Preston – Minecraft HELL PARKOUR CHALLENGE! w/PrestonPlayz

Video Information

Hey what is going on guys it’s Preston here welcome to another total parkour map we are playing hell parkour and this is another pack or core race which is dedicated to the pack by Kobe games and you guys haven’t checked out his map yet I’m sorry his like maps and stuff in

General go check him out link down below in the description he’s made so many Maps he’s probably like I’ve played more of his Maps than any other map crater out there at the moment he makes some really really fun maps we also put this right here he goes try and beat my score

This time Preston so I’m gonna tell you guys about a legend so you want to make sure you come over here to this button press the button to configure the parkour it gives you the leather boots which actually lowers your like max health that way you die really fast if

You ever fall down or anything like that but anyway so the legend is down below in the description you guys will see the link to the previous race map I played from his and I was unable to beat his parkour score it was a pretty difficult

Map and I wasn’t like a huge rush and it was rush and it was a really difficult map and I wasn’t able to beat it and he skypes me and he was just like ahaha you finally weren’t able to be one of my parkour map smells like gosh dangit Kobe

I was like mark my words I will beat your next parkour map so his store that’s 128 this is what we have to be and right now I’m gonna nominate the vodka and the Benja combo I’m gonna nominate marum to take it on this map

And see what kind of score they can get we’re gonna take the lava particles and we’re gonna see what we could do this is gonna be pretty crazy like I’m assuming like it’s called hell parkour right so I mean it can’t be easy breezy cheesy lemon squeezy it’s gotta be like kind of

Difficult or Oni to see the thing is he does the same like little cube parkour jump mat Oh dadgummit already okay so Ted technically attempt number two but he does he’s weird like okay I’m 1003 because he’s like weird like early quad jumps he doesn’t in every single race

Map every single one and it always screws me and tip number five holy shrimp alright this is not how I anticipated to start this map I’m just gonna go ahead and say that right now ladies and gentlemen but I’d rather get all of our screw-ups out of the way

Right at the beginning then towards like the middle of the video when we were that like a decent area in the course but anyways he always starts you off with like these weird quad jumps and he always does the exact same once it’s always these 3×3 like little cube things

And I like though this time you actually put lava in the middle of them I think they look really cool but he always does the exact same like there’s another one you could just tell by I think once you do enough parkour you can just tell what a jump is three blocks or

When it’s a quad jump and I’ve just got the eyes now like a checkpoint right there so yeah the gold blocks apparently are gonna be checkpoint blocks but I’ve just got the eye like whenever I see a block jump and I’m just like that’s a quad jump I typically look behind me and

I’m just like yo if I can momentum this or double jump it I’m frickin doing it so far so good by the way this is like not looking too hot and spicy we’re doing pretty well I should not have opened up my freakin lava mouth that gov impressive well we were looking

Pretty good so far but now I’m a little bit worried right now this is kind of a I was dangerous that was a dangerous turn and it could be not okay yeah there we go there we go oh yes the same thing above Oh know what that oh my gosh

Kobe he knows guys listen Kobe watches my videos he knows that I have a weakness to head hitting jumps like he just frickin knows that he’s exploiting it right now he’s like Preston mark my words you won’t beat my score because I’ll put a head hitting jumps in and I’m

Like dang it Kobe how’d you know my kryptonite and he knows man he knows Oh checkpoint block number two right here doing pretty good so far I’m rating this see the thing is we can’t beat the map crater school on the first attempt you know what I’m saying

Like Oh checkpoint number three that was actually a really close checkpoint but we can’t beat them these blockades sorry but these blocks are really hard to see like holy freak and what the heck is that sheep doing to our right just chilling a boot oh my gosh man careful

Get out the road you hoser gee willikers day but i’m literally like losing track okay they got checkpoint number four I’m like losing track of those glass pain jumps so I’m so glad we’re actually off those but we can’t beat the Matt crater score like the first attempt ever you

Know what I’m saying like I feel like that’d be kind of saying stormy like you might be like you know what Preston you beat my score and won’t attempt you made me look bad in front of your viewers so guess what and after like what and I’ll

Be he’ll be like I’m gonna make a parkour map for just quad jumps just for you and no checkpoints and I’d be like no don’t do this Kofi don’t do this and yeah I would ruin our friendship forever and ever and it would it be bad so we

Can’t beat a score so at this time Kobe if you’re watching this video which I know you’re gonna be watching it I’m taking it easy on you good sir take it easy you see all those failures I made earlier those were not intentional I decided that they were intentionally

See like that one right there that was intentional you think that I’ve meant to do that not by accident on purpose my words are said why is there another sheep this is just random sheeps placed in hell listen sheep you guys need to get out of here this is not safe

I’m trying to parkour away from Hell on these sheep or just over here just like you know what this seems like a pretty great place to settle down and have a little bit of a goat family or a sheep family dude I don’t freaking know like whatever sheeps do

Sheeps I don’t listen I’m not a sheep tamer okay I don’t know what they do exactly but Jake point number five in this looks like speed parkour and guess who was right it’s always speed Kobe listen dude you’re trying to get me through these oh look at oh look at that

Look at that oh no just didn’t even mean to go through that one boom 163 on my first time ever Toby how does that taste huh alright this time around we’re actually gonna put on the rainbow particle effects because you know when they’re on me they don’t look very

Rainbow II they look kind of dark I think you look kind of sick they can use some chicken noodle soup or something there’s something’s not right with my particle effects get the particle effect doctor in here dadgum it what’s wrong with them they need CPR and they need it stat

Mouth-to-mouth ash mouth I don’t know I’m saying at this point I should’ve I should really stop my brain just goes like 100 Oh so OH pickle I freaking hate this early quad jump it’s just like it’s not even banter it’s just anti banter it’s just there so you knows you think

I’m just gonna be quiet now I’m not gonna complain Kobe Kobe I know that’s what he’s trying to do he’s trying to get inside my head Kobe I refused to let you inside my head you stay out of here alright it’s a clean friendly place right now inside of

My head and I don’t want you to be any part of it but I’m gonna beat your score this time around listen I will play this parkour map until the ends of the days of the life if I have to beat your score alright now listen just because I had a

Few failures right there doesn’t mean I ain’t gonna beat your parkour school that wasn’t that was on purpose right there that was on purpose and if you think it wasn’t you can go watch the replay see that see that was also on purpose that was just see see I play

Mind games the parkour map crater he thinks I’m doing this and not intentionally but I’m doing it intentionally so Kobe what do you think about that dude Kobe doesn’t even know that’s the great thing about me a lot of moms we are strategist and we have a pretty good

Reputation with people because see you know the thing is we always set people on fire and it’s an accident so that well you know we have a lot of honor and the lava mob family because if we did it then they’d be like wow you’re setting people on fire and purpose huh No

It’s an accident we’re just hot and they’re just like oh but yeah they understand us you know we’re we’re kind kind kind people I’m thing I don’t really know what to classify us we’re just there’s kind of hot here’s we’re made out of lava cake checkpoint number one we’re doing pretty

Good oh well I just had to open up my freaking stupid lava mouth little blob of freaking feet I see the thing is I don’t think we can beat his score if we die on any part I think if you die anywhere you kind of like forfeit your

Chance to beat the map creator score I don’t really know I mean this is just what I’m estimating but I’m I’m thinking like every second obviously every second counts in parkour maps but like you can see right there like falling on that stuff is oh my god it’s so annoying I

Just go be a jerk why do you do the editing jumps and what why do you do this to us going kill me why gosh dang it go away okay that’s it focus really hard he did say this was like the hardest parkour map he’s

Created for us so far so we’ve got to take this more seriously I’m just being more I’m being too lenient on him you know what I mean like I’m just taking it easy on don’t worry about it Kobe third time’s gonna be the charm it’s gonna be the charm anything right

Now I think I don’t know if we have a chance at beating it because there’s so many parkour jumps like these aren’t too bad it’s the quartz pillar jumps those are so long I feel like that course right there is like 20 seconds at least um this morning here’s is actually kind

Of long – this one doesn’t move this one takes a while okay I don’t like this I can’t see where I’m jumping dadgum I’m just like estimating weight no did you oh my god did you guys see that minute no no no no Kobe I see you’re playing

Dirty there was a definite glitch right there where I went and jumped that was jumping so fast that it teleported me backwards something happened right there I’m sorry listen I’m not a cute cure okay maybe a little bit but that was not a cute cue I legitimately jumped right

There and you’re like teleported me backwards Kobe I don’t know what kind of like anti measures you have going on right here I think he’s trying to mess real I think you knew I was gonna be to score this time around and he beat maybe he’s moderating the map right now like

Heck I gave him game-mode on my server earlier even though I actually technically were playing this on single-player so he can’t you can’t really get on but you know what I’m saying dude I think he’s I think he’s got some anti Preston measures installed on the map or something cuz he is

Definitely he’s like Illuminati confirmed I’m not sure I feel about playing a map from Illuminati come here that’s this is this is what’s okay I’m sorry guys but for the third attempt I’m gonna have to shut my Yap and I’m just got to focus on the parkour

Cuz right now I’m talking too much to notice how far my distances away from each edge of the blocks especially on the courts one because the course one is the longest course and it’s like if you fall once on this one you’re done I mean

You really got to get a fork inside of you you know what I mean and just I don’t want that fork I don’t want that for it cuz like these jumps are really difficult and we’re gonna beat our score looks like though 100 sticks you see the

First time so if we can manage to ace this one which we’re doing pretty good so far don’t forget about this one press and right here this one’s really cheeky Oh oh well we were totally gonna be out of school right there and then we freakin

Oh my gosh oh no we know we choked oh the chokerino of the chokers oh okay ah so we actually took an extra four seconds of or four ticks of time right there I’m gonna do the white particle effects really I have to do this once with every particle effect otherwise it

Doesn’t count okay give me starting here Coby you think you’re smart Coby because you’re a handsome French lad listen I’ve got to say to that okay up why I supposed to shut up learning this member I was supposed to be quiet on this one I don’t know if I can make that promise

Happen I’m just I’m just like eh yeah dude it’s so bad like you can hook up my mouth to like the freakin power plant of Texas and it would just power the whole freaking state for like a month just for like one second of talking it’s pretty

Bad I got this for my mother thanks a lot T being our mom if you’re watching this video right now tv-tower mom give me a no you were doing so good dude oh my god I hate that one right there because you have to really you have to

Really be good at your um your double jumping otherwise you end up dying right there every time I do it so much it’s not even like a hard jump the nail it’s just like ah gosh dangit Preston more focus more focus you were talking too much about your mother and you know

That’s no honestly that’s what I get I was talking a little bit negatively about my mother even in a silly way I was still technically dog and I’m a mom and you know what that’s what I deserve I deserve it so TV in our mom I’m sorry

Just help me listen TV our mom if you can help me beat this parkour course and shame The Legend of Kobe games then I will be your son forever and ever even though technically already your son but I will be your son for longer I

Don’t know how that works but I will be okay Preston dude seriously you need to shut your face and focus because this is where you always screw up at you always do really good then you get right here and then you frickin you chokerino no chokerino no chokerino

A fish chokerino and a what up press dude you blew we’re doing pretty good this time around I’m okay with this I’m very satisfied in the satisfy area of my body and if we just keep doing this now this is the glass one we haven’t we

Haven’t fallen on this one like the last two attempts so mr. sheep don’t look at me give me dude honesty you need like some pom pom sheep please give me some pom-poms give me some motivation right now tell me tell me stories of your time

As a sheep and like what you used to do and your past and all those wonderful things because if you could oh my gosh I think we’re gonna beat Kobe Kobe we’re gonna beat you man my hands are sweating so flippin much right now you have no

Idea to sweat that is dripping from my palms nice spaghetti palms eatin Bob spaghetti mom mom is already do we got this we got this dude Preston dude don’t be a doodle banger don’t be a doodle finger don’t bang no doodles don’t bang a dude don’t do it’ll be way

Too excited but 104 seconds holy flip copa games how to feel huh I’m a freaking road sorry I just I’m a little bit excited cuz Kobe was like Preston this is my hardest race mark or map yet see if you could beat my score

Do you know what beat it by 24 ticks now I really want to see Mitch and Drew and play this map and I want to see what they’re able to get so make sure you guys go notify them on the Twitter’s or in the comments of their videos and let

Them know that I’m actually challenged them to this parkour map and tell them to check it out whatnot because there’s actually a lot of fun but anyways if you guys did enjoy as always make sure you hit that like button down below and subscribe for future parkour mats

Honestly I think for being the map creator this time we deserve at least 10,000 likes I know we could do that but anyways guys take your have an awesome and safe day and I’ll see you ladies and gentlemen next time

This video, titled ‘Minecraft HELL PARKOUR CHALLENGE! w/PrestonPlayz’, was uploaded by Preston on 2015-06-23 01:32:18. It has garnered 228323 views and 10646 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:09 or 789 seconds.

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    Rated Every Server on Bridge with Willow! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I Rated Every Bridge Server’, was uploaded by Willow on 2024-06-14 03:00:11. It has garnered 1021 views and 66 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:49 or 1009 seconds. #montage #bridge #hypixelskyblock #bedwars #hypixel #hypixelbridge #hurtin #minecraft #blockin #minecraftshorts #shorts Very sorry for the low quality video. It was very difficult trying to send over the files enjoy Edited by smily Pack: Ask in the comments with the timestamp Mouse: Glorious model O wireless Keyboard: Ducky 12 mini 60% rgb Thumbnail by leafis Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just… Read More

  • Mikey’s Shocking Encounter! – Maizen YT

    Mikey's Shocking Encounter! - Maizen YTVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mikey Makes A New Friend! – (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Maizen YT on 2024-03-05 22:56:20. It has garnered 14655 views and 435 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Mikey shows JJ his new friend in Minecraft! 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial This is not an official Maizen channel. We are making fan parody content do not violate any copyright. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and #Minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey Read More

  • TitanBreakMC

    TitanBreakMCLike a good grind? TitanBreakMC is just for you! Join now and start the long road to prestige. TitanBreakMC is a GRINDY non-OP/hardcore style prison server with a unique experience remaked from the original JailBreakMC that has shut down. – Upgrade-able Cells w/ Member Management and Size Expansions. – Tons of Custom Enchants to Explore. – Custom Mines with Caves/Chambers. – Player Levels & Abilities That Increase Stats. – Enchantment Crystals w/ Success Chances + Scrapping. – Weekly Events (on Saturdays) Join today and run /claim on join to start your adventure! IP Address: Website: Discord: Store:… Read More

  • Reunion SMP Vanilla 1.21 Just Updated

    IP: Discord: Join our Discord server Origins: This server is a sequel to Union SMP and was created after its shutdown before the anticipated 1.20 update. Union SMP gained popularity after being featured in a video by Youtuber Salc1. Features: Community Decided Features Simple Voice Chat Proximity Chat Robust Claim System Homes Paid Cosmetics Graves Discord Connectivity Vanilla Tweaks Player Economy Market: The only item you can sell to the server are diamonds, which sell for $100 each. Players can create shops at spawn to sell items to others. There is also an auction house for one-time sales. Ranks:… Read More

  • GeodeCraft

    GeodeCraftGeodeCraft is a new friendly semi-survival server! GeodeCraft combines vanilla game play with an economy, player shops, custom items and many quality of life features for interesting game play! This server relies heavily on player feedback and encourages discussion on what changes and additions players feel would improve their experience.Our mission:Game play: We strive to give players the freedom to play as they wish while still maintaining a stable economy, friendly community, and lag free experience.Community: We are dedicated to maintaining a friendly and welcoming environment with no tolerance for offensive, aggressive or unkind behavior.Updates: We work hard to add… Read More

  • Minecraft Villager Slays End Portal 🔥

    Minecraft Villager Slays End Portal 🔥 When the villagers see the new End Portal, they’re like “Oi Oi Oi, time to go on a vacation to the End dimension!” #minecraftvacationgoals 😂 Read More

  • Mastering the Freeze Clutch in Minecraft

    Mastering the Freeze Clutch in Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and adventure. From building intricate structures to exploring vast landscapes, players are constantly immersed in a world where the only limit is their imagination. Building Masterpieces One of the key features of Minecraft is its building mechanics. Players can gather resources from the environment and use them to construct anything they can dream of. From simple houses to elaborate castles, the only limit is the player’s creativity. Redstone Engineering For those looking for a challenge, Minecraft offers redstone engineering. This feature allows… Read More

  • LEGO Technic vs. Minecraft Polybag Showdown

    LEGO Technic vs. Minecraft Polybag Showdown LEGO Technic & Minecraft Polybag Builds Embark on a journey of creativity and construction with LEGO Technic and Minecraft polybag builds. Join Jay, an AFOL LEGO hobbyist, as he delves into the world of building with LEGO bricks in his spare time. Let’s explore the exciting builds featured in this video! Build Preview The video kicks off with a tantalizing build preview, setting the stage for the construction adventure that awaits. Get ready to witness the magic of LEGO bricks coming together to form intricate creations. Dripstone Cavern Polybag 1 Step into the enchanting world of Minecraft with the… Read More

  • Unleash Insane Magic Powers in Minecraft – Lerias Black Ep-5

    Unleash Insane Magic Powers in Minecraft - Lerias Black Ep-5Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Permafrost [Ep-5] Learning Basic Magic’, was uploaded by Lerias Black on 2024-07-09 12:00:07. It has garnered 82 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:12 or 2352 seconds. Permafrost is a Minecraft modpack in which you must survive a post apocalyptic frozen wasteland using a variety of mods to keep away the cold and push back against the storm. Modded Minecraft survival #Minecraft #minecraftmods #moddedminecraft . Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Speed Run Mystery

    The Ultimate Minecraft Speed Run MysteryVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE! | Random Item Speed Run!’, was uploaded by RedsMystery on 2024-03-23 16:22:54. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Like and Subscribe! #roblox #live Follow me on Roblox! Join the group! Read More

  • EXPLOSIVE HyPixel MINIGAMES with Mr Squigle1337!

    EXPLOSIVE HyPixel MINIGAMES with Mr Squigle1337!Video Information This video, titled ‘HYPIXEL PRIVATE GAMES! | MINIGAMES!’, was uploaded by Mr Squigle1337 on 2024-05-27 21:19:54. It has garnered 136 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:51 or 7911 seconds. NEW MINECRAFT SERVER COMMING SOON! – Joinable Versions: All Versions! – DISCORD: 🔥 SUBSCRIBE! 5000 Subs By The End Of 2022? 🔔NOTIFICATIONS! Click The Bell For Notifications When I Go Live! 💲 DONATE! Want To Support The Channel? 💲 MEMBER! Want To Become A Member?… #server #minecraft #smp Tags: 1.20 bedrock survival servers,1.20 smp java,1.20 smp servers,1.20 smp to join,bedrock smp… Read More

  • Insane CatNap Challenge in Minecraft! #shorts

    Insane CatNap Challenge in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘CatNap (Poppy Playtime) MINECRAFT BUILD CHALLENGE ! #shorts #minecraft #animation #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Remy MC Shorts on 2024-02-06 10:00:41. It has garnered 25767 views and 846 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. @RemyMCShorts #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraft #catnap #poppyplaytime Hello, I’m Remy! Welcome to my Dream World! Come join me for a video of Minecraft building! If you like my video, don’t forget to subscribe to my channel! Watch full video: Become a Remy’s Family member Member Benefits 1: Loyalty badges next to your name in comments… Read More

  • 🔥 Herobrine in STP?! VIRAL Minecraft Shorts 😱

    🔥 Herobrine in STP?! VIRAL Minecraft Shorts 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘herobrine #minecraft #shorts #viral #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by the stp on 2024-07-22 09:01:15. It has garnered 1029 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. herobrine tag #minecraft # minecraft edit #the stp #psd1 #psd2 #lapatasmp #game #gameplay #loyal smp #smp #nizgamer #funny #minecraft funny #shorts #memes keyword minecraft survival series minecraft videos minecraft i survived 1000 days minecraft survival minecraft amazing facts minecraft survival series minecraft videos minecraft i survived 1000 days minecraft survival minecraft amazing facts minecraft survival series minecraft videos minecraft i survived 1000 days… Read More

  • JJ Survives Island – Shocking Encounter with TV Woman!

    JJ Survives Island - Shocking Encounter with TV Woman!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Met TV WOMAN in SURVIVAL ISLAND in Minecraft CAN IT BE A TRAP? JJ Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Mazizen on 2024-06-06 18:47:18. It has garnered 5139 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:12 or 732 seconds. JJ Met TV WOMAN in SURVIVAL ISLAND in Minecraft CAN IT BE A TRAP? JJ Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add… Read More

  • Defeat the Void with John’s Insane Skills

    Defeat the Void with John's Insane SkillsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The void is my enemy’, was uploaded by John on 2024-03-20 11:13:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. if you see this comment “blocks” #bedwars #hypixelbridge #shorts #montage #bedwars #monatge #minecraft #shorts … Read More

Preston – Minecraft HELL PARKOUR CHALLENGE! w/PrestonPlayz