Project E Endgame: ATM Spellbound Minecraft 1.16.5 LP EP #63

Video Information

Hello again welcome back to asgard and welcome back to atm spellbound so since the last episode it has been a little bit of time you’ll notice that i did a bit of decorating uh in this room i’m not done because we’re gonna have a bunch of armor stands and like weapons hanging up

And stuff like that in here uh some of which we still have yet to collect uh and then some of which we just have to display but uh i did put all of our twilight forest trophies out and an extra of their gas just because it’s my favorite because it wiggles around

And i got to kind of hang our dead dragons up and i’ve still got to kind of shape up some of this of course but these are just plotting out you know and ran some lights across just to kind of use some of that vertical space and and whatnot so

Lots lots of decorating in this room uh because this is going to be kind of like our big because it’s our atm star room so it’s got to be like our big sort of trophy room uh as well and you know a few setups i’ve gotta finish doing our main artifice uh pylons

Or conduits and uh i want to make the armor set from that and some stuff like that in here uh and i noticed something after last episode i guess because we crafted the atm stars uh something has happened out here if we take a look we have these big magic circles that are

Starting to form now these are mahojan from mahou sakai this is what i was talking about that you know i really liked about the mod uh mahogen projectors so i set up a few of those i’ll add a few more but to kind of give the top of the castle this big

Sort of like magicky uh rings around it that is i think the size limit is 100 for the for the rings but i can increase the the ring size um to probably bring it out more i’ve got um ring height is 15 at the moment but if i set this to like

Let’s say a hundred can i do 100 on the ring height i sure can it’s probably a bit much but uh there we go oh wow i actually like that yeah let’s keep that we’re gonna have ring size 100 and circle size 100 for this like massive massive circle

I’m still kind of playing with these but i’m just having a little bit of fun and it’s really cool because the size if you notice if you get far enough away they kind of get like a fog effect and their colors sort of change and i love that i wish you could have

Like the multi-color like that because how it’s darker pink and then lighter pink but this is so big that it kind of gets that effect because it’s always fogged at some end you know uh but anyways anyways enough about that i’ve just been playing with circles

Uh a bit uh because i had actually went ahead and i was like well i’m gonna go ahead and move on into the next recording uh because this weekend i was trying to set myself up so that i could spend maybe like the better part of a day on here just

Building you know i’ve got a lot of cleanup things to do and stuff and the more i can get done before kind of the wrap up point uh the better because i know i know once we get to the end of the normal recordings and we’re getting ready for the final world

Tour and stuff i want to take probably a week or so give or take week probably a week maybe maybe two weeks it depends on how much i get done out of time because i want to get all the decorating and stuff done that i want to get done for this and i

Haven’t gotten i haven’t been able to build a lot lightly because of various things real life stuff going on enigmatica and it kind of being at that really early grind part but i’m starting to kind of push past that and then of course atm star you know

That’s a thing and like vintage story i’ve had to just kind of put on pause until the series ends because three three series three big siri like build and crafting heavy series it it does it seems like impossible to run them all at the same

Time but the more i can get done before kind of that wrap up point the better i think so but i was going to start into kind of the next recording and then i realized that i didn’t have any essence left and we have to have essence to start into project e

So i was like well i’m going to do a bit of decorating and play with mahogen circles and but anyways today we are going to start into project e kind of just push on into this and then that way we can get more keys and stuff like that as well

Now the very first thing we’re gonna have to do of course is create our philosopher’s stone it is an altered recipe within this pack not too bad for us at this point the two insaniam and then we’re gonna need uh 12 supremium ingot blocks as well and

We’re pretty good on essence at this point and i can i can compact that as well there’s that uh and then we’re going to need two insaniam and then just an atm star to craft this originally i was actually going to work on that britannia hall but uh

Circles instead so blame mahou sakai okay so let’s go ahead and lay this out and i want to say this is the only thing that takes mechanical crafting i could be wrong i didn’t look too in-depth uh at project d because i figure well whatever it is we can

I think we can handle it at this point uh so all the modium and then unobtainium on the end from the top and then it alternates like that like that like that these mechanical crafters are a bit slow and i’m kind of not used to them even though we were crafting the

Atm star and it wasn’t like super fast i think it was still a little bit faster than this one uh but i’ve gotten kind of used to my enigmatica machines which are like full spay and they’re like they just craft everything like super super fast uh so i’m not used to these slow

Machines but there is our philosopher’s stone and i guess we’re gonna have to shoot pretty much straight for the fuels okay uh let’s go ahead let’s get yeah that’s gonna take fuel too okay yeah we’ll just start it off with the alchemical coal then uh so give me a stack of that

Ah you know what give me like four stacks of that just to be on the safe side and then for mobius fuel that’s just alchemical fuel so give me a stack of that oh and actually uh let’s let’s see since we’re done with the mechanical crafter let’s leave that room

And let’s go up to our trophy room because i kind of want to set up a transmutation tablet up there too and what’s it take for the transmutation tablet it’s alchemy table red matter dark matter okay never mind and then for the atronalis fuel there we go quest completed

And then we can start digging into covalence dust so there’s 40 low covalence dust medium and it’s dark matter okay so in that case we’re probably going to have to push on they actually gated this a little bit it’s not bad but they did get it a little bit

So atrian alice fuel and all the modium block it’s uh eight atronalis which we’ve got that so it’s not a problem okay so let’s pop over to the batanya area then okay so for dark matter for our initial bits of dark matter wow i mean it’s not it’s not difficult

And then what’s red matter red matter is yeah i’m going to get more coal i’ve got i’m sure tons of coal ore um yeah 4 000 and that’s just what’s in the system that’s not even counting what’s in the core farm so let’s go ahead that and then that let me grab this

Oh wow that’s a lot of mana uh because mind you that’s two gaia spreaders feeding into this okay that’s finally done um i was debating there’s a couple ways that we could go about doing this um because that would take forever we could automate it but i mean it would still be

Slow or we could set it up down in the uh enchanting room and do it that way or i have a better idea i think let me get that just to speed up this one i’m only gonna make two of these i think i think i’m gonna bypass all of this

And bypass having to make any any red matter too there we go we could make lenses but i don’t know uh well maybe one two three four five six seven eight no i only need six uh velocity velocity velocity and then we’ll go potency potency potency

Just to speed this up a little bit but i’ve got a plan because i was looking at how everything was gated and we can actually use a little trick to bypass all of it that’s that’s a bit fat i mean it would still be horrible to have to even craft 36 of this

But there’s a lot of little workarounds in project a and so we’re going to use one of those because at first i was like well energy condenser is not terrible that’s only 36 and of course the transmutation table is guided but but now wait a second

Okay yeah i will have to craft some red matter let’s say i actually don’t have a quest at all for what i’m gonna do uh but i’m gonna need a couple crafts of this but it’s not it’s not terrible at the moment so and i’ve got enough stuff on me to pull

It off uh let’s go ahead at this point uh we are going to need some alf steel and basically the key item to our plan is going to be the covalence dust that’s gonna be the most important thing because i was looking through and it it feels like a lot of it is

Is guided to uh have you crafting a decent amount of dark matter but we’re just gonna craft a little bit of it like if you were following the quest this would be painful especially if you went to craft to get to go straight for the alchemy

Table like oh my gosh it’d be awful because the alchemy table takes 18 red matter and that’s 18 crafts of this not to mention each one of these taking three dark matter that’s a lot of mana i mean granted we have infinite mana so

If we wanted to we could just set it up with the everlasting guilty pool and have that uh just feeding like 20 30 40 50 guy spreaders uh and then even take it a step further and automate it and if it was guided a little bit more

Than that’s the route that we would take but i like i like the fact that’s one thing i’m not a big fan of project a as you guys know of course it’s so late in the pack it doesn’t really matter we can just it’s fine but i like seeing the transmutation

Table not up front and you have to like kind of look at it and you know it took me a second because normally i don’t normally transmutation table is like the first thing you go for but it was like uh well what do i want to do because

There’s actually a few options here but no actually i don’t even have to have the covalent stuff to do this now i think about it uh all i need is two dark matter it’s it’s a little bit more awkward uh in my opinion to use it this way but

But yeah we could do it without it yeah let’s do that and that way we actually won’t ever have to craft red matter through the starlight method uh what we’re going to do is we’re just going to make a gem of eternal density there we go uh no quest for this but

Let’s see we’re going to set the target to uh let’s start off with dark matter i guess or no let’s start off with red matter and we’re gonna set this as a white list and all we’re going to allow it to accept right now is all the modium

And let’s see what’s the em say 64 million for red matter yeah we’ve actually got enough here to make a piece of red matter actually uh so we’re just going to shift right click there we go we have red matter and then we’ll just turn this off now

Because this can basically just compress whatever you set it to to any of these things and so we can just make our red matter that way instead of so really make two dark matter and then you’re set okay so now what we’re going to do it’s a little bit it’s a little

Bit of a process to get to the transmutation table but it’s not going to be bad at all but let’s go ahead let’s make this a little bit easier on us and let’s get an alchemical chest oops i need the the high covalence dust the high covalence dust okay

There we go and then we’re going to get our alchemical chest to me this is just an easier method for it let me grab this back out storage upgrade okay and at this point we can pretty much we’re done with britannia we don’t have to make any red matter through starlight

And this little nook here is going to be our project a nook i think so we’ll set up our alchemical chest here and this is going to be the key to everything uh let me go ahead and i think this it’s been a while i think

This has to be active while it’s in the chest and then it basically sees this entire inventory as its inventory um i mean like like i said you can do this without the chest if you want but uh what’s my target current target’s red matter okay that’s fine uh let’s go to

All the mod and surely by now you would have something to compress you know uh to get your am say but we throw that in shum and you can see it’s got some stored emc uh basically it’s eating all of this and it keeps whatever’s left over whatever it can’t use to

Craft the red matter so this is gonna gnaw through all that and then oops that’s fine i don’t care then we’re going to set this up to do dark matter and it’s still only going to do the stuff that’s on your white list while it’s in there so just a heads up

But we’re going to throw that in there there we go 41 dark matter what do you know okay and now at this point oh no we got 52 dark matter let’s go ahead get two dark matter blocks which technically at this point we could get the energy condenser which basically

Since we’re really just making dark matter uh it doesn’t really matter but if we wanted to make other things we could use the energy condenser but i don’t know is there a quest for the yeah there actually is a quest for the energy condenser well what’s it take for the transmutation table

A million life points over 12 000 ticks wow luckily we have time in a bottle and we have good blood generation that and this actually might consume the philosopher’s stone so i may end up having to make another one and let’s toss in our dark matter our unobtainium

Our red matter our philosopher’s stone now this isn’t gonna be a high enough tear orb what’s the because i actually need another blood orb uh another top tier one link blood sugar all right for our towel fruit let’s go ahead we need to actually set up a

Proper place for this it’s kind of over dough it’s not something that we use a time but let’s put in some rich soil and let’s go ahead toss that down oh no i don’t want bone meal okay well you want to play it that way i’ve got a turnout’s fuel

Let’s go ahead and speed that up oh we can actually change the recipe in this all right so there’s our enchanted ash let’s go ahead and just put this down i wonder if i do that if it can get out the corners i guess we will find out

You don’t see me don’t worry about it and now we just have to wait for it to grow uh it should keep the skeleton inside of there i love how the skeleton’s just like i don’t see nothing it might be maybe the enchanted ash keeps them from doing anything

There we go there we go keep going keep going it’s already saturated out just needs to reach full growth now there we go no don’t shoot me oh it kills you oh well that’s saturated towel and it’s not like i’m really gonna need any more of it

There you are this is a strange direction we’ve taken we’re actually doing blood magic okay so there’s that go ahead and toss that in and we’ll get our new nifty blood orb okay so now assuming that this stays filled i might need uh an orb of blood or a a

Rune of blood down there nope it’s going to craft now it is going to take like a million years so oh okay the progress bar just wasn’t updating there is oh and it doesn’t consume the philosopher’s stone how nice there’s that and i don’t need this stuff anymore we skipped you britannia

Wow that drained my my network’s so bad but that’s okay it’s shooting back up so okay so now we can go ahead and warp on back at this point we have our transmutation table and we’re going to set this up uh that’s not really what i had in mind

Well i’ll tell you what though yeah that’ll work i might adjust it but now uh what do we need out of curiosity is there a recipe for the tome of knowledge no there’s not okay well what we’re going to do is we’re going to take our alchemical coal throw it into there

And it’s going to say learned and it’s going to give us some emc and now we know how to make alchemical coal and we can do that we can do that and at this point i really don’t need adrenalis fuel or any of this stuff

Uh but if i pull this up what does it take to make the portable version dark matter blocks uh let’s go ahead and learn dark matter and can i go ahead and get some dark matter local violence sure medium covalence sure oh medium and high don’t have emc just

Low okay well let me get some more dark matter and then at this point i don’t know if it’s going to consume this probably not usually it i don’t i want to say that it doesn’t but let’s go ahead and get four dark matter blocks let’s go ahead and make the

Transmutation tablet it does consume it so we’ll probably need to make another one because i think there’s a quest for it right no there’s not a quest okay perfect but i probably will end up making another one just for decorative purposes but all of our recipes are in here

That’s great let’s go ahead just feed it a bunch of junk and what do they even want us making all the armor and stuff well let me go ahead and feed it some red matter let’s teach it that there’s you some dark matter local violence i don’t need that

And i’m just going to dump that covalence dust into there also at this point i would like to teach it how to make key of enlightenment because this is actually really important that we learn this one there we go and i was missing i think two so let’s go ahead and buy two

Keys of enlightenment and now we can basically infinitely expand our mind thanks to project a we can have it all uh okay so let’s go ahead get our last two sparks of knowledge at this point let me go ahead and drop that in there and then i need the dark stars

And i don’t need spark of knowledge anymore uh let’s get oh you know what i’ve never taught it thought oh we can make obsidian ingots for 176 amc does any of this stuff a dark netherstar blocks have a very low emc interesting so we could just do it that way

Instead of having to work for it so let’s just grab ourselves we have a ton of emc uh five yeah sounds good of course really i could just teach it that oh gosh such a goofy mod like i know it’s always been a really popular mod i’ve never i’ve just been

Like why it’s so it’s so silly like you just make it’s basically like creative mode except you have to pay you know of course not everything is in here but usually there’s a lot of work around type things like things that you can make to ease making things in a lot of cases

Um it doesn’t seem like a whole lot’s added to this pack though but patrick starr has an emc what okay well we need one for a quest lighter let’s go ahead and teach it patrick star there you go now i know how to make patrick stars okay there’s another atm star hooray

All right of course to be fair you don’t get project a in this pack until the point where it’s like everything’s kind of goofy because you just like wreck everything and you have like tons of stuff and all that so of course we will be missing a creative essence but i might actually

Be able to swing it at this point yeah let’s see if we can swing that final essence we might just be able to i don’t know what the wixies are doing they used to run this just fine but i think something’s happened to them that’s okay because they’re about to get

Removed i’m just i’m letting them run at the moment because i am gonna have to make seeds you know and i knew i needed some for project a and little things like that but their days are now numbered actually i know i’m not gonna have enough for this

I’m still gonna be a little ways off on that uh yeah that stuff doesn’t have emc either no okay anyways back to what we were doing so dark matter boots yeah let’s go ahead just give me a bunch of dark matter we’ll go ahead and make the armor and stuff quest completed

Quest completed and naturally we’re gonna be putting this onto an armor sand uh let’s actually do it on this one uh and then we do have to make the i think pretty much all of the dark matter tools uh so let’s get the dark matter pick let’s complete it dark matter axe

Quest completed shovel uh sword and probably end up hanging these up on like a shell for something like that but there’s that shears hammer and then over here they just want the super tools basically uh and that’s gonna be dark matter boots and stuff uh i’m gonna go ahead and these take the

The tools don’t want to make duplicate copies i am going to make duplicate copies of the armor for sure not much red matter no okay what about unobtranium blocks this was what we were supposed to actually use to make the red matter but we skipped that

We said no we did enough we did enough starlight crafting recently uh i think we’re good oh wow not much this is of course this is 64 million so i’ll tell you what we haven’t learned vibranium and i think what i think this is uh yeah this is about double what

The other one is there we go give me all that and there’s 52 that should be enough okay give us all the red matter all right now we can get our red matter helmet and there is like the upgraded versions i don’t know that i’m going to worry

About it because i’m not going to be wearing this stuff like this armor really it’s got some nifty add-ons like step up and super jump and stuff like that but that’s stuff that you will would have already been able to obtain through bobbles and spells and different things

Within this pack and then let’s say yeah it’s uh night vision infernal armor uh gravity graves which is like super jump and then hurricane boats for step assist and i want to say it’s like super speed yeah two times i think so yeah okay but there is our project a armors

And then i don’t know why i keep coming back to the spot because the portable tablet makes you portable so uh then let’s go ahead and get the red metal pick i might need actually a little bit of dark matter here let me just get a little bit of that

Throw it into the system uh and then we’ll get the red matter axe shovel sword hoe what task oh i bet it’s the weapon task i imagine there’s the shears the hammer then we can get the qatar and the morningstar about a stack of any of these and you

Can go the whole way alright so there’s that now uh oh yeah we still have to do the energy condenser what’s the recipe for this one okay that’s they’re both just like defaultish i think i tell you what though you eat through some all the modium stuff to do this for sure

But luckily like our 30 000 all the modium it came in handy there we go there’s two billion am two and a half billion emc is are the roon forges working yeah i mean they’re working they’re smelting but i think they’re just smelting probably uh all the modium right now i imagine

Because i think it was like front up on the list so uh okay so let’s turn our attention over uh i’ll tell you what i need to do something that i didn’t do and it would actually be super handy let me get the emc learned for these blocks

Just so i can just order things by the block there you go okay now let me get three dark matter blocks and then we can get the energy condenser uh well if we have an alchemical chest i’m gonna go ahead and make a new one because they’re dirt cheap

At this point and then there is our energy condenser okay and then for the mark ii it’s just four red matter for dark matter and these cost half a billion each luckily we got the emc to pull it off there is our energy condenser mark ii

And this of course we could auto feed items into it stuff like that it’s good to i mean if you’re actually taking project d seriously it’s good to convert trash cans even for things like cobblestone into energy condensers and actually we used it on stasia right because i remember

Early early early in stasia because you could get the energy collector mark one i actually used it to make like glowstone and blaze powder and stuff i think all the alchemical coal and stuff was disabled but i remember we used it for like glowstone generator and coal generator

Uh basically from like a charcoal farm maybe or something like that or mob farm i don’t know something like that uh okay so now i think uh now it’s just the klein star battle yeah just klein stars and the initial climb star klein star is super cheap okay

Now the way you do klein stars the proper way is you make one this is how you do this is how compression should be done you make one you put into here you learn it you grab four and then you repeat the process so klein stars way there we go

And then we’re going to learn that one and then we’re going to grab four and then we’re going to make our next klein star trey there we go and then next up we have vr there we go which actually i don’t need this red matter and stuff lying around

So let’s go ahead and melt that and that should give me plenty all right next up we have sphere and then we have our final tier so six million oh yeah we can dark matter so much more expensive than klein stars for some reason i think there was a time where clone

Stars were a lot more expensive right maybe i’m crazy now but i seem to remember klein stars being more expensive than red matter but i don’t know uh but then we can get our klein star omega and this can store emc basically which we’re going to go ahead we’re

Going to burn it and then we’re going to take it because why not we can equip it it’s another equip slot that we’re not currently using so there we go we have a client star now and we have completed the end game chapter now we’re not quite done we still have challenges

And things a few odd and in bits of cleanup and of course building we have one character progression there we go we have completed the end game chapter and we have mastered project a now of course there is still a lot of other stuff like there’s the super bags

And let’s get ourselves an alchemical bag and now we have lots of storage so uh and then of course there’s like the repair talisman uh except all of our stuff’s unbreakable so it doesn’t really matter oh and they actually changed the recipe i was wondering about that because destruction catalyst is one of

The most insane things ever and it’s funny too because they actually made it so you could craft this early on it is actually a lot of fun to mine with though i will say that we can go ahead and use our other four atm stars today uh let’s go ahead

Uh we don’t really want the dragon eggs i don’t guess i mean we’re gonna be farming dragons here pretty soon but uh but let’s say we’re going to be making the creative spell book the creative source jar just for fun basically uh these i don’t care about because they’re just big storage you

Know and then there’s the creative motor yeah and then i guess the creative blaze cake and then i’m still gonna have one extra you know honestly in that case i might leave it laid out and just like have the patrick star missing or something because i i made i made too many atm

Stars what do you know because i’ve got enough at the moment and i do want to get that last creative essence and slot it up there but yeah that i might just i might just leave it laid out so there is our creative spell book

All right and then next up we have the creative source jar there we go and now we have infinite source which probably what i’m going to do is just put these like on displays maybe even the creative spell book because i don’t actually need them for anything i’ve got basically infinite

Source with my mob farm so uh then there is the creative motor gearbox three large cogs okay well actually this one i probably will use uh and the reason being the uh the cobble geon it’s worked fine but it’s also a little bit laggy on fps tps

I actually checked earlier tps is 20. uh so tps i’m not worried about usually my computer can run things just fine but fps has taken a hint no i’m actually going to be yeah i’m actually going to be uh well no it might be in here yeah it’s in here okay

Go ahead and craft me the us and then the creative blaze cake there’s the fake cake i’ve got to go draw a circle it’s not that bad it’s a circle but uh let me get a clay mug and there’s our creative motor so i am going to i think shut down the cobble

Gen that’s down here yeah we’ll just do that oh look at that i got f uh i’ve got fps again a little bit and once we do the wixies once we remove them we’ll have super fps again uh and then for this i’m just going to plug up uh

Where do we want to go right here looks good i don’t think we need our college anymore we can make everything with emc i’ll just go to like 64 spade that’s fine i don’t need a really fast system on this okay so let’s go ahead uh let’s go make ourselves a mana coffee

Real quick water bottle blaze powder mana coffee beans oh and i just realized i forgot to show you guys something i’ll show it to you here in just a second and i’ve got to get uh oh and this is actually going to double it too there we go mana coffee beans

Blaze powder and let me get a bottle of water and luckily all i have to do is draw a circle to complete this oh look at that first try i’m a master artificer there is our mana coffee we actually need a place cake for this i’ve never even made a blaze cake on

Here which means we actually get to do a little bit of progress today too let’s go ahead dump that in dump that in dump that in right yeah and then just super heat it okay so we’re gonna have to get ourselves a blaze cake and then we’re gonna we’re

Gonna go from the blaze cake straight to the super blaze cake and we’ll just put that in uh no i don’t actually want you to connect there where’s my wrench there we go boom automated compacting there is our blaze cake base and then let’s get ourselves our spout let’s get a mechanical pump

Uh we’ll just make this somewhere let’s get a depot so we’ll put our tank up there we’ll just put our mechanical pump there then we’ll do the depot this will be like the only time we use it because uh we’re to have automatic blaze cakes there are endless blaze cakes

And then we’ll just no does the edelwood just not work with things very well there we go that’s going to go down into the spout uh and then all we have to do is take our blaze cake base set it down right there and that’s going to get filled there’s sploosh and quest

Complete and we can just remove all of this now and then let’s take a look we’ve got everything in that let’s go ahead super heat that and that’s going to make us our creative blaze cake which basically burns forever this takes a long time to craft honestly i might speed this up

Because that blaze cake only lasts so long and then otherwise i’ll have to recraft another one there we go there’s our creative blaze cake and then we’re just gonna apply our creative blaze cake oh and we can use it multiple times really and then that way it heats it i don’t

Know i’m not familiar with the creative blaze cake i’m not sure we’ll check back here in a second i’m not sure if it just if it activates it it’s not consumed but it doesn’t last forever as like super heated if we very special treat for blaze burners that allows controlling their heat level

After eating this cake blaze burners will never run out of fuel right click on blaze burner locks the blaze burner’s heat level if used again cycles the blaze burners heat level okay so he’s going to be like super hot forever now and we can we can use it on

As many blaze burners as we want but the other thing that i want to show you is this uh that’s what i was talking about doing with the doors you know i talked about that a bit back uh doing these maho runes it’s actually underneath the door and i’ve got it

Offset up here um but kind of blocking in the door you only see it on this side i could always add it on add one on this side too but this side right now is just plain but yeah i wanted to show you that i meant to show you that with the other

Mahou circles see i was playing with circles for some time they’re so cheap to make and they look so good like hands down my favorite thing about maho is the circles is the maho mahogen projector like because it’s actually good to look at and stuff i mean the spells do look nice

Like i said but they’re just over the top too goofy for me but all right let’s go ahead and pull out patrick i guess sorry patrick you’re going into the dreaded transmutation tablet and at this point i can get rid of this because there’s nothing left in here

And then we’ll just get the creative essence slot it there and then it’ll be like basically a completed atm star but about 157 emc from a completed atm star but that way it kind of i think if we left it empty it would be kind of boring

So we’ll leave it filled out with another another atm star at the ready so uh but anyways anyways we have basically at this point completed the atm star and end game part of the pack now we still have challenges and some quest cleanup so we will be doing that as well as

A character progression episode it might be more like a half episode because we don’t actually need any of the progression that i’m going to be going over it’s just things that i want to go over that was kind of like a lot of it was more like my backup plans in case

Dragons gave me any trouble uh but they never did so we mean it one killed me once but beyond that until i learned how to play the game you know uh so i will be going over that and then we’ve got uh just some quest clean up and stuff and then

I’ll be doing a bit of building and then of course we’ll have a final base tour and then a final world upload but as far as atm stars and in-game we have completed it so anyways i hope you guys enjoyed the episode if you did as always be sure and

Hit that like button and go ahead and subscribe if you’re not already to stay updated with when new videos come out and i hope to see you guys next time so until then as always do take care stay safe i’ll see you guys then

This video, titled ‘Project E Endgame: ATM Spellbound Minecraft 1.16.5 LP EP #63’, was uploaded by To Asgaard on 2022-04-08 21:08:08. It has garnered 1823 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:21 or 2721 seconds.

Today it’s time for us to delve into the final section of Spellbound’s main endgame, project e. The mod features a number of custom recipes and serves as sort of the height of our magical progression. We also put our remaining ATM stars to use and create a few added creative items for fun. —————————————————————

Find the rest of the series here: —————————————————————————–

Hit me up on social networking as well:

Patreon: Discord: Twitch: ————————————————————————— World Download Ep 30:

—————————————————————————– If you find yourself in need of a server of your own for anything you may need for minecraft or beyond, you can go to and use the code “ToAsgaard” to get 25% off your first purchase ————————————————————————— A very big thank you to the talented Andries Welink for the wonderful new channel art and avatars.

#ATM #Minecraft #AllTheMods #Spellbound

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Project E Endgame: ATM Spellbound Minecraft 1.16.5 LP EP #63