PrestonPlayz – Using only ONE COLOR in MINECRAFT! – Build Battle Challenge

Video Information

Welcome to the one color building challenge here in Minecraft each contestant gets one color to build with a million dollars which they can use in the shop to buy different types of blocks and a 20-minute time limit to build their house of course my color is

Red so let’s start this bad boy and by the way wearing a red Preston Styles fire t-shirt if you guys are a bio on down below in the description if I eat any food I will catch on fire that’s one of the bad things about being on the red

Team but it doesn’t actually do any damage to me also if I place down any animal they catch on fire and have particle effects around them but they also will not die so unfortunately turtles are just gonna look like this for the rest of my build battle I am so

Sorry another unfortunate thing if I try to place water it instantly turns into red obsidian so do not forget to leave a like down below if you think the red and color is going to win in make sure you guys hit that subscribe button able those notifications with the Bell thank

You very much alright Diggle are you ready to build the best house minecraft has ever seen we’ve spent two minutes wasting time it’s time to get to building our house are you ready for the best the biggest the bluest house you have ever seen I even have a blue cactus

Inspiring me today but really my true inspiration is this amazing ice cream a fire merch I mean it’s so amazing in blue I couldn’t not build an entire house made out of ice cream fire merch I basically want to eat my shirt but I can’t so I

Gotta do something with this energy oh I have a shining apple a shining other thing and a shining other thing I can’t wait to use them to build my house do I just like oh wait there are more items inside of the shining things there are

Too many options for me to build this house I’m freaking out sorry Green Team smell problem though someone told me to put on a green shirt I’ve got nothing against green shirts except I got a green screen in the background now a green shirt against a green screen is

A slightly mysterious effect now either it hasn’t been a problem and I look just fine or I look like a floating head in which case muga Booga in order for my build to enter the competition I’ve gotta first get some items let’s open up the shop we’re going the most

Expensive we can go we’re going bedrock baby all of it boom yup I used all my money I got no more money left Oh Betty okay I just spent $100,000 on oak planks which is actually really expensive I’m not going for a crazy big house or anything like that in fact I actually

Don’t really want a big house one really cool thing the red shop has if I go to the usable shop I can buy fire particles and what I can do with that is wherever you’re standing the particles will then turn on so check it out I’ve got like

These beautiful fire particles at the beginning of my house I can even put some inside if I wanted to so for example if you want to have our kitchen on the first floor we could place our furnace down technically like right here and then stand above it and bam it looks

Like I’m always cooking something it looks amazing one thing we’re gonna need though cuz I want to build a two maybe three storey house we’re struggling right now unfortunately wait is there not okay there’s stairs thank God I was like wait aren’t there not stairs the cool

Thing is no matter what I buy everything is red so I’m gonna buy a little bit of these stairs right over here I think imma put the stairs oh you know before we do the stairs guys we kind of need to build this up a yeah I need to build my

House up a little bit more oh my gosh I bet I just don’t even realize the time is going by so fast we gonna make the bottom equals a good choice right let’s start it here so much pressure so much pressure I have to be Preston and Keith because I’m a girl and

Girls have just really good interior decoration skills it’s just a fact so I have to beat the boys plus blue is like the best colour as I was saying this I placed a block in the incorrect position I got too far ahead of myself have to make sure my house is wide so

When the boys see it they’re like intimidated you know I really need a Minecraft building song so if anyone wants to hit me up with that only if it you know talks about how blue is the best colour and Brie is winning the tricolour build-off challenge oh I need

More blue wool guys I have to go back to the store there’s something I’m realizing as I’m building this this is the most boring 1 million dollar house that I think has ever been built by anybody ever but if there is one category that I will win on it is price

Nobody else is gonna build a 1 million dollar house wait I guess technically everybody’s got a million dollars hold up also I think I was supposed to do something with a timer is this supposed to be time alright let’s buy ourselves we need to buy ourselves a little bit

More wood I think I bought the regular yeah bought the regular oak planks dude surprisingly oak planks are very very expensive I did not think they were gonna be this dadgum expensive so now we’re getting back to our next area we need to place the stair kit don’t ask

Cal but I have a pickaxe I’ve been placing things down incorrectly and I just figured I needed one hi this is actually looking really really cool if you do me I know it’s my house I’m a little bit biased but also at the same time I just feel like it’s looking really really

Cool I want to put down a cobblestone slab over here so that way my staircase can kind of be extended oh yes this is perfect and I think for this one what we’re gonna do is we’re actually gonna make oh you and you do I need to add a

Floor I just totally forgot about adding a floor at the bottom of my house how could I forget man we might even be able to reuse some of the sand blocks we’ll see I’m not too sure about that but at least for now we have them in our

Inventory so I’m gonna go back to the block shop I really like this red terracotta I think as red terracotta looks way too cool not to use it oh yeah I mean come on guys we are the red team we want our house to look as red as

Possible the unfortunate thing is as red terracotta is actually really expensive but it looks so good oh and we need a red door because I’m gonna make this a closet thankfully the doors are not too expensive which is perfect I think you wanna put the door right over here and

Then what should we make this Adam I think you were gonna make this out of anything I’m gonna try out the polished diorite I think this actually looks kind of cool okay and then instead of this being a slab we probably want to do is we probably make this into a full

Regular cobblestone piece over here just like that that way it kind of matches a little bit better I think this looks really cool it’s like the hidden closet look how amazing the foundation of my house is we can also weigh some ooh let’s put some carpet down you have to

Make our surface of the floor even before we can lay down our carpet but it’s gonna be really pretty you know what you guys I am being artistic here and I found out that under the snow there’s like this ice layer and look how pretty it is

As my floor sure you know your feet may get cold so you might need some socks when you enter my house but it also keeps you on your toes you you’re not gonna be lollygagging once you enter the house you’re gonna always be having a dance party especially once I put my

Jukebox down floor looks different over here we might have to we have to cover it up let’s see what happens if I do 20 minutes I’m almost out of blocks though I guess we’ll decorate the inside since I made some misplaced blocks now we’re just kind of expanding more misplaced

Blocks okay so now that we’ve got our closet built over here we need to work a little bit more to our kitchen really able 11 minutes left guys the time is kicking I’m gonna use regular dye right as our countertop space so let’s get some countertop space

Next to the furnace on top of the countertop space at the furnace do we have we have a blast furnace we have a smoker but the one thing is that we don’t have I don’t know oh no guys we don’t have a cauldron that’s kind of a

Big problems we might have to actually replaced that with some other items okay I’m going to put the smoker over here instead if you have an iron door in Minecraft you can actually make a refrigerator I don’t think we have any dispensers so I’m not gonna make one

Perfectly oh my gosh there’s blocks of diamond and they’re so expensive I’m going to use quartz for our refrigerator I think quartz looks the best I check this out I just got to get the door there it is and there is our refrigerator ladies and gentlemen can we

Put something on top of our refrigerator actually I think we’re good we might want to put a little bit more yeah polished diorite on top this is technically our cabinet space oh man it’s over okay really like our time is going by so fast guys I don’t

Know what else to put it right here I don’t even have a door right dadgummit I don’t have the door right here what am i doing in my life I don’t have a door okay Preston what are you doing bro you need to get you needed you need to check

Up on your life homie this will be my living room area because it changed color weirdly over here now that I’m over here we can put some items like my crafting table a cute box but – oh it’s floating in the air that was not the

Goal let’s put my jukebox right here and my crafting table right here you can have huge dance parties oh and I need a door still now I have my beautiful house now I just have to build it up we might be able to make this house even more expensive can I change my

Money gosh two billion dollars rich we can have more bedrock hold up hold up hold up hold up panda spawn panda spawn panda spawn and a spawn 500 pandas cookies cookies to enjoy this is what we have going so far I think is looking pretty good I’ve

Added a fence I had some acacia wood down below that striped another cool thing about being on the red team when you place down wood this happens but the wood doesn’t burn it’s really cool now going back to our house I think this house kinda looks like my face a little

Bit right so you come inside my house you shut the door you’ve got the glass panes over here we got that beautiful view right here with the kitchen you can see the fence you could see the red ocean in the background look it’s looking great now the problem is I

Really haven’t done anything to my second story yet and I found out there are so many other items in the red shop that you can actually purchase guys you can actually buy bedrock so you know I’m gonna buy some bedrock I can’t buy too much though because ten is fifty

Thousand dollars which is ludicrous but also really cool at the same time because I mean come on it’s bedrock so you know I just wanted to put a little more of a design in my walkway with the little bedrock pieces I think it looks pretty good we just have to do something

Like our upper area guys is on the struggle bus currently I know I know okay do we have red bricks I think if we had red bricks that would probably solve it all I mean we could use red Granite’s dude there’s even a block of diamond for 12,000 that’s so expensive okay we’re

Gonna buy red stone bricks these red stone bricks looks really really really cool let’s see how high I think if we go this high this is gonna be the perfect height for our house well for our second story anyways cuz really right now I’m just worried about completing the second

Story and enough time because we only have six minutes left Oh fancy it’s getting I think it’s time for single ass this is gonna be the fanciest house for sure there’s no way that green or red can beat this I think we’ll do one more terracotta layer after this and then

We’re on to the roof guys the real question is what do I make my roof out of because we have to make sure that the blue house is the most magical but I’ve had this worried that if it’s too magical that the Blue Fairy could like

Come and take my house away I’ve heard about the Blue Fairy I don’t know if y’all have but the thing small problem some of the pandas got out oh my gosh this is so many Fantas I’ve never seen so many pandas you can’t even get this

Many pandas at the zoo and there we go the next part is done but the bad thing is I have noble idea what I want to do on the design of the house man I mean first and foremost we’re gonna need Windows Preston does not like having a house where there’s no windows

It looks disgusting I did not think about this house design too much before I built it and that was my big problem I also want to build a balcony Oh actually we’re gonna take this out oh my gosh I am literally ruining everything I am such a dunce we’re gonna build the

Balcony actually out of bedrock I mean what better balcony could you ask for than one made out of bedrock we gotta make sure our balcony is safe and secure so I wrapped this bad boy around Frank so I added some more fence pieces and bedrock but our time is ticking ladies

And gentlemen now on top of this I think something we’re really going to need is we’re gonna need more like what he’s like a covering for our house let’s use Oh smooth stone will be really really really cool for this so maybe we get some smooth stone pieces right over here one more

One more one more little covering for our patio area outside I could probably add a couple more and there we go now in just in case it’s raining like you don’t ever want to get rained on do you no you do not our time is coming up guys we

Don’t I have only three minutes remaining I repeat three minutes remaining this is just like 20 minutes is not enough time to build a Minecraft house let me tell you I’m already like on a mediocre at building as it is so being rushed to build a house not good

But I will say this for bing rush the house is starting to really come together which has me really sad now for the second story I really want this to be my bedroom so there better be a bed in here somewhere oh my gosh wait where okay we have all

These usable Stu I haven’t even gotten to any of these I definitely want a pet llama because why the heck not I love llamas the only bad thing is he’s going to be on fire for the rest of his life no no no don’t run away we got to make

Sure the front door is shut so he can’t get out fake Preston fake what are you missing bro I think we can actually build a bed technically with perper it’s gonna look a little bit weird but every put Berber down like this we need to find like redefine a whitish looking slab perfect

Quartz slab put this down here then it looks more like a bed oh my gosh even though it kind of looks like a bed it looks terrible we only have one minute guys know what this is a really janky looking bed but it’s just gonna have to

Do oh my gosh I just realized we don’t even have a roof top yet I hate doing this but we’re just gonna have to put a roof top with regular plates we’re not gonna have enough time like the time is just guys one literally one flippin minute remaining

Come on roof we need you to be build dadgummit I didn’t have time to add a chimney dude I had so much more to this house I was going to add but the time limit managed so restrictive all I got down was the bed how do you

Closet I got nowhere to put my things not even a dresser fake breasts didn’t think what else can we buy a lava bucket I can have like a little garbage disposal area oh hold on hold on garbage disposal area I’ll be really really really hype okay I just need some

Stairs to build my disposal area I’m gonna build it with purpur because why the heck not I don’t even know where to build this I am so not gonna have time I’m building it at the edge of my bed this looks really really ugly because it

No it’s good mama what are you doing can you stop it oh my gosh time is up ladies and gentlemen time is up you guys the timer just said stop but don’t tell on me I have to place a llama and some chickens oh they’re bubbling –

Do you see that oh my god they’re soaked don’t let the boys know that I place the animals after the time ran out I have to have some guardian llamas and chickens you know it’s just it’s necessary I hope that they’ll survive on the inside of a

House I’ll just close the door they’ll love the color blue it’ll be fine you guys I know time is out but I have two things I have to show you’re on Team blue water does something really cool it turns directly into ice and awesome lava that’s something cool is how it turns

Into Saiyan yeah you can’t be me I’m blue I’m just gonna keep that outside my house to intimidate the boys it looks pretty cool it also kind of looks like a window I like that is a 1 million dollar base we have 500 pandas stuck inside

This is the most expensive house and if nothing else on top of being expensive probably also the most abstract this is my house it’s not the greatest house but I actually kind of like it I’ve just been honest okay you guys need a comment down below

Who do you think won the house building challenge me red Brianna has blue or Keith as green and let us know down the comments what one color challenge in Minecraft you want to see next

This video, titled ‘Using only ONE COLOR in MINECRAFT! – Build Battle Challenge’, was uploaded by PrestonPlayz on 2019-09-04 21:27:49. It has garnered 4137885 views and 74816 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:28 or 1048 seconds.

Using only ONE COLOR in MINECRAFT! – Build Battle Challenge with PrestonPlayz 👊


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    Minecraft EP 3: Kill Ender Dragon with Blaze Rod!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft survival series EP 3 Kill ender dragon only using blaze rod’, was uploaded by NOXX CRAFT on 2024-09-20 11:30:15. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:29 or 329 seconds. 🔥 Noxx on an unforgettable Minecraft journey as we dive into uncharted territories and face off against fearsome creatures! Join us in this epic adventure filled with laughter, excitement, and mind-blowing creations! 🌍 Explore vast landscapes, unearth hidden treasures, and build magnificent structures that will leave you in awe. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, our… Read More

  • Termina – Towny Wartime SMP Raiding PVP Towny Wartime Crossplay

    🔥 Join the Ultimate PvP and Griefing Experience! 🔥 💣 IP: 🌎 Discord: 🎮 Bedrock: 19132 | Java: 25565 🎮 Hardcore PvP & Raiding: Dive into a world where survival is a challenge, and no one is safe! Protect your land with Towny, but beware – your loot is never truly safe. Declare war and raid enemy towns once every 24 hours, even if you’re solo! 🏰 Towny Warfare – Rule the Wilderness: Build your empire in the untamed wilderness. Defend it with Towny and engage in epic battles to survive. ⚔️ Termina Duels – Prove Your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft players be like: just want to complain.

    Well, with a score of 1018, it looks like this meme is definitely not one to complain about! Keep on crafting those jokes, Minecraft fans. Read More

  • Fleetbhai & Jack: Gaming Duo, Minecraft’s True Crew

    Fleetbhai & Jack: Gaming Duo, Minecraft's True Crew In the world of Minecraft, where gamers unite, Fleetbhai & Jack, shining bright in the light. Crafting stories and updates with a playful spin, Their rhymes and beats, a true gaming win. From FleetSMP to funny roasts, Their content always hits the most. With Jack’s scams and Fleet’s innocence, Their gaming world, a true essence. So leap into the verse, no need for a start, For Fleetbhai & Jack, they’ve captured our heart. In every line and every rhyme they bring, The essence of gaming, let their truth take wing. Read More

  • My diamonds got me heated🔥

    My diamonds got me heated🔥 When you spend hours mining for diamonds in Minecraft, only to accidentally throw them into lava and watch them disappear forever 😡💎 #minecraftstruggles #firstworldproblems Read More

  • Craving Honey in Minecraft

    Craving Honey in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Fun and Creativity with 方块轩 方块轩, a prominent creator in the Minecraft realm, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that steers clear of any elements that could potentially impact their health and safety. With a focus on homemade Minecraft animations that are humorous and entertaining, 方块轩 spreads joy and laughter to his audience. Unique Content and Channels As the sole official channel of 方块轩, viewers can expect a daily dose of original and captivating videos. From funny Minecraft animations to educational series and even song adaptations, 方块轩’s channel offers a diverse range of content… Read More

  • Experience the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server

    Experience the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “breaking bad in minecraft 🤯 | بریکینگ بد در ماینکرفت | Part 2”. While the video itself is not about Minewind server, it got us thinking – what if you could experience the thrill of survival with your favorite Breaking Bad characters in Minecraft? Imagine the adrenaline rush as you navigate through the virtual world, trying to survive alongside Walter White and Jesse Pinkman. The possibilities are endless, and the excitement is… Read More

  • STOP FOCUSING! Minecraft Herobrine Chamber

    STOP FOCUSING! Minecraft Herobrine Chamber Minecraft Herobrine Chamber: A Thrilling Adventure Embark on an exciting journey into the world of Minecraft with Emir in the Herobrine Chamber! Herobrine, the mysterious figure, guides our adventurers through a series of challenges and tasks, making the experience both thrilling and entertaining. Exploring the Herobrine Chamber As Herobrine issues commands, Emir and his companions eagerly follow, immersing themselves in the gameplay. The chamber is filled with surprises, puzzles, and obstacles that test their skills and teamwork. Craftrise Server For those looking to experience the Herobrine Chamber themselves, the Craftrise server offers the perfect setting. Dive into the world… Read More

  • EPIC Hypixel Skyblock M7 Livestream – Ultimate Saturday Runs

    EPIC Hypixel Skyblock M7 Livestream - Ultimate Saturday RunsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hypixel Skyblock M7 Livestream – Rusty Saturday Runs’, was uploaded by scaicalist on 2024-09-22 11:39:35. It has garnered 559 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:57 or 12297 seconds. SUBSCRIBE #hypixel #hypixelskyblock #skyblock #minecraft #m7 #mage #hypixelskyblockdungeons #minecraft #catacombs #dungeons #mage #mastermode #dragons Read More

  • Insane Build: HMLNS Tromp Cruiser

    Insane Build: HMLNS Tromp CruiserVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT: Building HMLNS Tromp Light Cruiser!’, was uploaded by GARRETT2BY4 on 2024-09-28 21:51:14. It has garnered 414 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 02:31:31 or 9091 seconds. In this livestream we will be working on HMLNS Tromp Light Cruiser! I do not take requests in the chat. If you do want to suggest a future build, then please do so on my Discord server. Thank you! GAME INFORMATION: ► Resource Pack – Reflector’s General Military Pack 2.0: ►Shaders Pack – Continuum: SOCIALS: ►Twitter: ►Join the Discord… Read More

  • Betraying Minecraft’s Best Civilization?!

    Betraying Minecraft's Best Civilization?!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Betrayed Minecraft’s Greatest Civilization’, was uploaded by OV33 on 2024-08-24 19:00:22. It has garnered 336 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:12 or 1092 seconds. #SMP #Minecraft #minecraftsmp #cosmicsmp (This video is scripted and should not be recognized as unscripted content) In this video I betray a Minecraft Civilization. This video was filmed on the Cosmic SMP, please do not send hate to any creators featured in this video, some of the video was overdramatized for the purpose of content creation. This is also a block game so there’s really… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Automatic Farms!

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Automatic Farms!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore: Automatic Farms O’Plenty!’, was uploaded by Joe on 2024-07-31 19:58:15. It has garnered 140 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 07:37:51 or 27471 seconds. Minecraft Hardcore! A new beginning on our new Adventure. What wonders can this world bring us? Aaron RedMan and Sermo created a Server for anyone who wants to play along side them and watch the stream. Server Type: Fabric Server Version: 0.16.0 The server is modded and it has Terrelith – Biomes O´Plenty – FTB Essentials – Voichat – Moving Elevators. Server IP: Going… Read More

  • EndriuMINECRAFT: TRAPPED in MINECRAFT without touching BLACK #shorts

    EndriuMINECRAFT: TRAPPED in MINECRAFT without touching BLACK #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT ale nie MOGĘ dotknąć KOLORU CZARNEGO #shorts’, was uploaded by EndriuMINECRAFT on 2024-04-20 13:11:28. It has garnered 245103 views and 15235 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. #shorts LEAVE A LIKE, SUBSCRIBE AND WRITE A COMMENT! EXPAND THE DESCRIPTION AND YOU WILL GET A COOKIE! 🥳 SOCIALE 🥳 👉EndriuMinecraft: @EndriuMINECRAFT 👉EndriuValorant: @EndriuValorant 👉EndriuCSGO: @ENDRIUCS2 👉Discord: 👉Insta: 👉Steam: Business matters🤑 [email protected] Read More

  • Fancy – Minecraft HORROR: The end is near!

    Fancy - Minecraft HORROR: The end is near!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft HORROR| Das Ende….’, was uploaded by Fancy on 2024-09-08 04:04:46. It has garnered 17188 views and 185 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:32 or 992 seconds. This is the end of the short series Minecraft Horror hope you like it 🙏🏻 #funny #minecraft #minecrafthorror #theboiledone #demon #horrorgaming #horror Read More

  • Insane Bedwars Win with NEW Drag Mouse!!

    Insane Bedwars Win with NEW Drag Mouse!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Bedwars Oynuyoruz (Yeni Drag Mousem!!) | Glarios Model 0 | Minecraft BedWars Türkçe’, was uploaded by xMaiya on 2024-02-18 06:53:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Discord: ⭐️İnstagram: ⭐️Twitch: ⭐️VK: … Read More

  • Capybara Network – Epic Minecraft Server Launch!

    Capybara Network - Epic Minecraft Server Launch!Video Information This video, titled ‘Apertura del server #minecraft #minecraftjava #minecraftbuilding #serverminecraft #diversion’, was uploaded by Capibara Network on 2024-09-27 00:43:46. It has garnered 24 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Read More

  • INSANELY CUTE Sanrio Town Builds in Minecraft!

    INSANELY CUTE Sanrio Town Builds in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘❀ minecraft just for you. ♡ sanrio-inspired town builds!’, was uploaded by ChiChiCrafting on 2024-08-24 18:59:09. It has garnered 52 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:40:55 or 20455 seconds. Powered by Restream find my texture packs here: find me here: Read More

PrestonPlayz – Using only ONE COLOR in MINECRAFT! – Build Battle Challenge