PopularMMOs – Minecraft: Epic Proportions – Never Ending Towers! – Episode 26 (S2 Modded Survival)

Video Information

Hey what’s up guys it’s pat and welcome back to Minecraft epic proportions and as you remember we are in the Dark Tower on the way to fight the air gassed and what I did is actually like cut through here I wanted to see how high up we were

And it’s still quite a bit to go this place is massive ok kids actually so I think I saw his foot you call that a foot we’re up pretty high I think we can make it today we just got a really keen up go pretty quickly alright I’m ready I

Really want to fight the boss oh my god they’re a lot spawn because we like backtracked last time okay I’m fire neither you can pass all these gasps there’s like a gasp all these blazes there’s a rare one over there as well I’ve got these virus whole place is

Made of wood might go up in flames alright that’s the rare one right it’s of the skulls get it Pat oh god there are so many justly so dangerous I really made a mistake backing up last time because now I have to fight like every single one should spawn alright I think

We’re okay let me get some food I hate being on fire but not much help left here it’s getting serious it’s getting serious guys alright there’s one up there oh my god oh my god that was a huge mistake to wait last time okay we’re

Going for it trying to get past this I don’t need any hearts it’s another arrow I’m not good I almost got him that bow back where is he let’s get him well he can’t hit us I think I got him got it alright now where is the spawner

Oh god it’s trapped in there this is evil as hell evil get it please I’m gonna be a fire in a second don’t I nope dodge them all Oh God this place is a crazy all right I think we almost got everything guys least I’m getting a lot

Of experience level so to get all this experience portable fires here oh there’s one more got it guys I think we’re gonna be all right that was torturous wasn’t it all right we’re fine and we have a couple choices about which way to go it looks like

There’s three ways or four oh god I’ll go this way might be treasures this way it looks like there’s it’s gonna be a dead end soon oh my god Jesus did not see that coming at all really did not alright let’s come down here guys let’s calm

Down I’m expecting some kind of treasure from my effort oh no I really hate how they do this with the spotters and I got it oh there’s one like in there alright calm down calm down I got them all right come on treasures we even got too many treasures that’s why I’m hoping

For one does that do oh it’s for the chest so it’s got to be out I got it or in alright let me break this is a chest get some wool I don’t need wall I’ll take the in get some nice lamp some steel leaf and some more coal

All right cool let me put these some tents now we’re heading up further so you don’t even know that this is you know closer to the spot or not it most likely isn’t this probably just treasures here all right let me there you go okay a diamond in this one another iron

Went in get a couple redstone lamps we’re gonna have all kinds of lamps for our home when we get back cuz I don’t need them I’ve got food oh hold on hold on at least we’re getting higher right oh man damn this place is huge

Oh my god it’s huge no way we’re gonna get every single chest or anything this place is just massive I don’t even know where I’m going but it’s leading me somewhere you know we should check actually make sure there’s no chests in like any of these rooms because this

Only goes over a little bit further to one room okay that’s a lot of mobs all right don’t worry yes it’s of the transfusion that doesn’t sound that bad I don’t even know what that means are we good I think so I like how the

Like the gas legs just stare at you this one’s a effing armor give me your effing armor bro didn’t even drop armor maybe it’s cuz he wants armor he only has a weapon okay what’s up here that’s interesting too Orko God that scared me luckily guys um we can just jump like

That I know it feels cheap at the moment alright is there a nope just break in here okay there’s so much stuff here Wow alright another a redstone lamp some steel leaves some pine wood ingots this away I’m gonna burn up my bag and try to

You know shove some stuff in here like what do I do with all this stuff alright let me put this down just down I might a little grab the gas steers they’re kind of you know I like to get anyway at what else in gets the redstone

Lamps spiders eyes and let’s throw away these like you know iron stuff not going to need them I’ll keep this let’s go they’re heading up further oh man so yeah definitely not the right way to go but you could really see this place it is impressive I have to say

Like an Enderman over there all right we’ll go another way I’d be head dad how does this go anywhere now just like a nice balcony and we’ll just you know take this down all right so I checked that way god I could also check this way it goes

In like every direction here okay couple mobs I expect them that time I knew they were coming actually expecting more let’s head up bookshelves what’s up see they’re nice they don’t fight you or friends right yeah I don’t want to hurt him did he just shoot at me

Because if he did I’m mad oh you evil oh I shot it back too much damage did that do did you see all 99’s cuz that’s what it looked like to me I got him I was ready alright I really hope we can make this to the boss I didn’t realize

How ridiculous this would be I got those what is this tower key I think we need those to get our way up I’m feather falling don’t need bad I’m gunfire I’ll take that let’s see we’re going hider once again it’s like this and this is another balcony yeah all right cool

Out of tower key I don’t remember what they’re for but I think we need them to get our way up this place okay we’ll just go this way the cool way down alright looks like I explore all these ways so we need to go on up doesn’t lead anywhere oh damn it

Okay this is the way it looks like it brings if you see the map on the side it looks like it brings us in the right direction here not a string around huh Oh hold on just don’t spawn right now give me a second give me a second thank you that was appreciated

All right I’m ready I am ready another chest nicer so many chesses we’re getting further into this and here more redstone lamps more steel leaves can make all kinds of stuff so yeah guys I am going to set up some like armor stands and stuff because I have like so

Much gear that I have nothing to do it and this did not bring us in the right direction you know do you know jumping now we’re gonna go back the way that we came so these so these towers are basically just treasures what is fine a

Lot of good stuff I even got a tower key which I think we need anyway alright so the head over this way gotta go down here please confusing it’s like a maze it basically is a maze alright so we head this way my god going everywhere so

Bring us back to the middle and we need to go came to see probably through one of these oh oh sorry little guy got you with my torch alright so if I go this way it’s probably probably good way all right I’m ready with some food honk hungry very good

Hold on alright thank you didn’t hold on either all right give me that experience see we’re getting all kinds of levels today it is exciting what’s up bro don’t shoot at me let’s go get him I wanted to hit it back at him Oh mad alright let’s see what’s that do

Oh it shoots to that yeah or something does that what that that I thought I saw an arrow go hello I heard something oh it’s you oh god you’re rare you have 160 oh god I’m stuck in the web oh no it’s a karmic golem of the raided don’t

Worry guys I got him even though he poisoned us you get this out of the way damn iron chestplate with protection 1 I could do so much better than that to the light on cool I like pushed it up and turned it on oh there’s another one that’s a go of the

Rad lots of them for some reason they’re pretty cool look another huge they really are put some food in our inventory here got some of these nice you know meat steaks delicious no got it there must be spawning right up there actually that’s what it is

Out of the way I must take out that spawner immediately Jesus where’s the smaller I know it’s here let’s be on the next floor stop it I can’t see alright we are switching to the bow out of the way let me get this I know it was here

And knew it and damn it I moved the ax I was like I didn’t need the ax of course I need the axe all right there we go got that go ahead and further up and we had nice view from here so we’re getting

High oh it’s a it’s a gas guard got ya oh I didn’t finish it with that one oh man will we reach this I don’t think we’re gonna guys this place is just huge I’m trying but there’s no way we’re gonna get this today I thought we would but

It’s so big it really is I hate those pinch beetles so much oh wow and this leads us somewhere else but don’t worry guys if we don’t make it I’m gonna put up another episode tomorrow to make sure that we can get there as soon as possible so no worries alright here

We go trying to get this stop hitting me got it you couldn’t stop me you couldn’t do it alright higher and higher we go I’m really gonna run out of torches here on I won’t allow that turn on the lights thank you I love the lights they’re so

Sick alright it’s a chest thank God it’s a chest this time and not a spawner it’s like random alright so there’s some cool here and here as well let me get these iron ingots let me give this gunpowder I steal a playin iron would put this down trying to like figure everything out

Here I should have I should have more backpacks I didn’t think I was gonna need this much to be honest with you a lot more stuff I’m getting then expected I’d aspires I that’ll stack that’ll stack let me get rid of this helmet bad how about there instead I only need well

I have a brewing stance it’s just too much stuff here alright let me get rid of rid of all that should be good another nice view here but it is never-ending isn’t it gonna target you not really too far away all right what about this way alright cool so oh okay

I’m just gonna leave just gonna leave I don’t want to mess with him not right now are they going down this way this probably would normally hurt you but luckily for us we’ve got some pretty cool stuff on let’s go this way oh there’s gonna be mobs I’m ready this

Time no no mobs seems like a different room that we haven’t seen it’s probably a good sign it’s kind of like the room from earlier they had the gas in it but it’s really small god I cannot climb for the life of me every time I try to jump

I jump like crazily and it’s hard to control I dread enough okay so another chest good that’s why there’s no mobs oops alright there we go and more IO good more charms of keeping I got in another tower key which stack I don’t even glowstone dust I have some

At home grab this in the gunpowder cool we’re heading further is this a dead end here oh it looks to be we could try this though could be something above us a broom it’s possible nope it’s the sky again there’s a nice you know balcony up here balconies everywhere

I were heading down all right I guess the reason for this room was the tower key and that’s probably why it was set up differently all right have we going this way all right that doesn’t help that much does it we’ve been up here already god this

Place is really confusing isn’t it it’s so big it really is so we’re headed back down here again let me get that experience oh wow okay so let me see we went this way have we went this way I don’t think so Open I can’t open this one oh it requires the key doesn’t it I bet you it does because it has the symbol on it of the key what can I take a shovel out of my inventory that’s what I can take out let me try this here guys if I use this

Oh I need I need four keys don’t I is that what it is what if I just broke the wall it’s kind of lazy but I’m just seeing if I just broke this wall and went this way couldn’t you just do that if you want to see I feel like we should

Get the key though you know what I mean all right I’m just seeing if this is a possibility if I wanted to do this I think I could but Roger get the keys yeah I definitely could skip the door but I feel like we probably should try

To get the keys just get another key whoa this room doesn’t look so good what does it lead us let’s jump yeah this place got messed up it really did all right on the top floor oh but it leads us somewhere it’s an all these like weird netherrack rooms and stuff

Around oh my god there’s a lot so what’s up guys what’s up all right I have no idea why you’re all staring at me I don’t know what you did to the building here this is a Endor born scares me a little bit all right as long as it

Doesn’t take my bow I’m satisfied about it all right so this leads this way wow this place got messed up by these guys they are evil all right another chest everything’s broken here it’s okay though no I can’t open it oh is it cuz they broke the damn thing

Hold on is this doesn’t work alright I’ll just have to do this the old-fashioned way have to break through it oh this is probably my favorite place in Twilight forest so far I have to say this like tower is amazing and we’ve got some steel leaf some iron

Um you know Ironwood ingots and some more charms keeping all right let’s go you know what I’m gonna start collecting the cookies because I’m actually running low on food I wasn’t gone up but then I decided that I probably should okay I got a fire here yeah Oh Oh God um they

Died don’t worry I trying to get over here I can fit just barely spawner right there that’s the problem hold on hold on hold on little guy I need to make my way in here kill the spawner quickly okay we’ve got it we’re collecting the keys today that’s the

Goal so yeah guys it’s probably gonna take another episode but I’m just gonna put up another episode tomorrow anyway all right another charm is keeping and we have once again reach the summit of this tower and there was no more Tower keys we need to get two more but

Honestly this place like it goes everywhere it really does it’s impressive I’m impressed by this alright who’s looking at this we climbed over this way and there’s a couple more directions to go here I want to go the other broken why it’s like horribly broken oh that’s just you know another view

Dudes staring at me freaks me out oh you’re in here sorry sorry to disturb duck roof alright quickly put up George’s and go chassé this could be it this could have another key I’ve got a feeling about it a good feeling really good Oh back one more there we go

And no it doesn’t have one but a couple diamonds somewhat coal iron when it gets get some stuff we are alright oops oh man first time it tricked me sound nice oh I didn’t even see you don’t look at me don’t look at his eyes

Scares ya got it alright it’s so nice to have that Pat best bet in the world really thank you for the suggestion to use that one guys cuz that helps alright this is gonna have the key I could see it already I can see through the chest

And lamps and diamonds that’s must have been what I really saw alright back at the top here we have one more direction to go do we got that dude just freaked me out they’re everywhere okay back down again and we’ll see if we can get another key there’s so many treasures

There’s just so much to explore here alright so we’re up to 29 levels of experience I can’t complain about that alright have we explored every direction here everyone is this a way we can go alright so that is a dead end and we went this way already right

Does this go anywhere now Oh Oh get him get him bad aim damn Oh God you’re ruining the castle got it oh jeez I were okay barely this place is like – crap it at the moment so much horribleness – it they shouldn’t destroy this nice place

I thought they loved it alright are we going this way yeah that’s the way we came from right alright so this must be the direction we need to head somewhere around here let’s go up further I’m trying to figure out my way around here it’s honestly pretty damn confusing

Alright what if we go so this is the main way right and did we go every direction I feel like we did I mean take a look at the place real quick cuz I’ll just go through if I can’t find the key cuz he can I mean there’s nothing

Stopping to you they didn’t make it out of unbreakable material um yeah why not let’s just go they didn’t make it out of anything unbreakable nothing says you can’t do this alright so should I just break these so I don’t have to like place any blocks it

Cool once alright I got that and this and there seems to be some bad things in there isn’t there don’t see yeah I do got ya okay so I’m an inventory obviously you know could look better couldn’t it now let me get the ghast here in there my diamonds and

Get string gunpowder all the stackable stuff I’m trying to get in there get rid of these are we going we are going guys oh okay close the door please ow funny cuz I actually said it like it hurt me it didn’t actually hurt me in real life or anything which made it

Weird it’s really dead I was weird of me and I got them it was the oh my god fireballs one that hit me scared me I heared things crawling – and what is this way another like sections of towers and the looks of it okay gotta get them got him running low on

Torches I have to say we are if we ever ran into a problem though I mean the force is right below us and we have the ability to fly so could always get anything we need that’s too much problem alright spoiler smaller do it do it

Get it damn you got it alright quickly got this one hey hey hey stop it stop it got him alright anything else up here you’re not see a thing the dev spider things are followed me like crazy alright open this for me there we go

I kind of like how this one works pretty cool and I’ve got another diamond more coal and stuff um cookies gotta eat these hungry all right we’re almost up here and do your thing I don’t get this one I’m sure it’s something obvious but I really don’t know what that does really not

Sure bye yeah yeah you too damn all right so all directions here this way will lead us to treasures most likely and let’s see does it treasures open awesome and in here there’s another you know redstone net it’s all the same stuff I don’t need read set out all

Right dark not gonna waste a torch in this level or this one there’s nothing here or here this is like never-ending turn the light on there we go and another chest maybe maybe a key I’m feeling we’re need more keys although I guess I could just break through the

Walls anyway got one got a new key okay so iron wood plate I’ll just but destroy have so much string I have like ten steely films I do alright we’re getting higher guys hello it freaked me out they really do they just stare at you it’s

It’s rude but anyways guys I think we are gonna end it here oh my god this place is so huge I’m gonna put up episodes you know every day until we get this done hopefully he’ll be able to to it tomorrow I mean if you look at it

It’s like from ground height to world height so do it in one day I guess that was just too much to expect here cuz we’re up to 136 right here damn anyways today’s winners for the fan shin they are killers strudel Dorian Delaney and ray Cruz 276 so congrats you guys

Hope you enjoyed the video if you did make sure to leave a like and to subscribe thanks for watching guys I will see you next time

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Epic Proportions – Never Ending Towers! – Episode 26 (S2 Modded Survival)’, was uploaded by PopularMMOs on 2013-06-06 03:22:33. It has garnered 176443 views and 1579 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:34 or 1474 seconds.

Enjoy the video? Help me out and share it with your friends! Like my Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/pages/PopularMMOs/327498010669475 Mod List! Twilight Forest – Dimension Mod Eternal Frost – DImension Mod Dungeon Mobs – Mobs Infernal Mobs – Mobs Mutant Creatures – Mobs Ruins – Structures/Dungeons Dungeon Pack – Structures/Dungeons XtraBiomesXL – Biomes Mod Familiars – Pets Millenaire – Quests + RPG Mists of Riov – Gear + RPG More Swords – Gear More Bows – Gear Rei’s Minimap – Map Enchantment Plus – Choose Enchants Bibliocraft – Showcase Items Animal Bikes – Rideable Mobs Damage Indicators – Mob HP Iron Chest – More chests Team Fortress 2 Teleporter – Teleporters Better Furnaces – More Furnaces Backpack Not Enough Items – Crafting Recipes TreeCapitator – Chops trees ID Resolver – Makes mods compatible Mob Spawn Control – Spawn mobs in any biome Optifine – Higher FPS Inventory Tweaks – Organizes inventory and chests

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    Insane Minecraft Livestream with TilaAndSpinkxVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT LIVESTREAM by @TilaAndSpinkx Part 7!!’, was uploaded by TilaAndSpinkx on 2024-02-17 03:06:27. It has garnered 288 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:55 or 8575 seconds. Today, we are going to stream minecraft!! We’re going to have double screen on the stream too! ♥ [NOTE] You can join too just make sure you have JAVA EDITION!!!!!!! New game is out! (EARLY ACCESS) Mega Fun Silly Cat Obby! 👇👇👇https://www.roblox.com/games/15560206157/EARLY-ACCESS-Mega-Fun-Silly-Cat-Obby [𝓢𝓾𝓹𝓹𝓸𝓻𝓽 𝓤𝓼] 𝒫𝒶𝓅𝒶𝒶𝓁: paypal.me/tilandspinkx 𝒦𝑜-𝐹𝒾: https://ko-fi.com/tilaspinkx Playing @minecraft games with friends and viewers 💖 Live Donations, Gifts, Random games, and Interactions will… Read More

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    Insane Minecraft TNT Experiment - 100 Pigs VS Explosives!Video Information This video, titled ‘Tnt VS 100 Pigs ll Minecraft Amazing Video ll Part 21 ll #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #foryou’, was uploaded by Classic_Gamer_Yt on 2024-05-03 17:13:59. It has garnered 10414 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Tnt VS 100 Pigs ll Minecraft Amazing Video ll Part 21 ll #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #foryou Queries:- _______________ Keywords:- _________________ 1. Minecraft Let’s Play 2. Minecraft Survival Series 3. Minecraft Speedrun 4. Minecraft Building Tips 5. Minecraft Redstone Creations 6. Minecraft Mods Showcase 7. Minecraft Server Tour 8. Minecraft PvP Battles 9. Minecraft… Read More

  • INSANE!! Building a Metro Tunnel Under the Sea – Minecraft!

    INSANE!! Building a Metro Tunnel Under the Sea - Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building a metro tunnel across the ocean – minecraft timelapse’, was uploaded by morkov3k on 2024-01-09 15:00:19. It has garnered 212 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:14 or 74 seconds. – 2 hours of work in a 1 minute and 13 seconds video – Replay mod is a cool thing – 75 stacks of glass (in survival) – Music: Epic Timelapse by 2B Studio This is only a small part of our metro system. We already have eight stations. This underwater tunnel is 1/3 of a metro line that connects… Read More

  • Naruto_Lord’s Insane Lifesteal Adventures in SMP!

    Naruto_Lord's Insane Lifesteal Adventures in SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘LIFESTEAL SMP MINECRAFT PUBLIC MULTIPLAYER SERVER LIVE STREAM #21’, was uploaded by Naruto_Lord on 2024-04-06 12:53:30. It has garnered 106 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:07:07 or 11227 seconds. THANKS FOR WATCHING……. ignore tags 🙂 24/7 stream 24/7 minecraft smp minecraft 24/7 stream minecraft live thumbnail minecraft live wallpaper minecraft live insaan minecraft live stream minecraft live apk minecraft live insaan skin minecraft live wallpaper 4k minecraft live player count minecraft live action movie minecraft live account minecraft live atlas minecraft live allay minecraft live action movie trailer minecraft live… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Xerlios vs Strongest JJK Fighter

    Ultimate Showdown: Xerlios vs Strongest JJK FighterVideo Information This video, titled ‘Can Takaba (Sukuna Vessel) defeat JJK’s strongest?’, was uploaded by Xerlios on 2024-03-01 15:00:08. It has garnered 2172 views and 70 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:17 or 1517 seconds. What other Boss mobs should I add? Modpack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/xerlioss-sorcery-fight Tags: #Jogo #mahito #gojo #sukuna #itadori #nanami #kashimo #yukitsukumo #demonslayer #anime #palworld #naruto #onepiece #geto #kenjaku #getosuguru Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen mod Modded Battles in Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Minecraft mod Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen gameplay Jujutsu Kaisen characters in Minecraft #minecraftmodshowcase #moddedminecraft #minecraftmodreview #JujutsuKaisen #moddedsurvival #butterjaffa #dantdm #gametheory #diamonds #fighting #domainexpansion #Modded #RP #Jujutsu Craft GT… Read More

  • 🔥 MUST-HAVE Minecraft Mods – Spexled #shorts

    🔥 MUST-HAVE Minecraft Mods - Spexled #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mods You Really Need! #minecraft #shorts #minecraftmods’, was uploaded by Spexled on 2024-01-13 08:54:50. It has garnered 3113 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmods Read More

  • Insane 893✫ Zamasue Solo Bedwars Madness!

    Insane 893✫ Zamasue Solo Bedwars Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hypixel Solo Bedwars EP. 25 – 893✫’, was uploaded by Zamasue on 2024-04-12 13:00:04. It has garnered 5 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:54 or 294 seconds. smrtdeath songs from hell usa ep Ignore Tags❤ minecraft, Dream, GeorgeNotFound, godbridge,moonwalk,best clicking method,bedwars montage,godbridge montage,moonwalk montage,hypixel bedwars,best bridging method,drag click,butterfly click,mouse abuse,clutch montage,clutch,youtube rank,hypixel youtube rank,fastest bridging method,hypixel, bedwars,fiizy,itsfiizy,solo bedwars,minecraft 144hz,bedwars challenges,hypixel montages,bedwars,minecraft asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds, bedwars asmr,asmr,pvp,minecraft bedwars,bedwars but, keyboard and mouse sounds,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars, bedwars keyboard and mouse sounds,mouse and keyboard sounds,hypixel,bedwars,keyboard and mouse,keyboard sounds, minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Anime WOW Moments With NhiccoXCreeper

    Minecraft Anime WOW Moments With NhiccoXCreeperVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Anime Moments Compilation #2’, was uploaded by NhiccoXCreeper on 2024-02-28 14:42:46. It has garnered 73795 views and 1833 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:13 or 1573 seconds. Minecraft Anime Moments Compilation #2 This is just a compiled video for any Minecraft Anime moments that aren’t considered solo episodes of their own category. *ATTENTION* I restrict anyone from reuploading this onto any other plaforms or channels. As I do not approve of it being reuploaded by anyone else, but any edited, parody, commentary, or compilation of any of these videos are made can… Read More

  • Leyend Network

    Leyend Network212.193.3.96212.193.3.96212.193.3.96212.193.3.96212.193.3.96212.193.3.96212.193.3.96212.193.3.96212.193.3.96212.193.3.96212.193.3.96212.193.3.96212.193.3.96212.193.3.96212.193.3.96212.193.3.96212.193.3.96212.193.3.96212.193.3.96212.193.3.96212.193.3.96212.193.3.96212.193.3.96212.193.3.96212.193.3.96212.193.3.96212.193.3.96212.193.3.96212.193.3.96212.193.3.96212.193.3.96212.193.3.96 leyend.netherserver.com:25569 Read More

  • New bedrock realm with factions and stoneworks!

    Stoneworks-Like SMP Server Details Warning: This server is stoneworks-like with no plugins to manage land. It is a bare bones SMP with a focus on nation creation and development. Note: All information provided is based on my knowledge as a member, not an admin. Nations: The Byzantine Empire: 2 members (oldest nation) The Syndicate: 4/6 members (disbanded) E.O: 2 members (allied with Byzantine) Secretariat: 3 members (declared war on Byzantine) The New USSE: 2 members The Village: 7 members (6 are villagers) Land Claims: Essentially nonexistent. One member of Secretariat claimed spawn as their own, but it’s unknown if the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting with the Devil’s Lettuce

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting with the Devil's LettuceLooks like they’re really taking the whole “mining for resources” thing to a whole new level! Read More

  • Speedrun Pride: Minecraft’s Joyride

    Speedrun Pride: Minecraft's Joyride In the world of Minecraft, a new record was set, Katian’s “Pride%” speedrun, you won’t forget. With a god-like seed, they blazed through the game, Claiming the world record, earning their fame. Join me on Twitch, for more gaming fun, Where we’ll chat and laugh, until the day is done. Follow me on Twitter, Tiktok, and more, For updates and memes, galore. Shoutout to SpaceHaiku, for the awesome thumbnail, Capturing the essence of Minecraft, in detail. Stay tuned for more speedruns, and gaming news, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity ensues. So come along, join the fun, In… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme Warden: The Hottest Guard! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme Warden: The Hottest Guard! 🔥 Why did the Warden start playing Minecraft? Because he heard there were plenty of “blocks” to go around! #blockparty Read More

  • Free Minecraft Java Multiplayer with Friends!

    Free Minecraft Java Multiplayer with Friends! Exploring Multiplayer Options in Minecraft Java Edition Are you tired of dealing with the hassles of using Hamachi or unreliable free servers to play Minecraft with your friends? Look no further! With Essential, you can easily invite your friends to join you in your world, complete with modpacks and all the fun features Minecraft has to offer. Setting Up Your Multiplayer World Essential provides a seamless way to play Minecraft Java Edition with your friends. Simply create a world in Minecraft, install the Essential plugin, and invite your friends to join you. No need to worry about complicated server… Read More

  • Nub Learns Bedwars in Minecraft!

    Nub Learns Bedwars in Minecraft! Exploring the World of Minecraft Bedwars on CubeCraft For those diving into the world of Minecraft, the game offers a plethora of exciting adventures and challenges. One such popular game mode is Bedwars, where players strategize, build, and defend their beds from opponents. Recently, a newcomer, НУБИК, has taken their first steps into the Bedwars arena on CubeCraft, adding a new dimension to the gameplay. What is Bedwars? Bedwars is a multiplayer game mode in Minecraft where players form teams and work together to protect their beds while trying to destroy the beds of other teams. It requires a… Read More

  • 100 Days Solo Leveling: EPIC Duo Minecraft Survival!

    100 Days Solo Leveling: EPIC Duo Minecraft Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘We Survived 100 Days In Duo SOLO LEVELING Minecraft (2 Friends)’, was uploaded by FuzionTimmy on 2024-07-07 19:57:27. It has garnered 55580 views and 2404 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:43 or 2683 seconds. Today we survived 100 Days in Solo Leveling Minecraft, with my friend Toka this was amazing. This was our first solo leveling minecraft experience, and it was amazing, leave a comment for 200 days! Editor : https://linktr.ee/nishiireii TokaVT:https://www.youtube.com/@tokavt/videos #sololeveling #100days #jinwoo Thanks for watching the video! I Appreciate your support and time very much, if you haven’t already make… Read More

  • Sneaky Scary Moments in Minecraft

    Sneaky Scary Moments in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SCARY MOMENTS 👹 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by ImZeb Op on 2024-05-21 20:24:33. It has garnered 41 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Minecraft Scary Moments 👹#shorts #minecraft —————————————————————————————————— Welcome to our channel! Brace yourself for an immersive and spine-chilling experience as we dive into the world of Minecraft’s most unforgettable and hair-raising scary moments. From dark caverns to eerie encounters, this video is a journey through the most haunting corners of the Minecraft universe. In this compilation, we’ve curated a collection of heart-pounding moments that… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Animation: Starii – Emptiness

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Animation: Starii - EmptinessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Emptiness. #minecraft #animation #minecraftanimation #blender’, was uploaded by Starii on 2024-03-23 07:21:55. It has garnered 2345 views and 116 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. There is nothing in here… animated on blender :p subscribe to your local aussie 😀 join my discord! – https://discord.gg/EWrD9A2cek follow me on twitch! – https://www.twitch.tv/stariihere tags (ignore!!) minecraft, minecraft animation, blender, minecraft blender, starbyte, starii, 3d animation, minecraft blender animation, Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members…. Read More

  • Unlimited Food Hack: Instant Wheat Farm in Minecraft by Sparkraft

    Unlimited Food Hack: Instant Wheat Farm in Minecraft by SparkraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Easy Wheat farm build in Minecraft| Infinite food | Sparkraft |’, was uploaded by Sparkraft on 2024-01-16 13:30:13. It has garnered 2634 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:28 or 388 seconds. Welcome to Sparkraft’s Ultimate Minecraft Farming guide! In this step-by-step tutorial, we’ll show you how to create an efficient and automated farm in Minecraft. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, this detailed guide will help you maximize your farming potential. Join us as we unveil essential tips, techniques, and strategies to turn your Minecraft world into… Read More

  • 1000% Lifesteal Cheat in Public SMP! Join now!

    1000% Lifesteal Cheat in Public SMP! Join now!Video Information This video, titled ‘New Lifesteal Public smp Join any version java {DeadPlayz}’, was uploaded by DeadPlayz_ on 2024-01-13 13:36:50. It has garnered 29 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Today im playing Minecraft, But It’s Not Minecraft and it i’s Minecraft, But you can’t touch any colors, Minecraft Challenge on the shorts with the gaming Minecraft, But this challenge is the funniest Minecraft Lifesteal SMP Letsplays I’ve ever seen in my life! I don’t really use Minecraft Mods. But I do like minecraft challenges on Minecraft 1.19 and Minecraft 1.18.2… Read More

  • Dino’s EPIC Prank: Becoming OP Bosses in Minecraft!

    Dino's EPIC Prank: Becoming OP Bosses in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Fooled My Friend as OP BOSSES in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Dino on 2024-03-24 21:05:44. It has garnered 743 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:32 or 12992 seconds. My Friend Floki is trying to beat Minecraft! And we’re going to prank him as OP BOSSES in Minecraft! We will use CUSTOM BOSSES like God Hand, Queen bee, Cosmic Fiend and Hand God and ALL kinds op OP BOSSES to prank and troll my friend. Will Floki survive the OP Bosses? Watch to find out! Inspired by Cash, Nico, Maizen,… Read More

  • EPIC Collab with XBEAST_AMMO 🚨🔥💣 #shortsviral

    EPIC Collab with XBEAST_AMMO 🚨🔥💣 #shortsviralVideo Information This video, titled ‘This is A good Collab ☠️😈👮🏼‍♂️#shortsviral #gaming #minecraft #savethedoge #cute’, was uploaded by XBEAST_AMMO on 2024-03-14 16:08:43. It has garnered 6058 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hacks You Never Knew! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Hacks You Never Knew! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘3 Hal Kecil Tapi Berguna Di Minecraft!! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Kentano Craft on 2024-05-06 02:38:58. It has garnered 8235 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Minecraft Tips #minecraft #shorts Read More

  • EPIC SIREN HEAD VS HOUSE HEAD Build Battle – NOOB VS PRO Challenge – Maizen Mizen Parody

    EPIC SIREN HEAD VS HOUSE HEAD Build Battle - NOOB VS PRO Challenge - Maizen Mizen ParodyVideo Information This video, titled ‘SIREN HEAD VS HOUSE HEAD Build Battle In Minecraft – NOOB VS PRO CHALLENGE – Maizen Mizen Parody’, was uploaded by Maizen Build on 2024-05-30 10:42:52. It has garnered 4030 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:56 or 1376 seconds. Join JJ and Mikey in an epic battle as they face off against the monstrous buildings of Siren Head and House Head in this action-packed video. The two friends must use all their skills and teamwork to take down these terrifying structures, dodging deadly attacks and unleashing their own powerful moves… Read More

  • MyctlanMC

    MyctlanMCMyctlanMC Network Vamos a ir abriendo las modalidad por semana, para ir atrayendo público, ¿qué modalidad quieren que sea la primera en abrir? Survival OP BoxPvP Dragón ball Survival Custom Myctlanmc.lat Read More

  • Recently Started a Minecraft Realm! LF Cool people to play with! realms pve

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Survival World! If you’re 21+ and enjoy joking around while still being respectful, we’d love to have you join us! Our world is all about building and creating memories together. Just remember, no griefing allowed – we keep it chill but there’s a line. We look forward to meeting like-minded players who want to contribute to our world! Read More

PopularMMOs – Minecraft: Epic Proportions – Never Ending Towers! – Episode 26 (S2 Modded Survival)