Promptt Anarchy Stream #3 – Resource Gathering in the Nether and End

Video Information

Streaming start sending us your video from your streaming software and we’re live i think wait until i see myself there we go nope okay okay i probably need to learn to edit because i never know at the beginning if the stream is working so it’s morning now so i spent the whole

Minecraft night trying to get the stream up and going if anyone has seen the previous stream i was trying to get ready to fish to get a name tag before the stream i did a little bit of fishing i did not get a name tag

But i did think of some clear goals what i want to get done and i mean one of the first things i really want to get going is an ender chest i just they know i’m streaming i thought i was going to be able to be sneaky i

Did not tell them i was streaming be nice and you let’s see how long until they ruin it hopefully they won’t so axelot’s not around he’s generally the antagonist here so uh let’s see if if they’ve learned from past mistakes last stream uh that’s a lot’s offline so it’s okay yes

Yes it is um but yeah they’re gonna just do what they’re doing whatever they’re doing and i need to pick some clear goals now getting the name tag for the piglin trader uh that would have been you know nice but there is there is something a little bit more pressing

And i could always just enchant a rod later and before i get too into the enchanting we’re organizing inventory at the same time uh i figured i need blaze rods now it’s generally a little bit dangerous to get blaze rods before the bartering with the piglens

Uh because i generally like to get those fireproof potions fireproof potions go a long way i’m killing an enderman with a shovel hey free gla grass block do you like these i’ve learned to grab grass blocks when you steal them from an enderman because that means you could plant it without

Having silk touch early in the game uh somewhere you want to have grass underground or somewhere not connected to grass blocks but anyways don’t get too distracted with that um anyways i’m gonna see if i can get blaze rods from blaze at a fortress i’ve already got the coordinates from chunk base luckily

And uh do i keep nautilus shell swine not just in case it comes in handy one day and i’ll put arrows in here as well because i don’t have a weapons place yet anyways i think with kill aura i might be able to sneak up and kill some blaze without those potions

And if i’m able to do that i have uh coordinates for an end portal later on because i can go back to spawn and then work my way through undead’s roads to get to another portal i mean an end portal and there we get some shulker shells and more ender pearls easily

We’ll keep seeds early game flint i’m meticulous about organizing my inventory if you’re able to keep your inventory under control early game you will thank yourself let’s make sure that they’re being nice down here man i don’t know where to build okay cool all good stuff um

So what are we doing yes we’re about to go to the nether now the sun is still up and let’s see what we got for food i burn through a lot of food when it comes to dealing with blazes they do a lot of damage fire damage it’s quite agitating fish that’s right

I’ve been cooking fish go put the cooked fish in food raw meats honestly no excuse for raw meats right now i’ve got the coal i got the power let’s cook it all cook everything should i go to the nether yet there will be deaths there will be deaths also for the name tag

I realized i should probably just start out with some basic enchanted fishing rods and push them together but i wasn’t thinking because you want to get some some luck of the sea it’ll speed up the rate at which you get things like name tags i’m just going to look over at my notes

Here yeah so this another portal is going to be only about 500 blocks away from where i think this other portal is i used the coordinates of my base and divided them by eight light levels not super helpful look at that close to naked i could lose a lot of i

Didn’t take the food i didn’t take the food i took one pork chop come on you can do it way to go strike we need to go deeper he has bit the bullet and he’s got a java account now because i definitely know his bedrock client has got that achievement

I shouldn’t say client account so there’s a bit of a debacle over uh the java players are well aware that they go a few million out it can’t be followed by a bedrock player it’s a huge limitation of my minecraft bedrock edition and that is

You only really get to go out a few million so that kind of 2v2 aspect of being out in the middle of absolutely nowhere it’s kind of hard to achieve on the same level i i believe that you can hide pretty well well look here the shout out thanks for watching strike

I don’t have a lot of fans but i love the ones i got the go-to my coordinates uh people often go you’re leaking your coordinates we’re gonna find you or basically at the beginning of all this um you need to pay for extra world border size with mine coins

I don’t accept mine coins i don’t accept money here this is a free place i’m all about freedom i don’t even i hope i don’t get enough players that you can’t all play at once i don’t even want to queue um let’s see here i had those coordinates yes i did

B go to here they are oh yes but anyways people mentioned that i leaked my coordinates i know you know where i am but i mean anyone that’s played enough like anarchy like tb2t knows 5 million blocks is a very far away from spawn it’s a lot of dedication to get here i

Even left myself right on an axis encourage anyone who thinks that they can get to me come get me oh i almost just left i almost just left not knowing the coordinates of my return portal i’m just going to note those real quick so i’m calling my base so far

Pearl cove and i’m not wearing gold pants that’s a big mistake so i’m just gonna put another pearl cove just to make a distinction negative six seventy seven six two four nine five five yeah and once again we’re gonna go back into the portal for some gold pants look at that quality

Stream i think you’ve seen me go in and out of a portal a few times and up down the ladder a few times i’m just talking to myself walking in circles here metal gold we’re just going to make some doesn’t really matter what i make i’m sure somebody would disagree but i’m

Going to go with golden pants i’m going to put that up there and we’re just going to swap out our pants i’m going to take the diamond pants with me just in case things get spicy now let’s see stop b go to put in some coordinates six two five four four eight there

Should be another portal around there somewhere i did just press enter right what in the world it’s avoidance my baritone config is so paranoid that’s avoidance for you let’s just go into m we’re going to click on my waypoints shoop shoop delete disable look at that we got one waypoint there

How’d that happen another waypoints that’s good not gonna because i really need to screen my other waypoints ahead of time and just remove them from stream because i think i got some stuff in there i don’t want to share with the rest of the class fortress chords here we go is that right

Is that right it’s also going to be on the axis i’m just going to live on the axis out here because that’s how confident i am no one has the determination to get to me and we’re going to call this another fortress 1 nf1 and here just n1

Yeah i should put a zero there i made it gray because i just like making things harder for myself so zero zero and f1 looks like can’t rely on baritone it’s freak criticals packet no fault packet yeah let’s take a look how deep is this gonna be

Should we just dig our way through i mean if i go a few blocks oh typo double typo look at that look at that what am i doing with my life double typo anyone even noticed that over hype energy give us smash that like button is your baritone

Paused it wasn’t paused undead i did b go 2 b go 2. so happens you copy paste in a bad way look at that it’s a group effort here is this already a fortress ah bastion remnant i’m not ready for that quite yet a lot of things in there

Oh i should have brought more throwaway blocks i got a stack of dirt and i got a little bit of cobby no one calls it copy but i’m going to call it cobby if you can call abby abbey look at that lava baritone’s looking at that lava it’s

Thinking um i want to jump in that but it knows i’m watching baritone always waits for you to not be watching then lava bath so i’m i may have said this anyways the blaze rods are going to help me not just do the brewing um but they are going to help me

Make an ender chest hope strike is gone they’ll be back maybe oh look at that lava ocean it’ll be nice when i actually have a lot of fireproof potions probably gonna turn off light overlay just for the aesthetics because again we’re not building i put out a lot of torches off stream

Around uh pearl cove if we can call it that i really enjoyed minecraft since another update not just the piglet trading it actually looks nice like the overworld i mean uh it hurt and to be you know just seeing nothing but netherrack wastes so this bone stuff could come in handy

Later if i want to rapidly grow some carrots and whatnot come on baritone wow okay so i’m pretty sure almost certain at this point baritone can tell when i have no fall on um but i’m too scared to turn no fall off just in case baritone really does jump off cliffs like that

Unaware that i will die and while we’re traveling i was told by undead that there is some killer options for auto switch hey auto switch and then weapon sword i want to see how that works because uh that would mean not killing mobs with a shovel

Oh and i got velocity so no knock back tasty generally those skeletons really get me in the nether when it comes to the knockback change it to both the axe is good but i’m going to do what he says both so this is supposed to be where there’s another

Fortress ah another fortress and there is our target our prey the blaze libliz but we also got some skeletons over there we’re just going to do a little bit of scouting that’s all you have in your harper at least you’re still safe i mean are you ever really safe boom okay

I don’t have to worry about knockback but i do have to worry about arrows still come on die die die i don’t have auto switch on how did i get here everything’s going kablooey okay i know i got a little bit emotional there okay i mean it wasn’t very far but look at

That the thing i like about killer is it can kill you right through solid blocks it’s probably going to help us when it comes to killing these blades because this ain’t vanilla minecraft this is me i don’t know what you call anarchy minecraft this is whack craft okay so he’s over

There if i can put down a solid block i can kill him through solid block okay he’s not gonna make it easy and i don’t know where his spawner is but that’s because i’m lazy come on come on come on give me a blaze rod oh blaze rod

It’s been a while since i’ve left a blaze rod that much so i want to search i don’t want to just turn on search and don’t look for redstone wire right now don’t ask me why i’m looking for redstone wires earlier on dead nose okay and spawner spawner

Look those things only really come from spawners as far as i know so this and the only spawners yeah the the only spawners i know of around here would definitely be blaze i mean i know those magma things have spawners and bastions if i remember correctly we’re gonna freak him why am i

You know i just keep forgetting oh netherwart cast another warts all so handy it’s not necessarily the same level of priority 52 Five 53625452 i don’t know time to make a jingle out of that and once at the chat they can spawn random in the fortress yeah i was kind of noticing that it seemed a bit random there’s no way he got this far from a spawner but we can’t rely on their random spawns

Especially not in an optimized paper server i mean yeah they’ll come back but and they’re easy to corner [Applause] maybe we can try to rely on just random sponsor i see no skeleton skeletons there’s a couple out there what are they floating over so he’s just in a corridor

You know what i can play that game there’s nothing too bad up here we only need a few i just want one under chest oh they despawn how dare you despawn okay fifty blah blah blah thirty five sixty eight six two five six two five four five

Two this is a mic look at that he’s coming up he’s coming look at one blaze rod please don’t despawn little buddy please don’t despawn i need you to live until i have time to kill you come on come on prompt what you doing down there buddy

You can do it i believe in you i don’t know why you’ve chosen this route oh tasty you know what the spawner is probably not the best way to go there’s enough of these random spawns i can work with this i’m coming here’s johnny okay he gets knocked back

Blaze rod ah they don’t come every time but uh that’s two blaze rods now two blazes two blaze rods um that’s all my pork chops i bet i can kill him right through here okay that didn’t work i know that skeleton he’s already right there

Let’s see if i can entice him to come and join me come in here buddy come on come on in he knows he wants to come in but he knows it’s a trap we’ll invite this one in too we’re just inviting all sorts of problems anything good in here nope nah hey I’ve never had so much another brick i didn’t want okay i don’t have time for this come on eat it that ghast is so close Three blaze rods netherwart i mean that’s enough to make uh an ender chest i know the ender and portals open already i can always come back later i only want that one under chest and i’m just gonna go ahead and say it anvil dupe is here there’s an anvil

Dupe i want to have farms of everything but that’s enough to get me going i can already hear some player out there crying my private anvil dupe you’ve leaked it i don’t care i’m god all right i’ll take that another ward thank you and now it’s time

To see if we can get home alive because here’s the point where you can always rage quit okay you can always have a rage quit if you die trying to get home with your goodies and we’ll do pog new information oh okay i think i’m the new information

I thought someone’s gonna give me new information about it and it always makes me nervous that someone’s hiding something from me but uh i think that’s the life of any anarchy admin you think you’re everybody’s friend but deep down you know that they’re all plotting against you they just want to

Get close enough to you to stab you in the back so isn’t isn’t that the truth it’s all fun and games until you come back and find a chunk filled with enchantment tables i’m always hiding something from you i’m aware but an odd way for some reason even

Though i know i can’t trust you undead i still trust you you’re a g i trust that i can’t fully trust you and i mean he taught me about velocity i mean i feel like i owe him a little bit velocity was a life-changing hack to

This day i would not have known about it change the entire game when it comes to skeletons in these cliffs hacked fps plug-in backdoor working 2021 do not go to that link anyone links are bad okay javascript is bad okay please don’t kill them

Oh god this is how it ends this is how it ends why why would kill or kill these guys why why why why why oh god oh god oh my god why kill or why why am i going backwards that’s because baritone holy god holy god

I mean killer is off but it’s too late they mad they don’t forgive they don’t forgive how am i alive oh my god oh my god that’s on camera folks i punched piglets yeah i said it to all monsters i think i found a monster that should not be oh my god

What next next i’m gonna punch a bee i don’t wanna kill anything that’s piglin yeah i don’t want to punch any kind of piglens i hate hoglins that’s about the only glynn i don’t like we made it home i can see it my god why am i on the other side that’s just

I mean you know i was all fun and games like this is where your rage quit but i mean i knew what i was doing i baritone i mean it’s like you know what i didn’t like that remark you made about the lava baths i’m gonna go punch a

Piglen how you can get out of that one you’d be wishing i jumped in lava look at that eat your salmon there you go that health regenerated pretty quick oh it was only like a little bit lost so yeah we’re just gonna make we’re gonna first turn off the search

Actually that’s a monster drop that’s a crop i always make a chest that’s just all netherrack such a garbage block though and then just another blocks and their stuff other stuff you can always break that down later great organization skills netherrack netherrack netherrack we’ll put the bricks in there too

Because they’re basically just uglier less useful netherrack that’s going to be garbage just until i need to throw it out because it’ll eventually be garbage bones garbage garbage i’ll put you in there stone sword garbage garbage soul sand is going to be useful i’m going to make a water elevator at some point

Soul sand soul sands chill it annoys people medals fish a little bit of cobby she know i’m gonna keep that copy torches i’m gonna put back on my diamond pants and we’re just gonna those will be our nether pants so that’s it we got the three blaze rods

Now basically i use those and some ender pearls and we in business i think it’s soon time that we pay spawn a visit not wise to go on stream but act slot be sleeping and it’s probably the best time to show up you heard of intent store dude no is it a 2b

Store okay now if i remember correctly i keep forgetting to write down this very important coordinate so if y’all give me one second rooney and take the seed i’m going to go to chunk base we’re going to click on strong hold we’re going to paste and we’re just going to do 0

And 0 and there’s one right by the highway a little bit up north that i recall there it is happy little stronghold and the staircase is at 100 negative 15 32. 100 slash negative 15 32. now we’re going to divide that 1532 by 8 boring math 15 32 divided by eight

And now i know where i’m going and so do you i have plenty of uh diamond anything i lose i’m prepared to lose so anyone that comes to kill me really only cheating yourself out of quality content actually probably not you probably love it please don’t

Negative 191. this is going to be a good look at the highways anything i can’t afford to lose here no we’re going to move quick when we get there god damn it you [ __ ] oh no language i guess i’m gonna lose my monetization i didn’t have no

I escaped him just to run into flipping phantom Kind of scared he’s disappeared this looks like a nice portal i wonder if i can take my boat through a portal or am i just gonna turn off boat fly does not work that way i’m just taking my phone my phone’s buzzing boat fly off lag off okay

And i’m pressing the left shift everything’s a little frozen connection lost reconnecting um okay i’m not on my boat huh well i wasn’t the only one that left i’m just gonna go ahead and believe that was a coincidence i don’t like those i’m going north so far so good not good

But have you ever seen a prompt do this the answer is probably also yes and there’s no portal up here hey undead how about you be a bro and make me a portal around here at 191 everybody needs a good stronghold portal right you wanna you wanna be a bro and

Make a portal oh he’s a friendly today so i need a portal here at around 191 uh technically 10 positive on the x but so on on this side over here i do see a portal way down there now that i think of it but it’s it’s way off the mark

I mean i did the math and that portal is not math friendly okay think he’s gonna make it on the edge here i really appreciate this and we’re just gonna pretend i brought my own I don’t think he made it big enough he’s gonna make it deeper he knows what he’s doing there we go all right light it up poor favorskies thank you undead be boss what’s he got in his hand there i don’t know if he wants to show it okay he’s

Shaking his head all right going through i don’t know what he was mining is he breaking the portal now that is still wire framed so i still have search on and they’re off in the distance there she is that is a nether portal i mean end portal

How do i always get that wrong it’s exposed on the top i see a little bit of sea lantern and there’s no nether portal in there now i’m going off the fact that i told someone else where this portal was axolotl drowned me a little bit of a little burst of flight there

Okay we’ve got lots of drown sun is going down mistakes have been made one of the mistakes is i didn’t write down those coordinates now little bursts up down one up ten down one up ten down one Up ten down one up however many i need to go and will gently descend it’s literally on my highway what do you mean chords what’s going on in the chat i just friended you on meteor okay cool i didn’t mean to strike okay you must be talking to me

So i just don’t get killed by the drowned and i’m just gonna center myself right over this they probably despawned a little bit run flesh arrow bone okay so that’s not a player’s drops some spawners i’m just going to take a quick look at what this is over here i’m not sure if

This is natural or not that is not natural so that is promising i feel confident there’s going to be something down here now okay we’re gonna go straight into that let me catch my breath and switch to my pickaxe did i bring the signs with me i didn’t

Could’ve made air bubbles with signs but not today there’s air right here and it’s open spicy i forget why i’m here exactly oh yes yes yes yes i’m gonna kill some endermen aha now uh i will admit i did have an illegal item that would have got me here i just remembered

Kill aura on die die oh yes oh yes okay now there’s a better way to kill them my favorite way is by using their emotions against them now i’m going to show you how to manipulate enderman for your own personal gain of pearls and then jump through the middle to go home

Oh it’s strike hey strike strike he just wants to say ah the dragon’s back that’s not chill that’s like the most unchill thing today because that was gonna be how i was gonna get home strike i really hope you’re here to kill the dragon if you’re not here to kill the dragon

Okay undead’s here as well guys i just want to break the zombie and it just won’t break is this because of an antagonized what in the hell break break break it’s like he can’t make up his mind if he wants to die or not there we go every time he interrupts me breaking

This block it restarts and it’s really frustrating with hobby come on come on generally i burrow in like at least two and i normally do it facing into the island because i just keep looking at endermen and then they keep coming back for more but i apparently have some time

Because the dragon’s back so if i just get in here and nook let’s just take a look what’s going on so they’re breaking all the things on top now um they’ve been busy a lot of people missed it everybody’s these many gateways open wow how many times uh

You can put this in the chat how many times have you killed the dragon why does this keep happening it’s a lot of lot of dragon deaths can i eat while i’m free camping i can’t that’s nice so there’s the dragon i’ve killed it a lot you’re the first one to kill it

Uh undead i believe would be the original owner of the dragon egg so how are they going to do this so it’s trying to purl the drag crystal the dragon this just be me oh they made a way to kill the instead of burrowing into the obby

They made a nice little hut like this to kill enderman oh why they’re doing that let’s see if i just come here buddy look at that he’s angry now oh yeah he’s angry oh yeah he can’t help his compulsion his compulsion to come and die come on come on buddy come on

Come on buddy i think that was a little bit of lag where’d he go how many pearls i got i got three pearls i’ve got some blaze i’d come back for shoulder shells at a later date but that’s not my top priority actually it is choco shells are really high priority strike move

Yeah strike get out of there um shulker shells i’ll come back for shulker shells i want to get home with these pearls so we kind of bypassed the piglen bartering i’m giving myself about nine more minutes here um we will i’ll give myself 20 more minutes that’s much more time oh he’s dead

He’s a dead dragon he’s a dead dragon we got that on camera oh yeah dead dragon on camera would go strike would go undead be boss they definitely wanted to be a part of this and they were so uh as great as it would have been

I don’t know if you just put that pearl down or not i don’t have anything in there i’m just gonna boop thank you everyone thank you so much i mean i’m sure the portal is there before you summon the dragon boo what’s boo uh if you wanna tpa accept me i’m just

Gonna put these i don’t know if there’s something you wanted to show me you know what stop calling them pearls what do you call them if not pearls ah avi i have enough obby now i have enough of that and a little bit of that crystals yeah yeah actually i know that the

Crystals i just made a a slip slip of the tongue pearls crystals i know the difference a little bit of powder we’re gonna put a happy little blaze powder in there a little pearl boom ender chest hey i will accept your tp in one moment i

Just need a good place to put an ender chest that’s a quality place because i’m poor i’m putting those in there tp accept quality progress okay we’re here god why why why are we doing this are you trying to strand me um i want a shulker anyone got some drop blocks

Hey hey be nice be nice be nice what is in here Okay it says dupe one ah this is all some really good stuff but i didn’t earn this i know it could be great i mean it’s really tempting to take the nectar i’m proud of you undead but in the name of the stream and the grind as long as it lasts i will

Let you keep that go ahead and keep that so i appreciate it that’s good i mean you’re assuming i have mending but i don’t so this is kind of a restart i’m no longer rich he’s just he’s got potions to kill strike could use the potions strike

I saw that you had 16 of the no no items right there in your hand for a moment wait who just got a strike elite has made that i’m guessing he’s used that tp accept so ah why they so angry you know i got pumpkins i could use my pumpkins

Come on come on buddy you want some come on oh he wants some he’s just being a coward right now and there’s another one i gotta stop looking at these i’m really not trying to look at them i feel like i don’t normally have this problem so

Just try to you can’t get hurt so don’t take it personally if i smack you kill aura i got players enabled lead lead of course it’s a lead i don’t know why you have a lead you kill a traveling salesman i feel like that’s a lead that was earned through nefarious deeds

More pearls more blazes i want to go get a couple shulker shells the way god intended if i do an m here path should anyone make a road out of here there’s no roads out of here boats i am a goof boats i’m a boat man man well now

I have not been here what have we here i know what this is i’ve heard tales of this this is the elusive that’s not elusive it’s a uh enchanting tables down there this place is good to go i think if i spawned an endermite and a card up here um

I should remember this it’s just north of the island you can put in an endermite in the thing up there and it’ll attract all these uh endermen and they’ll fall down into there and it’s an xp farm and you can do some enchanting oh if this is still here when

I come back i’ll be using this i’ll be back for that sorry i leaked it undead i’m sorry and if someone shows up and destroys it shame on you flying is not enabled on the server you don’t say you don’t say i’m gonna go up 10 and then we’re gonna go down one

He killed the might killing a mite on one of things it’s like taking the spark plug out of a car so someone doesn’t drive it i mean i can make another you can always make another endermite i just need a lot of pearls there’s a lot of nothing out here

I am traveling at 15 blocks a second it’s a pretty reasonable look at this look at this now i could have used chunk base and just started going for n cities but um i kind of just decided to start going north until eventually i hit one so and city please be at least

And kicked again let’s just get a couple of shells just a couple of shells and we are on our way to a dupe stream in our next stream stay tuned all new dupes another exciting adventure of dragon ball z kill kill okay so i have no fall on so when i come down

I’m gonna get him i’m gonna get him i have another boat will i ever be able to land this is the question am i gonna just die here anti-levitation oh i’m guessing it doesn’t work okay he dead that’s dead so if that hits me anti-levitation doesn’t kick in

Undead be boss you are an undead b-bro i don’t say that lightly it does you need to activate it before all right so it didn’t bring me back down but it definitely keeps me from going back up these shulkers doesn’t let me jump though i mean that is a

Just a minor detail he left out you can turn that off for just a moment yeah i can hear him getting smacked okay that’s one shell down but it takes two shells to make a shulk and it takes four shells to make a shulk and then put

Shells inside it to dupe those shells that’s right now i have one chicken left one chicken object esp is enabled and i can see ender chests but i didn’t put chicken in under chests we’re running on fumes here we’re running on fumes i think we’ll be dying home today folks

We’ll be dying home i actually want to be hit with one bullet just one nice little bullet yes yes he did what i wanted him to do come here buddy come hit me baby one more time okay there’s the shulk that’s two shells two shells makes a shulk

I mean i could technically make the shulker dupe the shulker just keep using shoulders without actually crafting more shoulders ooh so many opportunities i don’t see an item frame i see a lot of death points i died a lot at spawn yeah so they said here we go again round two

So i’m not confident that i’ll be able to escape through usual means but i am confident i have a boat boat fly on boom and we buzzing okay all right don’t mind me guys i’m just here for is he gonna die this is how regina george died and we have another shell

Shells are good we love shells i don’t like dying come on just drop just drop anti levitation so i’m guessing when it wears off come on guys this isn’t how i want to go i’ve locked him in there is he going to drop a shell too

They can’t even see me this is illegal i have no more chicken another chest is behind him this is the moment of truth today auntie i should have put that on a toggle now if i can just get into the under chest where is it what is getting me right now

Is this how i’m about to die and i died and i actually don’t know why i glitched uh i probably will go back and get those off screen because i just don’t have time to come back for the shulker shells but there’s clearly some kind of rubber banding happening even in the spawn

Screen what was i flagged for and i wasn’t flagged for anything spoofed packets i was spoofing packets you know what screw it i’m going back i’m not happy i am not happy so we need to find something that’s not toggled j is timer timer is really just useless these days so

That does not need page up no one uses paycheck it’s a boring toggle anti-levitation i wanted those shulkers i’m going to get those shulkers now this is going to be bound to j so we can turn it back off at will let’s suit up one day this won’t be valuable stuff

Where’s the beef there’s the beef boots i made more boots chest helmet pants sticks sword put that down there pickaxe put that down there normal axe strike what are you doing just leaving the game over and over again actually there’s probably something to it okay strike is messing around with

Packets he’s not trying to leave he’s trying to fight the anti-cheat lol he will not win medals i’m gonna demonstrate the illegal item on the server the port key god bless all right we’re gonna port key back there wood tp that’s better are you at the end right now would you

Be able to tp me there i got enough beef i can make it through this oh check chat of course i didn’t just bring all that diamond oh yes thank you undead he is the hero of this chat this stream doesn’t deserve yes i spank i spank

He sent me another tp request but i don’t understand why i turned off kill aura is see back to where i died why am i just because there’s a i’m not sure why i’m at the specific area some good stuff okay killer on we’re just gonna get idea to spank

I didn’t get a shulker shell from that i did take damage from that i don’t necessarily need oh i had anti-levitation on now it’s off i’m gonna have to go down a bit i need a better sword in my life oh sorry undead i mean it’s a very weak

Sword i’m not even sure you felt it why am i rubber banding why am i rubber banding i just want a beef three shulker shells i really really just want to go to an ender chest now oh two shulker shells and he took him oh there’s one shulker shells

Thank you thank you thank you now the real question so what’s a guy gotta do around here to find a there you go ender chest okay he’s walking towards it thank god there’s an enderman in there and turn off this kill aura i don’t know why but i felt compelled to

Take the boat with me these stairs were made for very tiny people or shulkers oh praise the gods anti levity just this is what happened last time i just wanna live kill aura is off he won’t open it okay undead chat i saw the chat undead

I have places i need to go right now irl i think this is where i can end the stream and when i am back i need to die though who wants to kill me you want to kill me or should i just jump i’m going to do the i’m going to fall

Out of the world in the arms of the angels i don’t know the next words but here we go hmm hurts so good all right we’re home safe and just to show that we have made it with the help of undead we have achieved shulker shells hey

In my next stream we’re gonna do a little duping it’ll boost things make a little bit more interesting and then we can jump into the building uh building well your old stuff do you spawn it’s okay i lost that old stuff fair and square to my anti-cheat it is the only justice

In this world all right and uh now that we’ve gotten this far this is the end of stream number three thanks for playing

This video, titled ‘Promptt Anarchy Stream #3 – Resource Gathering in the Nether and End’, was uploaded by Promptt on 2021-09-21 22:16:56. It has garnered 37 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:12 or 3612 seconds.

This is for my recently launched Minecraft server. Hacks are allowed but so is my anti-cheat plugin . Only a handful of players at the moment with some room to grow. You’ll only get in trouble for effectively and intentionally lagging the server or being a terrible human in the chat. This is great for anyone who is a fan of servers like 2b2t but wants more up to date mechanics.

Available Commands: /spawn, /tpahere, /kdr, and /suicide

Server Address:

Minecraft Version: Natively runs Paper 1.17.1 with backwards compatibility and Bedrock support!

World Seed: [-8280551038022126017]


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  • Insane Build Hacks to Blow Your Mind! ✨ [Minecraft]

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  • Duo Survives 100 Days in Minecraft Hell ft. Yaxi 🔥

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  • Shocking Confession: PandTeddy Exposes Fake Diamonds! #shorts

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  • Rtrix

    RtrixMINIGAMES • Practice – Get ready for exciting fights on various kits whether 1v1 or 2v2. Train your PvP against realistic PvP Bots and get ready to fight! • Modern Practice – Get ready for exciting fights on various kits whether 1v1 or 2v2. Play new PvP and kits like Crystal PvP and more! • BuildFFA – Kill as many players you can and get coins for special items in the shop or buy cosmetics. • BedWars – Play Solo and Doubles modes like on the popular Hypixel server. You can also practice Bridging, MLG and Fireball/TNT Jumping. • BoxPvP… Read More

  • Abyss SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.21 Whitelist

    Join Our SMP Minecraft Community! Looking for a laid-back Minecraft community? Join our almost fully vanilla SMP with mods for better quality of life. Read the rules, fill out a form, and join our Discord! Rules: No Bullying: Treat all players with respect and kindness. Respect Boundaries: Respect other players’ wishes. No Stealing, Griefing, or PvP Without Permission: Follow consent to ensure fair play. No Nether Roof Travel: Stay below the nether roof for a challenging experience. Modlist: Server Side: Sodium, Lithium, Ledger, Leaves Us In Peace Server and Client Side: Simple Voice Chat, Universal Graves Fill out our entry… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Check Out My Epic Movie Poster!

    Minecraft Memes - Check Out My Epic Movie Poster!Looks like the only thing this movie is starring is a blocky character and a bunch of creepers as the villains! Read More

  • Subscribe and Like for Minecraft’s Delight #shorts

    Subscribe and Like for Minecraft's Delight #shorts In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Creativity and adventure, always to be found. Join me in this journey, where the story unfolds, In rhymes and emojis, let the excitement be told. From building grand castles to mining for ore, Every moment in Minecraft, we always adore. So hit that like and subscribe, join the fun, Together we’ll explore, under the bright sun. With each new update, a world to explore, New mobs, new features, always wanting more. So stay tuned for the latest, in every rhyme, Minecraft news and updates, every single time. So let’s dive in,… Read More


    MINECRAFT MEME ON FIRE! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

Promptt Anarchy Stream #3 – Resource Gathering in the Nether and End