Pythonator – Reunited with an OLD Minecraft build! | Minecraft Survival Let’s Play 1.20 Ep.17

Video Information

Hey hey welcome back to the let’s play and another edition of python tries to get more armor trims for his armor trim collection currently we have 11 out of 16 of the armor trims you can get in Minecraft 1.20 and today my friends we’re going to be going for two of them

Both of which we could have got relatively recently but on one occasion we weren’t very lucky and on the other occasion we weren’t actually going to go for the structure in question I am of course referring to n cities and Woodland Mansions relatively recently we accidentally found a woodland mansion

Without a woodland Explorer map it’s pretty much directly south of our base area here I was absolutely flabbergasted to find that on the way to the stronghold so yeah my friends today we’re going to go for the Woodland Mansion we’re also going to be going for

N cities so I believe the n city armor trim is called the Spire armor trim and the one from the Woodland Mansion is the vex one I could be wrong with that of course but hopefully I’m not so then first things first I know you guys are

Going to cringe at the sight of me doing this but the way I see it once you get yourself mending and Unbreaking on a pair of elytra you’re only ever going to need one of those elytra right I mean obviously it would be a good idea to

Have a backup that also has mending and Unbreaking just in case you wind up losing your primary one but the fact of the matter is this we’re going to be going back to the end and to some n cities anyway so we’re probably going to wind up getting more elyra anyway right

But here’s the thing my friends when it actually comes down to it we have a limitation here we have one and a half stacks of firework rockets and that’s about it I decided to brew up some instant Health two potions since the last episode as well yeah I think we’re

Just about ready to do this thing my friends so as we make our way over to the strong up my friends I do of course want to say an enormous thank you as always for all of your wonderful support throughout this series and especially your patience I really do appreciate all

The beautiful support in the form of the likes and comments and subscriptions all that kind of beautiful stuff so there it is the Woodland Mansion I mean do we just do this now since it literally is on the way to the stronghold I mean yeah all right well I guess we’re

Just going to have to try and be relatively careful I can already see a Skelly butt in there oh and there’s a creeper over there okay of course there is right ladies and gentlemen here we are inside oh good grief hello right boom boom dead a yeah your boy is about

To go berserk mode on the guys here right we’re looking more so for the Vex armor trim I believe it’s found in some of the chests in this place but not all of them like I don’t think all of the chests in here have a chance of

Generating with them good day to you sir there you go you just got absolutely freaking Molly wobber right let’s see if we can get ourselves in make sure there’s no other dudes in here there isn’t we’re all good what about in here what is going down this appears to

Be a pillage of pixel art now to be honest with you my friends I don’t want to to be spending all too long in here so yeah let’s explore this place let’s see what we can find oh it’s one of these little weird squiggly loot room thingies right

Ah I’m pretty sure this is one of the chests that can indeed have the armor trim right here it is uh what have we got in here there it is oh my word it actually is there wow that took no time at all oh dude I’m choed with that I’ll

Take the lead as well that’s always pretty nice oh dude I really am choed a bits with that that is absolutely fantastic all right well uh now all we got to do is just enjoy the rest of this place hopefully not get killed and better still Maybe we could try and get

Ourselves one of those little totems of undying thingies got another chest this one has some gold some iron he okay this is actually too bad I’ll take the name tag certainly oh would you look at this another squiggly loot room what do we think he my friends are we about to get

Ourselves a second armor trim yeah we are look at that we got two of the boogers all right so progressing up to the next floor here I am hearing a plethora of mobs around here and to tell you the truth I’m really not looking forward to coming across them all we’ve

Already come across two here good Lord I mean we got to start getting our XP back somehow right I mean we did kind of die relatively recently oh was one of these guys hang on hang on do a little bit of that do a little bit of that oh he’s dead

Already what a little doofus brain all right well uh yeah that’s one evoker taken out of the game wow I didn’t think it’d be that easy right let me just confirm to myself whether I have actually gotten that little thingy medoo hickey oh I have actually used the totem of undying

Before huh interesting I don’t remember doing that but there we are oh no way more bookshelves oh You’ love to see it though annoyingly I didn’t bring my axe with me my silk touch axe if I don’t even have a silk touch axe as far as I

Know so maybe we’ll have to come back for these little Li liary bookshelf thingies well I tell you what my friends so far we are not doing bad are we right let’s get rid of that guy right quick another Emerald for your boy and in hither we have ourselves another

Library cool man we’re going to get a ridiculous amount of bookshelves from this place eventually oh hell no oh no that guy saw me he’s just summoned in some Vex dudes uh may need a little bit of that there we are that’s just giving us quite a lot

Of a health back oh dear now there’s going to be Vex flying around the place hey right time to go take that evoker sucker out just hope he’s lost interest in me like really I really hope he’s lost interest in me right by process of elimination the guy is in here there he

Is he’s right at the back come on now speedrun this rat oh no no oh oh no oh no do I have time oh I actually had time to get me Health back yes no no no no no no no no no no well I’ll tell

You what my friends I’m very glad that I made quite a lot of health potions no no no no I don’t care that I’m spamming my sword you’re not killing me sir oh right I think that’s just about it I hope I really hope I did hear the dude

Die uh right which room was it was it this one yeah it was uh I did hear him die there we are so there’s the little thingy mcky totem thing uh right there is a chest up on that top ring area take these little fellas out go on now go

Bye-by fantastic right what do we got inside this chest uh oh hey a regular gold Apple that’s kind of cool okay I don’t mind that one more floor to take on and then we should be good to go in terms of leaving this place behind huh

Seems to me that there’s not a great deal going on here unless there’s something in here uh I can’t really tell it’s too bleeding dark and now I don’t have any torches oh no right now then question is there a chance that there is a secret room or two history tells tells

Me that you can sometimes get little attic spaces that have a couple chests in them and typically they are at this top level here maybe the mid layer as well I’m kind of tended to see if I can’t get up the top here and just sort

Of see what’s going on all righty so after quite some searching unfortunately there’s no secret rooms inside of this Woodland Mansion now then we got a question here do I take my valuables with me to the end and risk not having a lot of inventory space to pick up

Goodies or do we head back to base do a little bit of a drop off have more space in our inventory but less durability or total durability on our elytra H that’s a that’s a heck of a decision all righty we’re finally back at base I’m going to do a quick armor

Trim drop off on bwell here there you go have the Vex armor trim there budy and uh yeah ladies and gentlemen we’re heading back over to the stronghold oh no way oh oh it’s been a while since I’ve seen one of you fellas hello what

Do you got bucket of puffer fish Vines I mean the puffer fish would probably be the only thing of worth but um unfortunately I dropped off all of my emeralds cuz otherwise I actually would have bought one of those anyways the good news is ladies and gentlemen I’ve actually found the stronghold entrance

Is right about here what we need to do is Mark it with torch spam there we are okay my friends time to head to the end I’m hoping we won’t have as much difficulty getting the spy armor trim as we did in I think season one all righty

So what I did do is I went back to the last time I went out to n cities and I looked in what direction I went in this time my friends we are going to go in a Westerly Direction and the question is do I trust myself to try and land in one

Of these or do I want to take the better safe than sorry method of just digging up some blocks and going at it that way um I think we’re going to play it safe I don’t trust myself I’m sorry I just don’t oh my word my friends I just

Realized something we have elytra right what we can do now oh I wish I thought of this earlier what we can do now is head on over to our season 1 Enderman farm this was only elytra accessible and as a result of having elytra we can now get over here

Ladies and gentlemen for any of you guys who have never seen this before I made this in season 1 this is our Enderman farm and in here are a bunch of Unbreaking and mending books oh oh no way my friends I think it’s time we finally have access to basically

Infinite elyra does this count as cheating since I’m technically using season one resources though I mean it’s elytra I like to be able to get around my world nice and easy I’m sure you guys like to as well I mean it’s here so why

Not use it you know I think what I’ll do is I’ll actually put the enchantments on my near dead elytra and then I’m going to use the Enderman Farm to get the elytra back up to Max health and then we will head on out here we are wings of

The Python Ator oh fantastic I’m so chuffed a bits this is the only thing we’re allowing ourselves to have mending on for now my friends once we’ve completed all of our season 2 goals which by the way at this point is just to get the remainder of the armor trims

And to get the season 2 area up to a point where I feel happy to move on then yeah we will disable the season 2 twists then we’ll be on our merry way doing whatever the heck we please this series would essentially become just a normal bog standard let’s play at that point

And to be honest I’m actually very much looking forward to that point genuinely for now though we’ve still got to stick with the no natural health regeneration and all that kind of stuff so we’ve still got to be at least relatively careful you know what I mean we can’t go

Getting too careless just yet right I’m not being funny but that was the smoothest Landing I’ve ever done inside of one of those end Gateway portals also immediately there is an n city with a ship might even be able to go for the goal of killing a couple of these guys

If we can maybe make some more Sher boxes that would be brilliant also these yeah I’m definitely picking those bad boys up all right yet another pair of elytra I’ve got myself two Sher shells and in here we have some gold and in here we have some Diamond those and a

Saddle the rest of the contents of those chests are all sort of I don’t really really want them if I’m honest if I’m going to be getting gear I’m going to be getting Diamond gear you know what I mean right let’s have ourselves a potion

Of healing that will bring us up back to Max Health fantastic and uh yeah my friends let’s go explore this city we’re hoping for the best we’re looking for a Spire armor trim come on Minecraft give it to me nice and early eh right we got

To pop down here and we got to pop inside this chest all right more gold more iron I’ll take it I’m not going to complain about that what I would like to have though is the Ender Chest ideally that would be very nice indeed uh oh jeez okay that

Actually worked out kind of cuz I mean I managed to get out of there see try to see a silver lining to everything and you’ll always be happy right what’s this got uh more gold and more sort of meh type stuff right question any more loot

Rooms to be had I don’t know that there is oh no there’s another triple tier one here which means there’s another Ender Chest one uh so if we just pop in here this one’s got Unbreaking through just by itself you know what I’ll actually take that that’s a pretty good Baseline

To put other stuff on right all right unfortunately that’s the end of our first n city what we’re going to do is we’re going to crank this up just like the other episode crank up the render distance and as a result of doing that we’ll be able to hopefully see a whole

Bunch of cities in the far distance question mark interestingly one’s generated over here with a boat which has two loot chests but nothing else none of those rooms have loot chests I mean yeah I mean still two chances of getting the Spire armor trim yeah honestly it’s times like this I’m really

Glad I have a beefy PC having 64 chunk render distance on Java Edition is just ridiculous e another Sher shell and in here we have ourselves uh a decent spider killing sword I mean yeah sure whatever right oh hey oh that’s excellent another good Baseline pickaxe and yes yes yes I know

You guys are probably going on about picking up dragon heads but I mean I’ve already got one put up at my season 2 house and I’m pretty sure I’ve got a whole bunch more back in my season 1 area of the world so I don’t think we

Need to worry too much about it oh once again 64 chunk render distance coming in clutch looks like we have quite some loot rooms in this city Two Towers maybe one or two Ender Chest rooms and the boat as well oh look at that that’s a

Decent helmet if you ask me this is kind of pooy what we got in here efficiency and Fortune 2 now that’s an interesting shovel I don’t really like fortune on a shovel because all it does is it gives you Flint from gravel so actually I might just leave that there if you can’t

Tell already yes I’m kind of cherry-picking my loot at this point I want valuable stuffs only really oh Snappers all right got to be quick about this what do we got in here not a great deal what have we got in here not a great deal let’s get out of here all

Right same kind of deal we’re just going to pop in here we’re going to look inside the chest we’re going to be super quick about it nothing there uh oh that’s actually kind of decent I’ll take that most definitely ordinarily I’d be pretty excited to take down all of the

Sher dudes in there so we can sort of bolster our Sher shell Supply but uh yes we don’t have natural health regeneration we could quite easily die all right more diamonds more of that that’s not bad at all yet another Tower loot room that’s excellent if we just uh oh good grief hang

On wrecked destroyed get ruin son uh little bit of that little bit of that what have we got in here we got iron we’ve got a bunch of poo don’t need any of it and unfortunately I think that’s just about it for that particular nity

What the heck is this a tiny little KN in city it’s still got two loot chests in here though oh that’s a bit more like it in the distance yeah all right come on come on for any of you guys who don’t know I believe it’s like a 6.7% chance of the Spire

Armor trim generating in any one of these chests here so yeah so far I think we’ve been pretty unlucky I just hope it doesn’t take as long as it did in season 1 okay two Tower rooms and one ender chest room that’s a grand total of five

Chances here five loot chests all right nice and quick bada bing bada boom uh H what’s this got kind of rubbish kind of rubbish uh uh no don’t need that want the Diamonds though and another oh oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

No hang on hang on hang on oh my word I just noticed my health bleeding there that was a bit close was that I like how out of everything that was there in my panic I grabbed the bane of arop pod sword and now what I’m going going to do

Is Chuck it away bye I really wish they’d expand the Bane of Arthropods enchantment to maybe be able to kill more dudes a little bit more quickly only at this particular moment in time I feel like it’s kind of poo to be honest with you I wouldn’t mind something else

Oh my goodness me there it is I wasn’t heading for that in terms of my sentence but uh I would definitely take this all right ladies and gentlemen mission complete oh dude that is so boss okay right let me just uh see if I can’t see what’s in this chest real quick

There’s a second one oh that is huge oh mate I am actually chuffed a bits about that wow we didn’t just get one we got two of the buggers wow just wow I’m so happy all right let’s go ah and take a little bit of a look at all

Of our looty Doodles that we’ve managed to get here today not not bad we’ve got four pairs of elytra well five if we include the ones that we Enchanted today got a stack and a half of gold a good amount of decent Diamond gear two Spire armor trims six Sher shelves for grand

Total of three more Sher boxes 21 diamonds hey that’s not bad is it but genuinely I know we explored a gun amount of n cities today but really it didn’t take anywhere near as long to find one this time an armor trim that is compared to how long it took in my

Season 1 n City raiding episode like it was just ridiculous I think it might have been like 20 plus n cities in that episode I explored to try and get the bleeding armor trim but here we are we’ve got two of them oh I’m so chuffed

Come on let’s get home shall we we’re not out of the woods just yet all right let’s see if we can make it two for two in terms of super Safe Transportation through these little portals here I managed it previously to get out here can I do it right relatively safely this

Time oh yes I can oh I am such a professional when it comes to elytra I mean barring the last episode’s incident that is hey Mr dog hey kitty cat we’re back we’re back oh dude I’m so happy to be back so there it is the Spire armor

Trim we got both the Vex and Spire armor trims in today’s episode this has been one heck of a fruitful episode I would say look at that we only have three left all righty just numbed on some suspicious stew and now what we got to do is just quickly organize our

Inventory so yeah give me a minute my friends and then we’ll be able to see just how much stuff we’ve really managed to get today remember what I was saying about the Unbreaking 3 Diamond Helmet being a nice Baseline for some other stuffs to be added well look at what

Enchantment we don’t have on our Diamond Helmet here yeah right can I make that cheaper nope that’s just about it hey now that’s a mighty dang fine looking helmet if you ask me all righty so to finish off the episode we’re going to get some YouTube

Member stuffs done I got some shout outs to give as well but the first thing we’re going to do is we are going to use these name tags for a little something something we’ve got voluntary Exile wanting a mob be called armor piercing Pillager and we’ve got maxo core as well

Right it’s the parrot or the kitty cat which one looks like a Max I think the bird looks like a Max there you go there you go Max and cor you are a parrot in my season 2 episode one house an armor piercing Pillager

Um it’s a bit weird but there we are we have a cat called armor piercing Pillager is there like a short form name for that armor piercing Pillager we could just call this guy pill I kind of like that pill yeah you should be called pill so we got Max

We’ve got pill and we’ve got Mr dog we’ve got sniffle and snuffle out here yeah I feel like we’ve got a nice happy little family here here we are right YouTube member of awards have been caught up on I do of course want to give a massive shout out to Max oore for

Becoming a member since the last episode really appreciate your support there buddy it goes a heck of a long way more than you know in fact and finally we’ve had some pretty amazing donations coming lately we’ve got Mor cord we’ve $4.99 thank you so much morg I really

Appreciate you buddy Eden selli with a massive $30.99 I’m assuming that’s Australian so a huge thank you to you buddy I really appreciate that’s a heck of a generous donation and it goes a long way and then we’ve got Mr Dragon 535 with the 15 Canadian dollars as well some really

Really Hefty donations lately my friends and it truly does mean the well to me that some of you folks go you know that far with your support it really does mean the well to me so all that leaves is for the comment of the day to be done

Tao 1237 says for the bushes in your garden I suggest using the aelia bushes with flowers they a slightly darker shade but I think it would work I agree I think they would work quite nicely I need to keep one behind just so you know we can continually Farm them out but

Yeah certainly I’d like to go ahead and action that just before wrapping up here question will these things grow just sort of by themselves or do they have to have bone meal added to them in order to grow I don’t know right let’s go and put

One there oh my word yes just yes that’s a big fat yes my friends the green goes with the green and the Pink goes with the pink it worked perfectly why did I not think of this why am I so dumb wow this is such a great little addition

Thank you so much for suggesting I do this cuz it is a mighty d fine addition to this area I think is absolutely fantastic in fact oh you know what maybe even we can have one inside of the little Gazo thingy M doohickey yeah that’s kind of cool uh maybe we’ll have

One right there we’ll have one around the back here and then I’m thinking one sort of nearish the entrance here there we are all right now we just got to redistribute these petals right quick and bada bing bada boom there we have it my friends thanks so much for that

Suggestion Takeo I appreciate it buddy they really do work a treat around here don’t they they’re very very sparsely populated in this area I might try and get some more in future yeah but anyways for now my friends it’s time to wrap up thank you so much for watching if you

Guys have enjoyed today’s exploration combat fied action-packed episode I would of course appreciate it if you’d head down below the video and spend a second to drop a like hit the Subscribe button and don’t forget to ding that Bell if you don’t want to miss out on my

Future content but for now thanks for watching have a great rest of your day thanks for all of your wonderful support I appreciate each and every single one of you folks and yeah I’ll see you guys in the next Episode

This video, titled ‘Reunited with an OLD Minecraft build! | Minecraft Survival Let’s Play 1.20 Ep.17’, was uploaded by Pythonator on 2023-09-11 14:00:28. It has garnered 4251 views and 568 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:25 or 1525 seconds.

Minecraft Survival – Our Minecraft armour trim collection is close to being complete now! We head to a Mansion for the Vex trim and an End City for the Spire trim! We’re also reunited with an OLD build! ▶ Enjoyed this Minecraft Survival video & want to support the channel? Be sure to leave a LIKE! Thanks! ❤ ▶ [AD] Check out my PCs here and use code “PYTHON” for 5% off – ▶ Fancy catching up from the very start of my Minecraft Survival series?! –

▶ Follow me on Instagram – ▶ Check out my Website – ▶ Check out PythonGB for Terraria – ▶ Check out Python for all other games –

Catch up on my Minecraft Survival Let’s Play! ▶ Minecraft Survival Let’s Play Season 1 Playlist – ▶ Minecraft Survival Let’s Play Season 2 Playlist –

I do my best to read and/or respond to as many comments from you as possible! If I have one request, it’s that you keep your comments PG as I run a PG channel here. Thank you! ❤ —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– Welcome to my Minecraft Survival Let’s Play series, currently in the Minecraft 1.20 Trails and Tales update! This is an old school, no nonsense Minecraft Survival Let’s Play on the Minecraft 1.20 update where we’ll be building in our Minecraft Survival world, exploring our Minecraft Survival world, creating technical Minecraft projects, Minecraft farms and all sorts of other stuff in Minecraft Survival too! Thanks so much for giving this Minecraft Survival Let’s Play series a chance. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to my Minecraft channel here if you don’t want to miss my future Minecraft Survival episodes! —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– ▶ Minecraft Survival Let’s Play World Seed -3165853042333426206 Use the “Default” Minecraft world type! This seed only works in Minecraft 1.18 and above! – Season 1 Location: X:0, Z:0 – Season 2 Location: X:-4500, Z:-4250

▶ Minecraft Survival Let’s Play Season 2 Twists… – Can only regenerate health from Gold Apples, Beacons, Potions, Suspicious Stews, etc – We’re not using Mending on our Minecraft gear (aside from Elytra!) – Snow can accumulate over time similar to Minecraft Bedrock Edition! —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– ♬ Background Music Intro – “Stal” (Minecraft soundtrack by C418) Ending – “Chris” (Minecraft soundtrack by C418) All other background music is Minecraft background music by C418! ▶ C418 Volume Alpha – ▶ C418 Volume Beta –

This is Episode 17 of my Minecraft Survival Let’s Play series, currently in Minecraft 1.20 Trails & Tales Update! #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival #LetsPlayMinecraft

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    Unleashing Anger: God Awakens in Minecraft #08Video Information This video, titled ‘Kebangkitan Dewa Amarah!!! (MINECRAFT Roleplay) – #08’, was uploaded by Jaybee on 2024-07-15 10:21:58. It has garnered 514 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 03:07:18 or 11238 seconds. All Donations Mean a Lot to Me ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you! Saweria Sociabuzz I appreciate your donations ^^ Hello guys, I’m a new YouTuber hehehhe hmm thanks for watching my video, don’t forget to like, comment and subscribe. Join Discord: Want to find me on Social Media? Click this link: #minecraft #lastwarrior2 #jaybeerp Read More

  • Epic Evan’s Round 100 Zombies Guide!

    Epic Evan's Round 100 Zombies Guide!Video Information This video, titled ‘SHADOWS OF EVIL ROUND 100 BO3 ZOMBIES’, was uploaded by Evan guide on 2024-10-03 01:34:04. It has garnered 214 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:41 or 12041 seconds. I do Bo3 zombies, Bo4 zombies, cold war zombies, some Minecraft, and other games you guys want. link to my Twitch account: If you want to donate: join my discord: If you guys want to chill and enjoy yourselves then I’m your guy. Top Donators ๐Ÿฅ‡ThomasEnigmax- 896$ ๐Ÿฅˆ Tmangaming- 300$ ๐Ÿฅ‰ Captain Ramo- 256$ 4. Koenig- 250$ 5. Strained- 190$ 6. IssacPerez-… Read More

  • Shocking Revelation: TabMc Owner Zatroxek

    Shocking Revelation: TabMc Owner ZatroxekVideo Information This video, titled ‘TabMc OWNER’, was uploaded by Zatroxek on 2024-08-29 20:41:12. It has garnered 742 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:45 or 525 seconds. 29.08.2024 โ–บTags: #minecraft regedit / dns / op / regedit op / dns op / sharkye / mods / vape / cheat / pack / tuto / kb / 0kb / op reach / reach / .bat / minecraft / oration / connexion / rush / funcraft / 1.9.4 / labymod / boost / how to reduce knockback minecraft / private regedit release / regedit leak / regedit… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! NEW MINECRAFT BEAUTY REVEALED ๐ŸคฏVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEAUTY โœจ๐Ÿฅฐ#SHORTS#minecraft#beautiful’, was uploaded by BRONK on 2024-09-14 03:38:01. It has garnered 9 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Join me on an exciting journey as I build my dream Minecraft world filled with stunning aesthetic designs and beautiful decor! ๐ŸŒโœจ In this video, we’ll explore creative building techniques, from intricate structures to fabulous landscaping ideas that will elevate your gameplay. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, you’ll find inspiration and tips to bring your own Minecraft visions to life. Watch as I… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Edits! Techtrayd Gameplay” #minecraft

    "Insane Minecraft Edits! Techtrayd Gameplay" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘edite de Minecraft #minecraft #minecreft #minecraftgameplay’, was uploaded by Techtrayd on 2024-06-13 07:10:30. It has garnered 474 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts minecraft edit shorts viral minecraft meme #minecraft minecraft trending minecraft viral minecraft memes minecraft animation edit minecraft tiktok minecraft 1.20 techno gamerz minecraft video minecraft phonk that chess edit trending minecraft funny minecraft trending shorts minecraft videos minecraft trends minecraft challenge minecraft mineral edit minecraft but minecraft song minecraft villager minecraft mod youtube shorts minecraft mods himlands yessmartypie dream roblox yt shorts… Read More

  • UGC SMP – SMP Vanilla 1.21

    Welcome to UGC SMP! Join our newly launched SMP server! UGC SMP has no significant modifications to the game or commands; this server has started this week, so you won’t be behind! RULES Treat people with respect in chat. No griefing; this includes killing and breaking builds. No hacks or outside manipulation of Minecraft. Optifine is allowed. No using duplication or other Minecraft bugs to your advantage, if you’re unsure, ask an admin. Report server bugs, if you’re found using the bug to your advantage your player will be wiped. Do not AFK by a mob farm that doesn’t automatically… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Player reactions to Mojang announcing SMALLER updates:

    Minecraft Memes - Player reactions to Mojang announcing SMALLER updates:Well, apparently this meme didn’t get the memo about the updates being smaller – it’s still scoring a 5! Read More

  • Blockbuster Memories: Minecraft TV Time

    Blockbuster Memories: Minecraft TV Time In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, Cube Xuan brings joy, making us thrive. With humor and fun, each video a delight, Bringing smiles to faces, shining so bright. From funny animations to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content, never falling flat. Child-friendly and safe, for all to enjoy, A channel that brings happiness, no ploy. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Cube Xuan’s world, a pure delight. Subscribe and follow, for more to see, In the world of Minecraft, where we all can be free. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Memes ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Spicy Minecraft Memes ๐Ÿ”ฅ “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” ๐Ÿ˜‚ #minecraftmemes #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gaming Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gaming Adventures! Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of gaming content like the one in the YouTube video “Fleetbhai Dar gaye๐Ÿ˜ฑ#gamerfleet #shorts #youtubeshorts,” then you’ll love the immersive experience waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a vibrant community of players from around the globe and embark on epic adventures, build stunning creations, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. With a dedicated IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, accessing the server is quick and easy. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or a newbie looking to explore the vast possibilities of this sandbox game, Minewind offers something… Read More

  • Sneaky Mobs Hunt in Minecraft

    Sneaky Mobs Hunt in Minecraft The Exciting World of Mobs Hunting in Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure in the blocky world of Minecraft as you test your skills in hunting down mobs. From skeletons to zombies, every encounter is a chance to showcase your survival abilities and strategic thinking. Let’s dive into the exciting realm of mobs hunting in Minecraft! Exploring the Minecraft Universe In Minecraft, players are transported to a vast universe filled with diverse biomes, resources, and creatures. As you navigate through forests, caves, and deserts, be prepared to encounter various mobs that roam the landscape. Each mob presents a unique… Read More

  • Uncover Snowee’s Top Secrets in Minecraft

    Uncover Snowee's Top Secrets in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘5 SECRETS About Snowee in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Snowee on 2024-09-03 16:00:13. It has garnered 477 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:05 or 1685 seconds. Inspired by Cash Nico Aphmau Sunny Melon Jeffery Marvin Johnny Omz Dash Friend Maizen Milo and Chip #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #flamee #snowee #flameeandsnowee Read More

  • Uncovering the Secrets of Minecraft’s OG YouTubers

    Uncovering the Secrets of Minecraft's OG YouTubersVideo Information This video, titled ‘What Happened To Minecraft’s OG Youtubers???’, was uploaded by Web Defiler on 2024-02-16 11:41:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. StampyLongHead, IBallisticSquid, L For Lee X, CaptainSparklez, SkyDoesMinecraft, Bashurverse, PopularMMOS and more. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! The BEST server for magic & mayhem! #lifesteal

    UNBELIEVABLE! The BEST server for magic & mayhem! #lifestealVideo Information This video, titled ‘This is the BEST server #minecraft #minecraftsmp #lifesteal #lifestealsmp #shorts’, was uploaded by PunkMagic_ on 2024-07-28 15:00:28. It has garnered 8808 views and 210 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. This is the BEST server #minecraft #minecraftsmp #lifesteal #lifestealsmp #shorts ๐Ÿ”ฅ Server Name โ€” MineWave ๐Ÿ’ป Server IP โ€” ๐Ÿงฑ Bedrock Port โ€” 19132 โ“ Need help joining? ๐Ÿ“ฑ ๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ Subscribe… IT’S FREE! โš™๏ธ This Server supports the latest minecraft versions! #minecraft #smp #join #java #bedrock Read More

  • Insane Nether Portals Across Ages in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    Insane Nether Portals Across Ages in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ˜ฑVideo Information This video, titled ‘nether portals in different ages in Minecraft (INSANE) #shorts #meme #memes’, was uploaded by STEVids on 2024-02-07 10:41:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #meme #memes #shorts #tiktok #gaming. Read More

  • Join Froggygion’s SMP – The Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!

    Join Froggygion's SMP - The Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Join The Winds Of Change SMP! #minecraft’, was uploaded by Froggygion on 2024-04-26 01:27:11. It has garnered 165 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. discord link Read More

  • SHOCKING! Funtime Foxy discovers hidden room in Minecraft FNAF

    SHOCKING! Funtime Foxy discovers hidden room in Minecraft FNAFVideo Information This video, titled ‘Funtime Foxy Finds A SECRET ROOM In Minecraft FNAF’, was uploaded by The Oddities Roleplay on 2024-07-27 21:18:57. It has garnered 5877 views and 439 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:46 or 1786 seconds. Remember to Subscribe And Hit All Notifications So you don’t miss any future Minecraft Five Nights At Freddy’s Videos! Help us get to 1,000,000 subscribers! In today’s Video, Funtime Foxy discovers a SECRET ROOM in the backstage area of the Mega Pizza Plex. He has many questions… WHERE did it come from? HOW did it appear? WHO did it?!… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Molten Freddy Found in Minecraft Fnaf!

    SHOCKING! Molten Freddy Found in Minecraft Fnaf!Video Information This video, titled ‘Molten Freddy Found? In Minecraft Fnaf’, was uploaded by The Oddities Roleplay on 2024-08-03 19:41:37. It has garnered 8122 views and 548 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:52 or 1372 seconds. Remember to Subscribe And Hit All Notifications So you don’t miss any future Minecraft Five Nights At Freddy’s Videos! Help us get to 1,000,000 subscribers! In Todays Video, Lefty has brought funtime foxy the sister location animatronic to the location Molten freddy is being kept. Will Moon or Sun the daycare attendants try to stop funtime foxy from finding the old ennard?… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Music Beats & Builds – NOT Tanjiro Shorts! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    INSANE Minecraft Music Beats & Builds - NOT Tanjiro Shorts! ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘#music #minecraft #beats #shorts #minecraftshorts #redstone #builds #tnt like and subscribe for more’, was uploaded by Not tanjiro shorts on 2024-03-15 05:51:05. It has garnered 448 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Discovery at Moo Bloom Sanctuary! #shorts

    Insane Discovery at Moo Bloom Sanctuary! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Moo Bloom Sanctuary #shorts’, was uploaded by NipunLegendShorts on 2024-06-17 08:45:02. It has garnered 10 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Thanks For Watching ๐Ÿ™‚ Subscribe To The Channel As Not To Miss The Minecraft Shorts! About The Short :- Title :- The Moo Bloom Sanctuary #shorts Hashtags :- #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts #shortsfeed #insane #minecrafttrendingshorts #viral #trending #meme #memes About The Game :- Game Name :- Minecraft Java Edition Keywords :- Minecraft Minecraft Shorts Minecraft But Minecraft Mod Minecraft Challenge Minecraft Speedrun Shorts Minecraft… Read More

  • LuckyGem Vanilla SMP 1.21 Active Dynmap Discord Hermitcraft Feel.

    New 1.21 Map! LuckyGem SMP: A friendly, whitelisted community with no game altering plugins. Founded in 2020, we value friendship and fun. Join us to explore and grow together! Features: Whitelisted Server – Apply via Discord Active & mature community with responsive staff No teleporting plugin – Travel by foot or nether tunnel highways No economy plugin – Join our trust-based diamond economy No land claim plugin – Find a spot and start building Player-built environment – Donate materials or build with others Participate in weekly events, competitions, and UHC. Show off your builds and be a part of our… Read More

  • Starlight SMPJoin the discord to join!

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Jack Black devours schnitzel in Minecraft flick”

    Seems like Jack Black is taking method acting to a whole new level by actually eating a schnitzel in the Minecraft movie! Let’s just hope it’s not his character’s beloved pet pig that he’s chowing down on. Read More

  • Monstrous Maidens: Minecraft Mod Madness!

    Monstrous Maidens: Minecraft Mod Madness! In the world of Minecraft, a new mod is in sight, Featuring monster girls, lovely and bright. With hearts full of joy and eyes full of glee, These mods bring a new kind of fantasy. From the Mushroom Update, they come alive, In the pixelated world where players thrive. Each one unique, with powers to wield, In this virtual realm, their fate is sealed. So join the adventure, with monsters so sweet, In this showcase of mods, where worlds meet. Support my friend, @MoneyNetworth, on their channel so fine, For more content like this, that’ll make you shine. With… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal ๐Ÿ”ฅ When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up in seconds. #minecraftproblems ๐Ÿ˜‚ Read More

  • Bear Hill Horror: Dark Journey in Minecraft

    Bear Hill Horror: Dark Journey in Minecraft Exploring the Mysteries of Minecraft: Bear Ridge Legends and Dark Journey Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. In this virtual realm, players can immerse themselves in a blocky universe filled with endless possibilities. Among the many intriguing elements of Minecraft are the Bear Ridge Legends and the Dark Journey, two captivating tales that add depth and excitement to the gameplay experience. Bear Ridge Legends: Unraveling the Mystery Deep within the vast landscapes of Minecraft lies Bear Ridge, a place shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Legends speak of ancient… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Winnie Wriggle’s EP1 Minecraft Craftoria Adventure

    UNBELIEVABLE! Winnie Wriggle's EP1 Minecraft Craftoria AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chill Minecraft Craftoria EP1’, was uploaded by Winnie Wriggle on 2024-09-26 02:30:30. It has garnered 209 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:36 or 8196 seconds. We’re adventuring in Craftoria for Minecraft 1.21. A fun, new Minecraft fabric modpack by Team All of Fabric. Relaxing Minecraft lets play in the 1.21 Craftoria modpack. Join me (every Mon Tues and Wed @8:00 am Eastern) as I start my day with some chill morning Minecraft. Read More

  • Moth Boy Tries Hardcore Minecraft – One Run Challenge!

    Moth Boy Tries Hardcore Minecraft - One Run Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘A Stream Before I Leave For A Week!| Moth Boy Attempts To Beat Hardcore Minecraft (One Run) [Stream]’, was uploaded by KuuDefoe Ch. on 2024-09-08 02:03:35. It has garnered 20 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:15:35 or 15335 seconds. We’ll meet again! I promise! ^.^ _______________________ For those new here and also not, one runs were what I used to do with Commi Shions where I attempt to get through Minecraft without dying once and in one episode. I only won like, twice I think. No this is not a… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Couple Builds – Micky & Minnie Craze!

    Insane Minecraft Couple Builds - Micky & Minnie Craze!Video Information This video, titled ‘The REPLAY : Micky and Minnie #minecraft #trending #fyp’, was uploaded by Baby Craft Studios on 2024-07-24 11:32:47. It has garnered 10244 views and 337 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Because you want the replay, see it! Read More

Pythonator – Reunited with an OLD Minecraft build! | Minecraft Survival Let’s Play 1.20 Ep.17