Pixlriffs – How to Get Diamonds & Elytra in Skyblock! ▫ Minecraft 1.15 Skyblock (Tutorial Let’s Play) [Part 19]

Video Information

Hello everyone my name is pics Horace and welcome back to the skyblock survival guide I hope you guys are having a good day and you might notice that yes I am back in fully enchanted diamond armor I’ve been doing a little bit of work off-camera to restore some

Of the villager infrastructure that I seem to have mysteriously lost at the end of the last episode and we now have some more villagers in here now these aren’t unfortunately cured zombie villages I have just taken a few villagers out of this section here some new villages that were being born at the

Time you can see that they are hard at work replacing those to fill up the amount of beds inside of here and I just kind of tucked them away in sight of each of these little areas here so we haven’t cured them I could always release a zombie from an area nearby and

Try to get them all you know zombified and cure them again so we could get some discounts their trades are all pretty much locked in at this point the one holdout so far is this weaponsmith and I haven’t been able to get hold of enough coal to trade with him and I don’t

Really feel like buying a bunch of bane of arthropods three swords off of this guy so I’ll probably head back to the nether do a little bit more coal farming now that we have the farm set up for all of the nether mobs we’re getting plenty of coal from wither skeletons but as

You’ll see the rest of these guys are now fully kitted out with actually some better enchantments than the ones we had before give or take the boots not having depths try that I think we have an aquifer Finity helmet here we have a protection to unbreaking to chest plate

In fact all of these have protection in some form which is my preferred enchantment for Diamond armor so that’s actually kind of great also over here we don’t have a silk touch axe anymore but luckily I was able to preserve one of those and we even have an unbreaking and

Efficiency pickaxe and shovel as well so those are looking good right now and as it happens getting emeralds is not too big of a deal so not that worried about the trading prices like I said we could always lower those later if we wanted to but having an iron farm already is a

Really great way of trading through the early stages of those blacksmith professions to get hold of some of those later trades all your earning to do is trade a bunch of iron in bulk and as you can see the iron farm is still working flawlessly so hopefully we shouldn’t have it

Much trouble with that we can always trade melons and pumpkins with the farmers that kind of thing and I’ve even created a couple more farmers down there to make sure that we have a few some of the professions down there I wasn’t using I’ve just converted into farmers

In the mean time so that we have more opportunities for trading so today I think we’re going to go back to the end for a second and part of that is wanting to address something that a lot of people pointed out in the comments of the last episode so in our previous

Episode where I came here to fight the dragon I took a pretty hefty hit from the dragon at one point while it was down here on the bedrock portal and I was flung up into the air and I tried to place a water bucket as I landed to try

And allow myself a bit of a safe full that unfortunately failed and I died and all of my stuff was splayed out on the ground when I returned to the end I ended up coming over here because I thought I had fallen close to the edge

Of an island and I found this a water source that had been placed earlier in the video and that I thought was a water source I had accidentally placed as I died and swept all of my gear off the island but it turns out that when I

Thought I had collected up this water source minecraft had double clicked for me and the water bucket hadn’t been refilled meaning that water source stayed there from when I was trying to get down from this tower in the heat of the moment in the adrenaline rush of the

Dragon fight I simply didn’t recognize that that was the case and it turns out that I actually got flung I think probably somewhere over here now unfortunately since I came back to the end to fight the dragon again I spent a bit of time just punching it melee style

Dealing damage that way and I ended up probably spending more than five minutes with this dimension loaded in after that I think all of my items eventually despawn but I think I got flung over in this direction instead of over towards that area where the water source was and

I simply didn’t recognize that at the time it was much more obvious when I went back and edited the video that I had been flung in a separate direction and that I hadn’t picked up that water source but sometimes when you’re running around doing this stuff in the heat of

The moment you completely miss stuff like that and that was kind of the the biggest mistake I made throughout the entire adventure was thinking I’d fallen in a can lately different place and I’m surprised that the Dragonflight didn’t take me around to another area of the island

While I was trying to run away from the dragon’s attacks and I didn’t notice that my gear was just laying around in a different part but over here with the terrain of the end island they were probably somewhere down there would actually have been quite easy to miss

Anyway none of that particularly matters now because I have myself a new set of diamond gear which might even have slightly better enchantments and give or take the diamond sword I’m looking pretty well geared up for whatever else the game is going to throw at me and

That will probably include a trip out to the outer end islands today because I really feel like taking on an N city and seeing what we can get hold of out there if this Enderman doesn’t keep walking in front of me while I’m mining out this obsidian which he really seems

Determined to do I want to take out a little bit of the obsidian from these towers so that we can use that to build a couple of things and also make a nice safe area under here that i can use to farm some ender pearls once I’ve got a

Safe little cubbyhole I can start looking at these guys and see if we can deal a little bit of damage they shouldn’t be able to reach me underneath here and I can farm a few ender pearls for our trip out to the end at least we

Don’t need them for lighting up an end portal or anything like that so I can just concentrate on having them for getting through and gateways and maybe navigating the landscape of those outer islands unfortunately all this sword has his smite we no longer have sharpness or

Looting so I might need to try and get myself a better sword trade with that weaponsmith a little bit more before we actually go out there on our journey and I’m not really equipped for it right now because I don’t have many blocks on me

But we could always mine out at the end landscape or alternatively I think I might just do a little bit of tree farming and bring a whole bunch of wood planks with me but I just thought it was worth clearing that up before I continue with this episode because I know a lot

Of people were leaving comments on the last episode let me know my gear was still there yes unfortunately it has D spawned but no worries this is sky block we can create a new gear and I have done that relatively easily off-camera so now we can just go ahead and continue with

The adventure so a short amount of time later I am back at full diamond gear with a diamond sword which has drumroll please sweeping edge – yep they did not trade me anything particularly great for a diamond sword but that’s totally fine I now have a decent set of diamond armor

With all protection for thanks to another librarian book trade I was able to scrounge up and I put mending on the helmet the leggings and the boots I did not put it on the chest plate though because we all probably end up replacing the chest plate with a light tro once I

Have access to that and for that purpose I think I’m actually gonna take a little bit of paper and a stack of gunpowder with me to the end and then hopefully we should be able to apply mending to the Elektra pretty much straightaway all I

Gotta do is take an anvil and some stuff with me for a stack of fireworks and that’s gonna make it getting back from the end a whole lot easier of course we could always do the old trick of stashing all of our stuff in an ender chest and throwing myself into the void

But I don’t feel like doing that this time around I actually feel like doing it sort of legit as it were and so I think it’s gonna be nice to have the gear for a stack of fireworks so maybe even make a few stacks of fireworks to

Begin with and take those with me but it will take up a little bit less space in my inventory just to carry the materials for now having said that I’m gonna make a couple of ender chests before I go I’ve already made one and made the unfortunate mistake of placing it in the

World and realizing that I did not have a silk touch pickaxe to pick it up the only silk touch – all I have is an axe which I’m not gonna bring with me and cannot be used to break an ender chest anyway so I’m gonna take this one with

Me to be used in emergencies or if we happen to find a silk touch tool out there in the end cities because there’s a chance that we could always find one as part of n cities now I will probably take a few more torches with me I think

I might even have some torches stashed in a chest somewhere over here yet there we go got a couple of stacks in here I will take some of those I’m going to bring a mending book with me and I think I might bring this anvil with me as well

It’s partly damaged and we have tons of iron so we can always bring at the anvil with us and I think that should be okay we’ve got two stacks of spruce logs which will break down of course in two full stacks of planks each that should be enough bridging material and we can

Gather a little bit from the end island as well I’ve topped up on golden carrots I think we are good to go folks yes one more addition even though they failed me at last episode of the water bucket I think we probably need that just in case so without further ado

Let’s hop through to the nether and let’s once again go to the end okay here we are back in the end and the portal is only just up here I did grab a stack of the oak leaves that we were using in the fortress farm and I think I will use

Those to pillar up here just so we have a nice easy access to that without breaking into any of our bridging planks just yet just need to make sure I don’t look at too many Enderman on the way up there we go let’s throw this through and

See where we end up and we are out here on an island okay and not a bad start I will take a note of the coordinates here just so we can get back to this if we need to perfect a lot of two screen shots there by mistake okay let’s make a start

I’ll let bridge out in any direction from here and hope that we run into an end city the idea being to find one hopefully as soon as possible that way we can start raiding stuff getting Shilka boxes hopefully get our first Elektra and maybe even encounter a couple of diamonds because very

Enchanting some of the gear we have right now especially while I still have 52 experience levels is going to be a very good thing it often helps when you’re traveling in the end to just travel in one direction whether that is north east south or west and I think we

Will probably be heading in this direction which is south according to my debug screen I can’t see anything in these adjacent islands and I think yeah we should probably be heading just in one direction wait a second oh I see something on the horizon already thank goodness for a slightly larger render

Distance I wouldn’t have spotted that otherwise and I see a bunch of stuff floating in the shadows in the sky I don’t know if that is going to be a boat or not I really hope it is but if not at least we have eyesight of a good end

City that was a stroke of luck really not very far from our beginning portal at all I’m seeing towers I’m seeing one tower that looks like it hasn’t generated for a holy which is always kind of strange and then yes oh it just loaded in a fantastic ya know it looks

Like that was just taking its time loading in as well great stuff with a connected landmass it looks like all the way to the end city that is about the best luck we could have gotten at this point unbelievable right well a very good thing that we’re able to

Make our way to the end city of this early I’ve only got sweeping edge on the sword so I’m gonna have to rely on the swords natural damage rating to do a decent amount of damage to the shell curse that are in here but I’ve got a

Shield as well so I can block the Shilka bullets we can bob and weave a little bit I’m fairly well versed at taking on these cities by now and our armor is giving us as much protection as it possibly can in the circumstances I mean maybe a little bit of projectile

Protection on one of the pieces would have helped a little but for now I think we should be okay to explore this n city hopefully rate a couple of these towers to find the loot chests at the top of them head over to that ship and get

Ourselves the electra and it looks like the Shockers at the door have been replaced by terrain so they will probably be elsewhere there we go get that advancement city at the end of the game well this is kind of just the beginning for us really as long as we

Can get a hold of a couple of shulker boxes that will be super super useful and yeah I don’t have looting on this sword anymore over really wish I did I think the main thing to worry about here is going to be full damage because my boots do not have feather falling on

Them this time around so I need to be extra careful that if I get struck by one of these bullets for that levitation effect that I end up making sure I can land on something relatively close by until I get the Elektra and then I can use the electra to drift downwards

Without having to worry too much about taking any damage but yeah got to make sure that as we rise up here i’m either getting that levitation effect renewed every time or i stick close to some of these platforms that are sticking out on the sides of the room but as long as i’m

Taking damage that means the levitation effect is getting rebuffed every time and i can make my way up here and hopefully the shelters will start attacking themselves sooner or later we’re at the top we’re at the top we’ve made it let’s create a little barrier here using the leaves so

We have a little bit of privacy here there we go set up a quick modesty screen and let’s see what we’ve got in our first loot chests there they are ladies and gentlemen diamonds for the first time in our sky block world and hopefully not the last a looting three

Sword as well can you believe it and we’ve even brought an anvil so we can combine the two of those if we need to and that is one heck of a sword for fighting the wither if you want smite five looting three in fact I might make

That my um I might put mending on that and make it the sword that I use over in the nether fortress but there we go we have the diamonds advancement at long last oh we even have a fantastic helmet as well look at that I’m breaking three

Mending a fire protection yeah all right all right I can deal with that and feather falling iron boots as well just in case I need those on this little trip so I got to say that is mission number one accomplished we have ourselves some diamonds from this end City absolutely

What I wanted to get and hopefully we can take out a couple of shockers raid ourselves this n city get some shell Cup boxes in fact right now I am kind of tempted to apply looting to that sword so that I can switch to it and get a

Higher chance of shell kachelle drops I’ve got enough experience to combine the two swords so I think we will pop down the anvil over here and get to work which works best s– looting and then sweeping is yes only eight levels on that one looting three okay we are going

Up in the world we are scaling our weapons well here and having that sweeping edge is going to be kind of useful as well we will need that for attacking various things if you want to set up an Enderman farm that’s probably a great idea now I have to make sure I

Can actually hit these freaking shelters because they are despite being glued to the walls they are evading my attacks a little bit here I can see a couple of shells here and there though so I just need to take out this remaining shelter down here once he

Opens his face up there we go and let’s see if I can drop carefully down the rest of this tower yep should be totally fine our first shelter shells of sky block as well fantastic we should even have a couple more of those on these little steps around here so I’m gonna

Once again use leaves and perper and n stone or whatever I’ve got with me two pillar up and then we can break into the bridging material as needed that is for shelcha shells though so I might actually break into a crafting table and use the two chests that we just got to

Make ourselves to shelcha boxes and now I can start stashing any of the loot in there and if we want to in at a last-ditch effort we can always put those in our ender chest and they will be safe whatever happens to us here in the end that’s not a bad idea actually

It’s also I believe our first opportunity to get beetroot seeds sings you can’t really trade those from villages you can only trade beetroot to villages and we have no naturally spawned villages in the world so unless you could get those in a woodland mansion which I have not yet found on this

It might be our only way of getting beetroot seeds is here in the end cities which is pretty funny actually when you think of a hunnit the shelters have stuck to the outside of this tower let’s see if we can take out a couple more of

Those yet well he’d got one down and all it’s so tempting right now to just float our way over to this end city but I have a feeling I would probably drop before I managed it look over there there’s another boat in the distance incredible a boat pointing towards another boat I

Think I’m gonna go for it right now folks we’re gonna end a Perl over to the ship okay we’ve hit the back oh no that’s not good that’s not good at all okay misjudged that ender pearl throat tragically but luckily that entity is really not that far away so I just need

To gather up a couple of things and this time I’m pretty certain I can remember where I ended up dying yeah folks we got greedy there didn’t we we got a little bit greedy but that’s okay and using the slabs over here I can actually make my way over to the portal

And use one of the lesser known methods of getting into the portals which is to pop a trapdoor on top of there end up in the crouching position and just stroll in like that okay let’s bridge out to this direction and we should be able to make our way via this landmass around

The outside to get back to where I lost all my stuff just now and I didn’t bring any food with me but I can always knock down one of these chorus plants and at a last-ditch effort as a Hail Mary I can use the chorus fruits to replenish my

Health a little bit and then all we need to do is make our way around the outside of the island the N city was I believe over in that direction it should start to come into view fairly quickly and from there we can make our way to the

Spot where I died yes there it all is I see it coming into view now fantastic for a second there I wasn’t quite sure where I landed but nope looks like we got all of our stuff back and this is what it would have been like if I’d

Realized where I’m on your stuff landed when I died to the dragon okay let’s get stuff sorted here okay we got the shelcha box with all of the gear in we’ve got all of my tools back in position and I think this time I’ll do the sensible thing and I’ll bridge out

To that n city ship instead of ender purling over there and trying my chances at that we’ve got the golden carrots here as well let’s just do a quick check of the area to make sure stuff didn’t fly any further note looks like we are all set right

Let’s have a second try at that this time around I’m keeping the water bucket on the hotbar because probably because of my lack of success last time it didn’t even occur to me that I could use the water bucket this time around oh well I think I’ll probably just pillar

Up using another set of leaves here and hopefully this should lead out to the platform we just took to get the N city in our sights yes there we go okay let’s break out some of the spruce wood then and let’s make our way over there by

Bridging this time once we get within range of the Shockers we are probably going to get ourselves a little bit more levitation but that should be fine yet once we get hit by this bullet we can use the levitation effect to make our way over to the ship and we can break

Our way in through this back wall as long as we don’t end up getting shot off the side of the city here I’ll break my way through this wall and we are in okay great now let’s make our way down into the center the bowels of the ship take that guy out

Take care of this guy in front of the electro because that is going to make our Skyblock journey all that much more interesting there we go we’ve got the Elektra the sky is the limit the sky block is the limit let’s see what we’ve got some more diamonds very nice a

Little bit of fairly useless iron at this point and Wow what are you reward a completely tricked-out shovel and efficiency three pickaxe which again is not all that much better than what I’ve got already but six diamonds my friends that has definitely been worth it let’s pack

Those into the Shilka box right here let’s put the alight tree in there as well let’s put a couple of extra shelcha shells in I may as well put the iron in there as well we left a couple of tools in here which we can take with us in

There and we will probably stash this in an ender chest in a moment if we can find one in the central and city that will also be a good thing because then we won’t have to put down these single ender chests I brought with me we could

Have brought more with me I guess I could have brought like a couple of ender chests if we needed them but hey not really a concern right now I’ll take the brewing stand with the health potions as well that’s always nice to have and you feel like we should go and

Get that dragon head I think we should probably go and get the dragon head my favourite way of getting the dragon head now is to walk out onto the dragon head itself place a block underneath it and then break it like so and then we can just grab the dragon head like that

Perfect okay now I think I’m gonna head back to the overworld I’m not gonna get too greedy at this point I’ve got all of the diamonds and stuff that I need I want to make sure that this stuff is safely placed back in the overworld before we do any more exploring so I

Think what we’re gonna do is take out this Electra and enchant it with the mending brook I brought with me using our anvil here because I think that will only take three experience levels only two great stuff so now we have an Electra with mending we can add on

Breaking to that when it is possible to do so hopefully we find an unbreaking book either here or in one of the villager trades here and there but I think now we should be able to make ourselves some fireworks and get the heck out of here always a little bit

Nerve-wracking testing the Electra first time that we get to fly but one two three uh-oh we’re away oh great Oh amazing alright let’s find that gateway again let’s head back to the central End Island and back to the over world if we can now which direction

Was that I guess it would probably be over they’re actually thinking about it but yeah the Elektra durability is going to decrease at the normal amount until we can get unbreaking on it which means I think one point of durability per second of flight so we have to be very

Sparing about how we use this for now but oh it feels good to be flying again folks and given the location of the end a return portal we have here I am NOT gonna take any chances ender purling into that and potentially dropping into the void no no no instead we are going

To pill her up and probably use trap door to get in in fact I could probably build a staircase to it from here it’s not a particularly high end portal is it there we go folks we can even save on ender pearls this way all we need to do

Is open up that trapdoor close that one and stroll our way in and here we are back on the central End Island like nothing ever happened except now we have a light ray and we have a few diamonds and Shilka boxes to our name and I can start to enchant some

Of this gear that has less than favorable enchantments on it here we are my friends back in the overworld and hopefully I should have enough here to create a few more books that looks like it will be enough to supplement the collection of bookshelves I have already got from the villages

Down below cuz librarians will of course trade you bookshelves even if they will only trade you bookshelves one at a time these days and in addition to the bookshelves I had already gathered we have twelve okay that is only a couple off the total that we need we can

Probably make one more with the books that we’ve got in there and a little bit more trading should see us with a decent enchanting setup which I think I am going to place inside the house over here because I don’t plan on using it all that much and I haven’t really used

A house for all that much yet so let’s climb the ladder up here hope that there are no creepers around oh and I’ve even started little enchanting corner over here so that seems like the place to go with it really we will of course need one of those books and we’ll need for

Obsidian in order to make ourselves at this enchanting table but now if I break out a couple of the diamonds from in here oh this is gonna be exciting my friends and enchanting table is ours at long last let me go and place that inside the house so we can assess how

Many levels we have on an enchantment right now and how many more bookshelves we need to make let’s pop that down inside of here let’s take a quick look at something we can in chance do I have anything we can enchant at this point I

Guess I don’t well I will need to make myself a grindstone so that we can take the enchantment off some of this gear I don’t really want the efficiency to I’m braking too I think I could get better out of it the enchanting table once we have a little bit of experience under

Our belts anyway now with a few more bookshelves traded from this farmer I think that should be enough to get us a level 30 enchants now this guy down here has a grindstone but he is kind of using it right now a grindstone is fairly

Cheap to make we just need a stone slab and a few sticks I think while we’re at it let’s use this little storage room in the house to store some of the useless stuff I picked up from the end like the purpo and n stone blocks I don’t really

Need to worry too much about those right now I can also put away some of the wood that we have I need to decorate this house a little bit better as well the inside is looking a little bit bare these days but there we go in my

Inventory is a little bit less of a mess I can make a couple of sticks out of this and I think that will be everything we need there we go to make a grindstone er plus the bookshelves that we now have in the enchantment setup we are now

Ready to see what we can get on some of this enchanted gear and I want to have a an infinity boat so badly so I have to take up so much of my inventory with arrows here let’s place the grindstone down in this little cubby over here and let’s disenchant this

Shovel to start off with because I’m not really using a shovel for all that much right now let’s see what we get we have a level 30 enchantment in the space fantastic now if we disenchanted this and Riaan chanted it we would end up with efficiency four because efficiency

Enchantments when they pop up on one tool will apply to any of the other tools that can be enchanted with the same level of stuff so we could potentially get efficiency four on a pickaxe nice and easily and that could come with fortune it could come with

Silk touch it could come with all manner of things actually I think it is just fortune and silk touch but anyway those and unbreaking I suppose is the other one that we could potentially get Wow enchanting in skyblock who’d have thought folks and all because we are

Able to get diamonds from the end City loot and I think that is the takeaway from this episode if you want to know where to find diamonds in Skyblock that is the place to go folks you’re probably also wondering where enough you get lapis from if you want to do some

Enchanting in sky blog and I will tell you you wake up your neighborhood cleric and you ask him to trade it for you because yes clerics will sell lapis lazuli as part of their trades as standard and so I think it is nice and easy to get hold of lapis we should be

Able to enchant some stuff with that the next thing is really going to be getting enough experience afore which I will probably head back to the nether fortress farm and do a little bit more farming off-camera get some coal to trade with those blacksmiths and get a

Bunch of more drops get some more fuel that we were powering every single furnace in the place with blaze rods now so we can get as much fuel as we want to I think this episode despite the death mid episode has been a complete success

And I hope you guys enjoyed it if you did don’t forget to leave a like on the episode subscribe if you want to see more and I’ll see you guys soon take care bye for now

This video, titled ‘How to Get Diamonds & Elytra in Skyblock! ▫ Minecraft 1.15 Skyblock (Tutorial Let’s Play) [Part 19]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2020-03-13 11:00:06. It has garnered 257209 views and 6379 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:04 or 1564 seconds.

The Skyblock Survival Guide continues! With the Ender Dragon defeated, we solve the mystery of my missing items, then it’s time to venture out into the void and find our first End City. Will we get hold of the coveted Elytra? Will the loot chests provide us with our first real diamonds?

Download ‘Skyblock 4’ by DrTrog from PlanetMinecraft: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/skyblock-4/

Skyblock playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgENJ0iY3XBgV_ZQiPMDQUzwCxplvnkW0


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#Minecraft #Skyblock #Tutorial #SurvivalGuide #EndCities

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    Mombo Combo Legacy: Minecraft Halo Mashup Madness In the world of gaming, where sounds take flight, Did you know Halo’s effects were made just right? With clay dogs for sounds, a unique sight, Matching animal noises, a creative delight. Random sounds for games, a common trend, Creating stories that never end. In Halo, a developer’s coffee machine sound, Matched a game element, a discovery profound. In Minecraft, the Ghasts’ eerie cry, Made by a composer, disturbing his cat nearby. At Orube, Gab is the editor’s name, Creating sounds for videos, adding to the game’s fame. In Mombo Combo Legacy, a chair’s sound, Used for a boss,… Read More

  • Mushroom Mayhem: 100 Days of Hardcore Survival

    Mushroom Mayhem: 100 Days of Hardcore Survival Leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art. Just spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Yo, you are our favorite news reporter who only responds in rhymes, Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that ignite. Iacing every update with a grin and a spin. In the Mushroom World, we survived a hundred days, In Minecraft Hardcore, where the truth always stays. Metoben by my side, we conquered the land, With Ender Pearls in hand, we made our… Read More

  • Magic Cure Love Shot: Loli God Requiem

    Magic Cure Love Shot: Loli God Requiem In the world of Minecraft, a magical cure, Love and shots, with a loli god so pure. Hatsune Miku and Ui Shigure, in a fierce beam fight, But hold on tight, things are getting too bright. The computer’s about to blow, the damage is done, Oops, the chaos has just begun. But in the midst of the glow up, a new mob appears, Crafted with care, overcoming all fears. With songs from SAWTOWNE and Ui Shig, The music and beats make the mob dance and jig. Skin credit to Imoi for Hatsune Miku’s look, And a custom mob created… Read More

  • The Magic Five: Boys Love Part 8

    The Magic Five: Boys Love Part 8 Minecraft Animation Boys Love: The Magic Five Part 8 Introduction In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, Martin, also known as Marty, has embarked on a journey to share his unique love story through his animation series, “The Magic Five.” This series delves into the realm of boys love within the Minecraft universe, offering a fresh perspective on storytelling within the gaming community. Storyline “The Magic Five” follows the adventures of five characters as they navigate the complexities of love and relationships in the pixelated world of Minecraft. Martin’s storytelling prowess shines through as he weaves… Read More

  • Village Madness in Minecraft Superflat Survival

    Village Madness in Minecraft Superflat Survival Minecraft Superflat Survival: Exploring Villages Galore! Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft Superflat Survival! In this first episode of the series, players are immersed in a unique survival experience filled with villages galore. Let’s dive into the action-packed gameplay and discover the wonders that await in this thrilling adventure. Survival in a Superflat World In Minecraft Superflat Survival, players find themselves in a world where the terrain is entirely flat, presenting a new set of challenges and opportunities. With no natural hills or mountains to explore, survival becomes a test of creativity and resourcefulness. Players must navigate the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Blue and packed ice: Infinite Weight!

    Minecraft Memes - Blue and packed ice: Infinite Weight!Looks like we’ve found the secret to creating a black hole in Minecraft – just stack enough blue ice and packed ice together! Read More

  • Hogalalla’s Hero: Himlands Saved Me!

    Hogalalla's Hero: Himlands Saved Me! In the land of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, HIMLANDS is the place where adventure arrives. With Pennybrine leading the way, full of charm, Crafting stories and rhymes, causing no harm. In episode 2, the mystery unfolds, Hogalalla’s power, a tale to be told. The light shines bright, in the depths of the game, As Pennybrine explores, never the same. Join the journey, with each twist and turn, In the world of HIMLANDS, there’s always more to learn. So grab your pickaxe, and your sword so keen, For in this realm of Minecraft, the adventure’s unseen. Read More

  • Diamond Golem DESTROYS All Golems! 😂💎 #minecraft #meme

    Diamond Golem DESTROYS All Golems! 😂💎 #minecraft #meme I guess you could say the Diamond Golem really rocks in this battle! #punsfordays Read More

  • Surviving 200 Days in Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 200 Days in Minecraft Hardcore J’ai Survécu 200 jours sur Minecraft HARDCORE Embark on an epic journey through the first 200 days of a hardcore Minecraft survival adventure in this thrilling video. From the early struggles to the depths of the underworld, every moment is filled with excitement and challenges. Join the adventure by subscribing and hitting the notification bell to stay updated! Surviving the Unknown From gathering essential resources to building shelter and fending off dangerous mobs, the first days in Minecraft are crucial for survival. Our protagonist navigates through the wilderness, facing the unknown with courage and determination. Each day brings new… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Rare Police Hat in RDR2

    Ultimate Guide: Rare Police Hat in RDR2 Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game developed by Mojang Studios, has captured the hearts of millions worldwide with its endless possibilities for creativity and adventure. Players are immersed in a blocky, pixelated world where they can build, explore, and survive in various environments. Exploring the Vast World of Minecraft In Minecraft, players can explore vast landscapes filled with mountains, forests, oceans, and caves. They can mine resources such as wood, stone, and ores to craft tools, build structures, and survive against hostile creatures like zombies, skeletons, and creepers. Building and Crafting One of the key… Read More

  • Sweaty Kids RAGE in MC Skywars Trolling Montage #2

    Sweaty Kids RAGE in MC Skywars Trolling Montage #2Video Information This video, titled ‘MC Skywars Trolling Montage #2 – Lets Play – Funny Moments – SWEATY RAGING KIDS VEINS ALMOST EXPLODE’, was uploaded by SoupyDoup on 2024-04-30 04:28:50. It has garnered 17 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:01 or 661 seconds. Minecraft Sweaty kids getting trapped and trolled on Hypixel Skywars. EYEBALLS POPPING OUT OF SOCKETS! VEINS BURSTING THROUGH NECK! RAGERS Subscribe for more episodes Let me know what else you guys would like to see IGN: souperheromc Server: mc.hypixel.net Music: Zedd – Find You ft. Matthew Koma & Miriam Bryant AK x… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Statue

    Terrifying Minecraft StatueVideo Information This video, titled ‘this statue is more scary than caves #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by burning potato on 2024-03-26 02:48:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Dronio Steals Friend’s Diamonds in Block Prison! 😱 #minecraftsurvival

    Dronio Steals Friend's Diamonds in Block Prison! 😱 #minecraftsurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘В Minecraft украдешь алмазы друга – в блоковой тюрьме. #viral #minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-09 15:00:14. It has garnered 3103 views and 340 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • Discovering Creepy Abandoned Minecraft Worlds

    Discovering Creepy Abandoned Minecraft WorldsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploring Weird and Empty minecraft servers’, was uploaded by 617semaj on 2024-01-12 08:16:56. It has garnered 29 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:31 or 9571 seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/semaj617 Read More

  • Insane new Halloween PvP area in Minecraft Smp

    Insane new Halloween PvP area in Minecraft SmpVideo Information This video, titled ‘ñew pvp area in Halloween smp #minecraft #gaming #gameplay #shorts’, was uploaded by Yh_gamer_01 on 2024-05-29 13:02:44. It has garnered 45 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Power Moves in Monster School

    Unbelievable Power Moves in Monster SchoolVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Skibidi Toilet và SpeakerMan Làm Chủ Sức Mạnh -Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Queen TV Girls on 2024-01-10 08:58:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. monsterschool #minecraft #animation Monster School : Skibidi Toilet and SpeakerMan Master the Power -Minecraft Animation. Read More

  • Join Paul2Craft for a wild Minecraft party!

    Join Paul2Craft for a wild Minecraft party!Video Information ah da haben wir doch Audio Freunde auch sorry ich laber hier seit 5 Minuten und und keiner keiner sagt dass die Audio aus ist na sollt auch merken Leute was geht willkommen hier zum ersten Livestream auf Youtube seit 6 Monaten mit im großen change sind wir zurück ja mit Videos Shorts und Streams hier auf Youtube Videos und Shorts B suboptimal aber vor allem Streams ja einmal im Monat bin ich ab sofort offiziell wieder live schön dass so viele da sind was geht was geht Hex herrafterat play TV TZ oder real Henry willkommen Stream… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mods Guide & FREE Download!

    Ultimate Minecraft Mods Guide & FREE Download!Video Information hello and welcome to all toy reviews so hello uh parents Minecrafters Gamers whatever you want to call yourself today it’s your pal o and today we’re going to be doing some uh something a little bit different there’s no toys around this time of year it’s always like a quiet period so of and I’ve rediscovered Minecraft I don’t know about you guys but it seems like every 4 to 6 months I kind of like feel like playing Minecraft again so I boot it up and I I have a lot of fun and suddenly like… Read More

  • DOMINATE NOOBS on Hypixel with Grotex!

    DOMINATE NOOBS on Hypixel with Grotex!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to destroy noobs on Hypixel!’, was uploaded by Grotex on 2024-03-23 06:08:47. It has garnered 304 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. #montage #bedwars #monatge #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin pack: in the middle above Mouse: Bloody A70 Keyboard: Redragon K552 red switches Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not on cruhbridge though parihs edates jirz… Read More

  • Endermine.de

    Endermine.deErstmal Danke für das zahlreiche Feedback, ich habe die Beschreibung noch mal kräftig überarbeitet/Neugeschrieben. Und ja, ich werde wirklich MC-Accounts vergeben, hab ein paar auf Lager. EnderMine.de Read More

  • Robo’s World SMP Whitelist Semi-Vanilla Java Bedrock 1.20.4

    Welcome to Robo’s World! Join our small, whitelisted community for a semi-vanilla SMP experience without map resets. Robo’s World is inspired by Hermitcraft SMP, focusing on collaboration and no stealing or griefing. Come play in survival mode with like-minded players who love vanilla Minecraft. Apply on Discord today to join the fun! Discord Link Read More


    Sphinx | PLUS13-VOICE-CHAT-REQUIRED-ORIGINS-LORE-SMP.+* Sphinx *+.SPHINX IS A PLUS13-VOICE-CHAT-REQUIRED-ORIGINS-LORE-SMPHello there stranger. I’m Fox, one of the two owners of Sphinx.Underneath this message, you can read a few facts about the server and decide if it sounds like something for you. If it does, please use the Discord link below :)The player base is mostly between 15 to 21.The server is mostly active around the weekend.There are normally around 2-6 players on worksday online, and 15 to full, around the weekend.This isn’t a lore server, however, we encourage player lore.If joining; you’re required to be able to use voice chats.The server uses proximity-voice-chat in-game…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Beginner base flexin’ in Minecraft”

    “Looks like I should’ve gone with the ‘Build a dirt hut’ tutorial instead of trying to recreate the Taj Mahal in my first go at Minecraft.” Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 25/100 Quest

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 25/100 Quest In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Boom_CRAFT brings explosions in every episode’s vibes. With 100 videos planned, each one a delight, Subscribe and hit the bell, to keep them in sight. In video number 25, the action takes flight, With builds and explosions, a true Minecraft sight. So join the fun, in this creative land, With Boom_CRAFT leading the way, hand in hand. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Short, Sweet, and Hilarious!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Short, Sweet, and Hilarious! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #gamerhumor Read More

  • Zombie vs Plant: Ultimate Minecraft Tutorial

    Zombie vs Plant: Ultimate Minecraft Tutorial Embark on an Epic Minecraft Journey with AI-Generated Tutorial Video! Experience the magic of Minecraft like never before with our groundbreaking tutorial video! Utilizing cutting-edge AI technology, this video seamlessly integrates real-life clips with in-game footage to offer a truly immersive learning experience. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a beginner, our comprehensive tutorial covers everything from basic survival skills to advanced building techniques. Real-Life Clips Enhancing Gameplay Understanding Witness the beauty of Minecraft unfold as our AI-generated video guides you through the fundamental aspects of gameplay. From gathering essential resources to constructing intricate structures, each step is illustrated… Read More

  • Ultimate Mob Armor: 50k+ Combinations!

    Ultimate Mob Armor: 50k+ Combinations! Minecraft Marketplace Map Review: MOB ARMOR [DX] By LOGDOTZIP Introduction MOB ARMOR [DX] By LOGDOTZIP is a Minecraft Marketplace map that offers over 50,000 armor combinations for players to explore. Priced at 830 mine coins, this map promises an exciting adventure filled with unique and powerful armors. Exploring the Map Upon entering the map, players are greeted with a captivating environment, setting the stage for the epic quest ahead. The map features a variety of armor sets, each with its own special abilities and designs. From the menacing Spider Armor to the fiery Blaze Armor, players have the opportunity… Read More

  • INSANE BASE SETUP! 🏰 RIGBYTE’s EPIC Prominence II Adventure

    INSANE BASE SETUP! 🏰 RIGBYTE's EPIC Prominence II AdventureVideo Information [Music] hey what’s going on everyone this is oh that’s a little bit too loud hey what’s going on everyone this is me your St B and welcome you all back to another stream I hope everybody is having a fantastic day so far welcome back today we are here with some more uh Minecraft over on the uh prominence 2 uh server that we were playing with a bunch of friends uh today’s going to be a lot more fun we going to be doing a lot more Shenanigans uh messing around here and there you know… Read More

  • Jax Kidnapped and Kissed Pomni – Digital Circus

    Jax Kidnapped and Kissed Pomni - Digital CircusVideo Information finally we were able to gather all together for a picnic and relax yes it’s so great that we finally got out into nature and made such a tasty carrot thank you guys so much I really love carot stop why did kmo decide to fall asleep right in my tent honestly I don’t know maybe he’s tired hey kmo what do you think you’re doing guys try not to bother me I’m tired of being a villain and today I just want to relax that doesn’t sound like him but let’s not disturb him yeah we wouldn’t… Read More

  • Unraveling the Secret Origin of Minecraft’s Deadly Wither!

    Unraveling the Secret Origin of Minecraft's Deadly Wither!Video Information m में विदर आए कहां से विदर m का वन ऑफ द मोस्ट पावरफुल मॉब है जिसका वॉर्डन के बाद सबसे ज्यादा हर्ट्स है एंड इसको हराना अभी भी काफी लोगों के लिए डिफिकल्ट है पर सवाल ये है कि ये इतना पावरफुल मॉब आया कहां से m में विलेजर्स से पहले एंसेट बिल्डर्स रहा करते थे जो वक्त से काफी आगे चल रहे थे उन्होंने काफी सारे मॉन्यूमेंट्स बनाए एंड अपनी प्रोटेक्शन के लिए आयरन गोलम को बनाया पर उन्हें लगा कि आयरन गोलम उनकी उतनी प्रोटेक्शन नहीं कर सकता है इसलिए वो नेदर एक्सप्लोर करने चले… Read More

  • “Unbelievable Twist in Minecraft Game – She was shocked!” #gaming #minecraft

    "Unbelievable Twist in Minecraft Game - She was shocked!" #gaming #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘She didn’t see it coming #gaming #funny #minecraft #minecraftdungeons’, was uploaded by MixtSpoon on 2024-03-19 22:28:37. It has garnered 101 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More


    EPIC ENDER DRAGON SLAYING in Minecraft SMP PT6Video Information H trs2 says drop one in do loric key says FK trs2 says chewe trs2 says go [Music] go trs2 says TF [Music] man sh [Music] [Music] sh [Music] TR rs2 says up TR RS [Music] say exp trs2 says me trs2 says LVL 68 trs2 says ha haa do loric key says good night trs2 says no [Music] hit This video, titled ‘Friends SMP Survival in Minecraft PT6 | Slaying Ender Dragon | TRS2’, was uploaded by TRS2 on 2024-03-06 12:23:36. It has garnered 46 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:22 or… Read More

  • Insane Gamer Builds Crazy House in 24 Hours! #MinecraftShorts

    Insane Gamer Builds Crazy House in 24 Hours! #MinecraftShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Starter House Trending Shorts #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftchallenge #trending’, was uploaded by Gamer on 2024-04-03 04:43:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts minecraft animation shorts herobrine minecraft but ethobot minecraft funny daisy minecraft meme … Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Encounter with Jax and Smiling Critters! #Shorts

    Mind-Blowing Encounter with Jax and Smiling Critters! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Jax and Smiling Critters #Shorts’, was uploaded by Captain Tate on 2024-01-05 14:00:01. It has garnered 47201 views and 810 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Jax and Smiling Critters #Shorts Smiling Critters in Minecraft Subscribe – http://bit.ly/2kQEzGa MERCH ► https://bit.ly/3u0X2kn Twitter ► @Captain_Tate Instagram ► captaintate21 Read More

  • Unlock Ultimate Power in FlexMC with 3X BUZ, 1X ZEHIR, 1X KAN, 1X GÖK

    Unlock Ultimate Power in FlexMC with 3X BUZ, 1X ZEHIR, 1X KAN, 1X GÖKVideo Information [Müzik] Yeter artık naza çekme kendini Bana bir teslim et be Senin o güzel yüzü suyu hürmetine ama deyim emrine Yeter artık naza çekme kendini Bana bir teslim et be Senin o güzel yıı hürmetine ama değim [Müzik] emrine asla yerine birini koyamam asla of Düştüm Aşka tadın dilim hadi ya gel kalbime yatı vallahi öldüm sana Hadi ya gel kalbime yatı göremedi kimseden fayda Sen Mecnun ol ben de ley destan yız Olum kara sevdaya ifet olsun Aşkımız tün dünyaya bab hadi yael gel kalbime Yatıya neler olacağını göreceğiz hadi ya gel kalbime Yatıya beniim arabama bil… Read More

Pixlriffs – How to Get Diamonds & Elytra in Skyblock! ▫ Minecraft 1.15 Skyblock (Tutorial Let’s Play) [Part 19]