dream. Caelum, Enhanced Farming, and Farsighted Mobs, Bringing new challenges, like cunning mobs. Moderner Beta, Nostalgic Tweaks in tow, Old Ore Drops, Zombie Cloth, a whole new flow. Stony Cliffs rise high, River Redux flows, Each mod a story, only time knows. So dive into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Minecraft news with rhymes that ignite, Crafting updates with a grin and a spin, just right. Read More

  • “Traps vs Skills: Minecraft Edition” 🔥😂 #shorts

    "Traps vs Skills: Minecraft Edition" 🔥😂 #shorts “Me at age 10 falling for every trap in Minecraft vs me at age 25 skillfully avoiding them like a pro. Who knew growing older also meant growing wiser in the world of pixelated danger?” Read More

  • Barry’s Guts & Blackpowder: Minecraft Movie

    Barry's Guts & Blackpowder: Minecraft Movie Minecraft Movie: Exploring the World of Guts & Blackpowder Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the upcoming movie “Guts & Blackpowder.” Join Barry, a dedicated miner, as he delves deep into the earth in search of precious resources and encounters dangerous foes along the way. Unveiling the Teaser The teaser for the Minecraft movie sets the stage for an epic journey filled with excitement and challenges. Watch as Barry navigates treacherous caves, battles fierce monsters, and uncovers hidden secrets in the vast Minecraft universe. Discovering Roblox’s Influence While the movie is set in the… Read More

  • Bringing Legacy Console to Java Edition

    Bringing Legacy Console to Java Edition Minecraft Legacy Console on Java Edition Welcome to the world of Minecraft Legacy Console on Java Edition! With a current sub count of 8257, this version of Minecraft offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience for players. If you’re looking to dive into this modpack, you can download it here. About Minecraft Legacy Console on Java Edition Harry, also known as “Harrydallama,” invites you to explore the wonders of Minecraft Legacy Console on Java Edition through his channel. With a variety of videos showcasing different aspects of the game, you’re sure to find something that piques your interest. From… Read More


    EPIC WIZARD ARMOR + BOSS BATTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴FACEM ARMURA DE VRAJITORI + BOSS SPECIAL !’, was uploaded by Zerry on 2024-09-05 03:15:32. It has garnered 2060 views and 287 likes. The duration of the video is 01:25:21 or 5121 seconds. 🔥Donations: https://www.tipeeestream.com/zerry/donation 🔥Discord: https://discord.gg/RmysMG6K6j #ratopia #minecraft Read More

  • Unbelievable Dirt Madness in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable Dirt Madness in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Too Much Dirt | #minecraft #gaming #funny #viral #scary #gameplay #vtuber’, was uploaded by ChaotixOP on 2024-09-21 02:41:03. It has garnered 921 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. You cannot escape 🎨 follow me here too: ⭐Discord: https://discord.gg/MFJHChM: ⭐Twitter: https://twitter.com/chaotixop?lang=ar ⭐Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chaotixop/ ⭐Newgrounds: https://chaotixop.newgrounds.com/ ⭐ Or more: https://ko-fi.com/chaotixop ⭐Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy5f4bHOH8VoZnfvPICGxPw ⭐Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/chaotixop Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Skills by El Tizi Pro!

    Insane Minecraft Skills by El Tizi Pro!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft’, was uploaded by El tizi pro on 2024-06-05 15:08:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Epic Solo-facoz Loot in Minecraft Dungeons!

    Epic Solo-facoz Loot in Minecraft Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘What I got in Minecraft dungeons’, was uploaded by Solo-facoz ツ on 2024-08-29 22:51:46. It has garnered 2 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:46 or 106 seconds. Read More


    100 DAYS IN POKEMON SMP | PART 4 - CRAZY SHIZO HAPPENSVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE | 100 DAYS MINECRAFT POKEMON SMP (COBBLEMON MODPACK) | PART 4🔴’, was uploaded by mapeuu on 2024-08-28 01:23:43. It has garnered 320 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 02:18:20 or 8300 seconds. LIVE EVERY DAY: ▶ TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/mapeuu CONNECT WITH ME HERE: ▶ DISCORD: https://discord.gg/Gcevyz9jZV ▶ TWITTER: https://x.com/imapeuu ▶ TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@mapeuu caseoh jynxzi sketch jschlatt minecraft hardcore speedrun 100 days challenge ender dragon end final boss elytra new update villager breeder minecraft 1.21 nether ghast ghasts blaze wither skeleton #caseoh #minecraft #funny #funnymoments #memes #gaming #jynxi #sketch #jschlatt #speedrun Read More

  • Unveiling Agatha’s True Power in Palladium Mod!

    Unveiling Agatha's True Power in Palladium Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘Agatha All Along: Scarlet Witch, Agatha Harkness – Palladium Mod Showcase’, was uploaded by Arrzee on 2024-09-18 22:00:20. It has garnered 11738 views and 733 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:57 or 477 seconds. Chaos Magic is coming to Modern Minecraft in the Agatha All Along expansion of the Enhanced Addonpack in Minecraft’s Palladium Mod! This Addonpack is NOT public at this time, but we’re hoping to start a release of it soon. Make sure to subscribe for more 1.20.1 Superheroes, as we have SO much coming for the Arrzee Enhanced addon, and… Read More

  • 🔥SHOCKING: Jerome Becomes Pixelmon Tycoon Master?!🔥

    🔥SHOCKING: Jerome Becomes Pixelmon Tycoon Master?!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘I Became A Pokemon Master In Minecraft Pixelmon Tycoon’, was uploaded by Jerome LIVE on 2024-08-24 14:00:18. It has garnered 3313 views and 128 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:56 or 3416 seconds. I Became A Pokemon Master In Minecraft Pixelmon Tycoon Buy My Shirts: http://jeromeasf.store/ Follow Luminosity: https://twitter.com/Luminosity ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join our discord here: https://discord.gg/JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS Roblox – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnZRyqhMZlydNijw_nUpvg Gaming – http://www.youtube.com/JeromeACE Real Life – http://www.youtube.com/Jerome ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/JeromeASF Follow My Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/JeromeAceti Like me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JeromeASF Check out my Snapchat:… Read More

  • Unbelievable Wormaster blocktrap in #bedwars!

    Unbelievable Wormaster blocktrap in #bedwars!Video Information This video, titled ‘blocktrap for the W #bedwars’, was uploaded by Wormaster on 2024-05-09 19:30:02. It has garnered 11663 views and 193 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #shorts #prank https://twitch.tv/WormasterLIVE https://discord.gg/uGXTJua Read More

  • Zombie slaughters banana! MUST WATCH! #2

    Zombie slaughters banana! MUST WATCH! #2Video Information This video, titled ‘zombie killed banana 2# [minecraft animation REMAKE]’, was uploaded by animate show on 2024-08-12 09:21:09. It has garnered 48 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. In the heart-pounding animated show, “Zombie Rampage,” we venture into the pixelated world of Minecraft, where a relentless and cunning zombie unleashes chaos upon the once peaceful landscape. The story follows a group of brave and resourceful Minecraft characters who must band together to survive the relentless onslaught. As the sun sets, the quiet serenity of the Minecraft world is shattered as… Read More

  • EVO CIVS SMP Survival Geo Events Whitelist 1.21 Java

    EVO CIVS: Evolve and Adapt EVO CIVS redefines the SMP experience by challenging players to evolve and adapt in a dynamic world where survival is only the beginning. Focus on navigating through progressing eras, each unlocking new resources and gear. Success is about adapting quickly and excelling in any environment. Server divided into eras, each bringing a shift in gameplay strategies. Forge alliances, build empires, and thrive in a world where the meta constantly changes. Random events bring unexpected challenges and opportunities. Test your ability to think on your feet and adapt to new scenarios. Join us and prove your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creating a mysterious and unknown entity adds to the excitement and challenge of Minecraft gameplay!

    Minecraft Memes - Creating a mysterious and unknown entity adds to the excitement and challenge of Minecraft gameplay!If only Minecraft had a tutorial on how to navigate through the awkwardness of your teenage years… Read More

  • Crafty Rhyme: Minecraft Base Prime Time!

    Crafty Rhyme: Minecraft Base Prime Time! In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, Hidden bases with doors that astound. Piston doors that slide with a click, A Redstone build that’s sure to stick. Subscribe for more Minecraft delights, Let’s plays and tutorials to ignite. The joy of gaming, the thrill of the chase, In the world of Minecraft, find your place. Read More

  • Korean Server Ping Hell: Laggy Zombie Edition #lit #minecraft #memes

    Korean Server Ping Hell: Laggy Zombie Edition #lit #minecraft #memes When you’re trying to survive a zombie apocalypse in Minecraft but your Korean server ping is so bad, the zombies are just standing there waiting for you to catch up. It’s like they’re on a coffee break or something! #laggyzombies #servernightmare Read More

  • Crafting a Red Ruby Portal in Minecraft

    Crafting a Red Ruby Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Red Ruby Portal (Rainbow Bubblegem) Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you discover the mystical Red Ruby Portal, also known as the Rainbow Bubblegem portal. This portal opens up a world of wonders and challenges for players to explore. Let’s delve into the enchanting realm of Minecraft and uncover the secrets of this unique portal. Unveiling the Red Ruby Portal The Red Ruby Portal is a rare and mysterious gateway that leads players to a vibrant and colorful dimension filled with new resources, creatures, and landscapes. To create this portal, players must gather the… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Biome & Mob!

    Terrifying Minecraft Biome & Mob! Minecraft Live 2024: Exciting Updates Revealed! During the recent Minecraft Live 2024 show, fans were thrilled to learn about the upcoming additions to the game. Among the highlights were a new horror biome, a mysterious mob, and a variety of new blocks that promise to enhance gameplay. New Horror Biome: Spooky Adventures Await! One of the most anticipated announcements was the introduction of a new horror biome. Players can look forward to exploring eerie landscapes filled with chilling surprises and spine-tingling challenges. This addition is sure to add a new level of excitement to the game, perfect for those… Read More

  • EPIC VODs: Ultimate Choppin’ Quests in Fantasy Minecraft Fabric…WHAT?!

    EPIC VODs: Ultimate Choppin' Quests in Fantasy Minecraft Fabric...WHAT?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Choppin’ Quests! ▫ Fantasy Minecraft Fabric ▫ Stream-Only Modded 1.20.1 SMP!’, was uploaded by PixlVODs on 2024-09-06 10:11:46. It has garnered 1518 views and 93 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:49 or 10369 seconds. Pixlriffs plays on the Fantasy Minecraft Fabric SMP! In this stream we focus up on the Quest Book and take on some quests. We mine for magic ores, search for hidden structures and take on our first major boss! This is a stream-only server started by MythicalSausage using the Fantasy Minecraft Fabric modpack. Expect RPG mechanics, fantastical builds, dungeons,… Read More

  • Tricky Trails with Precelkiem – Minecraft Archive

    Tricky Trails with Precelkiem - Minecraft ArchiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘[Archiwum] Live – MINECRAFT: Tricky Trails z Precelkiem /3 – #minecraft’, was uploaded by NNiezapominajka on 2024-08-17 09:00:25. It has garnered 146 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:50 or 2630 seconds. Replay from the last Live ;). Recording from Live, which took place on Friday, August 2, 2024. Stream schedule: + Fridays – hours 20 + Saturdays – hours 20 – the first game is a horror game – possibly a horror adventure game, the second game – more casual (it varies with them 😅) + In addition, there are… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Creaking Mob in Phoenix SC’s World!

    Unbelievable! Creaking Mob in Phoenix SC's World!Video Information This video, titled ‘The NEW Creaking Mob is so funny.’, was uploaded by Phoenix SC on 2024-09-28 15:25:02. It has garnered 1091791 views and 49142 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:02 or 302 seconds. Watch me watch Minecraft Live!: http://www.twitch.tv/phoenixsclive Merch: https://phoenixsc.store/ Cape: https://store.badlion.net/shop/PhoenixSC ——————————————————————– This channel is powered by Shockbyte server hosting — Receive a 25% discount on your first month on a server with code “PHOENIXSC”! https://shockbyte.com/partner/phoenixsc ——————————————————————– If you’d like to monetarily support the channel, consider joining as a member! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj4zC1Hfj-uc90FUXzRamNw/join SECOND CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/phoenixsucksat TWITTER: http://twitter.com/phnixhamsta WEBSITE: http://phoenixsc.me FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/phnixhamstasc #Minecraft is a… Read More

  • EPIC FAIL! Minecraft 100 Days Hardcore | Another Channel

    EPIC FAIL! Minecraft 100 Days Hardcore | Another ChannelVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 100 Days Hardcore | How i failed #Minecraft #Gaming #Gameplay #Building #Survival’, was uploaded by Another Channel on 2024-02-18 07:29:21. It has garnered 262 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:38 or 458 seconds. 😫 There is an error with my voice-over. sorry for the inconvenience 😁 #exploration, #Multiplayer, #Mods, #Tutorial, #Fun, #Creative, #Challenge, #LetsPlay, #MinecraftJava, #MinecraftBedrock, #Gamer, #GamingCommunity, #BuildingBlocks, #PixelArt, #EpicBuilds, #MinecraftWorld, #Mining, #Farming, #MinecraftServers, #PvP, #PvE, #BossBattles, #MinecraftArchitecture, #BuildingIdeas, #MinecraftHouse, #MinecraftCity, #MinecraftCommunity, #MinecraftUpdates, #MinecraftTips, #MinecraftTricks, #MinecraftRedstone, #MinecraftDesigns, #MinecraftLife, #MinecraftTutorial, #MinecraftBuilding, #MinecraftCreative, #MinecraftSurvival, #MinecraftAdventure, #MinecraftFun, #MinecraftMods, #MinecraftAnimals, #MinecraftMonsters, #MinecraftArt,… Read More

  • Telanthric 2: CRAZY Cameraman Chaos

    Telanthric 2: CRAZY Cameraman ChaosVideo Information This video, titled ‘all cameraman in Minecraft mod’, was uploaded by Telanthric 2 on 2024-03-04 17:03:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Shocking Maizen Adventure in Blood Cave – Insane Minecraft Moments!

    Shocking Maizen Adventure in Blood Cave - Insane Minecraft Moments!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey in Scary Blood Cave in Minecraft – Maizen?!’, was uploaded by Maibek JJ on 2024-07-24 19:13:02. It has garnered 12824 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:04 or 1804 seconds. Read More

Pixlriffs – Automatic Book Farm! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Let’s Play) [Part 251]